#Texas immigration law
neero73 · 6 months
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alwaysbewoke · 3 months
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Republican Governor Abbott is playing to that old Texas secession nonsense.
Abbott is a human trafficker and a murderer.
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an-onyx-void · 6 months
Disclaimer: I am not the original owner or creator of this content. The source account is listed below.
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gwydionmisha · 9 months
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higurehige · 8 months
So texas just declared rebellion against the united states ....I live in Texas.... Not really sure how that's gonna go down but, alright, guess we're just fillin out the square that said "civil war" earlier than I expected....
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Rob Rogers
* * * *
January 13, 2024
JAN 14, 2024
Last night a woman and two children drowned in the Rio Grande that marks the border between the U.S. and Mexico near Eagle Pass, Texas. 
U.S. Border Patrol agents knew that a group of six migrants were in distress in the river but could not try to save them, as they normally would, because troops from the Texas National Guard and the Texas Military Department prevented the Border Patrol agents from entering the area where they were struggling: Shelby Park, a 47-acre public park that offers access to a frequently traveled part of the river and is a place where Border Patrol agents often encounter migrants crossing the border illegally. 
They could not enter because two days ago, on Thursday, Texas governor Greg Abbott sent armed Texas National Guard soldiers and soldiers from the Texas Military Department to take control of Shelby Park. Rolando Salinas, the mayor of Eagle Pass, posted a video on Facebook showing the troops and saying that a state official had told him that state troops were taking “full control” over Shelby Park “indefinitely.” Salinas made it clear that “[t]his is not something that we wanted. This is not something that we asked for as a city.”
The Texas forces have denied United States Border Patrol officials entry into the park to perform their duties, asserting that Texas officials have power over U.S. officials. 
On December 18, Abbott signed into law S.B. 4, a measure that attempts to take into state hands the power over immigration the Constitution gives to the federal government. Courts have repeatedly reinforced that immigration is the responsibility of federal, not state, government, but now, according to Uriel J. García of the Texas Tribune, “some Texas Republicans have said they hope the new law will push the issue back before a U.S. Supreme Court that is more conservative since three appointees of former President Donald Trump joined it.”
On January 3 the Department of Justice filed a lawsuit against the new law, saying: “Texas cannot run its own immigration system. Its efforts, through S.B. 4, intrude on the federal government’s exclusive authority to regulate the entry and removal of noncitizens, frustrate the United States’ immigration operations and proceedings, and interfere with U.S. foreign relations.” 
Abbott and MAGA Republicans are teeing up the issue of immigration as a key line of attack on President Joe Biden in 2024, but while they are insisting the issue is so important they will not agree to fund Ukraine’s resistance to Russia’s 2022 invasion until it is solved, they are also unwilling to participate in discussions to fund more border officers or immigration courts. Today, once again, Biden reminded reporters that he has asked Congress to pass new border measures since he took office, but rather than pass new laws, Republicans appear to be doubling down on pushing the idea that migrants threaten American society and that an individual state—Texas, in this case—can override federal authority.
Abbott has spent more than $100 million of Texas tax dollars to send migrants to cities led by Democrats. These migrants have applied for asylum and are waiting for a hearing; they are in the U.S. legally. In September 2023, Texas stopped coordinating with nonprofits in those cities that prepared for migrant arrivals. 
Yesterday, Illinois governor J.B. Pritzker wrote to Abbott, calling him out for choosing “to sow chaos in an attempt to score political points.” Pritzker noted that Abbott is “sending asylum seekers from Texas to the Upper Midwest in the middle of winter—many without coats, without shoes to protect them from the snow—to a city whose shelters are already overfilled with migrants you sent here.” Chicago’s temperatures are set to drop below zero this weekend, Pritzker wrote, and he “strongly urge[d]” Abbott to stop sending people to Illinois in these conditions. “You are dropping off asylum seekers without alerting us to their arrivals, at improper locations at all hours of the night.”
Pritzker wrote that he supports bipartisan immigration reform but “[w]hile action is pending at the federal level, I plead with you for mercy for the thousands of people who are powerless to speak for themselves. Please, while winter is threatening vulnerable people’s lives, suspend your transports and do not send more people to our state. We are asking you to help prevent additional deaths. We should be able to come together in a bipartisan fashion to urge Congress to act. But right now, we are talking about human beings and their survival. I hope we can at least agree on saving lives right now.”
Speaking on the right-wing Dana Loesch Show last week, Abbott said, “The only thing that we’re not doing is we’re not shooting people who come across the border, because of course the Biden administration would charge us with murder.” 
On January 13, 1833, President Andrew Jackson wrote to Vice President–elect Martin van Buren to explain his position on South Carolina’s recent assertion that sovereign states could overrule federal laws. “Was this to be permitted the government would lose the confidence of its citizens and it would induce disunion everywhere. No my friend, the crisis must be now met with firmness, our citizens protected, and the modern doctrine of nullification and secession put down forever…. [N]othing must be permitted to weaken our government at home or abroad,” he wrote.
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skytreacher · 2 years
Great video to help understand what we are voting for in Texas this November.
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1990mx5 · 1 year
Ok I haven’t seen anything about this so! The state of Texas now officially recognises white people as the minority* group in the state. This is because Hispanic people now make up more than 40.2% if Texas’s population. Pretty cool, right?
