theta-donaldson · 3 years
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Create for Thra - Day Five: What Was Sundered and Undone - The Division of the UrSkeks.
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TDC Headcanon: The Twice-Nine and Urskekia
Since I've been working on the background and history of the canon urskeks for a good while, yet I have done nothing to publish this setting for others to use, here is my urskek headcanon post.
WARNING: The society I'm describing is extremely flawed and includes a lot of things that are traumatic in real life. Please take care.
Some of these headcanons come from conversations between @bogprincess-kira and me. So credit to her.
The Society
Society in Urskekia is best described as a recovering theocratic communistic state. While most current urskeks have grown in the collectivist society, many older ones still remember the old nobility.
Though the planet is now ruled by a council of urskeks of great renown, the old noble houses still have seats. The council is hoping the nobility will soon die out.
To replace the old monarchy and totalitarianism, the council has instituted mandatory orgies to produce new urskeks. This method ensures that family lines get mixed and the noble caste's blood purity is lost. This is why most of the noble houses still standing have resorted to more insular methods.
Outside the higher up politics, urskeks' are divided into castes. Though everyone, in theory, has equal treatment, there are distinct lower and middle classes born from the remnants of the old monarchy. This divide goes into the castes as well, with the Religious and Governmental castes being the highest. The vast majority of urskeks are in the Worker caste and are thus middle-class. There is no pariah caste officially, but Expendable Soldiers and Explorers often fill that role. Though everyone can in theory join any caste, the lower class rarely rise above the worker caste.
Though the urskek society prides itself on equality, it is only equal for those of able body. As the urskek ideal is collectivist, there is a strong push for unified looks and behaviours. The Great Crystal shines the same for everyone, so everyone must mirror its perfection. The urskek society practises eugenics as a matter of course, this practice dates to the days of the old monarchs. Being born disabled or becoming disabled are both markers of the Great Crystal's disfavour. There can not be a dissenting chord in the harmony and so many young urskeks are either culled or exiled.
Exile in general has become an alternative to the death penalty. Most exiles are expected to die, but those who survive or even thrive on new planets serve as canaries for society at large. Many formerly untamed worlds have become colonies of the urskeks. If the local aliens prove hostile, the army is sent. Though some noble families boast trained warriors, the bulk of the urskek army is made up of expendable soldiers thrown into the grinder. The modern urskek society considers itself above violence, thus most who fight in the armies are criminals or those with no other option.
As a theocracy, the urskek society reveres the Great Crystal which is the heart of their home planet. The Priest caste is seen as the voice of the Great Crystal and so holds a lot of political power. Many on the council are of the Priest caste. Any deviation from this faith is naturally seen as heresy and punished harshly.
Even though the society is harsh and there are many pitfalls, the vast majority of the urskeks live in relative comfort and keep their heads down.
The Education System
(Ages listed are equivalent to human ages.)
Urskeks spend most of their childhood with their parent(s), before being sent to learn a profession at a guild at age 7-10. Some youths go through entrance exams, while others are sponsored. Those who fail at exams or are seen as unfit for finer work are sent to become explorers or soldiers.
Regardless of the path, most young urskeks have a mentor they learn from. Only those in the designer or sustenance guilds learn from a collection of teachers.
At age 14, most urskeks are considered old enough to go into the workforce. The Priest caste remains acolytes until there is a need for another Priest.
After age 14, an urskek is generally expected to be self-sufficient and learn on their own. Though they are not considered adults until age 20, the graduate urskeks are not barred from most vices or events.
The Twice-Nine
Exiled 1950 trine ago from the capital city, the Twice-Nine are an eclectic bunch of urskeks from all walks of life and ages. What unites them, aside from their division and connection to the planet Thra, is that these exiles have formed a close-knit family with each other.
