#Terra Ultima
dukesnukes · 4 months
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nuclearnerves · 2 months
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rhythmmortis · 22 days
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lem-argentum · 1 year
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leparoledelmondo · 1 year
Global warming
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C’era un signore di nome Svante Arrhennius che per primo calcolò, alla fine del XIX secolo, che un aumento del diossido di carbonio nell’atmosfera avrebbe potuto causare il riscaldamento del globo terrestre. Era convito che il riscaldamento fosse un bene, e che ci sarebbero voluti secoli perché il volume di CO2 aumentasse del 50%. Ci abbiamo messo meno di cent’anni ma nella sostanza le sue conclusioni erano corrette. Già nell’estate del 2019 sono state rilevate temperature record ovunque nel mondo. Prima il timore era che i giacimenti di idrocarburi si esaurissero; adesso le ricerche dimostrano che se li consumeremo tutti brucerà il mondo intero, perché più emissioni di CO2 produciamo, più probabilità ci sono di arrivare al punto di non ritorno, cioè quel momento in cui si innescheranno dei processi che il genere umano non riuscirà a gestire.
I giovani oggi chiedono che tra le materie di studio siano contemplate le sfide alle quali l’umanità dovrà rispondere, che le nazioni di tutto il mondo rispondano al grido d’allarme lanciato dalla comunità scientifica. Beh, ascoltiamoli anziché criminalizzarli come fa l’attuale governo.
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ultimaedizione · 1 year
Anche a Pasqua riproposti i problemi dei cristiani in Terra Santa
Anche in occasione della Pasqua ortodossa, i cristiani hanno riempito la Chiesa del Santo Sepolcro che si trova nella Gerusalemme Est occupata dagli israeliani. Non sono mancate le tensioni con la polizia israeliana. Per il secondo anno di fila le autorità hanno imposto una riduzione delle presenze dei fedeli per ragioni di sicurezza a poco più di un migliaio di fedeli a fronte della media di…
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newnoticiasjk · 2 years
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Just remembered my Kefka obsessed era…
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I felt like sharing my collection of Latin phrases that may make good fanfic or fanart titles or inspiration. Some of the translations may be off, so you might want to double-check them before use. Also, I used capitalization liberally so you might also want to check where capitalization is actually indicated.
Ab Intra (From Within)
Acta Est Fabula (The play has been performed)
Acta Sancti ___ (The Deeds of Saint ___)
Ad Undas (to the waves / to hell)
Advocatus Diaboli (Devil's advocate)
Aegri Somnia (a sick man's dreams / troubled dreams)
Alea Iacta Est (the die has been cast / point of no return)
Apologia Pro Vita Sua (defense of one's life)
Caetera Desunt (the rest is missing)
Cedere Nescio (I know not how to yield)
Damnatio Memoriae (damnation of memory / denying someone ever lived)
De Nobis Fabula Narratur (their story is our story)
Decessit Vita Patris (died before their father)
Diem Perdidi (I have lost the day)
Dies Tenebrosa Sicut Nox (a day as dark as night)
Dolor Hic Tibi Proderit Olim (some day this pain will be useful to you)
Dulce Est Desipere In Loco (It is sweet on occasion to play the fool)
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus (while we live, let us live)
Dux Bellorum (war leader)
Ex Umbra In Solem (from the shadow into the light)
Festina Lente (hurry slowly)
Fortis Cadere, Cedere Non Potest (the brave may fall, but can not yield)
Fui Quod Es, Eris Quod Sum (I once was what you are, you will be what I am)
Graviora Manent (heavier things remain / the worst is yet to come)
Haec Olim Meminisse Iuvabit (one day, this will be pleasing to remember)
Hic Mortui Vivunt (here the dead speak)
Hinc Illae Lacrimae (hence those tears)
Hodie Mihi, Cras Tibi (Today it's me, tomorrow it will be you - of death)
In Ictu Oculi (in the blink of an eye)
In Somnis Veritas (in dreams there is truth)
Inter Spem Et Metum (between hope and fear)
Lapsus Memoriae (slip of memory)
Luctor, Non Mergor (I struggle, but am not overwhelmed)
Lux Ex Tenebris (light from darkness)
Media Vita In Morte Sumus (In the midst of our lives we die)
Memento Mori (remember that you will die)
Memento Vivere (remember to live)
Morior Invictus (I die unvanquished / death before defeat)
Mundus Senescit (the world grows old)
Nemini Parco (I spare no one - death)
Nitimur In Vetitum (we strive for the forbidden)
Non Ducor, Duco (I am not led; I lead)
Non Omnis Moriar (I shall not all die / part of me will survive beyond death)
Nunc Scio Quid Sit Amor (now I know what love is)
Oderint Dum Metuant (let them hate, so long as they fear)
Omnia Mutantur (everything changes)
Onus Probandi (burden of proof)
Opera Posthuma (posthumous works)
Ophidia In Herba (a snake in the grass)
Pax Aeterna (eternal peace - a common epitaph)
Primum Non Nocere (first do no harm)
Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus (we are dust and shadow)
Quis Leget Haec? (who will read this?)
