#Test global knowledge online
frostythefrostedfox · 3 months
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Don't you worry, you'll be to told exactly what to do I give my people the lives they need The righteous will succeed
You know what I don't like about rebel stories like Hunger Games and Divergent? That we never get the opposite, how about a compliance story?
Something that always bothered me about certain videogames is how they never ever, not even for one second, entertain the thought that you might not agree with them, they all follow the same formula
MC is respected member of [SOCIETY] > MC has encounter with bad side of [SOCIETY] > MC is told not to question things > MC questions things > MC turns sides > MC opposes and wins against [SOCIETY]
But what if I don't wanna? Why do we never get a videogame like that?
I want a game where the MC discovers the truth about the place they live in, and even with that knowledge they stand up and say "Ok and?" and carry on with their life; and that's how this fella was created
My young impressionable mind was exposed to Syndicate (2012) in 2013, the cover looked so cool and all the promo material online was great, it even had the theme song done by Skrillex, Nero, Flux Pavillion and Digitalism (for the people that likes real music and is reading this, that used to mean a lot, they were huge and everywhere for us noise-enjoyers), but the late part of the game and the ending never really... caught my attention, I always found the introduction of the game a loooot more enjoyable, before Kilo becomes a rebel and fights Eurocorp.
And that is why I created this fella. You can even call it a semi faceclaim.
Just like Kilo, born to a syndicate to serve the syndicate, except that i wasn't Eurocorp, it was Cayman Global, following their in-universe explanation that DART-6 has not been reverse engineered by any company and is propietary software of Eurocorp, Cayman decided to try their hand at it with what knowledge they have on it, and that is how they came up with the idea of Speciality Chips, or S.C, they work similarly to DART-6, with its own schizophrenia inducing voice interface and all, except that they don't enhance every single part of a 'soldier', instead they are using to make people 'better' at their jobs, depending on the role and occupation chosen for them at birth.
Fake memories of a fake family and a fake childhood, an AI prompt fed into his brain by the SC as a child to mould his personality to what Cayman needed it to be, with fake hardships to strenghten his character and fake triumphs to make him proud and happy. And every single thing he remembers doing as a child was a stage play to nurture and test his abilities, a continious selection program where only the best move on to the next phase while never aware that they are competing; every single one of those kids he beat at Spelling Bee as a child were just like him, and their failure meant their removal from the program, another job at Cayman Global will be found for them that fits their skillset, same thing for karting tournaments, academic score, everything.
His parents are just company employees told to act a certain way to incite certain reactions, records of who he was born to are probably kept somewhere, but who cares anyways, for as long as he believes those are his parents, they will do.
The only thing that makes him a somewhat rare candidate is that he is not a single child, he has a sister, also put throught the same program as him, just for another role, using a different version of the chip for a completely different purpose.
After years of serving Cayman Global and earning his Black Stripe clearance, one of his missions has his evacuation transport crash and drop him into the sea, after his chip entered power saving mode due to not consuming enough food or water, it was the first time he ever experienced fully thinking for himself, not having his thoughts molded, suggested or coerced by any company directive, and he found those thoughts to be quite similar to the ones he had before, questioning the methods of execution of Cayman Global, but not their ideals or beliefs. Why was he floating in the sea for so long? Shouldn't they pick him up as soon as his signal dissapeared? If the SC is an AI, do they all have different personalities and voices? Is his specially made for him?
Upon arriving Someplace, Somewhere in [COUNTRY], his chip came back into service, except that now they had a different set of information and ideas, his head filled with questions that the SC couldn't answer, but none of these doubts ever put his allegiance into question, so none of them got reported back, which would have ironically gotten him rescued faster.
Eventually he came across some locals, his uniform and armor damaged, no longer sporting any visible mark of his employer, they took him in, unaware of who he was; they certainly wouldn't have if they knew he was working for the exact same company responsible for making their life so miserable.
Time passed, he learned things from the locals and the locals learnt from him, all of his training was very real, and it showed, a trained agent like him could do things these guerrilla fighters only dreamed of, eventually being a prominent voice in this little tribe that nursed him back to health, he got a taste of what being in power was like, and he liked it, and his SC was taking records of it.
This sudden change in approach to a more professional and organized course of action peaked the interest of the tribe's enemies too, they couldn't have learned these things overnight, someone was helping them, their first thought was a rival syndicate, and so they dispatched a whole bunch of agents to deal with the new threat, ironically one of these agents being his sister.
The two were fated to encounter, and that is exactly what happened, just not the way they expected it, and certainly not the way they wanted it, and totally against the syndicate's wishes. Their SCs mark each other as [RELATIVE], but they don't know this other animal in front of them, how could these two different animals could have come out of the same mother, they are not the same species, she's a bird, he's a fox, he has a marksman tag, she has a bruiser tag, they look nothing alike, they are nothing alike.
Cayman Global originally thought of this as an inconvenience that should be dealt with immediately, but latter settled on exploring the possible opportunities of letting their bond be known to each other, and more importantly, the opportunity to gain an insider with access to the locals. And they had a lot to know about each other, their customs, their way of doing things, their likes and dislikes.
This only led to more question appearing on his head, why was everything at Cayman so peaceful, why can he just solve problems with his sister so easily, while the locals have all of these problems, tribes not settling in on one thing, having to constantly ask for things, changing their minds, disagreeing, fights; maybe they had so much problems with the syndicates because of their ways, if they could understand each other, things could probably be solved quicker.
But the tribes didn't wanted that, and rightfully so, they did not wanted to surrender their freedom, their land and everything they own to a company to manage and do as it pleases with, it was theirs.
You can't teach an old dog new tricks, he and his sister were raised by the Syndicate, to them these ideas the locals speak of were nonsense, all of this chaos and problems that could be easily fixed, why wouldnt you want to fix it?
And that's when his SC, for the first time in forever, came up with its own idea, not something fed by the mainframe. Betray the tribes.
And betray the tribes they indeed do, Cayman agents agreed to the plan after a lot of favours being called and some heavy bargaining in the form of his sister's fists. An easy pick for the tribes, a Helibird crashed into the desert after a sandstorm, few survivours and a delayed rescue team due to the poor visibility, the perfect chance to pick up resources; but the only thing they picked up was a fight they couldn't win.
And so he triumphantly returned to his home, Cayman Global headquarters, but his new... Ideas... were not popular with all of his superiors, but those that agreed with him were not afraid of showing his support.
That's how he met Moon, someone that has been sitting near the top for way too long, and no longer thinks the head should be doing the thinking, and she was ready to make a play for it, playing with some strings here and there to have the siblings end up under her supervision, she could train and explore where these ideas of theirs really led to, what did they meant.
He gave a new name to his SC's voice, Lightning, and she liked it, it was nice to be her own thing, not just another chip, and in return, he let her take control over bits and pieces of his brain that none of the chips should have access to.
Little by little, Moon slowly revealled what the syndicates were up to, a second syndicate war was brooding up, and it was going to be way worse than the one they had in 2049, and she remembers that one pretty well, she was still an active agent back then. She allowed him to take a peek behind the curtain, how his memories were manipulated and changed in order to fit a narrative created by the syndicate, how his upbringing was all fake, how he was monitored and sought after like a guinea pig.
And he had absolutely no problem with any of that, his mind was so deeply consumed by the company's mindset that he couldn't even begin to understand how could any of those things were bad, he never questioned his position or his role in Cayman Global, instead he just wanted more, his last adventure made him hungry for things he should have never tasted, the company's propaganda kept him docile and happy, but also kept him compliant and safe, and he wanted none of the latter, having power is great, being in charge is amazing and telling other people what to do feels good; and Lightning agreed with it, why should she be a simple voice on his head, when she could control all the other voices on everyone's head.
That is where their real 'adventure' begins, not to destroy a corrupt syndicate, not to make the world a better place, not to make it fairer, is to put themselves on top, be the one that cuts the cake instead of being the one receiving a slice.
