#Tales of the Renegade Sector
iloveabunchofgames · 2 years
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And All Would Cry Beware!
by Tales of the Renegade Sector
Price (US): $9.99
Included In: Indie Bundle for Palestinian Aid, Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality
Genre: Shooter
Pitch: A story-driven first-person shooter on an alien world, with a bit of exploration and backtracking.
My expectations: The Itch page calls it an "old-school-style" shooter. I'm mildly skeptical of that claim. It looks like a basic Unity shooter with low-resolution textures. Whatever. I love shooting and Metroid-ing. The game and the developer both have names that sound like your high school's most audacious bands. Expectations are high.
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You have a gun. You get a new gun. The new gun offers different advantages in combat and can open routes blocked by obvious barriers. These routes lead to new guns.
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And They All Would Cry Beware! Is a competent, playable shooter that offers nothing special. It handles exactly like every other indie shooter made in Unity. (Though you’ll need to go through something like Steam if you want to adjust aim sensitivity on a controller.) Enemies types are all distinct, but their movement and attack patterns are uninspired, as is their abstract, geometric shape design. Likewise, the small, alien world’s regions are varied enough that you won’t get too lost while backtracking, but it’s never exciting to step into a new biome. There’s no atmosphere.
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The path is littered with transcribed audio logs that fill in a story that’s Stargate meets The Book of Genesis.
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I got stuck right at the end and had to look for hints in the Itch comments section, where someone mentioned rocket jumps. I’d previously shot a rocket at the floor and died, but I guess the two were unrelated, and I was just supposed to know I could safely hop on explosions. Ugh.
+ A complete, reasonably passable passable game that can be finished in an hour or two. + Breezing through old areas with powerful new weapons is satisfying. It helps that everything has unlimited ammo. + Different areas look and sound different, easing in navigation. + The most Biblical shooter since Super 3D Noah's Ark.
– Doesn't excel at anything. – Bad UI. Just a bunch of flat, garish rectangles. Worst of all are the Health pips, which so small they're practically invisible. Poor feedback in general. It's hard to tell when you're taking damage and from what direction, made worse by the aforementioned Health indicator. Enemies flash and shake when hit, but they can be hard to see around your own bullets, and guns have a deceptively short range, so what looks like a perfectly aimed shot might not be doing anything. – Very few hidden collectables. Just enough to trick you into thinking exploration is important. It's not. – Did I miss something? I thought I was paying attention. I read every written word I encountered. How was I supposed to know that jumping on an explosion (which, again, I thought had killed me because I couldn't identify what had actually killed me) was necessary to reach the end? Hiding collectables to reward players who have Quake on the mind is great, but if a move as illogical as rocket jumping is part of the critical path, you better make sure I know about it.
🧡🧡🧡🤍🤍 Bottom Line: While I didn't have a bad time with And All Would Cry Beware, and I was charmed by its poetic aspirations, it's hard to recommend a shooter that's this thoroughly average.
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renegadesector · 1 year
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Tales of the Renegade Sector Games are in the Steam Summer Sale!
Get big deals on Short, Pulpy, Low-Poly Action and Action Adventure Games
Find them Here!
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counterdestroyer · 2 years
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Tales of the Renegade Sector is in the Steam Autumn Sale!
Get big deals on a wide range of short, pulpy, low-poly Action and Action-Adventure games!
Store Page
You can also get the 13 game Renegade Sector Complete Bundle for just $34.67
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scitydreamer · 1 month
Diorama Dungeoncrawl
A mysterious castle is known to appear from out of nowhere, cursing the surrounding land to eventual destruction. However, at its latest appearance, a wandering axe wielding warrior has stepped up to perhaps be the one to finally dispel this evil. Diorama Dungeoncrawl: Master of the Living Castle is a 2019 older game by Tales of the Renegade Sector. It upholds his tradition of pulp sensibility…
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shrutim12 · 9 months
Unveiling Opportunities: The NBFC Stock Adventure
In the exhilarating world of finance, there's a thrilling rollercoaster that not everyone is bold enough to hop on - Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) stocks. Buckle up, fellow finance enthusiasts, as we embark on a journey to demystify the intricacies of NBFC stocks. No jargon, no cryptic charts - just a casual chat about why these stocks might be the hidden gems you've been searching for.
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Unlocking The NBFC Realm: What Sets Them Apart?
Let's start by tossing out the suits and ties; we're here for a finance fiesta. NBFCs, often overshadowed by their banking counterparts, have their groove. They aren't your traditional banks; they're the mavericks, the renegades. These companies aren't burdened by the same regulatory shackles, allowing them the flexibility to dance to their financial tunes.
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The 'Why' Of NBFC Stocks: High Risk, High Reward
Picture this: you're at a casino, eyeing the roulette wheel. NBFC stocks are a bit like that - thrilling and unpredictable. They operate on the edge, catering to niche markets or providing services traditional banks shy away from. This high-risk, high-reward game is not for the faint-hearted, but for those willing to ride the financial wave, the potential returns can be staggering.
Even our financial guru, Warren Buffett, acknowledges the allure of unconventional investments. While he might not directly endorse NBFC stocks, his timeless wisdom tells us to look beyond the obvious. Buffett famously said, "Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful." It's a mantra that fits snugly into the NBFC narrative - an arena where fear often overshadows potential gains.
Spotting Opportunities: Analyzing The NBFC Landscape
Now, let's dig into the nitty-gritty without drowning in financial jargon. NBFCs thrive in sectors like microfinance, consumer finance, and vehicle financing. As the Indian economy expands, these sectors present ripe opportunities for NBFCs to spread their wings. Think of it as choosing your battlefield wisely; these companies are strategically positioned to capitalize on specific financial niches.
Risk Management
In our quest for financial fun, it's essential to acknowledge the flip side. NBFCs operate on a tightrope; without the safety net of government-backed deposits, their risk management game must be on point. Before jumping in, savvy investors need to assess a company's risk management policies. It's not about being a buzzkill; it's about understanding the dance moves before hitting the floor.
NBFC Stocks In Action
Every financial saga has its heroes and cautionary tales. Some NBFCs have soared to great heights, becoming market darlings. Others, unfortunately, have stumbled, leaving investors nursing their wounds. Learning from both triumphs and pitfalls is our key to mastering this game. The secret sauce? Diversification and thorough research.
Also Read: How Can Tax Relaxations Help NBFCs Come On Par With Banks?
Diversification is the superhero cape in the world of finance. Instead of putting all your eggs in one NBFC basket, spread the risk across different sectors. Remember, we're here for the thrill, not the heartbreak. By diversifying, you mitigate the impact of a single company's downfall and increase your chances of riding the financial rollercoaster with a smile.
Thorough Research
In the world of NBFC stocks, ignorance isn't bliss; it's a recipe for disaster. Before stepping onto the dance floor, do your homework. Understand the company's financial health, its leadership, and its track record. Investigate market trends and economic indicators. It's not about being a Sherlock Holmes of finance; it's about ensuring your partner has the right moves for a lasting tango.
