#The economy
prontaentrega · 7 months
i hate that fucking quote about economics that every liberal loves using thats like considering their resources no one knows how japan is so rich and no one knows how argentina is so poor because yes we fucking know it's because argentina was assaulted by neoliberalism all its national industry dismantled all its natural resources sold to first world business and indebted for life to the imf thanks to some of the worst neoliberal governments of the world! the answer is pretty fucking evident actually!
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marusketch · 23 days
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just sketching girls with glasses again
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jccheapalier · 2 months
Black Woman CONVERTS To Republican Then GOES OFF On Hateful Democrats & ...
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godisarepublican · 2 months
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It was probably the news of the magical "$81 million" she pretends to have raised already. If they're cheating already, what are the odds for an honest election?
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bitchesgetriches · 29 days
We’re in a New Bull Market! Should You Give One Single Fuck?
When we talk about the economy, we talk of stock market moves and unemployment rates (historically low at 3.7%) and inflation (holding steady). Yet numbers like these hide the human element involved in economics. People struggle and stress over making ends meet regardless of what the stock market is doing. Steadying inflation doesn’t mean much to someone who has barely been able to afford their grocery bill for the last year.
Celebrations over bull markets and low unemployment rates sometimes rankle, or even invalidate, the tough times normal folks experience. The financial news seems to be saying “What do you mean the economy sucks? Everything’s going great—the stock market, the unemployment rate, inflation. You must be imagining your troubles. Or it’s all your own fault.”
If you’re struggling in this economy, I can assure you it’s neither your imagination nor your fault, new bull market be damned.
Keep reading.
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tomorrowusa · 10 months
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Good economic news doesn't always win votes. The electorate is not made up of doctoral candidates who carefully weigh evidence from credible sources and then vote accordingly after pondering the options. 🤣
The reptilian brain plays a greater role in elections than many liberals are comfortable admitting. Don't just say how wonderful your candidate is, get voters to understand that the other candidate is an utter disaster – and don't let up with that message. Repetition is your best friend in political campaigns.
In 2024, what Democrats need to do is remind voters that...
Trump tanked the economy with his horrifically botched response to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Not only did hundreds of thousands of Americans die because of Trump's incompetence, but the US economy went into recession.
The Trump tax breaks for the filthy rich widened the income gap in the US.
Trump eliminated a number of mortgage interest tax deductions and lowered the amount of state and local taxes which people could deduct from federal income tax. This is Trump’s Trillion-Dollar Hit to Homeowners.
Trump used regulations to weaken labor unions to keep wages low.
Trump tried to repeal Obamacare and replace it with nothing.
In short, Trump tried to screw anybody who isn't filthy rich. Several links give more details on how Trump hurt middle class and low income voters...
How Trump Took the Middle Class to the Cleaners
Trump’s Economy: 7 Broken Promises to Working Americans
Two years after Trump tax cuts, middle-class Americans are falling behind
12 Ways the Trump Administration Has Deepened Inequality
And Trump wants to do it all over in a second term...
Trump Revives Plan to Dismantle Obamacare if Elected in 2024
What happens cyclically is that Republicans screw up the economy, lose office as a result, and then complain that Democrats aren't cleaning up the GOP mess fast enough. And we're still cleaning up much of Trump's mess.
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inkmage13 · 2 months
I just remembered that one episode of Doctor Who where like 10 young adults buy a creepy ass giant old house together because it's cheap and then proceed to be haunted by evil wood ghosts and I think one of them dies. So yeah in this economy that is the only way I can conceive of home ownership personally
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thelankygoddess · 1 year
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 8 months
One thing that frustrates me about news reporting on the Economy
The hang-wringing over how much people are using their credit cards to pay for things, and how the high level of personal debt is a threat to our economic future (Even though, by most of the traditional metrics*, the economy is doing better than it was expected to be, last year).
A lot of local, small, businesses (you know: the ones touted as being the "Backbone of the American Economy!!!") don't even accept checks, anymore. And it's not like you can pay with cash when ordering things online (which, as a disabled, mostly home-bound person I have to do), or stuff ~$75-$100 cash into your wallet when you go grocery or clothes shopping.
So how else are people supposed to pay for most things?
*Granted, those metrics have never been entirely fair or accurate. But it's frustrating when the very same numbers are used to praise, say, the G. W. Bush administration's record, but criticize and tut at Joe Biden.
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lenbryant · 24 days
Looking at both sides’ economic proposals.
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marusketch · 3 months
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Drinking blood?! In this economy?!
I'm boiling flour, oil, and red gatorade every meal...
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jccheapalier · 2 months
Why Some Black People Are Voting For Trump
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sher-ee · 4 months
BREAKING: US economy adds 272,000 jobs in May, far exceeding expectations.
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Ps. Trump didn’t do that.
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bitchesgetriches · 8 months
We’re in a New Bull Market! Should You Give One Single Fuck?
While out at dinner last week, a friend turned to me and said, “I heard some positive news about the economy and a new bull market today. Yet it seems like nothing has changed for the better with the finances of most people I know. My sister in money nerdery… what, pray tell, the fuck?” What the fuck indeed! According to the U.S. Census Bureau, more Americans than ever are struggling to pay…
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tomorrowusa · 6 months
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^^^ Job totals in millions in the US by party of the president. Those are apparently net totals which subtract losses from gains at the end of each period.
Republicans create catastrophes (i.e.: the Great Recession, the incompetent response to COVID, the Iraq Invasion, etc.) and when Democrats are subsequently elected, Republicans then complain that Dems aren't cleaning up the GOP mess fast enough.
Another useful stat regarding the economy and the parties in the past 35 years.
Number of recessions which began under Democratic presidents since 1989: 0 Number of recessions which began under Republican presidents since 1989: 4
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^^^ Source: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Somehow, the fallacy that Republicans are "good for the economy" is still being circulated. Likely it's oligarchs and corporate billionaires who circulate it because the GOP is good for their economy. Republicans have passed three rounds of tax breaks for the filthy rich this century which have only made the rich richer and the poor poorer.
At the beginning of the Clinton administration in 1993, taxes on billionaires were raised. That began a period of innovation and prosperity not seen since the 1950s. It also led to the first budget surpluses since 1969 and a tapering off of the national debt.
If you want true prosperity, do something about income inequality. Filling the pockets of billionaires with loot only makes the filthy rich even more prosperous.
BREAKING NEWS: Did somebody mention the economy just now? 🙂
US economy added a whopping 303,000 jobs last month, far outpacing expectations
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