Thank you for coming to my OC rant
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superlinguo · 2 years
Superlinguo 2022 in review
At the start of 2022 it was my aim to move gently through this year, after the general global upheaval the pandemic brought, and settling back into work after parental leave. I mostly think managed that for myself, and things worth sharing still happened this year.
Lingthusiasm turned 6 this year. As well as regular episodes and bonus episodes every month, this year we ran a special offer for patrons and did a one-off print run of lens cloths with our redesigned aesthetic IPA.
Main episodes
Love and fury at the linguistics of emotions (transcript)
Who questions the questions? (transcript)
The linguistic map is not the linguistic territory (transcript)
What If Linguistics - Absurd Hypothetical Questions with Randall Munroe of xkcd (transcript)
Various vocal fold vibes (transcript)
Language in the brain - Interview with Ev Fedorenko (transcript)
What we can, must, and should say about modals (transcript)
Tea and skyscrapers - When words get borrowed across languages (transcript)
What it means for a language to be official (transcript)
Word order, we love (transcript)
Knowledge is power, copulas are fun (transcript)
Making speech visible with spectrograms (transcript)
Bonus episodes
Speakest Thou Ye Olde English?
103 ways for kids to learn languages
Linguistics and science communication - Interview with Liz McCullough
Behind the scenes on making an aesthetic IPA chart - Interview with Lucy Maddox
Using a rabbit to get kids chatting for science
Language inside an MRI machine - Interview with Saima Malik-Moraleda
There’s like, so much to like about “like”
What makes a swear word feel sweary? A &⩐#⦫& Liveshow
Approaching word games like a linguist - Interview with Nicole Holliday and Ben Zimmer of Spectacular Vernacular
Behind the scenes on how linguists come up with research topics
Emoji, Mongolian, and Multiocular O ꙮ - Dispatches from the Unicode Conference
LingComm: 2022 grants and conference posts
This year we ran another round of LingComm Grants, and we’ve been enjoying seeing new linguistic communication projects come to life. We also published summaries of top tips from plenary panels of the 2021 LingComm conference, and I teamed up with Gabrielle Hodge to write about how to plan communication access for online conferences. The LingComm conference will be back in 2023!
Tips for LingComm series
Planning communication access for online conferences: A Research Whisperer post about LingComm21
LingComm23 conference (February 2023)
2022 LingComm Grantees: New linguistics projects for you to follow
Top Superlinguo posts in 2022
Superlinguo remains a place where I can test out ideas or share things that aren’t necessarily the shape of an academic publication. I also continued my slow series of posts about linguistics books for kids, with a gem from 1966!
General posts
Superlinguo turns 11!
New Superlinguo Welcome page
Linguistics books for kids: How You Talk
Long form blog posts
Notes and observations about air quote gestures
Fictional gestures in scifi and fantasy
Information and advice
Doing your own Linguistics Job Interviews
Planning communication access for online conferences: A Research Whisperer post about LingComm21
Managing Breakout Rooms in online Tutorials and Workshops
Adopting the Trømso Recommendations in academic publishing
Linguistics Job Interviews
In 2022 the Linguistics Job Interviews series was edited by Martha Tsutsui-Bilins. After 8 years and 80+ interviews, the regular monthly series is coming to an end. There were 12 new interviews this year: 
Interview with a  Director of Conversation Design
Interview with an Artist
Interview with a Research Scientist
Interview with a Language Engineer
Interview with a Data Manager & Digital Archivist
Interview with a Natural Language Annotation Lead
Interview with an EMLS/Linguistics instructor & mother of four
Interview with a Performing Artiste and Freelance Editor
Interview with a Hawaiian and Tahitian language Instructor, Translator & Radio Host
Interview with a Customer Success Manager
Interview with an Impact Lead
Interview with an Online Linguistics Teacher
Regular interviews may have ended, but I’ll have more on linguistics, jobs and careers in 2023. I also wrote this post about doing your own Linguistics Job Interviews, to encourage other people to share their stories or interview others about their experiences.
Academic articles in 2022
This year I had two academic articles published. I also published one academic review of a monograph:
Gawne, L. & S. Styles. 2022. Situating linguistics in the social science data movement. In A.L. Berez-Kroeker, B. McDonnell, E. Koller & L.B. Collister (Eds), The Open Handbook of Linguistic Data Management, 9-25. MIT Press. [Open Access PDF][Superlinguo summary]
Gawne, L. & T. Owen-Smith. 2022. The General Fact/Generic Factual in Yolmo and Tamang. Studies in Language. Issue number forthcoming doi: 10.1075/sl.21049.gaw [published version][Green OA version][blog summary]
Gawne, L. 2022. Review of Repetitions in Gesture by Jana Bressem. The Linguist List. [HTML]
The year ahead
I will be on parental leave in 2023 🎉
Last time I went on leave with a newborn I had no idea if I would have a job to return to. I’m very grateful to not have that stress hanging over me this time around. Lingthusiasm will continue as regularly scheduled. It will be interesting to see how things here go without the monthly job interview posts. I’ll still have new publications, and various linguistics resources and observations to share, if maybe on a less than weekly basis. You can always follow Superlinguo on Tumblr @superlinguo), join the mailing list (in the sidebar), go retro and use the RSS feed, or follow me on Twitter (@superlinguo)
Previous years
Superlinguo 2021 in review
Superlinguo 2020 in review
Superlinguo 2020 (2019 in review)
Superlinguo 2019 (2018 in review)
Superlinguo 2018 (2017 in review)
Superlinguo 2017 (2016 in review)
Superlinguo 2015 highlights
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How Chennai SEO Agencies Perform Website Analytics
In today’s competitive digital landscape, website analytics has become a crucial component of a successful SEO strategy. Chennai's leading SEO agencies have mastered the art of analyzing website data to help businesses enhance their online presence and achieve measurable growth.
The Importance of Website Analytics in SEO
Understanding how visitors interact with your website is the key to improving its performance. Website analytics provides deep insights of user behavior, traffic sources, and overall website health, enabling SEO professionals to make data-driven decisions. Chennai SEO agencies leverage these analytics to refine strategies, optimize content, and drive better results for their clients.
Tools Used by Chennai SEO Agencies
To provide comprehensive website analytics, Chennai SEO agencies utilize a range of powerful tools:
Google Analytics: A foundational tool for tracking website traffic, user behavior, and conversion rates. Agencies in Chennai use this tool to gather essential data and monitor progress over time.
SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Moz: These tools help Chennai agencies analyze keyword performance, backlink profiles, and competitor strategies. They provide a holistic view of the SEO landscape.
Hotjar and Other Behavior Tracking Tools: These tools offer insights into user behavior, such as heatmaps, session recordings, and conversion funnels. Chennai agencies use them to improve user experience and optimize conversion rates.
Key Metrics Analyzed
Chennai SEO agencies focus on various critical metrics to assess website performance:
Traffic and User Behavior: Analyzing where visitors come from, how long they stay, and what actions they take helps agencies understand what drives engagement.
Bounce Rate and Session Duration: A high bounce rate or short session duration could indicate issues with user experience or content relevance, which agencies aim to resolve.
Conversion Tracking and Goal Completions: Agencies track conversions, whether it's a form submission, product purchase, or other desired actions, to measure the success of the SEO efforts.
Keyword Performance and Search Ranking: Monitoring keyword rankings and organic traffic helps agencies refine SEO strategies and target high-potential search terms.
The Process of Website Analytics in Chennai Agencies
Initial Audit and Benchmarking: Chennai agencies begin with a comprehensive audit of the website, setting benchmarks for performance. This step helps in identifying issues and opportunities for improvement.
Regular Monitoring and Reporting: Continuous monitoring ensures that the SEO efforts are aligned with the client’s goals. Agencies provide detailed reports, highlighting key findings and actionable insights.
Customizing Analytics for Specific Goals: Chennai SEO agencies customize their analytics approach depending on the nature of the business. For example, e-commerce sites require different metrics compared to blogs or service-based websites.