Also Read: Importance Of Transparency And Customer Trust In Digital Lending
In our finance fiesta, NBFC stocks emerge as the dance partners waiting for the right investors to take the lead. It's not for everyone, but for those with an appetite for risk and an eye for opportunity, the NBFC arena offers a captivating experience. Remember, no journey in finance is without its bumps, but with the right knowledge and a sprinkle of Warren Buffett's wisdom, you might just find yourself waltzing to financial success. So, put on your dancing shoes, fellow finance geeks, and let the NBFC adventure begin!
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kumeko · 4 years
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A/N: For Suga, who wanted a Renobowl! I’m sorry this took so long, but I hope I added enough characters/potential romance routes to more than make up for it!
i. Cloud
It was a ridiculously stupid. Reno stood in the unfinished basement of the cruddy bar, Seven Minutes in Heaven or something. A table stood in the center of the room, multiple painstakingly handmade maps sprawled over it. The walls were covered with blinking lights and cameras that were more stylistic than functional.
 This was the great AVALANCHE’s headquarters. This was where the renegade group of morons thwarted Shinra and somehow survived to tell the tale. This was where all of their slipshod improvised plans were made.
 “This is a shitshow,” Reno muttered, leaning against the wall. How the fuck had they even once lost to these guys? It had to be luck or something equally silly. There was no fucking way it was anything else.
 Even worse? He was joining this merry band of idiots.
 Maybe he had hit his head back in the church.
“You can leave anytime you want to,” Barret growled, glaring at him over the map. The guy overprotective of everything, whether it was his daughter, the bar, or the people he worked with. It was entirely unlike Shinra’s hands-off management team. Reno almost missed the single-worded orders and lingering silence.
 “Nah, I’m good.” Reno smirked, his lips curling back as he bared his sharp teeth. It had cowed the other, lesser members of the team, but Barret didn’t so much as flinch.
 “You try anything funny, and you won’t have a choice,” he warned, before going back to his ‘plan’.
 Reno snorted. Like he hadn’t already gotten that warning from AVALANCHE’s rabid dog. He could still feel the bar digging into his back from when Cloud had pushed him against it, his grip tight on his collar. Despite his constant claims of just being a mercenary for hire, there had been a rough concern in his voice as he’d growled If you betray us to Shinra…
 Cloud’s sword was sharp, his hands strong, and it didn’t take much to imagine just what he’d do if Reno turned traitor.
 Not that he’d planned to; he’d had enough being Shinra’s lapdog. Yet, even now he could feel Cloud’s hot breath on his face, his heart racing at the possibilities. If he had reached up to grab Cloud’s collar too, if he had closed the gap between them, what would have happened? How rough would it be?
 Rude had always warned him he was self-destructive, and well, he wasn’t wrong. Across the dark room, Cloud regarded him with Mako-bright eyes and Reno could only lick his lips in anticipation.
  ii. Tifa
 “Oh great, another one to haul out. Why can’t they leave before they pass out?”
 Blearily, Reno looked up from his empty glass. At the bottom was a drop or two of gin, and he pressed his lips against the rim as he tried to force them down.
 “Oh, you’re awake.”  
 Remembering the voice, he looked up. Standing across the bar, a pretty brunette eyed him wryly as she pried his glass away from him. His hand instantly clenched, but it was too late, she’d slipped it out too fast. There was something about her build, about the muscles on her arm and the smooth way that she didn’t so much as walk as flowed across the floor that reminded him about something. It was like a fighter’s. Or a dancer’s. Both were common enough in this town.
 “Youree hot,” he slurred, trying to reach over and take it back. He smirked at her; it worked about half the time, if he was lucky.
 Unfortunately, he wasn’t lucky today. She sighed, rolling her eyes as she set the cup down behind her. Walking around the bar, she wrapped an arm around his waist and hoisted him up. Immediately, he corrected his previous guess. She was definitely a fighter. That strength was no dancer’s, all muscle and little finesse. He was certain she could toss him over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes.
 “You should take me home,” he leered. No one could claim he knew when to quit.
 She wrinkled her nose and rolled her eyes, clearly used to this sort of talk. Opening the door, she hauled him outdoors. As usual, the slums smelled like coal dust and shit, but her whiskey scent cut through it. He was half drunk on it. “You smell good.”
 The bartender rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah, where should I drop you off?”
 “My place then?” You couldn’t claim Reno knew when to quit.
 For his efforts, he was promptly deposited on the hard ground. Swiping her hands against each other as though to wipe off her germs, she firmly replied, “I’m sure you can make it back on your own.”
 Reno chuckled, getting up on wobbly feet. “Tomorrow then?”
 At her responding glare, he laughed the entire walk back.
   iii. Barret
Reno couldn’t tell you why he’d decided to suddenly help AVALANCHE. It certainly wasn’t one of those good reasons, like pity or kindness. It certainly wasn’t self-preservation either—if he wanted to live, he should have stuck with Shinra. The man owned almost all of the city and had more than enough connections everywhere else to make life uncomfortable.
 Then again, Reno had never claimed to be exceptionally smart. He’d always choked against every restraint put on him, always struggled underneath his former boss’s heel.
 (He remembered Tseng’s cold voice as he accepted the sector drop, and maybe that twinge of guilt had been more than just a twinge.)
 Either way, here he was lying on the roof of the building, the helicopter in pieces around him. Rude probably survived the crash, he survived everything, the dumb fuck, but he definitely wouldn’t be happy to see Reno after the stunt he pulled. Shinra had more than enough men to protect him, the ass.
 This was a stupid idea. Which was probably why he didn’t even think when he crashed their helicopter on the pad instead of fighting Barret and his band of merry idiots. What a stupid idea. They’d only live for maybe a few minutes more.
 He coughed and winced. That was a broken rib. Two, if he were unlucky, and Reno was always unlucky. He’d been born under a cursed star, after all.
 “You friggin’ moron.” Reno barely had time to open his eyes before he saw a thick, black arm wrap around his waist, picking him up with an unexpected gentleness despite the rough voice. “What were you doing?”
 “Saving your asses,” he croaked, laughing. Big mistake, his ribs definitely didn’t like that. Spitting blood on the ground, he smirked. “What’re you doing?”
 Barret snorted, running down the stairs in a desperate attempt to escape. Escape what? Reno frowned, his head aching as he tried to remember. There had been a bomb—the building was set to explode and he’d warned them.
 “We’re not gonna make it,” he mumbled. From the corner of his eye, he spotted Tifa and Cloud racing ahead, clearing the way.
 “We’re going to friggin’ try.” Barret tightened his grip as he bounded down the stairs even faster now, taking them three steps at a time. “Can’t believe you did that.”
 “And you’re carryin’ me.” Something about this struck him funny. He wasn’t sure if it was the concussion or if it had always been funny, but it was. He tried not to laugh. His ribs ached nonetheless.
 “Tifa insisted.” Barret ground out, looking a little put out. “You saved us, sure, but it’s probably ploy.”
