#The World XXI
devourable · 1 year
Do you have smut hcs for the delinquents with an oral fixation darling? Outside of sex, they're playfully nipping the boys or giving plenty of kisses! Darling could be getting dicked down within an inch of their life but they'll whine if they aren't sucking dick/biting someone's shoulder/or having one of the boys' fingers in their mouth. it's degen hours for me ajsdhsjsdkjfblsjfk
this post is dedicated to mazzy. she literally ghostwrote this anon AKDJSKTB
i was gonna post this yesterday but i fucking blacked out so. hope yall like smut in the morning
nsfw, minors / ageless dni
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· the boys are ALL over this. it drives them crazy when you’re affectionate with them, to the point they start arguing about who gets your attention next. they're melting every time you pepper them with kisses, playfully biting you back whenever you bite them, always so eager to return your energy when given the opportunity to.
· naturally, this attitude follows them to the bedroom, too. it wouldn't be too uncommon for some of them to bicker about who gets to fuck your mouth first next to spark up, especially since some of them would definitely start to hog you upon given the chance. it’s a guarantee that you won’t be leaving an encounter without the taste of one of them lingering on your tongue.
· aaron and judas are the most gentle, having their fun rubbing their cock against your mouth just to make you whine for them. judas would take his time getting himself off with just your lips no matter how much you protest or try to suck him off, gently scolding you every time you make the attempt to. aaron on the other hand would lose his patience after some time. all that begging, so desperate for him, he'd have no choice but to shut you up. who is he to deny you of what you both want?
· mattias and dom, meanwhile, are both practically the opposite of their friends. any time either man is involved, you'd definitely find yourself gagging on one of them before all of your clothes are off. they just can’t wait to be inside you any longer than what’s necessary.
· dominic isn't as classless as mattie — he's taking his time with you, asking you if you like how he tastes, looking real deep into your eyes throughout the whole act. he really loves to see the look on your face when he's cumming down your throat. but mattias can't help himself from using your mouth like a fleshlight, no matter how hard he tries. the sounds you make when you're gagging on him, the feeling of you desperately sucking his cock, the way you look at him when you know he's about to cum? he’s addicted to it. he likes it more than he likes actually fucking you, especially knowing how much you enjoy it too.
· you'll never have to worry about going unsatisfied with these four around. they're obsessed with and take advantage of your fixation as much as you'll let them — and you'll let them as much as they want, won't you? they're only trying to give you what you want, after all!
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Ford Seattle-ite XXI (incl brochure), 1962. Presented at the Century 21 Exposition which formed part of the Seattle World’s Fair (hence the name) a scale model theoretically powered by nuclear fusion. Designed by Alex Tremulis who proposed interchangeable power units so the entire front of the car could be removed. The "compact nuclear propulsion devices" would come in economy form offering perhaps 60hp, up to a high-speed transcontinental unit with in excess of 400hp. It also proposed features that did make it into real cars like computerised navigation and fingertip controls
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we-are-fremen · 4 months
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fullness - completion - unity
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gregor-samsung · 9 days
" Qualcuno uscí da una tavola calda e cercò di porgergli una bottiglia d’acqua. Era una donna che indossava una mascherina antipolvere e un cappellino con la visiera, e ritrasse la bottiglia e svitò il tappo e quindi gliela tese di nuovo. Lui posò la valigetta per prenderla, a malapena conscio che non stava usando il braccio sinistro, che aveva dovuto posare la valigetta prima di poter prendere la bottiglia. Tre furgoni della polizia svoltarono e si precipitarono verso downtown, a sirene spiegate. Chiuse gli occhi e bevve, e sentí l’acqua scorrergli nel corpo trascinando giú con sé polvere e fuliggine. La donna lo stava fissando. Gli disse qualcosa che lui non sentí, quindi le restituí la bottiglia e raccolse la valigetta. Il lungo sorso d’acqua gli lasciò un retrogusto di sangue. Riprese a camminare. Un carrello del supermercato giaceva immobile e vuoto. Dietro c’era una donna, girata verso di lui, con del nastro della polizia avvolto intorno alla testa e al viso, di quel nastro giallo con la scritta caution che delimita la scena di un delitto. I suoi occhi erano piccole increspature bianche nella mascherina sgargiante, e lei stringeva la maniglia del carrello e se ne stava lí, a guardare dentro il fumo.
