#Tennant is next if i’m not lazy
anonymocha · 5 months
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Indulgent little drawing. Happy lesbian visibility to all the lesbians out there! ESPECIALLY nonbinary lesbians let’s fucking go 🤝
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emptymasks · 2 years
my mixed feelings on doctor who are yes i’m childhood nostalgia about rtd and tennant, and i’m looking forward to him making doctor who even more gay, and yes i find chibnall’s writing lazy and full of plot holes and unenjoyable for me, BUT i can also feel like wtf about tennant being the 14th and coming back as the next doctor rather than an old doctor helping out ncuti because how he’s been brought back completely overshadows both jodie’s departure and ncuti’s arrival
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thisbisexualbrainrot · 10 months
Hot take but “The Star Beast” was kinda…bad.
I know Russell T Davies can write better than that. Some of the dialogue made me cringe.
David Tennant did as much as he could with what he was given but the script was just so bland. It was just super meh. So many holes in the lore that just didn’t make sense.
Here are some of the issues that stood out to me:
Why did all the aliens speak English?? The TARDIS wasn’t close enough to be translating for them. The Doctor should have had to speak in an alien language to at least those bug looking ones. Lazy writing.
Donna spilling that coffee was so poorly done. (Also since when does the console make espresso??? Whatever I can get past that but) it was so clear it was acting(probably cause Catherine Tate didn’t know what to do with such a stupid idea) and the whole TARDIS console catching on fire was just ridiculous??? Not believable at all.
Why the fuck didn’t he just fly the TARDIS over to the space ship crash??? Why take a car???
Donna had no idea he regenerated to another face her memory got erased before that so why was she saying he “went back to an old face” like she wouldn’t even know that
The giant flaming cracks in the earth just magically repairing themselves when they shut down the ship??? What?? My husband was like “oh good well that fixes it then I guess how convenient”
The part at the end when Rose was like “you’re male presenting you wouldn’t understand” I was like??? What was the point of saying that? What did that have to do with “letting it go”??? Like what?? That part made no sense period tbh. How did they just let it go? Be fucking for real, that was way over simplified for such a big plot point.
I don’t think The Doctor would ever assume the Meeps pronouns. So that felt forced and fake to me because why would The Doctor do that? The Doctor has never done something like that. That’s way too close minded for his character. Felt so OOC.
Fourteen really doesn’t have great dialogue or a personality it’s like “hey I’m back as Ten to get better ratings but I can’t actually be Ten so I’m going to be a not as fun pulled back version of him instead” Again, I think David Tennant did the best he could with what he had. Not blaming him at all.
I’m so disappointed and I hope the next two specials are better.
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Donald Duck Birthday Special!: 12 Donald Shorts!
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Happy Birthday to my faviorite duck! As you can probably guess from my previous Ducktales reviews Donald Duck is my faviorite of the classic disney gang. As an angry but well meaning, sometimes lazy sometimes hardoworing and always out of his depth guy really spoke to me for obvious reasons and my love of him made me check out life and times and well you know the rest.  But weirdly, until last month i’d hardly seen any of his theatrical shorts. I grew up as a “Tom and Jerry” and “Looney Tunes” kid, and with Disney never playing them on disney channel for whatever reason (even with the ones they really CAN’T play there’s dozens they sure as hell can), I just never had any real intrest. But then Louie’s Eleven happened , I was starved for Donsy content and thus rewatched Mr.Duck Steps out, and most of her filmography, skipping the ones where she’s the miserable wife from every sitcom... more on that later, and with one exception. So I wanted to review them.. but quickly reailzed that with 6 minutes for most shorts there’s not a ton to dig into, so I decided after finding out his birthday was next month to take a handful and pile them in here, review them and see what makes my boy so great, what dosen’t, and look at the good the bad and the holy shit did he just point a shot gun at that poor defensless animal of Donald Fauntleroy Duck. We get this party started under the cut. 
For funsies since, unlike most things I cover, every episode has a gif on here i’m going to use the gif keyboard to look up an image for the cartoon.. and if not well.. whatever’s there will have to do. 
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1. The Wise Little Hen (1934) A charming little short that I rewatched today to get on the docket, and i’m glad I did. The plot is very simple: A Hen and her 8 chicks are planting, then harvesting corn. For each task they ask Peter Pig, Local dick and the Rusty Spokes of 1934, and Donald Duck, our boy looking very diffrent, for help. Peter just says who me then runs off while Donald fakes a bellyache. Both get their compuance when the Hen and her 8 chicks make a ton of goodies from the corn and decide to eat it all themselves, while donald and peter give themselves an ass kicking. 
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I genuinely wish this is how life worked: Your bad, take advantage of people and your reward is not taking their beinfits and snickering but having to kick each other in the tuckuss on loop.. you know instead of the Peter Pigs of the world blaming people for getting maced in the face by stormtroopers. Sigh.  That aside it’s just a fun, charming short with great animation, and a great look for Donald. I do genuinely love his first look, even if it’d later be eased down to perfection. And there’s plenty of fun gags and great music. Overal a solid A short.  
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2. Moving Day (1936) As you can see from the GIF this one isn’t strictly donald, we’re still one away from a starring role. After annoying the shit out of Mickey in the classic’s “The Orphans Benefit” and “The Band Concert” , Donald soon became his regular sidekick alongside Goofy. Both would quickly breakout and this short is apparent why as Mickey is a side character in his own labeled short.  The setup is somehow, after 84 years, STILL relevant to modern day. Basically Mickey and Donald are tennants who haven’t for whatever reason, paid their rent and are 6 months behind. And sure they could just be obnoxious squatters doing it onlyf or their art who shriek like banshees the moment their asked to actually pay rent, but thankfully this isn’t RENT, or else I would’ve jumped out of a window by now. No given this is the depression, their likely trying to hold onto their house and meager posessions for as long as they can while work is incredibly scarce... not like.. now.. ha .. ha. ha.... I may take the window up on it’s offer after all.  Anyways, our valiant heroes decide to try and cram everything they can into their friend Goofy’s milk truck while Pete’s busy putting up signs to advertise him trying to sell their shit to make up his back rent. WHich translates to a bit of mickey doing that and most of the short being spent with donald fighting a rug and Goofy being outsmarted by a piano. Both are utterly hilarious and prove why these two became far more popular, and overall the short’s a damn good timea nd our heroes win by still getting a pile of possesions out while their antics destroy the rest so pete gets nothing! Horay! They can sleep at goofy’s place! Now moving on from crushing reality, it’s animal cruelty! 
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3. Don Donald (1937) I wasn’t kidding. Yeahhh this was donald’s first full, not attached to Pluto for some reason or an adorable chicken family or his mousy overlord short. Don Donald. Donald’s in mexico, for some reason and wooing a lady, in this case Daisy prototype, Donna Duck as seen in the header image. I like her, they have a diffrent dynamic, both being kind of tempramental and flirty instead of that being just ONE of donald and daisy’s dynamics. Others being muttually supportive and adorable (Ducktales and Quack Pack) or daisy being the wife from according to jim, or last man standing, or my wife and kids, or king of queens, or the george lopez show, or everybody loves raymond, or ... you know what i’m depressed enough from the last two shorts you get it. But you know without Donald being an obnoxious asshole who views every guy his daughter dates like a horny degernate who just wants to get in there and overreacts to everything involving them and makes me pray for death but death wont come.... I may not like classic daisy very much. Moving on.  That being said as you can tell from the donkey abuse donald.. ihs a fucking asshole in this one.. and not the loveable asshole he is in the band concert mind you I mean he’s less brent sienna and more tucker carleson. He laughs at his girlfriends misforutunes and hit shis burro and then tries to trade it in for a car.. which he does. He gets his commupance and all but yeah.. it’s deeply uncomfortable to watch him abuse this animal for half the runtime. Trading it in is one thing, but he’s still an utter dick to it.A short that COULD’VE been fun that instead is just uncomfortable, even given the time it takes place in. 
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4. Donald’s Ostrich (1937) Donald works at a distant train station taking care of various cargo that comes in and ends up having to care for an adorable ostrich named hortense. Hyjinks, especially once she swallows Donald’s Radio, insue. This short.. is a MASSIVE step up from don donald. INstead of uncomfortable animal abuse donald just gets frustrated with an ostrich and battered round a bit, and tries to cure her hiccups. My faviorite bit is when hortense arrive, and stands up with a box on her,a nd donald goes under her gives a greatly delivered by Clarence Nash “what’s going on around here” before hortense sits on him. Really funny. And yes Hortsense is a regular ostrich. And yes that paradox has been around this long. But this one’s way funnier, way more charming and really damn adorable and dosen’t remind me of the crushing horrors of real life so yeah. A+. There’s only one short I like as much and it’s coming up. 
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5. Modern Inventions (1937) Another one from his first year and another classic. Basically donald deals with various inventions in a “house of the future” type attractions, gets ruffled by them and the robot butler seen above steals his hat with a dry brtiish “your hat sir” while donald adorably pulls one out of thin air in increasingly creative ways. Again plotwise these shorts are simple but by now they figured out what made donald work: getting frustrated sure but with him being a relatable every man and sometimes trickster as seen here with the hats and him pulling that old coin on a string trick. 
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He also dresses up like a baby at one point and i’ts weird but oddly funny... but yeah donald is in peak form here and this one is another clear A+, if for the running robot gag alone as donald keeps puttingon new hats and the robot has a truly spectacular design.
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 6. Donald’s Better Self (1938)
Now for a weird one.. not the most surreal thing on our list, despite you know a devil version of donald popping out of his mailbox, but it’s damn close because you know, Donald as Satan popping out of his mailbox.  In short Donald is cast as a school aged child.... you know what’s coming. 
