#The Wrath & The Dawn
jolieeason · 11 months
WWW Wednesday: July 19th, 2023
WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words.The Three Ws are:What are you currently reading?What did you recently finish reading?What do you think you’ll read next? What I am currently reading: A music critic stuck in a spiral of epic proportions targets her teenage crush for a career comeback and a chance at revenge. What could possibly go wrong? Sammy…
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meltotheany · 11 months
july reading wrap up | 2023
hello friends! july was actually the best reading month i’ve had since 2020, in terms of quantity of books and pages read! and truly? the quality of what i was reading was really high too! i read twelve things (4,700 pages) and my favorite 2023 publication, so far! below will be links to all of my reviews on goodreads, trigger and content warnings for each book, and my individual thoughts and…
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xmoriartea · 2 years
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Pro Tip: Don’t follow the known vampire killers and assumed town heroes’ precious Strahd-wanted child, especially when one of them is also a known bitch and there is already a bad track record for spies, it will not go well 
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We let the vampire (her name is Lex) go for the time being after warning her against pulling this shit with us again... and then things got... interesting.
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Night before Arabelle's 18th birthday, my death cleric offered her a chance to speak one more time with her father Luvash. It's a Seance, a very high lvl and unique ritual to call a spirit forward at its resting place and engage with them in a manner unlike Speak with Dead
But Barovia being what Barovia is and having already seen a Raise Dead go awry, Alkali warned the other cleric Mina and the artificer Tanner to be ready if something went wrong. Remarkably, it worked. Luvash came through and he and Arabelle could say their goodbyes
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But something in the area was still off and before Luvash returned to the other side, Alkali asked him out of Arabelle's earshot what awaited him. Void and terror. So Tanner made a choice, Luvash was coming with them, outside of Barovia. "Alkali, keep the spell going."
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With the ritual already fading, Alkali burned a 5th lvl to try and extend it, hurriedly amping up the circle while casting looks at Tanner who essentially just emptied his bag and got to work. Using the crystal ball he'd loaned for the ritual, a 2500gp obsidian and gold scepter, dimensional shackles, and more magic and vitality than he really should have, Tanner did what he does best: make things that defy nature.
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In a sense, this 3rd lvl capable artificer cast a 4th lvl spell. Burning spell slots, hit die, and hp, with blood dripping from his eyes and nose, magic burning in his hands, and exhaustion weighing him down 3x over, he crafted a Ghost Lantern and ushered Luvash inside.
Meanwhile the gals were worriedly watching on as the shadows grew chaotic around them. By time Tanner picked up the lantern and said they should go, one shadow took form in their path, demanding in Celestial they return what they stole from it.
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Translating, Alkali informed the creature that things were about to change in Barovia, starting with this. The shadows raged and other shadows began to form, including the shadow of Arrigal, Luvash's brother and murderer whom we had dealt with prior.
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Dealing with so many ghosts we relied on a series of Spiritual Guardians, Dawn, and Cold of Cone to put a stop to them. But when wisps of shadow remained in icy statues at the end, Alkali could only remember the same wisps in amber tombs.
She approached the one Arrigal’s shadow was trapped in and pressed her hand to it. Hearing the Dark Power's voice twinned with Arrigal's it cursed her and offered to make her a deal. 
"I offer a gift of many teeth and many lives — so that I might kill you many times"
Naturally, that didn't go over well. Alkali told it to keep its gift, she would enjoy killing it again. Then she said a prayer. And called on Umberlee's wrath to obliterate what shadows they had trapped here. 
And rolling a fuckin 10 on Divine Intervention 
                                                                  Umberlee answered.
The shadows were washed away like a great wave had come through, taking them and their icy tombs with them.
As Alkali returned to the party who witnessed this, the original shadowy form returned with bitter celestial congratulations. It told them to enjoy a temporary gift of light and, while looking at Arabelle, spoke highly of their qualifications here in Barovia and wished her a happy birthday, before launching a shadowy crown towards Ravenloft and fading away.
Follow it up with a brief encounter with a soaking wet and pissed off Strahd in the storm that shifted quickly from a 'why are you fucks always making trouble for me' to 'you better not harm my wives' in which we assured him we loved his brides more than him — it was a Night™
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And of course, the following morning WAS still Arabelle’s birthday. We woke up to a package on our doorstep at the Inn. It was a rather familiar ruby necklace — Strahd regifted when Ireena turned him down. We guess Rahadin was fucking digging in the yard last night while Strahd stood on the road like a dipshit overseeing?? Who knows.
