#Terry Nation Army
radiofreeskaro · 1 year
Radio Free Skaro #909 - I've Got A Feeling
Radio Free Skaro #909 - I've Got A Feeling - #DoctorWho missing episodes chatter! - Waris Hussein diaries! - The Timelash!
http://traffic.libsyn.com/freyburg/rfs909.mp3 Download MP3 It’s time for a Return of the Omnirumour as mysterious film canisters are pored over by specialists to see if heretofore undiscovered missing Doctor Who episodes have emerged or in fact it’s all just the same copy of Match of the Day over and over. Intriguing! Also Waris Hussein chronicles a trip to Moscow while Doctor Who’s debut hits…
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cinemaquiles · 2 years
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wellntruly · 9 months
If you read the novel Catch-22 (1961), about U.S. Army pilots & sundry stationed on a Greek island during World War II, you will encounter this off-hand description during the period where Yossarian is hiding in the field hospital:
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At which you will either pause worryingly, or you’re normal.
I am not normal, because I have watched the television show M*A*S*H (1972-1983), about U.S. Army medical staff in a mobile surgical unit during the Korean War, and which features a character called Hawkeye Pierce, who frequently looks like this:
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Now this bathrobe, iconic simply, appears red to the observer. However, deep into the run there is a line in which Hawkeye refers to it as "purple"—great consternation. But film cameras and light waves being what they are (capricious, devilish), it could very well be maroon in life. It could very well be maroon. It’s what I assumed after that comment. But what I'd never asked was, what is it made out of? Is that corduroy, could it be corduroy, could this be—
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Oh noooooooo!
Why is Hawkeye the only one who is wearing the robe of patients from the last war, I ask you! Is it for the METAPHOR. To make me YELL. Did the costume department make it for him, or did they just already have one on hand in the WWII storage? Wait it wasn't real was it? Where is it, where is this robe!
Well babe, it’s in the Smithsonian:
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A) of all, fucking fantastic, could not be a place I more want Alan Alda’s bathrobe as Hawkeye Pierce to be than the National Museum of American History. B) well well well well well, what do we have here:
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So looking THAT up brings you nothing that makes any sense, even trying to correct for spelling. But not to fear: historical re-enactors are here.
On the website of the “WW2 US Medical Research Centre,” an absolutely delightful combination of words and spelling brought to you by two European history buffs, and that’s Europeans who are obsessed with history, specifically American medical units in the 1940s, there’s a page for pajamas, and why look who’s here:
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OH ho oh HO!
“Progressive Coat & Apron Mfg. Co.” is so similarly bizarre that I would be very willing to bet that something like idk, the imperfect process of digitizing thousands of records for a website catalog, could have absolutely resulted in “Agressive Coat and Manufacturing Company.” Which would mean yeah, yeah yeah: vintage World War II, slash Korea, just five years later. It was authentic, what they gave Alda to wear, along with his dog tags.
Just Hawkeye though still, which is what's odd.
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Heeeeey now!
So I was recently reminded that in the pilot episode, but the pilot episode only, Wayne Rogers as Trapper John McIntyre also has the regulation corduroy MD/USA bathrobe! In fact, he actually has what would appear to become Hawkeye’s—observe the location of the embroidery. Pocket, like Hawkeye’s in every robe appearance after this first episode, the robe that ends up in the Smithsonian Museum. Whereas the one with the embroidery on the chest that's hanging above Hawkeye's cot here, a common variant that shows up when you’re searching around on military history websites, after this appearance I believe is seen just once more on a visiting colonel later in the first season, then quietly vanishes. Alda ends up in Trapper's, and stays in it for keeps, while Rogers gets, of all things, a cheery goldenrod terry number.
But like, why. Why just Hawkeye in the WWII surplus robe. Both Doyle and Watson have avenues here that I like to think about. For the Doylist side, I suspect it was a decision of like, this is simply too matchy. It’s 1972, our TV screens are small, we gotta take any chance we can get to distinguish these tall white men constantly wearing the same of two monochrome outfits.
In fact, I actually wonder if there was a world where Trapper might have stayed in the maroon and Hawkeye could have ended up in Henry’s robe.
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The light blue & white striped bathrobe McLean Stevenson wore as Henry Blake was sold at auction in 2018, and the item description contains the curious detail of it having a handwritten tag inside reading “Hawkeye.” Well heeeyy again.
And here’s another curious detail:
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There was a blue & white striped Army-issue robe as well
Now Henry’s is clearly NOT vintage WWII, lacking the pocket embroidery, being terry cloth, and also of course: pastel. But it’s INTERESTING, isn’t it? They had to have been GOING for that look, with that same unusual collar shape and that multi-stripe patterning.
(Also, for real 'what the hell even IS this color' fun, this militaria collectors purveyor has one of the maroon versions too, with photos you can page though and laugh as it flips between looking clearly purple and clearly red in every other photograph. Cameras!!!)
Anyway now we turn to the Watsonian explanation, which seems to run like this: the men at the 4077 were just casually passing their robes around to each other. It's about the intimacy in the face of war, etc. I can see bathrobes going missing when they bug out, getting stolen from the laundry by Klinger and scrapped for parts, being handed off to a poor cold Korean kid who needs it more, and then they need to get to the showers and one of them is like hey, just take mine, and then it’s his now. And eventually most of them end up in warmer-looking civilian robes than the Army holdovers that were being distributed early on, but Hawkeye, he just hung on to Trapper's.
And as a side effect, still looks like he's been injured in World War II.
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mindblowingscience · 6 months
At 5:29 am on the morning of 16 July 1945, in the state of New Mexico, a dreadful slice of history was made. The dawn calm was torn asunder as the United States Army detonated a plutonium implosion device known as the Gadget – the world's very first test of a nuclear bomb, known as the Trinity test. This moment would change warfare forever. The energy release, equivalent to 21 kilotons of TNT, vaporized the 30-meter test tower (98 ft) and miles of copper wires connecting it to recording equipment. The resulting fireball fused the tower and copper with the asphalt and desert sand below into green glass – a new mineral called trinitite. Decades later, scientists discovered a secret hidden in a piece of that trinitite – a rare form of matter known as a quasicrystal, once thought to be impossible. "Quasicrystals are formed in extreme environments that rarely exist on Earth," geophysicist Terry Wallace of Los Alamos National Laboratory explained in 2021.
