#The Glenn Gould Gathering by Ruth Abernethy
rabbitcruiser · 5 months
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Benches/Chairs (No. 43)
Toronto, ON (two pics)
Niagara Falls, ON
Boston, MA (seven pics)
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rabbitcruiser · 6 hours
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Glenn Gould was born on September 25, 1932.
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rabbitcruiser · 3 months
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World Music Day 
From Beethoven to Taylor Swift, there’s music for everyone. Revisit your old favorites or discover new artists from different cultures on World Music Day.
There’s nothing in the world like the sound of your favorite song coming on, it just gets right into your head and your body and makes you move. Or maybe it takes you on a journey to a faraway place and time, where you languish in a memory of times gone by and people who are no longer present. Some of our favorite songs can lift us up out of depression and worry, and make an otherwise horrible day suddenly seem like it’s not so bad. World Music Day celebrates music in all its forms and the impact it’s had on the world and the human spirit.
World Music Day is for everybody to enjoy
Have you ever put on your headphones, hit play on an upbeat tune and waltzed down the street as if you were in a movie? You’re not alone, everybody has done it (they’re just too afraid to admit it!). Music has the ability to lift your spirits even when you don’t feel like getting out of bed that day. Why shouldn’t there be an entire day to celebrate the wonders of music? World Music Day needs to be celebrated far and wide without a doubt! Next time you’re in a bit of a funk, crank up your favorite song (close your curtains) and dance like nobody’s watching. It’s a soul soothing activity that should always be your go to saviour!
World Music Day is free and full of fun!
The best thing about World Music Day is that it is completely free to celebrate. No matter what kind of music you love you can take part for free and you can get the whole family involved. It is the perfect opportunity to try playing a brand-new instrument or listen to a type of music that you wouldn’t normally have on your playlist.
Every type of musician, whether you are young, old, new or a seasoned professional can embrace world music day with friends, family and even strangers!
Last year more than one thousand cities all over the world celebrated World Music Day, so why don’t you take this opportunity to do it to? Anybody can make music; it doesn’t matter how good you are. If you are the type of person who sings in the shower, why not use this opportunity to showcase your talents? Even the most tone deaf people can take this day to sing their hearts out and celebrate the beauty and power of music!
World Music Day originally launched several decades ago in France. In 1982 the Ministry of Culture in France developed a clever idea to celebrate the wonders of music. They wanted free, live music to be available to everybody no matter what their heritage or background. Usually you have to pay for tickets to music festivals, but not with World Music Day!
The many benefits of listening to music
Music is not only a fantastic creative outlet, but it can also have many health benefits. When you listen to a particular song it can bring back a happy memory or make you feel energized. Studies suggest that listening to music can have a number of positive effects on your health and mental wellbeing. As well as enhancing your performance of exercise, it can also provide a huge amount of comfort. Exercise has also been proven to reduce anxiety and listening to relaxing music can also decrease stress levels. So if you are looking for a mood boosting activity, why not celebrate World Music Day and let all of your troubles rush away from your mind instantly?
History of World Music Day
Music has existed for as long as mankind has found its voice, and quite possibly before. Every culture of the world has its own form of music, as distinct and unique to its area as language and cuisine. In the western world, we are familiar only with scales, known as the diatonic scale which should be familiar to anyone who took music classes or choir in school. But this is not the only or even the first scale that music can use.
There’s the chromatic scale, which has 12 notes instead of the 7, and the octatonic scale, which has 8 notes, but these are just the beginning. In every part of the world, there are different scales and musical formats used, and these create a form of music that has its own signature. Then when you add in the cultural themes, the variety of instruments, and the forms of voice singing that can go along with it, music is a truly endless adventure. World Music Day celebrates this adventure and those that dare to take it.
How to celebrate World Music Day
The best way to celebrate World Music Day is to spend the day listening to all your old favorites, and if you’re truly feeling adventurous start exploring YouTube for music from different cultures. You can explore Finnish and Hungarian, Italian and Mongolian, and then start digging into folk music. With sources like these, it’s easier than ever to explore the panorama of musical experiences the world has to offer, and you can do it all from the comfort of your own home. Of course, you could always pick up an instrument and start adding your own voice to the choir!
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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World Music Day   
From Beethoven to Taylor Swift, there’s music for everyone. Revisit your old favorites or discover new artists from different cultures on World Music Day.
