#The Rabbit The Rat and The Hog
dirt-str1der · 1 year
Fruit’s basket au where saejima turns into a tabby cat majima turns into a beautiful feminine white snake and kiryu turns into a full on silverback gorilla. “shouldnt he turn into a dragon to match the zodiac?” No kiryu is the main character so hes the monkey , nishikiyama is the dragon but he hasnt ascended yet so hes still a koi
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mousetoe-wc · 9 months
I Got bored one time awhile ago and made a list of every prefix plus some into organised sections so I thought I might as well share.
All the ones that aren’t cannon to warriors, yet at lest are bold
Describing names
Colours: red, russet, copper, golden, amber, yellow, green, blue, violet, pink, white, gray, black, ebony, dark, pale, silver, brown, tawny, fallow
Pattern, Texture + Size: spot/ted, dapple, speckle, freckle, brindle, patch, mottle, ragged, tangle, kink, bristle, fuzzy, curl/y, wooly, soft, sleek, little, tiny, small, slight, short, tall, long, big, heavy, crooked, broken, half, stumpy, shred, torn, jagged
Actions + Character: flip, pounce, bounce, jump, hop, crouch, down, low, drift, flail, strike, running, fidget, mumble, whistle, snap, sneeze, shiver/ing, shining, flutter, fallen, lost, rush, fleet, quick, shy, sweet, brave, loud, quiet, wild, hope, wish,
Other: claw, whisker, dead, odd, one, spike, fringe, echo, song, hallow, haven
Time + Weather: day, night, dusk, dawn, morning, sky, sun/ny, moon, storm, lightning, thunder, cloud/y, mist/y, fog, snow, blizzard, ice, frost, dew, drizzle, rain, clear, wind, breeze, gale, shadow, shade, bright, light,
Earth/Water/Fire names: stone, rock, boulder, slate, flint, pebble, gravel, sand/y, dust, mud/dy, meadow, hill, rubble, river, ripple, whorl, float, rapid, shimmer, lake, swamp, marsh, wave, wet, bubbling, splash, puddle, pool, creek, fire, flame, flicker, flash, blaze, scorch, ember, spark, ash, soot, cinder, smoke
Trees: alder, aspen, birch, beech, cedar, cypress, pine, elm, willow, oak, larch, maple, bay, rowan, timber, bark, log, wood, twig, acorn, cone, seed, spire
Berry/Nut/Fruit/Herb: juniper, elder, sloe, holly, yew, mistle, bramble, hickory, hazel, chestnut, nut, apple, cherry, cranberry, olive, pear, plum, peach, chive, mint, fennel, sage, basil, mallow, parsley
Flowers: aster, poppy, primrose, rose, bluebell, marigold, tansy, pansy, briar, cherry, daisy, dandelion, daffodil, tulip, violet, lily, myrtle, thrift, yarrow, heather, lavender, blossom, bloom, flower, petal
Other: leaf, frond, fern, bracken, sorrel, hay, rye, oat, wheat, cotton, reed, pod, cinnamon, milkweed, grass, clover, weed, stem, sedge, gorse, furze, flax, nettle, thistle, ivy, moss, lichen, bush, vine, root, thorn, prickle, nectar
Mammals: mouse, rat, mole, vole, shrew, squirrel, hedgehog, bat, rabbit, hare, ferret, weasel, stoat, mink, marten, otter, hog, wolf, hound, fox, vixen, badger, deer, doe, stag, fawn, sheep, cow, pig, lion, tiger, leopard, lynx, milk
Birds: robin, jay, cardinal, thrush, sparrow, swallow, shrike, starling, rook, swift, dove, pigeon, crow, raven, duck, goose, heron, wren, finch, swan, stork, quail, gull, lark, owl, eagle, hawk, kestrel, buzzard, kite, hoot, feather, bird, egg, talon
Fish, Reptiles + Amphibians: pike, perch, pollack, trout, tench, cod, carp, bass, bream, eel, minnow, fin, snake, adder, lizard, turtle, frog, toad, newt
Bug type Names: bug, lady or ladybug, moth, spider, ant, snail, slug, beetle, bee, wasp, dragon or dragonfly, bumble, worm, maggot, cricket, fly, midge, web, honey
Skyclan + Warriorclan: Bella, Billy, Big, Harry, Harvey, Snook, Ebony, Monkey
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veryace-ficrecs · 5 months
overwatch. cass/hanzo, genji + zen (found family + like adoptive father zen shit is goooooood for my soul), moira/mercy (especially when they actually hate each other), brothers zen + ramatra (but cute when they were at the monastery stuff (or angst ur choice lol)), hog/rat, junker queen being bby girl, mei being competent, anything else u think i would like lol. anything and everything plz
I'll do my best!! o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ
Overwatch Fic Recs
In Hot Pursuit by AsheRhyder - Rated G
Cassidy can flirt, but he's never had someone actually take him up on the offers his silver tongue makes. Hanzo is determined to win whatever game they're playing, especially when the prize is a flustered cowboy. Gabriel and Jack just want to play cards.
