#Tevinter golem
lairofdragonagelore · 9 months
Dragon Age Iconic Patterns: The single spike
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The single spike or horn has been a constant pattern throughout all games of Dragon Age in general and in DAI in particular. There are several things that may be linked to it, from Mythal and Andraste to Dragons. In this post we explore how many of these objects present such pattern and how this may be related in an integral way.
This post contains the following statues:
The red lyrium idol
Tevinter or Venatori outfits
Tevinter Dragon
Tevinter golems
Tevinter Colossus
Andrastian Free Marches warriors
[This post belongs to the series “Analysis and speculation of Statues”]
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The main figure we see with a single-spiked helm in DAI is Andraste, who is depicted in numerous pieces of art along the game and books. Although she doesn’t wear this single-spiked helm in all of them, it’s an iconic representation of her [to the point that some followers are depicted with similar tiaras/helms such as Meredith]
In DAO we only have one unequivocally representation of Andraste, which is the statue we see at the end of the Temple of Andraste where her ashes are supposed to rest. In this case, the helm has the shape of a “moon” or similar. This form will be changed since DA2, and it will turn out to be the iconic single spike. We can attribute this inconsistency to the many difficulties in resources and environmental telling that DAO had.
Most of the time, Andrastian art represents Andraste with this single spiked helm/tiara [more details in Andrastian Statues].
In the illustrations found in the Chant of Light we can suspect that such a single spike is related to the shape of one single sun ray.
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These animal statues appear all over Ferelden and in some parts of Orlais and in the Frost Back Mountains. In the tag Ferelden Wyvern we can track their presence along DAI. That they appear in Ferelden is not surprising, but the fact that they are inside ancient Pre-Blight Tevinter ruins [check Western Approach: The Still Ruins, Main Chamber and Hall of Silence and Western Approach: The Still Ruins, Viridis Walk and Inner Sanctum] is very disconcerting, specially taking into account how central it is in The Still Ruins, which appears even in the loadscreen of the zone. One could suspect this may have been product of the Dragon fascination that Tevinter culture had/has. Still, it seems odd to honour a lesser creature such as a Wyvern when they usually worshipped the true Dragons.
This statue appears in the Fade as well, but it has a clear design choice: the game shows us a wyvern in front of a head of Andraste, pushing us to ask why such an irrelevant statue would be in front of something so important as it is Andraste. The answer is solved later in the book World of Thedas, where we find that there is a Ferelden Tale which related wyverns with Andraste:
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Now, this Tale is quite curious. If we always keep in consideration that this piece of lore is highly unreliable since it’s a tale spread in a population via oral narration, and subjected to changes over ages without records, we can highlight several details:
Andraste goes to the Mountain to “reach the Maker”. In the Chant of Light, we know that she speaks with the Maker, who is described Mountain-like. This reinforces the idea that Maker=related to Mountains. I assume this is a cultural remnant of the alamarri/avvar origin of Andraste, who had a deeper relationship with Korth, the Father-Mountain.
Andraste sang, and with this song, a “wyvern” appeared. This may potentially bring some relationship with the Dragons and the original song I talked about in posts like The Silent Grove, Those Who Speak, and Until We Sleep. We can even suspect that maybe instead of a Wyvern, the original event that inspired this Tale may have related a true Dragon. After all, we know that this single spike in the wyverns may, potentially, have some relationship with the dragon shape of Mythal. We also know that Tyrdda had an elf lover who sent a dragon to help her people, so I wonder to what extent the Alamarri and Avvar had also some level of relationship with mountain dragons.
It’s still a big question to understand how this wyvern statue, so related to Ferelden culture, appeared in pre-blight Tevinter buildings, when Ferelden did not exist as it is now. This is what reinforces my question: are these wyverns potentially creatures related to the Great Dragons? So far, we have no answers.
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Mythal, in all her representations and shapes, also wears an iconic single spiked helm. Even in the Concept Art, where we can see wavy sided horns that did not make it into the game, we cannot mistake the single centred spike. In dragon shape or in her humanoid form, this spike is constantly present.
It is unclear how this design choice may potentially speak to the player to relate Mythal to Andraste. One can speculate that, maybe, a fragment of Mythal appeared to Andraste. Maybe the Maker that Andraste claims to hear was, in fact, Mythal’s fragment. It would have been very convenient for Myhtal to instruct Andraste to make her Exalted March on Tevinter if we keep in mind that Flemeth [another fragment of Mythal] has been altering History to push it into a direction she has been planning for ages. 
Flemeth’s Tiara
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Flemeth’s tiara also has a structure that shows a single central spike in a very prominent way. The relationship is obvious: Flemeth is Mythal. Or at least, a surviving fragment of her.
Her dragon shape is different in DAO than in DA2. In DAO it’s the model of a general high dragon [as usual, DAO didn’t have the most variety of visual resources so we can’t read too much in it], while in DA2, Flemeth has a clear dragon shape with a single spike in its horns that can be related to that tiara.
The red lyrium idol
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The Red Lyrium Idol also shows a prominent central spike in the head. It’s a constant symbol that allows us to do some speculations: in the post Attempt to rebuild Ancient Elvhenan History  I speculated that Mythal's assassination may have inspired this idol, and therefore, this single spike seen in the idol is what relates it to Mythal herself.
It’s curious that even when Meredith turned into a piece of Red Lyrium, she also displayed a single spike in her head. This may have been just a consequence of the helm she was wearing in that last battle, which was clearly a helm trying to emulate Andraste’s.
From a design point of view, I think it’s clear that the game is telling us that this idol is related to Mythal/Flemeth, even though we are still blind about the “how”.
Tevinter or Venatori outfits
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I already spoke about this in the section “outfits” in Patterns and Styles: Tevinter. We know that Tevinter has a long history of dragon cults, and until the moment the nation turned into the Andrastian Faith, the Old Gods Cult was its strongest religion. The fact that a dragon [Mythal] has a single spike horn, and Andraste also has this icon in her art, makes us hard to understand the origin of the symbol in Tevinter Design. It could have been due to the Dragons, but also, as a design choice once they were converted into the Andrastian Faith. Let's remember that Dorian tells us that Tevinter thinks that Andraste was a mage, so more reasons to have her icons among the Tevinter Warriors since they have mage-inspired armours.
I also explained that it's hard to differentiate the Venatori from non-Venatori Tevinter design simply because the Venatori are nationalist, so they will always use the most iconic symbols of their nation.
There is a strange link between this design and the one I called “The Free Marches Andrastian Warriors”, which display a strong Tevinter-like style, but remaining Andrastian. These statues may keep that single-spiked helm as a representation of Andraste, but also as a remmant of Tevinter design [more details in Andrastian Statues].
Tevinter Dragon
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For completion’s sake, I add this detail: these typical Tevinter dragons display a single horn. At some point one wonders if these statues are related somehow to the design of the Wyverns or are a development of worshipping Mythal-dragon.
Tevinter golems
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These Tevinter golems trigger the codex the Gate Guardians . They are metallic statues that, we are told, were powered at some point by bars of lyrium.