Continue Reading.
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lunarrosette · 1 year
Survey Results Finally!!!
Ok! So before the whole breakdown I wanna address a couple biases and shit. So I posted this on tumblr and on a couple dndads discord servers I'm in, notably the patreon server, both of these almost definitely caused some bias in stats particularly in patreon subscription and most used social media to engage with. That said it could have been posted elsewhere (which I’m totally fine with and actively encourage the bigger and more diverse the sample is the better) but I only posted there because I wanted to minimize potential non-fans taking it and I don’t have a twitter. I also added the question of whether you have relistened and your race, ethnicity, and nationality later (as it was suggested and i thought it was a good addition) so the sample is not the full amount of people who took this survey and is smaller than other question therefore less conclusive of the dndads fanbase as a whole.
I got a total of 142 responses (and the survey is still open) so let break down all that
There were 65 questions in total, while I’m not going to break down every single one I will break down most of them
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Majority listen on spotify with patreon coming in a close second, the small individual answers are a mix of a combination of two or more platforms or platforms i forgot to add/didn’t know existed
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A little over half of the fandom is apart of the patreon but still remember that there is a bias in this question because of where i sent the survey
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Majority of the patreon is subscribed to the EX-L level (like me!!) with EX in a pretty close second (other is apart of EX because i forgot what is was call when I first made it)
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Ron comes in a very close 1st between him and henry for favorite season 1 dad
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Grant takes 1st in another pretty close one between him and terry for season 1 son and surprisingly Nick Foster actually got votes! (/j)
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Scam likely with quite the lead as a fan favorite NPC
Now favorite episode was one I had to track separately because I set it as a free response but her are the top 4 favorites:
In 4th with 13 votes Episode 42 Henry’s Father and the Chamber of Secrets In 3rd with 16 votes Episode 56 S.W.A.P. (SWitched Ass Papas) In 2nd with 17 votes Episode 44 Deck Picks In 1st with 23 votes Episode 61 Death of a Salesman
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Normal with fan favorite season 2 PC with almost half of the fandom
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Terry Jr (surprising to me I love him but ig it's the silent majority cause i never see much about him) is first place
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Very unsurprisingly hermie the unworthy for 1st place, bitches love this gay theatre kid but it is a little surprising the amount of a lead he has
Another one I had to by hand but the top 4 favorite season 2 episodes are
In 4th place with 5 votes, a 4 way tie between: Episode 22 Army of Tree, Episode 4 Barf Bum Movie Men, Episode 12 Scary Movie 2, and Episode 9 Debate Me Cowards
In 3rd place with 6 votes, Episode 5 Dance Dance Revelations (surprising to me as it’s not the part of the dance with Lark and Sparrow and Normal’s crisis)
In 2nd place with 8 votes, Episode 11 That thing? You Dude
Unsurprisingly in 1st place, the episode that I’ve heard some people say is one of the best episodes of Dungeons and Daddies, with 50 votes, Episode 23 Alright
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Ron takes overall favorite
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Hermie surpasses (one of) his father for favorite NPC
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Jodie wins as the guest PC, which kinda surprises me
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Oakworthy wins as the most popular ship, most of the thin slices are variations of “I don’t ship” and some less talked about ships
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The majority of fans don't have a preference between season 1 or 2
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At the Mountains of Dadness is the most popular piece of bonus content
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The majority of the fandom have relistened to the podcast
The subject of Jodie, almost everyone liked how Jimmy played him but the views on his character are a little different. Many poll takers said he grew on them and the majority of the fandom seems to feel neutral to positive to him. A lot of people said he was a good narrative foil to Glenn (I agree!!) and that he’s “funny as fuck” (i also agree) however some people also voiced dislike him do to messing up the timeline, being a cop, messing up Nick’s character, and just the plotline he was apart of. Lots of ACAB in the responses.
Lots of funny responses on this one:
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Asexual bitches and queer bitches love dungeons and daddies (I'm an asexual bitch myself) there was a whole one (1) fully cis het allo survey taker.
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The fanbase skews pretty heavily to the younger side with the majority of the fandom being 18-25 and a huge majority if you just look at it as 25 and under.
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Non-binary bitches love dungeons and daddies (I’m a non-binary bitch as well)
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Huge majority of fans are neurodivergent with most thin results being a variation of “I don’t know, somethings probably wrong up there”
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Anxious bitches love dungeons and daddies (i am an anxious bitch)
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Majority of people who responded are white, however this question was implemented later and only has 62 responses.
Most fans got into dungeons and daddies from word of mouth, typically from friends or mutuals online
Relationships with fathers are mixed. A decent amount say good, some say bad, but a lot can be put as complicated. A good amount of people used parallels from dungeons and daddies most often grant and darryl.
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Your dads cool as fuck
Relationships with moms are also mixed, but a little more drastic(?). The positives are generally stronger but the negatives are also more negative.
Most sibling relationships are good! However there were a decent amount of responses stating the relationship was distant
Majority of fans are from america but there's a good variety from all over.
