#Teamleader whump
whumporama · 18 days
Whumpee who has been through something awful and is back with the team. It's been months, but Teamleader won't let them them do anything.
"Please, I'm fine! Just take me with you!"
"You're not ready, and you'll stay here. That's an order."
Mercenary is not an offical member of the team, but gets hired every now and then for specific jobs. They know Teamleader well, but don't really know Whumpee.
"Heard you wanted to do something. I can use someone like you for this job."
"...Teamleader won't allow it."
"Teamleader won't allow you on their team. I pick my own people. You say you're up for it?"
"Great. Then lets go."
When Teamleader finds out, they're furious. Mercenary is calm about it all.
"You took Whumpee?! They're not ready!"
"They said they were."
"They're not! Do you have any idea what they've been through?!"
"Do you?"
"They were with Whumper for weeks, right? Lost all control over their lives, had no say in anything that happened to them. Now they're back here, and they're telling you what they need, but you rather lock them up here for your own peace of mind."
"That's not the same."
"Isn't it? Whumpee's an adult, Teamleader. They're skilled. If you don't want them on your team, fine. But you can't stop them from making their own choices."
"You don't know them like I do."
"Maybe not. But you don't understand what they've been through like I do."
"Hey, Mercenary?"
"Yeah, Whumpee?"
"Thank you."
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whumpshots · 1 year
Whump ABC #5 - Emotional Whump
Based on the result of this poll
Team Leader walks into caretaker's office and sees the other scrub the floor, mutterings curses every now and then, shaken by sobs just as often. Tears stream out of caretaker's eyes as they try to get rid of the blood that seeped through the wood when they brought whumpee in, barely conscious - barely alive.
It's been hours since they were able to stabilise them, but it looks like caretaker themselves aren't stable right now. At least not emotionally.
"C'mon, just... just... fuck," they his as they scrub away, most of the blood is already gone but it isn't for caretaker. They still see blood everywhere.
Another sob shakes their body and team leader snaps out of their thoughts, finally moving forward to stand in front of the other, puttibg and a hand on their shoulder.
"Stop it. You won't be able to get rid of everything with that. You need to take a break," they say as sternly as they can while their heart shatters into tiny pieces as they look at the other.
Caretaker is a trembling mess, tears stream down their cheeks, eyes are reddened. "I can't. I have to... it's too much. Too much," caretaker mutters through sobs and team leader crouches down in front of them, pulling them closer and to a hug. Caretaker immediately holds onto their shirt and cries into their shoulder.
"It's just so much blood..."
"I know. Hey, I know. But we will scrub that away tomorrow. You need to rest after pulling off that miracle earlier. C'mon, let's get you to bed."
Team leader swallows hard as they help the other stand. They have never seen them like this before, but they always knew that caretaker is softer than they seem. It's been too much lately, but they'll try to make things better. They'll try...
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serickswrites · 1 year
I love your team whump stories!!! Maybe you can write something like whumper forces youngest team member to torture team leader or whumper will torture youngest and make teamleader watch. Since team leader can't have that he encuranges youngest to just do what whumper says and assures them that they can take it. Everything is better than being forced to watch whumper torture youngest team member.
Hello! I am so glad you enjoy them! And I can absolutely write this for you!
Please enjoy!
Part 2 Part 3
Warnings: captivity, torture, forced to watch, manipulation, forced participation (tbh idk how to tag this), restraints, physical violence, bruises, electrocution
"DON'T TOUCH THEM!" Team Leader bellowed as they strained against the cuffs chaining them to the wall. They couldn't bear to watch Whumper manhandle Smallest Teammate. They had already all but rubbed their wrists raw when Whumper smacked Smallest Teammate in the face, leaving their cheek swollen and bruised.
"Or what? You'll yell at me?" Whumper smirked. They didn't let go of Smallest Teammate, but they stopped, just holding Smallest Teammate's shirt collar.
