#Telescopic Extension
equalonline · 7 months
How A Ladder Can Make Your Work Easier
A ladder is a set of rungs or steps. There are two variants of the ladder: rigid ladders which are self-supporting and that may be leaned against a vertical surface such as a wall, and aluminum which may be hung from the top. Rigid ladders are generally moveable, but some types are permanently fixed to a building. They are usually made up of metal, wood, and fiberglass, but they have been known to be made of tough plastic.
Ladders are the most wanted love of every housewife. Either it is to clean spider houses or to make your child like a monkey. Every housewife loves it. And for men, it plays the role of lifesaver to climb it and find their long-lost files. The ladder plays a very crucial role in every house. Not just only in the houses but also in shops too. Ladders have all the capacity to make you go from zero to hero.
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Aluminum Ladders
Aluminum is the most well-liked choice for ladders used in households because the leading features of aluminium ladders are that they have a high strength-to-weight ratio which makes an aluminum model easy to transport and store as well as less expensive to produce than ladders which made from other materials. Aluminum products, such as ladders, may weigh up as much as 50% less.
Folding Ladders
A folding ladder is a ladder that is in the form of the step ladder style with one or more but generally not more than three that’s one-way hinges. For this ladder, Storage is not a problem as it is packed together once folded and be able to be easily stowed away. You can use this on rough surfaces such as a flight of stairs. As this type of ladder is lightweight, this is extremely moveable and suitable to use.
Telescopic Ladder
Telescoping ladders are a more versatile, moveable, and convenient form of the traditional ladder. As opposed to a typical adjustable ladder and extension ladder, this ladder used patented technology to extend and lock by the foot to a user's desired height, making them enormously versatile. This is convenient to store which is due to their compact nature. This is less vulnerable to the elements which are partially due to storage, and partially due to their makeup. This is lightweight because of that it is easily carried and transported. This is highly versatile which is appropriate for several jobs. This has high safety standards which are due to the sturdy build.
Multipurpose ladder
Multipurpose ladders are versatile and can be used for any purpose. It can be changeable and adjustable into a variety of positions according to how users want to use it. Users can use them as a step ladder, low platform, workbench, and an extension ladder with standoff (L-shaped bend), and that’s all in one single ladder which is an easily stored package. We can use it as the single solution for all our ladder requirements as it is very easily adjustable to any type of ladder. It is cost-effective as it eliminates the need to buy a variety of ladders for different purposes. It reduces space requirements for storage as you can buy only a single ladder and as well as you can fold multi-purpose ladders, make them compact and convenient to move at the same time.
The most common household ladders that are used for home purposes are step-ladders in which aluminum ladders are very strong and that’s why the most preferred choice for home purposes. Ladders made up of aluminum are lightweight and non-corrosive
Different kinds of industrial ladders are used for various applications. Most industrial ladders are made up of metal because they are required to be durable. Aluminum ladders become very popular because they are lighter in weight as compared to steel ladders and that is also not affected by corrosion. Some of the commonly used industrial ladders are step ladders, extension ladders, folding ladders, and platform ladders.
In my opinion, ladders are the most useful, sensible, and most importantly motivational things a person could ask for. It gives you a light, a light of path for your journey.
Quality that we all desire and it can become from those who are experienced in their work. So here for you EQUAL in which the name itself expresses the right one. EQUAL is a solution provider based in Jaipur, Rajasthan. It is one of the leading manufacturers in India. With Experience of 20+ years, EQUAL provides high-quality Ladders all over India at the best price. It designs ladders that are made from stainless steel and aluminum. Its ladders are durable and cost effective and they meet all the safety regulations.
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corvidsindia · 11 months
Explore Corvids Selection of High-Quality Telescopic Ladder Now
Experience Corvids Telescopic Ladder, a game-changer for those who seek simplicity and efficiency in their projects. It extends effortlessly to the height you need, eliminating the hassles of traditional ladders. This ladder is designed to be lightweight and easy to transport, making it a practical choice for both indoor and outdoor tasks. Safety is paramount, with anti-slip rungs providing a secure footing, and the locking system ensuring stability. Its modern, minimalistic design complements any workspace, and the ergonomic grip guarantees user comfort. Whether you're painting, cleaning, or conducting repairs, the Telescopic Ladder is your trusted ally in making your daily tasks more accessible and stress-free.
