#The Kennedy Parents (dsaf)
the-acid-pear · 5 months
I like how Jack kind of treats Matt like a kid but not in a patronizing way exactly but rather an Old Man™ way which IS weird because Matt did confess to him he's basically immortal meaning he's probably very close to his age but i guess he does still look pretty young
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dee-in-the-box · 4 months
even MORE kennedy family hcs if possible :evil:
and on today's headcanons: Visits With Family (when Jack and Peter were little)
(* also keep in mind: Jack is trans)
Visits with Marshall's Family (aka Dad's side of the family):
Marshall's family is. Loud. not great for sensory issues.
Jack and Peter have a lot of cousins on that side. so lots of people to play with.
Jack was always a more rambunctious kid, something that a lot of other kids found weird for a "little girl," but his cousin were just like "well, as long as she* can keep up, then she can play!"
Jack could, in fact, keep up
they were definitely more understanding about some of Jack and Peter's sensory issues, and the fact that they couldn't exactly help it. didn't help the noise problem, though
when Jack came out as trans, they didn't fully get it, but they were chill (especially Aunt Jan, she thought it was cool :]). His grandfather said "Well, Marshall, I guess that means you've got another man to help you around the house, eh?" even though Jack was. very much already doing that
all in all? pretty nice, just a bit too loud for the two of them to spend much time around.
Visits with Diane's Family (aka Mom's side):
hell. It Is Hell.
Diane's family absolutely sucks and is shitty to just about everyone, and that extends to their grandkids.
they give zero shits about any texture issues Jack or Peter might have. oh, you didn't like the dress we gave you, Jackie? how ungrateful, that cost us a lot of money, you know. what do you mean Peter doesn't like the onions in the spaghetti sauce because he doesn't like how squishy they are? well, he's either gonna have to man up or starve, because we're not making him something different just because he can't stop being a crybaby.
seriously, it got to the point that Diane would have to call her parents before they visited so she could make sure they were actually making something that Peter and Jack could eat.
her family also tried to shove Gender Roles onto her kids. which Diane fucking hated, by the way
Jack like wearing pants more since skirts and dresses typically had the Worst fucking textures. it wasn't even necessarily because he hated the dresses and stuff themselves, it was just because it was impossible to find anything (affordable) that didn't have World's Worst Fucking Texture. unfortunately uh. Diane's Family Was Very Judgemental About This. if any family pictures were being taken, then Jack was basically shoved into a dress. this should go without saying, but Jack Fucking Hated That.
due to Diane's family shoving gender roles on everyone despite how much they all fucking HATE it, Jack's usually laughed off whenever he wants to play with some of the boys. playing with the girls also sucks because "they don't ever wanna talk about dogs or go garden with me in the dirt because they "dOn't waNnA GeT meSsY". they just gossip and have no idea how to do hair Gently" (< Jack doesn't mind gossip, but theirs was Boring, and uh. Need I Remind You Of The Autism)
due to this, Jack Really Hates Visiting That Side Of The Family.
coming out as trans was. A Fucking Nightmare. Diane tried to make it clear that they supported her son, but her parents were just like Oh, so Jacqueline's one of Those people, huh? you can. Imagine how things went from there
anyway, completely unrelated, but Jack and Peter kinda cut that side of the family off after their parents died. I'm Sure There's No Particular Reason For That
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New AU Idea!
So this is based on a thing I did because I was bored with my child Dave AI. Basically I decided to put him on the cat bus and take him to a spirit forest and thought it would be cool to imply that the reason he fits in so well there and not anywhere else is because he’s some kind of creepy lizard fae creature. It was mostly just me reminiscing over watching Studio Ghibli, and then I thought… what if there was a Studio Ghibli DSAF fusion AU.
So my idea for this AU is for it to play like a combination of my three favourite Studio Ghibli movies in plot, those being My Neighbour Totoro, Spirited Away and Ponyo (a bit less of Ponyo and using My Neighbour Totoro as the main framework because it’s what fits best. Also I must mention I adore Kiki’s Delivery Service and Howls Moving Castle, I just prefer these ones, and these fit the story I’m thinking of better.)
So it would have child protagonists like all 3 of those movies, and would mostly focus on Jack. Löng post btw explaining the general plot. Please read it over though and tell me who you want me to design first and if you have any ideas to improve the AU! <:
My idea for the plot is that like in My Neighbour Totoro, Jack, Dee and Peter have just moved to a new neighbourhood. Dee is exited because she’s an adorable little child, is underrated as hell, and I love her. Peter is distant from the rest of the family because he’s nearly an adult and is upset about moving and is angsting. And Jack hates the idea of moving away from his old friends, and is kinda left alone to deal with it.
The new house is a bit of a mess as it’s really old and hasn’t been lived in for a long time, Dee is exited and is constantly exploring the forest, Peter just kinda stays in his own room and ignores everyone, and Jack just kinda doesn’t know what to do.
Dee starts talking about seeing spirits early on, but no one believes her.
Jack gets mad and blows up at his parents at dinner one day, before running off into the woods, he travels into a very deep, dark part of the woods, followed by his siblings, and then is stopped by Dave, who is a fae spirit around Jack’s age, or at least who seems to be as spirit ages are unclear, he’s probably older than that but is considered a child by spirit terms and mentally and physically is one. Dave is immediately hostile and threatens Jack’s life if he gets any closer. Jack asks why and Dave explains that he’s protecting the grave of his master, the rot king (Henry), until he comes home. I should also note that Dave is masked (it’s a rabbit mask because of course the fuck it is) and cloaked at this point and his actual appearance isn’t shown until later.