A/B Testing and Continuous Optimization: To achieve better results, agencies implement A/B testing for different elements of the website and make ongoing optimizations based on the findings.
Why Choose a Chennai SEO Agency?
Chennai is a hub of SEO expertise, with agencies offering a blend of local and global SEO services. Here’s why businesses choose Chennai SEO agencies:
Expertise in Local and Global SEO: Chennai agencies have deep knowledge of local SEO for targeting specific regions as well as expertise in global SEO strategies for broader audiences.
Access to Cutting-Edge Tools and Techniques: These agencies stay updated with the latest SEO tools and methodologies, ensuring that clients get the best results.
Tailored Strategies for Different Industries: Chennai agencies customize their SEO strategies to fit the unique needs of various industries, from e-commerce to technology and beyond.
Website analytics is the backbone of any successful SEO campaign. By choosing a Chennai SEO agency, businesses can tap into a wealth of knowledge and expertise in website analytics, ensuring that their SEO efforts are always backed by data-driven decisions. Whether it’s improving user experience, increasing traffic, or boosting conversions, Chennai SEO agencies are committed to delivering long-term success.
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courtneylovegalvez · 7 months
SMART Tales: Crafting Global Solutions through Creative Narratives
Blog 1 - February 16, 2024
In the initial exploration of the Technopreneurship 101 course, we engaged with the inaugural video featured on the Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology's Facebook page. The video emphasizes the establishment of a self-learning environment, fostering student engagement through hands-on experiences. In this setting, the instructor facilitates direct interaction with problems, empowering students to make independent decisions and learn through real-world competition dynamics.
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On our first group activity, we were assigned to present ES 302 Game 1, where the team members underwent the 3-12-3 Brainstorm, 5 Why's, and Plus/Delta activities centered on the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which target the resolution of pressing global challenges such as poverty and inequality by the year 2030. After exchanging ideas and perspectives, we decided to focus on SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, which mainly focused on the problem "Excessive Plastic Waste Generation: Why Does This Happen?" that is relevant to our community and which we believe is applicable to our program, which is Mechanical Engineering.
Following careful consideration, implementing a comprehensive strategy that includes regulatory measures, consumer education, support for sustainable business practices, circular economy initiatives, and stakeholder collaboration is critical to addressing the root causes of excessive plastic waste and encouraging responsible consumption and production in the local community.
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Furthermore, our lecturer suggested that we take the Myers & Briggs Personality Test, an online tool for identifying individual personality types. This test was not simple, but it helped me understand my personality. I was categorized as an INFJ-A. This classification spoke to me strongly since it emphasizes characteristics such as introversion, intuition, feeling, and judgment. Many INFJs believe that their lives have a special purpose—a mission that they were born to complete. For them, one of the most satisfying aspects of life is seeking out this purpose and then attempting to fulfill it.
"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and you help them to become what they are capable of being."-Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
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Beginning the first week of this course was like walking into a whirlwind, seeking not only a thorough understanding of technopreneurship but also the cultivation of an imaginative mentality to handle community concerns. I am doubly motivated to use my engineering knowledge, although the weight of this undertaking appeared to be like a huge mountain. Still, within the challenges, a thrill and sense of oneness emerged, established through teamwork and the collaboration of our diverse journeys.
Courtney Love G. Galvez - Mechanical Engineering 3A
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rajdhami01-blog · 11 months
Emerging Trends in Pharmaceutical Education 
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Pharmaceutical education is experiencing a transformative shift in response to rapid advancements in the field of healthcare and the evolving needs of the global population. As we step into a future characterised by personalised medicine, precision therapies, and breakthrough technologies, the training and education of future pharmacists and pharmaceutical professionals are adapting to keep pace. In this blog, we will bring forth the latest developments and emerging trends in pharmaceutical education. 
According to Statista Pharmaceutical Market Forecast, the pharmaceutical industry has witnessed a rapid metamorphosis, with revenue expected to show an annual growth rate (CAGR 2023-2028) of 5.80%, resulting in a market volume of US$1,478.00bn by 2028, reflecting the sector's exponential growth. This growth is propelled by various factors, including an aging population, the rise of chronic diseases, and the increasing demand for personalised treatments. In response, pharmaceutical education is adapting to equip aspiring pharmacists and professionals with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate this dynamic and ever-evolving industry. 
1. Integration of Technology and Digital Learning 
In recent years, the integration of technology into pharmaceutical education has become ubiquitous. Digital platforms, virtual labs, simulation software, and online courses are revolutionizing the way students learn and engage with the subject matter. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are being utilized to create immersive learning experiences, allowing students to visualize complex pharmaceutical concepts in a more interactive and dynamic manner. These technologies enhance understanding and retention, ultimately preparing students for the technologically advanced landscape of modern healthcare. 
2. Focus on Interdisciplinary Learning 
Pharmaceutical education is embracing an interdisciplinary approach, fostering collaboration between pharmacy students and professionals from other healthcare domains. Interdisciplinary learning encourages a holistic understanding of healthcare systems and enables students to work seamlessly in a team-based environment. Collaborations with medical practitioners, bioinformatics experts, data scientists, and engineers expose students to diverse perspectives and problem-solving strategies, preparing them to be well-rounded professionals in an interdisciplinary healthcare landscape. 
3. Personalised and Individualised Learning 
Recognizing the unique learning styles and paces of individual students, personalized learning is gaining traction in pharmaceutical education. Tailoring educational experiences to meet the specific needs and preferences of students allows for a more effective learning process. Adaptive learning technologies use data analytics to track student progress and adapt the content and pace of learning accordingly. This approach optimizes comprehension and retention, ensuring that each student achieves their educational goals. 
4. Integration of Pharmacogenomics and Genetics 
Advancements in pharmacogenomics and genetics are transforming pharmaceutical education by necessitating a deeper understanding of how genetic variations influence drug responses. Modern curricula are incorporating in-depth studies of genomics, pharmacogenomics, and genetic testing to equip future pharmacists with the knowledge and skills to provide personalized medication recommendations based on an individual's genetic makeup. This personalized approach improves patient outcomes and reduces adverse reactions. 
5. Emphasis on Soft Skills and Professionalism 
Pharmaceutical education is evolving to place greater emphasis on soft skills and professionalism. Effective communication, leadership, critical thinking, and empathy are essential qualities for pharmaceutical professionals. Educational programs now integrate courses and workshops that enhance these skills, preparing students not only to excel in their technical roles but also to effectively interact with patients, colleagues, and healthcare stakeholders. 
6. Experiential Learning and Practical Exposure 
Traditional classroom-based learning is being complemented with experiential learning and practical exposure in real-world healthcare settings. Internships, externships, and rotations in community pharmacies, hospitals, research laboratories, and pharmaceutical industries provide students with valuable hands-on experience. These opportunities bridge the gap between theory and practice, enabling students to apply their knowledge in real-life scenarios and develop the necessary skills and confidence for their future careers. 
7. Environmental and Global Health Perspectives 
As sustainability and global health become paramount concerns, pharmaceutical education is incorporating curricula that address the environmental impact of pharmaceuticals and global health challenges. Students are exposed to the concepts of eco-friendly pharmaceutical practices, responsible drug manufacturing, and the role of pharmacists in addressing global health issues. This broadens their understanding of the industry's impact on the planet and society, encouraging responsible and ethical practices. 
Pioneering Pharmaceutical Education in India 
Shoolini University stands at the forefront of innovative pharmaceutical education in India. Renowned for its commitment to academic excellence, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and emphasis on holistic development, Shoolini University has emerged as a top choice for students aspiring to excel in the pharmaceutical field. Let's delve into the details of the pharmaceutical education offerings and the esteemed Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Shoolini University. 
Here are some highlights of Shoolini University's exceptional pharmaceutical education: 
Faculty from prestigious institutions worldwide, including University of Innsbruck (Austria), University of Constance (Germany), Chang Won National University (South Korea), and NIPER. 
Pharma NIRF Rank 41 (All India), reflecting the university's academic prowess and standing in the pharmaceutical education landscape. 
