lenoratheyinglet · 7 months
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How to be cool - Commission
Yet another commission for the lovely AgentXY, done in lineart! Featuring their very own Summertown character interacting with my own Lucy!  Lucy may not be the best for giving advice like this but she means well.  Amy is Agent's!  Lucy is my own girl!  Don't forget to check out Summertown: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/summertownmall
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theloulouge · 1 year
High School’s Rumor Mill
Tell us about a time when you felt out of place. Oh, high school was a trip, and I’ve got a story for this one. So, back in the day, there was this rumor going around about me, and I swear, it was like straight out of a teen drama. Some of my classmates were talking behind my back, and it made me feel seriously out of place. The worst part? It wasn’t even true! I mean, come on, it’s my life,…
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whitespark · 2 years
Book 1 of Teenage Dectevive Trilogy
Title: Rumor Has It
A local girl goes missing leaving behind her family who would do anything to bring her back safely. Avery Turner, the little sister of the girl who went missing years ago, receives clues involving her sister's disappearance and is determine to figure out the truth behind her sister's disappearance, while not knowing who to trust.
#wattpad #wattpadbookcover #wattpadstories #teenagedrama #agnsty #mystery #dectevive
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skyetenshi · 1 year
Auge des Sturms - Meine Favs.
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Das bricht mir das Herz, aber ist auch wirklich kein Wunder. Peter macht mehr Sportarten, als einem normalen Schüler möglich sein sollten. Und dann kommt noch sein Sozialleben und die Detektivarbeit, abgesehen von Hobbys, die ebenfalls stattfinden. Ich wette Peter hat den übelsten Multitaskskill. Und seine "schlechten" Schulnoten sind nur der Fall, weil er NIE Zeit hat zum Lernen. Eigentlich ist es ganz schön fies von Justus Peter so einzuspannen, anstatt Peter für seine Zukunft arbeiten zu lassen, denn Justus wird keine Probleme haben ein Studium zu bekommen und Bob hat praktisch das Handbuch für Investigativjournalismus geschrieben. Nur Peter kommt nicht so gut davon.
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Kann man bitte jemand Peter in den Arm nehmen und sagen, dass es okay ist. Auch Bob und Justus vergessen mal was.
Abgesehen von Peters Selfesteem-issues, was geht denn mit Finnley ab. Durch welches Teenagedrama ist er denn gegangen? Hat er vielleicht erkannt, dass da Gefühle sind wenn einigen der anderen Surfern näher kommt....?
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Jaaaa, Peters verlegenes "Geb ich ihm meine Nummer, oder die Visitenkarte?" muss halt auch mit rein.
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Ach schön, wie das Buch eher auf Peter fokussiert ist und Justus einen richtig schönen moody teenager moment bekommt. Aber absolut fair. Was dieses Buch Justus alles angetan hat! Bah. Bob wurde ja wenigstens, "nur" verprügelt.
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Der arme Jeffrey, der muss sich erst mal Peter von Finnley zurückerobern.
Übrigens ist es ganz normal, dass ein heterosexueller junger Mann, einen anderen Superboy nennt. Das ist gar nicht verdächtig? Warum sollte Finnley das nicht machen? Oder Peter immer wieder ansehen? Und ihn sich bauchfrei vorstellen? Und Dates ins Gespräch bringen?
Ich glaube, Finnley ist ziemlich schlecht im Flirten, aber Peter ist noch schlechter darin es zu verstehen. Und Jeffrey steht daneben und rauft sich die Haare.
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antoinemaillard · 3 years
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chammakchalloo · 2 years
Life is boring rn
Need some boydrama
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notnee · 4 years
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I stood there, weeping. My back stinging and burning because of a heavy hand that striked it a few seconds ago. The hair on my body rose. I felt cold as the air around me suddenly blocked out everything. Slowly whispering its sound in my ears. A tear streamed down my cheek. I didn’t fear anything. Thinking of the worse didn’t hurt anymore. Because all this time I had learnt to live with it.
The reason was same. The assailants were the same. The victim was the same. It felt as if the air brought back all the memories of every time this happend. It reeled in the back of my mind. Every time something indiscreet slipped out of my mouth, I would be shitted on and sometimes even hit. I am not a human with a heart I guess. Maybe I deserve it. My vision got blurry.
Why am I expected to be a certain way. More importantly what they want. I can’t possibly make choices of my own and not hold accountability of them. Maybe I wasn’t good enough to make those choices in the first place. Everyday I am reminded of how much they love me, how much they try to make my life a better place to live in because they have an “experience” which I lack. They have “seen more of the world and its ugly side”. Every time they hurt me, they take me out or do something that I like as if it were a reward of getting hurt. It always looked like a golden opportunity as I didn’t ask for anything anyways. I don’t understand where I can work on myself.
I suddenly got back to my senses and walked myself till the mirror. The person in the reflection I saw appeared weak, broken. Her eyes filled up with salty tears just like a wave hitting the shore and then going back. Her slowly fading tears looked like drops of dew settling on the top of a leaf. I stopped staring my reflection and washed my face. The cold water stinging my already hot face which felt like it were a dead person with blood covered features.