Jack tries to talk more but Dave tries to kill him, just as he does Jack’s siblings appear. until he’s pulled aside by another spirit just in time. This spirit is Harry, who is a black bear spirit which initially scares Jack but he quickly realizes he’s a friend. Harry takes Jack “somewhere safe” because he claims the forest is not safe for mortals at night because that’s when the vestiges of the rot king come out and seek mortal souls to pull into the void to feed to their master. Dave isn’t technically an actual vestige, and does not have the ability to deliver souls to Henry. The reason for this is because being the sort of evil spirit Henry was, he commanded an army of lesser evil spirits who could only come out at night which greatly limited his power, so when he found Dave, he used Dave to be his servant during the day because as a neutral being of the forest, Dave was able to be out during both day and night.
Harry takes the Kennedy’s into his home inside a large tree, apparently recognizing Dee and scolding her for not listening when he said not to go out at night, where we are introduced to the other bear spirits/phone guys, Steven is a red panda which while technically not actually a bear I think fits, Jake is a grizzly who lost his cub, Roger is a sun bear, and Rebecca (no I didn’t forget about her), is a sloth bear.
The bears explain that they serve the forest king (the real Fredbear), a golden bear spirit that has dominion over all the forest during the day, and once had it during the night too. But then the rot king rose to power and for a time, he ruled both, until the forest king managed to banish him to the void with the help of an unstable ally, the spirit of wolftooth peak (Blackjack) who is a giant dark spirit taking the form of a wolf. The spirit of wolftooth peak however betrayed the forest king and refused to kill the rot king, in favour of torturing him for having previously destroyed the spirit of his sister by destroying her peak. This allowed the rot king to continue his reign from a distance during the night, so the forest king employed the 5 lesser bear spirits to protect the forest at night by rescuing any mortals that enter and fighting off the vestiges. The siblings were lucky that Dave stopped them before attacking actually because if they had come any closer to the grave, the dark magic would have put up a barrier the bears couldn’t cross.
The bears request that the siblings help them defeat the rot king once and for all before he regains his power and escapes, an act he’s close to doing. Peter claims this is above their capabilities, and wants to leave to protect his siblings, but Dee is having none of it, as she’s already bonded with many of the spirits and knows they’ll be hurt if the rot king rises to power. Knowing they can’t deter her, Peter and Jack make a promise to help the spirits by purifying corrupt spirits, an act done by helping them remember what they were before.
The kids go back home for awhile then, to their parents dismay as they had worried about them before, go out o the forest around noon, promising to be back by dusk. They meet up with the bears, and for the first time for all of them but Dee, meet the forest king. He thanks them for joining his cause and explains that the corrupted spirits are ones taken by the rot king and his vestiges and either forcefully corrupted, or in cases that are much more dangerous, manipulated into joining, he also talks to Dee like a close friend, and so does she, making it clear that Dee is also the one who knows the most about spirits and magic because of her friendship with the forest king.
Steven is the youngest of the bear spirits in this and has napoleon syndrome, so the other bears send him with the siblings to help him grow up, something he’s very unhappy with. Steven ends up riding on Peter’s shoulder for most of the story because he likes being tall and Peter is the tallest sibling.
The siblings and Steven are told to seek out a corrupted fawn spirit (Jacob Adams), Peter is given a magic staff (which Steven is immediately rude about him not holding right), Jack gets a sword, and Dee gets a healing wand. The fawn spirit has turned into a stag with long pointed horns, long legs, and sharp fangs. This battle almost ends in utter defeat as the group are terrible at working together as each just tries to do their own thing, eventually Jack manages to pull them together and they purify the spirit, turning it back into a fawn. The fawn thanks them and they help him get back home to his family, exploring the spirit town while they are there.
The next day they spend the early morning finally working together cleaning their new home, and their parents, who are still worried, decide things must be alright as the siblings are getting along better.
They meet back up with Steven, and are sent out to deal with 3 spirits this time, the 3 were friends and were corrupted together. The spirits in question are a nine tailed fox (Foxy, who both Steven and Peter agree sounds awesome), a phoenix (Chica), and a jackalope (Bonnie). Freddy will not show up yet, and rather than having the toys and the standard animatronics as two separate groups I decided to do something else.
They arrive at a long abandoned observatory, and at first don’t see anything, exept for the noticeable fact that every surface is covered in thick vines. Jack tries to cut the vines, but suddenly, they all come to life and start moving, a twisted and mangled fox head appears as do it’s hundreds of viney limbs, this spirit design will be inspired by a combination of mangle, and withered foxy. As the nine tailed and now 900 limbed fox spirit comes to life, so too do the other two spirits arrive, a flightless cockatrice (a combination of toy and withered Chica), and the blind centipede hare (toy and withered Bonnie). These corrupted spirits are incredibly hard to fight on their own but things get worse from here.
Having been alerted of the purification of the fawn, Dave and a corrupted bear monster based on the onikuma arrive to fight as well. The siblings barely make it out with their lives and Dee is taken by the onikuma.
Peter immediately quits when he returns, after demanding to know why no one ever told them about the onikuma, but Jack is sure Dee is still alive and refuses to quit, causing the brothers to fight. The onikuma is revealed to be a 6th bear guardians who was willingly corrupted and they didn’t mention because he normally stays in the bog.