They also display a single spiked helm, that, due to the general looking of the golem, looks like a Tevinter representation of Andraste herself.
The golem in general has resemblance to some pieces of the armour of the Humanoid Mythal.
Let’s remember that Golems were developed by Dwarves during the First Blight, and due to their trade relationship with Tevinter, they sold some [Golem and Legend of the Juggernaut] that were displayed on the entrance of Miranthous, inactive. So it seems that, historically speaking, makes sense that these golems may have been developed into resembling Andraste since Tevinter embraced the Andrastian Faith after the beginnig of the First Blight [check all this in the integral post The Chantry and the Mythology of the Chant of Light]
Tevinter Colossus
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Among the Tevinter sculptures, we find one of the most mysterious one: the colossus. They are found closer to the structures that belonged to Tevinter in pre-blight times.
In game there are three different Colossus, found in Western Approach: Coracavus;  Front Corridor and South Entrance, in the open of Hissing Wastes: scattered objects and ruins, which was being co-opted by Orlesians to make it into a sculture of an Orlais Emperor, and inside the Frozen Gates in Frostback Basin [DLC]: Frozen Gate.  
The book World of Thedas gives us more concept art about these structures, which seem to be related to “guiders” and, maybe, to astronomy too.
The fact that we can see one of these in a concept art, showing up a certain star over its hand, makes me suspect these statues belonged to the ancient Dreamer times, that the codex Astrariums claims that Tevinter was under before the Magisterium was the mandatory political system.
The heads of these colossus are not exactly single spiked heads, but one of them [The Coracavus' one] has one single spike that fuses with the bridge of its nose, while the other two, have "horns" backwards. Maybe we can suspect some dragon inspiration in them? I find their profile very similar to the Qunari ones’.
Andrastian Free Marches warriors
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These were seen for the first time in DA2, and they decorated The Chantry of Kirkwall. They look similar to the Tevinter Warriors thanks to this spiked helm and pointy shapes, but this may be attributed to the fact that Free Marches have a strong Tevinter influence.
However, these statues have an unmistakable robe identified with the ones worn by the Chantry priests in DA2.
This single spike in their helms may be related to Andraste herself and her own helm/tiara, but also having some inspiration from Tevinter.
I think it’s fair to say that the “Single Spike” is an unequivocally symbol of Andraste that may have an inspiration or a relationship with dragons in general, or with Mythal in particular. By extension, and due to Mythal’s dragon nature, this Single Spike also appears in Tevinter culture, even in elements that are suspected to be pre-Blight, and therefore, impossible to be inspired in Andraste herself. So, as it happens with DA lore, and assuming what we did in the post Attempt to rebuild Ancient Elvhenan History, everything comes to primordial dragons that may have inspired this icon in Tevinter Culture and later, in the human tribes, from where the Andrastian Myth and her religion raised. 
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shoutydwarf · 19 days
When DA4 drops I want y’all to remember these things:
- Tevinter’s closest and only ally is Orzammar (‘ally’ is an overstatement but they have a business arrangement involving lyrium & trade that the imperium cannot function without)
- There is a class in Tevinter called the Ambassadoria that consists of dwarven dignitaries from Orzammar to oversee trade
- They have their own thaigs AND a provings ground.
- Minrathous is protected by “juggernauts”: GOLEMS. Gifted to them by Orzammar.
- Orzammar has embassies in EVERY major city in Tevinter.
If bioware reduces them to common thugs and merchants like they always do I’m gonna bite someone. If Varric “Not Like Other Dwarves” Tethras is the only dwarf companion or major dwarf character we get i am nibbling someone’s ankle. BioWare still hasn’t made up for what they did to Oghren. Prime opportunity to revisit dwarves that don’t hate or disown their culture in order to fill some hollow stereotype or predictable antithesis. Go back or else.
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vigilskeep · 6 days
the basics of tevinter politics and social classes, as laid out in world of thedas and a little elsewhere
the archon is the supreme ruler of the imperium. their authority and magical power is believed to be divinely granted. they choose their successors before they die, so they are usually the sons, nephews, brothers, cousins, or apprentices of previous archons. (this phrasing implies that, like the black divine, the archon is always a man, and certainly the several named ones we know all are, but i’m not sure if this is necessarily always true.) if an archon does not choose his heir before he dies, the magisterium elects the next; these candidates cannot be magisters or hold rank in the chantry. technically the archon can overrule the laws passed by the magisterium, but he rarely does this. his power mostly stems from families vying for his favour, as he has the unique power to appoint magisters at will. a man named radonis is the current archon; he’s appeared in comics and a war table mission.
the magisterium are the mage elites who regularly gather to govern the imperium and pass laws. magisters become magisters in several ways:
one is chosen from each of tevinter’s seven circles of magi. it cannot be that circle’s first enchanter
the imperial divine and every grand cleric of the imperial chantry gets a seat
magisters can inherit seats
as i mentioned, the archon has the right to appoint any new magister if he chooses
tevinter society breaks down into four major social classes.
the first mage class is the altus class. these are descended from the original “Dreamers”, through ancient and wealthy magical bloodlines. most magisters come from altus families. characters like dorian and danarius belong to this class.
other mages belong to the laetan class. these are mages who cannot trace their ancestry to the dreamers, and may belong to families with no history of magic at all. many vie for power despite their origins, and one third of the imperium’s archons have been laetans. (the first laetan to rise to archon was such an outrage it caused a seventy year civil war, but that was, like, 1500 years ago-ish. they’re more chill about it now.) it feels safe to assume that neve gallus, who says in tevinter nights that she doesn’t feel at home in a wealthy estate because she has more templars in her family than mages, probably belongs to this class.
the soporati are non-mages who are still full tevinter citizens. they are allowed to own property and serve in the military, but they cannot have a direct say in government or rise above the rank of mother/father in the chantry. they can however be civil servants and merchants. a mage born to a soporati family is instantly a laetan.
slaves are not allowed to own property, or to hold military rank even when armed and serving as a personal soldier or bodyguard. they have become a more even mix of humans and elves since andraste’s time. mages can be slaves. if a slave is set free, either by their living owner before a judge or by their owner’s will upon their death, they are considered liberati. liberati are still not citizens and cannot have political say or hold military rank, but they can join a circle of magi, get an apprenticeship in a trade, take apprentices themselves, and own property. fenris was a slave, while his sister varania was implied to have become one of the liberati.
there is also a large surface dwarf population in tevinter. they are not considered citizens, but instead regarded as foreign dignitaries however many generations their families have lived in tevinter. they have large embassies in every major tevinter city, which at least in minrathous, neromenian, and qarinus are completely subterranean, meaning residents can retain their dwarven caste and may never come above ground all their lives. minrathous’ close ties to the dwarves mean it even has a massive proving grounds, as well as enormous stone golems known as juggernauts to guard the city gates. more than anywhere else in thedas, the dwarves do get a political say, with an elected body of representatives called the ambassadoria who advise the archon and the magisterium. it’s the imperium’s reliance on lyrium which gives them this kind of sway.
