#The Vampire of Shadowed Castle
theboarsbride · 2 years
hey!! I’ve a question that’s been tormenting me for almost a week now. What if some of the characters from your different WIPs met?? Like, Sophie and Tathareth or idk,,,,
Have you thought about a cross-over?
!!!!!!! OHHHH OHHH!!!!!!! A CROSS-OVER!!!!!!!
Dude, Tathareth and Edgar would be so cute and sweet together, deadass. Like... lowkey I think of them together a lot because they would just be so wholesome.🥺 She would wanna use her elvish healing shit to try and see if she could undo his 'curse', and would overall just be gentle with him right from the beginning. Would listen to him ramble about books and birds without another word. Edgar would lowkey be a simp because pretty elf lady and she's an utter sweetheart. And they both would bond about being shy lmao.
Sophie and Grima though???? They'd loathe one another. XD It'd be like putting two stray alley cats alone together in one room. It'd be super tense, they'd exchange some nasty quips, and if they're together long enough... there will be blood. (Grima would remind Sophie too much of Claude, Sophie would remind Grima of both Eowyn and Eomer)
And for my monster men?? We got ourselves Edgar (cursed bird-man), Lowell (werewolf), Jack (cursed body horror snake-man), and Grigore (killer vampire), and literally all of them would be scared of Grigore because he is just a murderous, mindless killing machine lmao. They'd all find Lowell annoying because he has a giga-Chad attitude (and leaves dog hair everywhere), would probably find Edgar pathetic, but they're all chill with Jack, because Jack is a chill, fun guy. He wears leather jackets, smokes, rides motorcycles, and has such a carefree, playful attitude so what's not to love? XD
For my leading ladies, we've Sophie (cranky Victorian era flower seller), Selene (mute detective), Sorina (a skeptical Romanian village girl turned vampire meal), Temperance (a shy, autistic, socially anxious apothecary owner), and Tathareth (a shy, autistic, socially anxious Lothlorien elf healer). Sophie, Selene, and Sorina would be (sort of) buddies since they can be cranky, bitter, anti-social gals together, just as Temperance and Tathareth can just shyly watch from the corner. XD Collectively, they'd probably all find Selene cool because badass detective lady that hunts a werewolf.
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cary-elwes · 3 months
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My 10 favorite hot looks of Cary
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darkfluffydragon · 6 months
The Cookie Run discord events are fun, here are some things I recently made for them!
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Emotes for the Witch's Castle discord, and this extra Shadow Milk Gif that I finished too late for the Kingdom one :(
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And the puppets for the puppet theatre event! Featuring: Passionfruit Cookie, Timekeeper Cookie, Bachalomoth the Dreamer and the Blue-eyes Cake Hound :D
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goryhorroor · 1 year
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horror movies + candelabras 
the innocents (1961)
crimson peak (2015)
house of usher (1960)
the cursed (2022)
night of dark shadows (1971)
interview with the vampire (1994)
the old dark house (1932)
castle of blood (1964)
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uselessalexis165 · 6 months
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finally looking into the witch’s castle 🍪
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celestialspecial · 1 year
Blood Rush (Pt.2)
Read Part 1 Here
After being alive for far longer than any man should be, Billy is convinced he's seen it all. Until his path crosses with a mysterious girl and the game changes-for both of them. In ways neither could have ever imagined.
Warnings for Series: Mentions and descriptions of blood/grisly scenes, 18+themes and spice, use your own judgement.
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One second you were in a dark alleyway, the musty smell infiltrated your nostrils. The dank heaviness that hung in the air.
Then you could smell the man holding onto you- a musky scent, punctuated with a spice you couldn’t place. It wafted from his skin, from his hair that hung in your face.
The dull ache between your legs, a pressure from his knee pressing where you needed it but it wasn’t enough. You never needed anything quite so bad before. 
An unhinged desire seemed to crash against you in waves. Then you felt it. A sharp prick against your neck, searing pain then bliss.
Like all the blood in your body was replaced with warm honey. Flowing through your veins, every major artery pulsed in pleasure. 
If this was deaths warm embrace perhaps you could stomach it. A slow decent into darkness.
Billy fed and fed until he could feel a wobble in your pulse. Pulling back and staunching the flow with a pin prick of his own blood. 
