#Tamaki panic attack
thehusbandoden · 1 year
Panic Attack -Tamaki x Reader
Ahh finally got a Tamaki one out!! Man I don't pay my baby enough attention 🥺// I was going to wait to post until tomorrow, but I've been working on this all day -like 5-30 minutes of writing before doing something else- and just couldn't wait to give my baby some love.
After a hushed argument with Mirio people start gossiping about Tamaki, accusing him of things he's never done, and whispering horrible things around him. After having a panic attack, he makes it to his your dorm, where you comfort your distressed Tama. | 1,186 words | fluff/comfort
Warnings!: Mentions of gossiping, social anxiety, and a panic attack.
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Tamaki is usually okay at school. As long as he didn't have to publicly speak, he left each room after the majority did, he had the availability to take a break, and most importantly, he had one of his best friends with him at all times. Even if it was just one, he honestly needed them to stay sane.
Today's been off. You got sick and so you had to stay home. And so Tamaki had to wait another ten minutes for Nejire to agree to take him to school. After they reached the door Nejire ran off to a meeting for the beauty pageant, leaving Tamaki alone in a semi-crowded hallway. Anxiety filled Tamaki as he kept his head down, walking on the sidelines, trying to find his locker and avoid interaction at all cost.
His breath got stuck in his throat as he felt a hand clasp his shoulder. He squeezed his eyes shut, trembling as he started growing smaller, sinking toward the floor.
"Tamaki! What's going on? Where's y/n?" A familiar warm voice hissed into his ear, causing him to calm down.
"Y-y/n's sick." Tamaki muttered, opening his eyes and partially straightening his posture.
"Okay?! What about Nejire!" Mirio countered, concerned for his friend. And even though he was just trying to help, the raised voice and whispers around Tamaki made him want to hurl, so he quickly turned to a locker, pressing his forehead against the cool metal.
"S-she had a meeting.."
"And she just left you!?"
"Mirio please..."
"Did she?"
"Yes! Obviously." Tamaki hissed, anxiety overwhelming his senses as he listened to the whispers about Mirio's persistence.
"Tamaki.. here I'll take you to class."
"No thanks." After a few more moments to collect himself Tamaki moved off of the locker and made his way to class, anxiety a lot worse then normal.
For the rest of the day Tamaki avoided Mirio, feeling hurt by his concerned nagging. It would've been alright if it was just them, but all those students were around and heard. And boy did word spread.
Students whispered to one another all day, gossiping about how Tamaki and Mirio were fighting, and how Tamaki lashed out. The story was shared countless times, and each time the story became a little more stretched, finally reaching a point where they were saying that Tamaki and Mirio were screaming at one another and that Tamaki was being a total jerk and that his entire personality was fake.
As the last bell of the day rang Tamaki swallowed hard, heart beating rapidly. As he waited for the students to shuffle back to their dorms he panicked as he realized that a lot of students were staying behind -watching him. As he felt their stares rake his body, panic set in, causing him to softly hyperventilate. Standing up, he shook as he started walking to the door, elvish ears picking up all of the students whispering.
"Look! That's the kid who tried to beat up Togata!"
"I heard that he's a pervert with a body count over 40. Stay away from him."
"I'mma beat that punk up for messing with Togata!"
"Hey.. isn't he that tentacle freak?"
"He's so pathetic looking! He'll never score a girl!"
"He's so.. ugly."
Tamaki's face flushed as his heart slammed against his chest, making it hard to breathe. The whispering made his head spin as tears pricked at his eyes.
Continuing to walk, he desperately tried to calm his breathing as he felt a massive panic attack evade his senses. It only worsened as people surrounded him, some giving him looks and whispering to each other.
The attention only made his panic attack worse, causing his hands to shake. Walking out to the entrance, he swiftly made his way to the dorms, not noticing Nejire calling after him.
"Darnit Amajiki what's your problem?" She called, pouting as she watched him go.
You grabbed another tissue, blowing your nose. After discarding it into the trash next to your bed, you continued to scribble at your homework, frowning as you erased your answer yet again.
In your deep concentration, you didn't notice your boyfriend's your door being opened and closed. Nor did you notice your boyfriend sinking to the floor, hugging his knees to his chest, tears finally falling down his face, limbs shaking.
After another half hour or so you finally noticed Tamaki as he crawled into his your bed, moving to be semi-close to you.
"Oh- when did you get here Baby?" You ask, smiling down at him as he moves his head to your shoulder.
"Just barely.."
You could tell by his voice and how he pitifully nuzzled his nose into your neck that something was off.
"Tama baby, what happened?" You coo, setting aside your work.
"Nothing.. just another day." His voice sounded heavy, and slightly cracked, something was definitely wrong.
"Love.. look at me." You whisper, gently grasping his face to hold in your hands, rubbing a thumb over his cheek.
You smiled sadly as he looked up at you, tears in his eyes and past stains marking his beautiful face. "Oh hunny what happened?" You ask softly, wiping away his tears.
"My love, it will be easier to let it out then hold it in. Trust me, I'm safe. It's just us. Just you, and me. Your y/n."
"Bunny am I ugly!? A-am I some freak because of my quirk!? D-d-d- Doyouactuallywanttobewithme!?" (Do you actually want to be with me) Tamaki sobbed, burying his head into your chest, clinging to you desperately.
"Baby! How- how could you think any of those horrid things!? You're not ugly, you're gorgeous, in no way are you a freak! If we're talking about your quirk, you have an amazing one! And of course I want to be with you! You're perfect for me! I couldn't never, and would never want to love anyone else but you! You, my adorable, shy, romantic, and gorgeous baby! What's got you thinking these things Bub?!"
Tamaki cried as he clung to you, still shaking. "I-it's a long story my love.."
"And I want to hear every bit of it."
You held him all night, and after a while he stopped sobbing and spent the rest of the night thanking and complimenting you, telling you how much he dearly loved you, and named every little thing he loved about you until he fell asleep, nuzzled into your arms. Tamaki ended up getting sick with you, so you spent days cozied in bed with one another, binging shows, telling stories, and simply just talking.
After you got better you had some harsh words with Mirio and Nejire, making them promise to apologize and he a lot more considerate. Afterwards, you had them help knock down the rumors and chew out anyone who whispered about Tamaki, and especially the ones who helped blow them out of porportion. They were quite willing to listen with three powerful year three students breathing down their necks.
When Tamaki got back into school he was surprised -and relieved- to find multiple apology notes stuffed into his locker, and many from Miro and Nejire in person.
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way, minus reblogging.
Tamaki's masterlist | Main masterlist | Requesting Rules
Tips <3
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hollowtakami · 7 months
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Keigo holding you close when you’re having a panic attack. Letting you hide yourself in his chest, listening to his heartbeat like it’s a lifeline.
He kisses the crown of your head gently, he runs his fingers through your hair as he works through taking deep breaths with you.
The weight of his embrace, the span of his wings wrapped around the two of you, your body cocooned in the safety of his arms; safer than the place you call your home, because Keigo is home.
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faulty-writes · 1 year
Maybe some headcanons where Bakugou, Tamaki, and Mirio are hit by a quirk that makes them behave mostly the opposite of themselves for a few days to a week.
Bakugou is kind and gentle towards the reader and so visibly in love. He's become quite the gentleman!
Tamaki is super energetic, extremely romantic, and declares his affections in front of at least his entire class.
And Mirio is so very, very gloomy but he's practically attached to the reader and says they're, "One of the precious few rays of light left in this gray, gray world."
[ I really like this request. Hah, personality changes are the best! ]
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Katsuki's behavior shocked everyone, including you. Being his usual hot-headed self, he ended up in a quirk accident that changed his personality. When Mr. Aizawa assured you, the effects would be only temporary, you were grateful because Katsuki acting so…sweet, and gentle was just as frightful as when he was his usual self.
Normally, he would be protective of you, but now it's different. "Here, I don't want you to get wet," he said, holding the umbrella over you while he got soaked. "Nothing will happen to me, but someone like you shouldn't be caught out in the rain," he smiled sweetly at you while you trembled in response.
If someone talked to you in the wrong way, he'd pull you close and say, "Please don't speak that way to Y/n, they mean a lot to me, yeah?" Despite this, his loving gaze resembled his angry one and you tried to believe that the real Katsuki Bakugou was still somewhere inside him.
"Let's cuddle!" he would announce bluntly, no matter who was around. If you didn't respond fast enough, he'd pull you into his lap by force. He'd have his arms wrapped tightly around your waist as he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck.
There was more thought put into your dates and he showed a greater interest in your hobbies. He would take you to your favorite restaurant or spend the evening in the dorm reading or watching a movie. He didn't get angry when others commented on how romantic or sappy he was, unlike before.
He could only react in anger when the effects of the quirk wore off and everyone shared the stories of what he did. "What the hell do you mean I did all that!?" He demanded, explosions sounding from his hands. It was only natural for you to smile because you missed the hotheaded Katsuki.
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"Stay close to me, I love you so much…you're so kind and sweet and I can't bear to be apart from you!" To say Tamaki's reaction was surprising would be an understatement. It was like his hero persona times a thousand when he talked so bluntly about his affection for you. But his sudden personality change was credited to a quirk incident.
