#The Devil is a Part Timer Season 2
angiecakes1990 · 11 months
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Maou x Emi is the new opening idc I ship them 🥰🥰
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nijigasakilove · 9 months
This was a really heartwarming finale. That flustered look on Emi’s face when Maou touched her was so cute. I still like Chiho more, but I don’t dislike her like I used to.
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Final battle was a little underwhelming tbh. I thought it would be more of a struggle considering where it left off in the last episode.. even the Olba fight from s1 was better.. but I still really liked the Ente Isla arc. It’s been hyped up for so long, so to be able to see their home world, even if only briefly, was nice. Not sure how much source material is left, but it would be cool if we went between worlds a little more.
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The scene of everyone gathered around the dinner table for a family meal made up for the unimpressive battle. Everyone is finally back together. Emi’s gonna have to get a new job though 😂
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This season has been my favourite of the 3 so far. I liked the character dynamics, budding romance and the more magical element of the story a lot more in this one.
All of the characters went through quite a bit of growth this season, Suzuno, Maou and Emi most notably and it was just a fun ride. I know the hype has died out for this series, but it’s solid for me.
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animemakeblog · 2 years
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“Hataraku Maou-sama!!” The Anime Sequel Announced for 2023
The final episode of Hataraku Maou-Sama!''s (The Devil is a Part-Timer!) second season revealed that an anime sequel is in development. A crucial image was also made public on the official Twitter page (pictured). In 2023, the anime is expected to make its debut.
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cosmicqueen10 · 1 year
Dishonorable Mentions of 2022
This is just MY OPINION.
Please take this all with a grain of salt.
Platinum End
Death Note successor my ass. 💀
Requiem of the Rose King
Depressing, morbid and tragic as fuck. 💔🖤
Tomodachi Game
Started off good but then everything feels disjointed and off and dragging out too much... I'm gonna stop now. 😵‍💫
Odd Taxi Into the Woods
The last 5 to 7 mins of new content at the PRACTICAL END of the movie should have been put in the end of the final episode of the anime. This movie was unnecessary! 😑
The Devil is a Part Timer Season 2
Art style, fight choreography, quality — It's all downgraded. I rewatched S1 to prepare for S2 and the change is too obvious. It's been a decade, new people working on it, so yeah it'll be different. But honestly it's a miss. 😮‍💨
If anyone even reads this that is.
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awakefor48hours · 2 years
If I had a nickel for every time the devil made a deez nuts joke, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that happened it twice
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lady-charinette · 2 years
I'm watching the second season rn and what does Alas Ramus MEAN when she said that the manager of MgRonald's Mayumi Kisaki smells like Mao?!
2 theories:
1. Like Mayumi said, Alas Ramus really did smell the fries and associates that smell to Mao
2. The manager is actually from Ente Isla or a demon of some sort, maybe even an angel. I've been suspicious about since Season 1
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lostplay · 2 years
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chaztalk · 5 months
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esculentevil · 2 years
(HelLight) Wingspan
An angel’s wingspan is fully dependent on their health and strength.
Satan had noticed this when he first met Lucifer and realized his wings changed—literally GREW—whenever he went into battle but shrank for whenever else; and then, when he became human on Earth, they just disappeared all together.
Since there wasn’t much magic or energy for ANY of them to draw on in Japan, it made perfect sense and, so, Maou just... didn’t really pay this much attention.
But, then, he came home early one day and found Urushihara in the kitchen (apparently this is when he decides to clean himself: when everyone else’s out), no clothing to his being, and a pair of tiny ADORABLE wings on his back.
(Apparently, they DON’T disappear; they just become cutely small.)
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apparently-artless · 2 years
Summer season is almost over and so are some of the anime series that I've watched for these past 3 months! There's not much "mainstream" anime this season which gave opportunity to some series. I tend to give almost every series a try anyway and these are some that I enjoyed watching.
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I loved the first season of this anime so I already have some bias regarding this series. I'm even reading the manga so I kinda have some idea of what to expect with the anime. This would have ranked higher but I didn't like the animation that much compared with the first season. I guess that's bound to happen if it took almost a decade to create the next season. Another bias? Voice actor. I love Maou's seiyuu, Oosaka Ryouta. Yes, I've watched a lot of anime simply because of the seiyuu, so sue me!
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The author of this series is the same author of Magi, Ohtaka Shinobu. As for me, I haven't watched Magi yet so I'm not expecting anything from this anime when I first started watching the first season. I only realized these shows were made by the same author when I read the manga. I prefer the art style of the manga way better but anime also did not disappoint in my opinion. I also love Naotora and Kanetatsu so there's that. I read some reviews saying they got disappointed midway because they were expecting it would be as good as Magi. But I've only watched 2 or 3 episodes of Magi and kinda stopped so this didn't stop me from continuing watching the anime and even reading the manga.