You’d slowly slipped into unconsciousness, held in place by his arms. The buzzing in his head reached a fever pitch.
You tasted so good but it wasn’t what he’d experienced before. Some peoples blood just tasted better, gave off an undeniable fragrance that tantalized the intense sense of a vamp.
This wasn’t that.
He felt a prickling sensation creep across his skin and heat rose to his cheeks. THe usual blood rush would streak through his system in a matter of minutes.
This built slowly. The poor girl in his arms shifted and Billy knew he needed to get her home and off the streets. God forbid another vamp came back with friends looking to end her for good.
Her wallet had an ID and address on the other side of town. Resting her against his chest as he thumbed through the other contents of her purse to verify this information.
Something stopped him cold in his process. His fingers. They looked…pink.
The pale flesh he had grown accustomed to was replaced with a soft tinge of a flush. The pads a deeper hue of the tone. 
His heart sunk. He’d drunk too much. He’d killed her, for the blood to overtake him so powerfully. 
Pushing aside your hair, fingers skimming against the revealed skin. He felt a pulse. It wasn’t weak or fading. She truly was just passed out. 
Shaking his head, Billy adjusted the wallet back into her purse and tossed her into a carry that allowed him to move more easily. 
What would take a normal person hours to traverse, it only took Billy less than 15 minutes. Moving quickly and staying out of sight, carrying this girl in his arms with ease.
He could feel the blood settling into his system. Strength and speed picking up, it was as if his joints crackled with newfound power and dexterity.
Muscles tensing and releasing in powerful synchronicity.
It was a familiar rush that happened after every feeding.Go too far and an inexperienced vampire could go drunk with that power. Become lost in it. 
Losing sense of time and space itself. Some would go crazy. Killing and killing until another vampire took them out for risk of being caught and their species being exposed.
The door to your apartment popped open, key swinging inward as Billy carried you over the threshold carefully so as not to wake any prying neighbors.
It was a small place he noticed. A tiny kitchen table strewn with all matter of paper. The dark screen of a laptop stared back at him. 
A couch in a makeshift living room, bookshelves from floor to ceiling completely enveloped in books on every subject. He didn’t miss the few shelves dedicated to romance novels.
If he didn’t know better he’d say he felt the telltale whisper of a blush on his cheeks. What did you like to read about? What naughty ideas popped into your head when reading them?
Did you touch yourself-
He needed to get you to your bed then leave. And probably never see you again. The thought turned his stomach in a way he didn’t want to think about.
A small bedroom stood off to the side, a queen bed consumed almost the entire room. Soft purple sheets and a crumpled duvet lay off to the side.
Setting you down gently, adjusting the pillow so your hair splayed across it, he took a step back.
You looked so small and innocent lying here before him. Grabbing the corner of the duvet he pulled it up to your shoulders. Being sure not to make it look too staged that you were tucked in.
Denying himself the urge to reach out and caress the skin of your cheek. How had you not been killed by another vampire smelling the delicious scent that you carried?
The thought would most likely consume him in the high hours of the day when he’d be trying to sleep. 
Along with thoughts of your face. 
The undeniable tightness at the front of his pants reminded him he needed to go. Making sure the key was back on your table with your purse as he climbed out the window onto the nearby fire escape.
Billy didn’t remember the last time he prayed. Maybe it was as he lay in the street bleeding out. How he’d foolishly believed his prayer was being answered at the sight of a beautiful face above him.
How stupid he’d been. 
But tonight he’d pray. For your safety, that for however long you had seemed to fly under the radar of the vampires in the city, that it would continue. 
And with that, he pushed off from the wrought iron railing, jumping to the alleyway below and taking off back in the opposite direction of your home. 
“Damn you look like shit.” Cassie lovingly noted through your FaceTime call in the morning. 
“Gee thanks. I feel great.” The sarcasm leeches into your words as you tossed your hair into a messy updo, grabbing the nearby spoon coated in peanut butter.
“Sorry, I just didn’t realize you’d partied so hard. You didn’t even text me you got home!” 
To be honest you didn’t remember getting home. All you remembered were deep red eyes and a flourish of pleasure coursing through your veins before passing out. 
Somewhere in there you must’ve got your shit together and called a cab. How else would you have got home?
You did not plan on mentioning the fact that bloodsucking vampires existed and you almost became one’s meal last night. 