Quod Periit, Periit (what Is gone is gone)
Res, Non Verba (deeds, not words)
Respice Finem (consider the end)
Scientia Et Sapientia (knowledge and wisdom)
Seculo Seculorum (forever and ever)
Sed Terrae Graviora Manent (but on earth, worse things await)
Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum (if you want peace, prepare for war)
Sic Infit (so it begins)
Sic Vita Est (such is life)
Silentium Est Aureum (silence is golden)
Sine Nomine (without a name / author unknown)
Sola Dosis Facit Venemum (the dose makes the poison)
Solvitur Ambulando (it is solved by walking / simple tests find solutions)
Stamus Contra Malum (we stand against evil)
Succisa Virescit (cut down, we grow back stronger)
Sum Quod Eris (I am what you will be - of death)
Summum Bonum (the supreme good)
Summum Malum (the supreme evil)
Sunt Lacrimae Rerum (there are tears for things)
Sunt Omnes Unum (they are all one)
Tabula Rasa (blank slate)
Transire Benefaciendo (to travel along while doing good)
Tu Fui Ego Eris (I was you; you will be me - of death)
Ubi Amor, Ibi Dolor (where there is love, there is pain)
Ultima Forsan (perhaps the last / sundial quote "perhaps your last hour")
Usque Ad Finem (until the end / fight to the death)
Vacate Et Scire (Be still and know)
Vi Et Animo (with heart and soul)
Victoria Aut Mors (victory or death)
Vincit Qui Patitur (he conquers who endures)
Vita Ante Acta (a life done before - of reincarnation)
Vivere Militare Est (to live is to fight)
Vox Clamantis In Deserto (the voice of one crying in the wilderness)
There are also some longer ones that may not make good titles because of their length, but are still worth inclusion:
Aut Simul Stabunt Aut Simul Cadent (they will either stand together or fall together)
Flectere Si Nequeo Superos, Acheronta Movebo (if I can not reach Heaven I will raise Hell)
Forsan Et Haec Olim Meminisse Iuvabit (perhaps even these things will be good to remember one day)
Igitur Qui Desiderat Pacem, Praeparet Bellum (therefore whoever desires peace, let him prepare for war)
In Regione Caecorum Rex Est Luscus (in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king)
Minus Malum Toleratur Ut Maius Tollat (choose the lesser evil so a greater evil may be averted)
Quem Deus Vult Perdere, Dementat Prius (whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad)
Ubi Sunt, Qui Ante Nos Fuerunt? (Where are they, those who have gone before us?)
Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit (that which virtue unites, let not death separate)
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falcemartello · 8 months
La previsione scientifica è una affermazione che va sempre verificata sperimentalmente.
La profezia è un oroscopo che nessuno verifica il giorno dopo.
Gli allarmisti climatici fanno solo profezie e contano che nessuno si ricordi di verificarle.
Perché sono sempre false.
Lo scopo di questa profezia, infatti, non è la preconizzazione della realtà, ma è il coinvolgimento in una visione mitologica del mondo, in cui l'uomo è colpevole della distruzione della Natura.
In questo racconto, la verifica razionale dei fatti non ha spazio.
Ma vediamo come sarebbe il mondo futuro secondo i ragazzi di "Ultima Generazione.
