#but tbh this is wild because i never really thought of other people being able to view this happening from the outside
theodore-lasso · 2 years
Hey, I just wanted to say that I remember the Nate/Keeley fic and the drama surrounding it, and it was fucked up. It also absolutely had a chilling effect on me personally, and made me hesitant to post anything I thought might produce a similar response, for a long time. I’m so sorry you had to go through that.
❤️❤️ sending love your way it makes me so sad to hear about other people having this reaction too (literally I'm like. It's fine if *I* don't want to post fic but as soon as it's someone else I'm like HANG ON). But thank you for this message I really appreciate it, and I hope you can find a good way to share your work that doesn't feel restrictive
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Enhypen's Thoughts on Being an Idol
Okay, now I like to do this reading for Enhypen, same idea as the Ateez one. I will ask what they and dislike about being an idol, for the dislike I will exclude Saesangs, because of course that is a crappy part. I will ask what they learned from the past and what they think of the fans. Here we go.
Disclaimer: If you find your idols perfect and sweet, do not read this, especially Jake's part, some parts of this are not pretty and does not paint them in the best light. When I channel I get some wild messages, it is how it is. I keep it real and post what I get, unless I find it very uncomfortable to post. At the end of the day. I am a girl with cards. Don't take this seriously and no hate towards these people. I don't know them. If you don't mind that they aren't, keep reading lol because there is some interesting stuff here.
What he likes? (Queen of Swords) I am getting his ability to speak and communicate. It is like this is his outlet to express himself. It is like if he wasn't an idol he would be silenced, weird message, but going with it. It is like being an idol has given him more confidence. He is able to learn from others and gather information and hear others out. He is able to gain knowledge through this, interesting, weird, I thought I would get a more creative card here too, but then again, they really don't have much creative freedom, so I get it.
What he dislikes? (4 of Pentacles) Interesting he got this card, because he did get this card a lot for my general readings of him back in August. He doesn't like that he has to preserve or reserve himself. He is kind of constrained. He needs to protect what he has. He can't spend freely, there isn't a lot of wiggle room in his career, lack of freedom. A lot of control when it comes to his career, a bit confining.
What he learned from the past/experienced? (The World) He's like legit just giving me exactly what happened in the past, not really what he learned, like this is about the world tour, he is happy it is completed. I am getting, he learned a lot from it, he was able to put his all in it, his time, his emotions, his passions, and knowledge gained from it, so that is nice.
Thoughts on fans? (6 of Swords) This is interesting, there is troubled waters here. A need to move on from a difficult period. I think he may want fans to move on from all the complaints they have tbh. The 6 of swords is about moving towards positive change, so maybe he sees fans trying to make positive changes for them. But I am getting look onward, there are brighter, calmer days ahead.
What he likes? (Queen of Pentacles) Well, this card likes to pop up. That he can nurture his career and create his own independence through that. And he can make money out of it. There is a sense of pride in what he has created. Pretty straightforward there.
What he dislikes? (Ace of Swords) Honestly, his ideas being shut down, that they never go anywhere, he has a lot to say and has lots of ideas, and he may share it, but it doesn't go anywhere. I love how easy to read this boy is. To the point and clear, which kind of represent the ace of swords, which is funny. Like if you think of the ace, it is like you have an idea, but it never goes any further than that.
What he learned from the past/experienced? (The Empress) Kind of gives me similar vibes to what I got from Yeosang, but it he knows his creative power more. He knows what he can create. He has planted the seeds of creativity, but not sure it has seen the light of the day. This dude is crazy creative, but we will probably not see that, this is what that gives me. There is something about his Mom here too, like things she has helped or qualities she has, that he has, that has helped him in the past to be where he is as an idol today. Idk what that all means.
Thoughts on fans? (3 of Pentacles) Bruh, this is so matter of fact, where are the emotions boys? I think he believes they work well together, they work as a team, which surprises me, because as a fandom we can be messy. They make a good team effort, this could also do with the effort the fans have to give them rest, but there is a bit of a mess there too, so idk. It is like we work together to build something great. It is like he sees all of us as a team.
What he likes? (The High Priestess) I am getting that magic, the mystery behind it, and my next thought is what!? He kind of likes to be mysterious, this is weird dude. Bruh, it is like he likes the behind the scene bs, like I have a secret you don't know, what is this? Okay, it is like he likes the mystery of being an idol, like that they have to put a facade on, bruh, this boy is a strange one, he makes me laugh. He likes that we don't know the real him, legit what I am getting, this boy. He is making me laugh here. Boy is a true Scorpio here. I just keep getting that saying I know something you don't know, in that playful manner. I can't stand him sometimes. I say this in a loving manner.
What he dislikes? (Strength) Again, weird card here for a dislike. Omg, I am getting lowkey toxic messages here, I am just going to say it, I am just a girl with cards, no facts, I hear feminine power and women in power. Because in the card there is a woman, with the word strength, it gives me women with strength and power. I just don't get why I got to get this message wtf dude I am looking at the women in the card and she is strong and powerful, and this is a dislike for him, I also got the divine feminine. Ya'll I hate this, remember just channeling, if you don't like this, don't believe me. That simple. Now if you think back to his ideal type reading, because I am being pulled back to that, you may see where that all stems from. Ugh Jake man, I hope what I am getting is completely wrong, because I don't like this, but at the end of the day I try not to take this seriously, it is Tarot, we don't know these people. And as I mentioned, he may need to do some healing. Also, not sure why this is showing up in his dislikes as an idol? What does that have to do with him being an Idol wtf Also, he may not be consciously aware of this as well, so he may not actively put women down, or feel women are inferior, but this innate need to overpower them. I feel this is an inner struggle with him he fully does not understand. I do feel this also stems from childhood. I feel this is something he needs to work on healing. I want to stress do not hate on this dude! I feel this is much more complex than we would know.
What he has learned from the past/experienced? (Knight of Swords) His ability to speak his mind, he has gained confidence in his voice and what he has to say. Now the Knight can be a bit overly confident, a bit overzealous, so he may want to careful with how he uses his words, because they can speak without much thought and say some wild sh**. I am kind of getting, I know the power of my voice.
Thoughts of fans? (2 of Wands) I was kind of scared of what I was going to get here lol This seems fine. He finds them inspiring, attractive, passionate. They fuel him. Probably build his confidence tbh. Ugh, got another weird message. The person in the card is holding a ball of fire, it is giving me he likes us in his grasp, like he likes having a hold on us. This dude needs healing, anyway, yup, there that is, moving on.
What he likes? (Queen of Wands) I have to shuffle like 4 times before he pulled a card out for me, which barely happens, so maybe there is like a specific thing, he likes, or he doesn't like much. This one confuses me, this QOW's does not feel like his energy, so is this a specific woman, why would that be what he likes? Is this the fans? I am sorry, but every time I am in his energy I am so confused, what I am getting is weird. I'll just go with it, It is like he can stand in his feminine power, why does he like that though? It is like he can be softer as an idol. I can see this as him being able to shine on his own and wanting to inspire others. I am just going to move on, because this makes no sense to me.
What he dislikes? (6 of Wands) How this man makes no sense to me, for real. Sunghoon has always giving me the vibe that he is competitive af so why is this a dislike, omg, I think I get it, he may not like sharing the spotlight with others, holy sh** what did I step into. Because if you look at what he likes, the Queen stands alone, let me find out he a queen, okay girl, let me stop. He wants to shine on his own, not share the spotlight. Now I can say he may dislike people who are egotistical and prideful and wants to steal the spotlight, okay I can say that, because the QOW's doesn't steal the spotlight, they just own it. But I will say what you don't like, can actually trigger what you actually want to be like, but just can't. Well Sunoo is popping in my head, not sure what that is about, but putting that out there, this isn't romantic peeps, just something about him may be what he wants to be like, it is like he stands in his feminine power and is confident, and he can't be that way oh sh** It is like this boy was instilled to be masculine and tough and not be vulnerable, and that is it, no in-between, but I feel he wants to show a softer side.
What has he learned from the past/experienced? (10 of Pentacles) Bruh, what is this? Why are you doing this to me. Is he like the company's darling, does he bring money to them? What is this? Does he have family obligation here, because 10 of Pentacles is about family pride as well. Doing things for the family. This is giving me, hey, go out there and make money for the family vibes. I could be completely wrong here. I am going by vibes and what this card is giving me. But at the same time, don't Korean families do this sh**. Okay, this could also mean he needs to invest in the future, so he chose this career, but with looking at the images on this card, nope, it isn't giving me that vibe.
Thoughts on fans? (The Hanged Man) He seems he can't do much for the fans, his hands are tied, once again, does this have to do with what is going on. This is giving me, this is a difficult situation, there isn't much that can be done vibe here. It is like you got to see things in a different light, he may want fans to do that. Bruh what am I stepping into here. Please Sunoo be a light read.
What he likes? (6 of Cups) It seems he enjoys making memories with the 6 members. Living out his childhood dreams, this may be what he wanted to do as a child. It just seems he is just having fun. This doesn't give me much. This is pretty simple. He seems like a simple person, not in a bad way, he is just not that complicated.