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And you may say “Well jake they were just experimenting and his age was vauge at first” and to that I say, with no joke Huey Dewey and Louie debuted THIS SAME YEAR. Even given how adaptable older cartoon characters are, and they are it’s part of the charm, and tha’ts fine.. this is a bit over the line. Oh and it gets weirder as donald has the standard cartoon angel and devil arguging over his actions things.. only here the Angel and Devil are donald sized, and again fighting over the soul of a chid in the body of a 30 year old man, literally in some cases, ending with said devil encouraging donald to smoke before he and the angel get into a fistfight. While not an especially GOOD short, you have to admit.. it’s unique.. batshit but unique and worth at least one watch. 
7. Donald’s Penguin (1938)
The second in our trilogy within a series of “Donald gets a pet” shorts, this one start’s out fine, Donald gets an adorable penguin named Tootsie from “Colonel bird” and does cute things like immitate it’s walk or what not while Tootsie is a grumpus. Fun stuff. Then tootsie apparenlty eats Donald’s fish, and donald spanks the poor bird. Now this pissed off some people on Letterboxd but me, while it’s slightly distressing, it was 1938: while spanking was NEVER a great thing, it was acceptable back then and as far as Donald knew Toottsie knew not to eat the fish, Donald had told him no adorably, and did it anyway. So donald goes to get an apology trout, which he just.. has for some reason out of the ice box and uh.. things take a turn from “it was accpetable at the time” to “HOLY SHIT”...  Tootsie decides fuck it and eats the fish and uh... Donald.. how do I put this calmly.. ahemahem okay... DONALD GRABS A FUCKING SHOT GUN AND CHASES HIM AROUND, THEN ONLY BACKS OUT AT THE LAST SECOND, A SHORT FIRES, AND HE MOURNS WHAT HE THINKS IS HIS DEAD PENGUIN. We then get a cute shot at the end but holy shit.While Elmer fudd is one thing since he’s A) the bad guy and B) is indeed trying to kill a wild animal he has a lisence for instead of his fucking pet whose a protected species if those existed back then, this is just... like the donkey abuse, deeply uncomfortable. It’s one thing to spank a pet, even up to the 90′s that was acceptale and still is in some circles, but it’s another to try and murder it over a slight infraction. Just.. jesus christ. I want Tootsie back too, this was objectivley terrifying. Let’s move on. 
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8. Mr Duck Steps Out (1940)
Ahhhh yes the short about dancing that brought me to the dance. This one is, without a shred of second guessing, which for my anxious self is a miracle, my faviorite both of this batch and in general.  The short is about Donald trying to go on a date with Daisy at her house, and his nephews inviting themselves along and trying to ruin there uncle’s every attempt at getting romantic with wacky hyjinks. That’s.. basically the plot.. as you can tell these things are very light on plot but here that’s all you need.  A few things to note. 1) The boys are VERY much in their early characterization, i.e., their all assholes instead of “All huey 2k17 but dialed down a notch” or “karmic tricksters working against their uncle’s ego”, though they’d ocassionally dip into this in the 80′s ducktales depending on the episode, especially if webby was around, and shove their face into it and inhale deeply like me with the hidden mountain of cocaine hidden under my basement.   The second is that Daisy has a duck voice, much like Donna did for this short and only this one. It’s not too distracting given she barely speaks, though she has more than enough body language to make up for it, it’s just.. odd.. especailly since it means Clarence Nash, donald’s voice actor, is voicing EVERYONE in the short and doing a terrific job of it.  Even weirder is Disney would later redub a shortned version for Disney Channel in the 2010′s that had their modern voice actors (Donald Aselmo, Tress Macneil and Russi Taylor, god rest her soul) re-dub it and it just feels all kinds of wrong despite the three being excellent va’s. I dunno the cleaner modern audio just feels wonky coming out of the old 40′s short.  But despite it’s oddities the short really has fun, from the iconic little dance donald does at the start...
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Serioulsy I freaking love that dance and his outfit. To the little laughs donald gives when telling daisy “HA, I brought my nephews ha” like a 40′s tommy wiseau, to him roaring in a lion skin to the ending which is just pure adorable and nice because Donald actually GETS to win, especially because half of all donald shorts or comics where he’s sympathetic end up with Donald miserable and beaten up and me like this. 
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Instead Daisy kisses him all over and over again, until the night goes dancing. 
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Overal a fun, fast paced short about Donald trying to get laid and the gold standard of Donald Duck shorts. Two more things before I move on. This was co-written by disney comics legend Carl Barks, and it shows, and i’d be remiss if Id idn’t mention this bit of Daisy, after playfully shoving donald away when he coyly asks for a kiss, giving him a come hither signal with her butt.. which is somehow hot. Don’t ask me how.
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And with that mental image we move on. What do we got next?
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9. The Spirit of 43 (1943)
Ah yes propaganda! and the first one I couldn’t find a gif for. I watched this one because it’s another Barks one, he worked on several of these and was also the one who suggested not having HDL be assholes all the time as he felt, rightly, it’d get old after a while, and because it has protypes for scrooge and gladstone, and is thus one of the only shorts Scrooge is in and the only classic one... And like Donald’s Better Self it’s fucking weird. It’s all propganda no joke as ONCE AGAIN, yes AGAIN, two figures battle for Donald’s soul, this time a scottish man encouraging him to save and donate and a sleezy huckster encouraging him to spend for himself.. even though spending in bars and what not helps the economy and gives the bartender money to stay open during such trying times, but whatever. Also the huckster aka proto gladstone turns into hitler.. yes really.. and Donald then punches him through a swastika captain america style because donald duck is hardcore. Trust me this is somehow NOT a cocaine induced fever dream I had. Not a great one but like Donald’s Better Self worth at least one watch, in this case in additiont o the insantiy for the historical value of seeing two prototypes for Carl Barks most iconic characters. 
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10. Sleepy Time Donald (1947)
As you can tell this one’s way more wholesome and way less of a drug trip. Donald goes sleepwalking and Daisy, realizing it, plays along so he dosen’t wake up and goes thorugh the motions of one of their dates. Very simple, ending with Donald thinking he’s the sleepwalker before she conks him out, and very adorable as while Donald isn’t concious, and has a boot on his head, we see what a standard date for them is like when Daisy is being written well as they strut around the park, he proposes, it’s all really damn cute and if you like these two together, you’ll really enjoy this one. Not much else to say other than it’s really precious and really funny and creative. Kinda hard to follow up Donald duck punching out hitler. 
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11. Daddy Donald (1948)
Another quick one and the end of the “donald gets an animal” trilogy. First off, while I only got one gif from this short, I DID get this lovely image under “Daddy Donald” in Tumblr’s gif search thing
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Awwwww. Anyways, Donald adopts a kangaroo like it was a baby, it’s kind of weird, not as weird as the above. He and Joey slowly bond, while he gets directions on what to do from the lady at the adoption place over the phone and hyjinks insue. Kind of cute but not quite reaching the heights of “Donald’s ostrich or the first hal fof “Donald’s Penguin” and not being quite as surreal as Double LIfe or Donald Punches Hitler.. which is what Spirit of 43 should’ve been named. I mean at least “De Fuherer’s Face” had a memorable name. But yeah not one of hte more notable ones and I mostly included it to round out the trilogy. Speaking of trilogy’s to close out this celebration of Donald, one of the last shorts and the last one featuring Daisy, and the inspriation fo rher Ducktales outfit. Donald’s Diary. 
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12. Donald’s Diary (1954) Well.. this is basically one half of a good short ending in a lot of misogny. I could end it there but there is a lot to this short. It basically has donald, weridly in a clearly voiced narration talking about his courtship with Daisy as she first tries to get his attention and he’s oblivious.
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Then she uses a rope trap and we get this iconic image which is concentrated awwwww. 
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Then they date, Daisy’s implied to have dated a bunch of guys which was a bad thing in the 50′s but is perfectly resonable in 2020, and he meets her brothers, basically huey dewey and louie standins and her.. parents. Yes apparnetly donald’s parents have to be implicitly dead by present day, but Daisy’s can be alive. Weird ain’t it? It’s pretty adorable, has some great gags and we even get him proposing and them marrying!  And then the shoe drops.. yeah the rest of the short is how she expects him to GASP work all day , fair enough but then GASP do all the chores.. which is bad but the short implies it’s because he’s the man and she’s the woman and she should do housework. It’s actually bad because marriage is an equal partnership and while asking him to do a chore or too after working all day is fine just fine, asking him to do EVERYTHING while you do nothing is abusive and terrible and i’ve seen it actually happen in my friend’s previous marriage. So yeah this message can fuck off. And I knokw standards of the time, penguins having shotguns pointed at them etc but there’s not having aged well but being able to ignore it and there’s this.  And then she procedes to spousally abuse him and work him to the bone, and then he wakes up, and assuming ALL marraige sare like this dosen’t end up proposing leaving the poor girl wondering what the fuck she did to upset him. Real fucking cute guys. Seriously just.. part of the reason this part bothers me so much is MANY people think this is what marriage is like, like a fucking terrible sitcom. Life isn ot like home improvment or according to jim, or my wife and kids or king of queens or family guy, or you get my point again and yes I reused some their that bad.. even now we get stuff like man with a plan. It annoys me because 70+ years later and while it’s getting better this same lazy comedy still happens! and much like king of queens wasted the late great jerry stiller, this short wastes great animation and a great first half to tell a terrible story. It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth and is a bleh note to end on. Watch the first half because it’s adorable, end it at the wedding.  IN conclusion Donald’s shorts are a mixed bag but as you could tell some are truly spectacular and some are worth the spectacle and all have terrific animation and effort put in, evne when they didn’t deserve it and as such I couldn’t think of a better way to honor donald’s birthday than with these animators hard, well worth it efforts. Even when it wasn’t great, it was still somewhat fun. So happy birthday old friend and here’s to many more. Later Days.
