#The less we want to post pandas
Please post pandas, they're bears! You give spectacled bears a pass and they're not 'proper' bears :(
We do post pandas. Occasionally, as befitting their Occasional Bear status. We said nothing about them being or not being ‘proper’ bears. They are Occasional Bears and shall therefore appear occasionally in posts, as according to their status.
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A note for anyone reading this, the more asks we get telling us to post pandas or irritated by their Occasional Bear status, the less inclined the team is to occasionally post Occasional Bears.
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velvet-vox · 5 months
The complete and utter alienation of Tai Lung: Part 1
First thing first: I am not a Tai Lung defender so consider this an unbiased post.
So, Kung Fu Panda color theory is pretty much well known across all of the fandom, and it's obvious even from an outside perspective.
Po and the heroes are yellow/gold
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Then Lord Shen's red
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Kai's and Oogway's green
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And finally Tai Lung colour is blue
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(Also Chameleon is also yellow but this ain't about her).
And this is the one I want to touch upon in this post.
You see this graphic?
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These are the three primary colours /yellow, cyan and magenta/ that come together to form the main secondary colours /blue, red, green/.
If you are in the fandom, or you just simply pay attention, you'll also know that:
Tai Lung's backstory has ties with Shifu.
Lord Shen's backstory has ties with Po.
General Kai's backstory has ties with Oogway.
But Kai backstory doesn't just simply have ties to Oogway like we were simply led to believe at large, but it also has ties with Po, because of his ties with the panda village and its effect on Oogway's reformation.
And with that, as you might have noticed, both Kai and Shen have, according to the chart, the colour yellow as a part of their secondary colour scheme.
With Shen in particular it goes a step further in that Po has red as a complimentary colour to yellow in some scenes.
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Shen is also the least isolated of the villains (mental state doesn't count); always surrounded by his goons who he's going to use to conquer China and the Soothsayer, Shen is only truly alone at the end of the movie on the boat scene where he's just been defeated.
And Kai, despite the fact that he doesn't have goons that can bounce off his dialogue, is also never truly alone whenever we see him; he was a warlord leader of a huge army, he now has a jade zombie army and he often speaks to the Oogway amulet and narrates him whatever is happening, and, like Shen, he only becomes alone during his death scene.
They do tend to isolate themselves from others of their own volition...... but Tai Lung?
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He has absolutely nothing. Nobody. Never had.
Returning to the colour wheel, his main colour is blue and he has ties with Shifu's backstory who, after the first movie, loses relevance for the rest of the movies. And blue itself is a pretty alien colour in the entire series (extended material included), it doesn't have any ties with yellow, much like Tai Lung doesn't have any personal ties with Po despite being in opposition, and Tai Lung itself doesn't interact much with the setting besides being a looming threat.
And it all ties back to his isolation and how it probably tied back to his turn to the dark side.
From the glimpses that we see of his childhood, Tai Lung doesn't interact with anyone else aside from Shifu and possibly Oogway, and I'm pretty confident in saying that he probably lived a sheltered life in the Jade palace. A childhood like that can inflict serious damage on a person's mental health in the long run as you don't have anyone who you can confront your experiences with, and it clearly carried on into adulthood, better explaining his fit of rage after being denied the dragon scroll.
Sadly, his loneliness carried on for the 20 years that he spent in jail. And after he escapes, he tries to claim back the dragon scroll by himself since he doesn't have an army or ways to gain allies, so he just carries on with nobody to support him and then he dies of a lonely, gruesome death that reflects on the way he lived.
The franchise itself then continues to portray Tai Lung less as a character and more as a figure of power in Po's journey, completely and utterly dehumanising him in every possible and conceivable way.
Ok, I must admit, maybe I gained a brand new appreciation for Tai Lung while writing this.
Next Part>>>>
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sister-of-hitoshi · 7 months
The guy in trench-coat
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Word count: 707 ; Genre: Fluff
Anime: Mr villain's day off
Character: Warumono-san/Mr villain
Note: This is my first time writing, finishing and posting a fanfic...please be kind about my mistakes TvT (Btw you can imagine yourself in the little girl's place (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)<3)
"Panda-san!! Hereee!!!! Look here!!!"
You were again swarmed by a throng of little devils.
It was a hot sultry day in mid-June. And every passing minute felt hotter than the last. Especially if you were wearing a thick armour of impenetrable material, ready to go to war against the little devils of humanity with the cuteness of the armour being your only weapon. But hey, the pay for participating as the solo warrior of cuteness was pretty reasonable, and despite the challenging conditions, you just couldn't find it in yourself to be angry at your cutsy panda costume.... curse it's cuteness! Nobody till date seemed to understand the extent of your love for these adorable begins, not even when they saw your humble abode festooned with an overbearing amount of panda merch.
With your head in the clouds and over-exaggerated gestures towards the kids, you had almost forgotten your purpose of deliberately loosing each game of stone-paper-scissors so that they could stop bothering you- you mean- win prizes. However, never did you expect a handsome, full grown man in a trench coat to appear in front of you to play the game as well. This snapped you back to reality as you gaped at him for a few seconds straight, not quite believing this handsome aloof looking dude has willingly come into the kid's play area without an ounce of embarrassment. You immediately understood the gesture though, you immediately figured that he likes pandas as much as you do, and finding a person of similar interest after such a long time had made your day a lot better; it made you extremely happy. So much happy that even during your break you had gone looking for him inside that heavy armour of cuteness. So so happy that you missed him after your work had ended for the day. It was evening now, and there were less and less people in the zoo now. You finally opened the headpiece of your costume and sat on a nearby bench, gazing at the orange sky. Tired and drenched with sweat you had exclaimed to yourself out loud that you missed him, and that "the guy in trench coat seemed very nice", when suddenly there was a shadow looming over you, with a napkin in hand, the shadow of the very person you had thought of all day. The very person you had wanted to meet again. Gaping at him you took the handkerchief, suddenly feeling very embarassed about your sweat drenched face.
"Thank you. The work you do must be tiring."
"Why are you thanking me? I should be the one thanking you" You turned to him, offering a gentle smile and some space as he sat beside you.
"You said that I am nice."
"Haha, I feel so." You blushed in embarrassment
He had heard me-
"You must love pandas?" You tried to continue the conversation, for some reason you didn't want to let this opportunity go.
"I do." He said, offering a smile in return.
You looked at him and weighed your options, finally going with: "I have some free panda merch with me, which I wouldn't mind sharing with someone who seems to share my interests...would you be alright with it?" You fished inside your costume pockets and found a panda keychain, immediately taking his hand in yours and placing it on his palm.
Met with silence you looked at him and offered a sincere smile, cheeks tinged red due to both the internal and external heat.
His speechlessness was broken by him suddenly holding your hands and offering you a sincere 'thank you'. "I'll cherish it" he replied in return as well, letting go of your hands and standing up. Not wanting it to end, you immediately stood up as well, and blurted out "M-My name is Y/N, and I'll be still here for week so you can come whenever you like...umm please let's meet again! We can discuss so much about pandas!!" You had basically said the first thing that had come to your mind without much thought, and as soon as you started doubting everything you had said so far, you heard a "Sure thing" and saw him smile.
You were sure of it. You had found the one.
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lsdoiphin · 7 months
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Hares, as you may already know if you've been following my better half @broncoburro or @forevergoldgame (if you're following neither, you're missing huge amounts of context for the setting!), are nothing like the hares of the real world. They are massive leporids from Northern Vestur and one of the few meurian animals remaining after a historic event known as the Great Hunt where humans wiped out most of the planet's remaining meurian species in order to harvest their meur for relics about 350~ish years ago. They are obligate carnivores and known to hunt humans when the opportunity arises.