Your body tensed at the thought of the large bald man with razor sharp fangs. 
But then the other man…the handsome one who had been watching you from the club. 
How he’d found you after you’d taken off, how he’d saved your life.
“Earth to bestie?”
“Sorry. I’m just really tired. I passed out and totally forgot to text, but as you can see I am home. I am safe. I am dead tired.” 
Your response seemed to assuage your friend as she visibly relaxed on her end of the phone screen. 
“Im just glad you’re ok. I could tell you were feeling…itchy to leave.” She delicately danced around the subject of you feeling you had been watched.
You had been right.
“Yeah I’m just going to veg out and catch up on some tv shows before work tomorrow.” You took the peanut butter covered spoon into your mouth as you navigated your pathetically small kitchen.
Work. Right.
Sex and the city had made writing in New York seem like a dream gig. You’d have a penthouse somewhere in the upper east side, glamorous outfits to don to extravagant parties. 
Instead you were behind a month in rent for a flat the size of a matchbox. You owned exactly three button up shirts that were work appropriate and the rest of your wardrobe consisted of T-shirts with various wolves and dragons on them. 
Cleaning the last of the peanut butter off the spoon and tossing it into the sink with a metallic clang you turned back to Cassie, taking a deep inhale, forefingers and thumbs touching in a mock gesture if inner peace.
“Aaaaaand I’m going to prepare for my interview tomorrow.”
“That’s right!! Who was it with again?” 
Tugging at the hem of your sleep shorts, ripping a loose thread before you set the phone down, sticking your head in the fridge to see what food you had. Food that was still edible and not having expired months ago.
You frowned as you picked up an old yogurt container that was slowly evolving into a living breathing animal. Tossing the mold ridden thing into the trash.
“Some big shot CEO. Founded Anvil, a personal security service or something. I don’t know, he’s probably one of those high and mighty types.” 
“Why’d they give you that interview? It seems like a big deal and you seem….blasé about it.”
The sigh, slash groan that dramatically left your lips as you slammed the fridge door shut, collapsing into a seat at your very tiny kitchen table.
“Because Maura is out on maternity leave, Ross is out of the country on vacation and Jeremy is covering fashion week. The dream team is occupied so they’re stuck with me.” 
Cassie frowned, brows furrowed on her semi pixelated brow. 
“I don’t like this kinda attitude. YOU are an amazing writer and deserve to be considered a top tier “dream team” occupant as well as any of those others.”
You wanted to believe her, you really did. But writing was your passion and honestly all the projects you’d been put on as of late fell short. No stories had enthralled you, and your lack of enthusiasm clearly showed.
“Cas, I’m tired. I don’t know if I have another droll business-y interview left in me. I try, I really do, but I don’t care about the latest vegan restaurant opening in soho or the new wearable garbage that vogue is printing. How am I supposed to stoke a fire with my words when I’m given the scraps?” 
What started as boredom had turned into a blood pumping anger fueled vent session. 
“I don’t want to interview a ceo. What am I supposed to ask? Did you always dream of being a millionaire? How do you feel about the stock market right now? Are your suits custom or store bought at Saks?”
“I’m gonna cut you off right there-“ Cassie interjected. “You got a piss poor attitude about this. I know it’s not your dream gig. I know you’re tired, but a high ranking business owner who runs a company making a small fortune that HELLO, people know about.”
She took a long deep breath before continuing.
“People, maybe not you…or me…but people, know about this company and want to hear about its owner. Think of them, write it for them. People who look up to this guy and want to be inspired. Inspire them. Paint one of those lovely pictures with your words.”
Damn her. Cassie was right. Just because you didn’t care about this company didn’t mean other people didn’t.
And this could be the chance for you to impress your boss. Really create a passion piece that blows your readers away. 
“Damn you, Cas.”
Your friend grinned brightly on her end. Knowing she had gotten through to you, in the way only she could.
“Go, Go and shine on for both of us my little star!” She exclaimed blowing a kiss to the phone screen. “Now me and my handsome fiancé are going to go get dinner. Make me proud mama.” 
With newfound fervor you turned on your laptop, the screen flickering to life as you placed an order for Chinese food. Extra lo mein and crab Rangoon to assist with your brain storming.
Fingers zoomed across your opened word document, typing up juicy question after question. This time would be different, you could feel it.
