duaghterofstories · 2 months
Ny little sister was explaining the plot of Septimus Heap, and she forgot the villain’s name. So she just called him Joe. Iconic.
I did look up his name though, and his name is DomDaniel, which sounds like a cringy Alpha Male account on tiktok, but is in fact, a dude’s name.
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mrsometimes11 · 1 year
Re-reading Darke, got to the bit at the end of the Darke Halls, where Tertius Fume is trying to figure out who Sum (Septimus) is. Sep identifies himself as 'the Apprentice of the Apprentice of the Apprentice of DomDaniel', and Tertius Fume comes up with a shortlist of 7. This got me to wondering who the other 6 could be? We know that Sep is Marcia's first Apprentice, so these 6 must be Apprentices to Alther's Apprentices, of whom we only know Marcia, and Silas. Marcia's out, so maybe Silas had an Apprentice, or 6? None are ever mentioned, and Silas isn't exactly a talented Wizard, I can't see him taking on one Apprentice, let alone 6. Alther may have had more Apprentices, or Tertius could have been thinking of the Apprentice of the Apprentice of another of DomDaniel's Apprentices (granted he was immortal, so there could be any number of these).
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windypuddle · 1 year
domdaniel is like grover cleveland (has been the extraordinary wizard twice nonconsecutively)
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wilygryphon · 8 months
Did DomDaniel even have a reaction to learning that Merrin Meredith wasn't Septimus Heap and the real Septimus was one of his child soldiers? I'm sure it would have come up after Simon found his bones. That probably would have thrown him for a loop.
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xanderwithanx · 1 year
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This is where I live :-)
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alchemisticramblings · 2 months
anyways, septimus heap chess eating alignment chart
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me when i make one meme then extend it to the rest of the universe
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septimus-heap · 2 years
Something something simon ending up as not really marcia's apprentice but she's definitely teaching him magyk because oh what the fuck no that's the absolute worst way I've ever seen anyone do that including your father how are you alive go sit down im teaching you how to do this properly
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lovelyisadora · 9 months
Also I'm making a cerys+alther survive au rn!! They r having a good time <3
I hope thats not sarcasm because in my au they are very much not having a good time!
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chaos-has-theories · 1 year
Marcia DOES do the thing lots of times to her credit its just most of them r in the darke toad 😔 the exact passage is
Marcia directed her energies to Reviving those sailors who were brought out of the water half—or sometimes fully—drowned. If she got to them within three minutes of drowning, she knew she had a chance of saving them.
So that is. TECHNICALLY. Necromancy
I am absolutely willing to admit that that's necromancy by some definition
and even more willing to say that that Necromancer Marcia AU - I think that was one of yours? - lives rent-free in my mind.
But I also think it's HILARIOUS that she won an official necromancer tournament on those credentials. Even though she insists that she isn't one. Even though her main use of it is in a side story. Even though there's someone with the actual job title right there in the books
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drkineildwicks · 2 years
So I just finished rereading Septimus Heap: Physik
Next up is Queste which I vaguely remember the highlights of but not all of it so it’ll be nice to refresh myself
And after that the rest of the books I didn’t reread as frequently as the first two so it’ll be like a fresh read
I mean I vaguely remember bits from Syren but after that it’s like...one or two highlights and that’s it so I’m looking forward to it
Also I’ve been rereading these books after dinner and on vet trips and on one of the last vet trips someone at the vet’s saw the book cover and asked about it so I might have introduced Septimus Heap to someone new?
Also I vaguely remember the rivalry between Marcia and Marcellus (how did I just now notice the name similarities???) and thought it a tad overblown but after rereading Physik I don’t think so
Sep this guy stole five months of your life don’t be romanticizing or downplaying it Nicko and Marcia are right it was a kidnapping
And I’m wondering how death works in the Magyk world now
Because yeah ghosts but some of the older ghosts are very transparent and apparently this happens with age
But I remember from Queste that DomDaniel’s bones get eaten by Spit Fyre and that kills him a second time and coupled with the BoneFyre from Physik getting rid of Etheldredda and the Aie-Aie I’m wondering if there’s a second death a la Coco and I have concerns.