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Majority of the fandom interacts through tumblr (this still is one with bias)
Majority of fans say their experience with the fandom has been very good
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Majority of fans make some for of fan content
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Oaks are very big on the fandoms kin lists, especially normal
Most common fandoms: NADPOD TAZ D20 TOH MCYT/Minecraft DHMIS OFMD PJO TMA
Most common past fandoms: Danganronpa Sanders Sides TMA MCYT/minecraft Homestuck TAZ Voltron FNAF Theatre Cartoons (ex. Gravity falls, infinity train, TOH, ect.) Undertale Harry potter PJO
Fave fan creators: ajaystillblue Kineticallyanywhere Braindos Nick-close Awnrii Critdeeznuts Nolassolace Cerealforkart Tortelliniboi Oddkid on Ao3 Midnigtartist SandrC Submergedmemory Koszmarnybudyn Harveydoesart Roolt Coolestclowns Blu3boi Nojaloarts Sapphicx Mrslikely Almondcroissantsandink
Popular headcanons: t4t henry and mercedes Trans nick Generally gender queer/gnc oaks Season 2 teens autistic Ron autistic Basically all the season 1 sons dated each other at one point (queer friend group moment) Taylor uses mobility aids (notably a cane) Bi ron
Specific headcanons I really like (if any of these are your feel free to reblog as to claim them) I think Samantha likes to dress very colorfully while Ron is on the plain side, except when she gifts him an accessory that is just as colorful as she is, and while it clashes w/ the rest of his wardrobe he treasures it because he loves her lots Walter owns chickens and he grows herbs around their pen as a natural pest repellent Glenn is a sex-favorable asexual The shortest one I can fit here is that Glenn has a lot of stick n poke tattoos that are all made by Morgan (which disappeared after the verdict) and lark has bpd Yeets skateboard is a prosthetic Terry is the only son to go to therapy AROACE SPARROW <333 Hermie rights in Cursive like an asswhole Jewish Terry Jr and Samantha
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Cats are by far the favorite animal in the dndads fandom with 35 votes
And the top three favorite colors are Blue with 23 votes Purple with 30 votes Green with 39 votes
Most common recs The Magnus Archives TAZ NADPOD Just Roll With It Self care (hydrate, sleep, take care of yourself) Mob Psycho Bears in Trees Malevolent Dndads fanfics (on ao3) OFMD WWDITS Will wood Ride the cyclone The Crane Wives
Oddly specific recs
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theoutcastrogue · 7 months
Terry Jones’ Medieval Lives Episode 7: The Outlaw
Outside the law
“We like to think of the story of the outlaw as a black and white tale of goodies and baddies. The reality was less clear cut. During the Middle Ages the very notion of what an outlaw was changed dramatically and so did the legal system the outlaws sought to avoid.
In Anglo-saxon England, people had been accustomed to administering the law themselves, a sort of neighborhood watch. But with this big difference - you could make money out of it. You see, the Anglo-saxons weren’t particularly bothered about punishments. What interested them was victim compensation.”
“Back then to be declared an outlaw was a fearful thing indeed. People then lived in small, self-regulating communities, and to be excluded was like being sent into exile. Worse, an outlaw was a wolf’s head, someone who could be killed on sight. They were forced to live a life on the run, outside normal society.
But in 1066, England became an occupied nation. A legal system that depended on the cooperation of the conquered with their conquerors was simply not going to work. So the Normans introduced certain legal refinements such as collective punishment and trial by battle.”
“If that was Norman justice, the Normans could keep it. Well, that’s what many Anglo-saxons seemed to think. And they chose to be outlawed rather than stand trial. By 1150 the whole legal system had collapsed so Henry II totally reinvented it, developing a legal process unique to England which put power back in the hands of the local community. Trial by jury.”
“With people rushing to court to sue each other [even] over hedge clippings, more and more people were failing to turn up to trial and consequently being outlawed for non-attendance. By the mid-14th century, almost everybody seems to get outlawed at some point in their lives. It was no big deal. It was a bit like having your credit card refused.”
Into the forest
“A forest was simply wherever Forest Law applied. It was policed by an army of royal officials who ruthlessly enforced the draconian penalties for poaching imposed by the king. Richard I set the penalty for killing deer as removal of eyes and testicles. In lots of ways the deer of the forest had more rights and privileges than the locals who lived around it.
Maybe that’s one of the reasons why the Robin Hood stories were so popular. They celebrated a time before the conquest when the forests were a place of freedom. Since the Normans, the forest has become a place of repression and brutal punishment. But once people had been free to hunt and gather wood here and that was never forgotten.”
“The story of Robin Hood wove together the myth of pre-conquest freedom together with the later myths of chivalry and knighthood. The English actually celebrated being a land of bold robbers.”
The Rogue adds: The episode also tackles: prisons, sanctuary, litigiousness, execution methods, and the complicated relation between gentry, robbers and knights (in any combination). The whole series is hilarious, and mostly accurate. I’m also very fond of the Knight episode.
My only comment is that celebrating your bold robbers is hardly an English peculiarity. And while outlaws’ legends are often influenced by a warrior culture of some sort, said warrior culture need not be chivalry. This is a widespread phenomenon that can be found in all corners of the earth, from China (Water Margin) to Brazil (cangaceiros) to Australia (bushrangers) to the Balkans (hajduks/klephts and so on) to right next door (rapparees).
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davros42 · 6 months
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Rewatching Classic Doctor Who, some episodes I haven't seen in years, some of the animated reconstructions I haven't seen at all.
The Dalek Invasion of Earth AKA Daleks Threaten Earth AKA The Invaders AKA The Daleks (II) AKA The Return of the Daleks AKA The Daleks in Europe AKA Serial K
In February, 1964 Dalekmania hit Britain. The Daleks was immediately popular, spiking ratings and drawing big attention to this new show, Doctor Who. The donation of two of the original Dalek props to a children's charity drew attention and interest in the Daleks remained high. In March a sequel story was commissioned from Terry Nation for the second season, based on the strength of both The Daleks and The Keys of Marinus.
And what a sequel it was! It made use of extensive location shoots, the sight of Daleks chasing the TARDIS crew around London were instantly iconic. It also features the first quarry shoot for the show and probably one of the few times a quarry appears as an actual Earth quarry in Doctor Who history. The original 4 Dalek models were joined by 2 new ones, to flesh out the ranks of the invading army, which led to some impressively complex shoots in and around the Dalek saucer. During one of these complex shoots, William Hartnell was injured and had to sit out for an episode. The less said about the slyther, however, the better. And despite the best efforts of the crew to step up their games, some of the sets feature some obvious backdrops.