I looked at my reflection again. “I will always be there with you, no matter what happens. I will always remember the good in you.” And then I stormed out of the bathroom.
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anaranjadaa · 4 years
A veces siento que me quedo en pausa mientras el mundo sigue y sigue, como si todos encontraran su camino y yo sigo para frente a la misma ventana viendo el mundo pasar.
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Odio sentir que soy solo un personaje de relleno, que no tiene nada más que una escena en el fondo mirando una ventana.
Quisiera ser el personaje principal. Quisiera ser alguien.
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Teenage Drama-chapter1
The teenage years blossom when we are thirteen to be exact. The suffix 'teen' that had been there with the number 13 now finally finds a purpose in it's life-the purpose to destroy ours.  That one suffix welcomes you to a world of misery and hormones, feelings that you never knew existed before, the extra inches in your body, the mammoth voice you discover one morning that comes out of your vocal cords, the clothes that aren't fitting anymore and everything else that makes us wanna tug in under a blanket and go back to childhood. If only that was possible.Notice one thing that remains constant in all these sudden occurences in our lives- CHANGE. Yes,changes of all kinds, sudden and unfiltered. And believe me changes are never good, especially when you're bidding adieu to literally the best part of your lives. Do you know why changes suck? Because it drags us out of our comfort zones, and makes us accustom ourselves to new ways and patterns.But why are these things necessary? Just imagine,you are sleeping in your most comfortable pj's in your own bed, and watching a fascinating dream , and just when it's about to reach it's climax,someone drags you out of your bed, wakes you up and offers you breakfast. How would you feel,especially when the dream was damn intriguing, and the breakfast,though it looks scrumptious,is horrible to taste? You'd feel deceived and angry, and ask your waker was it worth waking you up for a meal this tasty?What was the point? There's no point.So childhood,is exactly like the third stage of sleep and watching a vivid ,beautiful dream. Adolescence is waking you up to have breakfast, which might delight you in the beginning, but tastes like burnt gravel in your mouth. You've always wanted to grow up, but you realize growing up is one of the worst things ever,only after you've grown up. During the teenage years,you're mostly preoccupied with so much confusion, by the time you shut your jaw that was opened by looking at what was becoming of you and your life,teenage is over. And in your twentieth year,you've finally completed your exile and you feel like the most knowledgable person in the world. Me being one of them, have come to bestow my blessings through this platform. You're welcome!
Now, the changes that happen to you, are not so subtle.Especially the ones occuring in your body. The skinny,fit teenager now suddenly gains weight. For girls the chest grows bigger and lumpier, also known as breasts. Most girl's don't get accustomed to such a change in the begining,and invite a new change in their lives-being ashamed of your own body. I went through that when I was thirteen. I was a really skinny girl,underweight, but I kind of liked how I looked. From age eleven, I started experiencing a bit of soreness in my then chestal area. That soreness didn't disappear overnight,but remained for another four years. When I was thirteen, I already had well-formed breasts and I was disgusted of them. This forced sexuality was unwelcomed. Everyday, before school, I made sure I had several layers of cloth under my shirt to even the platform. It was hot and sultry, yet I had to survive with eight thin inner tank tops under my shirt. You can't believe how weird I looked. I was ashamed of my body, but those were the beginning years of my teenage, and I went out of my comfort zone to appease the soceity in my head, and today I still watch girls my age going out of their comfort zones to appease the soceity for real. Weird, huh?There are internal changes in our bodies too. Now whatever you eat, adds up a layer of fat in your body. Metabolism decides a pace it wants to continue moving in, and oh! your period begins.Our mentrual cycles are always celebrated with an array of god-damning painful cramps , and the stains that occur on your lower clothes no matter what you do.    
At this age, girls don't really get why she needs to bleed every month, and neither do guys. The guys I am talking about ,are a bunch of kids, who find it extremely hilarious to see a stain behind a skirt. They whisper into each other's ears and laugh, yet they don't know why they are whispering. "Hey,did you see Arya's skirt?She messed up""Yeah dude, I did. What a clumsy girl . Didn't she realise we can see her clothes?'"Lol dude,yeah. I mean who sits on a pile of mud during school hours?""Dude,I think she fell, lol"This is an actual conversation I once witnessed. You can laugh, if you want, but find something better than laughing at your own imagination for god's sakes.
To be honest,guys don't have it easy either. I am not a guy, and this information is mostly abridged from science books. Imagine waking up one morning and as you call your mom to get you something, you don't recognize your own voice. There's this crude , deep cracked voice that's coming out of you. You go to school and you see a guy you are not really friends with,because he is a bit annoying. Today, you can't believe how annoying he feels to you,all of a sudden. Why is he so stupid, and his stupidity is bothering you way more than it is bothering him. He doesn't have the right to be so stupid, and as you think of these words, you feel blood rushing through your veins. You feel a sudden rage, and also a sudden power,that you,once and for all can demolish his stupidity from the core, and the means to do that is a punch right across the guy's face for no apparent reason. You feel powerful,a skinny boy with a voice of god and the strength of superman. You go,guy!The world is but a dust at your feet.