 “I feel like a ploy,” Reno agreed. That made sense. He was certain that made sense.
 “Yeah, you do.” Barret tried not to jostle him as he turned down another flight of stairs. The whole building was endless. No wonder Reno had taken the helicopter up. “But I guess she’s got a point. No one’s going to kill themselves just to get in.”
 “I’m in?” Reno wasn’t sure how he felt about that. Queasy, though that might have been the concussion.
 “I’m not letting you near us, but you get to live.” Barret glanced at him, the hardened face of a leader. “You’ve earned that much.”
 “Have I?” he questioned, but his head jostled and he fell into the welcoming darkness.
   iv. Sephiroth
 There were many things Reno expected during his time with the Turks, but sitting in a helicopter across from SOLDIER’s greatest warrior hadn’t been high on the list. Considering the kind of wild card he was, he’d expected the brass to keep them as far apart as possible.
 Maybe the higher ups liked flirting with danger too. The chopper’s blades were loud and it was hard to think, let alone talk. Reno glanced at the door, taking in the snowy mountains below. “Why’d anyone want to go to a nowhere like this?”
 Sephiroth didn’t say anything, only coolly regarded him with bright, mako-infused eyes. Something sparked underneath his peaceful expression, some sort of violent storm that was just waiting to explode. Reno didn’t want to be anywhere near when it happened.
 He also wanted to stand right in the middle of it all.
 Rude had always called him a contradictory bitch.
 “I can see them sending me over to this boring backwater town as a punishment, but you?” he raised a brow, egging him on. “Thought you’d be too big to come here.”
 His silver hair almost hid his face as he leaned against the other door and silently took in their destination. Quietly, he replied, “You can stay on the helicopter when we arrive. You aren’t needed.”
 “Huh?” Reno snorted, resisting the urge to yank on his long hair and force him to look at him. If there was one thing that grated on his nerves, it was being ignored. “What, you want to hog all the glory?”
 “There’s two SOLDIERS.” His gold-flecked eyes met his, and Reno was certain now that he saw some spark of untameable emotion behind his glass exterior. “A Turk is useless.”
 “I’ll show you useless.” He smiled wolfishly, all teeth. Sephiroth’s eyes narrowed, just a smidge, and he personally made it his goal to see just how long it’d take for the big man to lose control.
   v. Aerith
 “Oh, you poor dears,” Aerith murmured as she knelt in the single patch of sunlight in the slums. Reno had once wondered just what the odds were that it shone through the hole in her church, that it hit the only place flowers grew, and then remembered he’d hated numbers. “Don’t worry, I’m here.”
 Hands in his pockets, Reno slowly made his way down the aisle to her, his footsteps echoing in the vast room. People might have come here once upon a time, but it was abandoned now, forgotten by all but a lone flower-girl. He glanced at the torn-up flowers at her feet, the over-turned dirt, and snorted. “This happens every time. You should just let them die.”
 “Never.” She immediately rejected his suggestion just as she’d done the last nth number of times this had happened. “You could help, you know, instead of standing there.”
 He shrugged. “They don’t pay me enough to watch you and help you.”
 “You don’t have to watch, you can just help,” she replied sweetly, her innocent smile not quite masking her sharp eyes. The girl was a match waiting to light up. “I won’t tell.”
 “Sure, and Shinra won’t have my head when he finds out.” Reno rolled his eyes. They had this conversation once a week. The company goons would come and get her (they also didn’t pay him enough to help them), she’d beat them up and flee, they’d make a mess of her garden, and she’d fix it up.
 And then rinse and repeat.
 It was boring. If he had to get stuck in this small-time slum with this small-time girl, then at least he should be properly entertained. “Why do you even care about those things?”
 “They’re pretty,” she replied earnestly, her fingers digging in the dirt and righting a plant. “They’re resilient. And…”
 “And?” Reno raised a brow.
 “I like them.” She grinned as she lied. He was pretty sure that the reason his boss wanted her was in her last, silent response. “Do I really need another reason?”
 “For this much work? Yeah.” Reno shrugged.
 Aerith chuckled, tucking a lock behind her ear. “If you say so. But if you change your mind…”
 “Not happening.” Reno snorted, sitting in a pew a couple of rows down. Crossing his arms on the bench in front of him, he rested his chin and watched as she went back to work.
 He was starting to sit closer each time.
 He didn’t want to think about what that meant.
   vi. Tseng
 “We’re balancing the scales,” Tseng ordered, his voice carefully neutral. It was always careful with this guy. The bastard liked to pretend he didn’t have feelings, that he was above all that. That the cold that came naturally to Shinra was also his own.
 Reno knew better. He made the same lies, only he didn’t buy into them. “Yeah…not.”
 “Do you really believe that?” Unfortunately, Rude bought Tseng’s act wholesale. A tragic flaw of his. As soft as he was, he needed some point to this, some reason for it all. There wasn’t. There never would be. And he’d never accept that. His hand clenched as he stared at Tseng.
 Reno knew Tseng’s response before he even opened his mouth.  Whatever the man might feel, he wouldn’t change his mind. “Does it matter?” Tseng raised a brow. Thatching his fingers, he regarded them coolly. His eyes lingered on Reno’s, as though he knew what would come next.
 Maybe he did. They did the same song and dance every time this happened. “What questions? We do the thing.” Reno shrugged, sitting up now. He ran a hand through his hair. “Just like always.”
 Rude looked at him sadly and sighed. “I’ll get ready.”
 Disheartened, he left the conference room, glancing back at Tseng one last time like a kicked puppy. If tactics like that could work, they wouldn’t be in this business in the first place. Reno snorted. As the heavy door slowly closed shut with a soft thud, he finally turned to Tseng. “You’re a fucking liar.”
 As usual, Tseng didn’t even bother to look up from his computer. His fingers ran quickly over the keys, tapping in an unknown code. Maybe if he did it enough, he could become one with the machine. “I didn’t lie.”
 Reno laughed, slipping off the couch and stalked toward the desk. Tseng still didn’t look up and he growled.
 Nothing got to him more than being ignored. “Every time you open that mouth,” he grabbed Tseng’s jaw, “You lie.”
 He didn’t so much as flinch. His eyes were dark. “I’ve never lied.”
 “Even that’s a lie,” Reno muttered.
 Tseng turned off his monitor. “Don’t make a mess on my desk this time.”
 “No promises.” It was all the warning Reno gave before he tugged Tseng closer and crashed his lips on his. There was nothing smooth or gentle about what they did—about the way Reno cleared the desk with a crash or Tseng pulled at his jacket, almost tearing it. This wasn’t a relationship, wasn’t anything more than just pent up emotions needing a release.
 And if that release was something physical, almost always bruising, then all the better. Hell, if he left enough marks on Tseng’s perfectly clear skin, then perhaps he could pretend he’d actually protested what they’d done.
