#The Clutching Foot
esmes · 8 months
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that wouldn't be too painful, would it? 🎥 @theriddletrades
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ppanhwi · 7 months
CTCD suit 👔
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nifflering · 9 months
I was just watching Abby Cox's video on mourning and funeral gifts in the Victorian Era, and this headcannon entered my mind.
The victorians used to have so called “mourning rings” which “mostly symbolized your connection to the person you lost, the sentimental value and the emotional impact (of the relationship)”.
They could have jewels, diamonds or even the person’s hair in them and were reserved for the closest friends and family members.
So, naturally I come to the conclusion that eight would keep locks of hair of people or things that remind him of them.
To me he seems like a locket guy and melancholically and wistfully stares at his memorabilias while bathed in the blue light of the tardis.
Remembering his granddaughter, lost dearest companions or friend, lover, best enemy.
Also the act of cutting one’s hair and giving it to someone else was also considered a token of love and friendship, to “hold the essence of someone deseased”.
Missy would just pluck out or suddenly cut 12's hair without comment and if he complained she would call him a child.
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wizardlyghost · 7 days
need to be put in the machine that twists your bones and muscles into symmetrical and healthy positions
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my favorite thing about supernatural is when they randomly forget Baby is a clutch
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flickys-courage-club · 9 months
What If Barry was added to the Revenge Plan in Ball Of Revenge (CTCD Fanfic)
(Characters: Courage, Muriel, Eustace, Barry(OC), Katz, Le Quack, Cajun Fox, Weremole, Black Puddle Queen, Clutching Foot and Freaky Fred[cameo])
(This is a What If... of CTCD episode "Ball of Revenge." The episode is the same but instead Eustace and the villains didn't come up with the revenge plan to kill Courage, instead the villains enter the basement themselves and find Barry in here, they added him to their revenge plan with the use of gaslighting)
(It starts with Muriel knitting a blanket, Eustace was sitting in his chair and Courage was watching Barry playing with his two plushies)
Muriel: Almost done, I thought that periwinkle would be a wonderful colour but oh the mellow yellow would be wonderful
Eustace: Yellow schmellow! Hurry it up! I'm freezing!
Muriel: And done! Oh look how lovely it is!
Eustace: (tosses his black blanket away) Come to papa! (As he reaches for the blanket)
(Muriel places the blanket on the floor)
(Courage has the blanket covering his body)
Muriel: Gorgeous!
(Courage sees Barry hugging his plushie, though he doesn't want him to feel left out, so he places the blanket over him too. Barry smiles at Courage and the two began to snuggle in the blanket together)
Muriel: Oh Courage, how generous of you, giving your blanket to Barry
Eustace: Muriel! What are you doing? Giving my new blanket to that filthy dog and that filthy cat!
Muriel: Oh Eustace, you have that perfectly comfy chair to sit in. And what does Courage have? Only a wee blankie and he has been so generous to share his blankie with Barry
Eustace: Courage, Courage, Courage. That stupid dog gets all the good stuff around here. I hate that stupid dog!
(Courage looks at Eustace after he hears his response, which hurts his feelings. Barry looks at sad Courage, he stands up to talk to Eustace about this)
Barry: Mr Bagge, why would you say that to Courage? He is your dog and you should treat him with respect-
Eustace: Shut it you stupid cat, your like that stupid dog except your more of a coward than him because your always scared of everything like him. I wished that stupid dog wouldn't "babysit you" ever again!!
(Muriel and Courage gasp by this, as Barry stood still by Eustace's response. However, Barry began sniffing and tears began rolling all over his face)
Eustace: (sarcastically) Great. Your crying already. Give it a rest stupid cat-
(Barry raises his toy gun at Eustace which shoots a cork right at his face)
Eustace: (get hits by a cork) Ow! You stupid cat!
(Barry stomps his foot and says to him angrily)
Barry: (angrily with tears over his face) WELL YOU DESERVE IT!! MAYBE YOU MIGHT TO GIVE IT A REST TOO!!!
