#Tangerine Turmeric Herbal Tea
solshop · 7 months
Herbal Turmeric Tea For Immunity And Radiant skin – Solshop
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Herbal turmeric tea, like the one you described, offers a range of potential benefits for both immunity and radiant skin. Here are some of the key benefits associated with the ingredients in your tea:
Immunity Boost: Turmeric, ginger, and black pepper are all well-known for their immune-boosting properties. Turmeric contains curcumin, a powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties that can help strengthen the immune system. Ginger is rich in bioactive compounds that have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, while black pepper enhances the absorption of curcumin, making it more effective.
Anti-Inflammatory: Turmeric and ginger are natural anti-inflammatory agents. They can help reduce inflammation in the body, which is often linked to various health issues, including a weakened immune system and skin conditions.
Antioxidant Rich: Turmeric and cinnamon are loaded with antioxidants that can help combat free radicals and oxidative stress in the body. This can protect the immune system and contribute to healthier skin by reducing the signs of aging.
Skin Health: Turmeric, with its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, can help improve skin conditions such as acne and psoriasis. It may also contribute to a more radiant complexion by reducing redness and promoting an even skin tone.
Digestive Support: Ginger and lemongrass are known for their digestive benefits. A healthy digestive system can indirectly support your immune system by ensuring proper nutrient absorption and waste elimination.
Cold and Cough Relief: The combination of ginger and cinnamon can help soothe cold and cough symptoms, providing relief from congestion and sore throat.
Detoxification: Turmeric and lemongrass may aid in detoxifying the body by promoting liver health. A well-functioning liver is essential for overall health and can help improve the appearance of your skin.
Weight Management: Some of these ingredients, particularly ginger and black pepper, have been associated with weight management and metabolism support, which can indirectly benefit skin health and overall well-being.
Stress Reduction: The warm, aromatic qualities of cinnamon and ginger can help reduce stress and promote relaxation, which is important for maintaining a strong immune system and healthy skin.
It's important to note that while these ingredients have many potential benefits, individual responses can vary. If you have specific health concerns or are taking medications, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating herbal teas or supplements into your routine. Drinking herbal turmeric tea can be a delicious and soothing way to promote both immunity and radiant skin when used as part of a balanced and healthy lifestyle.
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yogaadvise · 3 years
Balancing 7 Chakras: What You Ned to Know About Chakra Alignment
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Chakras as healing facilities have been main to Hindu, Buddhist, as well as Eastern spiritual practices. These are prime focus in the body that, when made use of with reflection, promote wellness.
" Chakra" translated from Sanskrit implies wheel or circle. The body is a wheel of power: just how this wheel moves, connects, as well as connects regulates the circulation of energy. A well balanced chakra system is tied to psychological handling, resistance to disease, as well as physical health.
Chakras can end up being misaligned, obstructed, or subjected. Obstructed energy can bring about ailment or psychological pain. Therefore, chakra "harmonizing" can be used to recover energy and wellness.
There are 7 major chakras of the body. Each one is connected with a color, mantra (a word or noise repeated throughout reflection), and a put on the body. With each other, yoga positions, reflection, as well as conscious nutrition, can be utilized to bring back chakra alignment.
Chakra 1-- Root (Mooladhaara)
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Color: Red
Location: Base of the spinal column in tailbone. This chakra is closest to the planet, and is consequently related to grounding as well as survival. In the body, it is gotten in touch with legs, feet, bones, as well as the colon. A balanced origin chakra permits an individual to feel safe, secure, and also provided for.
Signs of over-activity: Paranoia, stress and anxiety, anxiety based upon the demand to make it through. Joint pain, digestion troubles, low back pain, hip pain, swollen feet.
Signs of underactivity: problem concentrating, lack of energy or confidence, airheadedness. Foot and leg injuries, gastrointestinal troubles, immune disorders.
How to stabilize your first chakra: Make sure that all basic survival needs are fulfilled. Beneficial practices consist of walking barefoot on the dirt or turf, relaxing the spirit through prayer, reestablishing personal origins, and exercising grounded yoga poses. Meditate: using the mantra Lam, or affirmations such as, I am based, I am safe, I am secure.
Yoga poses: Mountain, tree, warrior, side-angle, and bridge positions to assist in grounding.
Essential oils: Cedarwood, incense on wrists or lower back before sleep.
Supportive foods: Red-colored foods-- red apples, beetroots, pomegranates, cranberry, radishes, red potatoes, red lentils. Root vegetables, mushrooms, pet proteins (meat, eggs).
Chakra 2-- Sacral (Swadhishtana)
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Color: Orange
Location: Halfway factor between the root chakra and also the navel. This chakra is connected with a sense of wellness, satisfaction, and sexuality. In the body, the sacral chakra is connected to the reduced abdomen, kidneys, bladder, blood circulation system, and also reproductive organs. A well balanced sacral chakra advertises joy, healthy and balanced connections, imagination, a sense of consistency, and also feeling satisfied.
Signs of over-activity: Obsessive behavior, absence of self-acceptance, mental illness, sexual regret, addiction, and also uneasyness. Irregular bowel movements, pain in the back, the inability to conceive, or urinary tract infections.
Signs of underactivity: Loss of pleasure in daily tasks. Depression, erectile dysfunction, stunted creativity, lack of passion.
How to stabilize your second chakra: Emphasis on activities that are nourishing for the heart and spirit-- ask, "Is this great for me? Is this healthy and beneficial?" Healing this chakra involves nurturing the heart and taking joy in the straightforward things in life: food, partnership, sex, as well as hobbies. Be near water.
Meditate: with words Vam, or affirmations such as I am healthy and balanced, I am creative, I am calm.
Yoga poses: Bridge position, cobra posture, forward bend, sitting forward bend, bound angle pose.
Essential oils: Jasmine, sandalwood, climbed, ylang ylang
Supportive foods: Oranges, tangerines, nuts, cumin, turmeric, ginger, orange-colored origin vegetables (carrots, squash). Foods with a high water web content, foods with vitamins A, B, and also C.
Chakra 3-- Naval/Solar Plexus (Manipura)
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Color: Yellow
Location: Above the naval, prolongs upwards with the chest. Glowing an intense yellow shade, it is connected to sensations of confidence as well as control. A balanced marine chakra advertises sensations of worth, warmth, and also count on yourself and also instinct. In the body: a healthy digestive tract, reduced tension, normal rest, and well balanced hormones.
Signs of over-activity: Short-tempered, managing actions, greed, absence of concern, lack of ability to keep eye get in touch with. Digestion trouble, over active nerves, adrenal tiredness, unhealthy rest habits.
Signs of underactivity: Indecision, insecurity, neediness.
Healing the 3rd chakra: Reflection, breathing workouts, and doing slow-moving yogic spins outside. Releasing belly muscles.
Meditate: with the mantra Ram or affirmations such as I merit, I am positive, I am strong.
Yoga poses: Sun salutation, warrior, backbends, bow, half-twist, and also boat poses.
Essential oils: Ginger, rosemary, or lemon
Supportive foods: Yellow-colored foods: corn, bananas, applesauce, grains, chamomile tea with lemon as well as ginger. Foods that advertise digestive health: aloe juice, avocado, mint, kefir, yogurt, cinnamon, celery, as well as cucumber.
Chakra 4 — Heart (Anahata)
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Color: Green
Location: Facility of the upper body, above the heart. The heart chakra connects to love, concern, calmness, and harmony. A balanced heart chakra manifests with a strong heart, immune system, and circulation. It is linked to feelings of love, compassion, compassion, and also healthy choices.
Signs of over-activity: Sensations of isolation, loneliness, panic. Heartburn, anxiousness, upper body stress, shortness of breath, and elevated heartrate.
Signs of underactivity: Depend on concerns, failure to get in touch with others. Despair, depression, poor blood circulation, breathing problems.
Healing the 4th chakra: Concentrate on deep breaths to get rid of the lungs, open up the shoulders, and also open the chest. Exercise self-care activities to route external love to yourself.
Meditate: with the rule Yam or the affirmation I am compassionate, I am open.
Yoga poses: Chest-openers: camel, cobra, fish posture. Attempt this 30-minute yoga exercise regimen to open up the heart chakra.
Essential oils: Rose, thyme
Supportive foods: Eco-friendly, nutrient-rich veggies: leafed environment-friendlies, spinach, kale, cabbage, broccoli, dark lettuce. Alkalizing fruits as well as veggies: green apples, limes, zucchini, celery, avocados, eco-friendly beans.
Chakra 5 — Hroat (Vishudda)
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Color: Blue
Location: Throat Tied to the ability to interact, self-expression, as well as talking the truth. A balanced throat chakra suggests you can speak clearly with truth and compassion. Healthy and balanced glands, thyroid.
Signs of over-activity: Really feeling ignored, revoked, inability to talk the fact. Thyroid or hormonal agent inequalities, throat pain, frequent infections, or ulcers.
Signs of underactivity: Shyness, lack of ability to share your emotions.
Healing the 5th chakra: Talk with truthfulness as well as brevity. Method revealing your feelings and also truths, also alone. Remaining in or near water, strolling under the sky, paying attention to noises of water or wind.
Meditate: with the rule Pork, or affirmations that advertise strength and also self-respect: I share myself honestly as well as plainly, I am balanced.
Yoga poses: Fish, lion, or bridge presents. Neck stretches, shoulder openers, supported shoulder-stand, camel, and also rake poses.
Essential oils: Eucalyptus, sage, blue chamomile
Supportive foods: Nutritional foods with a high water content, clear fluids and also broths, herbal teas. Juices, fruits, as well as blueberries. Mineral water.