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luffyzudo · 4 years
A very shit and lazy and awful Percy Jackson’s gods fancast by Me
First of all, dont hate on me, is a lame fancast by an unemployed depressed loser
Esai Morales as Zeus
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Madeleine Stowe as Hera
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David Sutcliffe - Poseidon (I have no idea what to make with this one and I’m watching Gilmore girls, and he have the dumb himbo face I imagine poseidon and Percy Having lmao)
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IDK about Demeter, did she ever had a relevant plot before TOA? I cant picture her so next one
Jon Bernthal as Ares
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Melina Kanakaredes as Athena (I liked her as Athena in the first movie =))
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Sam Claffin as Apollo 
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Artemis always looks different so I didnt choose any actress lol
Danny Sapani as Hephaestus
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Aphrodite always looks different because beauty comes in different ways so as long as cast is diverse then I’m fine
David tennant as Hermes (and he should speak in a scottish accent)
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Mark Hamill as Dionysus (super random and unlikely but whatever)
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Steve Coogan as Hades (read Athena)
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YaYa daCosta as persephone (I was going with Rosario but apparently she is a transphobe;0)
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thenightling · 5 years
Thoughts on The Dreaming Issue 19
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Well, I just finished reading issue 19 of The Dreaming.  
I don’t hate it but I’m getting some uncomfortable flashbacks of reading the Return to Labyrinth manga.  (No one liked how that ended...)  Not to be confused with Labyrinth: The Coronation by Simon Spurrier.   
Thoughts on The Dreaming issue 19:
 The sample pages from just a few days ago were probably the best part...   
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This is more beautiful than it deserves to be.
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Simon PROBABLY should have not tried to elaborate on why the dream catcher was chosen.  I think in his effort to not offend he managed to offend everyone.
Also this dialogue really doesn’t fit the expression.
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And some pages the print is really uncomfortably tiny.  You probably wouldn’t have had to cram so much in near the end if you hadn’t used so much filler for the first sixteen or so issues. 
Cain’s part was much shorter than the cover implied...
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However what moments Cain and Abel did have were gloriously nightmarish.  At first I was worried Cain was actually being allowed to kill mortals.  Cain is a killer but his only victim has always been his brother so that would not have felt right . But the two tag-team nightmaring an entire group of people...  GLORIOUS!   
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Oh, look, ANOTHER posthumous guest appearance by Morpheus!   Hi, Morpheus!  Always good to see you.
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And posthumous cameo number 2 for this single issue.
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Look...  I get not wanting to compromise the “integrity” of the original story but there comes a time when you have to realize Morpheus simply is the more popular Dream Lord.   Even the new writers use him more than Daniel!    Enough is enough.  Just give him back.   No resurrection can undo a well written story.      
For God’s sake, he’s even on the DC holiday card.   
And about the dream sand...  No, he didn’t!  He gave the pouch to Matthew to take back to the castle.  Daniel has it! 
Moving along from the Dream Lord we’d actually want to read about...   
Dora has turned into an anime girl on us.    Sailor Library! She looks like he might be filling in for Will from W.I.T.C.H.  Anyone remember W.I.T.C.H?  I miss W.I.T.C.H...
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What’s so wrong about him keeping his entities around out of loneliness?  Loneliness is a much better reason than laziness and I thought that was pretty obvious.   
Also does Eve not remember she has an actual pre-The Dreaming backstory!?   
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I’m going to have the title track of David Bowie’s Station to Station stuck in my head for the next month, aren’t I? “The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers’ eyes...”   Ah, damn it...  
The collective dream calling out “Come home” reminds me of when The Doctor defeated The Master with “The power of Prayer” during David Tennant’s reign as The Doctor on Doctor Who.   And sure, that’s great but wouldn’t it have been more practical just to make everyone dream the world as it was without Keter’s A.I.?   
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Oh, well, still a good scene.   Obnoxiously long build up for the grand return of Dream though.        
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ascottywrites · 5 years
I fell into the Good Omens vortex
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I’m not sure if it’s obvious that Crowley is my favorite but...he is. 
I want to first say that yes I am one of the assumed many that jumped on this book after binge-watching the mini series after it came out. But I am immensely glad that I did. This is possibly riddled with spoilers but I'll do my best to not make them too in-detailed. *I also liked the book better than the show. Though the show was still pretty dang great.
While, yes, I did thoroughly enjoy the Crowley-Aziraphale parts just as much as the next person. HOWEVER I did find that the story-lines of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse were nothing to glaze over. I do appreciate, when they all finally come together, how they describe their dynamic, how War says Death isn't 'one of the lads'. How Death says 'I am not like them', boiling down to war, pollution, and famine can be fleeting but death is eternal. Outside of that, which will always stick with me leaving me to prattle on about it until it's thoroughly spoiled for anyone who hasn't read it, even how Pollution is described is a brilliant idea to me. (which just hammers home that first point...so i guess not too far 'outside of that'.) Anyhoozzle...
Is there anyone else out there who thinks the tone of Aziraphale in the book reads as him being a little more pragmatic and as such easier to connect to? In the show he was all twinkle glitter and fluffy rainbows wrapped up in optimistic naivete/hardcore delusion trying his damnedest in his most foolhardy quest in existing in the purely black and white (while not actually doing that great of a job in that...at all). Holding on to the belief that if he could just speak to the right person he could keep the end of the world at bay. Because of course, if he could make them see that its all under control the Angels will 'do the right thing' as they are wont to do. But in the book towards the end he seems more like I'm pretty sure my side wants the war 'lazy eyebrow raise'. 
.....There is also the possibility that I read dialogue through smoke tinted glass and just took it that way...'lazy eyebrow raise'. Crowley did stay true to form and that I read it that way could say something either about me or David Tennant (love both, regardless) and the show did stay pretty true to the book, by pretty true I mean there was a bit of deviation, but its both impossible and improbable to be able to have everything. Some of the things described are best left purely to the imagination.  Side note: with the extra details, some of the jokes make so much more sense. "That's one big avocado." And oh my goodness, the kids are portrayed as so much more insightful in literary form. Like hello Them...maybe ya'll should be in charge. Seeing the bigger picture and making all around good decisions and whatnot.  But let me stop before I blather on forever. This is definitely a book I could read more than once and still enjoy myself. I don't say that about much.  *Can someone let me drive their vintage Bentley? I'll bring my own badass sunglasses and Best of Queen CD, Thanks!
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venusianbacon · 5 years
Doctor Who Impulse Buy Part 10
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Bare in mind that my “place of work” is slowly destroying any kind of semblance of motivation to write so I’m posting this with ???% alcohol content flowing within me so expect some grammatical errors.  I’m literally writing on the fly to regain some sanity back.  
The Doctor’s Daughter - I’m am not going to lie, I’m crushing really hard on Georgia Moffett.  Something tells me that David Tennant shares this sentiment.  She is quite an attractive actress as well as having a bit of charm to her.  What you don’t believe me? Here is what she looks like:
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See how delightful she is?  Throughout the entire episode, she exudes this aura that I couldn’t help notice.  Beyond this magnetic character, this episode is kind of bland throughout.  I couldn’t care much about the major conflict, Martha Jones accidentally being there is kind of a waste and the alien race introduced is only interesting in design only.  By the time the episode wrapped up, the only significant thing occurring was infatuation towards Jenny/Georgia Moffett.  I felt she was literally the only aspect that was genuinely well written as it created some great moments with The Doctor.    
The Unicorn and the Wasp - Agatha Christie and The Doctor, what could go wrong?  I found myself really enjoying this episode.  (I’ve read And There Were None in high school and found myself enjoying said story.)  The actress they got to play Agatha is quite good and found myself getting into mystery until the reveal.  Without spoilers, I found the so called alien race introduced could be filed into the ‘lazy writing’ department. 
Beyond that, I really enjoyed the episode overall.  There are quite a bit of memorable moments between The Doctor, Donna, and Agatha that I felt was worth the watch.
Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead - I really, really, really, enjoyed this two-parter.  It introduces River Song for the first time in the series who I have grown to really enjoy.  She has quite an enigmatic personality that just makes me wonder what she is going to do next.  Some horror movie feels blended in with this series always creates some of the best moments of The Doctor’s personality.  Everything that accumulates into what is going on to the ending is handled exceptionally well.  Definitely a highlight of the season as this shows off every best aspect of this series.  Particularly the characters and creativity thrusting them in certain situation.  Every person actor/writer brought their “A game” to make every moment the best. 
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The whovian the mad man Chapter 1 A new world
-Valerie. P.o.v.-
I was in my room watching the latest episode of doctor who when my ass of a stepdad barged in.
I knew the reason he was in my room. It was because I was an unemployed 17-year-old who seats in her room watching doctor who, plays video games, and does small jobs like baby seating or dog walking.
“that’s it I’ve had enough of your lazy ass under my roof pack your things and get out. And you best be gone by the time I get back with your little brother from footy now get out.” He said and slammed the door behind him.
I was shocked. he’s an ass don’t get me wrong, but this was new.
My little brother is the reason I wasn’t kicked out sooner. My stepdad and I had a silent agreement, sins my mother died I would fill in that role for him sins he was my brother but he was only my half brother but my brother nun the less.
I grabbed my Messenger Bag and my duffel bag I thankfully I didn’t have much all my games where online and I had 4 external hard drives filled with my tv show’s and movies.
I also grabbed my laptop, phone, clothes, my wallets, my guitar and camera.
I headed to the door it was winter and even though its Australia it can get cold.
So, I grabbed my hoody and my 4th doctor overly long scarf.  And left I decided to go to a friend’s house, but I had to go throw a very overgrown park.
When I was halfway through the park, I heard a strange familiar sound from behind me.
I turn to and a massive gust of wind throw me off my feet.
I yelp as I hit the ground and looked up to sea. the fucking Tardis materialise in front of me.
I couldn’t believe it I was frozen staring in awe at it and thought I was going insane.
It was somewhat different, it seemed more like the 8th/6th doctor’s Tardis, but a lot more sparks and the wind picked up even more, but I could see smoke coming off the Tardis witch as any whovian knows is bad.
the Tardis fully materialised with bolt of lightning hit the Tardis and a shock wave forcing me back to the ground.
When I looked up again to see and I don’t believe it.
It was Michelle Gomez dress as missy. My mind and body where frozen, I couldn’t rap my brain around it.
I noticed she was coughing a lot and leaning on the TARDIS for support.
