#Pandas. Are. OCCASIONAL. Bears.
Please post pandas, they're bears! You give spectacled bears a pass and they're not 'proper' bears :(
We do post pandas. Occasionally, as befitting their Occasional Bear status. We said nothing about them being or not being ‘proper’ bears. They are Occasional Bears and shall therefore appear occasionally in posts, as according to their status.
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A note for anyone reading this, the more asks we get telling us to post pandas or irritated by their Occasional Bear status, the less inclined the team is to occasionally post Occasional Bears.
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To Be With You
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feat: geto suguru x gn!reader, gojo satoru x gn!reader
summary: a continuation of What Ifs featured within the movie
cw: jjk 0 spoilers, cursing, angst, still no happy ending
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9 years had passed since you were killed. 9 years since Suguru had betrayed the Jujutsu society. 9 years.
Satoru missed everything about you; your voice, your smile, your laugh, your warmth, the way you said his name, everything.
He never moved on from you — he never wanted to. You would remain his one and only and he was determined to live life alone. Screw producing an heir for his clan. His clan will live and die with him.
Today was the anniversary of your death, and Satoru was in a bad mood. He always was around this time of the year. But he had his responsibilities to his students, who he accompanied on a mission. As soon as they were done here, he’d visit you.
It was something he always did. When there was news, good or bad, whenever he missed you, on your birthday, or just whenever he wanted to be in your presence, he visited you and spoke with you pretending you were sitting right there listening. It brought comfort to his broken heart.
Standing on the sideline watching his students, he looked back on the times you were alive.
He didn’t frequent the arcade as often until he met you. He was immediately attracted to you and as he got to know you, it didn’t take him long to fall in love with you.
Once you said yes after Satoru asked you out on a date, he was ecstatic. He literally raised his fists in the air yelling ‘Yes’, making you laugh and later reprimanded by your boss for being distracted. But you didn’t mind and you never blamed Satoru.
You were his first in a couple of things: his first relationship, his first love, and even his first sexual partner. But you were his first everything.
Playing with the matching ring that had stayed on his finger all these years, Satoru felt his mind go elsewhere.
He was able to find your ring once he got the courage to walk up to your parents and introduce himself. They were skeptical at first until he showed them his ring, which matched the ring that was on your finger.
That day, the three of them sat down and they asked so many questions about you. How you were doing and such.
Satoru knew you weren’t close with your parents because they were gone all the time, but he was more than happy to fill in the spaces.
He learned that they had quit their jobs shortly after receiving the news and came home immediately to cremate and prepare your memorial service. They deeply regretted not being home and if they could go back in time, they’d spend more time with you.
Satoru had also learned that they were moving away. They couldn’t bear to continue living at that home anymore. They even offered Satoru to come and take anything he wanted from your room for the memories, which he happily agreed to.
There wasn’t much he wanted from your room. More like, he couldn’t stay in there long as the memories flooded in the longer he stayed there. So he took only a few items: the stuffed animal he won you at a carnival, the photos of the two of you together throughout your time together, the hoodies and shirts you stole from him, and your perfume, which he still has to this day.
Whenever he misses you to the point where he couldn’t sleep, he sprayed your perfume on the plush he took home with him and hugged it. It usually gave him the sweetest dreams of you.
Occasionally he would dream of the harsh reality, only he would be there throughout the entire ordeal, unable to move or speak as he watched you die. He was just thankful he never saw your body otherwise the nightmares would become much worse.
Snapping out of his thoughts, Gojo looked up as his students Yuta, Panda, Maki, and Toge walked up to him. Maki wore her usual annoyance on her face while the other three remained neutral.
Sporting his usual smile on his face, he congratulated them on finishing the mission.
“And yet you stood on the sidelines like always.” Maki commented as she crossed her arms. This caused Satoru to chuckle.
Shrugging his shoulders, he responded. “If I did anything the curse would be exorcised immediately.” Pouting, he poked Maki’s cheek, causing her to growl in annoyance.
“How would you grow then?” He continued as he poked her cheek a couple of more times before she swung her spear at him, missing as he jumped back while laughing.
“As much as I love this game, I have somewhere I need to be.” Satoru responded, turning and walking away waving his hand. “Bye bye!”
Maki yelled a string of curses and insults at him as he walked away.
Once he was out of sight, she crossed her arms pouting.
“Salmon?” Toge asked, tilting his head to the side.
Panda tilted his head as well, bringing his thumb and index finger under his chin, humming.
“That’s a good question.” He responded. Blinking as he got an idea, he looked at the trio. “We should follow him!”
Yuta, Toge, and Maki looked at Panda before glancing at each other and nodding in agreement.
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Satoru, who went home and changed out of his work uniform and into a pair of ripped jeans, black shoes, rectangular black shades, and a black long sleeved shirt made a mental note of everything he needed to get before he went to you.
First thing he always got was your favorite sweet uriō from a sweet shop the two of you frequented together.
The owner knew Satoru by name as he visited frequently and every year he made sure to save one uriō for Satoru.
Watching Satoru walk into the sweet shop, Maki groaned.
“That old man and his sweets. I should have known. This was a waste of time.” She complained, turning around to walk away.
“Wait, he’s coming back out.” Yuta pointed out.
“It looks like he’s going to a flower shop.” Panda continued.
Maki about-faced and watched her teacher walk from the sweet shop and into the floral shop.
“Kelp!” Toge said.
Maki shook her head. “There’s no way that idiot is in a relationship. Who would be dumb enough to like him?”
“We’ll have to keep following to find out.” Panda responded.
As Satoru left the floral shop, he made his way to his final destination: a vending machine.
This particular vending machine was the one the two of you frequented and was the only one that carried your favorite melon soda.
Inserting money into the machine, Satoru pressed the melon soda button and the coke button. Reaching his hand in, he put the soda in the bag with your dessert before making his way to his final destination.
He knew his students had been following him, but he honestly didn’t care so long as they didn’t stop him. Even if they did, he would teleport away, but it was something he didn’t want to do since the walk to the graveyard held so many memories; both good and bad.
It was the same route the two of you took to and from Jujutsu Tech, and it was the same route that took him to the cemetery, the same route he followed your parents as they held your ashes.
The same ashes he asked half of, which they happily agreed to split you with him. Your parents liked Satoru and they wished they had met him sooner while you were still alive.
Entering the cemetery, Satoru made his way to your family grave location, stopping directly at yours.
“Hey (Y/N).” He greeted, a somber smile reflected on his face before he sat down.
Usually he cleaned your grave marker, but it looked like it had been cleaned recently. Maybe your parents had stopped by earlier. There was another bouquet of flowers that adorned your grave. Normally there was a singular flower but it looks like whoever left it every year didn’t leave it just yet.