The baku is a large, lumbering omnivore with a similar ecological niche somewhere between a panda and a regular bear. They're a rare species, endemic to a single far-flung region of the world, having only just barely escaped extinction. See, while the Great Hunt was headed and funded by the Tri-Kingdom, its reach spanned the entire known world - but the further from Vestur it travelled, the less discriminatory the hunts became. The local peoples who were paid to hunt on the Tri-Kingdom's behalf had little idea of what meur was and what meurian animals were actually useful, leading to mass to mass culling of "useless" meur-touched animals like the baku, whose unusual sleep-inducing abilities cannot be wielded by humans. Regardless of their uselessness, the damage had been done to the species, and only the mundane offshoot survives - though rumors persist about meurian baku.
Sphinxes are scavengers that can be found across the deserts and savannas of the mainland. Unlike their meurian cousin, the manticore, they never evolved meurian flame breath, and their 'stinger' is no more than a vestigial sickle buried beneath the fur of their flowing tails. Instead, they specialized further into human mimicry, using their ability to copy human speech to hunt domesticated animals, naive children, and drunkards.
Now you might be thinking: "why would a teenage girl want to own any of these as pets? None of these sound like animals that should be pets." Well, first off: you'd be hard pressed to find a young girl that doesn't want a wolf or a tiger as a pet, that's just how they are, c'mon.
Second, there are three primary reasons Rhea thinks this is a more realistic idea than it is:
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Exotic "pet" owners among the upper class: While exotic pet ownership isn't big in Vestur as a whole, it has a notable presence among the Southern upper class, both noble and common. Rhea is the duchess of the Southern Kingdom so she is well aware of every instance of somebody paying excessive amounts of guilder to import something they shouldn't and stick it in their courtyard. As I've mentioned before, this is a sin Ancha is guilty of, having gotten swept up in a past "teacup baku" craze/scam some 4 decades ago. Unlike her peers, however, she kept her baku, Fig, even after he outgrew his alleged "adult size" of 1'9" at the withers. Others culled theirs once they became large enough to cause mass property damage. Ancha knows Fig is a massive, terrifying wild animal and does not recommend anyone repeat her mistake, but being raised in captivity he cannot be returned to the wild and so she's committed to caring for him for as long of his estimated 70~ish year lifespan that she's here for.
Haretouched Northerners: The "haretouched" is a strange phenomenon that exists in the North. Now, we haven't posted a formal explanation of what exactly being haretouched means yet - I'll save that explanation for Dan to write at a later date. In the meantime, to very briefly summarize what it means: occasionally, a hare will bond with a specific human. Those who have bonded to a hare are said to be "haretouched" - or more bluntly, cursed. The haretouched are treated as pariahs by broader society, though they are begrudgingly tolerated in the North itself and destigmatized by Northern nomad clans. While Northern nobility has done its best to keep the haretouched out of their bloodlines (save for the Lord of the Nomads, who is seldom acknolwedged, much less counted), occasionally a fluke will occur regardless and you end up with someone like Quincy or Lamonte. Rhea, of course, is just a Southern bystander who thinks the idea of having a murder-bunny for a friend would kick ass.
Captive beasts performing in circuses: Self-explanatory. Sphinxes especially are a popular choice for exploitative entertainment because of their mimicry abilities, and are often trained to have "conversations" or "sing."
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adobe-outdesign · 9 months
if you’re reviewing neopets could you review vandagyre ? i’m not sure if this is unpopular or not, but their design just seems so…. soulless. it looks like a littlest pet shop, or any toy you could find at a claire’s. it looks like it was designed to be sold as a toy. plus some of their colors (mutant 😑) are not so good. anyway apparently i have a lot of opinions on them and i’m wondering if you do too
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Being the latest species of Neopet introduced to the site, Vandagyre have always been somewhat contentious. I will say that I really like how TNT picked a panda bear as the basis for these guys instead of giving us cat or dragon or whatever. I also like that they have owl features mixed in, making them a neat hybrid animal that's not too close to anything that exists IRL. Visually, I also like how the cream areas break up the main color, and the little details of the stripes on the tail and wings. For the most part, they're a pretty welcome addition.
However, that said, there's just something slightly off about these guys that's hard to articulate. They just look very... stiff? And like, obviously they're going to look stiff, because a lot of pets post customization do, and the fact that we don't have a pre-customization version to compare probably only makes them look even more rigid.
But I think the issue goes beyond just the pose. Look at how the legs are just basically rectangles with no knees (see: how Blumaroos have a curved leg), or the complete lack of neck/sloped shoulders, or just the shape of the eyes in general and how they're not really centered within the eye rings. It's just very off.
Here's some excellent art by user synthaphone that, while intending to be a UC version, really shows off some of those underlying anatomy problems. See here how the legs have a knee and distinct foot, how the eye shape is different, etc. It's a world of difference—and there's no reason the "converted" version couldn't look as good as this.
Favorite Colours:
I think that Vandagyres also have a problem where a lot of classic colors just don't look that good on them. These reviews are focused on the positives, so we won't get into that here (unless you guys want me to). There are at least a few really good ones though:
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Christmas: One of the best Vandagyre colors by a long shot, Christmas Vandagyres get a lovely winter cloak with multiple layers and a staff that makes its fist look less weird. It's Christmas-y without feeling too cheesy or overdone, with a balanced color palette and lots of good details.
What's particularly nice about this color is that the base (right) is based off a snowy owl and is quite nice in its own right, making it great for customization or just as a complete color.
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Spotted: Spotted pets usually aren't anything interesting in the slightest, but this one's actually quite pretty. It's based off a barn owl, but not to the point of feeling overly realistic or out-of-place compared to Neopets' usual style. The subtle brown palette is also very nice.
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Plushie: Admittedly I do think this one gets over-detailed in areas like the ears, tail/wings,that plant stitching on the arm, and the chest, but the overall look is still nice. I like how it manages to have a very colorful but coherent palette, and the amount of different colors and pattern fabrics make it a treat to look at.
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f0xgl0v3 · 9 months
Legacies in Camp Jupiter/Just Pjo?
Wow I am on a roll! Anyway I’ve been wanting to do this and the power post just really dragged up this issue in my head back to the forefront, and it is someone that really continuously confuses me on a basic level of how Rick chose to let this category function.
Legacies are a type of Demigod introduced in HoO that are directly related to Gods but aren’t first generation. They are not children of gods but like grandkids, great-grandkids, so on and so on. This is not a new concept, it is as old as myths themselves, the first thing that pops up in my mind was Troy’s royal family was said in myths to be descended from Zeus. That makes someone like Hector (in Pjo-verse vocabulary) a legacy in the Pjo canon.