That he’d tried and quelled the ghosts that refused to leave him alone.
  vii. Rude
“What if we flew away?” Rude asked, glancing at Reno as they flew the helicopter to Shinra’s building. There was a strange lit in his voice, one that took Reno several seconds to recognize as hope.
 “Back to headquarters?” he asked, playing dumb. Maybe it’d be enough for Rude to back away like he always did, take the coward’s way out.
 “No,” Rude shook his head. For once, he was being obstinate. “I mean…away.”
 It was his fault. He’d never been one for pillow talk, and that was the reason that Rude insisted on ambushing him everywhere else with these types of conversations. Hell, they were half-way to destroying AVALANCHE, and the man wanted to talk about escaping Shinra. Reno snorted, shutting it down immediately. “Like that’s fucking happening.”
 “But if it could?” Rude asked again, oddly insistent. His hands curled on the throttle as he eased the helicopter up. With his eyes hidden behind his sunglasses, it was hard to tell what he was thinking.
 “Fine.” Sittng back in his seat, he rolled his eyes. “Let’s say Shinra doesn’t kill us or hunt us down. Where would we go?”
 “One of those small towns on the outskirts?” Rude suggested, though he sounded like he’d thought this out for months. Maybe he had.  Maybe if Reno had just pretended to listen and slept through it all when they were in bed, he wouldn’t have to deal with that now. “There’s dozens of those.”
 “There’s a reason they’re small.” Reno scoffed, wrinkling his nose to the idea. He could barely handle them for a mission, let alone living in one. “What would we even do?”
 Rude shrugged, trying to sound casual. “Farm?”
 Reno snorted. “Can you imagine? Or maybe you could, but me? Do I look like a farmer?” He gestured at his body. Even on his best days, he knew exactly how scrawny he was. In all honesty, he’d always been a city boy; even the slums here were more interesting than some backwater town.
 “There’s other things to do.” Rude flicked a switch and pressed a button. “It’s a small town, not the middle of nowhere.”
 “Might as well be.” Reno watched as they got closer and closer to the tower. Any minute now, they’d have to jump out. Getting up, he glanced at Rude. “You good now?”
 Something about him deflated as he nodded. “Yeah. I guess.”
 Reno bit back a groan. This is why he shouldn’t have even encouraged him. What a pain the ass. Looking out the window, he grumbled, “We can talk about this tonight, fine?”
 He could almost hear Rude smile. There was that annoying, hopeful sound again as he replied, “Yeah.”
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pip-n-flinx · 4 years
Because I am Tired of seeing Mass Effect Andromeda hate. We’re gonna do an analysis of why its a beautiful successor to the Mass Effect Trilogy under the cut.
Oh also spoilers. Just.... In case that wasn’t clear....
Mass Effect Andromeda definitely has a more ME1 classic RPG vibe to it, so most comparisons will be drawn from ME1 to MEA. However... MEA has the best combat system and character customization of any Mass Effect game. This isn’t entirely fair to the trilogy since its a newer game. But the addition of the jump jets, evades, and the vertical integration of the maps? Stunning. The ability to not only research rare items from the shop, build them yourself and install modifications at creation? Masterstroke. You’re telling me I can start incorporating alien tech into Initiative tech? AND VICE VERSA? Brilliant. You’re character customization can impact other characters in your family/you can customize your twin? I love it!!!! Phenomenal addition to the story telling bits the trilogy was working with.
On to Ryder, and their relative youth n such. They’re a relatively young whippersnapper with family ties to the Alliance. All these are available as options to Shepard. Wishing you could have your colonist background instead? F!Ryder has experience working on digs and can be played to be estranged from her family, in a brilliant parallel to Liara from ME1. Want to be a hardass/bootlicker mission comes first type MC? Take either Ryder twin’s time in the Alliance Military and make them nostalgic about it. Make them angry Alec ruined their career. And here, we have a beautiful Ashley Williams parallel. Want a more tragic backstory yet? Just wait til you finish Habitat-7. If two dead(sort of!) parents and a comatose twin doesn’t strike your fancy, I’m not sure how much more Bioware could have done! Also, unlike ME1 they didn’t break the show-don’t-tell rule of story telling. Shepard’s backstory is buried in the codex, while Ryder’s is out in the open. Shepard themselves is startlingly young to take commando of the SR1 at only 29 years old, replacing Space-Dad Anderson who would’ve been about 46 y/o during the events of ME1. Much like Ryder, Shepard is thrown into a position of leadership that they’re only nominally qualified for (because what could possibly prepare you for the beacon and the Reapers?!) And now both Shepard and Ryder have something of incredibly value stuck inside their head. SAM and the beacon are the initial plot drivers for MEA and ME1 respectively.
You’re first mission, while the game is still teaching you the mechanics, you lose a squadmate, as well as several side characters casualties to a bewildering and alien threat. Bioware didn’t pull any punches with those opening scenes, but I would argue Andromeda does a better job of setting up the Pathfinder team so that it hurts when you lose Kirkland. Certainly I was more attached to the Pathfinder team than I was to the 212 (Sorry Ash! Wish y’all had gotten more screen time!) But it really does a good job setting Ryder to struggle with their command. We know Sole Survivor was traumatic enough to require a pysch write up for Shepard, and certainly losing two members of the Pathfinder team (one of which is your Dad) and with Hayes and Fischer as casualties while also having the worst possible first contact will set you off kilter mentally.
Now let’s get big picture, thematic if you will. Where the Trilogy has set up AI or technology (Reapers) as the climactic extinction-event-messianic-death-cult-supervillain, Andromeda has set up the perfection/genetics-obsessed Kett as your new extinction-event-messianic-death-cult-supervillain. Which is both timely given the resurgence of racist xenophobic rhetoric all round the world (yea political commentary!) but also a classic story telling reversal. Flip the script on the original trilogy, don’t just rehash the same old shit!
Both the Trilogy and Andromeda do a reasonably good job of muddying the moral-tale. Only some of the Geth wish to worship the Reapers and extinguish organic life. The Quarians certainly didn’t give the Geth a fair chance before trying to destroy their creations. Similarly, while the Initiative relies on the SAM’s and the Pathfinder team more broadly, the Fire Fighters are more than willing to destroy their own tool, even when survival is uncertain, based solely on Knight’s experience with Project Overlord. Racial tensions abound in all the Mass Effect games, but Andromeda frequently goes out of the way to expose them as out of date. While the Trilogy does occasionaly subvert racial stereotypes Andromeda has a laundry list of characters who do so. Vetra Nyx, Nakmor Kesh, Sarissa Theris, Nilken Rensus, just off the top of my head. Kallo Jath is a Salarian haunted by the past, and Peebee is finally a good look at a less stoic Asari Maiden. Cora Harper is a great example of a xenophilic human, a stark contrast to the Ashley from ME1 (thank god that girl got some character development. her banter on the citadel doesn’t win her many fans...)