“It’s been 9 years already.” Satoru continued, digging through his bag before setting your dessert and melon soda down. Satoru had also fished out a framed photo of you that your parents had given him and placed it on your grave.
“It feels like it’s been a hundred without you though.”
Setting the flowers down next to your snack and drink, Satoru fished out incense and lit it, biting his bottom lip.
“I miss you. So much.” His voice hoarse as tears formed on his eyelashes.
“It’s pathetic, I don’t even know how to go on without you still. But I don’t even want to.” He exhaled a laugh.
“What’s worse is I’m the reason you died. If I didn’t introduce myself to you, you wouldn’t have been in danger. If I kept my distance, you wouldn’t have died.
I could apologize until my dying breath and it wouldn’t be enough. But I know you’d smack my arm and tell me to cheer up, that it wasn’t my fault.”
The tears fell down Satoru’s cheeks.
“But I know deep down it is my fault. If I didn’t hide myself from you, I would have been able to protect you.”
Laughing again, he wiped his tears.
“I’m always like this in front of you. I probably look stupid, huh? I should tell you about my new students.”
Maki, Panda, Toge, and Yuta watched Satoru as he sat down and took everything out before he began to talk. When they saw his tears, they felt their hearts drop to their stomachs, feeling as if they had witnessed something they were never meant to see.
Looking at each other, they turned and quietly left their teacher as he talked to you.
Hours had passed and Satoru had finished updating you with everything. Picking up the framed photo of you, he rubbed his thumb against it, a warm but sad smile decorating his face.
“I love you (Y/N).” He whispered.
Standing from his spot, he patted his pants from any dust before pocketing your photo and walking away.
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Satoru had stayed by your grave marker almost the entire day before finally leaving.
As soon as he was out of sight, footsteps sounded and neared your grave marker before stopping in front of it. Noticing the sweets and drink, a smile formed on Suguru’s face. Even after all these years, Satoru knew your favorites.
Bending down to set the single flower next to the others, Suguru sat down, resting his arm on one of his knees.
“Hey (Y/N). I’m sure you don’t want to see me, so I’m sorry I keep making an appearance before you.” Suguru said, smiling.
“Out of everyone, you probably would rather see Satoru more than me since I’m the one who killed you.”
Closing his eyes, he remembered your final moments. You had closed your eyes, accepting your fate right before you died. You hadn’t even cursed him or looked at him with hatred in your final moments. He deserved it.
Opening his eyes once again, he opened his palm, opening the portal where his curses resided.
The one thing that Satoru never knew was that you had become a curse yourself; a powerful one in fact. Your parents’ negative energies created you and shortly after your memorial service, Suguru found you in front of your grave marker, staring at it.
Your cursed form was beautiful. You kept your human form but the things that changed was that your chest was transparent, showing your rib cage and a hole where your heart resided, your stomach completely disappeared and showing your spine and the top of your hips.
Your eyes were hollowed out and your hair flowed behind you as if there was a never ending wind. Your nails had turned into talons, sharper than piano wire, easily cutting the hardest substance into pieces.
Suguru truly thought you never looked more beautiful and he had to have you. If you were to be graded, you would have been a special grade.
Forming outside the void, you stood in front of your grave marker once again. Suguru never let you out except on this special day. You were too beautiful to be like the other curses. He didn’t want to taint you.
“Looks like Satoru left you your favorites (Y/N).” Suguru mentioned to you. He could see that you were staring right at them with your hollowed out eyes.
“Sa…to…ru…” You spoke, a higher and deeper voice resonated alongside your own. “Sato…ru?”
Suguru nodded. “That’s right! Satoru!”
“Sato…ru…see?” You asked, looking at Suguru, who smiled to hide his annoyance.
“All in due time, (Y/N). You’ll be reunited with him again in a few short months.”
Even as a curse you were thinking of Satoru, and it pissed Suguru off.
How dare you continue to think of him when it was Suguru who spent these past 9 years with you. When it was him who kept you company, who taught you to hone your cursed energy for one reason.
To kill Satoru.
He believed it to be poetic to have the one Satoru loves kill him just as you died to someone who loves you. It brought a pure euphoric mood to Suguru as he thought of it.
He just had to wait until December 24th.
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Suguru fucked up. He never expected Yuta to have a special grade curse that could easily overtake his own.
Finding a recluse area, Suguru slid down and attempted to catch his breath.
You had forced your way out while he was weak and stood in front of him, staring down at him.
He looked up at you and smiled.
“I’m alright (Y/N), I just need some rest.” Suguru assured you.
You nodded and continued to watch him. He wondered what thoughts you had when you looked at him. Were you full of anger? Sadness? Or did you feel nothing?
Laughter came as an exhale as he leaned his head back against the wall, closing his eyes. While you spoke, you rarely said much, much less shared your thoughts.
Chuckling, Suguru opened his eyes.
“You’re late.” He spoke out as Satoru stepped up to him.
“So you’ll be the one to take me down, huh?” He continued, looking at Satoru who stood nearby.
Did he notice you yet? Does he even realize?
“How’s my family?”
“They all got away.” Satoru responded, eyeing you. You hadn’t moved an inch, keeping an eye on Suguru as if you were waiting for something.
The two continued on with their conversation, all the while Suguru glanced between you and Satoru. It seemed like he hadn’t noticed. How sad for you.
“Any last words?” Satoru asked, continuing to eye you. Something felt familiar but he couldn’t place it.
Suguru smiled as he looked up at you.
“No matter what, I’ll always hate those little monkeys. But it’s not like I hate everyone at Jujutsu High.
It’s just that in this world, I couldn’t be truly happy from the bottom of my heart.”
Satoru was silent before asking “Is that why you killed (Y/N)?”
Suguru chuckled, his eyes shone as they looked at you.
“You don’t understand Satoru…”
You twitched.
“(Y/N) became so much more than she could ever have achieved. She’s so much more beautiful than she ever could have been.”
Satoru blinked, furrowing his brows in confusion before looking at you, who slowly looked at him.
“Sa…to…ru?” You said in broken words, looking directly at him.
The sight of you caused Satoru’s eyes to widen.
“How?” He exhaled. Pain reflected on his face as his expression twisted into sadness. “Why?”
Seeing what you had become broke his heart once again. He never wished for you to become like this, to turn into a curse. But he somehow had never heard of a curse resembling you before.
Suguru chuckled once again.
“Beautiful, isn’t she? She’s more ethereal than she ever could have been.”
“She’s a curse Suguru!” Satoru spat. “Do you realize what she’s become?!”
You tilted your head before disappearing and reappearing in front of Satoru, causing him to freeze as he looked into your hollow eyes.
“Satoru?” You asked, reaching your arms out to him.
Satoru jumped back, ready to fight you. You stopped and stared at him with your brows upturned as if his actions hurt you. You disappeared and reappeared in front of him again, this time, hovering in the air and cradling Satoru’s cheeks in your hands, careful to not cut him with your talons.