She looked like she just bean put through a blender, her clothes were tattered, there was bruises and cuts on her exposed skin.
I was concerned wen I noticed this and at the same time she noticed me.
“oh hallow I’m looking for some one can you point me in the right direction and I’ll be on my way” She said cheerily.
I was still stunned and studded “but…”
“I think her name started with a v… it could have been a v… I mean I wasn’t paying any attention to her name… but there’s always the chains that her name didn’t start with a v.” she rambled as she scratched the back of her head out of embarrassment.
I was still in shock she was acting like missy but why she can’t be missy. ‘there’s no way… she can’t be missy it can’t be… that’s impossible’ I thought to myself
“so if you could point me in the right direction that would be great think’s” she said clearly becoming inpatient.
“I think her last name was harper”
“she’s slightly shorter then I am has blue hire and a tenancy to swear.”
“but… but that’s… what”
“you all right.”
I get up and slowly approach the Tardis, walking past missy who was confused at what I was doing.
I brush my fingers against the door and felt the slight vibration.
“but… that’s not possible… but it is!” I started Circling the Tardis.
After my lap around the Tardis I stepped back from it and stared in awe.
Missy who I only just remembered being here asked “you look like know what that is.”
I would have jumped away from her, but I was to in fascinated by the Tardis to realis missy the insane psychopath was standing next to me.
“it’s… it’s the Tardis, the real actual type 40 Tardis owned by the doctor but… but that’s not possible… but it is!” I ranted.
that’s when I remembered missy next to me and because my brain still didn’t realis, she was a psychopath.
I grab her just a above the wrist and check her pulls.
One, two, three, four.
I couldn’t believe she a time lord. Wellll, time lady.
And that’s when my brain realised who she is and I jump back, dropping her arm in the process.
“well isn’t this interesting not only do you know the doctor but you know me as well.” She mused
“oh shit…” I whisper yelled.
Before I could run someone came out of the Tardis and I knew instantly it was David Tennant.
He was coughing like missy was, he noticed us and approached he looked me up and down and then looked to missy.
“missy who’s this?” he asked questionably
“I don’t know but she seems to know us” missy said.
My brain finally court up and a turned around, started walking and said “NOPE…nope…nope….nope.”
“weight,  Valerie.” David Tennant who I’m guessing is actually the doctor yelled out to me.
I stopped surprised he knew my name I turn around and said “how do you know my name.”
“because your what’s missing from our universe.” He replied.
My curiosity and fascination overwhelmed my fear and confusion.
“what do you mean missing.” I asked questionably
“our universe is collapsing because certain fixed points never happened, we need you to inshore that they happen” He replied, but I was still confused.
“but why me, wouldn’t it cores a paradox if I change things.” I asked curios why they’d risked a paradox.
“that’s exactly why it has to be you. pleas our universe will die without your intervention.” He begged, and I thought for a moment and decided.
“Well to be honest I have two options, stay here and be homeless or go with you with a fresh start.” I said taking them off guard.
“so that would be a…” the doctor asked and I nodded my head, and they went in to the Tardis and I followed.
The interior was the same as peter Capaldi’s Tardis and I was confused.
“hang on aren’t you supposed to be the 10th regeneration.” I asked confused.
“yes I am what’s wrong with that.” He asked curiously
“because this desktop is meant to be your 12th regeneration.” I answered, then missy polled down a leava and we where off
End of chapter 1
Chapter 2 rose: autons a friend and a mad man.
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soleildansobscurite · 5 years
Please repost not reblog!!
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general info:
♡ preferred name: Vic ♡ age: twenty-one ♡ pronouns: your highness they / he ♡ sexuality: I have no freakin clue ♡ height: 168 cm ♡ hair colour: brown ♡ relationship status: single and not ready to mingle
favourite things:
♡ favourite colour: blue, red and everything in between ♡ favourite song: every song can be my next favourite song ♡ favourite band / artist: ehh I guess p!atd and fob are my top?  ♡ favourite food: pancakes ♡ favourite animal: owls, cats, dogs, snakes...  ♡ favourite celebrity: Michelle Gomez, David Tennant, Brendon Urie... ♡ favourite holiday(s): Halloween bc spook times is best times ♡ favourite season: autumn is wonderful ♡ favourite fruit: Strawberries ♡ favourite flower: Lilac ♡ favourite weather: i dont go outside enough to care ♡ favourite language: ... english. It’s the easiest.
name of:
♡ name of your crush: don’t have a crush ♡ name of your pet(s): don’t have pets either ♡ name(s) of your best friend(s): Laura uvu
this or that?
♡ introvert or extrovert: introvert ♡ nerdy or sassy: nerdy ♡ tall or short: idk ♡ looks or personality: personality ♡ homesick or traveler: traveler ♡ woods or city: woods ♡ phone or computer: computer ♡ family or money: idk ♡ books or movies: movies ♡ food or sleep: sleep
TAGGED BY: @ravensbled
TAGGING: noone bc I’m lazy ... or maybe everyone who wants to do this? (bc im lazy)
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blue-box · 6 years
On the topic of Doctor Who...
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Okay, so I know it’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything original and I also realize that my thoughts are probably going to be highly unpopular, but here we go: I am not a big fan of this new series so far. 
Now first and foremost...I like Jodi as the Doctor. She’s absolutely brilliant and she’s brought plenty of new life to this beloved character. She reminds me a bit of David Tennant during his era, who will forever be an old love of mine. The new crew is also good - this post is nothing towards them as their characters or the actors who portray them. 
What’s killing me so far this series is the writing. Here I’ve just watched episode 8 and I was not excited for it in the slightest. I used to have Doctor Who penciled in on my calendar every week - everyone knew NOT to bother me at all because I had a date with the Doctor. Now, it feels more like a chore to sit down and watch it. I’m doing so out of obligation because I have loved this show for well over a decade now and I feel I need to continue to give it a chance. But my GOD, it has been draaaaagging. I keep waiting for the show to start to pick up. First couple of episodes, sure...new doctor, new series, new characters, new EVERYTHING. Of course the first few episodes would be a little off or slow maybe. It’s always like that. But as each week went on, I came into it thinking, “Okay, this is the week. It’s gonna start getting juicy, I know it.” ..........”Okay, maybe next week.”  Don’t get me wrong, there have been some good stories so far this year. Rosa and Demons of Punjab were positively spectacular. Those are probably the ONLY ones I’ve enjoyed so far to be honest.
It’s taken me 8 weeks to figure out why. Firstly (and this may seem silly to some), the music. Or should I say lack thereof. Yeah yeah I get it, it’s supposed to be all synthy-spacey-ambiance whatever but it just doesn’t sit right with me for some reason. We went from a full orchestra with cinematic scores from Murray Gold to....background white noise. There is nothing memorable about it at all and that is such a tragedy. Call me a soundtrack snob if you want, but music is what MAKES a show/movie in my opinion. It completely sets the tone for a scene and what we have so far has been greatly depriving the show of the emotion that ought to come along with it. 
Secondly, the serious lack of actual villains so far. I get that Chibnall wants to bring in all new everything...which is cool! I’m all for that. But damnit, I want to see some Daleks or Cybermen or SOME familiar baddie. That’s partly why we love this show, isn’t it?! “Ahh yes, the Daleks, those tincan idiots...” I know they’ve been done to DEATH but you know what I mean. PLUS it’d be nice if we actually had some real threat this series. 
Each episode has felt like a filler episode. I keep waiting for like the big plot line to be addressed at some point and it just hasn’t happened yet. Every series has had some big underlying plot line that was ultimately addressed in the finale. Bad Wolf, Torchwood, Mr. Saxon, the planets/bees disappearing/Rose randomly popping up everywhere, the crack in the universe, the story of River/the Doctor’s “death”, the Impossible Girl, who is Missy and why is she in charge of “heaven”, the Hybrid, and the whole “what does the Doctor have hiding in the university basement” thing even. Each series had it’s own little arch that got mentioned here and there and then made all of us go crazy the entire time waiting to figure out what it all actually meant. I don’t know about the rest of you, but that was like my favorite thing about this show...the speculation for 12 weeks of the year. And for me it was like this nice little reward for sticking through it to find out in the final episodes what that big thing was or whatever. That big “ah-haaah!” moment after it all. But so far this series has left me feeling pretty empty after each episode. (With the exception of Rosa and Punjab, those definitely gave me some serious feels.) But besides that, I could literally skip 4 episodes this series, watch one at random, and not need to know or even care about any other plot or anything about the characters whatsoever because there really hasn’t been much of a story at all this series. There’s no need to invest in it anymore. It’s lazy watching. To me, that is pretty disappointing. 
This next thought is probably going to be very unpopular but I feel like it needs to be pointed out. The writing is not helping Jodi at all right now. She’s fantastic as the Doctor, I adore her to pieces. This is not an attack on her and this is not an attack on the Doctor being a woman. (Hell, I’m excited that I can finally cosplay the Doctor and not have to pretend to be a dude to do so.) But I am really getting tired of this new thing that they’re doing with her...every single episode so far has her portrayed as this way-too-perfect alien angel. While there’s nothing really wrong with that by itself (heck, she is downright charming and it’s lovely, I won’t deny that), but it’s as if everyone has completely forgotten that the Doctor does come from a long, hard, dark-at-times past. The Doctor is thousands of years old and has seen and done some serious shit. Each Doctor in the New Who so far has acknowledged in some way or another that the Doctor is not perfect. And that’s what makes the character of the Doctor so fantastic, in my opinion! That the Doctor has made mistakes, does not always get along with everyone, has made some enemies, can be a little dangerous at times, is not perfect all the time, and yet still always tries to do the right thing at the end of the day. That’s what has always made the Doctor a fascinating character to me...the flaws. However with Jodi’s Doctor, the impression I’ve got so far is that she is this angel that fell from the sky and that everyone needs to absolutely adore everything she does all the time. I feel like the writing of her character is way too forced right now. It’s not fair to her, not fair to the companions, and it’s not fair to us, the viewers. Maybe I’ll need to go back after this series is done and do a re-watch, I could be wrong. I could have missed some details in her character so far. However we are 8 episodes in and that’s the impression that I’ve gotten so far and it’s only grown with each passing week. 
