#The little scruff that Tango has
postixr-blog · 2 months
The story of a life
A bird who is singing in the coldest of mornings, you can see each note in the sky created by a trail of fog, its mesmerizing. You see a child dramatically fall to the snow-covered ground and start to frantically wave its arms to create a snow angel. You do not know what this action is. A cacophony of laugher emerges from the Childs mouth, to which you see what appears to be the Childs parents tiptoeing over each icy patch as to not slip. The parents fail to avoid plummeting to the floor, they both smile at one another, "ow" slips from the husband's mouth, followed by a soft chuckle from the wife. Carefully, you watch this loving family play in the white void of the park, you do not know many emotions, but you believe this to be love. Stiffly you move each appendage to move forward, almost pretending to feel the ice on your feet but, you do not. You feel nothing.
Passing by each scene, each small moment of human connection. You see different trees, choreographing a synchronized dance within the sudden harsh winds, almost like a passionate tango. Each step taken the wind grows with more rage and fire, pushing you back. The universe does not want you to go this way, and yet you attempt to proceed. One sudden gust and you are met with a face full of snow. Somehow you muster up enough courage to attempt again, balling up your fist, and in a moment of desperation you go limp, completely giving up and resting on the snow as it piles on top of your unfeeling body. Suddenly a bird gracefully flies and lands next to you. You can hear small tweets and curious sounds escaping from the little creature's mouth. Almost in an instant the birds’ soft tweets turn into broken English, you can almost understand each soft-spoken word from the small beak. What is this? A delicate being, attempting to communicate with you, trying so desperately and yet you do not understand, you cannot, or is it you will not? Is it your ignorance and selfishness that prevents you from learning, from loving and understanding. Perhaps this bird was the one singing that beautiful song you had once heard moments ago, it has the same soft red stomach and warm brown coat, you know this to be, a robin. A small shake of its feathers and its flown away, you will remember this.
Lifting your head, you notice the wind has calmed, you feel this could be some form of divine intervention or message from the universe to you. You must keep moving.
Further progressing down your path something twinkles, a strand of lights can be seen hanging from a tree, beautiful greens and reds, little plastic cylinders attached to black cables, you can see your reflection slightly through the plastic, all you notice are your blue eyes and a brown smudge beneath your lip. The lights almost look like an entangled elaborate spider’s web, connected from tree to tree and its somewhat captivating, you cannot help but stare and admire the contrast between the icy white floor and the vibrant colours above. However, something catches your eye, a teenager, in a similar position than you, staring up at the shining lights, almost in his own world until a group of children about his age crowd around him. They are not a negative presence in this child's life, but a positive one. You can see this as they excitedly scutter down the familiar street, each play fighting with the other, almost just as a little of puppies so filled with life. You remember how that used to feel, the warmth grows within you as you recall childlike memories of climbing trees, skipping down the street and play fighting with your friends. Feeling your friends hand scruff your hair and eruptions of laughter, its lovely to remember.
Suddenly a tear slowly falls down your wrinkled cheek, you feel as though this moment is important to you, but you are not entirely sure why yet. When your tears dry, you turn around to be greeted by the robin, its here and has been here the whole time, but this time its different, the robin lands on your shoulder and gently rubs itself against your chin, its attempting to comfort you and, its working. You feel determined to continue. So, you do, you trek up the path. The weather warps around you into something of chilled summer breeze, you can feel the temperature get hotter against your skin, the warmth feeling like a big hug. You take comfort in this and as you do you see a woman, her face is blurred but her dress is stunning, flowing in the wind with such lovely patterns of orange and red swirled into one dress, you cannot help but stare.
The chest you have suddenly feels flushed and beats faster, this woman is important to you. Its mesmerising to just sit and watch it flow in the wind, but its abruptly interrupted by a loud man who appears to be in his twenties. He is wearing cargo shorts and a graphic t-shirt, this contrasting the beautiful woman’s colourful dress. This man appears different from the woman, more aggressive and abrasive, someone you do not want to be around but also someone who is familiar. Stomping and yelling the man walks past you and towards the lady in the dress, showing a vulgar display of disrespect towards this woman. This makes you uncomfortable and yet the lady seems overjoyed by his presence, perhaps this man is someone of importance in her life?