Chakra 6 — Third Eye (Anja)
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Color: Indigo
Location: Facility of the temple, in between the eyebrows. This chakra is connected to reflection, wisdom, decisiveness, and instinct. A well balanced 6th chakra promotes a feeling of unity, convenience, as well as hearing your instinct. Connected with audio rest and pituitary gland health.
Signs of over-activity: It is unusual for people to struggle with an overactive Pineal eye. Those that do may invest a lot of their time fascinated in psychic tasks, such as paranormal experiences and also astrological readings.
Signs of underactivity: Absence of insight, mental instability, poor memory, feeling disconnected, judgmental behavior. Dizziness, loss of sight, tension headaches, depression, or sinus infections.
Healing the 6th chakra: Solitary meditation is the most effective method for recovery this chakra. As are simple repeated tasks, such as treking or long walks outdoors. Browse through all-natural landscapes that give perspective.
Meditate: with the concept Om or affirmations such as I am directed, I am centered, I am clear.
Yoga poses: Kid's position, standing forward bend, modest warrior, warrior III, as well as seated meditation.
Essential oils: Sage, bay, or jasmine
Supportive foods: Raw nuts: almonds, walnuts. Purple-colored foods, such as: grapes, plums, goji berries, acai, eggplant, or blueberries. Cleansing foods, such as: pineapple, mushrooms, grains, papaya, and also cruciferous vegetables.
Chakra 7 — Crown (Sahasrara)
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Color: Violet - White.
Location: On the crown of the head. The crown chakra is connected with the connection to spirituality. A balanced crown chakra is linked to sensations of bliss and a healthy central nerves. Calm, centered ideas, and also the ability to touch right into a greater level of spirituality. This is the goal of every spiritual practitioner, and also it is tough to attain a completely balanced crown chakra.
Signs of over activity: Like the Buddhist principle of "paradise," it is not possible to have an overactive 7th chakra due to the fact that it would indicate one is no longer human.
Signs of underactivity: An underactive 7th chakra is regular: every human has an underactive 7th chakra. Indications consist of inability to focus, imagining, as well as not residing in today. Migraines, misconceptions, as well as tight joints.
Healing the 7th chakra: Straightening this chakra is best done with reflection and also stabilizing the other 6 chakras. Add daily exterior strolls to your regimen, concentrate on being existing, and cultivate gratitude.
Meditation: advised without a mantra. Usage affirmations such as I am present, I am here, I am connected.
Yoga poses: Balancing postures that bring recognition to the body: tree, hill, as well as eagle poses.
Essential oils: sandalwood, geranium, myrrh
Supportive foods: Water soaked up through the skin, sesame or chia seeds, bone broth, topical necessary oils, and also aloe vera juice. Because this chakra is tied to the spiritual, the crown chakra is probably to gain from sunlight, fresh air, and silent meditation.
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How To Strengthen Gums Naturally?
If you are seeking for herbal remedies for receding gums, there are many accessible. One natural remedy is to stir the herbs right into a mixture. This frequently works well for most people, even though some truly feel it really is not cozy to chew an oral tablet. Another choice is to use new parsley for brushing your teeth. Today read more about How To Strengthen Your Gums?
Gingivitis is actually a mild type of gum disease that sometimes causes tartar and plaque buildup inside the mouth. The symptoms of this situation generally manifest as redness, warmth, and swollen gums. There can also be bleeding and tenderness when brushing. It really is caused by an imbalance in oral health. A well balanced diet and life-style is very important to prevent this condition.
How To Strengthen Teeth And Gums?
A single well-known herbal remedy accustomed to fight gingivitis is sesame oil, which can be utilized in both paste or liquid kind. Mixing 1 tablespoon of sesame oil having a glass of water and ingesting the combination aids to eliminate plaque. Other herbs which can be utilized to combat plaque and bacteria consist of peppermint, thyme, and garlic. 
Yet another herbal remedy that can be used like a mouthwash is green tea. One examine found that mixing green tea and sodium bicarbonate into an alcohol-free mouthwash helped to fight mouth bacteria. Some professionals believe green tea can help avoid cavities but others say it isn't going to have enough antioxidant electrical power to eliminate bacteria. Drinking a number of cups of green tea everyday has no sick results. Natural solution Receding Gums Help
Some people believe natural remedies are far better because they never contain unwanted side effects. But there's some evidence that proves these herbs are helpful for overall dental health. Herbs such as Neem Oil, Grapefruit seed extract, Turmeric, and Bayberry are employed in many natural mouthwashes. They all have antibacterial properties and can reduce gum disease.
A 3rd natural treatment for a receding gums and bad breath is important oils. Tangerine and orange oils have been shown to be successful in opposition to oral bacteria. The two oils fight oral phlegm and clear the mouth of any extra plaque build up. Important oils are often utilized straight to the impacted locations to maximize their effect.
If brushing and flossing are not enough to manage plaque, you might want to consider using a mouthwash. The best mouthwashes battle plaque by getting rid of particles known as plaque-builders. Plaque-builders are remnants of meals, debris, and bacteria that may harden on teeth. By brushing and flossing frequently, you are able to at times eliminate the plaque buildup, but at times a mouthwash or oral rinse is all you need.
White oak bark could also help handle gingivitis. It contains powerful antibacterial properties and works well against bacteria found in plaque. White oak bark could also be efficient in opposition to viruses, bacteria and fungi. It may even be capable of help destroy the bacteria leading to periodontitis. The advantages of white oak bark could be restricted to gingivitis, although.
Strengthen Gums
You can make use of teas or oils to help remedy your gingivitis, as well. A straightforward tea made from steamed white tea leaves may help reduce swelling and handle the bacteria accountable for periodontitis, according to study. Oils produced from rose hip seed, capsicum (a spice), ginger, motherwort and anise hyssop can also be used to repair receding gum line.
Other herbs tend to be advised as herbal remedies for receding gums naturally. Gingko biloba, which is indigenous to China, is one this sort of herb. In Chinese, it is referred to as The good Healer. This herb is considered an essential oil, meaning it's a warming effect when used topically. It has been used to successfully deal with a number of situations, which includes inflammation and allergy symptoms, based on study.
Other herbs which could get you started out on organic remedies for receding gums are milk thistle, which can be stated to be an effective ingredient in healing periodontal disease. Yet another essential herb which could get you began on getting relief is called Nutritional vitamins Echinacea, which can be used to tackle a range of inflammatory conditions. You may get more information about these and other herbs and vitamins by performing some online study. It is worth noting that while standard medications can help you overcome the problem of bacteria within the teeth and around the mouth, there are some risks that you might not wish to take. The ingredients in these kind of medications, such as steroids and antibiotics, have been known to trigger most cancers.
In the long run, all of it boils right down to proper oral hygiene. Proper brushing and flossing at the very least twice each day will go an extended way in direction of maintaining your mouth free of bacteria. It's important to notice that many people usually do not brush or floss correctly, and they end up with plaque and cavities. In case you are 1 of the many people who usually do not follow excellent oral hygiene, you should look at making use of some in the organic remedies for gums that are available.
Strengthen Gums And Tighten Loose Teeth
Organic remedies for receding gums can easily be found right in your very own residence. An unlimited array of herbs exists to treat numerous gum diseases which includes gingivitis, plague, and periodontal disease. Herbal treatments are usually inexpensive, specially when you think about how many people above the many years have misplaced their teeth due to tooth decay and gum disease. Here's an inventory of eight natural treatment options you might discover correct in your own residence.
Dandelion is an herb that is thought to strengthen and situation the enamel. If you consider Dandelion as being a tea two times each day, it might help with plaque build up and combat towards oral bacteria and disease. To maintain the strength and problem of one's gums, you need to routinely follow up having a daily dose of Dandelion.
Tartaric Acid is really a citrus acid that strengthens the protecting levels from the gums. This acid works towards the bacteria that result in plaque to occur. Tartaric Acid can not be acquired over the counter, however, it can be purchased by means of a prescription. Utilizing a unique toothpaste with this particular acid will likely be advantageous to restoring your smile. Be certain to brush with natural toothpaste a minimum of as soon as each day and to floss daily. Flossing helps prevent your plaque buildup from occurring.
Gingko Biloba is utilized for many years by herbalists and holistic practitioners to promote oral health. Specifically, Gingko Biloba operates to control the exercise from the enzyme inside our mouths that cause plaque to form. By inhibiting this enzyme, Gingko Biloba helps prevent your gums from obtaining worn out from the repetitive actions of chewing gum, thus stopping more buildup of bacteria and tartar. It also helps to strengthen your gums by growing blood circulation. This allows more plaque to become removed. More info here Nature's smile review
A single of the most popular natural remedies for gingivitis is known as Sesame Oil. Sesame oil not just tastes fantastic, but it can also be used straight to the gums to get rid of plaque. Given that the plaque is presently within the teeth, it doesn't vacation down the gums. Also, because it is an all-natural herb, you realize that there are no side effects to worry about.
Strengthen Teeth And Gums
Milk Thistle is actually a tiny plant that looks very similar to a cactus. It is rather healthy and assists the body to eradicate many toxins. This herb continues to be used in China for several a long time. It's been proven to reduce swelling, inflammation, and pain. This herb has also been demonstrated to enhance the function of blood vessels and assists maintain your gums healthy.
If none of those organic remedies for gingivitis supply you with the final results you need, you then could need to try a professional oral health treatment. There are lots of types of dental procedures obtainable that can help you to definitely attain the oral health and smile you've got always wanted. Nonetheless, like any alternative medication, organic remedies get time and energy to create outcomes. They are much more efficient when they consist of natural ingredients that work with each other to assistance great oral health and gum care.