But. Arabelle wasn’t keeping or wearing it by any means either. Which means two clerics were just handed a VERY impressive collection of rubies... I’m sure that won’t come back to bite Strahd in the ass or anything.
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chawsl · 2 years
Therefore become imitators of God [copy Him and follow His example], as well-beloved children [imitate their father]; and walk continually in love [that is, value one another—practice empathy and compassion, unselfishly seeking the best for others], just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and sacrifice to God [slain for you, so that it became] a sweet fragrance. But sexual immorality and all [moral] impurity [indecent, offensive behavior] or greed must not even be hinted at among you, as is proper among saints [for as believers our way of life, whether in public or in private, reflects the validity of our faith]. Let there be no filthiness and silly talk, or coarse [obscene or vulgar] joking, because such things are not appropriate [for believers]; but instead speak of your thankfulness [to God]. For be sure of this: no immoral, impure, or greedy person—for that one is [in effect] an idolater—has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God [for such a person places a higher value on something other than God]. Let no one deceive you with empty arguments [that encourage you to sin], for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience [those who habitually sin]. So do not participate or even associate with them [in the rebelliousness of sin]. For once you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of Light [live as those who are native-born to the Light] (for the fruit [the effect, the result] of the Light consists in all goodness and righteousness and truth), trying to learn [by experience] what is pleasing to the Lord [and letting your lifestyles be examples of what is most acceptable to Him—your behavior expressing gratitude to God for your salvation]. Do not participate in the worthless and unproductive deeds of darkness, but instead expose them [by exemplifying personal integrity, moral courage, and godly character]; for it is disgraceful even to mention the things that such people practice in secret. But all things become visible when they are exposed by the light [of God’s precepts], for it is light that makes everything visible. For this reason He says, “Awake, sleeper, And arise from the dead, And Christ will shine [as dawn] upon you and give you light.” Therefore see that you walk carefully [living life with honor, purpose, and courage; shunning those who tolerate and enable evil], not as the unwise, but as wise [sensible, intelligent, discerning people], making the very most of your time [on earth, recognizing and taking advantage of each opportunity and using it with wisdom and diligence], because the days are [filled with] evil. Therefore do not be foolish and thoughtless, but understand and firmly grasp what the will of the Lord is. Do not get drunk with wine, for that is wickedness (corruption, stupidity), but be filled with the [Holy] Spirit and constantly guided by Him. Speak to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, [offering praise by] singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord; always giving thanks to God the Father for all things, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; being subject to one another out of reverence for Christ.
Ephesians 5:1‭-‬21 AMP
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The Rose & the Dagger by Renee Ahdieh
The Rose & the Dagger by Renee Ahdieh
RATING: 4.5/5 SYNOPSIS: After Shazi is saved from Rey minutes before it’s destruction, she finds herself in a rebel camp full of people that wish to kill her husband in revenge for all the girls he killed before her. In order to fit in, Shazi must hide her true feelings for her husband and must work in secret to stop a war and break his curse, but she must find allies in unlikely people and…
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fenokami · 3 years
October Wrap-Up '21
Goodbye spooky times and hello November, it's time to wrap-up October! #BookBlogger #BookPost
Well, I guess I wasn’t kidding when I said I wouldn’t be posting much in October. I’ve had an unusually busy month with a rather fun curveball that I’ll be keeping secret for a little while longer, but I should be bringing you more content this month including a lovely wrap-up for MCM London (not much cosplay to report but boy was it fun). October has been my first month with some serious…
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thewonderlandreader · 7 years
It’s Tuesday today which means it’s time for Top Ten Tuesdays. Top Ten Tuesdays is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where you choose 10 books that fit a certain prompt, this weeks prompt is Top Ten Books I’m Thankful for. For me some of these books I simply just enjoyed and I’m thankful for simply making me happy.
What books are you thankful for?
