#Taiju shiba makes me feel things
goddessofwaifus · 9 months
Red means I love you
⚠️ W A R N I N G ⚠️
This word vomit of a fic will most likely contain: mentions of self-harm, deranged levels of obsession, possessive behavior, stalking mention, love sick vibes, blood, mentions of physical fighting, implied brainrot, scopophobia, pre-established relationship???
Taiju shiba x reader (from the reader's perspective)
Reader goes by they pronouns to avoid establishing a gender for inclusion of all.
Pet names will be mentioned because who doesn't give their love a little name that's only meant for them?
Divider by @benkeibear (always coming with banger after banger, check them out!)
Art by @innaillus (Talented fucking artist, check out their blog as well 💕💕)
without further ado, let's go!
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Upon my first encounter of you, I saw nothing but speckles of red flying through the air. You were laughing like the deranged man you are, demolishing the face of a kid who i can't even recognize due to the intense damage to his features. It's only a matter of time before he scampers away like a startled rat once you drop him. Honey eyes dart to the spot where I peeked from to watch you, I was quick to hide before you even caught a glimpse of my hair.
Your intense scrutinizing glare on the wall gave me a rush through my system, my body shaking with excitement at the thought of you finally catching me in the act of staring from afar. The way your hair flows in the wind when you're riding your motorcycle or moving fast on foot gives off the visual illusion of crashing waves against the shoreline.
If only you would hold me that way, look at me with that piercing glare, the image alone is enough to send me into a crazed mania. The staring of anyone that isn't you is irrelevant to me. Their eyes make my skin itch so badly, I scratch my skin until the friction from my nails turn it red before the irritated flesh finally gives at the persistence of my fingers, a small stream of blood running down my exposed forearm. Scratching and scratching until the itching stops, leaving droplets on my clothes. I hate their eyes, the eyes I know that aren't yours staring gazing at what isn't theirs. How dare they gaze upon your angel with such perverse eyes? I'm so sorry, my dear blueberry.
Your gaze makes me swoon. I giggle and breathe heavily to calm my rising heart rate whenever we're in close proximity to one another. I'm jealous of the girls who get to be in the same space as you. I know I shouldn't be so greedy, but your scent ,when you pass, smells of the ocean breeze and I couldn't get enough of it. I've looked for the cologne and I found it when i managed to catch sight of the bottle in your hand one time. You said it was your favorite one, but I'm always keeping an eye and ear open in the case you change your mind later. I spray it on my sheets and favorite things so I can smell you at home. Isn't that romantic~? I have a life-sized shark plush that smells like you, I cuddle him every night imagining he's you and you're cuddling me.
Lately, you've changed colognes so your scent is different. Did you maybe notice that I've been paying attention to the smell you wear? Did you do it for me? Today, you smelled of citrus and tobacco. Bitter but sweet with all the different ingredients blending together to compliment each other. I accidentally washed the smell of you out when my sheets got dirty, but you left a bottle of some mystery cologne on my desk. I thought it might have been a mistake, but the note left behind said otherwise... "I picked out a smell that I thought would fit your personality type. I hope I picked the right one and it isn't too strong or harsh on your nose." I've memorized your handwriting! So neat and perfect yet easy to read and fancy.
I decided the next day I'd wear it to surprise the both of us, I spritz some on my clothes and go the whole day wearing your surprise perfume. I pass you, hoping the smell isn't bad but I hear you inhale as we continue to go our separate ways and let out a pleased hum. You like what you picked for me? I decide to take a whiff of the perfume for myself. I gasp softly, you're always so thoughtful and observant! From that day, I wore that perfume and it made you crack a tiny smile that only I get to see. My blood boils something furious when girls would talk about how good looking you were, even making bets to see who would get to have you. I don't think they know you're already with someone~ Our relationship is special, they don't know you like I do. They don't love you, they only want. They don't need you to live.
I think you secretly loved the attention I gave you, you didn't stop at the bottle of perfume that smells of a cozy winter night cuddled in warm blankets with a nice cup of hot chocolate. Over the next few days, different gifts would pop up at my desk. All of them were red gifts. A single red hibiscus, one of my favorite flowers. The next day, you left a soft, red velvet sweater that came over my fingers just how I liked the sleeves. Red hoodies ranging from dark to light shades with dark and cute themes. The one that really stuck out was a red sweater dress that had no back, but what really caught my attention was the red bandana with the black dragon insignia in the middle of it. Your symbol, your brand, I will wear it anytime the occasion calls for them.
It seems that the group of girls,who have been harassing you and trying to get into territory that only belongs to me, are getting more desperate. A shame they'll never get the chance because you're already in a relationship. One of them threatened to out me to you, so I would get the hint to leave you alone. You don't have a problem with me, so I don't think I'll be listening to her. Apparently she got severely hurt falling down the stairs, that beautiful splotch of red she left upon hitting her head at the bottom of the staircase. It made me think of you, I blush and go on about my day. I wonder how I would look in that color. I've always liked dark colors and colors that remind me of the night sky or stars, but with the splashes of red I see, I think I want to sport that color too! I want to match you so we can be closer. Even from a distance, I feel like we're being kept apart and I hate it when I'm far from my love. The color that pulls me in and is so aggressive yet can be gentle on the eyes.
I spotted you fighting someone again. Some kid named Hanagaki or something. Hidden behind a wall further away, but close enough to give me a perfect view, you're wearing the coat I love so much! I wanna wear it one day, just to know what your natural musk smells like and burn your smell into my nose.
That sound. The red splatters and droplets that fly with each impact you make. He's bruised and bloody, while you remain spotless but still donning your red uniform. I think no one would ever know you committed a murder wearing that, because it's already red. That sadistic grin of yours that makes me wish you'd bite me until the same beautiful crimson ,that drips every second from that boy, runs like a river and stains my skin. Hope your teeth are stained with it too, that the taste of it on your tongue is as sweet as I am to you.
It makes me wonder why you call the men in white the murder squad. They wouldn't get away with murder wearing pure white uniforms, they can't explain their ways out of arrest because their uniforms stain easily. Red is not an easy stain to wash out of pristine white clothes. Blood especially or even wine spills. That's why you get warnings to not spill red stuff on white carpets when you visit another person's home or get your home carpeted with white carpet. It's even harder to clean out of white couches and furniture that is white. That's a stain that will stick no matter how hard you scrub at it.
I also love the sound of your fist breaking bones from the sheer power of your punches. You look so beautiful and calculated in your movements, violent but artistic in your display. I'm falling in love all over again, I wish to see you stained in red one day. I'll stain myself with it too, so we can match. Maybe I should get into fights so I could be roughed up like that and bloodied with angry red bruises covering me. No, I won't just let anyone touch me and coax the running red stream from my body. It has to be you, my bloodthirsty shark. Only you are allowed to beat me and make me bleed out the color I associate with us. A red flag they call you, unlucky for them, I love red. I love you. I love when you fight and make others bloody and bruised. You're showing them our love and our favorite color.
The boys you beat up at school are the same ones who would call me a pig or a cow, but also loved to talk about how my body was perfect for their sinful thoughts and fantasies.
Degenerates, you beat them black and blue for me. Bloody noses that made pools of red, puddles of the metallic tasting fluid. I felt so happy seeing you break them and teach them not to speak such unholy things about an angel. Those boys have girlfriends who are temptresses and pick on students like me for sport. They are also the same girls who've been ogling you at school, but also run away when you glance at them with your scary eyes. Look at me like that. Just a glance. Maybe a minute of eye contact between us. I don't want you to beat them up and bloody their pretty snobbish faces.
The inevitable did come to pass. I beat up one of those bitches until she was spilling my favorite color from her nose and busted lips. It made her prettier than before, I froze when I saw you walking down the hall. You saw me, you grinned and let out a laugh. Words can't describe the rush that came over me when you did that. I wanted more of that grin, so more girls got beat up and bruised to satisfy that insatiable desire to please you. Not just bruised, beaten until their faces were disfigured. Blood caked their lips and flowed from scratches made in their struggle.
When those girls tried to tell the teachers or student council about what I did to them, I could just cry and tell them I was only acting in self-defense. It wouldn't be far from the truth. They believed me every time and I never got in trouble. How could someone so sweet and innocent ever hurt another person? They can't hurt a fly. They're an angel, get along with other students, and have the purest heart you could ever be honored to be in the presence of.
A few more of those girls ended up badly hurt from "accidents" at school. I'm gonna paint this world red and my entire being begged for you to join me in painting our canvas. Guys who were known to make nasty comments about me, regardless of the nature of said comments, ended up just like the girls who messed with me. Bloody, disfigured, or worse in critical condition. I started leaving letters in red ink, doodles, notes for you to find in places I could often find you hanging around. They revealed my darkest desires, my love for you, how I thought you looked good in red, and the feelings you caused me. The strong urge to tell you that stuff in person was just too much for my heart to handle that day, I would tell you soon. Turns out I wouldn't have to do that since you found a way to meet me in the middle. A blood stain styled note was left in my locker, its contents are for my eyes only and only you and I will know what it said.
Rumors were going around about me being a bloodthirsty wolf pretending to be as sweet as a bunny. They grew and grew until they reached your ears. After that, they died down mysteriously after several reports of male and female students being injured with involvement of the rumors. Others were scared of being next to wind up in the hospital. Some even started new rumors around the stories of the teens being targeted for gossiping about me. They say I'm responsible for all of it. That I did it for your attention and approval. Oh, if only I could take credit for an impressive display or maybe it was just karma. Red truly is a beautiful color on you and in general. A color associated with anger, passion, love, and more often than not, is labeled a violent color. You can find it anywhere. In a rainbow, a candy store, a clothing store, restaurants, and even inside your own body.
Seeing you fight really is a beautiful sight to behold. You're wild, unhinged, quick on your feet, so angry and volatile. You strike with a unchained wrath and many victims say your hits feel like they've been struck by a freight truck or a train. One day, I hope to see blood dripping from your knuckles. Whether it be your own or from your newest punching bag, I truly believe red is the color best for you. Who knows, maybe it's personal bias but I believe you could look good in many colors. Red is just a perfect combination with your striking yellow eyes and it pops out against your wild ocean blue hair. I really love your tattoos against your skin and the one that no one but I knows lies hidden on your back.
Maybe when I see you again, I'll wear that red backless sweater you gave me that day. I remember you said that bright colors reflect off my eyes and certain shades make my skin glow with a heavenly radiance only an angel could have. I give a whole new meaning to the deadly yet furious primary color. I make it look sweet and inviting like a red velvet cheesecake. Soft and fluffy, but sweet and smooth to the tongue.
I am nothing without you.
I need you like I need food.
I need you like water.
I need you like oxygen in my lungs.
You are the pulse in my wrist, keeping my heart alive.
You are the very air I breathe.
The red I see in a rage or fit of anger is you
My powerhouse, my blueberry, my angry ocean, my animalistic partner, my mountain, my shark.
Your angel of life and darkness, your bloodthirsty bunny, your princess, your sweetheart, and your babydoll.
Your Darling Angel
You are the Hand of God and anyone who touches or defiles your angel will be seeing you and meeting our father above or perhaps fighting for their lives against the demon of a man you can be.
Till death do us part, we rain hell on those who oppose us.
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rinhaler · 3 months
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I Guess I Can't State My Feelings Too Soon
Your big brother is jealous and he hates himself for it :(
✧˖*°࿐: 18+ only, no minors.    ✧. ┊ step brother!taiju shiba x f!reader
Genre: porn! (minimal plot) Notes: my first tokyorev fic since i moved blogs wheeee did NOT think it would be taiju but i cannot stop thinking about that man Warnings: 18+, fem!reader, stepcest!, jealousy ♡, possessiveness, co-dependency, virgin!reader, male masturbation ♡, sex toys ♡, porn consumption, panty theft ♡, unhealthy relationship, power dynamics. Words: 3.5k
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He often wonders if you realise how ungrateful you come across, sometimes. Not only ungrateful, but disrespectful to boot.
Do you know how hard your big brother works? You’ll say you do, if he were to ask. But he’s sure you have no idea. He shielded you from the horrors of his world as you were thrust upon him out of nowhere. His new, beautiful step-sister who’s eyes would spill tears around raised voices. What choice did he have? You’d never understand or be able to comprehend his way of life or the world he had built for himself and his family.