"I got these for you! They're so gorgeous, just like you. I…I just wanted to thank you for being my biggest fan and….love. I love you so much! I don't care who knows it!" He said after marching over to your desk in the morning and presenting you with the largest bouquet of flowers you had ever seen.
"Wow, another love letter for you! Guess this quirk accident brought out the more loving side of Amajiki, huh?" Nejire teased. It was clear she meant no harm, but Tamaki's love letters were beginning to get out of control. Since the incident, you must have found one to two in your locker every day.
During training exercises, it was normal for friends to cheer for you, but Tamaki took that to another level. The fact that he shouted your name enthusiastically and formed letters with his tentacles was endearing, but it was also distracting.
"Don't rub it off this time, okay!" He said, pressing a small kiss against your cheek. "I just want to kiss you forever!" he exclaimed trailing kisses across your reddened face. You hoped you wouldn't have to adjust to his lack of shame when it came to public affection.
"T-that's horrifying! W-why would I d-do all that!?" He squeaked out, hiding his face behind his hands as he appeared to be close to a panic attack. While part of you missed the proud and outspoken Tamaki, this version was the one you loved.
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A quirk incident transformed Mirio into an emotional rollercoaster in a whole new way, and all the good parts of his personality vanished, leaving only doom and gloom behind.
As a result, he lost all his confidence and motivation, not to mention he questioned his purpose as a hero. "Don't get me wrong…having a quirk is great…but…my quirk is just so lame compared to others and if I don't have a cool, flashy quirk..then what's the point?" You wondered whether those were his real thoughts or if his mind was also thrown back to middle school.
"You're truly my only source of sunshine…the rest of this world is…dull and gray to me…" Mirio sought your company whenever and wherever he could, he didn't care if others were watching when he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close, almost as if he was trying to hide from the gray world he described.
As his self-confidence dwindled, he refused to attend class and skipped hero training. To your surprise, he began discussing new dreams unrelated to his previous lifelong dream of becoming a hero. These included exploring new interests and hobbies and you could only remain supportive.
"I can't stand this gloomy world without you. If you left…I don't know what I'd do…I'd just wither away," you assumed this was his way of expressing his gratitude that you hadn't abandoned him during the long week following the quirk accident.
"Hah! Wow, really? I can't believe that quirk accident made me think so negatively about becoming a hero and yes, my quirk may not be flashy but I can still save the world," he said after all the quirk effects wore off. Then he poked your nose and with a cheesy grin said, "Thanks for putting up with me! I totally owe you one!"
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animeyanderelover · 1 year
Can I request for Killua (HxH), Ciel, Alois, Ash (Black Butter), Tamaki, Midoriya (BNHA) and Rei Batsubami (Kakegurui) that when they get home they find their darling hidden in a closet (maybe even crying) because the poor darling was having a panic atack :c
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusion, paranoia, clinginess, abduction, panic attack
Darling has a panic attack
Ciel Phantomhive
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☕ He's slightly frustrated when he comes back home and can't find you nor do any of his human servants know where you are. You couldn't have escaped, he deduces that much when he asks Sebastian about your current whereabouts and the butler advices him to probably check on you, a shallow answer that irritates the Earl as he question the demon again about where you are, finally getting a useful answer from the demon. He heads to the room with quicker steps as Sebastian's advice just spells that something isn't right, although he doesn't see you upon first entering. Until he hears rapid breathing coming from the closet and opens the doors, revealing his darling curled up, trembling and breathing rapidly in and out, barely noticing him. Ciel just stands there for a few moments, blue eyes looking at you as he's unsure what to do. He has an idea of what is happening right now yet still doesn't know how he should act right now. After a few moments he bends down to your height.
☕ He asks you if it's alright to touch you, fully aware that it might not be what you want at the moment. When he has nightmares about the day he lost his family, he doesn't want to be touched either. Very careful and mindful as he guesses that he shouldn't overwhelm you even more, he just stays with you and talks with you. Just attempting to help you focusing on other stuff to calm you down and distract you and he does point out that you should slow down with your breathing, although he doesn't do breathing exercises with you as he doesn't know that that could help. When Sebastian peeks in and asks if the master wants him to prepare some tea to help his darling, he agrees before quickly dismissing the butler. Ciel stays patient and calm, attempts to ask you after you've calmed down what happened to you and if there was something that triggered you. If you experience panic attacks more often, he'll hire someone to assist you and help you.
Alois Trancy
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👅 Now, Alois rarely leaves his s/o alone at all and if he has to, he's usually in a really bad mood so that's more work for Claude. As soon as he returns to his mansion, he's about ready to throw another tantrum as he storms into the bedroom, violently pushes Hannah away who wants to inform him about something. He just throws the doors wide open, eager eyes searching for you as confusion shortly fills him as he initially can't find you. Then he hears the choked sobs coming from the closet and is already feeling the dread, when he rips the doors open only to find you hidden there, shaking and crying, he loses it. Let's be honest, Alois isn't the best in dealing with a panic attack as his attempts to help you are basically just smothering you whilst yelling at Claude, Hannah and the triplets to do someone to make you feel better. So there he is, kneeling down next to you and hugging you closely to his chest as he lashes out on his servants, especially those who were with you are screamed at as he blames them for not doing anything to help you.
👅Alois is probably even going to blame them for making you like this, the fact that his own actions such as his clinginess and his abduction might also be potential triggers for this don't even cross his mind, he's delusional after all. The aristocrat is basically threatening his servants to do anything to help you or otherwise he will punish them all, he just wants his darling to feel better and stop crying.  It's likely that at one point he'll start crying too because he's just so confused to why you're reacting like this and because he just wants it to stop, seeing your tears only makes him feel more paranoid. He's not leaving your side for the entire time either, glued to your hips and about ready to shout at anyone who interrupt you two. Even long after you've calmed down he refuses to budge as he's now triggered himself and for that paranoid. Alois will definitely question you about what made you feel this way and either you give him an honest answer or he'll just make his own conclusion and do something that isn't necessary.
Ash Landers
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▫️For the angel it is physically painful to leave his darling as he has sworn to protect them and keep them safe and sound from all harm. His plans to cleanse London unfortunately do require for him to leave you alone, he has to play his role as the Queen's butler after all. There's always a certain amount of anxiety at the end of those days as he hurries back to you. You have to give him one thing, Ash is unusually perceptive so there's this unexplainable dread when he returns and he just knows that something isn't right when he steps into the house. It's already enough for him to scramble to your room, noticing the muffled sounds coming from the closet. His hands are already shaking when he opens the doors but one look at your trembling form, eyes red and puffy from all the crying, and he's pushed over the edge and starts crying too. His poor darling! Ash falls down on his knees, hands still shaking as he tries to reach out to see if he can touch you.
▫️In all honesty, he's partially aware that he should stay composed but that is quite difficult when seeing you having a panic attack. He looks like he's about to have one too, asking you what he can do to make you feel better. Anything, he'll do anything to help you to calm down. He's very distraught and blames himself. If he would have just stayed with you instead of playing with that rotten puppet of his, you might have not suffered from a panic attack. Ash eventually manages to get you out of the cramped closet and into bed, even if he has to lift you up and carry you, so that he can better attend to your needs. He's doing the breathing exercises with his darling though as he notices that they feel a uncomfortable tightness in their chest and that they're clearly hyperventilating. At this rate he needs those breathing exercises just as much, he experiences similar symptoms. He skips the next few days and instead stays with you, terrified to abandon you again like he did before and leave you suffering all by yourself. It's his fault in his mind and that thought pushes him into punishing himself again.
Killua Zoldyck
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🪀 Killua is protective and paranoid as he's scared for his s/o and their safety, considering from which family he comes from. On the other hand he can't just take his darling everywhere, especially if he has certain things to take care of. Considering his occupation, Killua has keener senses than the average person so he notices that something feels odd when he returns home and it's when he picks up the sound of rapid breathing and muffled sobs that he storms to your room, eyes quickly falling onto the closet. As soon as he sees your form hunched over inside the closet, his heart just twinges because he can sense the waves of fear and dread coming from you. He still tries his best to stay calm though, crawls towards you and asks you what's wrong. He'd love to just take you in his arms, he has a feeling though that you might not want to be touched at the moment so he probably starts with slightly touching your hair and caressing it, doing his best to stop you from hyperventilating.
🪀 He's freaking out a bit on the inside as well as he's not used to dealing with someone who has a panic attack so he can only really guess what would help right now. At one point he gets you out of that cramped space though, head racing with thoughts of what he should do right now. He tries to distract you, gives you chocolate to munch on or suggests for you two to watch something to take your mind off whatever it is that made you panic. You end up eventually still in his arms as he cuddles you, his grip slightly tighter on you as some of your panic seems to transfer to him as he starts hyperfocusing on every little creak and sound, slightly paranoid as he doesn't know what triggered your panic attack. Or perhaps he doesn't want to consider that your abduction might be the potential trigger. Killua definitely watches over you more closely after that day though, scared that it'll happen again. He's upset that you had to go through something like this in the first place, wants to help you to not suffer from another panic attack anytime soon.
