#Thank you for the ask though
bungouchronicles · 5 months
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best panel in the entire manga /j
couldn't even just be "stab" it had to be STABBY stab shshsh
HAHAHA he actually pulled a *stabs cutely* pfft
He's so dramatic <3
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thesummerrtriangle · 8 months
What would be the funniest thing to yell into an echoing void?
so. yeah. i spent a long time thinking about this. perhaps more than it's necessary. the first thing that came into my mind was 'wow! it's really packed up with stuff here!' and yeah, i guess that's it
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kommandantpinks-art · 5 months
You can still draw Majora's Mask fanart. There's no law saying you have to post fanart on an appropriate anniversary.
Of course i know that! Sorry if the tone of my post came across such a way it implied i thought that way about it lol. I just felt like sharing it. I'm way over it now, actually.
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nvskyprospekt · 6 months
Hi! I hope you're well. I love your art, particularly your ones of Elliott—you draw him so beautifully <3 I was curious if you allow for your art to be used as profile pictures and if you do, what your TOU is. Thanks so much in advanced!!
oh my goodness thank you! >_< elliot fans we ride at dawn. i love all of you soo much.
& yes, using my art for pfps/whatever is totally fine! putting credit somewhere would be doubly awesome but i’m not like… going to be mad if you don’t lolz. as long as someone isn’t pretending my art is theirs + you aren’t using someone’s commission, go nuts! :3
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Oryen! what's your opinion on Former imperator Baelfire? Has that changed over time?
"In reality," Oryen says with a casual drawl that contrasts his words, "I was never exactly fond of him. When one is raised in war it takes a lot to change how people think, for them to agree on what should be normal."
"Gaheron's rule provided a status quo that permitted myself and others to push the boundaries of normal magic--war innovates, you know. I was satisfied with that."
"My opinion has no reason to change." The auburn charr stretches, yawning wide, and peeks at you through a cracked eye the color of aquamarine. "Charr are war--or we were. My son is out there trying to make things...tamer for us. I can only hope he doesn't stifle innovation in doing so."
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How did you change your app's icons?
Its pretty simple actually.
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Open shortcuts (should be on your phone already, if not install it on the appstore.)
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You'll see a screen that looks like this. (If not, just go through instructions if given to you when you open the app.)
Then press the plus button at corner of the top of the picture above which should show the screen pictured below.
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Click 'Open App' (will show picture below)
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Then click on the blue highlighted 'app' next the open
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You then can choose from a list of apps.
Then after you choose the app you want (using books as an example), press the info button on the bottom of the screen (it's the 'i' inside of the circle, in the middle.) When you click it, it'll show you multiple options; click the one that says 'add to homescreen' which will show the screen below
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Then you can rename it as so, and to add a picture you have to tap on the icon and press 'choose photo' from the dropdown menu
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After you press 'choose photo', it'll show your photo library and you can choose what you want as your icon for that app
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(please do not worry about my photo library)
After you choose it'll ask you to reposition it, and after you do your screen should look like so:
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Press add and now it's on your homescreen! :D
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I should mention that this is only for iOS. I'm not sure how it is for Android. You can also do this on an iPad if you have one following the same steps.
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billygaysanguine · 9 months
once you receive this lovely bouquet of flowers you have to mention five things you love, publicly, and send it to 10 of your favorite followers if you want. SPREAD POSITIVITY! ⛅️
battle jacket & patch pants
the desert & the country
gore, splatter, viscera, body horror, flesh wounds, & the like
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lindyloosims · 1 year
💌 | Forget about sims, lets learn about YOU! Tell us one fact about yourself, and then send this to 5 other Simblrs to do the same🕊️🤍
Well I'm a witch, I don't practice very often but I do leave my crystals, tarot cards and paraphernalia out during the full moon to be cleansed every month. I do the odd spell here and there but only good things and never against anyone's consent. I have an altar in my bedroom, I even have a tiny little cauldron.
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thesolarangel · 2 years
I have a lore question- So, when Finwë respawned in Mandos and then returned to Tirion, did he become king again? Or did Finarfin stay king? Or did he just stay in Mandos forever with Fëanor?
Sorry to disappoint, but I haven't read the Silmarillion and I have no idea who any of these characters are😭 I have read the Hobbit and most of LOTR...
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has aelynn ever eaten anyone that poisoned her?
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"I'm pretty immune to poison at this point, I think the worst I had just made me a little dizzy for an hour, god knows what was in their system or if it was some kind of natural thing."
"Acids, like uh - I think Renn called them 'caustic' - substances don't do much to me either if that was your next question."
"Don't ask how I found out that fact though."
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thehalfbloodfreak · 1 year
When you havent heard from someone and u reach out to them only for them to ask why did u reach out… how do u take that? Cuz i thought i was reaching out to a friend but like this is a response no one asked me before and idk how to take it
Hi Anon,
I’ve never gotten a response like that before myself, but if I ever did I think I’d just be genuine. Just tell them you were thinking about them and wanted to try reaching out again. You just wanted to say hello and catch up a little. If they still act like it’s too strange maybe just let that person go I guess..