As your other siblings grew up and drifted away, Taiju kept you dependent on him. He made it so you had to rely on him for everything. He’s putting you through fashion school while subsidizing your very existence. He keeps you fed and clothed all in the comfort of his beautiful penthouse.
You want for nothing.
And he’s never made you feel inadequate for your obvious dependency.
He doesn’t use it as a weapon or hold it against you. He just adores you, wholly. His beautiful little sister, the sweet little darling who needs her big brother to do everything for her. It motivates him, truthfully. When things feel hard, mundane, tedious, he reminds himself who he’s doing it for.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Takashi.” you smile, giddily, waving like a schoolgirl with a crush as you watch him leave.
He waves, too. A wide grin on his face as his eyes scrunch up with joy. It soon fades, though, as he finds himself accidentally walking right into your brother’s chest. Taiju’s expression harrows, though you don’t register it as you focus on the way Takashi smiles at you before excusing himself.
You’re ungrateful, and disrespectful.
His neck and jaw jerk as he tears off his tie. He’s visibly irritated, but you’re too naïve to realise. You greet him, excitedly, though you’re soon left feeling dejected when he opts to ignore you instead.
“Get me some wine from the cellar.” he demands. Without a please or even a glance in your direction, you know something is wrong. You’ve never been one to deny him, however, slinking away to the lounge to retrieve an aged red from the wall-built cellar.
He looks at you when you return, sliding the bottle to him across the marble countertop of the kitchen island separating you. It’s a brief look, that makes your heart throb with hurt. He’s mad at you, but you don’t know why. Soft yellow eyes that only offer gentle glances are showing you a side to your brother you didn’t know existed.
His pupils are almost slitted like a wild animal, eyes you’ve never seen before where your brother is concerned. He sighs, watching the cogs clank in your brain as you try and analyse who this man is before you.
Luckily for you, he doesn’t think he’s capable of staying angry with you.
“Would you like a drink, little sister?” he questions. It stops you from thinking, momentarily.
It’s a first. He’s never let you drink before, let alone his prized cellar wine. You take a seat on the bar stool regardless, nodding excitedly at the prospect of having your first real drink with your favourite brother. He twists off the lid and slides the glass he’d gotten for himself over to you.
Your heart rate quickens as his eyes, those same, predatory eyes, remain fixated on you as he pours. The wine spills like blood, sloshing into your glass until it’s halfway full. And somehow, without even watching what he’s doing, he managed to not spill a drop.
He takes off his blazer and sets it down on the counter. You watch him as he rolls up his sleeves and turns away from you to fetch another glass for himself. His muscles flex and you see his exposed, veiny arms sheen with sweat as he reaches up to grab the nearest glass.
“Pour it for me.” he tells you, setting it down as he turns to face you again. His eyes seem tired, now, but still unfamiliar to you. And so you find yourself nodding, doing exactly what your big brother has asked as your hairline begins to form beads of sweat.
You don’t look at him, not even briefly, as you start to pour. You’re slow and patient, but you feel him staring at you all the while. And it’s menacing. Even with patience and focus, you spill a drop onto the pristine marble.
“I’m sorry,” you tell him.
You move to find something to wipe it up with, but he stops you before you can even jump down from the stool. He presses his thick thumb into the cherry red liquid, seemingly absorbing it all before he raises it to his lips. You watch keenly as your brother’s tongue juts seductively from his lips before he meticulously licks over the pad of his thumb to taste it.
He clears his throat and leans across countertop.
You feel so small.
“Was that your boyfriend?” he wonders, eyes glued to you as he speaks with a low, gravelly tone. He sips soon after, making mental notes of your responses as you process his words.
“U-Um, no, Taiju,” you shake your head. You feel blistering heat in your face as you think about your classmate, and the intimate thoughts you’ve had about him for weeks now, all while your brother’s attention is entirely fixed on you. “We’re in the same class! He came to drop off some books he thought might help me.”
It’s a confession that is entirely the truth. He isn’t your boyfriend and you’re sure he never will be. Not unless he makes the first move, that is. You’re far too shy to even suggest that your feelings for him a more intense than they should be for simple classmates. Taiju nods, finally looking away from you as he takes another drink.
“Finish up and go to bed.” he commands.
You nod, too nervous to argue. You’ve never seen him like this or even heard him be so curt with you. It won’t bother you to go to bed, not one bit. Hopefully tomorrow he’ll be back to his usual, loving self.
He leaves you alone as he strides towards his study, finally giving you the chance to breathe. You knock back the remainder of your wine and pick up your book bag and school supplies, your pace hastening as you get closer to your room.
“Oi.” Taiju speaks, voice booming through the hallway before you can open the door to your bedroom. He leans against the doorframe to his office, arms folded as his eyes squint at you. “If you want to have people over, clear it with me first.” he demands.
“Oh,” you sigh, and it’s riddled with relief as you realise that is what the problem has been all along. He’s upset you’ve invited a stranger into his home without asking. It’s understandable, and you’re soon smiling again as you look at him. “Of course. I’m sorry. I didn’t think you’d mind.” you admit, regretting it almost instantly as it soon feels irrelevant to have said.
“I don’t want boys I don’t know here alone with my little sister.” he tells you.
He approaches, and your anxiety soars once again as you sense a looming threat in the air and the shortening distance between the two of you. He smirks as he takes your chin between his thumb and forefinger, your breath hitching at the contact while he forces you to look into his saffron gaze.
“You are very dear to me,” he confesses, “If anyone were to take advantage of you… well. You’re going to do as I ask next time, aren’t you? We won’t have to worry about that.”
“Of course… I’m so sorry, I should have—”
“You should.” he snarls. “But I forgive you. Go to bed, now.”
You nod, feeling slightly more upbeat after hearing he’s accepted your apology. He stops you from retreating to your room, though. His large, heavy hand encasing your forearm in a tight grip whilst his thumb still caresses your chin. It drifts, though, pulling the fat of your lower lip before he pulls it away. He taps his own lip twice, his expression still unamused as he looks at you.
“A goodnight kiss, princess,” he orders. You nod, it’s not out of the ordinary to kiss him goodnight. You stand on your tip toes before leaning in to peck his lips. They’re soft, and fit against yours beautifully as both of your eyes close during the contact. It’s chaste, to the point, and yet you’ve never felt an intensity during a kiss from him like you have just now.
His eyes are gentle, again. And the smile he offers is earnest. He kisses your cheek before you go, whispering in your ear sensually enough for a chill to traverse down your spine.
“Good girl.”
He opens the door to your room, remaining in place until you go inside. He shuts it after you get inside, leaning his back against the nearest wall as his head thuds against it. The cold metal of his rings cools down his flushed face, though he finds himself breathless.
Not from the act of a simple kiss, it’s the shame. Feelings for you, his sweet little sister, bubbling to the surface despite trying to repress them for so many years. He’s jealous and he’s ashamed of himself for letting things go this far. But you are his.
His sister.
His responsibility.
His property.
“Jesus Christ—”
He catches himself. He kicks away from the wall and rakes his fingers through tousled hair as he decides to distract himself with work in his office.
It’s taken blood and sweat to reach what he’s achieved. From being a sixteen year old menace to society, he’s now a highly respectable businessman with a chain of restaurants under his belt. Among other, less legal sources of income, of course.
It’s all for you.
As he looks through business expenses and documents from his lawyers, all he can think of is you.
It’s all been for you.
It’s always been for you.
He pushes his hair out of his face, noticing how it’s starting to cling to his forehead as he sweats profusely. Thoughts of you plaguing his every thought. His cock begins to throb in his slacks. His eyes drift from the papers scattered across his desk to his computer monitor. And then, slowly, they sink to the locked top drawer of his desk.
“Fuck,” he mutters. He ignores the drawer, instead, deciding to ignore his responsibilities as he types Pornhub in the search engine. “Are you fucking kidding me?” he speaks, exasperated as the homepage is flooded with an assortment of trending step sibling videos.
His heart pounds as he scrolls for a while, but eventually finds the willpower to click away, opting to find something else. He’s a simple man with simple taste. He’s always been into rougher stuff, deciding something along those lines will be best to quickly rub one out and clear his mind so he can focus on what he actually needs to be getting on with.
He clicks on a video, immediately cringing at the corny plot and dialogue as he unbuttons his shirt and rids himself of his belt. He’s panting as he pulls out his cock. If he’s been honest, his cock has been leaking since you fetched his wine so obediently.
He hisses when he realises he’s thinking about you again.
And soon enough he’s willing himself to concentrate on the girl in the video getting fucked within an inch of her life. It’s loud, rough, aggressive. Just how he likes. He tugs desperately, a vein popping in his forehead as he eagerly tries to get off to what he’s seeing.
It’s your fault.
He’s wondering if you’d ever be into fucking like this. He’s sure you’re a virgin, so he’d have to be careful with you at first.
“Fucking stop,” he whines.
He wants to cum to her, the girl in the video. It’s a lie, though. He wants to cum to you. He wants to hear how gorgeous you’d sound if he were the one to defile you for your very first time. Your own step brother, infiltrating your walls and making you cum around his cock.
“Shit,” he keeps trying to concentrate on her. His eyes soon wandering to the locked drawer again. He glances one final time at the video, grunting as he continues to fuck his fist until ultimately giving up.
He searches something new. Something he’s never beat one off to before. Softcore virgin. He grimaces as his finger hovers above the enter key, he knows he won’t be able to finish otherwise, but part of him thinks it’s not too late to turn back. His eyes widen slightly, taken aback by the sheer amount of results that are step-sibling videos. He considers it, again. He really does, but as he continues to scroll, he starts to take an interest in the masturbation videos.
The soft, feminine moans immediately make his cock jump. It’s perfect, it’s so sickeningly perfect because he can pretend it’s you. And if he’s this far gone, he feels no need to deprive himself anymore. He lifts up his keyboard, sliding the locked drawer key from a hidden compartment underneath. His hands are practically shaking as he tries to slide it into the slot. He quickly turns, breathing heavily as he almost rips the drawer from its place as he opens it.
He scoffs as his hand flies to a clear fleshlight, yanking it out and setting it down on his desk before he retrieves what he’s really been avoiding this whole time.
You’ve never had to do laundry, and he doesn’t do it either. He hires staff to come through the week to do tedious things like cleaning the apartment and washing dirty clothes. It’s been about a fortnight since he saw an opportunity laid bare before him.
You were at school, a fact now he’s growing to despise as he imagines you flirting with Takashi Mitsuya during your classes. But he was working from home, too irritated to handle business dealings in person on that particular Thursday. And he happened to see a maid emerge from your room with a laundry basket, a frilly pink thong atop a pile of outfits you’d worn through the week to college.
He wrestled with himself, he did.
But it wasn’t too difficult to distract the maid for long enough to pocket them for himself.
The video continues to play, his cock gushing as he stares down at your panties. He’s too far gone. He’s too aroused and his mind is muddied as he thinks about everything going on in his life and yours. You’re too honest to lie, Mitsuya isn’t your boyfriend, but that doesn’t mean he’ll never be.
He snatches the thong and strokes his cock with it in hand. His eyes roll back, a broken moan leaving his lips as he continues to pleasure himself. He stops abruptly, though, as the woman in the video he’s watching stops teasing her clit. She shows off a dildo, slowly rubbing it through her wet folds until she eventually begins to push it inside of herself.
She’s cute, but she isn’t you.
If he closes his eyes, however, she is. He looks to his fleshlight, deeming this the closest he’ll get to fucking you no matter how desperately he yearns for it. He carefully guides his tip into the plastic pussy, moaning a little louder than intended as he bottoms out.
He bites his lip as he recalls the woman in the store squeezing her thighs together as she helped him pick the toy out. It makes him laugh, briefly, as he recalls how forward she had been. He fucked her in the changing rooms as she insisted she’d need to see what he was packing so that she could help him pick the perfect model.
She sent him away with the biggest size.
Your pussy won’t feel like this, though. He’s certain you won’t be so generous and accommodating. Your tight little virgin cunt will fight against him, but he’ll make it fit.
“Jesus, fuck—” he groans, admitting defeat for the final time as he brings your panties to his face and almost suffocates himself with the material.