There’s nothing in the world like the sound of your favorite song coming on, it just gets right into your head and your body and makes you move. Or maybe it takes you on a journey to a faraway place and time, where you languish in a memory of times gone by and people who are no longer present. Some of our favorite songs can lift us up out of depression and worry, and make an otherwise horrible day suddenly seem like it’s not so bad. World Music Day celebrates music in all its forms and the impact it’s had on the world and the human spirit.
World Music Day is for everybody to enjoy
Have you ever put on your headphones, hit play on an upbeat tune and waltzed down the street as if you were in a movie? You’re not alone, everybody has done it (they’re just too afraid to admit it!). Music has the ability to lift your spirits even when you don’t feel like getting out of bed that day. Why shouldn’t there be an entire day to celebrate the wonders of music? World Music Day needs to be celebrated far and wide without a doubt! Next time you’re in a bit of a funk, crank up your favorite song (close your curtains) and dance like nobody’s watching. It’s a soul soothing activity that should always be your go to saviour!
World Music Day is free and full of fun!
The best thing about World Music Day is that it is completely free to celebrate. No matter what kind of music you love you can take part for free and you can get the whole family involved. It is the perfect opportunity to try playing a brand-new instrument or listen to a type of music that you wouldn’t normally have on your playlist.
Every type of musician, whether you are young, old, new or a seasoned professional can embrace world music day with friends, family and even strangers!
Last year more than one thousand cities all over the world celebrated World Music Day, so why don’t you take this opportunity to do it to? Anybody can make music; it doesn’t matter how good you are. If you are the type of person who sings in the shower, why not use this opportunity to showcase your talents? Even the most tone deaf people can take this day to sing their hearts out and celebrate the beauty and power of music!
World Music Day originally launched several decades ago in France. In 1982 the Ministry of Culture in France developed a clever idea to celebrate the wonders of music. They wanted free, live music to be available to everybody no matter what their heritage or background. Usually you have to pay for tickets to music festivals, but not with World Music Day!
The many benefits of listening to music
Music is not only a fantastic creative outlet, but it can also have many health benefits. When you listen to a particular song it can bring back a happy memory or make you feel energized. Studies suggest that listening to music can have a number of positive effects on your health and mental wellbeing. As well as enhancing your performance of exercise, it can also provide a huge amount of comfort. Exercise has also been proven to reduce anxiety and listening to relaxing music can also decrease stress levels. So if you are looking for a mood boosting activity, why not celebrate World Music Day and let all of your troubles rush away from your mind instantly?
History of World Music Day
Music has existed for as long as mankind has found its voice, and quite possibly before. Every culture of the world has its own form of music, as distinct and unique to its area as language and cuisine. In the western world, we are familiar only with scales, known as the diatonic scale which should be familiar to anyone who took music classes or choir in school. But this is not the only or even the first scale that music can use.
There’s the chromatic scale, which has 12 notes instead of the 7, and the octatonic scale, which has 8 notes, but these are just the beginning. In every part of the world, there are different scales and musical formats used, and these create a form of music that has its own signature. Then when you add in the cultural themes, the variety of instruments, and the forms of voice singing that can go along with it, music is a truly endless adventure. World Music Day celebrates this adventure and those that dare to take it.
How to celebrate World Music Day
The best way to celebrate World Music Day is to spend the day listening to all your old favorites, and if you’re truly feeling adventurous start exploring YouTube for music from different cultures. You can explore Finnish and Hungarian, Italian and Mongolian, and then start digging into folk music. With sources like these, it’s easier than ever to explore the panorama of musical experiences the world has to offer, and you can do it all from the comfort of your own home. Of course, you could always pick up an instrument and start adding your own voice to the choir!
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rabbitcruiser · 10 months
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Let’s Hug Day
Grab a friend, family member or other beloved person and get ready to show them how much they are loved because it’s time for Let’s Hug Day!
History of Let’s Hug Day
Hugging has probably been around since humans discovered what a delight it is to embrace and wrap arms around each other. However it began, it continues to be a way that friends and family members show affection to each other.
And it is interesting to note that the hug is a universal form of showing affection. While certain forms of greeting might change based on culture, like the handshake or the bow or the high five, the hug seems to be universal among almost all cultures in places all over the world.
What was probably known all along but not able to be scientifically proven is the fact that hugs are necessary for humans to thrive. This is especially true for babies after they are born. Children who do not receive hugs and cuddles when they are small usually fail to thrive and grow in the way healthy, well-loved children will.