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thedreadfulwolf · 1 month
Dreadful's Dragon Age Bonanza
Because I definitely feel normal feelings about Dragon Age and needed Dreadwolf, like, yesterday, I've decided to read every book and play every game in chronological order while waiting for its release! Here's a list for me to keep track and for anyone else who may want to give it a whack!
The Stolen Throne
The Calling
Leliana's Song
Dragon Age: Origins (+ Stone Prisoner, Soldier's Peak, and Return to Ostagar).
Dragon Age Origins: Awakening
Dragon Age Origins: Golems of Amgarrak
Dragon Age Origins: Witch Hunt
Dragon Age II + DLC
The Silent Grove
Those Who Speak
Until We Sleep
The Masked Empire
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Mage Killer
Inquisition: Jaws of Hakkon
Inquisition: The Descent
Blue Wraith
The Last Flight
Inquisition: Trespasser
Knight Errant
Tevinter Nights
Dark Fortress
The Missing
Let me know if you'd do it in a different order/why! And happy Dragon Age brainrotting!
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ashenrainbow · 2 months
In honor of Dragon Age: Dreadwolf news (or lack thereof) I want to pen a hope/idea for an apperance in the new game.
I want to see Shale.
Reasons! In Origins, depending on her approval rating with the warden, Shale can comment that she plans to venture up to Minrathous to see if she can once again become a dwarf.
Since DAD seems to be implying that the game will either be set in/around the Tevinter Imperium or we will be able to visit the Imperium, it would be *fantastic* if we can see her again - either in golem form or as a dwarf again. And if as a dwarf, it would be amazing to see her be either a non-romanceable companion (I love the idea of Shale being aroace but thats me) or as a mission compaion like Hawke was in DAI.
And it would be easy to determine her introductions and form based on what Dragon Age Keep data is listed for her in a custom world state!
I know the likelyhood is desperatly low - same as seeing my dear husband Zevran again - but it would be such a wonderful call back to an established action in Origins with a character who needs and always has needed more love.
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erasedcitizen2 · 9 days
(pls send help)
Disclaimers: I put this together by looking at a couple of lists other people have made to see if multiple people put things in the same order, things might still be incorrect tho and dates especially might be incorrect I haven't spent a whole lot of time double checking everything. Sorry that it's messy I was just making it for myself but maybe someone else wants to do this too so here ya go. I also skipped some minor things like short webcomics that I personally wasn't interested in.
Book: The Stolen Throne, 9:00-9:17 Dragon Book: The Calling, 9:10-9:11 Dragon Movie: Dawn of the Seeker, 9:22 Dragon Short story: Sebastian, 9:22 Dragon Short story: Aveline, 9:25 Dragon Short story: Fenris, 9:28 Dragon Origins DLC: Leliana's Song, 9:28 (before Origins) Game: Dragon Age: Origins, 9:30-9:31 Dragon Origins DLC: Warden's Keep, 9:30 Dragon (DURING ORIGINS before final battle) Origins DLC: Stone Prisoner, 9:30 Dragon (DURING ORIGINS before final battle) Short movie: Dragon Age: Warden's Fall https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vbs_FaXNyI Origins DLC: Awakening, 9:31 Dragon (after Origins) Origins DLC: Golems of Amgarrak, 9:31 Dragon Short story: Anders, 9:31 Dragon Short story: Varric, 9:31 Dragon Short story: Isabela, 9:31 Dragon Short story: Merrill, 9:31 Dragon Origins DLC: Witch Hunt, 9:32 Dragon (after Origins) Game: Dragon Age II, 9:30-9:37 Dragon Web series: Dragon Age: Redemption, 9:34 (DURING Dragon Age II after act 1 before act 2) II DLC: The Exiled Prince, 9:33 Dragon (DURING II you meet him in act 1, becomes companion in Act 2) II DLC: Legacy, (DURING II Before 9:37 Dragon) II DLC: Mark Of The Assassin, (DURING II Before 9:37 Dragon, Act 3 before end of game) Comic: The Silent Grove, 9:38 Dragon Comic: Those Who Speak, 9:38 Dragon Comic: Until We Sleep, 9:38 Dragon Book: Hard in Hightown, 9:40 Dragon Book: Asunder, 9:40 Dragon Book: The Masked Empire, 9:40 Dragon (Game: The Last Court web game) Short story: The Riddle of Truth Short story: Paying the Ferryman Short story: Paper & Steel Game: Dragon Age: Inquisition, 9:40-9:41 Dragon Comic: Mage Killer, 9:40 Dragon (DURING Inquisition, before final battle) Inquisition DLC: Jaws of Hakkon, 9:40-9:41 Dragon (could be either during or after Inquisition) Inquisition DLC: The Descent, 9:40-9:41 Dragon (could be either during or after Inquisition) Comic: Blue Wraith, 9:40-9:44 Dragon Book: The Last Flight, 9:41 Dragon Inquisition DLC: Trespasser, 9:43 Dragon Netflix show: Absolution Comic: Knight Errant, 9:43 Dragon Comic: Deception, 9:43 Dragon Short stories: Tevinter Nights, 9:44-9:45 Dragon Comic: Dark Fortress, 9:45 Dragon Comic: The Missing, 9:45 Dragon
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ysali · 5 days
10 for the Veilguard hype questions!
Which location are you most excited/hoping to explore in-game?
Deep Roads. Absolutely Deep Roads. You know the kind of fucked up shit that goes down in the Deep Roads? All the fun lore we got in the Descent and Golems of Amgarrak and Tevinter Nights? I soooooo want another fucked up Deep Roads level <3
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I'm replaying the Dragon Age series so I have a good world state for Dreadwolf, and I just came to a realization.
So in Origins, Awakening, and Witch Hunt, they reveal how House Cadash housed the elves, which led to Kal Sharock decimating their Thaig to not piss off Tevinter. Whatever survivors were left were exiled to the surface much later when they started questioning about the existence of Shale, their ancestor that was turned into a Golem(and the only Golem that regained free will).
Now, we also know that canonically speaking(even though it annoys me), the elf-blooded we know of in this series will by and all appearances look exactly like their non-Elven race, and all differences are related to the spirit and their relation to the Fade. (Who knows, maybe that's why Alistair can still use Templar abilities without lyrium while other Templars can't?)
What if the reason why our Cadash in Inquisition can dream and have that sequence with Solas, and perhaps a reason why they were able to wield the anchor for so long is that what remains of House Cadash are the only elf-blooded dwarves in Thedas? I mean, besides Sandal(which is also still a theory but you can rip thar from my cold, dead hands). Maybe they're not able to cast magic, but they can dream. They can more intimately feel where the lyrium veins are. They can sense when a place is riddled with angry spirits and demons and know to avoif it at all costs. They know to never mention it to anyone outside of the House Cadash, not even spouses, lest they be exiled and hunted by even the surface dwarves.
What do y'all think? Half-assed theory? Or maybe there's something there?
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dragonagekeeper · 3 days
Disclaimer: Used the choices from the Dragon Age Wiki as they were more clear, but they represent the same choices found in the keep.