Herbal remedies for periodontal disease don't have to involve pricey prescription drugs. As an alternative, they are able to be created with natural ingredients you currently have inside your house. The herbs mentioned listed here are only a few of the several ingredients you can utilize to support healthy gums and to take care of your periodontal disease.
You can use herbal remedies for receding gums within a number of various ways. A single way is always to increase the bacteria presently dwelling in your mouth. This contains making use of probiotics to revive the balance of healthy bacteria that naturally dwell within your mouth. Other herbs you can use to assistance oral health contain echinacea to assistance white blood cell exercise and vitamin C to fight mouth bacterial infections caused by bacteria and viruses. You are able to also use herbs to stop gum disease and to repair receding gums.
Natural ingredients that fight mouth bacterial infections contain white oak bark, which contains antibacterial properties. White oak bark has even been employed as a chemical weapon against germs and viruses, even though the chemical has not been broadly analyzed as of but. Yet another component you'll be able to add in your homemade mouthwash is capsaicin, which can be derived from chili peppers. Capsaicin works nicely in opposition to bacteria and has even been identified in some commercial toothpastes and mouthwashes.
Best Way To Strengthen Gums
You are able to find many people turning to herbal remedies for receding gums, because they supply safe, natural choices for preventing germs and promoting oral health. These remedies work with the body's natural defenses to help keep gums healthy and stop them from turning into swollen and crimson in an energy to repair the injury caused by bacteria and viruses. With so many people struggling from gingivitis these days, you can't go wrong using home remedies for your periodontal problems.
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beyondarietea · 3 years
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Lakadong Turmeric: the ammunition to fight inflammation Inflammation is triggered in the body when the immune system recognises anything foreign such as invading microbes or toxins, and gets into action to defend the body.  However, when inflammation persists in the body without any foreign invaders, it is harmful.  Many major health threats of today – cancer, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, Alzheimer’s- are all linked to chronic inflammation.While this is a worrying sign, thankfully, there is also growing understanding and awareness around food and their role in preventing or alleviating certain conditions. There is an increasing emphasis on consciously including food which are anti-inflammatory (a substance that reduces inflammation in the body) in our diet.  There are some superfoods which are known to possess powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.  We’ll introduce you to one such ingredient from the Northeast state of Meghalaya that has been getting a lot of attention lately. Lakadong Turmeric – the bright tangerine coloured spice from Meghalaya is packed with medicinal properties. The potency of turmeric comes from the presence of curcuminoids, the most important of which is curcumin and Lakadong turmeric variant has the highest curcumin percentage (7-12%) as compared to others (2-3%). This variant is found growing only in Lakadong, in Meghalaya, thus, its name.Interestingly, when the farmers tried cultivating it outside the traditional region of Lakadong, they noticed that its quality deteriorated.  Perhaps, the typical terroir - high rainfall, altitude, soil type, and geographical location, all have a hand in contributing to its potency.  In addition to its potency, its exclusivity is unparalleled.  Even at peak production capacity, Lakadong Turmeric would be just about 3% of the total turmeric produced in India as its cultivation is restricted to a small geographical region.  What’s more, it is cultivated by farmers using sustainable, indigenous farming techniques.  There are no harmful chemicals used in its cultivation and that makes it pure and unadulterated.Having looked at what’s special about Lakadong variant, let’s also take a look at why it is such a prized spice. The medicinal properties of Turmeric have been long known and it has been employed in Ayurvedic, Unani, and other traditional healing practices over the ages. It has been used as an antacid, in a powder form to promote wound healing, as an analgesic to relieve headaches, as a stimulant to promote blood flow, and so on. It is known for its anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant , anti-carcinogenic properties and it helps boost immunity. Various studies from around the world have found that curcumin can combat many maladies, including some of the biggest health threats such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease.  It is even known as an anti-cancer spice because of its ability to fight cancer on many levels including providing protection against cancer-causing pollution.Thus, incorporating Lakadong Turmeric in the diet is a good way to boost immunity and stay fighting fit!  If you are wondering how to include it in your daily wellness ritual, at Beyondarie we have got some delightful beverage options that you can try. We have explored the rich variety of herbs & spices found in the Northeast, some growing in the wild and others sustainably cultivated, hiked in the forests to forage wild teas (yes! teas growing on trees in the wild), and looked at ways of complementing various flavours, aromas, and tastes to create the most potent blends. In all our curated recipes that feature Lakadong Turmeric, the turmeric is paired with black pepper. Piperine, a compound found in black pepper, helps in the absorption of curcumin in the body and that makes the two of them a great team! The classic Lakadong Turmeric Herbal Latte is a great way to enjoy the pure benefits of turmeric. The golden milk has a smooth flavour and is best had warm.  If you want to enjoy a medley of flavours then go for some exciting blends -  Ghost Chilli, Karbi Ginger, or Ashwagandha herbal latte. These are brimming with the goodness of not only Lakadong Turmeric & black pepper, but also other herbs & spices.  You could even have these in water instead of milk and take in the benefits they offer.Or you could try the wild or herbal tea blends that contain the dashing duo.  The wild tea blends (wild smoked tea and wild green tea) are power-packed with flavour and taste.   The herbal tea blends (wild cinnamon, ghost chilli, wild litsea, and sweet cardamom) are second to none.If the summer heat is getting to you then give the untamed immunity frappe a try.  Add Lakadong Turmeric to cold milk, some honey and ice- give it all a good shake- and voila, you have a chilled drink to chill with!Who says healthy food is boring? We are giving you ten delicious reasons to smile!
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9beautyfashion · 4 years
Best Body Wash Shower Gel
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Everybody has fond childhood memories of playing with a bar of soap and pretending it was a car, an armored tank or the Titanic. But childhood pastimes aside, market trends suggest that more and more consumers prefer to use shower gels or a body wash instead of soap bars. This blog explores the reason for the growing popularity of shower gels and gives you an overview of the most popular brands and products in the market today.
Why should you use shower gel or body wash instead of bars?
The argument for and against the use of body wash instead of traditional soap may go back and forth, but in the end, it all comes down to preferences. Here are a couple of points to consider when deciding whether to use shower gel or body wash instead of normal soap bars: Top reasons to use shower gel or body wash 1) Moisturizes the Skin Since a shower gel or body wash is a water-based product, it makes it easier for the skin and body to absorb the nutrients and moisture while cleaning. 2) Travel-Friendly It is so much easier to pack a bottle of body wash or shower gel because the soap bar may get wet and in turn, wet your clothes as well. 3) Lower pH value Clinical tests suggest that body washes and shower gels tend to have a lower pH value as compared to traditional soap bars. 4) Gathers Dirt When you drop a bar of soap in the shower, it is not only difficult to find and pick up, but dirt tends to stick to the soap, making it unhygienic.
Body Wash and Shower Gel Products:
When it comes to picking the perfect body wash or shower gel, customers are really spoilt for choice. Here’s a look at the top brands and the best body wash and shower gel available in the market today: 1. Love Beauty & Planet Bountiful Moisture Body Wash with Murumuru Butter and Rose Aroma Through a delicate balance of organic murumuru butter and handpicked Bulgarian rose oil, the Love Beauty & Planet Bountiful Moisture Body Wash is sure to nourish and protect your skin from dryness. 2. NIVEA Shower Gel, Frangipani & Oil Body Wash The Frangipani & Oil Body Wash is a new and improved shower gel from Nivea that uses Hydra IQ 24h+ moisture technology to rejuvenate your skin. You can get the cool and refreshing scent of Frangipani after every shower. 3. WOW Amazon Rainforest Collection Volcanic Gold Clay Shower Gel: Specifically designed for sensitive and dry skin, this Volcanic Gold Clay Body Wash from WOW will remove impurities from the skin and leave you feeling soft and fresh. It is rich in healthy minerals, including Vitamins B5 and E. 4. Dove Deeply Nourishing Body Wash The perfect body wash that contains Nutrium Moisture that helps to build and maintain your skin’s moisture barrier. Dove Deeply Nourishing Body Wash is the number one choice for dry and rough skin since it has natural nutrients that will make your skin soft. 5. Biotique Bio Apricot Refreshing Body Wash Thanks to a unique blend of apricot kernel oil, wild turmeric, soap nut, and kurchi, Biotique’s Bio Apricot Refreshing Body Wash will allow your body’s natural brightness to shine out with every wash. It cleanses without dehydrating. 6. NIVEA Shower Gel, Water Lily & Oil Body Wash You can use Nivea’s Water Lily & Oil Body Wash to moisturize and clean your skin every time you have a shower. The beautiful scent of waterlily flowers has a long-lasting fragrance that will make you feel fresh. 7. Pears Naturale Detoxifying Aloe Vera Body Wash Made with natural aloe vera and pure glycerine, Pears Naturale Detoxifying Aloe Vera Body Wash will wipe away all the pollutants from your skin and give you a refreshed, glowing look. Plus it comes in environmental-friendly packaging. 8. Palmolive Body Wash Aroma Morning Tonic Shower Gel Made from natural lemongrass extracts and tangerine essential oils this Aroma Morning Tonic Shower Gel is meant to pamper your skin and rejuvenate your senses. This new shower gel from Palmolive has the perfect all-round body wash formula. 9. Liril Lemon and Tea Tree Oil Body Wash Liril uses a healthy combination of ylang-ylang essential oil and iris extract to give you a relaxing and blissful shower experience. The Lemon and Tea Tree Oil Body Wash is the perfect way to unwind after a long day. 10. Lux Soft Touch Body Wash with French Rose and Almond Oil If you are looking for silky soft and smooth skin, then Lux Soft Touch Body Wash is the perfect solution. Strengthened with Silk Protein extract and French Rose, this body wash will give you long-lasting fragrance after every wash. 11. Nykaa Wanderlust Shower Gel The Nykaa Wanderlust Shower Gel is your perfect companion for the ultimate shower experience. It is completely paraben-free and has a soothing and calming aroma that lingers after every wash. From French Lavender to Japanese Cherry Blossom, there is a range of options to choose from. 12. The Body Shop Strawberry Shower Gel The Body Shop is well known for providing natural, and 100% vegetarian body care products and its Strawberry Shower Gel is no exception. It is the perfect solution if you are looking to nourish and cleanse your skin more efficiently. 13. Olay Ultra Moisture Shea Butter Body Wash This exclusive body washes from Olay is formulated with Vitamin B3 Complex and Shea Butter that is sure to leave your skin feeling fresh and more youthful than ever before. The Ultra Moisture Shea Butter Body Wash allows you to enjoy a spa-like treatment at home. 14. Neutrogena Rainbath Refreshing Shower and Bath Gel Often voted as one of the best shower and bath gel developed by Neutrogena, the Rainbath Refreshing Shower and Bath Gel is infused with a unique blend of spices, fruits, and herbs to deliver the ultimate shower experience. Refresh your body and awaken your senses. 15. Cetaphil Restoraderm Skin Restoring Body Wash Enhanced with advanced eczema-soothing power Cetaphil’s Restoraderm Skin Restoring Body Wash is clinically tested to ensure a non-irritating shower and bathing experience. It is the perfect way to treat eczema-prone skin. Shower Gel is just one part of the body care routine, to take proper care of skin it is important to keep your body hydrated and moisturized. Adding Body lotions can surely help in keeping the skin hydrated and moisturized. Recommended articles: 5 Best Herbal Body Soaps For Summer Season In IndiaBody Scrubs – Need of the hour to make your skin glowBest Intimate Hygiene Products For Every GirlAn All-Natural Skincare Guide With Our 10 Best Picks Of Herbal & Organic Body Lotion Read the full article
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mishraji645 · 4 years
Best Ways To Improve Your Immune System
The immune system is the body’s defense mechanism to fight against infections. Technically speaking, it is a system of organs that release health-boosting chemicals and hormones.  A weak immune system causes various infections, and allergies. So, it is very important to know how to improve your immune system to lead a healthy life. There are multiple ways to improve and strengthen your immunity.