And adults can certainly benefit from hugs also. In fact, many studies have been made to reveal that hugs can be healthy not only for the mental and emotional benefits, but hugging is also a helpful way to promote better physical health.
So don’t be shy – get ready to celebrate and hug someone on Let’s Hug Day!
How to Celebrate Let’s Hug Day
Try out some of these delightful ideas for enjoying and celebrating on Let’s Hug Day:
Hug Someone on Let’s Hug Day
Of course, the most important thing to do on this day is to give someone you love a big hug. First thing in the morning, grab a family member and give them a big bear hug. Or call up a friend and meet them for coffee, adding in an additional hug just in honor of Let’s Hug Day.
Of course, this day is just the beginning and can act as a great reminder that hugs are fun and healthy any day of the year!
Learn About the Health Benefits of Hugs
Who knew that hugs are not only enjoyable but they can actually assist in improving a person’s health? In celebration of Let’s Hug Day, take a look at some of the ways that practicing regular hugs with beloved people can give a health boost to children and adults alike:
Hugs Reduce Stress. As a sign of support and solidarity, hugs provide a boost to mental health. Touch has been proven to reduce the negative impact of painful and stressful situations in humans. And it’s also good for the person who is offering the hug to show support.
Hugs Can Improve the Immune System. Hugs may help to increase the protection against illness by offering support, which reduces the risk of getting sick.
Hugs May Increase Heart Health. Hugs have been shown to reduce blood pressure and heart rate, which are important factors related to heart health.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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International Music Day
By this one common thread that has the power to bring all humans, societies and cultures together, International Music Day seeks to gather, connect and promote musicians around the world.
Music is the light of life for many people. It inspires, encourages and brings people together. Studies even show that music is good for the health and the brain, providing positive physical, mental and emotional responses when people simply listen to music as well as when they play or sing it.
History of International Music Day
Music occurs within nature and humans have been recreating it probably since the beginning of time, as singing or humming seems to be a natural part of human development. Babies can even begin to sing as early as three months old!
While music has its unique attributes based on the culture and area of the world it comes from, it is a human activity that is exclusive to the human race and part of every culture in the world. Music unites human beings!
With that in mind, in 1949, the International Music Council was created as an associate organization of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Its purpose was to express solidarity between human beings in the global music ecosystem. Connecting, encouraging and providing access for musicians around the world, this organization started International Music Day
Initiated in 1973 by the 15th General Assembly of the International Music Council, the first International Music Day was celebrated in 1975. The intention behind the day was to promote musical art among all sectors of society as well as applying the UNESCO ideas of peace and friendship among people.
Many methods of teaching music have been embraced all over the world, some of these specific to certain cultures. In Europe, the Americas, Asia, Africa and other places, children are often taught different versions of music in schools including singing and the playing of instruments such as recorders or percussion like drums and bells.
Whether a professional musician or novice, whether an opera singer or someone who really can’t carry a tune, International Music Day encourages people all over the globe to join in with five goals:
To allow children and adults to express themselves freely through music.
To give opportunities for children and adults to learn musical skills and languages.
To provide access to musical involvement for all.
To allow musical artists to develop and communicate through media and using proper facilities.
For musical artists to obtain recognition and fair remuneration for their work.
International Music Day Timeline
Paleolithic Period Musical instruments are used
Some of the oldest musical instruments, beginning with flutes, are believed to be from this period of time, millions of years ago.
1400 BC Music is first written down
The earliest form of musical notation is dated from this time, written in a cuneiform tablet.
1949 International Music Council (IMC) is formed
The world’s largest network of institutions and organizations working in the field of music is created.
1973 IMC General Assembly in Lausanne
At the 15th General Assembly of the International Music Council, a resolution is made to establish an International Music Day.
1975 International Music Day is founded
Started by the International Music Council, this day is initiated by Lord Yehudi Menuhin to encourage and promote music in society.
How to Celebrate International Music Day
International Music Day offers tons of opportunities to enjoy and celebrate everything to do with music and all of the amazing benefits it has to offer. Consider some of these ideas for getting involved:
Listen to Music
Whether it is classical music that promotes brain development or modern music that makes your body want to move and dance, International Music Day can be celebrated by putting on some tunes. Turn up the volume in the car or pop in those headphones at work and join in on all the fun and benefits that music has to offer.
Create some playlists on an online music platform, turn on the car radio, toss some vinyl on that vintage record player or grab some of those old CDs and get playing. Many different opportunities exist to enjoy listening to music in celebration of the day!