Their parents refuse to let them go out again, and Dee is declared missing. Jack sneaks out at the dead of night, knowing how dangerous it is but going anyway, and he finds the tree. The bears are horrified, especially since he got quite injured by evil spirits on the way. He demands to know where Dee was taken and the bears reveal she’s likely been trapped at the bottom of the bog, which is a sort of nightmare pocket world the evil bear spirit keeps his child victims in. Jack asks how he can free her, and the bears reveal that the only way to get someone out of the bog is with fairy magic. Jack asks where he can find a fairy. The bears tell him that won’t be possible. There’s only one fairy in the forest, but this fairy is out of reach to them, all the others were sealed in the very tree the bears live in by the rot king, and as long as the king still lives, the fairies will never escape.
Jack gets frustrated and asks why this fairy is out of reach, and the bears explain that he’s already met the fairy, it tried to kill him when they first met, Jack figures out that the bears are telling him DAVE is a fairy. Jack is confused and horrified, he’d always been told fairies were tiny and cute, Dave is threatening and hostile, and around his own size. The bears explain that fairies are neutral tricksters, capable of changing size at will, and that this particular fairy was taken in, manipulated, and mutilated by the rot king who cut off Dave’s wings. He’s too devoted to ever be shaken from his goal.
Jack declares he’s going to purify Dave. The bears do not like that idea, and Steven refuses to come claiming it to be suicide. Jack claims he has to do it for his sister.
Jack gets his sword and goes out to fight Dave alone. He finds him sitting at the massive obelisk that is the rot king’s grave and seemingly praying to it.
When Jack approaches he immediately arms himself and demands to know why Jack is here. Jack claims he’s here to purify him, and Dave laughs in his face and then teases him about coming out on his own.
With that the fight begins, Dave removes his cloak to move faster which reveals that his clothes barely fit on him because of how thin he is (he was malnourished by Henry, and only leaves to eat once a week for 3 hours.) Dave far outpaces Jack, but he continues to be able to defend his attacks until dawn breaks, and during the fight Dave’s mask is knocked off outing him not only as a lizard boi, but also shows some of his scars from his abuse at the hands of Henry.
After a few more minutes Jack manages to get through to him and Dave breaks down crying, to which Jack comforts him. Purifying Dave causes the mask and cloak to turn to dust as those were the symptoms of his corruption which is a bit weird but I think it has to do with some of the other unique aspects of his situation. Also I’m not gonna make Dave’s lizardyness be his corruption because lizard boi is best boi, and he can’t just grow his wings back.
Jack decides to stop lying to his parents about where Dee is, and comes home with Dave, who may or may not have developed a crush on Jack when he comforted him.
After some convincing Jack manages to make his parents aware of everything so they can help, and convince Peter to help again.
Setting off with Peter, Steven, and Dave, Jack goes to the bog of the onikuma. After a long and difficult fight which included the onikuma summoning the other 3 corrupted spirits from before, they manage to win and purify all the spirits, setting Dee free with Dave’s magic.
Dee is acting like she never left as she has forgotten ever doing so alongside the 10 other kids locked down there with her.
The group returns to the forest king who despite being proud of everything achieved, such as Dave and the onikuma’s purification and Dee’s release from the bog, is rather grave, as he says it’s too late to stop the rot king’s returns.
The group asks if there’s absolutely no way to stop him, and the forest king admits there’s one, it would be to have the assistance of the spirit of wolftooth peak. The forest king also reveals that if the rot king dies, he does too, as the rot king is a part of him that split off. The rot king can survive without him in a weakened state, but he would die if the rot king were to die.
Somewhat conflicted, the group travels up the mountain, meeting the spirit of the peak. The giant wolf yells at them and fights them for their arrogance but is eventually convinced the rot king must die, and this isn’t what his sister would have wanted.
the group, now with the wolf spirit, travel into the void and meet the rot king face to face. He’s a being of pure decay in this who himself is rotting. Major nowhere king vibes. In an epic final confrontation all the characters but Jack are defeated, like in the game, but Jack manages to bring them all back by channeling energy through his sword.
The rot king is finally defeated. And thus begins the epilogue in which the Kennedy family vow that all future generations will protect the forest, the wolf of the peak finds peace and redemption, Dave decides to give up some of his power so he can grow up alongside Jack for totally not gay reasons, Steven is crowned as the new forest king and everyone lives happily ever after.
It’s a weird AU but I think it could be cool and I might make a fanfic about it, please give feedback and advice and as I’ve said, tell me who to draw first! <:
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sogthewoz · 5 months
List of Dsaf Headcanons
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Um this will almost constantly be updated so check frequently,,, also most of these aren't simple headcanons and might contain some graphic detail so be warned,,,
Dave smiles with all of his teeth cause Henry used to do that and he just thinks it's normal
Dave and Henry share similar shadows due to similar ideals, due to what Henry had taught Dave. Dave was often kept in the dark to Henry's plans, so the shadowing on Dave is only around his face and not his body. (ie picture below)
Legacy Jack has similar face shadows, but they cover both of his eyes.
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4. Jack and Dave's eyelights stop working whenever their startled, (ie image below) and are colored, (Jack's eyelights are blue, while Dave's are yellowish orange.) Henry mostly lacks eyelights but his would be green.
