#The Zodiac Signs: Inside A Party !
thedarkoneswithin · 2 years
The Zodiac Signs at a party!  (1/3 )
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alyosiuscreightonward · 8 months
I’m absolutely flummoxed. I’ve had a thing for Tauren men, however the empath streak in me sees beyond the obvious.
Anyway, I’ve a Foster son who hates me and wants me dead and he truly wishes that I was never in his life.
The sidewalk talks. Rumor? Innuendo? Falsehoods? Urban legends? Conspiracy theories? From what I’ve heard, someone is saying shit.
ALLEGEDLY and I mean ALLEGEDLY ever since he moved out West, he’s been an absolute mess. Exxon Valdez, Event Horizon, Ukraine and The Gaza Strip are just tragic comic events that Mitzi Shore may have produced at the legendary Comedy Store.
I am of the belief that it started to go down the shitter was when I had abandoned him in 1994 when I thought I had someone who would love me forever and put me on a pedestal. Child please. I was delusional. I was thinking that I was going to be able to live like the pages of a Barbara Cartland or Rosemary Rogers novel. You feel the Harlequin Romance novels? I was delusional.
I’m going to leave out some things and bring you up to date with the things that MAY have happened to him and ALLEGEDLY have been perpetrated against him. Since he was just a Victim of Circumstance. Like this story: Standing there in the rain in the middle of the night waiting for the last bus to arrive and take him across town as he was in a tee shirt and underwear. The next thing he knew 5-0 was putting him in the back of The Waddy Pagon. I mean he was just trying to get across town and shit went down. Hashtag Facts.
One story I had heard was that he was going to be evicted from his apartment and the storage unit he had was going to be auctioned off ALLEGEDLY due to either Late Payments or Non-Payment. Anyway, the shit hit the fan. Inside the Storage Unit was his mother’s ashes and now they’re gone ALLEGEDLY. These are just things that were told to me and I’ve got to take them with a grain of salt. Now as of recent, he ALLEGEDLY called a mutual and ALLEGEDLY said that he was in a bad situation. The mutual went to say that he was crying and he had a snub nosed .38 up against his head and he truly hated his life. When the mutual reached out to me and told me this story (not even Stephen King could have written this) and how he felt some kind of way about his life but being short of the ready, he couldn’t help him because that’s what he wanted.
After hearing this, I had to process this information and go through my mental Rolodex and see if I could find a card that was going to provide me with the right words. It took me about four days to find the right words. I wrote and the rewrote and edited my soliloquy. I then tossed it aside and then I wrote the following:
~>>>Yo. (Insert name here). Brother Dave reached out to me. We both wish we could help you out however we can't. We are not able to help you because you don't want to help yourself.
We took your advice and we are working on ourselves with meds and therapy.
Any 12 Step Program says: accept, acknowledge, affirm your actions and take ownership and responsibility and then make amends to those who you told to fuck off, eat shit and die.
Sadly I had a birthday yesterday and at 63 years old, I realized that both Brother Dave and myself had done nothing for you ever.
Scream, yell and have a temper tantrum.
Neither one of us can help you out here because you know two senior citizens who are losers.
We do actually care about you but we don't care about you because we are working on ourselves to be better people and you will not.
Sorry budd.
As always, your worst enemy,
(Insert name here)
I then waited for a few days before he clapped back with this and this where I was sitting in my car and laughing and crying at the same time. The absurdity of it all. I’ve read that text multiple times and still I truly believe that I’m in a coma. I’m completely brain dead. Now look here, I’ll safely admit that I’ve been in therapy since I was eight years old and at 63 years old, I’ve had brain surgery and I must admit that I’m the most ignorant person in the entire universe.
Here’s his response:
~>>>Idk why tf you text me. I don't need your help I'm an adult and good. Once again go fuck yourself. Your. Piece of shit, don't ever hit me up I'm blocking your ass. You need fucking help frfr
Excuse me ☝️ I thought I had heard that he has several outstanding warrants in the area he currently resides in and he also has some here on the East Coast ALLEGEDLY. From the very start, from in utero until now at his age of 37, he has been so fucking angry at me for abandoning him yet I did spend thousands of dollars on him in an attempt to make his life easier. As an example, he was playing football and I went without in order for him to have the necessary tools to play football yet he washed out and I apparently talked to his coach about how he should not have him playing football. Again, Excuse me ☝️!!
I know I have made the most obvious mistake by saying that he was my Foster Son. I know I’m a douche bag. I think back to when I last saw him in person. He was in jail and there was several inches of glass between us. I was on the phone with him and I told him how his Aunt and Mother had destroyed me. They concocted their own story about me and as I was doing the ugly cry, I could see him clearly clench his jaw and through his teeth he commanded me to stop crying and to stop talking to him about what happened. I know I had made another huge mistake and told him that I loved him as my son and he just cannot stand it anymore. I’ve always wanted to be a good parent and not just a friend on the periphery. Because I’ve been told by several people that I did the best I could and yet failed miserably and I live with the guilt.
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loveemagicpeace · 5 months
🎈Jupiter & Your Spouse🎱
🎈Jupiter is the planet that indicates what characteristics your husband/wife will have. Which zodiac sign can it be and where can you meet the person.🎈
❤️‍🔥Jupiter in the 1st house - your spouse can be fiery, independent, intense, daring, fearless. Can have a lot of energy and can also invest a lot in things he is passionate about. It gives a lot to the appearance. A person's energy and expression can mean a lot to him. A spouse may like someone who is fearless or a risk-taker himself. Having Jupiter in the first house indicates that the right partner can help you discover your true self and bring out your best qualities. They expand your sense of self and can make you feel very self-assured. You can meet your spouse at an event, sporting event, competition or somewhere related to you. You can just when you go outside the comfort zone.
🤎Jupiter in 2nd house- your spouse can be stable, materialistic, stubborn, likes comfort, luxury, money. Can spends a lot on food, movies, music and above all enjoyment. Determined and fixed. Your partner will be vocal about their beliefs and seek a partner who shares their perspective. You can meet a spouse at the bank, at a concert, in the cinema, or at a hotel. You could also meet them out in public while indulging in your favorite things.
🧪 Jupiter in 3rd house - your spouse can be communicative, talkative, intelligent, quick to respond, rational, likes many different things and topics. Spouse can put a lot on communication and the mind. He could be younger than you. This gives you good and understanding partners, and they will support you in every phase. You also tend to attract overly complicated relationships that can cause you a headache. Jupiter in the third house shows you might fall in love with someone you grew up with, like a classmate from school, a neighbor, or a family friend. You can meet a spouse through siblings, relatives, at school, quizzes, social games, it can also be your neighbor, roommate.
⛵️Jupiter in 4th house- your spouse can be caring, compassionate, emotional, can help you and is always there for you. A person who values ​​privacy and likes to be at home or in the comfort zone. A person who gives a lot to family and home. Can be very protective and tough. Sometimes also capricious. You can meet them through your mother, close people, at a house party, in your home environment, somewhere near where you live, dinner party or out walking your dog or housewarming hosted by friends.
🎡Jupiter in the 5th house - your spouse can be proud, playful, strong, always carry an inner child, loud, fun, romantic. He gives a lot to hobbies, fun, socializing. He likes things that are light and pleasant. Can be warm, confident, determined, generous and also selfish. It indicates that your future spouse will be the center of attention, an outgoing person who is widely known. You can meet them at some activities, casino, can also be love at first sight, at the summer time, out on the town, whether dancing, singing karaoke, or exploring a new city with your friends.
