#The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey
idontcarecarebear · 7 months
I love comparing book Thorin and to movie Thorin especially when they first meet Bilbo and book Thorin lands flat on his face being crushed by Bifur, Bofur and Bombur, pulls out a beautiful harp that he’s been carrying the whole time to the shire and even after they leave the shire, gives compliments to Bilbo about being a generous host and talks about the hair on his feet and movie Thorin just saunters in looking like a sexy mysterious man in the night ready to whisk away poor Bilbo but his brain wasn’t working quick enough to keep up with the charade and insults Bilbo instead.
And I love both of them and would love it if they both met and thought the other version was a complete moron.
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bob-belcher · 3 months
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The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012) dir. Peter Jackson
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smolestboop · 9 months
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things slow down in autumn
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maeofthenoldor · 5 months
I don't care what people say about the hobbit movies, but you have to admit that Richard Armitage's acting was perfect. Its actually insane how he was able to capture Thorin's character, and cultivate it into something so interesting and realistic. The way he portrayed the dragon sickness really showed the insanity of Thorin at the time and the way his minute actions resembled that of a snake, aka a dragon, And it drives me insane how we never talk about it!
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Bilbo, praying: "Maybe send me an angel! The nicest angel you have!"
Cut to Thorin hopelessly lost in The Shire.
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beetleonbike · 21 days
Just rewatched the Hobbit for the 18th time and noticed that Bilbo's chair has a heart???
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This means that they have the same symbol in their culture for love as us. That's crazy!!!!
Imagine little Hobbit drawing hearts on letters they write for their crushes or hearts embroidered into their wedding dresses?!
Also, there's a big chance that this chair used to belong to his mother, and that just melts my heart to think about :,)
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levithestripper · 1 year
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“I have no use for rings of gold, I care not for your poetry. I only want your hand to hold, I only want you near me. I've no need for mighty deeds, when I feel your arms around me.”
THE HOBBIT— Thorin Oakenshield and Bilbo Baggins
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merryverse · 3 months
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The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
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mlmxreader · 5 months
Kingslayer | Thorin Oakenshield x gn!reader
↳ ❝ Thorin
21 "I have spent a lifetime alone... and now I know I'll never be alone again"
36 "It's where I come from"
37 "You can take a lot of things from a man" ❞
: ̗̀➛ When Gandalf hires a sellsword, Thorin takes a liking to them a little bit much.
: ̗̀➛ mentions of murder
: ̗̀➛ @vampiboi
You were used to being alone. All your life it was all you had ever known; a cold bed, a quiet room, an empty chair opposite your own. All you had ever known was the cold hand of being alone, and it had become something you had grown numb to; you didn't take any notice of it anymore, as if the chill had become naturalised within your system.
You never knew what it was like to have somebody there with you; you never knew what it was like to be loved and to feel the warmth of home. Home was just some distant rumble amongst the clouds that you didn't understand; you laid your boots wherever you stayed for the night, and never stayed for long either.
Your talents as a tracker and a scout became useful to many, and when you met Gandalf, you were suspicious at first; with his thick grey eyebrows and the brim of his grey pointed hat covering his eyes, you could never be sure what great secrets he kept hidden within his long silver beard.
But money was money, so you agreed to lend him your sword for a while. A skilled fighter, you weren't exactly an uncommon sight amongst other sellswords; but for whatever reason, Gandalf chose you. He hired you for your sword, your tracking abilities, and your scouting skills; you never questioned any more of it, until he handed your contract over to Thorin Oakenshield.
"You're to obey his commands, now," the tall and booming wizard told you. "Thorin will see you are payed fairly."
Money was money. You didn't mind so much. Whatever gold your sword was worth, you weren't one to question who paid for it, or how. You had done many things for some coin in your pocket; slaying orcs, clearing out trolls from caves, destroying goblin nests, slaughtering spiders.
It was all the same to you. Loyalty was not your forte, and Thorin seemed to know that; you were distant from everybody else, and even when the Dwarves were destroying Bilbo Baggins' hobbit hole, you stayed outside. Guarding the door. Just like Gandalf, you were prone to wander and to scout ahead as much as run off to track down something to eat.
But every command Thorin gave you, you executed it without hesitation or question. His money was good, and he was a man of his word. While the others slept, you would stay up, guarding them and watching over them until dawn broke; you didn't have to, but if your employer was to be killed in his sleep, you wouldn't have anyone to pay you.
Gandalf would check in on you on occasion, but whenever he spoke to Thorin about you, he would receive nothing but praise. Thorin had a soft spot, it seemed, and it made the old wizard smile as he nodded along; it was why he had picked you to begin with.
After all he had heard from your previous employers, not only were you perfectly skilled and qualified for the adventure, but you were exactly the type that Thorin liked.
