#The cupboards. They were a nice dark wood grain
rwby-encrusted-blog · 2 years
If I may take some time from your day, there is a very big problem I would Like to address.
Minimalism and Modernism working in tandem.
Because oH my fucking god it's so fucking bland. It's nice every now and then, but oh my god if I see one more goddamn "home makeover" that turns a beautiful rustic building into a Black White Brushed Steel and Dark Gray hellscape I am going to commit a crime.
If you say you are gonna stick them anywhere than the fuckoing shelves/bedside tables or dressers or wardrobes Im kicking your ass.
What about the fucking novelty magnets you get on trips at gas stations and landmarks? Cause I know you aren't gonna ruin the "colors palette" of your kitchen - which by the way will look 1000% worse the second dust settles - by sticking them on your Fridge!
My Dad has a beautiful, powerful, large set of speakers, each one weighs about 200 pounds and are a pain in the ass to move, but they really are beautiful, Clear varnish, dark, wood grain bodies, and they sound incredible.
When (hopefully a long time from now) My dad passes, if whoever gets those speakers decides to sell them for something new I'm, kicking their ass.
My dresser is one I've had since I was literally a couple years old, and it has some stickers on it. Old coffee shop stickers, some stickers from City festivals and the like, and someone suggested I get a new one. I asked them why and they said it was old and kind of cluttered, so obviously i responded with "Well it still works, and I don't mind it" But RIGHT NOW i'm like "Actually it looks great. I like the stickers. Infdact I like the stickers so much I 'm gonna plaster Everything IN stickers! TOO MANY STICKERS IM GONNA MAKE COMBUSTIBLE STICKERS AND BURN YOUR GODDAMN HOUSE DOWN"
YEAH, like i'm gonna fucking kill anything that makes my house appealing to look like every other schmuck on the block. how about you find something you enjoy other than conformity or i'm gonna fill your house with salt from my little pinch bowl i got from a friend's mom that was gonna throw it away, because I plan on driving the fucking demons of blandness from your home.
If you present your house like it's a clean dish to serve food you bet your fucking ass i'm gonna salt and season it.
PLease. Just throw some color and personality in some way other than false flowers or fake fruit.
A purple blanket. Photos in a portrait you picked up at a garage sale.
make your house a home by making a mess in it.
but make it your mess. make it your home.
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grim-faux · 3 years
17_The Loudest Silence
 It’s not the sounds or anxiety that forces him from the memories of sleep. It is the odd sensation of needing no more rest which roused the child.
 He exhaled dryly and opened one eye, mind fuzzy though his thoughts felt very concise. Through the next few minutes he laid there, struggling to pull together what happened and where he was. The first piece that fluttered in his mind was the lack of static and buzzing. Everything felt very ordinary and dull, a great relief. Though… he did wonder, where…?
A large plush toy was plastered to his side. He pulled it over so that it was laying on top of him, and then his eyes struggled with the reaching black that soaked into everything. Dry wood, fiber, wallpaper, decayed room. Ugly place. But quiet. And there persisted no smells to make his heart thrum with alarm. For the time, he only didn’t know where he was.
 He has to wake up. His head is muddled with confusion and questions, but he has to wake up. He’s very hungry, he left all his foods…. It’ll be hard to find foods, especially when hungry.
 The plush toy flopped over when he shoved himself up. Mono tried to rise fully, but he was stiff and sore. When he fought to stand his legs folded under him, and he had to catch the arm of the recliner before he toppled over the side. It was so tempting to lie down and return to sleep, the air chilly and miserable. But foods. He would get worse without foods.
 He scratched the back of his head, and realized he needed a new hat. Hats were tied to the inside of his coat, adding a bit of cushion and protection. The rain cap would be the better choice, but it was… color. He tucked it back into his coat, and chose the flat cap.
 It took some time for him to figure his way out of the room within the dark. He could see a bit after spending so long there, but the handle to the door was too high to reach. There was the bookcase aside from the desk, but the desk itself was impossibly big. He had to figure out a way to jump from the desk at the right angle, with a run, to catch the slick handle.
 This small room entered into another large room, but not much was in there. The only door there was a no go, it was demolished and crammed with what must have been stuff from that once resided in the room, neat and organized. Mono dismissed this fiasco, and instead located a tight crevice that he could crawl into. Within the space, lights flashed through from other rooms. It offered guidance and kept him from cutting himself on the sides of the walls in his passage
 When he emerged from the nook, it was from beneath a break in the wall where wallpaper frayed and fell away. He had to push out the rotten material to reach the corridor. He gave the area over his usual examination but heard none of the noises that would warrant attention. He tilted his head back, blinking at the harsh light. The corridors are badly decayed through neglect, and are a few spaces sat visible where he can cram into if he needs. At the end of the corridor was a window, and he climbed from a cracked crate to reach the sill. It wasn’t raining for once. He didn’t need the rain cap. He plopped off the window and went through the first door that was open, on his right.
 The whole floor got a search over, of all the doors he could access. None of the rooms had areas for foods, just boxes. Some good news, the elevator only needed a button hit. He collected a metal canister from one room and chucked it at a random button.
 He panicked at the abrupt weightlessness and darted around, as the lift dipped quickly. Until it reached the floor it stopped on, and the doors opened. He remained plastered to the wall for several seconds, baffled. That was scary! Why was that scary?
 The doors began to shut, prompting him to dart out into the large room awaiting. It was a little too well lit, so he found his way to the wall and shuffled around to shadows. Though the rain had stopped for a time, the floor was still soaked. To one side of the room stood a tall desk, some demolished furniture, and clothing laid out. Off somewhere, the dull scramble of a television uttered about its day.
 It’s the scent of foods that drew Mono’s interest. He went straight to a barricade of furniture and debris at the farther side of the room, and gave it a brief go over. Beneath this obstruction, there was a small space that he could squeeze through. Before poking his head up at the other side, he lay on his stomach and checked the vicinity.
 Chairs. Tables. Counters. A kitchen place? There were cabinets, but not good space to hide. Off to one side, a Viewer stood admiring the television placed on a sofa. As long as the Viewer is preoccupied, it should be fine. It was risk, but not enough to bypass.
 Still, he kept his distance from the adult, and strafed the wall to the countertop edge. He pulled out a chair and pushed it towards the benches side and climbed up. Plenty of containers and boxes are present for him to go through, eliciting some hope he’d find something that wasn’t too far gone. Not a lot of what he does find is salvageable, he pulls the edibles out first and then goes back to sift through it.
 He broke apart some circular bread things and regular bread slices. He finds a hard plastic container, which he can break easily with his teeth and inside is gooey sweet stuff. It’s soooo… sweet, not particularly good. But he scarfs it down anyway. He’s not particularly fond of bird eggs, but they are the freshest thing there.
 Carefully, he cracked the eggshell on the counter, eyes intent and watchful of the Viewer – they gurgled, content to bask in the white bombardment of signal.
 He drained out the clear goop – yuck – then took some grain flake stuff, and dunked it in the remaining yolk inside the shell. It wasn’t that bad, at least not with something more viable. He licked his fingers, and grabbed another handful of grain stuff. He dumped it in the shell and stirred it around.
 The yolk was nothing but a thin film inside the eggshell bottom, when the television flashed and the crackling hum on the air changed. Mono was at immediate attention, uncertain where let alone what the Viewer might do now that its program was cut. Was he far enough out of range to go overlooked? He braced himself.
 A pair of hands pressed against the reverse side of the screen. Meanwhile, the Viewer wound around and shrieking, searching for a new fixation.
 Mono leapt from the counter and landed on the nearest table. The surface was slick with dust and damp, he went skidding and made a graceless fall to the floor. In short time he was up, racing to the secure barrier of furniture and dipped into a slide at the last second. Just in time, his body buckled. He was crawling, struggling to get away, get far away. The intense drum of white noise crowding his senses, becoming all that rattled within his panicked thoughts.
 From within the room, a wailing screech blasted forth – sending him back. Hauling him all the way to the day he lost Her. When she reached for him, and all that he could manage was cower right in the face of her peril. Useless. It was hard to connect with her in speek, but that shriek. When she was stole, and he was disregarded. He wanted to stop, blot it out, curl up and bar off the clamor and sensation of electric current burning in his bones. But he wanted to escape more.
 With one final row of his arms, he heaved out from beneath the barrier and ran.
 This… reckless child.
 In a room, with a Viewer no less. A denizen of the signal, barred from thought and rational. Rabid. How annoying. Careless, brash youth.
 The Thin Man adjusted his hat, as he stepped by the clothing settled on the table and floor. With a flicker and crackling surge, he flashed through the mediocre barrier. For now, the lobby was vacant, he examined over the floor and walls seeking movement. Where did he go? How is it something with such short legs, could move so swiftly?