And lastly...
For the love of everything holy, why can’t they do the opening titles right?! I miss that cold open with the hook they used to do at the start of each episode and then it would end with that unmistakable weird noise that would lead right into the theme. DUDE that’s what like SET IT UP for the rest of the episode! Come on, guys. At least give us that back. (With that said, the new title sequence design and tune is A+ in my book.) 
Alright, that’s it. I’ve been stewing on these thoughts for a while and haven’t had much of a chance to talk about it much. I’m sure a lot of my opinions will prove to be unpopular. I’m still watching every week because I’ll forever be a fan of Doctor Who no matter what. But as of now, I’m not crazy about it. That won’t stop be from supporting it, but I just had to get this off my chest. 
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timetravelbypen · 6 years
Some thoughts on Doctor Who
Now that it’s over, I thought I’d muse a little bit on this season!
Firstly: I LOVE JODIE WHITTAKER. I LOVE this incarnation of the Doctor. She is fun and she is clever and she is excited - everything I love about this character. Everything I *missed* about this character as the Moffat era dragged on. The wonder is back. The cleverness-without-having-to-shove-it-in-your-face is back. The *joy* is back. And I am so, so pleased. I also love the companions, especially Yaz and Ryan. It’s been cool to have a whole team to play with! (And yes I ship Yaz and the Doctor a little bit what of it.) I do have some quibbles with this season - and some bigger Annoyances. I’m a writer, not a film or tv person, so I often have a hard time figuring out what it is that bothers me with film/tv and where it comes from, but here, the problems have been very definitively writing problems and the actors are all great. Critical thoughts below the cut for spoilers and rambling.
Smallest first - I feel like 90% of the episodes this season would’ve benefited greatly from being ten minutes longer. A lot of them, even the ones I liked, felt very rushed at the end where they tried to pull off the whole grand explanation. Next - and this folds into my biggest issue as well - I don’t think they really let the Doctor be angry this season. The Doctor is fun and clever and joyful and wondrous, yes, of course they are, but if you threaten their friends, if you threaten other people, if you threaten worlds, then they can burn with the fire of a thousand suns and they will stop you. Christopher Eccleston’s Doctor was furious just under the surface all the time. David Tennant’s Doctor could be downright vengeful if he had to be. I wonder how much of not letting Jodie Whittaker’s Doctor get truly, properly angry at her foes is because she’s a girl now. And lastly - the fridging. SO. MUCH. FREAKING. FRIDGING. It’s lazy writing, and it serves no one. I need to mail the Doctor Who writers’ room a copy of The Refrigerator Monologues for them to read before next season so they can STOP PULLING THIS SHIT. In the first episode, they did a good job of showing the actual diversity of the UK... and killed off two men of color onscreen, one woman of color offscreen, and one woman of color onscreen (I’ll get to that). If I’m remembering correctly, no white people died. And Grace. Oh, there were SO MANY WAYS they could have written this season without having killed Grace. Tim Shaw (I’m sure that’s not how that alien’s name is actually spelled, but that’s how my American ears heard it and frankly a very White Bro name is fitting for the Final Boss villain of the season so let’s go with it) could have hurt Grace but not killed her, so she was hospitalized when the Doctor, Yaz, Ryan, and Graham first go off adventuring and she doesn’t come. She could have been totally fine, but decided she’d had enough excitement for one lifetime / she was needed where she was as a nurse so she’d stay behind / she was at work while Ryan, Yaz, and Graham were free to help the Doctor set up her machine just then / “go bond with your grandson and loosen up for a change Graham.” There was no need to kill her just to fuel Graham’s emotional arc and just for Ryan to lose yet another person in his life. In “It Takes You Away,” Grace didn’t need to have been dead for that episode to work. Ryan’s lost his mother and his father is absentee. One of his parents could’ve been there in the mirror world, which would thematically tie him more strongly to Hanne and would still achieve the bonding moment between him and Graham needed by the end. I’ll get to Grace’s tie to the finale in a second, but first, the other Major Fridging Incident - the Kerblam episode. This was perhaps the most textbook case of fridging I have ever seen, but what made it exponentially worse is that the Doctor herself handwaved it (again, blaming the writing here, not Jodie). “The system,” which has been keeping track of Charlie the maintenance guy’s foul plans and called the Doctor for help, killed Kira to prove a point. It knew her - it knew she had only ever received one present in her whole life and used that to manipulate her, to lure her to her death just to make Charlie watch. And the Doctor praises the system. The Doctor tells Charlie “this is how you’ll make all those families feel” if he goes through with his plan. She tells him to “learn from this feeling” and stop. She says the system is clever, that it’s been trying to stop him, that it knew all along - but Kira is still dead. Kira was a person, and the Doctor should have been angry that she died. The Doctor should have been angry that the system killed her just to prove a point - and Charlie wasn’t even convinced! And at the end, no one mourns Kira. They travel to give the news to Yaz’ friend’s family, but no one gives Kira, or her death, another thought. They stopped Charlie, yes, but they should’ve stopped the system, too. It should never have been allowed to kill someone. And then finally, the finale. Where the Doctor continues to only dip her toe into anger once in a while, when she should be well and truly furious. Tim Shaw has stolen people, he’s stolen whole planets, and he’s about to steal Earth - the planet that the Doctor has put under their protection for decades and lifetimes and many, many faces. But also, the Doctor has killed, many times in the past. The important distinction is that they try very hard not to. They always offer the villain a choice. They say “I can’t let you do this. Walk away now. You can still walk away. But if you keep going, I will stop you.” Instead, Graham gets a lecture on how he’ll be no better than Tim Shaw if he kills him for killing Grace. There was an opportunity for a throughline here that was missed in favor of killing off a woman of color character. When Tim Shaw is introduced in the first episode, he says he and his people have been hunting victims for centuries, I believe, and those victims are kept in stasis pods forever. And the Doctor barely bats an eye. She doesn’t promise to rescue them. She doesn’t promise to put an end to that practice. She just carries on, and Grace dies, and eventually Graham and Ryan face Tim Shaw but don’t kill him. Instead, what she should have said as she pushed him through that portal, was that he should warn his people, that the Doctor was coming for them, that she was going to save each and every one of those people and bring them home. Because that’s what the Doctor does - they protect people. They stop harm from being done. They get angry when people do harm, and they stop them. We could have spent the whole season wondering off and on about where those people were, how to find them, how to rescue them. And then, instead of Grace dying and the Doctor telling Graham not to take vengeance, and Ryan telling Graham to be the bigger man, the argument could be about how to take down evil. Graham could want to go in guns blazing from the start, and the Doctor could say “no, we have to try and stop him another way first” because that is what the Doctor does. The Doctor tries to be peaceful, to always, always find another way, until there is no other way left. Granted, in 2018 — the year of people saying with a straight face “hitting Nazis makes you just as bad as them” — I am a bit wary of the argument that stopping evil makes you evil too. There was a better way to handle that. Putting him in his own stasis pod is a fitting end, yes, but Grace didn’t need to die to put him there. Grace didn’t have to die at all. And if the writers had thought a little further outside the box, they could have saved her.
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shanemuhdej · 6 years
answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people
tagged by: @mandej and @thankwheezus
1. drink - this caramel frappe that’s bomb af
2. phone call - i called the animal hospital yesterday to set up an appointment for my kitty to have her free physical !? yeah
4. song you listened to - i’m actually listening to light by sleeping at last right now
5. time you cried - uhhhh... probably a couple weeks ago idk
6. dated someone twice? - kinda? but not really? lol
7. kissed someone and regretted it - yeah
8. been cheated on - yeah
9. lost someone special - yeah
10. been depressed - all day e’ry day
11. gotten drunk and thrown up - yep
fave colours:
12. purple
13. red
14. turquoise 
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends - i have
16. fallen out of love - yep
17. laughed until you cried - yeah
18. found out someone was talking about you - nah? i don’t know enough people irl for that lmao
19. met someone who changed you - nope
20. found out who your friends are - yah
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - ha! i don’t have facebook! ;-)
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - none bc i don’t have one
23. do you have any pets - i have one (1) kitten named shuri and i live with two boxers, charlie and paisley
24. do you want to change your name - yeah. i’d probably change it to emmett if i could
25. what did you do for your last birthday - nothing fun lol
26. what time did you wake up today - 6:26
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - snoozing, probs
28. what is something you can’t wait for - comic con in less than a month! i get to meet dAVID TENNANT OKAY
29. when was the last time you saw your mom - like an hour ago lmao i live w/ her
30. what are you listening to right now - human by rag’n’bone man
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - unfortunately
32. something that’s getting on your nerves - people
33. most visited website - tumblr and probably youtube
34. hair colour - brown/auburn. i’m considering coloring it tho
35. long or short hair - short. i need to get it cut again too djalkdj
36. do you have a crush on someone - nah, i don’t think so
37. what do you like about yourself - my writing. my writing is what i like about myself.
38. want any piercings? - nope. i got my ears pierced last year and it got infected so i said fuck that and back to having nothing
39. blood type - uhhhh... no idea lmao
40. nicknames - scout, scoot, uhhhh, idk. that’s about it ig
41. relationship status - single as a motha’ fuckin’ pringle
42. zodiac - pisces
43. pronouns - he/him, they/them, she/her idk, i’m in a weird place right now
44. fave tv shows - nbc’s hannibal and doctor who are the top two tv shows i could watch over and over and never get tired of
45. tattoos - i currently have 7!
46. right or left handed - right
47. ever had surgery - i’ve had one surgery, a c-section
48. piercings - none
49. sport - ew, no
50. vacation - idk ?? what is this even asking lmao i wanna go to scotland, which i’ve already established, and to go camping w/ my best friend, also do our roadtrip which is being postponed for next summer siiiigh
51. trainers - i have some converse 
more general:
52. eating - nada
53. drinking - my caramel frappe and also mountain dew: baja blast
54. i’m about to watch - nada
55. waiting for - right this moment? nothing
56. want - to run away and never come back
57. get married - nahhh, fuck that. 