"LET THEM GO! NOW! HURT ME! HURT ME!" Team Leader felt completely useless as they sat with Teammate One and Teammate Two while Whumper smacked Smallest Teammate around.
"Tell you what, Team Leader, I'll make you a deal. I'll stop hurting Smallest Teammate, but they're going to hurt you. Do everything I would do to them to you at my command."
"No!" Smallest Teammate cried weakly.
"Then, little one, you're my plaything until I break you beyond repair." Whumper cooed as they stared down at Smallest Teammate.
"No! Wait! I'll do it. Have them hurt me." Team Leader was desperate to stop Whumper from hurting Smallest Teammate. Because Whumper would kill Smallest Teammate. Of that, Team Leader had no doubt.
"Team Leader! No! I can't." Smallest Teammate tried to look back at Team Leader, but Whumper held them tight.
"You can. And you will." Better me than you. "It's ok, Smallest Teammate. It's ok.
"Yes, Smallest Teammate, it'll be ok. For you." Whumper smirked once more as they thrust Smallest Teammate towards Team Leader. "Take this cattle prod and shock Team Leader until I say stop."
"No, I...I can't," Smallest Teammate sobbed. They knelt in front of Team Leader, head hanging low. "I can't."
"Then I'll shock you until I decide to stop. It's your choice, Smallest Teammate."
"You can, Smallest Teammate. You can do this. It won't be so bad. It's not your fault," Team Leader encouraged. "I'll be ok."
Team Leader repeated the mantra aloud as Whumper thrust the cattle prod into Smallest Teammate's hand. Repeated the mantra as Smallest Teammate took a stumbling step forward. And they repeated the mantra until Smallest Teammate pressed the live prod to their shoulder. As their world whited out they suddenly worried that it wouldn't be ok and they wouldn't be able to endure. But the world became dark and with the dark, the thoughts disappeared.
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nightwhumpee · 3 years
Hello ^-^
I just finished my first text for whumptober. (Which got way longer than I first expected xD)
First of all. I want to say thanks to @justanothermaltesegirl and @simplygrimly!
You helped me find the courage and inspiration to finally write this!
So. Here is my piece for Whumptober 2021 Day 1
Prompts were: "You have to let go" | barbed wire | bound (And my mind chose to use all 😂❤)
No. 1
It took them 2 days to locate the man that took their youngest teammember, just as they were about to visit their sister. He was fairly new to the team but he was very much appreciated. His smile and caring words always lit up the room even though it was a tough case they were handeling. But now that person was missing.
They all waited for the sign of their teamleader to enter the building, where their friend was held. As the sign came they went in and slowly cleared room by room. 'It's way to silent...' was teamleaders thought after a few minutes. Then they heard a scream.
Immediatly the team rushed towards the sound. As they neared, they could hear whumpers voice.
"Now, now, my dear! You know as well as I do that you team will be here any second. I wish you would make it a little easier for them to find you."
Carefully the team approached the room. Through a small hole in a wall the teamleader could see what was going on.
Whumpee was in a kneeling position kept upright by chains which are connected to the ceiling. Their arms where covered in blood but he could not make out a source. Their legs also seemed to be bound together because they were not moving even though whumpee tried to shift in this position. His face and chest were badly bruised but they still looked at whumper with a fierce look in their eyes. The room was empty except for those two. That means the team had to be careful because there could be hidden traps.
The teamleader signaled to move to the door but to be careful once they entered the room. They quickly surrounded the two people. This was way to easy. The look in whumpees eyes wad terrified. He knew where the trap was. He knew how it would be activated. He knew that his entire team could die trying to save him.
"Give up, Whumper. We got you surrounded and won't let you leave.", teamleader said with a stern face. But whumper only smirked. "That may be. But the risk of loosing whumpee in the attempt to capture me is probably to high for you."