What he dislikes? (3 of Pentacles) This is weird lol He dislikes teamwork, effort, working with others. It is like he enjoys the fun, playful side of it, having a good time, but the not the serious aspect of it. It seems he hates discussing the work aspects of things. you know what I am being drawn to. You know how they do their lives after concerts and Sunoo seems so done, people think he is sad or lonely, I lowkey felt that way sometimes, but he just finds these topics boring af You can say he is tired, but girl, they all are. He just isn't here to discuss topics about work, he wants to have fun. He likes the emotions involved, but not the work itself.
What he learned from the past? (Death) This is kind of dark, not sure I want to go into full details of what I got here, but idols who have passed may have affected him, and I am hearing, I don't want to go that route. Alright, not sitting with that any longer, moving on.
Thoughts on fans? (10 of Cups) Yeah, the first one with cups! He sees Engene as family. You guys fill him with lots of love and support and happiness. It is like ya'll are one big happy family. He's got a lot of love for the fans.
Jungwon Okay my bias, please don't give me anything too dark here, please! Oh god, I am nervous lol
What he likes? (6 of Cups) Another one with the 6 of cups! He likes that he can be youthful and fun. There is something about him that likes to stay young. I have gotten that from him in the past. I am getting, live out my youth, how would being an idol do that though? He also enjoys the memories he can make from being an idol. He is young at heart. I guess being an idol helps with that, okay Jungwon lol
What he dislikes? (8 of Cups) Oh no, having to search for myself came to me, no Jungwon, no! I am going to be real. I don't think he knows who he is outside being an idol. This is something I kind of felt from him in past readings, like does he know himself. 8 of Cups is someone walking away from it all, going on a self-journey, seeking more out of life. But what does this have to do with him being an idol? Oh, the time away, I don't think he likes when they are on hiatus at all. He hates it I hear. He wants to be in front of fans. In the spotlight. Bruh if you think this boy wants a break, you are wrong. Yeah he's tired and overworked, but they all are, all idols are, he doesn't want to step away. He may just have to find himself I hear. He may have to deal with his emotions, and I don't think he wants to do that, so he rather distract himself.
What he has learned from the past/experienced? (4 of Pentacles) It probably has been instilled in him to preserve his career, value it, hold tight to it, to do whatever to keep it. To have a lot of self-control and restrain himself. Bruh this boy holds tight to his image and career. Not surprised at all.
Thought on fans? (9 of Cups) Not surprised he got cups, of course he does, boy got a lot of love for the fans. He appreciates them and adores them. He appreciates every single one of them. I love my bias lol I am getting that he dissociates, because in the card, the man's head is on the plate, but his body is sleeping. I don't know what that means though. Omg, had to look up dissociation and how that correlates, he uses fans to disconnect from whatever anxiety or sadness he has, like a coping strategy, they help him cope, oh wow, that makes sense to be honest, boy is always online. And I always felt that way intuitively. Because boy post a crazy a lot of times, like a lot. I know ya'll want to say it is because he loves the fans, but nah, all members love the fans. He does it for his own reasons. We all got our own reasons for doing things. Aww, I mean I get it, the industry is tough. I want to hug him.
What he likes? (The Hanged Man) Weird card for a like. It is like he is learning to see things differently; things being flipped for him. It is like he doesn't have to work hard or put effort into it, like things comes easy for him, this is weird, I don't really get this.
What he dislikes? (10 of Swords) The mental exhaustion, the criticism, the pain. The betrayal, being stabbed in the back. Now ask me what this means? He doesn't like the shady sh** that comes with the industry is what I got. The dark cloud over him, also getting that, he may have a lot of dark and negative thoughts that loom over him as an idol. Yeah, that is a bit dark, but the card is intense, so yeah.
What he has learned from the past/experienced? (The High Priestess) Secrets being kept, things hidden. I just keep getting random messages, but no explanation as to what these mean with him. I am getting, keep things secret, keep things to himself. I am being pulled to the book on the card, he may journal about these secrets, or his real truths about things. Like he can't share how he truly feels, so journal about it type of sh**. Journal about it and then let it go. I mean journaling can do that, so makes sense, it is therapeutic.
Thoughts on fans? (8 of Swords) Oh no...Oh god, what is this? This is not a good card to get for how he feels how about fans. I am getting, you are trapped in your mind. Remember just getting random messages, don't take this as fact. He may have to limit himself and not express himself as much with fans, which makes sense. He has to like tip-toe around his thoughts, like be careful about what he says. This all makes sense to me tbh. Fans are super critical of everything this boy says or does.
Okay, that was wild and long. Hope you enjoyed, remember just a girl with cards lol
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pynkhues · 1 year
literally sooo fascinated by logan and caroline's marriage tbh. give us all your thoughts!! (if you want ahah)
Oh, man, I could talk about them all day, haha. I kinda feel like people can sometimes rob both Caroline and Logan of any nuance, because yeah, sure, they’re often the central antagonists of the series, and their abuse and neglect of their children permeates the series, but the show’s always also been careful to show that the cycle of violence never started with Logan, and Harriet Walter’s talked in interviews too about the cycle of neglect not starting with Caroline either. They’re victims and perpetrators in the same way that Kendall, Roman and Shiv are victims and perpetrators, and the fact that neither of them were able to break that cycle is the exact sort of tragedy that's at the broken heart of this series.
It makes it really fascinating to me in that sense that Caroline and Logan found each other at all, and I think really slots into what we know about his three marriages – namely, that he marries women who are in some ways as damaged by life’s cruelties as he is. We understand that explicitly with Marcia, who pretty much says out loud that their connection has been born out of the fact that they’re both survivors, but I think it’s implied in his relationships with both Caroline and Connor’s mother too. At least Marcia and Connor’s mother became somethink like partners for a while too – Marcia was a co-conspirator with Logan for the bulk of season 1, and the RECNY Ball episode I think also showed that Connor’s mother, for at least a while, was the sort of socialite who could lubricate and work politicians alongside Logan.
We don’t really know what role Caroline played in that sense, but she’s obviously intelligent and savvy enough to have worked to secure the kids real power in the divorce, something we see her give back to Logan in 3.09. We also know that her title gave Logan the class elevation that he wanted (even if its one he also seems to bitterly resent), and that his money gave her security, and in a lot of ways, that’s a strategic match that sees them both step forwards in power together.
I was actually listening to an old episode of Vanity Fair’s Succession podcast recently where they interviewed Dame Harriet Walter, and she talks quite a lot about Caroline’s backstory.
She says that Caroline was born into a neglectful aristocratic family, an only daughter who due to the social structures of British aristocracy, wouldn’t have inherited her father’s estate as a result of her gender. Instead, his estate would’ve gone to a distant male cousin, which ties into what Connor says in 1.09 to Willa about the house being the ancestral home Caroline didn't inherit.
She was disregarded by her family but encouraged to marry rich, and she sees Caroline as having gone through a bit of a wild child phase, that she partied, used drugs, tried to escape herself. That she was probably featured frequently in the social columns ‘in disgrace’, and then married young to a rich British man who bored her. She sees Caroline as having escaped to New York on a trip, and met Logan who dazzled her. Who was the opposite of the men she’d grown up with, the men who’d cut her out of her own inheritance, and that he was exciting and creating something and married too, and that they likely left their spouses for each other. That he married for a title, but he also married her because he found her fun and funny and different from the other women of her class and station.
I actually love that backstory a lot, and in particular I think it feeds into the themes of cycles on this show, both with Shiv, but also in Caroline being cut out by her own family, and then cut out by the one she tried to make for herself, and the damage that likely caused her. It also I think really beautifully depicts this idea of legacy and succession which is so crucial to the show – that Logan can spend a childhood brutalised by a man who’d give him just enough to build an empire on and that Caroline can spend a childhood in luxurious neglect with parents who will leave her with nothing.
What that meant for their relationship - - I think they did love each other, as much as they could love anyone, and I think that vulnerability between them was something that probably allowed them as true an intimacy as they’d ever have for a while. I also think that that vulnerability and that intimacy gave them power over one another that they’d use often and likely cruelly, and that the final years of their marriage were probably torturous for both of them.
After all, at the end of the day, Logan had the wealth Caroline could marry but never inherit, and Caroline had the title Logan could marry but never inherit, and what is that if not a reminder of the poisoned soil they sprung from?
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beanghostprincess · 10 months
What’s so fascinating about shuggy that makes you go this wild? Aren’t shanks completely over this guy? And buggy just bitter? Am I interpreting it wrong?
I'm not gonna ask whether you want the short or the long version, because I'm gonna give you the longest, gayest version no matter what you tell me. So. Yeah. I think I'm kind of crazy about them but in a very normal way (I just lied on the internet). I'm gonna answer your last three questions before actually getting into the subject of why Shuggy makes me go so wild:
(Spoilers: manga ch.1082 and that Wano flashback)
Shanks being "completely over this guy" would be a very simple way to put his feelings for Buggy into words, I think. Although the fandom exaggerates the way he feels for him (turning into obsession and just complete depression) for fun or for angst purposes (I must say I don't really dislike it and I do believe Shanks still holds Buggy close to his heart in this way, and if we talk in a shippy way, he's definitely the clingy one) I think Shanks isn't completely over Buggy. At least not in the cynical way some people say. I think that after parting ways, Shanks accepted Buggy leaving him. I don't think he quite understands his reasons (he never will, tbh) but accepted his decision. I think he tried to choose the more mature way (not that he had other options) and moved on. But moving on doesn't mean forgetting or being completely over someone, because I wholeheartedly think that even if Buggy isn't on his mind 24/7, he's still one of the most important people in Shanks' life and story. Buggy is there in the back of his mind like a catchy song you can't get rid of, you know? It itches sometimes, too, but Shanks can't do anything about it so he just lives with it. To Shanks, he would gladly reconnect with Buggy and go back to the way they were in the blink of an eye, but he knows it can't be. I think Shanks has moved on but the second somebody mentions Buggy he goes into nostalgia mode and thinks about their times together back when they were just kids with endless dreams aboard the Oro Jackson. I think Shanks has more things to worry about than his past to be the way the fandom portrays him, but that doesn't mean he has completely forgotten about it and doesn't want Buggy back. Because he definitely does.
