#The Glitterati
jinxcoyle · 6 months
I made this drawing like a month ago BUT i still want to post it on here and outside discord.
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jaryn-mv · 4 months
i prolly like her the way too much yk im her ardent fan
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kobayashisakon · 2 years
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It's Jaryn!
I love your outfit in DC3, so gorgeous and beautiful... I want to paint it one day...!
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jenjen4280 · 1 month
All the in-laws are here. The kids brought stuff to make glitter tattoos. Apparently the Hot Wife is “too cool for me.” Traitors! 😒
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cherrylng · 5 months
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STYLE Series #004 - Muse (August 2010)
Matthew at the San Siro concert in Milan on June 8, 2010. The guitar he is holding up is the Manson “Red Glitter” that he has been using since 2007. pic: Morena Brengola/Getty Images
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Thank you for using zionist as a slur. Now everyone is aware of your status as an antisemitic turd. Go step on a Lego brick.
I have nothing against Jewish people. How dare you assume this about me!?
I hold hatered towards those that are in support of a G E N O C I D E.
Innocent Palestinians are actively dying and suffering as we speak. They have to live in constant fear for their lives and the lives of their loved ones. And you show no remorse or empathy. They have lost everything but continue to keep hope that one day they’ll be free from this tyranny.
You have no humanity
How dare you step foot in my blog?
Fun fact; I’ve stepped on legos and it never hurt 💅🏼✨✨ I’m immune <3
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some people should not have access to computers
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holdoncallfailed · 11 months
michael stipe and hilton als were hanging out at my roommate's work yesterday and of course she had no idea but i wish she had alerted me so i could have come over and demanded an explanation from stipe as to why he has the most inconsistent discography ever and also if he fooled around with thom yorke on the 1995 monster tour for real yes or no. and so i could also compliment mr als on his writing
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arctic-hands · 4 months
My makeup hating ass is about to get into eye shadow bc my eyebrows developed dandruff and the shampoo I dab a tiny smidge of into them to calm the dandruff down gives my left eyelid eczema and I'm fucking sick of this shit
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bambicurious-mara · 1 year
Climbing up to ten inches now. The higher the heels, the better – and the happier and hornier your wannabe bimbo. Nonetheless I still need walking practice on them.
The more of a bimbo, the better: Now chasing for over-the-knee boots in baby (8" and 10" Pleasers) and/or glittery pink (8" Hella Heels) to fulfill the bimbo cliché even better.
Wanna help this manhood escapist?
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jaryn-mv · 1 year
Jaryn won my heart again
Credits: YT Gadelyva, YT meansary
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flawed-menagerie · 9 months
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Luminary Festival - Auren Farkis
Crisp reverberating strings danced through the evening. Notes twisted and echoed up through the emerald, velvet tiers of Ridgedow Gardens. Dusk’s veil had long since darkened to a diamond-encrusted black, and Clarglow was alive with activity. 
Footpaths were choked with revellers that formed a river of light that coursed and pulsed through the park. Will-o-whisp spots of light also glowed among the neatly trimmed hedgerows and statues. Their magic-addled voices rose up, joining in with the music of the Luminary Festival. 
A young man, no more than a quarter of a century old, glowed brightest of all. A soft orange radiated from his eyes, and his veins pulsed a brilliant red. He was dripping in gold and gems. Over an outfit that somehow managed to be heavily layered and revealing at the same time, he wore a sheer cape, which was heavily embroidered with blood-red crystals that refracted his own light around him in dazzling, concentrated rays. It was such a dangerous colour of magic, but his expression was soft and dreamy.
Excited laughter rose up as a clustered group shot metallic confetti skyward. Gold flake drifted down and settled into his silver hair, cheeks, and shoulders. No doubt he would discover the remnants of this festival in his home weeks from now. He increased his pace, stepping off the cobbled path to overtake the group, when one of their number split from the group. The coils of her dark hair were so saturated with gold that she looked like she belonged on a pedestal next to the other statues. 