  Top Ten Tuesday #4: Top Ten Books I’m Thankful For It’s Tuesday today which means it’s time for Top Ten Tuesdays. Top Ten Tuesdays is a weekly meme hosted by…
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Khalid, the Caliph, takes a new bride each night only to have her executed at sunrise. So it is a suspicious surprise when Shahrzad volunteers to marry Khalid. However, Shahrzad has a clever plan - not only to stay alive - but to end the murderous King's reign of terror once and for all. (A reimagining of 1001 Nights based on the YA novel by Renee Ahdieh.) Don't miss today's update of #The Wrath & the Dawn! #webcomic #WEBTOON
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chouetteffraie · 5 years
kunikidazai + fluffy 7, please! your fics are so good, I couldn’t miss the opportunity :’)
AHHHHHH SLKDF NONNIE?? I’M SOBBING 😭 WHY are you on ANON I can’t love on you DIRECTLY aslfksldd well, whoever you are, thank you so much?? you’re so sweet nonnie I’m cry what have I done to deserve you :’)
One would think that being in a relationship means there is a shared respect between partners, an understanding running deeper than what one may see on the surface. Kunikida had respected Dazai’s boundaries: he didn’t ask unnecessary questions, he didn’t press Dazai to tell him more than he wanted, and he always made sure Dazai has a home to come back to when he felt he needed to escape. Through this process, and with plenty of patience, Kunikida built a trust with Dazai he didn’t have with anybody else. He became a true confidante for the man, a fact that filled him with nothing short of pride.
Dazai, on the other hand, seemed to think the title of “boyfriend” made him impervious to Kunikida’s wrath. Why else would he be messing with his paperwork?
Kunikida should’ve known that sharing a living space with Dazai would be detrimental to his work. He should’ve known that his lackadaisical partner would take the “sharing your life” aspect of a relationship to a whole new level. He should’ve known he wouldn’t be able to change his work habits and encourage him to get things done in a timely manner. He should’ve known that Dazai would pick up on the cues that Kunikida wouldn’t change his habits either, ignore those cues, and take drastic measures to prevent him from working.
He should’ve known the neat stack of papers on his desk, perfectly crisp and waiting to be filled out, would disappear from the table at home, seemingly without a trace.
Dazai certainly made a game out of getting Kunikida to notice. He amped up the affection that morning, perched on the end of the bed when Kunikida’s alarm went off. Aside from the fact that Dazai had willingly left the bed at all, it wasn’t too abnormal for him to be awake before Kunikida. Being a structured man also made you predictable, at least to those who cared enough to learn your schedule. The breakfast on the table was also abnormal. Add onto that the fact that it was actually edible, and Kunikida should’ve been angrily asking Dazai what he did with his hands tightening around his neck in anticipation for the infuriating response. One of his greatest weaknesses in recent months, however, was his unwavering belief in Dazai and his ability to be better.
Normally when he voiced these thoughts, they were serious, sharing insecurities and confiding in each other when Kunikida needed to forget a failed mission, or Dazai needed help fending of a restless night. Sometimes, though, Kunikida couldn’t help but believe these words for trivial things too. He’s come to accept and love Dazai in his entirety, from his sharp mind and infectious smile to every last shortcoming he could find.The moment Dazai decides he wants to improve any of those shortcomings, however, Kunikida won’t be caught trying to stop him.
Kunikida was content to leave the morning’s surprises as a pleasant gift. Dazai was becoming more and more honest with the man, though, and couldn’t leave him hanging in the realm of ignorance for long. When he finally gave up, telling his partner with a boyish giggle, “Oh, by the way, Kunikida-kun, I couldn’t sleep last night and decided I’d clean off your desk,” Kunikida could barely stop himself from sending the drink of coffee he just took in his direction.
“You WHAT?!” He bellowed, a vein already threatening to escape the confines of the skin on his forehead. Dazai put his hands up in faux surrender, looking anything but ashamed for his actions.
“What? You can’t concentrate with a cluttered desk, Kunikida! I was just helping you! Isn’t cleaning a productive use of my time when I can’t sleep?”
“Those papers need to be filled out by the end of the week to report the damages from our recent cases, and you threw them out?” Despite Kunikida towering over the chair Dazai was in, his partner let a please smile shine through. Dazai put his elbows on the table and rested his chin on his hands, looking up at Kunikida through his lashes.
“I know, but if you’re stuck doing all that work, when will you have time for me?”