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5. Ironically, Dave hates slasher films, not cause he's scared, but because he thinks the characters are really stupid. Other than Friday the 13th. Dave actively watches that franchise
6. Due to Dave's lack of vital organs, and yet ability to still, Function as a human being, all of his muscle growth had came generally around before his first death, as he can no longer gain muscle.
7. Jack has similar issues but he stops having the ability to gain muscle somewhere around dsaf 3.
8. The undead in this universe do not rot quickly, it's relatively slow. Another (General) headcanon to add onto this, the also undead do not heal quickly.
9. Dave and Jack first properly met when Dave had unintentionally thrown a handcrank square into Jack's face. Dave does not remember this event, Jack on the other hand, does remember.
10. Additionally, that event had damaged Jack's face that badly mostly due to his rot making his skin weak. Thusly the stitches around his eye & non-working eyelight.If we was alive, he probably would have only gotten away with two less teeth and a broken nose.
11. The Kennedy's were a catholic household before Jack's parents died, Jack stopped believing that God was real until the real fredbear had "saved" his body from death. Jack is now generally agnostic now.
12. Blackjack is deeply philosophical, but has no one to talk to but himself. (Another universe based headcanon) Souls soon tend to speak in unintelligible ciphers as they soon don't remember what tongue they originally spoke in. Only really Jack has clear idea of how Blackjack and Dee speak, any other spirit he only has a general idea of what they’re saying.
13. Dave knows a quite a bit of medical knowledge off the top of his head due to Henry, but always follows it up with "but I might be wrong/don't quote me on that"
14. Henry out of sprite is just, incredibly sunburnt,, ie the pink. Or at least thats his assumption. He looks relatively normal other than that. Tldr he's just as oddly colored as Jack and Dave. There's no hiding his ghoulish soul, so it's only fair that he's portrayed as such.
15. Jack had always wanted to be honest to Dave, not just about his connected past but overall about his complicated feelings he has towards Dave. Jack never really had the time to do so, regardless of timeline, Dave was always too preoccupied with his plans for the two to have a proper chat about it.
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geese-consumer · 5 months
Lol here’s some dsaf headcanons
Them windows in Jack’s house stay unlocked for yknow who
Dave will just grab sportsy (not like that) randomly. Just casual wrist or shoulder grabs and touches
Dave is oddly flexible, it’s how he gets into the vents
Jack doesn’t leave the house that much besides for work. He’ll stay in during the nights and his off days just jerking off or whatever
Dave has freakishly long hands
Caroline and Jack HATED each other
Dave couldn’t give a fuck about the other two Kennedy siblings. He doesn’t hate them, he’s just very neutral
Dee hates having her hair up (I love projecting)
Peter left Jack and Dee behind after the their parents died to fuck off and start a family with Caroline
Jack hates Caroline because he blames her for Peter leaving, Caroline hates Jack cause she thinks Jack forced Peter away from Dee. Peter is lying to both of them
Peter is a bitch
I hate Peter
Harry loves tea berry ice cream because TEA BERRY IS THE BEST ICE CREAM AND I SAID SO.
Oscar and Dsaf 3 neutral Jack definitely hook up
This is all right cause I said so
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dsaf-confessions · 4 months
sorry. big long ramble about dsaf 3 steven because i feel like the idea is cool but he also just feels like a whole different character
Ok. Starting this off. Steven was dumbed down so much in dsaf 3 and I hate it. Put them side by side they are not the same character. 3 has no trace of anything that made Steven an intimidating boss. There can be characters who are protagonists and also just aren't that good of people without it being goofy like Dave is! I think in dayshift 1, Steven was the antagonist, and that's why his character is the way it is. And the issue is, dayshift 3 gives him such a good setup!
First off, the endless hallways thing (assuming its not just that one hallway, which doesn't fit with the rest of the layers at all, and also how would more souls fit on there well, if we're going off the lore created in the game (which also makes little sense imo)). It's so good. iirc, even in dayshift 1, Steven is still scared constantly. He's good at not showing it, but he still is scared. The endless hallways, everywhere to run but nowhere to go, are so good for him as a character.
Second off, I feel like it's really not considered, by the fandom or in game, how long he spent there? He was there from 1987 to 2023. The kid that was killed earlier the same day? Didn't remember his parents. Hardly remembered living. "Oh, but Dee and Dave have been there longer!" you cry! They have ties to reality. Dave has their body, Dee iirc freely moved between the two dimensions before settling in The Flipside. They have some way to keep themself tethered to reality. Steven did not. Thats why I headcanon phone guys don't forget things; "Steven" would no longer exist if they didn't. He would've faded away just like every other soul there. Also, "he's an adult", shouldn't mean anything! Why would a literal dimension bend how it works just because he's an adult.
His layer and his character in general feel so rushed. I kind of get the argument that he had so much time to feel guilty, but the issue is, until dsaf 3 you never see him feel guilt. He shows pity but that is not guilt. The way hes made out to be in dsaf 1, having run minimum 2 locations (though more would make sense, just so he did a little bit more and it actually be reasonable to group him in with the kennedys and dave, who are all vital to the story), makes him seem like the strict, cold boss he is intended to be.
