#That Arion is crushing on her.
rxj-the-punk · 1 year
Nothing better than logging into Crack Ship Sim. in the morning.
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hazellvsq · 1 year
hazel drawing her friends
she doesn't draw leo's face bc she's drawn that same face before and its very weird for her but she'll draw faraway shots of him steering the ship like an 18th century sea captain
she drew festus too, asleep but still frightening
piper's self conscious about being drawn but hazel loves her and loves how she looks and spends a lot of time trying to capture what makes piper so magnetic
she herself is kind of self conscious about drawing reyna or annabeth but she draws them in each other's clothes - reyna in jorts, annabeth in a toga and cape - and they both think its funny as hell
hazel draws reyna's dogs too. they pose for her and everything.
obviously arion is her top model
she draws frank all the time and it makes him blush. she'll draw frank drinking juice and caption it "frank drinking juice"
she drew frank in a world war one uniform for childhood crush reasons but felt like something was missing so she drew him in a plane that was about to crash and ended up getting super invested in the plane detail so its a very dramatic drawing. frank was like "uuhhh why am i getting shot down?" and she was like "clearly you don't understand art???"
she draws nico and gives him better hair bc she's nice
she also gives him a cool vintage car in some pictures. or a vespa.
she won't do a self-portrait
she draws percy destroying the glacier, like if the son of neptune cover was drawn by a non-professional artist.
she had one drawing of jason based on the day that she met him at camp jupiter. it was not a good day for her bc she was newly resurrected and very scared. it is a very good technical drawing of jason, and he looks powerful and strong, but he has intense eyes with no expression behind them and there is a very unnerving feeling to the drawing itself.
to piper and leo it reminds them a little of when jason had amnesia, but this is a drawing of him before that, which is not quite accurate to how hazel perceived him or to how he really was. its probably hazel's best work but it makes her and everyone a little uncomfortable.
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yayita-art · 1 month
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Here’s my ocs of inazuma eleven and inazuma eleven go!!
I have more of them in my instagram @/yayitaart
Lucy was the first oc I made I love her
And MeiJin is my little gremlin
My childrennnnnn
I have more ocs but I’ll show then with time
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Each one with their love interest
Jude and Lucy
MJ and Victor
I love other ships that are canon x canon
I’ll probably do some fanart of it someday uwu
Funny fact:
MJ at first thought that Victor had a crush on Arion and tried to help him… what she didn’t knew it was that he actually like her.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 8 months
The Curse of Oenone (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: I had lots of fun writing this and the next three chapters :) -Danny Words: 2,555 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: 'Teen Feet Tall' -by Sawyer
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V: Are Those Feelings? Get Them Away From Me!
Before leaving, Percy pulls Leo and Ara aside and tells them Hazel's story. Partly so they understand why she acts weird sometimes, partly so Ara doesn't go around saying mean stuff about Nico.
Ara isn't surprised to hear there is another big-three kid around, she's just angry that Nico never told them, not even Lily, about Camp Jupiter.
She keeps wondering if she pressed Nico and Lily to fit in so much that they gave up and now they're just pretending to be okay to get her off their backs.
These thoughts do nothing to brighten her mood.
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Last week Lily got into a fight with an Ares kid and busted his lip. I wasn't there to stop her because I was with Beckendorf, where I made a fan catch fire. Whoops, I guess. We're about to drive Michael crazy and cause him early baldness.
"For the thousandth time, Lily Saggio," our friend scolds her while organizing the supplies in the infirmary. "You cannot fight the entire Ares cabin. You should know better than to become their enemy."
"It's not her fault," I defend her, though most of my attention is on the legos I'm playing with.
"And you're no better!" He snaps immediately. "You and Tyson are a dangerous combination. He tries anything you want and you turn into a mad scientist with the free reign he gives you, your inventions always get out of control."
"So we are the ideal couple," I grin. "Because Tyson is immune to fire."
"That doesn't mean you can't die in one," Mike raises a brow. "Look, beasts, I've thought about it, and it's about time you calm down."
"What do you mean by that?" Lily stops the fidgeting with her stygian dagger.
"From now on you have to limit your problems to one every two weeks. I can't be looking after you all the time."
Lily and I share a look. I turn to our friend. "Don't you prefer a massage?"
Mike kicks us out of the cabin and Lily scoffs, putting her daggers away and taking half of my legos. "I don't know why you like him, he's a grumpy little jerk."
"Hush!" I look around frantically. I told her about my crush on Mike in secrecy but sometimes she brings it up in public like it's nothing, it freaks me out. "I don't know either, alright? I just do."
As the day goes on, I'm still thinking about Mike's request. He's right, we abuse the fact that he's always there to fix our problems.
"Hey," I sit next to him during the campfire. "What you asked this afternoon... I'll do it."
He looks at me, raising his eyebrows as if he can't believe what he's listening. "Really?
"It's time I learned manners, I think," I shrug, fixing my eyes on my feet. "The fires are not that fun anyway."
Mike hugs me and laughs, his entire body glows a pretty leaf-green color. Michael isn't a fan of physical affection, but when he does it, it means that he's really happy.
"Thank you, bug."
"No problem," I smile at him.
I don't know what to call Mike nowadays, my best friend, protector, or some sort of platonic crush. All I know is there's nothing in the world that I wouldn't do to keep him happy. I think he feels the same way.
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Leo cheers up during the horse ride, which is surprising cause he's not a huge fan of living creatures, except Pollo. Maybe he's a fan of dangerous, crazy pets. He keeps touching the horse's side, eyes shiny as he pays close attention to his movements.
Ara's heart flutters, which she dislikes, cause she wants to stay grumpy for a little longer. When they dismount Arion, he goes wild, showing off his power.
"Show-off," Ara mumbles, stretching as she moves out of Arion's way.
"He needs to eat," Hazel informs them. "He likes gold, but—"
"Gold?" Leo makes a face.
"He'll settle for grass. Go on, Arion. Thanks for the ride. I'll call you."
The horse goes away and Ara scowls at the dust he leaves behind, why couldn't she be born a horse? Then she wouldn't have complicated thoughts.
"Well..." Leo kneels. "One problem solved, anyway. This is lime."
"The whole beach?" Hazel asks in surprise.
"Yeah. See? The granules are perfectly round. It's not really sand. It's calcium carbonate." 