His chest swells as he inhales, before it deflates with shuddering breaths as he savours the scent of your used unmentionables. He picks up the pace with his toy in tandem with the woman in the video. His moans are boisterous and uncaring, he’s lost the ability to feel shame as he imagines you bouncing on his cock crying his name and trying to become accustomed to his length.
He needs it more than air.
He needs it more than he needs to fucking breathe.
“Shit, ah—” he grunts, he bites his lip as he continues to pound into the fucktoy in his grip. He grunts stridently as he spurts into the fleshlight. He watches through heavy, lidded eyes at the clear plastic, watching how his balls tighten and deposit his creamy load into the faux pussy. “Fuck, Taiju.” he sighs, but laughs as he slowly begins to stroke himself with the toy. He hisses, feeling sensitive from his release as he milks himself of every last drop he can drain.
He exhales breathlessly once he’s done. His chest rising and falling as he allows his body to melt into his leather chair. He looks around the room, and he looks at himself. The crushing reality of what he’s just done weighs down on him. He’s spent, but finds enough energy to put your panties back in the drawer, locking it promptly.
The fleshlight, on the other hand, he leaves out after making space for it on his desk. He winces as it rolls and his sperm begins to drip out onto the glossy, chestnut tabletop. The comedown from is euphoria is like reaching a new low. He can’t even bear to look at the scene of his filthy indiscretion any longer.
But as he’s about to stand, the door swings open.
“Taiju?” you pout.
He scrambles to hide his exposed lower half under his desk and dump some of the papers littering his desk over the sticky fleshlight. He can’t hide the grimace on his face as the corner of one of his documents begin dampen from his cum.
“O-Oh, sorry, I forgot to knock… I should have knocked.”
“Yes, you should.” He says, gruffly, “What is it?”
You’re quiet, allowing your sock covered foot to glide across the wood flooring as you awkwardly look down at them. It’s not like you’re scared to talk to your brother, but you know he doesn’t like to be interrupted when he’s in here. And you don’t want to embarrass him.
“Answer.” his order startles you, his voice almost thunderous as he commands your attention. Your eyes fill with water, but you bat the tears away as you speak.
“I thought I heard you yelling. Or… in pain.” you tell him, voice below a whisper as you confess you’ve been unintentionally listening. “I thought you might have hurt yourself.”
Pink dusts over his face, you can even see it from only the light of the monitor. He looks around, suspiciously, though you don’t notice or comment on it.
“Why were you listening to me? Can’t you sleep?” he wonders. “… Don’t worry. I’m fine.” he assures you.
“I was worried. A-About earlier. I don’t like it when you’re mad at me… I promise I haven’t got a boyfriend and I’ll never bring anyone here without permission again.”
He smirks at that, all of his teeth bared and you still don’t understand what kind of sick depraved man your big brother really is. Maybe you aren’t as ungrateful or disrespectful as he thought; it was wrong of him to even assume that when you’ve been nothing but a doll the whole time he’s known you.
You poor thing.
You’ve been fretting over your brother’s wellbeing and state of mind since he sent you to bed so long ago. He’s been on your mind this whole time. You’re more like your big brother than you even realise, he thinks.
You’re so timid.
So obedient.
So good.
“You must be so tired, princess…” he coos, and you nod dumbly. He tuts, feeling sorry for your innocent nature and naivety, but sweet little you thinks he’s sympathetic to your exhaustion. “Do you want me to help you sleep? Shall I play with your hair like I used to when we were younger?”
“Really?” you ask, eyes lighting up at the proposition.
“Of course,” he nods, grinning wildly. “What are big brothers for?”
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© 2024 rinhaler
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buccini555 · 8 months
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𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬: 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐲
₊˚ ໑ 𝟎.𝟏 : 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬: 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐲
₊˚ ໑ : You found out you were pregnant, but were afraid to tell them, but they ended up finding out
₊˚ ໑ : H e a d c a n o n s !
₊˚ ໑ : 𝑭𝒕. Izana Kurokawa, Hanma Shuji, Kisaki Tetta, Taiju Shiba and Inui Seishu
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tw: pregnancy, unplanned pregnancy, pregnancy symptoms, daddy issues, mention of abandonment, angst, fluff, sensitive topics and I think that's all?
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𝐈𝐳𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐰𝐚
Izana definitely wouldn't take long to find out, at first he didn't even want to accept that fact, but little by little the idea entered his mind.
"Isn't there anything you wanted to tell me? Don't lie to me, I'll just ask once." He questioned while caressing his face, Izana was never as affectionate as she was being at that very moment, even so, you just looked away and shook your head, denying the fact that you were hiding something.
"... You don't need to be afraid to tell me, I already know everything, you shouldn't underestimate me, you know that." In a calm and subtle tone of voice, he began to speak again, giving you a small, still awkward hug.
"I'm sorry for hiding this from you Izana..." You said, still fearing for Izana's reaction, even though he seemed so calm, his mood changed every second.
"I promise I'll be the father I never had the chance to have, thank you for giving me the greatest gift I could ever receive." Izana hugged you with even more desire, but being completely careful, he said in a few words, not being able to contain himself from giving a subtle smile despite still being insecure about the unexpected news.
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𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐦𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐣𝐢
He would notice your change in behavior almost immediately, Hanma despite not seeming to care much, pays attention to each of your customs and ways, Hanma suspected your pregnancy as soon as you started to feel sick.
"What the fuck is happening to you? Did you eat somethin-" Hanma looked at you, still without completing his speech, he seemed to have come to his senses at that very moment, anyway, it wouldn't take long for him to find out.
"Baby... Are you pregnant? Fuck..." His tone of voice changed instantly, the taller one seemed distressed by such a thought, as soon as you found the courage, you just nodded.
"It's okay, don't cry, do you really think I'm going to leave you and my son? I would think so too, but I won't." Unexpectedly, Hanma gave you a hug, he was clearly a little nervous, but he tried to be as cool as possible.
"...I know I'll never be the right guy for you, but thank you for giving me a family." He said, still hugging you, completely losing his tough guy attitude.
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𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐓𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐚
Kisaki realized it even before you showed any symptoms, he was always attentive to each of your behaviors and knew your body like no one else.
"Are you really going to keep lying to me and say you're not hiding something?" Kisaki questioned you in a completely threatening tone, making you afraid of your reaction, knowing that there was no point in lying, you just told the truth.
He was completely silent for a brief moment, trying to hide the sea in his eyes.
"... I'm sorry... I don't know how to react to such news." Kisaki gave you a light hug, stroking your hair gently and giving you great relief.
"I hope I don't fail as a father either, I sincerely hope to be the best father to our baby, I'm sorry if I can't be enough!" It was the last thing Kisaki managed to say before he started crying like you had never seen him before.
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𝐓𝐚𝐢𝐣𝐮 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐛𝐚
It would take Taiju a while to notice, but once he noticed the changes in your behavior, he was sure to discover the fact that you were pregnant.
"Lying to me?" He questioned, holding your arm less tightly than he usually did and looking you straight into your eyes with a reproachful look.
"N-no." You responded in a brief speech, fearing for the taller man's reaction at that moment, knowing that he would not stop being aggressive towards you even though you were pregnant.
"I believe that having a child would be one of the greatest blessings I could receive, one day I will be a great father, I'm sure of it!" Taiju said shortly afterwards, pausing his speech.
When you finally felt relief upon hearing Taiju speak, without expecting it you just heard him say the cruelest thing he could.
"I will be a good father, but not now! Get rid of this mistake, you better obey me." That was all he said before leaving.
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𝐈𝐧𝐮𝐢 𝐒𝐞𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐮
Inupi was always extremely careful with you, noticing the change in his behavior made him fully aware of your pregnancy, but everything was confirmed the day he saw you feel really bad.
"I-I know it's not something I should ask in such an invasive way, but, are you pregnant?" The taller one asked, holding his hand while you remained lying on top of your bed, as lying was never a good option, you just told the truth.
"I'm sorry..." shaking your head in affirmation, you replied, noticing the complete silence on Inui's part.
"Y-you should have told me before, I... I don't think I've ever felt so happy in my entire life!" Seishu definitely didn't show feelings easily, but he really tried hard, making you feel relieved at his reaction.
"Don't make your mother sick, we have to take care of her together." He said, resting his head on your belly and giving you small caresses.
"I'm sure that you, me and our baby will be happy together, I will do my best for us, our little family." Still with a smile, he said again.
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atarathegreat · 8 months
Zoning Out With Them Tokyo Revengers
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Featuring: Chifuyu Matsuno, Kokonoi Hajime, Taiju Shiba, and Souya Kawata.
Genre: Fluff
Synopsis: You zone out while spending quality time with your boyfriend.
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Chifuyu enjoyed spending time with you, even if it was just him reading and you playing on your phone. Your presence was much appreciated after a rough day of school and doing things with his friends, and Peke J wouldn't complain about you giving him chest scratches.
It wasn't until the black cat jumped in his lap that he noticed the same sound kept coming from your phone, a video on loop. Peke J was pretty upset that you had stopped petting him, but Chifuyu could see your hand stretched out as if the cat was still there.
"Y/n?" He reached out and shook your knee, snapping you out of it.
You looked up at him, your arm falling back to your lap, "What?"
Chifuyu laughed, patting your knee and returning to his previous position, "Ya' zoned out, weirdo."
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It wasn't anything new or surprising for Kokonoi to bring you to work with him. Something about having you next to him as he checked papers and counted cash, occasionally asking you to double check numbers, and having everyone see you when they stopped by for a brief moment, it only cultivated Koko's ego.
His fingers rubbed absently at your back, helping him feel more than hear your massive sigh.
"Are you alright, love?" He asked. When you failed to respond, Koko diverted his attention to you. He could've pissed himself if you were glaring at him like that.
His dark eyes inspected your face. Knit brows, relaxed lips, soft gaze that tracked something slowly up the side of the wall. For a moment, Kokonoi let himself watch you, your mind gone from where you sat and somewhere deep in thought. As much as he loved knowing your mind felt safe enough to wander, he didn't like the way you glared.
"Hey." Koko lightly slapped a band of cash on your nose, chuckling as you jerked backwards, "What has your mind running away from me, sweetheart?"
You giggled, and Koko swore his heart stopped for a second as your eyes closed, "I was thinking about what to make for dinner."
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Asking for something twice wasn't something Taiju was good at, nor was it something he wanted to do. When he asked you to go and grab him something and you didn't even respond to him, he was nearly thrown for a loop. You always responded to him, you were always alert to the things around you.
"Y/n?" Taiju leaned over the back of the couch, brushing your hair aside to look at your face, "Can you hear me?"
"Huh? Yeah..." He could tell you weren't actually listening, your eyes looked almost dead, "What did you need?"
He sighed, swiveling your head and watching as your pupils refocused. "Hm?" You looked into both his eyes, "Sorry, what did you need, Taiju?"
Taiju rubbed your head, his worry vaporizing, "Nothing...I'm already up anyway."
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It was weird for you to stare. You hated when people stared and it bothered you even more when people were staring at you. It was confusing as to why in the world were you sitting at the lunch table, staring at Souya?
The poor boy didn't know how to bring it up or how to gain your attention. He looked over at his twin, who was, of course, busy slamming a bowl of spicy ramen. "Smiley? What do you do when someone has zoned out?" Souya asked quietly.
His brother paused, "Let them be?"
"Uhm...what if they're staring at you?" Souya glanced back across the table. Nahoya laughed, "Ew, how weird. Hey!"
Nahoya kicked you under the table, making Souya glance fretfully between you and his twin. But you just hissed and turned to glare at Smiley, "What the hell?"
"You're staring like a creeper." Nahoya went back to his bowl, "You made Angry uncomfortable."
"Shit, sorry, Sou." You smiled, tapping his foot with yours, "Zoned out for a sec."
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the-witch-of-one-piece · 11 months
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Doming them in Bed 18+ Ft: Takashi Mitsuya, Hakkai Shiba, Shuji Hanma, Ran Haitani, Taiju Shiba & Rindou Haitani WC: 900+(unedited) TW: penetrations, oral sex, masturbation, suggestive language, Dom/sub roll, rough sex, c*** stimulation, play with breast, touch deprivation. Resident : @enchantedforest-network MINORS DNI 18+
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He would let you ‘try’ and take control for a while. He is getting a good view of your body picturing all the suggestive items of clothing to make for you. Your hands are pressed on the back of his things as you ride his cock. The slight circulation in movement as you kept him inside you. Earning you to hear him moan softly. “You're such a good boy for me.” the lower lid expression, a seductive grin crept on his face. He had a smirk on his face knowing damn well this little power trip you had could be taken in a matter of a swift motion. But instead of doing that, he banter with you. “Your good boy is loved when you ride him.” his hands firmly holding your thighs. You could feel his pelvis buckling slightly as he went a bit deeper into you. 