Learn About the Benefits of Music
Many people don’t realize that music is not only fun, it’s actually good for you. International Music Day is the perfect time to learn a little bit more about the benefits of music and how it improves the lives of billions of children and adults all over the world.
Music is good for the heart
Music can help with weight management
Music improves the mood
Music helps to ease pain
Studies have shown that the blood flows better when music is played. Playing music can lower the blood pressure, reduces the heart rate, decreases cortisol and promotes healthy substances in the blood.
Many people don’t know that playing soft music in the background while eating (and dimming the lights) can encourage people to slow down while they are eating which, ultimately, can lead to eating less food and promoting healthier eating habits.
Listening to happy music has been shown to make people (and also pets!) happy. Music can promote the release of good hormones into the bloodstream, such as serotonin and endorphins, which helps people to relax, relieve feelings of anxiety and depression, and promote positive emotions.
Research has proven that music can be used in healthcare situations, especially with geriatric people, to reduce the severity and intensity of pain, particularly in palliative care or intensive care patients.
Attend a Musical Event
This is the time to go out and listen to some live music! Whether related to International Music Day or just part of the cycle of music that happens all year round, attending a concert or other musical event in celebration of the day would be loads of fun!
Grab a seat at the local high school’s musical production. Pop into the local bar and listen to an open mic night. Attend an orchestra concert at the local chamber hall. Or get tickets to that rock star you’ve been dying to see! Music is all around so get ready to join in on it in whatever way possible.
Learn to Make Music
Been thinking about learning how to play the guitar or wondering if now is the time to take piano lessons again? International Music Day might be just the right motivation to get started! Join the rest of the world in learning to make music or improving those music skills by finding a teacher, taking a class or joining a local music collective. Even for those who are not prolific, learning and growing in making music brings joy and delight all over the world.
International Music Day FAQs
Is music good for you?
Yes! Research shows that music can provide health benefits like reducing blood pressure, minimizing anxiety and improving mental capacity.
Does music affect your mood?
Studies have shown that listening to upbeat music can make people feel happier and improve their mood.
Can music help you focus?
Certain types of music can increase brain power through motivation, increased focus and better memorization.
Did music come before language?
Some researchers believe that music came before language, using the study of infants as a basis.
Should music be taught in schools?
Many people agree that the benefits of teaching music in schools are myriad, including assisting in social skills, improving academic performance, and providing a creative outlet for development.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Glenn Gould was born on September 25, 1932.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Let’s Hug Day
Grab a friend, family member or other beloved person and get ready to show them how much they are loved because it’s time for Let’s Hug Day!
History of Let’s Hug Day
Hugging has probably been around since humans discovered what a delight it is to embrace and wrap arms around each other. However it began, it continues to be a way that friends and family members show affection to each other.
And it is interesting to note that the hug is a universal form of showing affection. While certain forms of greeting might change based on culture, like the handshake or the bow or the high five, the hug seems to be universal among almost all cultures in places all over the world.
What was probably known all along but not able to be scientifically proven is the fact that hugs are necessary for humans to thrive. This is especially true for babies after they are born. Children who do not receive hugs and cuddles when they are small usually fail to thrive and grow in the way healthy, well-loved children will.
And adults can certainly benefit from hugs also. In fact, many studies have been made to reveal that hugs can be healthy not only for the mental and emotional benefits, but hugging is also a helpful way to promote better physical health.
So don’t be shy – get ready to celebrate and hug someone on Let’s Hug Day!
How to Celebrate Let’s Hug Day
Try out some of these delightful ideas for enjoying and celebrating on Let’s Hug Day:
Hug Someone on Let’s Hug Day
Of course, the most important thing to do on this day is to give someone you love a big hug. First thing in the morning, grab a family member and give them a big bear hug. Or call up a friend and meet them for coffee, adding in an additional hug just in honor of Let’s Hug Day.
Of course, this day is just the beginning and can act as a great reminder that hugs are fun and healthy any day of the year!
Learn About the Health Benefits of Hugs
Who knew that hugs are not only enjoyable but they can actually assist in improving a person’s health? In celebration of Let’s Hug Day, take a look at some of the ways that practicing regular hugs with beloved people can give a health boost to children and adults alike:
Hugs Reduce Stress. As a sign of support and solidarity, hugs provide a boost to mental health. Touch has been proven to reduce the negative impact of painful and stressful situations in humans. And it’s also good for the person who is offering the hug to show support.