The story opens with an fantastic hook, a man with some kind of strange apparatus on his head, lurches about, tearing the mechanical apparatus off his head, and throws himself into the river. The TARDIS arrives and everyone is excited to have apparently returned to Earth. They very quickly realize, however, something is amiss. Susan injures herself and the TARDIS is blocked by rubble, the party separates once again displaying absolutely no degree of genre savvy. Barbara and Susan are discovered and "rescued" by some human resistance fighters. The Doctor and Ian come face-to-face with the unexpected... a Dalek, rising from the Thames. It's quite a cliffhanger!
It turns out that the Daleks have bombarded Earth with meteorites, infected them with a plague, and then invaded. Some of the survivors were enslaved, others were turned into Robomen: cyborg servants of the Daleks who eventually go mad and kill themselves. The Doctor immediately starts sassing the Daleks, who do not realize they have made a grave mistake in invading the Doctor's favorite planet. The Daleks don't recognize the Doctor (or Ian). The Doctor assumes that their previous adventure with the Daleks is "millions" of years in the future, which seems like the Doctor making stuff up again. The Daleks are running a mining operation for reasons unknown and the Doctor and Ian are taken aboard a Dalek saucer and come face to face with the Black Dalek, first seen in the Dalek comics. Of course, he's not entirely black yet, he needs another episode or two to finish his paint job.
The human resistance attacks. The Doctor escapes, Ian stays behind, Barbara is hurt and separated from Susan who escapes with David, a member of the resistance. Upon recovery Barbara goes off with Jenny, another member of the resistance, to find bomb making materials and killing a Dalek by running it over with a truck. Amongst Barbara's many talents, she apparently has her CDL (or whatever the UK equivalent is). One wheelchair bound member of the resistance shows some limited ability to move without his mobility device, which, to judge from recent critique, some people think is the most unbelievable thing to ever happen in Doctor Who. The Doctor meets up with Susan and David, third wheel on their extended date. Ian and another escapee make their way toward the Dalek's mining operation, meeting Mr. Rumbold from Are You Being Served? along the way (Nicholas Smith in his first speaking role).
Barbara and Jenny get sold out to the Daleks by two old women and are taken to the mine. After a series of adventures and romantic moments: The Doctor, Susan, and David also arrive at the mine. It turns out the Daleks are going to mine out the core of the Earth replace it with an engine so that they can pilot the planet as they choose, like some kind of Death Star. Which is either the dumbest thing I've ever heard or the most brilliant, I'm not sure. The Daleks are in the process of dropping a bomb down into the Earth's core when The Doctor and Barbara force the Robomen to turn on the Daleks through the power of impressions and everyone escapes, except the Daleks who are caught in the explosion. The Earth's core survives intact, but England gets a new active volcano.
The TARDIS is freed from debris and while Susan is busy debating leaving David, the Doctor makes her mind up for her, leaving her behind (with only one shoe?) to help rebuild the Earth, becoming the first companion to leave. Or be left anyway. Jenny was originally meant to become the new companion at this point but there were issues behind the scenes that prevented the character from being more than a one-shot. Personally I rather like Jenny, she would have made a much more interesting companion than Vicki.
It's a wonderful serial, using it's six episodes to the fullest and throwing almost everything into the mix to craft an impressive story, even alligators in the sewers. It feels more like Doctor Who than anything we've seen thus far. The Doctor taking a keen interest in upsetting the Daleks' plans and the crew firmly in the protagonist roles. William Hartnell gets at least three all-time classic lines including the famous speech at the end. It is a little convoluted, maybe, but almost everything is in service to the plot. There actually is a fair amount of effort put in to justifying David and Susan's relationship, more so than I remembered. They're actually kind of cute together? While it establishes the terrible "marrying off the companion to a guy she just met" standard exit, it is handled better here than in most other stories. Despite some cheap set backdrops (and the horrible slyther costume), there's some great camerawork and much more complex staging and scenes than we've seen previously. The Dalek Invasion of Earth spiked the Daleks' popularity even further leading to an avalanche of merchandising, comics, live appearances, and two feature films. And another sequel story, cementing the Daleks as the Doctor's only recurring nemesis in these early days. It also assured the popularity of the show, scoring high ratings.
Next up, The Rescue. The Doctor gets a new "granddaughter". For the first time, but not the last time.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 months
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National Oklahoma City Bombing Commemoration Day 
National Oklahoma City Bombing Commemoration Day is celebrated on April 19 annually. This day aims at honoring the deceased, injured, and volunteers when the devastating event occurred. Two anti-government extremists — Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols perpetrated the terrorist attack. They did this with white supremacists and right-wing terrorist sympathies. The bombing happened at 9:02 a.m. at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and killed at least 168 people, injured more than 680 others, and destroyed more than one-third of the building.
History of National Oklahoma City Bombing Commemoration Day
Timothy McVeigh, an ex-Army soldier and security guard, parked a rented Ryder truck in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995. He decided to commit mass murder there. The bomb was a powerful one. It consisted of a deadly cocktail of agricultural fertilizer, diesel fuel, and other chemicals. McVeigh got out of the rented car with the bomb inside, locked the door, and headed towards his getaway car. He ignited one timed fuse, then another. At 9:02 a.m., the bomb exploded.
A third of the building had been reduced to rubble in just a few seconds, with many floors flattened. The surrounding area looked devastated. More than 300 nearby buildings were damaged or destroyed; dozens of cars were incinerated. The consequences to human beings were still more devastating: 168 souls were lost, including 19 children, with several hundred more injured.