Teamleaders eyes scanned the room for a few seconds. He could not see any sign of a- Wait a minute. There was a small red light beneath whumpees legs on the floor.
"Ah. You found it. Then let me tell you something about it. Try to move your beloved whumpee and a bomb will go off and this whole building is going to collapse onto you. There is no way of stopping it except inserting a code. But you will only get it once I'm out of here."
The team looked at each other. They did not know what to do. But the eyes of their leader only looked at whumpee. He returned the gaze. "Get him. Leave me behind. Catching him is more important." He tried to act brave but his eyes where filled with tears. He did not want to die. But he would do it for the team.
"Alright.", teamleader said and everyone was shocked. The team was about to protest when he spoke again. "We will let you leave whumper. But you have to give us the code to save our teammate."
Whumper smirked. He knew it would end this way. "Very well. Whumpee has a phone in his pocket. I will call that number right when I left the building." Whumper calmly started to walk out of the room.
The team looked at each other. They wanted to catch him so badly. But not at the risk of losing even one of their members.
Once whumper exited the room teamleader walked closer to whumpee. "Are you alright?", he asked concerned and eyed his friend.
"Why would you do this?" Whumpee whispered. "You should have saved yourselves and catch that bastard."
But teamleader only smiled. "Maybe. But my job is to make sure no member of my team dies. We can locate whumper again. But we cannot replace you."
Right when whumpee was about to answer a phone rang. Teamleader slowly reached for the phone in whumpees pocket. Careful not to move him to much.
"Took you long enough", whumpers said once teamleader answered the call. "What is the code do defuse the bomb?", teamleader spoke sternly.
"Ah. That one. I tattooed it on whumpees wrists right before I chained him with barbed wire. It has four digits and you only have one try. But you have to enter it at the main location of the bomb. Whumpee only sits on the trigger. It is two stories up. If I were you I would hurry. The bomb will go off in 10 minutes." With that he hung up.
Teamleader let the phone drop to the floor before standing up and facing his teammates. "Alright guys. We have 10 minutes to do this. A, B and C, you have to hold whumpees arms. His body has to stay steady as I unwrap the chains or else it will go off." They nodded. "D you are our quickest member. Once we have the code you have to get two stories up to the main bomb." D nodded in response.
Everyone took their place. Whumpee hissed as teamleader slowly unwrapped the wire from his wrists. It took all his willpower not to collapse. Even though his team was still holding him up. Teamleader tried to wipe the blood away from the cuts. A small whimper escaped whumpees lips.
"I know, I'm sorry. But we are almost done." Teamleader said. A second later he paused. "Crap. I can only read 3 of the 4 digits. 352... The last number could be a 4 or a 6.. I can't see it. The skin is too damaged. But we only have one try." Sweat slowly from his forehead. Whumpee tried his best not to cry.
The time was running. Or they all would be dead. Just because of him. "Let me handle this leader." D daid and walked to the door.
"We will make it out of here." With that he took of with enormous speed and ran up the stairs at the end of the hallway. The rest of the team remained. They had to trust D. He would choose the right number.
Teamleader watched his clock as the time was slowly running out. Then suddenly they heard a small klick beneath whumpee and the light went out.
They sighed relieved. They let go of whumpees arms and he collapsed into teamleaders chest. "You made it." Whumpee said with a small smile. As he felt strong arms pick him up and carry him away he finally let his conciousness slip away.
I hope you liked this. I would be very happy to hear your opinions!
The anxiety part of my brain wants to apologize if my writing ist not good and so on. I can't leave this thought just in my brain because then my brain will only swirl more. So please bear with me! <3
I hope all of you have a lovely day / evening or whatever is left of the day at your place ;D
Love nightwhumpee~❤
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oddsconvert · 2 years
Whumpee has been rescued…but a teammate was killed by whumper in the process. Whumpee can’t help but feel like it’s their fault.
This request came for my heart the second I set eyes on it. J'adore.