“I can’t believe this,” Kunikida huffed and pressed his fingers to his temple. “Well then, if you’re going to act like a child, I’ll just have to treat you like a child.”
“Oh, what are you going to do, punish me~?” Dazai teased. After a brief stare-off with his partner, the realization dawned on him. “Wait, wait wait wait, no, don’t take kissing away from me-”
Kunikida was already making his way to the door to slip on his shoes and head to work. Unfortunately for him, his relationship with Dazai had yet to pick up his habit of getting to work early. From the kitchen, Dazai jumped up and yelled, “I was only messing with you! I know where they’re at, and I’ll be they’re only crumpled a little bit! Kunikida-kun~~”
Rather than approach him with the papers in hand, Dazai decided to stand next to Kunikida and pout, giving him the sweetest expression he could muster. Shoulders heaving in a sigh, Kunikida asked, “If I forgive you, will you help fill out the papers correctly?”
Dazai groaned, but the stern look on Kunikida’s face made him straighten up and clear his throat. “Of course~ Have I ever let you down?”
That was the kind of answer that normally meant Dazai had no intentions of doing what he just promised he would. But, on the other hand, he did look rather cute pleading like that.
With another internal sigh, Kunikida gave in and leaned down to meet Dazai’s lips with his.
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cmweller · 5 years
Challenge #02465-F275: The Folly of (Rich) Man
with a wave of his finger and flick of his wrist, he cracked his neck and grinned like a bitch -- Anon Guest
[AN: Ugh, the prompts that make me think about my new D&D character who didn't exist when this was submitted... Not doing that noise. Keep it professional...]
There's two ways to go when the forces of fate conspire to brand you for the sins of your father. One, of course, is to sink even deeper into sin, since people expect you to be like that anyway. The other was to be more pure than the driven snow. Some try both, because neither work. Some, like Fastophel, deliver cold justice with devastating accuracy.
The god's brand on his left cheek reads wrath in the Divine Script, but Fastophel is not wrathful in the slightest. He takes care to weigh everything in the balance like a logician at zero kelvin. He is a Justicer. Those who pay for his services get Justice whether they aimed for it or not.
So when the High Lord Blystur brought forth fifty starving peasants on a claim of conspiracy to commit Grand Theft, Fastophel sent the Lord out of his court to hear each and every one of the peasants in turn. He heard about taxes, he heard about Prima Nocte, he heard, too, about how slow their Lord was in paying his debts to the people. He heard each and every one of them complain that they couldn't even glean the fields for stray grains to make their daily bread, since their Lord insisted their toil last from dawn to dusk. Even the smallest of children were forced to work.
[Be sure to visit internutter (dot) org for a link to the rest of this story, and details on how to support this artist. Or visit steemit (dot) com (slash at) internutter for the stories at their freshest]
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doomedandstoned · 5 years
The Curious Case of Dr. Sludgelove and His Awesome Cosmic Adventures
~By Billy Goate~
There's something to be said for the enduring power of a Stanley Kubrick film. There's no denying his potent storytelling, especially when it's inspiring a new generation of bands to write music about 2001: A Space Odyssey. I mean, wasn't that movie released in the late-60s? It's tech is dated, as are much of the effects, yet here we have young musicians writing minor epics about Dave's star-tripping Jupiter run, raging apes, and that gosh-darned monolith. Hmmm, well if you look at your typical Sunn Amp, it's no wonder. Thing is a picture of solitary grandeur, to say nothing of its omnipotent, knee-bending sonority.
In our last globe-hopping journey, we landed in Mexico City where we met a band called MOONWATCHER, known to project scenes from the film while playing open amphitheaters at the dead of night. Our travels next take us to Hungary, a scene I've sorely neglected over the years. More specifically, we're going right into the heart of the action: Budapest. It's the birthplace of the great pianist-composer Franz Liszt, who is arguably the first rock star for taking his solo piano performances on the road, which ignited the swooning throngs.
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Some of you may have been exposed to the Hungarian doom-stoner sound already and not even realized it. Bands like Apey and the Pea, for example, have demonstrated that Hungarians like their music spicy, served up with verve and gusto. I decided it would be a good time to open up the window and take give you all a peek at this world through the eyes of a band I stumbled upon at random a few weeks back, who endeared themselves to me almost from the start with their name: Dr. Sludgelove. C'mon, how can you not love it?