This time, Satoru stayed still, staring at you with wide eyes.
You smiled widely as you kept saying his name repeatedly.
Suguru watched with interest. If this is what it took to render the strongest sorcerer helpless, he would have used you sooner. But he kept maintaining your innocence and purity for nothing other than his own greed.
It was Suguru who refused to let you go this entire time.
Satoru had found a way to move forward with his grief while Suguru held onto it — onto you.
“I love Satoru!” You said.
Satoru’s wide eyes filled with tears. He wanted nothing more than to talk with you again, to see you again. But not like this. Never like this.
“Forgive me (Y/N)…I couldn’t save you. It’s my fault you died.” Satoru said in between sobs.
Shaking your head, your smile widened.
“Not Satoru’s fault. Satoru didn’t know.” You responded.
“Happy to see Satoru.” Tears fell out of your hollowed eyes and down your cheeks, Satoru’s following afterwards.
He gently placed his hands on top of your own and he closed his eyes. He couldn’t bear to watch what he was about to do.
Pressing his hands down, he passed his curse energy into you, exorcizing you in an instant. Opening his eyes again, he looked back up at where you hovered, lowering his hands.
Suguru brought Satoru’s attention back to him with his chuckle.
“I was so determined to make sure she wouldn’t be tainted by being similar to other curses that I ended up turning the strongest curse into one of the more humane ones. How foolish of me.”
Satoru put his hands in his pockets and made his way back to Suguru.
“You loved her as much as I did, of course you wouldn’t want to see her like the others.”
Suguru looked at Satoru with widened eyes, watching him crouch down in front of him.
“How did you know?”
Satoru chuckled. “You weren’t exactly hiding it, Suguru.”
Suguru let out a self-deprecating laugh before Satoru spoke once more, saying the words he never thought he’d ever hear after all of these years.
Another laugh escaped from Suguru’s mouth as he smiled at Satoru.
“You should at least curse me at the end.”
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Another year had passed and it had been 10 years since you died, and almost 1 since Suguru died.
Yet, this year, Satoru felt better since he received the closure he never knew he needed. Granted he will always carry the heartbreak over the death of his first and only love and the betrayal and death of his only best friend.
He wouldn’t have any other.
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taglist: @mrsyixingunicorn10 @cinnaa-x @xamilarin @cloudsinthecosmos @rivaiken @vr00m-vr00m @shycreatorsandwich @the-fab-killjoy @yoriichiswife @coffee-on-a-rainyautumn
For anyone who would like to join the taglist, please go ahead and let me know here
Jujutsu Kaisen belongs to Gege Akutami
©️nerdiel-has-no-braincells 2023 Please do not copy, translate, and post as your own. Reblogs, likes, and comments are ok with me!
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somethingisoccuring · 3 months
Megumi x Fem!Reader
warnings : fluff, fluff and fluff, slightest bit of underage drinking, cute little moment
The sounds of giggling and off-key singing are the sounds the fill my ears. Just a couple hours ago, the first and second years were sweaty and exhausted from training, but now the hoard of children dance around the room as Panda sings “Single Ladies” at the top of his lungs. An occasional beer is drank, and obviously getting hyper with sweet candy, this is one of the rare moments that we can be kids. Panda flutters his eyelashes at Inumaki the way a woman does to get a man’s attention, he waves his ring finger in front of the boys face, “If you like than you shoulda’ put a ring on it!” The bear sings with a big grin, bowing dramatically as the song ends. Yuji, Yuta and I clap enthusiastically, whooping loudly for him, Megumi rolls his eyes at us. “Okay! Who’s gonna embarrass themselves next?” Maki asks with a clap of her hands, gaining everyone’s attention. “We will! We will!” I say loudly, fighting to stay still in my seat as I drag Nobara and Yuji to the stage. Nobara grins as she whispers in Yuji and I’s ear , “Super Trouper?” We both nod, smiling from ear to ear as she starts the music. The three of us sing the song proudly, our chests puffed out as we surprisingly hit every note. The music plays, Yuji grabbing Nobara’s hand and twirling her happily. “I was sick and tired of everythingggg. When I called you last night from Glasgow.” I begin, grabbing a hairbrush to act as a microphone. “All I do is eat and sleep and sing, wishing every show was the last show.” Nobara continues with a big grin, picking up an old paper towel cartridge to act as her mic. “So imagine I was glad to you’re coming, Suddenly I feel alright.” Yuji sings loudly, the three of us joining in an unsuspected harmony as we sing. “Tonight the Super Trouper, beams are gonna blind me, but I won’t feel blueeee, like I always doooooo. Cause somewhere in the crowd there’s you.” The three of sing in perfect unison as we dance to the music, the others joining. (Except Maki and Megumi) “So i’ll be there, when you arrive.” Yuji adds softly, “The sight of you will prove to me I’m still alive. And when you take me in your arms and hold me tight. I know it’s gonna mean so much tonightttt.” Nobara and I join as she dips me with a smile. “Tonight the Super Trouper, beams are gonna blind me. But I won’t feel blue.” Nobara smirks as she sings, nodding to Yuji and I as we finish the lyric. “Like I always do.” Yuji continues, he and Nobara joking in a salsa dance playfully. “Cause somewhere in the crowd, there’s youuu.” I finish with a big grin, pointing to Megumi as his cheeks brighten. The room fills with oooh’s at Megumi’s evident blushing, teasing him mercilessly. I send him a flirty wink, blowing him a kiss to tease him even further. The music ends and the three of us stand with our backs against each others as we grin and strike poses. Yuta laughs loudly at us while Inumaki takes dozens of pictures. We grab hands and bow childishly, then go settle back down with everyone. I sit down next to Megumi, ruffling his hair to annoy him. To my surprise, he grabs my arm and pulls me closer to him, his lips brushing my ear as he whispers, “To be fair, i’m not sad when you’re around either.” Now I’m the blushing and stuttering mess, squirming under his flirtatious gaze. A small smile rises on his face as he laces his fingers into mine sweetly, the blush on my face deepening as everyone begins to tease me now. “Traitors! I thought you guys were on my side.” I whine playfully, pushing Yuji’s shoulder so he falls face first on the ground. The eight of us burst out laughing as we watch him fall, Megumi and I making eye contact as we smile brightly.