But.. Legacies aren’t really different to demigods? Like- not different enough that they would get classified as differently-? For several reasons I believe, but the main three points I want to make (because apparently all my thoughts come in packs of 3), is that 1) Legacies and Demigods are shown to have the same godly-ability level as one another/ it’s inconsistent, 2) somewhat through the books themselves they just sort of stop using the word Legacy/Legacies never have anything that set them apart from demigods, 3) this is a new concept to distinguish them (this is the weakest but it feels weird that Rick decided to differentiate Legacies and Demigods when myths never really did too much, but when did Rick care about the source material- okay, that was rude I’m just still annoyed over Ares-)
Legacies and Demigods powers. Legacies are shown to have similar power levels to Demigods, or those powers are inconsistent. I bring this up because it feels odd? That legacies would have a similar broad level of abilities while still being more mortal than god (this depends and I’ll talk about what I think for like hc on New Rome and their legacy population) but we have characters like Bryce Lawerence; who has powers like, shadow travel (the shadow travel is implied but I’ll get into why it’s likely he has some form of enhanced ability to travel), enhanced tracking (also implied but this will fit into the travel thing), summoning the damned souls of those who broke oaths, along with being implied to have visited the underworld at some point because he mentions hearing the screams of the fields of punishment. But let’s also remember that BoO takes place somewhere in 8-9 days (starts July 20, ends Aug 3) the Bryce attack scene is on chapter XXX while Bryce being brought back to the legion is in chapter VI. No less than if I remember correctly like 2-3 days could’ve past. There are a couple things, he’s stealthy enough that Nico doesn’t notice him. We don’t get any confirmation that he’d been following them for a while (from all I know of Bryce’s character I have to assume he wasn’t or he would’ve 100 percent taken the first chance to attack them) but he is able to get from Long Island to South Carolina on foot, and seemingly appear out of nowhere. There is probably a logical explanation but also considering the fact he knows what’s happening to Nico (that shadow traveling fading that doesn’t seem to matter?) makes me consider and lean more to the idea that he can shadow travel (honestly would love to make another post on Bryce Lawerence because no one cares about him but I really find him interesting). But if he can do the (implied shadow travel) and the very apparent necromancy he has the same skill set of Nico! Never mind the tiny little difference in the necromancy, they have the same power and the same level of that power. The difference is that one is a legacy, and one is a Demigod- but there doesn’t seem to be a power difference. Secondly Frank’s shapeshifting thing, I’ll be real and say I just think that’s a thing because like Poseidon gifted it? I think of it as the same way that like the Red panda gift from turning Red is going strong because it was a blessing or whatever. And Octavian, who is (said, for some reason Rick wanted to put in that maybe Octavian never had powers at all but that’s stupid and takes away what little things Octavian has) but he also, doesn’t seem to have a dip in powers? I don’t care much for seeing the Apollo kids but it seems that they all can have varied powers (fitting seeing as Apollo was a god of so many things) and Octavian’s skill doesn’t seem limited in any way (would’ve been great if we got more information on it because we have no idea how it works compared to say, the way we know how the Oracle stuff works) but all of this puts a clear image that from the legacies we know, there doesn’t seem to be a big difference in power. Which is odd, seeing as they don’t feel like they should.
Through HoO Rick really just like- stopped talking about legacies? I’m laughing as I’m writing this but know it’s a saddened laugh because like. Rachel refers to Octavian as Son of Apollo (Which could be argued she doesn’t know what a Legacy is but I feel like since her Oracle powers told her everything else it would’ve informed her of his proper title- or I guess not because the writing didn’t care at all about Octavian-) and I think Reyna mentions Bryce is a legacy though it’s not referenced any more. Bryce just brings up Orcus in some dialogue and that’s about it. If you’re going to bring up a new type of Demigod then why not explore them more? HoO doesn’t explore like anything but still, Frank never has thoughts about his Legacy stuff. We don’t even get any notes about Greek demigods not considering most of the Roman Legacies Demigods because they aren’t the direct Children of the Gods? It just like- Legacies kind of do nothing, there is nothing different about a legacy.
Mythology doesn’t even really distinguish the two? Like- again because I’ve read the Iliad and Odyssey it’s what I always think first. Hector mentions he is also related to Zeus- that there is a distinct thing about demigods like Sarpedon, Achilles, and Aeneas. But there never is something where it calls out, “Oh Hectors great-great-great grandpa is Zeus and that’s super different and crazy” but it’s just “Hectors related to Zeus y’know and he’s gonna kick your butt man >:[“ obviously this is a random point because those are ancient texts. But we have to remember that Pjo is founded off of these myths and the fact that Legacies are a part of these myths but distinctly different (literally everyone who is descended from Zeus which is literally everyone- not literally but like-) operate differently, they are essentially no different than their fully mortal companions other than they can sport a God ancestor and the most convoluted family tree.
Okay. Those are the points that I’ve made. All of those boil down into like “Rick did nothing to differentiate Legacies from Demigods other than slap a different name on them” and that’s a missed opportunity. It’d be like if something like Harry Potter went, “Here are wizards that are said to be different than other magic users but all that’s different are their titles!” That might be a thing I don’t know I don’t consume Harry Potter. But there was a ball and it was slammed into the ground (huh, almost like Rick did that with a lot of things related to Camp Jupiter and the Romans- also the Romans canonically have cars and I don’t like that). But I have some Head-canons about legacies for my re-imagining to hopefully make them, make more sense?
The longer a legacy line is, the more ‘diluted’ the power becomes. Like in the myths, after you hit a certain point most legacies will have incredibly weak powers. This adds to the powers post I made (shameless plug that you should read that one too because I’m proud of it.) and how the legacies affect the Romans view on powers. But this means that the farther you get down a family line the less and less powerful the power is. Say a child of Zeus has children and then like ten generations down the line the descendants could be more resistant to lightning, conduct it easier and attract it a little more, maybe jump a big higher but that’s about it. Example, Michael Kahale In my re-imagining comes from a super duper long line and his powers pretty much are, I look pretty, I’m a little more persuasive from remnants of charm-speak (and I want to buff up the Aphrodite cabin more because Rick really just didn’t care when it came to them)
This doesn’t include ‘gifts’ like Frank’s. I think by the will of the God that blessed the ancestor with it they keep the power strong. This goes the same way for curses, maybe. If the curse is not revered than it probably is passed onto your kid.
In common sense, the fresher the legacy the more potent the power. And sometimes there can be mutations that a child can end up with more potent powers, whether that be the wishes of the Godly ancestor or they just get miracle genes it could act as a soft re-boot to strengthen the powers. For examples; Bryce is a very new legacy, his dad is the direct child of Orcus and Bryce gets passed down all of the cool powers (also need a hc for his mother because she comes from a legacy line) or Octavian was just.. born with the more potent powers, I like to think Apollo noted him and took interest to strengthen his powers for some reason. (Note he also is a legacy of Venus but I haven’t worked out if that affects him and how, but the Venus part is much more downplayed)
Legacies who have mixed godly blood/ several different lines that have merged have a little from everything, their powers are weaker but if like for example a Child of Athena with a Hermes legacy might have a easier time stealing things, or be a little faster than their peers. But these end up very minimal because the direct child aspect overpowers it a lot (idk I don’t know hypothetical demigod genes and how they work so let’s just go with it) this is similar with legacies+legacies though the family will usually stick to one legacy title (sort of how last names are passed on, but a partner wouldn’t take up the legacy title of the family. But a child would) while the powers honestly could be all over the place
Okay that’s all I think right now, if I have anything else I’ll probably make a separate post but for me right now it is very nighttime and I need my sleep so I can crush my siblings in various unserious competition.
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kevinsbitch-panini · 18 days
fanfic friday: aftg edition
Mug Diplomacy by DragonCat223 (@dragoncat223)
Summary: Jean is using mugs the way the Chinese government uses pandas, but Jean has something the Chinese Government does not: A sense of humor. Aka 2100 words of Kevin being the dramatic bitch he was born to be, followed by 1200 words of Jeremy being confused.