Izuku Midoriya
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💚 Between his life as a hero and self-proclaimed lover of his darling, Midoriya is far more often on missions to save people and catch the bad guys, time he sometimes would prefer to dedicate with his s/o. This guy is definitely through, he has some serious delusional issues going on to the point where he likes to think that you're unhappy when he's gone so he often buys you presents as a way to make it up for you. After a long day of work he is just looking forward to seeing you but his happy mood drops quickly when he enters your bedroom only to find you hiding in the closet, in the midst of a panic attack. Izuku knows what it's going on, I'd like to think that he's gone through something similar before, that doesn't make him panic any less though because it's his sweetheart suffering from a panic attack right now. His intention to comfort you is pure but he's probably being a bit too smothering in his approach as seeing you going through something so terrible is one of the worst things to him. Seeing you like this forces tears into his eyes.
💚 Midoriya switches sort of back and forth between drowning you in hugs and kisses and giving you sweets or other things in order to shift your focus on other things. If you like some specific food, he instantly gets it from the fridge, because he always has stocked up what you like. He does the breathing exercises with you, he's encouraging you to focus on him and he's sweetly praising you all the time, although he is very clingy. He's freaking out on the inside still and only gradually calms down when he realises that your heartbeat slows down a bit and your breathing normalizes itself. He's burning to ask you what triggered you but still decides to wait for a while longer, a while longer where he keeps you wrapped up in his arms. He dedicates a few pages to the topic of panic attacks afterwards, writes down what can help and buys items like different kinds of scents or just something to squeeze, basically anything to help you stay grounded.
Tamaki Amajiki
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🌗 Tamaki is also a hero and has to leave his darling at home. From a logical point of view he understands that it's necessary, he has to earn money after all to provide for the both of you but that doesn't make it any less nerve-wracking or fraught for him. His darling is his biggest comfort, his security blanket and even if their relationship is currently a bit strained due to his abduction, Tamaki emotionally relies on them a lot. He returns with hopes of not being yelled at only to come that close to suffering from a panic attack of his own when he sees you hidden in the closet, trembling and hyperventilating with tears cascading down your face. I'd still label him as the one who would deal with a panic attack the best simply because I genuinely believe that he has experienced them himself. So he knows what to do and first of all he wants to move you out of the closet and at least sit down on bed because it's already cramped as it is inside there and he wants to help you right now.
🌗He gets everything he can think of that could help, from a different assortment of scents to plushies to hug and squeeze to some herbal tea to hopefully soothe your nerves. Whilst you find yourself surrounded by all the different stuff he has given you, afterwards he's staying right next to you. Shaky hands are rubbing your back or are running through your hair all whilst he's trying to instruct you through the breathing exercises with you. Tamaki needs them right now too in order to not suffer from a panic attack too. He's having a relentless inner monologue, the voice in his head unable to shut up as it blames him for being the reason why you're currently going through such a horrible experience. What other explanation could there be after all? You've been unhappy ever since the abduction so it's his fault. It's that idea that ultimately pushes his own tears to fall down as he starts apologizing all of a sudden. He didn't mean for this to happen. He just didn't want to be abandoned by you. He'll do better from now on.
Batsubami Rei
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❣️After being freed from the Hundred Devouring Families, Rei has been able to live a fairly good and comfortable life. She's diligent and hard-working, dutiful with the job she has now. It's all for her darling after all who gave her new life a purpose, she wants to be able to provide for them. She always looks forward to seeing you after a long and tiring day of work but when she finds you in the closet, shivering and breathing rapidly, she quickly turns serious. She's been working as a servant for the Bami Clan since her childhood and she has definitely seen enough people being destroyed by them so she is familiar with what a panic attack looks like. She's taking on a composed and calm attitude though to give her darling a sense of security and safety as she gently kneels down to their height and starts talking with them to have them focus on her. She just starts having a conversation with her darling and talks about different topics to divert their attention from any negative thoughts.
❣️After a while she manages to talk you into leaving the closet and sitting down on bed, asks you if there's anything you want her to fetch you quickly. If there is, please tell her and she'll retrieve it for you. Rei is obviously concerned about why you're experiencing from a panic attack but she doesn't want to question you too intensely about what triggered it just yet. She doesn't want to risk you only panicking more so she just waits until you've calmed down enough before attempting to ask you what happened. In the meantime she just stays with you and talks about her own day and stuff she knows that you're interested in. She dotes on you slightly after you've calmed down as she advices you to sit back and take it easy for a while to recover from the emotions and physical symptoms you just experienced. Just let her serve you and take care of you for a while. Rei would like to know if there was a specific trigger and if you've ever had a panic attack before because if this turns out to happen more often, she'll definitely get you professional help.
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shxtodxroki · 1 year
𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜: 𝚃𝚊𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚒 𝙰𝚜 𝙰 𝙱𝚘𝚢𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍
Summary: What’s it like being in a relationship with Tamaki Amajiki?
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety, brief description of a panic attack, mentions of food
Pairing: Tamaki Amajiki x Gender Neutral! Reader
Word Count: 1.8k
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- First things first, getting together with Tamaki isn’t a quick or easy process in the slightest, and it's important that you recognize that before trying to pursue anything with him
- It’s painfully obvious to everyone who’s ever seen him that he’s very anxious and doesn’t put himself out there or take risks easily, so getting into a relationship with him requires a lot of patience, kindness and understanding
- That’s how he knows that you’re the person he’s meant to be with, though. You weren’t put off by how long it took for the two of you to get together, you stuck by his side and continue to show him every single day that you love and care for him despite his anxieties, and he appreciates the effort you put in so much more than he could ever tell you <3
- But back to when the two of you got together lol
- You’d definitely have to be the one to ask Tamaki out officially. No matter how much he wants to be with you, he just can not force a confession directly out of his mouth
- Believe me, he’s so infatuated with you that he has tried, but the words get caught in his throat and his breathing quickens rapidly, causing his vision to get spotty and tears to fall from his eyes
- He falls into a complete panic attack, so even though he likes you more than he’s ever liked anyone before, he knows he’ll never be able to confess to you :/
- Luckily for him, you like him too! :)
- You’ve been friends with Mirio since you first came to UA due to his friendly, talkative and extroverted nature, and of course when the two of you started getting close, he just had to introduce you to his “super amazing best friend Tamaki!”
- And it definitely took a few meetings for the two of you to warm up to one another. Tamaki’s shyness made interactions stiff and awkward for a while as you didn't know how to help him feel comfortable around you, but you continued to try to reach out to him, and Tamaki worked hard to push through the anxiety in his gut and meet you half-way in your efforts once he realized you were serious about wanting to be his friend
- From there feelings just kind of developed naturally on both ends. Your personalities fit together easily, like puzzle pieces finally being connected, and you were both drawn to each other in a way neither of you had felt before and mutual crushes eventually bloomed between the two of you
- And you had your suspicions that Tamaki may reciprocate your feelings, as he tried to show you this in his own way after realizing he’d never be able to confess his feelings to you directly, so one day after lots of debating and searching for signs of his feelings, you decided to bite the bullet and just ask him out already, hoping and praying that you wouldn’t scare him off and lose the friendship you had built up completely if you were wrong and he didn’t reciprocate your feelings after all
- Fortunately, you had nothing to worry about, though, as Tamaki eventually managed to sputter out an admission that he would really enjoy going on a date with you after his shock eased up enough for him to get the words out
- Once the two of you finally get together Tamaki’s very much not a PDA person, though I’m sure everyone could have guessed this
- PDA means that attention is on him, and that’s just something that completely makes him freeze up in public
- He doesn’t mind hand holding, though, as that doesn’t draw much attention, so holding your hand or linking your pinkies together is his way of showing you love and affection when the two of you are in school or out in public together
- Because Tamaki’s so shy and quiet, he doesn’t get a lot of time to share his opinions, and he spends a lot of time in his own thoughts. Of course he has Mirio and Nejire to talk to, he’s comfortable around those two, but they’re the only people he was really able to be completely open with until you came along
- But being with you just makes him feel so comfortable, for once in his life he doesn’t feel like every action he takes or every word that falls from his lips is being judged, so he opens up to you in a way that very few people get to see from him
- Eventually the two of you get to the point where he’ll blurt out whatever’s on his mind to share his thoughts with you when the two of you are alone, and it always leaves a smile blooming on your face at how comfortable he is around you as you respond to his opinions and share your own silly, mindless thoughts with him
- One way Tamaki copes with his anxiety when he’s at school is by gnawing at the skin on his lips when he feels stressed, which leads to his lips being pretty chapped most of the time
- He was really self-conscious about it and nervous about kissing you at the beginning of your relationship because of this, he always avoided pressing his lips to your skin in any way out of fear that the rough, jagged skin would make you uncomfortable
- But eventually he confessed these fears to you when you asked if you could kiss him after you two had been on a couple of dates, and you reassured him that you didn’t mind his chapped lips in the slightest, and that you’d never judge him for something like that
- And after that conversation you make sure he knows that you carry chapstick around with you and that he's welcome to use it if he likes, but that you personally couldn’t care less if his lips are always chapped and will happily kiss him either way. You just don’t want him to feel self-conscious when, in your eyes, he’s the most beautiful boy you’ve ever seen, so if some chapstick can alleviate some of his anxiety and make him feel more confident then you’re happy to lend yours to him
- He likes it best when you put it on his lips for him, though :] It’s such a gentle and domestic act that it makes his heart absolutely swell with love for you as his face is covered in a cherry blush at your close proximity
- You also carry around snacks for him, since you know it’s important for his quirk! You keep his usual snacks that he eats before training on you at all times, so that you can offer them to him if he forgets his own or even if he just needs a little pick-me-up 
- And in return he always carries around an extra water bottle just for you :> 
- He knows that with how busy your lives are it can be difficult to remember proper hydration sometimes, so when he buys himself a water bottle he also buys one for you (and customizes it with cute little stickers of your interests/favorite things like the previous, thoughtful boyfriend that he is <3) and keeps it with him at all times so he can make sure you’re staying hydrated whenever he sees you (which is like, all the time lol)
- Oh oh oh! So y’all know those cute little couple heart-shaped lamp things, the ones that let you send a tiny message to your partner and they’ll receive it on their lamp and that you can control from your phone?