Bonus : Megumi and I curl up together on Maki’s couch as we yawn tiredly. Megumi’s rough fingertips trail up my arm soothingly, my eyes fluttering shut as he lulls me to sleep, but Yuji’s drunken voice snaps me back awake. “California Girls were unforgettable, Daisy Dukes, bikinis on top!” He sings loudly, hiccuping between words as he stumbles drunkenly. A hazy smile comes onto my face as I listen to him sing, Panda and Inumaki cheering for him as Nobara and Yuta dance together flimsily, both tipsy from drinking so much. “He is such a lightweight.” Megumi mutters, referring to the pink-haired boy as he sings with a bubbly smile on his face. “He’s having fun.” I mumble, wincing when his voice breaks during a syllable. The door to Maki’s room slams open, revealing a smirking Gojo as he stands there with his arms crossed. Everyone in the room sobers up quickly, eyes and mouths widening with shock as we get caught. Gojo stands there with a ‘I caught you!!’ look on his face, Megumi and I share a nervous glance as we wait for him to say something. “I won’t tell Yaga that you guys are wayyy curfew, while drinking alcohol, and being all lovey dovey. If, you invite me to your next little party.” He finishes with a goofy grin, laughing at our relieved faces. We nod quickly, not wanting to get in trouble. “Okay, now, I want you all to go to sleep, in your own beds, and hide the evidence that you were drinking.” He then turns around and leaves the room. We all share scared looks before bursting out into laughter.
A/N : Can we just pretend that Shibuya didn’t happen and vs that everyone is alive and well??? 😇😇 anyways, i wanted to put something up that’s been in my drafts as i finish editing the second chapter of my gojo fic, because i actually kinda like this and one. i hope you liked this, and don’t forget to reblog, like and comment. feel free to send requests and ill try to get all of them done 🫶🏻🫶🏻 thanks for reading !
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lsdoiphin · 7 months
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Hares, as you may already know if you've been following my better half @broncoburro or @forevergoldgame (if you're following neither, you're missing huge amounts of context for the setting!), are nothing like the hares of the real world. They are massive leporids from Northern Vestur and one of the few meurian animals remaining after a historic event known as the Great Hunt where humans wiped out most of the planet's remaining meurian species in order to harvest their meur for relics about 350~ish years ago. They are obligate carnivores and known to hunt humans when the opportunity arises.
The baku is a large, lumbering omnivore with a similar ecological niche somewhere between a panda and a regular bear. They're a rare species, endemic to a single far-flung region of the world, having only just barely escaped extinction. See, while the Great Hunt was headed and funded by the Tri-Kingdom, its reach spanned the entire known world - but the further from Vestur it travelled, the less discriminatory the hunts became. The local peoples who were paid to hunt on the Tri-Kingdom's behalf had little idea of what meur was and what meurian animals were actually useful, leading to mass to mass culling of "useless" meur-touched animals like the baku, whose unusual sleep-inducing abilities cannot be wielded by humans. Regardless of their uselessness, the damage had been done to the species, and only the mundane offshoot survives - though rumors persist about meurian baku.
Sphinxes are scavengers that can be found across the deserts and savannas of the mainland. Unlike their meurian cousin, the manticore, they never evolved meurian flame breath, and their 'stinger' is no more than a vestigial sickle buried beneath the fur of their flowing tails. Instead, they specialized further into human mimicry, using their ability to copy human speech to hunt domesticated animals, naive children, and drunkards.
Now you might be thinking: "why would a teenage girl want to own any of these as pets? None of these sound like animals that should be pets." Well, first off: you'd be hard pressed to find a young girl that doesn't want a wolf or a tiger as a pet, that's just how they are, c'mon.
Second, there are three primary reasons Rhea thinks this is a more realistic idea than it is:
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Exotic "pet" owners among the upper class: While exotic pet ownership isn't big in Vestur as a whole, it has a notable presence among the Southern upper class, both noble and common. Rhea is the duchess of the Southern Kingdom so she is well aware of every instance of somebody paying excessive amounts of guilder to import something they shouldn't and stick it in their courtyard. As I've mentioned before, this is a sin Ancha is guilty of, having gotten swept up in a past "teacup baku" craze/scam some 4 decades ago. Unlike her peers, however, she kept her baku, Fig, even after he outgrew his alleged "adult size" of 1'9" at the withers. Others culled theirs once they became large enough to cause mass property damage. Ancha knows Fig is a massive, terrifying wild animal and does not recommend anyone repeat her mistake, but being raised in captivity he cannot be returned to the wild and so she's committed to caring for him for as long of his estimated 70~ish year lifespan that she's here for.
Haretouched Northerners: The "haretouched" is a strange phenomenon that exists in the North. Now, we haven't posted a formal explanation of what exactly being haretouched means yet - I'll save that explanation for Dan to write at a later date. In the meantime, to very briefly summarize what it means: occasionally, a hare will bond with a specific human. Those who have bonded to a hare are said to be "haretouched" - or more bluntly, cursed. The haretouched are treated as pariahs by broader society, though they are begrudgingly tolerated in the North itself and destigmatized by Northern nomad clans. While Northern nobility has done its best to keep the haretouched out of their bloodlines (save for the Lord of the Nomads, who is seldom acknolwedged, much less counted), occasionally a fluke will occur regardless and you end up with someone like Quincy or Lamonte. Rhea, of course, is just a Southern bystander who thinks the idea of having a murder-bunny for a friend would kick ass.
Captive beasts performing in circuses: Self-explanatory. Sphinxes especially are a popular choice for exploitative entertainment because of their mimicry abilities, and are often trained to have "conversations" or "sing."
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mooodyblue · 11 months
Can you write something about little reader? I just bought myself a new stuff animal and I bought it when I felt little but now that I'm big I'm trying to convince myself I didn't need it. I feel like elvis wouldn't let me convince myself of that
ty for the request! u enjoy that plushie !! u don't have to be little to enjoy plushies that's for sure ❤️
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pairing: cg!elvis x gn!little!reader
wc: 841
➸ masterlist
it was one of those weeks where you just wanted to curl up in bed and hide away, hug a plushie and cry. you didn't want to call your boyfriend or anyone, just you and your fuzzy friends alone.
unfortunately, you couldn't do that. you knew it wouldn't be healthy to isolate yourself so you coped in a way you knew best—buying yourself a little something to cheer yourself up. you’d been feeling awfully small lately, but had been masking it quite well to so your big activities, although you did come home and occasionally slip a paci in your mouth to calm yourself down.
you were still feeling little when you walked into the store, putting on a brave face as you looked around to find something to treat yourself to. a snack? juice? maybe a coloring book or a toy.
but then you locked eyes with a large panda bear sitting lazily on the top shelf. your eyes widened, staring at it in awe. without a second thought—you picked it up, tossing it over your shoulder and hurled it to the cashier to buy it. you deserved it, you had a bad week so it's okay to splurge every once in awhile.
until a few hours later when you weren't feeling so little anymore. the guilt of spending money on something you clearly didn't need was eating you alive as it sat in your living room, taking up space.
you were with elvis, catching up on his tour antics as he had just returned from a week run. it was good to have his presence back in your life, it was much needed. but as he was talking, he couldn't help but lock eyes with the big panda bear behind you, chuckling softly. “now who's that guy?” he asked, pointing at it.
you turned around, blushing at the bear and shaking your head as you turned back to elvis. “ah…i-i kinda thought it when i was…you know.” you replied shyly, “i might take it back.”