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leafyeyes417 · 3 months
Tbh I’m not the biggest fan of de aged characters unless it’s done well but this popped in my head and I’m sure someone will take it and run with it.
Danny is de-aged somehow, is found by the batfam and adopted. Chose how. The important part is that when he was de-aged he became completely human/living again with his memories only going up till the chosen age. When he reaches the age he died the first time he relives his death, regains his full memory, and causes a lot of damage in the process. However, in my mind the reliving his death part comes out of nowhere, as in there was nothing to cause him to even be injured, let alone the whole debacle.
Mini scene: The family is scattered over the manor, Danny is outside setting up his telescope for a night of stargazing while still daylight, when out of nowhere all he feels is agony. All anyone can hear is his screams and by the time they get to him he is in a crater with extensive damage around him. He is extremely dazed and unresponsive (due to the influx of memories). When taken to the medical wing they are shocked at what they find etc.
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nerdypixel · 7 months
Items mentioned
Prefacing this with the caviat that I will write some associations in brackets behind the items, as I just can't unsee it.
large false plant in a somewhat disconcerting ceramic pot modelled on a shouting human face (reminds me of the Spiral)
a large Bearskin rug with really sharp teeth (the Hunt maybe?)
a large chandelier of dark glass (the Dark?)
an oversized gramophone with a collection of records of what I believe to be religious plainsong (reminds me of Father Burroughs)
A crudely-carved rocking horse
a grandfather clock that leaked some sort of dark oil
A heavily vandalized set of the Encyclopedia Britannica
an extensive collection of abstract canvas artworks (Daria? Ink5oul or the Spiral)
two large, soiled Crinoline dresses (this could be the Stranger)
a Chaise Longue with cushions filled with some sort of coarse sand
a taxidermied vulture (we have seen taxidermi before)
a rusty antique printing press
a collection of old medical equipment that had seemingly been recently used (the Slaughter?)
some sort of leather kite
an oddly curved brass telescope
a wheelbarrow full of shifting fossils
an armload of swords (Slaughter?)
lengths of rope
A tin bathtub filled with moldy food (the Corruption)
a stack of old dental retainers
a brace of half-butchered pheasants (Flesh like)
jars of what appeared to be pickled hands (Flesh like)
This all feels like a mix between so many different things. We have a list for orientation now.
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quiltofstars · 14 days
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Mare Nectaris ("Sea of Nectar") on the Moon // Loxley
Read below the cut for some info about some of the craters in this image!
Mare Nectaris is a lunar sea, or maria, one of the darker on the near side of the Moon. It is about 210 miles across and filled with dried lava.
Above it is Sinus Asperitatis, Latin for "Bay of Roughness". This "bay" joins Mare Nectaris to Mare Tranquillitatis.
Three craters line Mare Nectaris to the west.
Theophilus crater is named after Theophilus I of Alexandria (bef. 384 - 412), the 23rd Pope of Alexandria. He wrote a Paschal table that tracks the Moon's phases to aid in determining the date of Easter.
Cyrillus crater is named after Saint Cyril of Alexandria (c. 376 - 444), the 24th Pope of Alexandria. He also constructed a Paschal table to calculate the date of Easter.
Catharina crater is named for Saint Catherine of Alexandria (c. 287 - c. 305), a martyr and early adopter of Christianity in the Roman empire. However, there is little evidence to support her existence as a historical figure.
A few craters lie to the south of Mare Nectaris:
Beaumont crater is named for the French geologist Léonce Élie de Beaumont (1798-1874) who proposed a theory for the origin of mountain ranges. He proposed that all mountains parallel to each other were formed at the same time.
Fracastorius crater is named for the Italian scholar Girolamo Fracastoro (c. 1476 - 1553). He was an early adopter of the idea of "atoms" and was one of the first to study epidemiology. He worked extensively on the origins of rabies and syphilis.
Rosse crater is named after the English astronomer William Parson, 3rd Earl of Rosse (1800-1867). He built one of the world's largest telescopes, the "Leviathan of Parsonstown", a 72-inch telescope. Through it, he observed nebulae and galaxies, such as the Crab Nebula and Whirlpool Galaxy.
