#Tarot game
duckguts · 29 days
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The Cards Speak, You Listen
{Print Available here}
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kalki-tarot · 4 months
Pick a pile – How will you meet your divine counterpart ?
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This reading is meant for entertainment purposes only! You are the creator of your own destiny and life <3
Deck(s) used : rws deck, rumi love oracle
Pile 1
Your union is divinely orchestrated by your guides and angels. A female goddess/deity/ancestor is guiding you both towards each other. She is a higher dimensional entity with spiritual knowledge. You will be asked to win over your fears before entering in the union with your divine counterpart. When you no longer self sabotage or say hurtful things to yourself, know that you are about to meet them. You guys play an important role in each other's destiny and life purposes. The place where you meet them can be related to finance, business or study. You can also meet them in a work/group project or meeting.
Reblog and claim the energy 💕✨️
Pile 2
You will meet your future spouse when you will take up an important decision/path in your life. This will be a very divinely guided set of events that will bring you both together. There's also this energy of manifestation here so you may have been manifesting this person for a while or they are manifesting you in their life somehow. You can meet them when the sky is cloudy and there can be a water body near the place you meet them. They will be the first one to approach you and actually talk to you, you may exchange numbers or social media etc. They see you as a queen/king, they get this powerful and bold energy from you even from afar.
Reblog and claim the energy 💕✨️
Pile 3
You will need to break a lot of unhealthy patterns, addictions or self sabotaging behaviors in your life before meeting your divine counterpart. You are someone who is stuck in the past, looks back at ir constantly. Please don't do that, leave everything behind which does not serve you dear friend. You will actually be blessed by someone who truly loves you so don't worry at all. Higher powers have it all figured out. You guys can meet in a social event, concert, dating app or social media. Feel free to dream and manifest your ideal partner cuz you're getting the exact same one love. They can work in finance or may be rich specifically.
Reblog and claim the energy 💕✨️
Pile 4
You can meet your divine counterpart either on a rainy day or a very bright sunny day, you will be going through some emotional breakdown just before meeting them. And when you meet them, your life will change upside down. You will notice how hardworking this person is and I'm also seeing love at first sight. One of you may even imagine having a family with the other on the first meeting itself lol. Very positive energy and vibes from you guys. You both will feel very happy and emotionally connected to each other and you will take that as a sign that this person is the one for you!!
Reblog and claim the energy 💕✨️
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bitchy-craft · 4 months
TAROT GAME: Believe in your own Magic: CLOSED
Hello and welcome to this post! I decided to do a new tarot game since I haven't done one in a while. I hope you all like it and enjoy!
Masterpost > Paid Readings
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Reading Contents:
A word that your message is about (which in itself will contains meaning > spiritual meaning of said things);
A matching short message about said word;
The number which fits your message;
3 meanings of the number you got.
How To Get This Reading:
Follow me;
Like/reblog 3 of my posts;
Comment that you're playing under this post.
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I am done with my exams so I thought to celebrate it with a game!🩷
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bluev0id · 3 months
~ What's coming your way? ~
I'm bored at my friend's graduation ceremony, so here's a little reading! Pick one of the four combinations of stones ♡
🌸 Check out my ETSY(link) where I sell jewelry made with these pendants 🌸
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1. Green agate + iridescent seashells
If you've been feeling not like yourself or missing something in your life, you will experience a return of what was lost. Expect a wholesome time in nature or engaging in your cultural or family traditions. If you haven't had time for hobbies or enjoying time by yourself, it will be a wonderful period where you'll be able to create, daydream and have some relaxing self care time. Someone from the past might return and you'll be able to fix the broken. On the other side, if you've been experiencing injustice or a lack of order, this will be sorted out.