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meganelixabethh · 7 months
Ok so we all agree watching the violent murder of your mentor and best friend while trying to save your friends baby and prevent yourself from also being murdered is a rough time. We also all agree that Marcia had to get over that very quickly because she had the tower to run and the Heaps to keep safe and the Supreme Custodian to keep in check. But here is what I think the run of events was like from the moment she leaves the palace to the moment she goes to bed that night
She absolutely pegs it down wizard way, pressing Jenna against her front so not to jostle her too much, and taking full advantage of her very long legs. When she bursts through the doors of the wizard tower all the wizards are gathered there, excited to see Alther and Marcia back from visiting the the Queen and the baby. Marcia bursts in, her hair is wild, she’s holding a crying baby, the amulet is hastily thrown around her neck and she is COVERED in blood. I’m talking soaked into her robes, splattered on her face, smeared on Jenna’s swaddling; she looks like she dressed up as Carrie for Halloween. All the wizards immediately think she’s done something to Alther; they can’t help but think about what happened to DomDaniel and wonder if it will become tradition for the apprentice to kill the master to supplant them. Marcia tells them what’s happened and who the baby is in a quick and panicked voice. She stopped crying on the run down the way, and she can feel the tears drying into her cheeks and making her skin feel stiff. The wizards immediately feel bad for doubting her and horrified at what she witnessed, they know how close she and the Queen were.
The wizards begin to cast protection spells around the tower and Endor, who is older than Marcia, comes over and gives her a bottle for Jenna, who is crying the entire time while Marcia rocks her and gently tries to shush her. She’s not called Jenna yet, and Marcia calls her Mattie, because Cerys was going to call her Mathilde after her mother. When Jenna goes to sleep, she thinks about putting her down but can’t face it, opting to hold her instead. When the spells are cast, the wizards reconvene around her. She’s sat on a chair looking at Jenna sleeping, and she looks up, a splatter of Cerys’ blood still on her nose, at the expectant faces of the wizards, and realises that it’s her that has to deal with this now. She’s in charge. It’s her. She looks down again and, even though she always imagined Jenna would grow up with her near, she knows she can’t stay here. She thinks of who can have her and her mind leaps to Silas. He did over half of the apprenticeship she just completed, and he left it all behind to look after his children. She knew Jenna had lost so much that day, but Marcia couldn’t bear the thought of her losing all the love she was going to have too- because this baby was going to be so very loved. She told the wizard she was going to take the baby to a safe place and got up to leave. Endor stopped her and reminded her that she looked like she had just witnessed a double murder and that she couldn’t just walk to whoever she was leaving the baby with and pass them over, it would be too suspicious. Marcia told her who she was was going to leave the baby with and Endor set off to find a way for Marcia to pass the baby over covertly.
When she left, Marcia took the stairs up to the rooms her and Alther had lived in so happily. She walked in and placed Jenna on the sofa, awake now but contented, and squarely ignored the door to Althers room and the bowl of half eaten porridge he’d left on the table. When she looked in the mirror, she startled at the sight of herself, and in panic performed a QuickClean spell. She knew she wasn’t meant to use Magyk for comfort, but Silas would never take a baby off her if she looked like that. She also needed to wear the ExtraOrdinary robes. If she was wearing her green robes Silas would 100% insist on talking to Alther and she wasn’t going to have time to explain everything that had happened today. She knew that the robes appeared on the wizard when they accepted their role as ExtraOrdinary. She looks in the mirror and says ‘I accept the role of ExtraOrdinary wizard’ but nothing happens. She tried to think it to herself, say it out loud like an affirmation, look at her exam results, but nothing happens. She’s still wearing her green apprentice robes. While she tries, she feeds Jenna again, who promptly falls back to sleep and Endor comes back. She tells Marcia that Silas has gone into the forest for herbs and will be back around when it gets dark, which is soon. Marcia knows nobody will be on the forest path that late, and that she can leave Jenna by the side of the road and Silas should Sense her. Endor makes it clear she needs to go now, and Marcia knows she’s right. The acceptance of her role sweeps through her and her robes change to the deep purple robes of her new position. She’s never worn Althers robes before, and they feel deeply powerful around her.
She hurries to the gate to get out to the forest path, her robes drawn around her and Jenna tucked out of sight inside. Dusk is just falling as she finds a bush and leaves Jenna there. She double checks that she can Sense her heartbeat clearly from the path, and she definitely can. Feeling as though she is ripping her heart out of her body, she walks away from the baby and goes to wait in the shadows of the lane she knows Silas will take once back in the castle, distractedly pressing a half crown into Gringes sticky palm as she passes. She waits longer than she would like, worrying about Jenna more and more every passing minute. Maybe she’s expecting too much of Silas, and Jenna will die of hypothermia by the side of the road. Cerys would come back from the dead to kill Marcia with her bare hands if that happened, and Marcia can’t quite bring herself to complete any thought that begins with her vibrant friend being dead. Just as she’s about to scurry back out the gate herself, she sees Silas hurrying down the lane, cloak pulled protectively around something and she knows it’s going to be okay. As he approaches her spot she sweeps out in front of him ‘tell nobody you found her, she was born to you, underhand?’ Is the best she can come out with before Transporting herself back to the tower. She couldn’t bear him asking questions.