Finally, two craters lie to the northeast of Mare Nectaris:
Isidorus crater is named after Isidore of Seville (c. 560 - 636), the archbishop of Seville. He was a prominent figure in early Spanish Christianity, and wrote down his Etymologiae, an encyclopedia of knowledge at the time.
Capella crater is named for Martianus Capella (bef. 410 - 420), a Latin scholar who wrote De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii "On the Marriage of Philology and Mercury". In the eighth book of the series, he describes a modified geocentric model of the solar system, where all planets orbit the Earth, except for Mercury and Venus which orbit the Sun.
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wikiweird · 1 year
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Wow! signal -
In 1977, a radio signal was detected from outer space that lasted for 72 seconds. This signal, known as the "Wow! signal," remains one of the most intriguing and unexplained mysteries in the field of astronomy.
The Wow! signal was detected by astronomer Jerry R. Ehman while he was analyzing data from the Big Ear radio telescope at Ohio State University. The signal was so remarkable that Ehman circled it on the printout and wrote "Wow!" next to it, giving it its name.
What makes the Wow! signal particularly intriguing is its unusual characteristics. It was a narrowband radio signal that appeared to originate from the Sagittarius constellation. The signal's intensity was over 30 times higher than the background noise, indicating a potential artificial origin.
Despite extensive efforts to re-detect the signal and determine its source, it has never been observed again. Scientists have proposed various explanations, including potential extraterrestrial origins, but no definitive conclusions have been reached.
The Wow! signal continues to spark fascination and speculation, representing one of the most enigmatic and unexplained phenomena in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. It serves as a reminder of the vast mysteries that exist beyond our planet and the ongoing quest to understand the universe.
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zzeraphilm · 4 months
Written in the Stars
Angst - Regulus Black x F!Reader Word count: 1,163 I've been quite busy with work lately, sorry for the short one shot!
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Before the summer of 1979, Regulus Black had a decently average school life. The boy found solitude in the Astronomy tower north of the castle. Far from other students and yet was drawn to one particular witch. Y/N L/N was unlike any other wizard at the school. What she lacked in social prowess, she bloomed in intimate confessions. The pair found themselves forever intertwined, always in the same class, always sat next to each other, always in the library at the same time every week. It was only a matter of time until they their time beyond academia branched into bi-weekly escapades in the Astronomy tower. At first, Regulus found it to be a hindrance to his peaceful hobby. But overtime, he craved Y/N’s presence at the mere sight of a telescope. He could feel his skin come out in hives when they were a part, he could not breathe the air that she did not exhale. In her regular outlandish character, Y/N stuck to him like glue the moment they both step foot in the tower. Their silent haven, where the heavens and stars above were their only witness. 
Tracking the stars and journeys of the planets were a veil for these evenings, both sat shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand, fingers interlaced as they gaze above at the open sunset. A beautiful scene unlike any other, that would only bloom by their love. 
Y/N knew of Regulus’ dangers and tormenting life, the walls in his mind that he had built from steel and brick would only come down for her. She was determined to be his pillar, his guiding light. He was determined to never harm her, to always protect her no matter the cost. 
“Regulus, do you think you could, leave Grimmauld Place? Like your brother?” The H/C haired witch mumbled. These conversations were always met with a blank stare, the discussion of his heritage was met with destain from her partner. 
“You know it’s not that easy. That bastard ran off because he had a choice, I don’t.”
“Maybe… You could choose me. My mother won’t mind another mouth to feed, really! She loves to cook! She always makes like twelve times the recommended portion sizes! You could come with me next week, when we go back to London. My dad will drive us!” Y/N rambled, trying to ease the tense air between them. Regulus only delicately rubbed the back of her hand, his breathing steadied at the touch of Y/N skin. 
“…Perhaps mon cœur. But there’s too much expected of me this year, now that Sirius is gone. The pride and nobility of the Black family lies upon my shoulders.” 
Y/N was never fond of how her partner spoke so formally around her, the extension of his upbringing bled even into his everyday behaviour. She just wanted him to relax around her. Because to her, Regulus was not the spare turned heir. They weren’t even wizards in her eyes. Just two kids in love who want to spend every waking hour together. 