Fece in tempo a udire il suono del secondo crollo. Attraversò Canal Street e cominciò a vedere le cose, per qualche motivo, in modo diverso. Non parevano pregnanti come al solito, le strade lastricate, i fabbricati in ghisa. C’era una qualche mancanza cruciale nelle cose intorno a lui. Erano incompiute, per cosí dire. Erano inosservate, per cosí dire. Forse era quello l’aspetto che avevano le cose quando non c’era nessuno che le vedesse. Udí il suono del secondo crollo, o lo avvertí nel tremore dell'aria, la torre nord che cadeva, uno sconcerto sommesso di voci in lontananza. La torre nord che crollava era lui. Il cielo era piú leggero, lí, e riusciva a respirare piú facilmente. C’erano altri dietro di lui, migliaia, che andavano riempiendo la media distanza, una massa prossima a formarsi, gente che fuoriusciva dal fumo. Proseguí finché non dovette fermarsi. Lo investí rapida, la consapevolezza di non poter andare oltre. Provò a dirsi che era vivo, ma era un’idea troppo oscura per riuscire a prendere corpo. Non c’erano taxi e il traffico in genere scarseggiava e allora apparve un vecchio furgoncino, una ditta elettrica di Long Island City, e gli si accostò e il conducente si sporse verso il finestrino dal lato del passeggero a esaminare ciò che stava vedendo, un uomo incrostato di cenere, di materia polverizzata, e gli chiese dove voleva andare. Fu solo una volta salito a bordo e chiusa la portiera che capí dov’era diretto fin dall'inizio. "
Don Delillo, L'uomo che cade, traduzione di Matteo Colombo, Einaudi, 2008. [Libro elettronico]
[Edizione originale: Falling Man, Charles Scribner's Sonspublisher, New York City, 2007]
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rabdoidal · 1 year
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i miss my clown paladin SO BAD so i had to draw her!! the world as a tarot card is all about journeys and accomplishments and closure, and to me it really spoke to her journey
⭐ kofi link in bio if you’re feeling generous ⭐
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yu-gi-poll · 4 months
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Monster Stats & Propaganda Under the Cut:
Vennominaga the Deity of Poisonous Snakes is used by Cobra (Thelonious Viper in the English dub). Its stats are the following:
Attribute: DARK
Level: 10
Effect (according to the anime): “This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except with "Rise of the Sacred Deity". This card gains 500 ATK for each Reptile-Type monster in your Graveyard, and cannot be targeted or affected by the effects of other monsters, Spells, and Traps. When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, you can remove from play 1 other Reptile-Type monster from your Graveyard to Special Summon this card. Any player that takes Battle Damage from a battle involving this card loses the Duel during the Standby Phase of your opponent's 3rd turn after taking the damage.”
ATK / DEF: 0 / 0
Always love seeing janky alternate win conditions. Is it good? No. But it's fun seeing everyone pretend it is.
Arcana Force XXI – The World is used by Takuma Saio (Sartorius in the English dub). Its stats are the following:
Attribute: LIGHT
Level: 8
Effect Type: TRIGGER
Effect (according to the anime): “When this card is Summoned, toss a coin. If Heads, this card gains the Right Side Up effect. If Tails, this card gains the Upside Down effect.
● Right Side Up: During your End Phase, you can send 2 monsters you control to the Graveyard to skip your opponent's next turn.
● Upside Down: During your opponent's Draw Phase, they can add the top card of their Graveyard to their hand.”
ATK / DEF: 3100 / 3100
The World is the most powerful of the Arcana it cannot be bested. It controls the flow of time itself and allows you to just skip the opponent's turn. ""The World's true power, as its name suggests, is to reign supreme over the entire world!"" Saio even shares a voice actor with DIO so you know The World is legit, it's so strong Arcana Force will never good support out of fear for The World Lock becoming too viable.
Let it be known that Dio's Japanese VA (Takehito Koyasu) voiced a guy whose ace monster is ""The World"". ZA WARUDO!
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lepreuxchevalier · 2 months
Edward Fitzroy, Titular Duke of Huntington's adolescence as a royal hostage growing up amongst the opulent, extravagant, and baroque trappings and façades of "La Cour Royale de La Monarchie Aquitainienne et de Maison Williamson" at "Maison Williamson du Royaume d'Aquitaine's" primary residence at "Le Palais de Fontainebleau" in "Couronne, Aquitaine" and summer residence at "Chateau Lafleur," before his subsequent, untimely, and tragic expulsion to "Der herzoglich Hof von Conrad Von Buchenauer, Der herrschend Herzog von Solingen, Der momentan Chef von Hohenbuchenauer, weltlich, übertragen Kurfürst Des Selbst Kaiserreich der Menschheit, and above all The Official Defender, Guarantor, and Worldly Champion of Karl Von Luxembourg, Ph.D and His General, Sweeping, and Universal Theological Reformation to The Religious Establishment of, and Institutions of Organized Religion within The Conservative Church of The New Gods Traditionally Seated within The Holy Sept of Romulus, Cosmopoleis" at "Schloss Drakenhof" in "Wörtzburch, Solingen."
