#Teddy Gowan
tornadotree · 2 months
Casualty characters as textposts/tweets-regional edition:
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that is all
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medicallymercury · 5 months
Tinderbox (30/12/23)
I did end up waking up super early (on accident) and watching this episode but I decided not to post my review until after it had been on TV. I've really got to start getting into writing my essays now cause I have less than two weeks even with the deadline extension but I can manage to spend 12 straight hours thinking about writing it (rotating Casualty in my microwave brain) and not even realise I've done it until my mum's alarm goes off.
Well, it was an episode, wasn't it? Sometimes Casualty gives us masterpieces of television (cough Switzerland) and sometimes Casualty gives us "what the fuck was that?" (cough Too Much, Too Young - that was a very mixed Saturday) and Tinderbox was, at least for me, pretty much in the middle. I guess I wasn't as invested as I could've been cause there wasn’t much of my faves, I'd probably be more positive if we had more of them.
Pretty busy and all over the place episode but that’s to be expected at the start of a miniseries, I guess.
Stevie my beloved, she was great in this one. Elinor Lawless is very talented!! This has got me looking forward to her own storyline even more.
I know Ryan was unpopular but I loved him as a problematic little bitch character. Shows like this sometimes need a Ryan to cause problems for everyone and he served his purpose. Like, he is terrible but it was amusing to have a terrible member of the predominantly very sweet baby nurse quartet. I’ll miss him, honestly. I don’t imagine he’ll come back since there’s a new new (I still think of the baby nurses as new) nurse joining next week.
I made this last night, he didn’t actually die but I still think it’s funny:
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I really liked that final shot of Jodie, Rida and Cam together but, to quote my mum as it happened, “I feel like all three of them have wanted Ryan to get beaten up at least once before”.
I love a good family storyline, especially when the family has multiple members in the main cast cause I think it allows for more development of the relationship (gestures wildly at Jan and Teddy), and Max and Jodie were great today. Loved all their interactions. Especially loved their conversation about Max’s kidney failure and especially “I wouldn’t allow it, even if you wanted to.” “Which I don’t.” “Well at least we agree on one thing” and “I’m sorry I’m not what you expected” (!!!!!!!!!!). I think they’re more similar than either of them realises, and I love that kind of dynamic - in both my ‘main fandoms’ my favourite characters are girls whose relationships with their fathers could be described as “I’m nothing like my dad (I’m just acting exactly like him)”. There’s definitely examples of that in this episode but back in Driving Force I remember a scene where Dylan tells them that neither of them should be treating Max’s mum and they both stand there looking at him with the same expression.
I expected that knowing the Teddy infidelity arc will happen would affect how I watch the show and when Paige and Jodie were treating the same patient I was 👁️👁️ the whole time. Whatever, I’ll get over it (hhhhhhh).
Sah was in this but so barely that the credits didn’t actually include Arin, which is weird to me.
I will say I think Casualty has been on weird pacing recently. I’d blame the miniseries format but it feels like there has been some storylines that are too long-running without saying anything new (FAITH) and other ones that get dropped too quickly without enough time to actually go into the ideas they implied were happening.
I think it was a good start to the new series but I would’ve liked them to cut the Faith stuff and have something actually happening with the paramedics instead.
Yes, I know complaining about Faith is beating a dead horse. However, in continuing to write her and this storyline, the writers have invented a dead horse beating machine to keep beating the dead horse perpetually. It goes on endlessly and has absolutely nothing new to say. And while some storylines have been getting these rushed and incomplete conclusions, Casualty had an opportunity to give the Faith storyline a conclusion with her going to rehab and staying there and then they didn’t. Tired of it. Also, not to be mean to the presumably overwhelmed Holby HR department but why would they ask Faith of Drug Theft Fame to come back??? This is why your hospital is like this, your hiring practices are terrible.
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bejeweledfangirl · 2 months
teddy and jodie just don’t do it for me i fear
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New Ngozi/Nicole shipper ❤️❤️
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nooneyouknow2143 · 14 days
For someone who's work life was kinda ruined because of gossip, Jodie sure loves to gossip.
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casualtyfandom · 2 months
I'm really worried about what abuse Teddy went through in the ambulance 😥
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ambulancenoises · 2 years
did i join this trend in honour of the new school year? yes. yes i did
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stevie-nash · 8 months
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Teddy Gowan S38E6
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riverstardis · 2 years
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happy disability pride month to them!!
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I don’t even know what to say. That episode... just... wow. I thought it was completely and utterly brilliant.
The thing, as I said earlier, about an improvised Casualty episode is that it was one of those things that was either going to turn out to be really, really good, or really, really bad. Thankfully, it definitely ended up on the side of “really, really good”.
However the episode turned out, I knew one thing: I had faith in Di Botcher. I’ve always felt she’s one of the best actors Casualty’s got. Plus, since she’s an experienced actress, I thought she’d do really well with the improv stuff.