Now I am not saying girl's don't gossip either. Actually this is the age girls learn how to gossip,and the sweet ecstacy of bitching about someone at their back. This revelation changes their whole world. They are going through changes which are massive in regards to their bodies and minds, and they need,need to talk about how Lyra looks like a dork in her round glasses. In this ocean of utter confusion, gossiping becomes a girl's true power, that makes them feel powerful and better than the others. You're not, you're in the same pile of crap that nerd Lyra is, and trimming her nails or styling her hair won't make her any better either. You have better hair, it hasn't worked for you too.Surpise!
There's so much change in our lives during this time. The changes hit us hard because we aren't prepared for it. What looks like a cool,windy evening,turns out to be a tornado. And when a tornado hits, nothing is discriminated on basis of their condition. The seven years of our lives,roughly,are difficult, and in this quagmire,nothing is under bounds. You have to accept everything that is happening,and everything you are becoming. Prepare ,accept, and enjoy. Even if it is a mortifying roller coaster,doesn't mean you can't let go and scream,yet also enjoy the ride. After all,you paid for it! -Purple
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pigfartsitsonmars · 6 years
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Day 4: gothic angsty ruby rose from my favorite anime #rwby having some fun with this one. Living out my teenage dream. #rubyrose #rubyrosecosplay #angst #teenagedrama #weirdo #jeffreestar #maccosmetics #greatlash #selfie #cosplay #31daysofcostumes #31daysofhalloween #31daysofcosplay #lindsayjones #roosterteeth #achievementhunter #yyc #yyccosplay https://www.instagram.com/p/BohQvOFA-8e/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6xh728vr3blw
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pernettewellslove · 3 years
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Kristy Woodson Harvey writes great Southern fiction Christmas in Peachtree Bluff was the 4th book in a series. The first part is action-packed and then it lagged some at the end. With great Southern attitudes and characteristics, the reader is drawn into the drama of catastrophes and learning to deal with them. Even though it has a Christmas background it would make a great beach read. Readers that enjoy Southern fiction would definitely enjoy this book.
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gaiasidoni · 4 years
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Su questa storia ci lavoro da anni...spero mi possiate aiutare a farla crescere e spero vi piaccia il primo capitolo <3 
La purezza (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/IpcjLmADQab 
 Io ho una teoria. La mia teoria si basa sui momenti, su quei microscopici attimi che ci rendono quello che siamo, su quei millesimi di secondo in cui una scelta, seppur piccola, fatta da qualcuno in un giorno qualunque, possa averci cambiato per sempre. Non ho memoria della prima volta che mia madre mi sfiorò la mano, o di quando capii che mio padre se ne sarebbe andato, ma è dentro di me, vive in me, e ha germogliato ed è cresciuto in me, ed oggi negli occhi di Federico vedo il mio riflesso e mi riconosco come un'ignobile animale da circo; cosa gli sto facendo? Cosa ci faremo? Se Matteo potesse vomitarmi addosso il marcio che lo ha inghiottito forse avrei una risposta che lui e solo lui saprebbe raccontarmi come la più stupida e semplice barzelletta. O se Cesare, se Cesare smettesse di essere formale, di una formalità maligna che lo risucchierà, saprebbe gestire un addio da parte di Giorgia. Cosa ne sarà di noi tra dieci anni? Cosa ne sarà di me?
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johnpradeepjl · 4 years
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Motivating teenagers #johnpradeepjl #kidsedutainmentspecialist #123enghapy26sep #mommybloggers #parentcircle #teenagedrama https://www.instagram.com/p/CFmuIvBjA_g/?igshid=1ltl4gw8353ww
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coachrichiepryor · 4 years
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Struggling with a teen experimenting with drugs and alcohol? Self coach yourself: What is my biggest fear and what do i think i can control? Before I forget I have a Free workshop to learn how to parent a challenging teenager. Link to class in my bio. #teenagedrama #teenagerissues #parentingteensishard #parentingteenagers #teenagerssuck #momofateen #parentingteens #momofteens #parentsofteens #depressedteenager #Parentingteenssolutions #momwithteens #consciousparent #raisingteenagers #raisingteensishard #teenagerrebellion #parentofteens #teenparenting #parentingtweens #parenting #parentingtips #parentinghelp #teentroubles #troubledteens #momofteenslife #mommyneedsvodka #momofteengirls #momofteenboys #momofteenboy #parentsofteenagers (at Boston, Massachusetts) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAYT_y2l_-q/?igshid=row2rvwd12iv
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soapkaars · 5 years
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Natalia’s mother got her to attend at least one (1) class with Mz Sekhmet. Secretly Nat really does like swords, but she’s got a reputation to maintain, gawdammit. What would the poetry arcane rock and roll club think of her?? #inktober2019 #inktober #25minutedrawing #gouache #ecolinebrushpen #scififantasy #teenagedrama #girlswithswords https://www.instagram.com/p/B36K9FKl2U2/?igshid=48su11i6z3w9
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manondebaye · 7 years
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