🖼️Jupiter in the 6th house - your spouse is caring, takes care of health, can be a perfectionist, sees details, hardworking, organized, critical. It gives a lot to lifestyle and movement. He knows what he wants out of life. He might seem particular to some, but he's just the right brand of neurotic for you. You can meet them at work, in your everyday life (for example, in a store, pharmacy, physical exercises, fitness center), at the doctor's.
🧸Jupiter in the 7th house - your spouse is romantic, harmonious, fair, balanced. A spouse can give a lot of peace and attitude around him. The spouse can be harmonious, beautiful and like orderliness and beauty from the outside and from the inside. He knows how to see the beauty in everything. Marriage is important to him. You can meet them at a beauty competition, through friends, you can also through your ex, in court.
🦋Jupiter in the 8th house - your spouse can be intense, mysterious, deep, persistent, obsessive, self-sacrificing. Does everything for the people he loves. A spouse can give a lot on privacy, secrets, sharing things with another person. It may be important for them to share everything with you. You can meet them in the financial administration, deeper places, secret places, intimate places, can also be your psychologist or meet them there. You may meet them at a spiritual retreat, religious gathering, or group event where you can meet like-minded individuals.
🪂Jupiter in the 9th house - your spouse can be optimistic, happy, religious, even from another country, adventurous, open, direct, passionate. It can have a lot of life in it. Live in the moment and for the moment. A spouse can give a lot to education, novelty, innovation. Can always support you in everything you do. You can meet them on a trip, adventure parks, church, at someone's wedding, university, lecture.
🎱Jupiter in the 10th house - your spouse can be determined, strong, powerful, serious, responsible, older, more mature, hard-working. It can be someone who is recognizable and a public figure. Jupiter here make spouses more responsible and loving. They just aren't dominant or commanding by nature. On the flip side, no matter what transpires in their lives, these gentlemen will always encourage and believe in their spouses. You can meet them in a public place, public institutions, through parents, father or grandfather.
🪁Jupiter in the 11th house - your spouse is unique, different, dreamy. He always has a set goal and vision. A free person who gives a lot to independence. Can be a person who is sociable or can be a loner. Very smart and intelligent. Can also be famous on social networks. Different from the others. Someone who is smart and intelligent and know all about social media and can also be a logical person who think with logical mind. They may be your best friend. You can meet them through friends, social networks, lonely places, can also be in unpredictable way.
🛼Jupiter in the 12th house - your spouse can be spiritual, dreamy, emotional, compassionate, kind. A person who gives a lot to dreams and fantasy. A person who care for others. Can also be very artistic person. Here it is necessary to make sure that the person is not manipulative or addicted to drugs. The image of a person sometimes is not the way they present themselves at first. you can actually find out all of things about them later. So it's important that you get to know the person. You can meet them at a dance, art club, gallery, hospital, prison.
🎸For personal readings u can sign up here: https://snipfeed.co/bekylibra 🎸
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1111jenx · 10 months
Full Moon Child☾ through the 12 signs🤍
— In celebration of the ethereal Blue Full Moon in Pisces, it's undeniable that its extremely important to acknowledge the significance of one's moon phase. Born under the Full Moon? It's as if you wear the cloak of both the sun's radiant gaze and the opposing moon's sultry embrace, weaving a tapestry of conscious will and subconscious yearnings.
Every zodiac, with its unique essence, drapes the Full Moon with a distinct allure. Imagine, a Pisces Full Moon bestowing someone with a depth of intuition, as if they're dancing on the blurred line between dreams and reality, painting their world with artistic strokes and spiritual hues. Meanwhile, the Aries Full Moon might breathe fire into the soul, igniting passion, spontaneity, and a path-blazing spirit. To recognize and immerse in the rhythm of one's Full Moon sign is like unraveling a song of strengths, challenges, and harmonies within.
With that being said, wait no further, lets dive right in💜!
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🌕 Full Moon in Aries Moon: Fiery and spontaneous but always looking for that equal. Quick to act but deeply feels the need for balance. Seems aggressive, but it's nothing but passion burning from within their heart. Wants to lead, but deeply needs that one partner-in-crime by their side. Brave and unstoppable. Prefers deep, meaningful connections over surface-level relationships. Would fight for what’s right, even if it means standing alone. A warrior with a sensitive core.
🌕 Full Moon in Taurus Moon: Grounded, but with a mysterious edge. A solid rock but don't mistake them for being mundane. Love luxury, but transformation excites them even more. These people see calm yet only they feel the storm from within. They're all about roots, but sometimes they crave to fly. Protective of their own, cross them, and watch the calm turn tempestuous. Charitable and loving, but not one to forget betrayal.
🌕 Full Moon in Gemini Moon: Forever curious, with depths people often overlook. Quick wit hidden behind a facade of playful banter. Always learning, always restless. Lover of tales, yet constantly seeking truth. Smart in crowded rooms but feels everything in solitude. Can talk for hours, yet holds back the most vital stories. An open book with some pages glued together.
🌕 Full Moon in Cancer Moon: Deeply emotional but with towering ambitions. Home is where the heart is, but success calls out loudly. Nurturer, yet constantly seeking validation in professional realms. Strongly rooted in tradition, but innovation is genuinely where they shine. Trust them to hold your secrets, but be aware that they've got vaults of their own. Feels everything intensely, yet presents a composed front. A true master of their emotions.
🌕 Full Moon in Leo Moon: Born for the spotlight, yet truly values the collective. Radiates warmth, but not without moments of icy detachment when they simply just need to be by themself to just feel. People think they know them, but there's so much beneath the surface. A cheerleader for others but their own harshest critic. Life of the party or the silent observer, there’s no in-between to be honest. Embraces individuality but deeply feels the world's pulse, every tingling seconds of it.
🌕 Full Moon in Virgo Moon: Analytical, with a dash of whimsy. Details matter, but they get lost in dreams. They'll correct your mistakes but with a twinkle in their eye. Grounded but constantly touched by the ethereal. In their eyes, theres beauty hidden in every day life. They’ll say it like it is, but only because they care deeply. Organization is their game, but occasionally they let chaos reign.
🌕 Full Moon in Libra Moon: All about balance, but swings between extremes. Charmer but secretly questions every relationship's depth. Seems calm, but the scales constantly tip inside. They could be the voice of reason or the spark of chaos. Seeks harmony but won't shy away from a duel. Gracious host but fiercely protective of their space.
🌕 Full Moon in Scorpio Moon: Magnetic, with an undercurrent of intensity. Deep waters run still, but currents are tumultuous beneath. Attracts with a gaze, but holds back many secrets. Draws you in, but sets boundaries like no other. Depth intrigues them, superficiality repels. They’re the storm you never saw coming.
🌕 Full Moon in Sagittarius Moon: Wanderer with roots. They'll tell tales of far-off lands but crave the familiar. Philosophical yet grounded in reality. Yearns for adventure, but treasures moments of stillness. They're the storyteller you can't stop listening to. Fiery passion with an old soul's wisdom.
🌕 Full Moon in Capricorn: Ambitious with a touch of nostalgia. Climbs mountains but cherishes the base camp. Seeks recognition but values genuine connections more. Strong and silent, but an emotional depth many overlook. They'll lead the way, but not without their tribe. The unsung hero with a heart of gold.
🌕 Full Moon in Aquarius Moon: Innovative, with a touch of tradition. Forward-thinking but respects the old ways. Charms effortlessly, but holds the inner circle tight. Believes in the future but honors the past. They're the genius with quirks. Dreamer with feet firmly on the ground in the most fascinating way possible.