 He was not far, he could sense the transmission. Cautiously, he patrolled the room over, going first to one wall and walking towards the corridor to the elevator. Rather deviate that way, he ventured to the other side and checked the lounge chair. He suspected the desk, though that was too obvious.
 Ah, there he was. One of the doors of a cabinet behind the administrative desk creaked open, and a face peered out. He pivoted around to face the desk and tilted his head. Amusing. He stepped closer, but the child fumbled inside the cupboard, about to draw the door shut.
 The Thin Man stopped, and reached into his coat pocket. He pulled out… the racoon cap.
 Mono’s interest was garnered instantly. He pushed the door open further, looking from the hat to the Thin Man. It was nice to see that nose crinkle up in annoyance. He could inch a little closer now, and Mono glared at him with unwavering intensity. This had somehow become a hostage situation over a hat. Frowning was all the Thin Man could do to keep from cracking a smug grin. When he was close enough, he tossed the hat up.
 The child lunged out of the cabinet like a jack-in-the-box, one hand remained locked to the inner side of the cabinet – he caught it! The cabinet door snapped shut, for what the Thin Man suspected would be a costume change. It wasn’t long before the cupboard popped open once more, and Mono peeped out from the crack.
 His chore fulfilled, the Thin Man spun away and began walking. After only a few steps, he’s taken by utter surprise when something snagged the ankle of his slacks. He stumbled aside and stared. How did something with such short legs MOVE SO FAST?
 Mono cowered away several paces but looked back. His hands dropped from his head, but that coil of flee remained in his spine. The child shrugged.
 “Did you need something?”
 Mono tipped his head. “Where go you?”
 The Thin Man pinched the bridge of his nose. “I need to take a stroll. Alone. Have a look around. You’re not coming, nor are invites available.”
 “Not coming?” echoed the child. He inched a little closer. “Stroll? Search?”
 “No.” He edged a leg out, and the child scampered away from his polished shoe. “That will be the last aid I offer. There’s no more you can do for me, as there is no more I can do for you. Understand?”
 “Not.” The boy scurried to the lounge chair and hefted himself up the side. It didn’t give him an impressive height clearance, it just made him look all the smaller. “Miles? For miles?” He looked around, as if speculating with the word. Then, held up a forefinger and thumb, pinching them together. “And, erm… no a’lot’n.”
 Mono climbed to the backside of the chair and stood by the wall. “Fore-feet me to follow.”
 This would be a problem. Without a word, the Thin Man teleported a meter backwards – the sudden fluctuation and distortion caused Mono great alarm, and possibly pain. The child sprang off the chair, hands clapped over his cap. He landed poorly on the scuffed carpet and swayed.
 The Thin Man set his hands behind his back and leaned forward. “ It is not a strain to myself. You cannot follow.”
 It took a moment for Mono to smooth out the fur on his skin cap and shake the tension from his muscles. But at last, he stood. “Not fair,” he hissed. “S’not fair.”
 “Apologies,” the Thin Man hummed. “There is nothing in this world, but unfairness, as you are so well versed now.” The boy was actually shaking, but he doubted it was fear. That lethal glare glinting beneath the cap, was one he knew all to well how to wear. He turned away and resumed walking, unperturbed should the small child begin to follow once more. He suspected he learned his lesson.
 “Don’t give me that look. I kept you from doing reckless, I afforded nothing else beyond the Tower. That was all I said I would spare. In future, you should do better of choose friends.” When he reached the collision of furniture, he glanced over at the minuscule rasp.
 Mono had thrown the fur cap to the ground and was stomping away. He described it as stomping, while in truth the child was just walking – albeit with his shoulders bunched up – he headed back around the side of the lounge chair. The hair on the nape of his neck was practically standing on end.
 The Thin Man turned his lips down, but reframed from responding to the scene. He shifted through the barrier and left this encounter where it was.
 When the familiar surge and crackle-snap signaled the Thin Man’s departure, Mono snapped himself.
 He ran back to the fur cap and stamped it down into the floor, then kicked the flattened hat away. He glowered down on what was once one of his favorite and most useful hat. His fists, clenched like vices at his sides, trembled with such ferocity. Even his whole body quaked, despite not being the slightest ounce of cold. And he didn’t… know if he was frightened, being left like this. In truth, he didn’t know what he felt.
 It was like the numbness when the whole world exploded. Close to the curse of weightlessness that overtook him, and he wondered endlessly why. Why? WHY! Or, what it was like as the whole building toppled, and for a brief spell he knew nothing but fear and hate.
 So numb. So angry. Powerless. Overwhelmed. Unable to stop. Unable to grapple with himself, what he felt. This weird hopelessness he couldn’t shake. The world so weird, a twisted nest of false reprieves and cruel tricks.
 At last, he folded down into a heap and slumped back against the sofas base. A complete and broken wreck. He tugged his knees in close and looped his arms over his head. He pulled every inch of himself in as tight as he could manage, to bar out every gnarled claw of the world seeking to rip away the remnants of his spirit. Quiet. He must be very quiet. Something would hear. Noisy children die. It always happened; it was law.
 He did allow a soft, little whimper to escape. Probably annoyed he wasn’t actually hurt. Thought it was funny. The strange child. Should’ve fought. Should’ve done the ‘anticipated’. Should’ve done… anything. Anything was better than… this.
 Everyone left. Or, everyone stole. Cursed. Nobody wanted him. Nothing and no one, wanted a thing to do with him. This was everything he knew, and everything he should come to expect. Don’t fight so hard, it’s always the same story. The same ending. The same. Nothing.
 He didn’t care he was practically in the middle of the room, out in the open. No good cover. He would be silent, and he… it would be all right. This is how it would be. It hurt, it would always hurt. But there is nothing left, but him in this world. Pain was better than being… he wasn’t sure what. Pain was just better than not feeling.
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aethelar · 6 years
Hey i just had the idea of daddy percival. Not sure whether you have done this before with your mummy newt... Anyways overprotective and caring percival. they could take credence with them and he becomes part of their family. And percy is so sorry for that boy how could grindelwald dare to use and hurt him hiding himself behind his face. And he cares so much for him and credence loves it until at one point it's just a bit too much and yes percy that boy is 23 and he can go out after midnight.
“No. Absolutely not.”
“Dad. C’mon. Seriously.”
“Do you have any idea - any idea - what could happen to you? You could get robbed, kidnapped, you could be -”
“Held at wandpoint and marched into a pocket dimension from which the only way to escape is to get eaten by a leviathon and ride out in its stomach, I know Dad but have you considered that I might not?”
Graves glared. The wine glass in his hands squeaked in protest at quite how viciously he was drying it. Credence, elbow deep in frothy washing up water, glared back.
“You forget who your mother is,” Graves said finally. Credence winced, because, fair. “We spent the better part of a week in that stomach and I wouldn’t wish the experience on my worst enemy let alone my only son.”
“It still might not happen to me,” Credence felt the need to point out, trying to push down the warm-fuzzy that rose every time Graves called him his son. He was a grown man, damnit, he was attempting to assert his independence.
“No, but what if you ended up in something worse, hm? No one to get you out of it because you went marching off with only your own damn self to look out for you - “
“Or,” Credence snapped, all but throwing the next plate in the drying rack and coming perilously close to sending the whole thing clattering to the floor, “Or I could go out with my friends and spend a nice normal evening and call you for a lift when the party ends and actually be happy for once, did you ever consider that possibility?”
Graves’ brows lowered and his jaw set and Credence felt like screaming because he knew that look, he fucking knew that look. Any chance of a reasonable conversation spiralled down the drain the moment that look entered the scene and nothing, not a single shitty thing about that look was fair.
“What’s the strongest shield charm your friends can cast?” Graves asked, voice low and calm.
“Dad - “
“How many,” Graves cut across, “How many of your friends can apparate while drunk, high, or mortally wounded?”
“Dad, please, that’s not - “
“Which of your friends could stand up to an ambush attack from an armed and dangerous dark wizard?”
“I could, ok?” Credence spun round, uncaring of the soapy water that slopped down his shirt as he did so. “I’m not a helpless little kid Dad, I’m not going to stand back and just let people attack me, if they attack me which they won’t because it’s just. one. night. out!”
For a long moment they stood there, staring - glaring - at each other across the draining board, the only sound the faint popping of the bubbles in the sink and the quiet drip drip drip of water from the tap.
Finally Graves let his glare soften into something fond and sad and far too old to belong to Credence’s over-dramatic, over-protective Dad. He blinked, taken aback, as Graves turned in silence and put the wineglass in the cupboard with the others.
“Dad?” he asked softly, feeling wrong-footed and not sure why.
“That’s what I thought,” Graves said, almost to himself as much as to Credence. He closed the cupboard but left his hand on the door, his eyes seeing something long past in the pale wood grain. “I thought I wasn’t helpless, I thought I’d be fine if ever anyone attacked me - not that I thought anyone would.” He blinked slowly, voice low and quiet as the memory resurfaced. “As you say, it was just one night out.”