Billy groaned into his pillow, running his fingers through his mussed locks. Convinced that sleep would evade him but instead he had passed out and slept better than he had in years. 
Turning over in his large bed, the image of the girl from the club seared into his mind. The smell of her skin, the way her hair lay framing her face, how those wide eyes had watched his every move.
The way her blood tasted.
The mid-afternoon light shone in his eyes, forcing him to cover his face with his hand to block the…sun.
The closest thing to fear he could experience shot through his body. Pushing off to the complete other side of the bed, sheets tangling up around his legs.
Holding his hand up to his face and inspecting it carefully. No burns. Not even a red mark marring the pale skin. Allowing his fingertips to poke and prod along his face where the light had hit, coming up empty.
Not a scratch on him. Impossible.
Pushing off the covers and coming to stand on the razor edge of his blackout curtains. The menacing blade of sunlight danced across the carpet, to anyone else it appeared to be a bright clear day outside.
To a vampire that meant certain death. To be caught in the sunlight and burned alive before you even had a chance to escape to the shadows. 
Vampires experienced fear less and less as they aged. Soon the only fear that remained was the sun. 
Thankfully Billy ran a company and when you’re in charge you get to make meetings and social events whenever you damn well pleased. 
Swallowing the anxiety rising like bile in the back of his throat, Billy stuck his hand out tentatively. Inch by inch moving towards the ray of light.
Then he watched as his fingers touched the beam. It flickered over his skin harmlessly. His palm turned this way and that, marveling at this new quandary.
It had been over fifty years since sunlight had touched his skin. Feeling a bit braver he stuck his arm into the light. Then the front of his chest. 
Curiosity conquered the fear and he tore open the curtains, letting them fall wide and drenching the room in bright yellow light.
And for the first time in just under a century Billy stood in the light of day. Looking out at the city. His city. 
Basking in the warmth on his skin. Admiring how the skyscrapers glowed and glittered in the brightness. Looking down at himself. Bare, save for a pair of black boxers, looking at his form in daylight.
A knock at his bedroom door was the only thing that broke his concentration on the skyline around him. 
“Mr. Russo?” His assistant, Marcus.
“Come in.” He’d never usually say that, but today, today was different.
Marcus walked in, a towering stack of folders balanced in his hands. Two cell phones in his pocket, a lanyard hung around his neck, and a laptop case draped over his shoulder.
“I’m sorry sir, I know you never want to be bothered at this time…I wasn’t gonna knock, but your secretary said some of these documents needed looked at immediately.”
The young man continued on musing about some meetings he had scheduled that night, intermittently apologizing for the intrusion. Billy couldn’t help but realize that Marcus barely registered that Billy was standing in the sun before him.
Because of course he wouldn’t understand. No one knew what he was. Why would it be weird to see your boss standing before the open window in the light?
The man prattled on about something else but Billy only turned back to gaze at the city. Why was he unharmed? Why was he able to do this?
He examined his hand once more, watching the illuminated dust fall around it before asking,
“Will that be all?”
“Yes, sir.” Marcus hoisted the pile back into his arms, giving a somewhat silly bow type move as he backed out of the room. He was a good kid. Very green, but good.
He had a certain affection for the younger man. Maybe he reminded Billy of what he’d been like before he became so jaded in his years.
Not wanting to move from where he stood, but eventually strolling over to the table with his itinerary for the day…well night rather, on it.
All the usual things and an interview that evening at 9 pm. Wonderful. He hated interviews.
It took exactly 4 hours before whatever magical protection had fallen over Billy to disappear. It was then that he’d felt the tell tale burning and searing pain wrap around his body from the sunlight.
Hissing and pulling back, nearly knocking the table over with him. His coffee cup spilled onto the ground, coating a few documents that would need printed again.
He had pulled his table over in front of the windows to work, tying back the curtains for the first time ever and letting the vibrant yellows and oranges coat the room as he worked.
Typing away in his laptop, answering phone calls, he even had a brief meeting on zoom so people could see his face in the light. Maybe these last years had been a horrible hallucination and he was still human after all?
Maybe the sleepless days and endless nights, the death and destruction of all he knew or cared about wasn’t real. He had been asleep and dreaming awful vivid dreams of needing blood to sustain himself.
Toppling backwards and landing on his rear in the shadowed area of his room. Bringing a hand to his face and seeing red blisters, already beginning to heal but prevalent nonetheless.