CW: References to captivity, Rescue, Minor Character Death (off-screen), Grieving, Death Wish/Wishing to self-sacrifice, Feelings of guilt and self-blaming, Emotional Whump, Medical Whump
Rescuing Whumpee had been no easy feat; Teamleader thought they had everything under control, knew exactly what they were doing. Until they didn’t. 
It had been an ambush. Of course. Surrounded faster than the eye could blink, staring down the ends of gun barrels. Whumper was using Whumpee as bait, and their team fell for it hook, line and sinker. Finding Whumpee bound with tight rope rubbing them raw, crumpled lifelessly on the floor of their cell, seeing their skin caked with their own dried blood and the shallow breaths just about seeping from parted lips. It was a close call, too close. But they made it out by the skin of their teeth, Caretaker cradled Whumpee in close to their chest and sprinting them to safety whilst the others covered their back.
Now, those closest to Whumpee stood huddled silently by their bedside, keeping vigil, awaiting for their friend to wake, The sight of them resembles something from a horror movie; tubes, wires and needles stabbed into them, protruding from their skin and intertwined in snake-like tangles, hooked to beeping machines. The mask strapped to their face whooshed precious oxygen into their rasping lungs. The group stay like that for hours until- 
With a startled gasp, Caretaker's eyes race up, softening slightly when they meet Whumpee’s eyes, squinting through their eyelids from the overwhelming onslaught of brilliant white lights burning into their retinas. "Whumpee! Oh thank god, you're okay!” their hand claps on top of Whumpee’s, lacing their fingers together, giving a firm reassuring squeeze knowing they are too weak to return the favour. Their fluffy brows furrow, dilated pupils darting around the room to investigate their surroundings and frightened panting of breath fogging up the oxygen mask. Their team offered welcoming, forlorn smiles - silently rejoicing at the fact that Whumpee was finally safe and awake.
“No need to panic! You’re home, Whumpee. You’re not there anymore-”, Teamleader consoled over Caretaker’s shoulder, watching as the fear and tension visibly exuded from their muscles and they sank back into the mattress.
“I'm so sorry that we couldn't get to you sooner-", Caretaker withheld a sob, stroking a delicate finger across Whumpee’s cheekbone just above the mask’s elastic strap. Whumpee’s eyes flutter shut with a hum from the comforting touch, leaning in closer. Accepting the warm embrace of safety. Home. Their family is around them, they’re safe.
“Y-You saved me. Never a-apologise… what happened back there?”
No-one answers. Knowing, devastated looks are exchanged with one another, some turn away from Whumpee’s view and allow a lone tear to trickle. Whumpee’s chest seizes and a bitter feeling pits in their stomach. Something is wrong. Something is awfully wrong - what are they not being told?
Whumpee’s eyes hurriedly scan the room once again, counting the heads of every person surrounding their bed. A daunting look of confusion, with a hint of worry crossed their face.
“T-Teammate… where is Teammate?!”, Whumpee almost shrieks but it's muffled against the plastic dome of their oxygen. Wincing with a pained cry as they attempt to jolt upright in bed, ignoring the concerned opposition that try to push them back down.
“You left them behind?! How could you?!”They boiled over with anger, clenching their fists against the thin bed sheets and scrunching the material in their sweaty palm. Either that or they swing their fists for Teamleader right here, right now. What the hell happened to no man left behind?!
“We have to go back! Y-You can’t leave them there, do you have any idea what Whumper will do to them?!”
“You have to listen to me… Whumpee, please I-”
“How could you leave them?! If it was me or them, you should have left me there!”.
Caretaker’s jaw stutters, uselessly searching for the words but none come to mind - they didn’t know how to say it… it didn’t even feel real. There’s a tension in the air you could slice with a knife, weak sniffles from the rest of their friends and Whumpee zones in on the expression plastering most of their faces. 
