#Team Astrid
ashleybenlove · 9 months
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Hiccup had the blanket over him when he went to sleep and now its discarded.
But then again, can't get cold when your sleeping partner is a DRAGON. [taps temple]
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eemoo1o-tfrmoo · 11 months
Snotlout Jorgenson and the art of defiance*, defamation, and daddy issues
* I will be including his demeanour as a doormat alongside this. I will not be discussing his dissipation in this post as well.
Today, I will be studying Snotlout in (RTTE) and his issues with rule abiding and control management and how his relationship with his father affects this.
The episodes in particular I will be deriving my sources from are:
Reign of Fireworms (1x07)
Team Astrid (2x01)
And, Darkest Night (6x10)
Additionally, an episode I will also be looking at, though only briefly, includes:
Big Man on Berk (1x05)
Firstly, we look at Reign of Fireworms for his acts of defiance towards leadership, with his vast background of defying Hiccup in reference.
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(Wow, Tumblr really ate the quality on my already crunchy gif.)
Admittedly, this is a shy example in comparison to anything else I could have picked. Snotlout is known for defying orders and challenging leadership (with Hiccup and later Astrid respectively). However, what makes this episode so different is how Snotlout is so indecisive over the twins’ leadership. Allow me to put a pin in that for later.
Unlike other instances of rejecting leadership, Snotlout reacts similarly to the other riders over the twins’ new roles as Island Rulers, but the main difference between Snotlout and the others is that Snotlout seems to hold no filter over the matter, which is shown with how he is the first to protest, insult, attempt to rebel, and even propose to off the twins.
However, unlike the rest of the riders, Snotlout’s perspective on the twins’ leadership is quick to change when —
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The twins give him a job that he likes: “sergeant at arms”.
This job is significant, and as such a role of power. This is seen throughout the episode where Snotlout is the one to throw all of the other riders (save from the twins, but eventually including himself) in jail.
Snotlout is the only one of the riders (with perhaps the exception being Fishlegs, but we don’t see much of that) to take his job, and the twins’ ridiculous rules, the most seriously.
However, once he throws himself in prison — claiming that “he was framed” — he is quick to side with the other riders’ rebellion again.
The main rule that Snotlout is seen sticking to most is the “no S” rule. At first, he seems adverse, with the twins calling for his as “Notlout”, and him completely missing the point, asking who that is and shrugging.
However, once fully embracing his role as “egeant at arm”, Snotlout is heard attempting to remove any S’s from his speech as often as he can. Until he throws himself in jail.
The “throwing himself in jail” aspect of the episode is only used to get the riders all together again, and as a gag, but if we look at it more earnestly it’s sort of telling of how seriously Snotlout took the role and how he was playing into the role so much that he became a different person from his regular self.
Such evidence could be seen in how he claims “I was framed!” instead of “I wa framed!”.
I’m not implying that I think Snotlout has DID, but I am implying that I think his father (and other adults of Berk) — and the first movie — has something to do with this.
As far as I recall, in the first movie, Snotlout was the leader of the teens, and bully of Hiccup. I think it’s also implied that he’s the teen (or all of the teens are, excluding Hiccup) who’s well revered as being what a Viking should be for being strong and hard-headed, but now those are the characteristics that many on Berk frown upon him for. (The civilians even cheered for his death in the Defenders of Berk finale — another gag at Snotlout’s expense.)
I believe it’s also said or at least implied in the first film that Hiccup wants to be like the other kids, specifically Snotlout, and that Snotlout and Astrid were a thing, though the latter seems more expendable for my point to be made.
Now, Thawfest seems to be the only place where Snotlout can prevail over Hiccup (resented family name aside), and as such live up to his father’s expectations to some degree. We even see this inferred with how Snotlout is panicking in the final race over how “he can’t lose”.
We move onto the Defamation element of my analysis, with the few points I’d just made, and as such we skip to the episode Darkest Night.
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In this episode, each of the riders (with the exception of Astrid and Hiccup) pitch each of their ideal realities if they’d never gone to Dragon’s Edge.
In Snotlout’s reality (after intruding on the ending of Fishlegs’) is one where he is promoted from Berk’s official weapon tester to their official weapon inventor.
Comparatively, this would be like a drug tester suddenly becoming a pharmacist, or a stunt man inexplicably becoming a choreographer.