In conclusion: Dayshift 3 Steven feels rushed, poorly written, and like a completely different character. His layer was the smallest, his character development non-existent (the whole time youre with him hes just "ohhhhh ohhhh im such a bad person ohhhh peter ohhh no" aside from his very few interactions with dave where you see a snippet of his old personality), and he could've been so much better. I would love to go on a rant about how he works better as an antagonist even while working with jack, but this is long enough already.
i dunno. maybe i'll go replay dsaf 1 and 3 soon and see if anything changes my mind, but i doubt it. ive stood firm on this for all 2 years i've been obsessed with this man and i doubt it'll shift very much.
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fictionkinfessions · 7 months
I feel kinda fake bc I see so many people talking about their kin memories and I DO have kin memories, but not visual ones. I don’t SEEING remember specific canon events (yet) but my memories are more like feelings, and senses other than sight. I remember how I felt on my birthday before it all went wrong and how excited I was, and I remember how it felt to just run around carefree.
When I saw the florida project, it just reminded me of being 5 and running around with a few friends and causing chaos. it wasn’t exactly like the movie (we never spat on anyone’s car or did anything to that level of disrespect) and i don’t remember anything visually, but I know. I know I’ve experienced that before and obviously, I would know if those were from my current life, but they aren’t, so where else could those feelings be from? I was never left unsupervised at that age here, but Jack, while I love him, wasn’t the best parental figure (in his defense, he wasn’t prepared to take care of me… at all. I know in canon, Peter moved away, but I’m not sure if that was the case in my memories. He might have stayed with us, but if I do get enough memories to be able to tell I’ll probably go here first thing lol)
I also remember the distinct taste of American candy, which is something I hadn’t tried till later in life here, so obviously, it wasn’t from this life that I’m getting confused. I want to reconnect with my family SO BAD, even if they’re not from my exact universe/timeline/wtvr, but I’m scared of just reaching out and being like “hey it’s me I’m kin with your dead sister from your past life do u want to be my friend”
- dee kennedy dsaf #🧣🎁⭐️ (rlly hope that specific emoji combo isn’t taken)
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rudylloyd · 1 year
someone [Ben] said they wanted it so under the cut is my dsaf swap au stuff
Dayshift at Freddy's swap au "Dayshift at Bonnie's"
Retired circus ringleader Henry Miller and his adopted son Dave, along with their cat Mittens, have had a steady stream of bad luck. Henry losing his wife and biological son, and Dave losing his parents and being orphaned, the two find comfort in each other and take care of one another. On Dave's 20th birthday, the two go to the local eating spot, Springbonnie's Family Eatery, owned by the Kennedy family consisting of two parents and their 3 children. They get a discount since Dave is the night guard
Unfortunately, Henry gets into an accident, leaving Dave to fend for himself once again. Not long after, Dave falls victim to the shockingly spiteful and hateful hands of the Kennedy's youngest child, Dee. She purposefully rigs the springbonnie suit to fail on him after a rumor spreads that Dave is the reason Henry was killed in the diner.
There, the Real Springbonnie gives Dave a chance to redeem himself on the condition he solves the murdering problem that Springbonnie's faces.
Years later, Springbonnie's closes and Bonnie FazBunder's Deli opens, serving fresh submarine sandwiches. Unfortunately, there's a murdering problem here, the main suspect being the middle son, Jack.
What hijinks ensue when a familiar purple face appears at the front door? What secrets can be discovered within Bonnie FazBunder's? And WHY is that circus ringleader animatronic constantly staring in Dave's direction?
Maybe find out ;]
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dimmiestimmies · 8 months
Jack Davidson/Kennedy - DSAF+FNAF Fusion
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x o x o x x o x o x x o x o x
"I'm not really feeling like I wanna get lit" ("Tell us how you're feeling") "WELL, I feel like SHIT"
------------------ Idk if I'll do anything with this fusion but hey, it's here for your enjoyment anyway. I have taken this man and made him my own character. He is trans now and gay as hell.
So, basically, story is: Jack died but was reborn as a "girl". He has amnesia of his past life but remembers certain parts (ex. he calls himself Jack). This new change (his sex) made him feel dysphoric so he changed his name back to Jack but his new parents (who are NOT supportive) did not approve of that change. The time is set either during Security Breach or FNAF 3 (can't decide which one to do), so around 2023-2029. Reborn Jack is around 20-24 years old and kinda broke so he takes a job at Freddy's because America's capitalism.
I will maybe post more about him on my other account (@myunluckyjourney).
Anyways, hope you liked my stimboard!
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thetwiggiesttwig · 4 years
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oh fuck **accidentally makes a dsaf roleswap au**
(notes under the cut)
some notes/ideas: -steven was still originally a location manager like his canon self, but got demoted after becoming a murder suspect
-steven has very few memories but remembers having a very strong vendetta against the factory
-peter becoming a phone guy was part of his deal to save the kids with the real fredbear of this au (the real foxy, im thinking) who made sure he'd keep his memories
-dave took steven's place as manager
-when jack died dave didn't want to deal with the lawsuits that'd come with his death and so did what any logical person would do and attempted to perform a ritual to bring him back. it semi-worked, but jack's soul and body became two separate entities in the process
-dee was the oldest of the kennedy siblings in this au. after their parents died she became interested in the whole 'not dying' thing, leading her to become cold towards her siblings, shutting them away. her relationship with them suffered greatly because of this, and peter's supposed death was the final nail in the coffin. her and jack went separate ways after that.