She surpassed my expectations by far. Tonight, Di Botcher cemented herself as not just one of the best actors Casualty has at the moment, but one of the best they have EVER had. I’m just... I’m in awe. She’s INCREDIBLE. She is a living MASTERCLASS in acting. She should win a BAFTA for this. I’m not even joking or exaggerating to make a point about how good she is, she genuinely should win a BAFTA for this. Her performance would be impressive enough if it were scripted, but the fact that all that was scripted were the storylines, and the dialogue and reactions were IMPROVISED?! Astounding. Just astounding. I’m still trying to wrap my head around Jan’s speech to the influencer woman being improvised, in particular.
Amidst my awe for Di Botcher, I of course also want to highly praise the other actors involved in the episode - particularly, Arin Smethurst and Milo Clarke, both of whom were absolutely FANTASTIC tonight! I wondered how they’d cope with an episode like this, since they’re younger and (as far as I know) newer to acting, and I was really, really impressed - they were a million times better than I could have imagined. The guest stars were all excellent as well.
The scenes with Teddy and Scott, the bloke who was self-harming, were very well done. I do wish there had been a trigger warning beforehand - as I have with previous patient storylines along these lines, and with Henrik’s or Chloe’s self-harm scenes on Holby - but the handling of the story itself, I thought was excellent. I worried they’d go for some “mentally ill people are evil” twist (I’m still wary thanks to the Gaskell story on Holby, I suppose), and have Scott stab Teddy and/or Iain or something, so I’m really glad they didn’t do that and instead just showed Scott as a desperate, lonely man who had no access to mental health support (tying back into the theme of the paucity of funding for the NHS).
I loved seeing Sah really step up to the plate in this episode. Their reaction when Jan accidentally hit the girl on the road was brilliantly acted, as were all the scenes regarding their and Jan’s interactions with Robbie, the man struggling with alcoholism. I definitely see what Arin Smethurst meant in all their interviews about this episode being a real point of growth, professionally, for Sah.
I really liked the little scene with Dylan and Jan near the end of the episode. As a Dylan fan, it was great to see him get something to do, especially since it wasn’t at all necessary for the episode (other doctors and nurses only appeared briefly) it was nice that they gave him a little scene anyway. Interesting seeing William Beck improvise, as well.
I’d love to be able to write the longer, more eloquent review that this episode deserves, but it took me long enough to find the words to write a review at all. I’m very interested to see where Jan’s story will go from here. It looks like this is the last episode of the year, but see you all for more reviews when the show gets back on air. May this quality continue. ❤️
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invisible-slytherclaw · 6 months
Hi guys! I’m back to writing!!!!
With my one of my lovely best friends motivating me on, we are writing a collaborative work on Ao3, which will also be posted on my Wattpad later. As a little treat for the holidays, I am posting the summary, the first few paragraphs of the work and the link to finish reading the chapter if you like it, so here it goes:
Join the Cast of Holby and Casualty as part of the Harry Potter universe. Between classes, wizard duels, Voldemort’s return and everything in between, join three unlikely heroes in the journey to saving Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Chapter 1: Prologue (preview)
31st October, 1998
Kevin had already gone to bed by the time Jools had been awoken by her child's whimpering cries. Sensing something was wrong, Jools pulled out her wand and raced to Sah's bedroom, where she found her child crying in their crib, a haunting figure standing over them.
Jools waved her wand, snarling as she walked into the room. "Depulso!" She yelled. A bolt of light blue energy flew at the figure, pushing them back. The figure crashed against the wall, knocking over the bookshelf.
This did not deter the figure, however, and he regained his stamina quickly before starting to retaliate. "Expelliarmus!" He yelled.
However, to Jools ears, this was drowned by the send of Kevin shouting "Protego", sending the red spark of the figure's spell shooting off and creating a dent in the wall at the back of the room.
"Take Sah and run, Jools. Get out of the house." Kevin ground out, taking an offensive stance in front of his wife and child. Jools tried to argue, but the figure was already flicking his wand.
Here’s the link: <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/52348942"><strong>Sah Brookner and the Philosopher’s Stone</strong></a> (952 words) by <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/users/Helluva_Hazbin_Boss"><strong>Helluva_Hazbin_Boss</strong></a>, <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/users/invisible_slytherclaw"><strong>invisible_slytherclaw</strong></a><br />Chapters: 1/?<br />Fandom: <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Harry%20Potter%20-%20J*d*%20K*d*%20Rowling">Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling</a>, <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Casualty%20(TV)">Casualty (TV)</a>, <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Holby%20City">Holby City</a><br />Rating: Teen And Up Audiences<br />Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings<br />Relationships: Paige Allcott/Theodore "Teddy" Gowan<br />Characters: Sah Brockner, Henrik Hanssen, Dominic Copeland, Theodore "Teddy" Gowan, Stevie Nash (Casualty), Faith Cadogan, Paige Allcott, Ginny Weasley, Percy Weasley, Bill Weasley, Josh Hudson, Gaynor Gowan, Max Cristie (Casualty), Dylan Keogh, Charlie Fairhead, Kevin Brockner, Jools Brockner, Jan Jenning, Cameron Dunn, Ange Goddard<br />Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting<br />Series: Part 1 of <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/series/3892777">Harry Potter/Casualty Crossover</a><br />Summary: <p>Join the Cast of Holby and Casualty as part of the Harry Potter universe. Between classes, wizard duels, Voldemort’s return and everything in between, join three unlikely heroes in the journey to saving Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.</p>
I hope you enjoy and happy holidays 😊
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tornadotree · 16 days
I don’t like how this Teddy sl is writing him, but also Jan. She feels ooc. Same with Ian (and I also don’t like him with Faith).