Credence swallowed, because that, that is why he hated the look. What could he say? What the hell could he say? He knew how much Grindelwald messed his Dad up, he knew that his Dad still had nightmares about being taken, still had nightmares about Credence being a target, or his Mum, or the creatures or any of them. He couldn’t exactly say he didn’t care because he did, and those times when his Dad forgot where he was, forgot that his family were safe and started raising shields and looking round for enemies that were defeated years ago -
Credence knew that the rest of the world may have moved on, but there was a large part of Graves still stuck in a time when he wasn’t careful enough and it nearly cost him everything.
But at the same time, Credence was twenty three. He couldn’t live his entire life with his Dad hovering over him, ready to apparate him to a hospital the moment he got a papercut.. Much as he loved his Dad, much as he understood his Dad, he needed some chance to be independent or he’d go mad.
“Dad,” he finally said, his voice rough and dangerously close to tears. “Dad, it won’t happen.”
Graves gave a disbelieving snort, still facing the cupboard with his back to his son and his eyes closed. “You can’t promise that,” he said lowly.
“No, but I can take Swoop. And - and Pickett, and Susie, if I bribe her.”
Graves shook himself back to the present and glanced over his shoulder. He saw Credence, standing with his shirtsleeves rolled up and soap bubbles on his hands, his little boy with his a hair a mess because he refused ever to let them cut it and his mismatched socks - but, also, a man with broad shoulders and a determined stance, Graves’ immovable shields and Newt’s tricky spells combined with Credence’s unique brand of strength.
He took a breath. There were very few things, he reminded himself, that could overpower an obscurial. He forced himself to raise an eyebrow and quirk his lips into a smile.
“A nightmare yoyo, a demented twig an unreasonably protective occamy?” he asked, deliberately light. “What exactly are you planning to get up to at this party of yours?”
Credence’s face brightened. “Nothing,” he said, speaking too fast and tripping over his words. “Nothing, I swear, it’s just friends - I won’t even drink anything I promise, not a single drop.”
“Oh, screw that,” Graves dismissed, flapping a hand and frowning. “It’s a party, you’re going to drink. Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”
Credence laughed, leaning forwards in delight. “You mean it?” he asked breathlessly.
Graves braced himself. His little boy, all grown up, and still an overgrown puppy at heart. “I mean it,” he said, and flicked out a levitation spell to catch the frying pan Credence knocked onto the floor. “And don’t bother Susie, Newt says she’s broody at the moment. Swoop and Pickett are fine, but only if they want to go.”
“Swoop and Pickett, yes, one hundred percent,” Credence babbled, already halfway to the door. “I’ll ask them now, I’ll -” he stopped and gave Graves a heart-stoppingly wide smile. “Thanks, Dad. I mean it.”
Graves allowed himself a full four seconds to smile back before he waved Credence off. “Scram, kid. I’ll finish the dishes.”
He watched after Credence’s retreating back and he knew, he knew he wasn’t great at this whole father thing but he thought, maybe, sometimes he did ok.
I promised I’d keep you safe, he thought despairingly to himself, then shook his head chidingly and turned back to the sink. Don’t make promises you can’t keep, old man.
Don’t make promises you can’t keep.
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christinaengela · 4 years
If like us, you may have a lot of vacant wall-space in your abode (and a lot of memorabilia stuck in boxes), you might want to consider something like this!
I had some wood lying around that I didn’t feel I could use for much else, so rather than tossing it out, I put it to good use. Some time ago, a friend had ripped out the ceilingboards from his house and replaced them with modern ceilings. Being the first to point out that this might reduce the original charm of such an old house (built in the 1890’s) in this case I could understand why. Yes, they were good quality planks – pine I think, but they’d got wet over the years from a leaky roof, and had begun to curl across the grain, resulting in gaps.
Besides, they weren’t all distorted – but he’d taken them all out anyway, and I wasn’t one to argue with a gift of free wood! I’d used most of the flat straight ones already for other projects, such as the corner book shelf in the lounge, and to revamp the kitchen cupboards – and what I had left were these… the slightly distorted ones!
I decided they would make a couple of good small box-shelves, which I would put up in our bedroom to display some of our memorabilia. The curvature would come in useful to prevent small things from just falling out – or getting accidently dusted out!
Making them was fairly straight-forward and simple – measuring out what I had to work with versus how many box-shelves I could get out of that. Each one had four sides, and I wanted to make rectangles.
As you can see from the photos, the corner shelf consists of an array of odd-sized box-shelves arranged from larger at the bottom, with successively smaller ones above. I decided to arrange them in a staggered formation to allow for more space to display items in the spaces.
Once cut, I sanded the planks using a belt sander. This ripped off most of the layers of paint and dust. I then used screws to assemble the boxes, and plastic corner braces at the top rear edge to mount them to the wall. A coat of dark-stained varnish gave them a beautiful finish.
Then, once dry, I fitted them to the bedroom wall with screws and wall-plugs. I used a spirit-level to make sure I placed them level!
They add a nice rustic touch to an otherwise bare wall, don’t you think?
Pictures included – enjoy!
Have a DIY day!
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If you’d like to send Christina Engela a question about anything on this site, or her life as a writer or transactivist, please send an email to [email protected] or use the Contact form on her author website.
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Easy DIY Bric-a-brac Shelves If like us, you may have a lot of vacant wall-space in your abode (and a lot of memorabilia stuck in boxes), you might want to consider something like this!
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Four Things You Need To Know About Kitchen Cabinet Design
Four Things You Need To Know About Kitchen Cabinet Design
Kitchen cabinet design offers plentiful alternatives for every re-modeler to find the ideal cabinets for their brand-new kitchen. Comprehending the standard aspects of layout will assist you narrow the array of choices as well as streamline the decision. A few of these essentials relate to the quality of building and construction and others refer kitchen style and individual preference.
Allow's think about each consequently. Two of the fundamentals of kitchen cabinet style are quality concerns. The other 2 have to do with style as well as preference.
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1. Product. What material will be made use of to construct your cabinets? Material is just one of one of the most vital choices you will make due to the fact that the style and also style of your cabinets are the major factor determining style and design of the whole kitchen. You have a number of choices:
Steel (stainless steel, light weight aluminum). Metal can be both pricey and also hefty to hang. Some metals - especially those used in the past - were subject to rust. Metal can be available in shades or it can be painted. These cabinets also reveal any dings or dents if they are inadvertently hit with a pan, as well as they will certainly How to laminate flooring Tampa FL reveal scratches. For these reasons it assembled storage cabinets with doors Tampa FL is not a preferred choice in kitchen cabinet style.
Timber mixes. Some closet makers use less expensive wood, such as plywood or pine, to construct the cabinet case and afterwards make use of doors and outside panels of better or a lot more pricey wood. Some also make use of particle board or other composite materials. Any type of timber cabinets can be repainted in the color of your selection. You can utilize a shiny coating or a matte coating.
Strong wood. These cabinets are built completely of ended up, high-quality timber, such as hickory, oak, maple or extra pricey woods like cherry or walnut. Traditional kitchens and also some country-style kitchen areas might make use of a dark timber, such as cherry, mahogany, walnut or ebony. Contemporary cooking areas tend to utilize lighter color timbers such as birch or maple. You will wish to think about the shade, the grain of the timber and the finish put on the wood. Better cabinets are do with several coats of polyurethane to secure the wood. Strong timber is presently one of the most popular kitchen cabinet design choice.
2. Construction. Low quality cabinets are commonly put together with adhesive or with nails or staples. This is not a good idea (if you have the option) since under the heavy use kitchen cabinets and also cabinets, they will certainly not last. Excellent quality cabinets will certainly be joined with dove tail building. This is among one of the most crucial facet of kitchen cupboard layout.
3. Door Style. There are numerous kinds and layouts in cabinet doors. The door style is the key determiner of kitchen cabinet layout. For instance, a contemporary kitchen would practically demand a level panel door style. Elevated panel design, on the other hand, is the recommended door design for a conventional style kitchen. Other closet layouts consist of these door designs: reveal-overlay panel, framework and panel, handmade framework as well as panel, square increased panel, bent raised panel, grain board panel and also cathedral panel.
4. Accessories are the last basic aspect of kitchen cabinet layout. Accessories consist of handles as well as takes care of, company modifications, access choices and also specialty modifications. Knobs and takes care of must match both the design of the kitchen (rustic, worn, streamlined) as well as the other metals made use of in noticeable locations in the kitchen. For example, combed steels function really nicely with stainless steel devices. There are numerous tools and also gadgets that can be set up in drawers and also cabinets to organize the materials. Many custom-made or personalized systems have actually these products constructed in. Ease of access products include points like gliding trays or rotating systems (lazy Susan, for instance) to make things in the cabinets much easier pre assembled cabinets Valrico FL to get to. Specialty alterations are modifications made to any kind of cabinets to make them work over refrigerated drawers or bar refrigerators, etc
. By comprehending these fundamentals of kitchen cabinet layout, you will be better informed, far better informed to ask concerns, and also much better able to limit the variety of cupboard styles you require to take into consideration in order to choose the cabinets you will use in your kitchen remodel.