Nonetheless you sit on a bench close to the two, bouncing your leg anxiously waiting for the man to leave so you can attempt to communicate with her, ask her name at least. So, you wait, and wait until its finally time to make your move, you shyly wander over and tap her shoulder. Suddenly all you hear is frantic tweets and a beeping noise following a rhythm, its dark until a bright blue light shines in your face, where are you? You cannot see or hear, all you can do is feel a delicate hand on yours, and a slight sore feeling in the other, almost like a scratch, it does not compare to the agony you are feeling in your head. Why are you in such pain? All you want is to go back to the beautiful summer beach and see the lady again, but, you feel such warmth coming from your left hand, a tender rub and you know its going to be okay, just as this thought overwhelms you, you hear a soft humming next to you, this person is crying and holding you, this person cares for you, everything is okay. Softly and slowly your mind starts to warp as to what it once was, but the beach is empty now and it is getting colder. The tide slowly retreats back into the depths of the ocean, and everything goes quiet, you are alone. That is until your friend the robin lands on your hand, it sits down and nuzzles into your fingers, it wants to rest here for a few minutes, and you gladly accept. Deep breaths, gentle noises of the waves crashing against the rocks at shore, breathe, the sound of seagulls communicating with one another fills you with comfort and a smile creeps upon your face, deep breath, feel your thin silver hairbrush against your forehead, feel your hands twitch slightly, your lips drying from the cold wind, feel it all and relax.
This moment of tranquillity is interrupted by loud church bells and cheers of familiar voices, you open your eyes and suddenly a small town and a church appear to you. The robin is gone, you will see it again soon you presume so you do not worry too much. Turning towards the church you see a blurry woman and man run down the aisle, they seem happy. Her dress is made of delicate white lace and precious gold stones, you realize, you love this woman. You know her and you love her, you miss her. Running and running towards her all you want is to tell her you love her. Finally reaching you grab her shoulders, her face unwarps, and you can see her eyes, her nose, her lips, she is so beautiful.
“My love, it’s me, it’s your darling!” you yelp, but she tilts her head in confusion, questioning your existence she asks.
A sharp pain enters your chest as her face disfigures itself before your eyes, why were you here? Why does your chest hurt so much and why are you holding a random woman’s hand? Of course you do not mind, this woman is gorgeous, her dress a snowy white covered in thin lace, almost resembling a spider’s web, beautifully entangled and intertwined with gold stones, like gold rain drops trapped upon the stringy web.
You let go. Suddenly an icy chill overcomes your spine, jolting you to stand at attention, although you start feeling a gentle peck at your foot. Seeing the robin brings warmth to your leg, The heat rising through your body and reaching your head causing you to feel somewhat dizzy, this causing you to fall to the ground.
It feels like water, and yet your floating, the limbs you have are lifeless and yet you can feel everything, your blood flowing, your eyes blinking under, underneath your eyelids, the water pushing against your back, its cold but it is nice. Pitter patter, light steps quickly approach your limp body laying in the water.
A girl, a small build, not over 6 years it would seem. Of course, her face is unrecognizable, nothing but a mass blur. Soft mumbles from the girl’s mouth are nothing but mere mashes of noise to your ears, you want to listen but all you can hear is jumbled begging and pleading. She is pulling on your arm, her tiny hands feel like daggers on your skin, holding on to tight she is drawing blood, turning the water into a light red. This hurts, your body is in agony, but worst of all your heart is burning, your eyes are flaring up with tears, the floor slowly rising. You keep floating but this child seems to fall lower and lower eventually, submerged in the water, her screams grow quieter and quieter and yet you cannot stop crying. Looking down you see, a fully grown woman, her face similar to the child that once was in her place, still filled with tears, still attempting to hold onto your clothing until, she must let go. She cannot hold on anymore you are too high up. She is alone drowning underneath the water, but you are to light, you cannot move, all you can do, is cry. The water rises and rises until you reach the clouds, the mist overcoming the form you take, its cold.
A blur of brown and red, the robin has come back to see you. It rests on the cloud next to you, pushing against your hand, moving is possible again. Crawling and clawing at the ground, attempting anything to reach the girl, blood pours from your fingers as you hear the muffled noises of chatting folk and a rhythmic beeping noise. Pleading and begging as you do so, but it is no use, all you are doing is causing more pain to yourself.
Sitting back down next to the robin you ask
“Why am I here? Who am I?”
