#The anticipation is killing me
tombama · 4 months
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Still Waiting
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pycth · 8 months
If Lasko doesn’t invite Dear/Coworker to Friendsgiving..
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freck-water · 6 months
I am being strangled with anticipation for the first episode of Percy Jackson
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thumbsroseup · 6 months
me after checking every day to see where rose and sonnett sign to and there’s always nothing
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accio-victuuri · 8 months
me right now : what if he wears earrings 👁️👄👁️
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lou-iz-stat · 3 months
We are officially 7 weeks away from Interview with the Vampire season 2 !!!!! So that means that it is time for a rewatch each week that will eventually lead up to the premiere.
This post will be my rewatch of episode 1 and it will include observations that relate to the rest of the season so there will be spoilers for season 1 as well as book spoilers. I will also make some predictions for season 2 since I have seen that amazing extended trailer I haven’t been able to get out of my head since. So with that here is my rewatch of episode 1…
IWTV S1 E1: In Throes of Increasing Wonder
The first thing we see is of course Daniel’s little master class commercial that is there to quickly establish what his character is. I have seen a lot of reactions to this first episode from people and they are always confused of if they are watching the right show (lol).
Next we are in Daniel’s apartment in New York which at first glance might not seem like something that is very important but there are so many clues that can be scene there. The bite mark on his neck, THE PUZZLE, the little pink bike helmet. That damn puzzle has confused many of us in the fandom and it could be a clue for something in season 2 when we get to uncover some of Daniel’s missing memories. I have a feeling like it could be from a different painting that Marius or even Armand has done. Only time will tell.
Even when he starts to listen to the tape he is afraid when he realizes that he could be living some of his past trauma by listening to these tapes but he still finds the strength go all the way to Dubai for a second interview.
I also don’t mind that the pandemic is included in this as we are still feeling the affects of it right now.
I also really like that they made Daniel old and have Parkinson’s in the show since it really brings Daniel’s mortality to the forefront and for the reason why he can afford to be so sassy and can push back since he knows he is at the end of his life anyway.
And of course Rashid (Armand) is sitting in a chair in the background. Armand is here from the beginning probably telepathically talking to Louis. And he talks to Daniel for the first time in probably awhile and in hindsight it is pretty funny how butthurt Armand gets at Daniel not wanting him there for the interview but he’ll still be able to hear. 🙄
With inclusion of Storyville and the masterful change of Louis’s race it really elevated Louis’s character from the books. Because of this change it gives the character of Louis some more bite, because of his race he is forced to show an illusion of strength. It just gives him so much more depth so that a modern audience can really connect with him. No matter what anybody says they HAD to change Louis from being a slave owner! Nobody wants a protagonist that owned people like that. And this act of strength that Louis does against his brother is what initially got Lestat to be interested in him in the first place. Everything just flows together so well in this first episode.
Right out the gate they establish Louis trying to distract himself from his closeted self by him seeing Ms. Lily. And with that we meet the gentleman vampire, Lestat. I must admit that when I first watched this I had some reservations about this version of Lestat because as I watched his accent kind of confused me but as the episode goes on, he definitely wins me over and I grew to love Sam’s voice. Sam’s Lestat is definitely what made fall in love with this character.
I never noticed how animalistic they made Lestat sound as he ripped into the lamplighter but his growls are insane.
The way Louis smiles at Lestat when he sucks at playing poker is so cute. ☺️
This is where we first see Lestat’s ability to spellbind a room. If this is the amount of power that Lestat has then I am sure that Armand’s power is going to be out of this world. And this is also the moment Lestat really wins Louis over by connecting to Louis hardship at being mistreated by the Alderman and Thomas Anderson. He also references his own past with the line “protection from the wolves.”
Love that Lestat references more his past from The Vampire Lestat at the Pointe du Lac dinner including his mom, Gabrielle who we will hopefully meet in s3. And knowing his past everything he says about his falling out with religion is sadly very true. 😢 Classic Lestat fuck up though… oh boy. 😭
The line “Dishonesty breeds dishonesty” is an interesting line. I know it proves true later on in the season but will it also prove true in s2?
🤣 The gay panic in Louis’s eyes when Lestat asks him up for a night cap is so good. Jacob Anderson you will always be famous.
Our first Nicki reference when Lestat talks about the music box which was Lestat’s first love.
The first scene in Lestat’s townhouse is iconic indeed but it is also where Lestat is slipping in the idea of Louis becoming his companion. 🥹 And when Louis pounces on Lestat I totally screamed with joy when I first watch this. It is so important to me. And the move that Lestat does to Louis when he goes behind him will definitely be a move that we see Louis replicate on Armand. No matter how much Louis will want to forget Lestat it will never work. lol
A reference to Daniel and Louis’s first meeting that will see later was good to set up now.
Seeing Louis actually getting to have a good time with his family for once before it all goes to shit really helps make what happens later especially tragic.
“Come to me” comes up a lot in The Vampire Lestat but it’s not Lestat saying it, it is usually what Armand says to Lestat. I wonder if this will come up later in s2.
Many have raved about Jacob Anderson’s performance but it truly is one the greatest performances of all time, especially his performance is the confession box and I’m sure he only be better in s2 if that’s even possible.
Along side that this whole scene in the church is so brilliant from beginning to end. The speech that Lestat gives to Louis. Killing of the priests. The kiss. The confession of love. The speech modern day Louis says. And the turning of Louis. All. So. Perfect.