(Barry begans sobbing, Courage tries to comfort him but Barry runs out of the living room then to the basement door, shutting it)
(Courage and Muriel look at Eustace, Muriel was mad at Eustace for what he said to Barry with Courage having an paranoid expression on his face)
Muriel: Eustace Bagge! How could you say such horrible stuff to poor Barry! You made that poor cat cry!
Eustace: Whatever! We can't have another pet like the stupid dog.
Muriel: You don't understand that Courage has helped Barry's family by babysitting him everyday
(Courage worryingly hears the two argue over Barry which worries him even more, so hides underneath his blanket until it ends)
Eustace: You can give it a rest too Muriel!! I'm going up now while you two go off helping that stupid cat (goes upstairs to his bedroom and shuts the door)
Muriel: Hmph!
(Muriel looks at Courage coming out of the blanket, whining and worrying about Barry)
Muriel: Oh Courage, I do hope Barry is ok right now... Hmm, I know! Why don't we head out to groceries so we can get something that might cheer Barry up?
Courage: Mmhmm
(Then it cuts to Barry in the basement, sitting on a stool, rubbing his tears, snffing and cradling his legs)
(Then it cuts again to the outside of the Nowhere, where six figures walking close to the farmhouse
???: This might be it, right here!
???: That's a farmhouse see
(The six then look at the farmhouse and one of them sees the door to the basement)
???: There's a door right here, let's see where it leads us too
(One of the figures open the basement door and heads down, along with the other five)
(The six figures reveal themselves to be Katz, Le Quack, Cajun Fox, Weremole, Black Puddle Queen and Clutching Foot as they look around the basement)
Cajun Fox: Your quite sure this is a good hideout for our revenge plan cat
Katz: Yes
Le Quack: Well look around you renard, there are chairs and a table
(The six then sat around each chair except one)
Cajun Fox: Huh, there's only one chair left. But who's gonna sit here
(The six then hear sounds of sniffing and little cries, they get up and check)
(Then they all see Barry with tears over his face, rubbing each of them. Cajun Fox walks to him, placing his hand on his shoulder)
Cajun Fox: Hey cat, what's sobbin' here? you lookin' pretty sad all over your lil eyes
Barry: (looks at each of them staring at him, then he jumps in fright and he almost falls off the stool since Cajun Fox picked him up and place him back onto it)
(Katz walks to Barry with a glare on his face)
Katz: Now tell us… what are you doing in here before we arrive
Barry: (sniffs) It's all because of Mr Bagge, he was being really mean to me all the time. He said that I'm a stupid cat and he wished that i… would never be here ever again…. Then I got upset at him and ran out immediately crying over here. Then Muriel became upset at him and then she and Mr Bagge argued a bit! (sniffs) why is this happening to my life right now?
(Katz sighs as he sits by and looks at Barry)
Katz: Dear boy, The farmer and his wife are arguing about you, you see. The farmer thinks that you aren't good enough for this and he says that your like that dog. And when your acting too much of a coward, even causing loads of problems to everyone around here. You'll be an outcast. And you would be disowned of this place, even the ones you love will not love you, and shouldn't be around you, because of what have you done. And they would do things that are worse than... death. Maybe it would be best if you will never, ever, ever talk to these "people" ever… again
Barry: But… then I wouldn't meet anyone and make any friends
Cajun Fox: Hey cheer up cat, We six right here can be your new buddies
Barry: I don't know about that. I don't think I should trust you guys-
Cajun Fox: Yeah you can, we're all great pals and believe me, we never caused a teeny weeny lil argument in our gang. So, Whaddya say cat (raises his paw out)
Barry: Well… ok
(Barry raises his paw out and the two handshake)
Katz: Perfect!
(It cuts to the six and Barry sitting on chairs)
Barry: (looks at each of them) So, why did you guys came in the basement for
All (except Barry): Revenge!
Barry: Revenge?