Keywords : bringing it back, the way it should be, sunshine, traditions, to belong
2. White seashell and opals
There's high expectations on you either from others or yourself. You will want to be on your grind, trying to have a breakthrough. I do sense that there will be a feeling of lack that will guide you through this experience, so make sure to exercise and let go that nagging feeling inside of you that's saying that you're not doing enough. Don't push yourself over the limit. You will be taking life seriously and desiring all the nice things. There might be a woman in your life who will play a major role during this time. Reflect on where your desires come from and what are the things in life that last and matter the most, because through that you’ll be able to reach the paradise you're seeking.
Keywords: lazy, not enough, money, status, a woman
3. Pearls
A period of melancholy is coming your way. You might find yourself crying over memories or enjoying late night walks, staring at the moon through the window before bed. But it's not sadness you'll feel. It's the knowing that life passes and you have to move on and that being alive, despite all the hardship, is beautiful. You will long for someone to be there for you is it a friend or a past/long distance lover, and I see them trying to support you as much as they can. You'll receive sudden kindness from strangers or close ones during this period of your life.
Keywords: love, goodbye, warmth, memories, church, mistakes
4. Red and white agate stones
Honestly, you are that bitch. And your friends love you. I see a period of confidence, support and power coming your way. Your friends or people around you will have your back if you're ready to stand up for them as well. You'll feel empowerment by realising your influence and won't be afraid to speak your mind. When you reply late, you'll have people wondering where you are and if everything is alright. Community and good communication. If you're currently lacking close relationships, then I sense a group of individuals entering your life and being on the same wave as you.
Keywords: shepherd, fuck the rest, parties, friends, pick me up when I'm down
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lua-stellar · 2 months
Who is Coming Towards You in Love?! ✨ Tarot Reading
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reading done via tarot <3
Tip me on Ko-Fi :> $5 Tarot Readings Masterlist
pile 1
cards drawn: nine of pentacles, reversed ten of cups, ace of wands,
the person who is coming towards you in love is someone who i feel has previously either in past love or in their family experienced a lot of discord and dysfunction, so this person holds with them a sort of trauma regarding that and i am getting the energy that when they meet you they will be distancing themselves from that negative aspect of their life. Like moving away from family perhaps, or leaving toxic people in general. When they meet you its a new beginning and getting into a romantic relationship with this person i feel they will be relieved of being mistreated, and enjoy something of a happy relationship with you. I feel that for this person you are like good news for them in a way, this person may have their flaws and find it hard possibly in this relationship with you i definently see that you guys will have some hardships due to this persons experience of being mistreated.
pile 2
cards drawn: the high priestess, reversed two of pentacles, seven of cups,
so unfortunately with this pile i feel like there isn't a specific person, i feel like people will be coming towards you romantically like possibly multiple people because you are attractive and people are interested in you. But i feel that you have no time for love in your life, and don't have the time to entertain the people who are interested in you because in the moment your life simply doesn't have the room for a relationship to flourish for whatever reason? I get the energy of indecision, between two choices, and one of them possibly being related to your future and your dreams. Just a strong energy of wanting to achieve your dreams for this pile and because of that ambition you truly have no time for love and that can be upsetting probably because if you are reading this pac likely you do want romance in your life, just in the present and near future for now its not something that you want to choose over your dreams or passions.
pile 3
cards drawn: reversed the chariot, reversed king of pentacles, knight of pentacles,
So i can see that the person who is coming towards you in love is someone who will try and rush into a relationship with you. They are eager to be in a relationship but they will rush things with you which will have its consequences, not only but when you two begin your romantic relationship this person will still be trying to rush things, i think that what they want is stability but their actions with you creates the opposite. I feel that their obsession with you and your guys' future relationship will almost make them like, greedy for love in a way i guess, but this person will realize that through their actions they have created a toxic situation more or less and did not at all achieve a stable relationship. I think that despite all these hardships you two will try to make it work and fix the problems, you guys wont try to rush things and things will go smoothly. There are energies of practical solutions and making things work, the stable healthy relationship that this person craves and likely that you want as well will be achieved and you guys will be able to make it work but in the beginning you will go through rough patches. Things get better for you guys though, But in the beginning most of the problems will stem from this person or possibly both of you trying to rush this relationship. Don't rush things, go with the flow :)
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brujaluas · 2 months
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Hi my little cashew sweets, as you know, we have reached over 1000 followers and I wanted to do something special, and since I know you love readings about love, I decided to do one about future spouses.