She intercepted him, matching his pace. She snaked a long, slender arm around his waist and pulled him closer. She pressed her lips against his neck, leaving a wake of golden kisses up to his earlobe, where she leaned closer to whisper.  
— “Aurie, Luv,  I know that look. Don’t tell me you’re headed home. The eve has only just begun. “ 
Her glowing eyes Locked with Auren’s, her grip tightening, slowing the both of them to a stop, causing a temporary blockage in the flow of people. 
“Overdid myself Mel.. you’ll have to –”
–” Come with us to the reflecting pool.” She cooed, meeting his lips in an off-center kiss, smearing his inky wine lipstick. Momentarily, he allowed himself to relax. He considered saying yes. His heart pounding, he dipped his friend backwards gracefully, resenting that he had to leave. An itch in his left arm reminded his fuzzy brain that he was in danger. 
Gasping softly, he gently lifted Mella upright and spun her out towards her friends, who were growing impatient.  He couldn’t make out their faces in the fuzz of the evening. “I can’t, I’m sorry Mel! We’ll talk later.” Before she could protest, he danced, spinning forward in a brilliant display of speed that ended in a stumble as he met a set of steep steps that coiled sharply upwards out of the park and onto the pink brick streets overlooking Ridgedow Gardens. The glazed windows facing the street were empty and blank… their occupants elsewhere, enjoying the festival. The empty buildings were like faces, judging him for his lack of zeal. 
Auren wound his way through streets and side streets, his pace increasing as he grew more and more alone. Finally, he was climbing a set of steps to his own front door. Smirking at the sight of it he reached down into the front of the bodice that held together the layers of his outfit pulling free a loop of keys that were on a long chain looped around his neck. Aligning it to the keyhole he struggled with the lock, cursing softly under his breath as it initially failed to cooperate with him. 
In the quiet black of his foyer, he latched the door behind him and stumbled forward, tearing at the ribbon that held the gleaming cape that draped from his bare shoulders. He let it drop on a black lacquered table. He reached up to unclasp an elaborate choker and tore his single, crimson glove down from his elbow. He pressed a gilded fingernail against a band of red ink encroached upon by a spreading corruption. Marginally extending beyond the band were sinews of mismatched muscle and skin; even his hair had begun to glow red.
Pulse rising, he wrenched his rings from his fingers, casting them into the ever-darkening room. Precious jewellery piled under him until only the dimmest glow from his own veins remained.. Slumping onto the steps, he tightened his grip on his arm and twisted it ninety degrees. A sharp click of crystal against porcelain met his ears. The room was enveloped in black as his final stone slid away from his arm, rendering the prosthesis inert. He slid to his side, the sounds of the party below overtaken by his own gasping breaths, panic refusing to subside alongside his magic. 
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the-feral-one · 11 months
(Sequel, also based off what I did in-game)
Chester was very careful as he slowly made his way across the steep edges of the Area Zero crater border.
"Why...in 'eck...did they choose t' be so 'igh up...?" He muttered to himself as he tried his best not to look down.
The Gholdengo shifted himself a little more forward, but was stopped by his movements making rocks slip off. He watched them fall, then looked for the nearest grab-able rock.
He soon found a way to get a little higher, which allowed him to go towards where the wealthy duo had chosen to place themselves easier.
Once he got close enough, he made sure not to be spotted as he listened to what they had to say.
"So this is the Great Crater of Paldea!" O'Nare started to say, her voice echoing as she shouted into the giant chasm. "The treasures held within this chasm must be worth their weight in gold!"
The man looked at her as she put her hands together. "We must see them! Let's make our descent, posthaste!"
Chester continued to listen to them, focusing on who was talking as he heard their words.
"There is only one problem with your wishes, dearest O'Nare." The man said in response to his partner's last statement. O'Nare looked at him.
"What may that be?" She asked.
"We currently cannot enter the crater. The League of Paldea will not allow us to do so."
O'Nare looked quite disappointed. "Not even for a Glitterati?" Her question was paired with a puppydog look.
The man shook his head. "Not even for a Glitterati."