Cup Noodles by Kalikuks - Rated G
Cassidy meets Hanzo's spirit dragons in person.
Unaddressed by robocryptid - Rated T
He gave twelve years of his life to the original Overwatch. He’s seen dozens of MIA cases, investigated more than a few of them himself. It’s not new. It’s just that now the organization’s so small; it makes it feel a lot more personal. Winston gave the order. He can’t argue with the logic that he’s the one whose background best fits this particular task. But it was Genji asking him directly — trusting him with this in a way he knows it’s hard for Genji to trust — that made him agree to it. So he rummages through Hanzo’s desk in search of anything that could help.
Perspective Shift by mataglap - Rated T
Cassidy has a bad day, and then he has an even worse day. Hanzo tries to provide comfort and accidentally goes the extra mile.
Heartless by AsheRhyder - Rated T
Once upon a time, a wicked sorcerer cut out his heart and sealed it away. He hid it in a needle, put the needle in an egg, put the egg in a duck, put the duck inside a rabbit, and put the rabbit in a box on an island at the end of the world. So long as his heart was safe, nothing could kill him. Or so the legends say, anyway. Nowadays, people know what a silly story that was. Nobody bothers with rabbits anymore. Cole Cassidy has no heart.
Just Shy of a Gun by helo572 - Rated T
“Hanzo!” Winston's voice, all of a sudden, like static in his ears. Hanzo takes another breath, deeper this time to orientate himself. The air catches in his throat. “Hanzo, you've been hit! Single bullet wound, multiple punctures, exit wound. I'm reading an inferior vena cava rupture and damage to...” His voice trickles into white noise, ringing in Hanzo's ears.  “Oh,” he whispers to himself.
Second Thoughts (A Monster with Two Heads and One Heartbeat) by AsheRhyder - Rated M
Hanzo knew three things about the gunslinger with absolute certainty: 1.) That he was ruggedly handsome 2.) That he was dangerous 3.) That he was not human It probably said a lot about him that he was more concerned about the first thing than the other two.
Genji & Zenyatta
forward out into the day by burningdarkfire - Rated T
As the years pass, Genji finds what it means to live again.
A tale through Seasons by Lacertae - Rated T
Zenyatta is not one to allow anything to stop him -especially not something as small as a virus.
Hands covered in Blood (Thank god it's not yours) by SlGMA - Rated T
His hands had been covered in blood for a long time. He wanted peace. He wanted to be comfortable. He wanted a proper home but his family, his kin were dying. So he would fight. Sometimes in times of war however, people lose sight of the ones that matter the most. It takes going through hell and back to realize how important they really are.
of the fleeting year by ApatheticRobots - Rated T
He was not surly, or standoffish, or indiscriminately violent. He was an absolute menace. As Zenyatta had discovered, and would continue to discover. (Winter at the Sanctum is a rambunctious affair.)
Blue by Naopao - Rated G
He follows her into the shop, tilts his head at her smile, joy infectious as they view the display. Life is so fleeting, so fragile.
But it is also glorious, spontaneous.
it comes around by tanyart - Rated G
Genji finds himself back in his old body, ten years in the past. He meets Zenyatta again for the second time in his life.
The Sparrow, The Rabbit, and the Arcade Cabinet by BoltGSR - Rated T
This is a story about the comforts of old pastimes, the ways atonement can warp into self-loathing, and the fear of reconnection. But it's mostly a story about Genji getting dunked on by D.Va so hard he drags Zenyatta across the entire globe trying to prove he's not owned.
Look who came for lunch. by takumiraine - Rated T
There is a fable about two dragon brothers. They get into a fight over a mortal and bring great harm to themselves and the towns around them. Ashamed or injured, they flee their home and have not been heard from since.
Zenyatta manages to find someone, or someTHING that reminds him of that fable.
Though it is in the same verse as the rest of 'The Dinner Series' it can be read alone with no issues
Though the Mountain is Tall by Moonsheen - Rated G
Genji adjusts to life in Nepal. Genji adjusts to Tekhartha Zenyatta.
