#That being said I couldn't find a picture of Riley as a kid
soapisahimbo · 2 years
Their S/O Already Has A Kid - 141 (+Alejandro & König) Edition
Anonymous asked: Your work is god tier, absolutely slaying rn. I'm not sure if you're taking requests but if you are... hear me out- can I please get the mw2 boys with an s/o who already has a kid? How would they interact with the kid?
So I wasn't entirely sure on what angle to approach this from, but I've written this as if reader has been a single parent who has worked with 141 for a while (not necessarily a soldier), the other parent isn't really in the picture and the kid is somewhere around 4-5 years old. I'm not sure if this is what you had in mind, but I sincerely hope you enjoy!
warnings: none! couldn't find a good gif to use though :(
John 'Soap' MacTavish:
From the second he finds out you have a child, way before there's even any suggestion that you will one day be a couple, he's on a mission to become The World's Best Uncle. It's like he's participating in a competition that no one else signed up for - he wants to be your kid's absolute favourite and he'll be damned if anyone else tries it. Will frequently ask you about the kid; "how're they doin' in school?", "do they have friends to play with?", "what do they want for Christmas?", "are they growin' well?", and even checks up with you to see if they need new clothes or anything. He will always have something for them for their birthday or Christmas and will happily say to you, "this is from Uncle Soap, all right? Take pictures when they open it, I wanna see how they like it!"
He has a natural desire to look after the people around him, and since he considers you a close and fast friend, he'll want nothing more than to help you out if he can. The closer you grow, the more he gets the urge to prove himself worthy - to prove that he'll be good to you and that you can trust him - and it's a sentiment he keeps long after you get together. You and your child become like a family to him, and it's a family he's keen on keeping.
The two of them will be like two peas in a pod. He'll play around with them near constantly, tell them stories from his job (adjusted to be more child-friendly) and teach them how to play football. He asks them about school, helps them with homework and he will happily treat the kid as his own. You're the love of his life and this child is his best little friend. He loves you both dearly and it fills him with immense happiness to have you two to come back home to once you live together. If he's available for it, he'll go with you guys to events and theme parks, and hopefully longer vacation trips. He doesn't ever expect them to call him "dad" (although if it were to happen, it would probably have him sobbing uncontrollably), he's just happy to be with you, and to be The World's Best Uncle Soap.
Simon 'Ghost' Riley:
It's worth mentioning that he'll be hesitant to get any closer to you than necessary at first, not because of any sort of disdain towards you or towards kids, but because of who he is. Simon has been through some terrible shit, and his work consists of doing even more terrible shit, and so he thinks that being any sort of role model to a child is way out of his range.
This doesn't mean he doesn't care, though. When you first get to know him, he seems cold and aloof and he doesn't seem to show any particular interest in you. What with you being on his team though, and him knowing that you're a single parent, he might approach you with the intent of at least showing some sort of support, whatever support he might be capable of showing.
He'll get something for the kid, like a stuffed animal or some sort of toy, but he doesn't hand it to you personally; he'll leave it somewhere where he knows you'll find it, like on your desk if you have one, and pretend like nothing happened.
He wants to keep his distance, but he can't deny the strange urge to look after you. It starts slow. He never asks, but he'll listen when you tell him about your child; how they've been doing lately, what you've done during the weekend, something funny they did or said. At first you might think he's ignoring you, but then one day he hands you a little trinket and tells you it's "for the little one, figured they might like it."
Growing closer and realizing that he has feelings for you is a complicated ordeal for him and he tries to keep it locked away deep down, but he's unable to stop himself for some reason. Once together, he cares greatly about you and your child, even if he might not always know how to show it.
He makes an unspoken promise to never let anything harm either of you, and so he keeps you under the radar as best he can. His team might know that you're together, but that's as far as they're informed. You won't hear much from him while he's out on missions, and he rarely mentions you or your kid to anyone, keeping any information about you sealed up tightly in the back of his mind, and if anyone asks he'll only give short-clipped answers, if he even bothers to answer in the first place. It's all to keep you safe.