The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences boasts 104+ cutting-edge laboratories across the university, providing students with extensive practical exposure and fostering research and innovation. 
Students receive scholarships and fellowships at both undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) levels, encouraging academic excellence and reducing the financial burden on students. 
An application-oriented curriculum that prepares students for real-world challenges, ensuring they are industry-ready upon graduation. 
Programs Offered by Shoolini University
Program 1
B Pharmacy 
Duration : 4 years 
Eligibility : 10+2 (PCB/PCM) with minimum 60% marks 
Program 2
B Pharmacy LEET 
Duration : 3 years 
Eligibility : Diploma in Pharmacy with 60% marks from a Pharmacy Council of India approved institution 
Program 3
M Pharma Pharmacology 
Duration : 2 years 
Eligibility : B Pharmacy from an institution approved by the Pharmacy Council of India with minimum 55% marks 
Program 4
M Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Chemistry 
Duration : 2 years 
Eligibility : B Pharmacy from an institution approved by the Pharmacy Council of India with minimum 55% marks 
Program 5
M Pharmacy Pharmaceutics 
Duration : 2 years 
Eligibility : B Pharmacy from an institution approved by the Pharmacy Council of India with minimum 55% marks 
Program 6
PhD Pharma 
Duration : 3 years 
Eligibility : Four-year graduation degree by research or master's degree in related discipline with minimum 55% marks 
In conclusion, Shoolini University is leading the way in pharmaceutical education in India, aligning its programs with the evolving trends and demands of the healthcare industry. Through a focus on innovation, interdisciplinary learning, practical exposure, and a dedicated faculty, Shoolini University equips its students to contribute significantly to the advancement of pharmaceutical sciences and improve healthcare outcomes for individuals and communities. 
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warkopmusik · 1 year
Tube Mastery and Monetization by Matt Par
In today’s digital age, the power of online video cannot be underestimated. YouTube, the world’s largest video-sharing platform, has not only revolutionized the way we consume content but has also opened doors for countless individuals to create lucrative careers. However, mastering YouTube can be a challenging task, especially if you’re new to the platform. That’s where Tube Mastery and Monetization by Matt Par comes into play. In this article, we will delve into the world of YouTube, explore what Tube Mastery and Monetization is all about, and how it can help you achieve your online dreams.
Unlocking the Power of YouTube
YouTube is more than just a video-sharing platform; it’s a global phenomenon. With over 2 billion logged-in monthly users and over 500 hours of content uploaded every minute, YouTube has become the go-to platform for everything from educational tutorials to entertainment, and beyond. For many content creators, YouTube represents a golden opportunity to turn their passion into profit.
The Creator’s Dilemma
While the allure of YouTube success is undeniable, the path to achieving it can be elusive. Many aspiring content creators struggle with a variety of challenges, including:
Niche Selection: Finding the right niche that suits your interests and has an audience can be daunting.
Content Creation: Producing high-quality, engaging videos consistently can be time-consuming and technically challenging.
Audience Growth: Gaining subscribers and views can be a slow and frustrating process, especially when you’re just starting.
Monetization: Turning your YouTube channel into a sustainable source of income requires knowledge of various revenue streams.
Tube Mastery and Monetization: The Solution
Tube Mastery and Monetization, created by Matt Par, offers a comprehensive solution to these challenges. This online course is designed to equip aspiring YouTubers with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed on the platform. Here’s what you can expect from the program:
Niche Selection Mastery: Matt Par guides you through the process of finding a profitable niche that aligns with your interests and has the potential for growth.
Content Creation: Learn the secrets of creating high-quality, engaging videos even if you’re a complete beginner. Matt Par shares his tips on video editing, scriptwriting, and more.
Audience Growth Strategies: Discover proven techniques to attract more subscribers and increase your video views. Matt Par shares strategies for optimizing your channel’s visibility.
Monetization Techniques: Tube Mastery and Monetization explores various revenue streams, including AdSense, affiliate marketing, and sponsorships, to help you turn your passion into profit.
Case Studies: Matt Par provides real-world examples and case studies to illustrate the principles he teaches, making it easier for you to apply them to your own channel.
Why Tube Mastery and Monetization?
You might be wondering why you should choose Tube Mastery and Monetization over other YouTube courses. Here are a few compelling reasons:
Proven Success: Matt Par himself is a successful YouTube entrepreneur, with multiple channels generating substantial income. His techniques are not just theoretical but have been tried and tested.
Comprehensive Training: The course covers all aspects of YouTube success, from niche selection to monetization. It leaves no stone unturned in helping you achieve your goals.
Community Support: You’ll become part of a community of like-minded individuals, all striving for YouTube success. This support network can be invaluable on your journey.
Updated Content: YouTube is a dynamic platform, and Matt Par keeps his course up-to-date with the latest strategies and changes in the YouTube algorithm.
Tube Mastery and Monetization by Matt Par is more than just an online course; it’s a ticket to unlocking your YouTube potential. Whether you’re an aspiring content creator looking to turn your passion into profit or an experienced YouTuber aiming to take your channel to the next level, this course can provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to succeed. With Matt Par as your guide, you can navigate the challenges of YouTube with confidence and start building the online career you’ve always dreamed of. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to make your mark on the world’s largest video-sharing platform. Enroll in Tube Mastery and Monetization today and embark on your YouTube journey to success.
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zarithial · 1 year
can you tell me abt jaded to a point??
oh boy can i??? promise?? hell yeah. okay so.hggdh - 7:52pm after being awake for 28 hours letsh see waht ih ave to say in the omrnigng. It is now 3pm. uh what. Anyway lets see. Jaded To A Point! This'll be long.
Jaded is an iterator from the 6th generation! He goes by He/Him and They/Them! He has a bunch of storage of just, general knowledge. random trivia is all he can access now due to mind fog. Shortly before he was activated, something changed in his code and rewrote most of it giving him the iterator equivalent of ADHD and Autism. hooray. He... is constantly in sensory deprivation, usually resulting to scratching the walls and floor of his chamber or just throwing his limbs around. Oh right, yeah. all of his limbs barring his tail are detachable.
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heres the points where he can detach (barring the ones obviously already disconnected). its mostly just each joint! additionally, each point is able to float as if in anti-gravity, even under regular gravity.
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What stops it all from floating away? those little blue filaments! haven't figured whats up with them yet but yknow! they're able to extend to cross the entire length of the chamber, corner to corner from what Jade has tested!
He's just! a silly guy! He's having fun existing (even if existence is a hollow experience when you need constant stimulation that you do not have) but what about his structure you ask? Well I'm glad you asked! Its all relatively standard! a bit larger memory banks but! Whats happening on the outside is whats interesting
A pitch black fog drowns the entire area, blotting out the sky with eternal darkness. No light can pierce it from the outside! But thats not all! Its also filled with horror. Something happens to things in the fog, walls crack and flesh grows from underneath, floors break open and growths of meat and limbs reach up into the sky Creatures are corrupted by the growths, being slowly taken over by a malignant fleshy thing. There are also beings in there! things that do NOT like things being in their space, destroying overseers controlled by jade (He's a bit unaware of anything approaching them so they get got because of him) They cant be seen, just bright white eyes that pierce through the fog which is... ah
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a bit unnerving! Think like! silent hill! or cry of fear, or total chaos! Jade lives in a horror game! But don't worry about him! it does NOT effect his structure! He doesn't know where it came from but its been there since a while after the global ascension. What else... Oh yeah! His sister is dead. He can't remember the rest of his local group And his comms have been offline for exactly 2,348.93 cycles due to a software error that broke them. His programming skills are far too poor to even attempt to fix it so he just sits in silence with no visitors and nothing to do! He is barely sane! For global au specific stuff, his comms came back online after being visited by a specific slugcat which gave him a pearl which fixed his software error and gave him access to the global line! where he! is slowly exploring the fog, because he didn't think to do that before. So now everyone gets to find out just how fucked up his zone is right there with him! yay! uhh thats all i've got :) If you have any more specific questions about him, feel free to ask!