- Tamaki totally buys those as a gift for you on your anniversary or something like that. At first he was worried you’d think they’re lame and cheesy and wouldn’t like them, and he was very thankful when you got all excited about the gift and wrapped your arms around him as you pressed kisses across his face and thanked him profusely
- He knows you get to see each other pretty much every day, but he still likes being able to send you a “good night, I love you” message on the little lamps every night, and he likes being able to turn off your light for you to make sure you get a good night’s rest <3 (He knows he could just send the message as a text, but this feels more cute and personal to him)
- One of the best qualities Tamaki has in your relationship is that he’s an excellent communicator. The thought of losing you makes him feel physically ill, so he never wants any serious issues to develop between the two of you and always communicates whenever he’s having any kind of trouble, and encourages you to do the same with him
- If there’s an issue he wants to resolve it calmly and quickly before it can blow up or get out of hand, and if you’re struggling with something and need support, then he always wants to be right by your side helping you through your struggles however he can <3
- I know I said this before, but he’s seriously so, so thankful for all that you do for him. You help him through his meltdowns and panic attacks and the stress of being a hero-in-training and you absolutely light up his life, he truly thinks you’re brighter than every star in the sky and he just wants to show you the same love and care that you always do for him
- He wants to repay your kindness, to be an equal in your relationship and support you the same way you always support him
- And y’all know how he always refers to Mirio as the sun? Well in his mind you’re his star, he kind of sees himself as the night sky and you light up his world, filling him with a brightness that helps keep him going and allows him to be just as amazing and beautiful as you <3
- “Star” eventually becomes one of his pet names for you, and his other favorites are typically “babe” or “angel”. He only uses pet names when the two of you are alone or maybe around Mirio and Nejire on his best days, though, so you always cherish them whenever he uses one
- And even after you two have been dating for years, he still flushes at every nickname or ounce of physical affection you give him <3 He never gets tired or bored of you and your affections, you’ll always leave a swarm of butterflies in his stomach no matter how long you’ve been together
- Cuddling with Tamaki is typically a balance between him being the little spoon and you being the little spoon, depending on the day
- If he’s had a rough day or is feeling down he likes to be held by you, burying his face into your chest as his safe space as he allows his breathing to even out and his mind to clear in your gentle hold while you whisper sweet words into his ears
- But sometimes he also wants to hold you, to show you he can protect you and comfort you as well. Especially when you've had a rough day, typically he’s not the one to initiate cuddles but if he can see you’re struggling then his mind fills with determination and he easily wraps you up in his arms, running his hands up and down your back to soothe you and holding you until your stress or pain dissipates <3
- Overall Tamaki’s genuinely the most soft, gentle and loving boyfriend you ever could have asked for. All he wants is to make you happy, to prove to you every single day that he’s worthy of your love and that he loves you unconditionally as well <3
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Request - Anonymous said: Could I get some headcanons for Tamaki? I love him so much 🥹🥹🥹🥹 anything fluffy please!
A/N: AAAA y’all I always get so excited to write for Tamaki, this was so much fun and he’s literally my favorite character so I’m ALWAYS down to write for him! :D This actually ended up being way longer than I meant it to be because I’m delusional for him lol, but I hope you guys enjoy this! I have the next 5 days off of school thanks to testing for the younger grades lol so hopefully I’ll be posting more writing these next couple of days! My requests are also still open as of now, so if you have any requests feel free to send them my way and I’ll get them added to my request list (linked in my navi) asap! :)
Taglist: @rebloglikeyouneedtoo @papijean @trashy-bowtie @thekaylahub @eunoiasa @applepie-macaroon @ghostofscarley @lemonadae-caekie @swiftbyul @shinsosmatcha
If you’d like to be added to any of my taglists, you can fill out this form here! Thank you for your support <3
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Miritama Headcanons (platonic and romantic)
The manga's basically over, so take some nonesense.
They made friendship bracelets at, like, eight years old that they both still have. They're purple and yellow. Tamaki's has a little sun charm and Mirio's has a little moon charm. They don't fit anymore.
They got married basically straight out of high school. They didn't have much more to learn about each other, and so dating felt useless. Everyone else was concerned when Tamaki had a panic attack at his own wedding.
Their relationship is far more stable than most of the cast. Midoriya and Uraraka both have intense PTSD, most KamiJirou scenes include Jirou getting increasingly frustrated. That's it for canon ships I'm willing to speak on. They don't have these problems.
After the war, all of the kids have mandated therapy. Tamaki gets put on anxiety meds within a day. His therapist recommended suing UA for medical negligence. He did not.
Mirio literally cried when Tamaki's meds worked properly. He'd never seen his friend/boyfriend able to talk to people so readily. Tamaki thought he did something wrong and started apologising. Nejire watch with popcorn.
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ugh-to-love-a-boy · 1 year
• Mirio being grateful His best friend found someone who loves him for him and has patience for when he has his meltdowns.
• He freaks out over the top, so no long hugs or lingering kisses, which you’d be fine with because you don’t want to push him over the top.
But he also freaks out in crowds if he’s not holding your hand. The most he’s ok with in public on a normal day is just holding hands.
• Though in private is a different story, he will practically be attached by the hip to you, cuddling, kissing, and just holding each other.
• being an honorary big three member even if quirkless because they know how much you mean to Tamaki
• Late-night hangouts with the big three are one of the only times he would truly hold onto you and kiss you.
• The only other time possible would be if you got hurt during a villain attack. He would be on the verge of a mental breakdown the entire time and somehow blame himself for it.
• If you were to get hurt so badly you had to be in the hospital, he would now live in your hospital bed until they kicked him out.
• During mental breakdowns and panic attacks, you just try to keep calm and make sure he knows you are there and there is nothing to be afraid of.
• If he were ever to get insecure about your relationship, thinking you deserved better or someone more stable, you would just sit in a chair next to him, staring at the wall, and hold hands with him till he realized how much you loved him.
• Dates would most likely be at-home movie nights, game nights, or just spending quality time together, which honestly is way better than near people.
• being besties with Nejire and her always having a weekly hangout' day
• Forehead kisses are very rare during hangouts, along with neck kisses when you are alone.
• As someone who has many boundaries, he would never ever try to push past his s/o’s boundaries.
• In his absolute amazement, he found someone as great as you who loved him without any weird reasons, just because you loved him for him.