With you, though, he's much more loving and gentle than others would even guess he's capable of. If you live together, he'll pick your kid up in his arms when he gets home and plant a gentle and loving kiss on your lips in greeting. Never raises his voice at anything if one or both of you are near, even if he's aggravated or annoyed. He plays ever so gently with your kid, even if they're play-wrestling and he's tossing them around because he's incredibly aware of his strength, and he sits patiently and quietly while they doodle on his arms or even his face and tells them bad (child-friendly) puns to get them to laugh. You and the kid are practically the only ones that get to see him smile.
His own childhood was incredibly traumatizing, and he tries his damnedest to make sure that that doesn't bleed over onto you or the kid, even if it means that he has to step away for a while. He's working on it, you might just need to give him some time. If this is as serious as he thinks it is, he wants to be the absolute best that he can be for you.
Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick:
He is oh, so gentle with your child. He's the dude that calmly and casually follows your kid around to make sure that they don't get in trouble while they explore. He's done it since the first time they met, and he still does it now, only interfering when they're headed somewhere they shouldn't be, or when they turn to him to play or talk. The type to offer to take care of them so that you can rest or focus on other things, and tells you "it's no skin off my nose" when you tell him that he really doesn't need to. He lets the kid approach him rather than try to get them to interact with him, and it's because of this exact mindset that kids usually love him. If they want to hug him, he'll happily wrap them up in a big and warm hug, but he's not going to convince them to because kids deserve their own bodily autonomy just as much as any adult.
He's one of those people who just magically makes kids fall asleep even when they're in that "I am dead tired but I refuse to sleep for some ungodly reason so I'm just gonna scream and cry at everything"-state, and it baffles you every time, but you're certainly not complaining. He has this air about him that is just very calming, and he makes both you and your kid feel immensely safe just by his presence alone. He starts out as just a close and caring friend, and the transition to more than just friends to an actual couple is a smooth one; one day you just kiss and you're not even surprised. It feels natural to have him around and when you see him interact with your child, it's like he's supposed to be there. You can't imagine anyone else, as if whatever empty space was there had been Gaz-shaped all along.
Gets your kid to laugh delightfully without even trying, wipes their tears gently and kisses their cheeks when they've scraped their knees or bumped their head, listens intently when they talk, even if they're just speaking nonsense ("but of course, all superheroes are from Norway."*) and will absolutely not laugh when they call Soap a dumb stinky poopyface.
Despite his calm demeanour though, Gaz is still a soldier, and very well-trained one at that. Should anyone approach you or your kid with the intent to harm you or threaten you, rest assured that he will not just let that slip by. He would give his life to protect both of you without even a hint of hesitation.
*based on an actual conversation I had with one of my nephews
Alejandro Vargas:
He doesn't care what anyone says, doesn't care what anyone thinks, doesn't care about what the kid looks like or how old they are, he is Dad™ now. Will wholeheartedly claim your child as his own and fight anyone who questions it. What the hell do you mean they look nothing alike, that's his fucking kid, are you blind?
He's so eager and willing to help, even long before you start dating. Takes any chance he gets to invite you and your child over, be it for food, for movie nights, to go to the park, or simply to talk. Before you know it, he has clothes and toothbrushes dedicated to both of you at his place, reminding you again and again that his door is always open for you; no need to even knock.
Let's be real, as generous and charming as he is, it's his sincerity that has you falling for him. He offers to take care of the kid while you rest, or to come over to clean up your home (Rodolfo might join as well, partly because of his goodhearted nature, partly because Alejandro roped him into it), and he looks you deep in the eyes when he tells you that his family is your family, be it Los Vaqueros or his own blood relatives. It's how he confesses to you as well, telling you that even if you don't reciprocate, he'll still be there for you.
If you didn't know any better, you yourself would start to question whether or not Alejandro is somehow the actual father. It's like they have some sort of telepathic connection, almost. The only one who knows that kid's moods and mannerisms and habits better than him, is you. He works with you like a team to make sure that you're always on the same page and make sure that you know that he only ever wants the best for you and the kid. Teaches them Spanish if it's not already their native language, and if they happen to pick up a curse-word from somewhere, he'll be horrified (kid said "puta" once and you thought he'd have a heart attack).
Much like Ghost, he'll keep you under the radar to keep you safe. Sends letters and gifts in secret when he's deployed, and now has a stronger determination than ever to stay alive. He doesn't ever want to imagine that one day might be the last he'll ever see you, so he'll walk through hell and high water to make sure he will return to you.