Antipode by Mogatrat - Rated E
Angela Ziegler joins Overwatch without a second thought, fueled by her desire to help people in need. She isn't expecting her new colleague, Dr. Moira O'Deorain, to challenge her and wear her down. Especially when catastrophe strikes.
On Losing a Reputation by CyborgShepard - Rated E
Everything in Moira’s life has a place, and she makes sure that in order to keep herself sane the facets of her life don’t bleed into one another. But she’s here, at her best friend’s boozy house party, with the suddenly not-so-taboo person that Moira’s entire life seems to circumnavigate.
Third Kind by Flosscandies - Rated E
Angela and Moira have met many different times, but one of their meetings changed their views on each other.
To be at odds by CountDraluka - Rated T
Angela has her first kiss at the age of 23.
Silver Suits The Devil by CountDraluka - Rated M
“To be burdened with a love spell… I wouldn’t wish that upon my worst enemy, sorceress. But I’m not a miracle worker, or a charitable person, nor do I attempt to be either”, she says, and her words come out kinder than intended. She tells herself it is to soften the disappointment. Perhaps there is a part deep inside her, a part chained to dungeon walls along the row of all her repressed urges and desires, that is relieved to be finally accused of all the crimes she worked so hard to commit. Witch of the Wilds - the title suits her.
Heart of Oasis by Ludlovescake - Rated T
"That’s how she found herself in Oasis, that’s why she was at the conference and that was why she was now looking into the eyes of a woman she had thought she might never meet again. Moira O’Deorain. " Angela is attending a medical conference in Oasis and runs into an old rival. Talon interrupts.
Epistolary by anna_thema - Not Rated
After everything that went wrong with Overwatch, Moira and Angela are drawn together across the world.
Gaining Experience by ArmsShanks - Rated T
Jamieson Fawkes doesn't have a whole lot going on. He decides to play a video game. Maybe he'll make a friend. Or something like that.
Cumulative by FormlessVoidbeast - Rated M
For the first few days, Roadhog enjoyed the increasing quiet from Junkrat. The loss of energy, of appetite, the way Junkrat's patchy hair was falling out in chunks - it all should have clued Roadhog in. He should have realized sooner that something was very wrong.
A Phantom Pain in the Ass by PomegranatePomsom - Rated T
Junkrat gets some pains. Junkrat gets some help.
Just Trust In Me by Krasimer - Rated T
Mako kept his eyes closed, his arms propped up on the sides of the tub as he allowed his body to relax in the water. From Junkrat, he could hear a small splashing noise as the man tested the water with a few of his fingers, probably flicking them through the surface quickly. When he felt the surface ripple, he smirked. "If you're going to get in, you need to remove your prosthetics." The pause made the air itself go still as Junkrat considered it.
Burning The Wick At Both Ends by PrettyQueerDear - Rated T
Roadhog needed to look tough not just for his reputation, but for his partner's safety. That was hard to do when Junkrat kept trying to make him laugh and show his soft side. Or the one where everyone asks "Why hasn't Roadhog killed Junkrat?" because they can't see that the trash boys are in love.
In Which Junkrat Fucks up his Prosthetic for the Hundredth Time by Hirose - Rated T
…and Roadhog carries him home.
Wrecking Ball's Reckoning by TrashFr0g - Rated T
The Queen of Junkertown is tasked with dealing with a rat. A 'big' rat. It puts up a better fight than she thought it would.
And the Queen That Was One by TrashFr0g - Rated G
Junkertown had no stars in it's sky, but that didn't mean it couldn't have any inside it.
Are You Smarter Than a Hamster? by TrashFr0g - Rated G
The Queen of Junkertown was unlike any other human Hammond knew before. She was a fighter, strong, tough, and fierce… and she wasn't smart. For some reason that detail seemed to bother him more than it bothered her.
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Ask the guests: I know we've done role call but if you don't mind what are the meanings behind the names?
Like so obvious, hello, plague rat and hellhound
Others not so much
I'm just gonna answer this out of character:
So obviously Shadybug and Claw Noire are the names from the Special. Rena Rage and Shell Shock are also Canon, being the Akumatized Rena and Carapace from 'Heroes' Day'.
The rest:
Killer Queen - A play on 'Queen Bee/Queen Wasp', but with the 'killer' bit for the edginess. Bonus for the song
Plague Rat - Obvious explaination ofc.