“I know that, but what I’m trying to say is that, I’m always here for you Reg!” She turns her head to face him, his eyes slightly widened like a deer in headlights, she grips his hand with both of her own, the veins along his boney hands were pumping his blue blood rapidly, she could taste his anxieties. 
“I just don’t want to hurt you.” 
“Then hurt me. Reggie, I’m not the delicate doll you think me to be. I am here for you. Because I want you. If it means I get hurt just for being with you then so be it. Because you are who I care about and love. Screw those mad preaching twats, I just want you.” He did not need to speak, Y/N knew him from the way he breathes, speaks and walks. She knows, all that Regulus had to do was come to her.
Before nightfall, the two kissed a goodnight blessing and parted ways to their respected houses. Despite his standing as a Slytherin in Hogwarts, Y/N did not care for the stares from his fellow green scaled classmates. But Regulus Black was not one for social rejection. He had kept his relationship with Y/N as discreetly as he can, only ever brushing his hand against hers for a millisecond whenever they passed in the halls. He made sure that their meetings could easily be read as merely coincidence. But the cunning snakes of his house were not foolish. They know how to plot and scheme in secret. To them, Regulus was obvious and they hated how he reeked of Y/N’s perfume every time he stepped foot in the common room. He would persistently deny that he ever cared for what others thought of him, he knew that he mustn’t tarnish the Black name. Toujours pur. Since Sirius’ excommunication from the family, he represents the family name in Hogwarts. He is to carry his family’s reputation for the future of the wizarding world. He knew the weight that he must carry. 
But Y/N was everything he ever wanted, and everything that his family hated. She was a Gryffindor, she lacked any class or etiquette, and most of all, she was muggle born. He cursed the stars for shining their light towards her, he did not wish to have a beacon of light, he had finally accepted that anchor that ties him to the darkness. Yet there she was, a beam of hope that was merely inches away from his grasp. If he could only reach out, maybe this summer he could escape his destiny. 
That night before he could even shut his eyes, a familiar owl perched on the distant window sill of the dungeon. A letter flew down from the crack of the window, and landed in front of him, the parchment was coarse, his name scribbled on with black ink and the recognisable stamp from his home. The Black sigil only meant one thing. Upon opening it, there was nothing else written on it other than the words:
You will leave for home tomorrow morning. 
Before he could say his goodbyes, he wrote his final letter to Y/N L/N. 
Mon cœur, This arrangement has been the pleasure of a lifetime. But we are still from different worlds. Do not come for me, do not reach out to me.  I will always be grateful for what we had.  Je t’aime, jusqu’à mon dernier souffle.  R.
Regulus did not take the Hogwarts Express back to London with Y/N like they had planned. Regulus Black’s destiny did not lie in his hands, he couldn’t grasp whatever life rope Y/N L/N dangled in front of him. Regulus Black knew that the stars only charted towards his sinful fate. Regulus Black never got to board the Hogwarts Express ever again. 
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freakartack · 3 months
What is your least favourite misconception or fan interpretation of the WarioWare cast?
And/or do you have a favourite headcanon the community has made for the cast?
Oooohhhh we are really going for the hot hot takes today huh. Just handing me the baseball bat like that
Well I suppose it had to come to this. I've been dancing around this for far too long. It's time for
NOTE: please do not open this if me shitting on popular headcanons will ruin your day. I don't generally care what people do with their life do what you want forever
OK with that out of the way it's time to get narsty. Many of these will be ship-related so if that will make you mad or bored just a heads up
OK i lied you can't do this one forever. ENOUGH!! She is in HIGH SCHOOL and if you think she has to secretly be an adult just because she has a job and drives a scooter then not only have you never been to high school but you also have not been paying attention during any of Kat and Ana's cutscenes. "High schoolers don't usually drive that much" 5-year-olds don't usually trek the mountains high and kill people with swords but they do. I get when people get frustrated that almost all the girl characters in warioware are marketable kids, because that does kind of suck, but you can't just ignore that to get shippy about it. Cmon. "Wario was dreaming about her in that 1 microgame break" yeah, and I thought that was weird. I choose to read it as a non-romantic moment (since, again, he's old enough to be her dad), and the fact is that nothing like that has happened since. Yeah mona might think he's a hunka hunka but she has every right to! Doesn't mean they have to get married
This one will stir far more pots/torches/pitchforks/etc. but since we're bringing out the fine china i might as well go all out. Here's my reasoning: Orbulon is 2000 years old. Mike is like 2. I'm not saying this one is Problematic (mike is a robot that can file taxes after all) but moreso that it is unrealistic. Picture this: You are orbulon, with all of your weird hangups and whatnot. Your buddy that fixes your car all the time and plays Go with you just had a robot son. Would you fall in love with him? Probably not. On the other end of the coin, you're the robot son now. Your inventor/employer/cyborg dad keeps inviting this weird animal into your house to study it. I don't think he would fall in love with that either. "I would," you say, "i'm built different." And more power to you. I just don't think they are.