He doesn't really know how to handle kids, but he sure does try. He is huge compared to this tiny little human - his calf alone is almost the same size as the entire child - so he tries to shrink himself down as much as he can. They might be a bit intimidated by him at first, but once that passes he is practically given the role of a human jungle gym. He stays alert, making sure that he's able to catch them should they fall off, and as awkward as he might feel, he would never let this little one come to harm. When you tell your kid to leave him be or be gentler with him, he quickly assures you that it's no problem and that he doesn't mind it at all; thinks it's quite fun actually. Before you know it, this tiny being less than a quarter of his size will be like his little sidekick, and it's honestly the funniest thing you've seen.
He's nervous around you though, not only because it's your child, but because over time the harmless little crush he's had on you grows stronger and stronger and stronger, and he's not sure how to handle it. When he tells the kid to be good to you, it's partly directed towards himself as well, as if he's telling himself to look after you. The idea of holding the child in one arm and you in the other fills him with such warmth that it almost catches him off guard. You're the one who tells him how you feel, and it kickstarts a full avalanche of stumbling words out him, because he's trying to find the right way to tell you that he feels the same and that he wants to be a part of your life.
He will be incredibly gentle with that child - he'll fuzz over the tiniest little bump or bruise or scrape, even if they're not bothered by it in the slightest. Picks them up very carefully while they can pull and tug and jump on him with all the strength their little body can muster without him ever budging - play-wrestling and tickle fights will be very carefully done because he would hate to accidentally hurt them. Loves teaching them German if they don't already speak it, and much like Alejandro, he will practically see his life flash by his eyes if they ever happen to learn a curseword from somewhere - especially if they accidentally picked it up from him.
Will keep any semblance of violence away from you and your child to as far of an extent as he can, but if anything happened to either one of you, he'd crush the skulls of everyone involved with his bare hands, that's for sure.
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strlingsav · 2 years
hii, im not sure if u write dad ghost, but if you don’t mind, could you write ghost coming home from work, happy to see his daughter and wife reader. he got home pretty late, so he puts his daughter to bed and spends time with his wife, leading to you know what 🫣 and soon they hear their daughter opening the door and has to pretend nothing happened.
i’d appreciate if u write this, if not then that’s alright, pls do what makes u comfortable 😌
I'm gonna throw up I love domestic Ghost 😭🤍 ofc I can do this 🤭 thanks for asking!! I changed it a bit, just bc I'm a sucker for a happy ending- literally.
Daughter's name is Ava (short and sweet, not much effort there sorry lol)
– Simon "Ghost" Riley x F!Reader
— Simon returns from deployment.
Explicit sexual content under the cut. Read at your own risk.
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Simon saw the lights on from outside. It was late- too late for Ava to be up, so he assumed you'd fallen asleep on the couch waiting for him. The thought brought a rush of warmth over him. How badly he missed you, desperately chasing the memory of your touch, your wonderful smell, but nothing compared to you, real and in the flesh.
Climbing out of his truck, he headed for the front door. He considered himself to be a man with composure, but returning home to his wife and daughter after so long had his heart racing, hands shaking as he put the key in the lock.
He entered quietly, not wanting to wake you, and when he rounded the corner he found you asleep on the couch, as he assumed, but with an arm wrapped around Ava.
The sight alone was enough to make his knees weak. Then, he heard you snore, reaching out to tuck Ava in closer to your chest. He let out a quiet sigh. The ache in his shoulders was unnoticeable now, when he leaned against the door frame and watched the sight before him.
The TV light flashed across your faces, the faces he'd missed the most. He had your photos in his vest at all times, his family, but it never sated the burning in his chest, the indescribable emptiness.
He never imagined himself that way; a father, a husband, but you had him wrapped around your finger and he didn't mind being there. For the first time, with you, he wanted a kid. He wanted something to nurture. You'd brought that out of him, you were so maternal it hurt, and he couldn't help but picture himself right there beside you.
Now, your daughter was 5. It didn't seem so long ago that you'd be at his apartment every weekend, finding every free second to spend together. You were a bit wilder back then, still were, but motherhood suited you. He couldn't deny, watching you through it all only made his love and attraction grow tenfold.
He owed you everything, you'd given him an amazing gift, and reignited the desire to connect, to feel. Though you didn't quite see it that way, he knew he'd spend every waking moment cherishing you.