All (except Barry): Revenge on that stupid dog!! (They all laugh evilly)
Barry: (feels shocked about this) You're gonna get revenge on Courage?!?! But he's my friend-
Katz: (places his hand on Barry's mouth with a serious expression) We don't… want to hear that! (Takes his hand out of Barry's mouth)
Barry: Oh, sorry
Katz: Don't you apologies
Barry: Yes sir… So how is the revenge plan gonna work out
(The six discuss the plan together with Barry listening and writing the plan down)
Barry: That can work out
Le Quack: That's more we like it (pats Barry's head)
Cajun Fox: Hey since we are all a group, we should give it a name, like The Sin Seven!
Katz (annoyed): There is one like that you stupid fox
Cajun Fox: Oh
Barry: Maybe… The… Revenge Seven
Le Quack: Ooh la la~ parfaite(perfect), petite chat(little cat)
(Barry looks at the each of them with an anxious look as they laugh sinisterly)
(Then it cuts to Muriel and Courage who came back from the grocery store)
Muriel: I'm sure Barry would be happy that we brought some chocolate rabbits for him
Courage: Mmhmm
(Muriel and Courage head to the living room, to the basement door. Muriel knocks it)
Muriel: Barry! Barry! Are you alright?
(The Revenge Seven look at the door, Barry stood up)
Barry: Let me get it! (heads upstairs and opens the door) Hey Muriel. Hey Courage
Muriel: How are you feeling now Barry?
Barry: I'm fine. It's just that i-
Revenge Seven, heard offscreen: Destroy that stupid dog!!
Muriel: Barry? What was that dear?
Barry: Uhh, (shakes anxiously) Uhh— (quietly) What do I do?
Cajun Fox, offscreen: Lie man, lie!
Barry, quietly: How?
Cajun Fox, offscreen: Say that we're your new friends and your part of a friend group
Barry: (quietly) Ok! (Turns around to Muriel and Courage) These are my new friends and I'm part of a friend group and… (looks at Courage) sorry Courage, no dogs allowed (shuts the door) (Then he opens the door slightly again) Oh and could you bring in six sandwiches and cut one of them into five slices
Muriel: Why sure Barry dear
(As Muriel made the sandwiches, Courage stirs the pudding)
Muriel: Keep stirring the pudding Courage, we don't want it to burn
(Then to the basement as Barry comes downstairs, the Six started their revenge plan)
Le Quack: So how does our plan gotta be settled like this
Katz: Yes, something cunning and something that brings her terror to her flesh
Barry: Hmm… maybe we would-
(Muriel is seen coming to the basement, with a tray of five sandwiches)
Barry (has his arms flapping): Muriel's coming!!! Huh? (however he realises that they are holding newspapers as he looks at them confused)
Muriel: (places the tray down on the table) Well, everyone help yourself to a finger sandwich (she then stands beside Barry and rubs his head) Oh Barry dear, I'm sorry about before. Eustace can be like this mainly
Barry: It's alright Muriel, I'm sorry-
(As Barry was about to apologise, Black Puddle Queen places the newspaper down, takes the sandwich and bites it, then she goes back to reading the newspaper. Barry looks at Puddle Queen nervously)
Barry, whispers: Your siren-ness! We can't have Muriel see you
Muriel: Barry, who is this friend you have?
(Barry shakes nervously at Muriel)
Muriel: Barry, are you feeling alright dear
(Barry shakes as he sees a cup of juice by Cajun Fox, he raises his toy gun which shoots a cork right at the cup, spilling onto Cajun's lap)
Cajun Fox, madly: Hey! What gives!
Barry: (points at Muriel) She did it! Seize her!!