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
S/O fighting them while under a mind control quirk
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[ SCENARIO ] [ Izuku, Nejire, Tamaki ]
[ My hero academia / Boku no hero academia ]
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Oh god, this take me way too long, much more that what i expected!! And I ended up making a lot of changes from how started!! 🙊🙊
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Izuku Midoriya
Whenever you two go on patrol or even confront a villain Izuku prefers to stay by your side, or at least keep you in their field of vision, it isn't that he doubt you but he won't be able to forgive himself if something happen to you and he didn't do anything to help (even if he hadn't the opportunity)
So, the moment he saw a villain attacking you, struguling while the villain start gaining the upper hand he panics, trying to make his way to you as fast as posible, , so when he finally reach to you he was ready to throw an attack against the villian just to be stoped by your own attacks, it surprised him so much that he didn't even had time to properly react
When he recover his balance he just stares at you with a shocked expresion, but you weren't answering when he calls your name and even continue attacking him, barely able to dodge your attacks, he was more focused in your emotionless expression, still calling out your name, desperatly asking you what happen
No matter how much he try to makes you react you never answer, leaving him with not other option than step back and hide for a moment to calm himself and think, it doesn't take him long get to the conclusion that you are under the villain's control
He tries to come up with a plan to finish with the villian without having to confront you directly, too scare to do so. Izuku will try just to avoid all your attacks and defend himself just if is need it, avoiding touch you fearing that he will hurt you
If he actually hurt you (even just a small scratch) he will just say a small "sorry" since in that moment he doesn't have time stop to check you, but later he will apologize hundreds of times
When the villain start mocking him for not just attack you right away it makes her feel uneasy, he gets really mad at the villain but he tried to just brush it off and just focus in his plan
With more time pass your attacks start become stronger and faster, even a little bit more desesperate, not caring about the posible side effects of your quirk or even if you end up getting hurt, just focusing on hunt your target, and that truly scare him
When Izuku notice how you start to get more desesperate he start to feel anxious once again, he start rushing himself to stop the villain and free you from their control, but if things get worst he's ready to give up and put all his attention to you and try to stop you before you get seriously injured
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Nejire Hado
Even when she is doing her hero work Nejire never really lose her cheerful personality, and if she have the opportunity she prefer to fight by your side, but she knows to be profesional when she needs it
When she sees you struguling with a villian she was already in her way to help you, she tries not to rush herself and stay concentrate but she was truly taken aback when you stoped her with one of your attacks
She was really surprised, but that doesn't stop her, even when she was surprised and confused she is quickly to react too, she tries calling for you and asking whats wrong, but when she sees your unexpresive face she knows that something is wrong, quickly getting her guard up
She continue dodging your attacks while trying to analyze the situation, but you slowly became faster with you movements and attacks, at the end she decided to take some distance to get the chance to think (besides, specializes in long-distance attacks), but even then your attacks didn't stop
It doesn't take her much time get to the conclusion that it was the villain's fault, but still she was struguling to come up with a plan to help you, the last thing she wants is to hurt you, she decided to try to get you away from there, that way she could take care of the villian or it could even show her how this mind control exactly works
Nejire even try to take you out off the mind control by talking to you but it didn't really work and just provokes the villian to start laughing at her for "her silly attempts to protect you", to what she tries just to ignore them
Every minutes count since you were starting to push yourself more and more to your limits just to get her, throwing attacks without thinking on your safety, and that truly scares her (mostly because she fears something really bad could happen to you if this continue)
If she doesn't manage to defeat the villain before something bad happen to you, as the last resource Nejire probably hit you to knock you out so she can take care of the villain (and for that she will apologize later, even tear up a little) taking advantage of this situation to stop the villain, restraining them and making clear that she's furious for what they did to you
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Amajiki Tamaki
Even when Tamaki is in doing his hero work he is shy, normally he tries to fully focus on the fight, but when he isn't fighting he feels anxious, so having you by his side it could, both, comfort him and make him more shy
When you two were fighting some villains and you end up going far from him or he sees you struguling with a villian was enough to make him feel uneasy, he believes in you and your power but still it makes him nervous
And that simple second of doubt was enough for the villain to gain an advantage over you, putting you under the mind control and ordering you to attack him
Everything happened so suddenly for him that he barely have time to react and step back, dodging your attack, it will take him a moment to realice what happened but you weren't going to stop, instead you continue throwing attacks to him
Tamaki was shocked, confused and scare, why are you doing this? It was almost imposible for him to properly think while trying to dodge your attacks, but even when he his mind was a mess just by seeing your unexpresive face he was able to realice that you weren't being you right now
The villian start mocking him for just running away, He wasn't supposed to be a hero? He should be ashame for acting like this, hearing that It didn't do him any good but in some extent they were right, he is a hero and he can't just keep running away
Dodging your attacks were starting to get more difficult since every attack you throwed were more aggresive and faster, it was obvious that you were pushing yourself to your limits
As much as he hate it he has to make something, and he has to be quick! for the sake of both of you! And with all the pain in the world he start attacking you (but not really hurt you, it is just to make you step back) and when you finally have no more option that take an defensive position and it was the moment to restrain you, by immobilizing you he will able to focus in take care of the villain (he feels really bad about it but it was the only plan he can think on)
After all of this calms down he will deeply apologize to you, but he doesn't think he will be able to even look at you at the eyes, feeling really bad and even ashame for what he just did
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nishayuro · 8 months
Excuse me, ✨The Amazing Madam Nisha✨ but I would like to send in a request. I would like Tamaki, Tsuyu, and Eraserhead with a GN reader (platonic) that has a similar personality to Hu Tao because my girl deserves better. Also her is cake for your hard work 🎂
My Hero Academia with Hu Tao! Reader (Platonic)
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A/N: Hallo! Thank you for the cake ^^ I hope u enjoy this!
Genre: Fluff
GN! Reader
Warning: Mention of dead people (nothing graphic)
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Character building!! Your quirk lets you summon a sentient ghost buddy (It’s similar to Dark Shadow.)  that for some reason has fire powers, you speculate that its a demon, but who are you to judge really.
Another thing about your quirk is it lets you see the memories of dead people when you touch their corpse. Kinda creepy, I know. 
Your family runs a funeral parlour, so your whole life you’ve been exposed to the notion of life and death, and you’ve long ago removed that fear in you. Human lives are meant to end one way or another, But that doesn’t stop you from dreaming of being a hero, so that even for a few more years, those people can live their lives and die of natural causes and not of evil doings.
You’re a very cheerful person albeit your fascination with death, which drives some people crazy when you go up to offer them coupons for your family’s business. But hey, who can blame you? Business is business.
Tamaki Amajiki
You’re one of the Big 3, well, now known as the Big 4 along with Mirio and Nejire. Your quirk has been helpful with lots of murder investigations, and you’ve trained your ghost buddy with controlling its fire.
Tamaki at first was scared of you, I mean, you did offer him a coupon for a coffin one time when he was to be deployed on a mission. 
But he later realised that it's just a personality of yours, and got used to you. 
Whenever he has his panic attacks, you’d let your little ghost buddy out for Tamaki to play with as a form of calming himself. 
He sometimes gets scared when the Big 4 hangs out and Nejire asks about your missions, because most of the time, you’re deployed to help solve murder cases. And that’s not entirely a fun topic. 
But overall, Tamaki is glad to have a friend like you, who shows they case in even the weirdest ways. 
Tsuyu Asui
You’re one of class 1-A’s top fighters, along with Bakugo, Todoroki, and Midoriya. 
Tsuyu is a naturally friendly person, so she was able to befriend you right away, and you earned yourself a place with the Deku Squad.
She does get a bit creeped out when you offer up coupons and promos, but she’s there to pull you away from possibly angering or creeping out anyone else with your antics. 
She knows you’re a very dependable friend though, and goes to you for advice whenever she has a problem. 
You also come to her whenever missions get taxing, sure, you’re used to the face of death, but it’s still a whole new can of worms to be sent out to missions where you know you’ll see bodies, some more gory than others. 
When days like that come, she’ll be there to help you through them and get you back to your ever so energetically weird self. 
Aizawa Shouta
You’re his student, and with the rise of Nomu cases, your quirk has been in demand to help solve it.
Being able to see the memories of dead people helped with solving many murder cases, so naturally, they’d wanna see how your quirk works on the Nomus.
Aizawa at first was against this, I mean, this was emotionally draining even for someone like you. 
But you assured him that this was a way to properly give justice to the poor souls who suffered. 
So he’ll let you, but will be with you when you do it. 
He knows you’re dependable and strong, and he admires your resilience.
He’s also another one to wrangle you up before you cause trouble with your ways of promoting the funeral business. 
He’d do everything to protect your cheerful energy, he’d hate to see that light of yours grow dim. 
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loveing-eyes · 2 years
i NEED what dating tamaki would include
i love him so much you dont even know
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dating tamaki amajiki would include
• mirio being grateful his best friend found someone who loves him for him and has patience for when he has his meltdowns
• he freaks out over the top PDA so no long hugs or lingering kisses which you'd be fine with cause you don't want to push him over the top
• but he also freaks out in crowds if he's not holding your hand the most he's ok with in public on a normal day is just holding hands
•though in private is a different story he will practically be attached by the hip to you cuddles kisses just holding each other
• being an honorary big 3 member even if quirkless cause they know how much you mean to Tamaki
•late night hangouts with the big three is one of the only times near other people he would truly hold onto you and kiss you
• the only other time possible would be if you got hurt during a villain attack he would be on the verge of a mental breakdown for the entire time and somehow blame himself for it
•if you were to get hurt so bad you had to be in the hospital he would now live in your hospital bed until they kicked him out
• during mental breakdowns and panic attacks you just try to keep calm and make sure he knows you are there and there is nothing to be afraid of
• if he was ever to get insecure about your relationship thinking you deserved better or someone whose more stable you would just sit in a chair next to him staring at the wall and holding hands with him till he realized how much you loved him
•dates would most likely be at-home movie nights or game nights or just spending quality time together which honestly is way better than near people
•being besties with nejire and her always having a weekly friends' day
•forehead kisses very rarely during hangouts along with neck kisses when your alone
•as someone who has many boundaries he would never ever try to push past his s/o's boundaries
•him in absolute amazement, he found someone as great as you who loved him without any weird reasons just you loved him for him
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thehusbandoden · 10 months
Hii, i really liked the claustrophobic reader story. Could you write a part 2 with other characters? (Bakugo, Todoroki, Kirishima, Denki)🥺🥺
A/n: of course! I'm so glad you liked the first part, I hope these are just as enjoyable! Don't be afraid to request again at any time! <33
Comforting Claustrophobic Reader Part Two
(Bakugo, Shoto, Kiri, and Denki)
Genre: fluff/comfort \\ total word count: 1,911 \\ posted: 12/07/2023 \\ requested
Notice!: I don't know much about claustrophobia so I'm sorry if I offend anyone!
Warnings!: claustrophobia, tight spaces, crowds, y/n being flirted on (but not really), a chick trying to get eith Shoto, and a scatterbrained partner (lol). Please let me know if I miss any! <3
Part One (Dabi, Spinner, and Shigaraki)
Part Three (Tamaki)
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Bakugo Katsuki (455 words)
"Stupid extras." Bakugo murmured, banging his fist against the door.