Cabinet & Remodeling Depot have been designing and supplying bathroom and kitchen cabinets throughout the Tampa & Brandon,Florida area for years. Our company specializes in modifying structurally sound inexpensive kitchen cabinets and Best Bathroom Vanities with basin Valrico FL to look like cabinetry found in high value homes. To find out more how to buy kitchen cabinets that contain the quality and look of expensive custom cabinets at a fraction of the price, get the free report at https://www.cabinetsandremodelingdepot.com.
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http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Kitchen Remodeling
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redmellon · 4 years
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The Yamaha Arius YDP-163 is associate degree eighty eight key computerised piano. There area unit vital options, however in all probability the foremost valuable points to contemplate once staring at a digital piano is whether or not this piano is even notwithstanding its high value, what forms of players it's in gear towards, and whether or not its outshines alternative piano competitors.
In this article, I’ll be breaking down everything the Yamaha Arius YDP-163 brings to the table, and we’ll to boot specifically distinction it with a number of its thought peers (in specific, the Yamaha Arius YDP-162, the YDP-181, the YDP-S52, and also the CLP-525).
Before we start, please take some moments and analysis to understand however well the Yamaha Arius YDP-163 compares to alternative pianos within the Arius lineup, almost like the YDP-143, the YDP-181, and also the YDP-S52.
Dismembering The Yamaha YDP-163
The primary factor value speech communication concerning the Yamaha YDP-163 is that it's a digital piano, not a keyboard. there's a distinction, believe it or not. the excellence is that a computerised piano strives to almost repeat the bit and tone of a real piano, whereas a console is worked to repeat the sounds, however, will dissent considerably on bit and weight, measure, sound bank alternatives, and also the like Click Here.
The Yamaha Arius YDP-163 is associate degree eighty eight key computerised piano. There area unit vital options, however in all probability the foremost valuable points to contemplate once staring at a digital piano is whether or not this piano is even notwithstanding its high value, what forms of players it's in gear towards, and whether or not its outshines alternative piano competitors.
In this article, I’ll be breaking down everything the Yamaha Arius YDP-163 brings to the table, and we’ll to boot specifically distinction it with a number of its thought peers (in specific, the Yamaha Arius YDP-162, the YDP-181, the YDP-S52, and also the CLP-525).
Before we start, please take some moments and analysis to understand however well the Yamaha Arius YDP-163 compares to alternative pianos within the Arius lineup, almost like the YDP-143, the YDP-181, and also the YDP-S52.
Dismembering The Yamaha YDP-163
The primary factor value speech communication concerning the Yamaha YDP-163 is that it's a digital piano, not a keyboard. there's a distinction, believe it or not. the excellence is that a computerised piano strives to almost repeat the bit and tone of a real piano, whereas a console is worked to repeat the sounds, however, will dissent considerably on bit and weight, measure, sound bank alternatives, and also the like.
This, obviously, is simply an equivalent previous factor on the if you’ve been taking part in piano for quite an while, nevertheless for anybody that's wandering into the planet of piano and is inquisitive about selecting a top quality one (and probably expensive), initial call, I patterned it had been vital to contemplate the qualifications and specifications.
Presently, as way as visual aesthetics go, this piano unquestionably stands out. it'd seem to appear sort of a real piano, despite the very fact that it's digital. At a bit over ninety lbs., this piano is doubtlessly and exceptionally sturdy. It will merely match into your home associate degreed be an appealing a part of your article of furniture. The YDP Arius-163 comes in 2 colours, dark or silk white, and also the end on the wood grain appearance convincingly real. On real pianos, the harp (where the mallets strike the strings) is located within the cupboard behind the keys.
The bench that accompanies the digital piano is solid, all dark (or shiny silk white if there’s the prospect that you just select that variant) with a cushion product of animal skin on high. There area unit 3 pads that were completely different and were connected to the bottom of the stand, very similar to you'd discover on a regular upright or nice piano.
For those of you World Health Organization area unit unsure what these pedals do, I’ll clarify quickly. The pedal to the way right is that the manage pedal. The support pedal usually expels all dampers off the harp within the back of the piano in order that the strings continue ringing out when a secret is stricken.
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Mercilessly Beautiful Kitchen Closet Organizers
Explore Judy Fristoe Joseph’s board “Cottage Closets and Storage” on . Finds home in the style of Shabby Chic Ideas for Home Garden Bedroom Kitchen -. airtight, labeled containers or wire mesh baskets for pantry organization. Cathy Barker . 40 cool and simple farmhouse pantry decor ideas. Cathy Barker. 4 thg 2, 2019 – Y’all I am so excited to show off my new Farmhouse Pantry Shelves. They are beautiful thick cut cedar boards with hand forged brackets. Explore Susan Freeman’s board “Cottage Pantry” on Pinterest. See more ideas about Kitchen Storage, Butler pantry and Kitchen organisation. 4 thg 1, 2019 – These pantry organization ideas are so satisfying. Get inspired for spring . RELATED: Peek Inside a Colorful California Farmhouse. 8 of 21. Pull out vertical storage for trays and cutting boards make accessing these items a . Huge farmhouse kitchen pantry remodeling – Example of a huge farmhouse . Large farmhouse kitchen pantry pictures – Inspiration for a large cottage l-shaped dark Wardrobe care and organization is a joy in the massive walk-in closet . 4 thg 10, 2013 – What everyone needs in a kitchen is storage, preferably a well stocked pantry that is well organized so when you are cooking, you can easily . 29 thg 12, 2018 – These decor ideas maximize storage space with style — no matter how small your kitchen cabinets are. . To keep things organized, add in a pull-out drawer for easier access. Get the tutorial at Whisper Wood Cottage. Create efficient kitchen storage with drawer organizers, pot racks, cabinet . with an unmatched selection of durable, handsome designs sized for any space. Here you will find more than 40 unique kitchen organization and DIY storage ideas that you will come to love! Get Rid Of All The Household Clutter Creatively! Unconventional Kitchen Storage Ideas. Practical Rid Racks. Cutting Board Rack. Kitchen Sink Storage Trays. Decorative Spice Rack. De-Clutter Your Kitchen Counter. 22 thg 12, 2018 – If you’re lacking on kitchen storage space but aren’t feeling a huge reno, it’s time to trick out the cabinets, drawers, and island with a few . Storage above refrigerator instead of unused cabinets. Super cute and CLEVER Kitchen Organization and Cleaning Tips at the36thavenue.com Wowzers! 7 thg 5, 2018 – Flat containers stack easily to take advantage of every bit of space in a pantry. Use them to store grains, breadcrumbs, rice, and nuts. Storing your pots and pans is one thing, but finding room for their lids, too, is an entirely different problem. 25 thg 3, 2015 – An uncluttered kitchen with plenty of storage is a dream for most of us. she came up with the idea of adding shelves under one side of the . See more ideas about Butler pantry, Kitchen organization pantry and Kitchen . Cute idea, but right now the inside of my pantry is the least of my concerns! 4 thg 1, 2019 – These pantry organization ideas are so satisfying. . stays effortlessly organized thanks to stylish storage and handsome, hardworking fixtures. So you’ve cleaned the shelves and discarded all the stale items. Now how do you organize what’s left? Try our functional yet stylish ideas to maintain your pantry . 5 thg 7, 2015 – Make the under-cabinet vertical space work for you with the help of two . Get more Command Hook organization ideas here, and a pack of 20 . Create extra counter space — and keep everything nice and dry — by buying . Here you’ll find helpful kitchen organisers like cutlery trays, shelves and waste sorting. They’ll help you maximise the use of space in drawers and cabinets, and . Visit IKEA online to browse our open wardrobe systems range and find plenty of open storage systems ideas and inspiration. Shop online or in-store today. Browse our range of kitchens and browse our huge gallery of kitchen ideas and inspiration. . Kitchen products, including cabinets, drawers and a sink . Food storage & organising · The IKEA VÄSTANÅ/VÄSTANBY table for dining. . by Ikano Bank AB (publ) and is available subject to status to UK residents aged 18 or over. Shop pantry and pantry organizers at IKEA. Choose from our selection of pantry shelves, baskets and wall units to organization your pantry storage. Clothes & shoe storage. Avoid the morning traffic jam. In the morning rush hour, every minute counts. So you do not have time to waste hunting for your favorite . Keep your kitchen in order with IKEA’s drawer dividers and interior organizer systems. . Check out the SEKTION Cabinets Buying Guide · Plan your IKEA . Even small changes can give you an energising boost. Scroll down to see how Marrit uses a built-in wardrobe to help make her bedroom feel calm and tranquil. 