58. career - i’m gonna be an author and a publisher! 8|
which is better:
59. hugs or kisses - hugs
60. lips or eyes - eyes
61. shorter or taller - taller, cause like . . . i don’t think i could date someone shorter than me. i’m already fucking tiny
62. older or younger - older, definitely
63. nice arms or stomach - arms, probs
64. hookup or relationship - neither lmao
65. troublemaker or hesitant - depends. both?
have you ever:
66. kissed a stranger - nahh
67. drank hard liquor - heck yeah
68. lost glasses - nah
69. turned someone down - yep
70. sex on first date - nah
71. broken someones heart - probably but w/e
72. had your heart broken - i mean, relationship wise? not really. friendship wise? yes
73. been arrested - almost
74. cried when someone died - yeah, of course
75. fallen for a friend - uhhhh, unfortunately
do you believe in:
76. yourself - sometimes
77. miracles - sometimes
78. love at first sight - not really
79. santa claus - i mean, he WAS a real person at one point so? i guess?
80. kiss on a first date - these days? no, fuck that. we gotta go on three dates to even get me to hold ur hand
81. angels - idk, possibly? i’m not opposed to it. PROVE TO ME UR REAL
82. best friend’s name - siera
83. eye colour - brown, sometimes light, and sometimes black
84. fave movie - i have too many, but i would probably have to say the death cure and also love,simon. 
85. fave actor - i have so many to list here. but i’ll do three: chris evans, james mcavoy, and shelley hennig
i’m tagging (mutuals): nobody because i’m too lazy sorry if you see this and wanna do it, go for it lmao
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I’ve been tagged by the talented @old-long-john. Thank you dear!
Rules: answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to know better/catch up with!
Three ships: Athos/Porthos/Aramis, Silverflint, Brienne/Jaime.
Last song: Death and the Maiden, Schubert. Does that count as a song? Why do they never ask “last string quartet” ?? And I’ve been listening to Jakub Orlinsky a lot recently. The man CAN sing Vivaldi and is rather easy on the eye... Jakub Orlinsky is self care.
Last movie: I’ve just rewatched Walking Invisible. Still deeply satisfying. And I downloaded Parasites, finally!
Currently watching: I’ve been rewatching Game of Thrones. I’m a bit lost these days. I need a new fandom, something strong, but nothing sticks.
Currently reading: Game of Thrones, une métaphysique des meurtres by Marianne Chaillan. It’s been written by a French philosopher and teacher using Game of Thrones to teach important philosophical notions to her classroom. It’s entertaining and it forces my lazy brain to exercise a bit. Also, I bought The Tennant of Wildfell Hall! In this cute Penguin English Library edition. I couldn’t really afford a new book but... I needed a new friend. Anne Bronte will accompany me to the park this next month. Can’t wait to meet her.
Currently craving: that gluten free, milk free low sugar cake i make every week. No one in this entire world likes it but me. Apparently I now crave what is good for me. Huh.
Tagging: @favouritealias, @elimaryholmes, if you feel like doing it.
0 notes
popculturebuffet · 4 years
Ducktales Reviews: The Forbidden Fountain of the Foreverglades!
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Here I am a day late and 7 dollars short.. because I just bought the lost boys. Scrooge and the kids find themselves in America’s own personal circle of hell Florida to track down the fountain of youth. But with Goldie arriving for the same reason and swiping Finch’s diary, Scrooge and Webby are forced to take off without the boys in persuit while the boys enjoy themselves.. well Louie does, Dewey and Huey fight over whose the older sibling. Meanwhile Scoldie find themsleves magically younger, Webby finds herself crotchety and Rockerduck finds all of them in his quest to get the fountain for himself and be carried around like a baby like Jeeves. Full review with spoilers bellow. 
Yes this is a day late, as I had to stop writing yesterday to do other stuff and to help stablize mom’s internet while she worked, and then had a full day with my best friend watching the bizzare but enjoyable double feature of Hubie Halloween and Tales from the Hood. But i’m back and with a LOT of other reviews to get to this week, two more for regular coverage, a review I didn’t finish sunday due to being really tired, and some reviews in time for next week’s episode, no more time for a big intro. Let’s go. Thankfully did get some of this done yesterday soooo...
It's spring break in Duckberg. So while Violet does her vacation research, Lena throws some things into the local ditch and misses webby, Boyd goes on family vacation with his adopted parents, birth creator parent, and Anthony Fremont without the powers thank god, Beakly goes on her annual grannies gone wild vacation, Donald goes on a boat trip with Daisy with his boys crashing, Della tries to party wtih the young people to show she still has it, Launchpad joins her because he is the young people. Fenton works and Penny.. triest to  reign her girlfriend in because it’s Donald’s week off from trying to get the non-beakly adults to be reasonable. It’s her curse now.
In the actual episode Scrooge has taken the niece and nephews to Florida, the land that gods forgot.. yes gods forgot. They all did. Except maybe Loki because the god of chaos and storytelling really can’t ignore his people. Much as he’d like to. Sadly we don’t get Scrooge and the nephews on jetskis outrunning alligators iwth guns also on jetskis.. both anthro gators and regular animal gators, that still have guns mind because florida. And yes that is a recycled script from my failed Calvin and Hobbes spinoff pitch, Calvin and Hobbes: Miami Nights. Hobbes has a serious coke problem. Also Opus from Bloom County is there.. I mean hew as just supposed to be a guest star but the execs loved him and Berke was like “whatever can’t be worse than the Garfield movies throw bill in too”. But obviously coked up gators, tigers and bill the cat are not what you came to see so let’s move on. Though if it is hit me up. I think we’d get along great.
Anyways instead of Cokehead and Hobbes, we get a bunch of partying college kids, which given Scrooge already hates young people, this is indeed his own personal hell.. much like everyone whose not young or old going to florida. But spring break hotels are super cheap so Scrooge’s need to save money outweighed his need to not be surronded by young hot morons blowing off steam. Though Webby being webby points out the blowing off steam part.. which is nice of her but is probably only like.. half of them the other half being young dumb rich people looking to get laid. Which is also the mission statment MTV’s had since 2000. 20 years of not being about music and counting!
Anyways, naturally their here for a quest, with everyone else gone for the above reasons I made up but sound plausible and entertaining, as Finch’s diaries put the fabled fountain of youth here. As does a cheesy video from the lion owner of the result played by Nestor Carbonell. If that name dosen’t ring a carbonbell, which fair enough it iddn’t for me at first either, his voice probably will for disney fans who grew up around the 2000′s like me. It’s Senior Junior! From kim possible.  
The Late Great Ricardo Montalbon, who I dearly miss to this day,with Nestor as his son, Senior Senior Senior and Senior Senior Junior, which are great names already. Their easily my favorite Kim Possible Villains (Yes I still love Drakken and Shego now hush), and it’s in part because the concept is brilliant: Senior was just a rich man accidently taking all the power in France. Kim showed up to stop him and Ron, her best friend sidekick and later boyfriend and presumably now husband, casually mentioned Senior’s home was the perfect villain lair, and that Senior had the talent for it. Senior took that to heart and spent the rest of the series trying to be the best classical arch villain he could be, trying to adhere to the tropes of one warts and all while his son just wanted to loung around and be young and rich. It was a great dynamic and the two really played off one another beautifully. Hopefully if there’s another reboot nestor can pick up where Montalbon left off with some new hot idiot as his own son. Even if it’s just for the intro you have to admit it’d be great.
So yeah I was happy to have him on board once I realzied this, More on him later I keep getting sidetracked this review and we’re, no joke not even past the intro. But Scrooge needs ice for his back, so the boys have the afternoon off while Webby helps him, because she’s a sweetheart, and Huey’s in charge because oldest.
Thus we get their subplot for the episode.. or most of it but more on that in a bit: Dewey is annoyed Huey is ALWAYS in charge and always overscheduling, case in point he has an afternoon schedule down pat MOMENTS after they arrive. However given Huey later did his research and has a super analytical and regimented mind, it isn’t a stretch to say he spent their time on the plane planning out things just in case. or that he always doesn’t do that when they have to stay overnight. But what makes it work is Dewey’s frustration is understandable. Despite being barely younger he never gets put in charge, Huey while a good kid can be bossy as we’ve seen as early as season one and has even been condescending with it once or twice. So as a younger brother myself I understand chafing under an older brother all the time.
However, Huey being in charge.. makes the most sense. Scrooge , and i’m HEAVILY betting Donald on the boat to present day and every other adult, uses the oldest excuse as something the kids will follow easily without starting a fight over the simple truth that Huey’s the most responsible and organized out of the three. And by that I mean Dewey fighting over it or being hurt at his mom saying it , Louie would probably be hurt but would probably be fine just fine with having no responsibility or effort to put in. Huey makes plans, looks after his siblings even when not in charge, and thinks things through the most of his three brothers. Sometimes overly so, which I can relate to, but point is he’s the best boy for the job, though I could also easily buy that at least for Scrooge, he genuinely buys into oldest is in charge because he was raised that way. Also this episode didn’t explain how he’s immortal but I’m betting “Battle for Castle McDuck” does so no harm done.
Back on point, Dewey is governed almost entirely by his impulses, which does work sometimes as seen with the season premiere, but has also lead to him nearly being sacrificed 74 times, while Louie can lead, he just doesn’t wanna half the time and would likely weasel out of it. And the episode bears this out with Louie being more bothered with the power struggle interfering in his being lazy time and generally being outside it. He just doesn’t care whose in charge unless it benefits him in some way and right now it doesn’t.
I’ll go ahead and cover this plot since, surprisingly, it ends up dovetailing into the main plot, and it’s easier to get it out of the wya here and cover where they start to overlap when the main plot catches up. So Huey leads them around starting with Lounging which goes well: Louie’s naturally on board and while well bored, Dewey sleeps when he can’t just impulsively jump into he pool.