Leo gathers a bunch of it in a ziploc bag, then pauses. He stares at the ground with a weird expression. "Leo?" Hazel speaks. "You okay?"
"Yeah," he clears his throat and continues. "Yeah, fine."
"We should've brought a pail and shovels," Hazel crouches beside him. 
Ara stands behind to keep an eye on their surroundings.
"We could've made a sand castle," Leo retorts.
"A lime castle."
Ara looks back and sees them gazing at each other the way she and Leo would do during their first quest together. That makes her want to do widely different things at the same time: Cry, or stab someone with her sword.
"I'll take a look around," she announces, causing them to jump. "You two hurry."
As soon as she's out of earshot, Ara kicks the sandy ground and curses in Italian. She's always found that cathartic because of how sharp the words feel on her tongue. 
She supports both hands on her knees and takes a deep breath. What is wrong with her? Her mother said turning fifteen meant she could handle bad news better, but it was a blatant lie. There is raw anger inside her, and she needs to get rid of it before it becomes a real problem.
"Ara!" Leo calls for her. "This way!"
Ara makes the conscious choice of staying behind so she can glare at them as they move forward. She's so busy doing this that she doesn't notice Hazel stopping and the girl crashes against her, almost sending Hazel to the ground but catching her before it happens.
"Sorry! What's..." She spots a woman in the middle of the road. "Oh."
As they get closer, Ara's deep-rooted rage increases, she doesn't understand what's going on.
"What are you doing?" Leo stops and blurts out: "Aunt Rosa?!"
The lady looks up and Ara gasps so sharply she gets a coughing fit. 
That woman looks just like her! A prettier, older version of her. Like the picture of her Chiron keeps in his office.
"Is that what you see?" The woman asks, eyes fixed on Leo. "Interesting. And you, Hazel, dear?"
"How did you—?" Hazel stammers in disbelief. "You—you look like Mrs. Leer. My third-grade teacher. I hated you."
The woman laughs. "Excellent. You resented her, eh? She judged you unfairly?"
"You—she taped my hands to the desk for misbehaving. She called my mother a witch. She blamed me for everything I didn't do and—No. She has to be dead. Who are you?"
"Oh, these two know," the woman glances at Ara before going back to Leo. "How do you feel about Aunt Rosa, mijo?"
Leo's jaw clenches. "Nemesis. You're the goddess of revenge."
Why does the goddess of revenge look like an older version of Ara? That doesn't make any sense. She doesn't hate herself!
"You see?" The goddess smiles. "He recognizes me. But you're having a lot of trouble facing the truth, right, Arae?"
Coming from the goddess, her name sounds like a mockery. "I don't know what you mean."
"Oh, don't play dumb, you were never that kind of Aphrodite," the woman looks down at the fortune cookies she's tearing apart. "You will have great fortune when you least expect it—That's exactly the sort of nonsense I hate. Someone opens a cookie, and suddenly they have a prophecy that they'll be rich! I blame that tramp Tyche. Always dispensing good luck to people who don't deserve it!"
"Uh... you know those aren't real prophecies, right? They're just stuffed in the cookies at some factory—"
"Don't try to excuse it! It's just like Tyche to get people's hopes up. No, no. I must counter her." Nemesis flicks a finger over the text and the letters turn red and change. "You will die painfully when you most expect it. There! Much better."
"That's horrible! You'd let someone read that in their fortune cookie, and it would come true?" Hazel exclaims.
"My dear Hazel, haven't you ever wished horrible things on Mrs. Leer for the way she treated you?"
"That doesn't mean I'd want them to come true!"
Ara can't always be perfect, but something awful will happen, and it is her fault. It's been her fault all along, according to her mother, so maybe she does hate herself enough to be her own nemesis.
"Bah. Tyche would be Fortuna for you, I suppose, being Roman. Like the others, she's in a horrible way right now. Me? I'm not affected. I am called Nemesis in both Greek and Roman. I do not change, because revenge is universal."
"What are you talking about? What are you doing here?" Leo questions.
The goddess opens another cookie. "To answer your question, Leo Valdez, the gods are in terrible shape. It always happens when a civil war is brewing between you Romans and Greeks. The Olympians are torn between their two natures, called on by both sides. They become quite schizophrenic, I'm afraid. Splitting headaches. Disorientation."
"But we're not at war."
"Um, Leo..." Hazel frowns. "Except for the fact that you recently blew up large sections of New Rome."
"Not on purpose!"
"I know, but the Romans don't realize that. And they'll be pursuing us in retaliation."
"Makes you reconsider some life choices, right, Jackson?" Nemesis grins at her. "Leo, listen to this girl. War is coming. Gaea has seen to it, with your help. And can you guess whom the gods blame for their predicament?"
"Me," he replies darkly.
"Well, don't you have a high opinion of yourself!" The goddess laughs. "You're just a pawn on the chessboard, Leo Valdez. I was referring to the player who set this ridiculous quest in motion, bringing the Greeks and Romans together. The gods blame Hera—or Juno, if you prefer! The queen of the heavens has fled Olympus to escape the wrath of her family. Don't expect any more help from your patron!"
"So why are you here?"
"Why, to offer my help!"
"Your help," Leo repeated skeptically.
"Of course! I enjoy tearing down the proud and powerful, and there are none who deserve tearing down like Gaea and her giants. Still, I must warn you that I will not suffer undeserved success. Good luck is a sham. The wheel of fortune is a Ponzi scheme. True success requires sacrifice."
What she hates most about Nemesis's speech, is that it sounds exactly like what she yelled at Lily before leaving camp.It wasn't luck, I worked hard to get here! Someone's holding her face in place, forcing her to look at the problem she created, and that she's spent a whole year pretending not to notice.
"Sacrifice?" Hazel asks in outrage. "I lost my mother. I died and came back. Now my brother is missing. Isn't that enough sacrifice for you?"
"Right now," Leo's hands are tightly closed. "All I want is some Celestial bronze."
"Oh, that's easy. It's just over the rise. You'll find it with the sweethearts."
"Wait," Hazel blinks. "What sweethearts?"
"You'll see. Perhaps they will teach you a lesson, Hazel Levesque. Most heroes cannot escape their nature, even when given a second chance at life. These two keep running into the same wall when the door is right in sight," Nemesis vaguely points to Ara and Leo.