He slowly sauntered over, pulling the blanket off Ava. He lifted her to his arms, and she stirred, though kept her eyes shut, still lightly snoring. The sound of her breaths, her arms instinctively wrapping around his shoulders, it made him melt. He nuzzled her head into his neck.
He realized he'd woken you up, and you went to stand up when he stopped you with a hand on your thigh.
"I've got her, sweetheart," He said.
You nodded, still disoriented, but happy beyond belief to see your husband, in one piece. You were sure you looked a nightmare, disheveled hair, dry drool on the side of your cheek, sweat lining your brow.
He disappeared down the hall with Ava in his arms, and you took the opportunity to get ready for bed.
Simon entered the master bedroom, finding you tying your hair up. Your eyes met his, shifting form your reflection in the mirror.
You smiled as he neared, your hands reaching out to glide over his shoulders. He pulled you in, a tight embrace, and squeezed once softly. He shut his eyes as he was enveloped by your touch, your smell. Utter ecstasy washed over him to be back in your arms, tangible and real.
He pulled away briefly, pressing his lips to yours, a tender, long kiss. He remembered how long he'd ached to feel you again, and the pure relief was overwhelming.
"Missed you," He said, muffled by your hair.
"I missed you too," You sighed, breathing in his scent. "Everything alright?" You asked, your voice in his ear.
He hummed in response.
"Ava go down okay?"
"She's out for the night, I reckon."
"She fell asleep at 8, think I only lasted until 9. She wanted to wait for her daddy," You said, pulling back.
His hands were still on your waist, his thumb moving in small circles comfortingly.
"S'alright," He said. "You wait up for daddy too?" He asked, his eyes narrowing at you.
You were wearing his shirt, your pyjama shorts were hidden underneath; it was practically a nightgown on you. There was nothing that aroused him more, your soft thighs peeking out from under the shirt, and he knew with all certainty that you weren't wearing a bra. He was hard just thinking about it.
You swatted his arm, "Simon," You scolded, a playful, bashful exclamation.
He pulled you into him again, eating up that coy reaction, you'd do it every time and he adored it more than anything. In reality, he knew you loved just how dirty he could be. Especially after going so long without feeling you, fucking you.
"Can't help it," He muttered. "Been gone too fuckin' long," He breathed.
"It's late- you must be exhausted," You said.
You tried to be reasonable, tried not to keep him up even though you were so desperate for him you were soaked already.
"Never too exhausted for you," He said, his hands travelling up your shirt to feel your skin against his.
He held you tightly, relishing the way you felt in his hands.
You smiled softly, pressing your lips to his gently at first, before he couldn't resist the taste of you and slid his tongue against yours. You whimpered quietly, exhaling against his face, your arms wrapping behind his neck to hold him as close as possible.
He lifted you to his hips with ease, his hands flat against your ass, squeezing teasingly.
"C'mere woman," He muttered against your mouth, making you throw your head back with a laugh.
You slapped a hand over your mouth, remembering your daughter soundly asleep across the hall.
"Oughta do somethin' about that loud mouth," He scolded.
You hummed with intrigue, your eyes glued to his as he walked the two of you to the bed. He landed on top of you as he laid you down on the bed.
"You're so lewd," You teased, surrendering to his body on top of yours.
He hummed, "You ain't even heard half'a what I wanna do to you."
He kissed your neck, delicate kisses that quickly turned hungry and you couldn't help the giggle that escaped your lips. Quieter this time, but enough to make his brow quirk up.
You nodded, "Think I better use my loud mouth," You whispered, your faces inches from each others.
His hands tugged your shorts off your thighs, calloused palms rubbing your soft skin. You shifted up to your elbows, watching with your lip between your teeth.
You went to lift the T-shirt over your head, when he stopped you.
"Leave it on," He said, his lips meeting yours in a reassuring kiss.
You nodded, following his lead as he unbuckled his belt, sitting himself on the edge of the bed. You knelt before him, shooing his hands away so you could do it yourself.
He was all adrenaline and testosterone, beyond aroused at the sight of you on your knees, no pants on, and wearing his shirt.
You slid his briefs down, exposing his cock. You wrapped your hand around his cock, and his head fell back, a sharp inhale raising his chest. When you pumped your hand up and down, he let out a low growl, his hand moving to your cheek with a tenderness nurtured by the time you'd spent apart.