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Questo è come ora in una notte senza nubi.
Notare dove sono le luci di notte...
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Queste torte sono le fonti di energia disponibili in ogni zona del mondo.
I ragazzi vogliono eliminare petrolio e carbone subito
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Ecco l'energia che rimane.
Ma bisogna togliere anche il gas perché produce CO2 e il nucleare perché non è ecologico.
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Ecco l'energia che ci rimane.
C'è qualcuno che storce il naso anche sulle dighe. Se le togliessimo l'energia si ridurrebbe a 6%
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Ora proviamo a vedere come rimane, con questa energia residua, la nostra Terra seguendo i consigli di Ultima Generazione.
Eccola, che ve ne pare?
Sembra che sia il passato, non il futuro.
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nuclearnerves · 3 months
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my contribution for the bad comic day <3 i think everyone should do this
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rodrigo-bueno · 11 days
Tudo ficou pra trás, as lembranças, os sonhos, as lágrimas, os planos, a tristeza e o desânimo.
O Sol continuou surgindo na alvorada, rompendo as trevas, afastando o álgido, trazendo para a luz o que se esgueirava na penumbra.
A vida seguiu, a Terra girou, o tempo passou e vivo, ainda estou.
Então, porquê é que ainda me visita em meus sonhos? Porquê ainda sinto uma lacuna em meu âmago, uma angústia lancinante, que me tira o sono, me afasta do foco, que me faz lembrar e desejar seu sorriso, mais uma vez, uma ultima vez, que me embale no aconchego de sua companhia, que me deixe repousar em eterno, ao som de sua voz, inebriado em seu perfume.
- Rodrigo Bueno
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hollowwhisperings · 1 year
Kingdom Key & Kingdom Hearts: A SoRiku Theory
The Kingdom Hearts series (& its creators) actively emphasizes the ways that its primary protagonist, Sora, is a "normal, ordinary boy". Yet Sora wields the iconic Kingdom Key, the Ultima Keyblade & even a x-blade (as forged by Xehanort): Sora's Story has been that of a Chosen One, even as he fits the archetype of one "Unchosen".
This theory explores the nature of Choice within the KH series, specifically in the context of "Destiny" and prophecies. It employs the "Riku is The Light" & "Necklace" theories, as well as elements of "Sleeping Realm". It also casts Riku as one of those Strange Women in Ponds who Distribute Swords as a Basis of [Galactic World Order].
Sora's story seemingly begins as a Classic Hero's Journey only for such a reading to fall flat when Expectations such as "Getting The Girl" and "Becoming a Keyblade Master" pointedly do not happen.
The driving force of the KH series has always been Riku: Riku wished to see worlds beyond his home, knowing the truth of the KH Multiverse well before proof literally crashlanded in the form of Kairi (a literal shooting star).
It is Riku's Heart that drew the attention of the Worlds at large to the Destiny Islands: the brightness of his light lead Terra, Aqua & Xehanort to meeting Sora in the first place.
Terra chooses Riku as a future Keyblade Master.
Aqua chooses Sora for the sake of preserving Riku's Light, the events of BBS teaching her that the strongest lights cast the longest shadows.
Xehanort chooses Riku as a Dark Vessel, whispering to him & encouraging him to doubt, to mistrust.
It is assumed, by Sora and by Riku, that Riku was also the person responsible for "opening the door" to the Darkness that felled the Destiny Islands. Yet throughout his childhood, each attempt by Riku to open the mysterious door on the play island failed and, when Darkness Falls, it is Kairi who is found at its source (Kairi, who had been expelled from her home by a version of Xehanort & whose heart harboured yet another fragment of the Seeker of Darkness).
Regardless of whether he truly opened the Destiny Islands to Darkness, Riku believed it & through Darkness did he find "freedom" to explore the Worlds Beyond, just as he had always dreamed... except for one, rather significant detail becoming derailed: Sora's presence by Riku's Side.
The two were separated and Sora was almost lost: even with Darkness swallowing Riku whole, the light within his Heart acted in time to save Sora by entrusting to him 'Kingdom Key'. Riku's Keyblade. A physical manifestation of Riku's Heart.