This the robin does not answer. It just stares up at you, there is nothing but black beady eyes looking almost through you, as if you are not real.
“Do I…exist?”
The robin tilts its head, almost in confusion. Following this it flaps its wings, causing the mist below to disperse, this making you fall to the ground, but you don’t scream, it feels nice being able to just fall, you don’t know where you’re going but it feels okay, just breathe and feel the wind against your body, the pressure feels warm.
When you reach the ground its dark, unnerving, the walls with patterns of birds and flowers all tinted a dark blue, the smell is clean and polished, the hall long with brown oak doors on each end. Walking past each door you hear soft murmurs, some tears, some laughter. Although nearing the ending of the dimly lit hall you hear loud beeping, its similar to the one you had once heard previously. Beep beep beep, it echoes towards you, almost like its beckoning you closer and closer until…you reach the door.
You see an engraved robin within the metal doorknob, reaching out to grab it you feel its cold. A slight turn and the door clicks open and suddenly your met with a room full of people, a girl in her mid-twenties and an elderly woman who is wrinkled, grey hair and a lace white top, a delicate creation. Eyes wandering lower you notice a large metal bed, with black wires entangled through the bars almost like an intricate spider’s web. You hear soft breathes, its coming from a frail older man, his flesh as thin as the window in the room looking out into the winter scenery. Seeing his bones and his skin drape off of them, trying to determine his features you notice a freckle on his lower lip, similar to your own. This scene is morbid and cold, you feel chills overflowing within your body, the hairs standing on their ends, somehow you feel empty inside as you watch this man live his last moments, surrounded by what it seems to be loved ones, each and everyone sitting in silence some light sobs coming from the two women holding each of the mans hands, the slight movements of their thumbs on his wrinkled hand feel filled with emotions, looking down at your own hands they are significantly warmer than the rest of your body , no chills, only warmth.
The room is quiet with only the bird song creeping through the cracks of the window, it sounds as if they are discussing between themselves outside, a clear contrast between the room you are currently within.
It doesn’t make sense, who are you, why are you here and why does your heart hurt so much? Ending each thought with a beep from the machine until, the beeps become one long note, ringing in your ear. As if a switch has flipped within the room a cacophony of tears stream from each member in the room and you feel cold. You feel it at your feet, the icy tears from the loved ones, the room filling with said water. Everyone in this room does not seem to notice the tears raising to their chest, but you do, so you try desperately to warn them, grabbing their shoulders begging them to get out of the room the deafening note still playing behind it all, but nothing seems to work, it seems as though, you don’t exist, or at least not in the same place as the people before you. The room freezes but you are still able to move, so you kiss each beings head out of respect, and kiss the old man’s frail hand. With that you open the door, it leads to a bright white corridor, similar to the snow you saw in the beginning of this journey. Looking up you notice a large black figure hunched over, its limbs pushed against the walls and ceiling, it looks uncomfortable. It extends its hand and suddenly a flash of red flies past you, landing on the lengthy finger, the bird Is delicate and soft compared to the black tough texture of the creature’s skin, but you feel as though they are the same.
You feel fear but, also an urge to walk forward so you do so, each step creaking as you go, shivers running through each vein. Creak creak creak, until you finally reach the blackout creature, looking up its so tall, you see its features now, its face just a mere thin silky black sheet, with two deeply craved holes for eyes. Its unnerving but also somewhat comforting, you can hear slight hums from the creature its gentle and loving, it understands your confusion.
Reaching your hand up, you touch its face, you are unaware of what prompts you to such a thing but, you feel each slight change of texture on its face and suddenly it speaks.
“Do you have…any questions”.
The words are breathy and slightly harsh, but you take this as an opportunity to have your queries answered, blurting out every question, beginning with,
who am I?
“You are a human being, a man”.
Where am I?
“You are everywhere and nowhere, the end and the beginning, the place we all inevitably arrive to”.
This answer left you with more questions than answers, what did the creature mean, where we all end up? Suddenly whilst looking up at this beast, it dawns on you.
Am I dead?
A rush of memories flood into your head, playing with your parents in the snow, watching them in love, play fighting with your friends, watching their faces light up, meeting your wife and her beautiful dresses, watching her smile even though you were childish and immature, remembering her hazel eyes, so much depth and emotion within them, how stunning she looked during our wedding ceremony. Your daughter, her laughter and her drawings, watching her grow, take her first steps, her graduation, walking her down the aisle, you remember how proud she would make you feel, she was such a smart girl. All these emotions overwhelm you and you start to cry, you don’t want to go, you wish you remembered, you didn’t even get to say goodbye.