Tags: post tsc, Post-Canon, Fluff, i think, Kevin being dramatic, but that’s not new, Jean is enjoying his ceramics class, Minor spoilers for tsc, Jeremy desperately wants to solve the mystery of the disappearing mugs, no beta we die like men, NOW WITH EDITS
Words: 3,453 Chapters: 2/2
y'all this is the shit i live for. you had neil josten being a little shit? well turn your eyes to Jean Moreau, Little Shit Extraordinaire. also kevin is a Dramatic Bitch in this as well so really it's just amazing. anyways, jean gets into mug-making and kevin gets jealous, bless his dramatic little heart <3 (also the summary didn't make sense to me but the chinese government features a lot less in this fic than the summary implies)
check out the writer's tumblr and ao3 (both linked above) <3
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ssplague · 2 years
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Chapter 18
⛔️Trigger warnings: Sex, manipulation, toxic relationships, yandere, romanticized abuse, verbal abuse, degradation, Narcissistic family, mental illness/instability, delusional thinking, drug use leading to inevitable abuse, hallucinations, gas lighting, fractured psyche, co-dependency, enabling
💌Honorable Mentions 📬@angie-1306 @marifujioka @im1nobody @atmyhet @elaineplayz @rainstorm22 @bi-polar-pandas @itadakimasu @cr-33-d @winchescumberholland @po3ticb3auty @maggiecc @lordmypantsaresocool @shoslutt @venussakura @comfycozy @lilmad13 @lunamoonbby @youdoyou-andiwilldome @bookandstar @coffeeginie @bubblebombxbitch @wolfunderthetree @presidentmonica @villanessnoblegirl @ss-aki @agirlwithnokatsuki @lizethecookie01
If you haven’t read my most recent Announcement post, go and check it out, only ONE MORE CHAPTER LEFT.
🛫 ☁️ 🛬 🚏 💍
“This is so exciting! I can’t believe we’re here! That I’m here! That you guys really brought me with you!”
Your arms are spread out as you twirl around, marveling at your new surroundings. The Bakugou’s observe you with amusement as you look around. Katsuki grabs hold of your hand to drag you inside the hotel you guys were staying at. Mitsuki hands each of you a key card, “You two are on floor six and we are on floor three-“ “Okay bye” Katsuki replied, heading towards the elevator. “Meet us down here at 7 so we can go to dinner, ungrateful brat!” “We will!” You call out with a wave as the elevator doors slide shut. “I was worried our room’s would share a wall, but with three floors between us we’re free to fuck as much as we want” You find yourself being pressed against the wall of the elevator, caged in by a muscular arm on either side of your head, as Katsuki continues whispering a tirade of dirty things in your ear.
By the time the beep announces your floor being reached, you can feel your face burning from embarrassment. You slip out from beneath his arm and begin a brisk walk down the hallway. “Hey! Come back!” You don’t, you break out into a sprint instead. “Y/N! Don’t ignore me!” You turn the corner and hurry to unlock the door, squealing once he comes into view and once inside, try to shut the door on him. He’s able to get his foot in and you know your in trouble now. So you start backing away as he stalks towards you, only to end up getting body slammed onto the soft bed in the center of the room. “Got cha now”
“It’s our first night here, why do we have to go to some stupid party?” Katsuki complains as the two of you follow his parents inside some upscale venue. “You didn’t have to come! I told you that you could go back to the hotel after we finished dinner!” Mitsuki snaps back at him. “Hell no I wasn’t going back alone and letting you take my girlfriend somewhere without me!” “You guys-“ Masaru tries to intervene but his wife whips around surprising the bespectacled man as she starts in on their son, “Knock it off Katsuki, we’re here on vacation, Im not interested in hearing you bitch and moan the entire time, so either suck it up or I’ll make sure you sit your ass in the room by yourself for the rest of the week, understand?”.
The anger burning inside her crimson stare wasn’t even directed towards you, but that didn’t mean it was any less frightening. You’d heard and witnessed her getting onto Katsuki many a time but this time was different…The aura surrounding the older woman had began to effect the atmosphere of the entryway; The light hearted, jubilant buzz of the gathering out on the veranda was silenced by the growing tension, was that your heart beating loudly in your ears? Your mouth had gone dry, you thought better of attempting to fan yourself as you broke out in a sudden sweat. It was as if the surrounding air had adapted to that crimson hell fire and rose from its once cool temperature to mimic the stagnant inferno. You feel bad for your boyfriend as he mumbles a quiet “Yes”, you attempt awkwardly rubbing his back, but he’s quick to shrug you off as the two of you follow behind his parents once more.
Of course you hadn’t been too thrilled to come out either, jet lag combined with getting drilled by Katsuki for an hour was enough to put you out. Thankfully you were able to sneak one of your pep pills before dinner, without them you wouldn’t have managed to keep a smiling face on while you were forced to meet so many industry people. Unfortunately, they seemed to have given you an increased feeling of anxiety along with that energy boost. Standing in a group of well dressed people much older than you, you couldn’t help but think; Who would have known the Bakugou’s were so well connected outside Japan?
“Mitsuki you never mentioned you had a daughter!” a voice exclaims from behind you. An eccentric old man in a paisley suit seems to materialize out of nowhere as he hugs the blonde woman. “She might as well be! This is y/n, my prodigy and Katsuki’s girlfriend, c’mere sweetheart” the warmth radiating from “mom” was welcoming as she reached out to pull you closer to her side. A stark contrast to the terrifying display you’d witnessed earlier…God forbid you ever disappoint or anger her. After introductions were made and Masaru had reappeared with a drink for his wife, you seized the opportunity to slip away into the crowd.
So many people were crowded together around the large veranda; Too many conversations abuzz in your ears, the muscles in your cheeks were cramped from the continuous smile you wore. Your pulse sped up with each step you took, sweat begins to form on your brow. You need to keep yourself grounded, you could not have a freak out right now! That’s when you realized something was amiss, or rather…someone.
Where was Katsuki?
Wide eyes shift back and forth as they scan your surroundings in search of a familiar slouched figure, that brooding expression, but neither were anywhere to be found. Seeing a passing waitress you quickly stopped her to ask which way to the bathroom? She directed you with a gentle smile and a quiet voice. Re-enterting the building you walk quickly down a short hallway, make a left turn, and just as you are about to make a right, you hear it, the gruff snarling and crackling pops that could only come from one person.
“-The fuck you followed me here for?! I’m not interested you weird bitch, get your hands off me!”
The shift from fear to fury had come so easily it was like flipping a light switch. You made your presence known as soon as you realized what was happening.,”You have two seconds to get the fuck away from him”. Seeing Katsuki against the wall being felt up by some middle aged stranger had you seeing red. Your heels echoed as they struck the tiles below your feet as you reached the duo in a few short steps. The women turns to face you, keeping your lover hidden from your sight as she sneers at you, “Mind your own business you foul mouthed little tramp, I’ve known blondie here since he was a little boy, we’re just catching up”. Flashing what was supposed to be a seductive wink over her shoulder, Katsuki let’s out a growl of disgust as he shoves her aside to pull you into his arms.
“Get lost, before I tell Mitsuki that you were groping and propositioning her son in an empty hall way like some disgusting back alley predator” you spit vehemently, narrowed eyes locked on the mystery woman as her’s widen upon mention of the Bakugou matriarch. You aren’t able to see the smirk Katsuki wears behind you but you can pick up on his growing arousal as he squeezes your hips, “You heard her, take a Fuckin hike you nasty broad”. The furious female scoffs at the two of you, her gaze briefly falling to the hands on your hips. Teetering on her chunky heels when you stomp your foot, faking a lunge forward. She nearly falls on her face as she stumbles around the corner, muttering curses under her breath.