The original job (weapon tester) in and of itself is telling of how Berk now views Snotlout. And while no one really mentions how dangerous or implicative the job actually is, we can see for ourselves the danger the job includes in both the twins’ reality and Race to the Edge’s first episode (as the twins’ reality starts off with a clip from the first episode where they place a wheelbarrow of sharp objects next to Snotlout’s pile of pillows whilst he’s testing out a catapult).
I don’t think this job would have been distributed to anyone smart enough to decline it, or at least well-liked enough to dissuade the distributor of said job to offer it to that person. As such, the job is very implicative in how Berk views Snotlout, whether he’s aware of it or not.
Now, in the episode, with the promotion Snotlout gives himself, he emerges from an explosion which is reminiscent of how the first film introduces the rest of the teens, only this time Snotlout is alone.
Unlike the others’ unrealistic realities, Snotlout’s is more like a fantasy than anything.
Not only does this fantasy feed into Snotlout’s egotistical point of view (as this is entirely centric on him, and other characters that are shown in this fantasy don’t pass the Snotlout-based Bechdel test), but we are also reminded of the time when Snotlout was well-liked: the first film, before Berk befriended dragons (though the dragons are still their friends in Snotlout’s fantasy, because as defamed as Snotlout’s image now is in contrast, I don’t think he’d give up Hookfang for the world — inexplicable explosion in the beginning of his fantasy aside), and even in Astrid’s alternate timeline where Berk hadn’t befriended dragons, and Snotlout is also well-liked by Stoick and others.
Firstly, Snotlout states that he invents this superweapon, though what is depicted is an unimaginatively unusable combination of all pre-existing weapons, though in the fantasy everyone adores the ‘invention’. I have the sense that while this isn’t stated to compete with Hiccup’s fire-sword, it is an attempt, because in the real world Hiccup inadvertently overshadows Snotlout in every possible aspect. Even Thawfest, however fleetingly.
In Snotlout’s fantasy, Gobber — who is very infamous for not taking Snotlout seriously or viewing him with any high regards — is the first to interact with Snotlout the Inventor by being completely enamoured with his invention, and praising him profusely on it.
When Hookfang appears in the fantasy just after, his tongue is hanging just marginally out of his mouth and his pupils are large and rotund, and he flies off whilst allowing Snotlout to remain standing on him.
The pupils of a dragon are shown time and time again to be easy tells of their mood. Narrow for hostile or under the influence of mind control (via Death Songs, Bewilderbeasts, Red/Blue/Green Deaths, so on), and wide/large for comfortable, adoring or even playful, as well as under the influence of dragon nip.
However, what makes Hookfang’s expression here most odd — as fantastical as it is — isn’t the very adoring way it’s depicted, but rather the shape of his pupils. We’ve seen Hookfang’s pupils dilated before, but they aren’t ever as round as they are here.
The dragon with the roundest and largest pupils that we know of is actually Toothless (the Night Fury, and as such the Light Fury). While Toothless’ pupils go a bit squarer as the movie series goes on, in the way they are depicted in Race to the Edge they are round, and as such so are Hookfang’s here.
This is obviously another way of showing that Snotlout wants what Hiccup has. In a way, he wants Hookfang to see him like Toothless sees Hiccup.
(A note worth adding us that in Snotlout’s fantasy, there’s even a metal statue of himself on Hookfang which he kisses the cheek of. This feeds into the egotistical side of things, but also serves as a callback to the Riders of Berk episode When Lightning Strikes.)
There’s also this golden, smoky hue over Snotlout’s fantasy which is lacking in the others’ concepts for an alternate reality, which perhaps could symbolise how this is an ideal, self-serving idea, and that these would have been golden memories for Snotlout, if they were to exist.
Next, we see Astrid fawning over Snotlout and then, the moment he is to land, his father scoops him up and says “You make me proud to be a Jorgenson, boyo!”, which is a recurring theme in Race to the Edge with how Snotlout expresses a true desire to hear this.
Which brings us, briefly, back to season one, with the episode Big Man On Berk.
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In short, as stated in @jesse-the-writer’s post here, Snotlout seeks validation from men he deems strong, such as Thor and Dagur, due to his faulty relationship with his father.
He idolises them (Dagur more so in and before Riders and Defenders of Berk than after), in a manner similar to how he idolises his father, and in doing so he ignores how they write him off (Thor and Dagur), or forget his name countless times after being corrected (Dagur), or even insult his dragon (Thor) by laughing it off awkwardly and sometimes agreeing.