You and Bakugo were just locked inside of the small janitor closet together, and by the sound of it, it was Denki and Mina's doing.
The small room and the feeling of Bakugo's warm back pressed against your chest was starting to give you a panic attack. Your breathing was growing heavier and you were starting to sweat.
You could hear Bakugo's voice in the distance, but you couldn't focus on it. You started hypervenelating.
"What's wrong with you?" Bakugo growled, throwing a judgemental look over his shoulder. His crimson eyes slightly softened at the sight of your panic.
"I-I-I need a-air." You pant, your hands beginning to shake.
"Woah woah. Calm down." Bakugo demanded, turning around. You were pressed further against the wall and your eyes welled up with tears.
"Don't move!" You hiss, your hands shaking further.
"Calm down.. please." Bakugo murmured, not knowing what to do.
You violently shake you head, not knowing how to express yourself.
"Shhhh." Bakugo murmured, slowly caressing your head, trying to calm you down. "Can I hold you?"
You nodded, unable to say anything else.
Bakugo immediatly pulled you into his chest, wrapping his arms around your waist, his hands running up and down your shoulders comfortingly.
You focussed on Bakugo's warmth, listening to his deep voice murmur to you. Your breathing started to slow as you clung to him, greatful for the lack of walls pressing against you.
After a few minutes you started to calm down further, sighing as you rest your head agaisnt his broad chest. Bakugo made a small coughing sound before starting to slowly pet your hair.
"Are you going to tell me what's wrong now?" He murmured, his voice low and deep.
"I'm claustrophobic." You murmur, burying your face in his chest. He smelt good.. almost like campfire.
"I'm sorry, y/n." He murmured, tilting your chin up to look into his crimson eyes.
"Sorry for what?" You were entranced by his powerful gaze.
"Those idiotic extras put us in here to try and make me.." his cheeks turned a slight hue of pink. "Confess."
"C-confess?" Your mouth opened slightly.
He nodded, his ears also changing color.
"I-I really like you y/n.." he whispered, looking down at you with his intense crimson eyes.
"Y-you do?" Your cheeks were stained with dark red.
"Yes.. I do." He whispered, caressing your cheek.
You slightly leaned into the touch, making him smirk.
"Do you like me back?" He purred in your ear, causing your face to grow hotter.
You nodded, your face flushed in both embaresment and attraction.
"Can I take you out then?" He smirked, playing with your hair.
"Why yes.. I'd like that.."
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Todoroki Shoto (555 words)
Shoto was too busy talking to his coworker to notice how stressed you were. He knew about your phobia, but he's never seen it in affect. You've been married for two months, together for eleven.
You were currently at a pro hero gathering. Some of the top heroes were there, and their fans and some newer ones filled in the space.
There were people everywhere.. and you were tired of feeling trapped. As a woman accidently brushed against you, you pressed yourself against Shoto's back, burying your face into his dress shirt.
He didn't say anything, but you could feel his hand reaching behind him to touch your waist, holding you agaisnt him. You started to have a panic attack, gently tapping Shoto to try and get his attention.
Everytime you did he gently squeezed your waist in response, almost like he thought that you were just giving him affection... as a hero passed by you too close for comfort, you pinched Shoto's skin, finally getting his attention as he turned to look at you, looking both confused and slightly irritated.
"What is it love?" He murmured, wrapping his arms around you as he leaned his ear against your mouth, knowing that you prefer to speak to him and only him.
"M-my phobia... it's acting up and I feel like I can't breathe..." You whisper, hiding your face from everyone but Shoto.
Shoto frowned, leaning down to kiss you softly.
"I apologize, love. I'll be more vigilant next time." He murmured in your ear, kissing your temple softly as he slowly brought you towards the exit, shielding your body with his.
"Shoto! Shoto it's you! I'm your biggest fan!" A woman screeched, pressing herself against Shoto's arm. She held onto his arm tightly, hugging herself against it.
You started to hyperventilating, and Shoto wrinkled in nose in disgust. He didn't mean to be rude.. but feeling anyone's touch besides yours caused him to want to hurl.. especially if it was someone like her.. obsessed fangirls who don't respect the fact that he's happily married.
Shoto gently pushed her away, frowning.
"I'm glad you admire me, but keep to yourself. I have a wife, and shes all I'll ever need."
The woman teared up before bursting into sobs, running towards the other side of the room. Shoto quickly pulled you out of the building, embracing you tightly when he found a quite and open place for the two of you.
"Shhh it's okay my love. I'm sorry.." he murmured, littering kisses up and down your face.
"It's okay.. just hold me." You whimpered, wanting to be drowned in his warmth.
He quickly obeyed, holding you against him for several minutes. He didn't care how long it took you to calm down, as long as you felt safe he would be happy.
After about ten minutes you calmed down kissing him softly in gratitude. He kissed back with a smile before pulling away, stroking your cheeks. "Sorry about that 'fan'." Shoto sighed, kissing your nose.
You playfully huffed before kissing his own nose. "It wasn't your fault. You rejected her and got her off of you.. I'm not mad at you."
Shoto smiled wider, kissing you yet again.
"And I'm sorry for not noticing. I'll do better next time, my love."
You smiled again. "I trust you."
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Kirishima Eijiro (359 words)
You and Kirishima were on vacation for your first year anniversary. You stayed in a large, luxurious hotel, and were pampered quite a lot.
You and Kirishima spent most of your time in your hotel room, but decided to go down to the hot springs in the morning.
Luckily Kiri was able to get you two a private spring, so you two were alone. The warm water felt amazing, and Kirishima's wide grin as he told you stories was contagious.
After a few hours of chatting and relaxing, the two of you dried off and got ready to leave. As you walked back to your hotel room, there were far more people than before. You didn't think about it much, holding Kiri's hand as you smiled politely at whoever looked at you and wrinkled your nose at the several guys that looked at you longingly.
Kirishima isn't extremely jealous, so he kept to himself, smiling down at you as you walked; smirking as he saw you wrinkle your nose at every flirt.. causing him to gape in shock.
You get to the elevator, and you fail to notice the very tight space when you walk in. It wasn't until you were forced against Kiri's side, a wall, and an old lady that smelt like kitty litter did you notice the tight space and start to react.
Kirishima instantly noticed and pulled you to his chest, moving himself so you wouldn't touch anyone else, and you wouldn't have to look either. Your back was facing the wall, one of Kiri's hands behind your back so you wouldn't brush against it as he held eye contact with you, smiling softly.
He didn't press himself against you, but he was quite close. A lot of people grumbled at him but he ignored them, his free hand stroking your cheek to maintain your undivided attention.
After several minutes you reached your floor and Kiri cradled you to his chest, walking out with you as he made sure that you weren't touched by anyone or anything else.
He continued to hold you as he made his way to your sweet, opening the door with one hand while the other held you by your waist. Once you two were in he let go of you, smiling down at you.
"Thank you.." you smile, caressing his cheek. Kirishima's smile widened as he gave you his signature grin.
"It was nothing." He kissed you sweetly, rubbing your shoulders slightly. Pulling away, he winked at you before heading into the small kitchen that was attached to the sweet.
You giggled as you sat at the island, watching him tie on his 'kiss the chef' apron. He grinned at you, his ruby eyes sparkling in adoration.
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Kaminari Denki (542 words)
You have no idea how your clingy boyfriend convinced you to go to a party.. but he did.
And now you were surrounded by a bunch of strangers, and that idiotic boyfriend of yours let go of your hand.
You were swarmed by complete strangers, and you can't find the one person you know... lovely.
Your breathing quickened as you felt bodies being pressed against your own, a few rare apologies thrown into the mix.
You were starting to have a panic attack as you searched for Denki in the crowd, trying to spot his bright yellow hair. You looked for several minutes until you spotted him. Hurrying to his side, you hugged him from behind.. and then you realized that it wasn't him.
The man smirked at you, his eyes twinkling with mischief. Before he could say or do anything, you hurried away, pushing through the crowd. After getting within a safe distance, you tried calling him.. it went straight to voicemail.
You hands started to shake as you tried and found an exit, needing to calm down. As you get to the exit you hear Denki calling your name, but you ignore him, leaving the building.
You find a secluded area and slowly sink to the floor, shaking uncontrollably. Denki rushed to you a few minutes later, his eyes full of confusion and worry.
"Y/n!? What's wrong?" He tries to touch your shoulder but you push his hand away.
"Y/n my darling sunshine.. please..." He whispered, his eyes growing wet as he kneeled beside you.
"I told you about my phobia." You whisper, eyes welling up with tears.
"Phobia.. what phobia..?"
"I have claustrophobia Denki! And you just left me in there!" A few tears fell down your cheek.
Denki's eyes widened. "I'm sorry.. I-I didn't know.."
"I told you! Twice before the party and like three times when we first started dating!"
"I'm sorry! It must have been my adhd.." he whispered, gently placing his warm hand on your cheek.
Sighing, you lean into his touch, tears cascading down your flushed cheeks.
"I'm sorry baby.. I really really am.."
"I told you I didn't want to go.. and you promised to hold my hand the entire time.."
"I'm really really sorry baby.. really I am. I got distracted, I'm so so so sorry.." he whispered, gently kissing your tears away.
You blushed at the contact, the two of you were still new to physical affection.