Have you ever heard the expression 50 shades of red? Well, think about Hakkai and how red his face would be. His quivering moans accompanied him as his body tensed up trying not to cum so easily. Your teeth are nibbling on his lower lip. Sinful words accompanied by soft moans from you. He craved to touch you but you denied it. Pushing his hands back down on the bed. “Tsk tsk babe I didn’t say you could touch me yet.” letting out a playful low chuckle.
“Ngh~~~” he craved for his hands to touch your body but you would give him permission until you decided to. Hearing the cursing words escape from his lips. His blue eyes would dilate due to how much he was turned on. “You're making this painful hard not to touch you.” he pants as he looked up at you.
He is all up for you to take control when he is not in the mood to dom you. He finds it exciting how from being so submissive to being this dominant person and a flash of an eye when given the opportunity. Face sitting as he enjoys the sweet nectar coming from you. Your hand ran through his lavender hair tugging it as his tongue flicked your clit. “Just like that,” you mumbled in a moan. 
His hands held your thighs firmly as he buried his face into your wet cunt. When he hears you speak he removes his tongue from your sensitive bud of nerves in a lazy smile “Anything for my queen. I shall please my queen any way she wants.” Rindou Talk about pouty. He would try to take control back but when you tell him not he won't go through with his plan. You're sitting on the middle of his chest, your hands reaching behind you as you beg to stroke his cock. “Looking a bit submissive Rin darling?” you cooed in a teasing manner. The luring gaze you gave him made his cock twitch in your hand.
“You making it very hard not to toss you ah----” he could even speak as you begin to stroke his cock faster. He tossed his head back on the pillow, the bit of precum coming from his cock. Your thumb runs on his slippery tip as you continue to stroke him. “Fuuuuck.” he is gritting his teeth.
He will think you have control but he is the one secretly in control of everything. When he doesn’t want to put effort he would love how you ride. One hand is on the back of his head and the other is stimulating your clit. He could feel your cunt constricting around his cock. “You know just how I like it. Don’t you dare stop” one hand pressing on his chest as the other began to fondle your breast 
A grin appeared on my face “I won't baby girl. I wanna see that lovely face of yours when you cum .” Instantly you knew he had the upper hand with his words. You couldn't even get mad at him but you followed what he said. You continued rocking your hips against him as your orgasms began to approach. The knot forming “That's right cum for me~~cum all over my cock”
Yeah right, no way in hell not even in a million years you can do that to the ultimate dom. The moment he senses you trying to take control, you are pinned down underneath him. His cock is ramming into you with no sense of stopping anytime soon. His balls slapping against your throbbing cunt. He firmly held your hands above your head, your legs over his shoulder, his face was millimeters from yours. You were a babbling mess. 
“That's what I thought. You know your place, don't think you try that shit with me.” He thrusted hard and deep inside of you “understood?” 
“Yes  yes, Taiju.” You cried out loud ready to finish the punishment you were going to receive from him.
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dreorig · 7 months
Taiju Shiba — headcanons ;
[ nsfw | sub bottom taiju x top dom male reader | reader is said to be as strong as taiju | ive had this idea for a while now heheh i need to rail him so bad it's not even funny anymore ]
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Taiju is a total brat.
In front of the others he acts like he doesn't give a shit about you or like he wants you dead (depends on his mood) but he's actually very jealous and possessive.
Humiliation kink. Call him the dirtiest names you can think of and he'll sob while dripping wet.
Taiju loves punishments, seriously. He'll do the exact opposite of what you told him to just so you'll spank him.
He talks back to you because he actually values his pride but a few minutes later he'll be whimpering and behaving nicely to get what he wants. 
Taiju blushes more during aftercare than when you're degrading him and that's because he's not used to being taken care of. He secretly longs for it every time you have sex.
It might sound weird, but submitting helps him to slowly change into a better person — who would ever think he would apologise for misbehaving?
Is he stressed? Dumbify him until he's nothing but an incoherent moaning mess.
If you put a collar on his neck and tug on the leash, he'll be on his knees to suck you within seconds.
At first he thought you were dumb for reassuring him and apologising for degrading him, but he began to appreciate it as he slowly realised that's how you showed you considered him more than a sex toy.
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"Imagine what people would think if they saw you like this. How would they react to the fact that you're nothing but a dirty whore? Um? To think you act so high and mighty yet you cry because the way I fuck you is just too good. Tsk. Don't you feel ashamed?"
Taiju held back a moan. "Fuck you."
You grabbed his face and made him look at you. "Who do you think you're talking to?"
"Who do you think you're talking to?" he snarled back, grabbing a fistful of your hair.
For fuck's sake, you really loved him.
You slapped his face, leaving a big handprint on his pretty face, and immediately he let go of your hair. "Don’t you fucking dare to talk back to me, slut. The only things you should do with this mouth of yours are moaning and sucking my dick, because that's all you're good for."
You pounded him harder, making every word he could think of die on the tip of his tongue. Taiju, like the little shit he was, tried to keep any sounds from leaving his lips but he just couldn't do it anymore when you leaned down to suck and grab on his chest with your free hand, still hitting his prostate like your life depended on it. Taiju closed his eyes and threw his head back on the pillow, exposing his neck full of love bites, then proceeded to let out higher moans, which at this point you already knew meant his orgasm was getting closer and closer.
“Woah,” you chuckled. “To shut you up all it takes is a slap? I bet everyone’s gonna love it when I tell them.”
Of course you'd never tell anyone but was it even sex if you didn't tease him?
 “I’m— fuck — I'm gonna kill you, asshole.”
You immediately stopped everything and just looked down at him with a bored expression. Took Taiju only a few seconds to open his eyes and protest, “Why did you stop?”
"Why the hell would I keep pleasuring a cheap whore who can't even respect his Master?"
Taiju was totally outraged, "But I was almost there!”
“Too bad, I guess.”
“C’mon, stop bitching and finish the job.”
“Keep talking like that and I'll just leave you like this. I’ll be fine if I just jerk off to some pics I took of you, although I can't say the same about you. So what do you say now?"
You loved Taiju, truly. He was such a brat, there was no way you couldn't love him. To see all his stubbornness slowly reduced to nothing but pure obedience because he just wanted you to rail him was a holy, privileged experience.
“That's not what I want to hear.”
Taiju tried to push down his hips in an attempt to feel at least something, but you were quick to hold his hips in place. Although he was the Taiju Shiba, one of the strongest men you've ever met, you matched his strength and he was too needy to try anything. Taiju was completely helpless under your grip.
You clicked your tongue. “I don't have all night, Taiju. Better decide what you want before I just leave you on your own.”
Took nearly an extra minute before Taiju’s deadly glare turned into the soft expression you always longed for. Reluctantly, he wet his lips before speaking, "Please, forgive me, Master."
A smirk quickly appeared on your face as you cupped his face and pecked his lips. “Such a good slut for me.”
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macsimagines · 8 months
hii! Can I please request a headcannon of Izana, Taiju, and Kazutora where they try to normalize the kidnapped life their darling lives with them, but darling just wants to go home? if you don’t want to write this it’s okay!
I'm shocked to say this is the first imagine I've ever had with this scenario. I never thought about it till now but I figure this would've been a common trope?
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Yandere!Izana Kurokawa
Ok so depending on what type of darling you are and how he fell for you is really going to vary this type of situation.
If you two were in a relationship beforehand and he took you, he's going to treat your situation like it's the most natural thing in the world. Almost like he's delusional, but of course he isn't. Knows damn well you're an unwilling captive.
But he's good at mind games darling. Gaslight and gatekeeping KING, you're going to question whether or not this isn't something you always wanted.
If you never had a relationship though? If you had out right rejected him and honestly wanted nothing to do with Izana? Its going to be torture.
Isolation in a dark cold room with the bare minimum necessities, you're only form of contact is when Izana gives it to you. And that's when he treats you like you're an absolute queen.
When you scream and misbehave you're alone for days again, when you're quiet and docile you're rewarded with his warmth and affection.
He's smart and he's going to condition you to want him.
"I'm back, princess. What's it been, a week? You ready to eat some food again? Come here, I'll feed you."
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Yandere!Taiju Shiba
Boy lets hope you've got a body made of steel, he'll beat the shit out of his 'wife' until they learn to behave.
He loves you. In his own sick and demented way, he truly loves you with all his heart. But if his wife keeps acting out, Taiju will get physical to put you in your place.
Tries to start small. Slaps across the cheek, as light as he can make it when your complaints get too loud and maybe spankings over his knee wen you're too bratty (and he's feeling kinky).
But on days where work was too much and he doesn't have the patience to come home and you're being a little shit he'll straight up punch you. Beat you down until he knows you're too weak to do anything other than lie on the ground.
Eventually, you'll learn to behave and when you do, he's going to treat you as gentle as his little housewife deserves. I think Taiju wants what he never had as a kid.
That picture perfect, "Honey, I'm home!" shit, with you waiting in the kitchen making him dinner. He might even bring you flowers, just because that's what the picture perfect home looks like to him.
You'll have such nice dresses, and only the best and classiest jewelry.
So long as his house is in perfect order, his meals are made how he wants them and you're on your best behavior. Don't ruin the illusion now.
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Yandere!Kazutora Hanemiya
This boy is so deluded into thinking you two are living a perfectly normal life together. It doesn't matter how hard you protest or cry he really does think you love him and are where you are supposed to be.
Freak completely remodeled his own living space to match your own, so that; "It's just like home for you! Makes it all easier right baby?"
When that doesn't make you happy, and the fact that all of the stolen items from your old home are there don't seem to pacify you, its on to the second part of his plan.
Memory making. He's got this Creep-tastic wall of all the things you're going to do together. Pictures of both of your faces glues over wedding magazine photos and happy couples he found on Instagram.
"And this is when we'll go on our third year anniversary to the place where you bumped into me for 4th time back in June twenty-second two-thousand and- why are you backing away?"
Things are already normal to him. The universe is finally aligned and you're with your soulmate. All that's left is to get married and get started on making your big family with 5+ kids.
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cu7ie · 1 year
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✧( ु•⌄• )◞◟( •⌄• ू )✧ oh joy, being taiju's favorite little toy.
taiju shiba x reader.
cw; implied/referenced drug addiction and usage, reader has a vagina (no pronouns mentioned), blowjobs/throatfucking. blood (reader's nose is bleeding.)
author's note: for deeper immersion/greater context PLEASE listen to "rehab", this fic is based off that song. i wrote this for @pupicunt <3 i hope you appreciate this taiju thirst.
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When Taiju wipes the blood from your nose, it reminds you of how much he loves you.
Patience.  A virtue in which Taiju is most prevalently lacking in. That's why the others could never last as long; any defiance or any slight can warp his perception of anything, any one.
 (Taiju has killed men; scorned the hearts of lesser whores over trivial things, he is not a merciful god, but you don't mind being burnt, holding the fire of him in your palm,)
You are the exception that defies all logic. You are his little angel. As long as you bend over backwards for him, jump when he says how high, he seems to stretch himself infinitely for you. (He feeds your addiction, your drug dealer and the kindest daddy you could ever want, as long as you give him those baby doll eyes; bat your lashes for him; bend over and touch your toes for him,) Every second of everyday you think about what he means to you, 
the things he does to you, and for you.
He's not home right now, and your chest hurts. Vague feelings of panic bubble up in your stomach, paranoia clamping down it's jaw; around your neck, dry throat sticking together, and all you do is sweat, sweat, sweat,
watching your blood drip down your lip like drool.
Your consciousness settles in your body. Air filters into your lungs, n' suddenly you can see and hear and feel it: your chest and ribs expanding—
the door unlocking.