“I could of dealt with her myself Y’know…” The words have you rolling your eyes, the spike in adrenaline you’d felt was quick to cycle through and send you crashing back into elevated anxiousness. “Gotta say, it’s a hell of a lot sexier how you did it though” you allow Katsuki to turn you around to look at him but his smug smile immediately falters “Hey, what’s wrong?”. Seeing your hands trembling as they clutch at his dress shirt, he’s quick to usher you into the bathroom and lock the door. It’s fancy, with marble floors and a granite countertop, a plush chair is stationed near the door and as he sits down you’re pulled along onto his lap.
“Shhh it’s okay, I’ve got you now princess”
A pathetic whimper escapes you as your head rests on his shoulder, one hand coming to rest atop his chest. Katsuki was here now, you can relax, you aren’t in charge of yourself anymore. The mindless feeling of being controlled had become comfortable now, it just eased the stress that comes along with living in your head. The sugary musk of his scent had become like aroma therapy as you feel the anxiety begin ebbing away. The steady beat of his heart beneath your palm and softly reaching your ear gave you something to focus on. Your breathing soon evens out and you realize how easy it would be to fall asleep like this.
“Who was she?”
Curiosity got the better of you and soon your shifting around in his lap to get a better look at his face. “Nothing you ever need to worry about, I assure you of that” The reassurance was kind, but it wasn’t what you wanted to hear right now, and it was evident by the sudden frown on your face. “Just some model that was at a lot of the shows my parents dragged me to as a kid….she was 18 back then and I was only six” Katsuki pauses, but only for a moment as apparent disgust and disdain for that woman began to sink in, “She’d try to get me to sit in her lap and always make comments about how I was so handsome for such a little kid, it pissed me off to no Fuckin’ end”.
“It’s been years since I’d last seen her, I’d never have noticed her if she hadn’t of clung to my arm squealing like she did, I kept trying to shake her and get back over to you and I’d thought I did when I came to take a piss, but lucky for me you showed up before I had to experience anything too heinous” The two of you share a chaste kiss at the end of his explanation. Your eye lids growing heavy as you go in for another, repeating the action for a few more minutes. Reluctantly the two of you know you need to leave your little safe haven and rejoin the gathering, you are more worried about possibly upsetting his mother than he is.
When you spot the two adults still caught up in conversation, Katsuki squeezes your hand muttering a soft “Fuck this”. You allow him to lead you out of the venue, noticing him typing something on his phone quickly, before returning it to his pocket. The two of you venture off into the night, your hand clasped in his much bigger one. Eventually you find yourselves near a large waterway and mutually decided this was a nice place to sit. The silence is comfortable and your normally agitated lover seems to be at ease.
Who knows when you might get another opportunity like this?
“Would you be disappointed in me if…if I said I don’t think I want to become a hero after graduation?”
You don’t look at him when you ask this, the fear of seeing disappointment reflected in his crimson eyes is too great, “At least not right away I don’t…Now that Ive had the opportunity to explore what I’m truly passionate about, and I realized that I’m no longer limited to pursuing what my parents forced me into”.
The weight he’s been carrying with him since you battled that villain evaporated instantly, Katsuki was elated. He wasn’t going to have to come up with a plan that involved forcing you to quit hero work, you were willingly doing it yourself! “I could never be disappointed in you over pursuing your ambitions princess, you have to promise me two things though…” he pauses and finally you’re looking at him again, eyes expectant, lips parted slightly, urging him to continue. “You do your best at whatever you choose to do and be willing to admit if things get to be too much for you to handle, I won’t have you overworking yourself, got it?” He was being stern but you could see it was just out of love, so you agreed and gave him your word.
It truly was a beautiful night; The city lights were dimmed, bathing the streets in a romantic orange glow, it was all so perfect. Staring out at the calm waves and letting the breeze caress your face, you became lost in the sea of your own thoughts. You hadn’t noticed the way that your lover stares you down; Memorizing every inch of your beautiful face and cementing this moment into his memory for the rest of his days. Katsuki’s positive he’s worked up enough courage now, one hand gripped the box carefully hidden in his pocket. It’s now or never.
“Y/n” You instantly look his way, suprised by how close he is to you. The look in his eyes has you wanting to shy away, all you can see in his expanded pupils is a reflection of your face. Why did it feel like this one moment in time would forever change your fate? It’s as if time stops, the world has ceased its rotation and all the living beings around you are holding their breath as they wait for…what exactly? This is exciting, how thrilling it is to be forced to face the great unknown!
“I’m shit with words, you know that already so…just let me try and get out what I need to say…I love you, from the moment you came into my life you slowly became the center of my entire world…You mean everything to me, I want to treasure you like a most Prized Posession I hold onto and cherish for the rest of my life…So…will you marry me?”
My entire world… For the rest of my life…
“I want someone to come sweep me off my feet and spoil me so much I wouldn’t ever have to even lift a pinkie again!”
“I’d rather meet someone and we both instantly fall head over heels for each other! They would shower me with all the love and devotion in the world!”
The other young girls in your class are so quick to agree with the two air heads voicing their childish fantasies. You sat at your pint size desk contemplating; Would I want someone to take care of me? If true love is involved, than it technically couldn’t be considered giving someone “Ownership” over my mind, body, and soul right?
Thoughts far to complex to be on the mind of a child…
Even though it had only been mere seconds that it took you to answer him; Katsuki was sweating profusely, terror had gripped his very soul, and doubts forced any sort of confidence from the forefront of his mind.
She’s going to say no… She’ll reject me and then probably want to break up afterwards… I fucked everything up, I-
“Katsuki…you.. I…YES! A thousand times yes!” At a loss for words you begin to blink back tears. The man at your feet wasted no time in placing the ring on your finger, refusing to let go of your hand as he stood back up. “Geez shitty woman take some more fucking years off my life why don’t you?!” The aggressive blonde snaps as he pulls you against his chest. You smile as you look up at him, and he couldn’t possibly scowl, not with you grinning so wide flashing your pearly whites at him, “C’mere and Gimme a kiss pretty girl”.
As your lips meet both of your mouths open, intent on deepening the meaningful lip lock but then- “Oh you two are just too damn adorable!” “Honey, let’s not intrude upon their special moment-“ You felt Katsuki stiffen in your arms, while your body went rigid against his muscular frame. Having heard them before actually seeing them, it was no surprise that your now soon to be in-laws come out from behind one of the large pillars holding up the over head walk way.. “How the hell did you even know where to find us? Dammit!” Your irate lover shouts, gripping you a bit too tightly before letting go. “You left your location on, anyway we recorded the entire thing so we’ll be able to share it with everyone back home! Your grandmother’s are going to cry!Both of them never thought you would settle down with someone”Mitsuki replies dismissively as she approaches both of you, immediately pulling you both into an awkward hug.
“Oh no, I hope I don’t look stupid just standing there gawking like I did for a bit…” you laugh nervously, rubbing one of your sleeves once the teary eyed woman releases you two. “No not at all, you both looked great…I’m so happy for you two” Masaru says coming to stand beside his wife, pulling out a handkerchief and dabbing his streaming eyes beneath his glasses. “Okay we’ll get out of your hair now, go enjoy the rest of your night kids” Mitsuki smiles at you and Katsuki once more before dragging her sobbing husband back the way they came.
“That reminds me, turn around baby, got one more present for ya” You do so immediately, feeling something rest on your neck, the Weight of what undoubtedly was some kind of charm, rests right above the valley between your breasts. Figuring out what the gift is has you instinctively lifting your hair up and out of the way. “There we go” now that the chain is fastened, the blonde comes to stand infront of you again “Looks Fuckin perfect, knew it would…but still”. Using the front facing camera on your phone you were able to see the jewelry adorning your neck; Instead of one large charm there was two, a golden gernade, and a heart shaped lock with KB elegantly etched into it. The chain was small and thin but it had to be gold, rubies made up the inside of the heart and it had to be emeralds that sparkle around the gernade. “Katsuki…this had to of cost a fortune…I can’t-“ “Well turns out that accidentally stopping a jewelry store robbery has it perks, you’re mine and now everyone’s gonna know it”
As if they didn’t already.