"Christ, love," He breathed.
You didn't want to waste anymore time, and shifted upwards to have your tongue caress the head of his cock, engorged and thick, salty with pre-cum. He shivered, running his hand into your hair.
Wrapping your lips around him, you kept your eyes on his as you applied suction, hollowing your cheeks with vigour, resigned to pleasing him as much as you could. Your hand laid on his knee, the other wrapping around the base of his cock, pumping slowly to meet your lips, saliva already dripping down to add lubrication.
He cursed under his breath, his hand slowly closing into a fist in your hair, his chest rising and falling with every powerful breath. Your tongue massaged every vein and curve of his cock, paying attention to the grunts and groans of satisfaction that left his lips. It was hard not to be aroused by it, the approval in his tone, spoken without words.
Your head bobbing up and down, soft lips wrapped around his cock, silky tongue sliding against him at the same time- it was chilling, overwhelming, in the best way. Your hand continued further up his thigh, a comforting touch, a reminder that you were there, another layer of stimulation as if he needed any.
He groaned, a soft touch to his tone. "Missed your mouth."
You hummed, a thank you, filled with pride.
You were good, an expert in his pleasure just as he was with you. He'd learned every curve and detail of your body, and could break you down in seconds if he wanted to. His ego was broken at this point, pure vulnerability as your mouth sucked his cock, and he didn't mind one bit.
"Won't last long like this, love," He said, a strangled breath from his throat.
You exhaled through your nose, letting him fall from your mouth with a quiet 'pop'. He stood up, helping you across the bed to rest your head on the pillows.
His hands tugged at the shirt on your body, lifting it off your torso to savour the sight of your breasts, supple and inviting. You did the same for him, enjoying the vision before you; his hardened body, the dips and curves of every muscle, glowing with a thin layer of sweat. Your hands ran from his shoulders down to his torso, stopping at the trail of coarse hair disappearing beneath his briefs.
He had his eyes shut, savouring the softness of your hands on his body, shivering with anticipation. Only when his hands reached your breasts did he open his eyes, leaning down to take your nipple in his mouth, gently sucking and licking, teasing the pleasure to come. You shifted, antsy, restless. His other hand had palmed your breast, squeezing the pliable flesh in his hands.
"Fuckin' hell," He breathed, leaning over you.
He kissed your lips again, exploring your body with his hands, his lips not far behind. He reached your hips, slowly sliding your panties down your legs as he leaned in, his hands taking your thighs and pulling them over his shoulders. His lips kissed at the plush skin of your inner thighs, teeth biting into you gently, devouring you.
"Missed the taste of you," He said against you, warm air hitting your pussy, making you shiver.
You laid back, eyes closing as you digested his words; he knew exactly what to say to have you soaking wet, desperate and needy.
His tongue was smooth, warm and velvety against your clit. You gasped, relaxing into his hold as he ran small circles over your clit, your thighs twitching and jumping with every touch.
"Simon," You whispered, recognition of just how good he made you feel.
He was slow, passionate, savouring the taste of you, everything he'd thought about for weeks. The soft whimpers and moans you hid behind closed lips, the back of your hand pressed against your mouth, it drove him mad.
He clenched your thighs with possessive hands, flesh squeezing between his fingers, your toes curling against his back. Your hand drifted to glide through his hair, a gentle touch, some form of contact to keep you grounded. You let it rest on the back of his head, and he found it comforting. His eyes lifted to yours, his tongue sliding out, lightly flicking back and forth over your clit.
His lips were wet with your arousal, moving against your pussy, sucking and teasing at your clit. His tongue dove inside you, and your back arched, pressing yourself into his mouth. Your fingers tugged at his hair, a rumble of pleasure leaving his mouth.
It was sweet, sensual; a loving reunion. He was passionate about making you cum, especially when he hadn't seen you or touched you in so long. He thoroughly enjoyed the sight of you while he ate you out, you always had your lips parted, soft pants from your mouth, your eyes fluttering shut. Your cheeks took on a reddish hue, and the view from his position made him even harder.
He knew just what spots to touch, the pressure and speed that made your thighs shake. He never failed to make you climax quickly; and even after being apart, it seemed to be even easier. He buried his face in your pussy, head moving side to side as he devoured you, feeling your thighs clamp around his head, your fingers tug a bit harder at his hair.