16 thg 10, 2018 – These 20 IKEA storage hacks will help you create more organization . It’s just as useful in your kitchen to hold spillover pantry items as in your . How to plan your IKEA kitchen storage and organization . This video gives you tips and tricks for using . #IKEAcataLOVE IKEA Catalog 2015 Ikea Pantry Storage, Storage Room . Kitchen Kitchen Built In Pantry Kitchen Pantry Depth Kitchen Pantry Rack Adding A . Mar 19, 2019- Explore ShelfGenie’s board “Pantry Shelves” on Pinterest. See more ideas about Kitchen Storage, Kitchen butlers pantry and Pantries. The kitchen is the heart of the home, which should be functional, well organized and look fabulous at the same time and your kitchen pantry is no exception! #IKEAcataLOVE IKEA Catalog 2015 Ikea Pantry Storage, Storage Room. Visit . KitchenShelvingPantriesDeco CuisineKitchen UnitsKitchen Dining Living. around-the-fridge cabinetry.this is glorious Fridge Storage, Food. Visit . Ive recently done several kitchen projects where we were limited in pantry space. Storage ideas Pantry Room, Pantry Closet, Pantry Storage, Kitchen Organization, Kitchen Storage . Pantry Shelving, Pantry Storage, Pantry Organization, Organizing Ideas, Storage Area, Storage Room, Extra . This pantry is glorious! #IKEAcataLOVE IKEA Catalog 2015 Ikea Pantry Storage, Storage Room . Kitchen Kitchen Built In Pantry Kitchen Pantry Depth Kitchen Pantry Rack Adding A . around-the-fridge cabinetry.this is glorious. . Fun and easy way for your kitchen! . 24 Super Fresh & Clever Kitchen Storage Ideas in 2018 Kitchen Storage . Discover ideas about Fridge Storage. around-the-fridge cabinetry.this is glorious. Fridge StorageFood StorageDeep Cupboard OrganizationDeep Freezer . ClosetMaid has a complete line of cabinet organizers featuring pullout baskets that make items easily accessible – even items hidden all the way in the back! Easily create an organized kitchen with premium cabinet organizers in a platinum color from ClosetMaid, featuring pullout baskets, spice rack and a trash bin. ClosetMaid 3086 11-Inch Wide Cabinet Organizer, Nickel Kitchen Sliding Cabinet Organizer,Pull Out Chrome Wire Storage Basket . Customer image. Buy ClosetMaid 3051 Kitchen 11-Inch Cabinet Organizer, White: Home & Kitchen – Amazon.com ✓ FREE DELIVERY possible on . Roll over image to zoom in. ClosetMaid 3089 2 Tier 14Inch Kitchen Cabinet Organizer Nickel ** You can find more details by visiting the image link. Pull-Out Cabinet Organizer – Gain additional storage in your lower kitchen cabinets and in bathroom . ClosetMaid 5.25 in. x 11 in. x 20 in. Customer Images. ClosetMaid White Wire Cabinet Organizer is perfect for organizing your lower kitchen cabinets. . finish over steel; Designed to provide additional storage in lower kitchen cabinets; Easy This image was submitted as a sweepstakes entry. ClosetMaid Drawers & Cabinet Organizers . ClosetMaid Over-The-Door Basket Organizer, White. Price . CLOSETMAID 1608400 11×10.5 RED Storage Bin. Increase the usable storage space of the existing cabinets in your kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, linen closet or garage by installing this poly-urethane coated . How incredible does @CharlotteHawkns look in our Royal Kimono Wrap Dress? @DebbieDresses styling her to perfection Get the look here . Discover the full Closet London collection, with beautiful womens clothing, dresses, skirts, trousers and blouses all lovingly designed and made in London. At Closet London, we make contemporary womenswear that tells a story. We are loved for our elegant shapes and stunning prints, and our passionate team of . Shop for closet london dresses & clothing online at Next.co.uk. Next day delivery & free returns. Shop closet london dresses & clothing now! Explore Delia Brent’s board “AMAZING CLOSETS” on Pinterest. . The London Loft Closet – traditional – closet – los angeles – Lisa Adams, LA Closet Design. Explore Christina Kelly’s board “Amazing Closets” on Pinterest. . The London Loft Closet – traditional – closet – los angeles – Lisa Adams, LA Closet Design. The elegant shapes and stunning prints are created by a passionate team of designers. Every garment is hand-made in London, just as they have been for over . Closet London sought out the help of our dedicated PPC experts and we did not . We’ve seen incredible growth as a business over the last 3 years and PPC . After that, he had to wait for British Airways flight 128 to London and then, . The last was the bedroom with a large walk-in closet and a loo, with tub and shower. 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Home / SALE up to 70% off Shop Women’s Fashion at the official NÜ online . buy a new and unique addition for your wardrobe at home, at a reduced cost. It is the most robust of natural fibers with an amazing longevity and an excellent resistance to stretching. Like linen, the more you wash it the softer it becomes. Online dress shopping has never been simpler or more stylish! We have the best in unique, trendy fashion for women at affordable prices. . or a classic chic look for a wedding, Lulus has the clothing trends and styles you want in your closet. Dress to impress Kleider mit top-aktuellen Designs lassen unsere Herzen höher schlagen verschiedene . Closet. LONDON MIDI DRESS – Freizeitkleid – navy. 79,95 €. 55,95 € Kleider machen Laune: Der Dress-Code mit Fun-Faktor. Discover the full Closet London collection, with beautiful womens clothing, dresses, skirts, trousers and blouses all lovingly designed . SHOP NEW ARRIVALS. Shop the very latest fashion and childrens clothing online at Next Switzerland :: FREE delivery available* :: Great . WARDROBE STAPLES. Amazing Value! Space Saving Closet Hangers: Increase the space in your closet by 60% for under $20!!! . Camper Storage Ideas Travel Trailers No 26 Diy Clothes Hanger Storage, Bedroom. Read it CREATE DOUBLE CLOTHES HANGERS WITH CAN TABS Dorm Closet . Making the Most of Small Spaces with an over the door rack. 25 thg 1, 2019 – . are expensive. Save money, time, and stress with these quick and easy DIY closet organizers. . Use a Soda Tab to Double Hanging Space. Build closet shelves that double your storage space (really!) with these plans. Take your closet real estate to its full potential and store twice as much stuff in a . Grab my free printable decluttering calendar and have neat and tidy drawers and 10 Genius Ways to Double Your Closet Space and Get Ready Faster. Standard double doors are best, assuming there’s room to swing them open. . above the rods plus a high shelf for less-used items, and mark their depths. Look for Nooks • Allocate space for a folding stepladder, against the wall under the highest . Closet DIY Tricks and Tools: The Plywood Solution to redo your bedroom . 16 thg 4, 2018 – Closet Organization Ideas & Storage Tips (Including DIY Hacks!) No matter the square footage of your bedroom closet, making a plan and . Not sure how high to hang double closet rods or how deep a closet needs to be . 22 thg 1, 2019 – . DIY Projects · Home Tours & Staging · Small Spaces · Best Home Products · See all . How you organize your closet will differ slightly based on the space . your calendar when you have 2 to 3 hours to commit to this process. A double hang will make better use of horizontal storage space in the closet. Shop closet organizers at Walmart. Browse closet organizers. Audio, English. Purchase rights, Stream instantly Details. Format, Prime Video (streaming online video). Devices, Available to watch on supported devices . 27 thg 9, 2018 – Closet Monster Official Trailer 1 (2016) – Connor Jessup, Aaron Abrams . Download or Streaming Closet Monster 2016 FULL (Official) Movie . Closet Monster Full Movie, Closet Monster Full Movies Free Streaming Online . 1080p Fast Streaming Get free access to Closet Monster movie, with excellent . Format, Prime Video (streaming online video). Devices, Available to watch on . Closet Monster makes the ordinary life of an ordinary boy be extraordinary. Closet Monster Full Movie, Watch Closet Monster Full Movie Free Streaming Online . Fast Streaming Get free access to Closet Monster movie, with excellent . 18 thg 9, 2015 – Looking to watch Closet Monster? Find out where Closet Monster is streaming, if Closet Monster is on Netflix, and get news and updates, . 23 thg 9, 2016 – Written and directed by Stephen Dunn, Closet Monster made its . The Path Season 2, Rosemary’s Baby, and More Available to Stream This Week . The Magnificent Seven Ain’t Half Bad, Pardner, but It Ain’t Great Neither. Connor Jessup in Closet Monster (2015) Aaron Abrams and Connor Jessup . After a summer spent with his his best friend Kat to escape his family, Phil . Enjoy a night in with these popular movies available to stream now with Prime Video. Übersetzungen für closet im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch von PONS Online:closet, to come out of the closet, a closet alcoholic, to closet oneself in one’s . Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für ‘closet’ in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten ✓ Aussprache und . Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit “wardrobe” – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für . My wife’s wardrobe is filled with beautiful clothes. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit “attractive” – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. . Coffre à clés Voir plus d’idées sur le thème Closets, Deutsch et Germany. . A garden shed can be a useful addition as well as an attractive centrepiece to . Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzungen für closet im Online-Wörterbuch dict.cc (Deutschwörterbuch). Attract, s. (n. ü.) das Anziehen, rid. Attraction. Attractability, ät-träk-tä-bi-i-té, a great –, viel Suhörer; – chamber, (– closet, – room), der Audienz-Saal, das A.