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kramlabs · 2 years
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What happens when only 16% of flu patients have the flu?
Here is how serious propaganda works: Over a a long period of time, you build up a gigantic lie. You keep reinforcing it.
You have major money behind you, as well as institutions of government, and corporations. You forge that lie, and you keep repeating it over and over.
Finally, and this is the payoff, you reach a point where a refutation of the lie would seem, to most people, like a piece of incomprehensible insanity, like gibberish.
Therefore, the refutation of the lie would tend to be invisible. It would sink like a small stone, leaving no trace.
After writing about fake vaccine science since 1988, I thought I’d seen it all:
Wild falsehoods about vaccines creating immunity; suppressed information about toxic ingredients in the shots and their devastating health effects; the absence of proper controlled studies proving vaccines are safe and effective.
But Peter Doshi, PhD, writing in the online BMJ (British Medical Journal), reveals a new monstrosity. It’s all based on the revelation that most “flu” is not the flu.
Follow this closely. If you blink, you might miss it.
You see, as Doshi states, every year, hundreds of thousands of respiratory samples are taken from flu patients in the US and tested in labs. Here is the kicker: only a small percentage of these samples show the presence of a flu virus.
This means: most of the people in America who are diagnosed by doctors with the flu have no flu virus in their bodies.
Therefore, even if you (falsely) assume the flu vaccine is useful and safe, it couldn’t possibly prevent all those “flu cases” that aren’t flu cases. The vaccine couldn’t possibly work.
The vaccine isn’t designed to prevent fake flu, unless pigs can fly.
Here’s the exact quote from Doshi’s BMJ review, “ Influenza: marketing vaccines by marketing disease” (BMJ 2013; 346:f3037):
“…few people realize that even the ideal influenza vaccine, matched perfectly to circulating strains of wild influenza and capable of stopping all influenza viruses, can only deal with a small part of the ‘flu’ problem…Every year, hundreds of thousands of respiratory specimens are tested across the US. Of those tested, on average 16% are found to be influenza positive….It’s no wonder so many people feel that ‘flu shots’ don’t work: for most flus, they can’t.”
Because most diagnosed cases of the flu aren’t the flu.
So even if you’re a true believer in mainstream vaccine theory, you’re on the short end of the stick here. They’re conning your socks off.
A patient walks into a doctor’s office. He’s sick. He’s coughing. He has a fever. His muscles ache. The doctor says, “You have the flu. Did you get your flu shot this year?”
“No,” the patient says.
The doctor gives him a stern look. “Well, you should have. See? You’re sick now. The vaccine would have prevented that.”
Again, even by conventional standards, the odds are very high the vaccine would have made no difference at all. Because the odds are very high this patient doesn’t have an influenza virus.
Overwhelmingly, doctors diagnose the flu with a casual eyeball glance. The patient has a familiar cluster of symptoms? It’s flu season? Okay, it’s the flu. Period.
With an ongoing blizzard of psyop-marketing, people accept “flu” and react emotionally to the propaganda about it.
In 2009, as the heralded Level 6 global pandemic, Swine Flu, was proving to be a bust and a trickle, Sharyl Attkisson (CBS News) discovered that the CDC had stopped counting the number of Swine Flu cases in America.
The CDC had stopped counting, because their tests on diagnosed flu patients showed so many who didn’t have the flu virus, who didn’t have the flu at all.
Atkisson’s reporting was explosive. It was threatening to expose the whole flu psyop. What would happen if it became common knowledge that most people diagnosed with the flu don’t have the flu? What would happened to the campaigns to get people to take flu vaccines?
Attkisson was muzzled. And the CDC doubled down and suddenly claimed there were undoubtedly TEN MILLION cases of Swine Flu in the US. This, after only several thousand cases had been reported.
This is on the order of saying a dry creek-bed in the woods is actually the Mississippi River.
Twisting words and numbers and painting false pictures is the CDC’s job.
Do you have an advanced degree, and are you a liar and a criminal? The CDC needs you.
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trending-tech-buddy · 2 years
Top Tech Career For the Future
The technologies were growing rapidly over the years, even before the Covid-19 pandemic which will provide the most in-demand tech jobs in 2023. The jobs picture in the United States (US) and Europe is still largely illustrative, with recessions, global economic pressures, and recent layoffs at many tech firms. But in the short span of just seven months amid the current global health crisis, it has become a necessity to know the top tech careers for today's society. With these technological adaptations, the demand has grown exponentially for both jobs and individuals with skills that meet the needs of digitally transformed sectors. 
In fact, the technology landscape is currently experiencing a level of growth with global IT spending expected to reach $4.5 trillion by early 2023. According to an online job portal, it was also reported that the demand for AI talents has more than doubled since 2021, with the number of job postings increasing in 2024. This is also a good time for job changers looking for the highest-paying tech jobs without a degree. If you are already working in the artificial intelligence sector, or cyber security sector, or a professional who wants to break into a developer, then this article will help you to stay ahead of the masses in next year's best tech jobs 2023. 
AI / ML Engineer
Data Scientist
UI/ UX Designer
Cloud Engineer and Robotics Engineer
Cyber Security
AI / ML Engineer
Machine Learning is a specialized branch of AI- Artificial Intelligence that is ideal for those who have a passion for computer science and who want to make a career in the exciting and fast-growing industry. Where ML engineers use extensive data to create a complex algorithm that eventually programs a machine to perform human-like tasks such as a self-driving car or a digital voice assistant. It is also necessary to have a master's degree with knowledge of artificial intelligence or computer science for better opportunities in the AI ​​/ ML Engineer field.  Read more about Artificial intelligence in detail here.
2. Data Scientist
Data science jobs are not new as they are known as the most desirable jobs of the 21st century and are emerging like other technology jobs such as cloud computing engineers or machine learning engineers. Presently as various organizations collect and use more data every day, the demand for skilled data science experts has increased.  A sound understanding of data science and analytics is the key to standing out in the field of data science.
3. UI/ UX Designer
UI/UX designers are involved in designing a website that is suitable for the software, website, or app to meet the patterns, motivations, behaviors, and needs of users. As the demand for UI and UX designers continues to grow exponentially, companies are struggling to keep up with them. When businesses are turning to digital platforms to advertise their products or services, it has never been so important to ensure that the user experience and interface are the best. An Appropriate bachelor's degree such as computer science is required, while a master's degree is also desirable and professional experience stands for a better opportunity in the UI/UX designer field.
4. Cloud Engineer and Robotics Engineer
As technology continues to evolve, robotics and cloud engineers are increasingly in demand to prototype, analyze, configure, test, and maintain machines used in mining. Cloud computing has become indispensable for those working remotely and organizations are hiring people with skills and knowledge who can move processes and perform cloud-based tasks. The Master in Robotics or Computer Science will set you up with the necessary skills, knowledge, and experience to enter the field of robotics and cloud engineering. Read more about the Future of Robotics here.
5. Cyber Security
In the present day where most of our financial lives move from personal to virtual, the need for cyber security is greater than ever. With the continuous rise in cryptocurrencies, there is a growing demand for IT experts with knowledge of cyber security, from online banking to shopping. For learners who want to enter cyber security, it is important to increase knowledge with skills in areas such as data encryption, risk elimination, and firewalls, while becoming familiar with software security will keep you ahead of the rest.
Read Full article in detail here.
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prernamodi · 2 years
Website Development In India
Web development is the building and maintenance of websites, it’s the work that happens behind the scenes to make a website look great, work fast and perform well.
Web developers using a variety of coding languages. The languages use depends on the types of tasks they are preforming and the platforms on which they are working.
There are many different types of website development, including web design, web development, and online marketing.
Web development skills are in high demand worldwide and well paid too making development a great career option. It is one of the easiest accessible higher paid fields and do not need university degree to become qualified.
There are 3 main types of web development
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Front-end development
Back-end development
Full stack development.