When she gets back to the tower, everyone is in bed, even Endor, so she steps onto the stairs and unfocuses her eyes for a moment as the stairs lazily curl upwards on their slow night time mode. Her arms feel odd and empty without Jenna. She realises she forgot to tell Silas that the baby was called Mathilde. Another way she failed today. When she gets into her rooms she walks to her bedroom door in a daze, desperately tired and dreaming of falling into bed and never waking up. She walks straight into the door and no matter how hard she rattles, it won’t open. As she’s pushing at the door, Althers door opens with a creak, and Marcia realises that her new role isn’t just a set of robes, it’s a room too. There is no longer an apprentice, so the apprentice room is locked. She will not sleep in his bed. Not tonight. Not when he’s lying cold on the floor of the throne room. She casts an UnLocke on her door and rattles it again, nothing. She tried a different UnLock. Nothing again. She cycles through every spell she knows that might help and then makes some up and the stupid door will not budge. She tried a thunderflash, it doesn’t even dent it, she tries to shapeshift the door into an ant, it just stares back at her. She loses her temper and screams that she won’t sleep in his bed while she beats the door with her fists and her palms. She sobs, she screams, she throws the porridge bowl at the sofa and splatters the nice cushions with oats. She eventually ends up on the floor, laying on her side, tears sliding straight over her nose and onto the floor without her even blinking. She fuzzes out of the world for a while; the table legs blurring out of focus as she settles into the pleasant feeling of nothing mattering. She’s not sure how long she stays there but there wasn’t light when she left her mind and there is when she comes back. Her limbs feel heavy and she doesn’t want to move even though she knows she must. Endor will knock on her door soon and nobody can see this. Endor will knock on her door and patiently wait to be called in. If Marcia never says ‘come in’, Endor never will. Alther is gone. Cerys is gone. Milo is gone. There is nobody coming to pick her up off the floor and she doesn’t have the luxury of dying of thirst right in this spot. She heaves herself up and pick up the jagged parts of the broken bowl she threw earlier. She performs a Clean spell on the sofa but the stain won’t come out. She’s going to need a new one.
I warned you @septimus-heap
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mrsometimes11 · 1 year
Best Father Figure
I know Father's Day was yesterday, but I'm doing this anyway
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maeday492 · 16 days
Just finished re-reading Magyk, these are my thoughts:
I love love love this novel and Angie Sage’s method of characterization which makes even the most despicable characters charming. And it’s definitely and intriguing introduction to the world she created for these characters. 10/10 recommend if you love fantasy and family feels.
Also it’s remarkable how much one can forgot about something, even if they treasure it immensely. So here’s a list of plot points forgotten by me
Somehow forgot about Septimus’ unknown identity and the red herrings leading up to the reveal
And the corresponding incredibly important world-building Angie Sage devoted to rat society
The villain’s name being DomDaniel of all names
The existence and eternal teenage (more like preteen) ball of angst that is “the apprentice”/fake-septimius/Merrin
How traumatized and scared Boy 412/Septimus is for the majority of the novel (he spends like half of it mute?!!?!!)
The existence of the Young Army and Chief Custodian
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chickencowcow · 1 month
Can you say more about your Sep Heap world DnD campaign 👀
Yeah totally! Sorry this took me so long, you caught me right in the middle of finals season.
So like. The campaign is one that we lovingly refer to as Foryx, is DMed by my boyfriend, @thebugaboy
There are five PCs in the campaign:
Amestrias "Tris" Waelrue (she/they): an eladrin bard/warlock played by @voidthatdraws
Sivala "Sylvir" Waelrue Persipa (don't ask but like he/him but really she/her): an eladrin rogue/bloodhunter played by myself :]
Honey Locust (any): a warforged druid played by @sofilophisaurus
Hanne Borgerson (she/her?): a half-orc cleric played by @actually-rj
Myrela (they/them): a vedalken artificer, played by a friend that I don't have the Tumblr of.
Nobody plays a Heap (we used to have someone who played Simon Heap but she had to leave the campaign) but there are ties between the PC's and the Heaps, like:
Sylvir and Simon Heap were childhood best friends and they ended up dating in their teens. Their relationship ended when Sylvir ran away from home after DomDaniel temporarily stole the ExtraOrdinary Wizard position from Marcia
Tris and Jenna Heap dated in their teens and she was friends with Septimus and Beetle. Their relationship went sour after a bad argument (from what I'm told) and Septimus and Beetle ended up taking Jenna's side and ditching her.