-, . The closet dork may still associate with other dorks behind closed doors) Closet dorks do not . Closet dorks are generally attractive to semi-attractive dorks/geeks. Nicole, Deutschland . PARIS 4 EME OF MARAIS – LUXURY BEAUTIFUL One of the most beautiful area in paris. . Big and beautiful closet with hangers. 14 thg 2, 2017 – English: You are missing cups in your cupboard; German: Du hast nicht 20 Beautiful African Words in ‘The Lion King’ That’ll Make You Smile . Closet Cooking. 84K likes. www.closetcooking.com is a food and recipe web site. Follow my adventures cooking in a closet sized kitchen as I search for. 21 thg 8, 2007 – Wow, tomato based pasta dishes three nights in a row! I am really enjoying the fresh local vine ripened roma tomatoes. Normally when I make a . 27 thg 4, 2015 – Although the cooking style has changed from the traditional fires and pits to . Speaking of tacos, I always like to enjoy a fresh batch of beef . Closet Cooking Food Blogger, Recipe Developer, Photographer. Closet Cooking Food Blogger, Recipe Developer, Photographer. A roasted cauliflower and mushroom pasta in a creamy egg and bacon sauce seasoned with plenty of fresh cracked pepper. Servings: 4 Prep Time: 10 minutes . Food Blogger, Recipe Developer, Photographer Kevin (Closet Cooking) is pinning about Christmas recipes, Fried green tomatoes, Chocolate lava, . Pomì boxed tomatoes contain a pulp sauce produced only with Italian organic tomatoes, healthy, fresh and perfectly ripe, processed immediately after harvesting . Pomì boxed tomatoes contain a pulp sauce produced only with Italian organic tomatoes, healthy, fresh and perfectly ripe, processed immediately after harvesting . #KitchenClosetOrganizerIdeas #ClosetSceneHamlet #ClosetKleider #KitchenCabinetGutscheincode #ClosetCooking
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/mercilessly-beautiful-kitchen-closet-organizers
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peachhplum · 6 years
Finally, our hand built kitchen is ready to reveal. We have had so much fun being able to cook and move around freely in here that this post has been a long time coming, thanks again for waiting! This project has been so much fun and the best bits have been finding and rescuing all the materials to make this space unique to us.We made almost everything ourselves (apart from the electrical items, hardware and the base units). Using reclaimed wooden floorboards and recycled crates cut down for the shelves, old pipes from under the floors for curtain and hanging rails and one of my favourite things – oak laths from a local restoration centre for a rustic look to conceal our over hob extractor. This is a super sunny south facing room which is flooded with sunbeams, so we will be adding more linen curtains over this picture window that looks out over our garden. I am going to use the same method of hanging clips to clip the curtains half way up so we don’t lose our whole view.I have battled my inner demons to leave our cookery books exposed – the multi coloured-ness of them all lined up makes me a bit crazy but they are the pages we leaf through every week. Recovering them all in brown paper to be matching seemed a step too far for things that will be used day after day. But – I might still do it ;)The open shelves have been brilliant and all the things on them are in heavy rotation, so no time for too much dust to gather. Dean’s coffee paraphernalia takes up one tidy shelf while my tea is spilling down to a second shelf. I do like to have all the loose tea one woman can drink available to me though. This month’s favourites are a chai blend from Steenbergs and Earl Grey from Newby.Having all our bowls and glasses ready to grab in easy reach has worked out really well, these are the things that we use most days and never have to rummage in a cupboard for (all the rest is is  a lovely cupboard in the living room). In the attic I found some old ceramic jars that we had bought years ago in a local junk shop – perfect for keeping our teaspoons and chopsticks at the ready. The crate was a welcome gift from our estate agent when we moved in here almost six years ago. We sawed it in half and made two shelves, then stained that and the oak laths for the cooker hood with a home mixed blend of Annie Sloan chalk paints, water and dark wax to match the old reclaimed wood shelves. I think it came out pretty similar!Trying not to dent and mark our beloved handmade elm worktops has been quite the challenge. At first we were a bit too precious about it – but we have eased up on ourselves and given in to the marks and patina that daily use over time will inevitably bring. The chalk paint on the cupboards is also getting a bit worn with use but for now, we like that aged look and it just makes room to repaint them in another colour maybe in the future?!I really don’t mix well with technology, but understand we need certain things to abide by building regs and obviously cook and keep our food chilled so we have minimal electronics and have hidden what we couldn’t live without. The cooker hood seemed huge but now it’s hidden within a custom built box and clad with these oak laths I love it. It as a very satisfying job to gently knock all the tacks in a row at just the right height and the sides are made from so ply off cuts which I stained to match everything else.The table and chairs are a random assortment, the bistro chairs were picked up over the years or given to us and the pine farmhouse table was grabbed in desperation on Christmas Eve last year when we happened to be visiting a local garden nursery. It was a serendipitous find as we had a new kitchen, guests coming over and nowhere for them to sit or eat!The wonky shelves where we keep all our favourite collected ceramics and pottery pieces are made out of a fallen eucalyptus tree that fell down in our garden in a storm the year we moved in. We saved it and took it to a local sawmill, who planked it for us. We then stored it for three years to dry and finally now have made something useful out of it. As you can see the wood is slightly buckled and wavy but I love that – even if it does make taking level picture hard.We have swapped out our grey linen curtains for natural ones as coming into autumn and winter we need as much light as possible. They are already lifting the mood in here on dark rainy days. I always get asked where we bought the light – it is the Fowey Pendant from Rowen and Wren (and I think it is now half price) I almost did a cry when I found out!It has been great fun filling this room with love, food and what we think are beautiful things, made by us or given to us by lovely friends and family. Please don’t think I am tidy, the table has never been so clear and behind the scenes is always mayhem. It’s very nice to treat myself to some flowers and actually be able to make the most of them – within a couple of days they will be swirling in a sea of books, papers, twigs and other nature finds, sourdough starter and soaking grains. Come back soon as I will be sharing our bedroom in all its new moody glory. Another room that had long been neglected, we made do for a long time – but now it is a cosy haven away from work. Just need enough sun to take some pictures now!
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taniasinel · 6 years
~our summer home tour~{part 1}
~Welcome to our home~ If you are coming over from Duke Manor Farm, welcome!
I am so happy you our here, I can't wait to show you around. Our home is only 2,000 square feet and we use every inch of it. We spend a lot of time in the summer on our lake and relaxing in the yard. We have 2 kids, a pet rabbit, and 3 labs.  It gets very crazy in here at times! I got a little crazy with photos, so I hope you won't be on picture overload. Thanks to Marty for asking me to be a part of this tour.  All the homes are so different and unique, there is something to fit most everyones style and taste.
Lets start this tour with our kitchen. Dutch doors open right into the kitchen, and technically this is our front door.
I prefer a pretty neutral palette but I do like to add color in small doses here and there.
The pantry is behind the barn doors.
I really like the mix of new and vintage and prefer to mix higher end items with thrift shop finds for an eclectic look.
For example:
I filled this vintage French rack with mugs from Anthropologie that were $8 a piece.
But most of my white dishes in the cupboards are either from the dollar store or the thrift store and I don't think any of them were over $3.00.
I found this old vodka bottle at an antique store and thought the colors and graphics were so fun.
This divided wooden tote holds extra silverware and all my napkin rings.
This coffee station is heaven for me and my coffee addiction!
To read all about it, and to see where I purchased some of the items, please go to this post.
I just got these new ruffled linen kitchen towels from here and they are the best!
Let's move into the living/family room.
This room is used a lot so I like it to be clutter free as much as possible.
I lightened up the couch a bit by storing a bunch of the pillows and just opting for three. These boho pillows are so pretty and stand out on their own.
I found the long crocheted pillow at HomeGoods.
I added lots of galvanized items to this room because they look of it screams summer to me and keeps things from being too fussy.
The bowl that holds the orchids was a garage sale find, {similar} the tray on the side table is old but similar ones here. The zinc trough that holds books under the coffee table can be found here.
You can often find us snacking out here in front of the tv.
Sometimes we even eat dinner out here :)
I styled our bookshelves very simply with neutral books and pops of wood and orange.