A week ago, Ara wouldn't have known what the goddess meant, but now... all she wants is to stuff the lady's mouth with fortune cookies so she shuts up forever.
"And speaking of your brother Nico, you don't have much time. Let's see... it's June twenty-fifth? Yes, after today, six more days. Then he dies, along with the entire city of Rome."
"How..." Hazel stammers. "What—?"
"And as for you, child of fire." She turns to Leo. "Your worst hardships are yet to come. You will always be the outsider, the seventh wheel. You will not find a place among your brethren. Soon you will face a problem you cannot solve, though I could help you... for a price."
Leo's fingers burst into flames. Hazel steps back in alarm and the boy suffocates the fire by hiding his hand in the pocket of his jeans. "I like to solve my own problems."
"Very well."
"But, um, what sort of price are we talking about?"
"Leo, don't—" Ara starts, but the goddess lifts a hand to silence her.
"He's allowed to ask questions," the woman muses. "One of my children recently traded an eye for the ability to make a real difference in the world."
"You were Ethan's mom?" Ara raises a brow. "No wonder he was such a pain in the ass..."
Nemesis smiles. "When people say that, they're talking about pains that don't let them sit on said asses and force them to get up and do the work. You'll be a pain in the ass to many, Arae Jackson."
"Wait, let me get this straight," Leo intervenes. "You... want an eye?"
"In your case, perhaps another sacrifice would do. But something just as painful. Here." She tosses him a fortune cookie. "If you need an answer, break this. It will solve your problem."
 Ara has to suppress the urge to slap the cookie out of his hand. She doesn't want anything to happen to Leo. She lost Mike, Lily's angry at her, and so is Percy. If something were to happen to Leo... she's pretty sure it would make her go insane.
"What problem?"
"You'll know when the time comes."
"No, thanks," Leo replies, but he puts the cookie in his belt anyway.
Nemesis looks at Ara. "You'd need a bigger cookie to solve your predicament, pretty princess." She breaks another cookie and reads the paper. "You will have cause to reconsider your choices soon. Oh, how fitting! No changes needed here."
She reaches for Ara's hand, placing the small paper on it. The girl snatches it away. The last thing she needs is to doubt herself now, especially when the people she loves most in the world depend on her, disappointing them is simply out of the question.
"Very few gods will be able to help you on the quest," the goddess continues unbothered. "Most are already incapacitated, and their confusion will only grow worse. One thing might bring unity to Olympus again—an old wrong finally avenged. Ah, that would be sweet indeed, the scales finally balanced! But it will not happen unless you accept my help."
"I suppose you won't tell us what you're talking about," Hazel scowls. "Or why my brother Nico has only six days to live. Or why Rome is going to be destroyed."
"Oh, it's all tied together, Hazel Levesque," the lady hangs the bag of cookies over her shoulder and stands up. "As for my offer, Leo Valdez, give it some thought. You're a good child. A hard worker. We could do business. But I have detained you too long. You should visit the reflecting pool before the light fades. My poor cursed boy gets quite... agitated when the darkness comes."
Nemesis gives a long, amused look at Ara before departing on her motorcycle. "I'll have fun with you, mighty daughter of Greece." 
Again, Ara knows the nickname is meant to ridicule her. The goddess knows exactly who she once was. She should've seen it coming, given that Ara's curse was born from a nymph's hunger for revenge.
Hazel picks up a small piece of paper the goddess left behind, most likely on purpose.
"You will see yourself reflected, and you will have reason to despair," she reads out loud.
"Fantastic," Leo grumbles. "Let's go see what that means."
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Next Chapter –>
@siriuslysirius1107 @ask-giggles1303 @asnyox-the-hoarder @im-planning-something-look @bandshirts-andbooks @coolninjapaper @thewaterlily @whenisthefall @1randomcomic @you-bloody-shank @sunflowergraves @owlalex44 @taylordaughter @typicalsolangelolover @writingmia @espressopatronum454 @slytherinnqueen @orbitingpolaris @obxstiles
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dandylion240 · 7 months
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
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Javon Roche
He's been dancing since he was two years old.
Halia Davison has been his dance partner since they were three years old.
He pretends to be oblivious to Arion's feelings for him.
He doesn't want to hurt Arion's feelings but doesn't know how to turn him down without ruining his relationship with Halia. So it's just easier to pretend he doesn't notice.
Javon has had a crush on Halia since they were fifteen. Unfortunately he also knows Halia won't entertain the idea because of Arion's feelings for him so he's never said anything to her.
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lovinggreeniehours · 5 months
🥺can i have story time from arion?
i wanna bug you more about artem actually. so tell me more about you two got together? who fell first? slow burn or pretty quick to pick up?