You suck in a breath, turn in what feels like slow motion, your hands slipping over porcelain as you try and straighten your spine, stroking your hair because you think it looks a mess (getting distracted by the numbness in your face, your eyes staggering twitching)-
"So this is what you've been up to." You don't know where you put your phone - you feel hypersensitive to that fact as your whole body perks up at the sound of him. "I'm sorry, baby." A voice that is a mockery of itself emerges, tired yet so excited to see him. You stumble on nothing in your effort to scamper into Taiju's arms;
stepping over a thin razor and pill bottle, an empty baggy. 
He's staring at you from the doorway, expression grave. 
"Aww. Don't look at me like that.. Taiju,"
You're fluttering. Stepping on clouds and walking into his arms and knowing he's not happy with you. But he lets you be close anyway, allows your forehead thud dully into his chest, 
get close to his beating heart; the hot magma that lies beneath his skin.
His fingers weave into your hair and he pries you off of him, pulling your head back until your neck arches and the marred skin is exposed to him.
(Taiju isn’t always nice, if the bites and bruises are anything to go by.)
"Have you seen yourself? You're a fuckin' mess.” His eyes looked hard and beady, but soften into something unrecognizable. It makes your stomach flip. “Whole bathroom's a mess. When I call you," he jostles your head, "I expect you to pick the fuck up. The fuck's wrong with you?" His teeth look razor sharp, and for a moment fear strikes like a brand - you're wise enough to appeal to his sensibility; an expert in placation.
"I'm sorry, Taiju." You lick your lips slow, holding his probing gaze with confidence that doesn't quite suit you. "But let me make it up to you.." His grip relaxes as your hands smooth down the front of his shirt, going down, and down,
Running your hands along his bulge, thick cock leaving an impression as you gently stroke him through his pants. "I'll kiss it just how you like…" you murmur, a fog cloud rolling over your rational thought. In the next instant, you're already on your knees; unbuckling his belt with a new found feverishness, desperation exuding from you like the sweat from your pores; you need him you need him you need him—
That pang of anxiety congeals in the back of your mind as you work his head into your mouth, cupping his balls with your free hand as you feverishly jerk whatever doesn't fit with gusto. You're so sensitive that the feeling of him being inside you like this makes you moan, 
And as you begin to suck, blood mixes with saliva mixes with the taste of his dick, 
(n you put up with it because he's your precious hubby, your Taiju,) 
You look up for some mite of praise or approval. It pleases you greatest that Taiju doesn't look an ounce as mad as he did before. 
But the expression on his face doesn't look like love either. His eyes bore into the top of your head and you're too senseless, too focused on sucking this dick like your life depends on it, the sound of your sloppy head drowning out the sound of his grunting and cursing. 
He thrusts his hips into your mouth, which throws you off of your rhythm, but he doesn't care how much you sputter and gag as he forces the rest of his dick down your throat, your nose pressing up against his fuzzy trail; tears that you can't feel run down your face. You frantically squeeze his thighs as he uses your mouth, getting more and more bothered as breathing through your nose feels so hard-
And maybe this is what he loves about you. You are boneless, letting him debase you like this, bound to ask for more when he gets you back to the bedroom; just a delirious little slut - nothing more.
You just moan his name so sweetly. 
He forces your head back, your breathing staccato as with a wet schlop your lips are forcibly removed from his cock, still bobbing and wet and hard. You give it a sweet, parting kiss. He groans, but doesn't allow himself to be distracted by your ministrations.
"Can you get up?" It's rhetorical, because he forces you up by your arm and your legs feel too weak to stand on but you do it anyway, for him. He's a little gentler as he keeps you from tottering, bringing you back to the bedroom and just tossing you onto the mattress. You curl into the sheets instinctively, cold now that he's not touching you.
"Taiju. Where’ d you go..?" You call out to air, your hands sliding down the front of your shorts. When he doesn’t respond, your head gets all floaty again, your pussy oozing at the thought of being used- 
The door slams and you don’t stop, easing fingers into yourself to the knuckle. One finger, then two. So preoccupied with yourself that, in your haze, you don’t notice the bed shifting from a weight that's not yours. 
“‘Nough of that.” Your head snaps up to attention, panting and tongue lolling; so desperately aroused.
Taiju is out of his shirt, pants still unbuckled - having made their way around his ankles. He doesn’t have to utter another word. You excitedly climb into his lap, fumbling with your shorts and pulling your panties to the side because you’re simply too impatient to take them off. You sink onto his cock with a grateful sigh, the sound of Taiju’s booming laughter making you giggle too. 
“Tai… let me take care of you. How you take care of me.” Peppering kisses along his neck, along his collarbone, leaving a litter of hickies behind.
He can do no more than oblige. 
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souyasbabyy · 11 months
• pairing: taiju x gn!reader
• request by anon: if your requests are open, I'd like a Taiju Shiba x reader where they're both just sat at a cafe together talking whilst reader draws taiju, not letting him see until they're done :3 need some comfort rn and I want taiju to just engulf me in his chest. If your requests are closed/you don't write for tr anymore, just feel free to ignore. I also hope you're in good health 🦈
• genre: fluff
• note: thank you so much for your request anon, hope you're doing good too! i really need to see more fluff with his giant ass!
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Taiju sighed for what seemed the thousand time since you started drawing "Can I see?" he asks again and you don't answer, your tongue slipping out of your mouth a little frown forming on your face, too concentrate to answer him. He was acting as if you drawing him was annoying him when he loved whenever you asked to draw him. It made him feel seen and appreciated, because out of everyone in the small cafe you two are used to go for your dates, he was the only one you were looking at, the only one you were admiring and he loved how your eyes would trace the feature on his face. It also gave him time to look at you. He will never admit it but your expression when you are concentrate is the cutest thing he has seen. His eyes fall to your hands, trying to peek at the line you were drawing but his eyes quickly got back to your face, and then your lips.
He looks away when you look up at him, making you slightly smile as you adjust your posture "Okay, I'm done." You lay your pencil on the table and he looks at your sketchbook waiting for you to give it to him. You push it in front of him and he take it, admiring your work for some time, you put your chin on your hand and look at his reaction "So?" you inquired and he looks at you "Why do you always draw me more...", "More what?" you pout thinking he didn't like it "More handsome?" he question and you smile "No, Tai' that's how you look" you answer. He looks at you and back at the drawing, smiling a tiny and giving you back your sketchbook "I love it sweetheart" he says and you smile looking at your drawing "Okay, now bring the cup to your lips, I'll do a little sketch" you say and he groans, throwing his head back.
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Dia De Los Muertos 18+ Taiju Shiba x Fem Reader Halloween Collab: 31 days of Horror w/ @fuyuswifey Resident: @enchantedforest-network Masterlist WC:2.7k TW: Angst, N/sfw, death, illness, making out, Fingering, slight masturbation, Penetration, Taiju being rough, orgasm,pet names, breast sucking, hickies, creampie, suggestive language and suggestive them (unedited) MINORS DNI
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“She is late again..” He looked at his watch as it was close to 6 o'clock. Sticking his hands in his pocket he took off of work early to celebrate something that meant something very special to you. He never celebrated something like this before. Taiju walked to the glass shelf in his living room where a photo of his mother was placed. Looking at the photo for a moment a sudden rush of memories from his childhood came to him. The way his mother smiled, how soft her voice was, or the way she made his favorite dishes. When she became sick he wouldn’t let anyone see his weak side trying to be strong for his parents and his younger siblings. As he saw his mother's illness becoming worse he was mentally preparing himself for the worse. In a matter of weeks, his mother was gone from his life. All the emotions he had in him were locked up and never released. He never spoke about how he felt when his mother passed to anyone. He was hard on himself and his siblings at a young age. His father constantly works endless hours to provide for him and his siblings. He had to be the man of the house and he had to admit he wasn't a pleasant teen, his hardcore demeanor and ego getting the best of him. They all had their issues of being a dysfunctional family that they overcame as they got older, and periodically they would check up on one another as they got older.
Taiju picked up the photo of his mother, walking back with it as he sat on the couch. Thinking about if she was still around things would have been different. But that was a dream that would never come true. He heard the door knob jiggle and turned his head to see you open the front door “Sorry I know I’m late but I went to the store before going home.” you placed the bags on the floor as you closed the door. 
Taiju saw the bright orange flowers along with a few other items. “You know it’s just me and you right? Are you expecting more people?”  he raised his brow looking at the items than you. “I know but all this stuff is necessary! Help me with the bag please?” giving him a smile. He placed a photo of his mother on the coffee table as he got up to help you with the bags. Taking them into the large dining room. You had a table that was empty you were going to use.  Taiju saw how you began to decorate the table placing items in certain areas making it look as aesthetic as possible. He had some idea of what  Dia De Los Muertos was and what it stood for but the little things with the flowers and the mass amount of them piqued his curiosity. “Why marigolds?” He picked up one of the orange flowers twirling it by the stem. 
“Marigolds are traditionally the flowers used for Dia De Los Muertos. When you pair them with just the right candle they say the spirits can find their way back into the living world to see their loved ones on this specific night.” plucking the flower from his hand “you can feel the presence when they arrive it's like a sudden rush of comfort. That’s how I could explain it.” Taiju, hearing you explain it, was a bit skeptical. You were more open with your feelings and emotions compared to him. The saying opposites attract applied to you both when you guys started to see each other. You tried to make him open up more but you didn’t want to push him too. He hardly talked about his family to you since you could tell it was a topic he wasn’t comfortable with. But all you knew was his mother passing at a young age, his father always working and him having two siblings younger than him. In your bag, you pulled out a photo frame. Taiju looked over your shoulder to see the photo of your parents. It was a photo of their wedding day. “My mom said this was one of the best days of her life, she was marrying her best friend,” you remembered your mother's words. Every time she looked at this photo she would say those same exact words every time. Taiju saw the smile on your face begin to fade the more you looked at the photo. “She is now reunited with the love of her life.”  you tried to shake off the sadness you were displaying hiding it with a smile. You placed their photo on the decorated table. “Do you have your mother's photo?” you asked him. “Yeah let me grab it.”  He walked back to the coffee table picking up his mother's photo and bringing it back to where you were. He placed her photo next to your parents. “Your mother is beautiful.” you looked at her photo. Taiju’s sister Yuzuha took a lot after her mother.  
“Thank you.” in his pocket he pulled out something that belonged to his mother, he kept it with him since he was a kid. It was a necklace she would often wear. She gave each of her kids something before her passing. “This necklace was given to my mother by my father when they first started to date.” He placed the necklace right next to her photo. He missed her, he wished he had her for a bit longer in his life. You grabbed the match as you began to light the candles next to their photos. “What memory do you have of your mother that is special to you?” you asked him. You tried to pry a bit to see if he would respond. He stood silent for a moment, you thought he wasn’t going to respond to your question. He let out a low sigh. In that time frame of you asking him the question he was thinking of one specific one. “I don’t know how old I was but I remember I didn’t want to go to school this was before she was sick.. She took Yuzuha and Hakkai to school and daycare. She ended up taking me to the Aquarium. It was empty in the Aquarium since it was a weekday with each exhibit in the Aquarium she would pronounce each fish in the tank and point them out….” he stopped for a moment then proceeded to speak “I remembered just being amazed she knew them all….she promised me she would do this again with me…..” he took a deep breath  “but then she got sick...”  his hands in his pocket as he looked at her photo then at you. You could sense that memory held a special moment for him. “Your mother would be proud of you Tai. You worked hard to get where you are for everything you have. You accomplished more than most people.” You reached for his hand. Taiju smirked, “Thanks, there is more I want to accomplish in my life but it will come later on…”
“You have your whole life planned out it seems.” you teased him. “Not all of it… There are some areas in my life that I’m still trying to figure out.” Taiju yellow orbs looked down at you. “Like what?” you blinked a few times. “Me and you, I'm still finding out so many things about you that I wasn’t aware of. Getting to know you more and more of you” he placed a strand of hair behind your ear. “Oh, Tai there is much more. You are just getting a taste of it.” you chuckled he gave a low smirk sound. “Hopefully you would do the same. I want to know more about you.”