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I already got hooked on the first episode and I am still waiting for the next episode to come for this series. I'm not a gamer and I'm not even familiar with what they're talking about when it comes to games but I still enjoyed it anyway. I guess this is one of the reasons why I loved it. It doesn't alienate people who are not familiar with the game jargon as it also focuses on Ojisan's journey in the alternate world. Also, Ojisan's interactions with the female characters from the other world are pure gold and definitely hilarious. Despite some tragic experiences here and there, the series managed to present them in a manner that would not make you feel depressed.
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I was already reading the manga when I learned that this will get animated. The night sceneries in the anime were so epic in every episode. The atmosphere kinda reminds me of Bakemonogatari series. I like the relationship between the main characters and I can kinda relate to the male protagonist. The story features vampires but it's not really something that can be compared to other vampire stories. Yes, Kou wants to be a vampire but he can only be one if he falls in love with Nazuna, which is a challenge because he's yet to experience it for the first time. Nazuna's past hasn't been revealed yet and I also stopped reading the manga. I will probably continue after the anime ends.
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I already fell in love with this series when I watched the first season and I'm really thankful that the second season was made. If you've watched the first season, you already know that the male lead, Ayanokouji is trying to hide what he is truly capable of. He's quite a strategist and manipulative but his severe lack of emotion is what makes him a very interesting character. The anime only managed to show some glimpses of his past and some of the other students in Class D so I'm still dying to know if this is his nature or simply what he became due to his environment. I'd probably plan to read the light novel if ever I decided that the anime is not enough for me to satisfy my curiosity.
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With the number of posts I made for this anime, I guess it's kinda obvious that this will be my number one. This anime never really managed to catch my attention until my sister told me about it. So my sister was like, "Aren't you gonna watch that anime with the Yakuza taking care of a kid?" and I was like, "What is that?? So cute! I'd definitely watch it!". Yeah, I know, it's typical but I really love the bad guy + cute kid combo. But setting that aside, there are a lot of aspects to love about this anime. If you hadn't noticed, the Yakuza characters here are kinda hot. Hah! And get this, they're better in manga. LOL. I also love Kirishima's relationship with the other characters. His best friend is his gay classmate and he's his "guardian angel". If that's not such a wonderful relationship, then I don't know what it is. He has his big brother Aoi and his little brother Sugihara and Kumichou and his wife is kinda like his parents! And he has his little angel, Yaeka! It's always amazing to watch how Kirishima can act disrespectful to others but would always switch to Keigo speech when talking to her. The last episode was kinda bittersweet but I still loved it anyway. So if you're looking for a slice of life, full of fluff and a bit of angst anime, then is definitely recommended!
There are still some other anime that I managed to finish this season. They're all good anime but I just decided to mention these 6. There are some that I decided I'll just watch some other time so I guess you could say that these are the series that managed to keep me waiting week after week just so I can watch one episode. (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
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angiecakes1990 · 11 months
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Maou being the cutest dad ever 🥰🥰
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nijigasakilove · 9 months
Lmao the scooters finally pay dividends. Using them to break through the army and reach Emilia was brilliant and Maou finally goes back into his demon form! Albeit, an incomplete version. Only one horn. Wonder what’s the deal with that.
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Don’t think we’ve ever seen Emi get that flustered around Maou before. That was so cute. So many feelings that she’s accepted internally recently that she needs to tell him.
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Acieth and Alas Ramus reunion as well was very sweet. Of course the older sister is the baby cause anime logic 😂
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Battle against Gabriel next week is going to be tough. Emi and Aciel already expended quite a bit of energy during their mock fight. Looking forward to seeing how this one goes and how they wrap up the season.
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pearl-blue-musings · 2 years
I just found out about the ending for the devil is a part timer light novel and I am just so so SO disappointed 😩😩😩
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fc5jgeo · 2 years
New season of devil is a part-timer and all I can think is that Maou got fangs.
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3gremlins · 1 year
did a bunch of mini reviews for recent-ish shows if anyone's looking for stuff to watch (tho as always your tastes/tolerances may differ from mine).
post is public :)
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anime-of-the-day · 2 years
Anime of the day: Hataraku Maou-sama!!
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Alt title: The Devil is a Part-Timer! Season 2
Released: 2022
Maou has been living this normal life on Earth for a while now. He is a top employee at his job, and he is still living with Alciel and Lucifer. He still has a friendly yet hostile relationship with Emi. However, one great big change has happened. Maou is now a dad. Yup, he and Emi have a toddler named Alas. I mean she came from a dimensional portal and isn’t actually related to Maou and Emi, but let’s not split hairs. Unfortunately, things will not be easy, after all the archangel Gabriel wants the child.
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