Paragon of Her Kind Polls
Dragon Age Origins Polls
See quest and choice description from Dragon Age Wiki/Keep below
Choosing sides: Caridin or Branka
Caridin will tell his story to the Warden, explaining how the Anvil of the Void works. To 'power' his golems, he used the lives of dwarves (if Wynne is in your party, she will comment that this is equivalent to blood magic).
At first, Caridin only accepted volunteers. However, the king at the time began forcing others to become golems. Golems became a common sight, often being traded to the magocracy of the Tevinter Imperium and controlled using control rods.
Caridin states that when he opposed the king's decisions, he was punished by being forced to become a golem himself. He then asks the Warden to destroy the Anvil, because he is unable to touch the Anvil as a golem.
Branka will arrive and argue that with the technology of the golems, the dwarves would be able to reclaim the Deep Roads and their homeland. Caridin responds by stating the sacrifice is too great and stands by his decision to have the Anvil destroyed.
Side with Caridin [and destroy the Anvil]
Caridin and the Warden defeated Branka and destroyed the Anvil of the Void, ending both the threat it posed and the opportunity it represented. Caridain ends his own life. Dwarves assist you during the Blight.
Epilogue for if Branka is killed:
“Although the Anvil of the Void was destroyed, rumors about its location crept into Orzammar. Years later, thanks to the defeat of the darkspawn on the surface, a few determined smiths managed to locate the Anvil's remains.”
“They examined the ruins of the Anvil, and, upon returning to Orzammar with their findings, convinced the Shaperate to attempt to recreate Caridin's research. A new golem was created, bound with a spirit taken from the Fade.”
“The golem immediately went insane, killing several shapers before it was destroyed. The research was branded excessively dangerous and sealed away. Whispers of its existence circulated throughout Orzammar, however, and demand among the smith caste to reopen Caridin's research refused to abate.”
2. Side with Branka and destroy the Anvil [Branka ends her own life]
The Warden convinced Branka that her quest for the Anvil was self-destructive. Branka ultimately destroyed it before ending her own life. Dwarves assist you during the Blight.
Epilogue for if Branka dies from the previous choice applies here as well.
3. Side with Branka and preserve the Anvil
Joining forces with the Warden against Caridin, Branka set about uncovering the Anvil's dark secrets. Dwarves and Golems assist you during the Blight.
Branka is alive:
“It was not long before Branka mastered Caridin's technique, learning how to use the Anvil of the Void to create new golems--the first in many centuries. The dwarven people greeted this news with cheers, though few knew of the cost.”
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11, 16, and 18 for the da4 hype <3
Thank you so much for the ask <3
11. What's one think you'd really like to see in this next game?
Honestly, I feel like they looked at my wishlist and told me "Wish granted" with so many of the reveals we've gotten! I wanted Lucanis? There he is. I wanted mobile, snappy combat? It's there. I wanted to know what happened with the griffons and if Last Flight would have impact and we'll learn and it does! So many bits of lore that have been hinted at heavily seem like they'd come into play and we'll learn a lot about some of the more mysteriously shrounded parts of them (though I do hope they keep some secrets for themselves!). And of course there's the CC and its focus on not just functionality and creativity but inclusivity.
If I slightly rephrase to the thing I'm most looking forward to seeing, I think it's how all the companions will interact. They keep calling them their most engaging crew of companions yet and I can't wait to see how we're able to influence them. I'd like to know if there's any friction between them to solve and who gets closest to whom. I'm excited to handle difficult conversations and choices with them!
16. What's one crack theory you subscribe to (yours or someone else's)?
I've got a lot of theories but most are pretty well supported, here's one that I went down the rabbit hole with that has little to no connective tissue at all:
The ancient elves were particularly unkind to dwarves, we know this from Trespasser and the implication that they drove them underground. The dwarves allied with Tevinter. Though there was hostility between the elves and the dwarves, after the fall of Arlathan Cad-halash (later Cadash thaig) tried to take in the escaping elves only to be destroyed by the dwarves of Kal-Sharok, ostensibly to protect their alliance.
Paragon Fairel founded Kal Repartha, the surface thaig in the Hissing Wastes, as "A place where we may meet in peace" sometime at least 100 years before the First Blight (possibly much older, they never give an upper bound for age) after the weapons Fairel crafted were used by the dwarves to war against each other. The entrance to the Deep Roads was closed off; the dwarves mentioned to be either fleeing or preventing a war could never return.
Somehow, the dwarves managed to bind demons into the pillars of the Tomb of Fairel, creating the sort of corrupted stone they call "The Gangue" - "Stone waste" or "Impure spirit of the stone." Long before the Blight, the Stone was already corrupted and the dwarves were already working to cut it from the healthy body. Containing the Gangue is one of the primary goals of the Legion of the Dead, not killing darkspawn.
The demons in the pillars are released by the use of veilfire, an ancient art perfected by the elves and only usable by mages. Cole says that the demons were dwarves once and believe they still are. Note that because this is before the First Blight, golems also don't exist yet.
Theory: Fairel founded Kal Repartha after the destruction of Cad'halash and perhaps even housed some elves as well who set up the veilfire. But we aren't finished yet.
The Gangue. It's described like a blight on the stone long before it makes sense to be blighted. When you talk to Solas about the Blight, he knows more than he lets on but also less than he would like. "The fools who first unleashed the Blight upon this world thought they were unlocking ultimate power," he says, and it sounds like he means the magisters in the black city... but what if in fact he means the evanuris. Their experiments and tampering, especially those of Ghilan'nain, began the process of blighting the stone and only later led to the outward signs of darkspawn, red lyrium, and the rise of corrupted archdemons.
And for another crack theory, Lucanis isn't possessed because that's such a straightforward explanation, but maybe pacted in some way to a demon? If not that, has some form of relationship to one without losing his sense of self. This one is pure wish fulfillment.
18. Which aspect of fandom are you most looking forward to?
Seeing all the new characters people create! It's going to be so fun to see everyone's take on the same material and watch what parts of it they hone in on as touchpoints for their Rooks and existing characters. Sometimes completely innocuous lines can take on so much profound meaning based on how the character you're roleplaying interprets it and relates to it.
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Flemeth’s Fade – Part 2
Quest:The Final Piece
When heading to the room with the eluvian near the Skyhold garden, we meet Leliana who tells us that Morrigan has entered the mirror in pursuit of her son. As the Inquisitor enters the Eluvian, they realise that it leads to the Fade instead of the Crossroad. A part of the Fade that seems to reflect part of the "personal" story of Flemeth.
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[This is part of the series “Playing DA like an archaeologist”]
[Index page of Dragon Age Lore]
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The next corridor has a small library and more Keepers of Fear.
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This corridor displays an Avvar version of a Keepers of Fear clipped with a skull, and a battering ram hanging along the corridor. I honestly can’t say all these elements are telling a story, because their configuration in such a lack of context allows them to be interpreted in any way we want to fit our theories, so I will refrain to go there, but this last part of this Fade seems to show elements that are put together to mean something.  Problem is, we were not given any context to frame them. 