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1.      Foods that boost your immune system
Having more greens on the plate is one way of boosting the immune system. Which foods can help you with this? Here is a quick review.
·         Citrus fruits: Fruits like oranges, lemon, tangerines, grapefruit are loaded with vitamin C, which increases the production of white blood cells. The human body needs a dose of vitamin C every day as it does not store it in the body.
·         Garlic: Garlic gets its immune-boosting properties from the main compound found in it, i.e. allicin. The best way to use garlic is to use it sliced, crushed, or chewed.
·         Ginger: Many times we turn to ginger to cure our sore throat, inflammation, and nausea. So, give it a due place in your diet!
·         Broccoli: Broccoli is packed with fiber, minerals, and vitamins A, C, and E. You can consume it cooked or raw, but different cooking methods can affect the nutritional value.
·         Red Bell Pepper: This vegetable is high in antioxidants, vitamin A, and C. It is also a rich source of beta carotene. In order to know how to boost your immune system, know about its effect on our body.
·         Spinach: Just like red bell pepper, spinach is also rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, and beta carotene which strengthens our immune system to fight against infections. The best way to consume spinach is to cook as light as possible, so it does not lose its nutritional properties.
·         Turmeric: Turmeric is known for its anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidants properties. It helps fight against various diseases and infections; turmeric milk is recommended for people of all ages.
2.      Drinks that help to improve immunity
There are certain concoctions that you must read about in order to know how to strengthen your immune system. Some important ones and easy to make, too, are mentioned here.
·         Herbal Tea: Green tea and chamomile tea are also known to strengthen the immune system because they contain natural chemicals that help fight against cold, cough, and flu.
·         Berry smoothies: A berry smoothie is a delicious way to boost immunity as berries are super rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. You can blend a different variety of berries to soak up their benefits.
·         Three ingredient concoctions: You can mix up 2-3 different foods of your choice to prepare a concoction, for example, honey, cucumber, and lemon or watermelon, mint, and lime. It is believed to enhance your immunity.
3.      Exercising and breathing techniques are immunity boosters.
Regular exercise is one of the best ways to keep your immune system healthy. It helps in maintaining blood pressure and body weight and improves cardiovascular health. Exercising contributes towards good health, and hence, to a healthy immune system.
Practicing breathing techniques like Pranayama, Kapal Bhati, dog breathing, to name a few, help to promote a healthy immune system. These techniques improve the lungs’ capacity that enhances oxygen levels in the body, eventually helping it to fight and evade infections better.
In addition to all the above, maintaining a healthy lifestyle by quitting smoking and alcohol also contributes towards a healthy immune system.
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solshop · 6 months
Herbal Tea for Stress Reduction and Immune Health - Solshop
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Understanding the intricate relationship between stress and the immune system provides valuable insights into how our body responds to various stimuli. Stress, along with other factors, can have a huge impact on the immune system, influencing its ability to defend the body against infections and diseases.
The Stress-Immune System Connection:
Sympathetic Nervous System Activation: When the body perceives stress, the sympathetic nervous system is activated, initiating the "fight or flight" response. This response is essential for dealing with immediate threats but can become problematic when stress is chronic. The release of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline can suppress certain immune functions.
Cytokine Imbalance: Chronic stress can lead to an imbalance in cytokine production. Cytokines are signalling molecules that play a crucial role in immune responses. Stress-induced alterations in cytokine levels may contribute to inflammation and weaken the immune system.
Now that we know how stress is connected to the immune system. Let's understand how it impacts our immunity.
Effects of Chronic Stress on Immune Function:
Reduced White Blood Cell Production: Chronic stress has been associated with a decrease in the production of white blood cells, including lymphocytes, which are essential for the body's defence against infections.
Impaired Immune Response: Prolonged exposure to stress can impair the immune response by reducing the activity of natural killer cells, T cells, and other immune components.
Inflammation: Stress-induced inflammation can contribute to various health issues. Inflammation is a natural part of the immune response, but chronic inflammation can be harmful and has been linked to various diseases.
Watch this video to understand more about the Stress-Immune Connection.
Herbal Teas as Stress-Relievers
Enter the world of herbal teas—a soothing and natural way to combat stress. Certain herbs contain compounds that interact with our nervous system, promoting relaxation and reducing the impact of stress on the body. Here are some herbal teas that stand out for their stress-reducing properties:
Chamomile Tea: Chamomile is a gentle herb known for its calming effects. It contains apigenin, an antioxidant that binds to specific receptors in the brain, inducing relaxation and reducing anxiety. A warm cup of chamomile tea in the evening can help unwind the mind and prepare the body for restful sleep.
Adaptogenic Elixirs: Adaptogenic herbs like ashwagandha, holy basil (tulsi), and rhodiola have been traditionally used to help the body adapt to stress. Incorporating these herbs into herbal tea blends can provide a holistic approach to stress management.
Boosting Immunity Through Herbal Infusions
Many herbal teas also contribute to immune health because of herbs that are rich in antioxidants, increased production of white blood cells and anti-inflammatory properties.
Echinacea Tea: Echinacea is renowned for its immune-stimulating properties. Regular consumption of echinacea tea may help support the immune system, making it a valuable addition during periods of heightened stress.
Ginger and Turmeric Blends: Ginger and turmeric are potent anti-inflammatory herbs. Combining them in a tea not only provides a comforting, warming beverage but also delivers immune-boosting benefits.
Berry Infusions: Strawberries and cranberries are rich in antioxidants and vitamins, making them a popular choice for immune support. 
The Healing Elixirs: SOL Teas
1. Tangerine Turmeric Tea: This blend, featuring turmeric, lemon peel, ginger, cinnamon, black pepper, cardamom, and lemongrass, is a symphony of immune-boosting elements. Turmeric's anti-inflammatory prowess combines with the calming essence of ginger, offering a dual benefit for stress reduction and immune support.
2. Kwath Kadha: A robust infusion of amla, giloy, turmeric, ashwagandha, tulsi, cinnamon, ginger, black pepper, and licorice, Kwath Kadha embodies the adaptogenic power of ashwagandha and stress-relieving qualities of tulsi, creating a holistic elixir for well-being.
3. Blissful Berries: Pineapple, strawberry, orange peel, and cranberry intertwine in Blissful Berries, delivering not only a burst of antioxidants but also a melody of flavors that can uplift the spirit, contributing to overall immune wellness.
4. White Wizard Tea: Crafted with white tea, orange peel, rose, tulsi rama, kudzu root, rooibos, ashwagandha, mint, turmeric, and ginger, this elixir is a masterpiece of immune-boosting ingredients that offer tranquillity and fortification.
5. Calming Chamomile Tea: A blend of chamomile and lemongrass, this tea is an exquisite ode to relaxation. Beyond its calming effects, chamomile supports the immune system, creating a serene experience for both body and mind.
6. Jolly Jecur Tea: A blend of Nettle and Echnicea dedicated to cleansing the liver provides the body with the essential vitamins and minerals and helps cleanse toxins from the body. Echinacea in this tea helps to boost white blood cell production & fight off infection for a stronger immune system
In the intricate dance of stress and immunity, SOL Teas emerges as a conductor of harmony, weaving together stress-relieving herbs and immune-boosting elements. By incorporating these elixirs into our daily rituals, we not only find solace amid stress but also empower our immune system to stand resilient against life's challenges. So, let the healing power of SOL Teas be your guide, offering a melody of well-being that transcends the complexities of stress and nurtures a thriving immune system.