Front-end development
Front-end development is the process of designing, building, and testing the visual part of a web or mobile application.They work with both visual and functional design, as well as user experience and accessibility.it can involve a variety of programming languages, design tools, and testing frameworks. Some common front-end development tasks include the following:
1. Designing and developing graphical user interfaces (GUIs).
2. Developing and testing web pages using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
3. Developing responsive designs for varying screen sizes.
4. Building custom animations and 3D effects for websites or applications.
5. Conducting usability tests to evaluate the effectiveness of a website or application's user interface.
Back-end development
Back-end development is the process of designing, coding, and testing the functionality of a web application's back-end - the part of the system that handles requests from users and interacts with databases. This includes everything from developing the system's architecture to writing code to support user authentication and data storage.
Back-end developers work in close collaboration with front-end developers, who design and create the user interface for a website app.
If you want to become a back-end developer, you will need to have strong programming skills and knowledge of web technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP.
Full-stack development
Full-stack development is the process of developing a web application from start to finish, including the design, development, testing and deployment of all the necessary components. This includes everything from the back-end to the front-end, and can be done using a variety of languages and frameworks.
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Website development can be broken down into four main steps
#websitedevelopment #website #webdesign #digitalmarketing #seo #socialmediamarketing #marketing #ecommerce #design #graphicdesign #softwaredevelopment #techs #itechsolutions #development .
Prerna modi
iTech Solutions
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kgsupsccourses · 8 hours
Daily Current Affairs: A Key to Cracking PSC Exams
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Staying updated with current affairs is crucial for anyone preparing for Public Service Commission (PSC) exams. The dynamic nature of these exams often tests your knowledge of national and international events, making it essential to include daily current affairs in your study routine. In this blog, we'll explore why daily current affairs play a vital role in PSC exam preparation and how to make the most of them.
Why Are Current Affairs Important for PSC Exams?
When preparing for competitive exams like the PSC, focusing on static knowledge is only half the battle. Questions based on current events have been increasingly making their way into these exams. Therefore, being well-versed in daily current affairs can give you a decisive edge.
How to Integrate Daily Current Affairs in Your PSC Preparation
Incorporating daily current affairs into your preparation can be a game-changer. Here’s how you can make it work for you:
Subscribe to Reliable News SourcesMake sure to follow credible news platforms or subscribe to online newsletters that provide daily updates. Consistency is the key here.
Use PSC-Specific Study MaterialMany websites and coaching institutes offer specific "current affairs for PSC" sections, summarizing key events relevant to your exams.
Revise RegularlyLike any other subject, it’s important to revise current affairs daily or weekly to ensure long-term retention.
Key Benefits of Studying Current Affairs for PSC
Better Understanding of Global EventsYou gain insights into both national and international developments, which is often tested in PSC exams.
Boosts General KnowledgeBeing updated with current affairs boosts your overall general knowledge, making you more confident in the exam hall.
Staying updated with daily current affairs isn’t just a habit; it’s a necessity for anyone aiming to crack PSC exams. By incorporating current events into your study plan, you are not only improving your knowledge base but also significantly enhancing your chances of success. Keep reading, keep revising, and stay informed!
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sparklytacoenemy · 13 hours
Diamond96: A Rising Star in the Online Gaming World
The online gaming industry has seen a remarkable surge in popularity in recent years, with numerous platforms offering diverse gaming experiences to a global audience. One of the newcomers making a significant impact is Diamond96, an innovative online casino platform that has quickly gained attention for its unique offerings and commitment to player satisfaction.
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A Glimpse into Diamond96
Diamond96 is not just another online casino. It is a well-crafted platform that combines a wide array of casino games, user-friendly features, and a secure environment for its players. Whether you are a fan of slot games, table games, or live dealer experiences, Diamond96 offers something for every type of casino enthusiast.
Diverse Game Selection
One of the standout features of Diamond96 is its impressive game library. The platform boasts a diverse selection of games from some of the most reputable software providers in the industry. Players can enjoy an extensive variety of slot games, ranging from classic three-reel slots to modern video slots with stunning graphics and immersive story lines. Additionally, Diamond96 offers a range of table games, including blackjack, roulette, and poker, each with multiple variations to keep the game play fresh and engaging.
For those who crave a more authentic casino experience, the live dealer section is a must-visit. Here, players can interact with professional dealers in real time while playing popular games like baccarat, blackjack, and roulette. The high-quality streaming and interactive features create an immersive atmosphere that closely replicates the feel of a physical casino.
User-Friendly Interface
Navigating through Diamond96 is a seamless experience, thanks to its intuitive and well-designed interface. The platform is optimized for both desktop and mobile devices, ensuring that players can enjoy their favorite games wherever they are. The layout is clean and straightforward, with clearly labeled categories and easy access to the most popular games. This focus on user experience makes Diamond96 an appealing choice for both new and experienced players.
Bonuses and Promotions
Diamond96 understands the importance of rewarding its players, which is why it offers a range of enticing bonuses and promotions. New players are greeted with a generous welcome bonus that provides a boost to their initial deposits, giving them more chances to explore the platform and try out different games. Regular players can also benefit from ongoing promotions such as reload bonuses, cashback offers, and free spins, which add extra value to their gaming sessions.
Additionally, Diamond96 features a loyalty program that rewards players for their continued patronage. By accumulating points through regular play, members can climb the tiers of the program and unlock exclusive benefits such as personalized offers, faster withdrawals, and dedicated customer support.
Security and Fair Play
Safety and fairness are paramount in the online gaming industry, and Diamond96 takes these aspects seriously. The platform employs advanced security measures, including SSL encryption, to protect players’ personal and financial information. Furthermore, all games on the site are regularly audited for fairness by independent testing agencies, ensuring that players have a fair chance of winning and that the outcomes are genuinely random.
Customer Support
A reliable customer support team is crucial for any online casino, and Diamond96 excels in this area. Players can reach out to the support team 24/7 through live chat, email, or phone for any assistance they may need. The support representatives are knowledgeable and responsive, ready to help with any queries or issues that may arise during game play.
Diamond96 is rapidly establishing itself as a formidable player in the online gaming world. With its extensive game selection, user-friendly design, generous promotions, and commitment to security and fair play, it offers a comprehensive and enjoyable gaming experience for players of all levels. Whether you are looking to spin the reels on a slot game, test your skills at the blackjack table, or experience the thrill of live dealer games, Diamond96 has something to offer.
As the platform continues to evolve and expand its offerings, it will likely attract an even larger audience of players seeking a top-tier online casino experience. For those looking to explore a new and exciting online gaming destination, Diamond96 is certainly worth checking out.
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Career Counselling Courses in Delhi |  Shaping Futures, One Career at a Time | Global Career Counsellor
Delhi, the vibrant capital of India, is not just a political and cultural hub; it's also a growing center for career development and counselling. As the job landscape rapidly evolves, the demand for effective career guidance has surged, making career counselling courses in Delhi more relevant than ever. These courses equip individuals with the necessary skills to help others navigate their professional journeys.
Why Career Counselling Matters
In today’s competitive job market, career counselling plays a crucial role for individuals at different life stages—students choosing a career path, professionals considering a transition, or even those re-entering the workforce. Skilled career counsellors can provide valuable insights, helping clients make informed decisions about their futures.
What You’ll Learn in Career Counselling Courses
Theoretical Foundations: Courses typically start with an introduction to career development theories and models. Understanding these frameworks is essential for effective counselling.
Skill Development: Participants learn vital counselling skills, including active listening, empathy, and effective communication. These skills are critical for building rapport with clients and understanding their unique needs.
Assessment Tools: You will gain insights into various career assessment tools and personality tests, such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and Holland Codes. Learning how to administer and interpret these assessments is a key component of many programs.
Market Awareness: Courses often include modules on current job market trends and emerging careers, equipping counsellors to provide relevant and timely advice to their clients.
Practical Experience: Many programs offer hands-on training through workshops, role-playing, and internships, allowing students to practice their skills in real-world scenarios.