🌕 Full Moon in Pisces Moon: Dreamy with a razor-sharp intuition. Feels the world's pulse, yet dances to their own rhythm simply because, they can. Embraces emotions, yet has an uncanny logical side. They’re the artist who sees the world in vivid colors. Deeply empathetic, yet occasionally distant. They're there, but also everywhere else in between. The poet whose words touch the soul.
saint jenx🪐
© 2023 Saintz Jenx All Rights Reserved
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infinitydivine · 18 days
What does your Bias choice say about you? BTS edition 💜Pick-a-Card Reading
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Hello everyone, I am back again with a new PAC reading. Thank you all for loving my previous PAC, I appreciate it.
Choose your Bias and the Bias will represent you and your personality.
*This reading is just for entertainment purposes*
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Please leave feedback as comments reblogs, or Asks. It helps me to improve myself. And if you want you can tip/book reading with me because I am saving up for further education.
Choose your pile intuitively. Take what resonates and leave the other things. If you think this reading is not for you then choose another pile. If still it doesn't resonate then this might not be your reading. There are seven Piles.
***If this reading resonates with you, DM me to book a reading with me. You can pay through Paypal or you can visit my Kofi shop too.
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Hello Pile Jungkook 💜
Knight of Cups, Queen of Wands and Five of Swords
You are someone who is very emotional
You are very grounded to earth and rooted in your beliefs.
You believe in yourself and your capabilities.
You don't like it when people cross your personal boundaries.
You are the Diplomat in your group or in the family.
You are hopelessly romantic and idealistic when it comes to romance and relationships.
Might struggle with finding the right person for yourself. Could be single currently or have been for a long time.
Someone who is attractive and carries themselves with confidence, often radiating warmth and vitality.
Always on alert or looking out for danger. (Hello my anxious pile)
Are Hot AF but still like to not believe in their hotness in every aspect. Gets shy easily when complimented.
Key zodiac words: Pisces, Neptune, Leo, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.
Thank you for your Tip 🎁
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Hello Pile Taehyung 💜
The Sun, The Devil And Five of Swords
You are The sunshine of the group or the Life of the Party Pile.
You are very extroverted and outspoken.
Makes others uplifted, inspired, and joyful.
Very confident and charming; aware of their magic on others.
Physically very attractive and takes full privilege of that. (pretty privilege )
Has a Powerful and captivating presence.
A little bit mysterious and likes dark aesthetics.
Can evoke strong desires in others with their magnetic aura.
You Want to win at all costs. Ready to risk everything.
Your stare might make other people very intimidated by you. People might be scared to approach you first.
Key zodiacs: Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius, Capricorn and Leo
Thank you for your Tip 🎁
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Hello Pile Jimin 💜
Nine of Swords, The Tower, and The Magician
You are someone who is highly sensitive and empathic. Other's emotions deeply affect you and your mental state.
You have recently had a mental breakdown or might be currently going through a lot of inner turmoil.
Someone who is very talented but also has a lot of self-doubts, this blocks your success.
You have an intense presence that can be both intimidating and unforgettable.
You are unpredictable. No one can actually predict what is going on inside your head.
You might be someone who triggers a lot of people to their true self or their awakening? Like people might hate you or love you for no reason.
The master manifestor pile. You are good at manifesting things if you already don't know.
You might believe you have a higher purpose in life and are still looking for it. If you are, then you will find it sooner.
A strong believer in higher power and cosmic beings. Might frequently talk to the Universe.
Very strong-willed and can adapt to different situations quickly.
Key zodiac signs: Gemini, Mercury, Urainian energy, Gemini again, Libra, and Aquarius.
Thank you for your Tip 🎁
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Hello Pile Jhope
Three of Swords, Death, and The Hanged Man
Might be currently experiencing heartbreak or some sort of sorrow.
You might have your heart broken multiple times but still believe in doing good for people and humanity.
You struggle with your emotions and have trouble managing them on your own. (if this is the case, please take professional help and don't suffer alone 🫂)
Currently going through major transformations and changes which might feel uncomfortable for now but they are for your own benefit.
Might have an intense gaze and can look into one's soul through their lies. You can tell if someone is telling a lie or not.
You are unafraid of changes and can take a stand for what you believe in. You have high moral ethics and standards.
You have a different point of view on life and you rarely get affected by what other people think about you.
You approach the situations with very clear perspective.
You possess a deep emotional sense and have great empathic abilities.
Your words have the power to heal people.
Key zodiac signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, Scorpio, Pisces influences
Thank you for your Tip 🎁
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Hello Pile Suga
Six of Pentacles, Queen of Wands, and Two of Wands
You are very generous when it comes to giving people.
You might struggle to create healthy personal emotional boundaries and people take benefits from you a lot.
You suffer alone but still, you are ready every time to help others with whatever resources you have.
You might have a temper and that is making you feel stuck in a situation. Very hot-headed too.
You are confident and this gives you a very charismatic look. You know the power you hold.
Someone who is attractive and carries themselves with great confidence. You believe in faking it until you make it.
You possess a natural ability to uplift others, often seen as a source of inspiration.
You are someone who might struggle to make decisions because of your overthinking.
You might be always in deep contemplation and thinking about what to do next. You Dream big.
Someone who is ambitious and forward-thinking, often wrestling with decisions about their path forward. 
Key zodiac signs: Earth signs- Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. Leo, Mars, and Aries.
Thank you for your Tip 🎁
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Hello Pile RM
Seven of Swords, Ace of Cups, and Two of Swords
You are good at planning and organizing.
You are straightforward in your approach to the situations.
You are guarded and seldom let people know what you are planning next.
You tend to keep your emotions close to your chest, revealing little to others.
You are a creative person and might use creative methods to solve a problem.
You are an emotionally open and loving person. You offer others a deep sense of emotional fulfillment and compassion.
You possess a natural ability to understand others and connect with them on a deep often sensing and responding to the emotional needs of those around you.
You often find yourself in situations requiring tough choices, reflecting an internal struggle to find the right path.
No matter how much you struggle outside, you always find yourself in a deep inner peace state.
You always return to yourself wherever you are.
Key zodiac signs: Cancer, Gemini, Mercury, Libra
Thank you for your Tip🎁
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Hello Pile Jin
Eight of Cups, Justice, and The Magician
You are a restless person(haha).
You want to be always on the go and don't want to sit without doing anything.
You have many layers of personality and rarely anyone can find the real you.
 You often feel a deep sense of longing for a connection that transcends ordinary experiences.
You are fair-minded and a believer in Karma.
 You are often seen as a beacon of integrity, making decisions based on what is right and just rather than personal gain.
You prefer a comfortable style over fashion or the latest trend.
You approach emotional situations with a clear head and a calm demeanor, striving to remain unbiased and objective.
You are confident in your appearance.
 Your eyes are usually sharp and penetrating, hinting at a mind that is constantly analyzing and synthesizing information. 
Key zodiac signs: Pisces, Libra, Gemini and Mercury.
Thank you for your Tip🎁
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carnivorousyandeere · 5 months
Hihi! I always love seeing your zodiac yans being written about!
How do you think they would react to a darling that has recently been heartbroken and refuses to let them in? Just kinda open for any of the yans to be written in- even Quinn!