-dee was later killed by the puppet, who she managed to merge with
-henry was still the original founder of the restaurant, but left after a larger company brought it out. he was rather annoyed to learn that his former creations were being possessed by dead children, and began working to free the souls
-with dee being so distant towards her siblings, peter and jack grew closer
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pinkhorsepro123 · 4 years
So, welcome to my blog! I've been on here a bit, but never did much. I’ve been writing things for DSAF’s for years, my main one being Half Alive. And recently got into Dialtown so now it’s apart of my writing-
Asks are open at all point- pls I’m desperate lol
Below the cut is books I’m working on, and other AU’s of mine!
Half Alive
After shutting down the Bakersville location and ending (or so thought) the Freddy's chain, Jack finally reunited with his older brother, Peter and his wife, Caroline. When Peter and Caroline go to New York and turn up missing, Jack goes through a state of depression. He eventually runs out of money and the bank takes their house. Determined to get it back, he takes any type of work he can find. Even if it could break what little mental wellness he had left. But when he hears a new Freddy's has opened, and they want a night guard, he accepts. He always does come back. Although, there is one other, that's been waiting for him to come back to him.
How To Save A Corpse 
Dave had made it to the AfterLife a while ago, surprisingly. He had gotten to know the Kennedy's, the phone men, and some employees from the pizzeria. But despite it being peaceful and being forgiven for his sins, he was not truly happy. He missed Jack more than life itself. BlackJack, wanting to make his owner happy, talks to Fredbear about a way to get those two back together. But it would take a lot of work. Especially now there is a new villain, one who is even worse than Henry. But we all know Jack will do whatever it takes to be reunited with his partner in crime. Join in the adventure filled with, drama, fun, and romance. I think it's time these corpses are rescued.
DSAF’s (And Dialtown) Oneshots and Insanity
Don’t think much more needs to be said-
The Myth
Mermaids. They were a rather popular myth. There were so many stories, shows, and movies about them. Although Dave would never admit it, he was extremely interested in them. Henry was as well, but just because of the testing and things he could make with them. So when there were many rumors going around about sightings of mermaids, Henry sends Dave and Vincent to check it out. But when they do actually find two merman's, they fall in love. But not only does Henry want to get his hands on them, but mermaids and humans being together have been against the law since the dawn of time. With the amount of trouble and danger they'll have to go through, we can only hope that their love is enough.
That is all the books I’m currently working on! Below is AU’s that don’t have books for (not counting shit ask books lol)
FDAF (Five Days At Freddy's)
Jack died and wasn't brought back to life by The Real Fredbear. Dave, or William in this AU,  had a similar backstory, but Henry never owned Fredbear's. William did. After the only person that actually cared for William died, Henry saw his chance. He told William that he possibly had a way to stop death, the Joy Of Creation. William, filled with grief and loneliness, agreed. Henry turned into a father figure for him, so he never wanted to disappoint him. Since he had no idea how a healthy parent and child relationship worked, he believed that Henry was the best person for him, and that he couldn't do anything wrong. After Henry died, thank God, he continued on with his legacy. He didn't change his name to Dave Miller, but just changed his last name to Miller. He is a more serious version of Dave, so more William like, but is still almost as dirty minded and hilarious, at times anyway. After who knows how many locations, he ends up in one in Georgia. It had been open for 2 months, which is a huge record for Freddy's. There he met Evan, a very anxious, shy, depressed, and anorexic bean. Of course we have Matt, Jimbo, Ronaldo, and later on Harry, Jake and Roger, but Peter, Dee, Steven, and Jack are in the afterlife. Vincent and Topaz do not exist in this AU.
Basically the same thing as the original FDAF AU but Jack is brought back to life, just wwaaayyyy later on. Like DSAF'S 3 time. This is around the time that the real action is happening. He grows to like William but William already likes Evan. So he grows jealous and even makes fun of him sometimes, unaware of his problems. He once joked he was a bit bigger than most not understanding what that do to him. Once William makes him understand what he's been doing to him he feels really guilty. Evan grows to love both of them after they make up and is so conflicted, same with William and Jack. So it's just this huge circle of "Who do I like?" and them being confused. Eventually William confesses that he loves both of them and can't choose between, leading them to admitting their crushes. They get together and everything is super sweet, like literally pure sugar.
Family AU
In DSAF'S 2, Dave helped Jack save the kids. A few years later Jack finds Dave's little brother, Vincent on the streets. They allow him to stay with them. Dave and Jack get together a few months later. A location in North Dakota opens up. There Vincent meets a Phone Guy. He is currently residing with his abusive boyfriend, Grey. Grey throws him, heavily injured, outside during a snow storm. Vincent finds him and brings him inside, figuring out his name was Topaz. A few months after Vincent asks him out and Topaz agrees. Grey is captured and is currently unable to ever leave. Everybody fights Henry and decides to stay with Jack. Jack and Dave get married, along with Matt and his wife and Peter and Steven. Jack and Dave adopt Zircon and Violet, and Peter and Steven adopt a "phone gal" (She wears a pink phone mask to be like her parents) named Sally, and Matt and Alena adopt Tabatha (formally known as Terry), Gregory and Minty. Matt's wife dies of cancer, and the others find Harry, Roger and Jake. Harry recgonizes Matt and they get together. A bunch of other fluff.
High School AU
A highschool that's based entirely on the characters being in high school. It contains Topaz and Vincent, and sadly Grey. The Phoneheaded men do not have phones for heads, they do have phone masks though. Their boss, Scott Cawthon is extremely self conscious, although more people judge him for the mask. When people began to make fun of him, his most trusted employees began wearing Phone masks as well. There is minor plot, but since Henry exists there is some drama that's more than just common school drama. Also a William Afton from a calmer FNAF makes his way into the plot.