"I need you to remember next time.. okay?"
"There won't be a next time.. I won't try and make you go to a party ever again."
You smiled, giggling quietly. "We'll see.. you forget things a lot."
Part One (Dabi, Spinner, Shigaraki)
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Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way -minus reblogging.
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heroes-among-us-all · 2 years
tamaki and izuku with a upbeat, happy-go-lucky, energetic s/o who's always smiling and very extroverted?
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He loves how cheerful and upbeat you are. If he's ever feeling down in the dumps or stressed out over his duties as All Might's successor, you're always right there to lift his spirits.
Your smile is undoubtedly the cutest thing he's ever seen. He loves the way you light up a room and have no issues getting along with everyone. Izuku is rather shy himself, but watching you have full confidence in yourself definitely encourages him to try and do the same.
Izuku feels proud to call you his partner. You're always so kind and lively, not to mention the fact that with you, there's never a dull moment. People's moods are contagious, and it's safe to say that being with someone like you makes him really, really happy.
You've created many opportunities for him that he wouldn't have come across on his own. He's determined to become the Number One hero, and part of that involves knowing how to interact with people and reassure them that everything's going to be alright. Izuku doesn't hesitate to remind you time and time again that apart from All Might, you are his biggest inspiration.
Your extroversion means that you don't generally shy away from PDA, and although it embarrassed him a bit at the start, he's actually overjoyed that you're so eager to shower him with affection. Plus, this way he gets to show you off, and you can be sure that he'll wrap you in his arms and give you a peck in front of others just to prove how much he loves you. While blushing the whole time, of course.
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It's honestly crucial that Tamaki has an uplifting presence in his life. Given how much he struggles with confidence and self-deprecating thoughts, the more people that lift him up - like you and Mirio - the better.
Although Tamaki struggles to match your outward displays of enthusiasm, he's as happy as could be. Your unfiltered smile has a way of prompting him to smile too. It's a lot wobblier and more awkward, but still a smile nonetheless.
Your energy heals him. He tends to have phases where his mood will plummet due to a lack of self-esteem, but you do everything in your power to ensure that they don't last long. You'll pepper his cheeks with kisses and remind him of just how incredible he actually is, even if he doesn't always feel like it.
There are certainly days where it's harder to cheer Tamaki up, but he's more than content to relax in your embrace and slowly unwind. You never let him deal with these moments on his own. Even when the two of you are apart, if he ever calls you and says he's having a panic attack, you'll drop everything to be with him as fast as you possibly can.
Tamaki is still a long way from being self-assured, but everyone is different. He realizes he can't be as naturally cheerful and optimistic as you are, but that's exactly why your relationship works as well as it does. You help to supplement him in the areas that he lacks, and he does the exact same for you.
PDA really embarrasses him, but he loves you, so he'll still make an effort. It will be slow going in the early stages of your relationship, but Tamaki feels the most confident when you're right by his side, squeezing his hand in reassurance.
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faulty-writes · 1 year
Tamaki Amajiki head canons please 🙏
[ I can make Tamaki headcanons, although you didn't specify what kind. So, I made this. The reader and Tamaki falling for each other and Tamaki eventually confessing those three little words. ]
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The first time you met him was shortly after relocating to Japan, you were a fresh graduate who wanted to explore a different world. The BMI hero: Fat Gum was the only one that offered you, an outsider, a position in his agency and he was the one that introduced you to "Suneater" aka Tamaki Amajiki.
The two of you didn't exchange many words, even when you were in the same room. At first, you believed it was because of the obvious cultural difference, this aside you noticed you were beginning to stare at him whenever he happened to be nearby. You knew this indicated you found something fascinating about him, but whenever he caught your gaze, he'd gasp and quickly turn away to hide his obviously flushed face.
"Now don't mind him, he's a shy one! But I see the way ya look at him. Ya have a bit of your heart involved, don't ya?" Those words were Fat Gum trying to reassure you that Tamaki did, in fact, like you despite his questionable actions. Yet, you weren't ready to admit you were attracted to him.
"O-oh um, s-sorry I just l-let me-ah!" His panicked voice wasn't something you'd soon forget, and you thought it was awkward to have almost run into him while trying to pass through the doorway of Fat Gum's office. The fact that the two of you tried to get out of each other's way only to get in each other's way again was not how you wanted to get his attention.
"I...I'm not sure w-what to do, they're just..." he tried to explain his feelings about you to Mirio, but it was useless. "You said they're from America, right? That's pretty cool and you're pretty brave! You'll find the courage to talk to them soon. After all, you can't hide your feelings forever, right!?" His best friend responded in his all too cheerful voice which made Tamaki sigh.
He had no idea why but being near you made him happy. It was a weird feeling considering he didn't believe he had much to smile about and part of him hated it while another didn't want it to stop.
You found yourself feeling a little let down whenever a day went by, and you didn't see Tamaki or only caught a glimpse of him around the agency. Little did you know he felt the same way, and Fat Gum quickly caught onto this fact given the look of happiness or sadness on your faces by the end of the day.
"I...I think I need to tell them...I know they're still n-new here but I..." he jumped when Fat Gum laid his hand on his shoulder and trembled when he lifted his head to look into the eyes of his mentor. Fat Gum smiled down at him and gave a thumbs-up with his free hand. "Go get'em," despite his encouraging words, Tamaki couldn't help but feel a panic attack coming on.
Fat Gum calling you into his office was nothing new, but your heart raced when you noticed Tamaki was the only one in the room and even more so when he stood up and walked over to you, staring you directly in the eye. Then he muttered the three little words that made you smile, "I l-like you."
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cookies-over-yonder · 1 month
this is a list of all of my posted idolish7 fics so far
mezzo hurt/comfort
sogo having a panic attack while having a sleepover with tamaki
sogo having a panic attack/ptsd breakdown the night after sogo and tama went to see his dad in the episode the resolve to keep singing
sogo's anxiety absolutely going haywire in the days following him breaking down on the radio show
sogo grieving on the anniversary of his uncle's death
tamaki having a nightmare about sogo dying
sogo having an anxiety attack alone in a grocery store and phoning tamakil
sogo having a panic attack after getting home from a photoshoot where he and tamaki were yelled at relentlessly for being five minutes late
sogo having a panic attack at a party and tamaki helping him
other sogo hurt/comfort
yamasou drunken seven minutes in heaven (slightly spicy)
transmasc mitsuki and transmasc sogo on his period
yamato, tamaki, mitsuki helping sogo having a severe anxiety attack
izumi bros angst + hurt/comfort (iori overworking himself)
ioriku fluff + first kiss
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vawilcox · 1 year
Can I get an angst to fluff scenario where the reader some how snaps at Tamaki?
Sure thing!
As requested a Tamaki x Reader angst to fluff.
You stood angrily in the messy kitchen, arms crossed and left foot tapping repeatedly in agitation. The messy counter tops and dishes piled in the sink were driving you to the brink of losing your cool for the first time in your newly wed marriage to Amajiki Tamaki.
You stood staring at the mess still wearing your business suit and with the large purse you'd always take on business trips with you slung over your right shoulder. You were gone for a week, and from the state of the house, it had been about that long since the house had been cleaned last. How could one man make such a mess alone on the house for seven days?
You knew he was busy with his hero work but you were busy with your job as an accountant as well and you still managed to clean up after yourself AND your husband for the past three months. You were pissed. You never used to even think twice about the cleaning, you just did what needed to be done, but having him here by himself making such a mess while you were out there working hard to help setup a new branch in a city six hours away made you realize for the first time that you were the only one doing all the cleaning so far.
This. meant. war. Turning around, you walk back out the door, lock it, and call a taxi to take you to a hotel your company frequently uses.
-Two hours later-
Tamaki worked hard again today at work. He hated being around all the people, but what was worse was all the attention he got from people who saw his quirk for the first time. He liked to use the tentacles from eating octopus and squid to help wrangle in the villains, but sometimes a bystander would comment on it being gross, one even made a crude comment about him being a hentai because of it... That hurt. The only woman he'd ever been with was the love of his life, his wife, his precious one.
Thinking about her took the sting away from the pain of the insults and disgust from others, as well as calming the incessant pounding of his chest whenever he had to be around others. Other people... terrified him. But not his precious wife. She was all that was good in this world. For her, he could do anything, deal with anything. And he smiled lightly to himself on the train home, all while hiding his face beneath his hood. He knew she would be home today, and he couldnt wait.
The rest of the trip home was a blur of discomfort and pent up tension. Like a mantra Tamaki just kept reminding himself of the day it was- the day his love would come home from her business trip. The longest they had been apart since they had met over a year ago.
His smile widened as he neared the door to their home, and it was a full on toothy grin when he opened the door, expecting to see the love of his life waiting there for him eagerly.. but she was gone. The smile instantly died, but he looked around for you. The house was untouched since the last time that he came home, he hadnt had a lot of time to be home, only 2-3 hours a day to eat and sleep before his job called for him again. He missed you so much that he busied himself with work to distract him from the loneliness. He had been doing so much overtime every day blended in with the other and all he did when he got home was eat something quick and sleep.
But today was supposed to be different. He didnt take the extra shift today he had been taking, some days he would be working triple shifts, some days he'd be stuck doing an extra and a half.. but today he asked to come home as soon as possible. You were no where. The house literally was untouched.
