#Terrorist Attacks
mapsontheweb · 11 months
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Interactive map of the terrorist attack on Oct 7th on Israeli civilians and towns.
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workersolidarity · 5 months
🇮🇱⚔️🇵🇸 🔥🚙 🚨
📹 Footage published by Al-Jazeera Arabic detailing a group of Israeli colonial settlers as they raid a Palestinian village east of Ramallah, in the central occupied West Bank territories, setting fire to a civilian vehicle belonging to a local Palestinian resident.
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curator-on-ao3 · 1 year
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DGA Statement on the Terrorist Attacks on Israel
October 11, 2023
Los Angeles – The Directors Guild of America released the following statement regarding the terrorist attacks on Israel.
“The DGA unequivocally condemns terrorism and joins the many voices in our community decrying the recent Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel and violence against innocent civilians. We stand against the growing spread of antisemitism here in the US and abroad, and remain committed in our actions, words and deeds to supporting the Jewish people.”
This is a clear, helpful, relevant statement of care.
Love and light to the DGA and to all who co-sign these sentiments.
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mask131 · 11 months
And one last post about the whole Israel situation, before I delve back into my regular schedule.
I already talked about this, but I feel it needs to be repeated since people love spreading misinformation, and it is SUPER simple to remember.
The reason why France stands with Israel and is against the Hamas is very simple and can be explained in a few sentences.
Israel is a democracy. No matter how fucked up of a democracy it might be, it is one. The Hamas is a terrorist organization. The Hamas attack on Israel was a terrorist attack onto a democratic government, no matter the how and whys surrounding it.
France, as a democracy who has been the victim of terrorist attacks all throughout the past decades, who is still the target of numerous terrorist organizations and groups - France, who had teachers beheaded, people crushed by a truck during the national holiday, policemen knived, journalists and artists shot to death, Jewish people attacked, Christian priests with their throats cut, bombs exploding in shops, concerts ending up in shootings - France, as a democracy that has been wounded by and is still under the threats of terrorist attacks, cannot possibly support or show any sympathy for the Hamas. France is the enemy and victim of terrorists, and thus cannot possibly show any kindness or understanding for a terrorist group.
France has to stand by the side of the victim of a terrorist attack, and has to support any democracy threatened by terrorists. As simple as that.
EDIT: Because one needs to clarify EVERYTHING on Tumblr and people are so happy to jump on misinterpreting, I want to explain that when I talk of "France", I do not say "we". I do not speak of the French people - and the heavens know that a part of French people are antisemites who refuse to see the Hamas as terrorists (or even antisemtimes who agree the Hamas is terrorist but say "But they kind of do the right thing though...".
When I say France here I mean France as a government, as a political entity, as a nation.
There is a crime in French law called "apology of terrorism" - when you express public support, public positive views and public understanding of terrorist organizations, no matter the organization in question, you can be accused of this. That's the law that prevents people from saying "9/11 was entirely justified and was a positive action". That's the same law that can punish those that claim the Hamas are the good guys. Because no matter the goal, the area, the time of the terrorist activity - the French law condemns any and all support of any and all terrorist activites and terrorist organizations. And that's it.
So once again, it doesn't break down to "good versus evil". It breaks down to "terrorist versus government".
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mercoglianotrueblog · 4 months
The declining US and EU beat war drums to distract us
#Zelenski' adviser threatened #EU:if you stop supplying us with weapons, you can face #terrorist attacks
#Ukraine has lost almost 90% of its energy but #US,EU still send #weapons
#Kiev attaches #nuclear to drones,#Russia activates arms destruction #West
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brexiiton · 7 months
Kazakhstan investigates Russian security forces' killing of Kazakh citizens as they supposedly prepared terrorist attack in Moscow
By Kateryna Tyshchenko, Sat 9 Mar 2024 17:38
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Russia's FSB dealing with the supposed terrorists. Screenshot from propaganda video: Russia's FSB
Kazakhstan's National Security Committee (NSC) has launched a pre-trial investigation following reports that Russian law enforcement officers killed two Kazakh citizens during a supposed attempt to organise a terrorist attack in Russia.
Source: Kazakhstan's NSC; Latvia-based Russian media outlet Meduza, citing Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB); Telegram-based news outlet Astra
Details: The FSB announced on 7 March that it had prevented a terrorist attack on a synagogue in Moscow, which was supposedly being prepared by terrorists from Khorasan Province, the ISIS cell in Afghanistan.
"During the detention, the terrorists put up armed resistance to the FSB officers and were finally killed by return fire," the Russian secret service said.