He knew you were close, and when your entire body froze, rigid and tense, he knew the pulsating of your pussy followed shortly after. He softened his touch, prolonging your orgasm with every stroke of his tongue. You could hardly muffle the gasps and moans that forced their way out, biting into the back of your hand as your body shook with pleasure.
When he sat up to his knees, settling between your thighs, you saw his face glistening, wet with your arousal. He leaned closer, his lips meeting yours, tongues gliding together in an impatient kiss.
He slid inside of you- his favourite part, listening to your reaction as his cock pushed past the soft muscles inside you. You gasped quietly, your fingers digging into the taught muscles of his shoulders, sliding down his sides.
He let out a low groan; your warmth and wetness welcoming him home, absorbing him, hugging him. His head fell to the crook of your neck, his hand reaching your thigh to keep you in place beneath him, clamped tightly to his side.
He rolled his hips, burying himself inside you, deep inside you, your head falling in against the pillows.
"Shit, baby," You whined, your eyes squeezing shut as he filled you. "I missed you."
Your eyes snapped open to meet his gaze, your hands grasping the back of his neck, digging in as he thrusted his hips against yours.
"Couldn't stop thinkin' about you," He exhaled, his brows furrowed, a strained expression while he fought the urge to cum. "Y'feel so good, love."
He dug deeper, thrusting harder, watching your breasts recoil against his force, your entire body shining with a thin layer of sweat. He kissed your neck, sloppy, wet kisses.
"Don't stop baby, please," You whispered, your hand falling to rub fast circles over your clit.
A nasally groan bubbled up from the back of his throat as he felt your pussy clench, your eyes on his as you panted with exertion.
"Go on, love," He muttered. "I wanna feel you cum."
Your eyes rolled back, your abdomen tensing as you bore down through your climax, fighting the overstimulation. You gasped softly for air, pulling him even closer to you roughly. It was a harsh reflex he'd loved since the first time you did it.
He grunted in your ear, his cock throbbing when your pussy clamped down around him, nearly shaking his head in disbelief, restraint. His lips met yours as he quickened his pace, rutting his hips into you as he neared his climax.
He released inside you, shortening his thrusts as he came down from his high.
He pulled out slowly, cringing a bit with the over-sensitivity.
He laid down beside you, pulling you into his chest with heavy breaths. It was still, silent for a few moments as the two of you caught your breath, relishing in the tiredness and satisfaction.
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forestwhisper3 · 3 years
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It was all I could do to keep myself from gaping.
Gen, or Riley (and the sheer disbelief I felt at this couldn't be emphasized enough), didn't look that much older than I was, which was probably the most surreal part. When Ash had met him in the anime there had been a pretty big age difference, but...Ash was still a kid. For Riley to be close to our ages right now should have meant that Ash would have to have been well past ten when they'd first met in the show.
Yeah, I knew it was a decision made by the producers in order to keep it geared towards children, but now that I was here- or more that now that I was here and I knew none of us would be ten forever -It suddenly hit me just how much things were going to change with an older Ash going to those regions.
Hoo, boy...
All of this sort of passed through my mind in the time it took Riley to turn to me, curiosity plain as day on his face.
"Can you really understand him?"
I jerked back in surprise when he suddenly stepped forward and put a hand on my head. "Hey! What're you-"
"I knew it. You have Aura."
I had what now?!
He must have seen my utter shock and mistaken it for confusion, because he stepped back and smiled. "Aura. It's a latent power that all humans have, but the amount varies and not many people train it to where they can...uh..."
He paused and seemed to really notice what he was saying- and probably the fact that he was saying it to who he probably thought was a normal six-year-old girl.
"It's...kind of like a pokemon move," he amended, somewhat awkwardly. "Only we can use it too, and if you have enough, you can use it to talk to certain pokemon, like Riolu and Lucario."
I...was starting to get the feeling that kid Riley didn't have a lot of children his own age to hang out with.
I suppose it was lucky for him that I wasn't a typical little girl then.
"Actually...that's not why I can understand him."
He blinked in confusion. "What?
I fidgeted, wondering if I should really be admitting this when I'd literally only just told my family earlier today. Then again, this was Riley, who- despite being the slightly awkward duck he was at the moment -would grow up to be pretty much a modern-day knight in all but name. I could trust him, right? I was pretty sure I could.