FINALLY, a non-shippy one! Anyways, since Get it Together came out, a lot of people took one blurry picture on the wall and the shape of mona's house to mean that Mona's House is actually Luigi's Mansion and that Luigi and Daisy had a child together 16 years ago and promptly abandoned it to play tennis. I think it is obvious by now that I don't think that's true. Not only has Mona described her parents extensively (one of them is an artist that is obsessed with noses, the other is a supermodel that travels the world), but neither of them are anything like Luigi and Daisy. "But what if Luigi is secretly obsessed with noses and Daisy is secretly a supermodel," you say. Okay. Then I think that Luigi cheated on Daisy with Peach, and had Rosalina together, because Peach and Rosalina both have blond hair and Luigi had a telescope once. Don't play games with me, Matthew. I know what you are.
He's not
OK now that all of that is out of the way, let's move on to the fun stuff. Top ten favorite things that people have said about warioware!!!
I first saw this thought expressed here, but I've seen many people continue the sentiment and I think it's beautiful. Penny Crygor is the good doctor's transgender lesbian clone whom we all love dearly.
Self-explanatory. Unfortunately the genius who thought of this one has since deactivated and the post is forever under an inaccessible read-more so this is the only evidence i have that it ever existed. You have to trust me on this one.
This isn't really a headcanon moreso a popular interpretation of the text but I do like to think that despite being a jackass he does genuinely care about all the weirdos he has racked up, including the many wayward children that have glommed onto him over the years. This is like every toxic "we're all a family here!" workplace, except that they actually are all a family here and it's toxic for unrelated reasons
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apod · 1 year
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2023 August 11
Messier 51 in 255 Hours Image Credit & Copyright: The Deep Sky Collective - Carl Björk, Thomas Bähnck, Sebastian Donoso, Jake Gentillon, Antoine and Dalia Grelin, Stephen Guberski, Richard Hall, Tino Heuberger, Jason Jacks, Paul Kent, Brian Meyers, William Ostling, Nicolas Puig, Tim Schaeffer, Felix Schöfbänker, Mikhail Vasilev
Explanation: An intriguing pair of interacting galaxies, M51 is the 51st entry in Charles Messier's famous catalog. Perhaps the original spiral nebula, the large galaxy with whirlpool-like spiral structure seen nearly face-on is also cataloged as NGC 5194. Its spiral arms and dust lanes sweep in front of a companion galaxy (right), NGC 5195. Some 31 million light-years distant, within the boundaries of the well-trained constellation Canes Venatici, M51 looks faint and fuzzy to the eye in direct telescopic views. But this remarkably deep image shows off stunning details of the galaxy pair's striking colors and extensive tidal debris. A collaboration of astro-imagers using telescopes on planet Earth combined over 10 days of exposure time to create this definitive galaxy portrait of M51. The image includes 118 hours of narrowband data that also reveals a vast glowing cloud of reddish ionized hydrogen gas discovered in the M51 system.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap230811.html
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livingforstars · 6 months
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Saturn with Moons Tethys and Dione - March 18th, 1996.
"Saturn and two of its larger moons - Tethys and Dione - were photographed by the Voyager 1 spacecraft, which flew by the planet in November of 1980. This picture gives an indication of Saturn's extensive ring system, which can be seen casting a shadow on the planet, as does Tethys. Saturn's rings are composed of many chunks of ice, ranging in size from a pebble to a car. The rings have several large gaps, the largest of which is clearly visible in the picture and is named the Cassini Division, after its discoverer. Saturn appears brighter than most stars in the sky, and its rings can be discerned with a small telescope."