How will it work?
Choose one of these three questions
- What will the first date I will have with my future spouse be like?
How long until I meet my future spouse?
- What will the relationship dynamics with my future spouse be like?
Choose one of these three questions and only them, I will answer 50 people in total, in the future I intend to do more games so don't worry, but I want to start with this number.
- Follow me
- Reblog this post
- Reblog my masterlist
Can I send them via chat?
Yes, but it will take me longer to respond
Can I be anonymous?
No, how will I know if you have followed the rules?
How long will it take for you to respond?
I will respond to all of them on Tuesday and Wednesday, but if there is any unforeseen event, I will let you know. I ask for your understanding and calm, but I know that my sweeties are always kind to me and to my energy.
When will end?
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wisdomseeker02 · 2 months
Masterlist; tip me
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💫 What is blocking you from making your dreams come true? 💫
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Pick a picture:
1 2
3 4
Group 1 ✨: What is blocking you from making your dreams come true is that you are trying to be too independent٫ and achieve and do everything on your own. It’s not bad to get a little help sometimes to propel yourself forward. You may feel like it will be less of a success of yours if you get help from others, but that isn’t the case. You will be just as successful even if you do, and the success will be owing to you. Everybody gets help from others on their way to success, and that doesn’t make their success less theirs, or less valuable. You think that if others help you, your success won’t be real success, but this is blocking your dreams. Even if you do get some favours on your way upwards, as long as you actually know and show that you are worthy of where you got to, then that isn’t such a problem.
Another thing that I see, which is blocking your dreams, is that you often give up right on the finish line because you feel exhausted. You need to knock this off and continue, even if you’re exhausted by things not happening or something because they may just be about to happen, but you won’t know if you don’t persevere. It feels like you often take breaks, go on vacations, travel, instead of focusing on your work and making your dreams come true, which is also blocking them from doing so. You just focus too much on having fun and being “happy”, but really what you’re doing is searching for momentarily satisfaction, which can’t replace the long-term happiness of making your dreams come true, but in order for that to happen you need to focus on working on them, and less on having fun all the time.
Group 2 ✨: What is blocking you from making your dreams come true is that you are too focused on money and possessions. You want something, some job or what not, that is going to bring you big money right off the bat, without you having to do much or wait much. But most big dreams that bring you big money take time, and they don’t bring you this big money right from the beginning, it may take a lot of time before you get to have it but that doesn’t make it any less worth it. Better start today on something that may take a lot of time, and have big success later on, then not do anything because it can’t bring you this big money right away, since you’ll just be staying in one place that doesn’t get you any closer to making your dreams come true and having your desired finances and possessions. You also want something that not only is going to give you the finances that you want, but that is also going to be extremely enjoyable right from the beginning, and you’re going to enjoy every second of it, and have fun all the time. But to every big dream, there are tedious things that you need to do related to it, so that you can have success, especially in the beginning, but even later on. You may not extremely enjoy it from the get on when you are setting everything up, and you’re building up your success, and having to deal with a lot of tedious things, but that’s okay because the overall satisfaction that you are going to experience by achieving this dream will be worth any annoying thing that you had to do to get there or you’ll have to do to keep it up. Another thing that I see, which is blocking your dreams is that you seem unwilling to communicate with people, who can help you on your way to achieving your dreams, or in regards to your dreams. But you will need to do that if you want them to come true. You also don’t want to get emotionally attached to your dreams, ‘cause then you might be disappointed or fail, and you’d rather not risk that. But you can deal with the disappointment and failure if it arises and redirect your energy somewhere else if needed, it’s way worse to never give it a shot and have regrets . “There’s no failure, there’s only feedback.” You can always learn from this experience, and try again.You’re also afraid that if you make your dreams come true, if you get the finances, possessions that you want, then you won’t be innocent anymore, and you’ll turn into a bad person. You need to change this mindset, so it doesn’t block you. You’re afraid that you don’t have the confidence that is needed to manage your dreams and if they come true people are going to see that you don’t, and they’re going to see that you’re an “impostor” and that you’re not good enough to have what you have. Which is just the way you feel about yourself, it isn’t the truth, you’re absolutely good enough and deserving to have what you want! And you aren’t an impostor at all.
