#The Black Magician Trilogy
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briarfox13 · 9 months
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Got an early birthday/Christmas present from mum 💚
The Black Magician Trilogy was my favourite as a teen, and I'm so happy to have these beautiful special editions ❤️🥺
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corainne · 7 months
I don't think there is a feeling quite like returning to a book series that defined and saved you once upon a time. That it still feels utterly familiar, as if it hadn’t been years since you last picked it up
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shikitsuka · 1 year
Day three after finishing the trilogy. My mourning for Lorlen continues
Gotta love books making you sad for a character that never existed XD
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ladyliesbeth · 1 year
I really love the BMT-Fandom over at ao3. Everyone is so grown up an nice and cheering everyone making you just feel good. Also all the new fanfic’s are so good! All these little details…
But maybe that’s the perk of writing in a Fandom that’s old and not to popular- everyone is grown up and the people sticking to it just have read the books so often they can’t write something OOC.
(After remembering how long it had been since I’ve read the books the first time I am now feeling old myself)
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waitafrikk · 2 years
Trudi canavan books are criminally underrated
The black magician trilogy (and sequels) has banger world building, plot and characters (two gay men and one wlw couple (im not sure what their labels are , probably bi and lesbian))
The age of 5 is my favourite, its got a really cool concept and explains the lore without that much expo dump I dont think. The main character is also got a girlboss for reasons I cannot say due to spoilers.
Millieniums rule is my least favourite but it still bangs, its got a bisexual guy in the last book, one of the main characters is a dark skinned girlboss and the other character is in love with a book?? It makes sense i prommy
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raventhekittycat · 2 years
Lorlen is a absolute drenched cat of a man. A poor little meow meow without the crimes. Everytime I reread it my fondness for him grows stronger.
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mintmentos · 2 years
Warring with being mad that dannyl and tayend never even kissed on page and loving the fact that they are one of only 2 couples to say they loved each other
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I read a fantasy book series called The Black Magician Trilogy by Trudi Canavan. It primarily follows a female protagonist, but somewhere in the second book it also starts adopting the viewpoint of a male character in the story, Dannyl, and his interactions with another man who is attracted to him and is a "lad" (the admittedly hilarious term for a gay man in the world).
This intrigued me because male-male attraction had never featured in any of the other dozen or more fantasy series I had read. I couldn't put my finger on why I was so absorbed into this little side-plot at the time, but now it's clear I was in the desert of heteronormativity and craving queer media and stories wherever I could find them. The character Dannyl originally presents as straight, politely rejecting the attraction of the other man while also sympathizing with his plight (as Dannyl himself had been teased along similar lines in school). However, it turns out that Dannyl had actually been subconsciously using his magic to suppress his homosexual attraction to avoid ridicule and persecution, and he only realizes this after a dreadful ordeal leaves him drained of all his magic. I had barely seen any portrayals of the psychological toll of being in the closet, let alone one in a fantasy world, and this really stuck with me.
Dannyl in the end decides to accept who he is and be with the man he loves, and I think this was also one of the first times I can recall a gay love story being celebrated as opposed to mocked or, at most, briefly acknowledged. I think it was a subtle gay awakening for me, opening my mind to the possibility of happiness and love in non-heteronormative relationships.
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maddiesbookshelves · 2 years
The Black Magician trilogy, by Trudi Canavan (January 2023)
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sorry you're getting the kinda ugly French covers because the other covers are worse
This year, like every other, the magicians of Imardin gather to purge the city of undesirables. Cloaked in the protection of their sorcery, they move with no fear of the vagrants and miscreants who despise them and their work-—until one enraged girl, barely more than a child, hurls a stone at the hated invaders...and effortlessly penetrates their magical shield. What the Magicians' Guild has long dreaded has finally come to pass. There is someone outside their ranks who possesses a raw power beyond imagining, an untrained mage who must be found and schooled before she destroys herself and her city with a force she cannot yet control.
Would I recommend it to anyone? I've already had two of my friends read it, hehe. So yes, it's a good ol' fantasy series like we like them.
Level of (dis)satisfaction based on the summary and my expectations? It was a reread, this series is one I grew up with so it's one of my favorites. Since it had been a while since I'd last read it, I wanted to see if it stood the test of time in a way.
My thoughts on it? Some elements have aged and I think some of the romances we see are pretty awkward. But I'm still in love with the world and the story as a whole.
French version under the cut
Comme chaque année, les magiciens d'Imardin se réunissent pour nettoyer la ville des indésirables. Protégés par un bouclier magique, ils avancent sans crainte au milieu des vagabonds, des orphelins et autres malandrins qui les haïssent. Soudain, une jeune fille ivre de colère leur jette une pierre... qui traverse sans effort le bouclier magique dans un éclair bleu et assomme l'un des mages.
Ce que la Guilde des magiciens redoutait depuis si longtemps est arrivé : une magicienne inexpérimentée est en liberté dans les rues ! Il faut la retrouver avant que son pouvoir incontrôlé la détruise elle-même, et toute la ville avec elle. La traque commence...
Est-ce que tu le conseillerais à quelqu’un ? J'ai déjà fait lire la série à deux amis, héhé. Du coup oui, c'est une bonne série de fantasy comme on les aime.
Niveau de déception/satisfaction par rapport au résumé et tes attentes ? C’était une relecture, cette série fait partie de celles qui ont bercé mon adolescence et c’est donc une de mes préférées. Comme ça faisait des années que je l’avais pas lue, je voulais voir si elle était à l’épreuve du temps en quelque sorte.
Avis sans spoiler ? Certains éléments ont vieilli et je trouve que les différentes romances qu’on a au fil des tomes sont assez maladroites. Mais je suis toujours aussi fan de l’univers et de l’histoire de manière générale.
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The problem with being fascinated by magic systems too much is that you
A) can’t answer the questions because you don’t know more than the books
B) run the risk of becoming a mad magic scientist/scholar because you Need To Know
This post came about because I thought about how CPR might work on magicians killed by black magic in the Black Magician Trilogy (Trudi Canavan, love her stories) and if by putting some energy back into them with CPR, they would live again?
I fear becoming a mad scientist in that world with a Thief friend at my side 😊
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1. The Magicians’ Guild
2. The Novice
3. The High Lord
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snowdropsandtigers · 11 months
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A nice thing this month was receiving the Illumicrate Exclusive editions of The Black Magician Trilogy by Trudi Canavan! They look so nice, and I love the author’s paintings. It’s a been a beloved series for me since 2004, and has warm fandom memories. I’m glad to have it in a fancier version. 🥰
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imnotalwaysbrave · 9 months
A while ago, *I know* that there were sketches for TBM by Trudi Canavan herself. Like characters, buildings and so on. And now I can't find them! But I know that they must exist somewhere....
Please send help.
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waitafrikk · 2 years
one of my biggest fears is that "booktok" gets its grubby little hands on any books written by trudi canavan. i know its very pretentious blah blah blah but if a book has the word tiktok anywhere near it i wont touch it.
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raventhekittycat · 2 years
I just realized he didn't finish the sentence out loud because of the ring when Lorlen asked about Sonea. He conveyed more with his mind instead which is why Lorlen was able to smile in the end.
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