READ ALSO - Blog posts Green Tea: The Elixir of Health and Wellness – Solshop
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gethealthy18-blog · 5 years
Hypoglycemia Diet – How To Prevent Sudden Blood Sugar Drop
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/getting-healthy/getting-healthy-women/hypoglycemia-diet-how-to-prevent-sudden-blood-sugar-drop/
Hypoglycemia Diet – How To Prevent Sudden Blood Sugar Drop
Charushila Biswas January 28, 2019
Do you feel excessively hungry all the time? Do you also feel dizzy, weak, and disoriented? Chances are that you are hypoglycemic.
Hypoglycemia is a condition in which the blood sugar drops below normal levels (70 mg/dL)(1). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that 245,000 people in the US are hypoglycemic (2). Mostly, people with diabetes are affected by it. But people without diabetes may also be hypoglycemic.
To prevent a sudden drop in blood sugar levels and minimize the risk of health complications, you must follow a hypoglycemia-friendly diet. Not just food, the time of food intake and quantity also matter when it comes to managing hypoglycemia. Read on to know all about it and live a healthy life. Let’s begin!
In This Article, You Will Know…
What Causes Hypoglycemia?
Hypoglycemia is caused when there’s more insulin in the body. Insulin levels can be high if you have diabetes and take insulin to lower blood glucose levels. Or it may also occur if you have reactive or fasting hypoglycemia. To understand how excessive insulin causes hypoglycemia, you have to understand its function. Let’s take a quick look.
Insulin is a hormone secreted in response to a rise in blood glucose levels after a meal. The function of insulin is to carry the glucose molecules into the cells. In the cells, glucose gets converted into usable energy. Energy is then used to perform various day-to-day tasks.
When insulin is overproduced, the glucose level in the blood drops. If the blood glucose level drops below 70 mg/dL, you will start to feel dizzy, and your brain will stop functioning properly. You might show the following symptoms of hypoglycemia.
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Symptoms Of Hypoglycemia
Excessive, sudden hunger
Feeling irritated and anxious
Tingling lips
Blurred vision
Feeling weak
High heart rate
Feeling disoriented and confused
Turning pale
Feeling mentally sluggish
If you experience most or all of the symptoms mentioned above, you must see a doctor immediately. Find out in the following section how your doctor will confirm if you have hypoglycemia.
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How To Know If You Are Hypoglycemic
To know if you have hypoglycemia, your doctor will first make a note of all the symptoms. If they suspect hypoglycemia, your blood sugar levels will be tested.
If the report does not confirm hypoglycemia, further tests will be carried out to find out the underlying reason for low blood sugar levels. If the test confirms that you are hypoglycemic, you will be asked to follow a hypoglycemia-friendly diet. What’s a hypoglycemia diet? Find more about it in the next section.
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Hypoglycemia Diet
Scientists have conducted studies and found that an apt hypoglycemic diet can either be a diet rich in complex carbs with some amount of simple carbs or a ketogenic diet (3), (4), (5), (6).
To determine a good hypoglycemia diet, you must look at the sustainability of the diet. Choose a program that blends well with your lifestyle and does not affect your health. Here’s a sample diet chart for you to follow. Get your doctor’s approval if you want to follow this diet plan.
Meals What To Eat After Waking Up (7:30 a.m.) 350 mL warm water with 1 teaspoon organic honey Breakfast (8:30 a.m.) Hard boiled eggs and 1 multigrain toast
Oatmeal with strawberries and almonds
Bulletproof coffee
Mid Morning (10:30 a.m.) 1 banana
370 mL freshly pressed fruit juice
Keto fat bombs
Lunch (12:30 p.m.) Mushroom and quinoa salad
Grilled chicken breast with veggies
Tuna and mayonnaise salad
Evening Snack (3:30 p.m.) 1 multigrain digestive biscuit + 1 cup black coffee
Baked beetroot chip
½ avocado + 3-4 slices of salami
Dinner (6:30 p.m.) Lentil soup with veggies
Grilled fish and sautéed veggies
Cream of mushroom soup
Apart from the foods listed in the diet chart, here’s a list of foods to eat and avoid if you are hypoglycemic. Take a look.
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Foods To Eat
Veggies – Spinach, kale, arugula, bitter gourd, radish greens, collard greens, Swiss chard, Malabar spinach, eggplant, broccoli, cauliflower, carrot, purple cabbage, Chinese cabbage, cabbage, lettuce, bok choy, scallions, radish, turnip, celery, and fennel.
Fruits – Banana, avocado, apple, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, lime, lemon, grapefruit, watermelon, muskmelon, kiwi, orange, pluot, tangerine, gooseberries, pears, plum, peach, dragon fruit, and sweet lime.
Protein – Chicken breast, mackerel, tuna, salmon, sardine, free-range eggs, kidney beans, navy beans, Bengal gram, mung beans, lentils, tofu, soy milk, and soy chunks.
Whole Grains – Brown rice, white rice (provided you include four types of veggies with it), barley, oats, quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat, and wheat.
Dairy – Full-fat milk, full-fat yogurt, homemade ricotta cheese, cottage cheese, cheddar cheese, and Greek yogurt.
Fats And Oils – Olive oil, ghee, avocado oil, rice bran oil, almond butter, flaxseed butter, and sunflower seed butter.
Seeds And Nuts – Flax seeds, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, melon seeds, pepita, almonds, walnuts, pistachios, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, and pine nuts.
Herbs And Spices – Cilantro, basil, sage, oregano, thyme, dill, bay leaves, coriander, cinnamon, cardamom, allspice, saffron, mace, nutmeg, turmeric, ginger, onion, garlic, chili flakes, green chili, cumin, dried herbs, and nigella seeds.
Beverages – Water, detox water, fenugreek seeds soaked water, low-sodium buttermilk, green tea, herbal tea, black coffee, and freshly pressed fruit or vegetable juice.
Here’s a list of foods to avoid.
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Foods To Avoid
Processed foods
High-sodium foods
Artificial sweeteners
Frozen foods
Canned and packaged foods
The basic idea is to consume complex carbs, healthy fats, lean protein, and grass-fed dairy and stay hydrated. Also, keep yourself active by working out regularly.
Hypoglycemia can get worse if you do not consume anything before working out. Here are a few food options that you may try out.
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What To Consume Before Exercising
Consume a good source of complex carbs and protein. Have it at least 45 minutes before working out. Here are some options:
Apple and almond butter
Freshly pressed fruit juice and nuts
Green tea and digestive biscuit
Carrot and hummus
Yogurt and berries
Protein shakes (check out 15 homemade protein shake recipes here).
So, you have plenty of food options to choose from and be healthy. Before I come to a close, here are a few tips to manage hypoglycemia.
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Tips To Manage Hypoglycemia
Follow the hypoglycemia diet.
Keep yourself active.
Avoid sugary foods.
Avoid consuming alcohol.
Eat every 2-3 hours.
Keep yourself hydrated.
If you feel dizzy, pop a candy in your mouth, lie down, and wait for 10-15 minutes.
Call a friend or the ambulance if you do not feel alright after 15 minutes.
Hypoglycemia may become life-threatening if you do not take care and act quickly. Listen to your body carefully and consume healthy foods. In a few days, you will start feeling better and not be dizzy, weak, or famished suddenly. If you have any questions, post them in the comments box, and I’d be happy to answer them. Take care!
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1. “Low Blood Glucose (Hypoglycemia)” National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, US Department of Health and Human Services. 2. “National Diabetes Statistics Report, 2017” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 3. “Hypoglycemia and endurance exercise: dietary considerations.” Nutrition and health, US National Library of Medicine. 4. “Treatment of reactive hypoglycemia with the macrobiotic Ma-pi 2 diet as assessed by continuous glucose monitoring: The MAHYP randomized crossover trial.” Metabolism: clinical and experimental, US National Library of Medicine. 5. “Protective effects of ketogenic diets on signs of hypoglycemia.” Diabetes, US National Library of Medicine. 6. “Eucaloric Ketogenic Diet Reduces Hypoglycemia and Inflammation in Mice with Endotoxemia.” Lipids, US National Library of Medicine.
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Charushila Biswas
Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/hypoglycemia-diet/
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kyeteahouse · 6 years
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The top is a typical overpriced tangerine that you would find in Whole Foods. The bottom is an organic Hawai’i grown tangerine that is juicy, full of life & picked only at the peak of perfection. We use the bottom tangerines for our teas. To be honest, the Hawaiian tangerines have a superior flavor. That’s why we use them- only the best for our customers because we love you. 😍 You can find these tangerines alongside green tea, turmeric, ginger & soursop in our BE FREE blend. 🍊Use code MAHALO for 20% off + free shipping. Makes a lovely gift! • • • • • • • • • • • #Hawaii #Herbal #Tea #Organic #FallWeather #SelfLove #Waterfall #Wellness #Oahu #Momprenuer #AllNatural #Yoga # #Meditation #Healing #HealthisWealth #SelfCare #NaturalRemedies #DriedHerbs #Breathe #Maui #Kauai #NaturalHealing #OneLove #LawofAttraction #Herbalist #PlantMedicine #Aloha #Gratitude #kyeteahouse https://www.instagram.com/p/BqDmfOelvy9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1659ms9ewsq90
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Natural cures and home remedies for concussion
Natural cures and home remedies for concussion
When our head is injured by a physical blow, then this can result in concussion. This condition needs expert medical attention and immediate care from your doctor. Concussion is like a bruise that results from someone’s brain colliding with his skull. Every single person who had a blow to his head, have increased risk of getting concussion. Most especially this risk is increased if there was even a momentary loss of consciousness. Also there are other signs of concussion which can help you to recognize it such as short – term memory loss, difficulty concentrating, nausea and headache. If you recognize some of these symptoms, then you should talk with your doctor as soon as possible. Do not take some of the mentioned home remedies and natural cures without consulting with your doctor. There are some home remedies which can ease the headache and pain which are caused by this condition but also they can help you to heal the damage which is made to your blood vessels and head.  To some person who suffers from concussion should be given maximum medical care because this can help them to be healed. When some person has experienced a concussion, then it is very important for him to take rest and he should not make a sudden head movement because this can lead to further problems. You should be sure that this person does not lose consciousness she or she should be bright and alert after waking up.