"Well, if they don't want to let us into the crater, then we'll find our own way in. They can't keep us out of there forever!" O'Nare gave her partner a determined look, which he was quick to return to her.
"Yes!" The man exclaimed, his voice being echoed by the chasm. "Even the most extraordinary places are only worthy of being looked down upon by you! You really are an exemplary Glitterati, O'Nare!"
Chester cringed a little upon hearing the man's words, but he didn't have much time to react to much else, as he had found himself slipping from where he was situated.
Not only that, but he had also been spotted by a high-flying Garchomp.
Chester gasped upon seeing the frightening dragon start to nose-dive at him. He moved to get out of the way, but found himself not being able to in any way that proved useful. The Garchomp struck the rock face with Dragon Claw, causing Chester to be thrown off of it.
He managed to make his surfboard appear as he fell and quickly gained control of it, before dashing away from where the raging dragon was.
After managing to find a hiding spot behind the nearest rock and waiting for the dragon to move away, Chester got out from behind it and went to confront the two 'Glitteratis'.
"What do you want now?" O'Nare almost spat as she asked.
Chester took a few moments to catch his breath before answering.
"Couldn't 'elp but notice you two 'eadin' up 'ere. Well, I wasn't the only one. Goin' frough Mesagoza to get 'ere let me 'ear many ovvers sayin' the same sorta fings. Figured I'd come find ya...jus' t' see what yer up to."
He motioned to the clouds in the crater, causing the two wealthy humans to turn and look at them.
"'s pret'y, but 's also quite dangerous in there. Y'said somefin' 'bout gettin' the League to let'cha in, buuut...I don't fink they will. Mostly for safety reasons. You'd be all the wisah to keep it to those reasons too."
O'Nare looked at him, still quite disappointed. "We did see some of the students from the academy get let into the crater. Why are they allowed entry? Did they get the League's permission, or was it because of another convoluted reason?"
Chester took some time to think about his answer.
"They get permits from th' academy, an' choose t' go down there as part of their 'treasure 'unt' assignments."
The rich lady scoffed and folded her arms, then looked up at her partner. The man looked back at her, then at Chester. He stepped forward.
"I have a suggestion." He started to say, making the Gholdengo look up at him. "Say I was to offer you a battle challenge, with a stipulation added onto it. Would you accept?"
Chester rubbed his chin, then pointed at him. "Depends what it is."
The man continued. "If you win, we leave this place and take our business ventures elsewhere. If we win, you have to get us both permits to enter the crater. Do we have a deal?"
Chester sighed. "I guess you 'ave a deal, rich guy." He then hurried to get into battle position as the man showed three pokeballs.
The Gholdengo soon found himself facing a Lycanroc. One use of Make It Rain brought its time outside to an end. A Coalossal was let out following the wolf's defeat. Once another Make It Rain led to its downfall, out came the man's ace - Magnezone.
The man issued a command to the metal UFO, sending it flying upwards. Chester got onto his surfboard and followed behind it, forming a Shadow Ball in one hand as he went. He quickly launched it at the Magnezone. It connected, sending it plummeting downwards.
Magnezone was quick to regain control again and dash towards Chester. The Gholdengo flipped on his surfboard to dodge the incoming magnet UFO, but didn't see it coming back at him from behind. It collided with him, throwing him off the surfboard and sending him down to the rock face below, where he landed with a loud crash.
After reforming, Chester got to his feet....just to see the Magnezone looming over him. He had time to hear the man shout another command at it.
"Now use Thunder, Magnezone!"
Magnezone followed the command and let loose with the attack. Chester found himself unable to dodge it, and it struck him head-on, engulfing him in a column of yellow energy.
After the attack died down, Chester was on his front. The amount of force behind the attack had been enough to defeat him.
The man recalled his metal UFO. "Now that that's over with, I'll take some time to remind you of our deal. Don't forget about those permits. If you do forget, we'll be back to remind you."
"...uuuugh...!" Chester tried to push himself upwards, eventually managing to sit up. "I make no promises." he said, brushing his 'hair' back and fixing the band that held them in place.
He got to his feet as the Glitteratis held onto the same Magnezone that had defeated him and flew off towards Mesagoza.
