#Terror toons
cavitysam · 4 months
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Fanart of Doctor Carnage and Max Assassin from one of my favorite movies, Terror Toons!!
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Terror Toons 4 (2023)
Terror Toons 4 (2023)Due to several reasons I have not been doing reviews as often as I used to but I needed to write this one. I NEEDED to write it. Let me set things up with expectations. I was a big fan of the first film literally 20 years ago. Not because I thought it was amazing but because it was just shockingly silly , bizzare and that kind of nonsense that would shock normie film fans. It was a lot of fun to show people just for their reactions. Then parts 2 and 3 came and went and I was not too much of a fan. It was a bit of the same and just didn' do anything for me and I'm sure would be too weird for those pre mentioned "normies"… but.. but then came part 4. I was told it was an anthology and the post covid world of low budget anthologies don't exactly excite me anymore. So I went into this worried but only 30 seconds in, things changed… forever.The opening of this film explodes into visual overload and insanity so fast it feels as if Horonamus Bosch met Terry Gilliam in the digital age. it felt like that magnavox commercial where the screen literally exploded in your face. Then the movies starts and the screaming begins. The first short starts and gives us a mixed slash warped origin of the classic Terror Toon villains. It's so much a step up in concept , feeling, pacing and technical excellence then previous with a darker , scarier atmosphere. Imagine watching Adam Wests Batman one week and then seeing a multimillion dollar Batman movie the next week.So not to give any spoilers I will just say it feels like Alex De le Iglesia directed the hell scene in Bill and Teds bogus journey . Douglas Epps take on the less cartoony yet just as insane Dr Carnage is amazing. The killer gorilla Max Assassin is legit scary now. But it's the new sweet and innocent yet completely terrifying character Derrick or was it Eric that we meet that will change your life.I won't explain anything about him but you will know him when you see him. We get several other shorts but they definitely come in second to the first short however they are needed. Brinke Stevens stars and directs a short that is a much more sensible short that may have been fine on its own but felt a bit out of place, again only because the rest of the show was so wild. Brinke had made this short before thinking of connecting it to Terror Toons 4 , I'm pretty sure. It's a nice mellow out and does get us more Linnea Quickly and Debbie Rochon. Hell the cameos in this are wild.The third and fourth shorts come at you wild and fast giving no mercy. After the second short I was literally saying to myself "wait a Joe Castro film with no sexual symbolism, that's weird." but then the short The heads of Mr Switch comes at you and picks up for sexual lost time. This short is shocking, hilarious and ends so quickly you also want to know what happens next so badly. The most original villain in eons, all that and oh my god, Lizzy Borden is back.The final short gives us a 21 gun salute and takes us into the apocalypse . Oh look it's Rob Rhine of Girls and Corpses magazine , but of course he is here again. More cameos from more scream queen and b movie legends than you can shake a stick at in this octane charge non stop visceral explosion into madness as if Aphex Twin remade Monty Python's Meaning of Life.This is a huge achievement for the B movie world and even for those normie film nerds that may not understand this film , they will still be effected and never forget this facedive diving board launch into madness. So yeah I loved it. I'm exhausted.
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Lizzie Borden was kinda sexy in the early 2000's, but she looked a little bit like white trash.
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rabidhiss · 2 years
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How awesome is this!?!?!
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We interview director and special effects artist Joe Castro. We talked about his journey as a filmmaker, how he learned special effects, achieving a Guinness World Record, horror movies and more.
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ueno-station-5-4 · 3 years
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sweet-and-insane · 4 years
Alrighty, my little frick fracks. I'm going to say this and I'm gonna say it loud.
Everyone seems to shit on horror comedies because they don't scare people! They're called horror COMEDIES for a reason, people! They aren't supposed to be scary! They're supposed to have scary themes! I know there are people out there who like it, and I know it sucks for them that there is absolutly no fandom!
Okay. I'm done with my angry ranting now. For those who are still here, I have a request.
Even if you don't like the movie, others might, and they would probably be happy to know that there are other people who like the same things they do.
I'm probably gonna come off as annoying to followers with this post, but you know what? I barley had the motivation to type this all out and I did it anyways. So please. Make it worth it.
Okay. I'm done. Gonna go to bed. Hope people won't hate me tomorrow. Gn.
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freezingxmoon666 · 5 years
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mizguidedgh0st · 10 years
It was Mrs White in the Study with the Rope!
Kinda dragged Tina down with me, not like she was doing anything anyway lol and then Thomas said she had to come too. So we walked there, they ate breakfast while Tina & I just accompanied them. They talked and shared, apparently Thomas grabbed His nipple or whatever and it wasn't too far from what I've done. Other stuff.
After we left, we went our separate ways. Chilled and then went to Kroger to get food for dinner and the next few days. Mike & Ananya would come in every now and then. Oh did my nails finally! And watched the Whose Line Is It Anyway where Robin Williams guest starred. It was fantastic :') Looked up some Ice Bucket Challenges since everybody is doing them on FB.
Tina cooked dinner, we ate. Kurt came over and we started watching Clue. I had never seen but the game is one of the oldest favorite-ist game I have. We got halfway and then he had to go meet friends or something and then Mike & Ananya came over and ate dinner. They been at least tipsy whenever they come over cause they have so many drinks to get throughhhhh :P then went back to her room. I had no fucking clue Kurt was 22… cause he was telling me how he has a 24 and a 20 year old roommates and the age difference is small yet remarkable. And I was just whoa what...
But we finished Clue and omg one big mindfuck but I looooooove lol "I'm going to go home and have sex with my wife" HAHAHHAHAHA we were done. And then Tina had to show me that review of Birdemic *stupid* and then showed us a trailer of Terror Toons - fucking ridiculous. I will never watch it. >.< and then we watched Mouse Hunt but I only stayed for like half of it cause I was getting tired and He stopped responding anyway. We watched Mouse Hunt cause we were looking for Rat Race, a great movie but it's not on Netflix.
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noxhell · 11 years
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sweet-and-insane · 4 years
Does anyone know about Terror Toons, Gingerclown, or Demonic Toys? They have no fandoms and my hyper fixations with them are making me suffer alone.
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drunken-ball-z-blog · 12 years
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greatnewoffer replied to your post: Last Night, Next Week
Start at an earlier time. Like 9:30.
I REALLY wish that we could, but our schedules don't permit it. Mainly mine, so if you need someone to hate, make it Troy. At least you can watch old episodes on demand now!
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pandemicpicnic answered your question:Last Night, Next Week
I love it all! However, after watching Terror Toons I lost any remaining faith in humanity.
I'm glad you're liking it so far! You're also welcome for Terror Toons.
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lucifers-queen · 12 years
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jokersjottings · 12 years
Speaking of terrible terror! Terror Toons!
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