Leading Institutions Offering Career Counselling Courses in Delhi
1. Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS)
TISS is renowned for its commitment to social issues and offers comprehensive programs in career counselling as part of its social work courses. The institute emphasizes both theory and practical application, making it a great choice for aspiring counsellors.
2. Indian School of Business Management & Administration (ISBM)
ISBM offers specialized diploma courses in career counselling, focusing on practical skills and industry knowledge. Their curriculum is designed to prepare students for the challenges of modern career guidance.
3. University of Delhi
The University of Delhi provides short-term certificate programs in career counselling. These courses are ideal for those looking to gain foundational knowledge and skills quickly.
4. Mindler
Mindler offers professional training programs in career counselling, combining online learning with hands-on workshops. Their course structure is tailored to current industry needs, making it an excellent choice for those seeking a flexible learning environment.
Benefits of Pursuing a Career Counselling Course
Increased Employability: As the demand for qualified career counsellors grows, completing a recognized course can significantly enhance your job prospects.
Networking Opportunities: Many courses provide access to a network of professionals in the field, opening doors for future collaborations and job opportunities.
Personal Development: The skills acquired in these courses often extend to personal growth, improving your interpersonal skills and self-awareness.
Making a Positive Impact: Career counselling allows you to play a vital role in guiding individuals toward fulfilling careers, providing a sense of purpose and satisfaction.
As Delhi continues to evolve into a center for education and professional growth, the importance of career counselling courses is increasingly recognized. Whether you are looking to start a new career or enhance your current skills, these programs offer invaluable training for those aspiring to become effective career counsellors. By investing in your education, you can empower others to achieve their professional dreams while embarking on a rewarding career path yourself.
If you’re considering a future in career counselling courses in Delhi, explore the various courses available and take that crucial first step toward a fulfilling and impactful career. Your journey in shaping futures begins here!
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123gracker · 13 hours
Using Local Rank Tracker for Cybersecurity SaaS Products
Local Rank Tracker not only helps improve your local search visibility but also offers valuable insights for new markets. Discover how Local Rank Tracker can bolster your SaaS product's online presence.
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While cybersecurity SaaS products typically target a global market, local rank tracking can still provide valuable insights.
Here's how to adapt local rank for your growth:
1. Track Rankings in Key Markets
Identify primary geographic markets where your target customers are concentrated.
Set up tracking for major cities or regions in these markets.
Monitor rankings for your main keywords in these locations.
Use tools like Google Analytics to identify your top traffic sources by location.
2. Competitor Analysis
Track your competitors' rankings in the same locations.
Identify gaps and opportunities in different markets.
Use tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs to conduct comprehensive competitor analysis.
3. Language-Specific Tracking
If your product is available in multiple languages, track rankings for each language version.
Use location-specific domains (e.g., .co.uk, .de) if applicable.
Consider using hreflang tags to specify language and regional URLs.
4. Industry-Specific Keywords
Track rankings for cybersecurity-specific terms.
Include both technical terms and more general security-related keywords.
Utilize cybersecurity glossaries to identify relevant technical terms.
5. Mobile vs. Desktop Tracking
Compare rankings across devices, as B2B searches may differ between mobile and desktop.
Use Google's Mobile-Friendly Test to ensure your pages are optimized for mobile.
6. Local Content Performance
If you create location-specific landing pages or content, track their performance in relevant areas.
Implement proper URL structures for international SEO (e.g., example.com/uk/ for UK-specific content).
7. SERP Feature Tracking
Monitor your appearance in featured snippets, knowledge panels, and other SERP features.
These can be particularly important for informational cybersecurity queries.
Optimize your content for featured snippets by providing clear, concise answers to common questions.
8. Keyword Opportunities
Use the tracker to identify new keyword opportunities in different markets.
Look for terms where you're ranking just off the first page and focus optimization efforts there.
Use Google's Keyword Planner or tools like Moz Keyword Explorer to find related keywords.
9. Localized Ad Performance
If running localized PPC campaigns, use the tracker to compare organic vs. paid performance in different areas.
Integrate your SEO and PPC strategies for maximum impact.
10. Seasonal Trends
Track how rankings fluctuate during key periods (e.g., major conferences, fiscal year-end for enterprises).
Use Google Trends to identify seasonal patterns in cybersecurity-related searches.
11. Regulatory Impact
Monitor how rankings change in different jurisdictions as new cybersecurity regulations are introduced.
Stay informed about global cybersecurity regulations through resources like the NIST Cybersecurity Framework.
Implementation Tips
Choose the Right Rank Tracker:
Look for tools that offer multiple location tracking, such as BrightLocal, Moz Local, or SEMrush.
Ensure the tool can track rankings for both organic results and SERP features.
Consider tools that integrate with your other SEO and analytics platforms for seamless data analysis.
Key features to look for:
Ability to track rankings in multiple countries and cities
Support for tracking mobile and desktop rankings separately
Integration with Google Search Console and Google Analytics
Customizable reporting features
Set Up Comprehensive Alerts:
Configure alerts for significant ranking changes (e.g., moving into or out of the top 10).
Set up competitor alerts to be notified when competitors make significant ranking gains.
Use different alert thresholds for different keyword priorities:
High-priority keywords: Alert for any change in ranking
Medium-priority keywords: Alert for changes of 3 positions or more
Low-priority keywords: Alert for changes of 5 positions or more
Consider setting up daily or weekly digest emails summarizing all ranking changes.
Establish a Regular Review Process:
Schedule weekly or bi-weekly ranking review sessions with your SEO team.
Create a standardized review template that includes:
Overall ranking trends
Top gaining and declining keywords
New ranking opportunities (keywords ranking 11-20)
Competitor movement
Use project management tools like Trello or Asana to assign and track optimization tasks based on ranking data.
Correlate Rankings with Performance Metrics:
Set up Google Analytics goals for key conversion actions (e.g., demo requests, whitepaper downloads).
Use Google Looker Data Studio or similar tools to create dashboards that combine ranking data with traffic and conversion metrics.
Calculate the estimated traffic value of your rankings using average CTR data and estimated CPC from Google Ads.
Regularly assess the ROI of your SEO efforts by comparing ranking improvements to increases in conversions and revenue.
Utilize Data Visualization for Stakeholder Reports:
Create visually appealing reports using tools like Google Data Studio, Tableau, or PowerBI.
Design different report templates for different stakeholders:
Executive summary for C-level executives
Detailed performance reports for the marketing team
Competitor comparison reports for product teams
Include key visualizations such as:
Ranking distribution charts
Keyword movement heatmaps
Geographic ranking maps
Year-over-year or month-over-month comparison charts
Integrate Ranking Data into Your Content Strategy:
Use ranking data to identify content gaps and opportunities.
Create a content calendar that prioritizes topics based on ranking potential and business impact.
Implement a regular content audit process, using ranking data to identify underperforming content for optimization.
Use tools like MarketMuse or Clearscope to optimize content based on top-ranking competitors for target keywords.
Leverage API Integrations:
If your rank tracking tool offers an API, integrate it with your internal dashboards or reporting tools.
Consider building custom applications to automate analysis and reporting tasks.
Use webhooks to trigger automated workflows based on ranking changes (e.g., Slack notifications for significant drops).
Conduct Regular Tool Audits:
Periodically review the accuracy of your rank tracking tool by manually verifying a sample of rankings.
Stay informed about updates to search engine algorithms and ensure your rank tracking tool adapts accordingly.
Annually assess whether your current tool still meets your needs or if you should explore alternatives.
Train Your Team:
Provide regular training sessions on how to interpret and act on ranking data.
Create internal documentation on your rank tracking processes and best practices.
Encourage team members to obtain relevant certifications (e.g., Google Analytics, SEMrush) to enhance their skills in data analysis and interpretation.
By following these detailed implementation tips, you can ensure that you're making the most of your local rank tracking efforts for your cybersecurity SaaS product. Remember to continually refine your processes based on the insights you gain and the evolving landscape of search engine optimization.