Muriel: Barry, what's going on- (muffles as she is covered by a burlap sack)
(As Muriel wakes up, she is chained above a cauldron of boiling oil)
Muriel: Barry, what's going on in here
Barry: Sorry Muriel- (when he walks to Muriel, he was stopped by Le Quack)
Le Quack: Don't you apologies petite chat
Muriel: So, for all of you six, this is one of those deadly friends group isn't it
Big Toe: Forget that, we want that dog now get screaming see
Muriel: No, I won't do it
Katz: (by the washing machine) Allow me! (Puts red and white clothes into the washing machine while sinisterly laughing)
Muriel: No!!! Don't mix the colours!!!
(Katz pours bleach into the washing machine and slams the door while sinisterly laughing)
(Muriel then screams in horror to which Courage hears it and rushes to the basement only to be stopped by the Foot crushingly stepping on his body)
Big Toe: Yeah, remember us
Pinky Toe: Yeah, remember us
(The five remaining villains step forward to glare at Courage)
Courage: Oh no!
Big Toe: You licked us good see
Cajun Fox: Cooked us good too, remember that
Barry: Courage!!
(Katz gives Barry a glare in order to stop him from helping Courage get back up. Barry backs up, intimidated)
Muriel: Oh, what are you going to do with Courage
Big Toe: Now we're gonna put you the squeeze on you, see
(The Foot squishes Courage, Barry gets behind the group, though he turns back as he couldn't watch the pain)
(Katz walks to Courage and kneels down)
Katz: Care for a bit of sport before you slowly die dear boy? Let's play… (holds a red ball) dodgeball
(Courage screams, along with Barry, who is feeling very worried about this)
(The lights go off and on, forming a stadium field. Le Quack, wearing black and yellow striped referee outfit)
Le Quack: (blows his whistle) These are the rules. Le ball, she is round. Le loser, she is dead (laughs)
(Courage stands at the end, he wears a white jersey with a blue "O" and matching shorts, sneakers and headband)
(Barry sits by the stairs, worried)
(Katz and the others wear green and white uniforms with white numbers. Then the match begins. Katz gets a headstart as he throws his ball at Courage, his ball unleashes spikes which hits head across the wall, then his head began to pop out)
Barry: (watching this) Ohhh that's going to hurt
(Weremole holds his dodgeball and eats it, Katz becomes shocked by this)
Katz: Who invited this undefined beast?
(Weremole belches, Cajun Fox walks with a giant spoon besides Foot, he pulls out his spicy Cajun pierogies)
Cajun Fox: My spicy Cajun pierogies are known to pack up a wallop
(Cajun launches the pierogies at Courage's mouth, causing his body to burn from the spiciness)
Barry: (places his hands on his mouth) Oh… god
(Courage goes over to a water bottle and drinks it but then he spat it all out due to the colour)
Courage: Pooey!
(Black Puddle Queen rises from the puddle of sports drink, holding out sea creatures. Courage dodges the jellyfish and coral, but gets hit by a clam which is stuck on his head)
(The villains laugh at Courage's misery, while for Barry, watching at it just makes him feel bad for Courage)
(Katz holds a lot of dodgeballs, placing them down for Foot to straight up kick them all Courage, this hits him in the face and stomach. Suddenly, the buzzer on the washing machine goes off and Courage has his arms out in a shape of a "T")
Courage: Time out! Time out!
(Whistle blows as Courage goes over to the washing machine by placing fabric softener onto it)
Muriel: Good boy Courage! Go get 'em!
Barry: (smiles at Courage) Yeah Courage! Get 'em good! Go get 'em!
(Katz hears Barry cheering on Courage)
Katz: Excuse me!
(Katz glares at Barry, which the latter got intimidated and keeps watching)
(The whistle blows to resume the game, Weremole burrows himself underground and is tunnelling his way towards Courage. He emerges and attacks Courage, shaking him back and forth like a dog chew toy. Until Le Quack blows his whistle)
Le Quack: Le halftime
Barry: Halftime?