- cow anon 🐄
Goin with the fire sign zodiac yans just bc, but I’ll write the other signs sometime if they’re requested too. Just thought these three would be interesting to see in this situation. Written under the assumption of Darling and the Yans having been friends for a while, with the yandere tendencies and obsessions only beginning to arise…
Thank you for sending this in, and sorry for the long wait ❤️‍🩹
CW: alcohol, lack of boundaries, murder, mentions of sex but no smut
Kosuke pretends not to give a damn that you’re avoiding them— telling themself they’re too cool for you anyway, they don’t need you— but it’s a lie. The situation honestly pisses them off, especially if they don’t know why you’re being so ‘weird’ all of a sudden (they’re not the stalking type of yandere usually, so they really may not know why). They do get really pushy and demanding with you, basically forcing you to spill your guts about what’s up. Once you tear up and admit you’ve had your heart broken, they’re at a loss for words. They feel embarrassed and guilty about how they acted, but they’re definitely too prideful to apologize directly. They think they oughta be happy that there’s one less source of competition for them in your life, but seeing you so sad ruins any enjoyment they might get from it. Orders you food and (tries) to clean up around your place to help you out. Not the best at comforting, per se, but they’ll let you cry on their shoulder and shit talk whoever hurt you. Definitely thinks about beating the shit out of the other person, and depending on the circumstances, might actually hunt them down to teach them a lesson.
Jett doesn’t expect you to get over it quickly, but they do get impatient if you keep blowing them off to stew in your own misery. They firmly believe that you’re never gonna recover if you keep uselessly pining and mourning in your bedroom. You’re way too good to be heartbroken over some loser, anyway. If anything, you should celebrate being free from that nobody! They’ll take any chance they can get to drag you out with them— brunch, shopping, or especially partying. Maybe you’ll spill all the details if they get a few drinks in you, or if you’re just tired enough. Jett is plainly happy to have that worthless slime competing for your attention out of the picture— they should be the one in the center stage of your heart, anyway! They’re likely to flirt a little extra heavily and try to worm their way into being your rebound. Pretends like they were just kidding if you get annoyed by the flirting instead, but, like I said, they’re not patient— it burns them deeply inside.
Blake is the most hurt by you having feelings for another person, even if it was in the past, and you’ve since had your heart broken by that other person. If Jett and Kosuke get irritated and angry with you for pushing them away, respectively, Blake gets sad. They’re not used to outright rejection, especially from people they’re close to. They’re fun, they’re gorgeous, they’re kind (to anyone who isn’t a romantic rival, or who’s been a hater first)… and they just want to help you. They want to help take your mind off of things. Blake honestly, and with no self-awareness, manages to take a page from the water signs’ book and guilt trip you into feeling bad for not accepting their help and company to get you through your breakup. Most likely out of the three to kill whoever broke your heart and bury them out in the middle of nowhere, ‘just to be on the safe side,’ and also so they can truly feel like they “fixed” the source of your heartache by removing it from this world entirely. They don’t tell you, they just expect you to feel as if a weight’s been lifted from your shoulders in some mysterious, mystical way. They want to feel like they’ve fixed the problem as they hold you in their lap and look up at the stars, off-road on a spontaneous trip to bring you someplace fun. This is where their own impatience starts, if you ‘keep moping around’ when you ‘should be having a good time with them,’ similar to Jett.
As insensitive as it probably is (depending on the Darling’s personality, I suppose), Jett and Blake are also the types to suggest sleeping with them as a way to take your mind off things. Kosuke definitely thinks about it, but they’re trying to be more delicate with emotional matters with their Darling;;;
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tenjikubaby · 2 years
may i 🫣,.. pleaseplesswpls ask for more headcanons or scenarios of the haitanis around their s/o or crush (separately) pleasr and thank u (i love ur blog so much it makes me giggle and kick myvfeet)
Hello, anon! Here you go <333
➼ Ran stalks his crush’s social media profiles to find out what they’re into and of course, look at some cute photos of them too. He accidentally likes a post from four years ago and doesn’t even notice that he did. All he can think about is that one post they shared about (for example) how “long-haired guys are top tier” which got him smiling and blushing in his room.
➼ This guy would look for his crush’s MBTI or Zodiac sign, then research their compatibility with his personality type and sign. If they clash with his ISTJ-Gemini, he’d be disappointed but he’ll choose to ignore that. He doesn’t really take these seriously, anyway.
➼ Poor Ran tends to overanalyze everything they do and say. You know that line in The Louvre that goes, “I overthink your punctuation use”? That’s him. “Rindou, they put a period at the end of their sentence. They’ve never done that when texting me. What could that mean? Rindou?” They tell him something as simple as “Take care” and this guy is twirling his braids before proceeding to ask Rindou if that means they like him back. Uhh...
➼ Naturally remembers very specific things about his crush. “Oh, that shade of red. It’s the shade of red they wore last Wednesday.” It’s like they occupy his head 24/7. Probably sees someone tall and goes, “Oh, [Crush Nickname] would only reach up to that guy’s chest. How cute.”
➼ He purpsefully dresses in a way that he knows they like (he gets this info from their social media). Do they like it when men roll up their sleeves and open their collars ever-so-slightly? Dude’s going out looking exactly like that and he makes sure his crush sees it. 
➼ If he ever gets asked why he likes his crush, he tries to be all poetic. “The sound of their voice is like the inside of a montblanc.” Then whoever’s asking him will just be like “...what?”
➼ Once in a relationship, he would have so many inside jokes with his S/O. It scares Rindou sometimes how they only need to take one look at each other to know what the other is thinking. He and his S/O just laugh out of nowhere after hearing a certain word and it confuses so many people.
➼ Ran and his S/O are often that couple found whispering and giggling in a corner, judging everybody. They also ditch parties together to hang out in Ran’s room. There, his S/O brushes his hair and does his skincare routine for him while Ran shares gossip with them. Ran knows where to get all the tea and shares it all with his S/O. 
➼ If his S/O is an introvert, they need not worry! He’s got really good persuasive skills so if they want something from someone tricky, Ran would do all the smooth-talking for them. He’ll give them a wink and then go up there to work his magic. Also, if they’re out on a date, Ran would order for them. He’d even be the “Excuse me, they asked for no pickles” guy while his S/O hides behind him.
➼ Ran asks his S/O not to leave before he wakes up and it’s serious. He needs to hold them and give them a proper goodbye kiss and all that. It’s the only acceptable reason for anyone to wake him up. If he wakes up and sees them gone, he’ll feel emo like crap for the rest of the day. Sends them a dramatic “Why did you leave me” text and terrorizes Rindou : (
➼ When he has a crush, Ran and the other S62 know. (His crush already knows because Shion unintentionally spilled it lmao) Rindou has to beg them not to be so loud about it when they’re around. That means the entire group should not stop and stare whenever Rindou’s crush passes by (they do), no nudging, smirking and throat-clearing whenever he has to talk to them (they also do).
➼ He’s got many friends so some of them might “help” him out. You’ve got people asking you what you think about Rindou. Some people are obvious, some are better at hiding their intentions. Whatever his crush says will reach him (so if they like him back they better pile on the compliments lmao he would explode!). Or, these people might just tell his crush about how he’s sooo good at DJ’ing and how he’s sooo strong and fit because he frequents the gym and his crush would just be smiling like “Hehe, I know why you’re doing this.”
➼ Rin would often reply or comment on their posts. He's not replying to every single one but to a good number that his crush and others would start to notice him. They post a picture of their food and he'd say "Looks delicious. Enjoy your lunch!" Or when they post a selfie, he's the first to like. His crush would be the only one he does this to, because he's always being a shithead under his friends' posts (Shion).
➼ This simp always defends his crush no matter what. If he overhears or reads a negative conversation about them, those people will be hearing from him. He argues with people who leave pervy comments under their posts if there are any. The type of guy who’d be the first to run after them when they get upset to make sure they’re okay. 
➼ Sometimes, Rindou lets them borrow his stuff, then he’d leave without that thing so that they’d have a reason to look for him [to return it]. It just works every time. 