Group 3 ✨: What is blocking you from making your dreams come true is that you’re afraid that you’re going to be unhappy with the dream you made come true at some point in your life and you’d rather not get there. You’re afraid that there won’t be going back then and you won’t be able to do anything to change this unhappy situation of yours. You need to clear this fear and achieve your dream and see what happens then. If something really isn’t for you, you can always redirect yourself and try again. You’re afraid you’re too fearful to even be able to achieve this dream of yours. And this fear of your fear is blocking you. You’re also afraid that if you focused too much on achieving your dreams, you’re going to become lonely because you won’t have time to socialise or deal with other people. You’re afraid of all of the change that achieving your dreams is going to bring into your life, and whether you’ll be able to handle it. You’re afraid that there’s not going to be anybody there to assist you and support you on this path of achieving your dreams and you’re going to be all on your own. You need to deal with all of these fears of yours , and heal them in order for them not to block you from achieving your dreams.
Group 4 ✨: What is blocking your dreams is that you just want to have fun all the time, all you seek is momentarily satisfaction and this is distracting you from really being there for your dreams and working on them. Any chance you get to have fun you just take it right away without thinking about it. Even when you need to be doing something else, even when you can be doing something else, which can put you on the path to achieving your dreams, you just don’t, you just go and have fun simply because you get the opportunity to do so. And you need to knock that off if you want to make your dreams come true. You’re afraid that making your dreams come true is just going to be too much work. It’s going to be too hard and you really don’t want to put this much effort into it. You think it’s going to be annoying, and this is blocking you. “No pain no gain” as they say. You’re afraid that you’ll really have to change yourself, you’ll have to grow, you’ll have to evolve, you’ll have to raise your frequency in order to make your dreams come true and you really don’t wanna do that. You really don’t want to put in the work to do that. And as I already said you’ll need to do that if you really want those dreams in your life.
Thank you for reading! Please check out my tarot game! 😊💕💕
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k-tarotz · 2 months
Tarot Game !
which k-Idol’s/k-actor’s personality is closest to your future spouse’s?; closed
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Hi, once again, we are hosting a game! This is specifically centred around your future spouse and who they most resemble out of k-celebrities! Unlike usually, rather than keeping the game open for hours we decided to keep 30 slots open! If you wish to participate, please see the rules below! 🫶🏻
𝜗𝜚 like and reblog this post, as well as our paid readings
𝜗𝜚 be a lovely follower of ours!
𝜗𝜚 please state your initials in your ask, or use a representative emoji
𝜗𝜚 tell us your ult! and if you aren’t a k-pop fan, your current favourite movie/show!
please keep in mind…. !
𝜗𝜚 if the description sounds different from the idol, that’s because I understand their personality based on cards and you understand it based on content you consume of them
𝜗𝜚 I am not going to lie about the result to please you, you might end up with someone you like or someone you don’t
𝜗𝜚 you don’t necessarily need to be a kpop or drama fan to participate 🫶🏻
𝜗𝜚 every ask that doesn’t follow rules will be deleted
– Candy
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xoxotiamathh · 2 months
Switchin' up positions for you 🎀
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Hello! Short and sweet game let's go! <3 checkout @tiamathh for other SFW content <33
What is going to be their favourite position with me?