Hugs Can Improve the Immune System. Hugs may help to increase the protection against illness by offering support, which reduces the risk of getting sick.
Hugs May Increase Heart Health. Hugs have been shown to reduce blood pressure and heart rate, which are important factors related to heart health.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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International Music Day
By this one common thread that has the power to bring all humans, societies and cultures together, International Music Day seeks to gather, connect and promote musicians around the world.
Music is the light of life for many people. It inspires, encourages and brings people together. Studies even show that music is good for the health and the brain, providing positive physical, mental and emotional responses when people simply listen to music as well as when they play or sing it.
History of International Music Day
Music occurs within nature and humans have been recreating it probably since the beginning of time, as singing or humming seems to be a natural part of human development. Babies can even begin to sing as early as three months old!
While music has its unique attributes based on the culture and area of the world it comes from, it is a human activity that is exclusive to the human race and part of every culture in the world. Music unites human beings!
With that in mind, in 1949, the International Music Council was created as an associate organization of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Its purpose was to express solidarity between human beings in the global music ecosystem. Connecting, encouraging and providing access for musicians around the world, this organization started International Music Day
Initiated in 1973 by the 15th General Assembly of the International Music Council, the first International Music Day was celebrated in 1975. The intention behind the day was to promote musical art among all sectors of society as well as applying the UNESCO ideas of peace and friendship among people.
Many methods of teaching music have been embraced all over the world, some of these specific to certain cultures. In Europe, the Americas, Asia, Africa and other places, children are often taught different versions of music in schools including singing and the playing of instruments such as recorders or percussion like drums and bells.
Whether a professional musician or novice, whether an opera singer or someone who really can’t carry a tune, International Music Day encourages people all over the globe to join in with five goals:
To allow children and adults to express themselves freely through music.
To give opportunities for children and adults to learn musical skills and languages.
To provide access to musical involvement for all.
To allow musical artists to develop and communicate through media and using proper facilities.
For musical artists to obtain recognition and fair remuneration for their work.
International Music Day Timeline
Paleolithic Period Musical instruments are used
Some of the oldest musical instruments, beginning with flutes, are believed to be from this period of time, millions of years ago.
1400 BC Music is first written down
The earliest form of musical notation is dated from this time, written in a cuneiform tablet.
1949 International Music Council (IMC) is formed
The world’s largest network of institutions and organizations working in the field of music is created.
1973 IMC General Assembly in Lausanne
At the 15th General Assembly of the International Music Council, a resolution is made to establish an International Music Day.
1975 International Music Day is founded
Started by the International Music Council, this day is initiated by Lord Yehudi Menuhin to encourage and promote music in society.
How to Celebrate International Music Day
International Music Day offers tons of opportunities to enjoy and celebrate everything to do with music and all of the amazing benefits it has to offer. Consider some of these ideas for getting involved:
Listen to Music
Whether it is classical music that promotes brain development or modern music that makes your body want to move and dance, International Music Day can be celebrated by putting on some tunes. Turn up the volume in the car or pop in those headphones at work and join in on all the fun and benefits that music has to offer.
Create some playlists on an online music platform, turn on the car radio, toss some vinyl on that vintage record player or grab some of those old CDs and get playing. Many different opportunities exist to enjoy listening to music in celebration of the day!
Learn About the Benefits of Music
Many people don’t realize that music is not only fun, it’s actually good for you. International Music Day is the perfect time to learn a little bit more about the benefits of music and how it improves the lives of billions of children and adults all over the world.
Music is good for the heart
Music can help with weight management
Music improves the mood
Music helps to ease pain
Studies have shown that the blood flows better when music is played. Playing music can lower the blood pressure, reduces the heart rate, decreases cortisol and promotes healthy substances in the blood.
Many people don’t know that playing soft music in the background while eating (and dimming the lights) can encourage people to slow down while they are eating which, ultimately, can lead to eating less food and promoting healthier eating habits.
Listening to happy music has been shown to make people (and also pets!) happy. Music can promote the release of good hormones into the bloodstream, such as serotonin and endorphins, which helps people to relax, relieve feelings of anxiety and depression, and promote positive emotions.
Research has proven that music can be used in healthcare situations, especially with geriatric people, to reduce the severity and intensity of pain, particularly in palliative care or intensive care patients.
Attend a Musical Event
This is the time to go out and listen to some live music! Whether related to International Music Day or just part of the cycle of music that happens all year round, attending a concert or other musical event in celebration of the day would be loads of fun!