AND ALSO do you and artem have a favorite movie you two like watching together? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 (@comfortingstars)
you will get literally ANYTHING you ask for!!!!! because i like you lots <3
firstly, movie nights are Such a big thing for them wait wait wait i have an old doodle hdsgkfsfhj <3
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they have their own set of favorite movies but the mutually agreed upon ones that they've watched together are probably the knives out movies and now you see me 1
okay real story time now >:) (sorry lmao this got so long)
short version: THEY TOOK LIKE. 10 YEARS TO GET TOGETHER 🤡 do you know how stupid they look to their friends lmao
long version they were friends!! in college!!!! hmm the details are fuzzy because it's been a while but iirc they had a class together, and had to work together for a partnered project. they both have horrible people skills so making friends outside of the project was a little hard. and eventually, they just kept gravitating towards each other until they suddenly realized they were. best friends(?) yeah let's go with that
at some point very early on in the friendship, knightley got a bit of a crush on him. which he confessed when they became more comfortable with each other. he was rejected, since ar.tem didn't want to get involved in any kind of dating life yet. but after some awkward tip-toeing around each other they went back to being best friends in no time
halfway into college, they got sick of the dorms and decided they would be much better roommates for each other than everyone else and proceeded to move into ar.tem's house. not in a gay way i promise. they only cuddle sometimes i swear-
okay now the Really funny thing happens after they graduate. and after ar.tem gets every single promotion he could ever get
he Does like knightley, he realizes. but ever since that confession incident, knightley has been incredibly focused on never crossing ar.tem's boundaries ever 💀 which manifests in knightley going "ar.tem's such a good friend <3 he's my best friend <3 that i am not gay about nor interested in at all <3 very platonic best friends <3" whenever asked /hj
this in itself isn't a problem though. ar.tem is actually very happy that his best friend holds him in such high regard. but. he kind of. also wants to kiss him. and he's not sure that's happening anymore. so what now 🤡 he lays awake at night wondering why he didn't go on a date with him like a decade ago
knightley does like him! and want to kiss him! very much. not a single thing has changed at all. it's just that both of them are very used to This now. and they aren't sure what to do about it so they just didn't 😭😭😭
but one day, ar.tem forgets something at home and leaves for work without realizing it. so knightley has to head there to drop it off for him and. ar.tem is never hearing the end of it from his colleagues hi celes.tine ("so 😳 who was that" "none of your business" "is 😳 is it your 😳 boyfr-" "IM GOING BACK TO WORK")
it's mostly her and rosa then trying to nudge him in the right direction 😭 it's a very slow, sweet kind of slowburn. just growing and evolving together as people
i imagine later on, knightley finds out about n.xx. i haven't decided yet if they get together before or after that happens
eventually, they do confess. there's a sort of new year party at the law firm and everyone keeps telling ar.tem to invite knightley
("you know if you kiss someone at midnight on new year they say it's good luck 🤭" "rosa please stop")
between that and knightley hanging around his room that night while he worked, ar.tem's resolve crumbled really fast. with the amount of hesitance and blushing ar.tem went through trying to ask him the question (like. as if he were asking him on a date), knightley had to put two and two together. so yes he did get that good luck kiss 👍 everyone clap. it took them an entire decade for this
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rainibao · 8 months
Books 2024
To Read
How to read literature like a professor (revised ed. by Thomas C. Foster)
How to Read a Book (Mortimer J. Adler, Charles Van Doren)
The Curse in Their Veins (by Ana Yudin)
Reread HoO (1-2 done, 3-5 left)
Galatea (Madeline Miller)
Reread PJO (after done w show. Been avoiding a reread bc I didn't wanna nitpick)
The Iliad
The Odyssey
House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski
To read (indefinite)
Atalanta by Jennifer Saint
Reread TSOA and Circe
The trials of Apollo (rereads for the first two books. Dropped the third midway through back then I think)
A Natalie Haynes book
Elizabeth Choy: A War Heroine and More (A biography by Zhou Mei)
The Sun and The Star
struck me on a personal level, which means I was willing to turn a blind eye to the flaws that I noticed. I love the trogs, cocoa puffs and the two dudes who collected bones
HoO reread (The Lost Hero, The Son of Neptune) (last time was probably around 2016-2017)
Jason is actually pretty funny, still think Piper is cool but I no longer put her on a pedestal, the tragedy of Leo struck me more. Rediscovered my love for Octavian (started disliking him back then bc of his stubbornness abt attacking the Greeks if I recall. Had a crush on him before that and I MIGHT be developing it AGAIN why am I like this), Percy is as awesome as I remember, was really excited for Hazel meeting Arion + Tyson reunion, actually appreciated the whole Alaska sequence more
How to read non-fiction like a professor
(the words kinda started swimming around :" did not happen when I sampled how to read literature. I guess skimming through the first few chapters I felt like I wasn't getting a lot out of it other than being intrigued by references made to actual events/books. Let me know if I should give it another try, or if you have a recommendation with similar premise)
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buuggerz · 2 years
On the other side of the coin, Zag would also be so sweet with Hazel too, showing her he's immune to the cursed gems and being so in love with Arion, I think she'd play mythomagic with him and Nico and he might teach her a bit more about swords too
Definitely !!
I think When Nico First Brings Hazel to Meet Zagreus, He’s a little Nervous cause- (i want my siblings to get along cause i love my sister and it’s nice having a brother-kinda panic)
Which is immediately is Relived.
Because it’s impossible to Not love Hazel, and what’s better than one little sibling, TWO LITTLE SIBLINGS!
Hazel Would be So happy to know she has even more family!!
She!! has!! two brothers!!
I completely agree on Them playing Mythomagic Together!
-Zagreus and Hazel are always a little lost, But they love asking questions, Cause Nicos always happy to answer them!
-Zagreus Would also totally encourage Hazel to summon Gems! especially if The don’t effect him. Especially if it helps her practice! Hazel and him would after go through all of them and identify them!
-Hazel would also Happliy Tell Zag about New Rome and the stables!! and how she loves the horses very much and taking care of them!
-Also Zag Enjoys Giving Hazel pointers on different Sparing techniques. Nico and Him Gets super happy when she does well. they Always make sure to let her know how proud they are of her! They also sometimes Practice with Achilles!
-Zag and Hazel would also Form the “Make sure Nico’s taking care of himself team” cause They know that their brother tends to forget to take care of himself.
-Nico Says It’s not fair that They gang up on him like that- but then again he brought it upon himself
-Nico and Hazel Also Mercilessly Tease Zagreus on His Crush on Thanatos. Especially when the God god of death is found in the palace, And Zagreus can’t help but tease him.
-Zagreus also likes To introduce Nico and Hazel to everyone’s like this:
“These are my Wonderful Little Siblings, The Prince and Princess Of the Underworld - Nico di angelo and Hazel Levesque- You know-“
Regardless if They are already very aware of Nico and Hazel, He also then goes off to Gush about their accomplishments.
He does this not only cause he loves his siblings but cause he knows it embarrasses them a little- And that’s his Duty as an older brother.
-Zagreus also Becomes very Protective of them, after his siblings are mortal demi gods- sure they can hold their own. But that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t worry.
-Nico and Zagreus also share sarcastic banter ever so often- that becomes a competition to see who can outwit the other- Hazel tends to keep track who wins in her sketch book
(One time the we’re going back n forth at the end
Nico: At least i know what birds are
Zagreus: *overly dramatic gasp* You little shit- you know im sensitive about that nico
and all three of them burst out laughing)
-Hades and Zagreus still have a Strained relationship, But they try to get along for Nico and Hazel’s sake-
-Their shared love of the demi-gods becomes some common ground for conversations that aren’t fights.