➼ As a boyfriend, he’s extremely supportive. Are they the sporty type? He attends all their matches. Rin gets so mad when a foul is committed against their team that it’s almost like part of the team himself. Are they a performer? He’s at every performance, makes sure he’s in a good seat. Do they do YouTube? He’s down there in the comments hyping them up. Their viewers know he’s their boyfriend.
➼ Let’s say the two of them decided to go on public transpo and they get on a bus that has no free seats so they have to stand. If they’re anything like me and they keep falling over, he’ll hold them steady with a firm arm around them. They get to hold on to his toned arm and smell his cologne.
➼ They have a collaborative Spotify playlist together and it’s the strangest mix. It’s got their music taste, his music taste, some video game OST songs, and meme music. Sometimes, they’d listen to the playlist while chilling on call and doing their own things.
➼ He’s sociable, so he’d be the type of boyfriend to gather their friends to prepare a surprise birthday party for them. He’d befriend their friends and they’d love him! He'll even walk their female friends home if they have no one else. 
➼ If they play video games, he’ll gift them the skins they want because, hello, he’s got the money for that! They might also, from time time, play characters in games that are a couple (like Rakan and Xayah from League or Ada and Emil from IdV).
➼ They just need to say they’re having a bad day and he’s pulling up at their house with their favorite comfort food and a movie as soon as he’s able. I just think Rindou would be great to talk to your problems about? He mostly just listens and won’t give unsolicited advice. He’d offer to beat up the person who’s making his S/O sad though. 
[OKAY but imagine (here’s me pushing the Shion-Rindou-Kaku agenda again): Shion and Kakucho casually trying to talk to Rindou’s crush. Shion accidentally spills it then Kaku panics and tries to do damage control by telling Rin’s crush that he likes someone else, but he’s made it worse because now Rin’s crush thinks he’s not interested in them lmaooo]
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astrogre · 9 months
Understanding Planet Placements
People sometimes struggle to understand how to read the planets in their houses. So here’s an analogy I use to explain it a little better.
Imagine that:
The astrological House is an actual physical building
The sign of the house is the theme/subject of the work done and happenings in that building
Astrological Planets are the people, objects, sounds, conversations inside of the building like what’s going on inside that house astrologically. The planets inside this house answer to the theme (zodiac sign) of the building, they submit to the buildings purpose and work for that astrological house.
It really helps seeing the planets as characters with a personality of the sign they’re in. Like here.
Aspects in a house now show more detail of who says what, how the people, objects, sounds may interact with each other in the building while working under the same aesthetic/theme (sign)
Astrology in itself is a form of storytelling, your full birth chart is like a personal storybook of your life showing who said what and how they get along.
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For an example let’s pretend we have: Libra 9H with Mars and Uranus inside
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Picture 9H house as a building, Libra is the theme and decoration of the work inside the building (pleasing atmosphere, harmony, beauty, sociability, flair, charm) and Uranus/Mars is what the people in the building are like, the things done inside of the building (chaos, rebellion, impulsiveness, innovation, revolution, parties, fitness and sports).
This is basically describing an elite college/university experience for a typical popular person. Like the life of characters from gossip girl. Showing you that someone with this placement would do really well in a chaotic action filled school environment that is highly esteemed. Harvardcore. They may also pull out unique, innovative understandings of information learnt at school and use it to grow their knowledge
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Sometimes we can feel the planets influence in a house more than the signs influence OR you may feel the houses sign impacts you more than the planets in it. This is because alike to real life, you can feel the theme/subject in a building is more prominent than what actively goes on in the building
e.g people who go to art galleries seeing snotty children running around paying it no attention because the art is the focus point, or the opposite- someone who is more influenced by the planets in a house like a person in church not being able to focus because of the cramped space of the room despite them going to worship. It’s different for each person.
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zodiactalks · 3 months
Zodiac Signs CRAZINESS as EXES Ranked from Most to Least
Ending a relationship is never easy, but there are some people who have an easier time doing it than others.
Some exes become your friends while others simply disappear from your life, but every now and then you end up with an ex that's, well, crazy.
How likely are the Zodiac signs to be that crazy ex?
Keep reading to find out!
#1. Scorpio
No one is as crazy of an ex as Scorpio, as they tend to take break-ups personally and have a pretty steep inclination towards revenge.
They're the kind of ex who'll either grow obsessed –keeping tabs on a partner, calling several times a day, 'coincidentally' appearing in places– or the kind of ex who'll make it their personal life mission to spread rumors and lies about their exes.
The best way to avoid this is to let Scorpio be the one that breaks up with you –their egos handle that a lot better– but even then, it's a toss.
#2. Leo
Speaking of hurt egos, Leos also don't take being dumped particularly well, and if they decide to go crazy on a partner, it's going to be hard to miss.
A crazy ex Leo will make sure their ex always hears about what they're doing, as they often struggle with the idea that their exes just don't care.
They'll invent all kinds of rumors just to get under their ex-partner skin, and since they usually have a pretty long list of friends and acquaintances, you can bet they're keeping tabs on whoever they used to date.
#3. Gemini
Geminis are a relatively harmless kind of crazy ex, though, no less toxic.
Their craziness comes in the form of clinginess and dependency, even after the relationship is over.
They'll call their exes when they're feeling down, cry, apologize, share their sad feelings, and in particularly bad cases, they're liable to threaten to hurt themselves just to try to get back to their partners.
Luckily, they're unlikely to do it, but knowing that doesn't make that any less scary.
#4. Virgo
When their heart has been broken, Virgos will put on a strong face and pretend like they're not hurting, while simultaneously plotting for revenge.
They're the kind of crazy ex whose crazy appears to come out from absolutely nowhere: One moment they act like they're taking the break up very well, the next they're paying for a Facebook ad campaign proclaiming how much they hate their ex.
Don't trust their calm exterior.
#5. Pisces
Because they tend to be so sentimental and empathetic, Pisces are unlikely to get violent or destructive when their heart has been broken.
They will, however, let the world know exactly how much they're hurting, and will make it their life's mission to spread their misery as far as it can go.
More often than not, they don't do it on purpose, but there are only so many tearful calls and sad messages people can receive before being done with the pity party.
#6. Cancer
Like Pisces, Cancers are way more likely to turn their crazy inside than outside.
They're not really the kind of crazy ex that will go after their old partner or will plot revenge on 'the other one,' but rather the kind of crazy who'll get drunk and randomly call their ex at 3 am.
A bit pathetic, definitely annoying, yet usually no danger to anyone but themselves.
#7. Capricorn
Capricorn is one of the most easy-going exes out there.
Regardless of whether or not they take their rejection well, they're far more likely to immerse themselves in their job and hobbies than take out their anger and frustration on others.
Of course, these hobbies can take a particularly dark turn from time to time, but as long as they're not taking things too far, it's usually a good way to work on their feelings of rejection and pain.
#8. Libra
Libras are very unlikely to be crazy exes, as acting crazy requires a level of energy and, frankly, emotional endurance that Libras are, unlikely to invest.
Rather than going nuts on their ex, they're far more likely to use that energy trying to improve their life and get over the break-up.
It might take a while, and they might decide they never ever want to see their ex again, but they tend to handle breakups very maturely.
#9. Aquarius
Aquarians will throw themselves head-first into their hobbies and their work, to the point that they'll often forget about the work around them.
They're the kind of ex who seemingly disappear off the face of the earth only to reappear months later with a drastically changed look and dramatically increased, or decreased weight.
They do have a lot of post-breakups crazy, but they tend to direct it all towards the things that keep them from thinking of what happened.
