#tea for cough and cold
solshop · 7 months
Herbal Turmeric Tea For Immunity And Radiant skin – Solshop
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Herbal turmeric tea, like the one you described, offers a range of potential benefits for both immunity and radiant skin. Here are some of the key benefits associated with the ingredients in your tea:
Immunity Boost: Turmeric, ginger, and black pepper are all well-known for their immune-boosting properties. Turmeric contains curcumin, a powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties that can help strengthen the immune system. Ginger is rich in bioactive compounds that have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, while black pepper enhances the absorption of curcumin, making it more effective.
Anti-Inflammatory: Turmeric and ginger are natural anti-inflammatory agents. They can help reduce inflammation in the body, which is often linked to various health issues, including a weakened immune system and skin conditions.
Antioxidant Rich: Turmeric and cinnamon are loaded with antioxidants that can help combat free radicals and oxidative stress in the body. This can protect the immune system and contribute to healthier skin by reducing the signs of aging.
Skin Health: Turmeric, with its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, can help improve skin conditions such as acne and psoriasis. It may also contribute to a more radiant complexion by reducing redness and promoting an even skin tone.
Digestive Support: Ginger and lemongrass are known for their digestive benefits. A healthy digestive system can indirectly support your immune system by ensuring proper nutrient absorption and waste elimination.
Cold and Cough Relief: The combination of ginger and cinnamon can help soothe cold and cough symptoms, providing relief from congestion and sore throat.
Detoxification: Turmeric and lemongrass may aid in detoxifying the body by promoting liver health. A well-functioning liver is essential for overall health and can help improve the appearance of your skin.
Weight Management: Some of these ingredients, particularly ginger and black pepper, have been associated with weight management and metabolism support, which can indirectly benefit skin health and overall well-being.
Stress Reduction: The warm, aromatic qualities of cinnamon and ginger can help reduce stress and promote relaxation, which is important for maintaining a strong immune system and healthy skin.
It's important to note that while these ingredients have many potential benefits, individual responses can vary. If you have specific health concerns or are taking medications, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating herbal teas or supplements into your routine. Drinking herbal turmeric tea can be a delicious and soothing way to promote both immunity and radiant skin when used as part of a balanced and healthy lifestyle.
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pixelatedraindrops · 8 months
Yuma looks so cute with a cold ;w; 💕
(under read for minor snz content kinda)
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don't stand in the rain too long silly 🤧💦
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rialitysworld · 7 months
rating slavic natural remedies that i know (and use) when i get sick
rakija for fever and throat pain: 9/10 it works wonders but you quite literally smell like you have had a few bottles at the bar; application/usage varies according to the problem
honey for coughing and throat pain: 7/10 sometimes works even better than rakija but too sticky and disgusting; application is annoying
leek or an onion for ear pain: 4/10 it works but it's disgusting. i do not want to put a vegetable in my ear, thank you
rakija for ear pain: 9.5/10 amazing and nice, makes you warm but you can't hear that well
putting your feet in hot very salty water for a stronger immune system (in some kind of a laundry basket without holes): 1000/10 perfect for my bad blood circulation, i love being warm, it makes me feel nice and cozy
boiling camomile or other herbs and then inhaling the steam for clean sinuses: 8/10 it feels like you are in a sauna; -2 points because your face sweats so much, but good skin care
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einsatzzz · 2 months
nauuurrrrrr i think im abt to get sick orz and im almost finished with this one wip too. i'll just go straight to sleep later after work and wake up early tomorrow to finish it
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chibifox2002 · 7 months
Nothing says "I spent the weekend around little kiddos" quite like getting a cold or something and having your throat and ears completely fucked up
I sound and feel like shit but I do not regret anything
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foxgirlinfohazard · 9 months
i wish I didn't have a fucking. Invincible sore throat right now this sucks
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whimsyprinx · 2 years
nothing is helping my throat
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equalseleventhirds · 1 year
back when i had covid the first time my roommate pointed out that an easy way to measure how well i feel is whether or not i sing in the shower
and she's not. she's not wrong. i lov to sing and i sing lots in the shower and if i Don't there is Something Wrong Probably
howeverly unforch showertime is the perfect combination of things to set me off coughing, a lingering occasional cough being my one big side effect, so it's gonna be a while until i can T_T
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six-of-ravens · 1 year
is a sore throat the next phase in this cold going away or have I gotten a new bug
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korinthiakos · 1 year
Still not feeling 100%
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newtness532 · 2 years
also i woke up and my throat is hurting really bad when i swallow
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machidielontheway · 1 year
hm. accidentally made mead ??
#3615 my life#actually it may be just a step before mead but like. it's still mead#which i thought was more than fermented honey but no it's just that and some stuff from flavor#'put the honey in cold or lukewarm water in order to not kill the bacteries'#ma'am they've been boiled and they're still alive and thriving#so the explanation is that i very often not finished my tea#which actually contains zero tea. just water honey lemon juice and ginger-lemon-honey bits (infusion pour les français)#and i use metals bottle now so that shit is screwed up tight after the 'oxygen period'#so often when i don't finish it and forget about it for coughs hours it will have...#in my mind like milk left over the night. the taste change and is weird and there's a little bit of gaz when opening the bottle#this time i just left it uuuh a few days. unopened.#and tonight i remembered that i do not have a good track with bottles half filled left unopened for too long#and i did well because the top did nearly come out of my hand when opening it because of the gaz pressure#wait with the lemon maybe it's not mead...it appears there's three kind of fermentation#i'm a bit sad i don't like fermentated things because apparently it's VERY good for the guts#which i have zero problem with. i could eat cement. but just in case you know ?#maybe my body makes me dislike fermentated stuff because i've got all the peeps i need down there for everything to work well#anyway. down the drain it went. don't like fermentation don't like alcohol
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I currently am suffering with strep and it has come with the worst, driest cough I have ever experienced in my life. My vocal cords have been torn to shreds and I haven’t been able to sleep for three nights straight
So if anyone wants to come over and murder me, I would greatly appreciate the mercy
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spook-e-snail · 2 months
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mfw thugging it out didn't work
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pine-the-mighty · 2 months
*cough cough hack hack cough hack*
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therealjammy · 5 months
Took a sick day today because I’m truly not feeling 100%; time to be a couch potato and continue reading A Storm of Swords
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