And all of the above is reminiscent of how Spitelout treats him (mostly in Riders and Defenders of Berk, but in a few instances of Race to the Edge also).
Psychoanalytically, the way parents treat their child pays a big role in how they view and act in relationships. This source focuses on romantic relationships, however some key elements can be attributed to platonic relationships, also.
“For instance, if your parents were not very affectionate and hardly ever hugged or kissed you, you may have an aversion to affection as an adult.”
I recall in the Defenders of Berk episode Scauldy, that when Astrid finally returns Snotlout’s affections/serial flirting (albeit in an insincere but well-acted way), Snotlout is immediately deterred and as such disgusted by her advances.
This is seen again with Ruffnut in the second and third film, and how he is quick to move on from and disregard her when she finally shows interest (albeit in both him and Fishlegs).
This shows that Snotlout actively pursues relationships (assumably romantic) where he is led to believe that his affections will not be returned or where they outright are not. Seeing as Spitelout, too, is not very affectionate, this could be a direct cause to Snotlout’s inability to find mutual affection very favourable or at the very least pleasant.
(A note worth mentioning is that in the season six episode Mi Amore Wing, Snotlout is the most visibly disgusted by the extreme affection shared between Mala and Dagur.)
Now, the most important question: is Snotlout aware of his father’s bad parenting? For that we go to the episode Team Astrid.
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(The true villain of How To Train Your Dragon was Hiccup all along.)
Well, of course he is.
I think there’s something to be said for the change in Snotlout’s design. I won’t go too much into the theory here, but when Snotlout was younger he looked more like his father which shows that back then he was probably more blindsided to his father’s bad parenting ethics.
However, now that he is older he looks less like his father (squarer jaw, lighter skin, less freckles, shifted teeth), albeit still related in some way, which could be seen as a metaphor for how Snotlout is still looking up to his father, but is more aware than what he once was about what is so inherently wrong in their relationship (if not directly).
(This theory of mine also includes the idea as to why Spitelout has Deadly Nadder over a Monsteous Nightmare, which is briefly explained in the tags of this post here.)
As such, Snotlout clearly wants revenge that “the world owes him” (a line which could also double as him being owed for passing this opportunity up to actually listen to one of Hiccup’s orders, a trait which he gets better at in most instances as Race to the Edge goes on).
The way that Snotlout also puts emphasis on “I” and “him” here also implies that this is what Spitelout’s influence and presence over him is: a means to correct and shape him in a way that puts him down and never allows him to meet expectations, at least not fully. As such, this affects his ego and desire to be known, seen, as well as his view on relationships that hold a mutually professed affection whilst he still craves and shows a longing for his father’s approval and praise which deters him from anyone else’s (causing him to seek out relationships that are not mutually beneficial).
However, while I believe that Snotlout and Spitelout’s relationship isn’t beneficial to either parties, and as such toxic but not purposefully so (in fact I can imagine Spitelout’s relationship with his own father having been quite similar, but there is no evidence to support this, as far as I recall), I do not believe that it is inherently parasitic (otherwise I would be quoting the twins’ ramble about such relationships from Living on the Edge).
To sum up this analysis, I bring you these points:
Defamation: Snotlout was once well-liked amongst other Berkians for being strong and courageous but since Hiccup befriended the dragons Snotlout has since been pushed aside for the reasons he was once held in high esteem for.
As such, this makes him envious of Hiccup, and Hiccup’s relationship with Toothless, as Hiccup is now the one that everyone likes.
Defiance: This means that he is all too willing to prove and make a fool of himself due to this as well as trying to show to his father that he can amount to his expectations, and as such disregard most orders.
This makes Snotlout very willing to abide rules when he his put in a position of power above others, as seen in Reign of Fireworms. However he can sometimes get too carried away and disassociate himself from the role the more seriously he takes it.
Daddy issues: His and his father’s relationship is the reason why he chases relationships that treat him as the underdog despite his own ego, that either have him pursuing the forever unreciprocated (i.e. Astrid, and later Ruffnut) or even those that he idolises but is always disregarded (like Thor and Dagur), which could be seen as him trying to recreate his and his father’s relationship or perhaps search for the affection he has never properly received, but is immediately deterred once potentially finding or receiving it.