It was the worst act of terrorism in United States history. The F.B.I. quickly arrived at the scene to support rescue efforts and investigate the facts. There were clues in the area they found. On April 20, thanks to the rear axle of the Ryder truck, the vehicle identification number was traced to a body shop in Junction City, Kansas. Employees helped the F.B.I. quickly compose a composite drawing of the man who had rented the van. F.B.I. agents started to show the sketch around town, and local hotel employees supplied a name: Tim McVeigh.
National Oklahoma City Bombing Commemoration Day timeline
1995The Bombing Occurs
On April 19, 1995, the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City is destroyed by a terrorist attack.
1997Terrorists are Tried
The bombers are tried and convicted.
2001McVeigh is Executed
McVeigh is sentenced to death, and executed by lethal injection.
2003Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building is Replaced
The Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building is replaced with a 185,000-square-foot building.
National Oklahoma City Bombing Commemoration Day FAQs
What components' symbols are used in the Oklahoma City Memorial?
There are nine rows, each representing a floor of the federal building where the field is now located. Each chair has the name of someone killed, and smaller chairs stand for the children.
How old was Timothy McVeigh when he was executed?
He was 33 years old.
Why is it difficult for the United Nations to draft a definition of terrorism?
Mainly because the characteristics of terrorism are hard to define. Many member countries harbor terrorists.
How to Observe National Oklahoma City Bombing Commemoration Day
168 seconds of silence
Post on social media
168 people died in the bombings. The nation joins 168 seconds of silence to honor those people.
Learn about terrorist attacks and bombings. Learn how Oklahoma City recovered from this devastating event.
Write a post on social media to raise awareness about this commemoration day. Do not forget to use the hashtag #OklahomaCityBombingCommemorationDay.
5 Terrorist Attacks In History
AMIA bombing
U.S. Embassy Bombings
September 11 attacks
Christmas massacres
7/7 bombings
It occurred in 1994 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
It occurred in 1998 in Kenya and Tanzania.
It occurred in 2001 in New York, United States.
It occurred in 2008 in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
These occurred in London, killing 56.
Why National Oklahoma City Bombing Commemoration Day is Important
It is a day to remember
It is a day to raise awareness
It is an opportunity to address threats of violence
This day is perfect for remembering those who died not only in the Oklahoma Bombing but also in any other terrorist attacks. Many people die in this type of attack.
This day is also helpful in raising awareness about the problem of terrorism. Security issues affect almost all countries.
Awareness is crucial to disrupting terrorist plots to avoid future attacks. Governments should be committed to holding accountable those who perpetrate such attacks.
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Title: Troy
Rating: R
Director: Wolfgang Petersen
Cast: Brad Pitt, Orlando Bloom, Eric Bana, Brian Cox, Sean Bean, Brendan Gleeson, Diane Kruger, Peter O'Toole, Rose Byrne, Saffron Burrows, Garrett Hedlund, Vincent Regan, Julie Christie, Nathan Jones, Mark Lewis Jones, John Shrapnel, James Cosmo, Nigel Terry
Release year: 2004
Genres: action, history, war, adventure
Blurb: During the late Bronze Age, two emerging nations begin to clash. Trojan prince Paris convinces Queen Helen of Sparta to leave her husband Menelaus and sail with him back to Troy. After Menelaus finds out that his wife was taken by the Trojans, he and his brother Agamemnon invoke a treaty with other nations to gather an army and get her back.
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grandmaster-anne · 1 year
Court Circular | 7th February 2023
Buckingham Palace
The King held an Investiture at Windsor Castle this morning. The following were received in audience by The King this afternoon and kissed hands upon their appointment as His Majesty’s Ambassadors: Mrs Alyson King (the Democratic Republic of the Congo) and Miss Jan Thompson (the Kingdom of Norway). Mr Ayman Jarjour was also received by His Majesty. Mrs Ailsa Terry was received in audience by The King upon her appointment as British High Commissioner to Malaysia. Mr Adam Terry was also received by His Majesty. Mrs Jane Owen was received in audience by The King and kissed hands upon her appointment as Governor of the Cayman Islands. The Queen Consort, President, this afternoon held a Reception for Duchenne UK at Clarence House.
St James’s Palace
The Earl of Wessex this morning received Mr Nicholas Pyle (Deputy Governor of Gibraltar). His Royal Highness this evening attended the New Zealand Society Waitangi Day Service in St Giles’-without-Cripplegate Church, London EC2, followed by a Reception at Girdlers’ Hall, Basinghall Avenue, London EC2. The Countess of Wessex this morning attended The Countess of Wessex Cup between Royal Air Force Wittering, 5th Battalion The Rifles, Royal Corps of Army Music, Queen Alexandra’s Royal Army Nursing Corps, The Lincoln and Welland Regiment and The Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers of which Her Royal Highness is Honorary Air Commodore, Royal Honorary Colonel, Colonel-in-Chief, Colonel-in-Chief, Colonel-in-Chief and Colonel-in-Chief respectively, at the Royal Corps of Army Music, Gibraltar Barracks, Minley, and was received by His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Hampshire (Mr Nigel Atkinson).
St James’s Palace
The Princess Royal, Perpetual Master, the Worshipful Company of Saddlers, this morning attended the National Saddlery Competition Showcase at Saddlers Hall, 40 Gutter Lane, London EC2. Her Royal Highness, Commandant-in-Chief (Youth), St John Ambulance, this afternoon held a Young Achievers’ Reception at Buckingham Palace. The Princess Royal, Patron, Royal National Children’s SpringBoard Foundation, later attended a Reception at Westminster School, Dean’s Yard, London SW1. Her Royal Highness, Royal Fellow, the Royal Academy of Engineering, this evening attended The Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering Reception at Prince Philip House, 3 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1, and was received by His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London (Sir Kenneth Olisa).
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terrence-silver · 1 year
I sometimes wonder why Terry went to Vietnam.
The way I see it, he must have volunteered. If he came from a wealthy family, the chances of him being successfully drafted would be low. Plus given his age, he probably would have had to fake some paperwork to enlist.
So why would he do this? What would drive a teenage Terrence Silver to jump through those hoops and go to war?