Another thing I admire about the band is their dedication to concept. The presser they sent out was helpfully annotated with scene-by-scene narration of each track, which I've decided to share with you as I walk you through them. Finally, we're going to meet the band and find out what they can tell us about what it's like to be Doomed & Stoned on their side of the planet. Buckle up, boys. We're about to take a ride with a pair of wild men out into the final frontier.
Dr. Sludgelove is:
János Papp
Attila Temesvári
János Paronai
This is the story of their excursion into the universe of Stanley Kubrick, relayed in their own words.
My Space Odyssey
I. Dawn of Man
This is the first song off of Dr. Sludgelove's debut album, inspired by the Stanley Kubrick movie 2001: A Space Odyssey. In this song, humanity has just been born. Apes are living their everyday lives, which is just about struggling, fighting for food, and finding a place to sleep. They gather into groups -- the groups are fighting with each other, as well. The Earth during these times is very unfriendly place, with big and wrathful storms. Green can be found barely in this region and the vegetation is not very rich.
At some time, in the morning a big black prism is just appearing in front of our group at the ape cave. The shape, color, and smell is just something that has never ever been seen on this planet before. It is a monolith. An ape shows interest at once, as he caught sight of it. He moves closer, wants to touch it, but at the same time he is afraid of the unknown. He starts to dance around it. Others are appearing, as well, but they have bigger fears and choose to watch him from a decent distance. After a while, our hero just decides to tap on it. Then after some quick taps, he constantly touches the Monolith, but nothing visible seems to happen.
My Space Odyssey by Dr. Sludgelove
After some days, the ape finds some bones of a guinea pig, which are just lying in front of him. He starts to play with a piece, but he realizes after a while what he can do with it. He holds it high, then smites it with all his power. At this moment, he realizes how to use something to achieve bigger force than he is able to provide with his bare hands. He has just started to use a tool! This is also the start of the intellect, which drives humanity to reach bigger and bigger improvements. The Monolith gives the possibility of having a better, more developed life than the miserable life of apes. This moment starts everything, a pathway to the modern person's future.
II. Discovery One
In this second song, humanity is in space, travelling between planets in the Solar System. There is a base at the Moon, which can be visited by the average person, as well. Traveling in space is not such a big thing any more.
My Space Odyssey by Dr. Sludgelove
After discovering the Monolith in the surface of the Moon, a group of elite astronauts and scientists start their travel to the planet Jupiter to discover an anomaly, marked by the Monolith on the Moon. Most of the scientists are in hibernation, though two astronauts are awake during the long journey to supervise. An artificial intelligence, called HAL9000 is supporting them, dealing with all the low level controls of the spaceship.
III. HAL-9000
In this song, HAL-9000 reveals his true colors, as he tries to kill all astronauts on the spaceship. Dave Bowman, the last astronaut, decides to switch off HAL's intelligence to stop its influence controlling the whole ship's whole ecosystem. During the switching off operation, Dave needs to wear a spacesuit, as maybe HAL will try to kill him by providing no oxygen. Because of the spacesuit, we can hear Dave breathe during the entire track. This gives a sense of great tension to the whole song and originally for the movie scene, as well. We can hear as HAL tries to convince Dave that everything is alright and it will have no problems continuing the mission successfully.
My Space Odyssey by Dr Sludgelove
In the meantime, Dave pulls out computer cards from HAL's central unit, so HAL gets more and more simple-minded. At a certain point, HAL tries to convince Dave by appealing to his emotions as it states it is AFRAID! During Dave's actions, the music is heavy, a really metallic riff suggests that Dave is doing some harmful thing to HAL. When Dave finishes with the shutting down process, HAL goes into standby mode. Then he starts to "sing." This is the first thing that was taught to HAL back in the day, when it was created by its instructor, Mr. Langley.
IV. Alone Into The Void
After Dave Bowman successfully switches down HAL9000's high-level functionality, he continues the mission and heads towards the direction of Jupiter to investigate the enormously big copy of the Monolith found in the Moon. This is the focus of the fourth song. His colleague Frank Pool and all of the scientists held in deep hibernation were killed by HAL 9000 and the connection to Earth is also cut.