Twice-Nine in reverse order of age (given in human years);
YiYa (age of exile: 71)- YiYa was a high-ranking member of the council who was rumoured to be of old noble blood, though no house claimed him. YiYa was thoroughly corrupt and obsessed with his lineage. He was exiled when his crimes were brought to the public by SilSol.
GraGoh (age of exile:57)- A renowned explorer who grew jaded with the constant expansion of the urskeks. Never feeling part of the society, he took part in the resistance movement started by SoSu. GraGoh was exiled with his apprentices for the crime of heresy.
UngIm: (age of exile: 53)- A jaded field medic tired of the eternal war and wounds, UngIm joined GraGoh in heresy. He and his apprentice VarMa were exiled for this.
NaNol (age of exile: 41)- Already a sketchy figure as a sanitation worker, NaNol's poor impulse control caused him to 'accidentally' murder a friend. Seeing the signs of a serial killer, NaNol was promptly exiled.
ShodYod (age of exile:32)- A mild-mannered math teacher who ended up in a money-laundering racket. Mostly to feed his family. This was enough for an exile.
SaSan (age of exile; 20-ish)- One of GraGoh's apprentices, specializing in water planets. SaSan has deemed an acceptable loss due to her rebellious nature.
MalVa (age of exile:19)- the other apprentice of GraGoh, MalVa was deemed a lost cause due to his love of nature and feral behaviour.
ZokZah (age of exile:18)- A lower-class born acolyte, ZokZah was the second-in-command of SoSu's little resistance. Generally a sardonic and rebellious youth, ZokZah clawed his way up to the Priest caste by sheer determination. Harbouring a deep dislike of the noble class, ZokZha still stayed loyal to the highborn SoSu.
SoSu (age of exile:17)- A highborn child of an old noble house, SoSu's life was predetermined for him. That is until he and ZokZha butted heads and earned each other's respect. Being essentially a nothing to his parents and house, SoSu started espousing a philosophy of personal freedom. This led to his exile as a heretic.
LiLii (age of exile: 15)- One of YiYa's offspring, LiLii earned his exile by insulting one of the councillors to their face. During a mass.
SilSol (age of exile: 14-ish)- A war orphan who grew up in a 'naturalistic' orphanage outside the capital, SilSol was a gifted performer that took part in many religious masses as the head composer. An unfortunate encounter with YiYa and his public exposing of the councillor led SilSol to exile to quiet him.
EktUtt (age of exile: 14)- EktUtt was sent early to a prestigious school for designers and tailors. Though he was gifted in practical arts, he lacked a strong magic ability. Thus his education took much longer, long enough that EktUtt saw his more magical fellows burn out before graduating. EktUtt started to tutor these classmates in practical arts and was caught. For daring to think better than his teachers, EktUtt was exiled.
AyukAmaj (age of exile:14)- A rather average sustenance worker, AyukAmaj was exiled when he fed the poor more than their allotted amount.
VarMa (age of exile:13)- VarMa was seen as a dumb but strong idiot long before his exile. Thus he was tasked with helping UngIm on the field. He was exiled along with UngIm.
HakHom (age of exile: 13)- A young potential lawyer, HakHom was seen as too iconoclastic and rebellious to serve her role. Her interest in SoSu's resistance did not help. Grew up in the same orphanage as SilSol.
OkAc (age of exile:12)- OkAc was not only born a runt but also with a severely flawed vision. His parent tried to hide him, but he was eventually found out and exiled due to his disability.
TekTih (age of exile: 12)- Born a runt and after failing to put up muscle, was exiled for his disability.
LachSen (age of exile: 11)- LachSen suffered severe skin conditions and a weakened immune system. Once it was clear they failed to kick off the diseases, they were exiled. (OC-CelLoy (age of exile: 5)- SoSu's younger brother. Raised solely by SoSu. Exiled for leuticism as no creature that baulked from light could be an urskek.)