#10. Taurus
Tauruses prefer a clean-cut over a roaring rampage of revenge, regardless of how much they're hurting, or how much the breakup hurt their feelings.
Hell, they might even end up being friends with their exes.
Tauruses value peace and quiet, so they're very unlikely to turn into crazy exes, but don't mistake their easy forgiveness for weakness, as you'll never fool them twice.
#11. Sagittarius
Sagittarians are firm believers in rebound relationships so almost as soon as they end a relationship, they'll be starting another.
Sure, they'll be hurting, and sure, they might even be a little traumatized, but between licking their wounds at home and licking their wounds with a beautiful someone... well, the choice is an easy one.
#12. Aries
Let's face it, more often than not, Aries are the ones dumping their partners, rather than being the ones getting dumped.
Arians are completely unafraid of moving on from a relationship, so if they've decided the relationship is over, they'll simply walk away without another word.
And if they get dumped?
Well, there's a very good chance their explosive temper will translate into plenty of screaming, but once they get it out of their system they'll simply walk away and move on.
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ezekiel-krishna · 2 years
💫 Zodiac Signs Love Observations 💫
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Aries' main love language is word of affirmation.
They also love the compete in small things with their partner in a healthy manner, to them it keeps the relationship alive and makes both parties avoid boredom.
LOVES to give cute nicknames to others.
Leo can love with all their heart but they expect the same back, they aren't afraid to leave if you hurt or betray them.
They like intelligence, they are very attracted to it. They do not judge you based on what others say about you, but what they actually see from you.
Very good at cuddling actually, type to play with your hair also.
Sagittarius is very picky if it comes to choosing their romantic partner, they only date people who they value a lot.
Loves to make people smile, they feel like it brings people closer to one another.
Is the type to stay in both good and bad, they are very good in staying positive even in situations people might think it is impossible to be positive in.
Absolutely prefers long relationships over short ones, they want someone they can build a future with.
They associate lyrics with the person that they are in love with.
They can act confident but would rather prefer a partner they can rely on whenever it is needed.
I love to be in comfortable silence with their partner.
Always gets shocked if a small detail about them is remembered, it will make their day.
Knows everything about their partner wether it was said or not.
Will very often stare at their love, shutting down everything around themselves, just getting lost in the moment.
Is good in lying, expect if it comes to their partner. They just can't help but be honest, even if the truth won't always benefit them.
Their standards are very high, if they have a partner the person will for sure meet each one.
Loves freedom! They need their partners trust to be able to give the same energy back. They tend to be a bit of overthinker.
Their love is way stronger than it appears to be.
Is very generous, never selfish towards people they love.
They like to flirt, but once they are serious about someone they only have eyes for that person only.
Will remain calm when their partner is stressed, it often gives them the ability to provide comfort.
Their love is unique because they pay attention to their partners wants and desires.
They are the MOST attentive and thoughtful out of all the signs.
Can always strike up an interesting conversation about anything with the right person.
Sees you as a whole, not just their partner.
They are very willing to take risks in love. They would do anything to be next to the person they love.
They will daydream about their love a lot but still be shy to reach out to them.
They value emotional security above much else in relationships, without it they are often afraid to trust.
They are really soft on the inside, they just need the right person besides them.
Loves to see their partner be caring! Not towards them only but to people around them in general.
They often hide their emotions, so they are best match with someone that picks up on little things.
Prefers helping out their partner with anything they can, they want to show they care whenever possible.
Is very willing to always listen to their partner, even if a conversation might last hours.
Super funny, prefers their partner also being their best friend.
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seriallovertrait · 2 months
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angelina, who goes by angie, grew up in el selvadorada with her single mother. her father wasn't really in the picture. with big dreams to be a painter, she moved to san myshuno to reach her goals, fresh out of high school. once she got to the big city, she realized that city life was hard and not at all how it was portrayed in her favorite movies. she struggled a while financially before deciding she'll join the acting career. with years of drama club experience, she believed that she would ace her gigs but she's still struggling to make rent ... let's see how her story goes
zodiac sign: leo ♌️
traits: adventurous, party animal, art lover, romantic, insider
aspiration: world-famous celebrity; angie wants to be a famous actress and painter. she wants to share her gift in acting and painting with the world. she also wants to use her voice for those in need
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thedarkoneswithin · 2 years
The Zodiac Signs at a party!  (3/3 )
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astroesther · 4 months
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Welcome to the end and beginning. March is my Birthday month and always feels rushed. The end of winter feels bitter sweet and Spring starts budding a bit too soon.
I find this month really special. Whilst it's business as usual in the 3D physical realm, it's the end and beginning, death and rebirth happening simultaneously, and it feels like normal even though it's extraordinary.
I believe we are experiencing social turbulence as we fly the plane collectively. There is a sense of collective strength that those of us who have felt powerless and ruled over find some sense of power in ourselves. This is the rumbling of Pluto in Aquarius, a celestial foot soldier for we the people. So if we are indeed the people, then we certainly do have the power.
Pisces season feels like a lavender field: sweet, bright, and calm. It does carry us through the end of the zodiac cycle to the final crescendo of the orchestra.
New mindset, new understanding of POWER opens the door to Aries season. Feel that sense of courage and boldness, a real and permanent mindset shift. Live your days with confidence, the same confidence you have to know the sun will rise every morning.
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Three's a crowd, but for you, it's a party! You have all the planets hanging out in your sign for the majority of March. You will be feeling clarity, creative, and even romantic for the majority of your Birthday Month.
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Hey Aries, you enter your season towards the end of the month, as you know alongside the spring equinox. You have been in a long slumber and hibernation period, and for the most part, the month is uneventful until a love alarm wakes you up and then you get going.
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Family reunion time for Taurus in March. I see a sense of going home, to your hometown, or to visit your old neighbourhood. You are a city dweller now, and as you walk around your old childhood haunts where you made memories and were true markers of your young adulthood, things don’t feel so scary anymore. The memories don’t feel so haunting. You can now have a different relationship with your past, your community, your OG tribe.
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This month you are feeling dissatisfied with your career achievement or progress. You are disgusted as what you have achieved do not align with your values. So you almost don’t want to associate with your achievements. Are you being too hard on yourself? I know it may not be what you envision your morals and values will look like, but what can you work with, what is here to celebrate and enjoy about where you are at now.
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Cancer, you are feeling nostalgic this month, looking through old Facebook photos or your old videos. Life feels like a vignette montage of all the highlight and love-filled moments. Is it someone special to you birthday this month? You are feeling very appreciative of your loved ones this month.
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Leo, your 8 house is lit up for most of March. It's not about what is coming to the surface; it's about you diving deeper, to the deeper darkest depth, and shining a light into it where it has not been before. This is your psyche, parts of yourself that you have not explored. This may show up through experiences in your life with those around you, situations accusing, giving you the opportunity to scratch another layer of yourself.
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Your day-to-day work and life take centre stage of focus for you, Virgo. But when does it not? Hey, but in this world where you would normally be the one, the glue, the person doing it all, this time it's for you to ask for help and lean on and rely on others.
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Health, downtime, sleep, rest, fatigue, if you don’t need to go anywhere, stay at home in your bed in PJs. March will feel like a reset in regards to your health and wellness. Perhaps you want to try out a new diet or realize that you have not been treating yourself and your body well and you want to start seeing your body as a temple that also needs to be nurtured from the inside out.
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Scorpio, this month feels blessed for you. Your chart ruler is coming alive, and you may feel a renewed sense of energy to keep on pushing. Fun and play may be becoming you, but you want to ignore those distractions and focus on the work. You have the endurance to go steady and continue till the end of the project and then set your sights on something bigger.