Buggy is- He isn't just bitter. I don't think you can say Buggy is just bitter when Shanks' decision was what determined his whole life. Leaving the thing about the map and the devil fruit aside (which also affects the story but we know his resentment isn't really about that) Buggy has every right to feel the way he does towards Shanks. Perhaps it's just that I find this pathetic clown to be very relatable, but I will always be both a Buggy apologist and defender. I'll probably get into a more detailed version of this later, but Buggy isn't just bitter. Buggy is rightfully frustrated at how his life ended up to be without Shanks. "But he's the one who left Shanks"... Is he, though? He did leave Shanks physically, but Shanks was the first to break the relationship. The thing about Buggy that I absolutely love is how his character portrays envy and jealousy into a... I wouldn't say healthy way, but at least not a damaging way to Shanks. Despite fighting all the time, they obviously loved and cared for each other. Being best friends and the youngest of the crew, always together in both the worst and best of their moments, etc. So Buggy, even though he lived as Shanks' shadow, that isn't why he's resentful towards him. He could be angry about that, right? Just bitter Roger chose him to keep his legacy alive instead of him. But no. Buggy chose to follow Shanks instead because he trusted him. Because he thought "Well, I might not be able to follow my dream, but Shanks will do it for us as our captain's legacy". Which makes sense because they were so damn close. They're always together. Like. Just watch/read the Oden flashback. Their presentation was even together, lmfao. And when they talk about them, they mention them together. The whole thing about Shanks not going to Laugh Tale to take care of Buggy? It's just- It's just so obvious that they were best friends and intended to be together forever. Buggy was willing to follow Shanks until the end of the world until Shanks hesitated when asked about following Roger's steps (Buggy doesn't actually say he'll be in Shanks' crew, but the way he reacts to Shanks' words makes me think he would've accepted to go with him as a co-captain until... Well. Yeah. That happened). And like, I get it. Shanks knew they were too young. Shanks knew they needed to grow up and live more experiences as pirates before going to Laugh Tale and for the One Piece. For Shanks it's just a little pause before they actually fulfill their dreams. But for Buggy? For Buggy, his whole world is crumbling down because the person he trusted the most literally told him he wasn't going to follow their dream. For Buggy, Shanks doesn't take the role of Roger's legacy seriously enough, so it's unfair. It's unfair that he had to leave his dream behind for him. It's unfair that he trusted him. It's unfair that Shanks didn't believe in himself. It's unfair that their captain died. It's unfair that now Buggy has to be completely on his own, with no ability to swim and no map to follow because Shanks also ruined that for him. So, yeah, Buggy is a bit more than just bitter, and rightfully so. It's classic miscommunication because obviously, Shanks wasn't going to give up on going to Laugh Tale, but Buggy takes it that way. And he also sees it as Shanks doubting himself and the dream and it's unfair that the one who got the straw hat is the one to hesitate, and the one who didn't get anything is the one who wants to fight for their dream. Buggy is more than just bitter. I know it's played for laughs, but his grudge towards Shanks is deeper than that.
You are not interpreting it wrong, tbh. I think the fandom just exaggerates their behavior and in canon you pretty much have to analyze the characters to fully understand them. If you're not a fan of these two characters, their whole relationship can feel like "Oh, they were just friends in the same crew" even when it's way deeper than that. Although I think chapter 1082 (my favorite chapter ngl I've read it so many times google instantly shows it to me when I look for the page where I read OP) explains what I just said pretty well from Buggy's POV.
So now onto the real question, what's so fascinating about Shuggy?
I'm gonna be honest with you, before writing this I have to say that I have a tendency to love these types of ships. Soukoku (BSD) and Satosugu (JJK) are no exception and they follow the same "former BFFs/partners who turned into enemies and are very very gay". The reason I like these three ships so much is probably because of personal experiences I'm not gonna talk about, but somebody mentioned something very interesting about lesbians/sapphics relating to these ships because we always have this experience about having a really close girl bff that we have a crush on, but since we don't acknowledge the real feelings, it ends up in a very toxic way that leads only to resentment and nostalgia. And, you know, as a lesbian who has been through that I can confirm wholeheartedly that this is why Shuggy is so important to me (considering Shuggy a ship for the lesbians in my heart </3)
Leaving that aside and the fact that childhood best friends to lovers is like my favorite trope, I just think their characters are so perfectly written. And it's surprising because they barely have scenes talking about each other or being with each other (Marineford is Shuggys' Roman Empire atp, although I will always remember that first flashback in episode 8 in the anime. That changed my life fr). But their story is made with so much care and love for the characters (it's obvious Oda likes Buggy a lot) that you can feel it. At least I do. Because although not having many scenes they've completely taken over my heart and soul.
Shanks is a very complicated character due to lack of information and the fact that we know he hides something deeper, but he is, after all, a symbol of hope and dreams. At least for our main character. Shanks is the main reason why Luffy becomes a pirate and there are so many parallelisms between them that I can't count them. I find it so ironic that the symbol of hope and freedom Luffy follows is actually somebody who crushed somebody's dreams and hopes. Talk about irony, right? And then we have Buggy, who's the complete opposite. With Buggy's first appearance (and honestly all of his scenes until the Wano flashback and chapter 1082) we think he's one of the bad guys. And yeah, all of them are like that because they're pirates and yadda yadda. But I'm talking about "bad guy" as in "bad bad person with no hopes and dreams and that is just interested in being feared and powerful". And he is a failguy. A very funny one, too. But he's so much more. And the fact that this comedic relief character that's always played for laughs when it comes to his own misery turns out to be the one who has the biggest of dreams and the biggest of heartbreaks about it? It just shatters my heart.
Shuggy makes me go wild because of Buggy, mostly, ngl. I wouldn't like Shanks this much if it wasn't for Shuggy, probably (I love him a ton outside of his relationship with Buggy, but you know, it makes things a lot easier). I like Shuggy because the topics the ship touches are very emotional and angsty and they crush me completely. Buggy living in Shanks' shadow? Buggy wanting to follow Roger's steps and following Shanks instead because his self-esteem disappeared the moment his captain's legacy ended up on Shanks instead of him? The trust he had in Shanks? The way Shanks hesitates and the way Buggy refuses to follow somebody like that? Buggy running away on his own because he gave up his dream for somebody who doesn't even treat it the way it deserves? It's just heartbreaking. Especially if you have in mind that they just lost the man that raised them.
Buggy then becomes somebody that people make fun of and ridicule, and they don't even think about the possibility of him being part of the crew of the king of the pirates. And when they find out, they can't believe it. They don't talk about this much, but I think that it must hurt so fucking much to be seen this way. He was just as important as Shanks. Roger loved him too. And to this day, being Shanks' shadow still haunts him. I love the angst Shuggy has. It breaks me and I love it.
Then, (and this is something I adore) with the creation of Cross Guild, Buggy has the chance to get out of Shanks' shadow. He's surrounded by two guys who only think about money and stability and business and... It's boring, isn't it? It's not flashy! And I think he has this realization of "this is my chance to prove I'm worth something. This is my chance to actually go for my dream. Mine" because these two idiots keep talking about boring things instead of following their dreams and aspirations and bigger things! And it just shows how much Buggy truly cared about Laugh Tale and the One Piece and how much he has had to wait for it. And this has nothing to do with Shuggy, I just really love this fucking clown.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that I love Shanks making Buggy lose the map and eat the devil fruit. Because, okay, in retrospect it feels very stupid because it was a simple accident. But just hear me out- Even though it was an accident, Buggy lost his ability to swim for powers he didn't want. He lost the ability of independence, because what's a pirate on his own if he can't swim? He lost his individuality that night, and we see him depend on others constantly throughout the show. And Shanks mentioning that Buggy is a great swimmer? Oh, fuck you Oda for making me cry so early in the show. Then, the map. He lost his individuality and then he lost the only thing that led him to a future with treasures and his dreams. Then again, losing his independence because he couldn't just go on his own without a map. Fucking great. The fact that Shanks jumps to rescue him the second Buggy starts to drown haunts me at night, too. They're just so-- Ugh.
But Shuggy is not everything about Buggy's resentment and angst. And it's not about Shanks missing him and wanting his best friend back because he doesn't know what happened for him to run away so easily.