“what?!” elvis gasped, “why in the world would you return it?”
you couldn't hide the look of guilt on your face, sighing. “i don't know, elvis…i just…i don't really need it, do i? i’ve got enough, you're always buying me plushies too—”
“baby, c'mon.” he stopped you from finishing your sentence. “tell me somethin’...” he sat up a bit, looking at you sternly. “did you feel happy when you bought him?”
“w-well…yes. i was excited to bring him home.” you nodded.
“how do you feel about him right now?”
the panda bear just sat on a lounge chair, the fuzzy animal just staring into space. you frowned looking at it, “guilty because it was a waste of money.”
elvis let out a hmph and shook his head, “what about when you're feelin’ tiny?”
your eyes lit up a bit, “i like looking at him. he’s fuzzy and i like that he's big. he's soft and i can rest my head on him when im watching cartoons or i can rest on him when i’m coloring….he's fun to hug.”
he grinned widely, “see, baby. it ain't no waste. it makes little you happy. anyway, plushies are for everyone, ain't that right?”
you scoffed. “elvis, you know that's not true.”
“baby, i slept with the same damn teddy bear my whole life. if i ain't huggin' you in bed, i sure as hell ain’t huggin' no pillow—stuffed animals are more fun to hug.” he laughed. “ya know how many people on this earth are probably grown and sleepin’ with a lil’ bear or-or stuffed elephant by their side? it ain't just you.”
he had a point. you had friends who slept with plushies too. there were collectible plushies too, what makes you having a random panda bear any different? it makes you happy, it made you happy when you bought it—what makes it any different now?
before you could open your mouth, elvis took the bear into his lap, hiding himself behind it as he moved it’s tiny arms. “please don't take me back!” he spoke in a deeper voice, voicing the panda. “it’ll break my big ol’ heart!”
you giggled softly, “elvis!”
“i ain't elvis!” he spoke, moving the arms, “you takin’ me back? huh? or are we gonna have a problem?”
the sight of elvis’s face peeking from behind the bear raising an eyebrow made you laugh even more, “okay! okay! i won't take you back. i don't wanna make you sad!”
elvis crept from behind the bear, “ya hear that! you get to stay!” he said excitedly, “now give 'im a big hug, baby. he deserves it.”
you hugged the plushie, bringing it to to your lap and keeping a tight hold to it.
“okay, that's enough. my turn.” elvis opened his arms, taking pride in convincing you to keep the bear.
you giggled and shook your head, gripping to the plushie tighter.
he gasped dramatically, putting his hand on his hips. now he was really regretting letting you keep that bear.
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peekychu · 1 year
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⭐Hi, my name’s Ray!⭐
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I’m a silly boygirl Pika creature, welcome to my dragon hoard xD I like to collect images of my interests and such. Occasional NSFW/18+ content‼️
🎨 Follow my art blog, @raystarkitty​ !!
💖 Check out my epic partner @the-64th-gamer​​ ILYSMM
✨ ALSO check out some of my awesome friends who I love dearly :3 @seanimal @vuiu @furrygalactaknightpaws @lesboymetaknight @sillyparticles @webkinz-wrld @rosiecrystals @electronicpuppykryptonite @fr33kachu @ninfiavee
🏡 Check out my many colorful animal ocs on my Toyhouse!
🌈 My kinlisttttt :3
🐾 I am a fursuiter!! My suit character is Funfetti the Red Panda, they were made by @topdogstudios :3 You can see the pics I share under the tags #fursuit and #funfetti!
Interests- Pokémon, My Little Pony, Sonic the Hedgehog, Warrior Cats, Bluey, Care Bears, Turning Red, The Rodfellows Movie (sorry if I forced you to watch it), Webkinz, Hamtaro, stuffed animal collecting, childhood nostalgia, the furry community, rhythm games, Nintendo, Undertale/Deltarune, Super Monkey Ball, Homestarrunner, Doki Doki Literature Club, cartoon dragons, squirrels, and cats :3
🌈Thanks for stopping by!!!🌈
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multiversemaker169 · 2 months
Here's my idea for an Inside Out 2 x Fnaf 2 game.
This game will be a sequel rather than a prequel and takes place after the funtime buffet being rebranded with the old animatronics being replaced with new ones.
The new animatronics
.Anxiety the poodle
.Envy the frog
.Embarrassment the panda bear
.Ennui the pine marten
.Nostalgia the artic fox
The fractured animatronics
.Fractured Joy
.Fractured Sadness
.Fractured Anger
.Fractured Disgust
.Fractured Fear
The reasons the old animatronics are damaged
.Joy was used as take apart and put back together attraction like Mangle.
.Sadness had an accident where she fell and broke her face.
.Fear was stored away and forgotten. He would be bitten and torn by rats.
.Disgust had a door close on her wing and had to rip it off to free herself.
.Anger had a chip installed in him to make him more kid friendly. Forcing him to be cheery and only tell kid friendly dad jokes instead of his trademark comedic swearing, yelling, and finger pointing to expose the absurdities of life(he was originally programmed to entertain adults). He hated being forced to be someone he's not. One day, he decided to rip out the chip from his head to free himself. This wasn't without consequences, though, ripping out that chip caused him to become extremely aggressive to the point of attacking anything that moves. He was considered too dangerous, so he was locked away.
Game mechanics
The main mechanic is putting on a Bloofy mask to trick the animatronics into thinking that you're one of them. Though there are a few who aren't fooled by the mask.
Those who are fooled by the mask
The other mechanics
.Anger works just like Withered Foxy. When he's outside your office, you must shine your flashlight at him.
.When Disgust gets into your office, you must point your pocket mirror at her to show her fractured appearance and make her go away to try to fix herself up.
.Anxiety will be in the computer room to make computer documents about her plans for the future. When you hear her having computer problems, you must switch to Cam 7 and click on her computer screen to fix it.
.Ennui will try to try to get into one of the four party room vents to climb into your office, and you'll have to find which vent she's in and activate the security lasers to block her from entering your office.
.Embarrassment isn't like the others. He is able to see that you're just some innocent security guard and will actually try to help you, but he only appears occasionally.
Another thing is just like the last game, Fear doesn't have a jumpscare. Instead, he'll try to take away your flashlight, leaving you defenseless against Anger.