The tide turns however when after his short dip, Dewey seemingly has a growth spurt and is taller and thus takes overa s big brother and forces them to go ahead and lunch.. which runs into both the old people and the old people menu. It backs up what I thought from the start: huey likely knows what he’s doing, which he does; Obviously in Florida old people eat earlier, so Huey’s scheduling wasn’t just his normal OCD flaring up, but using it to strategically plan when to have fun so they could in a packed resort. It also shows how clever Huey is, as even for something so mundane he plans perfectly. He’s my faviorite for a reason.
Huey eventually gets fed up with it and plays Dewey, but Louie, suspcious of the head of the hotel, instead starts piecing things together... and i’ll save that reveal for when it ducktails into the main plot..l because I couldn’t resist that pun and you know it. Not a bad plot, mildly slight but it sets up it’s connection to the main plot well and has a good conlict.  Moving onto the real meat of the episode, turns out the race.. isn’t that much of a race as Webby outspeeds both Scrooge and Goldie, who bicker over a canteen and their long history of her betraying him and him betraying her for betraying him etc etc. Webby is delighful here as she’s both understandably awkward playing third whell and not at all fond of Goldie which.. yeah you would be too if she locked you in a closet. It’s nice to see the two interact if not by much.  However things soon change when Scrooge and Goldie seemingly get tranformed by the river into younger 18-20 something versions of themselves. Admitley Tennant’s voice for younger scrooge is.. eh, but he still does well enough that you soon stop carring. The designs are great.. and damn if young scrooge isn’t delcious. Seriously it’s only thorugh the magic of network standards that Jodeci’s freak n you isn’t playing over half his scenes. Damn. Him around this age in the comics just looked sorta like donald with sideburns god damn Frank thank you. 
Speaking of thirst with their hormones in place it’s naturally not long before the twos old spark that was smothered under decades of betryal comes roaring back, and the two even almost make out before Webby interputs, getting increasingly injured by the everglades.. as most people do by florida itself really. It won’t let you leave in one piece.  
But things get interesting when Goldie makes a proposal.. ditch Webby for a bit and go find the fountain. As Goldie brilliantly puts it youth’s wasted on the young.. but not them. This is a second chance. While I heard people comment on “why is scrooge’s age suddenly affecting him now”... honestly it really probably isn’t. While he’s likely been old for some time, we’ve seen his back hurt him once or twice, just faking being hunched hurt him. And while it is played up a bit much in this episode, it’s perfectly realistic that his body has good and bad days. My mother does, I do, most people do as they get older. The parts of you that ache and don’t work right tend to wax and wayne in how much they hate you. 
TO me it works to sell why this is tempting for Scrooge: A chance to start over, not abandon his family obviously, and given how much nonsense is around his life and how old he is, it’s not a stretch for duckberg to accept he’s younger than his own son and daughter now. Scrooge can buy or earn anything he wants and really is the man who has everything: He has a loving family, a repaired relationship with Donald, Della back after loosing her, a nice and nephews to carry on his legacy, tons of friends, a thriving empire, and tons of mysteries to track down, including recently ones his own idol never could find. He has everything he could want and tons more adventures to go: Bold New Discoveries, old ones to show his grandkids for the first time,  and a cozy mansion. There’s really only two things missing: more time, as even with him and goldie having worked hard magically to stay alive as long as they have, as while they’ve found ways to stay alive, they haven’t been able to stay YOUNG. Sure they’ve added years and years, hell 60′s scrooge only looks somewhat older despite decades having passed, but while they can probably go on for a few more decades, there’s only so much they can do before their time runs out. And the other thing missing from his life quite obviously is goldie. The two clearly love one another.. but scrooge very justifably can’t trust her and can’t have her in his life until she tries to change, and she dosen’t want to.  This.. offers a chance to turn back all of that, to cast aside their bitter history and start over as better people than they were before. Scrooge can have time with his family, time he would likely loose eventually to see THEM grow old. Raise their own families he might not get to see. To see those kids grow up and take on their own parents legacy. And to share it all WITH Goldie. TO have her in his family at long last. Sure he’s leaving Webby behind but he’ll come back and as we see she’s fine if understandably upset. Granted I think they could’ve done more with her leaving her, but the sheer brilliance of this plot I didn’t see coming, the sheer pathos of Scrooge’s second chance makes up for it.  They find the fountain.. but it’s dried up and unconnected to the river. They also find Rockerduck, out of the amber with his frakenstein butler whose clearly now just a mindless monster. which means whoever did his work really did it shoddy as even frakenstein had some intellegence. He’s also being carried around like a baby which I enjoy throughly. Rockerduck does not look plesant, and i’m happy to have him back as I was upset this character only got adapted for seemingly one episode and was pleased to see him with fowl.  They also find a good angle for him: Beisdes the old timey rober baron thing, and looking like Rene Belloq.. he even gets to do the nothing you can’t posses that I can’t take away line which is great and Hodgman is amazing as ever. But yeah besides that, he also gets his comic versions tendency to throw money around and do none of the work himself. The throw money around thing while neat in the comics did need to be reframed, as Glomgold now does it, and so does beaks. But with Rockerduck they found a  nice medium for the two: like both he’ll spend massive amounts of dough. Like Glomgold he likes a good scheme, but dosen’t go to the sheer lunatic lenghts Glommy does: His schemes are more practical, stealing a deed from some unsuspecting trusting townsfolk, or finding some youth water to shore up his plan to freeze himself by getting his apperance back. While no longer young like Beaks, he shares beaks laziness and again tendency to spend money..  but still contrasts the guy: Rockerduck is ambitious in his cons and plans, Beaks is not. Rockerduck has money already to tap into, Beaks is new money and clearly burns through it on a daily basis. The show brillinatly kept what made the mallard a great villian, while reframing what no longer worked.  But yeah Scrooge realizes that if the river didn’t help them what did, and now it’s time to get back to Louie: Whose figured out that Ponce De Leon, mentioned earlier, and the hotel manager are one in the same! Also props for making Ponce an actual lion. Nicely done. Yeah turns out Ponce diverted the water from the fountain to the resot: The tap water there is actually the restorative water, with Scrooge having filled his canteen with it without realizing. As for the old people turns out the fountain runs on equilvent exchange: Some of it’s waters drain youth to create the youth creating part of it. As such the seniors.. are actually the spring breakers, drained of youth and too senile to fight back. And Dewey’s sudden growth spurt was just him being in the pool for two seconds draining his youth.  Naturally though Louie made the mistake of blurting this out and the boys get captured by Ponce who explains why the resort scheme: At first he just lured gullible minions on expeditions but eventually that scheme dried up so he simply modernized by building the resort and diverting the fountain to it., having gallons of youth restoring water stocked up. He traps the boys with a pool ring and while I expect more from them I get leaving them out of the climax. While Mildly annoying.. this really isn’t their story anymore, and the scrooge and Goldie stuff is where to focus. I can let a story slide on some weaknesses if it’s for good reason and really, focusing more on the more engaging main plot with Scrooge and Goldie was the right call. That said the nephews could’ve fought Jeeves or something but i’m getting ahead of myself. This twist is utterly and a great surprise. No notes. 
Back at the fountain having realized what’s going on now, if not the youth sucking part just yet, Scrooge and Goldie race back with Rockerduck and Jeeves in persuit.  Scrooge and Goldie arrive to find De Leon, revealing their on to them if being confused for springbreakers. But once he realizes what’s going on De Leon.. actually offers to cut them in. After all while it means sharing his water as shown the man has gallons of it, and even off spring break likely still has no shortage of young idiots to drain because it’s Florida and he runs a cheap hotel with a pool. But while Goldie’s naturally tempted.. Scrooge isn’t. He’s fine with a second chance.. but not at the cost of other people’s first ones. Sure they might waste it.. but it’s not his life to steal. Naturally a swordfight insues while Goldie darts off to find the water and Scrooge finds himself fighting both De Leon and Jeeves, as Rockerduck cheerfully admits he has ZERO issues with stealing other people’s youth and while he and De Leon don’t formally partner up, it’s not a stretch to say De Leon would be happy with a rich billionare joining in his operation providing both fincial backing.. and possible room to expand and steal MORE youth. 
But before Goldie can run away with the water she finds the boys.. and in a nice callback her previous bond with Louie gets her to crack.. and she realizes she can’t just run out on scrooge again and repeat their history. So she frees the boys,k who are a bit dazed to help, and shoves the bit of water she got down jeeves throat. Though Rockerduck still got some, so he’s back to peak shape, if now having to carry around a baby frakenstien. He exits, and I loved him in this one clearly, even if i’m STILL annoyed it’s taking till next week for FOWL to do much of anything. I mean it’s obvious FOWL told him about the fountain but still, while they’ve set up the members well for the second half, we still haven’t seen much of the actual orignization and it’s grating. But again the rest of the episode is good enough that it swoops over this. This episoide has some minor flaws.. but the core story, big twist and everything is so good and the upcoming climax so emotional, it’s easy enough to forgive. 