It's also about unconditional love, and I am so passionate about that. Shanks care and love for Buggy is something the fandom exaggerates but... These people are not wrong, tbh. Shanks gave up his dream to go to Laugh Tale (postponed it) to stay with Buggy and take care of him because he was sick. Shanks is a very selfless person all the way, and when it comes to Buggy it seems that he doesn't hesitate to put him first (in serious situations. Their usual arguments don't count. They're just stupid, and love to argue and fight like the divorced couple they are). And besides, this happens right in the same episode after Toki gets sick and Oden wants to take care of her but she forces him to follow his dream and leave her behind. Like- What the actual fuck. Ah, yes, parallel the main couple in the Wano arc. I'm sure that's not romantic at all. The difference is that Shanks stayed. And god, does that hurt. Especially when he says they'll go on their own one day, because it shows he cared about Laugh Tale too (I mean, ofc, but from Buggy's POV it's just different).
To end this I also want to say that, leaving the whole deep analysis behind: Their personalities just match. They're funny to watch. They're cute. They have an angsty story behind them. They won't stop arguing like little kids but they care for each other still. They are chaotic. They're just... Perfect for each other.
Hope you liked my tiny essay about them because I could've kept going on and on and on about it, but some people (like me, sadly) have to wake up early tomorrow to work instead of just posting about gay fictional characters (somebody please pay me to do these things and I'll stay on tumblr 24/7).
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weebsinstash · 1 year
I'd be judging the hell out of Mom!Reader for naming her twins GABRIEL and GABRIELLA!!!! (Not judging her that much for instigating Miguel to get me or something, I mean. Stockholm syndrome is a bitch. and also. I get it, the power of big d and all that stuff) GIRL. That's the SAME NAME!!!!!
Smh there's so many beautiful names in spanish but MomReader and Miguel 2 are lacking in the creativity department.
Miguel over here watching Mom!You being so radiant and joyful while showing off her chunky babies and he's sending sly glances to you, lowkey being a snob as he thinks "OUR babies would have much better names" and before he knows it he's building up this little fantasy in his head by accident. He keeps hearing these little stories or details from the other you and the other him and in his head he keeps thinking of what he would've done, how he thinks it would've gone for you and him, and you two are not even in a relationship. In fact depending on how drawn out this gets, you haven't even been in the Spider Society for several weeks and are at home with no intention of ever coming back, heartbroken, alone
I even thought of "what if an afab Reader got so desperate to escape canon and have freedom again that she gets pregnant by a stranger and literally carries a full pregnancy so she can abandon the baby, because the kid will eventually become a Spider and maybe they'll take over the canon and then you'll be able to do whatever you want" because you're just. You're so upset that canon is controlling your life and basically like ENSLAVING you that you're desperate
Lmao Peter B sneaks back to see you even though he isn't supposed to and finds you, he's ecstatic, "oh my god you're SUPER pregnant!" and he knows he isn't supposed to see you but he zips it and goes back home and, months later he visits you again with gifts, "so where's the baby?" "I dunno, where IS the baby? :)"
Would the baby technically be an anomaly since you weren't supposed to have it, not like this? What if they had to get rid of it to re-stabilize the timeline or whatever? Now you're being EXTRA shunned because, "wow you went through all that just for yourself huh 🙄 you'd rather abandon a baby than get married..." like people just beyond appalled with you, meanwhile you feel extra victimized because, wow that was all for nothing, you're trying to rethink strategies since "the contigency" didn't work out.
Or less dark but imagine dumping that kid and then some time later you're invited back to the Spider Society and it's like "oh hey Miguel what's the deal with this random baby you're taking care of" and you don't even recognize it, don't even know, you didn't even look at it hard enough to ever really know what it looked like, and, well, WE know whose baby it is lmao. You thinking you escaped from it and it's off living its own life and is going to someday free you and they, maybe not even realizing your intentions and just thinking you were scared, are raising it to give it back to you. I'd go absolutely wild lmao. Their shock when you break it to them "I literally nicknamed it Connie as in contingency, I never even knew what sex it was, I never even fed it, oh my god get it out of here, you're ruining everything"
Miguel MAKING YOU raise it even if its like tbh a fucked up little accident, or, if it's the whole "anomaly baby's gotta go" situation, after the, uh, disposal, he realizes he's pushed you way too far and you're too stressed and scared to think and behave rationally anymore and THIS is where he basically assigns himself as your caretaker and eventually takes you for himself which is kiiiiiiiiinda for the best because you're losing it a little. Like idk I imagine with LYLA maybe he has her programmed to tell him his own canon or he can look at it himself but like, what if he avoided spoilers because he wanted his behavior with you to be authentic or whatever. Like Miguel 2 might let him know "yeah dude turns out we hook up with them in a lot of different universes, it's almost like a separate canon like Peter Parker having Mary Jane" and Miguel takes some sneak peeks at other realities and then he shuts himself off from it so he can move forward of his own accord, but he now knows a sort of guideline and maybe some things to avoid doing (he can see the reality where the YouTwo disaster is going down and he's like "I would NEVER make MY You feel replaced *acts like having Mom!You and Miguel2 around doesn't count, the denial is stored in his ass, that's why it's so big*")
He's got a little notebook or data log where he takes down notes and details on things you like, things he notices about you, things you do often, habits, favorite foods, favorite color, how often are you doing your laundry (he knows you keep re-wearing that bra, girl), are you making your bed, how well are you functioning. Jesus, he literally has technology that can recreate extremely hyperdetailed recreation simulations; if he isn't outright putting camera bots in your room, he can "recreate" however you've been spending your day. He can learn all your routines and rituals and habits, decide what things may be problems, what things you might need more of in your life, he's, studying you really, with a romantic and almost scientific obsession
Not to be all 50 shades of gray in here but would Miguel eventually come onto you, all pent up and control finally bursting, "if we were made for each other, you must like taking it as hard as I like to give it" and whether you want it or not he takes you, and your bodies feel like they fit together perfectly, he stretches you out and fills you up JUST right, you can't help but have your eyes roll into the back of your head with how good it is, and of course he used any good reactions out of you as an excuse/"sign" he's doing the right thing and to keep going, that you're consenting, that he's finally winning you over
Who know; the two of you might start having those babies faster than you both initially thought 😳
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morningberriesao3 · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
tysm to @runninriot for the tag. tbh i often don’t do these things ‘cause I never have anyone else to tag to keep the chain going, but this one is too fun not to 💕
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
currently—13. 10 are completed, 2 are old wips, 1 is my current wip. baker’s dozen.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
431, 629 and counting 😳
3. What fandoms do you write for?
stranger things, exclusively. no other fandom inspires me the same way.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Many Ways, Many Days, to Say ‘I Love You’
Dirty Words
Done Deal
Sneaky Link
Sweet Surrender
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
YES. omg i will always respond to a comment because they make me wildly happy. although sometimes (currently), i feel too overwhelmed to reply right away and i end up with an overflowing inbox. right now i have 200 unanswered comments that i WILL reply to 😂
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
as far as finished fics, Hate the Way It Feels So Good has, i guess, the most unsatisfying ending. generally i always write HEA. although i have a wip that was never supposed to end happily: Wicked, to Let Me Dream of You.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i’d say Sweet Surrender is the happiest considering all the angst you have to read to get there 😂 but like i said, most have a happy ending
8. Do you get hate on fics?
generally, no. but i have gotten more hate than anyone i’ve talked to about it! (certain word choices ‘ruining’ an entire fic for someone, grammar corrections, people telling me i’m a liar when i didn’t upload fast enough… all mostly surface stuff that hasn’t been too bad yet 😩)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
the real question is: have i ever not written smut? and the answer to that is no. what kind? every kind. tame, not-so-tame, porn with plot, porn with feelings, gross stuff, cute stuff, you name it 😉
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
not really. the closest i’ve been to writing a crossover is How I’d Kill, in which the first few chaps are pretty inspired by ACOTAR.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not copy and pasted, as far as i know. there have been a few instances where i’ve noticed bigger accounts posting eerily similar plot lines to some of the stuff i’ve written, but i’m 100% sure it’s just coincidence. we have to remember nothing is outright original when it comes to plot. as long as you’re not intentionally plagiarizing someone’s work, similarities are bound to happen.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
no!! i’ve never had a translation, a pod fic, or artwork done for any of my fics! i’m just out here in my own little bubble lmao
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i haven’t! although i’ve definitely talked about it with @the-unforgivenn!! i get nervous because i’m such a procrastinator when it comes to getting my own fics done—i don’t want to drag someone else down 😂
14. What’s you’re all time favourite ship?
take a wild guess.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i honestly hope/plan to finish ALL of my posted wips, even though a couple are on pause. there’s a few saved on my laptop that I’m sure will never see the light of day hahaha
16. What are your writing strengths?
i’m blind to my own writing so it’s hard to say. i’d like to think just general improvement as i’ve written more/read more. a lot of repeat readers have complimented me on how i write angst so maybe that?!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i could write an essay on this. first—no matter how many times i read through my fics—there’s some autocorrect that i missed or a spelling error or just SOMETHING 😂 not to mention the procrastinating. always getting major writer’s block. and generally being very hard on myself.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i MIGHT be able to get away with a few french phrases here and there, being half french, but in general i only know english well enough to write. reading? LOVE it. make all the characters multilingual—i’ll have google translate ready.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
stranger things 🥹 and most likely will be the only fandom i ever write for. (unless you count the RPF i wrote and will NEVER publish about joseph quinn 💀)
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
i personally think my best written fic is How I’d Kill, but Sweet Surrender will always be my favourite just by default—there was no better feeling as a first time writer reading the lovely comments that i got on that fic. i’ll never forget it 🥹
no pressure tags:
@numinosmoon @cuips-not-cute @bettyfrommars @the-unforgivenn @rip-quizilla @etherealmontilyet @wroteclassicaly @wynnyfryd
sorry if you’ve already been tagged or just plain old don’t want to do it 💕
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optiwashere · 7 months
No sleep gang!