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pollyna · 1 year
I love how every time I rewatch Travelers Philip and Trevor come out as more asexual than the previous rewatch. And how much i want to just give everyone in the squad the most queer experienced of their life once they arrive in the XXI century.
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leviabeat · 1 year
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devourable · 10 months
drunk cuddly darling + sober yan
sober darling + drunk yan
do yans have any preference on either scenario or is it just no bueno either way
im just gonna simplify this ask down a bit. m!yanderes + f!yanderes x cuddly drunk gn darling 🫶 (no poly/non humans for the sake of my sanity)
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⛪️ ;; abe is not the type to drink, never has been and never will be, even if you pressure him to drink more, so while he doesn’t exactly approve of you getting drunk either, he just cant bring himself to be mad at you. not when you’re being so sweet to him! he’s happy that you’re content to just be held by him until you fall asleep rather than get into any trouble that he’s not prepared to deal with. be ready to wake up to a scolding by him though, you could get sick if you go overboard! even if he kind of likes it when you do.
[cw dubcon] 🖥️ ;; god bless any darling who gets drunk around gene because if he can tell you’re inebriated he’s either trying to fuck you or is equally as hammered (if not more). so when you get drunk and start getting all touchy with him he sees it as an invitation to take things further. you wanted the attention, you can’t get mad at how he chooses to give it! it isn’t his fault, you just make really cute faces when you’re wasted. he’ll give you a little apology gift for your sore insides when you’re up the next day — one most likely made up of painkillers and your favorite takeout.
🪶;; it irritates sterling to no end that you got drunk. don’t you know you have an image to uphold? he’s prattling on and on about how he’s sick of your disgraceful behavior and how unbecoming it is for you to waste your time fucking up your brain, until your arms are around him and you’re snuggling up against him. then his words are all caught in his throat and hes tripping through his sentences, half heartedly trying to reprimand you still, but he eventually settles down and (begrudgingly) holds you until you’re asleep. he’ll swear to himself its only this one time; if you remember the next day and try to tease him about it he literally wont talk to you for a week.
💪 ;; valentina had already planned to simply cuddle you till you went to sleep, so the fact that you initiated it makes her elated. she likes how it feels when you squirm in her arms, too out of it to be able to do anything but what she wants. it’s like she’s handling a living doll! she carries you around like one, too, going about her day with one hand and holding you you with the other. yes, it makes doing things way more difficult and yes, the arm she carried you with will be sore for days, but it’s well worth it to her.
[cw dubcon, again] 👑 ;; althea ordered you to go to bed the moment you stumbled into her presence in your inebriated state. when you instead clung to her and insisted on cozying up instead, while it annoyed her, she took it upon herself to make sure you got to bed and couldn’t get into any trouble. but you insisted on her staying with you! and the way you tangled her body up with yours and dragged your hands across her form in a move that couldn’t have been entirely innocent (to her, at least), allie couldn’t help but help herself to your body. you practically owed it to her, anyway; and the way you whimpered and sighed for her proved that you didn’t seem to mind too much anyway.
🥩 ;; rhodes doesn’t particularly care for drunks, they’re used to them being loud and obnoxious. so they’re not exactly happy when they find you after having a bit too much to drink. they’e expecting a tedious night of making sure you don’t hurt yourself or others, so it’s a pleasant surprise when you seek them out for comfort instead. they still would prefer you being sober so you’d be able to better appreciated them taking the day off to be with you, but they’re satisfied with the time you spend with them regardless.
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meezer · 2 years
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me in 2020-2021
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tornbluefoamcouch · 2 months
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Artista: Steve lacy Álbum: Apollo XXI Ano: 2019 Faixas/Tempo: 12/43min Estilo: Neo-Soul/Psychedelic Soul Data de Execução: 23/07/2024 Nota: 6,3 Melhor Música: Like Me (feat DAISY WORLD)
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roebeanstalk · 1 year
Whatever you're going through right now, I hope you find a place of belonging and comfort!
You may have just finished up something big or maybe you're almost there with something, or maybe something didn't quite end when you thought it would.
If you're wrapping something up, try to honor whatever fulfillment you might be feeling - remember how it feels, and use it to get you through whatever this next phase of life is for you.
On the flipside, you might be feeling like something is missing, or like you're not doing enough. You are. But that feeling can just be there as a gentle reminder of what your goals and ideals are.
Either way, it's a good time to take stock of what's important to you, and see what small steps you can take towards really stepping into a nice spot for yourself.