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statement-continues · 7 months
Here is our list of every artifact in the statement and what entity we believe they align with. We are more confident about some than othersss ... PLEASE share your opinions
ceramic pot modeled on a shouting human face- stranger
large bear skin rug with sharp teeth- stranger
large chandelier of dark glass- dark
oversized gramophone with a collection of records of religious plainsong- dark
crudely carved rocking horse- spiral
grandfather clock leaking dark oil- end
heavily vandalized set of the encyclopedia Britannica- weeeeeb?
extensive collection of abstract canvas artworks- spiral
two large soiled crinoline dresses- buried
chaise lounge with cushions filled with course sand- desolation?
taxidermy vulture- stranger
rusty antique printing press- eye
a collection of old medical equipment that seems recently used- slaughter
leather kite- flesh
oddly curved brass telescope- eye
wheelbarrow full of shifting fossils- buried
armload of swords- slaughter (woooow the slaughter being as subtle as a knife lol)
lengths of rope- vast??? (I'm so sorry, we tried our best)
tin bathtub full of moldly food- corruption
stack of old dental retainers- corruption
brace (a pair) of half butchered pheasants- hunt
jars of pickled hands- flesh
ancient diving suit filled with sawdust- buried
a broken picnic hamper- lonely
a jar of imperial copper coins- slaughter
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equalonline · 5 months
Equal 18 FT. Aluminium Folding Telescopic Ladder for Home & Outdoor
Introducing the Equal 18 FT. Aluminium Folding Telescopic Ladder, is the perfect tool for any home or outdoor project. With its heavy-duty 6063 T5-Grade aluminum construction and stable square rungs, this ladder is built to last. The sleek silver color adds a touch of sophistication to any workspace. Its impressive open size of 18 feet(48L x 9W x 594H Cm) and folding size of 3.7 Feet(48L x 9W x 113H Cm) make it easy to store and transport, while the 150-weight capacity ensures safety and stability. Plus, the ladder features a self-locking mechanism that keeps your fingers safe and speeds up retraction time. Get yours today and make any project a breeze!
Product details
Material & Color: Heavy-Duty 6063 T5-Grade Aluminum Construction; Square Rungs For Supporting, Make This Folding Ladder Stable And Durable with Sliver Color.
Size & Capacity: Open-Size: 18 Feet(48L x 9W x 594H Cm), Folding-Size: 3.7 Feet(48L x 9W x 113H Cm), Item-Weight: 15Kg., Capacity: 150Kg.
Self-Locking Feature: While Guaranteeing Quality, Our Telescoping Aluminum Ladder Also Has a One-Button Retraction Function. Simply Press The Thumb Buttons, and This Ladder Will Descending Smoothly From Its Unfolded Condition To Compact Size, So Convenient.
EN131 Safety Standard: Meets `EN131` Safety Standard Certificate with Satisfaction Guaranteed with Non-Slip Square Rungs And Supporting Tubes, Contact Professional Customer Service Before And After Purchase If You Have Any Issues Or Concerns. Customer Friendly 1-Year Warranty Against Manufacturing Defects.
Assembly Instruction: No Assembly Required.  Which Can Be Opened And Locked For Changing The Height Of Ladder Easily While Guaranteeing Security.
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corvidsindia · 1 year
Finger Protector Telescopic Ladder
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just--space · 2 years
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Messier 104 : A gorgeous spiral galaxy, Messier 104 is famous for its nearly edge-on profile featuring a broad ring of obscuring dust lanes. Seen in silhouette against an extensive central bulge of stars, the swath of cosmic dust lends a broad brimmed hat-like appearance to the galaxy suggesting a more popular moniker, the Sombrero Galaxy. This sharp view of the well-known galaxy was made from over 10 hours of Hubble Space Telescope image data, processed to bring out faint details often lost in the overwhelming glare of M104's bright central bulge. Also known as NGC 4594, the Sombrero galaxy can be seen across the spectrum, and is host to a central supermassive black hole. About 50,000 light-years across and 28 million light-years away, M104 is one of the largest galaxies at the southern edge of the Virgo Galaxy Cluster. Still, the spiky foreground stars in this field of view lie well within our own Milky Way. via NASA
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blueiscoool · 1 month
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17th-Century Pirate 'Corsair' Shipwreck Discovered off Morocco
Wreck-hunters have discovered the remains of a small 17th-century pirate ship, known as a Barbary corsair, in deep water between Spain and Morocco.