And there you have it the end of my s1 e1 rewatch. If you are still reading this then thank you for sticking with my rambling ass. Hopefully I can keep this up for the rest of the episodes in the coming weeks.
7 more weeks. We can do this!
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celestialvoyeur · 6 months
Aaaa it’s a conspiracy I tell you! A plethora of my favourite AO3 writers have all released new fics/chapters at once but I’m still working though book 3 of a Spirk trilogy of novel length stories!
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voilaammayi · 5 months
Okay I’ve just realized that bbc!sherlock’s birthday is the 6th of January (I hope I’m not wrong). It’s like. In five days. And I wasn’t even ready for the christmas episode on 26th December. And Sherlock mentioned an underlying threat of birthday surprise party while talking John’s ear off about how he love christmas. And I’m still not over it, but that’s for another post. And-
When is s&c!sherlock birthday? Are we getting Sherlock birthday episode? are we getting Sherlock’s birthday surprise party? a r e w e ???
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hottsyforpottsy · 1 year
Waiting for the Season 5 trailer now that the release date has dropped like:
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fandomfanservice · 4 months
Right, The Sign Fandom, we got this
(Just incase though, just remember)
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cuddles-with-dragons · 5 months
filoni if you dare kill crosshair i will hunt you down and torture you to death or whatever your fate will be the same as his
wait why did some scenes remind me of mando s2 e7 yknow with the rydonium transport ARE WE DOIN SOMETHING LIKE THAT CAUSE THAT ENDED UP WITH EVERYONE ALIVE
i mean it wasn't a happy ending but it was one I could live with
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Watching the Seymour and Orin kinnie get together. This is like a terrible romcom in the best ways ppssible
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haydanakin · 9 months
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fireflameproductions · 2 months
My feral ass waiting for 4/4:
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queenwhoneverwasx · 2 years
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lou-iz-stat · 2 months
Well I got to episode 5 in my IWTV S1 rewatch…
Truthfully I probably won’t say much about this episode since there is so much of it in season 2 that I think will be revisited. On top of that I am at the end of my semester at school so I probably won’t say much because of that too. Also out of all of the episodes of s1 this the episode that I have seen the least.
But we still have 3 more weeks until season 2 where I have no doubt that s1 will be tame when compared to it. I’m getting more and more nervous each week not going to lie.
Ok… here we go!
IWTV S1 E5: A Vile Hunger for Your Hammering Heart
The episode starts with Daniel reading Claudia’s diary and how she records the last words of the people she kills.
But then Daniel is interrupted by Louis feeding on ‘Rashid’. It is pretty nasty for Louis and Armand to do this in front of Daniel. He even reads his mind to try and throw Daniel off his game. I notice that whenever Daniel tries to talk about something negatively about Claudia, Louis will always try to do something to throw Daniel off that even holds through in the ‘Paris sucks’ clip we have in s2.
It’s funny that Armand tells Daniel he would not let him anywhere near his neck. He must still be mad at Daniel for something maybe Devil’s minion related? 👀
Then we go back to 1923 where Louis thinks that she has gone on a hunger strike because of Charlie but Lestat knows that she is just escaping when they have to go feed. Since they are so similar Lestat knows that Claudia would not skip out on meals.
Also the line “I know what I’d do, but you cut my hands off.” Like!!!!! Fucked up Nikki reference. 😭
Also Lestat reading the diary and the dairy being so graphic ugh… 🤢
Everything is just such a mess… oh boy… with all the bodies coming up
And of course Tom Anderson is trying to distract Loustat since the Police chief is there in the speakeasy.
I feel so much anxiety with all the cops in their home! And Claudia is not helping! 😬
There are still some comical bits such as the “We sell… incinerators.” Louis’s little shrug at Lestat. “To various American cities.” The delivery is actually very funny.
Also what’s funny is Claudia’s acting when the cop opens her door. Her face when she drops the blanket and the closet door opens to show the rotting man.
But all the fun and games stop when the cop is homophobic.
Yes Lestat is a jerk and treats Claudia like shit and still sees Antoinette so Claudia only feels like she has to leave.
Also establishing that Claudia is unable to turn people is a great thing to set up now.
And even though it’s heartbreaking I do love that Claudia gets mad at Louis for not just taking her to a hospital but made Lestat turn her into this monster. Bailey’s acting is just so perfect here.
We go back to Dubai and Daniel is telling Louis some harsh truths about what the public could do with Claudia. Yikes
And their home turns into a ruin after they wake up from their long nap
Man…Fuck Bruce
The part where Louis makes Daniel’s Parkinson’s go out of control as always annoyed me even if Daniel was stepping out of bounce it just never sat right to me. And of course Armand is there to ‘calm Louis down’
We go back once again and we see the scene of Louis saying his final goodbye to Grace and his makes Claudia come home after everything.
Lestat is such a bitch when she comes home. I understand what he is trying to do but it’s just all wrong.
And the fight happens. We will revisit what happened during the fight in the coffin room that we don’t get to see. But as an indication by some parts of the trailer we have already seen a glimpse of it. Hopefully the writers handle it well…
Also the during the drop scene it sounds a lot like what Armand said to Lestat before pushing him off a tower in TVL so I guess we’ll see what comes of it.
Okay good got through that one. Now I can get back to some class work lol.
I cannot believe that we are now 3 weeks away from seeing the premier for season 2 and for some of you, you will be seeing it in about a week and a half. Good luck to the NYC people that get to see it early.
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