Who's they - Fs, next partner, current partner, fictional character, etc! Just please let me know who to read for!!
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🎀 Rules 🎀
🩷 Initials and emoji
🩷 No Anons I'll send all readings privately
🩷 LET ME KNOW WHO YOU WANT THE READING FOR (fs, next partner etc) otherwise I'll default to fs
🩷 Like/Reblog this post and follow!
🩷 Checkout my paid readings for more if you want/leave feedback!
🩷 Lastly enjoy yourself and take care!!
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tiamathh · 2 months
You Are A Big, Bright, Shining Star
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Honey, you don't become a star. Either you are one or you ain't. I am.
Welcome to the long awaited (I think?) game! This game is all about YOUU and I'll talk more about the same ahead~
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Questions to choose from (one per ask!)
✧ What is a gift that's been bestowed upon you by the heavens (metaphorically)
✧ What makes you SHINE
✧ Why do people get jealous of you? (Sorry I feel a lil messy today xx)
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✧ Check to see if the game is open past keep reading
✧ Send initials and emoji
✧ Anons allowed <3
✧ Be polite and patient (begging)
✧ Like/Reblog this post as well as my Paid reading post
✧ Feedback Appreciated!
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lasi-nariyoyoreads · 3 days
✨1 year anniversary tarot event✨
Hello my beautiful cinnamon rolls! This blog is turning 1 year old soon around mid-October (which is also around my birthday lol) and to celebrate this milestone I decided to do a little game.
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I thought hard about what I could do, my main idea was to have you, person reading this post, as the main character, so this game will somehow be about you. But let's stop with the yapping and explain what this is about. What you have to do is pick one of these ask formats ->
📧Ask formats:
Ask 1: what would *insert idol's name* like about me if we met irl? Ask 2: who would I get along the best with in *insert group*? Ask 3: yes or no question (about any topic)
I don't know if it will be fun for you, or if this will flop hard, but hey trying won't hurt anyone. Of course you can choose the idol/group you prefer. For the yes/no asks, the topic can be anything, it can be also a personal question like "will I meet a new lover soon?" or it can be about an idol i.e. "will X have a comeback next week?", in other words it's blunt questions that can be answered in a straightforward way. Of course my answers won't be literally only a yes or no, I'll always add some comments, but it won't be an essay/in depth reading either. Now let's move on to the rules ->
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Before sending an ask:
Follow this blog
Like and reblog this post
I'll accept anons, but if I receive a lot of asks, public asks will have a priority
In the Ask I need you to:
pick one of the ask format
tell me your name/initials/nickname
tell me your preferred pronouns
if you want/can, add your zodiac sign/placements
add a lil comment 🥺 it can be anything, what's your fave song right now, what's the weather like where you live, what you ate yesterday etc.
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Asks will be open until October the 5th!
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kalki-tarot · 1 year
Channeled love letter from your soulmate 💌
Pick a pile <3
1 - 2 - 3
4 - 5 - 6
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from left to right — Instinctively select the picture that feels right to you, whether based on your thoughts or the desires of your inner self. Choose the one that resonates with you, keeping in mind that this reading is meant to be general in nature and may not resonate with everyone.
Disclaimer — The images I used to select a pile were sourced from Pinterest, I hope the reading will resonate with you. I'm not responsible for any decisions you make in your life from my readings. I'm just a beginner and these readings are just for fun.
⌗ Check masterlist for more ! 🧿✨️
Pile 1
Hi baby! 👋 how are you? Tell me I'm listening to you. I can listen to you for hours, i just love your voice ya know!
I want to make you my princess 👸💓 No, you are my QUEEN!!
l'd leave this world for you my darling! I'd buy you any item you want. I love your eyes, i get lost in them. 🥺 I wanna look into your eyes forever!