Grab a seat at the local high school’s musical production. Pop into the local bar and listen to an open mic night. Attend an orchestra concert at the local chamber hall. Or get tickets to that rock star you’ve been dying to see! Music is all around so get ready to join in on it in whatever way possible.
Learn to Make Music
Been thinking about learning how to play the guitar or wondering if now is the time to take piano lessons again? International Music Day might be just the right motivation to get started! Join the rest of the world in learning to make music or improving those music skills by finding a teacher, taking a class or joining a local music collective. Even for those who are not prolific, learning and growing in making music brings joy and delight all over the world.
International Music Day FAQs
Is music good for you?
Yes! Research shows that music can provide health benefits like reducing blood pressure, minimizing anxiety and improving mental capacity.
Does music affect your mood?
Studies have shown that listening to upbeat music can make people feel happier and improve their mood.
Can music help you focus?
Certain types of music can increase brain power through motivation, increased focus and better memorization.
Did music come before language?
Some researchers believe that music came before language, using the study of infants as a basis.
Should music be taught in schools?
Many people agree that the benefits of teaching music in schools are myriad, including assisting in social skills, improving academic performance, and providing a creative outlet for development.
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rabbitcruiser · 4 years
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National Watch Day
19 June is National Watch Day, a day that recognises an industry which has been around for than 500 years and is steadily evolving.
Choosing a watch is very personal, as the choices are vast and numerous. Even with the advent of smartphones and smart watches, the classic wrist watch is a sign of individual taste, culture, and a rich history that cannot be disputed.
Watches are rich in history and nostalgia, and were not only crafted for telling the time. A watch has always been a symbol of something personal, a statement of who we are. Timepieces are often passed down from generation to generation, gifted as a rite of passage, and essentially become heirlooms.
The iconic watch brands have paved the way for new trends like vintage inspired, slimmer profiles and affordable luxury. Re-inventing a brand’s signature look often balances modern details with traditional aesthetics, resulting in them becoming a fashion accessory, much like bags and scarves.
National Watch Day was founded by Nordstrom to celebrate the history and design of watchmaking. In 2017, the National Day Calendar Registrar declared that this day would be celebrated annually.
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rabbitcruiser · 4 years
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World Sauntering Day
World Sauntering Day celebration is on the 19th June of every year. The purpose of the Sauntering day is to remind us to take it easy and smell the roses. It is celebrated to enjoy the life as opposed to the rushing through it. It is also sometimes referred to as the International Sauntering Day. Sauntering is a verb which describes the style of walking, It is not a sashay, trot, prance, o lollygag. It is just to walk slowly preferably with the joyful disposition. Sauntering has been spoken of most notably by many of the naturalist writers in the history including the Henry David Thoreau and the John Burroughs.
History Of World Sauntering Day
The Word Sauntering denotes the walking in slow and relaxed manner, without hurry or effort. The Exact origin of the day is unclear, but it is credited to have begun at the Grand Hotel, which is located in Mackinac Island in Michigan. It happened during the 1970s. A response by the W.T.Rabe to a growing movement towards the recreation of jogging. Some records show that it was started by the W.T.Rabe in 1979 as a reply to the sworn enemy of the Saunter, Jogging. The idea was to encourage the people, instead of jogging, to slow down to appreciate what is around them. The Sauntering Day is the opportunity for you to head out into the world and approach it with a deeply relaxed air, you can feel the moment of pure clarity and joy, all these happen while enjoying the beautiful world which is around you and everything it has to offer.
How to Celebrate World Sauntering Day
The Celebration of the World Sauntering Day is much relaxed, and there is no restriction to move around or instead saunter. Anyone can do it women men and even children of all ages or groups. It is the day, in which everyone has a chance to roam, ruminate and rove. You don’t need any things or products. All you need to do is just give yourself plenty of time in this day and do so with the goal of relaxing and truly enjoying your journey to wherever it is you have to go. It is pure relaxation, and you can take in the scents and sights while you walk. You can also greet others and go with the group too. It is the day which gives you the opportunity to leave all the rush behind and just saunter through the day.
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rabbitcruiser · 5 years
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Public Art, Toronto (No. 8)
Unveiled following the Glenn Gould Gathering, an international symposium of Gould’s devotees, musicologists and scholars. Commissioned by Glenn Gould Foundation. Based on an original photo by Don Hunstein CBC, Front Street, Toronto. Gould was a master at crafting his public image so this portrait replicates a small photo taken by Columbia Records photographer, Don Hunstein. Seated on a plank park bench, Glenn presents himself in an enigmatic pose. Outside his namesake studio he engages Torontonians and throngs of sports fans from the Rogers Centre across the street.