(The lights show two of the Duck Brothers playing instruments and singing the song)
🎵Halftime show! Halftime show! Yeah, yeah, whoa, whoa! Halftime show!🎵
(Barry claps along to the tune and gave it an applause. Duck Brothers move out of the room, which closes by darkness)
(Cuts to Katz lighting the cannon with fire, which fires right at Courage, who is battered and tired. Courage screams, causing to get the cannonball in his mouth. He holds it in, but then suction cup darts are thrown at his head, causing him to drop the cannonball. Then the piano falls down on his body and a water balloon is thrown at him. Courage is completely damaged from all of this)
(The five hold weapons out. Katz has a flamethrower, Foot has a spiked club, Cajun has a cleaver, Puddle Queen has a shell which launches a rocket and Weremole has a flyswatter. With it all, they attack Courage with them, causing him to get more in pain by this. While Barry is covering his eyes as he couldn't bear to watch this moment)
(Courage whimpers)
Katz: Now we would like someone to give you that dear boy. (snaps his fingers at Barry) Come over here
(Barry comes downstairs and walks to Katz)
Barry: Yeah
Katz: So we seen that you hold a gun around, yes
Barry: Yeah, but it's a toy gun-
Katz: Good, then let us show you this
(Katz holds out a red gun to Barry)
Barry: What's that
Katz: A flare gun. One bullet, one shot right into the dear boy's chest (loads it and gives it to Barry) Now keep your eyes on the target
(Barry stands still, eyes straight onto Courage while holding the flare gun, the five villains watch him retrieve Courage's final moment)
(Then Barry drops tears out of his eyes, this is all because he doesn't want to kill the one who he cares mostly)
Barry: (sniffs) I-I… I can't do this…
(Barry drops the flare gun and buries his face with his hands)
(The villains are shocked by this except Katz who's downright upset at Barry's attempt failed. He came to Barry with a sinister glare and begins to grab him by the neck)
(Katz brutally tries to choke Barry as he pressing his neck really hard)
(Courage witnesses this and feels shocked by this, he whimpers)
Muriel: Come on Courage! You can't give up! There must be something that you can do!
(Courage looks at Barry, choking)
Muriel: Come on Courage! What can you do!
(Courage thinks and he gets an idea)
(Courage takes a step forward and inhales a deep breath. Then he unleashes his longest scream ever, which shakes the entire house, cracks started forming in the walls, ceiling and floor of the basement)
(Barry drops down to the floor, since Katz lost his grip because of the floor shaking. He runs over to Courage screaming his lungs out)
(The villains either cover their ears or cringe in pain from it. Weremole sees Puddle Queen's clam, hops inside and closes it. Then the cauldron underneath Muriel, cracks apart and breaks
Muriel: Ooh!
(Courage, while screaming, tears off his jersey. The villains now lost their footing, as they all fell to the giant cracked hole to their demise. Finally after 41 seconds, Courage stops screaming. He sighs and then collapses to the floor, sweaty and exhausted, but victorious. Barry goes close to Courage and hugs him. The shackles securing Muriel crack and break, which allows her to fall on her bottom safely)
Muriel: Oh!
(The timer on the washing machine buzzes. Muriel rushes to the machine and sets the dial to "Gentle." The laundry is saved)
Muriel: (wipes her brow and sighs deeply) Oh, my! (runs to Courage and Barry) Courage, what big lungs you have. The winner! (She lifts both Barry and Courage and raises Courage's arm in a victory pose)
(Courage laughs deliriously and waves to the audience. along with Barry, who also waves to the audience and then he looks at him with a smile)
Barry: Muriel, I'm sorry that I… got a bit upset. And i'm sorry for causing you and Mr Bagge to argue
Muriel: (hugs Barry) Oh, Barry. It's not your fault dear. You know how much I love you like how I love Courage as the child I would've had
(Barry smiles and hugs Muriel back)
(Cuts at night-time, Muriel is folding a blanket, then it goes to Barry and Courage cuddled up together in Eustace's chair with the blanket over them. Even Barry holds his plushie along with him)
(Courage holds the remote and presses the button to turn on the TV. The TV turns on and it only shows Freaky Fred, holding his electric razor)
Fred: Courage…
(Cuts to the outside of the farmhouse, Courage and Barry both scream, causing the upper half of the house to fall apart and crush the foundation of the house)
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alilaro · 3 months
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omg my momma got me my very own car yippee!!