Pleading and begging the creature, clutching onto the creatures clothing, your hands scraping against the rough skin. Feeling something soft rub against your chin, it’s a familiar feeling and it fills you with warmth, tears beginning dry up.
“Breathe, your feelings are strong but I am afraid there is not much to do, its time to go”
The comfort of the robin helps, your emotional, distraught even but you take comfort in the fact those you love are still living, your daughter has her whole life ahead of her, children of her own to have, and you can’t wait to see her soon. Your wife having more time fills you with joy, and you know it’s okay to go.
“You lived”.
I lived.
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tallaroo · 2 years
Been thinking of questions all night so:
Did Scott and Cleo reject their riders or did something happen that made them leave?
Do they bully the ranchers still?
Do the animals (and jimmy) use tango as a heater? If so how does tango feel about it?
How often does tango get called an overgrown chicken?
Does impulse let his gremlin of a rider run rampant? Does he scruff him when he gets to rowdy?
Does grian still wish bigb was his partner?
Are they still fighting or is it a peaceful au?
Is the bond a fate thing or a choice?
I’m gonna put these answers under a cut cause I’m probably gonna write a lot
Kinda similar to how Pearl and Martyn never came looking for them, Scott and Cleo are mad that their riders never made an attempt to find them. In reality they didn’t even know they had a bond with the dragons. So they rejected them yes but they still have the soulbond
Everyone’s a bit more spread out but yes the ranchers still get bullied :)
Tango runs super super hot so it’d be pretty uncomfortable for Jimmy unless it was cold out. The animals though love him and he’s become the barns space heater at night, he’s alright with it now but it took a week or two
Fairly often, it started after Jimmy caught a bunch of chicks following him around the ranch. It’s said affectionately though
Impulse has learned after their looong lives together that it is nigh impossible to keep Bdubs from being a rabid little man. But he will pluck him up by his cape and place him on his back if things look like they might go south
Yes, Grian doesn’t think Scar understands the importance of a dragon riders role or is taking any of this seriously. He respects BigB more since he seems to have a grip on the rider thing more but Ren is still very much in the picture here so drama ensues
It’s a bit more peaceful, there’s different conflict now rather than pair vs pair but equal violence and chance of death
There is one soulbond and that is a fate thing, it’s p similar to canon except there’s more…levels? to it. But dragons can be compatible with other riders those bonds just won’t reach the strength of a soulbond usually for magic reasons
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raisans-art · 2 years
Okay so to lighten things up from ppl accidentally being a bit pushy on design ideas here's something fun
What's your favourite Little Thing about each hermitcat design that you're particularly proud of?
Ok going in order of the allegiance page:
Voidstar(X): I added the sparse grey freckles so that it looked like the little particles and static that you see in the void
Hillsong(Joe): the longer scruff fur and darker colour is supposed to resemble his longer hair falling over his shoulders
Bearcreek(Cub): He's got a stubby tail and small ears to resemble more of a bear and give his parents reason to name him Bearkit
Aspenwool(Zed): even though he's my favourite hermit, I didn't make any clever design choices with him aside from having 6 inches of fluff on him
Canopystorm(Doc): His long fur is supposed to resemble a goat's! Also the markings on his chin are supposed to resemble his beard
Shadedsoil(Hypno): He has a couple of long tufts of fur on the back of his neck that's supposed to look like the ends of a bandana
Snowmask(Etho): the markings along his forehead are supposed to indicate his headband
Wolfshadow(Ren): The mask of darker fur on his eyes are supposed to resemble his glasses. Also, his fur is actually pulled up into a ponytail at the back
Shrubfur(Bdubs): He's modeled after a munchkin cat and the fur along his back is supposed to look like a big mohawk
Spiritblossom(Cleo): Her fur is long and curly enough to hide a lot of her scars
Doespot(Gem): I just love her little fawn spots on her back :)))
Bravesky(Wels): His tail is supposed to be the plume of his helmet
Marshtail(Jevin): round :)
Cattlehunt(Beef): Make him look like a brown cow :) Also his white chest is supposed to be like the apron
Mossfrost(Iskall): I had nothing to work off of other than iskall meaning ice cold so he's based off of Hawkfrost instead
Waspbite(False): pushing the bee theme because of her bee on her beans shop instead of going for the eagle imagery! I thought it was a lot more cleaver and made her more intimidating with her name. I'm really proud of her name you don't understand--
Redflash(Mumbo): the red spot on his chest looking like his tie
Barkscar(Scar): He's got a spot of orange, just like Jellie has a spot of orange on her! (but she's self conscious about it)
Littlewing(Grian): his tail is supposed to resemble a wing!