The FSB claimed that firearms, ammunition and components for making an improvised explosive device had been found at the homes of the killed suspects. The FSB office in Kaluga Oblast opened a criminal case on charges of preparing for a terrorist attack (Article 30.1, Article 205.2. of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).
The Telegram-based news outlet Astra was one of the first to report that the killed were Kazakh citizens. Its sources said that a skirmish between the FSB officers and suspected terrorists took place in the early morning hours of 7 March in the village of Koryakovo, Kaluga Oblast. Two suspects, Sabit Ashiraliyev, 35, and Dzhanibek Taskulaev, 32, who arrived in Russia on 28 February, were killed in the shootout. Background:
The US Embassy in Russia warned that extremists have "imminent plans" to attack Moscow.
The Dutch Embassy in Moscow also urged the Dutch citizens to be vigilant due to possible terrorist attacks this weekend.
Police in Moscow have been put on high alert.
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headlinehorizon · 1 year
Ukrainian Military Officials to Face Charges for 'Terrorist Attacks' in Russia: Latest News
Discover the latest news on the Ukrainian military officials facing charges for alleged terrorist attacks in Russia. The growing effectiveness of Ukrainian drone technology has raised concerns amid the ongoing conflict. Find out more on Headline Horizon.
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nekoemogoticaworld · 2 years
As a Brazilian lesbian woman I am no longer mentally fit to live in Brazil I wish I could leave this country I can't take it anymore Bolsonarist I'm really scared of what this is all turning into; in my city Campos dos Goytacazes -Rj there was a bomb threat on the bridge, a bomb squad had to come from the city of Rio de Janeiro to investigate and defuse it. what has my Brazil become?
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The Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas terrorist groups hailed Wednesday’s two terrorist attacks in Jerusalem, which killed at least one person and injured over 20 others.
“The operation in the occupied city of Jerusalem is a natural response to the occupation, its terrorism, and its criminal practices against the defenseless Palestinian people and their holy sites,” said Islamic jihad.
“The operation says to the leaders of the occupation and the leaders of the settlers that none of the policies of your criminal government will protect you from the strikes of our people’s resistance,” the group added.
Hamas spokesman Abd Latif al-Kanou said, “Our people will not remain silent in the face of this, and the outrage Al-Aqsa will explode and spread in all regions.”
Meanwhile, the United Arab Emirates condemned the terror bombings in Jerusalem. The Gulf nation’s embassy in Israel tweeted its “sincere condolences to the victims and their loved ones” and wished “a speedy recovery to all those injured.”
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icela77e · 2 years
hi, I'm from Ukraine, it's very important for me to talk about what russia is doing to our country, but the mask (friend putin) doesn't give me that opportunity on twitter. he silences us, it is impossible to register from Ukrainian numbers, and he does not allow us to tell # about the war, that's why I'm here on Tumblr
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workersolidarity · 9 months
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[ 📹 Ecuadorian drug traffickers take prison guards and police officers hostage and assassinate them on camera in a series of coordinated attacks across the South American country.]
🇪🇨 💀 🔞 🚨
A State of Emergency was declared by the Ecuadorian President after a series of terrorist attacks, prison riots and kidnappings exploded into a day of chaos, after drug cartels declared "War on the State".
After a series of explosions, abductions of police officers, prison riots, the escape of a notorious gang leader from a high-security prison, and the storming of a live-tv broadcast of channel TC by gang members waving firearms and accosting television crews, the President of Ecuador declared a State of Emergency Wednesday, determining 22 of the nation's most prominent gangs to be terrorist organizations, announcing that the South American country was experiencing "internal armed conflict," and issueing a decree that included a curfew, which the gangs immediately violated.
Videos showing prison guards being subdued and killed have gone viral, while the search for "The Cheneros" gang leader, Jose Macias (aka Fito), goes on as the elusive criminal with ties to Mexican cartels evades capture.
Meanwhile, an explosive device was detonated in the vicinity of the residence of Ecuadorian Supreme Court President, Ivan Saquicela, in the Ecuadorian capital, Quito, and several police officers have been kidnapped across the country.
Riots also broke out in several cities, with scenes of running crowds escaping explosions and gunfire, cars burning in the streets, the looting of warehouses, and the destruction of public infrastructure.
Several videos have also gone viral showing the assassination of police officers and prison guards.
The rioting Ecuadorian criminal organizations killed two police officers, Corporals Alex Taday and Luis Guanotuña in Nobol, located in the Guayas province.