natural cures for concussion
Drink fluids: Fluids can help you to restore the lost balance in your body and they will ensure that your blood is not very thick. You should be sure that your body is well hydrated. This is one of the most important natural treatments which you should make because in this way your brain can heal more quickly. There are some doctors who are recommending drinking one ounce of fluid per day per 2 pounds of body weight. This means that if the person weights 100 pounds, then he should drink 50 ounces over the course of the day for the critical 2 weeks. When we mentioned drinking more fluids that you should drink noncaffeinated – water and nonalcoholic water. Load up on antioxidants: You should eat a healthy diet with abundant protein and a lot of blueberries during the 2 week following the injury. Blueberries are effective home remedy for concussion because they have flavonoid antioxidants which can help you to strengthen the blood vessels walls in which is also included the brain. You should take a 3,000 mg of Vitamin C every day because this will help you to reduce the oxidative stress in your bran which is also associated with the head trauma. There are some doctors who are recommending using buffered powder (which is Vitamin C combined with small amounts of potassium, magnesium and calcium) because it is most easily absorbed. These doctors are recommending mixing this powder with juice and then you should drink it. For the proper dosage you should talk with your doctor. You need to eat foods that are rich in antioxidants because in this way you will recover from the concussion. You should eat green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits if you want to have the best results. The green vegetables are also rich in nutrients such as calcium and folic acid which are very important for the healing process of this condition. Citrus fruits such as oranges and tangerines have minerals and vitamins as well as antioxidants which can repair the damage that is done to your head. This is possible because citrus fruits are rich in Vitamin C. This vitamin can reduce the degree of oxidative stress which is caused during a concussion. Also you should eat foods that are rich in calcium along with the citrus fruits. This is very important because the Vitamin C is more easily absorbed into our bodies if we take nutrients such as calcium, magnesium and potassium. Also you can drink juices that are extracted from these fruits because this is also a very effective natural treatment for the concussion. [1] Avoid extreme temperatures for concussion: You should be sure that the person who suffers from concussion is not exposed to extreme temperatures. If the swelling is severe, then you should use ice packs. This natural treatment will prevent further inflammation in your brain. You should ensure that the person who has concussion wears loose clothes and he or she is having comfortable rest. If you have a concussion and the weather is too hot or too cold, then you should adjust your clothes because in this way your body temperature will not fluctuate and it cause you further complications. [2] Double dose of fish oil – fast: The general recommendation for the most people is to take 2 grams of high – potency fish oil. But doctors are recommending people who have suffered from head injury to take up to 4 grams as soon as possible after the injury and they should continue taking 4 grams once per day for up to 7 days afterward. This advice is based on animal study which was done in the West Virginia University School of Medicine and it was reported in the Journal of Neurosurgery. It was demonstrated that taking high – potency fish oil which has large amounts of the Omega – 3 fatty acids DHA and EPA can help in the natural treatment of the concussion [3]. This natural cure can help you to decrease the brain inflammation. Also it will help you to rid of headaches, memory loss and fogginess which are parts of the concussion. If there is evidence that you have bleeding in your brain, then you should not use fish oil as your natural treatment for the concussion. Take arnica: Arnica is a plant which is used in many cosmetics. Most of us are familiar with the arnica cream because it is widely spreading. Arnica has been used for more than 500 years in the medicine. It has been used for as natural treatment for bruises, sprains and sore muscles. Also arnica comes in the form of homeopathic pellets which can help you to expedite the healing of the bruised brain tissue. You should place 3 homeopathic arnica 30 c pellets under your tongue. You should put them under your tongue within 15 minutes of the trauma or as soon as you can get them. You can find the arnica pellets online or in the health stores. You should continue this dosage every hour for the day and you should reduce the frequency on the second, third and fourth days to 3 doses. You should take one in the morning, one in the midday and one in the evening. Chinese skullcap: This is also a very effective home remedy for concussions. You should use tea made from Chinese skullcap if you suffer from concussion. This natural cure is a nerve relaxant and it will help you to ease the headaches that are experienced by people who suffer from concussion. Also it can improve the blood flow or circulation and also it nutrients our brain. This will help you to ease the concussion and the person who suffers from it can recover faster. This natural cure also nourishes the tissues of the nerves and it can prevent from intensifying during a concussion. Also you can make a natural mixture by mixing a tincture of Cayenne Pepper, Oats, St. John’s Wort and Chinese Skullcap tincture. You should take this natural treatment because it can help you to speed up the healing process of concussion. Turmeric: Turmeric is effective home remedy which can help you to heal the concussion in fast way [4,5]. You should powder the root of turmeric and then you should add it to a hot drink or water. You should drink this natural cure at regular basis because in this way you will have the best results. Also you can make a turmeric paste and you should add this paste to your gravies or dishes. Turmeric has magnificent curative powers and this is a reason why this natural cure has been used in the Indian as a spice for a very long time. Blueberry: This home remedy has many healing powers. When you consume the berries of this herb and when they are ingested, then the blood vessels of your brain are strengthened [5]. This is possible because this natural cure has strong flavanoid antioxidants which can help you to repair the damage in your head. You can prepare blueberry tea using either dried or fresh berries of this herb. You should add these berries to boiling water and you should let this mixture simmer for about 15 – 20 minutes. Then, you should some Stevia leaves or honey and you should drink this herbal tea at regular basis because in this way you will get results in quick and better way. References: [1] Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB). Antioxidant therapy may have promising potential in concussion treatment. Science Daily. 2015. Retrieved from www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/04/150401132752.htm [2] Wang H, Wang B, Jackson K, et al. A novel head-neck cooling device for concussion injury in contact sports. Translational Neuroscience. 2015;6(1):20-31. [3] Mills JD, Bailes JE, Sedney CL. Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation and reduction of traumatic axonal injury in a rodent head injury model. Journal of Neurosurgery. 2011;114(1). [4] Petraglia AL, Winkler EA, Bailes JE. Stuck at the bench: Potential natural neuroprotective compounds for concussion. Surgical Neurology International. 2011;2:146. [5] Gibson CJ, Mcquiston X, Darwish Y. Effects of curcumin and a blueberry-enhanced diet after traumatic brain injury in rats. Conference Paper. 2014.
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karenparnell-blog · 7 years
Epigenetics and how to live a longer, healthier life.
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Introduction to Epigenetics
Did you know that 95% of us were born genetically healthy? We didn’t inherit a predisposition for serious diseases like cancer, diabetes or morbid obesity so this means that they are preventable. But what if you are in the 5%? Even if you were to inherit genes that predispose you to disease, these don’t necessarily determine the outcome.
We know that, in most cases, disease is developed because of the foods you eat, the air you breathe, environmental pollution, stress levels, lack of exercise and many other factors – consider these gene “signals”. Genes can be switched “on” and “off” by these signals so the expression of your genes can be modified. Genes that predispose us to cancer for example – these external signals can either keep them dormant or active, this is Epigenetics.
Epigenetics is the science of how environmental signals select, modify and regulate your gene activity.
Smoking tobacco causes up to 30% of all cancers and alcohol up to 6%. High alcohol consumption increases your risk of DNA mutations in you cells. Your body breaks down alcohol into acetaldehyde which is classed as a group 1 carcinogen. Alcohol also increases blood oestrogen levels which can lead to a number of cancers, such as breast cancer, Liver cancer risk is highly influenced by alcohol intake. Up to 44% of aero-digestive (oral cavity, pharynx, larynx and oesophagus) cancers and 33% of liver cancers in Western Europe can be attributed to alcohol intake. Alcohol is a depressant. That means any amount you drink can make you more likely to get the blues. Drinking a lot can harm your brain and lead to depression. When you drink too much, you're more likely to make bad decisions or act on impulse. Alcohol also slows down your metabolism so if you are trying to lose weight it will make it extremely difficult – it’s not just the extra empty calories and loss of control!
Most cancers can be PREVENTED with diet and lifestyle changes and the earlier we make these changes the better. It’s never too late however – after JUST one month of stopping smoking individuals have increased lung function, improved circulation and reduced heart attack risk.
Poor diet increases the risk of:
·         prostate cancer by 75%
·         colorectal cancer by 70%
·         breast cancer by 50%
 So, what are our goals?
For     those who have not been diagnosed with cancer –     minimise your risk of being diagnosed with cancer
For     those diagnosed with cancer – work alongside     therapies to increase their efficiency
For     those in remission – help your body to keep healthy and     cancer-free
For     everyone – build resilience and slow down the aging     process so you can enjoy a long, youthful life
Changes we can make to our diet
Cancer cells tend to have certain epigenetic changes that aren’t present in normal cells.
These changes may:
·         Turn a normal cell into a cancer cell
·         Increase the progression of the disease
·         Help cancer cells to spread to a new location (metastasis)
 The food we eat can slow down or speed up these changes. For example, highly processed fatty meats contain chemicals that alter our DNA and cause mutations, speeding up the process that leads to cancer. Green leafy vegetables (like spinach) help amplify favourable epigenetic changes that decrease your risk of cancer.
