crippledwithrage · 10 months
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Someone finally explained it
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thattheater-kid · 4 months
me when I told my friend I can’t donate blood because I have a blood disorder that keeps me from donating (thalassemia, it’s not severe but I already don’t have what my body needs, even being on my period is tough) and this girl said to me “you’re lucky, I’m always getting asked to donate blood because I’m a universal donor.”
like HUH?? what kind of FUCKERY? who says that??
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barefootbaltimore · 1 month
So there's a non zero chance I have Thalassemia so that's fun and fresh
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drforambhuta · 1 year
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The decision to undergo bone marrow transplantation (BMT) in a lymphoma patient is highly personalized and depends on several key factors:
• Histological Subtype: The specific form of lymphoma greatly influences treatment choices. For example, aggressive diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) or refractory Hodgkin lymphoma may require BMT.
• Disease Stage: The stage at the time of diagnosis plays a crucial role. BMT is often considered for advanced-stage lymphomas or those that have recurred after initial treatments.
• Response to Previous Therapies: Patients who do not achieve remission or experience a recurrence after traditional therapies may explore BMT as a treatment option.
• Age and Overall Health: The patient's age and general health significantly impact their ability to withstand the demanding BMT process.
• Donor Availability: In the case of allogeneic stem cell transplantation (allo-SCT), locating a compatible donor, typically a sibling or a well-matched unrelated individual, can be a complex undertaking.
A bone marrow transplant can be recommended in other medical conditions besides lymphoma, like leukemia, aplastic anemia, thalassemia, myeloma, and sickle cell disease. You can choose to undergo a bone marrow transplant from some of the best hospitals in Delhi. The cost of bone marrow transplant in Delhi will vary depending on the type and severity of condition being treated and the type of bone marrow transplant being performed.
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thatdoesntsuck · 8 months
Reorder Review
I’m on the phone with the specialty pharmacy making my first medication and supply reorder for my now at home Immunoglobulin Infusion Therapy. Here’s a little snippet of the conversation: Beleaguered employee answers my call and with absolutely no vim nor vigor starts with: Hello. Thank you for calling Accredo. This is Mel (sigh) how may I help you. Me – Hey Mel! (Totally masking that all I…
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tenth-sentence · 11 months
Thalassemia – anemia of the sea – was so called because it was most commonly found among people of the Mediterranean region.
"In the Name of Eugenics: Genetics and the Uses of Human Heredity" - Daniel J. Kevles
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ladymisteria · 2 years
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Greetings, fellow unicorns of medicine 🦄.
A hug, on this our day, and a wish for a bright and happy future - despite the many adversities ❤️.
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riomed · 2 months
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drkarunakumar · 3 months
How to Spot HLH Disease?
Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) is a severe condition where the immune system becomes overactive, attacking the body’s tissues. Early identification is crucial to prevent rapid progression and severe illness. This guide outlines the symptoms and early warning signs of HLH, helping you understand when to seek medical attention.
What is Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis?
HLH is a disorder where the immune system attacks healthy cells, causing excessive inflammation and tissue damage. It can be inherited (Primary) or acquired (Secondary) and often resembles severe infections or inflammatory conditions.
Types of HLH
Primary (Familial) HLH: Genetic, diagnosed in infants and young children.
Secondary (Acquired) HLH: Triggered by infections, autoimmune diseases, or cancers, and can occur at any age.
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Symptoms of HLH
HLH symptoms can be nonspecific and similar to other conditions. Key symptoms include:
Fever: Persistent high fever, unresponsive to treatment.
Fatigue and Weakness: Extreme tiredness and difficulty performing daily tasks.
Enlarged Liver and Spleen: Abdominal swelling and palpable organs.
Rash: Red or purplish skin spots, usually non-itchy.
Swollen Lymph Nodes: Tender lymph nodes in the neck, armpits, or groin.
Neurological Symptoms: Persistent headaches, seizures, and mental changes.
Early Warning Signs of HLH
Recognizing early signs can be lifesaving:
Persistent High Fever: Lasts more than a week, unresponsive to medication.
Fatigue and Loss of Appetite: Sudden fatigue and weight loss.
Unusual Bruising or Bleeding: Easy bruising and frequent nosebleeds.
Abdominal Pain and Swelling: Discomfort and swelling, especially in the upper left side.
Neurological Symptoms: Persistent headaches, confusion, and seizures.
When to Seek Medical Attention?
Seek medical help if you notice severe and persistent symptoms, rapid symptom progression, or multiple HLH symptoms simultaneously. High-risk groups, including those with a family history of HLH or underlying conditions, should be particularly vigilant.
Wrapping Up
Early detection of HLH is crucial for effective treatment. Recognize the symptoms and seek timely medical help to avoid severe complications. Awareness and prompt action can make a significant difference in managing HLH effectively. If you notice persistent or severe symptoms, consult a healthcare professional immediately.
Read the full blog here.