I’ll also never understand why people complained about the update to the Paragon/Renegade system. Bioware has long fallen into the trap of the false dichotomy, especially in their sci-fi games. With the Star Wars games, it can be forgiven because George Lucas and Disney have positioned the Lightside and Darkside as comical caricatures of a black and white morality. Space Opera. We get it. But finally getting and update to that model? I know Americans are brainwashed into binary choice by our two-party system, but surely gamers from parliamentary governments should be able to see that four directions is better than two? Only complaint is they have little in-game impact. And you know what, you got me there. At least ME1 provides in-game rewards for character behavior.
So when some butt-hurt fan says they still don’t like Mass Effect Andromeda, what they’re really saying is they hate how it defied their expectations. I know it exceeded mine. Bioware set out to make a spiritual successor to the Trilogy and I’ll be damned if Andromeda isn’t my favorite Mass Effect game yet. I really hope we get a second game in Andromeda. All of this is not to say I support crunch in the game development sector or that a AAA game released by one of the largest game developers should have visual glitches upon release. If you charge AAA prices, it shouldn’t need a patch for the VFX. I do think people who make that criticism overlook how wonky some of the old graphics in ME1-2 were, but I totally agree we should hold EA at least to higher standards on game release. The whole game industry dropping the ball (I’m looking at you Bethesda) doesn’t excuse it.
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tmbacorbett · 5 years
Book Teaser & Giveaway: Star Child by Petra Landon
Fantasy Adventure
Date Published: August 8, 2019
On her world, they call her star struck, but why do the stars beckon her so …
On a mining outpost in the Inner Worlds, a young woman dreams of the stars. When she falls in with a motley crew of bounty hunters seeking to avenge an injustice, Novi believes her dreams have come true. But her journey has just begun.
Led by the only man to bring the mightiest army in the sector to its knees, the crew is engaged in a wily cat and mouse game with the powerful Guild Coalition. With her new shipmates, Novi dodges space outlaws and greedy corporations, mingles with Synths and settlers, jumps the Star Portal Labyrinth and discovers a mysterious legacy bequeathed by the Gods. But each exhilarating adventure raises terrifying questions about her. Can Novi find the answers she seeks before time runs out for her?
Author's Note: This fantasy adventure in the style of a swashbuckling space western is set on far away exotic worlds. Adventure, intrigue and action abound in this tale of a feisty young heroine embarking on the quest of a lifetime.
The murmur of voices heralded her approach. Forewarned, Novi was careful to crouch silently behind the hatch cover.
“We’ve searched Ventini’s cargo” the leader announced, down in the chamber. “Where’s the box?”
Novi’s heart gave a lurch. Could they be searching for Zufon Ventini’s intricately carved box, she wondered. The one with the energy waves that affected her so powerfully. Back in the duct, she was subject to its pernicious effects again. A night’s rest away from it had not dimmed the potency of whatever lay hidden in the strongbox.
In the Rec Chamber, Kidani looked confused by the leader’s question. But Novi sensed the pilot come to the same realization as her.
The leader addressed Kali, his demeanor subtly menacing. “No more games” he warned. “Where’s the strongbox?”
The pilot said nothing and Kidani rushed into speech. “We don’t know anything about a strongbox. Cap’n didn’t tell us about it.”
“I’m the chef and he’s the pilot” she reiterated, pointing at the RimWorlder. “We do our jobs, but we don’t know much about Cap’n’s affairs.”
“With you, I believe it” the leader agreed suavely. “But I know who your Captain is — the hero of the Five Year War. That tells me this RimWorlder here was one of his Renegades. He knows more than he’s telling us.”
The leader seems to know a lot about this Cruiser and the Captain. Who is he?
Kidani opened her mouth to respond but the leader ignored her to signal the man with the flasher. The henchman stepped forward to hold the weapon flush against Kali’s head.
Kidani made a small movement before checking herself.
Novi watched anxiously from behind the panel as the leader asked Kali. “One last time, RimWorlder. Where’s Ventini’s strongbox?”
Kali said nothing, the dark eyes glowering at the leader.
The slinger with the flasher raised it to hit the pilot but the leader stopped him with a raised hand, to direct him to Kidani instead.
Novi watched with her heart in her mouth as the man strode to the flame-haired girl to point his flasher at her, while the leader unstrapped his to hold it on Kali.
“The box or she dies” he said calmly to the RimWorlder.
In the eery blue glow of the emergency lights, Novi could see the terror on Kidani’s face, though the girl stayed still and mute.
“I don’t know where the box is, but occasionally, Cap’n hides certain valuables in the duct” Kali responded, subtly raising his voice. He hoped the stowaway would get the message. The duct was no longer safe for her to hide in.
“The maintenance duct?” the leader inquired.
The pilot nodded once, sharply.
Shyte. I must get out — they’ll be in the duct soon.
The leader reached for his Hailer. “Seto, check out the maintenance duct. There should be an access from the Bay.”
An alarmed Novi scrambled hastily, making for her old hiding place in the passage by the unoccupied chamber. Not a moment too soon, for she could hear voices cursing in the access passage from the Space Bay as the thugs poured into the duct.
About the Author
An avid reader all her life, only recently has Petra allowed her own imagination to run riot. She loves to travel and reads everything she can get her hands on. Her idea of a good read is one where the story and characters linger, long after the book has been set aside. She strives to write fantasy with vivid characters and elements of adventure, mystery and romance juxtaposed together, since those are the tales she has enjoyed the most over the years. To share the stories swirling in her imagination is a labor of love and a lifelong dream come true for Petra.
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source https://www.tmbacorbett.com/2019/07/book-teaser-giveaway-star-child-by.html
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bookriot · 7 years
Phryne Fisher Gets a Movie Trilogy: Critical Linking
Today’s Critical Linking is sponsored by Renegade’s Pride by B.J. Daniels.
The Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries movie officially has a script and title! Every Cloud Productions, the studio behind the TV show, took to Facebook yesterday to share a photo of series stars Essie Davis (Phryne) and Nathan Page (Jack) holding copies of the script.
This is very exciting.
Juliette Ferrars’ story is far from over! Tahereh Mafi, who first introduced readers to the character in her bestselling Shatter Me series, will be continuing her adventures in a new three-book arc, EW can announce exclusively.
Restore Me, Mafi’s latest novel in the series, will follow the new Supreme Commander as she attempts to lead Sector 45 with Warner at her side. But when tragedy strikes, Juliette will be tested, leading her to see if she can use her ability (to kill with a single touch) after all.
Despite the fact that Elisabeth was seemingly taking a nod from Hillary Clinton’s “Women’s rights are human rights” mantra, the comments of the cast did not sit will with fans, many of whom (understandably) see this story as women fighting back against oppression, something that is inherently feminist. And it’s worth noting that “feminism” is not a dirty word, or something to shy away from. It’s something that should be embraced, as it is essential to the fight for the future.
The cast of The Handmaid’s Tale Hulu adaptation deny that the story is a feminist one (that’s just objectively incorrect), fans are not happy, etc.
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And All Would Cry Beware! (Tales of the Renegade Sector)
Old-School FPS/Metroidvania Hybrid. Step through a portal to a mysterious world.