His time in the sun had ended. Why did he feel so…terrible? Anguish. That was the word. A longing for something he swore he’d forgotten. 
To feel the heat on his cheeks and savor the warmth that had begun to feel like a far off dream.
He sat dumbfounded for another minute, hearing a buzzing coming from his phone. A reminder for his next appointment.
The stupid device still lay on the table completely covered in daylight,
Well almost. The sun was setting.
Billy watched from the side, hidden safely in the darkness as the sun slowly fell below the skyline and his room was once again cloaked in darkness.
Safely walking over to his phone and typing in his passcode. Pausing to look out over New York once more.
This was the sight he had become so familiar with. The buildings no longer glimmered, but fell muted.
They shine in their own way at night, the moon and stars could be dazzling and bright but it would never be day. 
His phone beeped again. Right. His interview. Deciding to ignore the spilled coffee and messed papers, choosing to attend to those things later and get this stupid thing over with.
Adjusting his suit collar and tightening his tie in the elevator, watching the numbers light up as he ascended to the floor where his office resided. With a delicate ping the metal doors opened and he was greeted by his secretary, Jess.
“Your 9pm is already in the conference room.” She noted, passing a notebook to him and another stack of papers.
There was always something.
“Thank you. This will be quick.” He strode off down the hall and turned right pushing the frosted glass door open.
Only to come face to face with the girl from the club. 
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killer-laurent · 5 months
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OC commission for Zo44oNico (on Twitter) 🦇
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oliverr-gardenn · 2 months
friendly reminder that vampires are undead and probably stink really bad and astarion covers his stench with a butt load of perfumes
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vertigoartgore · 18 days
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2019's Avengers Vol.8 #14 (LGY : #704) wraparound variant cover by cover artist Matteo Scalera.
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hunterprziel · 5 months
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Like/reblog this post for a simple starter with a half-vampire, half-human monster hunter OC.
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heathermakescomics · 5 months
Ive been thinking a lot about vampires and silver. Modern cameras and mirrors arent made with silver so vampires would show up. I guarantee thered be a whole betting industry betting how the 17th century slumbering vampires would react to social media.
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theboarsbride · 2 years
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐝 𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐝.🕯🦇✝️
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Following a mysterious string of murdered livestock and a fellow nun in her isolated Romanian abbey, Sister Sorina, a young, faithless nun, is dared to seek the truth behind this perpetrator - only to be confronted by a sinister creature that makes her question the abbey's faith, the local village's pagan beliefs, superstition, and herself.
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pspspscal · 1 year
It’s been a minute since I’ve done one of these posts but I’m in need of new multi fandom mutuals! So here’s a list of my current most active fandom and if you see multiple on this list, please follow me and like this post and I’ll follow back! 💖
**21+ only please, minors and terfs do not interact!**
~ Star Wars (all movies, Mandalorian, Andor, Jedi Survivor mostly)
~ Good Omens (I would really like more GO mutuals especially!!)
~ Marvel (Moon Knight, Bucky, Carol Danvers, Loki, Punisher, Tasm mostly)
~ What we do in the shadows
~ Our Flag means death
~ Lord of the rings/ the hobbit
~ Interview with the vampire
~ Shadow and Bone
~ Sandman
~ Pedro Pascal
~ Taika Watiti
~ Andrew Garfield
~ Oscar Isaac
~ Diego Luna
~ Assassins creed (the newer ones mostly, Odyssey is my fav!)
~ Skyrim
~ The last of us
~ Jedi fallen order/survivor
~ Mortal Kombat
I also post a lot of cats, nostalgia, memes, fun history facts and fashion too 💖
On this blog I just reblog gifs and Shit posts and stuff, but if you’re interested in my fics and graphics, feel free to also check out my sideblog @flightlessangelwings 💖💖
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octocat-pentacles · 2 years
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(???) mage Anciano. Part of a set of oracle card style illustrations.