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Sagittarius, March for you will feel like boredom, but with that, breath it in. The boredom is here to stay for a while for you, the routine, the monotony, but you need it. You are used to moving at your own speed, chasing the high and excitement, trying to connect back to that feeling. What is that feeling? Of being Alive, so what is boredom but aliveness in the moment without stimuli.
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Capricorn, March is about new starts for you and tying up loose ends with your work life. I am also seeing a renewed interest in a creative project spike up again for you, or a new angle in which you can approach your work, your life, and your community. Some news through social media comes your way.
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We have just left your Bday month, Aqua, and for you, it was a really great time. We are seeing the triumphant return of the old you, in some way. Hold onto this for a while, don't go back to the past allow doors to close and accept your new beginning is permanent.
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plazsma · 8 months
GOOD MORNING (it is 1.48pm)
i was being silly and wanted to look at the birthdays of ninjago voice actors to see if their zodiacs matched the ninja . here is that.
kai (may 2nd) = taurus
jay (sep 1st) = sagittarius
zane (oct 28th) = scorpio
nya (feb 25th) = pisces
cole (aug 28th, kirby) = virgo
lloyd (oct 5th, his new va samuel) = libra
let’s TALK about it.
OKY FIRST OF ALL NYA PISCES 🎣🎣🎣🎣FISH MENTION. this one stuck out to me first because obviously . Water sign. she’s so freaking real. she’s actually so pisces bro- compassionate, strong intuition, selfless. but also calm and connected with her element. i acc jumped for joy
COLE VIRGO OH MY god. Okay earth sign. okayyyy he’s so virgo you guys don’t know how much this means to me . Likeeee. virgos are perfectionists, they strive to do well, they look up to people. it’s so cole core!! every virgo i’ve met has this calm, caring teachery/parenty presence and omg it’s so cole..
lloyd being a libra is also so real to meeee! he is so earth sign too. especially because they touch on his element being the element of life. peaceful in nature, striving for equilibrium. it’s so lloyd. died. queue that one video of nikki minaj sayinf i love libras
JAY SAG IM GOING TO FUCKING LAUGHJJ. okay mr strong moral compass! (i think of skybound) but honestly i think it works. i do. party animal on the outside but deep thinker on the inside? talk about jay walker! i wasn’t expecting this to work so well but michael and jay acc are so similar (that man embodies jay brilliantly) so !!
zane is very scorpio the more i think about it. At first i was like nooo…noooo.. but i’m freaking surrounded by scorpios (why are so many of you born around this time of year . Stop that.) and the sassier/more comfortable zane becomes with time as he connects w human emotions more (THE SASSYMAN APOCALYPSE HIT THIS NINJA HARD) the more i’m like oh for sure. he’s such a sweetie but he can Come for Smoke for the ninja for laughs ruthlessly and that’s so scorpio.
Fine fine we will address Kai Taurus. vincent tong is such a sweetie so it makes sense for him but i cannot lie and say it’s the perfect match for kai. But! But. he definately has some taurus traits in him- stubborn and hardworking. perhaps he is a taurus rising. Perhaps
Very interesting. i would like to add that i tjink jay is an aquarius moon.
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star-named-riddle · 7 months
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(it's over 1k, I told you I was dropping the microfic bit)
Day 3 - Birthday
He despised his birthday, she knew that much. He had know hers from the beginning, even before she had joined his ranks, proud that Cygnus was of his eldest daughter. So proud he had made a point of mentioning it to Lord Voldemort that first year she had been out of Hogwarts.
So proud he had invited the Dark Lord himself to their dinner party for the second year she was home to celebrate it.
By then, she had begun her studies under him, but his birthday remained a mystery to her. It had taken her years to figure it out.
She knew how old he was, she had deduced his exact age from the gap between her father and him at school. She figured he had been born later in the year, like her, otherwise he would have been a year more above her father at Hogwarts. But month and day eluded her still.
Men like Abraxas, who had shared a dorm with Lord Voldemort, were either far too loyal or far too scared to share the information.
Bellatrix huffed at the thought of her conversation with Abraxas. The man had been positively cryptic about the matter. She had dared and tried to pry into his mind to collect whatever memories his reminiscing stirred up. She had found herself on the harsh end of an ice blue glare.
“You’re good, but not that good, Bella.”
She had not apologised.
“Why do you want to know? Drop the matter, it’s of no use to you.”
Bellatrix had bit her tongue inside her mouth at that. What was she supposed to tell him? That she wanted to give their master a birthday present? That she wanted to wear pretty underwear for her lover to peel off of her on that night?
She had even entertained the thought of tracking down the records from the orphanage where Lord Voldemort had lived as a child, and quickly found the error in her ways as she found the place to be not only a ruin, but also one owned by Lord Voldemort himself.
Who had found her self-appointed mission funny for a little while. He teased her mercilessly about it, going so far as to whisper a taunt in her ear as he placed his own birthday gift around her neck during her last birthday.
“Pity you can’t wish me happy birthday on the actual day, Bella.”
He had kissed that spot behind her right ear that they both loved, but the sting of the taunt had not diminished. His smile on the mirror had been positively wicked. And he had laughed at her attempted glare.
She had finagled his zodiac sign out of him after weeks of trying. She amused him with her perseverance on the matter. And she was well aware that he had given it to her as a boon. She had uncovered important information concerning the Aurors, and her master had seen it fit to reward her.
The problem was that being a Capricorn born in 1926 left her with ten possible birthdays.
She had been inclined to think him a child of the solstice. She was, after all, a child of the equinox, and to think them so compatible, meant for one another by the stars themselves, fed her ego in a way she was unlikely to admit.
He had chuckled, deep in his chest, once he found the thought in her mind.
He wasn’t born on Christmas either. She had tried that last year. She had given him a small box as she sat down on his desk, feet dangling off the floor, and a coy smile on the corner of her mouth.
“We don’t usually exchange gifts, Bella.”
“It’s not a Christmas gift, my Lord.”
He had toyed with the box then, turning it between his long fingers, appreciating the anticipation painted across her face.
“It’s not my birthday, you rotten creature,” he had said, his playful tone alone making up for her disappointment.
Still, she had turned twenty-five last September, and her self-appointed mission had been going on for three years. Which was two years and eleven months longer than she had planned for it to be.
She had three possibilities remaining. The 23rd, the 27th and New Year’s Eve. And judging from his sour mood on every December 31st she had been near him, she was willing to bet that was his birthday.
He did despise it, she knew that much. He had never celebrated it in school, Abraxas had told her. Her father had mentioned they were mostly absent on the day, given it was during Yule. Most of his schoolmates were home celebrating with their families, some overseas even, while Lord Voldemort remained at Hogwarts, alone. Cygnus had never seen anyone wish him a happy birthday, even a belated one after the school break.
Bellatrix did not know why her master disliked his own birthday so. Or why his mood seemed to be appeased every time it was clearly established that the dinner parties were about the New Year. And not himself.
She had thrown dinner parties over the last three years during those suspicious ten days. Never on Christmas, which was spent at Black Manor or Grimmauld Place, and never on New Year’s Eve, which was traditionally spent at Malfoy Manor ever since she could remember. And over those dinner parties, there would always come a moment when she was alone with Lord Voldemort in some corner of the room. Every time, he had smiled down upon her and whispered “not today”.
She had considered throwing such dinner parties on the 23rd and on the 27th, but those days had ruled themselves out this year.
She had gone Muggle hunting on the 23rd, so that she would have targets for a new spell Lord Voldemort meant to teach her. She had daringly remarked that maybe she ought to put bows on her newly acquired test subjects, and he had laughed wholeheartedly.