Everyone in the Palace that The both royal gods are In Better moods when the Demigod siblings are visiting
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pine-lark · 3 years
Ooh trap him somewhere either very hot or very cold?? :D
This is a perfect excuse to write an old daydream from my childhood. Well, there's two-- Arion on a grill and Arion in a box. I chose the box for this one but I may be tempted to write the grill at some point. I haven't written The Box before now because it doesn't exactly... fit with the plot of the actual story, but I mean...
Alternate Rescue AU, coming right up, Anon. (Also sorry I'm like, infinitely late haha. School threw me into a hell pit and I've been recovering. I'm back now ((though I'm not sure for how long, things might change in a week or two... we'll see.)) For now, I'm working on a lot of Arion stuff that will hopefully pop up within a few days! Cheers!)
CW: Tiny whumpee, some blood, cold/hypothermia symptoms (duh), cages/referenced captivity, briefly implied forced nudity from said captivity, brief reference to a past fever and resulting vomiting, referenced/implied physical abuse, water/rain/storms/being submerged in/splashed with water, thoughts of dying (of the "I might die" and "Am I dead?" and wishing to be put out of misery type), crying, (thinking about) needles, short (kind of) graphic description of a bird being run over, brief religion references
His legs still ache from running.
Arion sits in the cardboard box he found on the side of the road, huddled in the corner, shivering in the dark. Although he tries to clamp his jaw shut and stop it, his teeth chatter and his shoulders quiver. It feels like the frozen autumn air has grasped him entirely in icy claws that shake him violently in an inescapable grip. It reminds him of being trapped in Heston’s hand, shaken, body tossed in every direction until his head pounded and his eyes watered.
It’s colder outside than it used to be in the garage. But it’s better out here. No one can hurt him here.
As long as they don’t find him.
He rubs his hands over the goosebumps on his arms, hoping to warm them up and calm down the wild pain buried deep in his skin. As he does so, blood smears along the path he touches. It’s still gently creeping out of the series of cuts etched into his forearms. With it, the image of Heston’s glinting eyes surfaces in Arion’s memory. He buries his head in his shaking knees with a wet sniff. But he’s done it, he reminds himself. He’s escaped. Finally. Chewed through rope, slipped through an unlocked door. Heston's gone. For now.
Please, please don’t come looking for me.
A dog barks somewhere in the distance. He jumps. It sets off an echo of shivers all the way down his spine as his hair stands on end.
A raindrop falls on the cardboard roof. Then another, and another. Thunder claps harshly overhead.
Arion shuts his eyes tight, bites back the frustrated tears welling up at the corners of his eyes. He curls up tighter, hugging himself, doing all he can to keep any scrap of heat he has close to his body. A storm might just do it. Might just kill him. A storm means wind. Freezing wind. And freezing rain. The last thing he needs right now is rain. It can’t rain. He presses his body closer to the cardboard wall, knowing it might not be standing there much longer if it rains.
And it does. It pours.
He sees the rain splash into the road before him. The storm swiftly grows. It’s ferocious and feral and cruel. The temperature around Arion drops. His tiny body shakes uncontrollably, as if it weren’t his own. It reminds him of the terrifying fever he had, long ago, in the confines of his red cage just weeks after being taken from his home. He’d been throwing up and twitching and having the most horrible, vivid dreams (on the occasions that both Heston and the illness let him sleep). The fits of shivering drove him mad, the endless teeth-chattering and flashes of uncomfortable warmth and sticky sweat made him feel even worse. It's like that, he thinks. Except, now, as he shivers, he’s unbearably cold.
An involuntary whine fights its way out of him. When he swallows, his throat feels stiff and achy. Snot runs profusely down his lips and no amount of wiping it away with his bleeding arms is helping it slow. Water has thoroughly and entirely drenched the cardboard, at this point. Has crept through the floor and the walls, and, gradually and persistently, has started to drip through the sagging ceiling. For a moment, Arion remembers he has toes, and that they’ve been numb for awhile now. Actually, now that he’s thinking about it, his feet haven’t felt like anything either, and when he tries to move his fingers, they only twitch. They feel heavy and prickly. He feels prickly all over. Like Heston had shoved a thousand frozen needles into a thousand different places all over his body. It hurts to breathe. There’s no way to get warmer. Nothing to hide under, not even something as decent as clothing. No way to escape, nowhere to run to, even if he had the energy left to try. He lets out a miserable sob.
And then the ceiling falls through, in a blur of collapsing cardboard and splashing waves of water that crash over his head and the rest of his body.
Arion tumbles out of the box, drenched. He coughs up water through jittery movements. For a second, he chokes on a mouthful, and he briefly he thinks he'll never breathe again, before his chest jerks and with another cough, the water falls out of his mouth. He tries to get his arms and legs under him, to stand or even crawl, but his limbs fail him and he crumbles face-first back to the harsh surface below him. The rocks mixed in the road’s tar are sharp. They cut deeply through his nose and cheek and the shoulder that followed his face in the fall. Arion winces against the fresh, sharp pain and the beads of blood that begin to form where he’s been hurt. His breaths come in ragged heaves.
He sniffs. Tears drip from his eyes. He lays helpless in the middle of the little road, in his mind begging to no one that a car doesn’t come along and crush him. Under any other circumstance, he’d love to be put out of his misery. But he’s seen a bird been run over before. Under a truck’s tire. And the memory makes his stomach churn. Flattened face, open stomach, popped like a bubble in a stream.
Briefly, Arion thinks of himself in place of the bird. He thinks of the smear of red underneath his empty, open eyes. He thinks of the way the headlights might look as they would suddenly appear right in front of him. The horrid, mind-numbing honk of a horn. The image he creates in his mind of those headlights, his last moments, is vivid. It’s so vivid that he thinks it might be real, or maybe hypothermia is setting in and beginning to ruin his mind.
It’s just his imagination, he thinks.
And then he smells exhaust from a car.
And the screech of brakes.
And for a second, whilst his body is numb and bright white light is all he can see, he thinks he might be dead.
“I swear, if I keep stopping my car for every mouse that sits in front of it, I’m never going to get anywhere.”
That voice drifts from the car stopped in front of him.
Not dead, then.
Almost, he thinks.