The Fluff AU
Dave meets Jack when they were little, and was welcomed to the family. When Henry meets the family, he isn't evil and actually has his family, David and Martha. So they adopt Dave into the family. Nobody dies except for Jack, Dee, and Peter's parents, and almost everything is happy.
In My Head AU (Name figured out by @theychangedoof on Wattpad)
This one is based on the bad ending of DSAF 3. No, this is not Legacy!Jack. Henry takes over Jack and killed Dave. So now Jack permanently has him in his mind, and Henry has gained enough energy to technically be there physically, but more like a ghost. This takes place... about 50 years after the bad ending. So... this Jack has many mental problems, since Henry messes with his mind badly and hurts him physically from time to time. He makes him see Dave and his family being killed so often that if he sees anyone that looks remotely like them he'll start internally freaking out, thinking Henry was going to show something gorey happening to them. He is very VERY touched starved, if he ever found someone that he trusted he would constantly want just some sort of touch, otherwise he would get extremely paranoid. Like, I don't think he could be away from them for 10 minutes unless someone was there with them before he would start hyperventilating, thinking something bad happened to them or they had abandoned them. Even with someone there he would still be more paranoid. There is three endings to this. In the bad ending Jack finds a way to kill himself and falls into the void, to be forgotten and cease to exist while Henry haunts anyone he can find, forcing them to suicide. The neutral ending is where Jack finds a way to kill Henry, but he still is so paranoid and walks around in the woods for the rest of his life, not getting the love he deserves. The good ending... well there isn't exactly one. It's kind of a freebie, he could meet a different AU Dave, find a way to bring his Dave back, meet someone new, find a way into a different Universe, get a soul, the possibilities are honestly endless.
Distorted Au
Everything that happens in DSAF'S is a simulation, an experiment. The only real people are Dave and Jack, or as they're called in this AU Twisted and Distorted. The Marionette's AI told it that Twisted was a murderer, even though Twisted knew he wasn't. Eventually, after Distorted chimed in that he wasn't a murderer, it's AI messed up. It turned the entire place upside down. The scientists running everything use The Marionette to test on them. Twisted and Distorted have certain abilities, mainly their immortality. Distorted, levitation and possibly something else. And Twisted, fast healing properties unless it comes to acid, and telekinesis. They tried to continue till they broke into working for them. Eventually they found a way to trap The Marionette, and now travel the world with barely any water or food, hoping to find a way to get out. They are COVERED in bandages because of their injuries. Well, not exactly bandages, it's just scrap tablecloth. Twisted has a hole through his left eye, and Distorted's throat is BADLY screwed up, as well as his hands. This doesn't have an exact ending either.
Fantasy AU
Dave is an adventurer, and he eventually finds Jack in the woods, starving and burned. He helped nurse him back to health. Jack tells him that someone had kidnapped his brother and sister, and that he wanted to find them. Dave agreed to help, so they go on a journey to find them. They meet a lot of familiar faces along with some new ones on the way, and they eventually fall in love with each other. They eventually rescue his family and settle in a village that was looking for a lord. After some voting, they were chosen to rule together. And they did just that, making a thriving place where almost everyone was welcome. I really like Minecraft Diaries and wanted to make something based on it.
Factory AU
I feel the Phone Guys needed more love, so this is an AU focusing mainly on them. I also realized that I haven't ever done a AU without Sportagine nor a dominate Jack. This has the ships Peter×Steven, Jake×Roger, Henry×Jack, Harry×Matt, Evan×William, Walt×Wyoming Phone Guy(Let's call him Wyatt) Dave×Idaho Phone Guy(Ein)  Really just a random AU. Everybody is around 20-30.
Enjoy the chaos
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the-acid-pear · 2 months
What fucks me up most about Dave is how he tries to have with Jack what he had with Henry in a way, because of course he still loves the guy, but at the same time whatever little thing Jack does that could remind Dave of Henry also really freaks him out, because even in his denial of Henry being a bad guy he can't overlook his own trauma. Makes me sick in the head.
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dee-in-the-box · 7 months
Mr and Mrs Kennedy asks coming up
1 - Which one of the Kennedy children remember their traits the best? (Their personality, their looks, etc)
2 - How did they actually look like? What were their personalities actually like?
3 - How old were they when they married/had Peter/had Jack/had Dee?
4 - What were their names?
5 - Which kid resembled Mr Kennedy the most?
6 - Which kid resembled Mrs Kennedy the most?