Petalrush(Stress): I drew her fur so that it would look like flower petals
Sunstrike(impulse): His tail looks like an i also his beard in the darker patch of fur on his face
Quickblaze(Tango): His snaggle tooth to resemble the way I draw him normally, and his short tail to also resemble how I interpret his hair
Moonleap(Pearl): I wanted her cheek fur to look kinda like the long bits of hair on the front of her skin
Pinefall(Keralis): The markings around his eyes are supposed to make them look bigger than they actually are (which is already big)
Sleekscale(xB): I mildly modeled his fur after a portuguese waterdog. Supposed to look fuffly up front with a pompom tail but a sleek body for swimming
Bouldertooth: big eyebrows to almost cover his eyes up
I would talk about the cats outside the clans as well but this is already long as hell
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dodowahla · 3 years
Okay guys, listen up.
A fan fic where Alina is a princess from a different land and is being married off to the Ravkan prince as a pact seal.
She meets the Darkling, he takes her hand and they both feel 'it'. Their eyes lock and they know they are soul mates. They then play cat and mouse, each taking different turns to play mouse.
Eventually, they partake in the devil's tango before she is married i.e. smut. Maybe it's a stormy night and Alina is in a thin white nighty outside in the rain and she feels the Darkling watching her from the shadows? She's not sure if it's the rain seeping through her sleepwear or his stare that has her n¡pples hardening.
They do the do over and over and over again. The Darkling does not want to share her but... Peace and the protection of Grisha are more important than a sloppy knob?
So he lets her go. Then there is pain and angst for a bit. But the good sis gets married. And instead of being miserable, picks up her bad b face and decides to be a Queen. Yeah I said it, no pining after the Darkling just moving on like a regal son of a gun. BONUS POINTS: If the Darkling sees her turn into this person and gets hard. Because you know deep down he wants to be dismissed and treated like doodoo.
Alina tries to love the prince, even lays with him twice on their honeymoon (once to fulfill obligation and second to see if she could delude herself into liking it) but who is she kidding, that 9.76 i#ches of smooth steel is etched into her walls.
Okay, so everything before this bit is typical fluff. Now we get to the gut wrenching goodies.
Alina is pregnant and convinced it belongs to the prince. The Darkling thinks so too and everytime he sees her swollen with the child of another, he feels rage. He is vicious with contempt as there is now living proof that someone else has been inside her, experienced her body and tasted her soul.
So imagine his relief when there is some happenstance on the boarder and now he must go to the front lines.
Alina is 3 months pregnant when he leaves, she watches him go from the window and holds back a single tear. He turns back mid ride and looks directly at her only to continue.
Now, it gets juicy!
6 months later, bagra is between Alina's legs slapping her thighs apart and reminding her she is not the only woman to have given birth "stop the theatrics girl". As she continues to strain and push, her mind wanders. She's no longer in her room pushing, she's standing somewhere. It looks like a tent, but why would she be in a tent? She looks across and see's the reason, it's HIM. Hunched over and exhausted, he's the reason she's here. She lets out an exasperated sigh and he turns around, just as a sharp shooting pain brings her back into the room with bagra holding her daughter close.
Bagra looks at the child, no she stares very deeply at her, looking so deep she could burn her iries into the child. Then her gaze shoots up to Alina in silent accusation.
Alina is confused and out of it, just desperate to hold her baby. She reaches out to cuddle the little loaf and instead finds herself looking at a replica of the Darkling.
The prince is disappointed it's not a boy, afterall he wanted an heir but he'd never miss an opportunity to celebrate, so he throws a party inviting all the generals from the front.
Alina is nervous and panting, praying that nobody else can see the clear resemblance between her daughter and the dark general. Bagrah sits in the corner silently, since the birth she'd refused to leave the baby's side.
This has gone from a prompt to a story but I refuse to write seriously so we are going to hop, skip and jump past all the little details to get to the drama.