Plant foods are high in phytochemicals that help repair damaged DNA and promote desirable epigenetic changes in your cells. More than 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day is desirable. Garlic is known to switch on certain genes called “tumour suppressor genes” which help to stop cancer cells from growing – and tell them to die instead!
Turmeric which has been studied in the Harvard Cancer Centre gives your immune system an extra boost helping it to fight off potential cancer cells and Geno-toxins in your body
When cooking with Turmeric mix it with black pepper and olive oil which allows the body to best use it.
10 Epigenetic fruits and vegetables to include in your next shopping trip:
Spinach                                             Kale
Pak Choy                                          Broccoli
Watercress                                        Pumpkin
Blackberries                                      Strawberries
Oranges                                             Grapefruit
Other foods that can be considered as having “anti-cancer” properties are:
Garlic, Turmeric, Ginseng, Cayenne Pepper, Carrots, Red Grapes, Sunflower seed, Kidney Beans, Tomatoes and Olive Oil.
Antioxidants, Vitamins & Minerals
Many vitamins work as anti-oxidants, finding and repairing cells that have been damaged by too much oxidation or DNA mutations. Some vitamins are also anti-inflammatory and anti-viral. Combining vitamins has the best effects. Vitamins associated with longevity & cancer prevention are A, B6, B12, C, D, E and K. Minerals are needed to help your body to function at its best. Macro-minerals are needed in larger amounts and include calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, sodium, chloride and magnesium. Trace minerals include iron, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, fluoride, selenium and cobalt.
Exercise gets your heart pumping and increases the blood flow to your muscles. Your muscles contain cells which change and work differently when you exercise. In Normal cells exercise keeps epigenetic changes in check, making sure the right changes happen at the right time. In addition, physical activity can reduce and even reverse some of the epigenetic changes that occur in cancer cells!
Adults should get 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week PLUS strengthening exercise on 2 or more days per week
Telomeres are the caps at the end of each strand of DNA that protect our chromosomes, like the plastic tips at the end of shoelaces. Without the coating, shoelaces become frayed until they can no longer do their job, just as without telomeres, DNA strands become damaged and our cells can't do their job.
Individuals who exercise the minimum recommended amount experience about a 31% decrease in mortality risk. In 2008, a study found that physical activity can assist in maintaining the length of telomeres – keeping DNA healthy and you looking and feeling younger! Individuals who engaged in 4 different activities over the month were 59% less likely to have shorter telomeres. There is a 20-30% decrease of cancer risk from being physically active. Exercise decreases insulin, increases cell apoptosis, decreases IBS and enhances immunity – all beneficial to reducing cancer risk.
Stress can speed up the rate at which your cells divide. This means that there may be more mutations in the DNA leading to cancer. However, by relaxing your mind you can help reduce stress, promote positive epigenetic changes and decrease your cancer risk. In a pioneering Harvard experiment participants did relaxation activities like yoga, meditation, prayer or mindful breathing for just 20 minutes a day. The researchers took blood samples before and after 8 weeks and compared them with those who didn’t do any relaxation techniques. 2,209 genes responsible for the ageing process were changed. Some of these “deactivated” genes are the same genes that may increase cancer risk.
Here are some foods that can reduce your bodies oxidative stress:
Kiwi     Grapefruit      Tangerine      Lemon            Asparagus     Avocado
Cantaloupe   Melons           Blueberries   Dark Chocolate        Green Tea
Did you know that Green Tea decreases the risks of heart disease and diabetes, enhances brain function and boosts fat metabolism (good for excess fat loss)?
Hugging & Massage
Could you imagine that something so delicate and sweet as a hug or a warm touch demonstrates measurable health benefits? Hugs can lower your blood pressure, heart rate and cortisol levels and decrease oxidative stress. More hugs and more relaxation helps balance us out and equals less telomere shortening and a longer, healthier life. A brief 10 second hug each day (with another human or pet) can increase your levels of the love hormone oxytocin, counteracting the effects of stress hormones.
Massage has other benefits on the body besides relieving plain. The Schanberg Group at the University of Miami found it had a beneficial role in the physiological aspect of individuals such as decreasing anxiety and decreasing the stress hormone cortisol. They found in 2005 that after massage individuals had decreased cortisol levels and higher levels of the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine. In 2010, it was found that massage increased levels of Lymphocytes (crucial in fighting off disease) and Cytokines (pro-inflammatory molecules).
The basics for a healthy, epigenetic diet:
·         Avoid alcohol
·         Avoid ALL processed foods
·         Bulk up your meals with a variety of colourful vegetables – there is no upper limit!
·         Beans, lentils, rice and soy based products are a good source of protein and fibre
·         Herbs, spices, herbal teas and infusions add an extra benefit and flavour
·         Take your Healthy Life Shopping List with you when you go shopping
A healthy lifestyle is a balance between diet, exercise and keeping levels of stress to a minimum through meditation, mindfulness and other methods.
If you want to know more about this subject and learn how to cook some meals that include Epigenetic ingredients then I have written a cook book called “The Epigenetic Recipe Book”. Proceeds from the book go to the Cudeca cancer support charity.
About the Epigenetic Recipe Book
In the Epigenetic Recipe Book, there are recipes that take advantage of the benefits of foods that we have described in this article. Each recipe details which ingredients are beneficial for a positive impact on your epigenetics and how they help your cells avoid mutation. All the recipes I have tried, tested, enjoyed and modified to include as many anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals as possible. I have also made sure the ingredients are easily available in Spain and I have also included the Spanish name so you can find them in your local super market.
Contact Karen Parnell, [email protected] for more details. www.chilibandb.com
Karen Parnell is a Personal Trainer, Triathlon Coach and has a Diploma in Cancer Prevention & Longevity. She has been coaching and helping people meet their health and fitness goals for over six years. Karen is also a Tutor for the British Triathlon Federation and run a health and fitness centre in Cómpeta, Spain.
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solshop · 6 months
Exploring the Solshop Assorted Herbal Tea Mix: A Journey Through Exotic Flavors
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Welcome to the world of Solshop's Assorted Herbal Tea Mix, where every sip is a journey through exotic flavors and holistic well-being. This carefully curated tea box promises a unique blend of wellness and taste, featuring a diverse range of herbal infusions that cater to various aspects of your health. Join us as we embark on an exploration of these delightful teas, each offering a distinct experience for your senses and overall well-being.
Willowy Wulong:
Begin your journey with the delicate notes of Willowy Wulong. This traditional Chinese oolong tea is known for its floral aroma and smooth taste, providing a serene start to your tea experience.
Slimming Tea:
Indulge in the Slimming Tea, a blend crafted to support your wellness journey. With a combination of herbs known for their metabolism-boosting properties, this tea aims to be a delightful companion on your quest for a healthier lifestyle.
Tangerine Turmeric:
Infuse yourself with the vibrant and tangy Tangerine Turmeric blend. Packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, this tea is a burst of flavors that not only tantalizes your taste buds but also supports your immune system.
Immunity Tea:
Elevate your immune defenses with the Immunity Tea. A thoughtful blend of herbs renowned for their immune-boosting qualities, this tea is your natural shield against the challenges of the day.
White Wizard:
Experience the magic of White Wizard, a white tea blend celebrated for its subtle flavors and high antioxidant content. This tea is a gentle reminder to take a moment for yourself and savor the simple joys.
Beauty Tea:
Nourish your inner radiance with Beauty Tea. This blend, enriched with botanicals known for promoting skin health, invites you to embrace your beauty from the inside out.
Jolly Jecur: Liver Detox Tea:
Support your body's detoxification process with Jolly Jecur. Crafted to promote liver health, this tea is a refreshing way to show your liver some love.
Cuppa Cure: Lung Detox Tea:
Breathe in the goodness of Cuppa Cure, a lung detox tea designed to refresh and rejuvenate. Perfect for those moments when you need to clear the air and invigorate your respiratory system.
Kwath Kadha: Ayurvedic Kadha Blend:
Immerse yourself in the wisdom of Ayurveda with Kwath Kadha. This traditional herbal blend aims to balance your doshas and promote overall well-being.
Calming Chamomile:
Unwind with the soothing embrace of Calming Chamomile. Known for its relaxation-inducing properties, this tea is the perfect companion for moments of tranquility.
Sleep Tea:
Prepare for a restful night with Sleep Tea. Blended to promote relaxation and ease into a peaceful slumber, this tea is your bedtime ritual for a rejuvenated tomorrow.
Blissful Berries: Detox Tea:
Indulge in the fruity delight of Blissful Berries. This detox tea combines vibrant berries with detoxifying herbs, offering a flavorful way to cleanse your body.
Cuppa Compassion: Energy Tea:
Revitalize your spirit with Cuppa Compassion. This energy-boosting tea is a fusion of invigorating herbs, providing a natural lift to your day without the jitters.
The Solshop Assorted Herbal Tea Mix Box is a treasure trove of diverse flavors and holistic benefits. Whether you seek relaxation, detoxification, or an immune boost, this collection has something for everyone. Elevate your tea-drinking experience and embark on a journey of well-being with Solshop's exquisite herbal tea blends. Cheers to a year of sipping, savoring, and embracing the art of herbal tea!
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solshop · 8 months
Gut Health Revitalized: Nourishing Teas for a Vibrant You -Solshop
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In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we often neglect one of the most critical aspects of our well-being — our gut health. The gut plays a crucial role in our overall health, influencing everything from digestion to immunity and mood. A gut cleanse can be the key to revitalising your health and well-being. In this blog, we will explore the importance of gut cleansing and discover the foods and teas that can work wonders for your gut health, focusing on Ayurvedic Kadha Tea.