It is seldom considered that Terry Silver is and was just that patriotic.
I think everyone always overlooks that.
(Or at least, what Terry thought was patriotic through his skewed worldview, which, as we've seen in the 80's, very much outright festered into bigotry --- that much is quite literally canon.)
The history of young men from obscenely wealthy families and military dynasties serving in wars just because it is something men do isn't unbelievable, and in fact, it is incredibly frequent across all eras and cultural sensibilities. Men go to war. It is what men do, it is believed. Back when Terry would've been a boy entering young adolescence, somewhere in the very conventionally traditional 1950's, and even today, going to the army would be as common of a rite of passage as getting a driver's licence.
It doesn't need to be more complex than that.
Of course, we all love tall theories, me included.
But the answer can be very simple:
Terry Silver wanted to go serve in Vietnam.
Why? Because it is what is simply done.
It is the American way.
Historically, John T. Walton, and now the 11th richest man in the world and the founder of Walmart of all things, dropped out of college in 1968 served in Vietnam during the Tet Offensive. How about Fredrick Smith, the founder of FedEx, who after graduating Yale in 1966, served four years in the Corps? Various senators, the sons of politicians, entrepreneurs, individuals who were college educated in Ivy League schools, prominent old money in real time and in real life, served in wars --- not just in Vietnam. In Korea, in Afghanistan, in Iraq. Anywhere. Any time. All throughout history.
You could add Terry Silver's name to that list and it would be realistically plausible.
Now, we can always take into account that there could've been some peer pressure included. Maybe his family pushed him further into enlisting as soon as possible. Maybe a despotic parent was involved. Maybe his father. Maybe Silver men have always served and it is customary. Maybe it was intended to make an otherwise scrawny, wispy Terry 'into a man'. Maybe he would've been disinherited if he embarrassed the family by skipping such a crucial marker of manhood as serving in the army in a time of national crisis. Maybe Terry himself wanted to prove himself and return home a hero, garnering the admiration and praise he lacked, not realizing that being a Vietnam Vet in the years to come wouldn't be the glossy epithet he would've hope it would have been. Maybe he merely wanted to get out of an oppressive family environment and get a chance to, as he considered, just be on his own. In control of his own life for once. Like, all of these reasons can coexist, because no answer in life is ever that clean cut, but we can also account that a young Terry wanted to go too.
Maybe it was his parents who didn't want him to go and intended to for him to take over the family business as soon as possible and it was Terry who left overseas and went as far as faking documentations that would've allowed him to, not unlike a fugitive princeling heir off to make his own fortunes for himself.
That he had as much agency and desire in the decision as anyone else.
Ironically, Terry picked the wrong war to try and be a hero in.
And I think that became a sort of resentment towards anyone and everyone that followed him all throughout life afterwards and helped mold him into a very dark person indeed.
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radiofreeskaro · 2 days
Radio Free Skaro #963 - White Mirror
Radio Free Skaro #963 - White Mirror - #DoctorWho “Dot and Bubble” reviewed! - Slacktators, satire, and racism in Doctor Who - Plus, Doctor Who news!
http://traffic.libsyn.com/freyburg/rfs963.mp3 Download MP3 Doctor Who shows its range again with “Dot and Bubble,” an adventure that goes from the superficiality of social media all the way to some very real-world issues in what’s ostensibly a Doctor-lite episode but is in fact very heavy. Does it seem like we’re dancing around the content of the story? Well, we are! Tune in and listen to our…
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ddelline · 10 months
ch83—136 | a shibuya OST
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what | 49 quintessentially shibuya sounding tracks from every which genre (except the overused nu-metal the fandom wants) blurb | encountered one too many threads about the forthcoming (incredible sounding) shibuya OST filled w "it’s not hard/aggressive-sounding enough to fit the arc"-discourse, which gave me a rash, bc music w/o screaming can also sound (&go) hard af. so that forced me to assemble all my finest genre finds under the category “aggressive/raw/claustrophobic/menacing sounding tracks”, ranging from electro/ebm/breaks/idm → art pop/electronica/triphop → psychedelic rock & more. tldr here it is: the result of me being Affronted By Someone’s Musical Opinion On The Internet playlist → spotify (cont updated) tracklist | under cut
1. Identified Patient — Low Kust instr
2. Tricky & Martina Topley-Bird — Hell Is Round The Corner distant drums bring the news of a kill tonight  the kill which I share with my passengers  we take our fill, take our fill, take our fill
3. COUCOU CHLOE — WIZZ high—not the first time (shh)  high—not your last time (shh)
4. Tzusing — Gait instr
5. Martina Topley-Bird — Too Tough To Die derision’s a cold wind against my skin  you keep a-flayin’ til there’s no skin at all  what’s to hold it together when you stumble  and you fall
6. Labrinth — Nate Growing Up player, player put the money on it
7. Smoke City — Devil Mood I feel in a devil of a mood being instilled by the devil  wicked hot, brings me so much pain  and pleasure I can’t keep away
8. Massive Attack — Risingson now you’re lost and you’re lethal  and now’s about the time you gotta leave all  these good people; dream on
9. Portishead — Wandering Star those who have seen the needle’s eye now tread like a husk from which all that was now has fled  and the masks that the monsters wear  to feed upon their prey
10. The Herbaliser — The Sensual Woman instr
11. Vessel — Red Sex instr
12. Björk — Hunter I’m not stopping: I’m going hunting  I’m the hunter—I’ll bring back the goods 
13. Sofa Surfers — Hardwire psychic shrapnel  the ruin in me  I don’t want no heroes  cause someday you see the wire
14. Dollkraut — Rollercoaster instr
15. Nearly God, Terry Hall & Martina Topley-Bird — Poems forget the punk, I pack the funk  I’m gonna take a piece of you