Everyone looks crushed, like they could burst into a choir of cries at any second. Caretaker eyes droop with sorrow, a tear rolling down their cheek. Whumpee’s heart skips a beat.
“W-Why are you pulling that face?”, Whumpee lowers their tone, fear lacing their voice.
“I’m sorry. Teammate… they didn’t make it-”
“No…”. They’re lying. Whumper always lied and now they’re lying to them, too. Teammate has to be okay, they’re the backbone of the group - the toughest cookie. Rome would fall without them.
“Whumpee, I’m sorry. They were so brave…. All they wanted was to get you back home safe-”
“They’re dead because of me! It’s all my fault!” Whumpee wailed, throwing their head back against the headboard with a smash and howling. Why couldn’t they have just stayed with Whumper? They were so selfish for wanting their team to confront Whumper, to be rescued - their friend was dead and it was all because of them.
“Don’t you dare say that. It’s Whumper’s fault. It’s always Whumper - they took Teammate away from us”, Caretaker spat, making Whumpee jump from the rage radiating from them but Whumpee knew the anger wasn’t directed at them. They were grieving. They all were.
“If you didn’t save me. They’d still be here. But I was saved… and they paid the price for my freedom with my life. That isn’t fair. I didn’t want that-”.
“You can’t think like that, Whumpee-”.
But it was no use. In through one ear and out the other. Whumpee pulled their knees to their chest and cried like a newborn babe, screaming the roof down - their bony frame shaking like a leaf.
“I’m a murderer. I killed them. I’m so sorry-”, the hysterics tumbled out from their lips. Caretaker pulls them into an embrace, hugging them close to their chest. Whumpee doesn’t wince, doesn’t pull away - they clutch onto Caretaker for dear life as their jolted sobs pick up, weakly grasping at Caretaker’s shirt in their hand, whilst they screech and mourn. Nuzzling into their shoulder, wiping the salty tears from their cheek onto the soft material. 
“It should have been me-”
“It should have been Whumper. And it will be, I swear to you. We won’t let them get away with what they’ve done. Not for what they’ve done to you and … what they did to Teammate”.
But Whumpee doesn’t believe a word that’s spoken to them. They would choose a thousand years in captivity with Whumper in exchange for Teammate’s life. They’d bargain with the devil. 
They didn’t deserve that. They didn’t deserve someone’s life. They weren’t worthy enough to live on in the legacy of repaying a sacrifice. 
They wished they were never rescued. They deserved to be back with Whumper.
taglist: @whatwasmyprevioususername @whumpsday @sparrowsage @whumperfully
Third ask completion of the day, whoop whoop! Hope this is okay! <3
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angst-art-writing · 5 years
Whump Prompt
The herowhumpee has been caught by the villain Whumper, and has been tortured for fun at the villain whumpers base. The hero whumpee tries to stay strong, sure that their team will come get them soon.
One day, the hero is left shivering and curled up in their cell, beaten and bloody when the team leaders face is suddenly seen behind the bars of their window.
The hero whumpee jumps up, staggering to their feet, glad to be saved and immediately brightening.
But then teamleader tells them that they aren't getting them out. They tell the hero whumpee to get information on the villain Whumper.
The whumpee has to stay for longer.
They beg the team-leader to get them out, but teamleader just turns away, maybe even whispering threats if they don't get enough information when they come back and check.
Will the hero whumpee get caught sneaking around for files or papers by the whumper? Does the team know about team-leaders plan?
How will they get out if team leader becomes even more greedy for information, making the whumpee stay for even longer?