Before we dive into the foods that promote gut health, let’s first explore the magic of gut-cleansing teas. SOL teas offer a range of herbal blends designed to detoxify and nourish your gut. Here are a few notable options:
1) Ayurvedic Kadha Tea
Ayurvedic Kadha Tea is a powerhouse of herbs known for their positive impact on boosting immunity while focusing on gut health. Here are the key herbs and their benefits:
1. Amla: Amla, also known as Indian gooseberry, is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. It aids digestion, supports the stomach’s mucous membrane, and helps in relieving acidity.
2. Turmeric: Turmeric contains curcumin, an anti-inflammatory compound that soothes the digestive tract and can alleviate symptoms of inflammatory bowel diseases.
3. Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb known for its ability to reduce stress. A calm mind can indirectly benefit your gut by reducing stress-related digestive issues.
2) Lung Detox Tea
Cuppa Cure, Lung Detox Tea is formulated with herbs to assist in cutting down cravings related to alcohol, smoking, and drugs. It also helps to decongest and clear lungs, however, since gut health goes hand in hand we will talk about its three major herbs, each of which plays a vital role in promoting gut health:
1. Triphala: Triphala is a blend of three fruits — Amla, Haritaki, and Bibhitaki. It’s known for its digestive benefits, aiding in bowel regularity and supporting a balanced gut microbiome.
2. Cinnamon: Cinnamon adds not only a delightful flavour but also antimicrobial properties. It can help maintain a balanced gut by reducing harmful bacteria.
3. Senna Leaves: Senna leaves act as a natural laxative, assisting in colon cleansing and promoting healthy bowel movements.
3) Slimming & Detox Tea
The Willowy Wulong Slimming Detox tea is excellent for improving overall digestive health, boosting metabolism and burning fat. It contains three major herbs, each of which plays a vital role in promoting gut health:
1. Licorice: Licorice supports the gut lining and can help alleviate symptoms of conditions like gastritis and acid reflux, promoting overall gut health.
2. Peppermint: Peppermint soothes the digestive tract and can aid in the relief of gastrointestinal discomfort, including symptoms like bloating and gas.
3. Fennel: Fennel is excellent for promoting digestive health. It can help relax the digestive tract, reducing issues like indigestion and constipation, and contributing to overall gut health.
4) Immunity Tea
SOL’s Tangerine Turmeric Immunity Tea contains three major ingredients, each of which is essential in promoting gut health:
1. Turmeric: Turmeric is renowned for its anti-inflammatory properties, which can help soothe the gut lining, alleviate symptoms of conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and support overall gut health.
2. Ginger: Ginger aids digestion by stimulating the production of digestive enzymes. It can help alleviate nausea, indigestion, and overall discomfort, contributing to gut health.
3. Black Pepper: Black Pepper enhances nutrient absorption, particularly in the case of turmeric. This spice ensures that the beneficial compounds in turmeric are effectively absorbed and utilized by the body.
Incorporating the right foods into your diet along with SOL gut-cleansing teas can work wonders for your gut health and overall detox routine. Here are some gut-friendly foods to consider:
Foods for Gut Cleansing:
1. Fiber-Rich Foods: Whole grains, fruits, and vegetables are packed with fiber, which supports a healthy gut by feeding beneficial gut bacteria.
2. Fermented Foods: Yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi contain probiotics that help maintain a balanced gut microbiome.
3. Leafy Greens: Spinach, kale, and other leafy greens are rich in vitamins and minerals that promote gut health.
4. Lean Proteins: Incorporate lean proteins like poultry, fish, and tofu, which are easier on the digestive system.
5. Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, flaxseeds, and chia seeds provide healthy fats and fiber that benefit your gut.
6. Herbs and Spices: Turmeric, ginger, and garlic have anti-inflammatory properties and can support gut health.
In the pursuit of a healthier you, don’t underestimate the pivotal role that gut health plays in your overall well-being. Your gut is not only responsible for digestion but also influences your immunity, mood, and more. It’s the foundation upon which your health is built.
By incorporating SOL Teas into your daily routine and complementing it with gut-friendly foods, you take a significant step toward revitalizing your gut health. A balanced gut is not only the cornerstone of a healthier life but also the key to a more balanced and fulfilling existence. So, seize the opportunity to nurture your gut, and embark on your journey to a healthier, happier you. Cheers to a revitalized gut and a brighter future!
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solshop · 8 months
Exploring the World of Assorted Herbal Teas: Flavors, Benefits, and Brewing Tips
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Exploring the World of Assorted Herbal Teas: Flavors, Benefits, and Brewing Tips
The world of herbal teas is a vast and exciting one, filled with an array of flavors, health benefits, and soothing aromas. If you're a tea enthusiast looking to embark on a flavorful journey, you're in for a treat. In this blog, we'll dive into a curated box of exotic herbal teas that includes an enticing assortment of flavors and health-promoting properties. From Willowy Wulong to Blissful Berries, we'll explore the unique characteristics and advantages of each tea, offering you a delightful experience with every cup. So, let's start sipping our way through this diverse collection of herbal teas.
1. Willowy Wulong - The Weight Watcher's Choice
Willowy Wulong is your trusted companion on your weight management journey. This herbal tea combines the best of oolong and herbal ingredients, creating a harmonious blend that aids in weight loss and supports your metabolism.
2. Tangerine Turmeric - A Zesty Wellness Elixir
The Tangerine Turmeric blend brings together the warmth of turmeric with the refreshing zing of tangerine. This tea is a powerful antioxidant, boosting your immune system and promoting overall well-being.
3. Immunity Tea - Your Shield Against Sickness
Immunity Tea is a unique blend that's packed with immune-boosting herbs and spices. It's a perfect choice to strengthen your defenses against illness and maintain your vitality.
4. White Wizard - Beauty in a Cup
White Wizard is your key to radiant skin and a healthy glow. This herbal infusion is loaded with antioxidants and detoxifying properties, making it a beauty secret worth sipping on.
5. Jolly Jecur: Liver Detox Tea - Give Your Liver Some Love
For a healthy liver, look no further than Jolly Jecur. This liver detox tea supports liver function and helps in detoxifying your body.
6. Cuppa Cure - The Ultimate Comfort Tea
Cuppa Cure is the ideal blend to soothe your senses and provide comfort. Whether you're feeling stressed or under the weather, this tea is your remedy.
7. Lung Detox Tea - Breathe Easy
If you're looking to cleanse your respiratory system, Lung Detox Tea can be a breath of fresh air. It promotes lung health and clears out impurities.
8. Kwath Kadha - Traditional Ayurvedic Wisdom
Kwath Kadha is a time-honored Ayurvedic blend that combines herbs and spices for overall well-being.
9. Calming Chamomile - Serenity in a Cup
Calming Chamomile is perfect for those seeking relaxation and tranquility. This gentle herbal tea helps relieve stress and promotes a good night's sleep.
10. Blissful Berries: Detox Tea - Cleanse and Revitalize
Blissful Berries is a delightful detox tea that combines the flavors of various berries. This blend is a tasty way to cleanse and rejuvenate your body.
11. Cuppa Compassion - Energize Your Day
If you're in need of a pick-me-up, Cuppa Compassion will provide the energy boost you seek.
The world of assorted herbal teas is a treasure trove of flavors, benefits, and well-being. Whether you're on a quest for wellness, looking to pamper yourself with delightful flavors, or simply seeking comfort, this diverse collection has something for everyone. Remember, brewing the perfect cup of herbal tea requires some care and attention to detail, so be sure to follow the brewing tips provided with each tea to make the most of your aromatic journey.
Now, it's time to embrace the world of assorted herbal teas and let your taste buds savor the exotic flavors while your body reaps the health rewards. So, which tea will you try first? Happy sipping!
Buy Assorted Herbal Tea - SOLShop
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solshop · 8 months
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Buy Assorted Herbal Tea Mix - SOLShop
Box contains all exotic herbal teas,Willowy Wulong, Slimming Tea , Tangerine Turmeric, Immunity Tea , White Wizard,Beauty Tea , Jolly Jecur: Liver Detox Tea , Cuppa Cure,Lung Detox Tea , Kwath Kadha,Ayurvedic Kadha Blend , Calming Chamomile, Sleep Tea , Blissful Berries: Detox Tea , Cuppa Compassion, Energy Tea
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solshop · 9 months
Know About Herbal Turmeric Tea For Immunity And Radiant skin - Solshop
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Tangerine Turmeric Herbal Tea, one of our Ayurvedic formulas for soothing the nerves, helps you stay tranquil while warding off the flu and promoting radiant skin. Cinnamon, ginger, and lemon have been expertly blended by the mixologists at SOL, creating a complex and flavorful beverage. An elixir that will invigorate your body and elevate your spirits at the same time. When you're not feeling like yourself, mix some hot water with this herbal mixture, and you'll find that it helps you feel better.
Health Benefits
Boosts Immunity
Fight against cough and cold and relieves sore throat
Anti-inflammatory and anti bacterial
Promotes hair and skin health
Supports gut health
Why drink this Tea?
This spicy blend is high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, both of which are said to help cleanse the body and boost the immune system.
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Turmeric, Lemon Peel, Ginger, Cinnamon, Black Pepper, Cardamom, Lemongrass
Does not contain Caffeine.
Ideally consumed hot
Steeping Instructions
Brewing Temperature: 99 deg.C; Brewing Time: 4-6 mins
Tasting Notes
Citrusy herbal undertone with a hint of cardamom's freshness and spicy notes of Black pepper and Turmeric
Read More - JOLLY JECUR Liver Detox Tea – Solshop
Tight-lid cylindrical containers for loose leaves and sachets for tea bags are used to store teas after they have been vacuum-sealed in Matellised Packaging, which protects the teas from air and light while also preventing them from absorbing aromas and deteriorating over time.
Visit us to Know More - solshop
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