Ahh, i can't resist being near you. Don't ever leave my side. It hurts when we are apart, i hate it even when we are just away for a few hours :(
I miss you sm! Time moves so fast with you around me! I get lost in you that I'm not aware of time passing by. We are getting older day by day, look how far we've come in this journey of love!
Everything moves so fast, it scares me! Time changes but me and you never. We have the same love for eachother. Aren't you proud of us?
With you, I just smile. I'm not aware of my sufferings when I'm with you baby.
I wanna go on dates with you, just like we used to before. I hate it when we are apart even it's just for a moment. Love me forever, be my forever please. Love you baby 💓
Please leave feedback in comments! Sending Lots of love <3
Pile 2
Wait ! Did I tell you how beautiful you are !? Just like a ball of sunshine. I get so mushy just from admiring your cuteness. You make me blush.
In a world full of negativity, cheating partners, situationships, hook ups etc. Aren't we lucky to have eachother for eternity as each other's loving a loyal partners?
We should be grateful as not everyone receives true love in their lives amidst these fake people.
Like would be so meaningless without love right? When you are with me everything is good for me, even the bad things.
I want to go on a cruise with you. It's my dream.
You are my love, you are in my prayers. I'm so passionate for you. Don't let these obstacles get in our way, don't be shy with me. You can say that you love me.
I get nervous around you too. Or we can just look in each other's eyes?
Be my life partner. I want to spend the rest of my life with you please. Not just life, i want you for an eternity.
If I could ask god for one wish, I'd ask for you in every lifetime. Everything is okay when you are around.
I can tell you my pains and sorrows and I can listen to yours. I get strength from your smiling, happy face. With you, earth is like heaven for me.
Isn't it beautiful that we are two bodies one soul? Even if I die, I'll come back to you, I promise.
Please leave feedback in comments ! Sending Lots of love ❤️
Pile 3
I'm in love with you. Time stops when I look at you. I can admire you for hours. I'm at peace with you.
You can call me a fool, but you are just like a fairy and I'm just a human, mesmerized by your enchanting beauty.
You give me peace, you voice, your soft hair, your eyes, everything about you makes me feel calm. You are a part of my soul.
I want to make you mine. I will spend all my nights in all the ups and downs of your life. I will be there in the bad times too, darling.
I'd write songs and poems about you. When you smile, it feels like heaven.
I really love you, trust me.
I really love you trust me.
I really love you, trust me (Idk they're just repeating this. They wanna make you trust in their purity of love)
Yes you can call me a fool whatever you want. But I'm madly in love with you.
Days and nights pass. I fear your absence. Life stops in your absence.
I'll do anything you want, I'll give you a bouquet of roses. Trust me, I love you.
You'll get addicted to me. (not in a bad way) You'll want me in your arms day and night. I know you want me. But you show that you don't, i know everything. I don't know what should I do, you too don't tell me. It's bad that you hide it from me. Don't do it, cuz i love you. Your nights would be sleepless without me. (Not in an nsfw way) Look closely into my heart, you'll find yourself.
Please leave feedback in comments ! Sending Lots of love ❤️
Pile 4
There is a limit to your emotional and physical capabilities, I know you are tired of telling everyone this and no one is listening to you, but be aware that I'm here for you, I'm listening to all of your needs. I know no one knows those things about your past, but don't let yourself fall.
Look at your passion for it! You are walking circles within yourself. I'm aware of everything but I can't do anything about it except to be there for you and to listen to you.
We are bound within our own worlds for now. Wait for me. If we lose our hopes now then how will me meet? I know life is teaching you so much. It's the same for me. But remember we are getting close to each other day by day.
Everyone left you at your worst, and your heart doesn't accept this. I know all of that. Please hold on a little longer I'm coming towards you.
Since the day you've stepped into my life, it's been sincerely great for me dear.