Jan and Ian deserve better writing (as well as Teddy).
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medicallymercury · 2 months
I will pay someone to be nice to Teddy. Not even talk about it, just… sit with him and have a cup of tea or something. Why does it feel like the entire world is out to get him? (Edit: for icky, ‘he’s so alone’ drama, I know this but I can still question it.)
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transitofmercury · 1 year
Note: I'm WAY more active on my Casualty sideblog (@medicallymercury) right now but I'm still around over here!
✧ Hi, I'm Transit of Mercury! ✧
Hi, I go by Mercury on here. I'm 19 years old, I use she/they pronouns and I’m from the UK. Generally speaking, I love historical fiction that I believe has "potential, if sometimes questionable execution" - most of my posts will be about Horrible Histories: the Movie or Katherine from Newsies. I also have a sideblog dedicated to the BBC medical drama Casualty, I mostly go on about my current series fave Teddy Gowan and my series 1/2 fave Sandra Mute over there.
Please, please, please send me messages or asks about absolutely anything on either of my blogs!! I’ve been a little MIA over here recently since I’ve been more active on my sideblog and I’ve been doing uni stuff, but I still see my messages/asks/notifs and do my best to reply. Hateful people - racists, misogynists, transphobes, etc. - will be blocked.
 ✧┊  Here's my tags for: the Horrible Histories movie (Atti and Orla, I also have a resources post), Newsies (Katherine), my own posts, reblogs, self reblogs and answered asks.
AO3 ✦ Dreamwidth
₊˚ ✧. *┊  That probably covers all the main stuff you need to know about me but this is an additional section where I’m allowed to ramble:
₊˚ ✧. *┊  I’m from the Midlands and currently a first year History student. I’ve been aware of fandom for about 10 years now (ah, the joys of unregulated internet access at 9) and actively ‘taking part’ for a little over 7, with my first (long deleted) Tumblr blog being dedicated to Holby City and created in 2017.
₊˚ ✧. *┊  I’m interested in historical fiction of all kinds (though I do lean more towards earlier periods than more recent stuff), right now I’m reading my way through Rosemary Sutcliff’s stuff. I’ve read The Eagle of the Ninth, Song For A Dark Queen and The Chief’s Daughter so far and I’m currently reading The Shining Company. Song For A Dark Queen is my favourite that I’ve read, but Cottia is my beloved Sutcliff character.
₊˚ ✧. *┊  As my Casualty sideblog and deleted Holby blog imply, I love whatever your mum is watching on TV. I’m not begging you to watch Casualty or anything… but if I were begging you to watch Casualty, I’d say that Thin Green Line (37x12), is a piece of actually brilliant and severely underrated television, and that A Little Lobbying (02x01) is an equally brilliant episode from the early series - and that both can be understood in isolation from the rest of the show! My Holby days ended in late-2018. I also love Call The Midwife but all my favourite characters have left (Val save me… Val… save me, Val). Those are my big ones, I watch Eastenders but I’ve never really been fannish about it.
₊˚ ✧. *┊  I’m into quite a few musicals, though I don’t really post about them besides Newsies. Off the top of my head, some of my favourites are Legally Blonde, Anastasia, Falsettos/The Marvin Trilogy, Sunday In The Park With George and Evita (it’s a mess but the songs are such bangers).
₊˚ ✧. *┊  I’ve been into comedy, specifically britcom, for longer than I can remember. The Thick Of It and Peep Show hold the shared number one spot for my favourite comedy shows - TTOI for how well written it is and Peep Show for how many times I’ve rewatched it. I think I’ve watched too many to list here, but my shows of my year (they came out years ago but I got to them this year) would probably be Crashing, People Just Do Nothing and W1A.
₊˚ ✧. *┊  Send me a message if you’ve got any HH movie related questions because odds are that I probably have an answer and if I don’t then I will also want to find the answer as well. I also know a pretty good amount about the Pulitzers, I’m no expert but I probably know more than most people do and would be happy to go on about them. I bring nothing to the Casualty fandom beyond a passion for idiot paramedics and the occasional edit.
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What. WHat. whAT. WHAT.
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nooneyouknow2143 · 17 days
It's a miracle
Casualty actaully remembered about Teddy's heart problems
"Best thing for my heart is to stay fit"
" why someone with a dodgy ticker would wanna do that"
Okay now let's fix the completely ooc scene where he literally attacks his friend and we are getting somewhere with casualty
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