Off of the living room is the dining room.
The giant picture was our Christmas card a couple years ago and I had it enlarged at mpix.
This room overlooks the lake and the trees, so I let most of the decor come from whats outside the windows.
The sign is from my favorite sign artist here.
The credenza almost blends into the wall which was my intent.
A few accessories from HomeGoods and and antique shops finish off the look and add a bit of color.
This bench underneath {flea market find} was a life  saver for storage. Believe it or not it holds all of our board and card games. It doubles as extra seating when we need it.
The centerpiece is just a bunch of herbs in various white pots.
Moving on to the master bedroom.
I think a master bedroom should really fit the personality of the homeowners.
It should be super comfortable, luxurious, and a space that feels like a retreat.
One way I like to accomplish this is with really nice bedding.
Linen is my top choice, especially in the summer.
Duvet cover, sheets, pillows, the whole nine yards.
I love the relaxed crumpled look of linen and the feel of it on your skin.
I always go with white because not only is it fresh and clean, but it can be bleached.
I added layers of white Saphyr Pure Linen and it is Heaven.
Look at the details on these pillowcases, and they are so soft.
The sheets have the same detail.
It feels like a dream getting into bed at night, and for that occasional nap!
I had my friend monogram a vintage grain sack for the front of the bed.
And while we are on the topic of luxury bedding, why not have a palace for your pooch?
All of our dogs sleep in our room on dog beds. But the 6 month old puppy still can't be trusted to not chew something up at night, so he sleeps in a crate.
We had just a standard one but then I happened upon a company called Lords & Labradors. 
What really caught my eye was that they sold a GOLD dog crate with a plush grey and cream ticking stripe cover and cushion set.
Yes please!
Talk about plush bedding.
When it arrived in the mail it was packaged all cute in a box with dogs all over it.
It was better than I had imagined. Totally high end with piping, ties, a bumper, and thick cushion. The sides and front can roll up, or you can leave them down.
I think this set is nicer than what my kids had in their cribs!
Adding fresh flowers to your nightstands or dressers is always a nice way to add a bit of summer to your bedroom.
These white peonies are romantic and ruffly.
I like to keep water handy and a yummy candle.
I corralled all of them on a vintage silver tray.
I have had that JuJu hat over the bed for a while now and I don't see it going anywhere anytime soon. I love the contrast with the dark walls 
{graphite by Ben Moore}
and the texture it brings in.
You can find the exact modern brass chandelier here.
Master closet and master bathroom:
To see how we made our industrial pipe closet system, go here.
Adding cabinets to our bathroom flanking the sink was one of the best decisions ever made.
We don't have linen closets or coat closets in this home, so these are a life saver.
More details on our bathroom makeover here.
 The chandelier is from here but unfortunately not available anymore.
All the artwork is from Minted.
I have a Keurig in one of the cabinets because I don't like to go far in the morning for my caffeine fix.
Teen boys room:
Cody is almost 16 and requested a big comfy bed with a trundle for sleepovers.
I got a new neutral duvet cover to go with it and added in pops of blues and greens in the pillows.
I found the car he will drive when he turns 16 in a mini toy form at an antique store and had to have it.
He actually hung this giant flag on his wall and it was the jumping off point for the rest of his room.
The old leather chair faces his tv and has another pillow for a pop of color and a ticking one to match the duvet cover.
Anyone else have a shoe obsessed teen?
I know that was a lot. I got a little carried away with my pictures. 
I will be sharing our outdoor spaces on the 25th, so please come back then.
In the meantime, head on over to 11 Magnolia Lane to see their tour.
from My Sweet Savannah http://www.mysweetsavannahblog.com/2018/06/our-summer-home-tourpart-1.html
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Mercilessly Beautiful Kitchen Closet Organizers
Explore Judy Fristoe Joseph’s board “Cottage Closets and Storage” on . Finds home in the style of Shabby Chic Ideas for Home Garden Bedroom Kitchen -. airtight, labeled containers or wire mesh baskets for pantry organization. Cathy Barker . 40 cool and simple farmhouse pantry decor ideas. Cathy Barker. 4 thg 2, 2019 – Y’all I am so excited to show off my new Farmhouse Pantry Shelves. They are beautiful thick cut cedar boards with hand forged brackets. Explore Susan Freeman’s board “Cottage Pantry” on Pinterest. See more ideas about Kitchen Storage, Butler pantry and Kitchen organisation. 4 thg 1, 2019 – These pantry organization ideas are so satisfying. Get inspired for spring . RELATED: Peek Inside a Colorful California Farmhouse. 8 of 21. Pull out vertical storage for trays and cutting boards make accessing these items a . Huge farmhouse kitchen pantry remodeling – Example of a huge farmhouse . Large farmhouse kitchen pantry pictures – Inspiration for a large cottage l-shaped dark Wardrobe care and organization is a joy in the massive walk-in closet . 4 thg 10, 2013 – What everyone needs in a kitchen is storage, preferably a well stocked pantry that is well organized so when you are cooking, you can easily . 29 thg 12, 2018 – These decor ideas maximize storage space with style — no matter how small your kitchen cabinets are. . To keep things organized, add in a pull-out drawer for easier access. Get the tutorial at Whisper Wood Cottage. Create efficient kitchen storage with drawer organizers, pot racks, cabinet . with an unmatched selection of durable, handsome designs sized for any space. Here you will find more than 40 unique kitchen organization and DIY storage ideas that you will come to love! Get Rid Of All The Household Clutter Creatively! Unconventional Kitchen Storage Ideas. Practical Rid Racks. Cutting Board Rack. Kitchen Sink Storage Trays. Decorative Spice Rack. De-Clutter Your Kitchen Counter. 22 thg 12, 2018 – If you’re lacking on kitchen storage space but aren’t feeling a huge reno, it’s time to trick out the cabinets, drawers, and island with a few . Storage above refrigerator instead of unused cabinets. Super cute and CLEVER Kitchen Organization and Cleaning Tips at the36thavenue.com Wowzers! 7 thg 5, 2018 – Flat containers stack easily to take advantage of every bit of space in a pantry. Use them to store grains, breadcrumbs, rice, and nuts. Storing your pots and pans is one thing, but finding room for their lids, too, is an entirely different problem. 25 thg 3, 2015 – An uncluttered kitchen with plenty of storage is a dream for most of us. she came up with the idea of adding shelves under one side of the . See more ideas about Butler pantry, Kitchen organization pantry and Kitchen . Cute idea, but right now the inside of my pantry is the least of my concerns! 4 thg 1, 2019 – These pantry organization ideas are so satisfying. . stays effortlessly organized thanks to stylish storage and handsome, hardworking fixtures. So you’ve cleaned the shelves and discarded all the stale items. Now how do you organize what’s left? Try our functional yet stylish ideas to maintain your pantry . 5 thg 7, 2015 – Make the under-cabinet vertical space work for you with the help of two . Get more Command Hook organization ideas here, and a pack of 20 . Create extra counter space — and keep everything nice and dry — by buying . Here you’ll find helpful kitchen organisers like cutlery trays, shelves and waste sorting. They’ll help you maximise the use of space in drawers and cabinets, and . Visit IKEA online to browse our open wardrobe systems range and find plenty of open storage systems ideas and inspiration. Shop online or in-store today. Browse our range of kitchens and browse our huge gallery of kitchen ideas and inspiration. . Kitchen products, including cabinets, drawers and a sink . Food storage & organising · The IKEA VÄSTANÅ/VÄSTANBY table for dining. . by Ikano Bank AB (publ) and is available subject to status to UK residents aged 18 or over. Shop pantry and pantry organizers at IKEA. Choose from our selection of pantry shelves, baskets and wall units to organization your pantry storage. Clothes & shoe storage. Avoid the morning traffic jam. In the morning rush hour, every minute counts. So you do not have time to waste hunting for your favorite . Keep your kitchen in order with IKEA’s drawer dividers and interior organizer systems. . Check out the SEKTION Cabinets Buying Guide · Plan your IKEA . Even small changes can give you an energising boost. Scroll down to see how Marrit uses a built-in wardrobe to help make her bedroom feel calm and tranquil. 