Alina walks down the stairs into the ballroom carrying de bebê and everyone bows, the baby is put at the front of court for all to see. The party kicks into a full swing and no comments have met Alina's ears, the Darkling also looks like a no show so she sips her grape juice in peace. Then the doors open, a dark figure emerges, a face of scruff and a confident gait move towards the royal court. He stops short and bows yadyyyyadyyyydaddy he then glances up at Alina and she turns red. The prince then tipsily asks the Darkling to "take a peak at the girl child, she was not the first option but many more will follow" this caused laughter across the room. The Darkling nods to the prince and looks at the bumbling child for the first time. He is immediately consumed, his heart beating faster in his chest, he looks upto Alina once again and she will not meet his eye. He continues to look at her, hoping his eyes are hot polkers that will burn into her skin. But she is resolute, staring into the distance instead. From the corner of his eye, he sees bagrah for the first time. And decides to remain composed, becuase to act on what he'd seen would be to scortch the court in deathly darkness.
This is his child.
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writing-the-end · 3 years
LoL Chapter 52- Apathy
A Wizard Hermits tale (AU, designs, ideas belongs to @theguardiansofredland)
A new ally appears from the least likely of places, and offers the greatest help to save Grian before it’s too late.
The guild hall was horribly silent. Not even the trees whispered in the wind. All of Eremita feels stale without Grian.The sky was grey and empty, no wind carrying his cackling laughter. 
Dolios captured Grian. All this time, the feverish stares and maniac smiles, Dolios finally caught his little bird. Mumbo tried to stop him, but of course his magic refused to work. He could only watch, helpless, as his best friend was dragged into the sea, disappearing beneath the waves as Dolios kidnapped Grian. 
“We have to find him. We can’t give up on Grian. He’d never give up on us.” Iskall growls, fingers tightening around the small clump of iskallium sitting on the table. What he wouldn’t give to lob this right through Dolios’s head right now, give him a crack in the head and some radioactive illness. 
“But we don’t even know where Dolios took him. He could be anywhere in Lairyon, or even beyond. Without any way to know his whereabouts, we’re searching for a feather in a forest.” Cub shakes his head. If he knew where Grian was, they could easily portal there and mount their rescue attempt. But they don't know. They have no clue where he is, or what Dolios is doing to him, or why he targeted Grian in the first place. For all they know, Grian could be dead. They could already be too late. 
Mumbo’s lips quiver, pressing into a thin white line. He fights back the fear, the pain, the anger, every emotion welling up inside of him. Abruptly, he stands, so fast he knocks his chair backwards. “We aren’t just going to sit here and do nothing though. Searching is something, rather than just sitting on our asses and letting Dolios have Grian!” 
The anger in Mumbo’s voice surprises his fellow hermits, even Wels raising an eyebrow and leaning against the metal of his backplate at the outburst. He’s neer seen Mumbo so passionate, so sure. In fact, he can even see motes of redstone dancing in the air around him, like dust after cleaning the house. “Well, we can always ask our informants, ask townsfolk if they've seen Dolios around. But...who knows how long that could take.” 
“Running around like cockatrices with our heads cut off won’t do anything to help either.” False adds on, tapping her fingers against the aged wood of the table. “We have to be rational.” 
The silence returns, except for the measured steps of Mumbo pacing the floor. Even though Grian was the one captured, the rest of the hermits can't help but feel trapped. Unable to move forward, but the idea of being stagnant even worse. He has their queen, and now they’re in check.
TFC stands, opening his mouth and raising a finger. Any words that come from him are drowned out, however, by the heavy crash of a rogue wave against the island’s shore. The seawater splashes all the way to the guild hall, like rain falling upon the dining tables and hermits. Seaweed drapes across the sand and rock. But it’s not the only thing that has washed ashore. A low groan alerts the guild of their visitor, as the kipling slowly shifts to his knees. 
Apatia’s chest heaves, his face flushed pink and lips part with each gasping breath. He attempts to stand, but his legs give out from under him at the first step forward. xB catches him with a wave of water, keeping him from collapsing to the ground. 
“What is this guy doing here?” Doc growls, face jeering at the sight of the guildmaster. Ren, Iskall, and Cub, on the other hand, dare to press closer to the leader of Dream’s End. Ren and Iskall both wrap and arm around Apatia, attempting to guide him to the infirmary- even though they’ve lost their healer. 