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And fire fire
Has killed his desire
To not be cold
As he expires
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blueberryblowfly · 4 years
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urskek doodle
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holic-user · 4 years
I heard skekTek and urTih and was summoned! I can't wait to see the science babs!! Also, I love the mal/va babs and your art so much!!! 💜 Thank you for your art!
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TekTih babs ❤
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skekshroom · 4 years
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hello dark crystal community
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punkcalf-art · 4 years
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“You’ve been through so much, Tek... Now you don’t have to be alone anymore.” 
TekTih but he lives. 
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antidarkheart · 4 years
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🌱 Patreon | Twitter | Instagram | DeviantART | Twitch | More 🌱
Commission for CityVampire
Enjoy! Art © Me
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shortpirateking · 5 years
An unlikely friendship (SkekTek and UrTih)
(A/N: For the lovely @pun-and-laughter, the first place winner of my giveaway ^^ I hope you enjoy it!)
Never within SkekTek’s life, had he ever thought he would find a kindred spirit, someone who understood his intellect. He was a skeksis of science, within a land of magic and madness.  For him, it was a challenge, bringing order in something with none. Many of the skeksis saw him mad, and perhaps he was, but he was determined, determined to prove to them he was more than a simple madman.
Because of this determination, SkekTek seldom left the castle of the crystal, abhorring to leave the safety of his lab, into the cold and cruel, filthy world. More and more cyborg than skeksis, he feared rust and grime getting within the gears of his mechanical leg- and yet, he could not remain locked up forever. An herb, something he needed to grind down into a simple extract, a key component for the oil made to keep his leg clean and working. The podlings were incompetent, and the gelfling too busy with the commands of the others to serve him. And so, he left the safety of his lab in search of it.
However, this day would bring about more than a simple, dirty search, more than an irritating day wasted in the outdoors. When he finally found the first sign of the plant he needed, he reached out-
Only to have a blunt and strong hand wrap around it too, covering his shaky and thin talons in its gentle warmth. Eyes raised, cold yellow meeting warm amber.
A mystic. 
Eyes widen, the scientist yanking his hand away from the plant as he hissed in defense. “Cretin! What is your kind doing upon skeksis land?!” His hackles raised, teeth bared to make himself seem more terrifying than he truly was, but the flinch, the look of startlement caused him to pause.
The mystic, ever wary, shook his head, gently plucking the herb from the ground.
“I do not wish to stay long” He finally answered, “I ran out of a few rare herbs UrNol could not make…” Eyes narrowed, and at first he was tempted to yell at the accursed mystic for daring to encroach upon skeksis land- until the herb was held out to him. “You need it for lubricant, yes?” came the soft reply, “I have already gotten a few for myself…”
Suspicion coursed through him, but SkekTek gingerly took the offered herb anyways, knowing better than to refuse a rare gift.
...though he made sure to check for tampering.
“There are more within the meadow, if you require more” came the reply of the mystic, pointing in the direction of the aforementioned meadow. “I was headed there myself.”
“...Why are you telling me this?” 
The mystic, in all his gentleness, smiled, offering his hand. 
“Life is too precious to waste on being cruel” 
The Mystic, UrTih, was a kind and gentle being, SkekTek found. Having helped him search for the herb he needed, as well as pointing out others that would strengthen the oil made. When asked how he held such knowledge, the mystic simply smiled. 
“Trial and error” he would finally reply, “many tests and many attempts”
When the third brother began to fade, they parted, one returning to the valley of the mystics, while the other returned to the castle of the skeksis, many new herbs within his claws, and a feeling of emptiness within his heart.
SkekTek had promised himself he would avoid the mystic, this UrTih who shared his curiosity to learn. So he tried to lock himself up once more-
But time and time again he found himself having to scavenge for something he was missing that he couldn’t get another to do, and each time he would find the mystic not too far behind. Each time it was accidental, each time he would try to avoid talking to him-
And each time he would end up sharing more information with him, learning more of the world than he ever could fathom.