Honey Locust has??? some type of connection to both the Heaps and the Waelrues??? And basically is protective over both the Waelrue kids and the Heap bunch.
Uhhh a BUNCH of stuff has been changed from the book canon? I haven't read the books in a while so I don't know everything accurately and im not gonna go into much detail (that's a job for my DM) but. Uhhhh. The Waelrues are the family that's been in charge of the Manuscriptorium for three? Generations now? With Tris just taking her position as Chief Hermetic Scribe the day the campaign started.
The absolute basic plot synopsis is that the whole gang and their gaggle of NPCs are going back in time to use Alchemical Fyre to destroy the Two-Faced Ring on an implied Manuscriptorium work trip, and they're also there to rescue Septimus and Jenna from the past. Sylvir and Tris have a... strange relationship. Honey Locust used to be a tree. Myrela is an alchemical apprentice who delights in eavesdropping and drama. Hanne doesn't know what the fuck is going on but is deeply deeply intruiged. Nicko, Snorri, and Simon all joined in on the quest and so did Sylvir and Tris's father, which made everything a lot more awkward.
There's a lot more to it (a LOT) but that's what I've got for rn! Tris's player draws her a lot so go check out their art and Honey Locust's player just released an AMV that looks really good but I am unfortunately banned from watching it because Spoilers. I know our DM has made art of Jenna before, as well as a few NPCs but I'm unsure how much he's posted. Anyway, thanks for the ask! :]
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jadenightthewriter · 9 months
HI HI I am talking abt the au bc my dad woke me up even though I don't have to be up for another 2 hours <3
SO. It is exactly what it says on the tin. Something rewinds time seconds before they find out who boy 412 is. And only the ppl who were on the bridge remember. Why does this happen well idk I uh. Haven't thought abt that <3 potentially the ring wizards being fucky. Anyway this is mostly fine for everyone because they're just. Back at their homes. Marcia takes the longest to realise she's not going insane but that's only bc she lives alone and when alther shows up like what the fuck was that. Then she realises. Marcia pretty much immediately takes action against the custodian because she was afraid to before because of The Consequences but domdaniel becoming eow is the alternative so. The first thing she does is shut down the young army because fuck all that shit and also because they are all extremely worried about boy 412. They try to find him but the only record of a "boy 412" that the ya has says he died 2 years ago at age 14 which obviously isn't right so they have to stop lookig for a little while bc. Things happen (the custodian realises what's happening and lashes out) and marcia is distracted for like a month. The heaps temporarily move into the wizard tower for safety. They shut down the custodian of course and reveal jenna as the princess and everything calms down and marcia is IMMEDIATELY back to searching for boy 412.
And he has been having kind of an awful time <3 when he was suddenly back in the young army he was upset for a few seconds but then went well. Of course none of that was real. That was far too much to hope for. And became even more depressed than he had been when he was in the ya before. He stops eating and doesn't drink very much and is rlly slow to follow orders and if it weren't for marcia shutting down the ya he would have died. He still nearly does bc the orphanages they all get sent to r so busy that no one notices anythings wrong until he faints one day seemingly out of nowhere. And then he ends up in hospital bc he still won't eat (do they have hospitals???? Idk they do now). And marcia finds him there <3 bc she had. Suspected. That he had perhaps lied about being "boy" 412 mostly bc he always looked rlly happy when they called him that or used he/him for him and that's a little bit odd if u r cis. So once everything calms down she goes to look for a girl 412 and well. Yeah she finds him and is very worried and upset and under the excuse of "the wizard tower sick bay could provide better care" she takes him home with her. And actually takes him to the sick bay bc he rlly does look ill and also hasn't been eating or drinking At All. And the sick bay concludes there is nothing physically wrong with him and as long as he just. Eats food normally from now on he should be fine. And then he gets to move in with Marcia <3 and most of the heap kids r there also bc they love hanging out in her apartment and messing with her belongings. There is slightly more to this but I'm leaving it here so I can go back to sleep <33
ohhhhhhh this is absolutely glorious I would have more thoughts but it’s been a long day so the only thing in my brain is “ooooooooh”
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emoboybattle · 1 year
Merrin propaganda: this kid is like 14 and he got so mad at not being the chosen one that he stole the most cursed artifact of all time (the two-faced ring) from the most evil wizard of all time (DomDaniel) by cutting off his finger to take the ring, because the ring is so cursed that it can only come off your thumb “the Other way”
Literally just so he can be extremely 14 about it
!!! Our first propaganda!!
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