16. Tristesse Contemporaine — Daytime Nighttime I just keep crashing, living on my rations the bullets and the roses, devil and the poses  don’t know where my ghost is; don’t know where my home is  guess we never chose this
17. Tzusing — 日出東方 唯我不敗 instr
18. Björk — Army of Me you’ll meet an army of me  army of me
19. Erik Lundin — Gold my sight aims on the horizon  through my pulse  and my temperature rising
20. Amnesia Scanner & Freeka Tet — Ledge instr
21. Tzusing — Residual Stress instr
22. The Prodigy — Breathe breathe the pressure come play my game, I’ll test ya psychosomatic, addict, insane
23. Caterina Barbieri — Memory Leak instr
24. Radiohead — The National Anthem everyone is so near  everyone has got the fear  it’s holding on
25. UNKLE & Thom Yorke — Rabbit In Your Headlights fat bloody fingers  are suckin’ your soul  away, away, away
26. Queens of the Stone Age — “You Got A Killer Scene There, Man…” what’s the fuckin’ difference, we all gonna die  you gonna do something killer?  c’mon, give it a try
27. Paul Kalkbrenner — Gebrünn Gebrünn instr
28. Underworld — and the colour red dark charge  no, no, no dark  charge  no, no, no
29. Tricky & Martina Topley-Bird — Black Steel I’m not a fugitive on the run  but a brother like me began to be another one  public enemy servin’ time, they drew the line y’all  they criticize me for some crime 30. Justice — Genesis instr 31. Alice In Chains — Would? am I wrong? have I run too far to get home?  have I gone? and left you here alone? 32. Mother Love Bone — This Is Shangrila so don’t you die on me, babe  don’t you die on me  ‘cause love is all good people need
33. Linkin Park — Faint I can’t feel the way I did before  don’t turn your back on me, I won’t be ignored  time won’t heal this damage anymore 
34. Labrinth — Mount Everest I burn down my house and build it up again  (tell ‘em)  I burn it down twice just for the fun of it (tell ‘em)
35. Vince Staples & Snoh Aalegra — Jump Off The Roof highway to hell and I’m speeding one way to tell if I’m breathing  on three let’s jump off the roof
36. Blawan — Body Ramen instr
37. David Holmes presents The Free Association — Le Baggage rise (rise, rise) rise above ground
38. Nearly God & Björk — Keep Your Mouth Shut better keep your mouth shut, babe  next to your chest  better keep your mouth closed, baby  and keep it close to your chest
39. The Dead Weather — 60 Feet Tall I know it ain’t easy  I must tap your evil well  boy, you come roaring like a bat out of hell
40. Giant Swan — Boasting instr
41. Screaming Trees — Shadow of the Season the hour is ending, can’t you see  there is no way now to get free  in the shadow of the season without a reason to carry on
42. Underworld — Bruce Lee bullet got the wrong bloke but he don’t die anyway  it’s nothing mortal but he don’t move
43. Amon Tobin & MC Decimal R. — Verbal instr
44. Massive Attack & Young Fathers — Voodoo In My Blood voodoo in my blood is livid  blood take, I’m chillin’, chill me  got the soul of a mimic  sign of the wars is my grinning
45. Blawan — Under Belly instr
46. Massive Attack & Roots Manuva — Dead Editors ‘cause to live or to die for  we all search for some kind of truth
47. Gonjasufi — Your Maker (Daddy G Remix) is anyone else tired from working on a spaceship?  from walking on a wire?
48. Labrinth — Gangster instr
49. Tzusing — 戴綠帽 (Wear Green Hat) instr
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scotianostra · 2 years
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Happy 82nd Birthday Scottish actor Ian McCulloch was born in Glasgow 18th November 1939.
After doing his national service in the army McCulloch studied at Oxford, during this time he started picking up acting roles and was almost kicked out as it was seen to be interfering with his studies, he knuckled down and completed his university degree. McCulloch admits finding it hard to pick up parts early in his career, he took anything he could, and was known to take operatic parts before being recommended to the Royal Shakespeare Company.
Another of those actors that you will know the face from many shows and films but might not recall his name, I remember him from a 70’s series my mum never missed, Survivors, where he played the enigmatic Greg Preston, McCulloch also wrote the final three episodes of the post-apocalyptic drama. Survivors was created by the man behind Dr Who, Terry Nation, so it won’t surprise you that McCulloch also starred in the episode Warriors of the Deep, the Doctor was played by Peter Davison. The episode is  best remembered  by cult television fans because the story featured quite possibly the most unconvincing monster in the history of the series.
He then starred in several notoriously violent Italian made horror films of the early 1980s that were part of the "video nasty" controversy within the UK. McCulloch was the male lead in the Romero inspired Zombie  aka "Zombi 2" directed by Lucio Fulci, he was back battling more living dead in Zombie Holocaust aka "Dr Butcher MD" directed by Marino Girolami, and then McCulloch took on interplanetary invaders in the Alien  rip-off Contamination, directed by Luigi Cozzi. I would think that by standard nowadays they would be pretty tame.
Ian McCulloch’s film credits are impressive playing supporting roles in Where Eagles Dare with the likes of Richard Burton and Clint Eastwood then Cromwell with Richard Harris and Alec Guinness but it was TV that he made a name for himself, Dr. Finlay’s Casebook, Colditz and Secret Army, as well as Survivors during the 70’s and in the 80’s, Diamonds, Bergerac, Childrens Ward and of course Taggart, as well as other Scottish shows, City Lights and The Tales of Para handy, McCulloch was never been short of work, however there has been nothing lately fro him and I assumed that he retired., but he turned up in a podcast of Survivors in 2016, and according to IMDB he is to feature in a film,  The Witches of the Sands, which is due out next year
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Banner Year, or Silas Soule and the American Genocide
Banner Year, or Silas Soule and the American Genocide
by heneversmiledagain
Crowley is sent to America to cause a ruckus. However, America is creating far too many ruckuses already. As tensions escalate between the Native Americans and the US army, he fears that events may become uncontrollable.
OR, it takes a very brave person to stand up against tyranny and injustice.