“What do you want to know?” he asked. “I… I want to know how you feel at times or what you are thinking about….” doing a dry swallow before continuing to speak “I noticed you don’t really let your guard down even when we are alone. I’m not sure if you think it's some kind of weakness to do so, I don’t think it is.  We have been together for some time now and being a couple we should be open with one another. I want to continue growing our relationship strong where we can come to one another whenever.” “Is that what you want?” Taiju looked at you. “I do more than anything,” you responded with a bashful tone. “You will have to give me time on that… I can’t do it all at once with a snap of a finger.” He had to make that point clear. “But I will try.” his hand reaches the top of your head bringing you a bit closer, placing a kiss on the crown of your head. You had a bit of a relieved smile on your face. “Thank you, Tai.” A few moments passed before Taiju got a whiff of something he hadn't smelled since he was a kid. The perfume his mother used to wear. Something came over him that felt what you described earlier: it was comforting and relaxed his body. ‘She is here’  looking at his mother's photo. He wasn’t expecting her presence to be this strong. It hit him like a tidal wave. He closed his eyes and he got the image of his mother. He couldn’t hear what she was trying to say but he could read her lips. ‘I’m proud of you Taiju.’ his eyes shot open. It was becoming too much for him to handle all at once.  
You saw he looked a bit distressed “Taiju what's wrong?” you asked him. “I just… need some air, I’ll be back,” he said. He walked away towards the backyard.
You watched him head towards the backdoor. You assumed he felt his mother's presence. It would take him a moment for him to let it sink in. The cool brisk air hit him as he stepped outside. Lighting a cigarette to relax his nerves he kept replaying the image of his mother in his mind. All those years of blocking his emotions he couldn’t keep blocking this one. After the discussion he had with you that happened. “Fuck.. Is this your way of getting me to open up  to ______, Mom?” He looked at the sky as if he was waiting for a response from her. After about 30 minutes Taiju came back in, he took a seat in the living room. When you heard the back door closed you walked into the living room. “Tai? You okay?” you walked towards him. “I’m fine.” he looked at you, his hand was extended out to you, and he brought you to his lap. “What you said earlier... I felt it... I hadn’t felt her presence since the day she passed…it was a lot to handle…” “I see.. Tai, I know she is still watching over you even when you think she is not. You may not feel her all the time but she is there.” you gave him a soft smile, and your fingers ran through his hair.
He nodded “It gave me more conformations on what I want in my future.” he brought you closer to him. “What do you want?” asked him softly you looked into his eyes then his lips then back at his eyes. “You will have to stick around and find out.” Taiju’s hands rested on your hips. Both of you leaned as your lips met, you could taste the cigarette he smoked just a few minutes ago. Your arms drape around his neck as he pulls you closer to him, pressing you against his large chest. His tongue dominantly invaded your mouth. His hands roamed your body, his hands sliding up the hem of your dress touching your exposed soft skin. You nibbled on his bottom lip playfully would earned you a low groan coming from him, his hands found your panties pushing them to the side. “Such a good girl you are.” His large finger began rubbing between your damp folds. The moans spilled out of your mouth. “How does that feel? Do you want me to continue?” he spoke in a deep voice that was low. You nodded at his question. “I need to hear you say it. Come on, I know you can.” “Yes Tai~~~please continue~~~ mmmmmm” You were focused on his fingers. As he was making you squirm in his lap. You gripped his shoulders. The bulge began to form in his pants. You couldn’t help yourself as one of your hands began to rub his encaged cock. “Fuck.” he grunted as your hand continued to rub his clothed cock. “Tell me how bad do you want my cock deep inside you?” Taiju needed that bit of control at this moment as he slipped his finger into your wet cunt. “Shi~~~ mmm….” you couldn’t respond at that moment as his finger pumped into you. “Really bad Taijuuu~~~”  the moan lingers as you get to his name. “I want your cock in me~~~ please give it to me~~~” your glossy eyes looked into his. 
Hearing that desperation in your voice as you begged for his cock was more than enough for him. He slid his finger out from your moist warm cunt. He undid his pants letting his large thick cock out. The tip of his cock was damp due to the precum as you were rubbing him. You felt his tip rubbing against your pussy. Grazing against your throbbing clit. He continued to tease you for a moment. “I want you to look at me as my cock slides into that tight pussy of yours. You began to lower your hips as his cock began to penetrate you. “Don’t you dare close your eyes baby girl.” he let out a husky moan. You followed his orders as you kept your eyes on his. Your pussy was throbbing a bit as you were able to fully have him inside of you. It took you a moment to catch your breath. His hands rested on your hips as he began to help you move up and down his cock. 
“Taiju~~~” You moaned slightly, rocking your hips back and forth. 
Throwing his head back on the couch  “ Yes baby girl?” holding you steady. “Are you enjoying yourself?.” He pushed his pelvis up a bit more and he was pushing you down a bit harder. The slap of your skin began to fill the room. 
“Yes Taiju shit you're making me so wet,” your juices were sliding down his cock.
Taiju slid the traps of your dress down exposing your breast. He began to suck on your breast switching back and forth leaving hickies traveling up now to the neck leaving the same love bites. He loved leaving his mark on you. “Fuck I love you so much” his hand resting on the back of your head bring you to his lips as he began to kiss you hard. 
You couldn’t even say it back as his lips were dominating yours. The string of saliva broke you both separate from one another trying to catch your breath. Your forehead rested against his. “I love you Tai~~” 
“Say it again”  He moaned louder, moving you faster as he gripped your hips tighter. The intense sensation in his lower abdomen approached he wasn’t going to last much longer as the sweat trickled down his brow. You weren’t going to last much longer either.
“I - love you, Taiju Shiba.” You moaned the phrase over and over. Your body began to shake as the sudden rush of your orgasm approached. “Fuuuuccccckkkkkk!” 
The way your pussy constricted as your orgasm hit around his cock his hot seed shot in deep he pressed your hips down all the way on his cock as he let out a loud animal-like moan. He clenched his jaw tightly and poured every ounce of semen he had in his body into you. Only so much was able to fit into your cunt as some of it began to seep out from inside of you running down his own cock. Taiju's sudden rush was coming down his grip loosening on your hips. The look of satisfaction hitting his face as he his hand reaching for your chin brings you closer as placing a gentler kiss. 
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Tags: @the-haitani-baton, @satanlovesusall666, @galactict3a, @ratlovecat, @niko-ash, @iluv-ace, @captainmycaptainn, @strawberrychrome, @missgab, @anxious-chick, @livefromraleigh, @kei-b-gurlll, @spookiisopium, @bontensbabygirl, @txna04, Interested in joining the taglist please fill out the form below to get a notification of your favorite characters when they are being posted! Link here ->taglist
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What kind of Yandere are Bonten?
Request of @study-milk : HII it's not so much of a scenario as more of a question. So of the tokyo revengers guys (for ex. Bonten) which ones would you categorize as affectionate obsessive vs territorial obsessive.
Like those who's obsession falls under love sick who will pursue you openly and quicky vs territorial type who play a slow game of winning your sole attention.
Sorry if I ask too much❤️
First of all I have to apologize for taking so long! You request was so interesting, but I was so busy with everything else, that I could barely dictate some of my time do it! Also, if you wanted something differently please tell me! <3
(I also decided to do a bit more for you, though if you want me to elaborate on someone, just tell me...)
PS: You don´t ask too much. I actually very much enjoyed writing this request. It was a lot of fun!!
So first of all, I gotta figure out, who of the guys is obsessive and not only possessive. What is the difference?
The guys with the possessive trait want to own you, want to be the single thing your world revolves around. Incredibly jealous and will disturn and shut down conversation he ain´t a part of. He feels entitled to you.
The obsessive trait is more focused on getting to know his darling. Every little piece of information is carefully squirrelled away, to come out again in the right moment. He will bask in the warmth that your attention brings him. Always watching, always learning more.
Though both of these things are not incompatible. They can happen at the same time. The same guy can be both obsessive and possessive.
Obsessive: Matsuno Chifuyu, Hanagaki Takemichi, Shiba Hakkai, Akashi Takeomi, Hanma Shuji
Possessive: Kurokawa Izana, Sanzu, Draken, Angry, Hanemiya Kazutora, Haitani Ran, Shiba Taiju, Smiley, Baji Keisuke
Both: Kakucho, Tachibana Naoto, Kokonoi Hajime, Haitani Rindou, Mikey, Mitsuya Takashi, Kisaki Tetta
As you can see, that we have 5 boys for the exclusive obsessive traits, most of them, with 10, are in the possessive category. And at last, we have another 7 in the mixed category. These guys present clear traits in my opinion of both categories. So it isn´t quite clear if they´re being possessive or obsessive. This is also where most of the Bonten members are in, who are by the way all in bold. I left out Mochizuki, because I can´t quite grasp his character.
In the request, there was made a difference between affectional and territorial obsessive. And I think, I might be able to draw a line for those things as well. If you look at the request the terms were actually very nicely explained already.
Affectional seems to align more with being so in love, that it makes him sick, and you as well. Constantly draped over you, talking about things that you can connect over. He puts in a lot of effort to be seen in a very positive light by you.
Territorial on the other hand is intent to whisk you away from any other person. He tries to become your focus as well, but instead of him enforcing it like the possessive trait would, he wants you to choose him over and over again.
Affectionate: Matsuno Chifuyu, Hanagaki Takemichi, Haitani Rindou, Mikey, Mitsuya Takashi, Sanzu, Draken, Hanemiya Kazutora
Territorial: Shiba Hakkai, Akashi Takeomi, Hanma Shuji, Kakucho, Tachibana Naoto, Kokonoi Hajime, Kisaki Tetta, Kurokawa Izana, Angry, Haitani Ran, Shiba Taiju, Smiley, Baji Keisuke
At the last moment, I decided to sort the possessive traits also into affectionate and territorial, even though like I predicted most of them landed in the territorial category. Only Sanzu, Draken and Kazutora got into the affectionate category, because I felt like it was needed to point out, that these guys are majorly affectionate. I also decided against using a middle ground between affectionate and territorial, because I felt like I wouldn´t be able to decide if not making definite choices.
Well, enough of that! Instead I would like to focus on what we have. The affectionate trait is carried by 8 guys, which only makes it more obvious that most of the guys are territorial, with 13 guys.
So I think it is pretty easy to say, that possessive and territorial are the more popular traits with the Tokyo Revengers guys.
I come back to Bonten again though:
Sanzu is affectionate possessive. He uses his affection to possess his darling completely. He will enforce his rules, but he tends to act quite lovesick and overly affectionate most of the time. He will whine and cry, and fuss over his darling, being intimate without chasing other people away, bodily at least.
Kakucho is territorial obsessive and possessive. While he wants to know everything about you, he tends to use this information to keep you better for himself. He has also the bad habit of infantilizing his darling, for which he will use the collected knowledge. He also tries to keep everyone, hence being territorial.
Takeomi is territorial obsessive. While he wants to know his darling as well, he kind of uses them as an emotional crutch. He became dependent on them without him realising. He needs to keep them as close to him as possibly, without being able to show them how he feels for them, which is what makes him so territorial, while being obsessive.
Koko is like Kakucho territorial obsessive and possessive. He wants to know you to better win you over for himself. It will point him in the right direction, to talk about the right things, to get you the right things. Though his main goal is territorial at its core. He wants you to be dependent on him, that you will always run back to him, because you simply can´t live any more without him. And he will ensure, that this will happen.
Rindou is affectionate obsessive and possessive. He is very affectionate with his darling and constantly wants to spend time with them. This also leads to him learning a lot about them, and his darling being constantly on his mind. His possessive trait comes from him growing dependent on them, and being afraid of them being taken away from him. So he will ensure, that this won´t happen. It´s fed from his separation anxiety.
Ran is territorial possessive. He wants to own his darling, and doesn´t want other people getting their grubby paws on them either. He feels entitled to the affection and time of his darling, and doesn´t really care for their opinion of him.
Mikey is again affectionate obsessive and possessive. In a manner he is very similar to Rindou. They have the same problems. He is dependent on his darling, wants to desperately keep themself and fears the thought of being separated from them. He tries to hide it though, and some days he comes across as more territorial than affectional, though other days he will cling desperately to you the whole time, unwilling to let you go.
I think that this is it from me. I hope it doesn´t sound as formal as it looks to me at the moment, which can be attributed to me writing a lot of essays these past few months. A lot..., so many... Sometimes I could really hate what I study...