Besides, I really wanted to hear more about aura- and the fact that I had it.
"Well...I can understand all pokemon. Not just aura using ones," I clarified.
His eyes widened. "How?"
"The pokemon in the forest near my home taught me," I explained, pointedly not mentioning the fact that I'd had to repeatedly sneak away for them to do so. "I asked them to."
"You...asked them to?"
"They were surprisingly agreeable about it."
Riley gave a sort of pause, then turned to look at Riolu, who only gave a sort of half shrug and nodded.
"You'd be surprised at how many humans don't think to do that," he said. "To be fair, it depends a lot on the kind of person who asks, but if we think they're alright then we don't have a problem with it."
"And you didn't tell me this before why?"
"Because you didn't ask."
Riley gave Riolu the stink eye, and the action was so unexpected that drew a laugh out of me.
Of course, that was more or less when Stoutland came barreling into the courtyard we were in, hackles raised and snarl fully in place as he came to a stop between me and Riolu.
"Were it not for your kind's noble history as well as the fact that you are still a pup yourself, I would have already attacked without hesitation or regret. Now, young aura wielder, tell me why you thought it was a good idea to take off with a member of my pack without warning?"
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xhannahbananax03 · 4 years
The Boyfriend Diaries- Chapter 3
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Words: 1.6k
Chapter Warnings: Mentions of depression, alluding to suicide, mentions of death and homelessness 
Once Riley was in the safety of a bus barn, she pulled the wig from her head and released her hair of all the bobby-pins. Shaking her red locks free, she ran a hand through her hair as she bit down on the pencil in her mouth.
She paced while staring at the same paper that held the news of Madison's suicide. There wasn't any mention of a note or a reason why she had done it. Just a eulogy, written by her mother, and few comments from friends and family.
But one comment caught her eye in particular. It was from a friend going to her high school.
"Madison was my best friend. Sure, she struggled in school with the other kids. But I never thought she'd do this. If only I had known..."
The rest of the comment was a bit mushy. But the first part of it seemed unapologetic and uncaring. But it was really the picture that caught her eye.
It was a picture of Madison and the girl who had made the statement, Stacey. It was a seemingly perfect summer day. But Madison was dressed in all black. Black jeans, black sweatshirt, even black boots. Not to sound cliche, but it definitely looked like a classic depressed teen.
Meanwhile, Stacey was distanced from the girl, only temporarily tearing her eyes away from her phone to give the camera a snarky smile. They didn't look like friends at all.
Riley circled over the statement and photo with her pencil before shoving the paper and other things into her bag. She decided that since the bus barn was still in use, she'd stay in one of the broken down busses behind the barn.
Sneaking around back, being careful to not get spotted by anyone in the neighboring houses, she found a perfect bus. It was smaller, damaged beyond repair so that meant nobody was going to come to fix it.
Forcing open the door, she stepped inside, stomping her foot down to make any critters run off. When the bus stayed silent, besides the whining of the old metal, she walked further back into it. Dusting off a seat, she pulled her blanket out and laid it across the seat before setting up her small travel pillow. It wasn't much, but it would do.
She then opened all the windows, she'd close them before she fell asleep, but it was Louisiana and it was hot, so she should get the stuffiness out before bed.
She sat down on her seat and pulled out her journal and a small snack, she'd have to go shopping tomorrow after school.
Dear diary,     Today was short, talked to Madison's mother but she didn't have much to say. I did find a note in her room, but unfortunately I wasn't able to get a picture of it before Mrs. Sticher caught me and kicked me out. Madison did blame that kid named Andrew for her death. Apparently, listening to those teenage gossip sites can be helpful sometimes.  She wrote, referring to the gossip site she had gotten this story off of the days before she came here.
Tomorrow will be my first day at the school here, it's only a little bit scary. But if I just keep my head down and do my job, it'll go by fast. Right?
She finished before closing up her journal. She finished up her granola bar and pulled out her water bottle. It was half empty and warm, but she was thirsty. She drank to fast before seeing that there was now only a sip left inside. Rolling her eyes at herself, she stood and looked out the windows in search of a hose or pump.
She spotted one a bit back, probably in case there was a fire. She left the bus and started for the blue water pump. When she finally got there, she had several grass cuts covering her ankles. Riley pulled the handle of the pump and waited a second before cold, clear water started running out of it.
