#The Tick vs The Uncommon Cold
coyotesqrl · 5 months
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Look who Ruby and the Doctor met...
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nemospecific · 1 year
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I Arthur.
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90ssuperheroes · 10 months
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VHS tape, CD-ROM comic version of The Tick vs. the Uncommon Cold, and the Super NES game
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cuddlefl00fs · 5 years
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A scene from the fanfic I'm currently working on 💚
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senoritafish · 6 years
Just looking at a couple of my 1995 Taco Bell The Tick toys on the shelf above my desk and reminded of this dialog, which always gives me a chortle...
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Tick: It’s your turn now, Thor-smog! (or Forest Smog - Tick is congested from a cold, and sometimes he’s hard to understand)
Thrakazog: Thrakazog! Thrakazog, with a K! Boy, are you ever rude!
Thrakazog’s 2nd mouth: EAT RUDE BRAAIIN!!
Tick: No brains today - we’re only serving humble pie, Whatchamazog!
Thrakazog: Listen buddy, for the last time, it’s...
(Now speeding up and overlapping each other)
Tick: Thorax in a bog?
Thrakazog: Thrak-a-zog!
Tick: Ah, Laxative log!
Thrakazog: NoNoNo!
Tick: Laplander-zog?
Thrakazog: NOPE!
Tick: Four yaks and a dog!
Thrakazog: THRAK-...!!
Tick: Sapsucker Frog!!
Thrakazog: NO!NO!NO!!
Tick: Ahem...(Slowly) Susan?
(long pause while Thrakazog looks disbelieving)
Thrakazog: Tsk tsk tsk, now you’re doing on purpose. How juvenile.
Wow, they’re dustier than I expected - I need to take a few minutes to wipe everything down here. And the paint has started coming off one of Thrak’s eyes. :(
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endless-reboots · 4 years
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S01E08 - The Tick vs. The Uncommon Cold
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darksidekelz · 4 years
Last 20
Credit to @writingwife-83
Thanks for tagging me, @hanuko​
Guidelines: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20,  just list them all.) Choose your favourite opening line, tag some friends!
I may have skipped a few of the more … content warn-y ones.
1. Living in a Lightless World (TFP) -  The scenario was a familiar one.  A hard, unyielding table beneath him, the sickening sound of Autobot voices drifting in the surrounding space, powerful restraints around his wrists, his chest – cables deactivated, as well as his audio transmitters.  Soundwave was helpless, again at the Autobots’ mercy.  But this time, he didn’t care.
2. I Know What You Did (G1) -  Praxus was a surprisingly good city for business.  Sure, it had always carried the image of pristine totalitarianism – the home of the Enforcers, of the most uptight mechs on the face of Cybertron.  And yes, everyone had laughed when Swindle had voiced his intentions to open shop there.  'No one will buy from you.’  'You’ll be arrested in a week.’  Well, the laugh was on them!
3. All My Decepticons (Transformers) -  Our show begins in a lovely little suburban neighborhood.  The sky is clear, and a slight breeze rustles the leaves in the trees.  We zoom in on a house, picturesque and welcoming, like something out of The Brady Bunch, only, instead of being scaled to humans, it is scaled to giant robots.  Why?  Because how else are the giant robot inhabitants going to fit inside?
4. Call Me Master (TFP) - It hurt to see him like this.  Soundwave had always come across as untouchable - like a benevolent deity who had, through some miracle of fate, chosen to grace Megatron with his undying loyalty and devotion.  
5. Hope for the Hopeless (TFA) -  A flash of metal, a distorted scream, the biting sting of claws in his plating.  Deadlock was fighting for his life, and nothing else mattered. 
6. Fear Itself (Red vs Blue) -  Felix had been expecting a little more fanfare when he’d stepped through the gate - a small army of people he’d wronged in his life, for starters.  That useless pirate had claimed to have been confronted by his own victims when he’d been shoved through earlier. Judging by the whistling abyss that greeted him, however, the gate had something different in store this time.
7. A Single Thread (G1) -  It had been a long and arduous road, but finally, Swindle’s work was starting to pay off.  He smiled at the message he held in his hands:
8. Sentinel Prime and the Quest for Booty (TFA) -  Sentinel Prime was kind of a big deal.  He led the Elite Guard, second in power only to the Magnus himself.  His presence inspired awe amongst the peons beneath him.  He was handsome, powerful, a master of strategy, and a beacon of charisma.  There was not a bot alive that came close to rivaling his glory.  And yet, he had one small problem.
9. Mercy for the Damned (MTMTE) - Primus, spare my spark. 
Pain came first – the pain of his body being systematically torn to shreds from the inside out, through a means and manner that defied the laws of nature.  
10. Dodgeball (Beast Wars) -  Megatron loved being the center of attention.  He loved watching the time tick down on the big clock 9, 8, 7, counting the seconds to their victory.  It was close enough to taste, intoxicating.  He could see Optimus, several yards ahead of him, wide open.  This was his time to shine, the moment that would go down in history.  There was no time to savor it.  It was do or die.
