#The Doom Syndicate
natoraptor · 3 months
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My take on the new Megamind Villain!
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ramjam-jamming · 4 months
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With the... Negativity surrounding the trailer for the new megamind movie/show, my brain's wires started wiring and, welp, here's my idea for a Megamind show: Megamind has to learn how to be a proper hero, and Metroman/Musicman (who is still retired) acts like a mentor, from the sidelines.
Here's a dive into how the villains (evil bernard evil bernard) and characters would work ⬇️
He still has the attitude and mannerisms of a villain, as he retains his old personality, but is learning the values of being a super hero. He evil-laughs when winning and such, and also is rather awkward around the citizens of metrocity, but is trying his best. He's still trying to win over their trust.
By the end of the movie, I'm pretty sure everyone still believes Megamind killed him, which would definitely hinder Megamind's ability to gain their trust. The general public still thinks Metroman's dead, but there are multiple rumours and conspiracy theories of him still being alive, as he still goes out and could be occasionally spotted.
Bernard, who is a megamind expert, becomes an antagonist. He has a collection of Megamind's old thrown away machines, plus merchandise. He believes that megamind has lost himself and is "boring" now. As such, he uses the holo-watch (found in Megamind's trash) to steal his appearance and cause Havoc, turning the public against him and "bringing back" the villain he's an """expert""" on. Of course, this plan fails, but he becomes a recurring villain whose objective is to return megamind to his old self. This is either through recreating him (holograms, robots, etc) or straight up trying to manipulate him into going back to his old habits. He's still emotionless and seemingly bored most of the time though. Always having a horrible time.
The Child
Specifically the child from "the button of doom" who gets the dehydration gun and turns his mother into an ice cube. I enjoy the idea of a full on villain bratty child who can't be sent to jail, bc he's a child. (Sort of like the kid from Word Girl and the little girl from Powerpuff girls) He could also reflect how Megamind was as a kid. in the end the child isn't literally evil, just immature.
I'm also changing The doom syndicate from a squad Megamind used to be a part of to fellow villains who Megamind hated. (I know they are based on a cut concept for the movie but it was cut for a reason, megamind shouldn't have been part of a squad at all, he only had Minion, that's kinda the point). My idea is that Megamind was the sort of "main villain" to metroman, and he used to make fun of the rest for being his "side villains" lmao. (I would love for metroman and megamind to have a lego joker-batman sort of thing going on)
Also, what if the villain scene was sort of competitive. They didn't have any respect for each other, and they all worked alone. Until now, considering from their perspective Megamind killed Metroman. They see him as a bigger threat now, and also want to beat him up bc he was the most annoying "fellow villain". As such, they join forces and form the doom syndicate. Although, I do like the idea of them appearing one by one across the show before forming the squad. (Perhaps like a season finale)
Tighten is tricky because he's been dealt with in the movie and it'd be repetitive to fight him again. Although, I think some random scientist villain giving him powers again could have potential, as he's the number 1 Megamind hater and is easily manipulated... Food for thought
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octobre-ackedia · 2 months
I'm gonna rewrite Megamind VS The Doom Syndicate but make it actually good and I have an entire doc with ideas already and idk, does anyone even want to read that?
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casycloud090 · 3 months
Just watched Megamind 2. It sucked.
So I redesigned the characters to make them less generic!! And I slightly changed some names
(My favorite redesign is Pierre pressure.. he was fun to draw)
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fungus-guy · 3 months
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been having some fun with re-designing lady doppler (why's she called that? does doppler mean anything?) as the original design in the movie/show is terrible - she looks like she bought that fit at the dollar store, more like lady dollar amiright huh what
anyways i wanted to keep the gummy since she does have electricity powers so that makes sense - however i gave her some tech instead of her just randomly having magic powers. (pretty sure she gets defeated by her own electricty in the movie - idk haven't watched it - and i just feel like if she had magic electricity powers surely she would be more resistent to elecricity so this way it just makes more sense to me)
If this Doom Syndicate truly worked together with Megamind (purely business related and probably never met in person) i think they would've absolutely asked him to make them some cool shit
i did like the umbrella skirt in the og design but felt like in my design it looked a bit too childish? not sure about that cape either tho. i felt like she needed something cool and floaty
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the tornado hair works too i think - i don't hate it that much
i also like the idea that Megamind provided her with her weapon which she now uses against him bc he's a hero now - like he can't escape his villain past that easily and in this way is still responsible for some villain stuff that's happening etc etc this is so deep
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Givin' it all I got!
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photo-roulette-wheel · 2 months
Minion become old Chum
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masteroffakesmiles · 26 days
tbh I don’t care too much about the first megamind movie but I can see why people love it so much and how the sequel is a betrayal.
Like a sequel of a beloved movie comes out after so many years only to look like a very low budget animated movie and the characters…..don’t act like themselves. And the character development is nonexistent. Like I’ve been there. I’ve seen sequels to great movies that do this. 😑
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elcias-diary · 3 months
So it's been out for a week. But um...
Are we all agreeing to never speak of The Doom Syndicate movie?
Can we agree to never speak of The Doom Syndicate movie?
Like I don't want to even apply the name of the franchise to this post so that it doesn't get any algorithm attention and quietly die a slow sad death.
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justcallme-ange · 26 days
Got some feelings about c!Dream and his whole arc. So I’m making it everyone else problem XD
The Beginning
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The End (Wishful)
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Also for those that like Angst: The End (Actual)
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daisilynn · 1 month
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Pov: Megamind comes to you for advice on how to stop four villains at once, what do you tell him?
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flunky-robots · 1 month
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Girl ur cranium is showing
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ankle-beez · 2 months
megamind doesn't shoot people with the dehydration gun like he used to. because of woke
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nientedal · 3 months
Roxanne: "You wrote a ballet? Starring...you?"
Megamind: "I did! Yes!"
Roxanne: "You dance ballet?"
Megamind: "Of course! Doesn't everyone?"
Roxanne: ".......You know in retrospect I'm really not sure why I'm surprised."
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i think today's prompt was "lasers and spikes"? which i have decided is the name of whatever show he's dancing in. technically a work in process, but that's until i can get back to it and add the lasers digitally and do touchups etc. and i have no idea when or if that will be. so! posting it anyway!
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iwasbored777 · 4 months
Me watching Megamind 2 trailer:
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misterspectacular · 3 months
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