But as the others slept, Thorin couldn't; he knew where you would be, on the edge of the camp that they had made and smoking your pipe, and dragged himself over. Sitting beside you on a rather large rock. He noticed your sword, and the words engraved upon it in your own language; Kingslayer. He raised a brow.
You nodded. "I killed a king with this sword."
"Why?" Thorin asked, assuming that there must have been a good reason for it.
You shrugged. "He was killing children. Ordering his men to kill them as they slept in their mothers' arms. So I drove my sword through his chest until it came out the other side."
"Were you paid?" He questioned.
You shook your head as you let out a soft laugh. "No. I was paid to kill his second in command. So I did. But when I saw the order... I killed him, too. A bonus, I suppose. Compensation."
"That was noble of you," he said quietly. "Do all sellswords have morals?"
You glared at him for a moment with a raised brow. "No..."
"And what about you?" He asked. "If I offered to pay you, would kill children?"
"I'd have one question," you told him.
"Go on."
"How much?" You asked.
"You can do it yourself, but you don't like it when Kings do?" He asked.
You shook your head, clicking your tongue. "A king who gives the order should be the one to wield the sword."
"And what about me?" Thorin mused. "I give you orders."
"You pay me," you huffed. "I don't give a rat's if you're a king. Money is money."
"And what of loyalty?"
You scoffed. "I'm loyal to the highest bidder. I have no home, no banner, I have no king. I have nowhere, except whoever pays me the most."
"What if I were to buy your services permanently?" He asked. "Would you have a home, a banner, a king, then?"
"You couldn't afford it," you scoffed. "A sellsword is one thing, but a tracker and a scout are another - my rates are higher each day."
"I'm sure I can afford it once I take my home back," Thorin said assuredly. "Your skills are impressive, Kingslayer, you would do well as a guard."
"A guard?" You chuckled. "No one's ever asked me about that before."
"I'm sure no one else has seen how brave you are before," he admitted. "I could give you your own home. You would be your own master."
"But still employed by you," you pointed out.
"Would you consider it?" Thorin questioned.
"If the money was good enough," you agreed. "Thirty gold coins a day."
"I can afford it," he agreed. "Come here."
You stood up as he did, sheathing your sword as you followed him up the small hill, he positioned you in front of himself, and pointed over your shoulder.
"That mountain over there," he started, "it's where I come from. It's my home, and once we reclaim it, you will be my guard. My right hand. You will be in charge of my armies and my affairs. For forty gold coins a day."
You hummed, clenching your jaw at the closeness. There was no doubt that Thorin was beautiful; his dark hair with a spattering of grey here and there when you looked close enough, blue eyes that made sapphires look dull, and his voice... his baritone, thunderous voice.
You cleared your throat as you took a step aside, holding out your hand.
"I will hold you to your word," you warned.
"I'm a king," he chuckled, shaking your hand. "You have not just my word, but my family's honour behind it."
You smiled, still holding onto his hand. "I have spent a lifetime alone... and now I know I'll never be alone again."
Tugging you closer by the hand, Thorin smiled back as he nodded. "You will have me... and I'll forge you a new sword - one of the finest steel and with the sharpest blade. It will cut a dragon's throat."
"Like a black arrow?" You asked.
"Yes," he nodded. "You will shed your Kingslayer title."
You smiled as you laughed softly, shaking your head. "You can take a lot of things from a man - a title earned by action is not one of them."
"Believe me," he whispered, allowing his gaze to drop to your lips. "You won't be the Kingslayer for all time."
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idontcarecarebear · 6 months
My favourite thing about rewatching the hobbit an unexpected journey is hearing Thorin call Bilbo a traitor for saying they smell bad
Thorin can dish out all the insults he wants but he can’t take one even if it’s to literally save his life
I think he was angrier then when Bilbo took the Arkenstone
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blade-liger-4ever · 22 days
Hobbit Trilogy memes I made
Plus one Lord of the Rings meme I made
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I am so sorry, I only just realized I misspelled Radagast's name...
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smolestboop · 10 months
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smallest member in the company gets to hold thorin's hand
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smallest-clown · 1 year
“I hope this email finds you well”
How the email finds me:
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Bilbo: *complaining to Gandalf* I don't think Thorin likes me very much. . . He's just given me a few pretty gems and braided my hair. . . Thorin: *complaining to Gandalf* I don't think Bilbo likes me very much, he's just given me a whole bunch of little trinkets and keeps bringing me homemade snacks and baked goods . . . Gandalf: *who knows both of these men have basically proposed to each other without the other realizing it* That's a damn shame. . . If only you could find someone who loved you. . .
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in the first hobbit film, when the ponies are stolen, the two named at first are daisy and bungo
bilbo's dad was called bungo
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i’m crying i always thought fili was just not in the 3 trolls cooking dwarves scene and then i just see
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