The wreck is "the first Algiers corsair found in the Barbary heartland," maritime archaeologist Sean Kingsley, the editor-in-chief of Wreckwatch magazine and a researcher on the find, told Live Science.
The vessel was heavily armed and may have been heading to the Spanish coast to capture and enslave people when it sank, its discoverers said.
But it was carrying a cargo of pots and pans made in the North African city of Algiers, probably so that it could masquerade as a trading vessel.
Florida-based company Odyssey Marine Exploration (OME) located the shipwreck in 2005 during a search for the remains of the 80-gun English warship HMS Sussex, which was lost in the area in 1694.
"As so often happens in searching for a specific shipwreck we found a lot of sites never seen before," Greg Stemm, the founder of OME and the expedition leader, saide in an email.
The 2005 expedition also found the wrecks of ancient Roman and Phoenician ships in the area, Stemm said.
News of the corsair wreck is only being released now, in a new article by Stemm in Wreckwatch, after extensive historical research.
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Dread pirates
The Barbary corsair pirates were predominantly Muslims who began operating in the 15th century out of Algiers, which was then part of the Ottoman empire.
Much of the western coastline of North Africa, from modern-day Morocco to Libya, was known as the "Barbary Coast" at the time — a name derived from the Berber people who lived there; and its pirates were a major threat for more than 200 years, preying on ships and conducting slave raids along the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts of Europe.
The people captured in the slave raids were held for ransom or sold into the North African slave trade that operated in some Muslim countries until the early 20th century.
But the piratical activities of the Barbary corsairs came to an end in the early 19th century, when the pirates were defeated in the Barbary Wars by the United States, Sweden and the Norman Kingdom of Sicily in southern Italy.
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Sunken ship
The corsair wreck lies on the seafloor in the Strait of Gibraltar, at a depth of about 2,700 feet (830 meters).
The ship was about 45 feet (14 m) long, and research indicates it was a tartane — a small ship with triangular lateen sails on two masts that could also be propelled by oars.
Tartanes were used by Barbary pirates in the 17th and 18th centuries, in part because they were often mistaken for fishing vessels, meaning other ships wouldn't suspect pirates were onboard, Kingsley said.
"I've seen tartanes described as 'low-level pirate ships,' which I like,” Kingsley said.
The wreck hunters explored the sunken corsair using a remotely operated vehicle (ROV), which revealed the vessel was armed with four large cannons, 10 swivel guns and many muskets for its crew of about 20 pirates.
"The wreck neatly fits the profile of a Barbary corsair in location and character," Kingsley said. "The seas around the Straits of Gibraltar were the pirates' favorite hunting grounds, where a third of all corsair prizes were taken."
Stemm added that the wrecked ship was also equipped with a very rare "spyglass" — an early type of telescope that was revolutionary at the time and had probably been captured from a European ship.
Other artifacts of the wreck support the notion this was a pirate ship laden with stolen goods.
"Throw into the sunken mix a collection of glass liquor bottles made in Belgium or Germany, and tea bowls made in Ottoman Turkey, and the wreck looks highly suspicious," he said. "This was no normal North African coastal trader."
By Tom Metcalfe.
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mindblowingscience · 1 year
Using data from the Spitzer space observatory, Dr. Susana Iglesias-Groth, a researcher from The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), has found evidence for the existence of the amino acid tryptophan in the interstellar material in a nearby star-forming region. The research is published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. High amounts of tryptophan were detected in the Perseus molecular complex, specifically in the IC348 star system, a star-forming region that lies 1,000 light years away from Earth—relatively close in astronomical terms. The region is generally invisible to the naked eye, but shines brightly when viewed in infrared wavelengths. Tryptophan is one of the 20 amino acids essential for the formation of key proteins for life on Earth, and produces one of the richest pattern of spectral lines in the infrared. It was therefore an obvious candidate to be explored using the extensive spectroscopic database of the Spitzer satellite, a space-based infrared telescope.
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