“Can’t help it though. What else am I supposed to do, run them over? Just vet instincts, I guess. Huh, Jasper.” There’s a meow in response. Arion’s breath hitches. The voice says, “Me-ow. I know, I know. I’ll be right back.” A car door shuts. Then there’s heavy wet footsteps. Boots clopping over puddles and asphalt. Panic floods Arion’s chest as a shadow cuts through the blinding white light from the vehicle. The outline of a human lowers, kneels in front of him. His breath stops. His mind goes blank.
A moment passes. Something touches him. He flinches hard, but trying to run isn’t an option. His body is completely, entirely, wholly exhausted and far too numb to move more than flailing back a couple inches.
“Oh, geez, that’s-- not a mouse. Okay.” Her head turns in a way that Arion can see her face. A young woman with red hair, watching him with a warm but frantic gaze. “Okay. Okay okay. Oh, God, you’re injured pretty bad, little buddy. Your arms are all… cut up. That’s not good. Um.”
Arion stares blankly ahead. Suddenly, freezing to death isn’t something he feels like putting too much effort into avoiding.
“Okay. Here’s what we’ll do,” the girl continues. “I’m gonna bring you into my car where I can see you better, alright? Then I can help you. It’s gonna be okay. Here. I’m picking you up now, ‘kay?”
The feeling of a warm hand washes over his body. It’s both terrifying and incredibly welcome. The sting of cold seems to seep out of his skin, albeit very slowly. Quickly, though, burning prickles replace whatever comfort the touch brought him.
“Oh, you’re freezing, little guy. You must have been out here for a long time. That can be really dangerous… I’m glad I found you. I’ll get you all warmed up in the car.”
Arion whimpers against the hands that carry him to somewhere warmer, where he hears the faint, deep sound of a large beating heart. For a second, he wonders if this is God. And then the car door opens and creaks, and the girl curses under her breath, and Arion remembers he’s an atheist.
Still, as the stinging in his warming skin subsides, the warmth of her hands starts to feel… nice. If his mind were still intact (instead of shattered into vague, useless fragments as it is now), Arion would have done anything and everything to get away from any human or other predatory beast in sight. But with his head swimming, he leans into her touch, and compliantly accepts the soft feeling of some kind of cloth being wrapped all around him.
Words are spoken to him, but he can’t listen. To him they sound broken up and blurry as the insistence of sleep becomes more desperate in the back of his mind. As he gets warmer, his muscles relax, and his eyes get droopy. His vision darkens, and the girl’s voice hushes.
Just before he drifts off into a far overdue, deep and restful sleep, he thinks to himself, vaguely, that he hopes this human is different. He hopes that when he wakes back up, it won’t be in another cage.
Tag list because this ended up being a full drabble:
(Also, let me know if you'd like to be removed from the tag list. No hurt feelings! I know it's been a long time and if you've lost interest that is A-Okay, friend)
(Also, if you'd like to be added or if your username's changed, let me know!)
@whumping-every-day, @deluxewhump, @sola-whumping, @haro-whumps, @inaridriscoll, @whatwasmyprevioususername, @kiretto-laorentze, @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi, @ahorriblebimess, @whump-me-all-night-long
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onthesandsofdreams · 3 years
Working Vacations
Fandom: Rogue One Pairing: Cassian x Jyn, Cassian & Bodhi Rating: G Summary: “You going somewhere?” She asked as she perched on a corner of his bed. They had been friends for a long time now, and they both had keys of each other’s apartments. Cassian stopped, turning towards her, he nodded. “Yes, got hired for a high fashion photoshoot in Greece.” Words: 651 Notes: Written for Fictober-Event, day 31
Read @ AO3
Jyn found Cassian packing his bags.
“You going somewhere?” She asked as she perched on a corner of his bed. They had been friends for a long time now, and they both had keys of each other’s apartments.
Cassian stopped, turning towards her, he nodded. “Yes, got hired for a high fashion photoshoot in Greece.”
“Wow, sounds fun.” Cassian was a talented photographer, so it was not a surprise that now even fashion houses were calling now. He somehow always managed to capture the right moment and his photography was recognized worldwide, to the point that he could allow himself to be picky when work called.
Not that Cassian was picky, he liked his work and traveling, so he accepted most of it. It really had to be what he thought a bad idea for him to reject it.
“Yeah, I’m getting a mini vacation out of it.” Cassian said. “The shoot is only for two days, and I decided to stay there for a week extra, you know to relax and whatnot.”
“Now that is a good idea, you’re always working.”
It was true, Cassian was a bit of a workaholic. If he wasn’t working, by his own admittance, he grew restless and a restless Cassian was a somewhat annoying Cassian. So, he worked. The fact that his work range was so varied was something that worked in his favor. He had not been pigeonholed into one type of work only.
“Yeah, I need a break. Greece sounded good.”
She hesitated, she was never the one who wanted to be annoying, but… “Take me with you?”
Cassian blinked, “You want to come?”
“I’ll pay for my own things, of course. But yes, I need a vacation and since I’m currently not working, it should work out well, if you let me come, of course.”
Cassian’s lips curled upwards, “Then, I’d recommend you go home and book yourself a ticket and room, I’m staying in the Arion Athens hotel, you should be able to get a room. It’s the off season, I’m told, I had my pick of rooms.”
She jumped out of the bed, “Excellent! Then, I’ll go home, get my stuff ready and… when do we leave?”
“Saturday, that should allow you get your ticket. Even if we don’t sit next to each other.”
“Shame, but we’ll have fun after we land and you’re done with your work!”
It would be a good thing, she thought, to have some time off. He work search wasn’t going great, so she really would welcome the small vacation, thankfully, she had the founds for it. Something her mother had installed in her, was the sense of savings. And she always had a vacation savings account beyond her retirement found, and her emergency savings.
“Yeah, I’ll welcome the company for this trip.” Cassian smiled at her. “It should be fun not to be alone while exploring the city.”
“A shame we won’t be able to see the Isles, but maybe we’ll get to that later.”
Cassian laughed, “Already planning our next vacation?”
“Yeah! Let’s start traveling together and see the world, Cass.”
“Okay, okay, sounds like a plan.” Cassian nodded. “But you really need to go and get your ticket and hotel room.”
“Going right now!” She kissed his cheek goodbye and made her way home. Once she got everything she needed, she began to pack. She and Cassian would have fun!