BTS Fic ask! Was gonna do Nightsongs, but since it's still ongoing, here's a throwback.
Like I Am Safe Again: 7, 10, 26
Oooooh, now that's a fun one! It's hard for me to tell if that fic is just unpopular with people, or if folks don't have much to say about it (tbh both are reasonable) but it's one of my favorite things I've written for the fandom lol. Thanks for asking about this one 💜
7. What inspired the idea for the plot?
Other than the fact that expanding on "memory" for Shadowheart is one of my favorite things to do, it was a couple things! I was finishing up a reread of the Realm of Elderlings series, and I've always resonated with "outsider" characters in pretty much everything I read/watch/play. People that are, through their own actions or happenstance, sidelined in their own lives is very fascinating to me. That feeling of never being able to actually reach out and interact with others in a meaningful way because of what they've done, said, or because of who they think themselves to be is creative catnip for me. My love of that series and those types of (frustrating) character moments influenced the way Shadowheart in that fic continually tries to manage everything herself without once relying on people that would immediately help her. At least, at first. Shadowheart has a lot of (mostly appearance-based tbqh) benefits other outsider-types don't get, but trying to focus on the aspects of her that disconnect her from the others at that point in the timeline (namely her early secrecy, her mid-game zealotry/hesitancy) intersected really well with my canon divergence from the first part of that series. There are clear themes of repression, self-ostracization, and insecurity within her storyline that I just love. I was also obsessed with exploring her character that way after I had the thought: "how does someone who already deals with memory issues handle dissociation?"
10. Share a screenshot of the original outline.
OK, so my outlining method for that fic was kinda unhinged. I think I had an outline at one point, but it was probably a bullet point system. At some point, I either deleted it or it was never actually written down? Either way, I know the original version was actually a long one-shot like "It Is the Wound She Gave Me" but it kept getting longer and longer. Then it became three chapters/three mornings. Then I kept adding moments to expand and expand, and eventually I just had to admit that it should probably be a short multichapter lol. Some bits I know that I changed: Chapter one used to be just the "prayer at the tree" scene, Chapter two didn't have the fireside chat/episode until I was nearly done writing the whole thing, and the Epilogue didn't exist until I realized ending on Chapter four left things a little too bleakly open for me.
26. Wild Card! I'll tell you a fun fact about this fic!
Despite being named after a Cure song, I never once listened to The Cure while writing it.
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24hlevi · 2 years
— 𝐇𝐞𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐧𝐞 𝐀𝐬 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
Heiya Akane (Alice In Borderland) X Gn!Reader
♤ 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: How heiya would be as your gf
♤ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Language
♤ 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.2k
♤ 𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: made this for the heiya simps (me) because i love her too much, also this is based in and after the borderlands, so minor spoilers of the ending, also holy shit is this long im so sorry 😭
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- let’s start with the first meeting, it either happened before or during the time in the borderlands, it really depends tbh, but for the sake of this, we’ll say the two of you met before the games
- you most likely went to the same school as her and knew of her just from what people said in the halls, never even sparing a glance at her with the stories you’d heard from friends or just random students who talked far too loudly
- you knew teenagers liked to make up stupid lies or stories so most of what you heard you didn’t believe, mainly because a part of you thought everyone had good in them and not just what people gossip about or say behind each other’s backs
- much to your surprise though, akane ended up speaking to you first which was definitely…interesting to say the least
- of course, you knew of her, quite a lot of people at the school did, but never once did you think she would be talking to you first, and definitely not about that she needed help in one of her classes
- you were utterly confused as to why she was asking you of all people when you had never spoken to her even once, and you didn’t even realize she was in one of your classes until she told you so
- so you did help her with the class, and it spiraled into something you didn’t know what it was
- you knew of her history of toying with boys and their girlfriends, and at first you thought you were going to fall in with the others as a victim to the beautiful girl but turns out it wasn’t
- but one day, akane disappeared, without anyone knowing where she went, then soon after you too found yourself in the life-or-death games that were the borderlands
- by the time you found her again, she almost looked like a different person. a prosthetic leg, bow and arrow, and a look you’d never seen before
- but as soon as she saw you, that demeanor quickly evaporated when she immediately hugged you, leaving you both confused again and surprised
- you were able to adapt to the new world rather fast, only because you had her with you the whole time, but you were still confused as to why you both were sent here and how, but you tried not to question it too much
- during your time together in the borderlands before the second stage, you two grew much closer than you thought you would, and one night while you were about to fall asleep, you heard her mumble something almost inaudible
- “you know, you’re not so bad, i’m glad you’re here.”
- you thought you were hearing things for a second, not being able to believe that she would actually say that to you, but when you turned over to look at her, she was asleep or faking it at least, which made you sigh, rubbing your hands over your face trying to decide if you were going crazy or not
- why were you thinking you were crazy? well, for one, she had never said anything like that before, and two, well, you might have had a crush on her, but who wouldn’t?
- the next night, you decided to question her about it, not wanting to press too much but you needed a clear answer with all the different signs the girl was giving you that left you confused as to whether she cared about you or not
- when you did ask akane if what you heard was right the night before, her whole body froze once realizing she had been caught and she knew that she couldn’t just lie now, so after a few seconds of silence on both ends, she ended up telling you the truth that yes, she did say that, yes, she did care about you, and yes, she did have feelings for you
- you honestly couldn’t believe it honestly. the heiya akane having feelings for you? real feelings? it felt like some sort of wild dream you never expected would come to real life, but you definitely weren’t going to complain
- and that was how the relationship started whoop whoop
- after that was finally established, you noticed a big difference in her, not a bad one, but one you weren’t expecting, one where she finally seemed to be the real akane, not the one everyone else had seen at school or even in the borderlands, and you were the only person she’d shown it to
- when the second stage started, the both of you knew things were only going to get harder, and that meant a higher risk of you two separating entirely and possibly never seeing each other again, so she stayed by your side the entire time, slowly developing a fear of losing you, the only person who seemed to genuinely understand her, that way if anything were to happen to you, she would be right there to help
- but neither of you thought the king of spades would be going for every player not participating in a game yet, and that you would have to kill some sort of mercenary who was trained to kill instead of two high school kids, a loser gamer, and a military man
- aguni gave you a gun when the time came down to it, not that you really knew how to use it, but you’d played enough video games to understand the gist of how to, and eventually, you lost that gun because of the flood that rushed throughout the district
- after that (fun) fiasco with the king of spades, all of you decided to let someone else finish the rest of the games, plus you guys did relatively the hardest one, so it was fair you guys sit out for the rest of the second stage
- those few days while letting the other players complete the games, akane wouldn’t leave your side once, almost like some sort of puppy never wanting to separate from its owner, and of course, you knew the reason why after you practically drowned, but you never thought she would show it in front of other people with everyone being around constantly
- but wow heiya akane actually showing she cares and loves someone??? you never thought you’d live to see it
- anyways akane was probably the one cooking for you and the other two, mostly because arisu couldn’t cook shit, aguni would eat anything good or not, and you didn’t really have a clue on how to cook with limited supplies
- now, she’s not the greatest cook in the world, but she was used to cooking herself meals almost every day so she knew how to make basic things, but anything was good in the borderlands, even if it was burnt somehow or wasn’t cooked all the way
- you might be surprised, but akane does like cuddling with you, only when you two are alone, though, because it still is embarrassing for her to be like that with someone after so many years of believing she wouldn’t ever find it
- cuddling while going to sleep is a must with her, she doesn’t care how, she just needs to be holding onto you in some way while sleeping just so she knows you’re still there and not some fragment of her imagination like the 7 of spades game when she almost died
- speaking of that game, she comes with a lot of trauma after that one game, with getting stabbed in the side, completely destroying her leg, and almost dying of dehydration, it was normal too, and she wouldn’t want to speak of it at any time
- akane would also steer away from talking about her mother and parents in general, she knows how she was back in the real world because of her shitty mother, and the borderlands have changed her, just as it did with everyone
- for some odd reason, when half-asleep is when she is the most affectionate and really speaks what she thinks about you which tends to lead to more on most nights, not that you would complain though
- akane would probably be weird about nicknames for some time, not really understanding the point of calling someone something like “babe” but eventually it slips out and she’s too lazy to pretend like she didn’t want to say it
- that being said, her nicknames for you reign somewhere between “my angel”, “my love” basically anything with “my” in front of it she will call you, it doesn’t matter, and yes that does mean she will add “my” to any random nickname she calls you
- this poor girl doesn’t really know what affection or love is, so she always looked away when someone said they had a crush on her, not wanting to get invested in someone like that, so any act that is even the tiniest bit affectionate or loving will have her face red and her unable to speak because no one has actually genuinely loved her before, so she might break down a few times too
- literally during the first days together you could find some random thing while scavenging for food like even something so stupid like a toy dog or some shit and bring it to her and she would start crying
- that being said, when she does get more comfortable with the thought of being committed to a relationship with you, she will grow more bold with what she says toward you and will even get to the point of teasing you in all sorts of ways, yes, all sorts
- while she would rather die than admit the things she says and does afterwards, she still does enjoy every moment she spends with you
– during the wait while arisu played the queen of hearts with usagi, out of worry with what would happen when you all left the borderlands, akane ended up telling you everything she thought about you and how she does genuinely care about you
– you didn't expect her to say all that she did, but it was understandable with not knowing what would happen once arisu cleared the game, so the two of you sat with everyone else while they talked, her head leaning on your shoulder
– then, hearing arisu cleared the game with usagi, everyone was asked whether they wanted to stay or not, you and akane both said to leave for obvious reasons
– the split second you two had before being sent back to the real world was spent with akane saying she loves you before you woke up
– waking up in the hospital left you confused as to what happened, having no memory of the borderlands but when you ended up finding akane again, you remembered her from school
– you had decided to strike up a conversation with her which had worked and resulted in talking to her more than in any class before
– you had a feeling about something, almost as if you knew more about her without actually knowing, so what did you do? ask her out
– luckily, she agreed and the next week you two went out, helping her get around on the crutches she had from losing her leg and things spiraled
– even if you two didn't remember the time you spent together in the borderlands, you found each other again and simply start over
– that being said, you two did end up dating after a few months of occasional dates and learning more about each other
– akane would often invite you to her place because of how lonely it is when it's just her in the apartment even if you two didn't do anything but just sit in silence, she was just happy to have someone around her
– without either parent in the picture, there was still a few things akane didn't realize was considered not good when in a relationship with someone like occasionally agreeing to go out with some guys out of simply fun only to realize they meant literally go out with her
– and while it's hard for her to apologize, she immediately does say sorry to you when she does realize she probably shouldn't do that but she's never had a real relationship before so she's a little clueless at times
– if you're still upset, she would give you your space for a while but eventually come up to you and hug you from behind and say (again) that she's sorry and didn't mean to upset you, suggesting to do something to get your mind off it of some sort
– now, if she's the one upset, you better be prepared for a long cuddle session because she will need it, probably crying a little too but once she eventually falls asleep from crying she wakes up again feeling fine
– she really does love you a lot, she just has some hard times showing it but she does, and she wouldn't trade you for anything in the world
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strangeclouddream · 4 months
Leandra needs to go to prison tbh...