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shadab · 3 months
Thalassemia Treatment in India Thalassemia is a blood disorder caused by decreased production of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body. Thalassemia causes low levels of hemoglobin in the body, which can lead to anemia. This disorder is mainly of two types: alpha thalassemia and beta thalassemia.
Thalassemia is hereditary, which means that at least one of your parents must have the disease. It is caused by a genetic mutation or the elimination of certain key gene fragments.
Thalassemia is sometimes confused with iron deficiency anemia until special blood tests are performed.
Types of Thalassemia:
Alpha Thalassemia: In this type of thalassemia, there is a deficiency of the alpha globin gene. There are four types of it, depending on how many alpha globin genes are affected.
Beta Thalassemia: In this type of thalassemia, there is a deficiency of the beta globin gene. It is also of two types: beta thalassemia minor and beta thalassemia major.
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utsav-2208 · 4 months
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Pediatric Hematologist in Pune
Sickle cell anemia is a genetic blood disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. Best Treatment for Sickle Cell Anemia. Experience compassionate and innovative treatments for Sickle Cell Anemia at our specialized dr. Liza Bulsara.
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heywoodsays · 1 year
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ivftamanh · 7 months
Phương pháp chẩn đoán bệnh Thalassemia
Để chẩn đoán bệnh thalassemia, các phương pháp kiểm tra máu và phân tích gen thường được sử dụng. Dưới đây là một số phương pháp chẩn đoán chính:
Kiểm tra huyết thanh và hồng cầu:
Huyết thanh: Kiểm tra mẫu máu để đánh giá các chỉ số huyết thanh như hàm lượng hemoglobin, kích thước hồng cầu và mức độ sắt trong máu.
Hồng cầu: Phân tích hình dạng, kích thước, và số lượng hồng cầu để đưa ra thông tin về sự tồn tại của bất kỳ biến đổi gen nào.
Xét nghiệm gen (DNA):
Xét nghiệm gen thalassemia: Xác định các đột biến gen cụ thể trong gen alpha globin và beta globin để xác nhận loại thalassemia và mức độ nặng nhẹ của bệnh.
Xét nghiệm chẩn đoán trước khi mang thai:
Xét nghiệm gen trước khi mang thai: Nếu có nguy cơ cao mang gen thalassemia, các cặp đôi có thể thực hiện xét nghiệm gen trước khi mang thai để xác định nguy cơ cho con của họ mắc bệnh thalassemia.
Xét nghiệm mới sinh (Newborn screening):
Xét nghiệm sơ sinh: Một số quốc gia có chương trình xét nghiệm sơ sinh để phát hiện sớm thalassemia và các bệnh máu di truyền khác ở trẻ mới sinh.
Xét nghiệm hình ảnh:
Xét nghiệm hình ảnh cơ bản: Nếu cần thiết, các xét nghiệm hình ảnh như siêu âm cơ bản có thể được thực hiện để kiểm tra sự phát triển của cơ thể và các cơ quan nội tạng.
Chẩn đoán chính xác bệnh thalassemia yêu cầu sự kết hợp của nhiều phương pháp kiểm tra và đánh giá từ các chuyên gia y tế. Sau khi chẩn đoán, bác sĩ có thể đề xuất kế hoạch quản lý và điều trị phù hợp tùy thuộc vào loại thalassemia và mức độ nặng của bệnh.
--- >> Đọc thêm chi tiết: https://tamanhhospital.vn/benh-thalassemia/ ---
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dgjatin · 8 months
विश्व थैलेसीमिया दिवस: कारण, प्रकार, लक्षण और इलाज
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विश्व थैलेसीमिया दिवस हर साल 8 मई को मनाया जाता है। यह रोगियों को थैलेसीमिया रोग के बारे में जागरूकता पैदा करने के लिए मनाया जाता है। इस रोग में शरीर कम हीमोग्लोबिन और रेड ब्लड सेल्स का उत्पादन करता है। इस रोग के कारण शरीर कमजोर हो जाता है और अन्य ब्लड सेल्स को नष्ट कर देता है। थैलेसीमिया आनुवंशिक बीमारी है जो माता-पिता से बच्चों को हो सकती है। 1994 में, थैलेसीमिया इंटरनेशनल फेडरेशन (TIF) ने 8 मई को विश्व थैलेसीमिया दिवस के रूप में मनाने की घोषणा की  थी। टीआईएफ के संस्थापक ने इस दिन को अपने बेटे और इस बीमारी से लड़ने वाले अन्य मरीजों की याद में बनाया था। यह दिन थैलेसीमिया के मरीजों को समर्पित है।
और अधिक पढ़ने के लिए…
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thatdoesntsuck · 4 months
So, today’s infusion didn’t go to plan. And that’s cool. I got to spend it with my Bestest Friend ever. We ate Crack Bread and Sour Patch Oreos. We learned how to triumph if these obstacles ever happen again, which is very highly likely. I was much more calm this go round. Setting up was a breeze. I was so proud that I didn’t even refer to the list, I just knew what was needed. Even when there…
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