Colchis Bull - Greek Mythology reference!
Sabertooth - Sabertooth tigers, but it sounds sinister
March Hare - Keeps with Alix's Wonderland references, as that's another character, plus the rabbit vs. hare thing.
Hayate - Japanese for 'Hurricane'. Also low-key an fma reference because I couldn't resist
Snakebite - Pretty basic snake name, but has a bit more bite too it lmao
Kelpie - more mythology! Kelpies are fae horses who like to drown people!
Tantabus - yes I did the mlp reference. I have in-universe lore reasons but come on.
Maquake - kind of a combo of 'macaque' and 'earthquake
Frightful Feather - honestly just as lame as Shadybug and Claw Noire lmao
Hellhound - yeah just. Obvious,
Razorback - wild hogs
Crusher Claw - honestly kind of a play on the 'Talon' but sounding more intimidating, loosely connected to the pokemon move 'Crush Claw'.
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plantanarchy · 1 year
things that are amusing me right now at work.
calling any creature that is being a pest a rat (voles mostly and rabbits and a groundhog ex) goddang rats ate the sunflowers and it was a ground hog)
referring to a any plant as babydoll. ex) hey baby doll (a hibiscus) don't fall over when I'm trying to water you, you little beast
cursing at birds places birds aren't supposed to be
saying "lord almighty" when something goes wrong
calling the ancient golf cart "sweet darlin" when she won't start. Like "Come on old gal get er goin that's it darlin"
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squids0daz · 7 months
Synapsic Info
History / Interactions with Humans
Synapsics are an alien race that first descended to earth near the beginning of the Meghalayan age. Their numbers were scarce with only around 50 or lower being alive at a given time. They stayed under the radar for many years, only being found as a separate species in the year 1612. Their low numbers continued to dwindle despite human intervention. In 2604, a second generation descended and the population was saved. Synapsics were recognized as intelligent beings in 2637. Before being discovered by humans, Synapsics would live in small groups in the wild. If they looked humanoid enough they might’ve dwelled in unsuspecting towns or cities. Most had little to no contact with humans, being neither hostile nor friendly. In later years, especially after 2637 and the years following, Synapsics lived alongside humans. Upon being introduced into human society, Synapsics began to attend schools and work at jobs. Many housed with and continue to house with humans in apartments or houses. Human/Synapsic marriage and dating was a highly controversial topic that never really got resolved before the extinction of humans.
Diet / Behaviour
Synapsics are purely carnivorous. Their bodies change to mimic the attributes of its prey whether that be rodents, livestock, or even humans. Their name comes from their main diet being made up of mammals of the Synapsida clade. When a Synapsic hunts for the first time, it will eat whatever it catches for the rest of its life. Due to mostly mimicking mammals, Synapsics are viviparous; meaning live bearing opposed to oviparous which is egg laying. Synapsics rarely reproduce due to their long lifespans of around 150-200 years or by simply having a lack of desire in the act. Some can even live up to 500 years under the right conditions. When they do reproduce however they experience the same gestation period and any other factors that the organism their mimicking would experience.
As Synapsics eat the same prey over and over again, they will develop attributes similar to their meal (Ears, Tail, Fur, Etc.). Subspecies have been given to each morph based on the family, superfamily, or suborder of the mimicked prey.
Tenreform (Tenrecomorpha Suborder | Tenrecs, Shrews)
Caniform (Canidae family | Dogs, Foxes, Wolves)
Ursiform (Ursidae family | Bears)
Mustelform (Musteloidea superfamily | Skunks, Badgers, Weasels, Otters, Racoons, Etc.)
Pinniform (Pinniped clade | Walruses, Seals, Sea lions)
Feliform (Felidae family | Cats (Domestic + Wild)
Vivierrform (Vivierridae family | civets, genets, oyans)
Herpeform (Herpestoidea superfamily | Hyenas, Mongooses, Euplerids)
Tyloform ( Tylopoda suborder | Camels)
Suinaform (Suina suborder | Pigs, Hogs, Peccaries)
Whippoform (Whippomorpha suborder | Hippos, Whales, Dolphins, Etc.)
Rumiform (Ruminantia suborder | Deer, Giraffes, Mooses, Buffalo, Antelope, Gazelle, Sheep, Etc.)