"Iiii'm pret'y sure I won't be needed to explain why they're not gonna go into the crater..." Chester said to himself as he followed their movements. His train of thought was halted by another appearance from the same Garchomp that had attacked him earlier.
The dragon landed with a thunk in front of him, preventing him from running away. Chester began to try reasoning with it, only for it to start attacking him again.
It lunged forwards, hoping to strike him with Dragon Claw. Chester reacted quick to jump out of the way. Garchomp turned and dashed towards him again with the same attack, and Chester managed to barely perform the same action.
He ended up being forced towards the edge of the rock face. Chester only had time for an attempt at turning around before the dragon attacked again, this time with Earthquake. The attack managed to throw Chester off the edge.
As Chester fell, everything went quiet, and, to him, it felt like he was falling in slow motion. When he regained his bearings, he found himself unable to move into a position where he was able to produce his surfboard.
Just as he was starting to panic, Chester was caught by another Pokemon. Upon opening his eyes, he found that he had been saved by another Gholdengo riding on a rocket-powered surfboard.
"What were you doing up there?" The other Gholdengo asked, sounding as if they were scolding an unruly teenager.
"Followin' the rich guys. Th' ones that call ev'ryone 'commonahs'. The ones that wanna build fings where they really shouldn't...like where Grasswivah is." Chester explained.
The other shifted him to their other side and held their free arm out to regain their balance. "Let me guess - they pissed off Wo-Chien, and were told to stay away from his shrine?"
"Yeah. An' they'd be smart t' keep themselves away from there too. Wo doesn't like them."
The other looked at where they wanted to go, carefully guiding the surfboard downwards. "Can't say I blame him, really."
After a few minutes of fast-traveling towards the ground, the other spoke again.
"Yeah?" Chester responded, shifting himself so the other kept a good grip on him.
"Are you doing anything later? I heard there's a new sandwich shop in Mesagoza, and...I was wondering if..."
Chester smiled upon hearing the other's suggestion. "Iiif we could go an' check it out? Well, I can't say I'm doin' much, sooo....sure, why not?"
The other's cheeks started turning a faint shade of pink.
"I'll be looking forward to it."
After a few seconds, Chester spoke once again.
"'s this suggestin' a date, Peseta?"
Peseta let out some quiet laughs as they continued to pilot the surfboard towards Mesagoza.
"It can be if you want it to be, y'know!"
Chester laughed with them as he found himself able to stand on the surfboard with them.
"We'll see! An'' even if it turns out not t' be th' case, I'm gonna like 'angin' out wiff ya regardless!"
Peseta stopped the surfboard before the cave entrance that lead from the Pokemon League to Mesagoza.
"By the way, who were those two that you were spending several days chasing around the region?" They asked as the two golden Pokemon entered the cave.
"Two snooty 'umans that'll eventually get what's comin' t' them." Chester answered, the cave making his voice echo. "But enough 'bout them - tell me 'bout those sarnies!"
The two Gholdengos proceeded to talk almost endlessly about their potential new favorites as they continued to make their way through the cave.
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famewolf · 1 year
i got a shiny sentret when I jumped into the new pokemon dlc
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ladythylia · 1 year
1510 Getting’ tuned up...
Swim Suit- Rowne.Emina Bikini Set – Onyx Hair-“LoQ Hair” Grappa Pieva Black Pack Eyes-.euphoric ~Hanna  Eyes  Applier ~[Catwa] Glasses-[Z O O M] Ozzy Sunglass Tattoo- Gallica Roses – TaTToo Applier [CAROL G] Lashes-[MJN] GlamGod Lashes {CAWTA}   MakeUp-Cheap & Chic! Red Passion Lipstick – Catwa MakeUp- TREND – Replay Eyeshadow – Fatpack Jewelry- [monso] My Chain Earring Jewelry- DON’T…
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simonsaysmacy · 2 years
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#tbt that time when I covered every exposed part of my skin with gold, ultra fine body glitter and went for Halloween as the ✨ Glitterati ✨
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