“First and foremost, it is not my birthday, Bella. Second, should you ever gift me Muggles still breathing, not mangled, and not a piece of information to make up their lack of worth to show for it, I’ll be sure to let you know the extent of my disappointment.”
Bella laughed in response, and made sure every single Muggle met a gruesome end during her lessons.
On the 27th there had been a dinner party at the Selwyn’s. She had worn a deep green dress that clung to her shape, and dainty underwear. The Selwyn family kept a zoo of sorts, one they liked to offer a tour of every year, showcasing the new beasts they had bred or purchased. Bellatrix had plans for herself, her master, and the hour the tour would last. She had not hidden his gift in her garter, though, as she was mostly sure of his birthday then.
Still, he had taken his time appraising her clad in nothing but underwear. His fingers traveled over the silver embellishments on it, steadying over the silk bow that closed her bra at the front.
“Is this your idea of a birthday present, Bella?”
“It’s not your birthday, my Lord, is it?” she had replied, confident on the answer to that question.
He had answered her by pulling the bow undone, and taking her against the wall.
Today was different. It was the 31st, and it was his birthday. He would be moody upon his arrival at Malfoy Manor, and she would make sure to lift his spirits before midnight.
She tucked his gift in her garter.
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violentdesires · 3 days
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oh , here we go again . the voices in his head called the rain to end our days of while . my boy only breaks his favorite toys . cause it fits too right , puzzle pieces in the dead of night , should have known it was a matter of time . oh , my boy only breaks his favorite toys .
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𝐈 , application .
( matthew daddario / unknown / he, him ) — it’s been a while since we’ve seen julian rhodes in the shadow world. the wicked ( wrath ) resides in the underworld and reminds us of midnight rain, black coffee and clenched fists. rumor has it that they might have a connection to the underworld as ruler of house wrath, but only time will tell where their loyalties really lie. until then, only one thing is certain : the descent into hell will be easy for the opaque.
𝐈𝐈 , basic information .
name . . . julian rhodes .
nicknames . . . jules , wrath .
species . . . wicked ( wrath ) , vampire .
age . . . unknown .
date of birth . . . tba .
place of birth . . . new york .
pronouns . . . he , him .
sexuality . . . heterosexual .
residence . . . underworld , new york .
languages . . . english , french .
𝐈𝐈𝐈 , personality .
zodiac sign . . . tba .
negative traits . . . explosive , distant , insensitive .
positive traits . . . committed , reliable , generous .
hobbies . . . archery .
𝐈𝐕 , appearances .
faceclaim . . . matthew daddario .
height . . . 1,90 cm .
hair color . . . dark brown or black , depending on the light .
eye color . . . hazel .
notable facts . . . most people see his human eye color , but their true color is a shade of gold with black flecks that dance inside them .
𝐕 , relatives .
parents . . . deceased parents .
siblings . . . violet rhodes ( sister ) , dominic rhodes ( younger brother , deceased ) .
familiar connections . . . n/a .
pets . . . samael ( raven , matagot ) .
𝐕𝐈 , biography .
Julian was born straight into billionaire boys club, promising him an easy life without any sorrows, but money is not everything: His father was a hard-working businessman and his mother preferred the company of rich society ladies over that of her children, so they were raised by nannies - which were replaced every other week or so, because his parents always found something that made them feel like their services were no longer welcome. It made it hard for Julian to bond with people, even at a very young age. He was popular, but he never let anyone close. Everyone wanted him around, but he could not care less about their presence. He aced his tests in school, but nothing made him feel good. Nothing filled the emptiness inside of him, no matter how hard he tried. His parents expected all Rhodes siblings to perform well in the eye of public and Julian had no problem with that. He could be on his best behavior and charm his way into anybody’s heart, but that did not stop him from becoming the life of every party in New York at the same time - as long as it was a good one, anyway. They were still in high school, months away from college, when Julian got together with his first girlfriend. The two of them seemed to know no limits, experimenting with any substance they took interest in and when it was time for college they made sure their parents did not know anything about their escapades. Or well. They tried. Rich people tend to have their eyes and ears everywhere and it was only a matter of time until Julian’s parents discovered his nightly adventures, which only got worse and worse after the death of his younger brother, Dominic. While his father thought he deserved to be young, his mother decided to take a drastic step. Unlike the rest of the family, she was aware of the existence of supernatural beings. Her marriage was loveless and she had countless affairs with various types of creatures, one of them involving a demon. He taught her how to summon a crossroads demon and she made a simple deal. She promised them Julian’s soul in exchange for protection from alcohol and drugs. It seemed simple enough, but demons are not known for their kindness. Instead of keeping his soul safe, they killed her son. What felt like days to the mundanes, felt like decades to Julian as he was tortured in hell, having his soul twisted until they could turn him into a darklighter, meant to serve hell and kill whitelighters and corrupt good witches.
Being anything other than human was something he never even considered a possibility so when Julian woke up, it felt surreal. As a matter of fact, for the first time in his life he felt like he was losing his mind, but the leaders of hell did not give him time to believe it was a bad side effect of his drugs. They trained him in archery and taught him what to kill, how to kill, who to kill. Julian felt beyond disgusted with himself, but he could not bring himself to attempt to end his existence. He wanted to live, even if it meant hating himself for the rest of time. Even if it meant wanting to kill his mother for daring to put him through this without blinking. Without regretting it. She only told him that it was his own fault and it was yet another thing that impacted him deeply. What if it was? What if he did not deserve any better? He could not change things, which meant there was only one option left: He had to try to come to terms with this new reality, so he tried to act normal around his family and his girlfriend, but it was not easy. His hatred for his mother was too consuming and the darkness too strong to be numbed by alcohol or drugs. He tried to hold on to his relationship after she told him that she was pregnant… but when she miscarried their child, Julian decided to leave her, believing that it was his fault. He finally accepted his father’s offer to become CEO of one of the family’s companies, which gave him all the more reason to stay as far away as possible, playing the “i’m busy” card. As much as it pained him, he even pulled away from Violet, his younger sister and the person he trusts and loves most in this world. His own actions hurt him beyond belief, but he thought that he was doing what was best. Being pulled into the faerie realm certainly annoyed him, but he had already left everything behind so it did not hit him as hard. As a matter of fact, it gave him a rare opportunity to bond with people like Camilla and Vasilkaera, who became irreplaceable parts of his life, so things could have been worse. During his time in the realm, Julian was tasked to find an old unseelie artifact: The sword Nocturna. Unbeknownst to the queen, he succeeded in his mission and hid the sword away in case it might be useful some day.
His life took yet another drastic turn when Violet and Julian killed their parents. While he never regretted their actions, they did have dire consequences. The demon that had an affair with his mother came after him, tearing his heart from his chest. Little did he know that his sister fed him her blood to heal him prior to this, sparing his life by turning him into a vampire hybrid. While he feared his transition, it went surprisingly well - until the Rhodes siblings were involved in yet another demonic attack. It was Envy who took them back to hell, performing an ancient awakening ceremony to remind Julian and Violet of who and what they really are. Wrath and Lust, two of the deadly sins. Carving their hearts from their chest awakened their true selves and after all of the adjustment they faced, it is yet another challenge ahead of them… but Wrath has never felt more like himself and he is prepared to do what it takes to ensure no one may strike him (or his siblings) ever again.
𝐕𝐈𝐈 , wanted connections .
familiar . . . cousins .
romantic . . . his first girlfriend , hannah .
platonic . . . his friends , his right hand man , demons of house wrath .
credits : psd , template .
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