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Below the battering ram, there is a rug in a piece of terrain that shows trilobites and shells, in what I think it means “a piece of the past”. The rug is the same one we can see in Skyhold when picked Chasind decoration, so I assume this is a “chasind rug”. Flanking the corridor, we find a pair of Tevinter golems and keepers of fear. I think we can suspect some narration of the kind: Chasind people attacked by Tevinter and Blight alike, based on historical context [Close to the Kocari Wild, this is the story around the construction of Ostagar]. I don’t want to abuse the lack of context to interpret this.
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Then, we reach to the end of this part of Fade, finding the most polemical configuration.
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The entrance to this clearing is flanked by two keepers of fear, and the statue of what has been speculated as Dirthamen’s humanoid form [which I keep calling Humanoid Dirthamen/Falon'Din] is central in this place. It has a sword in his back, potentially speaking of betrayal, and blood coming from his chest and face.
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On the ground there is this typical glyph of the snake eating its own tail. Again, I don’t think we need to overthink this glyph. They are really few in the game [check General glyphs and magical symbols], and they are used in many different ways. They seem to be interpreted only as “magic”, and when they are drawn in red, it is “blood magic”. Going beyond that seems to be an excess. 
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The blood from the statue falls and soaks an Eroded dragon skull flanked by two clean Ferelden braziers. There are a lot of skulls and ferelden/elven urns below the blood waterfall. For a detailed analysis of this statue, read Analysis and speculation of Statues: “Humanoid Dirthamen”.
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Now, I feel that all this interpretation in the linked post makes little justice to the framed scene given in the game: we see Kieran, with Urthemiel inside his body, giving energy to Myhtal, who is kneeling before him.  Scenes like this make me believe that maybe the Old Gods were entities that represented the original Gods of the Evanuris until the Elvhenan discovered the secret of godhood [which is related to the Dragon shape so far we can infer with the Ancient Elven codices, Temple of Mythal]. However, there are only two elements that one can use to sustain this idea that Mythal is respecting an Old God: 
Mythal has been shown to be proud and enjoying some manners of respect towards her. Therefore, this gesture of humbleness from her speaks of deep respect for a piece of “what was once”: Urthemiel. 
The way Morrigan speaks to Mythal in the Altar of Myhtal, if she drank from the well and did not have Kieran, makes us suspect that Mythal was a servant or follower from a higher entity. She says “From high priest to high priest” when she calls for Mythal, which is something that the Inquisitor doesn’t say if it is them who call for Mythal [for more details read the post about Altar of Mythal]. This could potentially be interpreted that Mythal was a high priest of a higher entity, and Morrigan, who can understand the whispers much better, knows this from them. 
However, this interpretation falls apart when you check Gaider’s confirmation that the Elvhenan pantheon predates the cult of the Old Gods, but this could be a red herring too, since Gaider writes this stuff like a “Chantry scholar” and not like a dev. Or it could mean that the Old Gods worshipped by Tevinter are a bound version from the original ancient entities. We don’t know. The hint that a god stops speaking in dreams to other dreamers once it is bound to a physical form has been recently added to the lore with the DLC of Jaws of Hakkon.
The curious thing about this idea is that, if it were true, it would make sense for Flemeth, as Mythal, to kneel in front of a “God” that the Evanuris worshipped before becoming gods themselves. 
Flemeth and her daughter Yavana have a particular interest in dragons, and Yavana herself says that “The blood of dragons is the blood of the world.”  So, if Yavana knows as much as Flemeth, as it seems to show, it could imply that the original Gods/Creators of Thedas were a higher version of dragons. Flemeth kneeling before Urthemiel’s piece seems to go along with this interpretation. This concept is vastly helped by the lack of real knowledge about the Old Gods in any game, book, or comic. To this day, the Old Gods are a mystery to the player. 
Finally, a last interpretation of this scene, based exactly on what we see, it could be simply that Myhtal was betrayed. And Flemeth is what has been left of Mythal. She is adopting the same position than the statue. The statue represents an event similar to what Mythal suffered; she was betrayed and slain as Abelas told us. Her blood was spread on items of Avvar nature, in particular in a statue that looks like an eroded dragon skull. Still, it’s an odd thing to see this hooded figure in this situation and not Myhtal’s statue, which would make much more sense in order to allow this interpretation. 
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Anyways. It’s in this place where we find Flemeth and Kieran. Flemeth kneeling before the child, accepting something from Urthemiel or recharging her power. It’s not clear what’s happening here.
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As Morrigan wants to stop this, Flemeth commands the one who has drink from the Well to stop her. When she does it, a blue colour appears in her eyes. Similar effect than an activated eluvian. The power she invokes has the same effect that Kieran had in front of her. This makes us suspect that maybe Urthemiel is the piece of an Evanuris, but I find it hard to believe. That would make the Old Gods represent each of the Evanuris [which we have been told is not the case], but at the same time, I don’t think Flemeth would kneel in front of one of her first executioners when she is so filled with rage of revenge now.
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Here some truths are revealed:
Flemeth is Mythal, or at least she has a piece of her. Flemeth and Mythal are something similar to Anders and Justice, so merged that is hard to separate one from the other.
Mythal is something much more complicated than an ancient being for what Flemeth says.
Flemeth can perceive her servants.
The human that was Flemeth was betrayed, and was left alone in the darkness asking for Justice. Mythal came, a wisp of an ancient being, and made her powerful and granted her all what she wanted [Justice?]
Flemeth now seeks justice for Myhtal. One assumes it has to be related to the Evanuris.
An elven Inquisitor can reproach her not to hear them. Flemeth answers that “what was could not be changed” [So far I understand, it implies that the Death of Mythal changed things]. Apparently, asking Mythal now for help is something terrible [”You know not what you ask”, which is an answer that we usually hear from characters that have fallen from grace and their powers are darker. It could also mean that telling the Dalish all the truth about how much they had embraced the symbols of slavery would hurt them more than restore them.]
Mythal came to Flemeth explicitly for Revenge, looking for a “reckoning that will shake the very heavens”.  If we remember that elvhen are partially spirit in nature, all these previous comments from Flemeth make me think that Mythal changed her purpose [from motherly justice and discipline to vengeance], or twisted her nature after her death. It could have been because she was reborn and changed [as the Avvar and Solas explain that happens with spirits] or because something twisted and altered her nature [something like the Blight or Red Lyrium]
Part of these cryptic comments are the reason why I wonder if she is not related to the Blight as a way to kill the Evanuris and have her revenge [given their hard-to-kill nature].
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By picking options, we find some extra detail: When the inquisitor asks Flemeth is she has an idea what they are fighting against [Corypheus] she answers as if this would have been an old enemy too.
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Then, Morrigan and Flemeth speak:
Flemeth seems to keep supporting the idea of preserving the powers of the past. She taught this into Morrigan, but clearly there is an ulterior reason.