Buy it for $7.99 (Windows, Mac)
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renegadesector · 2 years
Tales of the Renegade Sector Games are in the Steam Autumn Sale!
Get big discounts on Short, Pulpy, Low-Poly Action and Action-Adventure Games!
Steam Page
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uros · 5 years
125 apps, juegos y personalización de pago gratis o con descuento
Casi llegamos al fin de semana, y toca dejar antes una de las semanas más ajetreadas para el sector de la telefonía en lo que llevamos de año. El pasado miércoles conocimos por fin la nueva coexistentes de la serie Galaxy Note, formada por los Note 10 y Note 10+ de Samsung, y ese mismo día pudimos probar la sexta y última traducción beta de Android 10 Q. Por otra parte, ha sido la semana en la que Huawei nos ha presentado HarmonyOS, su sistema activo propio, adicionalmente de anunciar las novedades de EMUI 10. Así que, ¿qué mejor forma de desconectar que con una buena dosis de ofertas?.
Los desarrolladores que dan forma al catálogo de Google Play han decidido obsequiarnos con grandes ofertas y descuentos en algunas de sus mejores creaciones, hasta sumar un total de XXX apps, juegos y herramientas de personalización de pago que hoy, por tiempo pequeño, se pueden conseguir totalmente gratis o con interesantes rebajas.
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Acerca de Christian Collado
Growth Editor en Andro4all, especializado en SEO. Estudio crecimiento de software y escribo sobre tecnología, en particular sobre el mundo Android y todo lo referente a Google desde 2016. Puedes seguirme en Twitter, enviarme un correo electrónico si tienes poco que contarme, o conectar conmigo a través de mi perfil en LinkedIn.
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La entrada 125 apps, juegos y personalización de pago gratis o con descuento se publicó primero en El rincon de diego.
Por El rincon de diego
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scitydreamer · 3 years
Thunder Kid I and II
Thunder Kid I and II
A great robot empire has threatened to take over the world. A measly human isn’t enough to take them on, no. The world needs someone that has the strength of a robot with the beating heart of humanity. And so, the world’s hopes lie in a cyborg: Thunder Kid. Thunder Kid I and II are games by Tales of the Renegade Sector. I previously played his game Kill the Superweapon for this site and I…
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hermanwatts · 5 years
Science Fiction New Releases: 29 June, 2019
Desperate last stands, alien invasions, and the mysteries of Mars fill this week’s newest science fiction releases.
Alabaster Noon (The Four Horsemen: Omega War #12) – Mark Wandrey and Chris Kennedy
The invasion of Earth is a broken dream, a victim of Peepo’s ability to play the long game better than anyone thought possible.
With Alexis Cromwell shot in the back by her XO and the fleet in ruins, the Humans have run back to New Warsaw to lick their wounds, but the Merc Guild now knows the location of their hidden base, and they are in hot pursuit. Led by the New Era, a dreadnought built for the sole purpose of destroying humanity, they are an unstoppable force.
But the Golden Horde has been fortifying the system for a decade, though, and it won’t fall easily. The question, though, is whether the Humans can summon the will to defend it. With Alexis gone, the Winged Hussars are in turmoil, and their morale is at an all-time low. Humanity’s space fleet is in a shambles, and Sansar Enkh realizes her dream of being unable to stop the dreadnought is about to come true, despite her best efforts.
The final battle is at hand, with the survival of mankind at stake. The sun is at its zenith as the forces take the field—will the Humans crush the Merc Guild forces and take their place in a new hierarchy, or will the sun forever set on humanity?
Battleground (Black Fleet: Unification War #1) – Joshua Dalzelle
This war was inevitable.
After two brutal, bloody struggles for their very existence against implacable alien foes, humanity is victorious, but not at peace.
As distrust and accusations consume the political discourse between the two major factions, the Eastern Star Alliance military has already begun executing small raiding missions into United Terran Federation space. The Federation fleet, still reeling from the last war, is in no shape to try and protect its own borders.
Now, as diplomacy crumbles and tensions escalate, the ESA has moved into a Federation star system and declared it for themselves. Desperate, the Federation deploys a full task force commanded by Admiral Jackson Wolfe to try and defuse the situation, hoping his reputation forces calmer heads to prevail. Wolfe knows that even if he can stop the ESA here, the die has been cast. Humanity’s march to war with itself cannot be stopped.
Black Amazon of Mars (The Illustrated Stark #3) – Leigh Brackett and Star Two
Danger Awaits in the Far North!
Long ago, an ancient evil was sealed away in the northern wastes of Mars by the legendary hero, Ban Cruach. A powerful talisman of Ban Cruach has been stolen–the thief’s dying wish is that it be returned by Eric John Stark to its rightful place in the City of Kushat which stands before the Gates of Death!
Before Stark can reach Kushat, he and the Talisman fall into the hands of a mysterious warlord named Ciaran, who prepares to lead a warband against Kushat and beyond. Undeterred by superstition, Ciaran seeks the power and riches that are said to lie beyond the Gates of Death and Ban Cruach’s eternal vigil!
Ciaran may bring destruction not only to the northern city states but all of Mars, if Kushat should fall and the Gates of Death be thrown open before his hordes!
Hale’s War (The Ember War: Terra Nova Chronicles #4) – Josh Hayes and Richard Fox
The Battle for Terra Nova rages!
The Triumvirate comes to conquer Terra Nova, landing an overwhelming assault by the surface by Netherguard and Ultari warships in orbit, laying siege to the human colony.
As the battle grinds on, Governor Ken Hale leads the defenders in a desperate battle for survival. Hoping beyond hope that help will arrive in time to save them.
Chief Kit Carson and her Pathfinders, with their new-found allies in tow, race home, praying they make it in time and that their efforts are enough to defeat Emperor Kyrios and his forces.
Hale’s War is the final installment in the Terra Nova Chronicles which takes readers on a wild ride or war, redemption, and salvation that culminates in this epic conclusion!
Invasion (Forgotten Vengeance #1) – M. R. Forbes
Two hundred years ago, aliens invaded Earth. A violent war followed. The enemy won.
Some of us escaped… …most of us didn’t.
On Proxima they flourished – the invasion forgotten. On Earth we floundered – the horror began.
Their world is advanced, peaceful, and secure. Our world is broken, savage, and overrun.
A new invasion is coming. A hunger that has swallowed half the universe.
They don’t care which planet we live on. They want to end us all.
But where there is life, there is hope. And where there is hope, there are heroes.
This time, vengeance will be ours.
The Mars Shock (Sol System Renegades #6) – Felix R. Savage
A ground war on Mars. No end in sight.
After the fall of Phobos, humanity’s life-or-death struggle against the PLAN has slowed to a bloody slog across the wastes of Mars. Slaughtering Martians is all in a day’s work for combat robot operator Jennifer Colden. But every kill takes a toll on her humanity.