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too-exhausted · 5 years
whump prompt: the youngest
the team is captured
B, the youngest and weakest among the group gets picked out for torture
bonus points: this is their first field mission
the others protest as the struggling whumpee is dragged away, screaming for their team
teamleader A trying to stay calm for the groups sake
but deep inside they are sick with worry, because they know that B can’t take it, even if they tried
meanwhile B is beaten, cut and just about hurt in every imaginable way
and they are crying
begging for their team, for A, to come and get them
they cry and sob, but they refuse to tell the whumpers anything
when they are returned to their cell B is quiet
bonus points: they are usually the happy and optimistic one
the team crowds around them, trying to asses their wounds but B
B just silently clings to A, with a grip that says “please don’t let them take me again”
bonus points: the next day B gets taken again
bonus bonus points: A can’t do anything about it
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whumpshots · 1 year
Whump Snippet Saturday #32
Team leader stares at the picture on their monitor, the video frozen, showing the frame that gave them the confirmation of what they already feared: whumper has gotten what they wanted.
The frame shows whumpee, barely conscious in a dimly lit room, their half-naked body covered in cuts, bruises and blood. Whumper sent them a video, commenting how strong whumpee acts.
"But for how long?", whumper asks in the video, and team leader grits their teeth as they remember the chuckle that followed these words. They are determined to get whumpee back, but how?
As team leader calls the rest of the team, the others seem to know that something's up. Time's crucial in this situation, but how will they find whumpee? Will they be in time?
Team leader's heart races as they wait for the others to arrive, eyes again trained on the picture on their monitor. For how long will whumpee be strong?
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whumpshots · 3 years
Whumptober #8
Trope of the day: "definitely just a cold"
His head was spinning as he got up from the chair which was why he held onto the desk for a second, hoping none of the others had just witnessed their teamleader being unable to move.
To his own surprise, no one seemed to notice and everyone left the room. Not exactly everyone because the team's medic stayed behind, apparently waiting for someone to close the door.
"You really think we didn't notice, huh?" Teamleader's eyes shot up and met the eyes of the other man. "You look like shit, honestly. And we could see how much you were sweating and shaking at the same time."
Teamleader shook his head, even though he had to smile a little bit. Seemed like he wasn't good at faking everything was alright.. or his team just too observant - he couldn't decide which one it was.
"Listen, everything is fine. It's just a cold, I need some rest which I will get as soon as this job is finished." He was so convinced of his words that he let go of the table and took a step backwards, hoping to end this conversation and to leave the room.
As soon as he moved, he got dizzy again, now too far away to grab the end of the table which was why he was staggering backwards before hitting the wall. Before he knew what was even happening, Teamleader felt his head spinning, his mouth was dry and his body too hot and too cold at the same time.
With a small "thump" he sat down on the floor, involuntarily, but tired to play it off. "See? Just a cold", he mumbled and closed his eyes for a bit, he felt nauseous.
"Yeah.. Definitely just a cold", medic said as he crouched down in front of the other man, carefully touching his forehead. "I need you in my room. Now."
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whumpshots · 3 years
Whumptober #23
Trope of the day: ransom
Team leader did his best to keep himself composed and not let the anxiety wash over him like a wave. He felt like drowning in his worries and thoughts as he stood there and waited for Whumper and his henchmen.
With the money in a bag right beside him, he felt even more nervous. What if someone tried to take it from him, Whumper having no intention to let Caretaker go. His eyes wandered around the facility, but no one seemed to be here.
Finally, after what felt like ages, he saw the headlights of a Jeep. Squinting his eyes a bit, he waited for the car to stop only a few metres in front of him and two people got out at the same time. Whumper turned around and smiled at Team leader as the henchmen helped Caretaker out of the car.
"I must say, he really doesn't like talking," Whumper proclaimed as Team leader bit his tongue to not bark something back. Not until Caretaker was safe and with him. "You got the money?," he then asked as the two men dragged the nearly unconscious man towards Team leader.
"All in here." He nodded towards the bag next to him and held it up for one of the men snatching it before dropping Caretaker into his arms. It had always been about money, he should've known ... Before the wish to just shoot that bastard could overwhelm him, Team leader dragged Caretaker towards his car.