“Things happened that were never meant to happen”. This is a strange way to say things, and considering how flexible the elvhenan magic was, I wonder if this kind of wording does not imply that the elvhenan had, at some point, a degree of control over the passage of time, time travel or vision of the future. Rift magic has been proven to stop and delay time, after all. It could also be a mere manner of speech. 
Flemeth and Mythal, both betrayed in similar way as the world was betrayed, find each other through the ages to look for revenge.
“So long as the music plays, we dance” [once more, Flemeth keeps using these musical wordings that are not by chance random; we know that in DA world, there are songs in archdemons and darkspawn, inside the elves, and inside the blood of the titans. Which music she refers to is hard to say.
There are several versions of the origin of Flemeth. The inquisitor narrates one of them. Flemeth doesn’t seem to correct it.
Flemeth confirms what we have been seeing in books and games: she intervenes in the history of the humanity to change it, because she has a goal to reach: she saved Manric so he could sire Alistair. Alistair will be a Grey Warden she saves, and later, canonically, will be the king of Ferelden in oder to have “old blood” that will allow awakening Great Dragons [comics]. She also saved our Warden in order to ensure the preservation of Urthemiel or maybe she has other reasons for them [we know now that our surviving Wardens are looking for the cure to the Blight]. She saved Hawke close to Lothering so the war between mages and templars would finally escalate all over Thedas. She has always find a way to keep the darkspwan far away from her hut even when the worst of it was in the Kocari Wilds. She is a mastermind who has been arranging the pieces of a big puzzle and pulling the strings along the ages. This is the main reason why the first thing we see in this Fade is a hand with hanged dead bodies over a table. 
She seems to see her servants as something more than slaves. She is surprised of the Inquisitor to ask if they are a servant. Since being bounded to Mythal is not a permission or something forced upon the servants, but something you work for, it seems natural that she doesn’t see this condition as a slave-servant. It seems to be that Mythal’s servants have to earn that position. It’s not only willingly, they have to work hard to get it.
Still, Flemeth seems to imply that she will eventually command the Inquisitor to do things for her. 
The only thing that Flemeth wants is Urthemiel’s soul in Kieran. Here we read once more how darkness can be poetically refer to the Blight.
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Seeing how much Morrigan loves her son, Flemeth accepts the piece of Urthemiel from Kieran and frees him. At the end of this scene, when Morrigan returns to Skyhold, she explicitly says that this whole situation has been a test of Flemeth. And I think it was a test of Empathy and motherhood that Mythal did on Morrigan to be sure she is the next “adequate” one where the piece of Mythal will jump into. [Dev’s notes]
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It’s implied that Kieran was having particular dreams due to the presence of this piece of Urthemiel in him. This is new lore, because so far we know, all the characters that were possessed by spirits had no particular dreams. This may be a specific Old God attribute.
Here, Flemeth says something very valuable lore-wise: a soul is not forced upon the unwilling. If this applies to all spirit-related situations, to the Evanuris, and the Archdemons, this would explain why demons always need to be “accepted” before possessing, or why an Archdemon, when jumping into the blighted body of a Grey Warden who kills it, dies: the grey warden is not accepting the new soul willingly. This also would explain why a fetus is a good receptor for an ancient soul: there is no soul to ask for permission yet, apparently. Or it’s too weak still.
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When Flemeth leaves and they return to Skyhold, we learn that
Kieran is now free of that spirit, and feels lonely. This situation with Kieran seems to be what we learnt in Jaws of Hakkon: how a mage kid can be safe if they are possessed by a good spirit that teaches them magic. Clearly Kieran could manage powerful magic to open the eluvian to the Fade thanks to the spirit inside him that may have taught him. But once the spirit is gone, the mage in question feels lonely [reason why Sigrid did not performed the separation with her spirit, read Stone-Bear Hold Avvars - Part 1]
Certainly, we can see here that the Old Gods were more than mere soul-less dragons. They are powerful spiritual entities. Hence my suspicion about them being the original gods that the Evanuris worshipped before they discovered the secret of godhood. Sadly, this contradicts a bit what Gaider explained in forums, even though the format of that text felt more like a in-game scholar speaking than a dev providing us meta-data.
Morrigan insists that the magic of old must be preserved. And she does this because Mythal taught her to.
Morrigan suspects that what happened in the Temple of Mythal was Flemeth’s doing too. And Abelas’ words, if he dies, seem to confirm this suspicion.
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felassan · 2 years
Some wonderings on Dragon Age: The Missing..
soo excited to see the tagline that it's a story which directly leads into Dreadwolf!! so it's a DA:D prologue or prequel story of sorts.. it made me think about the ME:A tie-in novels and comics. I hope there's also tie-in novels for DA:D. and with DA Day, Absolution and possibly TGA in December, and now The Missing in January, I (つ✧ω✧)つ the 22/23 holiday season. issue 1 also drops around my birthday aaa
reportedly it'll be 4 issues.
I'm, somehow, both surprised and not surprised by Varric returning, again ≧◡≦ this gives a bit of context to his DA:D trailer voiceover. I hope he'll be okay as my Hawke now has Varric Anxiety 2 electric boogaloo. and Harding!! her second comic appearance after Magekiller. Harding's chances of returning in DA:D potentially increased by this? and I'm excited for a dwarf-dwarf led story, hoping for some new dwarf lore and some new darkspawn lore.
who could the former friend be? presumably that's who is Missing? Solas, Bianca, Valta..? I feel like, for Varric to go back into the Deep Roads, which he hates, it must be serious..
Marnas Pell is a city located in Tevinter. it has a lot of interesting and very topical-feeling history.. it's seen blood magic acts, a slave uprising and a Qunari invasion, and was under heavy attack by darkspawn during both the Third and Fourth Blights, with the dwarves of Orzammar coming to its aid in the Fourth. and in Codex Entry: Par Vollen: The Occupied North it's stated that at Marnas Pell the Veil is permanently thin or sundered:
So many were slain at Marnas Pell, on both sides, that the Veil is said to be permanently sundered, the ruins still plagued by restless corpses. 
hmmm! (The beautiful Marnas Pell has it all! Invasions, uprisings, blood magic, darkspawn, a sundered Veil! book your dream holiday to Marnas Pell today!)
I wonder if there could be a link to the Inquisition Deep Roads expedition in Tevinter Nights (Genetivi Dies In The End)? the report from that expedition was sent to Varric... Or to the Deep Roads Ghil labs and the mutated darkspawn there? Ghil labs, mutated darkspawn and these images (two, three) are what came to mind when reading "the corruption of the blight has infected the walls, and the threat of darkspawn looms heavy in the air", along with the Children darkspawn plotline in Awakening and the 'two Archdemons' DA4 concept art, for some reason. a red lyrium ogre would be terrifying. House Tethras also funded the expedition the Amgarrak expedition of Jerrik Dace (The Golems of Amgarrak).
also I like the cover (hi-res version here). it has the DA:D purple color theme goin strong, while also giving me a retro nostalgic or callback-type feel to these classic DA:O arts with Morrigan and an ogre.
