#Bible Games
Perfect game to grow love for Christianity
If you love to test your knowledge of Christianity, check out the Jesus Bible Trivia Quiz game and test your knowledge of Biblical stories. The questions begin easily, and as you proceed, they become more challenging. But you will get the answer to every question in detail. So, try the game today and test your knowledge.
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wolfythewitch · 4 months
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jesus in the hades art style
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biblenewsprophecy · 3 months
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thekimspoblog · 11 months
The thing about Bible themed video games, is that you just KNOW if an atheist made one, it would be metal as fuck. You could totally make a historical fantasy/action-adventure game set in North Africa and the Middle East between 1000 BC and 200 AD, with the premise that all the gods and monsters people believed in at the time really existed. I want to fight a giant with a slingshot! I want to see someone blow a horn so hard that a city's wall crumbles!
The problem is that Bible games have a bad reputation, because most of the people who make them have an agenda which conflicts with any of the game's potential to be entertaining or educational. They keep trying to convert people with the lamest "how do you do fellow kids" tactics, instead of just celebrating the source material for the quasi-historical psychadellic bloodbath that it really is.
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iloveabunchofgames · 2 years
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And All Would Cry Beware!
by Tales of the Renegade Sector
Price (US): $9.99
Included In: Indie Bundle for Palestinian Aid, Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality
Genre: Shooter
Pitch: A story-driven first-person shooter on an alien world, with a bit of exploration and backtracking.
My expectations: The Itch page calls it an "old-school-style" shooter. I'm mildly skeptical of that claim. It looks like a basic Unity shooter with low-resolution textures. Whatever. I love shooting and Metroid-ing. The game and the developer both have names that sound like your high school's most audacious bands. Expectations are high.
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You have a gun. You get a new gun. The new gun offers different advantages in combat and can open routes blocked by obvious barriers. These routes lead to new guns.
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And They All Would Cry Beware! Is a competent, playable shooter that offers nothing special. It handles exactly like every other indie shooter made in Unity. (Though you’ll need to go through something like Steam if you want to adjust aim sensitivity on a controller.) Enemies types are all distinct, but their movement and attack patterns are uninspired, as is their abstract, geometric shape design. Likewise, the small, alien world’s regions are varied enough that you won’t get too lost while backtracking, but it’s never exciting to step into a new biome. There’s no atmosphere.
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The path is littered with transcribed audio logs that fill in a story that’s Stargate meets The Book of Genesis.
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I got stuck right at the end and had to look for hints in the Itch comments section, where someone mentioned rocket jumps. I’d previously shot a rocket at the floor and died, but I guess the two were unrelated, and I was just supposed to know I could safely hop on explosions. Ugh.
+ A complete, reasonably passable passable game that can be finished in an hour or two. + Breezing through old areas with powerful new weapons is satisfying. It helps that everything has unlimited ammo. + Different areas look and sound different, easing in navigation. + The most Biblical shooter since Super 3D Noah's Ark.
– Doesn't excel at anything. – Bad UI. Just a bunch of flat, garish rectangles. Worst of all are the Health pips, which so small they're practically invisible. Poor feedback in general. It's hard to tell when you're taking damage and from what direction, made worse by the aforementioned Health indicator. Enemies flash and shake when hit, but they can be hard to see around your own bullets, and guns have a deceptively short range, so what looks like a perfectly aimed shot might not be doing anything. – Very few hidden collectables. Just enough to trick you into thinking exploration is important. It's not. – Did I miss something? I thought I was paying attention. I read every written word I encountered. How was I supposed to know that jumping on an explosion (which, again, I thought had killed me because I couldn't identify what had actually killed me) was necessary to reach the end? Hiding collectables to reward players who have Quake on the mind is great, but if a move as illogical as rocket jumping is part of the critical path, you better make sure I know about it.
🧡🧡🧡🤍🤍 Bottom Line: While I didn't have a bad time with And All Would Cry Beware, and I was charmed by its poetic aspirations, it's hard to recommend a shooter that's this thoroughly average.
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shouts-into-the-void · 5 months
I really don't think we appreciate how feral Renee is. Like, she puts on the front of a good Christian girl, and she is trying so hard, but the second anything goes slightly wrong she defaults to crime immediately.
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lovechristianity · 2 months
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Since when mocking other people’s religion becomes freedom of speech or art ???
Olympics truly transformed from a historic classy event into a disrespectful hideous event.
So Sad a country of beauty, history, culture, art, class, and home to many beautiful Churches to accept such unethical actions.
As a Christian I don’t accept this on my religion or any other religion muslim and etc…. Id rather boycott the olympics !
Don’t mock my savior !!!
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hrrystylesbookclub · 10 months
here’s the thing:
sejanus thinks he’s in a situationship with coriolanus (he’s not), meanwhile coriolanus IS in a situationship with lucy gray. sejanus knows about the snowbaird situationship but he’s all ‘i know im not your only / but at least im one / i heard a little love is better than none’ except he ISNT ‘one’
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thepalepreist · 26 days
Vittorino inspired trauma art
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cephalosaur · 5 months
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squash1 · 2 years
“yOu HaVeN’t rEaD tHe cLaSsiCs”
oh. i’ve read the classics.
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The best Bible game on App Store
Stay in touch with your roots by playing the Jesus Bible Trivia Quiz game. It is a perfect game for people who want to learn and increase their faith in God. You can play the Bible quiz game with your family and friends anywhere you are comfortable. Enjoy learning by downloading the app from App Store.
Download Christian faith based trivia quiz for iOS
Download Christian faith based trivia quiz for android
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mileapo · 9 months
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mockingjaysnakes · 8 months
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ETYMOLOGY | The mentors, part 1.
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humanoidhistory · 8 months
Bible-based video games, 1992.
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ximiiixx · 18 days
imagine cove as your bodyguard. i see a lot of rockstar!cove aus that i gobble up without even a modicum of decorum, so imagining a music artist mc (of whatever genre, although i think it'd have to be mainstream for the 'bodyguard' aspect to be believable - either that or you're the one making the genre mainstream, hehe) with cove as a bodyguard...
and he's so good at making you feel safe, even though he couldn't look big and tough to save his life - there's only rare instances where you get to see him serious (if only because you enjoy teasing him too much to ever see him with any expression that isn't flustered or embarrassed...)
he'll see a fan get too close for a picture or start to mouth off at you when you politely deny any stopping in favor of keeping on schedule (your monochromatic manager, lenient as he is, prefers running a tight ship), and all pretense will be thrown out the window as he approaches with no little sternness and wards them off so you can pass. and when he looks back at you to make sure nothing happened, he's so thoughtful and concerned and it makes your heart flutter and melt all at once.
oough, thinking of you asking him to feature on one of your tracks a la government hooker...and when asked why you wanted him to be on your song instead of a fellow singer, you reply that "his voice is hot. do i need another reason?"
and he's sitting backstage watching this interview go down, face flushed to high heaven - and god, he can't even look at you when you get back because he just knows acknowledging your imploring gaze will lead to at least a week's worth of teasing...
maybe he likes it, though - when you tease him. maybe he thinks about that spark in your eyes lighting the fuse of your words a little more than professional standards dictate - rolls your words over in his head like stirring honey into tea, sweet and sublime and all too easy fodder for him to get lost in daydreams and fantasies; the kind of which he'd never had before you.
but he's still under your employ. so, for now, he'll keep those thoughts where you - and your pr team - can't see them.
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