A part of Snotlout sees what is wrong with his and his father’s relationship, as seen with how he wishes to enact revenge through treating his father as he did him.
I think that the damage caused to Snotlout and his relationship with his father isn’t entirely reversible, I do believe that their relationship could reform. However, I don’t think them finding a means of doing so is entirely possible.
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ijustdontlikepeople · 20 days
annie all my coworkers are super pumped because there's a Canadian team in the hockey finals and I wanna hear your takes
Hello lovely!
Sorry it took me a few days to answer I’m travelling! But!!!
I am not Canadian so I’m not like chomping at the bit for a Canadian team to take home the Cup, however, a Canadian team (of which there are 7 in the league) has not won a cup in 31 years so it would definitely be cool.
Currently, the Edmonton Oilers just beat the Dallas Stars in the Western Conference Finals to secure their spot in the Stanley Cup Finals (last round!!)
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I was rooting for the Oilers over the Stars because I like these two guys above, Captain Connor McDavid and Alternate Leon Draisaitl-inarguably, two of the best players in the world. They are also best friends and I was of the opinion before playoffs started that if they didn’t at least reach the Conference Finals-a milestone the team has not reached since the early 2000s well before McDavid and Draisaitl were on the roster-Draisaitl would not be likely return to Edmonton. Now I think there’s a good chance he re-signs.
Now in terms of their opponent, they’ll be playing the Florida Panthers. This is the second year in a row that the Panthers have made it to the Cup Finals after a historic and unexpected run last year, and this year, seemingly, (and knock on wood) they are less encumbered by injuries.
I watched one of their two regular seasons games earlier this year and think they’re fairly evenly matched. The Panthers have an incredible goalie in Bobrovsky while the Oilers’s goalie, Skinner, has struggled a few points this season though his finals performance has been stronger than his prior work. The Panthers have one of the strongest two-way centers in the league in Barkov. Meanwhile, the Oilers have Connor McDavid who is the best hockey player in the world. When McDavid is on, he can walk through guys like it’s Sunday stroll and score like popping champagne. In terms of depth, which previously has been a significant issue for the Oilers, the teams aren’t too far off. Obviously, McDavid and Draisaitl for the Oilers but also Zach Hyman has had a huge year and Bouchard has stepped up as well. The Panthers have big help in Sam Reinhart, Matthew Tkachuk, and Carter Verhaeghe. Both teams have excellent special teams and Matthew Tkachuk’s scrumming inducing is an art.
The Oilers had a slow, painful start to the year to the point some people started counting them out in November for the postseason. I’m glad those guys were wrong.
In terms of who I think will win, honestly I’m kind of up in the air about it. I haven’t seen too much of the Oilers post season but do I think they have a shot? Absolutely! Sports reporters seem to be favoring the Panthers slightly, and on paper I agree but I also can’t shake the image of McDavid with the Cup over his head.
Now if you would like a less analytical section and an explanation of why this is a Narratively Interesting match up, I would be happy to explain the fascinating history and connections of Matthew Tkachuk, Leon Draisaitl, and Connor McDavid.
POST SCRIPT: also just for it to be noted love Matthew Tkachuk, Leon Draisaitl, and Connor McDavid and want to shake them like glow sticks after cracking. Also think the panthers head coach is hilarious.
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jackshiccup · 10 months
the gang having a sleepover at the dragon academy bc they didn’t want astrid to be all alone and then stoick comforting her when she couldn’t sleep bc she felt guilty about not being there for her parents ohhhhh what if i cried
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oseytorvan · 2 years
"A destroyed house is not the reason": why did Astrid Hofferson leave the Dragon Riders team?
Warning: Good command of English has never been my strong point :(
Some were confused by Astrid's behavior in "Team Astrid". Before the release of this series, it seemed that fires and the destruction of houses for Berk's Vikings were commonplace. After all, they have been waging a war against dragons for a long time, and this caused real chaos in the village!
Yes, then came peaceful times, but do not get your hopes up – the dragons remained dragons. In TV shows and movies, we have been shown many times that since then they have not acquired grace and good manners. However, so are the Vikings themselves. 
At the beginning of the first film, Hiccup says that all the huts in the village are new, as they constantly had to be rebuilt after the attacks of dragons. So, for the Vikings, this is a familiar thing – it wouldn't be difficult for them to build a new hut. Then why did Astrid Hofferson, who has a genuine Viking mentality, get so excited about a house that has been destroyed many times? Why did she decide to leave the team of riders? I have a couple of thoughts on this.