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fuckyeah-bears · 1 year
3 minutes of secret knowledge behind pandas being Occasional Bears. A lot of the time, panda's weird me out. Also they're just fundamentally terrible at being bears. As such, they are occasional bears for when i feel like it
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look into his eyes and tell me he does not disturb you on some level
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tigerfang318 · 3 months
Do any other therians get random hyperfixations on different animals that aren’t your theriotype? And then it messes with your head because you’re so attached to that animal that’s not you to the point where you start thinking you’re the animal you’re fixated on even though you’re not that animal? Or is this problem too specific? Lol
I’m a feline through and through. No doubt. Cats, big cats… the connection is always there. It’s in my soul. But I get hyperfixations all the time, and even though I am so strongly connected with cats, I am a lover of most animals, so occasionally, I’ll fixate on an animal other than a feline.
And then I have to remind myself that it’s okay to love and fixate on an animal outside of a cat, but it conflicts with my internal issue of not feeling like a big enough cat lover if I focus on another animal for too long. Cats have been my special interest since kindergarten, and I get weirdly defensive when people try to claim that they like cats more than me (I know it’s childish, but I’ve never gotten over it) and so when I fixate on a non-cat animal, it makes me question my own self and my own identity.
But, in the end, I am who I am, and my connection to other creatures does not make me any less of a cat. In fact, it’s rather fun to see life from a different lens every so often!
Ramble aside, here’s a list of all the animals that I’ve ever heavily fixated on outside of cats. And all of them hold a special place in my heart!
Dog (in particular, Golden Retriever, German Shepard, Dalmatian, St Bernard, Husky, Samoyed)
Grizzly Bear
Red Panda
And there are more, but these are the main ones
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zodarii-dae · 9 months
traffic symbolism masterpost
i’ve had a little side project about giving everyone in the life series symbols. the rules are as follows: first place are celestial bodies (planets, moons, or occasionally constellations), second place are plants, and third place are rocks/minerals. last place are fungi, and everyone in between is an animal.
this post will have the full lists of all the symbols, but check out the original posts for the explanations.
first place (last life)
first place (secret life)
second and third place (third life-limited life)
second and third place (secret life)
13th-4th place (third life)
16th-4th place (last life)
13th-4th place (double life)
13th-4th place (limited life)
16th-4th place (secret life)
last place (third life-limited life)
last place (secret life)
third life
grian, as the sun
scar, as a purple hyacinth
bdubs, as blue sandstone
bigb, as a white-tailed jackrabbit
impulse, as a coast mole
martyn, as an arctic fox
ren, as an arctic wolf
tango, as a danish red cattle
etho, as an awassi sheep
scott, as an adonis blue butterfly
joel, as a eurasian wolf
skizz, as a mourning dove
cleo, as an african lion
jimmy, as a sickener mushroom
last life
scott, as orion
ren, as red ivy
martyn, as amethyst
joel, as a brown hyena
etho, as a canada lynx
grian, as a eurasian sparrowhawk
pearl, as a luna moth
cleo, as a tarantula hawk wasp
scar, as a mangrove pit viper
bigb, as a monarch butterfly
tango, as a bengal tiger
bdubs, as a black rat
lizzie, as a pipevine swallowtail
impulse, as a golden-ringed dragonfly
skizz, as a white winged dove
mumbo, as a whiskered screech owl
jimmy, as a lilac bonnet
double life
pearl, as the moon
scott, as a laurel tree
martyn, as rubellite
cleo, as a brown widow spider
impulse, as a plains pocket mouse
bdubs, as a meadow jumping mouse
joel, as a green moray
etho, as a sand tiger shark
scar, as a giant panda
grian, as a hoatzin
bigb, as a golden retriever
ren, as a german shepherd
tango, as a tauernscheck goat
jimmy, as chicken of the woods
limited life
martyn, as neptune
impulse, as a forget-me-not
scott, as serpentine
pearl, as a rosy footman moth
etho, as a greater sooty owl
grian, as a black-billed magpie
bigb, as a golden mantella frog
cleo, as a grizzly bear
scar, as a spotted hyena
tango, as a sooty falcon
bdubs, as a house mouse
joel, as a rüppell's vulture
skizz, as a red collared dove
jimmy, as a destroying angel
secret life
scar, as cepheus
pearl, as a purple iris
gem, as carnelian
scott, as an orchid mantis
joel, as a star-nosed mole
bdubs, as an american shrew mole
impulse, as a rosy maple moth
grian, as a common cactus finch
cleo, as a secretary bird
bigb, as a snow coral corn snake
martyn, as a shiba inu
etho, as a short-tailed chinchilla
skizz, as a luzon bleeding heart
tango, as a pink spotted lady beetle
mumbo, as a hairy-tailed mole
jimmy, as a golden labrador
lizzie, as a jack-o’-lantern mushroom
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Toto bringing the Monday mood
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hatsumaki45 · 1 year
First time sleeping with them - Dreamcatcher
Since the previous application was too long, I decided to make this one as Headcanons. Plus I thought it would look cuter that way n.n
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🤍It would be a sleepover, with movies, skincare, popcorn and candy. 🤍She thinks it will be more memorable -and comfortable- for both of them that way. 🤍She would definitely drape an arm over your waist to cuddle all night long. 🤍She fell asleep before the movie was over, so she was a little disappointed that she didn't get to watch you sleep. 🤍She will plan another way to achieve her goal.
🤍At first it was a little strange to see her quiet, but you managed to get used to it over the course of the night. 🤍She has a long bedtime routine and invited you to do it together, hinting that you could also share the shower 🤍Once under the sheets she touched your ass until you resigned yourself to remove her hands from there. 🤍Elephants in the bed take up 50% of the space 🤍Actually she became very sweet when you stopped playing, caressing your head and showering you with goodnight kisses
🤍Just before bedtime they went for snacks, which resulted in a meditative talk in the kitchen. 🤍From a snack they went to coffee and suddenly it was 3 a.m. 🤍By the time they went to bed they were no longer sleepy, so she begged you to watch an Avengers movie. 🤍She let you choose which one. 🤍You don't know when they fell asleep, but they woke up spooning -Siyeon was the small spoon-.
🤍They most likely went to the gym together, so the night would close with each taking a shower. 🤍She would cook something light and they would cuddle on the couch until it's time to sleep 🤍She tries to take it as a matter of course, even though internally she worries about having to share her bed 🤍They take some time together to remove your make-up, she also combs your hair because she thinks it's cute 🤍At first she tries to hug you, but the ice princess will end up turning around and sleeping on her side 🤍You are the last one to sleep and the first one to wake up, now you understand why the members say that waking her up is IMPOSSIBLE.
🤍She raids your bed in the middle of the night saying she's bored. 🤍She cuddles up to you like a koala bear and plays video games 🤍Somehow she looks so cute that you let her stay on your chest even with the occasional curse words 🤍Naturally you bring a hand to her head and by the time you realize the game is over and the puppy is fast asleep 🤍She slowly starts to hog your bed and you end up on the edge about to fall off, but you try to keep going even so 🤍When you finally manage to settle in, she feels so comfortable to cuddle.... Maybe you could get used to that.