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vigilskeep · 5 months
not sure if you've been asked this before but how do you think the bg3 companions would fit in thedas? like. i can totally picture talvashoth lae'zel, grey warden wyll, astarion as a runaway from tevinter enslavement, etc.
yeah qunari lae’zel checks out, it’s the same archetype. warrior, champion subclass, maybe throw in a little templar. i could go either way on grey warden wyll but he’s for sure a spirit warrior relying on a desire demon’s help. i’d love him to be a rogue with those abilities. and the duellist subclass too. and a free marcher!!
i simply couldn’t see astarion as an elf in dragon age. he’s just. so fundamentally upper class. i have to human noble-ify him, sorry. i could see him as a nobleman turned orlesian bard by an abusive master. so rogue, bard and assassin subclasses. (as an aside, i think he could be inspiration or a jumping off point for a really fun mage character: privileged human noble apostate son of a bitch who gets caught by the templars, has the worst possible circle experience anyone can get, gets free, and is pretty damn sure he doesn’t owe the world even a sliver more restraint than what it takes to keep becoming an abomination from ruining his hair. that’s a completely separate idea i’m getting carried away with. he’d kill it as a blood mage though.)
as for the others... gale is a tevinter mage, for sure. sorry for the baggage my love but his character hinges on an unashamed appreciation for magical ability, both his own and experienced from others throughout his life. that kind of value would only be placed on it in one place in thedas. mage, and a subclass like necromancer or rift mage that pushes the boundaries a little on what’s allowed or possible, without going all out maleficar. shadowheart on the other hand, i could see as an elven/elf-blooded circle mage? a prodigy of loyalist circle politics, plus it would set off the dynamic with qunari lae’zel perfectly. mage, spirit healer/arcane warrior. and karlach... hmm, screams city elf or dwarf commoner origin to me. maybe starring the blight as her terminal condition, or her engine as some kind of dwarven botched attempt at recreating the golems. warrior, berserker subclass obviously, maybe reaver too.
those would be my initial thoughts
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Bestiary of Thedas
From bird to insect, fish to land animal. Every creature mentioned in Dragon Age, blighted and non-blighted, spirits and demon, created and possessed creatures alike are listed along with their breeds, subspecies, or variations.
If you want a more specific list, check out the post for Real World Animals in Thedas
Updated: 2023/11
Horned Toad
Poison Toad
Black-capped Songbird
Mallard Duck
Rock Darter - Native to the Anderfels, an insect eating bird.
Simir - A bird hunted in Tevinter for the magical properties in their feathers.
Bald-necked Vulture
Fish and Marine Creatures
Blind Tetrava
Lamprey Eel
River Herring
Giant Squid
Bony Whale-Shark
Pilot Whale
Crustaceans and Shellfish
Giant Swamp Crab
Cave Beetle
Death Watch Beetle
Dung Beetle
Glow Worm
Roof Beetle
Wood-burrowing Beetle
Blue Flies
Giant Spider
Giant Poisonous Spider
Giant Spiderling
Poison Spider
Poison Worm
Honey Badger
Giant Bats
Black Bear
Brown Bear
Cavern Bear
Great Bear
Large Bear
Red Deer
Coursing Hound
Ferelden Shepard
Hunting Dog
Rat Terrier
Wild Dog
Wofun Hound
Ayesleigh gulabi goats
Mountain Goat
Bercilian Sure-Foot
Greater Frostback Elk
Pride of Arlathan
Red Hart
Royal Sixteen
Tirashan Swiftwind
White Hart
Wild Hart
Amaranthine Charger
Anderfel Courser
Avvar Mixed Draft
Dalish All-Bred
Fereldan Forder
Free Marches Ranger
Frostback Mountain Horse
Green Dales Feral
Imperial Warmblood
Inquisition Barded Charger
Oath-Bound Steed
Orlesian Courser
Taslin Strider
Great Lion
Red Lion
Mountain Lion
Chip Mouse
Avvar War Nug
Battle Nug
Greater Nuggalope
Greater Mountain Nuggalope
Gwaren Land-Hammer
Knuckled Thunderer
Tiddles Majoris
August Ram
Giant Rat
Spotted Cat
Spotted Hunting Cat
Black Wolf
Crag Wolf
Great Wolf
Death Adder
Deepstalker Matriarch - largest deepstalker
Deepstalker Leader - always male, second largest deepstalker
Deepstalker Runner
Abyssal Hang-Tooth
Basking Longma
Blue River Bane
Desert Lightning
Hunter Shade Dracolisk
Mountain Dracolisk
Primal-Trained Longma
Abyssal High Dragon
Fereldan Frostback
Greater Minstral
Guardian of Mythal
Highland Ravager
Hunterhorn Shrikes
Northern Hunter
Sandy Howler
Great Dragon
Guardian Serpent
Sand Stalker - a small vermin-like creature similar to deepstalkers
Sand Stalker Spitter
Sand Stalker Leader - larger than common sand stalkers
Snowy Wyvern
Created Creatures
Blighted Creatures
Blight Owl
Blight Wolf
Blighted Werewolf
Corrupted Spider
Corrupted Spider Queen
Darkspawn Magisters (Named and known)
The Architect
Dragon Thrall
Created Creatures
Demons and Spirits
Possessed/Magical Creatures
Arcane Horror
Ash Wraith
Devouring Corpse
Devouring Skeleton
Enraged Corpse
Fanged Skeleton
Shambling Corpse
Shambling Skeleton
Skeleton Archer
Skeleton Mage
Walking Corpse
Rock Wraith
Ancient Rock Wraith
Wood Nymphs
Glowing Slime
Wandering Hills
Dragon Age Origins + DLCs Dragon Age Awakening Dragon Age 2 + DLC Dragon Age Inquisition + DLC Dragon Age Inquisition Multiplayer Dragon Age: Last Court Dragon Age: Official Cookbook: Tastes of Thedas Dragon Age Tabletop Core Rulebook Dragon Age Tabletop Blood of Ferelden World of Thedas Vol 1 World of Thedas Vol 2 Dragon Age: Asunder Dragon Age: Masked Empire Dragon Age: Last Flight Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights Short Story: The Riddle of Truth Short Story: Varric Dragon Age Origins Armor: Clamshell Armor Armor: Dalish Gloves Codex: The Bow of the Golden Sun Codex: Bronto Codex: Deepstalker Codex: The Frostback Mountains Codex: Meditations and Odes to Bees Codex: Nug Codex: Rat Codex: The Vaterral Item: Fox's Pendant Item: Golden Mirror Item: Lamb Bone Item: Micah/s Lucky Deer Foot Item: Ox Bone Item: Rat Poison Item: Uncrushable Pigeon Weapon: Cat Lady's Hobble-Stick Dragon Age 2 Armor: Rat-Nibbled Gloves Codex: Broken Dowsing Rods - No Refunds Codex: Carta Bronto Codex: Pride and Rider Junk: Stuffed Parrot Quest: Redblossom Special Weapon: The Tiger's Tail Last Court The Acerbic Dowager The Applewoods The Arrival of the Divine The Boastful Neighbor The Cheery Baron Choose your quarry The Dowager Steps