16 thg 10, 2018 – These 20 IKEA storage hacks will help you create more organization . It’s just as useful in your kitchen to hold spillover pantry items as in your . How to plan your IKEA kitchen storage and organization . This video gives you tips and tricks for using . #IKEAcataLOVE IKEA Catalog 2015 Ikea Pantry Storage, Storage Room . Kitchen Kitchen Built In Pantry Kitchen Pantry Depth Kitchen Pantry Rack Adding A . Mar 19, 2019- Explore ShelfGenie’s board “Pantry Shelves” on Pinterest. See more ideas about Kitchen Storage, Kitchen butlers pantry and Pantries. The kitchen is the heart of the home, which should be functional, well organized and look fabulous at the same time and your kitchen pantry is no exception! #IKEAcataLOVE IKEA Catalog 2015 Ikea Pantry Storage, Storage Room. Visit . KitchenShelvingPantriesDeco CuisineKitchen UnitsKitchen Dining Living. around-the-fridge cabinetry.this is glorious Fridge Storage, Food. Visit . Ive recently done several kitchen projects where we were limited in pantry space. Storage ideas Pantry Room, Pantry Closet, Pantry Storage, Kitchen Organization, Kitchen Storage . Pantry Shelving, Pantry Storage, Pantry Organization, Organizing Ideas, Storage Area, Storage Room, Extra . This pantry is glorious! #IKEAcataLOVE IKEA Catalog 2015 Ikea Pantry Storage, Storage Room . Kitchen Kitchen Built In Pantry Kitchen Pantry Depth Kitchen Pantry Rack Adding A . around-the-fridge cabinetry.this is glorious. . Fun and easy way for your kitchen! . 24 Super Fresh & Clever Kitchen Storage Ideas in 2018 Kitchen Storage . Discover ideas about Fridge Storage. around-the-fridge cabinetry.this is glorious. Fridge StorageFood StorageDeep Cupboard OrganizationDeep Freezer . ClosetMaid has a complete line of cabinet organizers featuring pullout baskets that make items easily accessible – even items hidden all the way in the back! Easily create an organized kitchen with premium cabinet organizers in a platinum color from ClosetMaid, featuring pullout baskets, spice rack and a trash bin. ClosetMaid 3086 11-Inch Wide Cabinet Organizer, Nickel Kitchen Sliding Cabinet Organizer,Pull Out Chrome Wire Storage Basket . Customer image. Buy ClosetMaid 3051 Kitchen 11-Inch Cabinet Organizer, White: Home & Kitchen – Amazon.com ✓ FREE DELIVERY possible on . Roll over image to zoom in. ClosetMaid 3089 2 Tier 14Inch Kitchen Cabinet Organizer Nickel ** You can find more details by visiting the image link. Pull-Out Cabinet Organizer – Gain additional storage in your lower kitchen cabinets and in bathroom . ClosetMaid 5.25 in. x 11 in. x 20 in. Customer Images. ClosetMaid White Wire Cabinet Organizer is perfect for organizing your lower kitchen cabinets. . finish over steel; Designed to provide additional storage in lower kitchen cabinets; Easy This image was submitted as a sweepstakes entry. ClosetMaid Drawers & Cabinet Organizers . ClosetMaid Over-The-Door Basket Organizer, White. Price . CLOSETMAID 1608400 11×10.5 RED Storage Bin. Increase the usable storage space of the existing cabinets in your kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, linen closet or garage by installing this poly-urethane coated . How incredible does @CharlotteHawkns look in our Royal Kimono Wrap Dress? @DebbieDresses styling her to perfection Get the look here . Discover the full Closet London collection, with beautiful womens clothing, dresses, skirts, trousers and blouses all lovingly designed and made in London. At Closet London, we make contemporary womenswear that tells a story. We are loved for our elegant shapes and stunning prints, and our passionate team of . 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Shop the very latest fashion and childrens clothing online at Next Switzerland :: FREE delivery available* :: Great . WARDROBE STAPLES. Amazing Value! Space Saving Closet Hangers: Increase the space in your closet by 60% for under $20!!! . Camper Storage Ideas Travel Trailers No 26 Diy Clothes Hanger Storage, Bedroom. Read it CREATE DOUBLE CLOTHES HANGERS WITH CAN TABS Dorm Closet . Making the Most of Small Spaces with an over the door rack. 25 thg 1, 2019 – . are expensive. Save money, time, and stress with these quick and easy DIY closet organizers. . Use a Soda Tab to Double Hanging Space. Build closet shelves that double your storage space (really!) with these plans. Take your closet real estate to its full potential and store twice as much stuff in a . Grab my free printable decluttering calendar and have neat and tidy drawers and 10 Genius Ways to Double Your Closet Space and Get Ready Faster. Standard double doors are best, assuming there’s room to swing them open. . above the rods plus a high shelf for less-used items, and mark their depths. Look for Nooks • Allocate space for a folding stepladder, against the wall under the highest . Closet DIY Tricks and Tools: The Plywood Solution to redo your bedroom . 16 thg 4, 2018 – Closet Organization Ideas & Storage Tips (Including DIY Hacks!) No matter the square footage of your bedroom closet, making a plan and . Not sure how high to hang double closet rods or how deep a closet needs to be . 22 thg 1, 2019 – . DIY Projects · Home Tours & Staging · Small Spaces · Best Home Products · See all . How you organize your closet will differ slightly based on the space . your calendar when you have 2 to 3 hours to commit to this process. A double hang will make better use of horizontal storage space in the closet. Shop closet organizers at Walmart. Browse closet organizers. Audio, English. Purchase rights, Stream instantly Details. Format, Prime Video (streaming online video). Devices, Available to watch on supported devices . 27 thg 9, 2018 – Closet Monster Official Trailer 1 (2016) – Connor Jessup, Aaron Abrams . Download or Streaming Closet Monster 2016 FULL (Official) Movie . Closet Monster Full Movie, Closet Monster Full Movies Free Streaming Online . 1080p Fast Streaming Get free access to Closet Monster movie, with excellent . Format, Prime Video (streaming online video). Devices, Available to watch on . Closet Monster makes the ordinary life of an ordinary boy be extraordinary. Closet Monster Full Movie, Watch Closet Monster Full Movie Free Streaming Online . Fast Streaming Get free access to Closet Monster movie, with excellent . 18 thg 9, 2015 – Looking to watch Closet Monster? Find out where Closet Monster is streaming, if Closet Monster is on Netflix, and get news and updates, . 23 thg 9, 2016 – Written and directed by Stephen Dunn, Closet Monster made its . The Path Season 2, Rosemary’s Baby, and More Available to Stream This Week . The Magnificent Seven Ain’t Half Bad, Pardner, but It Ain’t Great Neither. Connor Jessup in Closet Monster (2015) Aaron Abrams and Connor Jessup . After a summer spent with his his best friend Kat to escape his family, Phil . Enjoy a night in with these popular movies available to stream now with Prime Video. Übersetzungen für closet im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch von PONS Online:closet, to come out of the closet, a closet alcoholic, to closet oneself in one’s . Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für ‘closet’ in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten ✓ Aussprache und . Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit “wardrobe” – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für . My wife’s wardrobe is filled with beautiful clothes. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit “attractive” – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. . Coffre à clés Voir plus d’idées sur le thème Closets, Deutsch et Germany. . A garden shed can be a useful addition as well as an attractive centrepiece to . Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzungen für closet im Online-Wörterbuch dict.cc (Deutschwörterbuch). Attract, s. (n. ü.) das Anziehen, rid. Attraction. Attractability, ät-träk-tä-bi-i-té, a great –, viel Suhörer; – chamber, (– closet, – room), der Audienz-Saal, das A.-, . The closet dork may still associate with other dorks behind closed doors) Closet dorks do not . Closet dorks are generally attractive to semi-attractive dorks/geeks. Nicole, Deutschland . PARIS 4 EME OF MARAIS – LUXURY BEAUTIFUL One of the most beautiful area in paris. . Big and beautiful closet with hangers. 14 thg 2, 2017 – English: You are missing cups in your cupboard; German: Du hast nicht 20 Beautiful African Words in ‘The Lion King’ That’ll Make You Smile . Closet Cooking. 84K likes. www.closetcooking.com is a food and recipe web site. Follow my adventures cooking in a closet sized kitchen as I search for. 21 thg 8, 2007 – Wow, tomato based pasta dishes three nights in a row! I am really enjoying the fresh local vine ripened roma tomatoes. Normally when I make a . 27 thg 4, 2015 – Although the cooking style has changed from the traditional fires and pits to . Speaking of tacos, I always like to enjoy a fresh batch of beef . Closet Cooking Food Blogger, Recipe Developer, Photographer. Closet Cooking Food Blogger, Recipe Developer, Photographer. A roasted cauliflower and mushroom pasta in a creamy egg and bacon sauce seasoned with plenty of fresh cracked pepper. Servings: 4 Prep Time: 10 minutes . Food Blogger, Recipe Developer, Photographer Kevin (Closet Cooking) is pinning about Christmas recipes, Fried green tomatoes, Chocolate lava, . Pomì boxed tomatoes contain a pulp sauce produced only with Italian organic tomatoes, healthy, fresh and perfectly ripe, processed immediately after harvesting . Pomì boxed tomatoes contain a pulp sauce produced only with Italian organic tomatoes, healthy, fresh and perfectly ripe, processed immediately after harvesting . #KitchenClosetOrganizerIdeas #ClosetSceneHamlet #ClosetKleider #KitchenCabinetGutscheincode #ClosetCooking
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