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vampires must find it odd/annoying that humans portray them as dark shadowy figures of the night, because like. vampires have night vision. to them, their shadowy candle-lit castle is basically lit up with ultra high lumen LED bulbs. a dark moonless night is in fact quite comfortable--no need to wear sunglasses like on annoyingly bright (aka gibbous moon) evenings. their vision is so good they basically never perceive a human's version of "darkness" except when they're tucked up nice and cosy in their coffins. everything but pitch black is bright to a vampire, they barely have a concept of shadows. not like those weirdo humans who are constantly getting spooked by their own bad eyesight
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wh1msic4lwasab1 · 7 months
𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐓𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ཐི❤︎ཋྀ
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art cred: maichiatto62 (x)
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☦︎synopsis: you get chased by a dark and undetermined figure in the woods, and run toward a dreadful castle that houses a seemingly kind man, will you stay awhile?
☦︎genre: smut w/plot
☦︎tags: vampiric hypnotism, mentions of blood, biting, corruption, dialogue heavy, degradation “whore” , loss of virginity, cunnalingus, creampie, mirror
☦︎wrd cnt: 2.2k
☦︎a/n: vampires and gothic literature is my favorite so this was a dream to write and I hope anyone reading enjoys!
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Twigs and thistle snap under your feet as you walk through the fruit berring bushes, feeling the low laying leaves scratch your ankles.
You lost track of time and try to find your group, you probably should have skipped this hiking trip. Or at least wore shorts that covered your knees. The night drew upon your haggard form quite quickly, and the temperature dropped significantly.
You tried your best to find the light of the campfire you knew was there before you left.
After a few minutes of silent walking, besides your rummaging footsteps, you hear a loud thud somewhere behind you.
Your back straightened up like a rod, “Hello?” Your voice echos slightly, bouncing off the trees and up toward the stars. You prayed like hell it was one of your friends, coming to your salvation.
When nobody answered you after your third call out, you kept walking.
You heard another loud noise, as if a bolder dropped straight into a big pile of leaves, trembling the ground you stood on.
Frozen in fear, like a deer, you stand in the middle of a plot of dirt surrounded by the thick trees and shrub.
Your eyes open wide and your hands balled up in fists, you survey the area until you find the source of the sound.
A tree, wounded with a big chunk missing from the side.
It still stood tall, but reckoned to snap if it had been torn just a few more inches towards the unbent side.
You wondered who could have caused such destruction, or rather what.
You would find out soon enough, when you examine the tree to find streaks of blood scattered over earthen hide.
Following the trail you discovered the remains of some animal.
Well that’s what you think it was, it had been mangled and torn in such a brutal manner there was no way to identify exactly what it could have been.
As you tried your best to figure it out, a black shadow stalked you from afar.
Red orbs visible with stillness behind a tree, slowly growing larger in your view as it approached. The dimness of the atmosphere cloaked it well.
You stepped back, shoes muddied and heavy as you ran. You ran until you saw the nearest source of light, not bothered to look behind you to whatever was chasing.
Your labored breath became cold and dryed out your throat.
You ran and ran until you found a rather tall and lucrative looking building, somewhat of a mansion or moreso fitting of a castle.
Where the hell did that come from? You’ve never seen anything like it before in all the times you’d hiked in these woods.
You didn’t have much time to question it, but ran right to the door.
It was slightly crept open, so you figured it must have been some kind of open house or exhibit.
You rushed in, shutting the grand door.
As you caught your breath, you almost screamed when you heard a man’s voice right behind you. Who you somehow didn’t see when first stepping in, as if he’d appeared from thin air.
“Good evening.” The man said, burning candle in his hand.
You turned before he could even finish his greeting, a look of utter terror in your eyes.
“Are you well dear? You’re bleeding”
You didn’t even notice, but your knees had been scrapped and dripping blood halfway down your shins.
His eyes lit a shade of red barely able to be detected, or maybe it was just the reflection of the flame? You were quite scared and paranoid after all.
“Oh- I’m so sorry, The door was open and I didn’t know anyone was here- Someone was chasing me.”
“Oh my, are you alright? Come, let me offer you safety tonight.” He beckoned you to follow him, the rays of the small flame from the wax stick guiding you as he most graciously offered you a safe heaven in his home.
You looked around at the torchlit walls, it felt dark and cold throughout the entire place.
He walked you up 2 flight of stairs, his pace was quite constant throughout, almost like he was floating on each step.
You soon arrived into a hallway full of paintings adorning the walls, hand painted it seemed. So beautiful you had to point it out.
“You have a lovely home- is this artwork all yours?” You ask.
“Yes. I have quite a bit of spare time on my hands, so I much enjoy art.” He answered. The man’s voice was deep and mellow.