A crisis erupts in the Olympus Mons sector …
As danger engulfs Earth’s troops, an NGO employee and a spy, stranded behind enemy lines, hike desperately towards safety. Colden’s team is dispatched to rescue the pair, striking deep into unknown territory.
The truth about the PLAN is exposed at last.
A grisly discovery at the foot of Olympus Mons shatters Colden’s expectations. She thought she was ready for anything. But is she ready for the most dangerous job on Mars: the role of protector.
The PLAN will not be complete until the last human dies.
Renegade Descent (Renegade Star #1) – J. N. Chaney
The Celestial War has arrived.
Captain Hughes and his team of rebels have created a shaky alliance with the same government that sought to end them, but even that might not be enough.
In order to combat the Celestial threat, Jace will need to convince the Sarkonian Emperor to not only join his cause but lend him the resources he needs to overpower the enemy.
The battle for tomorrow will take more than any single empire can manage.
Each side will have to learn to work together if they ever hope to overcome their shared enemy, but allies are not easily made from enemies, and not everyone will be as eager to stand side-by-side.
With allies like the Union and the Sarkonians, who needs enemies?
The Reservist (Galaxy’s Edge: Order of the Centurion #5) – J. R. Handley, Jason Anspach, and Nick Cole
They promised him one weekend a month. The House or Reason swore the 9th would never leave their gentle homeworld. But after Kublar, things changed for Sergeant Fetch and the Caledonian Reserve Legion Corps. Thrown into a meat grinder conflict in a desperate bid to hold the line, it doesn’t matter whether you’re reserve or active, only that you kill and survive.
A searing tale of combat and honor at any price from a wounded veteran of the War in Iraq who fought to keep the MSRs open from Mosul to Tikrit.
Science Fiction New Releases: 29 June, 2019 published first on https://sixchexus.weebly.com/
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
Ethiopia's military chief, president of key area shot useless; web reduce nationwide amid wave of violence, political instability
http://tinyurl.com/yxlo288q Addis Ababa: Ethiopia’s authorities foiled a coup try in a area north of the capital, Addis Ababa, and the nation’s navy chief was shot useless, the prime minister mentioned Sunday. The failed coup within the Amhara area was led by a high-ranking navy officer and others throughout the navy, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, sporting navy fatigues, introduced on the state broadcaster. On this picture constructed from video, Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed publicizes a failed coup as he addresses the general public on tv. AP In a associated improvement, the top of Ethiopia’s navy was shot useless within the capital not lengthy after the assault in Amhara, throughout which troopers attacked a constructing wherein a gathering of regional officers was going down, Nigussu Tilahun, spokesman for the prime minister, informed a information convention Sunday. The regional president and no less than two different officers had been among the many victims of that assault, he mentioned. The violent assault in Bahir Dar, capital of Amhara, was linked to the next assassination of military chief Gen. Seare Mekonnen, who was shot useless by a bodyguard at his residence in Addis Ababa. A retired military basic visiting the military chief on the time was additionally killed in the identical assault, mentioned the spokesman. “There’s a hyperlink between the 2 assaults,” Nigussu mentioned. The assault in Bahir Dar was allegedly led by a renegade brigadier who had not too long ago been pardoned by Ethiopia’s prime minister after being jailed for some offenses. Many of the perpetrators of the assault in Bahir Dar have been apprehended and others are being hunted down, mentioned the spokesman. The US Embassy reported gunfire within the capital Saturday and urged folks to watch out. In Bahir Dar residents informed The Related Press they might nonetheless hear gunshots late Saturday. Ethiopia’s web seemed to be shut down on Sunday. The tried coup in Amhara is the newest problem to Abiy, who was elected final yr as a reform-minded younger chief. Abiy has captured the creativeness of many along with his political and financial reforms, together with the shock acceptance of a peace settlement with bitter rival Eritrea, the opening of main state-owned sectors to personal funding and the discharge of 1000’s of prisoners together with opposition figures as soon as sentenced to dying. Alongside the way in which he has confronted some challenges. In June 2018, solely months in workplace, an try and hurl a grenade at Abiy prompted a lethal explosion at an enormous rally in help of the sweeping adjustments in Ethiopia. 9 police officers had been arrested over that incident, state media reported. In October rebellious Ethiopian troopers protested over pay, inflicting a safety incident within the capital. Ethiopia’s military is without doubt one of the largest in Africa. The nation is a key regional safety ally for the US and others within the restive Horn of Africa area. Your information to the newest cricket World Cup tales, evaluation, studies, opinions, dwell updates and scores on https://www.firstpost.com/firstcricket/series/icc-cricket-world-cup-2019.html. Comply with us on Twitter and Instagram or like our Facebook web page for updates all through the continuing occasion in England and Wales. !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) {if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function() {n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments)} ; if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window,document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '259288058299626'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/en_GB/all.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.9&appId=1117108234997285"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); window.fbAsyncInit = function () { FB.init({appId: '1117108234997285', version: 2.4, xfbml: true}); // *** here is my code *** if (typeof facebookInit == 'function') { facebookInit(); } }; (function () { var e = document.createElement('script'); e.src = document.location.protocol + '//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js'; e.async = true; document.getElementById('fb-root').appendChild(e); }()); function facebookInit() { console.log('Found FB: Loading comments.'); FB.XFBML.parse(); } Source link
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swipestream · 6 years
New Release Roundup, 26 May 2018: Science Fiction
This week’s roundup of the newest releases in science fiction features alien invasions, civil wars, space rogues, and, perhaps the most dangerous of all, an experience mercenary seeking to alleviate his boredom.
Alliance Armada (The Alliance Trilogy #2) – Michael Wallace
After fending off the Adjudicator attack, the Alliance learns that the enemy is preparing a final, exterminating push against the human systems and their allies, the Hroom Empire. To buy time while building their forces, the allies send Captain Jess Tolvern and her sometimes rival, the former pirate Catarina Vargus, in command of a fleet to raid and reconnoiter the aliens’ own home worlds.
They cross the inner frontier into systems torn by novas and black holes to find the aliens, who have hidden themselves in a previously undiscovered system, where they are awakening an ancient machine with the capability of devouring entire starships.
Civil War (Broken Worlds #3) – Jasper T Scott
Darius vaporized the Cygnian home world to end the war before it began. It didn’t work.
Little does he know, he’s been played for a sucker from the start. Terrible as the Cygnians are, there is a more ruthless enemy manipulating the Union to tear itself apart in a bloody war between the Revenants and the Cygnians.
Darius is surging up the ranks in the Revenant fleet, winning victory after victory, but they’re all hollow with his daughter, Cassandra, frozen in cryo and no way to safely wake her.
As the war draws to its bloody end, the puppeteers behind the conflict appear and reveal that they also hold the strings to Cassandra’s fate. Darius must deal with the Union’s real enemy and make a horrific choice: either save his daughter, or save the galaxy.
Dogs of War (The Ixan Legacy #3) – Scott Bartlett
The Invasion Has Begun.
The Progenitors are here, and Captain Husher knows the galaxy isn’t ready. He spent his entire military career preparing, but it wasn’t enough.