My destiny is written with your name. I don't know how to live without you, love? (They're a but emotional telling you this)
My heart hurts seeing you like this, everything will be okay. I learned how to live from you, but never without you. Can you please not cry? It hurts me.
And yes, every compliment I ever gave you was honest. Life feels like life with you. It's colorful with you. You are the sky to my earth. I look upto you.
Come here and hug me. This connection is for a thousand lifetimes. Don't hide your tears with me.
Our connection is a secret, i haven't told anyone about this. I remember you from our past life.
I miss you every second that passes. I feel alone without you. Do you too? Don't worry I'm on my way to you.
Lots of love, 💓
Yours Only ✨️💕🧿
Please leave feedback in comments !
Pile 5
My heart doesn't accept this. It's stubborn and doesn't listen to me. It's not willing to mend the broken strings.
Why can't we forgive our mistakes? I'm sacred everything will be lost.
I don't know, my heart doesn't believe in it. Why can't we be together? All the promises are broken now?
The relationship which grew so beautifully like a rose, why is it just thorns now? My heart doesn't recognize itself. I don't recognize myself.
We gambled our happiness. No one know about this. No one knows our pain.
Our silence keeps screaming. You might be happy without me, but I'll be not.
I don't pray now, I've lost hope.
Why should I be embarrassed about telling people that I'm nothing without you?
See, you're making me go crazy. But I still want you, there's no other place I wanna be except near you.
Time will heal my pain. Who knows I'll be there tomorrow or not. Please accept me. Your thoughts keep me awake at night.
Pile 6
The night of our union will be magical. It'll bring lots and lots of happiness and healing.
I can sense the naughtiness in your eyes.
I want to have a child with you. The house will be empty no more.
You are like a dream I never wanna wake up from.
This world feels wrong, you are the only right thing in my life.
You've become my everything. My laugh, my cries. Everything.
This world tells me that my love is unrequited, atleast i can admire you from afar.
You are the last reason I'm living. And the first reason of my happiness.
Please leave feedback in comments!
Thanks for reading. Please be kind in the comments, I'm just a beginner so don't take these readings seriously. Take what resonates. And ignore grammatical errors please, english is not my first language.
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bitchy-craft · 3 months
TAROT GAME: Butterfly Oracle: CLOSED
Hello and welcome to this post! I decided to do a new tarot game with an oracle deck I made myself (if you want it too you can order the PDF in my paid reading shop) I hope you all like it and enjoy!
Masterpost > Paid Readings
NOTE: scammer alert, please read to spread awareness.
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Reading Contents:
• The name of the mystical butterfly you have gotten;
• A message that is part of this mystical butterfly.
How To Get This Reading:
• Follow me;
• Like/reblog 3 of my posts;
• Comment that you're playing under this post.
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the-tarot-witch22 · 12 days
Moodboard Game!
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So, i decided this to open another game! As the game suggests, It's gonna be a moodboard game~
You have two options - what your manifestation moodboard be like or your life in 5 years! you can choose any one of the given option.
Like and reblog this post.
Reblog my paid reading post.
Reblog my paid reading feedback post.
(NO anons, plus if you delete the reblogged post after the game, you won't be allowed to enter future games).
A simple thank you is appreciated through ask.
Be patient.
This game is for fun (it may or may not resonate) , so take it lightly and enjoy!
If you read all the rules then send "🌙" at the end of the ask! ALONG WITH THE NAME AND OTHER REQUIERED INFO. OTHERWISE YOUR ASK WILL BE DELETED
How to participate :
Send your name/initials, sun sign, and your pronouns on ASK, and the choice of your moodboard.
Example : name:xyx, pronouns: , sun sign : , i want a moodboard on ______, your age:______ (if u dont want to tell me the age just say i am in my 20's my teen's, 30's that's all)
(Again i am telling read the rules)
2. Please enter all the information in one ask otherwise you won't get answered
Note : Those who participate first will be considered. Also please do check if the status says "closed" or "open" then participate.