Ruth Abernethy was born in Lindsay Ontario, into an artful, inventive and musical family and an unusual upbringing on a truly ‘mixed’ farm.
Hired for professional theatre at age 17, she subsequently studied at Malaspina College (University) in Nanaimo, British Columbia. At age 21, Ruth was Head of Props at the Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre (MB) and joined the Stratford Festival (ON) where she received an unsolicited Guthrie Award in 1981. Ruth has worked with most of Canada’s regional theatres, the Louisville (US) and National Ballets (CAN), executing and managing work for renowned international designers. She received Canada Council support for pursuing arts explorations in Japan and Europe in 1985.
Ruth designed an off-the-grid home, launched her solo art practice and was offered studio sessions with actor/artist Anthony Quinn following her first bronze commission in 1996. Her refined method of mapping and carving figures led to the commissioning of ‘Glenn’ (Gould) at CBC, Toronto in 1999, the first of numerous distinctive public portraits including Mackenzie King, John Hirsch and Arnold Palmer. A bronze portrait of Al Waxman was acquired for the National Portrait Collection, 2003 and her figure portrait of Oscar Peterson was unveiled by Queen Elizabeth II in 2010.
Ruth’s sculptures have been juried into exhibitions in the United States. She was shortlisted for a large public bronze in Chandler, Arizona (2001). She was the first Canadian artist to exhibit with Sculpture in Context, Dublin, Ireland (2007), also with Sculpture-by-the-Sea in Sydney, Australia (2004). For this, she was awarded a bursary from the Canadian Consulate in Sydney. She was invited for a return to the Casuarina Sculpture Walk in Australia in 2006. The only Canadian short-listed artist in the Beijing Olympic Sculpture contest, Ruth was also awarded an Award of Excellence. Her submission was included in an international exhibit, touring Europe, US and London UK prior to the opening of the 2008 games. Her sculptures have been placed municipally, regionally and nationally and she’s been awarded numerous private commissions. In addition to portraiture, Ruth’s studio works combine textiles, hand-made lace and stainless steel. Pieces from The Canadiana Collection were selected for the Canadiana State Collection for exhibition in Ottawa’s official residences, two works were exhibited in New York State with Crossing Borders, and five sculptures from the group were acquired by the Royal Ontario Museum in 2009.
Each studio work evolves from a conceptual conversation, within which, countering ideas are distilled to potent, well-structured forms. The process of creation is fundamentally abstracted, even if the resultant sculpture is perceived as a literal rendering. With great regard for the public audience, Ruth encompasses studied regard for playful thought and timeless paradoxes, seeking to create moments of personal encounter that linger in the imagination.
Ruth divides her time between studios in Wellesley ON and Vancouver BC.
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rabbitcruiser · 5 years
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International Sculpture Day, April 24
International Sculpture Day is celebrated in over 20 countries. Sculptors and admirers come together to enjoy, encourage and show support through a variety of events designed to keep sculpture at the center of the celebration.
International Sculpture Day, or IS Day, is a worldwide annual celebration of sculpture on April 24. It was established by the International Sculpture Center and is meant to raise awareness, appreciation and enjoyment of sculpture in communities across the globe. During the inaugural 2015 IS Day, over 50 events were held in 12 countries including Switzerland, China, Germany, England, Australia, Austria, Canada, Spain, New Zealand, and the USA. In its second year, over 200 events were held in 20+ countries including Australia, Denmark, Poland, Nigeria, Canada, France, Burkina Faso, Bolivia, Croatia and Mexico.
Types of IS Day events include open studios, demonstrations, workshops, public art tours, open museums, brown bag lunches, sculpture scavenger hunts, book signings, foundry pours, pop up exhibitions, opening receptions, competitions, artist talks, and more.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Glenn Gould was born on September 25, 1932.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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National Watch Day
Did you know June 19 is National Watch Day? Why has a day specifically been dedicated to watches, you ask? It’s because, without the invention, there would be no way of telling the time on the go. This portable device has benefited the way humankind functions. It is also an invention that ensures every action is taken at the right time. After all, time is money! Let’s dig into the history of watches and find out how much the device affects our daily routines.