‘She’s coming to Greece with me’
‘Good. Make your move man, you’re pinning.’
‘Shut up, Bodhi.’
‘This is your chance, don’t ruin it.’
Cassian stared at the message, perhaps Bodhi was right, he really should ask Jyn out. And sure, Greece sounded like a good place to do so. He only hope his crush was returned. ‘Fine, I will.’
‘Hell yeah! Good luck man.’
And now, he had to plan how to do it well and not scare Jyn away.
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shippy-pjo-shipper · 3 years
Uhhh, is Leo/Hazel any good? I literally just thought of this ship; what do you think of it?
Lazel is awesome because it's one of the few fanon pjo/hoo ships that have a real canon back up! The whole "I was friend with/had a crush on your grandfather" wasn't used by Rick like it should have had! He just used it as a way to create mystery between SON and MOA which was resolved in two chapters. That was SO disappointing ! Leo and Hazel never bounded over it and it's a shame! Leo only knew his grandfather through his mother's stories, it would have been so good to hear them share stories of their own!
Now of course that is not a great way to justify a romantic connexion, but a friendship ?? Yes! And for the romantic feelings, come on, can you imagine the angst?! The two of them growing closer while trying to shut down those feelings because they're both convinced they're imagining them, disturbed by this weird connexion that they have.
Personality wise, they're an interesting match too. We saw them work together once and it was pretty good! Leo makes Hazel laugh and she can help him trust himself more. They both know what it's like to be frighten by their powers so they could help each other with that.
And I just love the idea of Leo growing more calm and at peace through the series whenever Hazel is near, while Hazel would become more open about her feelings and would allow herself to smile and laugh out loud more thanks to Leo.
Bonus: that would have given us more Leo/Arion interactions and I needed that!
+Bonus: Nico would be pissed at first, but once he could spend a little time with Leo, he would get how honest he is and how much he cares about his sister
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luxmaeastra · 2 years
@an-endless-saga continued from here.
As he approached, she stepped back away from Arion and once more fell into a low curtsy. Her head rose slightly before she did, a smile upon her lips as she knew the very dangerous game she now played. The attention of two, one of which had a mate she knew would probably kill her, the other a consort who barely could be around him.
Eostra let her glance go towards Soraya briefly, her head inclined slightly before her attention returned to Yarilo and Arion. Their banter amused her, a soft laugh came from her as she bowed her head once more in apology to them both – she did not wish to insult them. No, she wanted to get what was hers.
“As much as I do enjoy spending time with you Lord Arion, I believe I will have to go with another this night.” She said, her gaze lingered upon Yarilo. Their conversation played in her head, hoping he would heed her words and act before he was forced to act, that he would make the playing board his and take what he deserved – what she deserved.
She had not taken Yarilo yet, for her title to change. He knew many in the court were beginning to resent her for that. But he secretly hoped she never did - it made him near treasonous.
It was something she had noticed in the recent moments of their lives, his instance to be with her and have her had lessened as it seemed his attention was drifting somewhere. It was a fact she allowed him to keep to himself, a secret she never pushed for. If there was another, he was interested in then let him be so, for it meant she was given a moment of reprieve. She was allowed to relax, without thinking he would use it to his advantage.
Her gaze flickered to Regulus briefly, the fact that he had entrusted her to him was something that caused her the stirring sign of hope. Hope she knew she shouldn’t believe in, hope she knew could so easily be crushed. She did her best to keep her expression neutral, her attention drifted away if only to watch Yarilo head towards Eostre.
If she was another female, another woman, she would have been envious of her. How she had drawn the attention of the male she was meant to be with, the one who was meant to be her everything – or so the stories go. He wasn’t her everything though, he wasn’t the only one she looked to when she found herself crumbling under the pressure.
No, he was here. Once she knew he was at a safe distance again she looked towards Regulus once more, a small smile crossed her lips. How she hoped and craved for what they could have one day, though she knew to act on that hope would result in the loss of the one she cared for the most. “As much as one can when put in a room with many who probably would rather see me ripped apart.”
She was no fool, she knew those around her were just waiting for the moment she fell.
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vulkan-ent · 3 years
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PA5TEL is the company’s first ever boy group, and first ever group to have debuted under the label. They debuted on July 28th, 2015. They have 5 members: BUNNI, SILVER, JH, HUE and BOLIN. They have steadily built a path for other artists under a label and grew their own fanbase over time. They are widely known across Korea for having bright personalities that attract a lot of people.
FIND THEM AT @colorthewrld
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ELIXIR is the second group to debut under the label. They had debuted on April 14th, 2017 with members AKI, AMARIS, ARION, CALIX, HECATUS, NAIDA, RAVYN, SIREN, SHADOW and WILLOW. Many say that their debuted felt rushed and incomplete, but they have a lot of potential. Some say they are the black sheep of the company, often being put on the back burner by management. However, people have fallen in love with their enchanting visuals and concept.
FIND THEM AT @secretpction
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PROMISE SHIN – 2018-2019
PROMISE SHIN, more famously known as PROMISE, is the company’s first soloist. She had a successful debut, garnering fans with her sweet vocals and soft concept. She debuted on February 18th, 2018 and made 2 very successful comebacks before suddenly terminating her contract with the company. She left on November 14th, 2019, only a year after her debut.
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SOLAR FLARE is the company’s first ever girl group. They debuted on June 28th, 2019 with a girl crush and versatile concept. With their 6 members CLAIRE, CROSS, PAULA, RUELLE, TRIX and PRINCESS, they work on their own music behind the scenes and are growing with each comeback!
FIND THEM AT @brningdestiny
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EVER debuted first as CAELI ET TERRA, a sibling duo under the label. The twins, CAELI and TERRA, made their big break with their debut on February 9th, 2021. They went silent for a bit before the company announced them adding two new members, EMBER AND KHIONE, another sibling pair, to the group only a few months after debut. Fans are excited to see what the group as a whole can do.
FIND THEM AT @chrcnoahead
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dandylion240 · 2 years
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
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Arion Davison - may contain spoilers (he's only a newborn baby in story)
Has a difficult relationship with his mom (lets start with the obvious)
He will develop a crush on someone close to the family but will have his heart crushed when his crush has feelings for someone else.
His best friend is his sister, Halia. In some ways she fills in the role where his mom should be. He tells her all his secrets, his crushes, his problems.