STATUS: Closed
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lua-stellar · 2 months
What Beliefs Do You Need to Let Go of?? ✨Tarot Reading
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disclaimer this draws on energy from the collective take what resonates etc etc also this reading is critical inherently so know what u r getting into <3
Tip Me on Ko-Fi $5 Tarot Readings Masterlist
pile 1
cards drawn: reversed five of pentacles, reversed king of cups, reversed the hierophant
i feel like you are someone who may exhibit self sabotaging behaviour, and even addictive like behaviour, you are someone who may have alot of insecurity and you deal with it in destructive escapist ways and that causes you to act decietful to others and again i'm getting an energy of self sabotaging and harming your relationships through these actions. Stop coping in ways that are hurting you and the people around you, don't be decietful or greedy and instead of going the escapist route whenever something bad happens or you don't want to deal with the emotional turmoil you deal with, instead of escaping try confronting it and changing yourself so you aren't self sabotaging. So you aren't hurting your relationships with others, be kind to yourself and take it slow and try to remember all of your actions have consequences and in order to move on you must confront your problems.
pile 2
cards drawn: queen of cups, reversed four of wands, ten of swords,
I am getting the vibe that you are someone who holds grudges easily, and you tend to have a strong sense of justice. I feel like the culmination of multiple factors and feelings have you feeling this deep deep resentment for something, i assume perhaps for the people around you. I'm getting strong strong emotional energy and yeah just pure emotion, you feel cheated of something that you deserve more and you feel that you are being blocked by others and that people are holding you down and creating all of these blockages in your life. Even if this is true you must let go of all the resentment and the bitterness; you might get sick from holding that much resentment inside. You should try let go of what is holding you down instead of staying in your current environment, make efforts to change your environment whatever that is, even if its a slow process.
pile 3
cards drawn: reversed king of wands, reversed six of pentacles, reversed king of cups
you are someone who is judgemental and have too many prejudices on things, things always have to be right or orthodox for you. I feel like you are stingy and dont like to share with others, you dont repay your debts, you are very emotional and self sabotage and refer to escapist behaviour whenever you disagree with someone or you are inconvenienced or whenever you face the consequences of your actions. You dont challenge your beliefs because you think that you are always right and that you can't be challenged. You really need to let go of your judgement, you need to be more communal with others and share, repay your debts, you need to stop being stingy and selfish. You need to confront your problems instead of ignoring or running away from them, you need to treat people how you want to be treated.
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nicromancytarot · 4 months
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writing such a basic title makes me sob. Look at the fancy silver aesthetic though, wow!
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STATUS: CLOSED and unready for business
Hello and welcome to my new game, I’m copying everyone since my genius and original idea last time fell face first and died!
So this is the moodboard game, in which I give you a moodboard on whatever question you wish for me to answer.
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- No anonymous asks
- Send an ask with your name/initials and a question (and the exchange section if you’re taking part in that)
- Be nice or I’ll cry
- Can include 18+ don’t lie about your age or I’ll cry (specify you’re 18+ in your ask or I won’t do it)
- Feedback or I’ll cry (there’s a reoccurring pattern here)
- No death, health, pregnancy questions (I will actually sob)
- 1 question per person
- Reblog this post and follow me
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- If you do tarot or have a fabulous intuition, feel free to give me a moodboard or a reading on some cool fun facts about my future spouse, make it funny (the more detailed you make it, the more detailed I make yours)
- Submit the exchange along with your question in the same ask!!
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2/10 of you have yet to give me the feedback for the bloodied bandaid game, you will not be included in this game.
I am a busy little bee, no idea how many readings I will get done per day.
I will continue uploading fun little pick a cards for you all to enjoy if you don’t have chance to get in on this game, or don’t want to.
If you do not follow the rules, you will not be considered a participant.
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170 notes · View notes