So speaking of that climax we get one hell of a swordfight with Scrooge and Goldie versus Ponce before Ponce ends up in the pool as he deserves but is determined to take Scrooge with him. So we get Goldie’s moment of truth: She could leave scrooge the drown, go about her day and take the water for herself.. or decide it’s not too late.. that even with her clean slate gone.. she can still change and still have a future with scrooge, stop betraying him for his own gain and start enjoying their time together instead. She makes the obvious choice, diving in in a beautifully shot sequence to save him. Ponce withers to death which is sad, as I really would’ve liked to see him again, but fitting.  With the villian gone it’s time to wrapup loose ends! The ducks hand out the youth water, using up all but a few drops left to restore the spring breakers and hte natural order, Scrooge happy in his decision. Dewey decides to cede being the bigger brother back to Huey , and offers Webby some and in a great gag, she explains she just had a bad day she didn’t get her youth sapped.. though I feel she did in an earlier draft, but a quick pop of her back gets her back to normal. Though having her be an old lady was hilarious and it was nice to have a youth swap plot that didn’t have a roll reversal.  To close things out Scrooge laments Goldie probably ran off again and leanred nothing.. only to be plesantly suprsied when it turns out while she is leaving for more adventure, she didn’t want to say good buy.. and it’s clear she’s changed. While her last apperance showed some cracks forming, while she did take the loot she did go back to save Louie and vice versa, here we see a genuine change. She’s realized, and it feels entirely plausable, that even if she can still scam other people and probably will.. she shoudln’t keep hurting scrogoe like this and her feelings for him outweigh any beinifit from treating him like garbage. Having a clean slate for a moment gave her a persepctive, and even if the slate’s back to full.. it’s not too late to fix things. So she kisses him passionately he happily reciporcates and i’m totally on board. I only didn’t ship this version fo the two because this goldie.. was not a godo person.  Granted I do like her better than the comics version. While Comics Goldie is not BAD persay, she lacks some agency. She’s still cool, what with her shotgun and take no fucks attitude especailly in her youth, her just.. waiting for scrooge instead of getting after him feels.. weird to me. Sure the man’s stubborn but it didn’t fit her personality to just wait for it. Here there’s a valid reason they aren’t together despite a clear attraction: Goldie is out for herself. She’s the catwoman to his batman, which was a good metaphor really: Scrooge too is a grumpy guy who fights evil and has traveld the globe and has a massive extended family includling children he teaches to fight crime and his own adult children and is richer than god. But more than that Goldie is selfish, untrustworthly and loved money more than Scrooge.. here.. she realizes while she’ll likely still be stealing shit, because hey it’s her calling, she loves him more than doing crimes and that it’s not a clean slate they needed. .it was abetter her. I didn’t support them because frankly she wasn’t in a good place for an actual relationship. Now she is, he is and it’s sweet to see. A good note to end the episode
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Final Thoughts:  This ep was a bit uneven in places, not knowing what to do with the kids at times but as i’ve made clear i’ts excellent with the scrooge and goldie core really working well and Janney and Tennant bringing their absolute best to this one. Easily one of the season’s best. Not much more to say. If you liked this tune in each week for more ducktales coverage, and I intend once the hiatus begins to try and do one episode a week still to catch up as hopefully this isn’t the last season it might very well be. Next week Darkwing owns the night! I had planned a full darkweek.. but my busy monday and some other stuff got away from me. Still I have two darkwing themed reviews planned: Drake’s introdcution in the reboot with “Duck Knight Returns!” and the very first darkwing episode, chronlogically anyway, “Darkly Dawns the Duck.” Until next week, Let’s Get Dangerous!
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beefstew252 · 7 years
i was tagged by @davidbowie69​ to do this time- consuming tageroony
(answer 92 questions and tag 20 ppl)
the last
1. drink: water cuz im basic
2. phone call: mi amiga ella
3. text message: “ehehhehehehehehhe with like a million laughy face emojis cuz im too awkward to live”
4. song you listened to: telephone line by ELO
5. time you cried: probs last night when i cried myself to sleep or yesterday when i watched life and was too scared so i leaked from my seeing crevices
have you
6. dated someone twice: never even been on a date whoops im a loooser
7. kissed someone and regretted it: lhehehehehe my mommy
8. been cheated on: friend wise- yes but not like in relationships lol im not kewl
9. lost someone special: mhmhmhmhm i move everyday and am unlovable soo not a good combo
10. been depressed: lol yup yup yup everyday but i cover it with smiley face stickers and sprinkles
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: mayyybbeeee when i accidently drank a bunk of mikes hard lemonade hehehhhhehehe
list 3 favorite colors
12. yellow
13. mintish green
14. sky blue
in the last year you have…
15. made new friends: @davidbowie69​ i love my mommm 
16. fallen out of love: nope im always in love with everyone ever
17. laughed until you cried: EVERYDAY im a giggly person tbh
18. found out someone was talking about you: not really but i constantly feel like my friends talk about how horrible i am sooooo same difference 
19. met someone who changed you: everyone i meet tbh <3333333
20. found out who your friends are: i think maybe if they actually love me as much as i love themmmmm <333
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: what even is face book tbh
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: girl i dont understand this booking faceeeee
23. do you have any pets: my dear pet rock mildred and her associate mr pebbleton (but i wanna doggo so badddd)
24. do you want to change your name: nah m8 sofia is fineeee af i think
25. what did you do for your last birthday: 4 days agooo hmmm i slept in and had avocado toast like a true millennial and went to the grocery store with my mom lol and then went to my fav place in the world an art store then had cake and watched life which was horrifying twas pretty fun
26. what time did you wake up: 10ish but usually like afternoonish whoops
27. what were you doing last night at midnight: i was watching the OA which was actually amazin tbh
28. name something you can’t wait for: WINNING THE PRESIDENCY WITH MY VICE PRES KANYE IN 2020 HONESTLYYYY
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: just now when she told me to do the laundry
30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: i wish i had stayed in one place and had real, true friendships
31. what are you listening to right now: build me up buttercup- the foundations
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: no not really???
33. something that is getting on your nerves: constantly thinkin im not good enough and some “people” i know heh
34. most visited website: tumblr, netflix and gmail tbh
lost questions. i just put in random info about me
wow op was a little bitch--- keepin this in thx ellie
35. moles: yes but theyre outside and probably have rabies and are blind af and no longer are in my backyard---- jkjk yea i do tho
36. marks: everywhere on my ugly af self
37. childhood dream: i wanted to be a squirrel when i grew up sooo
38. hair color: dark brown
39. long or short hair: short shoulder lengthish??
40. do you have a crush on someone: yeah everyone i meet ever 
41. what do you like about yourself: my curly af hair and strangely large energy reserves (gracias mitochondria)
42. piercings: ear piercins
43. blood type: idk man but i hope its the kind from that episode of doctor who with the aliens and they controlled u with blood or somethin and david tennant lost an arm it was wild
44. nickname: sofie, sofie dofie, didi, olaf, mr. f@#*ing compassion, slink, softpants once again, sof fresh, coneybear? leaf?, ronnie, macaronnie, charlie kelly tbh
45. relationship status: hahahahahahahahahahaha
46. zodiac: cancer, (yes i know im a crabb dont make funna me)
47. pronouns: she/her also ultimate supreme ruler of 7M tbh
48. favorite tv show: stranger things, its always sunny in philadelphia, parks and rec, the office, tbh the new show i just binged yesterday called the OA, friends, etcetcetc
49. tattoos: nope i have a very low pain tolerance
50. right or left hand: right im bland af
51. surgery: yea my poor eye lol ive had like 3 on that one alone whwhwhw
52. hair dyed different color: no id look like a uglier potato
53. sport: competitive cloud watching
54. *GASP* there is no spoon…there is no question 54…………………….  ………………………..hey remember those wayside school books because i sure do------ also keepin this im unoriginal and still dont understand tags lol
55. vacation: the moon
56. pair of trainers: white superstar adidas or grossly dirty “white” converse cuz im basic once again
plus generales
57. eating: i just ate strawberries and a grilled cheese sandwich sooo
58. drinking: w a t e r ---stay hydrated mis amigos
59. i’m about to: host the most lit party in the world tbh (mario kart and pizza binches)
60. *bo burnham voice in my head, for some reason* it’s not real. time is an illusion.------ im lazy do u see a trend????!?
61. waiting for: my next trip to the northeast cuz i miss it
62. want: a real friend tbh.        also *dr evil voice* 1 MILLion DOllaRs
63. get married: yup and i agree with the bae on “why couldn’t this have been question 64 because when i’m sixty four by the beatles is also the best song ever sooooo”
64. career: eww the future i h8 probs an astronaut so i can fly into the void
which is better
65. hugs or kisses: AWW ILL TAKE ANYTHIN
66. lips or eyes: eyes who even looks at lips eww theyre like chapped and stuff
67. shorter or taller: short lil bean or tall beans everyone is valid
68. older or younger: all the ages?
69. yOU hAVe GOt To bE KiDdINg ME wHY is 69 SKipPeD--- gracias por las cosas
70. nice arms or nice stomach: eww nice personality honestly
71. sensitive or loud: sensitive like me hehehehhee
72. hook up or relationship: relationshippppp<3 if any soul could stand me for longer than a day
73. troublemaker or hesitant: ??????? i like robbie rotton
have you ever…
don’t we need tequila  apple juice for this part
74. kissed a stranger: no but today i made a snarky comment quietly about a kid who was smoothie drinkin and bikin and we made solid eye contact for like 30 secs sooo same difference
75. drank hard liquor: i licked vodka once it was gross and i almost threw up
76. lost glasses/contact lenses: jason sat on and broke my glasses once so same thing
77. turned someone down: yeah the monster livin in my drawer tried to take me to the movies once and i was like BOI UR A MONSTER LIVIN IN MY ROOM COME ON
78. sex on the first date:   eWWWWWEWWewewewewwwwew
79. broken someone’s heart: hah no one has ever liked me in the history of the human race sooo
80. had your heart broken: everyday
81. been arrested: im what the police call “an angel”
82. cried when someone died: every time my fav character died or any other time im an emotional lil bean honestly
83. fallen for a friend: yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhehehehhehe
do you believe in…
84. yourself: eww no i suck
85. miracles: one time someone said i was pretty 
86. love at first sight: yes i’m certain that it happens all the time STEALIN IT ELLIE SOZ NOT SOZ
87. santa claus: yes yes yes 
88. kiss on the first date: mmmmmmmmmidkman
89. angels: me
man, op really ran outta ideas here
90. current best friend’s name: none of my “best friends” think im their best friend too soooo no im a lonely person but if i had to say somethin itd be russell crow(e?) as javert tbh
91. eye color: poop brown
92: favorite movie: all of them but also good will hunting, cinema paridiso, life is beautiful, dead poets society, breakfast club, 16 candles the list goes ONNNNN man
well, it’s been real
i tag vlad putin and jeff
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