You walked down the red carpet hallway to the room all the way to the end, it seemed to be one of the many dozens.
There was a large canopy bed lined with dark lace and wooden upholstery.
“Please, spend the night here until morning. I wouldn’t want you to endanger yourself.”
Before you could even agree to his much eager assistance, he walked over to a box near the fireplace side table and pulled out several glass vials and bandages.
You walked toward him, and sat down per his instruction.
“Thank you- You’ve been so kind to me. Why?”
He chuckled, kneeling down to your level and applying an ointment to the cloth.
“Why? How ever could I turn away such a frightening young lady at my door. There are dangerous things in those woods.”
His tone sounded very concerned, but horrifyingly casual.
“What is your name Sir? If it’s okay to ask.”
“It’s perfectly okay. You can call me Blade.”
“Blade…Nice to meet you” What a strange name.
“Likewise. Now please, allow me.”
You nod, before he dabs a stinging oil to your knee. One by one.
He handles you well, gently.
His cold hands held your calves as he bandaged up your wounds.
He gets up from his knelt position, seeming even taller than he is when he stands from this view.
His long black hair was so dark it seemed blue, ends dipped in a color that resembled the shade of holly berries.
He sat down on the chair opposite of you, his face framed by the fireplaces glow behind him now.
“So tell me dear, what exactly happened?” His voice dripping in concern.
“I…really don’t know. I got lost hiking with my group and I tried to find them, but then I kept hearing weird noise in the forest and I thought it could be them looking for me. But-“
You stopped, reliving the sequence you just ran from.
He waited patiently for you to continue, his sculpture like face and rich eyes giving you their utmost attention.
“I saw blood, and a dead animal, I think a wolf or something could have done it. But there was a man- in the woods. It kept staring at me and getting close. So I ran for a while until I found your- castle?” You chuckle a little, the term house seemed beneath such a grand sanctuary.
“Maybe a werewolf?” The man said, giving you an amused chuckle. He waves his hand, “But anyways…That all sounds very frightening, I’m glad you found me.”
You nod, “As am I” you assure.
Whatever it was you are safe now y/n, very safe.” He took your hands into his own, giving them a positive squeeze with smiling eyes.
You nodded, but soon a hitch in your throat appeared and you felt like your stomach got kicked.
“I never told you my name.”
A smile appeared on his face, “Smart girl.”
His eyes glowed the same shade of sanguine you saw in the forest, chasing you. You could see two sharp teeth sticking past his upper lip, his smirk revealing to you his true identity.
You quickly get up, startled enough to drop the chair behind you and fall back onto the bed.
“Who are you-“ You scream, tears forming in the corners of your eyes as he stood slowly and walked toward you.
“I already told you that, didn’t I?.”
He cupped your face, making you look straight up at him.
“Please- don’t hurt me.” You plead, tears now falling from your eyes and staining your cheeks.
“Hurt you? I just tended to your wounds, why do you think I’ll harm you dear?” His voice sounds even lower at this point, and his eyes fiery.
You kick back your leg and retreat further back into the bed, almost yelling, “You’re a vampire-!”
“And your blood smells so deliciously decadent…I almost couldn’t resist tasting you a moment ago.” He crawls toward your frame, his large hands making deep prints into the mattress.
His eyes seemed to glow in a pattern, the color deepening snd glowing slowly as he got toward you.
Your body felt weak, as if magnetic to him. Almost willing to amuse him.
“What are- what are you doing to me-“
“I haven’t done a thing. I’m just increasing the magnitude of your emotions dear. Whatever you feel at this moment is your utmost desire spilling out every orafice in your body.”
You felt your mind whirl, your body get hotter with every inch he grew closer to you.
He soon wrapped his palms behind your back, seating you in his lap.
You felt an animalistic urge settle upon you, breathing even heavier than when you ran away from him earlier.
He grazed his hand up and down your legs, taking off your shoes and socks, rubbing the sore soles of your feet.
“You must get more comfortable my dear, you seem less tense, good.” He says, slowly pressing his lips to yours as you hold his shoulder.
His tongue found yours, warm in contrast to the rest of him; tangling itself in a waltz.
He nipped at your bottom lip and pricked it, tugging at it and licking the blood that drew from it with his tongue. “Virgin blood…You are truly magnificent.”