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skidthelid · 2 years
your favorite htf ships?
I personally don't have my own ships and can enjoy literally any ship as long as its not problematic like incest or somethin
Just make it make sense and I'll be like "lol that's cute"
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theodore-lasso · 2 years
Hey, I just wanted to say that I remember the Nate/Keeley fic and the drama surrounding it, and it was fucked up. It also absolutely had a chilling effect on me personally, and made me hesitant to post anything I thought might produce a similar response, for a long time. I��m so sorry you had to go through that.
❤️❤️ sending love your way it makes me so sad to hear about other people having this reaction too (literally I'm like. It's fine if *I* don't want to post fic but as soon as it's someone else I'm like HANG ON). But thank you for this message I really appreciate it, and I hope you can find a good way to share your work that doesn't feel restrictive
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junglejim4322 · 6 months
do you think a 5'4 and 6'2 height difference is predatory?
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syoish-aot · 1 month
Hi, no rush or anything 😁 I was wondering if you know roughly when the next part of I found you too sequel is coming (I love the book soo much) I do know earlier you said you were suffering from writers block and I wanted you to know you shld still take your time and (although I may be one person) I love your work and what your doing is honestly amazing💞💞 (tbh it's rlly impressive writing a whole book I have so many ideas but can't even complete a whole page yet I've got it planned out so what you do is literally unreal😭❤️❤️)
I wish wish wish WISH I had a good idea of when the next part would come out but I honestly have no idea at all!!
My brain is so weird when it comes to---
*sudden realization that I forgot to take my meds this morning* one sec
ANYWAY - like I was saying: because of my ADHD writing is a very "come and go" kinda process for me. I'll have a few weeks of INTENSE motivation for a specific project and then I'll go crazy stupid working on it (which is how I wrote 30k of that fic in a 2 week span) but then in the blink of an eye that motivation is completely gone or switched to another project.
Unfortunately, unless I'm feeling that brain buzzing, vyvanse enhanced, knees weak sensation of extreme hyperfixation - I can't write a single word.
And if I do it's either a) shit or b) I hate it so much that it makes me never want to write again.
All I know is that I will FOR SURE finish the fic eventually!
The only reason I wouldn't is if I jump fandom, which I don't see happening anytime soon (especially because I'm refusing to let myself watch any new shows out of the fear that I'll latch onto something else and my AoT spark will disappear).
I have the rest of the fic planned and the majority of the next chapter already written, but I've kinda shifted my focus to my Jean/OC fic "The Letters She Wrote" since that's where I'm feeling that ADHD motivation right now. Which also explains why I haven't been as active on tumblr (the insta community is more OCxCC inclined, whereas tumblr seems to be more into xreader fics, so I'm normally more active on whichever platform my current hyperfixation project would get the most engagement).
Honestly though, asks like this really motivate me!
Like you already mentioned, I was having some really shit writer's block recently and I couldn't work on ANY of my projects, but then I made a friend on insta who started reading Letters and she was commenting on every chapter, once she caught up with the fic I was so motivated to write that I wrote almost five pages last night between clients at work.
I do write for me and for the sake of getting an idea out of my head and onto the screen, but it's also really validating to know that people enjoy and look forward to the things I work on.
As far as your comment on how you struggle to write, even when you have a plan, my biggest advice is this:
Don't start at the beginning. Start with the scene that you're the most excited for and go from there. The first scene I wrote for I Found You was the scene where Eren and MC are dancing in chapter 8 and then I worked backwards.
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spectralclockwork · 2 months
13, 11, 8!
13. Rate your worldbuilding skills from 1 to 10.
Worldbuilding is always one of my favorite parts of both writing and reading a story. To me its one of the more essential parts of storytelling, even in writing fic, since it defines the kind of environment, language, and context you're going to be using to get across your story. doing the necessary research required for indepth worldbuilding is one of my favorite parts of starting a new project, especially when I get to have fun remixing things. Secondary to my enjoyment of worldbuilding is getting to then use (and purposefully break) the rules ive established with it to tell my story.
That said I would never put myself at the top of worldbuilders out there, though i do aspire to someday reach a level of mastery with it. I'd probably put myself around a 6-7.
11. Three tropes that are fine but overrated.
This is honestly kind of tough to answer, both because I'm terrible at thinking of things that aren't immediately on my mind and also I just don't think there are any tropes I would single out as overrated to me? At least nothing that would make for an interesting take. My answer is a loose shrug.
8. How slow is a slow burn?
When it feels like a journey of its own. The burn itself becomes an integral part of the story's pacing. Though not necessarily the central conflict, the buildup towards a romantic climax is inexorably linked to the flow of the major story, thus inherits its ebbs and flows. Its less about the actual length of time and more about the suspension, the holding of breath as you wonder is this the moment? the same way you would ache for the climatic reveal of a mystery.
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