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hikomato · 1 year
[Tarot] The World - Nhân gian
The World có thể dịch là Thế gian, Thế giới hay Nhân gian, mỗi một từ tôi gán cho một khía cạnh của nó. … \Nhập đề/ The World hiện ra khi tôi đang cảm thấy trống rỗng và vô định trong cuộc đời mình, trong chính chặng đường của mình. Tôi là ai? Tôi đang làm gì với cuộc đời mình? Tôi có thể làm gì bây giờ? Đó là những điều tôi tự hỏi bản thân khi đang lang thang vô định trong dòng chảy này. Rõ…
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lepreuxchevalier · 5 months
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An illustration of a boyar cavalryman of "Rod Vojvodin Bol'shogo" or "House Vojvodin of Bolshoi" unhorsing a "legitimate issue" or "a dynastic scion" of "Maison Williamson du Royaume d'Aquitaine" or "House Williamson of The Kingdom of Aquitaine." This illustration officially commemorates Rod Vojvodin Bol'shogo's hard-earned military triumph against Maison Williamson du Royaume d'Aquitaine and it's feudal vassals during "The Second Rus'kayan Errantry War" officially preached and prosecuted against at "La Vallée de Morçeaux" in "Le Duché de Dulac" by Louis-Chrétien Carignan-Cerqui, Archevêque de Carillon on behalf of Archpatriarch Benedin XVI, 256th Bishop of Romulus and Head of The Conservative Church of The New Gods with the intent of the systematic purging of the religious heretics officially subscribed to The Church of The Old Gods in Rus'kaya Tsarstvo in direct retaliation to Rod Vojvodin Bol'shogo's military and political connivance with the southern emirates of "Al-Khalifat Al-Khashabar" against the religiously Conservative "Rod Danielewski z Mazowsza" or "House Danielewski of Mazowsze," the longstanding "Defenders of The Faith" as personally and traditionally proclaimed by "The Archpatriarchs" or "The Bishops of Romulus" as the anointed, undisputed, and universal "Heads of The Conservative Church of The New Gods" until "Edmund IV, 41st and Reigning King of Albion and Current Head of House Lyonheart" drafted and published his written antithesis both critiquing against and questioning the general, sweeping, and universal theological reforms of "Karl Von Luxembourg, Church Doctor of Theology at Die Universität Wörtzburch" to the religious establishment of The Conservative Church of The New Gods officially seated within The Holy Sept of Romulus as the historic capital, civilizational kernel, and titular namesake of The Cosmopolitan, Classical Romulan Republic and "The Empire of Mankind Primus" before it's final collapse marking the end of The Civilized World's historic epoch of "Classical Antiquity." As well as speaking out against both his maternal grandfather "Friedrich I, Der ester und herrschend König von Middenland und Der Gründungschef von Hohenrotbart" and his older cousin "Albrecht Von Biermann, Der herrschend Markgraf von Brannenborg, Der momentan Chef von Hohenbiermann, und Der weltlich, übertragen Kurfürst Des Selbst Kaiserreich der Menschheit" in their systematic persecution, legislative marginalization, and confiscation of the lands, estates, and treasuries of any ecclesiastical and monastic clergy of The Conservative Church of The New Gods who had both openly refused to submit before and openly protested against the formal renunciation of their spiritual, cultural, and moral ties of fealty to The Bishops of Romulus through their legislative decrees to formally convert to Karl Von Luxembourg's theological reforms on behalf of both their dynastic houses and their hereditary subjects. This illustration best contrasts the civilizational friction between the opulence, the extravagance, and the decadence of "La Cour Royale de Maison Williamson du Royaume d'Aquitaine au Palais de Fontainebleau" with the rugged, resilient, and Spartan aesthetic of the princely "great houses" of "boyar" and "dvoryantsvo" aristocrats and nobles officially housed and seated within the provincial "kremlins" of the Gospodar and the Moravian petty principalities within Rus'kaya Tsarstvo.
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twinflamesandtarot · 1 year
Whose having a baby ? Giving birth to a very lucrative idea is on the horizon. Slow and steady wins the race. You can see the light at the end of the tunnel and there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. You will get there. Do not withdraw from savings at this time, keep the interest and avoid penalties.
The Knight of Pentacles is a predictable but reliable person with a youthful heart but a serious mind. He prefers older people than his peers. He is wise to use material resources to accomplish goals. More likely to extort than use violence when push comes to shove. Calculated. Driven. Focused Stubborn AF. Tends to be quite wealthy later in life because they NEVER give up.
The World Card is the last card of the major arcana. It signifies an end as necessary for a new beginning. She is pregnant with LIFE.
This is an excellent card combination for launching a business idea 💡 moving or starting a relationship with a large age gap. Long distance relationships and travel also are prominent.
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