(notably, the "Kingdom Key-D" found by King Mickey was found not too far from the scene where Kingdom Key manifested: it is plausible that this keyblade was also manifested by Riku's Heart, perhaps alongside its 'Light' counterpart - I'd need to check the timeline to see how such a theory holds up)
Kingdom Key was entrusted to Sora, a subconscious act of Riku's Heart that mirrored an earlier act of protection Riku gave to Sora: on the night where Kairi fell to the Destiny Islands, a young Sora felt frightened and a young Riku swore to protect his dearest friend. This oath was sworn in turn sworn by Sora to Riku. They sealed these oaths with tokens they held close: while Sora's charm gifted to Riku remains unknown, Riku entrusted Sora with a crown charm he had had since infancy.
When Riku was 5, Riku entrusted Sora with his Crown. Both boys swore to protect the other.
When Riku was 15, Riku's Heart entrusted itself to Sora in the form of 'Kingdom Key'.
When Riku was ~16, he subconsciously protected Sora by becoming the latter's Dreamel Eater. Within the same timeframe, Riku sacrificed himself entirely to save Sora at the Keyblade Graveyard (an act of sacrifice, an act of True Love).
At every instance where Riku has been at a crossroads, knowingly or not, his Heart has Chosen Sora's: Riku, presumed descendant of Ephemera and a child of the Destiny Islands, has always & continues to choose Sora.
When the pair were reunited in KH2 and confronted the threat of Xemnas, the two fought as one & passed their keyblades between each other intuitively
When the pair existed in parallel realms of Sleep, separated but connected, their heartbeasts joined to form a Waltzing variation of the melody 'Dearly Belove'. They then fought in sync with a Combined Blade, formed from the keyblades "Mirage Split" and "Nightmare's End", acting again as two halves of a whole.
When Riku was to meet his end in the Realm of Darkness, far within the abyss, Sora appeared to him and they once again wielded their Combined Blade. Beast had once reaponded to a 15 year old Riku's questioning of his impossible arrival to Hollow Bastion, where Beast's Beloved Belle was held hostage, that he had "simply believed": belief brought Sora to Riku in the Realm of Darkness, belief brought Sora to the Final World in the wake of Riku's Ultimate Sacrifice.
The premise of Kingdom Key & its counterpart, Kingdom Key-D, being Manifestations of Riku's Heart & indicative of Riku's being the "Child of Destiny" does run into some Logistical Obstacles.
One, if Riku's Keyblade is being wielded by Sora (& Mickey, assuming the two keys were originally one) then whose keyblade is Riku wielding?
Two, how can Riku's Heart manifest multiple keyblades? Posession by Ansem Seeker of Darkness explains 1 of the "extra" keyblades (the key of "all hearts"). The bequeathing ceremony by Terra could explain another. Kingdom Key-D is definitely connected to Kingdom Key yet never specifically associated with Riku, evem being wielded by King Mickey (a stranger to Riku, at that point).
To the first: if Riku's keyblade is being wielded by Sora (& its counterpart by King Mickey), how can Riku wield another keyblade in KH1 even before getting possessed?
There are several immediate & varyingly plausible explanations: Riku's nature as a "Child of Destiny" allowing his Heart to churn out keyblades on demand like some Fey Lady of Avalon; or the other keyblades were not actually manifested by Riku at all.
While I greatly enjoy the imagery of Riku playing the "Lady of the Lake" to Sora's "Arthur" in KH1, given Sora's opening dream sequence already set Riku as being stuck in a Body Of Water (which is additionally representative of Darkness), it is Stretching Things to assume all other Plot Focused keyblades were ALSO fished out from Riku's Heart.
Perhaps Riku's Heart simply conjured new keyblades in response to Sora's Heart taking in new quests: Riku's Heart supplying keys to the metaphoric doors of Sora's Heart Hotel.
It is more likely, however, that the "new" keyblade wielded by Riku (the one currently known as "Braveheart") is a manifestation of SORA'S Heart: Riku entrusted his crown & his heart to Sora, first on the night of the Meteor Shower & then on the night the Islands Fell; Sora, in turn, entrusted his sword & heart to Riku. It explains how each boy readily wields the keyblade of the other & fits within the theme of their hearts beating in sych.