Each time, they’d leave with new information. Each time Skektek would come back with armfuls of materials good for his experiments.
And each time Skektek would promise to never return.
He would ignore the hole within his heart.
The second brother was bright within the sky when the Alchemist found the scientist, pride hurt and murmuring curses in skexish.
“Sniveling, pompous ingrates!” The ire within his speech palpable, “I give them all I have, and yet they demand more! Gluttonous! No one recognizes my intellect! Without I they would be forced to live like the podlings!”
SkekTek continued his angered tirade, hands moving about frantically and dramatically, as if his words were simply not enough to communicate his rage. UrTih simply listened. 
When his voice finally faded, Skektek found a warm and gentle hand wrapped around his own. Yellow met amber, yet he did not pull away. 
The Third brother began to fade within the sky, and skektek loathed to leave the comfort of the other.
Their friendship- though SkekTek refused to call it as such- was an odd one to say the least. Both held different views upon the philosophical, had often debated it, and yet, both would seek the answers to the world, though both seeked it differently. One through removing the insanity of the living world, the other seeking the knowledge through such insanity.
It made no sense to the Scientist, yet many things about this arrangement made none. And so, he dared not question it, even as he buried his beak within the comforting embrace of UrTih. 
“The fault obviously lies within the scientist.”
But it was not! He was not the one who tried to steal the essence!! 
The cries of the skeksis were loud, cheering over what punishment would befall him, even the ones who had originally sides with him. 
Turncoats, the lot of them. 
“Sire, Scientist is still skeksis….perhaps would do good to have...peeper beetle”
No! Anything but this! 
He had cried and pleaded with the emperor for mercy, even as he was dragged away-
Pain erupted from UrTih’s right eye, the feeling of something not there digging into his socket, eating upon the soft flesh. He cried out, shrieking and howling in agony that was not his. The others had immediately gathered around him, comforting him with what they could, but the Alchemist felt nothing besides the fear and betrayal from his other half-
Lips parted, whispering Skektek’s name as his vision fell dark.
He dreamed of a single being, crying out in pain and fear, bright and luminous form holding onto himself as agony wracked through his frame.
And when he awoke, UrTih found himself running into the woods.
His breath was ragged, his sides ached, and yet he dare not stop. Not even as the familiar form of SkekTek appeared into the meadow both had often gathered at. He didn’t stop, until his arms were wrapped around the other’s waist, feeling their shaking body against him.
The Scientist crumpled against him, soft and heaving sobs escaping chapped lips. Talons dug into rough hide, yet UrTih dared not even think of letting him go.
As SkekTek finally calmed, both settled upon the ground, hands held tightly, refusing to part themselves from the other.
“Come with me” begged UrTih, squeezing shaking hands. “When my brothers hear what had happened, surely they would allow you with us. You will be cherished, safe from the ones who harmed you”
It was a wish, hope, hope that he would say yes, that he would take up his offer…. But UrTih knew Skektek well enough to know he would not, not until the skeksis tore him apart, broke him down from the inside out. 
Yet, Skektek held closer still, silent in thought. 
“I tire of being the scapegoat for feckless beings” He finally answered, “You were closer a companion than any of the others ever were....” Relief and joy spread over the mystic, the weight of his worry leaving his shoulders. Without thinking, he nuzzled against the skeksis. An intimate motion, yet the scientist returned it, leaning into it with a mix of desperation and care.
So long as UrTih was with him-
So long as the Scientist was safe by his side…
Everything would be okay.
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nerv-s · 5 years
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designed tektih for creatures of thra au and redesigned zokzah to include both parts’ face shapes a bit better. also, this is my favorite urskek ship and you can’t stop me
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bogprincess-kira · 4 years
Response to @dork-crystal
Urskek Pokémon Types
This version is based on a lot of headcanon/AU, but I figured I'd throw my hat into the ring. Maybe the ones that don't match up to the original are secondary types?