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chussyracing · 3 months
are you a “he’s a dick” son or a “fucker” daughter
secret third thing (shouting profanities to myself as a person in front of me starts slowing down before coming to a full stop in the middle of the row without using any of their signals WHY THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE THEM IN THE CAR IF YOU CANNOT SIGNAL YOU ARE GOING TO PARK)
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sjweminem · 5 months
tbh. i would peg strahhm. quite frankly.
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ppanhwi · 10 months
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mod2amaryllis · 2 years
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my first batch of baby mysteries are getting big :')
it's King's clutch!! my girl 💛
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08theverysmallhuman · 2 years
SHIDOU SOON..............
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🌸🐾 Hey everyone! I have some super exciting news from the twisted and altered universe of Courage the Cowardly Dog! Guess what? The villains have decided to take a year off from causing mischief! 🎉 But that's not all. Allow me to introduce you to a new character, Andrea Kaimai, a unique and mysterious addition to this bizarre universe. Let's dive in, shall we? 🌙✨
1️⃣ First things first, let's meet Andrea! She's a beautiful demon with a flower kimono, brown hair, and striking blue eyes. Her uniqueness lies in a bamboo muzzle that prevents her from speaking, similar to Nezuko from Demon Slayer. It's a cute little nod to the fandom! Plus, Andrea is a master of the uno game! 🎴🎮
2️⃣ Andrea loves her naps! It's her absolute favorite thing in the world. Katz, her older brother, made a cozy portable bed for her using her gray tote bag, complete with a soft pillow, her phone, a flashlight, and a protective blanket to shield her from the sunlight. After all, demons tend to turn to dust in the sun! 🌞💤
3️⃣ As Andrea wakes up from her nap in her trusty box, she discovers the villains having a friendly game of uno. Can you imagine her surprise? 😲 But fear not, she quickly falls in love with the game and joins in on the fun. It's heartwarming to see how everyone reacts when she appears. Let's break it down:
- Katz, being Andrea's caring brother, giggles joyfully when he finds her in the gray tote bag. 😄
- Other villains, like the Queen of the Black Puddle or Le Quack, can't help but smile or give her a gentle head pat. It's an adorable gesture of acceptance! 🤗
- Andrea also has a special bond with Eustace, who appreciates her offering a piece of bacon. A small gesture that brings them closer, believe it or not! 🥓❤️
4️⃣ Did you know that Andrea has a scar? It's a reminder of when she was turned into a demon, but she doesn't let it define her. She prefers to hide it, keeping it as her secret. It adds a touch of mystery to her character! 🔒💔
5️⃣ Koi fish lovers, rejoice! Andrea shares your passion for these beautiful creatures. She adores them just like Shinobu from Demon Slayer, who has a fondness for goldfish. It's a cute connection between the two! 🌸🐠
6️⃣ Seasonal fashionista alert! Andrea loves to switch up her style with each passing season. From y2k cutegore to cat core aesthetics, she rocks various outfits throughout the year. Fashion-forward and fierce! 👗🌸
7️⃣ Cats and cat cafes are two of Andrea's favorite things in the world. Whenever she's nearby, you can bet she'll seek out the nearest cat cafe to play with the adorable felines. And yes, she often enjoys napping there with ASMR playing in her headphones. A purrfect combination! 😺💕🎧
Now, let's not forget the rest of the villains! Each one receives a unique gift from Andrea:
- Bacon for the bacon-loving villain. 🥓
- A beautiful kimono for the fashion-conscious villain. 👘
- Uno cards for the game enthusiasts. 🎴
And finally, a list of what each villain does when they first
meet Andrea:
- Le Quack: Raises an eyebrow but offers a friendly smile. 😏🤝
- The Queen of the Black Puddle: Gives Andrea a regal nod of approval. 👑👋
- big toe : think she can do a hiest with her, but a hint of a smile breaks through. 😠😊
And that's a wrap, folks! Stay tuned for more updates from this altered universe. 📺✨ Remember, with a little bit of courage and a touch of mischief, anything is possible! 🐶💫
Emojis used: 🌸🐾🎉🌙✨1️⃣🎴🎮💤🌞😲😄🤗🥓❤️🔒💔🐠👗😺💕🎧🥓👘🎴😏🤝👑👋😠😊📺💫
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Her appearance you can draw her but no shipping with her and the other villans you make memes withbher but ther Sfw she's 11 so no nsfw got it
Title: Katz Introduces Andrea Kaimai
[Panel 1: Katz is standing in front of a gathering of villains, including Le Quack, The Cajun Fox, The Queen of the Black Puddle, Dr. Gerbil, and Freaky Fred.]