"Normally, you are the one to patch us up, but don't worry. We watched you closely and learned enough to care for you," Team leader mumbled and heard a dry laugh that almost sounded like a cough.
"Never thought that bitching you all around while patching someone up would come in handy one day, huh?" Caretaker's voice was weak, but so alive. It was all Team leader needed to hear to have some hope return to him.
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whumpshots · 3 years
Whumptober #22
Trope of the day: regret (alternative)
How could he be sure that it had been the right decision? Was there a way to be able to tell? Team leader sat outside on the stairs of the porch, looking at nothing in particular. Being inside made it worse, he had to go outside and catch his breath.
He had been so sure that Whumpee would be able to handle it, he himself had told him it was okay ... that it was okay to leave him behind. It had been two days now, no sign of life had yet been forwarded to the team.
Was it really the right decision to leave it all to him?
"He will be alright," someone suddenly said and Team leader jumped and turned around to find Caretaker standing there. She smiled at him and came closer to sit down next to him. "He will be alright," she repeated and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
Team leader smiled back at her, trying to hide the fear as good as he could. He knew when something was off and he regretted not thinking about it as much as he did now before leaving Whumpee behind all by himself.
It was only a few hours later that his fears and worries turned out to be true. As the bloodied and broken body of Whumpee was carried to the med bay, he regretted every choice he had ever made.
It had not been the right decision.
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whumpshots · 5 years
Whumptober #6
Trying to catch up.
Trope of the day: dragged away
"Do you see what happens when you don't want to cooperate with me? You lost this fight. And you will lose your people if you don't leave now."
The villain looked the leader straight in the eye. He was serious and he wouldn't wait any longer. The leader was getting angrier and bit his tongue to not insult him. That wouldn't make it better.
"If we go now, do you promise to leave the town? We won't follow you, if you do," the leader asked with a shaky voice. The anger made it hard to speak. Hard to think.
The villain grinned. Something was very wrong, he could feel it. It was a victorious grin, taunting and sickening.
"I promise to leave the city. But I won't go alone." His grin grew wider. Two of his henchmen came through the door, dragging a figure with them. A figure that wasn't moving on its own at all.
The leader knew who that was in an instant. His eyes grew wide and his heart skipped a beat. "No," he mumbled, his voice now shaking from fear and disbelief. "It can't be ... He is dead. I - I was," he began but was interupted by the villain.
"I know. You attended his funeral. I was there, too. I had to make sure you believed he is dead. And I brought him with me to just show you what an awful team leader you are. You believed my lie, believed he was dead without even asking the important questions. It seemed like you wanted him dead. You are not good enough for a team like this. And I have to be honest - I really like him. He doesn't scream when I torture him, doesn't try to flee either. You know, I-"
"Enough. Just shut up." The leader raised his voice, even angrier than before. He cocked his gun and aimed it at the villain.
"If you shoot now, he dies. This time for real." He put up his hand and the two henchmen stopped in their tracks, one of them holding the almost lifeless and pale body up, and the other one aiming a gun at him.
The leader knew it was over and lowered his own weapon. He felt ashamed. He had believed his own team member was dead and now he had to let them take him with them.
A mocking smile spread across the villain's face. He turned around and nodded at his henchmen. Both of them dragged the body with them, leaving the leader behind with his thoughts, shame and guilt.
He felt the arms of the guards on his body. He was moving. Not on his own, but he was moving. It took him some time to open his eyes, but he eventually did.
They were dragging him somewhere and he wasn't in his cell anymore. He gave a quiet groan and looked around. His eyes met a person standing not too far away from him. A person he knew too well.
He tried to open his mouth, scream for help. But he couldn't. Not even his body responded to his commands to free himself, they were just dragging him without any sign of stopping any time soon.
All he could do was to watch helplessly as the figure of his former teamleader became smaller and smaller until it was out of sight, leaving him hopeless and silently crying, still dragged away by the two men he knew all too well.
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