So @study-milk, I hope you and the rest of the guys enjoy this request! I had a lot of fun writing this, and hope you will have just as much fun reading it!! <3
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sirthisisa-wendys · 1 year
Hello! I'm a huge fan of your work! <3<3 I love how you write Taiju ^ ^ He is so handsome! Would it be alright if I request about Taiju meeting s/o for the first time, like it takes place where we were first introduced him in the show. And how s/o handles the situation like she's being a total girlboss and that's when Taiju starts developing feelings and later they started dating.
I can do this! (Hopefully, I did this right, lol)
Love, An Oddity: Taiju Shiba x Fem!Reader
wc: calculating…
tw: fluff
The brawny man across from you scowls deeply, his hands clenched into fists.
"What did you say?"
"I said," you begin, standing before the brawler. "Your little gang here is making a racket. Perhaps you could understand that if you stayed in school." Taiju grits his teeth, looking down at you with nothing other than malice in his eyes.
You don't miss the "Black Dragon" emblem blazoned on various members' jackets, but part of you doesn't care. You'd been shaken out of your sleep by the utter chaos outside Taiju Shiba's home. And this wouldn't be the first time he'd done something similar.
"Don't you have any respect for the other people who live here?" Your eyes flash at the man, but he mutters words to himself that you can't hear before he takes a step back.
"I've seen you before," he finally states, crossing his arms. "Aren't you the priest's daughter?" Your eye twitches as he refers to you as anything other than your name, but you nod anyways.
"I am. What, think I can't fight because my dad's a clergyman?" Taiju tosses his hands in the air, looking away from you.
"Never said anything of the sort. Let's head out." You watch in rapt fascination as the group of hoodlums suddenly disperses, leaving you alone in the street as Taiju makes a slow but definite retreat. You want to egg him on and urge him to come back to fight, but there's no sense in engaging in that kind of behavior. It was clear that the conflict was over.
That is until you find an apology letter coupled with a box on your door the next day. It simply reads, "Sorry for the disturbance," and when you open the small box, you see a cupcake sitting inside. You grimace at the offering - it's obviously a pithy attempt by someone in Black Dragon to appease your fury - but take it inside despite your reluctance.
A week passes before you get a call on the house phone, and you hurry to pick it up, lest your father hears it and slip out of his bed to make sure it wasn't a member of the church calling for help.
"Did you get the note and the cupcake?" You quirk your brow at the sound of Taiju Shiba on the other end, his voice much softer than it had been a day ago.
"Is that your way of apologizing for making such a mess?"
"Yes." The simple admission makes you sigh, and you look across the kitchen counter at the note still lying on the granite.
"Taiju," you muse, twirling a finger around the cord of the phone. "Do you really think a note and a cupcake will smooth things over between the neighborhood and your gang?" There's a soft noise on the other end, but Taiju doesn't reply. "You'll have to do better than that." You hang up the phone and waltz back to the couch, placing your feet on the coffee table and watching reality TV.
You awaken mid-morning to see your father standing at the window in his pajamas.
"Dad, what are you doing?"
"Come look, y/n. It must be a miracle!" When you join your father at the window, you see a group of Black Dragon gang members. But there seems to be little fear in the older man next to you as he watches them... clean.
"And don't miss a single spot!"
"Yes, boss!"
You fling the door to your home open and allow your eyes to roam over the neighborhood. Trash is picked up. Some are fixing things that had been broken for months. Others are standing around Taiju and getting directions from him.
"You've got to be kidding me." You wander over to what appears to be home base as Taiju dishes out orders to groups of eager members.
"Y/n," Taiju calls out, pushing one of his associates aside. "You made it just in time."
"This is a PR stunt," you quip, waving your hands around. "Ninety percent of the mess they're cleaning up is the mess they made."
"Isn't that what you want?" You scoff, placing your hands on your hips and shaking your head. Taiju groans loudly, wiping a hand over his face. “Listen, I’ll do anything to make it up to you.”
“Why?” Your question is given no answer as Taiju stares at you, his cheeks reddening. “Don’t be embarrassed,” you chide. “You’re a big boy; spit it out.”
“I… don’t like being in people’s debt.”
“You’ll forever be in my debt,” you quip, turning back toward your house.
“Wait!” Taiju grabs your hand and you whip around, about ready to fight the brute. “Why don’t I take you out… on a date?”
“A date?” The echoed words make Taiju nod a few times, and you blink at him as if seeing him for the first time.
Of course, he’d done all of this cleanup for you. He’d made efforts to get into your good graces - heaven knows why - so he could impress you, not frustrated you.
“This isn’t a joke, right?”
“Not even close.” Taiju’s hand tightens around yours and you huff a sigh.
“I suppose I’ll give you a chance. If that keeps you from tearing the neighborhood up, that is.”
“That’ll keep me more than satisfied,” he replies, giving you a toothy grin. “That I can promise.”
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liaarxse · 8 months
hi! main tr boys with a taller s/o? like 6'
I'm baaack !!!
I get this struggle. I'm around 5'10, and I sucks simping for someone who's like 5'7 or below
This also includes real-life
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Characters: Ryuguji Ken, Hakkai Shiba, Keisuke Baji
Warnings: None, crack
A/n: I'm so sorry for this unannounced break I took, I just truly needed it <3
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— Ryuguji Ken
When he first saw you, he was FLABBERGASTED
Why the hell are you so tall??
As if he isn't walking Mount Fuji over here
But he never made fun of you
He actually admired you
You were rocking the height
And slowly, he started falling for you, and your just as big personality
That's how you ended up dating Ryuguji
And to be frank, you couldn't be happier
You knew the kind of environment he was raised in, and the fact he grew to be such a smart and responsible teenager was one of the things you admired most about him
And you always reminded him of that
Which only deepend his love for you
He also likes to slap your ass
It wouldn't be me if I didn't ruin a sweet moment 🫶
He's also very VERY protective of you
As if you aren't a walking mountain as it is
But there still are assholes who could try to hurt you, and you both knew it
And Ryuguji will be damned if he let anything happen to you
If someone, somehow, ended up hurting you, don't worry
Toman will be at their doorstep
Escorting the people who tried to hurt you to the ER
Like goddamn y/n
All jokes aside, the last thing Ken would be looking at are your looks. You could be half his height or half over it, and he'll still love you regardless. <3
The first time you visited the brothel, the girls were amazed
Beauty and height all in one?
Did a model just enter this place?
Would befriend you on the spot
And would, of course, watch what they say to Draken from now on
Would make sure no man comes up to you with the wrong intentions
More devious than Draken himself frfr
Your big sisters love you as much as your big boyfriend <3
Even though you're taller than them <3
— Hakkai Shiba
Baby boy
Will love to be dominated–
–Whilst cuddling
Get your head out of the gutter y/n
But only if he has had a bad day
Good luck trying to little spoon this big boy on a regular basis
Loves to hug you from behind and hide his face in your neck without having to sprain half of the bones in his body
Would be shook when first meeting you
Holy shit they're tall
To this day he's still trying to calculate how much milk you drank as a child to grow this much
And you?
You are too
Because why tf are you this tall?
This ain't jack and the beanstalk y/n
The first time you met Yuzuha she was shook
She knew you were tall but not THIS tall
She loves you regardless
Also babies you both
Because you're her babies
Her 6'0+ babies
Hakkai wouldn't be as protective as Draken, but will be possessive
Not the yandere psychopath kind of possessive but the kind that would cuddle up to you if you're talking to his sister on the couch
Would also keep a close eye when you're around his brother even though Taiju wouldn't harm you
Also forget about fighting
You might be double the height of his enemies, but you're staying double the distance away from them
Just stay away from fights
Boy only wants to keep his girl safe and sound y/n. Don't be an asshole
Nonetheless, Hakkai will make sure you feel at ease with your appearance no matter what because in his eyes, you were the most gorgeous person he's laid eyes on
And he makes sure you know it
— Keisuke Baji
BAHAHAHAHAHH – Mikey and Smiley
💀 – Mikey and Smiley 2 minutes later
Keisuke does not CARE about height
He'll treat you the same way as if you were half his own
Does not give a fuck if you're tall, he fell in love with you and that's final
Nobody messing with you from now on
You've had bullies? Wanna visit their graves?
A car almost hit you even though you're taller than siren head? Wanna see him light it on fire?
Baji solos your favorites
Wait Baji is your favorite?
Baji solos himself
Bonus points if you like cats
Because who doesn't like to play with cute little pussies?
Especially the big ones
Wanna know Baji's favorite big pussy type?
Black tigers
What did you think I was talking about huh?
You nasty
Speaking of cats, Baji loves it when they climb on you
You'd be minding your own business, waiting for Kaisuke to get ready so you could finally go out when you felt something tug on your pants
When you looked down, you saw one cute little black kitten climbing up your pants
Swear to God your heart melted
You started baby-ing the cat, encouraging it while making sure it doesn't fall
Keisuke entered the room, wondering who the fuck you were talking to and when he saw this scenario unfolding before his eyes he deadass dropped to his knees in front of you, encouraging the kitty as well
You were both ecstatic when it managed to reach up to your top, and Baji took a quick family picture, which is now his wallpaper and would beat anyone who made fun of it <3
Jokes aside, Keisuke adores you and will never let anyone or anything make you feel any less
You're perfect inside out in his eyes, and that's more than enough
Just accept the love because there isn't any other way out of this
You're loved
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macsimagines · 9 months
big beefy tr men(esp yasuhiro) asking their s/o to finger themselves nd give them a nice show & watching their partner not even being able to put a finger in cs they never did it before:( ?
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Yandere!Yasuhiro Muto (Mucho)
He's been real patient with you ever since you dropped the bombshell that you're a virgin. Mucho was, of course, ecstatic at the fact that he'd be the first and only man to have you, but he knew he was going to be extra gentle with you when you finally would let him go all the way.
Fast forward to at least a year into the relationship and you're finally ready. Muto has done his research, he knows exactly how he's going to lead you into this and make it the best for you.
"Why don't you just show me how you like to... do yourself?" "Do myself?" "Y'know, sweetheart. Fingering? Show me how you like it and I'll try to do it too, make you feel good." "...w-well I-I just- I don't think... I've ever fingered myself..."
Well ooops. He wasn't expecting that. Sure he knew you were pure he just didn't know how much. But don't worry baby, He's pulling you into his lap and giving you sweet kisses all over.
Since you're obviously way too inexperienced he'll help get you nice and wet and teach you what you're gonna like.
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Yandere! Taiju Shiba
Had no idea you were a virgin until he's got your panties off and your legs spread. He thinks you're the sexiest and most tempting thing on the planet his sweet little vixen.
"Why don'cha put on a show fer me?" "Say what now?"
Realizes you're more like a sweet little angel when you explain you've never really done anything before now. Like ever. He can sees how shy you're getting, and is eating it up.
Never ever expected you to have been inexperienced with the way you like to act and flirt but he's not complaining.
Eats. You. OUT. He figures if he's going to teach you how to be his good whore he'll have to make it a great learning experience.
Actually doesn't take your virginity that night, figures he might as well make an honest woman out of you, his honest woman.
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lovekz · 1 year
cake <3
syn -> one big argument leads to the both of you in the hospital. but not for each other.
taiju shiba x gender neutral!reader
beware of... swallowing things that aren’t food, hakkai’s first time getting high, jokes
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it was only 3 hours after you woke up, and you were already furious.
“taiju!” you called out, storming your way from the kitchen and into his little study near your room.
he looked up from his paper and raised his eyebrow, eying the juice jug that was clutched in your hand.
“that’s plastic, love. don’t squeeze too hard.” taiju chuckled, before looking down at his paperwork.
you launched the poor jug at his head, in which it bounced off it. but never landed on the floor.
he caught it just before it could hit the floor.
“i thought we agreed on not leaving it in the fridge after emptying it?” you huffed, glaring daggers at him.
taiju looked between you and the plastic container in his hands, before putting it down onto the clear spot of his desk.
“sorry. i got distracted. restaurant isn’t gonna run itself, you know?” taiju replied smoothly, looking back down at his papers.
he wasn’t even paying you any proper mind!
“and you wonder why your siblings hate you.” you grumbled, walking over to his desk to snatch up the container.
taiju paused, before shooting you a look. “i feel like you’re trying to start a fucking argument with me, and i’m not for it.” he scoffed, standing up.
weren’t you glad you finally hit him where it hurt.