In response to the violence, the Armed Forces of Ecuador have been mobilized, with troops deploying in several cities across the country in areas where riots and looting have broken out over the last day.
Reports from Ecuadorian Forces say more than 70 people tied to the violence and others with links to criminal enterprises have been detained, while three police officers being held hostage have been released.
The Armed Forces of Ecuador also added that 17 escaped prisoners were re-captured, adding that they had also seized weapons, ammunition and explosives from the armed groups.
Meanwhile, the Ecuadorian legislature announced blanket pardons and amnesties related to operations targeting the drug traffickers.
The President's decree determined the following organizations to be "terrorist organizations and belligerent non-state actors":
Aguilas, AguilasKiller, Ak47, Caballeros Oscuros, ChoneKiller, Choneros, Corvicheros, Cuartel de las Feas, Cubanos, Fatales, Ganster, Kater Piler, Lagartos, Latin Kings, Los Lobos, Los p.27, Los Tiburones, Mafia 18, Mafia Trebol, Patrones, R7 and Tiguerones.
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Marco is starting his European tour now, but looking at everything going on, it doesn't seem like a good idea right now...
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mask131 · 11 months
Just a little sad post, but it seems the chains of terrorism in France are never going to end.
If you want to know what I mean by the "terrorism chain", it is a very simple thing. Currently, a lot of the terrorist attacks France had to face were all tied to a specific "chain", each terrorist attack leading up to the spawning of another.
The recent knife attack on the Arras high school and the murder of Dominique Bernard is very likely a way to "commemorate" the three-year anniversary of Samuel Paty's beheading.
The reason Samuel Paty ended up being beheaded is because he talked to his class in school about the Charlie Hedbo caricatures that led to the Kouachi's brother terrorist attack against the journal. This attack was part of a global wae of terrorist attacks throughout the January of 2015: the hostage crisis of the Hyper Casher, the shootings of Coulibaly...
And why were these caricatures reused in the journal? Because of the already anxious climax in France surrounding the various terrorist attacks that had taken place - like the march 2021 terrorist attacks at Toulouse and Montauban, and the knife attacks on military and police men in 2013 and 2014...
Just looking back at the past decade, I am amazed at the amount of terrorist attacks France went through. Beyond those listed above, there was the Nice terrorist attack in 2016, that time when a priest had his throat slashed in a church at Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, Ziyed Ben Belgacem's terrorist attacks in 2017, the two girls killed at the Saint-Charles trainstation, the various 2017 attacks on the Champs-Elysée, the Carcassone-Trèbes terrorist attack in 2018, the Lyon bomb in 2019, the shooting of the Christmas market of Strasbourg, the knife attack at Notre-Dame-de-Nice...
And that's just the most famous ones. There's dozens and dozens of more terrorist attacks throughout each and every year of the 2010s - and that's not even listing all the terrorist attacks we actually AVOIDED or stopped in time.
Just a few days ago, a terrorist attack was prevented when the police discovered and stopped radicalized teenagers (which were in contact with Russian people through the Internet, yeah that's a whole mess) who were planning on placing a bomb at the Israel ambassad in France.
When you ask people to list the terrorist attacks in France in the 90s for example, you'll have three or four names pop up. In the 2010s? Thirty or so name will immediately pop up.
I still can't believe that I lived through (and am still living in) the era where France knew the most terrorist attacks in the span of a decade...
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crowjane · 2 years
Let's talk about this.
Far right protesters in Brazil have stormed the Supreme Congress, alleging the 2022 election was a fraud because of former president Jair Bolsonaro's defeat.
They've destroyed gifts given by other countries, works of art, as well as important historical artifacts.
This is no longer about left or right, this is a war on democracy. Their actions should be condemned.
Manifestations and protests are important and should be protected. But ignorance and violence should not be left unpunished.
This is a shame, ridiculous, absolutely stupid.
This is not freedom of expression. This is terrorism.
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aloeverawrites · 2 years
The United States after 911 where 2,996 people died: Never forget. This is a horrific act of terrorism that we must do everything to fight. Let's tighten airport security. Let's put three year old children with Islamic names on the no-fly list.
The United States as the far-right carries out 267 acts of domestic terrorism and 45,222 people die from gun violence in 2020: Let's not turn this into a political issue. Guns aren't the problem, we need to focus on mental health. We're not going to support free health care though. Also let's not use polarising words like "terrorism" there were good people on both sides.
What's the point of going overseas to fight the war on terror, while you ignore the battles on your own land?
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magnificentbakr · 2 months
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The Double standards , The ugliness and filth of this world , The vilest human era throughout the universe
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