Forward Enlightenment Glass Glassblowers' Anger Graffiti A Life of Toil A Meeting with the Outlaw A Plea for Sanctuary River Herring The Sealed Chantry A Swift Stream Sylvian Raid An Unofficial Meeting The Well-Read Pig-Farmer You have cornered the bear You have the hind in view Dragon Age Inquisition Items and Codex Codex: August Ram Codex: Andruil's Messenger Codex: Bear (Inquisition) Codex: Constellation Tenebrium Codex: Correspondence Interruptus Codex: Crate of the Live Death Watch Beetles Codex: Cretahl Codex: Dirthamen: Keeper of Secrets Codex: The Folly of General Not-Shertan Codex: Ghilan'nain: Mother of the Halla Codex: Hard in Hightown Chapter 15 Codex: A Horsemaster's Notes on Mounts Codex: The Hunt of the Fell Wolf Codex: Journal of Gurd Harofsen Codex: The Lion of Orlais Codex: Moldy Journal Codex: A Nutty Affair Codex: On Avvar Cuisine Codex: The Perendale War Codex: Ram Codex: Scout Lace Harding Codex: Surviving the Western Approach Landmark: Crestwood: The Guide of Falon'Din Note: Charred Note Note: Sera's Cabinet of Wonder Whose it Was Valuable: Carved Cricket Charm Valuable: Cut Crystal Lion Valuable: Eagle Feather Charm Valuable: Falcon Crest Valuable: Glass Fox Valuable: Golden Ladybug Charm Valuable: Grouse Feather Charm Valuable: Raven Totem Valuable: Silver Dragonfly Charm Valuable: Vulture Feather Charm Valuable: Wooden Mabari Figurine Wartable Mission: A Present for Bianca Wartable Mission: Smash
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thebloodychampion · 3 months
⊕ your favourite da:o sidequest ✾ your favourite da:o main quest ❆ your favourite da:o personal quest ❤ your favourite da:o companion ♛ your favourite da:o minor character ➸ your favourite da:o location웃 your favourite da:o banter
◉ your favourite da2 sidequest ❀ your favourite da2 main quest ❅ your favourite da2 personal quest ❥ your favourite da2 companion ♟ your favourite da2 minor character ➽ your favourite da2 location 유 your favourite da2 banter
◎ your favourite da:i sidequest ❁ your favourite da:i main quest ❄ your favourite da:i personal quest ♡ your favourite da:i companion ♝ your favourite da:i minor character ➴ your favourite da:i location ღ your favourite da:i banter
⋆ your favourite DLC
Long stuff under read more
Favourite DA:O Side quest?
"Something Wicked" (it is the only side quest I remember really.)
Favourite DA:O Main Quest?
"Broken Tower" (I do like it and even the Fade part, compared to Redcliffe, the Deep Roads or the Dalish)
Favourite Personal Quest?
"A Golem's Memory" (more a DLC Quest but I love Shale's Personal quest)
Favourite DA:Companion?
Zevran (no explanation needed)
Favourite DA:O Minor Character?
Bann Teagan (the Inquistion Version is his evil twin, I refuse to acknowledge that this man is Teagan)
Favourite DA:O Location?
Favourite DA:O Banter?
Zevran: So, err...is it Lord Loghain?
Loghain: I am no longer a teyrn, nor even a knight. Address me without a title, as you would any other Grey Warden.
Zevran: So just Loghain, then.
Loghain: Correct. What's on your mind?
Zevran: You know who I am, yes? I was one of the Crows you hired to kill the Grey Wardens.
Loghain: I thought you looked familiar.
Zevran: Well, I just wanted to report that I failed my mission, Loghain.
Loghain: You don't say.
Zevran: I'm terribly broken up over it.
Loghain: Hmm. Well thank you kindly for informing me.
Favourite DA2 side quest?
Night Terrors (i know everyone betrays you to a degree aside Anders)
Favourite DA2 Main quest?
Demands of the Qun ( Just love it but being called Basalit An by the Arishok is just perfect)
Favourite DA2 Personal Quest?
No Rest For The Wicked (Isabel's Personal quest in Act3)
Favourite DA2 Companion
Favourite DA2 minor character?
The Arishok
Favourite DA2 Location?
Don't really have one
Favourite DA2 Banter?
Anders: Boiling in oil.
Varric: Too prosaic. Trapped in a cave with hungry bears, right at the spring thaw.
Anders: That lets him off too easy. Dipped in molten gold and left as a statue in the Viscount's Keep.
Varric: Ooh. That's poetic!
Hawke: What are you two talking about?
Varric: What to do to Bartrand when I find him.
Anders: Any suggestions?
Favourite DA:I side quest?
Any side quest can't really remember them that much.
Favourite DA:I main quest?
In your heart shall burn ( first of Corypheus and second Cullen's far sighted Vision of seeing Samson on the hill a few miles away)
Favourite DA:I Personal quest?
Last Resort of Good Men
Favourite DA:I companion?
Favourite DA:I location?
Western Approach
Favourite DA:I minor character?
Favourite DA:I Banter?
Blackwall: Corypheus. One of yours, isn't he?
Dorian: One of mine? Like a pet? Like a giant darkspawn hamster with aspirations of godhood?
Dorian: 'Dorian, why can't you look after your little friends? Corypheus peed on the carpet again!'
Dorian: In this analogy, the carpet is Haven.
Blackwall: Is he or is he not a Tevinter Magister?
Dorian: Meaning 'the source of everything bad and evil in the world'? They are the same, yes?
Blackwall: Certainly feels that way at times
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ass-deep-in-demons · 2 years
Dragon Age media list
This is what I plan to read/watch/play in order before DA Dreadwolf!
(will be adding tag links)
Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne (currently reading)
Dragon Age: The Calling
Dragon Age: Origins + DLCs (A Tale of Orzammar, The Golems of Amgarrak, Leliana's Song, Return to Ostagar, The Stone Prisoner, Warden's Keep, Witch Hunt)
Dragon Age: Warden’s Fall
Dragon Age: Awakening
Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker
Dragon Age 2 +DLCs (The Exiled Prince, Legacy)
Dragon Age: Redemption
Dragon Age 2: Mark of the Assassin
Dragon Age: Legends
Dragon Age: The Silent Grove
Dragon Age: Those Who Speak
Dragon Age: Until We Sleep
Dragon Age: Asunder
Dragon Age: The Masked Empire
The Riddle of Truth
Paying the Ferryman
Paper & Steel
Dragon Age: Magekiller (Issues #1-2)
Dragon Age: The Last Court
Dragon Age: Inquisition +DLCs (Jaws of Hakkon, Descent, Trespasser)
The World of Thedas I and II
Dragon Age: Knight Errant
Dragon Age: Magekiller (Issues #3-5)
Dragon Age: Last Flight
Dragon Age: Hard in Hightown
Dragon Age: Deception
Dragon Age: Blue Wraith
Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights
Dragon Age: Dark Fortress
Dragon Age: Absolution
and finally, hopefully...
Dragon Age: Dreadwolf
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