You felt your face heat up more than your body, his presence making you feel an insatiable hunger for lust.
“Blade- please…I feel-“
“Concupiscent? I can tell, y/n”, he said, his hand trailing up to your thigh and rubbing your heat through your shorts.
You roll your hips at his touch, a small mewl escaping you.
He picks you up and plops you down further back on the bed, your head hitting the pillow softly as his large frame hovers above your body.
“I can be very thorough in relieving your…lustful desires.”
“Please- yes…” You softly gasp, feeling his lips close to your neck before they kiss you.
Hungrily he rips your top apart, as if it were made of paper.
You quiver at his touch, fear set aside and now unrelentingly yearning for all of him.
“You need not worry…I will take, good, good care of you.”
You nod, watching him soon trail his lips down to your exposed chest.
He circles the tip of his tongue around your nipple, taking it entirely in his mouth to hear you moan out; the other in his hand, his hips grinding to meet your heat as he grinds into you through the fabrics keeping you apart.
“You are a marveling beauty.” He adds, his hands finding the hem of your shorts and pulling them right down, along with your panties.
He pulled back, holding your legs apart and examining every part of you, taking in the view of his next meal.
He watched you shyly try to look away, smirking when he saw how utterly messy your cunt was, glistening and dripping juices down to the sheets.
He didn’t waste much time after that, kissing your inner thigh before planting one on your clit.
He made the most deep, sinful noises as he lapped at your cunt, his eyes not breaking contact with yours as he inserts two long and slender fingers inside you.
He seemed to almost gain more pleasure from sucking on your clit than you did, almost.
You reacted like a beast in heat, legs trembling and hands gripping the sheets as your thighs pressed the sides of his face to pull him deeper into you.
You came faster than ever before. Blade sucked every drop out of you, wiping the corner of his mouth before grabbing your wrists and pinning them above your head.
He kissed you once more, not biting this time. Yet.
Without giving you time to recoup- he shed his clothing and slapped his cock on your folds, slipping it inbetween them to get it ready for you.
“I need to taste you dear…truly taste you.”
“M-my blood?” You ask, feeling even weaker and more lustful.
“Yes” he whispers close to your lips, “You will let me drink from you, won’t you, my little temptress?”
You nod- pulling him close to you as if you’d wither without him.
“You are such an eager woman. I quite like that.” He says, before pushing his entire length deep, deep inside you. You groan, eyebrows furrowed harshly as you experience such a reveling sensation.
“Fuck-“ He breathes, “You’re so tight…do you ache for me so deep? You’re sucking me in so much…such a naughty whore you are.”
He moved in and out slowly, making you feel every vein and along his shaft.
You could feel his breathe on your chest, and soon his teeth.
He sinked them into the top of your breast, sucking the blood out of you ferociously as he rutted inside you faster now, making you cry out as tears rolled down your face in pleasure.
“Ah- Blade!…”
“It will only hurt for a moment…I’ll fuck you so deeply you won’t dare to forget it.” He spouts, his mouth dripping with your blood before going back in to take more.
You quickly notice a mirror behind Blade, you haven’t noticed it before but he wasn’t in it of course. All your blurry vision could attest was your spread apart pussy, gaping with a thick hole as you watched yourself be torn apart in the most delicious way, blood dripping down to your nipple, soon to be licked up from Blade tongue, as your body moved with the rhythm of the bed; snapping out of your trance once you heard his suckling.
He whimpered and moaned as he drank, gripping your ass harder as he thrusted into you at a pace you could nearly pass out from.
So much of your cum created a ring around his cock, squelching noises filled the room and muffled the crackling of the wood in the fire.
His grasp on the fat of your ass deepened, possessiveness overwhelming him.
“You’re mine now. You don’t belong in those treacherous woods, you will stay right here.” He commanded, imaging all the ways he’d ruin your perfect pussy, wrapped around him so well he was convinced you were destined to take him, to be his and his only to fuck, eat, and fill.
In response to his hold, you clenched your walls around him tighter until you felt warm fluid rush into your womb, nodding to his wishes profusely as you release together in the romantically gothic room, your breath huffing as you came down from an intense high.
Blade on the other hand, well the stamina of a vampire is quite impressive.
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whimsic4alwasab1 ™ - do not copy, translate, modify, or claim any of my work as your own.
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