Katz: Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce someone special today. Meet Andrea Kaimai!
[Panel 2: Andrea enters the scene, wearing a beautiful flower kimono, with brown hair and blue eyes. She has a bamboo muzzle that prevents her from speaking. She stands confidently next to Katz.]
Andrea: *Nods and smiles warmly*
Katz: Andrea here is an upper-rank 1 demon, 上弦壱. But don't let that intimidate you! She has never harmed humans or caused any trouble.
[Panel 3: Close-up on Andrea's muzzle, resembling Nezuko's from Demon Slayer.]
Katz: You may notice her muzzle, which is a reference to Nezuko from Demon Slayer. It's part of her unique abilities.
[Panel 4: Conway the Contaminant is shown nearby, warning everyone.]
Conway: Be cautious, folks! If you dare touch Katz or Andrea, you'll pay the price. My contaminants won't spare you.
[Panel 5: Andrea approaches The Cajun Fox, offering a gentle hug.]
Andrea: *Opens her arms, gesturing for a hug*
[Panel 6: The Cajun Fox receives the hug, his eyes filled with surprise and vulnerability.]
Cajun Fox: *Tears well up in his eyes* My... my mom used to hug me like this. Before she... before she passed away.
[Panel 7: The Queen of the Black Puddle approaches Andrea, hesitantly accepting the hug.]
Queen of the Black Puddle: *Eyes widened* A hug... I haven't felt one in so long.
[Panel 8: Le Quack steps forward, apprehensive but longing for a hug.]
Le Quack: *Trembling* My father... he took his own life... in front of me.
[Panel 9: Andrea embraces Le Quack, and he breaks down, overwhelmed by emotions.]
Le Quack: *Crying* It's... it's just like when my mom hugged me before... before everything fell apart.
[Panel 10: Conway looks on, surprised by Andrea's ability to heal emotional wounds.]
Conway: Incredible... Andrea not only helps those in physical trouble but also heals the deepest emotional wounds.
[Panel 11: The comic dub ends with Andrea hanging out with the others.]
Andrea: don't worry it might help you with your emotional wounds
[Panel 12: Andrea smiles determinedly, ready to face whatever challenges come her way.]
Andrea: I will be a helper, just like in my dream. I won't cause mischief; I'll bring healing and love.
[End of comic dub]
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mothmvn · 11 months
i go on regular walks on nearby trails, i especially like doing this around dusk
i care somewhat about littering and about my fellow man
i have a couple of horror-adjacent graphic tees
it's coming up on halloween in north america
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Being unable to find a way to watch rottmnt I’ve decided to rewatch some of the 2k3 show (it’s been a while) and am mostly enjoying the ride as the edgy teen in me is content but man I forgot how much I didnt care for this version of Casey Jones.
Like I don’t despise him and he hardly ruins the show but it’s just like the show does portray him as annoying and like: mission accomplished show. But why? Are we getting karma soon? I’ve actually forgotten. Please say yes.
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cecelianonymous22 · 27 days
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