🤍 It was so cold that day that the panda sked you to go lie down under ten blankets. 🤍She stayed reading with her head resting on your shoulder while you finished your favorite series 🤍Slowly the eyes of both of you got tired and you decided that sleeping was the best option 🤍She hugs you first and snuggles against your neck 🤍You try not to squeal, but she looks so cute being half asleep that your heart melts 🤍Naturally, she falls asleep first and you just stare at her like a fool until sleep overcomes you
🤍She's happy to sleep with you, but she takes her time with her skincare routine 🤍You have to wait for her outside the bathroom until the maknae decides that's enough 🤍At the end she surprises you with a hug and throws you on the bed, her on top of you laughing at her mischief 🤍Although the idea is to sleep, she'll be a good while surfing the internet and showing you every random thing she finds interesting 🤍A while can be hours 🤍Finally you think she'll leave the cell phone when she thinks of getting into her games, so determined to have her attention, you steal her device and hug her
🤍She will fight for a while for her cell phone, but finally she will give up and the game will culminate in caresses until they fall asleep
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stevebattle · 6 months
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Yume Kuma (AKA Dream Bear / Dream Panda) (AKA Hasbro FurReal Friends Luv Cubs), Sega Toys and Tiger Electronics (2004). Brown, Panda, or Polar Bear, "Which one are you!? Is your dream life with a pet a reality?"
"The toy's main function is its ability to 'hug' the user. Each toy comes with a plastic bottle accessory and an Adoption Certificate. When the toy's back sensor is pressed, it will pull in its arms and 'hug' the user. Users can also 'tickle' the toy by pressing on its left foot, and 'feed' it by placing the bottle in its mouth. The toy will also occasionally initiate a game of 'peek-a-boo' with the user by moving its hands over its eyes, and the player can press its foot sensor to play." – Luv Cubs, FurReal Wiki
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biebuli · 4 months
I think Kung Fu Panda 4 can fully utilize the Chinese story "The Orphan of Zhao" as its prototype.
"The Orphan of Zhao" is a Chinese play from the Yuan Dynasty. It tells the story of a loyal minister, Cheng Ying, who saves the last surviving member of the Zhao family after a corrupt official, Tu'an Gu, massacres the entire clan. To protect the orphan, Cheng Ying sacrifices his own son and raises the orphan as his own. The orphan grows up unaware of his true identity. When he discovers his lineage and the truth behind his family's tragedy, he seeks to avenge them and restore the honor of the Zhao family.
Well, we can create the same story.
The Chameleon and Han were once friends, both living at the bottom of society, having experienced a lot of painful things. One day, The Chameleon decided she wanted to change her circumstances. She believed that learning Kung Fu could protect herself and change others, but she was turned away. So she turned to learning illusions with the aim of taking revenge on those people. Her the best friend Han was always by her side, supporting and helping her. After The Chameleon defeated those who had mocked her, her ambition grew, and she wanted to overthrow the rulers of Junpier City. She believed all her misfortunes were due to the rule of the Fox family, and she wanted to overthrow their regime.
The original rulers of Juniper City were the Fox family. With Han's help, The Chameleon seized power and took over the position of ruler. During the massacre of the Fox family, a baby was left behind—our Zhen. Han couldn't bear to kill the child, so he secretly kept her, but The Chameleon didn't know about this.
Once in power, The Chameleon's mentality changed. She and Han had differences; Han thought everything would get better, but in reality, The Chameleon only treated Cedarburg the same way she had been treated (Who cares about your friendship? I have bigger goals!). Han's public existence was erased, and he went underground, secretly raising Zhen without ever revealing her true identity. During the upbringing, Han would occasionally hint that someone he knew well loved cape gooseberries. Zhen was very curious about what they looked like, but Han only showed her pictures, as the familiar people and things from the past were too far from him now. One day, Zhen saw the cape gooseberries on the golden tree behind The Chameleon.
Thus, Zhen was adopted by The Chameleon. The Chameleon was surprised to find a fox , as she thought the previous batch of foxes had been exterminated. However, she no longer feared the foxes. She adopted Zhen as her foster daughter, partly because she felt Zhen was like her and partly to use her as a symbol of dominance. The events that follow are well known; maybe a change could be made regarding Po passing by the Cliff Tavern. Han discovered Zhen wanted to leave and subtly asked why, deducing the matter concerning Po. His intention was to stop Po, so he established the Cliff Tavern, but unfortunately, he failed.
In the finally, Han decided to tell Zhen her true identity and how she became an orphan. Zhen was shocked and angry but also began to contemplate her complex relationship with The Chameleon. Facing the person who raised her yet was also the enemy of her family, Zhen was filled with mixed emotions. She felt both gratitude and anger, as well as hatred. In the end, Po and Han helped Zhen defeat The Chameleon. Han gathered The Chameleon's cape gooseberries as a memento. This concludes a reasonable Kung Fu Panda 4 that echoes the themes of master-disciple relationships, ethnic massacre, and the breakdown of friendships from the previous three movies.
Why I write this story, because I CAN'T STAND THE LOGIC IN KFP4.
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decided to just post the rest of my unicorn wars ocs all together so i dont clog the tag up!! ill put a little bit of information about them below <3 azucar no longer belongs to me and the two twins were scrapped designs but i dont feel like deleting them off the canvas haha
picante - certified strong lady! she’s motherly towards the soldiers she trains and takes no shit from anyone, she’s determined to rise in ranks so she can put an end to the corruption from her superiors. picante is patient, but when she gets mad she completely loses her head. she’s not very religious, but still occasionally prays & attends church! she dies in the holy war by being blown up by the cannon
amargo - behind the serious face he puts during training, amargo is a giant goofball who loves slacking off almost as much as he loves getting drunk with girls. he’s an excellent soldier and known by his superiors, who give him special treatment since they like him. amargo is known for taking people back to his room and flirting with everyone, though he does this as a horrible coping mechanism from the issues he’s facing in the military. he’s dulces cousin and was apart of his og group (for context: before being moved to flors unit, dulces was apart of another one where everyone minus him was killed on a mission). amargo died by being gored by a unicorn in the forest during his mission, he survived a little bit but with no medical aid he passed away.
peluche, aka "payaso" - another member of dulces og unit! peluche was nicknamed payaso by their fellow comrades due to their face markings resembling the makeup of a clown. they’re from a rich family and take pride in it, they’re not a bad soldier either! they’re a natural born leader, but isn’t taken very seriously. payaso loves organizing everything and aids in keeping everyone on track! they die in the forest, similarly to amargo, they die due to being impaled by a unicorn (also tiny note! they’re not out to their comrades, so others use he/him for them)
last but not least, chico, aka chiquito: the shortest fella, yet the one with the biggest temper! as you may have noticed, he’s not even a bear, he’s a red panda (they used to be classified as bears and i thought it’d be silly to have one in the military haha)! chico, mostly known as chiquito due to his height, was also apart of dulces og unit. to sum it up, he has a horrible napoleon complex and has a reputation for getting into fights with other soldiers. he has a good amount of knowledge when it comes to explosives and he’s also skilled when it comes to combat. chiquito is killed by a unicorn like his other two comrades.
if you read this far wowie!! thank you, i hope you enjoyed learning about my silly bears <3
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keouil · 8 months
your need grows teeth
“the skirt is short on purpose,” maki explains. 1k. yuta/maki. fluff. also on ao3.