*minority being based on numbers alone, not that white people are suddenly a marginalized group.
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Canada Startup Visa
Elite Immigration specializes in guiding entrepreneurs through the Canada Startup Visa program, designed to attract innovative business leaders who wish to establish and grow their startups in Canada. This visa offers an opportunity for individuals with a viable business idea and support from a designated Canadian organization to obtain permanent residency in Canada. At Elite Immigration, we provide comprehensive assistance throughout the entire process, from evaluating your business idea and securing support from an approved organization to preparing and submitting your visa application. Our expert team ensures that all documentation is complete and meets the requirements set by Canadian immigration authorities. We help you understand the specific criteria for the Startup Visa, including demonstrating the potential for business success and creating job opportunities for Canadians. With our dedicated support, you can confidently pursue your entrepreneurial dreams in Canada, leveraging the country's favorable business environment and vibrant startup ecosystem. Let Elite Immigration be your partner in turning your innovative business vision into a successful reality in Canada. Read More
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defensenow · 21 days
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head-post · 4 months
Texas mayors heading to DC for Tuesday’s immigration announcement
Two Texas border mayors will travel to Washington on Tuesday when President Joe Biden will announce an executive order that will mark his latest and most aggressive plan to reduce the number of migrants allowed to seek asylum in the United States, US media reported.
Brownsville Mayor John Cowen and Edinburg Mayor Ramiro Garza confirmed they had received invitations from the White House for Tuesday’s immigration announcement. Cowen told the Associated Press that he plans to attend, while Garza said he would have more details about his plans on Monday.
Meanwhile, the Democratic mayor of Eagle Pass, a Texas-Mexico border town where the number of migrants has led to a clash between state and federal authorities over border security, had not received an invitation as of Sunday. The mayor from McAllen said he had received an invitation but was unable to attend because of prior commitments.
A White House spokesman did not immediately respond to a request for comment about other mayors who also received an invitation to the announcement.
Read more HERE
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the court system is a drunky
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modernlawyer · 7 months
The Benefits of Hiring an Immigration Lawyer for Citizenship Applications
Applying for citizenship can be a complex and daunting process, especially for individuals who are unfamiliar with the legal requirements and procedures involved. In such cases, seeking the assistance of an immigration lawyer for citizenship applications can prove immensely beneficial. Immigration lawyers are legal professionals who specialize in immigration law and are equipped with the knowledge and expertise to guide individuals through the citizenship application process. In this article, we will explore the various benefits of hiring an immigration lawyer for citizenship applications, particularly for individuals in Texas, and Dallas.
One of the key benefits of hiring an immigration lawyer for citizenship applications is their expertise in immigration law. Navigating the legal requirements and paperwork involved in the citizenship application process can be daunting. Still, an immigration lawyer has the knowledge and experience to ensure that everything is handled correctly. This can help to avoid any unnecessary delays or complications in your application.
Furthermore, an immigration lawyer can also provide personalized support and advice tailored to your specific situation. They can assess your citizenship eligibility, identify potential obstacles or issues, and develop a strategy to address them effectively. This level of individualized attention can be invaluable in ensuring that your citizenship application has the best possible chance of success.
In addition, an immigration lawyer can also represent you in any interactions with immigration authorities. Whether it's responding to requests for additional information or attending interviews, having a knowledgeable and experienced advocate on your side can make a significant difference. This can help to ensure that your rights are protected and that you are able to present the strongest possible case for your citizenship application.
For those living in Texas, finding the right immigration lawyer for citizenship applications is essential. The state has its own unique set of immigration laws and procedures, so working with an immigration lawyer in Texas who is familiar with these specific requirements can be highly advantageous. A skilled immigration lawyer in Texas, such as a citizenship attorney in Dallas, can offer localized expertise and insight that can be crucial in navigating the citizenship application process successfully.
Ultimately, hiring an immigration lawyer for citizenship applications can provide peace of mind and confidence during what can be a challenging time. From ensuring that all necessary documentation is in order to represent you in legal proceedings, an immigration lawyer can offer comprehensive support every step of the way. This can help to streamline the application process and increase the likelihood of a positive outcome.
In conclusion, when it comes to applying for citizenship, enlisting the help of an immigration lawyer is a decision that can greatly benefit your chances of success. Their expertise, personalized support, and advocacy can make a significant difference in navigating the complexities of the citizenship application process. For those in Texas, working with an immigration lawyer familiar with the state's specific laws and procedures, such as a citizenship attorney in Dallas, can be particularly advantageous. With the right legal guidance, you can approach your citizenship application with confidence and assurance.
For more information, visit the website: https://mymodernlawyer.com/
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nebraskaenergy · 8 months
This speaks better
than I can, This is only 19 minutes long and well worth your attention. Gotta love Robert – he shows us the documents and reads and explains what is being discussed, for those of us with no legal background. I think it’s an important video and hope that you stay with it til the end. And then there’s this! I hate to say, “I told you so!” but … ummm – I told you so! And this: This: [We keep…
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prncssguya · 8 months
so, if texas can just ignore the supreme court, can the rest of us ignore the dobbs ruling that overturned roe v wade?
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