While you two continued your stroll around the city, you realized that the weight around your neck, and especially weighing down your ring finger, were something you’d have to get used to…A constant reminder.
A most prized possession.
When you found yourself outside the door of your hotel room, you couldn’t decipher these jittery feelings in your gut. It was easier to express yourself to Katsuki when he was all you could see; While he was looking down at you, demanding all your attention, all of your affection, and never ending devotion. You followed his commands and occasionally interjected your own, he was always open to your requests. When you could see your own reflection staring back at you in his enlarged pupils, you knew that you were all he could see too. “I dont fuckin’ get it…” Confusion is evident on your face as you stare up at the man knelt between your legs. Clothes had been shed and lay on the floor in a trail towards the big bed in the room, “How one girl came into my life and fucked up all my plans, I’d had for years…I never thought I’d fall victim to any of that mushy love stuff and just Fuckin look at me…Actually, look at you…Yeah, I didn’t stand an ice cube’s chance in hell”. His hands outline your curves, stopping to squeeze at your hips, “So beautiful, you’re perfect…” he breathes, slowly leaning his face down towards your’s. Just as you think he’s about to devour you whole, lips so close they touch when he lets slip a whispered confession, “M’fuckin obsessed with you baby, tried resisting it at first, but I couldn’t get over you even if I tried”.
“I guess it’s a good thing I agreed to marrying you then isn’t it?” You tease, returning the sneer he gave you with a bop to his nose, “I love you Katsuki”. “You too princess” he replies as the tip of his cock breeches your clenching hole “- and this tight Fuckin pussy, tell me who it belongs to again, I must have forgot”. With a heavy sigh you play along “It’s your’s Suki, only yours”. “Damn right it is”
The rest of your time on vacation passed much too fast for your liking. By the time you boarded the flight home your suitcase was much heavier with all the new clothes and other things you’d gotten. Once in the air you couldn’t help but stare at the ring on your finger. It gave you butterflies to think about what your classmates and friends would say. As if reading your mind, Katsuki leans over to whisper “All those harpies back home are going to be jealous of you princess, I’m going to get a good laugh at the looks on each of their faces”. You laugh quietly, turning to kiss him, “That makes two of us”. Lifting the arm rest up and out of the way you Cuddle into your fiancé’s side, snuggling against him until you’re both comfortable enough to get some shut eye on the long ride home.
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Thinking about Ducktales again. More theoratical analyzing. More ranting. More precisely about Ducktales humanity. (Less a biological take, more societal and historical)
I don't remember if there were any monkey or ape characters, but nevertheless evolution in the Ducktales world decided that, nope I don't like apes, it's gonna be primarily birds, ducks specifically who turn human
But it's not only birds, there also mammals, both carnivores (I think more of those?) and herbivores, yet again, birds are still the majority.
So whatever it was that caused the evolution, my take is that it's more birds simply cause "birds" were just already far more wide-spread around the globe due to their natural flying abilities pre evolution. And Ducks, cause, Idk, ducks are everywhere.
Anyways, the "animals" were probably evenly hit by evolution in general, but a lot of other species (lions, tigers, subspecies like pandas) in the wild were bound by territory. Ergo, due to more birds existing all over the globe, more humans in the modern age ended up being part of bird species cause they were more wide-spread in the beginning due to pre-evolution times. Also certain areas having more dangers (stone age, bronce age, I'm not sure how the early ages are called) for humans then others being a reason why some species exist more than others. (Again, human lions or tigers might have not been able to build bigger civilizations in early history due to having animal lions or tigers as dangers) (I know lions and tigers do not live in the same are btw, even if it might sound like that)
Now... Birds are basically the top of society in the Ducktales universe. They are more. They are everywhere. They are much more dominant. And I have thoughts about discrimination and the irony of birds that are "prey" being the majority of Ducktales humanity, but I should not only make a separate post for this, but also really sort my words so this doesn't end up sounding to weird.
Going back to the society: It somehow happened that human animals and animal animals live together. And in a way mostly similar to us. Pets exist. Feeding ducks with bred crumbs is a thing (that scene is why I'm writing this post). And people eat cheese, milk, eggs and meat.
Now, I don't know which is weirder. A human dog having another animal dog as a pet (hello Goofy) or a chicken eating chicken soup? (Huey wanted to give Scrooge chicken soup while Gyro was sitting on his computer and he didn't react. I guess cocked/baked duck/geese/turkey is also being eaten) Does it not count as cannibalism if it's not a conscious human, or do chickens just not eat chicken, pigs no ham and so on?
I am very much aware that this is just a disney show, targeted to kids mostly, and that those characters are all animals because they've always been animals. But I'm going between things like Zoomania and Beastars where the whole humanised animals topic is actually being discussed and also used to cover racsim as a topic, to things like Sing and Kung Fu panda where everyone just simply is an animal cause it's animation marketed to kids. Then we have Ducktales. And well, Bigotry, discrimination and racism isn't the topic of this show, obviously. It's about adventures and familiar relationships and drama. WHICH IS GREAT. No question. But then you have Penumbra being weirded out at conscious ducks feeding non-conscious ducks, and the whole 4th wall break episode in season 3 showing us that at least some people were very much aware of the undiscussed implications a show with only animal people has. Even if it's supposed to be a silly kids show.
Feel free to comment under this and reblog, cause I would really wanna know what others people thoughts about this are and maybe discuss it a little bit.
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skippyv20 · 8 months
Skip, Julie here. Is your blog boring No. is the variety of articles you post and comment on interesting enough to keep coming back, Yes.
However, I have pondered many times about your need to have any time to yourself and your family. You devote an enormous amount of time to us all and I am certain that it has become an expectation that you will just be there whenever we ( who appreciate and really do adore you, by the way) decide that we have the time or inclination to check in. So, it becomes a one way street and that is absolutely not right, fair or appropriate to do to you who has devoted years of your life to building up from humble beginnings and maintaining this blog.
Are your efforts appreciated absolutely. Do we miss you when you go off line for some technical reasons absolutely but is it fair to expect you to be always available, No it is not.
Your blog is not now nor was it ever boring. I for one love the variety of the articles you post and the discussion around certain subjects. Some people are very isolated and you are their lifeline however you must never feel obligated to be there constantly. I am heartened to read that you are staying but I do wish you would take time out for yourself.
I too was 100% PH and like many was flabbergasted to realise the depths of his jealousy, vindictiveness and selfishness that drives him.
I personally love this blog. You and Mr Skip devote so much time to us all that even though I come here daily, often a few times a day I believe you need to take time out as and when you can and need to just be you in your own bubble. After all, when I am busy, or go about living me life or go on holiday I just do it but you have been unable to do that for 8 years. You have been here, day in, day out, Easter, Christmas and even when you have had family visit and when Mr Skip was in hospital and then recuperating from his serious medical problems.
Your site is amazing so it’s not that anyone thinks you are boring I think it’s that we are selfish in that we come and go and expect you to just be there when or if we choose to log in. So, please don’t change your site but do take time to yourself even if that means less content or you having days off.