Megatron threw the ball.
11. Shall We Dance? (G1) -  It had been a year, now, since Cybertron last witnessed bloodshed.  After eons of fighting, anyone would be ready to call it quits, even Galvatron, it seemed.  In the aftermath of the hate plague, and the subsequent return of Optimus Prime, a peace treaty had been hastily drafted, and much to the surprise of everyone involved, it had been obeyed. 
12. Remembering Altihex (G1) -  There had been no battle for Altihex - no blaze of glory, no honorable sacrifices, no heroic speeches to go down in the history books - it was just gone, taken in the night as its citizens slept in their beds, blissfully unaware of their own impending demise.       
13. Reaching for the Sun (G1) - “It’s not enough.”  
With tense shoulders and narrowed optics, Onslaught sifted through the mass of information that Blast Off had handed him, divided between five different data pads, all confirming his every fear.  
14. Exceeds Expectations (IDW 1) - “Were you able to find it?” Perceptor glanced up from his data pad, cold blue eyes scrutinizing Prowl, trying to uncover his every uncouth motivation and secret.  As smart as Perceptor was, he was hopelessly outmatched in this respect.
15. Irresponsible Infatuation (IDW 1) -  Prowl was a sensible mech, sometimes the only sensible mech, a fact which he was all too aware of.  He could scheme with the best of them, plan for every contingency, and he wasn’t afraid to let his spark interfere with what needed to be done for victory.  
16. Living in a Box (G1) -  Okay.  This ain’t so bad.  I mean, I’m absent one body – I can’t see or hear, feel or taste or touch or smell.  It’s like my worst nightmare come to life, and y’know?  Can’t say what I was ever scared for.  
17. I’ll Follow You Forever (TFP) -  Step left, stoop low, lean away, cross-counter, go for the throat.  Soundwave’s opponent wasn’t a big mech, but he was broad, heavy, and well-armored – though the last wasn’t uncommon for a gladiator.  The ring wasn’t kind to fragile mechs – even Soundwave had piled on the armor as soon as he could afford it.  But even so, the extra protection didn’t change the fact that his light build was ill-suited for his chosen profession.  
18. Sacrifice (Armada) - The job was a means to an end. That was what Sideways told himself day after day.  When he woke up in the morning, dreading the upcoming drudgery, working his poor frame to the core, ungrateful customers – the creepers, the swindlers, the complainers.  And likewise, before the fell into a deep recharge at night, broken both body and soul.  
19. Maybe Tomorrow Will Be Better (MTMTE) - Some days were worse than others.
Drift wasn’t a happy mech; he wasn’t exactly unique in that regard.  Most mechs had baggage – four million years of war would do that.  Drift knew this.  But that did exactly nothing to make him feel better.
20. Guilty Conscience (IDW 1)-  Wing had always had a little rebellious streak.  It had gotten him into trouble more times than he could count.  And yet, though it condemned him on a weekly basis, it was also his second most valuable trait, after his compassion.  
I sure did forget I’d written some of these. Bummed I didn’t make it far enough back to get any of my big Shockblurr stuff up here, ‘cuz I still really like those ones. Also, I like the lone non-TF fic sitting in there (we ignore the OW one).
Feel free to do this if you want. I am too anxious a bean to tag.
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jazzypizzaz · 5 years
omg... saw “Tick vs the Uncommon Cold” cartoon episode, and I’m thinking... 2017 Tick gets sick, starts freaking out that he’s DYING, he’s never felt so HORRIBLE, it’s the worst!!!  Arthur, noting that his symptoms wouldn’t be severe or abnormal for a regular person, tries asking if it’s just a cold or something, but of course Tick has no memory/knowledge of what that’s like.  Arthur then starts freaking out, because the Tick is supposed to be neigh invulnerable???  so while Tick is in bed sneezing and miserable, Arthur is retracing Tick’s steps in the past week tracking down supervillains that could have poisoned him with Tick-equivalent of big bismuth, tilting at windmills, and then finally... the symptoms disappear and Tick feels better one morning!  Huzzah, it was nothing after all!  then Arthur starts sneezing and he realizes... yup. It was just a common cold after all. Ugh.
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starbug · 7 years
The Tick: The Tick vs. The Uncommon Cold [S01E08]  October 29th, 1994  The Tick has a cold, which affects his ability to overcome the alien invader Thrakkorzog, who plots to take over the Earth with an army of evil Tick clones. 
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hellman55 · 3 years
The Tick : S01 E08 - The Tick vs The Uncommon Cold
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pixelpartyon-blog · 7 years
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Is it just us, or does the unpainted production sample of The Tick look like Mucus Tick from The Tick vs The Uncommon Cold?
The Tick Pixel Party toy on sale first at San Diego Comic-Con 2017
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