My Space Odyssey by Dr Sludgelove
During the long journey, therefore, he is really alone. The way to Jupiter lasts for long months. He tries to focus on the mission, but because he is lacking communication partner, Dave thinks a lot about his future, what he will find next to Jupiter, how the Monolith will behave, what will happen when he encounters it. A lot of questions and a lot of pressure on him and the prospect of the unknown drives him to depression, as he prepares to meet his doom.
V. My God, It Is Full of Stars!
For the fifth song, astronaut Dave Bowman encounters the Monolith. He says the following phrase just before losing contact with Mission Control: “The thing’s hollow -- it goes on forever -- and -- oh my God! -- it’s full of stars!”
My Space Odyssey by Dr Sludgelove
During the journey, he sees these stars as flashes, as the known three dimensional world falls apart. Time, direction, and all the usual physics does not make sense here anymore. Bowman is transported via the Monolith to an unknown star system, through a large interstellar switching station, and sees other species' spaceships going on other routes. Bowman is given a wide variety of sights, from the wreckage of ancient civilizations to what appear to be life-forms living on the surfaces of a binary star system planet.
VI. Death of Man, Born of The Starchild
After a journey through the wormhole, Dave Bowman finally arrives during the last song. The Monolith creates an environment for Dave to exist in that would not harm him in any way, making it look like a hotel room filled with familiar items to assuage any fear and appear welcoming.
Dave can't believe what he sees, but leaves the pod and explores the room in his suit. He sees the telephone and telephone book, but the phone doesn't work and the telephone book is blank.
He explores more and finds the refrigerator, where there is a variety of packaged food, but it is all "blue substance, about the weight and texture of bread pudding. Apart from its odd color, it looked quite appetizing." There are clothes in the closet, which are a bit out of date for Dave's time.
My Space Odyssey by Dr Sludgelove
Dave decides to trust the environment. "But this is ridiculous," Bowman tells himself in the novelization by Arthur C. Clarke. "I am almost certainly being watched, and I must look an idiot wearing this suit. If this is some kind of intelligence test, I've probably failed already. Without further hesitation, he walked back into the bedroom and began to undo the clamp of his helmet. When it was loose, he lifted the helmet a fraction of an inch, cracked the seal and took a cautious sniff. As far as he could tell, he was breathing perfectly normal air." He eats the blue food and drinks the water, showers, dresses, and he turns on the television.
Refreshed and exhausted, Dave lies down on the bed, turns off the light and "...for the last time, David Bowman slept." The Power behind the Monolith then transforms Dave into the Starchild, the next evolution of man.
Encounter With Dr. Sludgelove
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I'm afraid 'My Space Odyssey' has only whet our appetite for more from Dr. Sludgelove. Where does the band go from here?
We are just starting to dive into the Hungarian stoner/doom/sludge scene. Our first release is more than a year old, but the needed band members have just been recruited. We started to rehearse and were able to find rehearsal room, so a lot of technical problems were solved in the last few months. Now we are planning gigs more gigs, after performing for the first time in this configuration during the spring. We are mostly close to Baby Gorilla Records and bands like Third Planet and Lanterni. We are planning gigs together first in Budapest, after that probably in some bigger cities around the country. Our one year goal is to be a band in Hungary that's invited to support a bigger foreign name, when such an act comes to play here. Our second album also will come out around the summertime, with the help of the sound engineer of the well-known band Red Swamp. Also merchandise, CD, and cassette releases are planned.
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You mentioned a couple bands from the Hungarian scene. What are some others that doomers and stoners might check out?
Maybe the biggest name nowadays is Apey and the Pea. They usually play to sold out parties in Budapest, tour the whole country, and perform in foreign countries and festivals more and more. Their first releases were more grunge and stoner, then they delved into doom and sludge. Their most recent release is sludgier and contains thrash elements, as well. They are the best in Hungary right now.
Some other names worth checking out are Red Swamp, Lemurian Folk Songs, Űrhajó, Grizzly, Lanterni, Entrópia Architektúra, Alone in the Moon, Mighty Manlifter, and Third Planet, just to name a few top of mind.
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For outside bands looking to tour through Hungary, what are some good booking agencies?
There is Baby Gorilla Records -- overall, really nice guys. They are managing and representing around 8-10 bands in the stoner, sludge, doom, noise, and prog rock subgenres. Also dealing with record releasing, of course, in addition to artwork, and organizing label nights, where their bands are usually supporting bigger names from foreign lands. While we're not on their label roster, we played one of their label nights in May, supporting the British band Famyne.