Julie, you are so kind and thoughtful.  Thank you so much.  You know I have always gotten so much more than I can say, from being here.  I love you all, I appreciate the support all these years.  The reason I am always around is because I am checking for prayer requests, or someone needs to chat.  I usually come to check in for a moment, then I am lost and right back in.  I don’t have a problem with being here, or the time I spend here.  I am very fortunate that Mr. Skippy is so supportive.  He has always been so very touched by all the love and support we both got during his trials over the years.  He loves that being here makes me so happy.  I have been out of sorts lately, as I still miss my Cathy pup…I have had many pups but Cathy for some reason is very hard on me.  I wanted to get another pup in the spring, but I decided I have to be realistic.  We have two left, God willing for many years, but likely anything can happen between now and the next five years.  Oliver is 10.  Panda is 9.  I will be in my 70′s when I lose them.  I hate even thinking about that…but it would be my daughter and SIL that would be left with a pup.  It would be a real struggle for my daughter as her illness can have her worn out.  So, I have decided no new baby pup.  This decision I came to last night, and it isn’t sitting too well with me.  I guess that is what led me to my posting my reevaluating myself being here.  Anyways, I thank YOU Julie for staying with me all these years, and I do look forward to our furthering our journey together…..love and hugs dear Julie…🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Ask and you shall recieve lmao [Obvious trigger warning for parent death, probably should’ve had that in my previous post too. Oops.] - So something I realized thanks to one of @in-a-bucket​’s analysis posts on Whit (seriously go read them if you’re a Whit enjoyer) is that when talking about his deceased mom, he only ever brought up her looks and how beautiful she was which...is strange as you’d think he’d bring up her personality first especially since when talking about his dad, who he’s probably a lot less close to due to how distant he is, he does mention his personality. All of this is to say that I think Whit’s mother, or Elizabeth as I’ll be calling her cause that’s her canon name...wasn’t exactly as good of a person as Whit’s view of her would lead you to believe. But Whit still chooses to look up to her and see the best in her (the latter of which Whit does a lot as we know) because she was probably the only person Whit truly had in his life. Whit’s father, Lin/Steve, was absent from his life due to working overseas and though we don’t know much about Whit’s social or school life, it’s possible Whit didn’t have many friends as well. Elizabeth was really the only person he had, so he chose to see her in the best possible light and put up with whatever treatment she gave him because if she left then he would be truly alone. But as we know, she ended up leaving regardless...just in a different way. (Sidenote: Taking this into consideration, this probably was the beginning of Whit’s “everything is fine and I’m fine” approach to situations, the death of his mother was just the water that let the seed grow until it hit the ceiling) - Whit is canonically a light sleeper, and the canon reason for this is because he can’t sleep when there’s light, and that’s probably true but I’m an angsty fool so I shall propose another answer. I feel like Whit often has nightmares about Elizabeth and her death, these nightmares possibly often involve the day of her death or Elizabeth blaming him for whatever happened. I saw someone say that it’s possible Whit saw Elizabeth die whatever her cause of death was, and if so that’s one more thing to add to his nightmares. These nightmares very often wake Whit up, and he can almost never fall back asleep. - On the topic of sleep issues caused by Elizabeth’s death, I feel like after she died Whit possibly developed insomnia due to his mind being filled with thinking about her death. If this still sticks with him now, I also imagine he has some serious panda-like eyebags, he just covers them up with concealer or foundation. - The reason Whit knows how to cook is because he had to start cooking for himself after Elizabeth died because Lin is always overseas and thus obviously can’t cook. And generally had to become an adult before he was ready to - I feel like whenever Whit is alone, which is basically all the time, he just...talks to Elizabeth as if she’s still here. He’ll tell her about his day, about any jokes he’s come up with, about his job as a matchmaker, all the while knowing that she will never respond... - Whit probably never went to Elizabeth’s funeral, nor does he ever want to see her grave. He doesn’t want that final permanent reminder that his mother is gone forever.
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popcornfairy28 · 4 months
Voiceteam is done! (and I'm back from my trip)
I somehow overestimated how good the internet would be on my trip, as I could not connect to Tumblr at all. It was just BLANK. I managed somehow to post to AO3 for my last few podfics, so I guess I'll share them here. I might have a couple of links left to share from all that, but I'll share them when I get them.
I sang literally only a tiny bit for our Pink Panda Bandits theme song for round 3. I was so busy recording other filks, that I won't be able to post until I get permission from the writers, because we needed it for our mod dare this round. So I've got a bunch of unedited podfics recorded sitting around that I planned on finishing but instead just sang for most of my points lol.
2. For Amnesty, originally for round 1 I had podded another @ligercat fic called A Dog's Duty: (I may have been purposefully picking easier-looking ones for starting out...but they were still so fun!)
3. Another that I ended up posting for Amnesty that was originally for round 1 was a Merlin fic that I was recommended to pod written by @schweetheart called: the course of true love (never did run smooth). This so far was the longest podfic I have done, at about 23 minutes...which admittedly doesn't sound very long but before this one I'd only done ones less than 10 minutes long LOL. It was a fun challenge to stretch myself that way though, and the fic was a delight.
Alrighty, now I should probably go to bed but I probably won't because while I'm absolutely exhausted I'm also still exhilarated from the day and driving, so maybe I'll write??? I was utterly unable to work on the Chesterton Challenge Prompts since I couldn't access Tumblr and hadn't listed them. Plus I just didn't generally write because the conference I went to was a little bit different than I was expecting (even though I've gone two times before). People were more social with me and wanting to talk with me and spend time with me just generally, so I couldn't go hide in a corner and write as easily. Which it is great that I got to go talk to real people face to face, but it is kinda a bummer that I got so little free time. I am definitely looking forward to introverting for the next couple of days after extraverting so much...
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petz5 · 5 months
Could we have some Ranma MLP head canons?
YEAH! I don't have a ton lol i feel like it'd be more or less the exact same show but w ponies BUT
- ranma is the only one we see canonically in mlp (as a cardboard cutout) so we know he's an earth pony, but his cutie mark is covered up by his shirt, so..
- ...i think all the jusenkyo victims' cutie marks at a glance seem to be martial arts related, but actually hint at their future curses. for example i think genma's should be bamboo snapping in half bc u can read it as oh this guy's strong OR oh hes a panda lol
- i made ranma's cutie mark when i doodled him (which i'll post in a bit) the spring of drowned girl bc its easy for genma to see it and go oh thats jusenkyo!! that must be where we need to go for you to become The Best Martial Artist. as for how ranma GOT his mark to begin with, i have a short comic idea i want to do hopefully later today
- akane and her family are also earth ponies, and she and soun specifically are modeled a bit more after draft horses
- shampoo and kuno are unicorns, kodachi, mousse, and ukyo are pegasi, ryoga is an earth pony, cologne is an alicorn
- if it has the same cultural impact as the series has irl maybe fluttershy watched it as a kid and had a Realization (<- forgot for a moment shes not canonically a trans girl but SHE IS IN MY HEAD OKAY..)
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lincolndjarin · 7 months
I've been thinking about Oh Honey! Joel (as you do) and wondering if you would ever write anything from his POV?
I'm SO curious to know more detail about when he knew the things he knew and what their first date was like from his perspective (the build up before, the moment they touched, what he was thinking the whole night, and then the next day of course). I want to know how much of the beast is HIM, how that goes on in his head....