History of National Watch Day
Watches have existed in the world for decades and, with each year that passes, the design and use of the innovation evolves. For instance, there are numerous types of watch dials available such as automatic watches, sports watches that can even be used for time races, military watches, space watches, and modern fashion watches. Let’s not forget smartwatches that are all the rage today due to their ability to connect to our mobile devices. Yes, watches have changed over the past hundred years, but their main use remains the same — to tell the time.
Watches are also luxury items that often complement our personalities. This is why a watch has become a popular gift item, as well as a family heirloom that can be passed down from generation to generation. Due to the importance watches hold in our lives and the rich history that defines their existence, National Watch Day was formed in 2017. The day was created by Nordstrom, an American luxury department store chain that sells clothing, footwear, handbags, jewelry, fragrances, cosmetics, watches, and numerous other items. To promote the watch line available at the Nordstrom store, the idea of National Watch Day was pitched. Some of the famous brands available for sale at the store include Tissot, Ted Baker, Movado, Rado, and several others.
National Watch Day timeline
1574 The Great Innovation
The first pocket watch is created in bronze.
1868 Wrist it Up
The first modern wristwatch is designed by Patek Philippe & Co.
1914–1918 Fighting Time
Men begin to wear wristwatches during World War I.
1926 Time to Swim
Rolex releases the first water-resistant watch.
National Watch Day FAQs
Why is it called a watch?
The word ‘watch means’ ‘to keep alert.’ The time-telling device is called a watch since it alerts us of the current time.
What is the point of a watch?
The basic purpose of a watch is to tell the current time. This aids in day-to-day tasks as well as business activities.
How many types of watches are there?
There are about 20 watch types. However, some of them are similar in function and use.
How to Celebrate National Watch Day
Buy yourself a watch
Gift a watch
Host a webinar
To celebrate the day, head out and buy yourself a watch! Numerous stores might be offering some great discounts to mark the day and you will be able to get a good deal.
Since a watch holds sentimental value and is a device that can be worn every day, it is also one of the best gifts you can give to someone you love. Not only will you be celebrating the day, but you will also make a loved one happy!
Want to increase your social media presence? Celebrate National Watch Day by hosting a webinar that explains the history and importance of watches. Remember, a lot of research needs to be done before you go live.
5 Fun Facts You Need To Know About Watches
The most popular color
Top-selling watch
Paul Newman’s watch
The watch that traveled to space
The most complicated mechanical watch
Black watches are the most common.
The Apple Watch is a global hit and one of the best-selling watches.
Actor Paul Newman’s Rolex Daytona was sold for $5.4 million.
The Omega Speedmaster was worn by American and Russian astronauts in space.
Vacheron Constantin’s pocket watch took eight years for research, prototyping, and manufacturing.
Why National Watch Day is Important
It recognizes the watch industry
It increases sales
It's a look into the past
National Watch Day is important since it recognizes the watch industry, watchmakers, retailers, and the numerous watch designers that have been putting their heart and soul into the creation of watches for years.
Due to this day, sales of watches across the country increase. This increases the profits of various brands and boosts the economy.
Since the history of watchmaking is brought to the forefront on this day, it actually has an educational purpose. It also provides knowledge regarding the time, money, and research that is invested into perfecting the current watches we wear.
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rabbitcruiser · 4 years
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National Let’s Hug Day
Hugging has been around for millennia and is practiced by almost all cultures as a way to connect with others without using language. Hugs are given in many scenarios: as a greeting or goodbye, for sympathy or congratulations, for gratitude, support, and affection, and even as a way of making up after a fight. Before two people embrace for one of these reasons, they often say “Let’s hug!” Today is all about coming together, saying “Let’s hug!” and hugging!
There are many reasons why participating in today’s holiday is beneficial. Hugs may release a hormone called oxytocin into the bloodstream. This hormone, produced in the pituitary gland, helps lower blood pressure, heart rate, and the stress hormone cortisol. Hugging also reduces anxiety, improves mood and memory, and increases bonding and closeness. Those who hug often tend to have increased empathy for others. In order for hugs to be beneficial, those participating must trust each other and both want to hug. Otherwise, the opposite effect happens, and cortisol levels rise, causing stress. This shows how it is favorable to preface a hug with the words “Let’s hug.”
Let’s Hug Day, also known as National Let’s Hug Day, is observed next on Tuesday, December 3rd, 2019. It has always been observed annually on December 3rd.
Celebrate the day by saying “Let’s hug!” and sharing hugs with your partner, family members, and friends!
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