As the Interstellar Union continues to flail and colony after colony is consumed, Husher must make some impossible choices. About what to save. And what to let fall to the onslaught.
If he can’t find a way to oppose the Progenitors, they will sweep through the multiverse like fire through a parched forest.
It all comes down to this.
Legend (Four Horsemen Tales #1) – Christopher Woods
At a time when Humans were just starting to venture forth into the Galactic Union as mercenaries, Martin Quincy survived long enough to do something no one else had—he retired.
There was only one problem. He got bored.
After battling aliens for many years—killing aliens and getting paid—retirement didn’t suit him, and he decided to strap on the combat armor and go back to the stars. Along with his old friend Kal, Martin joined Cartwright’s Cavaliers, humanity’s best merc company. Life was exciting!
But he got bored. Again.
What does a ‘Legend’ do when even the merc life gets boring? He starts his own company! Can Martin form a merc company out of non-merc races and stand up for the downtrodden of the galaxy, or has his long string of good luck finally run out? One thing is for sure—with Torvasi and Andori troopers, and a Sirra’Kan princess as his partner, he won’t get bored again!
The Legend Fulfilled (Seers of Verde #1) – M. L. Williams
Marauders from a renegade planet attack an Earth colony ship forcing landing parties to split into two groups in a desperate attempt to escape. The attackers are killed, but the colonists pay a terrible price—their vessels are destroyed, stranding them without their technology on either side of an imposing mountain range on the planet Verde Grande.
Descendants of a mysterious Seer now protect their people but become the bane of the hunter society on the other side of the mountain. All attempts to scale the mountain are thwarted for two centuries by the powerful Seers who want to preserve their religion and way of life no matter the cost.
One day, a party of hunters sets out to climb the mountain. To their dismay, the Seers cannot control a strange unreachable young woman who finds the passage to their protected valley. The reunion triggers a decades-long conflict between the Seers and the children of the “lost ones”—a struggle that forever changes the people of Verde Grande.
Mercury Blade (Valyien #1) – James David Victor
On the run with a stolen alien artifact that could ultimately destroy humanity. Chased by the most powerful military force in the galaxy and the most notorious criminal overlord in the sector. No problem for the fastest ship in the known universe.
Eliard Martin is captain of the Mercury Blade, the fastest ship in the galaxy. With his small crew, he travels the stars looking for adventure and profit. When he tries to pull one over on a dangerous criminal overlord, he soon finds himself on a mission that will lead to more danger than he has ever faced before. With the help of a mysterious stranger, who is clearly more than she appears, they will fight to stay one step ahead of the most powerful forces in the galaxy. Can the crew of the Mercury Blade fly their way to freedom or will they be crushed by the opposing forces seeking their demise?
Negation Force (Obsidiar Fleet #1) – Anthony James
The human Confederation has known an unprecedented time of peace, unheard of in a universe where every other species is not only technologically advanced, but also incredibly hostile.
The good times are about to end.
Out on the fringes, the planet Atlantis is attacked by an alien foe remembered only by the oldest members of the Space Corps. These aliens – known as Vraxar – have conquered thousands of worlds, fighting without cessation against every life form they discover. Now it is humanity’s turn.
The lives of strangers are intertwined and together they must try and salvage something from this first exchange in a war that will not end until one side is utterly defeated. Luckily, the Tillos base holds secrets of its own…a warship with an exceptionally powerful Obsidiar core is contained within an underground bunker. It is the only hope for Atlantis…
Obscura – Joe Hart
In the near future, an aggressive and terrifying new form of dementia is affecting victims of all ages. The cause is unknown, and the symptoms are disturbing. Dr. Gillian Ryan is on the cutting edge of research and desperately determined to find a cure. She’s already lost her husband to the disease, and now her young daughter is slowly succumbing as well. After losing her funding, she is given the unique opportunity to expand her research. She will travel with a NASA team to a space station where the crew has been stricken with symptoms of a similar inexplicable psychosis—memory loss, trances, and violent, uncontrollable impulses.
Crippled by a secret addiction and suffering from creeping paranoia, Gillian finds her journey becoming a nightmare as unexplainable and violent events plague the mission. With her grip weakening on reality, she starts to doubt her own innocence. And she’s beginning to question so much more—like the true nature of the mission, the motivations of the crew, and every deadly new secret space has to offer.
Stones of Silence (Cochrane’s Company #1) – Peter Grant
The secret is out – the Mycenae system is the hottest new mineral find in the spiral arm. Now it’s about to become ground zero in a gold rush by every crooked company and asteroid thief in the galaxy.
Andrew Cochrane, with his crew of the finest veterans and cunning rogues, have an even better scheme. They’ve conned the owner into hiring them as a mercenary security company to defend the system. With no oversight but their own, Cochrane’s Company plans to seize the richest pickings for themselves.
But nothing ever comes easy. If they want to keep their loot, they’re going to have to outwit and outfight every smuggler, bandit and renegade after the same prize – and their boss, too!
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned #24 – edited by Daniel Arthur Smith
This twenty-fourth issue of Tales from the Canyons of the Damned consists of four sharp, suspenseful, thought provoking short stories and one poem-each from a different featured master of speculative fiction.
Mephisto—Hunter C. Eden The Food Police—Lara Frater The Three Ds—C.C. Ameel Ash—Ian Garner The Lost Tapes–Aubrey Blackburne—Daniel Arthur Smith
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned is a dark science fiction, horror, & slipstream magazine we’ve been working on since 2015. What is Dark Science Fiction and Horror? Think of it as a literary Twilight Zone, Night Gallery, or Outer Limits, it’s Netflix’s Black Mirror and Amazon’s Electric Dreams in the short story format. And it’s a bargain. Each monthly issue has three-to-five sharp, suspenseful, satirical tales from today’s top speculative fiction writers.
These are Dark Sci Fi Slipstream Tales like you’ve never read before.
Vigilante (Vigilante Chronicles #1) – Natalie Grey and Michael Anderle
One man leaves the life of a lawman behind him and works to clean up a new area in space.
On the planet now known as High Tortuga, the mine workers are far too close to being slaves so the ruler of the planet shut them down. Except for the mine owned by Venfirdri Lan.
He’s taken his mine off the grid and decided to keep everything running. With no need to pay the workers, profits should be good. After all, who’s going to stop him?
He had no idea there was a new type of man working for justice on the planet. A man named Barnabas.
In fact, he didn’t even know who Barnabas was. But he’s about to.
Once Upon a Time in Gravity City – presented by RiffRaff Publishing
In the far reaches of space, the celestial body known as Nebuna is the home to a metropolis with a bad attitude and an expansive wasteland filled with legends and mystery. The tales you are about to read will give you an unflinching ride through the crime-infested gutters and corruption of GRAVITY CITY and the wondrous world that lies beyond city limits!
New Release Roundup, 26 May 2018: Science Fiction published first on https://medium.com/@ReloadedPCGames
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