Chiroform (Chiroptera order | Bats)
Cingulaform (Cingulata order | Armadillos)
Didelform (Didelphidae family | Opossums)
Diproform (Diprotodontia order | Kangaroos, Wallabies, Possums, Koalas, Wombats)
Lagoform (Lagomorpha order | Rabbits, Hares, Pikas)
Monotreform (Monotremata order | Platypus, Echidnas)
Perissoform (Perissodactyla order | Horses, Rhinos, Tapirs)
Piloform (Pilosa order | Sloths, Anteaters)
Hominiform (Hominidae family | Humans, Chimps, Gorillas, Etc.)
Strepsiform (Strepsirrhini suborder | Lemurs, Bushbabies, Galagos, Lorises)
Elephform (Elephantidae family | Elephants)
Castoriform (Castorimorpha suborder | Beavers, Gophers, Pocket Mice)
Myoform (Myomorpha suborder | Jerboas, Mice, Voles, Rats, Hamsters)
Sciuroform (Sciuromorpha suborder | Dormice, Squirrels)
Scandentiform (Scandentia order | Treeshrews)
Sireform (Sirenia order | Dugongs, Manatees)
Orycteroform (Orycteropodidae family | Aardvarks)
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Tags are a work in progress…
(and so is this pinned post)
articulation. auk bones
badger bones. beauchêne. beaver bones. biblio. bird bones. bison bones. butterfly
camel bones. cat bones. coffin bone. collection. cow bones. coyote bones
dead. deer bones. diaphonization. dog bones. duck bones
fish bones. fisher bones. fox bones. frog bones
gila monster bones. giraffe bones. goat bones. goose bones
hamster bones. hare bones. heart. hedgehog bones. hippopotamus bones. hog bones. horse bones. human bones. hyena bones
jackal bones
lion bones. luna moth
marmot bones. mink bones. moose bones. moth. mouse bones. mummified. museum. otter bones. opossum bones. oxidization.
pelt. platypus bones. porpoise bones
rabbit bones. raccoon bones. rat bones. remains. rhinoceros bones. roadkill. rodent bones
seal bones. sheep bones. shrew bones. skeleton. skull. skunk bones. squirrel bones
taxi. teeth. thylacine bones. toad bones. tortoise bones. vole bones.
weasel bones. wet specimen. whale bones. wolf bones. wolverine bones
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moons-booknook · 5 months
Queer Animals
quick wiki read up
Animals that display homosexuality:
Primates- besides humans, many primates are gay. bonobos (fully bisexual), gibbons(rare), gorillas(common), orangutans(rare, observed in males), and even our closest relatives the chimpanzees (mostly male), have been seen (both male and female)
Birds- black swans(polyamory, males), albatross’(mostly female but also male), blue ducks(male), ibises(chemically induced), mallards(male leaves female for male), penguins(mostly male but also female), vultures(male), pigeons(both male and female, infertile eggs), flamingos(same as black swans). most of these species raise chicks together
dolphins- amazon dolphins, bottlenose, dolphins do not care behaviors: sexual, emotional connection. they are technically bisexual because of reproduction.
bison- american bison both males and females
bats- more than 20 species are gay. list: many flying foxes, Rafinesque's big-eared bat, bent-wing bat, serotine, bechstine, long-fingered, daubenton, little brown bat, noctule, leisler, pipistrelle, long-eared, barabastelle, horseshoe, vampire. //more common in males
elephants: sexual behavior, kissing, trunk intertwining, putting trunks in the other’s mouth, form companionships. present in both sexes.
giraffes: necking, caressing, courting, sexual behavior, more commonly to happen with 2 males than heterosexual partnerships.
marmots: species: olympic, hoary. more common in females. behaviors: nuzzling, kissing, sexual behavior
lions: nuzzling, caressing, sexual behavior. both male and female, though only in captivity in females as observed.
polecats: sexual behavior
sheep: 8-10% of rams are exclusively homosexual. behaviors: courting, sexual behavior
spotted hyena: mounting between both (especially female) sexes.
lizards: some whiptail lizard species are only female and reproduce parthenogenicly. they increase reproduction by courting and sexual activity to increase ovulation.
tortoise: oldest tortoise, jonathan is GAY and has been with his partner fredric since 1991!!!