Thulsa Doom Booking is another one. They organize gigs for smaller foreign bands. Also they have their own group of bands, which they manage. They organize the underground festival called Thulsa Doom Fest, which you might have heard of.
Cudi Purci Booking is a bigger fish in this pond. They organize gigs with big foreign bands in the genre, like Elder, High on Fire, that kind of thing. They also organize the so-called Desszert Fest in Hungary.
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What are some places that people like to hang there?
So, I'm listing some places where metalheads usually go out. Durerkert hosts a lot of live gigs in all rock and metal genres. This is a really cool place, we like it very much.
BARhole Music is the place where today's "rock stars" go to hang out in Budapest. If you want to meet with members from bands like Apey and the Pea, you will likely bump into them there.
Három Holló is a coffee house and restaurant at daytime, a cultural gathering at night -- including host to a lot of heavy music gigs and festivals.
Gólya is a cozy little place, which has lots of possibilities for smaller bands in our genre to perform live.
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splase · 5 years
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ТОП 100 Музыкальных треков 2018 года по моей версии / TOP 100 Musical Tracks of 2018 compiled by Splase.
Каждый год я подвожу музыкальные итоги года. В этом топе я выделил 100 треков***, которые в этом году набрали самое большое количество прослушиваний в моём плеере*. Данные за год** составлены по статистике, предоставленной сервисом скробблинга Last.fm. Треки из первой десятки Топа прослушаны мною в этому году около или более ста раз, среднее число прослушиваний треков, в конце топа: порядка 35 раз.
Надеюсь, в этом топе найдете что-то интересное и для себя! Enjoy!
1991 — Mayk Yu Myne?
Logistics — Microdot
Etherwood — Surrendered
Friction — Running (feat. Raphaella)
Years & Years — Hallelujah
Friction — Blue
Hectix — Your Love
Ivy Lab — Calculate
Joe Ford - Care For Me (feat. Document One)
Emperor & Mefjus — Disrupted VIP
Receptor — Tell Me
Counterstrike — No One Gets out of Here Alive
Friction — Dancing (feat. JP Cooper)
Logistics — Safe in Your Arms (feat. Degs)
Years & Years — Rendezvous
Joe Ford — Where Is The Sun
Task Horizon — M-920 Cain
Spectrasoul — Second Chance
Danny Byrd — Gold Rush
Danny Byrd — Hold Up the Crown (feat. Ky Lenz)
Logistics — Devotion
Current Value — Don't Leave
Lexurus — Out of Love (feat. Leah Rye)
Don Diablo - Back To Us (feat. Mike Waters)
Friction — Fall Away (feat. Indiana)
Tritonal - Getaway (feat. Angel Taylor) (Koven Remix)
Kideko — Good Thing (Danny Byrd Remix)
Marshmello — Paralyzed
Camo & Krooked - Tagtraum (Glxy, Satl & Malaky Remix)
Pythius — Sovereign
Years & Years — All for You
Current Value — Heli Aggression
Ivy Lab — Ozbo
Dark Mother — Hawk Eyes (Bonus Track)
Analogue Revolution - Something Beautiful
Friction — Mad in the Jungle (feat. Doctor)
Hamilton — Believe in Me
Pola & Bryson — Floodgates
Etherwood — Lay Your Armour Down
Земфира — Джозеф (feat. Mujuice)
Counterstrike — Self-Destruct
Unquote — Love
Uppermost — Moment of Truth
Break — Last Goodbye (feat. Celestine)
Etherwood — Everything You Are
Pendulum - Crush (Devin Townsend Remix)
Work Drugs — Drink and a Quick Decision
Danny Byrd — Tranquility (feat. Scarboy)
Logistics — Shooting Star
Logistics — Signs (feat. Changing Faces)
Clean Bandit - Mama (feat. Ellie Goulding)
Kamille - Body (feat. Avelino)(Brookes Brothers Remix)
The Outside Agency - The Shadows (feat. Ophidian)
Ivy Lab — Love is Here
Rene LaVice - Twilight (feat. Faye Derbyshire)
Joe Ford — Out Of Place (feat. Memtrix)
Matrix & Futurebound - Fire (feat. Max Marshall)
Pythius — Monster Black Hole
Royalston - Who Did She Become (feat. Amy Kisnorbo)
The Outside Agency — Everything Is Fine
Uppermost — Healing (feat. Mesita)
Dance With The Dead — War
Dance With The Dead — Become Wrath
Logistics — Inemuri
Nu:Logic — The Sound of Your Smile
Sub Focus & Dimension — Desire
Black Sun Empire - Broken (Current Value Remix)
Break — The Edge of Time (feat. Kyo)
Current Value — Kaleidoscope