That’s all
hoo boy, here we go:
funnily enough, Jack does. he was really close to both of them (makes sense: when your parents are accepting when they find out you're trans and have helped you manage your autism (even if none of you knew that's what it was) then it's probably gonna make you really close with them!). it's why their deaths fucked him up so bad.
i might make art of it later, but here's my best attempt at doing a description: Mr. Kennedy - tall, lean man. got some muscle (grew up on a farm, and was also a soldier in WW2 for a bit). he has a prosthetic leg and walks with a cane (got shot in the leg and had to have it amputated; prosthetic leg isn't perfect and causes him to hobble around a bit, so he uses the cane to stabilize himself a little bit). he's got ginger hair, with dark green eyes, and is covered in freckles. slightly tanned skin. he's the youngest son of Irish immigrants. he's a rather calm man, but he's basically Jack if he had 2% more impulse control. also just a fun loving man. he's got a temper, but he's able to keep it in check. loves his wife and kids dearly. Mrs. Kennedy - shorter, and was described as "chubby" by family. only a year younger than her husband, and born in the same month, funnily enough. she's got freckles too, but much fewer than her husband. darker red hair and paler skin than her husband, with dark brown eyes. she's got a tooth gap, one that she'd pass down to her eldest son and daughter. a very warm, welcoming, yet calm woman. rarely ever swears (doesn't mean she hasn't cussed people out in her mind, however), and whenever she does, it's clear that something's serious. definitely a loving mother. very strong-willed; it's one of the things that attracted her husband to her.
their birthdays are in May, for reference. in order: Married - 1944; Mr. Kennedy is 20, and Mrs. Kennedy is 19 (yep, they got married young. neither of their families really agreed with their relationship due to multiple reasons, but Mr. Kennedy's family eventually was like "well, we don't approve of it, but if you're sure this is the woman you want to marry, then we aren't going to stop you." Mrs. Kennedy's family, however, couldn't even get that far. it was enough so that the Siblings only ever really had contact with that side of the family during holidays). Had Peter - 1945; 21 and 20. Had Jack - 1951; 26 and 25 (reminder, this is in March). Had Dee - 1967; 40 and 39. and, even though you didn't ask: Death - 1969; 41 and 40.
Names: Mr. Marshall Neil Kennedy, and Mrs. Diane Reynolds Kennedy (name previous to marriage: Diane Aris Reynolds)
Jack, surprisingly, despite being a trans man, actually ended up taking after his father a lot! got the same kind of hair, similar skin tone to his father (just a shade or two lighter), and has even been described as having a similar face to him. he is, however, not as tall as his father. body type wise, he takes more after his mother. even personality-wise, he takes more after his dad, even if he is more impulsive. (sometimes he wonders if his dad would be proud of him)
Peter takes after his mother, despite being tall and somehow skinnier than his dad. he's got dark red, curly hair like she does, and, as mentioned earlier, has a tooth gap. like Jack, he took after his mom: pretty calm, doesn't swear often and will actually scold Jack for swearing (mostly in front of Dee), etc. (he misses her a lot. he wonders if they think he did a good job, trying to look after his siblings, even if the world was against them)
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For the pinned post (if you havent done him alreadyyy) could you do Peter Kennedy?
I love him sm we’re like totally married /j (im so sorry if these kind of jokes make you uncomfy i have like 0 filter, i wont do it again /g)
- The William x CC CEO /j
I have (indeed) not done him yet! (btw the whole "Peter is my fiancé" doesn't bother me at all! I actually think it's funny LOL)
Sexuality Headcanon:
I never really thought about it, maybe Bi with a leaning to women?
Gender Headcanon:
tbh due to the time that Dsaf is set in, I can't see him as anything but a cisgender man, but trans Peter does sound interesting! it sounds like a fun concept :D
A ship I have with said character:
now you may call me plain but- Steven/Peter is a HUGE comfort ship for me. I like it for how interesting it is :D!
I mean one of them is technically the cause for the others suffering that probably lasted 10+ years, so how on earth would they deal with that?? would they even try to confront it?? would Steven ever be able to actually face Peter knowing how much pain he put him through??
would Peter hold a grudge against him for you know, ruining his life? (tbh I wouldn't blame him LOL, I would be pretty pissed off too if my boss put through hell to make me "useful") how would their relationship progress? how would their relationship work? would it work out??
I just like it for the angst of it! although I actually like it one-sided more then I like it requited, it just makes the angst hit even harder. don't get me wrong- requited Steven/Peter is definitely interesting! but I like one-sided Steven/Peter more.
another ship I have is: Dave/Peter! mostly for the same reasons as Steven/Peter, they hate each other and are ✨in love✨ (I think you can tell I like messed up ships)
A BROTP I have with said character:
if I had to chose, Roger/Peter, mostly due to their appearance in dial-town (phone guy dating sim). they made me laugh.
A NOTP I have with said character:
I have always been uncomfortable with animal/human ships so Sparky/Peter (although I have never seen content for the ship so I doubt it even exists)
I'm not sure if BlackJack/Peter counts tho (honestly it sounds like a fun ship so I don't really feel uncomfy with it, also Kennedycest is interesting :D I like all incest ships including them)
A random headcanon:
Peter and Jack used to be best friends when they were young but when their parents died Peter was forced into this role of "parent", he became more of a parent to Jack than a brother, he hated it. it felt like their relationship would never be the same again.
there was a HUGE power dynamic that was introduced when Peter became their "parent", and (unfortunately) Jack and Peter didn't know how to work through it, which ultimately led to their friendship slowly falling apart.
General Opinion over said character:
top tier husband material, in all seriousness Peter is such a fun character! there's something that's so sad about the way he acts in canon, he doesn't seem to remember anything about his past.
the only times he does remember it's in small pieces, for example: his whole speech if you choose to go with the route that you kill kids with Dave. he talks about how a family might grieve the death of their child.
or in the ending where you and him intentionally rig Dave's suit to get him killed, he talks about his family and how much they mean to him (although at the end it's reveled that he was actually talking about the "family" Fazbender made him believe was his real family, I still think it means something)
although all these memories are in small pieces, it's possible that he'll never truly remember everything. and that's honestly sad.
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