She may or may not have had babies with a wild animal
Look at Serafinas half siblings. They are adorable in their own right, and yes I would die for them, but uh, Leandra, who's the dad? I know your own husband has been gone for a while but.... In her defense, maybe it was because of her human soul being trapped in the cloak. However, in the book, I remember her saying something along the lines of 'Oh, I was so in my panther form- I didn't recognize you! But then I saw your eyes...' of course, she didn't really say that, but you get the point. That means she had conciousness during that time period, which begs the question: Why didn't she go to a fucking catamount settlement/witch/sorcerer to change her back? They would know something about the black cloak, or at least give her a spell that will make her able to speak...
2. You beat up a child
Not Serafina, that's 'justified' in a sense because that's her kid and I guess she more or less apologizes for it but...What about our man Waysa? I mean, the kid was going through it, his parents were just murdered, his (Unspecified) tribe is probably all dead, he's been walking for miles just crying and- oh! He sees a person that might help him! He walks up to her, preparing to start bawling his eyes out again and-
He gets slammed to the floor, bitten, beaten, until he is close to death. WAYSA IS TWELVE. HE JUST WENT THROUGH INDESCRIBABLE PAIN AND TORTURE, HE SAW HIS FAMILY GET KILLED IN FRONT OF HIM. Ok, and it makes it even more shitty knowing that Waysas parents worked with Leandra to help take down Uriah. That means, Waysa probably thought he could trust Leandra, because Leandra knew his parents, or at least Serafinas father did (Because in the books, he states that serafinas father told his father a saying- that doesn't mean they could be friends, but they had to have some level of closeness) Now, the only reason that the author gives us is that catamounts are apparently very territorial, but the first time Waysa (Who has been raised by catamounts) meets Serafina, he does not immediately try to attack or run her off his territory. Now that might just mean he's only doing that because he knows her, but honestly...If catamounts were constantly killing each other, then they would die out quicker, so it could be inferred there was a law put in place that just stated that you couldn't murder anyone who came onto your territory unless they were trying to harm you. Maybe she acts like this because of the time she spent as a wild animal? Or maybe shes just an asshole?
3. Denying information and repeatedly leaving your child
Leandra must have known about Serafinas father being a black panther, however, she never makes it a point to mention that to Serafina during the second book. She can clearly see Serafina wants to bond with her mother, and join the culture she lost when she was left as an infant. Maybe Leandra thought that if she told Serafina about her dad, Serafina would try and fight Uriah. However, at the same time, Serafina would have the power to run to safety with Leandra.
4. Not paying your damn child support
Pa is an amazing father. Leandra is not an amazing mother. Literally, in all of the books, she leaves her child somehow. Book two, denies information, beats up a child, and runs. Book three gets on my nerves, because Leandra left an orphan boy who helped her (Waysa) alone in the forest without any adult supervision. Yeah, she was hurting, but at the same time maybe she could pull a Pa and begin taking care of him- because again, this is one of her comrades children. Leandra also lost people to Uriah, maybe they could bond on that. Preteen boys are not the smartest, especially grieving preteen boys who don't have any figure to turn to. They need to put Waysa in counseling, foster care, something! I know he's not real, but he needs some sort of support system. Leandra is a mother. She should know this, yet she repeatedly leaves him alone to fend for himself in the forest, where (Especially in book 2 & 3) A LITERAL SERIAL KILLER IS LURKING.
BOOK FOUR Leandra decides to run off again, leaving Serafina in charge of her younger half siblings, during a hard period of Serafinas life, where her mental state is rapidly deteriorating, and she cannot determine her panther self from her human self. Leandra went through that, she should be able to bond with her daughter, maybe she could care for her child. But...she doesn't. That's just shitty behavior at this point.
In conclusion, we would need some sort of child welfare to step in, to take Waysa, we need would morticians to bury his families bodies, we would need to notify some sort of outside relative about Waysa...
As for Leandra...
Her counts include, possible zoophilia, child abuse, child endagerment, child neglect, and failure to pay child support or make any sort of move to recognize her child's current caretaker
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taliskermortem · 1 year
okay, rewatch/full watch thoughts - episode 8
under the cut because its long and i dont want to bore you all
don’t talk to me about junseong beelining it straight for seongho’s room as soon as he wakes up and then... holding his hand? on the way out? what was that
seonwoo saying he feels like he has to ‘repay’ yoonghee for always calling him with a date is one of the main reasons i don’t like him tbh, this isn’t about owing people its about finding a connection and if that’s how you’re viewing it then it’s never going to work and you’re just leading people on for no good reason
junseong panicking about his appearance just to ask seongho for a date is adorable... and yoonghee helping him is so cute
hyeongjoonie is so shy and awakward bless him, waiting for seongho to leave and double checking the mission card
not minseong stress smoking trying to figure out what the hell to do, i wonder at what point he realised it wasn’t actually first come first serve like hyeongjin implied it was
hyeongjoon is a bigger person than i could ever be
minseong has some serious guts tbh not sure i could sit down and eat a meal with someone i'm rejecting but he must have seriously made up his mind because there’s not really a way back from this for these two i think but who knows maybe the voicemail he left hyeongjin will soften the blow
but wow is hyeongjin perceptive, like he knew straight away something wasn’t right before minseong even said anything but he was very gracious about it
ugh I feel so bad for jeongwook, no one even considered asking him and he was just bounced around between people without anyone really telling him what was going on – i think he was looking forward to spending some time with hyeongjoon because they do seem to get along really well
junseong and seongho leaving with absolutely zero fuss? living for it
starting the date by insulting his hoodie? totally valid
not both of them trying to match the other with their outfits
seongho calling him out for being obvious
seongho straight up talking with his mouth full like they are so comfortable with each other i cannot handle this
seongho: “when the cat comes, i push it away… then my cat comes to be again” junseong: “so poor, it’s similar to me” i'm dead
both of them being neverous that outside of the house it would be uncomfortable between them and then realising its exactly the same as if they were just lying on the bed and chatting again
junseong saying he wants to leave quickly so he can have seongho’s phone number has me dying
junseong remembering from the first date that seongho likes desert boy has been gone from the very start
(on a side note koreans and cheese makes me nervous okay they do things with cheese that scare me)
exCUSE ME that bossy conversation, let’s talk about it romorrow? whaaaat
god the fact that they are able to talk to each other about how they feel, that seongho isn’t afraid to talk about seonwoo and junseong respects his feelings, that’s wild to me
junseong already being worrying about not being able to give seongho all his attention when they leave the house i cannot believe how gone this boy is
did these two do anything other than walk by the sea and eat food? (kind of hoping they did and we get some behind the scenes like we did when jeongwook and hyeongjoon when to the arcade)
walking. with. his arm. around. him.