incects: dragon flies (male), fruit flies, bed bugs
others: wallabies, antelopes, sea lions, belugas, bears (lol), deer, foxes, rats, domestic cats, domestic cattle, cheetahs, opossums, shrews, domestic dogs, donkeys, kangaroos, guinea pigs, mongeese, rabbits, elk, whales, goats, gazelle, monkeys, wolves, squirrels, hamsters, marmots, horses, rhinoceros, chipmunks, seals, ruminants in general, hedgehogs (long eared specifically stated on this list 😳 sonic????), martens, mocos, moose, zebra, mice, ox, porcupine, quokka, raccoons, tanukis, tasmanian devil, tigers, hogs,
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josiebelladonna · 1 year
Apes: a shrewdness
Baboons: a troop
Badgers: a cete
Bass: a shoal
Bats: a colony, cloud or cauldron
Bears: a sloth or sleuth; Cubs: a litter
Beavers: a colony
Bees: a swarm
Boar: a sounder
Buffalo: a gang or obstinacy
Camels: a caravan
Caterpillars: an army
Cats: a clowder, glaring, pounce, nuisance or clutter; Kittens: a litter or kindle; Wild cats: a destruction
Cattle: a herd or drove
Cheetahs: a coalition
Chickens: a brood or peep; Chicks: a clutch or chattering
Clams: a bed
Cobras: a quiver
Colts: a rag
Cows: a kine, drove, herd or fold; twelve or more cows are a flink
Coyotes: a band
Cranes: a sedge
Crocodiles: a float or bask
Crows: a murder
Deer: a herd
Dogs: a pack or cowardice; Puppies: a litter
Dolphins: a pod
Donkeys: a drove
Doves: a dule
Ducks: a brace, paddling or team
Eagles: a convocation
Elephants: a herd or parade
Elk: a gang or herd
Emus: a mob
Falcons: a cast
Ferrets: a business or fesnyng
Finches: a charm
Fish: a school, shoal, run, haul or catch
Flamingos: a stand or flamboyance
Flies: a swarm, hatch or business
Foxes: a skulk or leash
Frogs: an army or a colony
Geese: a gaggle or flock, a skein when in flight
Giraffes: a tower
Gnats: a cloud or horde
Goats: a herd, tribe or trip
Goldfinches: a charm
Goldfish: a troubling
Gorillas: a band
Grasshoppers: a cloud
Greyhounds: a leach
Hares: a down or husk
Hawks: a cast or kettle
Hippopotami: a bloat or thunder
Hogs: a drift or parcel
Horses: a team or harras
Hounds: a pack, mute or cry
Hyenas: a cackle
Jaguars: a shadow
Jellyfish: a smack or brood
Kangaroos: a troop or mob
Larks: an ascension or exaltation
Lemurs: a conspiracy
Leopards: a leap
Lice: a flock
Lions: a pride
Locust: a plague or cloud
Magpies: a tiding or tittering
Mallards: a sord
Manatees: an aggregation
Mares: a stud
Martens: a richness
Minnows: a steam
Moles: a labor
Monkeys: a barrel, cartload or troop
Mules: a pack, barren or span
Nightingales: a watch
Otters: a family, romp or raft
Owls: a parliament
Oxen: a team or yoke
Oysters: a bed
Parrots: a pandemonium or company
Partridges: a covey
Peacocks: a muster or ostentation
Penguins: a colony
Pheasants: a nest, nide or bouquet
Pigeons: a flock or flights
Pigs: a drift or drove (younger pigs), or a sounder, litter or team (older pigs)
Ponies: a string
Porcupines: a prickle
Rabbits: a colony or warren
Raccoons: a gaze
Rats: a colony, pack, swarm or mischief
Rattlesnakes: a rhumba
Ravens: an unkindness
Rhinoceroses: a crash
Sharks: a shiver
Sheep: a drove or flock
Skunks: a stench
Snakes: a nest or knot
Sparrows: a host
Squirrels: a dray or scurry
Starlings: a murmuration
Stingrays: a fever
Storks: a mustering
Swans: a bevy or lamentation, a wedge when in flight
Tigers: an ambush or a streak
Toads: a knot or knab
Trout: a hover
Turkeys: a gang, posse or rafter
Turtles: a bale or nest
Vultures: a venue
Wasps: a pledge
Weasels: a colony, gang or pack
Whales: a pod, school or gam
Wolves: a pack or route
Wombats: a wisdom
Woodpeckers: a descent
Zebras: a zeal
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animal71154 · 1 year
okokok i wanna make a list of interesting animals that i like and some of which i have trouble remembering sometimes. i will edit this over time. ok. i thought we would be able to do readmores on mobile by now but apparently not. ok (i also always forget the word reconcile so that can be here too)
MARSUPIALS common brushtail possum, quoll, tasmanian devil, thylacine, cuscus (common spotted cuscus, sulawesi bear cuscus, silky cuscus), opossum (white-eared opossum, four-eyed opossum, yapok/water opossum), tree kangaroo, glider (greater glider, yellow-bellied glider)
RODENTS rat, mouse, nutria, Gambian pouched rat, capybara, Brazilian porcupine, jerboa (long-eared jerboa), chinchilla, vizcacha
MUSTELIDS ferret, weasel, stoat, marten (yellow-throated marten), skunk (spotted skunk), mink, greater hog badger