He loves animals and works his grandma and aunt to preserve the island. Conservation is very important to him.
He will meet someone who feels the same way but their methods are a lot different than Arion's and it will be hurdle for them if a relationship is ever to develop between them.
(I think I might be a little bit in love with him)
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💐 What flowers would be used in a flower crown for your oc? Why those choices?
- for John and Robin
🥀 Have your oc’s dreams ever been crushed, or their heart broken? When and how?
- for Will
🍂 What is your oc’s favourite colour?
- for all of them if it's not a problem
💐 What flowers would be used in a flower crown for your oc? Why those choices?
For Robin, he'd choose the tough little flowers that make their way through the sidewalk cracks. Which means probably a lot of dandelions and smaller flowers tucked in between those, with some daisies from the vacant lots too. The flowers he would choose are the ones that can survive the city like him.
For John, daisies again, but more of the really wild wildflowers mixed in, like Indian paintbrush and black sage and other native flowers. Robin always connects John to the ranches and the more open country, so he'd choose flowers that gave him that impression as well
🥀 Have your oc’s dreams ever been crushed, or their heart broken? When and how?
For Will, yes. He was planning to come home after his last military tour, settle down, and start a family in his old hometown. But then he ran one last operation, with minimal intel, and got mixed up in something he couldn't get out of again, and ended up in the hidden village, working for the people there because once you're in, you either stay or you're made to disappear...
🍂 What is your oc’s favourite colour?
These are gonna come with mini-explanations for most of them...
Robin: Bluish-teal, a 'robin's egg blue' shade
John: Dark navy blue like a night sky
Kira: Orange-gold, like the variety of shades sunflowers come in
Cody: Golden-green, like sunlight through young leaves
Maira: Coral, in any shade and intensity. It's the color her childhood room was painted because to her it felt the furthest from hospital greens and blues
Emma: Lavender and other pastel pinkish-purples.
Arion: Ebony, the rich brownish-black of the real wood
Will: Mahogany brown
Brooke: Glossy blacks and dark grey like wet stones
Aspen: Dark green, colors that remind him of healthy leaves
Amy: Coral-peach shades like early sunrise in the sky
Jesse: Dark red-brown, the color of redwood bark
Tina: Dark soft grey with a little brown to it, like wolf's fur (specifically the color of her mother's coat)
Jill: Grey. But the specific bluish-purple grey of mountain fogs in early mornings
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thinking about how far Frank and Hazel have come
You know, in their introductory scenes in the Son of Neptune, they’re both outsiders? Hazel still has her CURSE and her BLACKOUTS, for god’s sake. Frank doesn’t know who his father is, his life is attached to a piece of firewood, and he’s on probatio. 
They’re both on the Fifth Cohort, both not-really fitting into the rhythm of camp, and they’re both so unsure of themselves. Hazel just escaped the Underworld and she’s being blackmailed by Octavian. Frank doesn’t even know he has an ability yet. He just stumbles around, trips entire rows of soldiers, and gives Hannibal indigestion by feeding him peanuts. 
and they both have major crushes on each other and refuse to acknowledge them but that’s neither here nor there
cut to the end of their Son of Neptune quest. Hazel has tamed Arion. she’s stopped having blackouts, become far more sure of herself, and has accepted her power. She slew Alcyoneus and accepted her past, more or less, and her curse is gone. Frank is a centurion now. He knows how to shapeshift, he’s met his father and come to terms with his firewood and his family legacy. And he fights and shoots HELLA.
The House of Hades. Hazel learns how to control the Mist, how to accept her parentage and more fully invoke the powers of Pluto: people see what they want to see. She thinks of how Pasiphae is like her own mother, and devises a way to defeat her while all her friends’ lives hang in the balance. 
and FRANK. Rick sets up his Horatius parallel for the first time. He makes his stand in Venice, alone on a bridge, against hundreds of katoblepones, and defeats them all. This is also the beginning of a new chapter with his shape-shifting, because he’s so fluid with his forms in combat. He also receives the blessing of Mars, grows into himself—and this is really the first time we see him as a commander and not a follower. In the House of Hades, he’s the only one who controls the skeletons, but he isn’t of high enough rank. 
Jason promotes him to praetor on the spot. 
let’s stop and think about this one for a second. a MONTH has elapsed between the start of their Alaska quest and their time in Venice. Frank went from a bumbling probatio to capable praetor in a MONTH. this guy is amazing and i will die for him—
then, Frank and Hazel in the Tyrant’s Tomb. Honestly, the best part of this was seeing how Frank and Reyna interacted. They take SHIFTS for each other, for gods’ sake. that’s a lot of cooperation right there. They back each other up in front of the Senate. Reyna defers to Frank on some things, and it’s an equal partnership.
Do you guys remember how Reyna was viewed from every POV in Son of Neptune? She’s crazy capable, made of iron, commanding, and suffers no fools. Frank and Hazel are both thoroughly intimidated by her.
and now they’re friends. good friends, judging by that scene where Frank and Hazel pull up in a Chevy and tell her they’ve filled the gas for her, you’re welcome, good luck on your quest, and don’t die.
also, in that same scene: Reyna and Frank mother-henning each other? Reyna asks Frank if he’s double-checked their defenses, and then remembers that he isn’t a child and knows what he’s doing!! Frank being visibly worried for Reyna setting off on this killer quest to find the silent god!! this is peak interaction and I love it. 
and don’t think I’ve forgotten Hazel. In the very first scene, Lavinia mentions that she really shouldn’t be off-duty, but she has a super nice centurion and she’ll cover for her. 
remember how in Son of Neptune, Hazel is the scared legionnaire, and Dakota takes her under his wing? Recommends her for full membership and everything?
now HAZEL is the awesome cool-mom centurion that has everything under control, and if you fuck up, well, you’ll survive. Centurion Hazel of the Fifth has your back. 
someone from her cohort got a STANDARD-ISSUE SHIELD PAST TERMINUS AND INTO THE SENATE HOUSE, JUST SO THEY COULD LIFT HER UP AND CARRY HER AROUND. Hazel, the outcast, the cursed daughter of Pluto who died seventy years ago, is lifted on a shield by her friends and promoted to praetor. That’s how far she’s come. 
and that’s just amazing to me. 
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