yeah that image of them silhouetted against sunset? not processing that today
okay seonwoo has annoyed me before they even got in the car with his whole ‘wooooo’ thing. just stop.
yoongheeeeeee you deserve so much better im sorry
honestly, at this point i would rather seonwoo was outwardly possessive of seongho, like show some depth to those feelings you claim to have, at least that would come across as genuine this people pleasing act is getting exhausting
not sure how i feel about them going to personal places tbh, i know hyeongjin and jeongwook go to his house later too but yeah, not sure what i think about it
for a second there i thought yoonghee was going to say he had a nut allergy
wow seonwoo way to bring down the mood
god this is awkward, i wasn’t expecting it to be this awkward
god i feel sorry for yoonghee
yeah yoonghee you’re the ace
seonwoo is just incredible insecure isn’t he and like i get it but bro
also how is yoonghee more mature than a guy 12 years his senior
wow just say yes or no… seonwoo proceeds to give no answer at all… and now yoonghee wont give up again this poor kid just let him go i beg
guy just keeps asking why yoonghee is into him, please stop looking for compliments i'm begging you its embarrassing now
“will you really answer it” okay thank god yoonghee can see through his bullshit even just a little
“i want to rely on him” fuck you seonwoo
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undertheknightwing · 1 year
I'm sure this is absolutely predictable of me but - your boy Gar and my girl Rach for "Send me a character" 💚🖤
The siblings of all time ✨️
Garf first 🐯
First impression
Oh baby boy. Such a sweetie pie 🥺 *watches Asylum* Whoa! This show is actually letting Gar have a character besides goofy sidekick?? This just got so much more interesting.
Impression now
So that was a fucking lie. Buttt.. if I wrote out my true impression of him now we'd be here all day so imagine I'm unfolding a comically long list of my Gar thoughts because there’s a lot. The less the show did with him, the more I got to over analyze and create from there.
Favorite moment
When he's left in the tower and just messes around for a few days. I re-watch it all the time. It's very relatable too, I get sad and unmotivated after a day without having people to talk to as well. Also that scene from s3 ep1 when he's talking to himself in his room, I love his silly facial expressions, and "nothing tops a Super" has been burned into my brain.
Idea for a story
Fic wise? You'll just have to wait and see 👀
Unpopular opinion
I don't think it's really unpopular but his hair is so bad. I wasn't a fan of it in s3 but s4 made it so much worse. I'm also not a huge fan of his suit but that's for "it looks cheap and plain compared to the other ones" reasons.. like the abs on it look like the kind you'd see on a Halloween costume. It's weird.
Favorite relationship
In canon.. I don't really know. Gar's character felt it went from "DickKory's son" level of importance to just "oh yeah that guy" throughout the seasons. Gar's relationships with the characters (besides Rachel) is pretty surface level imo, especially in seasons 3 - 4. But whatever Gar's relationship with the Red is seems cute. It changed it's realm color for him and looks to care about him a lot through what I saw in the episode. He's clearly the favorite child and I love that for him.
Favorite headcanon
I got one too many of those, but him being able to purr is always a great one, and acting cat-like at times. Empty box? That's his now. Left a cup on the island? It's pushed onto the floor. Nothing is safe. He might have left a dead bird somewhere as a gift too, who knows.
And just for fun have some songs that gives me his vibes: Shapeshifter by Brye, The Garden by The Crane Wives, and Wild Things by Alessia Cara
It's Rach time 🖤
this is more your territory so I'm sorry if it's a little lackluster 😅
First impression
Precious girl. So precious. Must be protected at all costs. I really like this take on her powers and character.
Impression now
Much like Gar, she got the short end of the stick in the show tbh. She went from being the most important to a side plot thing which sucks. She should have had much more to do in season 4 since they were dealing with her family.
Favorite moment
I like a lot of her scenes in season 1 the most. Her interacting with the Doom Patrol was cute.
Idea for a story
That's your thing lol but I never liked how they always kept her stories tied to Trigon somehow in any media so I would give her a more unique story about something else.
Favorite relationship
She and Kory were my favorite for a long time but I've warmed up to her and Dick's father-daughter relationship because of you. So I choose them 💙🖤
Favorite headcanon
She's an artist who prefers painting over the other arm forms and painted something special for all the Titans members.
And some songs for your duo: Protector by City Wolf or Calm Me Down by American Authors, they have season 1 vibes
Thank you Mundi! 🖤💚
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greycappedjester · 1 year
Rereading your third hq@hogwarts and let me just say- I never in a million years would’ve headcannoned Noya as like a miniature Hagrid, but they way you write it it literally makes perfect sense! and it just fits him so well! One of my absolute favorite things about this series (besides being an overall incredible story) is how you were able to slot in hp magical abilities/traits with the hq characters- like Suga being the heir and Kenma being a metamorphmagus. How did you go about assigning those magical abilities to the characters?
Oooh, good question.
So, for Hq at Hogwarts, it's my first fanfic so for a really long time (like years) I spent just thinking about the idea and trying to match characters to characters only with twists. I honestly didn't ever think about writing it because I'd never done that before, I just liked thinking about it. So that gave me a lot of time to come up with ideas until I felt like "well, now I have to write this even if it's only me who thinks it's cool". Constantly blows my mind that so many people ended up liking it so much tbh, ya'll are great
Anyway, back to the main question. So, I planned out the major details of all o the books before I started writing which helped me fit together a lot of the characters' backstories early.
For Noya, I suppose I just thought he would work relly great with wild animals. Plus I'd already planned out that spoiler from the third story. So, when I was mixing aroundplot elements for the first story, I was like ofc Noya needs to be the one with the dragon and ofc he would tell Tanaka about it.
Suga was vaguelly in my Draco-Malfoy-with-a-major-twist stand in role anyway since I thought he'd do well as that character's complete opposite (also the hair, it was probably the silver hair that also inspired me). So, when I was coming up with story 2 one of the main things I like to do is take a main plot point and twist it. That one was "what if Harry/main character actually was the Heir of Slytherin and knew it the whole time". Thus it just flowed really naturally that it should be Suga so it could double well as a literal manifestation of his guilt with his family history and unwillingness to confront it honestly when he can just avoid the more nuanced implications (ie the diary). *Sidenote, Suga is so very much bargaining (dealing with certain factors to deny others) in between Iwaizumi's denial (to accept that he can't always protect Oikawa), Kuroo's anger (internally directed and most apparent when the gorup hits a major block), and Bokuto's depression. It represents how good they are at accepting situations and typically a major issue for them to work through.
For Kenma....Kenma has multicolored hair. Is hairdye even a longterm thing in Harry Potter? Who knows? Boom, metamorphmagus. (Followed by: oh, how can I make this a larger issue that relates to his charcter? Right, the Kuroo's dad thing)
By and large, most charactrs just slowly and gradually fell into ideas I had or ideas about how I could translate their canon plotlines/characterization into Hq.
Thanks for the ask!
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genshinwomen · 5 months
i honestly never understood the absolute hatred people have out for yae miko, people call her morally grey or a "bitch" are so insane to me. miko isn't even that morally grey or problematic compared to the others like cmon now???
people really wanna compare her to real life predators and demand people also call her a bitch because "that's what they like" (real post i saw???) over what........ a throwaway gag to her teasing and emasculating gorou??????
like, honestly speaking, i thought it'd be pretty obvious why it's portrayed humorously the way it is: gorou is a general. he's a grown ass man, and he's a very proud type of character, who evidently prides on his image: he wants to be seen as intimidating, tough, and reliable. that's WHY him being so intimidated by yae miko, and WHY he's so embarrassed by being around her, is meant to be played as a funny throwaway plotline.
if they truly intended to portray yae miko as a predator, don't you think they would give such a sensitive subject the respect it deserves???? i would certainly never take a media seriously if sexual harassment was the direction they wanted to go in if it was written as a gag about CROSSDRESSING.
it's even worse when i see people salivating at the idea of putting yae miko through corrective rape as "revenge" or "punishment". at this point, you're just using yae miko as a scapegoat and fuel for your blatant misogyny and lesbophobia.
i have nothing against people who like dottore, wanderer, etc. and i think it goes without saying, liking fictional characters should not reflect your morals as a person. but the amount of double standards, of the misogyny in the fandom, are quite obvious tbh? like i'll see people insisting that they give morally complex characters like dottore and wanderer the same energy but it's almost always only said if it's to also shit on female characters in the conversation.
this might sound wild, but this is still a double standard. being only ever able to criticize your male favs if it's to shit on the female characters you dislike is still misogynistic, actually.
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soulsxng · 1 year
I like thinking about Luvi's type of obsessiveness tbh. Like...I have other muses that have obsessive traits, but they're far more controlled. Secondary (or even lesser) traits, really. But I have two who always come to mind with that obsessive trait as a huge, primary part of who they are. One is a muse of that some of you will recognize-- either from discord, or from when I had him as a main muse in the past-- Varius. The other is Eluvias.
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Vari is the softer, more "presentable" (read: sneaky) sort of obsession. Charming, calculating, and manipulative, he's the type to slowly convince the object of his affection to give away their connections and freedoms all of their own volition. Until he's the only thing they have, and they're not able to escape. Rarely violent unless there's a real threat that whoever he's obsessing over is going to leave him or something. And even then, he's more likely to get violent with someone else, than with them.