“that’s what you always fucking assume! if you didn’t act like a child, maybe i wouldn’t have to argue.” you shot back, putting up the middle finger.
“you wanna talk about child? you threw a juice container at me for a honest mistake that can be disregarded and fixed within five minutes or less.” taiju laughed, gesturing to the jug in your hand.
“it’s always an honest mistake with you.” you groaned, walking away from him.
taiju followed behind you, crossing his arms in defense. “why would i do that on purpose?” taiju asked, grabbing your arm to make you stop.
you snatched your arm away from him, glaring harshly. it didn’t seem to taiju that you were gonna get over this.
taiju scoffed, before checking the time. “i’m going out for a smoke. i’ll come see you before i have to go to work.” taiju said, grabbing his sweater and putting on his shoes.
you watched as he left, preventing himself from slamming the door on you to not make you feel hurt.
this was the biggest argument you and taiju have ever had before. like ever.
you sat on the couch, frowning to yourself. okay.
maybe you did go a bit too far, bringing up the fact that his siblings still hated him no matter what he tried.
things don’t ever go that smoothly, and you know that. but that was pretty low.
as his significant other, you realized that taiju beat himself up about it a lot and tried many different ways to fix his mistakes.
even going to therapy and anger management classes.
you sighed, getting up and deciding to make more juice. which took only 5 minutes like taiju said it would.
you placed the juice container into the fridge, noticing taiju come back into the house holding a bag. a bag from your favorite bakery.
you watched as he pulled a box out of the container, presenting your favorite cake to you.
your eyes widened, walking over to him and watching as he pulled out a separate slice.
“i had yuzuha get it for you. i’m sorry.” taiju said, helping you onto the counter beside the cake.
you nodded and smiled, watching as he opened the drawer and got out the cake knife.
he cut a slice out of the cake and it made you eye the single boxed slice that wasn’t apart of that cake.
“what’s this for then?” you asked, picking up the slice of cake.
quickly, the box was out of your hands and into the fridge, hidden from your prying eyes and hands.
“something different. we’ll eat it when i get home.” taiju said, closing the door and taking up two forks.
the two of you shared the slice together, him letting you eat most of it since he wasn’t the biggest fan of sweets.
once you finished, he washed the dishes and kissed your forehead, bidding you a farewell and being on his way to work.
a few minutes after he left, you made your way into the living room and began playing anything on tv that had recently caught your eye.
the front door swung open, making you look up.
hakkai. your best friend and your boyfriend’s brother walked in with the biggest grin and the reddest eyes ever.
“oh my god. (name). i just smoked for the first time in my life.” he said, dropping onto the couch next to you.
you laughed, letting his lanky legs slide onto the coffee table.
“how do you feel?” you asked, turning the tv down a little bit and looking at him.
hakkai hadn’t responded, but his eyes widened significantly. “is that fucking johnny depp on the tv right now?” he whispered, sitting up.
before you could answer, he lifted his hand up and looked at you. “i fucking... he’s how i found out i was gay.” hakkai whispered, before lifting himself up and wandering off into the kitchen.
you laughed before following behind him. he pulled the entire cake out of the fridge and placed it on the counter, opening it and grinning.
“i’m eatin’ this.” hakkai stated quickly, looking at you and daring you to stop him from this delirious act.
there was no harm in letting him have some of it. it’s a big cake, how could you eat it all by yourself?
taiju got home for work earlier than usual, wanting to get the entire thing over with before his heart exploded.
by the looks of it hakkai had more than definitely come and distract you, as his shoes were kicked off weirdly and you were nowhere to be seen.
he headed over to the kitchen and opened the fridge, pushing past the countless amount of groceries to try and find the box.
but he couldn’t find it.
at all.
he searched and searched and searched. and he didn’t find the small box that anticipated his future.
taiju stood up straight while holding his head, looking behind him to see if he could find the box anywhere.
and boy did he find it.
the box was hanging in between the garbage and the mop bucket, hanging on ever so slightly.
he lifted it up. it was still quite cold (since it was at the back of the fridge) and the cutesy little plate that was in it was gone.
that small cutesy plate that was inside is now on the table, the words written on it smothered with little traces and crumbs behind it.
not only that, the cake that he had cut a slice out of was almost gone. it was shaped into a heart, along with a face print (and bite mark) on top.
‘hakkai you fucking idiot.’ taiju cursed, running his hands through his hair and dashing upstairs.
when he made it upstairs to the room, he found you laying in his spot dead asleep. hakkai nowhere to be found.
taiju shook you softly, waking up up with a quiet hum. “what happened.” you muttered tiredly, rubbing your eyes.
“you ate the cake from the box i hid?” taiju asked, looking at you with a serious face.
you shook your head in confusion, turning on the light and looking at him. 
“it was probably hakkai. he got high for the first time and had munchies.” you grumbled, squinting up at him.
taiju’s eyes widened, before he looked around the room. nothing had been set out of place, and his idiot brother was fucking gone.
but his shoes were here, so he was probably somewhere around the house.
“wheres the... item in it?” taiju asked, tapping his foot anxiously.
did you see it? what was your response? did hakkai do something right and actually get your response for him?
“hakkai said he ate everything off it and he loves you for it.” you chuckled, recalling the memory.
taiju’s eyes widened even more than they were before, making you confused. did you do or say something wrong.
“where is he?” taiju asked, opening the door and looking around.
you got up and thought for a bit, following behind your frantic lover. “he’s in the bathroom. why?” you asked, grabbing onto his arm.
“he has to go to the hospital. i knew i should’ve sent mitsuya here.” taiju groaned, closing his eyes.
“taiju what’s going on?” you asked worriedly, looking him in his eyes.
taiju looked at you, then back at the bathroom door. you could clearly see that he was weighing his options.
what happened honestly couldn’t be that bad. could it..?
“the motherfucker swallowed a diamond fucking ring.” taiju said, looking down at you with a disappointed frown.
you walked into the emergency room with hakkai, taiju, yuzuha, and mitsuya in tow, going straight to the receptionist.
hakkai looked a mess. he had cake all over himself and continuously cleared his throat since something was literally stuck in it.
it took everything in yuzuha not to laugh at her younger brother’s ridiculous behavior, knowing it’d tick the older one off even more.
“why’d you even hide it in the cake?” mitsuya asked, rubbing his forehead in annoyance.
“that’s the thing. i didn’t. it was next to the fucking thing.” taiju exclaimed, crossing his arms and looking at hakkai.
hakkai could only avert his eyes and clear his throat just a little quieter.
“hi. we’re here because he swallowed a diamond ring.” you said in a stressed out tone, looking at the receptionist.
and the next few hours at the hospital felt entirely unreal.
they asked you, taiju, and hakkai a whole bunch of questions, if the diamond on the ring was sharp, how’d it happen, and if they were telling the truth.
the only thing you could answer was yes they were telling the truth. you hadn’t even know there was a fucking ring in there!
after a bunch of hours in the hospital room, scans, a small little surgery for hakkai, you finally recieved the ring in a small plastic bag.
you and taiju looked at it, and then at each other. the two of you were speechless, not even knowing what to say.
“what.. was the ring for?” you asked quietly, holding up the bag so it’d meet his face.
taiju swallowed hard and slowly pushed his hands in his pockets, looking to mitsuya for advice.
mitsuya nodded and gave him a thumbs up, already holding up his phone and recording.
“i was.. gonna ask you to marry me.” taiju said, clearing his throat and fixing his posture while looking at you.
your eyes widened as you looked at the poor ring, and then back at taiju.
you broke into a huge smile, laughter following along with it.
you dropped the ring and hugged the man before, squeezing him tight and closing your eyes.
“i don’t think i could wear the ring after hakkai swallowed it though.” you giggled, leaning up to kiss his nose.
taiju chuckled, wrapping his arms around you and nodding. “yeah. i’ll make sure you get a new one.” taiju muttered.
hakkai listened to the couple’s happy exchange outside of the room that he was admitted in for a few days, before sighing slightly.
he just knew the ring was coming out of his pockets, and it was gonna be hella expensive. just like the surgery he just had.
he’s never smoking again.
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buccini555 · 1 year
𝑪𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒌 | 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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♡ ℱ𝓉. Hakkai Shiba, Naoto Tachibana, Kokonoi Hajime, Inui Seishu, Wakasa Imaushi, Shinichiro Sano, Taiju Shiba, Shion Maradame, Ryusei Satou and Pah-Chin
≡ 𝒮𝓊𝓂𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓎! You're sick and he'll take care of you
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ‧₊˚ ٬٬ 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚋𝚎 𝚘𝚔 ! . . . › 𝑷𝚊𝚛𝚝.𝟐 ♡
𝑯𝒂𝒌𝒌𝒂𝒊 𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒃𝒂
He would go out of his way to take care of you and would definitely do his best.
He would ask at all times how you are feeling or if you are already feeling better.
He would definitely give you sweets or things to please you (as much as you are sick, you should eat more healthy things), he would do everything to cheer you up and make you feel good right away.
ー I-I'll take care of you, I'll always take care of you...
𝑵𝒂𝒐𝒕𝒐 𝑻𝒂𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒂
He would become even more protective of you, in fact he would be very concerned but maybe not show it too much.
ー I warned you not to get rained on, didn't I? Besides, you don't have enough blankets to keep you warm... and I won't have to make you eat soup, will I?
Despite lecturing you, he takes very good care of you and is affectionate most of the time, writing down all the times of your medicines and making you take them correctly, in addition, he always caresses you and watches you while you sleep
𝑲𝒐𝒌𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒊 𝑯𝒂𝒋𝒊𝒎𝒆
Koko would be almost paranoid of how much care he would have for you, he would want to help you with everything, keep you as comfortable, definitely Kokonoi would not try to cook for you, for fear of it ending up bad, so he would buy your favorite foods.
ー Hmm? Y/n? Hope you get better soon... Do your best to look good for us, understood?
𝑰𝒏𝒖𝒊 𝑺𝒆𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒖
He didn't really know how to take care of you, so he tried to make you as comfortable as possible.
Inupi tries to cheer you up all the time, in addition to bringing you little gifts, he always tries to check your medicines and buy them for you.
ー It's okay my love, hmm? It will pass and everything will be fine again...
𝑾𝒂𝒌𝒂𝒔𝒂 𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒉𝒊
Wakasa basically wouldn't leave your side, he would do everything for you, help you with everything and try to cheer you up.
Even if you were sick, he would take you for a walk at night, to at least try to distract you.
He would get lost in his medicine schedules, so he wrote everything down so he wouldn't forget.
ー Get better soon, honey, I really don't know how to take care of you.
𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒐 𝑺𝒂𝒏𝒐
ー You'll get better, I promise I'll try to take care of you, okay?
He would be very worried about you, all the time he would ask how you are feeling and if you need anything, besides, he became much more affectionate than usual.
He always goes out to buy your medicine, writes down all the times and always makes you take them on time.
𝑻𝒂𝒊𝒋𝒖 𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒃𝒂
Taiju would be very worried, but he wouldn't show it.
Despite not being very affectionate most of the time, he was really trying to take care of you and get you back on your feet.
ー I told you I was going to be sick, didn't I? Now have your tea and then your soup I took so long to make.
𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒂𝒎𝒆
Shion would practically go into despair, even though it's just a flu, in his head you were almost ready to leave.
ー Y/n? Don't leave me, okay? Look, I'll take care of you, or at least try, but don't make it worse, understand?
He would be by your side at all times, watching you and asking if you were getting better, in addition to organizing all your medicines and scheduling all your appointments so you wouldn't end up forgetting.
𝑹𝒚𝒖𝒔𝒆𝒊 𝑺𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒖
He would be sad to see you sick, but he would do his best to try to make you feel better.
To try to cheer you up, he bought you some stuffed animals and things you like to eat, in addition he also bought the medicine and some candies to take the bad taste out of the medicine.
ー You'll get better soon, after all it's very strong.
𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒖𝒌𝒊 𝑯𝒂𝒚𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒅𝒂 (𝐏𝐚𝐡-𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧)
He would be extremely concerned, then become even more affectionate and attentive. As much as you weren't even that sick, his little heart broke when he saw you sick.
ー Hey, Y/n? Get well soon... I don't like to see you like this.
To cheer you up, he bought you a stuffed animal, flowers and some sweets, plus he took all your meals in your bed to keep you from overexerting yourself.
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