Words: 5471, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Good Omens (TV), 19th Century CE RPF
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens), Silas Soule, John Chivington, Edward Wynkoop, Black Kettle
Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens)
Additional Tags: Sad, Sad Ending, Historical, Historical Accuracy, Period-Typical Racism, Genocide, The Sand Creek Massacre, Happy Indigenous History Month, I say that and then write this, Native American/First Nations History, While You Were All Celebrating Pride I Studied 'Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee', And Became Depressed Because Of It
From https://ift.tt/hV0YeNH https://archiveofourown.org/works/47645719
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Events 4.12
240 – Shapur I becomes co-emperor of the Sasanian Empire with his father Ardashir I. 467 – Anthemius is elevated to Emperor of the Western Roman Empire. 627 – King Edwin of Northumbria is converted to Christianity by Paulinus, bishop of York. 1012 – Duke Oldřich of Bohemia deposes and blinds his brother Jaromír, who flees to Poland. 1204 – The Crusaders of the Fourth Crusade breach the walls of Constantinople and enter the city, which they completely occupy the following day. 1606 – The Union Flag is adopted as the flag of English and Scottish ships. 1776 – American Revolution: With the Halifax Resolves, the North Carolina Provincial Congress authorizes its Congressional delegation to vote for independence from Britain. 1807 – The Froberg mutiny on Malta ends when the remaining mutineers blow up the magazine of Fort Ricasoli. 1820 – Alexander Ypsilantis is declared leader of Filiki Eteria, a secret organization to overthrow Ottoman rule over Greece. 1831 – Soldiers marching on the Broughton Suspension Bridge in Manchester, England, cause it to collapse. 1861 – American Civil War: Battle of Fort Sumter. The war begins with Confederate forces firing on Fort Sumter, in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina. 1862 – American Civil War: The Andrews Raid (the Great Locomotive Chase) occurs, starting from Big Shanty, Georgia (now Kennesaw). 1864 – American Civil War: The Battle of Fort Pillow: Confederate forces kill most of the African American soldiers that surrendered at Fort Pillow, Tennessee. 1865 – American Civil War: Mobile, Alabama, falls to the Union Army. 1877 – The United Kingdom annexes the Transvaal. 1900 – One day after its enactment by the Congress, President William McKinley signs the Foraker Act into law, giving Puerto Rico limited self-rule. 1910 – SMS Zrínyi, one of the last pre-dreadnought battleships built by the Austro-Hungarian Navy, is launched. 1917 – World War I: Canadian forces successfully complete the taking of Vimy Ridge from the Germans. 1927 – Shanghai massacre of 1927: Chiang Kai-shek orders the Chinese Communist Party members executed in Shanghai, ending the First United Front. 1927 – Rocksprings, Texas is hit by an F5 tornado that destroys 235 of the 247 buildings in the town, kills 72 townspeople and injures 205; third deadliest tornado in Texas history. 1928 – The Bremen, a German Junkers W 33 type aircraft, takes off for the first successful transatlantic aeroplane flight from east to west. 1934 – The strongest surface wind gust in the world at the time of 231 mph, is measured on the summit of Mount Washington, New Hampshire. It has since been surpassed. 1934 – The U.S. Auto-Lite strike begins, culminating in a five-day melee between Ohio National Guard troops and 6,000 strikers and picketers. 1937 – Sir Frank Whittle ground-tests the first jet engine designed to power an aircraft, at Rugby, England. 1945 – U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt dies in office; Vice President Harry S. Truman becomes President upon Roosevelt's death. 1945 – World War II: The U.S. Ninth Army under General William H. Simpson crosses the Elbe River astride Magdeburg, and reaches Tangermünde—only 50 miles from Berlin. 1955 – The polio vaccine, developed by Dr. Jonas Salk, is declared safe and effective. 1961 – Space Race: The Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin becomes the first human to travel into outer space and perform the first crewed orbital flight, Vostok 1. 1963 – The Soviet nuclear-powered submarine K-33 collides with the Finnish merchant vessel M/S Finnclipper in the Danish straits. 1970 – Soviet submarine K-8, carrying four nuclear torpedoes, sinks in the Bay of Biscay four days after a fire on board. 1980 – The Americo-Liberian government of Liberia is violently deposed. 1980 – Transbrasil Flight 303, a Boeing 727, crashes on approach to Hercílio Luz International Airport, in Florianópolis, Brazil. Fifty-five out of the 58 people on board are killed. 1980 – Canadian runner and athlete, Terry Fox begins his Marathon of Hope Run in St. John's, NF. 1981 – The first launch of a Space Shuttle (Columbia) takes place: The STS-1 mission. 1983 – Harold Washington is elected as the first black mayor of Chicago. 1990 – Jim Gary's "Twentieth Century Dinosaurs" exhibition opens at the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C. He is the only sculptor ever invited to present a solo exhibition there. 1992 – The Euro Disney Resort officially opens with its theme park Euro Disneyland; the resort and its park's name are subsequently changed to Disneyland Paris. 1999 – United States President Bill Clinton is cited for contempt of court for giving "intentionally false statements" in a civil lawsuit; he is later fined and disbarred. 2002 – A suicide bomber blows herself up at the entrance to Jerusalem's Mahane Yehuda Market, killing seven people and wounding 104. 2007 – A suicide bomber penetrates the Green Zone and detonates in a cafeteria within a parliament building, killing Iraqi MP Mohammed Awad and wounding more than twenty other people. 2009 – Zimbabwe officially abandons the Zimbabwean dollar as its official currency. 2010 – Merano derailment: A rail accident in South Tyrol kills nine people and injures a further 28. 2013 – Two suicide bombers kill three Chadian soldiers and injure dozens of civilians at a market in Kidal, Mali. 2014 – The Great Fire of Valparaíso ravages the Chilean city of Valparaíso, killing 16 people, displacing nearly 10,000, and destroying over 2,000 homes.
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