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Luvi, on the other hand is (was?) the opposite of that. He didn't care about how it looked. He didn't care about how the object of his "devotion" felt toward him at the time. They belong to him. He shouldn't have to share them with anyone. If they try to leave before he's ready to be away from them, he'll almost immediately start to get rough and cold. Grabbing at them, or blocking their way to try to keep them from leaving. Eventually, if they continue trying to leave, he'll just get fully violent with them. At that point, he really doesn't care if he kills them, because at least then he'll be their last.
Thinking about that though, that's a big thing with him. Luvi doesn't care if they don't love him back. If they come to love him eventually, it would make him happy, but he'd also be fine as long as they chose to stay with him.
He doesn't care if he isn't their "first" kiss/date/love/whatever else, either. (and really, if the person isn't in love with him/interested in that sort of thing with them, he won't push it. He just wants to be around them. Which also means that his obsessions can be non-romantic, as well. Like with Io, or like with a few old friends.) "What matters most is that I'm their last. If anything, doesn't that make it even better, if they've had others before and still ended up choosing me?" type of outlook. Which is part of the reason why he won't hesitate to kill someone he's obsessed with. Because at least then, even if it wasn't the way he originally intended, he ended up being their last. And that's something he feels he can be satisfied with.
All in all though, I just like Luvi's type of obsession a lot. I like Vari's too, but there's something about the way Luvi's is really raw, and wild, and messy, and frankly just...ugly. It's obvious, and unsettling, and intense, and he would never make any attempts to hide it. Even now, it's something that he's pretty open about discussing.
What his thoughts about the people he obsessed over were usually like, how it felt, how it made sense in his head, all of it. Because even now, he doesn't really believe that the way he was before was necessarily bad...but it wasn't really right, either.
Or maybe it's more that he didn't really care whether it was right or wrong. The only reason he was willing to make the effort to change in the first place, was because Io and Zai asked him to. He didn't want to lose either of them, so he made the effort to change.
Which, if you think about it...isn't really the healthiest reason, when you consider the fact that both Io and Zahine were subjects of Luvi's obsession. So I'm constantly getting that "Oh, he's doing a lot better! ...Or is he?" vibe from him orz.
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aspiringtrashpanda · 2 years
Waaaah (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)♡ ty tyyy!! I wasn't kidding about the length so I still apologize 😅😓 You know how when we’re younger we always wanted to get involved in the “cool stuff the big kids were doing,” whether said “big kids” to us were 13 or 16? When I was little, I wanted Steven to be my big brother or cousin. Since I never had any female cousins my age, I mostly grew up around boys and we did cool things like hang downstairs in their basement theatre, convince our parents to stop at a Walgreens for SillyBandz, and go wild jumping on the beds in their Hotel room with Light Sabers and Harry Potter Wands. (Look, I was like 9-10 this was cool to me 😂) We were a Trio, stuck in the backseat of the backseat of the car, status: gremlins in kahoots. It was weirdly poetic, there was only a year between either of us and I was the middle child. Really movie-like three Musketeering it here lol. Imagine how heartbroken I was when my parents told me they weren’t really my cousins, just really close family friends that we called them “cousin” regardless because they were there for my birth. Anyways, this and how whenever some older male that, I assume were probably late teens early 20s now that I’m older and thinking back, came over, kid me would see all the grown-ups talking to them like equals, being allowed to do “stuff” (it was probably like running an errand for an aunt or setting up tables tbh, I sure don’t know) and were asked about what they were studying at the dinner table, I thought it was so cool that I wanted to grow up fast and do whatever they were doing, go wherever they were going with their friends while I had to stay inside and help clean up because my mom said I wouldn’t be interested and that “they’re just doing their own thing.” Even at theme parks, couldn’t go with them.
Enter: The World of Pokémon. Discovering Fanfics, and the Found Family Trope. And Badass Young Protagonist Dreams we all might’ve had at some point. It’s a coin toss whether Crystal or LeafGreen was my first game, but I ended up really attached to Leaf (after a period of hating her because how DARE she look like my OC who was designed to look like me + the effect of early 2010s era of people hating OCs and only accepting canon characters in fics.) Though let’s be real, she probably looks like a lot of people, compared to having gravity-defying blue hair lol. It’s kind of hard to get May’s hair-style exact too sometimes if you don’t have bangs and short hair, and hers still flutter outwards by themselves. So anyways, this is all a lead-up to what brought me to thinking, “man, wouldn’t it be SO cool to be Champion and the bestest of buddies with the other Champions? (As the games usually sold the story to us)” Because friendship is awesome, teasing and banter and knowing personal things about each other and being considerate about it is sweet, being privy to secret projects the grown-ups never let you in on (I say secret project as if it’s some big thing when they probably wanted to enforce bed times and “that movie is too scary for you” lol) but anyhow, still epic.
I’ve never been able to bring myself to making another Pokémon OC, so I use Leaf as my stand-in for just about everything. I think the one thing holding me back from posting publicly is not everyone thinks the same as me. The game characters have no canon personality, so it looks weird. (Unless if I take influence from Evolutions, which validated so much for me.) They’re trapped in their games. And largely influenced by “majority accepted fanon.” As a result of that, I "should" be writing a wing-woman to the Red x Blue ship. My fic would probably go over better if I used May.
Okay, I have read everything through, but I am going to respond to each message one by one so I can get all my thoughts out! First off, thank you SO MUCH for sharing your brilliance with me. I am honored to get a peek inside your mind! This has been an incredible read. It sounds like you had so much fun with your cousins growing up, and I totally get what you mean about seeing older-but-still-young people doing stuff and you're like, "Hey i wanna hang out with them and tag along too!" But then you grow up and realize that you rushed through your childhood for nothing and ow, that's so real. RIP to all the OCs who fell to the flames of the early 2010s OC hate. OCs aren't for everybody (just like reader inserts), but those that will read an OC grow to love and appreciate them as much as any canon character. Though, there is also absolutely nothing wrong with projecting your OCs personality onto a canon character (if you're in our steven stone discord - which i mean, you're on anonymous so i'm not even gonna try to guess - you see that we do it ALL. THE. TIME.) I'll get more into canon personality vs. author interpretation vs. reader interpretation in the next bit, but I think it's important that you've recognized what you feel fandom has dictated you "should" do. You've recognized it. Now throw it out the window. Your fic will be its best self if you write what you want to write, and I promise, there WILL be someone who resonates with whatever character choice you make, whether they be in the minority or the majority. (To be continued...)
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acecasinova · 1 year
Hullo!!! I hope it's not too late for this sorry but if you're still up for the ask meme
🍼, 🍎, 🥂 and 🥑 for Lazarus? :D
I am ALWAYS down to answer OC questions~~ (And I love my horrible, terrible lil vamp lol)
🍼 [BABY BOTTLE] What's your OC's first memory? I don't think Lazarus can definitely say this is his first memory, since it resurfaced while he was asleep (and I let the DM be wholly in charge of what happened to him before he came through the Mists) but.... The earliest memory he might have was of being led into a room with about a dozen people standing around a magical circle. He was brought to the center of the circle, then blacked out, and when the memory resumed, everyone had collapsed and he and the circle were COVERED in blood. (And definitely of no consequence, we got solid evidence that Lazarus is an eldritch, non-standard type of vampire that feeds on other vampires [and actually physically grows and sprouts red kudzu from the corpse in the process of doing so] who, according to Esmeralda, should NOT be able to Embrace/Turn others, but uh.... they sure seem to have made Lazarus somehow) Before he had that revelation though and the earliest concrete memory he has is in the woods outside of Valaki, the wolf he'd just killed still warm as he drained its lifeblood. No thoughts beyond what cave or tree he might sleep in that night.
🍎 [RED APPLE] Who does your OC value above all else? He's actually weirdly loyal for someone who's chaotic evil, but there are PRECIOUS few people he's actually loyal TO, so it seems to work out lmfao. Might makes Right has really always been what he values most (ish) but Strahd and one of his Iron Nails (dm turned the Wives into SCARY paladins) pretty thoroughly broke him and their strength and HOW they did it just,,,, doesn't sit right as "earned". What he REALLY values most but can't or won't put into words is freedom and he's kinda taken it to the extreme of wanting freedom from society as a whole (Not particularly achievable, esp as he's being dragged kicking and screaming into personhood lol)
🥂 [GLASS CHEERS] What is your OC's 'aesthetic?' He's SO GRUNGY. Sleeping in the same clothes you've had for years, stained with mud and blood that's so ground in it's basically part of the fabric now. Dirty claws always out, hair hastily pulled away from his eyes but still wild Very "Lost Boys"type vampire- if Barovia had denim and safety pins he's be all OVER that stuff~
🥑 [AVACADO] What will they never back down about, even if it makes them seem bad? Murder is fine, actually? Lazarus doesn't exactly have qualms about being called bad or evil or anything like that, because..... he is tbh. But he also likes to argue that he doesn't need to have morals or listen to them, because he's a monster, not a person and morals are for PEOPLE. He's SUPER insistent on this, actually, and REALLY stubborn about claiming to not be a "person". That might actually change if the party is determined enough, but I don't think they'll ever get him to let go of the idea that a lot of the time murder IS the answer and you can't go your whole life NOT killing if you're going to claim you're a strong person.
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