He immediately pulled out his phone and called your number. No answer. After leaving a voice mail, he instantly started to text you, asking if you were okay and where you were. No answer. He started to have a full blown panic attack, grabbed out some old leftovers from the fridge to slam down so he could use them with his quirk and ran for the door. *Ding* the notification went off on your phone, a whole 3 minutes after your text. This wasnt normal for you two. Both of you always responding within a matter of seconds to each other since before the engagement. "I'm staying at a hotel until you can clean your mess up. Slob. 😤"
Tamakis heart froze as he read your text. He closed the door he just slung open, about to desperately search high and low for you. Opened the tiny shoe closet, walked in, and closed the door. Huddled into a ball Tamaki cried himself to sleep. The pent up exhaustion and the build up for you coming home all hit him like a freight train. He slept stone cold for 15 hours.
-3 hours after the fight-
You sat in your bed angry for maybe 15 minutes after you sent that angry text. Then you started to think about what you knew of your Tama and realized you were overly harsh to him. You texted him almost right away after you pulled your head out of your bottom but it was no use. He wasnt responding. Text after text you sent, he didnt reply. You started to panic. Quickly checking out of the hotel, you took a taxi home, it was faster, though more expensive, than the bus or the train. Getting home you worriedly looked at the phone again, nothing. Not even a sign that he had read your text.
Anxiety hit you for the first time in your life to the level that you knew your love had to deal with on a daily basis. You could barely breathe. You thought of all the worse case scenarios and your anxiety continued to spiral out of control. You finally arrived outside of your home, you practically flung the cash at the driver as you dashed out of the taxi and ran to the door to your house. Going inside you saw nothing. He was gone. The house was still a mess, but you didnt even care at this point... He even opened the fridge and never closed it this time... for a brief moment agitation struck you. Seriously!?- you thought. Then you stopped yourself. You realized that he was not in a normal frame of mind, and that it was your harsh words that must have been a dagger to his already fragile heart.
You called for him, but he didnt come. You took a walk in the neighborhood around your home, looking for him, calling for him, texting him, calling his phone. Nothing. He was just gone. You worriedly called his agency, they said that he hadnt contacted them since he clocked out, and that he said he would be taking an extra long time off so he could spend it with you. But he was gone.
Going home you brokenheartedly berated yourself. Mascara dripping down your face as you clung to the phone desparately with one hand, and tidied up the house with the second. Every 30 seconds or so you looked down at your phone, willing him to text or call you back. Sending another apology and a desperate plea for him to reach out to you. Within an hour the house was spotless. But he still hadnt gotten ahold of you. Grabbing a gallon of icecream and a spoon, you sat on the couch and put your favorite rom-com on. It didnt help. Mascara was all down your neck at this point I must look like a monster out of a horror movie by now you thought to yourself.
You spent the next 11 hours on that couch. Eating half the gallon and being too lethargic from the wave of depression and anxiety to even put the icecream away, you set the last half of the gallon on the coffee table. Not even caring that it would melt. Somewhere in the second half of the movie, you fell asleep, dreaming of your precious Tama leaving you for another woman because of how cruel you were.
A gentle touch and a familiar voice woke you. Opening your eyes with a start, you saw your Tama there. Red eyes brimming with tears as he looked down at you. He muttered something you didnt understand. Still groggy from your sleep but so excited to see him you mutter "Huh?" His lips start to quiver and his voice is shaky. "I'm s-sorry babe. I-I.. didnt mean to leave such a me-" You pounce on him before he can finish his statement. Clinging to him like you were drowning and he was a live persever and your own chance at survival. "Dont say it. Dont you dare say sorry, you dummy. It was my fault. I'm so sorry baby. It was my fault. I am so sorry I got mad at you." You plead for his forgiveness. "No, bunny, its my fault. I am so sorry I left such a mess. I wasnt home a lot while you were gone. I was too miserable to be in this empty house without you. Next time, I will make sure its clean for you when you get home." Tama states with a heart-wrenching determination. "What do you mean next time you stupid octopus. I'm never leaving you again."
You both spend the next three hours in each others arms. Whispering assurances to the other, crying, kissing, and something a little more private at the end. Your day ends with you both entwined breathlessly in each others arms, all of your needs met, all insecurities swept away with the pure affection and love you have for each other.
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pumpkin-cake · 2 years
Handling A Panic Attack - U.A. Boys
(includes - izuku midoriya, katsuki bakugou, shoto todoroki, tenya iida, eijirou kirishima, denki kaminari, mezo shoji, fumikage tokoyami, mirio togata, tamaki amajiki)
warnings - panic attacks
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midoriya instantly starts to panic too when he sees you in a state of distress
what happened?! were you hurt?! are you okay?!
as he hurries to you, he reminds himself that him asking a lot of questions may make everything worse
he takes a deep breath and sits with you, gently taking your hands in his
“it’s okay, sweetheart, i’m here…”
gently squeezes your hands to remind you he was there for you, hoping it’d be enough to ground you and bring you to reality
“just focus on me, yeah..? you’re okay…”
once you’re too tired to cry and hyperventilate, he (with permission) gets you in a hug and asks you to tell him what happened
whether you tell him or not, it ends in a lot of cuddles and him rambling softly to soothe you to sleep
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katsuki hears you sobbing when he’s going down to get himself water after a nightmare
he immediately changes directions and goes to your room, knocking and quietly demanding you open the door
when you do, his heart aches at your face puffy and red, and he knows he can’t just leave you
without a word, he grabs you and carries you down to the first floor, rubbing your back while you sniffle into his neck
he places you on the kitchen counter, filling up a cup of cold water and going right back to you, carefully having you drink it and helping you if you needed
no words were exchanged, just a silent acknowledgement that katsuki was there for you for whatever you needed
once you both drank some water, you opened your arms out and katsuki carefully grabbed you once more, bringing you up to his dorm and laying you down, curling around you
you were safe
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shoto really isn’t good with other people’s emotions, but he can obviously tell something is wrong when you’re balled up in a corner with your hands covering your head
“hey…what’s the matter?”
his voice is smooth and gentle, and he tilts his head when he sees the tears running down your cheeks
he gently helps you up and leads you to somewhere more comfortable, like a bed
“here…maybe this might help some…”
his touch is gentle, just like his voice, and he places his right hand on your cheek
it was cold, but not freezing- more of a refreshing feeling, especially since you had been sweating from your state of panic
“you can talk about it…if you want. i’m a good listener…”
shoto stays patient with you, helping you keep a comfortable temperature while he quietly listens to your woes
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tenya is responsible for all his classmates, and that absolutely includes you
he takes note of your worried state before your final exam, and instantly goes over and questions you
as soon as he does, the tears start pouring and you start stammering about how you were so nervous and were gonna the fail the exam
“okay okay, deep breaths first, alright? you must calm down or else you won’t be prepared…”
tenya coaches you through some deep breaths, and then encourages you
“you’re a wonderful student! you work so hard and that’s all that matters. just as long as you do your best, you’ll be just fine. your best is enough.”
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“hey- woah! hey, what happened?!”
eijirou is immediately frantic, taking your shoulders gently and trying to get answers
once he realizes you aren’t up to talking, he gently takes you into his arms and holds you close
“whatever’s bothering you i’ll beat the crap out of, yeah..?”
kirishima assures you it’s okay to cry, letting you release all your bottled up emotions into the fabric of his shirt
when you feel a little better, he sets you down and takes your hand, bringing you outside for some nice, fresh air
you both breathe it in calmly, walking side by side
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denki has ZERO clue how to deal with crying
he stammers a lot, before eventually just pulling out his phone
he gently wipes your tears, softly asking what you’d like to watch, and puts it on with no questions asked
he makes sure you both can see and hear, before sitting behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist while you leaned back into him
he grins proudly when he hears you giggle at something in the video, pressing a quick kiss to your head while you slowly forget what you were even worrying about
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like katsuki, he doesn’t have to say much except for one sentence:
“can I hold you?”
you were enveloped in his dupli-arms, surprised by how gentle this giant was
it was like a caterpillar wrapped inside a cocoon, your body nestled into his chest
a hand rubbed your back and another wiped your eyes
one played with your hair and another held your hand
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tokoyami thought about it for a moment when you came to his room in tears
he allowed you to step inside his room, which was pitch black
it was nice
he led you to his bed and had you sit, before slipping some earbuds into your ears and soft white noise came through them
your senses were able to relax, and he gently took your hands in his, letting you revel in the darkness along with him
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“oh, sunshine, what happened?!”
mirio isn’t afraid to instantly show his worry, swooping you in for a huge bear hug
showers you with concern and affection, wanting to be positive you knew he was there for you
doesn’t force you into explaining a single thing
asks what you’d like to do in order to distract yourself
holds you the entire time, whispering soft praise into your ear with the sweetest and most innocent smile on his face
“i’m here for you, sunshine. always will be.”
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tamaki isn’t good with his words, really
so that’s why he doesn’t try to talk much, knowing he may just make things worse
“shhh…shhh…come here…”
brings you into his arms and calmly rocks you back and forth, ever so often kissing your forehead
usually he’d be more nervous holding you like this, but it didn’t matter as of now
you needed him right now
and that was okay
he was with you
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