She smiled and put her water bottle under it. Once it was filled, she took a giant drink and that's when the urge to pee hit her. Looking around, she spotted a bush and decided that would be the place to take care of business. Good thing she always carried a few tissues with her.
After she was done, Riley slowly made her way back towards the bus. Enjoying the sun and cool breeze, blowing her hair over her shoulders. The smile left her face when she saw a head in the bus. She ducked down and decided she had to run. That's when she remembered she had left her journal in there and she couldn't remember if she left it unlocked or not.
Pulling her pocket knife out, she snuck up to the back of the bus and watched to see if she could tell who it was, granted, she didn't know anyone in this town. But it wouldn't hurt to size the person up.
She saw it was a boy, about her age, light brown hair,  tall but lean. Maybe she could play this off as simply being a reckless high schooler, bored of being home.
Shoving her pocket knife back into her pocket, she stood straight, but still walked quietly over to the door, once she was there, she slapped her hand against the inside of the window, effectively making the kid jump.
He turned around to face her with wide eyes, "I swear I wasn't doing anything!" He squeaked in surrender, throwing his hands up beside his head. Riley couldn't help but chuckle, this kid was obviously harmless.
"Calm down. I'm not gonna hurt you." She said cooly, walking over to her seat and quickly doing a once over, seeing everything was still intact. "What're you doing in here?" She asked, plopping down in her seat and facing him.
"I'm just here with my dad. He works on the buses so I thought I'd take a look around." He said nervously, fumbling with his fingers and not making eye contact.
She tensed at the mention of his dad. If he knew she was here, he'd probably kick her out. "Uh listen," she said quietly, sitting up and finally he looked down at her. "You can't tell anyone I'm here ok? I just, I don't want to get in trouble."
He smiled a crooked smile and nodded his head, "I promise I won't tell." He looked around before sitting on the seat across from her, "My name is (enter name), what's yours?"
"Riley." She introduced herself with a bright smile, half fake, half real. "It's nice to meet you, (enter name)." It has been awhile since she was able to talk to a boy her age without planning on murdering him later. It was nice in a strange "normal" kind of way.
He paused for a moment, staring her down but it didn't make her feel threatened or uncomfortable, if anything she felt a little flattered, "So what're you doing here anyways?" He asked leaning his side against the back of his seat and quirking a messy eyebrow at her.
She smiled beginning to feel slightly uneasy as his dark eyes stared right into her soul, "Just bored of being home ya know?" She looked down, fiddling with her nails. The black polish was chipped and faded and she made a mental note to repaint them.
"Yeah I get that feeling..." he mumbled, turning to face the back of the seat in front of him before his head tilted back and he stared at the rusted ceiling of the old bus, "You're new here right? I've never seen you around her before."
She just nodded her head and murmured out a "Uh-huh..." before her eyes moved up to study his side profile. She was cute, even she had to admit but something about him seemed off, not right. Like he was being forever tortured by something and had no one to express that pain to. She could relate to that feeling all to well.
He opened his mouth like he was gonna say something but before he could, another man shouted out after him, "(Enter name)!"
They both jumped and he stood up quickly, "Uh I need to be going now." He said before quickly making his way back to the front of the bus.
"Wait! Um, (enter name), you promise you won't tell anyone that I was here, right?" She stood and watched him intently with a silent plea in her eyes.
He just chuckled and shook his head slightly, "Yeah, I won't tell anyone about the girl living in the bus. Scouts honour." He helped up three fingers on one hand and placed his other hand over his heart.
Riley's face paled slightly and she immediately went to defend herself, "I'm not.." the words died in her throat as he just laughed and slowly moved down the stairs towards the open doors.
"I'm no idiot Riley. I know a bed setup when I see one." That made her shut her mouth and blush slightly.
How could she be so stupid as to just leave her things out and think he wouldn't notice.
"See ya, Riley." He waved slightly before the man shouted for him again and he quickly moved out of the bus, being sure to not be spotted before he waved once more and ran to the front of the barn so his dad wouldn't know where he came from.
She sighed heavily and dropped back onto her seat before slipping her shoes off and laying on her back, one arm covering her eyes while the other fell off the side of the seat and he hand slid into her bag.
Her heart dropped when she realized her diary was no longer in there.
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