Riku choosing Sora, Riku's entrusting his Heart (literally & figuratively) with Sora, resulted in Destiny Itself 'choosing' Sora: if Riku represents Kingdom Hearts, the subject of his love would naturally become beloved by the Worlds in turn.
Sora acting as "[the] One Sky, One Destiny" due to Sora having the 'Heart' of Destiny through its child (Riku)'s love.
Sora is not only Riku's Dearly Beloved, Sora is THE "Dearly Beloved": beloved by the Worlds, entrusted with their Hearts & appointed their Savior. And all because, dull and ordinary boy that he may be, it is Sora's naturally normal self that Riku fell in love with. Sora may not be any more innately special than anyone else but Sora is special to RIKU, the love between them (knowingly or not) serving as the driving force of their stories & of Destiny itself.
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tautline-hitch · 27 days
flipping back thru Pharsalia VI to appreciate the Medusa images associated with Erictho there (re snakes) & for some reason i snagged on this passage, 695–706:
Eumenides Stygiumque nefas Poenaeque nocentum  et Chaos innumeros auidum confundere mundos et rector terrae, quem longa in saecula torquet mors dilata deum; Styx et quos nulla meretur Thessalis Elysios; caelum matremque perosa Persephone, nostraeque Hecates pars ultima, per quam  manibus et mihi sunt tacitae commercia linguae, ianitor et sedis laxae, qui uiscera saeuo spargis nostra cani, repetitaque fila sorores tracturae, tuque o flagrantis portitor undae, iam lassate senex ad me redeuntibus umbris, exaudite preces.
Hail, Eumenides—Stygian Horror, sinners' Punishments; Chaos eager to tumble countless worlds together; Ruler beneath the Earth, tormented age after slow age by divinities' deaths postponed; hail, Styx! and Elysian Fields where no Thessalid earns a place; Persephone, who spurned heaven and mother; our dear Hecate’s infernal Aspect through whom the mute tongues of ghosts and my own commune and the Gatekeeper of the gaping abode, who tosses human flesh to the ravening Hound; hail, the Sisters who'll spin this thread anew; and you, Ferryman of the Fiery Wave, old man long exhausted by shades returning to me: all of you, heed my prayers! (JWJ)
alright okay invocation of the underworld powers. not too unusual but where have i just—
Dite Pater, Proserpina dia, Canes Orcini, Vstores inferi, Ossufragae, Laruae, Furiae, Maniae, Aues nocturnae, Aues Harpyiae, Ortygiae, Virga, Ximaera, Geryones, Siredonas, Circe, Gegantes, Spinx, uos precatur et petit, rogat uos, numina deum inferum, qui suprascripti estis…
Dis Pater, divine Proserpina, hounds of Orcus, infernal body-burners, Bone-breakers, ghosts, Furies, Manias, Night birds, Harpy birds, Ortygians (?), Virga (?), Chimaera, Geryons, Sirens, Circe, Giants, Sphinx, [the writer] begs you and beseeches you, asks you, powers of gods of hell who are written above…
—right. caecilia prima curse tablet (AE 2007 260). which raises several questions for me. like are lucan's snakes entering the magical tradition (the tablet is late first century ce)? or was lucan familiar with magic himself (apuleius girl what were YOU doing at the devil's fishmarket moment). or is there a shared referent that i'm missing? very possible!
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soggetto-smarrito · 6 months
Nel periodo meno assennato della mia esistenza, la leggerezza ha preso il posto che dovrebbe essere assegnato alla saggezza.
Inoltre, il continuo anchilosarsi della morale..tiene a stento il passo sull'insignificanza delle sue leggi.
Un ultimo lembo di terra ignota, 
da attraversare, 
da esplorare..
senza lasciarsi coinvolgere dal proprio giudizio razionale.
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Non piu storie di senso, 
ma un ultima storia priva di ogni ragione.
Viverla con il solo scopo di sentire il vento 
sotto le proprie ali...
far vincere la portanza sulla resistenza
senza accorgersi...
ritrovarsi in volo.
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soggetto smarrito
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