SoSu: Dark
SilSol: Psychic
UngIm: Rock
TekTih: Electric
ZokZah: Ghost
VarMa: Fighting
EktUtt: Flying
AyukAmaj: Grass
OkAc: Ice
LachSen: Poison
NaNol: Steel
GraGoh: Fire
MalVa: Bug
SaSan: Water
ShodYod: Ground
LiLii: Normal
YiYa: Dragon
HakHom: Fairy
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ben-the-hyena · 5 years
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Everyone's out there redesigning the UrSkeks because they rightfully think it's lame to have them like clones while their halves are all unique so I had to too. However I did love the fact they looked primate-feline like so I played with it inspired by Xxtabay's gallery. I really love how they all came out. But I didn't color them because their eyes aside, I had no idea how to color them. Also sadly the pen died at LiLii so I had to finish with a writing pen not made for drawing... also HC they all look like that but in the end of the movie Jen and Kira see them all alike not only because they all wear the same white prisonner clothes they must wear now they come back to their world but also because the 2 Gelflings are blinded by how much the UrSkeks glow white, glowing out of intense emotion now they are whole again. Anatomically wise, we know they have elf ears and fangs in the comics, but also HC they have 8 teats, 4 arms, a tail, feathers, blue blood and a vagina and 2 penises with 3 heads each
See my older post of them for their bios : https://ben-the-hyena.tumblr.com/post/189652579387/my-personnal-take-on-the-urskek-world-an
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cactus-snaps · 5 years
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Wanted to draw more of RoAne in @meladromatic Urskek 2.0 au so I did
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vliyarchive · 5 years
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hc + TekTih   /   headcanon  time,  lads.
TekTih  was  a  lot  of  things;  scholar,  dreamer,  heretic  and  exile.  everything  the  scientist  is  and  isn't,  everything  they  can  and  can't  be.
a  renowned  astronomer  and  teacher,  yet  terribly  hermit-like,  as  time  went  on  it  became  more  and  more  prone  to  locking  itself  away  in  it's  crystaline  observatory  with  sprawling  star  charts  and  planetary  models  for  company.  for  in  the  eyes  of  all  others  except  for  a  selective  seventeen,  that  was  it's  problem,  the  perceived  dark  smear  on  what  would  be  considered  an  otherwise  perfect  being;  the  desire  to  be  an  it,  the  outbursts  of  "  it's  not  OUR  research,  it's  MINE.  "  
not  to  mention  what  a  common  urSkek  would  view  as  radical  ideas.  TekTih  was  never  as  unreserved  as  skekTek,  but  still  willing  to  go  up  and  beyond.
urTih  might  have  the  fonder  memories  from  it,  and  might  be  at  ease  knowing  it  can't  expand  off  of  what  they  kept  in  the  split,  but  skekTek  broods  on  the  ones  with  sharp  edges   /   buries  them  as  deep  as  it  can  go.  the  whole  self's  knowledge  sits  as  shattered  pieces  in  skekTek's  mind  and  it  can  do  nothing  but  cut   it's  hands  trying  to  piece  the  bigger  picture  together.  it  can  try,  even  excell  at  things  TekTih  never  did  or  never  could,  but  it  will  always  be  haphazard  and  messy  in  it's  field  when  compared  to  them.
due  to  scientist  and  alchemist  sharing  shards  of  that  knowledge,  and  having  their  own  individual  talents  gained  on  thra  while  never  quite  being  perfect  at  it,  i  like  to  think  in  another  life  —  one  where  TekTih  joins  their  brothers  —  it  would  have  been  deserving  of  the  title  jack  of  all  trades,  master  of  none;  engineer,  biologist,  doctor,  and  alchemist,  but  still  learning. 
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blueberryblowfly · 4 years
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more urskek doodles
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fairestfall · 5 years
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        *blows a kiss to the stars* “For SilSol.” 
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