Visit for more Info: https://gracker.ai/
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sakshi7898 · 3 days
Leading Web Development Services in Dehradun: Elevate Your Digital Presence
ADXventure: Leading Web Development Excellence in Dehradun
In today’s digital landscape, having an impactful online presence is essential for business success. For businesses in Dehradun looking for superior web development services, ADXventure is the leading choice. Renowned for its innovative solutions and dedication to high-quality standards, ADXventure is reshaping the web development scene in the region.
Why ADXventure Stands Out
Local Knowledge, Global Standards: ADXventure operates from Dehradun, combining an in-depth understanding of local market dynamics with global web development practices. This unique combination ensures clients receive solutions that are both locally relevant and internationally competitive.
State-of-the-Art Technology: Leveraging the latest technologies and frameworks, including HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React, and Angular, ADXventure excels in creating dynamic, responsive, and visually engaging websites. Their expertise ensures that every project is built with cutting-edge tools that enhance user experience.
Custom-Tailored Solutions: Recognizing that each business is unique, ADXventure offers personalized web development services. By collaborating closely with clients to understand their goals and brand identity, they deliver custom solutions that align perfectly with each client's vision.
Exceptional User Experience: At ADXventure, user experience (UX) is a priority. The team focuses on designing websites that are intuitive and easy to navigate, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience for users. This dedication to UX enhances satisfaction and boosts engagement.
Comprehensive Web Development: ADXventure provides end-to-end web development services, managing every stage from initial design and development to ongoing support. This comprehensive approach ensures that all aspects of the project are handled with expertise and care.
Uncompromising Quality: Quality is at the heart of ADXventure’s services. Through rigorous testing and quality assurance processes, they ensure that every website is high-performing, secure, and reliable. This commitment guarantees that clients receive a product that meets the highest standards.
Cost-Effective Solutions: ADXventure is dedicated to offering top-tier web development services at competitive prices. They believe in making exceptional web solutions accessible to businesses of all sizes, providing excellent value without compromising on quality.
web development company in Dehradun seeking a trusted and forward-thinking web development partner, ADXventure offers unparalleled expertise and a client-centric approach. With a focus on advanced technology, customized solutions, and superior user experience, ADXventure is equipped to help businesses achieve their digital goals and stand out in the competitive online market. Whether starting a new project or enhancing an existing one, ADXventure is your go-to partner for realizing your digital vision.
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lawexamguide · 3 days
The Importance of Current Affairs in Law Entrance Exams
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In the competitive arena of law entrance exams such as CLAT (Common Law Admission Test), LSAT (Law School Admission Test), and others, mastering current affairs is not just advantageous—it is essential. Daily Current affairs encompass recent events, policy changes, and global developments that are crucial for understanding contemporary legal issues. This guide explores the significance of current affairs in law entrance exams and provides practical strategies for integrating them into your preparation.
The Importance of Current Affairs in Law Entrance Exams
Contextual Understanding of Legal Principles
Current affairs offer real-world examples of how legal principles are applied, which enhances students' understanding of the law's practical implications.
Real-World Application: Familiarity with recent judicial decisions, legislative changes, and policy reforms helps students comprehend how laws are enacted and enforced. Example: The 2023 amendment to the Personal Data Protection Bill in India illustrates the adaptation of privacy laws to technological advancements. Understanding such amendments aids in grasping the dynamic nature of legal frameworks.
Enhancing Analytical and Critical Thinking Skills
Engaging with current affairs develops critical thinking and analytical skills, which are vital for law entrance exams.
Complex Issues: Current affairs involve multifaceted issues requiring nuanced analysis. This engagement improves the ability to evaluate arguments and identify biases. Example: The ongoing debate on climate change regulations involves diverse perspectives, from environmental groups to industrial stakeholders. Analyzing such debates hones skills in evaluating conflicting arguments and understanding legal and ethical implications.
Preparation for General Knowledge Sections
Current affairs are a significant component of the general knowledge sections in many law entrance exams, which test awareness of recent events and their relevance.
Exam Relevance: These sections may include questions on national and international events, political developments, and economic changes. Example: Recent changes in international trade agreements or national elections are common topics. Being knowledgeable about these events helps in answering related questions accurately.
Improving Essay and Interview Performance
Current affairs knowledge enhances performance in essay writing and interviews, which are critical components of the law entrance exam process.
Essay Writing: Essays often address contemporary legal or social issues. Being well-versed in current affairs enables students to write informed and relevant essays. Example: An essay on the impact of social media on freedom of speech can be enriched by discussing recent cases or debates related to online expression.
Interview Skills: Interviews may include questions on recent developments and their implications. Demonstrating awareness of current affairs during interviews can significantly improve performance. Example: Discussing recent labor law reforms during an interview showcases your knowledge and analytical abilities.
Checkout Today's Current Affairs
Strategies for Incorporating Current Affairs into Your Preparation
Daily News Consumption
Integrate news reading into your daily routine to stay updated with recent developments.
Routine Reading: Read reputable newspapers and news websites daily to gain a comprehensive view of current affairs.
Action Plan:
Newspapers: Subscribe to major newspapers like The Hindu, The Times of India, and The Economic Times.
Online News Platforms: Use news websites and apps like BBC News, Reuters, and Al Jazeera.
Newsletters: Subscribe to newsletters from credible sources for summaries and analyses.
Utilize Current Affairs Magazines and Online Resources
Specialized magazines and online resources offer targeted content on current affairs relevant to competitive exams.
Specialized Resources: These resources provide summaries, quizzes, and detailed analyses of important events.
Action Plan:
Magazines: Subscribe to magazines like Pratiyogita Darpan and Competition Success Review.
Online Resources: Use websites like Affairs Cloud, Adda247, or StudyIQ.
Apps: Download current affairs apps for daily updates and practice questions.
Engage in Discussion Forums and Study Groups
Participate in discussion forums and study groups to gain diverse perspectives on current affairs.
Collaborative Learning: Engaging in discussions helps explore different viewpoints and enhances understanding.
Action Plan:
Online Forums: Join forums dedicated to law entrance exams and current affairs.
Study Groups: Form or join study groups with peers preparing for law exams.
Debate Clubs: Participate in debate clubs focusing on current issues to practice argumentation skills.
Practice with Mock Tests and Sample Papers
Incorporate current affairs questions into mock tests and practice papers to familiarize yourself with the exam format.
Simulation Practice: Regularly take mock tests that include current affairs sections to assess your knowledge and improve your exam strategy.
Action Plan:
Mock Tests: Include current affairs questions in your practice tests.
Sample Papers: Review past question papers to identify frequently covered topics.
Timed Practice: Practice under timed conditions to build speed and accuracy.
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Additional Tips for Mastering Current Affairs
Focus on Major Events
Pay attention to significant national and international events, policy changes, and judicial decisions.
Key Areas: Major events are often the focus of exam questions.
Example: Summarize and analyze important events such as international summits or major legislative changes.
Create a Current Affairs Journal
Maintain a journal to record and summarize key current affairs updates.
Organized Notes: A journal helps consolidate information and review key points.
Action Plan:
Daily Entries: Record summaries of significant news and developments.
Categorization: Organize entries by categories like politics, economics, and legal issues.
Stay Curious and Informed
Cultivate an interest in current affairs beyond exam requirements to enhance overall understanding.
Active Engagement: Engage with diverse topics and viewpoints to stay informed.
Action Plan:
Read Beyond Headlines: Dive deeper into articles to understand context and background.
Follow Expert Opinions: Listen to expert analyses for a comprehensive view of current issues.
Current affairs are integral to law entrance exams, influencing various aspects of the preparation process from contextual understanding of legal principles to performance in general knowledge sections. A strategic approach—comprising regular news consumption, utilizing specialized resources, engaging in discussions, and practicing with mock tests—will enhance your exam performance and provide a solid foundation for a successful legal career.
Final Thoughts
Stay Consistent: Make current affairs a consistent part of your study routine.
Be Analytical: Develop a critical approach to understanding and analyzing current events.
Embrace Learning: View current affairs as an opportunity for continuous learning and growth.
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