“You’re staring.”
Before Yuuta could even think of a reply, he was being forcefully shoved inward into the club. “What the hell,” he swears under his breath, craning his neck to find Maki and Inumaki ahead of them in the sea of bodies. “Remind me why we were assigned this mission again?”
“The first years are still too young,” Panda comments drily at his side, a well-placed illusion charm disguising him as a rather tall, burly man instead of the giant bear he was. “And you didn’t hear it from me, but I heard they weren’t going to let Nobara near a single drop of liquor after what happened at orientation. Cause you know. She’s Nobara.”
“Makes sense,” Yuuta agrees distractedly, eyes still roaming over the crowd. “But I mean, really, in the red light district?”
They were now being bodily shoved further into the claustrophobic rave, bright lights flashing all around them and the booming sound of the stereo system threatening to deafen their newly legal ears. Yuuta and Panda were tasked to work the peripheral of the joint and keep an eye out for their target: a retired yakuza who had a habit of commissioning ex-sorcerers to do his illegal bidding. Maki and Toge were situated in the much more intimate beats of the party, mingling on the dance floor and occasionally hitting up some of regulars to gather intel. 
“Who knows with these yakuza,” Panda shrugs, grabbing two beers from the open bar and shoving it in his hands. Yuuta immediately refuses. “It’s for props, idiot. We need to blend in better. And you trailing Maki like a hawk isn’t helping.”
“I am not—” Yuuta blushes, feeling hot and it having nothing to do with the heat of the party. “Trailing her.”
Panda eyes him knowingly. “Yes, because that sounded totally convincing.”
Yuuta’s ears just flush redder. “Shut up!” he hisses. “Let’s just get this mission over with.”
The mission came and went: the yakuza was spotted near the VIP lounge and, after expert manoeuvring from Maki and not at all the threats of bodily violence to the bouncer to let her in, they managed to apprehend him and secure all his contacts to give to the higher-ups. All in all it was successful. But they were still in Roppongi during peak party hours and wearing uncomfortable clothing, and it was hot, and none of them were cut out for Tokyo’s night life.
Most especially Maki.
“Hold on,” Maki tells them suddenly when they’re walking back to the rendezvous spot, reaching out to Toge for balance. “I need a minute. I’ve been walking on these heels all night. I can’t feel my toes.”
Yuuta frowns. “Do you want to take them off?”
“In the car,” Maki grimaces, steadying herself as she wiggles out of each heel and flexes her feet. “Sorry—just give me a second.”
“Take your time,” Yuuta insists, walking over to them and offering her his arm with Toge on the other side. “Panda will let Ijichi know we’re coming.”
“Oh, Panda will, won’t he?” Panda muses, shutting up when Yuuta levels him with a look that could only mean, Not now. “Okay, alright. Geesh.”
It was now somewhere north of midnight and the party was still going in full swing. Loud music could still be heard blasting off inside, a few of the regulars routinely making their way out for a smoke. The doors to the club suddenly swung open, a group of guys who couldn’t be much older than them walked out laughing and very clearly inebriated. 
One of them just so happened to be looking their way and, as predicted, zeroed in on Maki who slightly bent towards her feet and oblivious to all the attention she was now getting. Yuuta could see him eyeing her with interest and without thinking, absolutely and purely out of the spirit of teamwork and camaraderie despite Panda’s teasing, moved behind her—but not before injecting malice into the glare he shot towards him.
“Maki?” Yuuta says louder than usual, making a show of letting everyone know she was with company. “You okay?”
“Fine,” Maki waves him off distractedly, closing her eyes and trying to labor her breathing. “It’s the fumes. I think I inhaled too much.”
Yuuta was already fishing for the peppermint inhaler he usually bought for Toge when his throat closed up. “Here,” he brought it near her nose. “Try this.”
Maki breathed in once, twice. 
“Better?” Yuuta asks gently. “Or do you wanna sit down somewhere?”
Maki took a few more inhales before replying. “No, it’s fine,” she insists. “And I can’t sit anywhere wearing this without accidentally flashing someone, so.”
Yuuta fought against the instinctive urge to blush and instead took on a more proactive stance. “What’s with the skirt anyway?” he tries for casual, but the almost hostile tone bled through regardless, if Toge giving him a look and Panda snickering was any indication.
“The skirt is short on purpose,” Maki explains.
“But why?” Yuuta prods.
“To get the yakuza’s attention,” Maki elaborates, rather slowly, like she was explaining to a five year old. “How do you think we got his attention so fast and he didn’t clock me as a sorcerer until it was too late?”
“Because of—” Yuuta flounders. “Your—um—skills.”
“Cute,” Maki coos at him. “But sometimes the art of seduction is all you need to take a man down.”
Now Yuuta was definitely, without a mistake and so glaring against the pale moonlight: blushing. “The art of—” he squeaks. “The art of what—”
“Oh, come off it, Yuuta,” Maki tilts her head at him, batting her eyes. “Like you didn’t do a double take when I came out of the dressing room.”
“It’s—” He was redder than a tomato, and of course it’s that moment Panda chose to take a vow of silence and Inumaki was well-content to admire the night sky and play deaf. “I was just—”
“Checking me out?” Maki teases, a glint in her eye.
Yuuta wants to cry. “Maki,” he starts, pleading. “I would never—”
“I’m just messing with you,” Maki slapped him on the arm playfully, then grabbed his arm to right herself again as she settled back into her heels. “And besides, it’s nice to know there are other means to get missions done. Lugging the katana around can be quite heavy, you know.”
Yuuta wants to say that if that’s the problem, then fine, no issue, he would do the hard carrying for her for as long as she wanted. If the spears were getting to be too cumbersome to carry around for long haul missions, he had no problem acting as her second. 
Yuuta tries again. “But how do you know it’s gonna work?” 
“Please,” Maki scoffs, gesturing to herself. “Have you seen me?”
Yuuta blinks, speechless.
But Maki wasn’t done. She turns to face him then, smirking, “And well, it worked on you, didn’t it?”
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