Sorry, I'm just literally obsessed with him, lol. (Feel free to ignore this message if it's not something you're interested in discussing)
i was gonna wait to respond to this until after i posted the last chapter but i'm too excited lmaooo, don't ever apologize for asking me about any of my fics im a chronic yapper lmao
im gonna try and answer these in the order they were asked without getting sidetracked.
honestly as much as i'd like to do something from ohhoney!joels pov i kind of like the mystery involved with not knowing lmao, in the finale there are definitely things that i have answers for that i plan on leaving vague lol
in my opinion it's sort of like how mates work in twilight (but less gross) or acotar. he knew immediately what was happening even though she only felt the strange attraction he definitely knew that she was his soulmate. we have her perspective on how she feels about him and i think that he probably feels the same but amplified, especially when he's all beasty. he just feels a hollow sensation when they aren't with each other like she does, he revolves himself around her because that's what his instincts tell him to do to feel normal.
as for the beast it's all joel but like super amped up if that makes sense. he has very little control over his actions so he does everything he wants to without any restraint. i can't think of a great example,,, maybe sort of like turning red lol? if you've seen that movie she turns into the red panda when she feels big emotions and acts on them sort of thing?? except this is like worse lol cause he is deadly
hope that answers everything!!
thank you so much for asking this i love yapping and his has given me an incredible chance to yap <3
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necrophcge · 5 months
// Meddles here is technically my most active, but I'm doing stuff behind the scenes for my lads Brom ( @of-forossa ), and Samuel Whist ( @fishermcn ) so I'll add them here too lmao.
// Ah hell man, probably a lack of progression when it comes to replies? When I'm writing a thread with someone, I do what I can to make sure they have enough from my own to continue the story we're telling together. So getting a reply in return that doesn't move things forward puts me in kind of a bind y'know? Matching or similar length comes with that as well, though I don't expect folks to match me word for word so much as giving as good as they've gotten!
Communication is also key! I know that it can be uncomfortable or a bit daunting to try to chat with folks you haven't gotten to know all that well, but with threads being something we create together we really should be on the same page. Even just a little update or the like is preferable to total radio silence rofl.
// Shoot, it's probably been about twelve, maybe thirteen years now? Been on here the whole time and have bounced around to a few different fandoms before more or less settling down into the soulsborne community.
// I'm definitely an angst kinda guy, though usually in the sense that things are going down or conflict is brewing rather than interpersonal drama. I live for fight-writing and the tension that comes with lives being on the line. Fluff is usually reserved for one and done replies rather than threads because I feel it's more impactful thst way, while smut is... well. I'm getting better at it, but it's definitely my weakest writing of the bunch. That, and I admittedly can get a bit nervous posting it out here in the wild for everyone to see (////-\\\\)
// Both! Plots and plotting are my preferred go-to for our muses to get to know each other and establish what their relationship will be like going ahead, while with memes I'll usually go ham on a single reply with the intent of further fleshing out what we've pieced together for our muses.
// If you've known me on my other blogs you already know I tend to get long winded XD. Short replies never feel like I've said enough honestly, and by taking the time to get in depth with them I reckon it opens the door wider for potential interactions (memes) or it gives the other person more room to reply with (threads). Least amount I'll do is around two to three paragraphs.
// I'd love to tell you folks that I'm a responsible, orderly guy who keeps a good sleep schedule and has a set time for writing. Unfortunately I'm little more than an animal who's as likely to bump out an ask or reply at 4:00 in the morning as I am to post something mid-afternoon. Ideally though... I prefer the evenings for it. More privacy, more time to gather my thoughts and less demands for me personally to have to address.
// I'm a firm believer in the notion that muns typically have something either in common with or identify strongly with their muses in some form or another, and I'm no exception. Meddles might be a conqueror, cruel and malicious, but struggling against a seemingly impossible task and not wanting to be alone in this world... yeah. Yeah, I can relate to that. It helps me put myself in their shoes and understand them better if there's something about them I identify with.
tagged by: @ferinehuntress (much obliged panda :D)
tagging: @yellowfingcr, @hexenjagd, @bcwblade, @rotten-pest, @izar-tarazed, and you!
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ferinehuntress · 6 months
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◈ NAME  ⋯  Panda, Panda Bear, Nessie
◈ PRONOUNS  ⋯  she/her
◈ MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?  ⋯  Caitlyn, Vi, Karlach, and Aylin. I only keep active muses ^^
◈ RP PET PEEVES?  ⋯  Hmmm, so one would be one way roleplays. When someone doesn't help push the story along. I don't want to sit here, debating on how I can encourage some reactions or what not. So I always try to give something to reply to whether its by an action, a question, a response that can be added to, etc... I also don't like when I reply with several paragraphs and someone only gives me 1-4 sentences. I do not expect mirror reflections of my post, but I do like quality. Quality does not equal quantity, but can still give absolutely plenty with a couple of paragraphs. And lastly, not communicating. I know sometimes it can be hard, some days your mind literally has no ideas or process. or if your distracted (I know a few people have that with me right now cause I'm playing BG3 XDD) but when you just, don't communicate, how can you write with each other? Its why I always try to send out welcome messages and encouarge the first step of communication.
◈ EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS  ⋯  I started roleplaying when I was 11 on a site called Avidgamers. So its been a good.....24 years ish?
◈ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT  ⋯  Hands down, Angst is my go to. I will, without a doubt, love angst. Its never too much for me, i could have a bunch of angst going and it doesn't wear me down or anything. That being said, I don't like certain kinds of angst, like person versus person (example, my character and your character getting into an arguing and hating each other, or break ups or things like that). My kind of angst tends to be two people versus a situation, or where one is trying to save the other cause they are cursed, or trapped, being tortured, etc....Angst comfort too is good. I do like smut, but I tend to like to write it with people I talk to often and we have a good dynamic between our characters. Fluff is a bit harder for me, I can't do domestic cutesy things as I tend to get a little bored after awhile.
◈ PLOTS OR MEMES  ⋯  I prefer plotting, plotting helps get a dynamic down (as I do not write first meetings or encounters) so this allows me to get a development of what are muses are like together. Its also a nice little platform of security to know what is going to happen in a thread. It isn't step by step plotting, but just enough of like 'okay, tehy are going to this place, its probably going to have a fight, and this is their objective'. Really simple plotting that allows for the comfort of stability while still allowing the flexibility of a character to control teh flow of the scene. Memes I tend to use after we've done  some plotting because I understand dynamics better and I know what to write or ideas to creat.
◈ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES  ⋯  I'll never give short replies. the shortest you'll get from me is about 2 paragraphs. I don't like gives just a skeleton writing and I tend not to follow people who do one liners or small less then 5 sentences writing. I'm in this for the long haul, I want stories and adventures and fun paragraph form writing.
◈ TIME TO WRITE  ⋯  While I'm online almost all day, its more then likely you see me writing about 10-11pm CST. Writing at night is a lot easier then it is writing during the day. Don't know why, I'm a weird little night owl XD.
◈ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)  ⋯  I tend to write characters I associate with in some form or manner. Karlach for example, her absolute love of animals, and Caitlyn's more reclusive nature, or Vi's heart on her sleeve, and Aylin's protectiveness. I like to think I am in some way like them which allows me to bring them to life even more through this connection.
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❥ 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘  ⋯  @apalestar, @c-leric, and others who said 'steal this' XD ❥ 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆  ⋯ @shimmerbeasts, @jynxd, @necrophcge, @never-surrender, @bubblybabins, @bakrahispul, @clara-eternal, @zaunseye, @lunarrepel, @lunawish, @lordliing, @hellscaress, @goldenfists, @governoir, @gauntlets-shot, @fereldensheroes, @dalishflame, @shldmaidns, @sanguisarcana, @starbvund, @arcanecast, @piltover-sharpshooter, @playgroundmonsters, @undercity-merc, @ruinouss, @runes-menagerie, @warwaited, and anyone else who wants to.
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