PRIMATES tarsier, aye aye, ring tailed lemur, japanese macaque, gelada, marmoset (pygmy marmoset), capuchin, spider monkey (red-faced spider monkey), howler monkey, white-faced saki
VIVERRIDS binturong, civet (owston's palm civet, African civet, banded palm civet), linsang, genet
PROCYONIDS kinkajou, coati, ringtail/cacomistle, raccoon
HOGS wild boar (really been enjoying these lately) , red river hog, pygmy hog
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FELINES margay, rusty-spotted cat, black-footed cat, asiatic golden cat, bornean bay cat, little spotted cat/oncilla, jaguarundi, sandcat, lynx, bobcat, caracal, serval, fishing cat, pallas' cat
ANTEATERS tamandua, giant anteater, silky anteater, pangolin
LAPINES rabbit (flemish giant rabbit, sumatran striped rabbit, Netherland dwarf broken chocolate colour (someone said i would be this if i was a bunny)), hare
OTHER MAMMALS fossa, mongoose (yellow mongoose, common slender mongoose), elephant shrew (black and rufous elephant shrew), treeshrew, colugo, spotted hyena, antelope (oryx, roan antelope), honduran white bat
FISH eel (New Zealand longfin eel, moray eel, gulper eel), black ghost knife fish
ARACHNIDS jumping spider, house spider, daddy long legs, huntsman spider, tarantula, camel spider, tailless whip scorpion, horseshoe crab
OTHER INVERTEBRATES snail (giant African snail), slug, slater/pill bug, isopod, praying mantis, bee (honeybee, bumble bee), moth, millipede, centipede, earwig, beetle, sand hopper
ok now im tired and im going to go to bed. i will readmore this tomorrow when im on the computer maybe. goodnight
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h0rr0r5h0w-c1ty · 9 hours
the animals at the zoo people..
african clawed frog, aldabra tortoise, black crake, blue-bellied roller, grey-necked crowned crane, hamerkop, lake malawi cichlids, naked-mole rat, ngege, nile soft-shelled turtle, pygmy hippo, red river hog, ring-tailed lemur, royal python, sacred ibis, slender-tailed meerkat, speckled mousebird, straw coloured fruit bat, west african dwarf crocodile, western lowland gorilla, lion, african penguin, cheetah, giraffe, eland, kudu, zebra, baboon, ostrich, river hippo, hornbill, spotted hyena, warthog, cattle, white rhino (pretty sure they got rid of them), white-breasted cormorant, white headed vulture alligator, axolotl, black-footed ferret, turtle, blue and yellow macaw, blue poison dart frog, boa, cockroach, tinamou, caiman, dyeing poison dart frog, eyelash viper, lubber, giant bird-eating spider, tamarin, green & black poison dart frog, jamaican boa, anemone, leather sea star, massasauga rattlesnake, painted turtle, river otter, northern pacific rattlesnake, golden frog, plush crested jay, pumpkinseed sunfish, red-breasted piranha, gila monster, san esteban island chuckwalla, scarlet ibis, silver beak tanager, snapping turtle, spectacled owl, spiny soft shelled turtle, spotted turtle, two-toed sloth, white-faced saki, white-lined tanager, flamingo, CAPYBARA bamboo shark, bearded dragon, clown triggerfish, emerald tree boa, pig-nosed turtle, green tree python, green-winged dove, kookaburra, lionfish, longnose butterflyfish, moon jellyfish, coral fish, pot-bellied seahorse, red claw yabby, echidna, wombat, leaf frog, thorny devil stick insect (haha horny devil), victoria crowned pigeon, white tree frog, red-necked wallaby, kangaroo moose, cougar, grizzly bear, bald eagle, raccoon, trumpeter swan, wood bison domestic bison, raven, eagle owl, hawk, rabbit, marabou stork tiger, asian wild horse, bactrian camel, domestic yak, mouflon, red panda, snow leopard, sumatran tiger, caucasian tur asian brown tortoise, bighead carp, black carp, black-throated laughing thrush, burmese star tortoise, concave casqued hornbill, crested wood partridge, grass carp, malayan crested fireback pheasant, malaysian painted turtle, mekong barb, nicobar pigeon, reticulated python, siamese catfish, spiny turtle, sumatran orangutan, tentacled snake, tinfoil barb, tri-colour shark, babirusa, one horned rhino, himalayan tahr, indian peafowl, giant gourami, clouded leopard artic wolf, caribou, lesser snow goose, polar bear
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cassowary-rapture · 3 months
ferret (out)
monkey (around)
squirrel (away)
wolf (down)
worm (your way out of)
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brandonwayneb · 1 year
there's also murders on the words
"my key, mike school skull nuts"
"my key mouse, mac machine key"
"mickey mouse, MAC core Mic."