In order to understand this, I propose to plunge into Astrid's childhood. Unfortunately, we know almost nothing about her parents. But thanks to the deleted scene, we know that Astrid got the battle axe from her mother. Also, in another deleted scene, Astrid is seen hugging her father before he sails off in search of the Dragon's Nest with other Vikings. From this we can conclude that Astrid's parents were warriors. 
"Is this some kind of joke for you? Our parents' war is about to become ours. Find out whose side you're on" (Astrid)
This suggests that Mr. and Mrs. Hofferson were very busy people – they had to defend the village from dragons (mother) and sail away on long business trips in search of a Nest (father). And, since Astrid was the only child in the family, no one else could take care of the safety of the home during the attacks. (Among Astrid's mentioned relatives there is also an aunt, Uncle Finn, grandmother and grandfather, but they were probably involved in protecting Berk from dragons like all adults. In addition, Astrid's aunt and uncle most likely had their own families and homes that also needed protection).
Thus, we can conclude that the care of the house from an early age fell on Astrid's shoulders. By "caring" I mean extinguishing fires and repair. We all remember how deftly she wielded a hammer in "Gift of the Night Fury":
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Do not forget that before becoming a warrior, Astrid worked in a fire brigade with other teenagers. She continued to help the tribesmen in extinguishing fires even after the end of the war with the dragons, as shown in "Legend of the Boneknapper Dragon". 
The Hoffersons' house was razed to the ground, burned to the ground by Dagur's men, and it's great luck that Astrid's parents went to the yak races. They lost a roof over their heads and they could have lost their lives. It's not that it's easy to fix, but that it shouldn't have happened at all. Since childhood, Astrid had been accustomed to the fact that protecting the house was her duty, and she believed that by flying away from the island, she had framed her parents.
One more detail – initially Astrid organized Dragon Riders' Auxiliary NOT because she understood that she could not do all the work alone. This reason was just a cover. Astrid was strict with her students not because she was a "domineering coach" and not because they were worthless. She planned to deliberately stretch out their training so that the Hofferson house would be under her watchful eye for as long as possible. And only in the end did she realize that the A-team could really be trusted, that she would not be able to "be in charge" for the rest of her days.
One of the most important advantages of Astrid Hofferson is her amazing sense of duty. She is ready to make many sacrifices for the sake of her family and what is dear to her. Despite the fact that over time Astrid learned to trust people and became less ruthless to herself, she will forever remain the first defender of the Hofferson house and its main mistress.
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arabella-strange · 2 months
truly a Liam's PCs' bisexual maelstrom, the one we've long awaited and never dreamed was possible
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doofus-and-dragons · 1 year
One of my favorite scenes in Race to the Edge comes from S2E1: Astrid's Team. It's the scene where the riders volunteer to sleep in the academy with Astrid. Even though Astrid is the focus of the shot, you can still see Hiccup to the left of her.
He goes from laying this:
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To laying like this:
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I don't know why,but seeing him being so clingy with Toothless-even in his sleep - makes me insanely happy
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rosiethedragongeek · 2 years
When I tell you I’m crying
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pray4saint · 11 months
hello saint my beloved!! could i get an vent americano & a donut :) with cream & extra sugar (breeding praise & size 🫣) <3
precious little thing
masterlist & descrip. rated r. 16+. fem!reader. breeding kink. praise. size kink. creampie/cumming inside.
a/n. yes ofc astrid!! good to see you in my inbox :]]
prompts. ”i love seeing you like this.” / ”atta girl.”
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maybe it was how easily he could overpower you, maybe it was that you never fought back, maybe it was how much smaller your hands felt and looked in his, maybe it was simply your height difference that made warmth swarm his chest when he looked at how small you looked next to him. or under him. or on top of him.
your boyfriend rounded into the bedroom where you sat on the shared bed in nothing but your underwear. ”sweetheart, y'look so beautiful. what's all this for?” he leaned against the doorframe, looking you up and down. ”i just thought maybe, since you've been so busy lately, that we could get some time by ourselves?” despite how innocent your voice sounded, your hand that motioned him over to you told him otherwise. he stepped in and pulled the door closed. ”oh, is that so?” he stood between your legs looking down at you, using one of his hands to tilt your chin up. you let out a little 'mhm', and in no time, his clothes were flying.
- ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ -
”oh i've missed this..” you stuttered the words out between ragged breaths, your boyfriend emerging from his spot between your thighs, a big smile and your juices covering the lower half of his face. ”me too, missed this so much.” he sat up on his knees, pulling your hips closer to his by your legs. ”clay honey can you give a second to breathe?” he ran his hand up your thigh. ”'course sweetheart.”
and of course he followed through, because when he hit the sixty second mark in his head, he pushed the head of his cock between your folds. you gasped at the intrusion and he only had one thing to say. ”y'said a minute.”
when you rolled your eyes, clay rolled his hips, pushing the length of his cock in until he bottomed out. he pressed his chest to yours, holding himself up on his elbows. he pressed gentle kisses to the underside your jaw as you moaned with your head thrown back. ”i love seeing you like this.”
clay pulled out until just the head remained snuggled inside your cunt, and then he'd shove his cock back inside to the hilt. he revelled in the sounds you made, whispering sweet nothings you could barely hear. ”y'always take it so good f'me,” he groans. ”isn't that right pretty?” you nod with your hands tangled in his hair and he slows his pace with a small tsk. ”words, baby, c'mon.”
”yes, god yes clay!” he always made you verbalise how you felt, it was something he craved. it was like a drug, the almost-praise. ”atta girl.” the words made you squeeze down on his cock. ”fuck, you feel so good doll..” his voice was bordering on whiny and it was breathless. tucking your arms around his neck, you pulled him closer, and although your pretty sounds echoed against the walls of the room, they echoed even louder in his ears and in his mind.
when he looked at you, his chest warmed at how pliable you were in his hands, how you essentially turned to puddy when he touched you. aside from his chest, the way he thought of you made his brain fuzzy. made him think of how you never ask him to wear a condom and how you always pull him closer just before he cums, like you are now.
he could easily pull away, get out of your grasp. he was bigger than you, stronger than you but he never did. no matter what, he let you pull him in, keep him stuck between your legs when he came and you screamed for him.
”fuck, clay, please don't pull out.” you cry out against the skin of his shoulder and he's pulled from his thoughts. ”please baby, cum inside?” his eyes land on yours as if he was asking for your permission. you nodded at him and you could feel his cock twitch, a telltale sign of his nearing orgasm.
”sweetheart, are you asking me,” he sighed out close to your ear. ”asking me to breed you, hm? fill you up with my cum?” the way you clenched down on his cock told you all he needed to know. ”yeah, you take it like the perfect little thing you are for me?” your moans near pornographic and he keeps his pace steady. the only coherent words you can get out are swears, cusses and a little begs for him not to stop, to just keep going. ”shit, you're gonna be the death of me..”
his groans mixed with yours as he came, keeping himself buried to the hilt in your cunt. your thighs shook against his legs.
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pray4saint© do not copy, translate or repost my work without my express permission.
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saturnniidae · 5 months
Forever devastated at the wasted potential of Astrid and Ruffnuts friendship (or lack there of).
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dragonnnfly · 1 year
Astrid, training the A-team: Efficiency, efficiency, efficiency
Gustav: You could probably just say it once
Astrid: Are you making fun of my stutter?
Gustav: Oh, I-
Astrid: Tricked you. I don’t have a stutter. Boom
Astrid: I’ve already established my authority through my amazing sense of humor
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ashleybenlove · 9 months
Hiccup's attempt of an excuse to sleep in the academy and not just leave Astrid and Stormfly alone in a vulnerable time is a little funny.
Oh, your dad snores, huh? Your regular sleeping partner is a large dragon, bud.
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eemoo1o-tfrmoo · 11 months
Do you think Spitelout likes Gustav more than Snotlout?
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ijustdontlikepeople · 5 months
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🌺vibe check moodboards🌺 @4thbrighteststar
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pettyartist · 6 months
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This just in, local miqote woman makes a huge poncho for her wife so she can leech all the body heat from her in cold weather (Astrid belongs to @shoelesscosmonaut)
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aroaceart · 1 month
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@heropartnerweek Day 5 - Dreams
If Sorrel dreamed during her time flowerless (and let's be real, probably after that too), it'd be this.
(Sorrel and her teammates Nova and Astrid are from my fic Severed Link!)
Bonus below the cut: sleepy Nova!
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What's he dreaming about?
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