Danny Byrd - Many Signs (feat. Pete Josef)
Fred V & Grafix — Like The Sun
Gorgon City — All Four Walls (feat. Vaults)
Katharsys - Ghost (The Outside Agency Remix)
Tesla Boy — Compromise
Urbandawn — Gloria
Andromedik — Your Eyes
Danny Byrd — Salute (feat. MC GQ)
Koven — Revenant (feat. Dabin)
Netsky — Anything 4 U (feat. 1991)
Pendulum - The Island, Pt. 1 (Dawn) (Skrillex Remix)
Friction — Forever Dub (feat. Kiko Bun)
Ivy Lab — Death Don't Always Taste Good
Ivy Lab — Ugly Bubble
JPEGMAFIA — Baby I'm Bleeding
Krakota — Callback
Pythius — Drowning (feat. Etla)
The 1975 — Give Yourself A Try
Timecop1983 - Static (feat. The Midnight)
Audio — Delusional
Foreign Beggars — Visitations (feat. Hyroglifics)
Halogenix — Future Flow
Ivy Lab — Cake
Ivy Lab — Jet Lag
Joe Ford — Take The Lead
Toronto Is Broken — I Am
Brookes Brothers - New Wave (feat. Georgie Allen)
Don Diablo - Found You (feat. Bully Songs)
Joe Ford — Said
Rameses B — Traveller
Ed Solo & Darrison — Subsonic
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perspective · 6 years
jellyfshes replied to your post “i just finished reading caraval and honestly??? overhyped, stupidly...”
I couldn't even finish that book, I got to them reaching the island before I had to tap out, lol. I haven't read a lot of GREAT books lately either, but I rec the Wrath & the Dawn by Renee Ahieh, All Out: the no longer secret stories of queer teens through the ages by Saundra Mitchell, and American Gods by Neil Gaiman.
like ??? everything about it irked me?? it’s like the author was trying SO HARD for it to feel like this magical place where anything could happen but everything was so subjective and there were so many exceptions and everything just felt like props and the main character wasn’t even likable like if i read “i need to find my sister” one more time i’m gonna scream tbh and like ??? it was like she actually hated how much she loved her sister ?? and julian ??? obvs the brooding, very capable love interest and it all seemed so forced and the ending was SO HORRIBLE like all those twists and sorrow for absolutely NOTHING. everything just fell flat for me and i can’t believe i wasted so much of my time on that book?? tbh the last two books i read before this were so disappointing like i read sad girls by lang leav (horrible horrible horrible) and we all looked up (it was fine at the start but towards the middle everything was just like .........wat) so i don’t really trust myself anymore to pick out good books lmao but thank you so much for the recs lovely!!
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eccles4il6by · 7 years
The Wrath & the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh ebook epub
The Wrath & the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh ebook epub
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The Wrath & the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh ebook epub One Life to One Dawn. In a land ruled by a murderous boy-king, each dawn brings heartache to a new family. Khalid, the eighteen-year-old Caliph of Khorasan, is a monster. Each night he takes a new bride only to have a silk cord wrapped around her throat come morning. When sixteen-year-old Shahrzad’s dearest friend falls victim to Khalid, Shahrzad…
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glennp769c9-blog · 7 years
The Wrath & the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh ebook epub
New Post has been published on http://pro-books24.info/?p=663
The Wrath & the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh ebook epub
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The Wrath & the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh ebook epub One Life to One Dawn. In a land ruled by a murderous boy-king, each dawn brings heartache to a new family. Khalid, the eighteen-year-old Caliph of Khorasan, is a monster. Each night he takes a new bride only to have a silk cord wrapped around...
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staroceanbooks · 7 years
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New Book- Loving the new cover for 'The Wrath & The Dawn' By Renee Ahdieh
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