"mac burger mac core mick grill"
"murders mur mer on elmo sock deals"
"murders on mickey, elmo"
"el moe toe motto assassination"
"mickey mí key board room"
"mockery mock 5 hawk mouse"
"mick skull, make school"
"mickey mouse, elmo clubhouse"
"grow more, go myr go mur go mer"
"go murder ER, elmo grommer"
"grout pout tea spout tip"
"my skull murders pitchers"
"mickey mouse blood"
"elmo sock assassination gloves"
"grom grow mur mer cookie trash"
white assassination list stings,
assassination units,
united states Hen Tye, chicken Tye,
Hog Tye,
Chicken, Hog, Turkey, Mouse Mac Rat PH water Frat House
"Chicken Co Hog, Turkey Musket Qhite White Quad Mustard Retards"
"White mustard musket gun statue of liberty rape."
"white mustard quad duck goose death neck snap rings"
"my skullcap, capitalism TAL TIL, my baby key ray mac burger mic core mic crop foe, microphone, crop top murder mur mer, mercury merchant mercantile mercedes blood Mick Core Mic, white asssassination quad deals, grommr mur mer assassination Grom, rom mor mur mer merchant merchandise rabbit feet"
"mike school"
"michael jack skull"
"mc key mouse rat phantom"
"mountain dew green soda"
"orange Fanta orange soda"
"mic core mac"
"mur mer, murder"
"grow more go me ER murders"
"grow more grommr sock says me me me me street stake"
keep stye
keep eye
dont accept murder assassination TAY FIX FLICK FLEE shit stosh
0 notes
publicdomainbooks · 2 years
The Island of Doctor Moreau
On February the First 1887, the Lady Vain was lost by collision with a derelict when about the latitude 1° S. and longitude 107° W.
On January the Fifth, 1888—that is eleven months and four days after—my uncle, Edward Prendick, a private gentleman, who certainly went aboard the Lady Vain at Callao, and who had been considered drowned, was picked up in latitude 5° 3′ S. and longitude 101° W. in a small open boat of which the name was illegible, but which is supposed to have belonged to the missing schooner Ipecacuanha. He gave such a strange account of himself that he was supposed demented. Subsequently he alleged that his mind was a blank from the moment of his escape from the Lady Vain. His case was discussed among psychologists at the time as a curious instance of the lapse of memory consequent upon physical and mental stress. The following narrative was found among his papers by the undersigned, his nephew and heir, but unaccompanied by any definite request for publication.
The only island known to exist in the region in which my uncle was picked up is Noble’s Isle, a small volcanic islet and uninhabited. It was visited in 1891 by H. M. S. Scorpion. A party of sailors then landed, but found nothing living thereon except certain curious white moths, some hogs and rabbits, and some rather peculiar rats. So that this narrative is without confirmation in its most essential particular. With that understood, there seems no harm in putting this strange story before the public in accordance, as I believe, with my uncle’s intentions. There is at least this much in its behalf: my uncle passed out of human knowledge about latitude 5° S. and longitude 105° E., and reappeared in the same part of the ocean after a space of eleven months. In some way he must have lived during the interval. And it seems that a schooner called the Ipecacuanha with a drunken captain, John Davies, did start from Africa with a puma and certain other animals aboard in January, 1887, that the vessel was well known at several ports in the South Pacific, and that it finally disappeared from those seas (with a considerable amount of copra aboard), sailing to its unknown fate from Bayna in December, 1887, a date that tallies entirely with my uncle’s story.
The Island of Doctor Moreau
(The Story written by Edward Prendick.)
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itemdrop · 5 years
we have been planning to get a family dog for a while since we just moved to a place with a bigger yard and there are lots of things we need to do with the property before we can actually start looking to rescue but i'm so depressed rat nao i would benefit soooo much from the presence of a dog
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bork-art · 5 years
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