But Apatia bats away their attempt to help. He collapses to his hands and knees, long, straight navy hair falling across a determined maroon gaze. “He’s got him, the winged guy. He took him to the dungeons.” 
“Of course! Why didn’t we think to go there immediately?” Cleo questions, though she shivers at the memory of being in there. That horrible game Dolios played with their lives. 
Apatia shakes his head. “Below even that. If you think you know every one of Dolios’s secrets, there will always be another beneath it.” 
“We have to go now, we have to rescue Grian.” Mumbo starts for the shoreline, despite having no way to cross the sea, and Xisuma grabs Mumbo by the scruff before his feet meet the sand. 
“Lets hold on, think this through. And Listen to what Councillor Apatia has to say.” Xisuma hums. 
“Why should we trust him though?” Tango growls, his hair burning bright and hot, spooking the visitor. “He knows where we live, he could just be luring us into a trap. And Grian’s the bait.” 
“I trust him.” Cub states, his voice low and calm. Always calm. “He knocked out Dolios when he was trying to kill Flaryn. He saved us,the wanderers, and the Dragon of the East.” 
“But why now?” Tango questions, eyeing the kipling as he sits down in the guild hall. Exhausted, on the verge of passing out. It looks like he’s never swam this far in his life. Would the laziest man alive really swim all this way for a trick? “Why, after Dolios did so much, did he decide to grow a spine now?” 
Drowsy eyes are lidded closed, and for a second all the hermits stare in disbelief. Did Apatia really just fall asleep? Sitting up, in the middle of the guild hall, when every second is a second longer with Grian captured? But he snores just a little bit, and Hypno can even feel the inkling beginning of a dream forming beneath the mop of long blue hair. 
Tango’s had enough. He slams his hands down on the table, spilling metal mugs and sending tableware clattering. “All the times before, and you let Dolios get away with it. Sending us to our doom in Gildara, attacking a healer’s guild, stealing magic from competitors in the most important game to Lairyon, using us like pawns in a sick game of chess, and murdering so many guilds? Killing our first guild?” 
Tango waves to Zed and Impulse, who sulk while Tango burns with fury. Apatia waits until Tango has let off his steam. He may be lazy, but that also breeds patience. “I have let horrible things slip by, my own sloth letting Dolios and the other councilmembers do horrible things. I know that. I have no excuse for my action- or lack thereof- from before. 
“But when I saw your guild willing to risk anything to save that one-” He points to Doc, who sneers back. “-I realized that there is one thing worth making an effort for, one thing to get up and do something about. To have a family like you all are, to protect and care and fight for one another, that’s what’s worth standing up, fighting back. And when I saw what you would go through to save him, I knew what Dolios is doing is wrong.” 
Silence. Apatia lowers his head, twiddling his thumbs. The hermits observe him, some with sympathy and understanding, others still wary of their enemy at their doorstep. Furious to have a councilmember sitting among them. He takes another deep breath. “I'm tired of sitting by. I can’t fix what I did before, but i can start on the right track now. And we don’t have much time until Dolios has stolen Grian’s power.” 
“He’s turning him into a husk?” Stress gasps, her voice and hand shaking as she covers her lips. The thought of such a bright, happy person reduced to a flaking grey crust is horrible. 
Apatia shakes his head. “No, it's worse. He’s taking his magic for himself. It’s a much more cruel process, to sap the life force and magic from a person and use it for himself. It's also much slower. We don’t have much time, but Grian should still be alive.” 
“How do we stop it? What should we do?” Iskall posits. 
Apatia goes quiet, and for a second the hermits think he’s fallen asleep again. But after a minute, he responds. “I can get you into Milliara, even into the dungeons. While you all are down there, I can even hold off the arcane guard. But if you want any hope of saving Grian, not losing him to Dolios, you’ll have to sever the connection between him and the crystals that are transferring his magic to Dolios. And I don’t think Dolios will let you guys do that without a fight.” 
“We’ll need every hermit then. With Apatia’s help, we can sneak back into the death dungeons, but once we’re there, it’s going to be a fight not just for Grian’s life, but all of ours.”  No hermit dared consider not saving Grian. They’re a family, and no one in this family is left behind. They always stick together. 
The hermits and Apatia make their plan. With the aid of xB, Ren, Scar, and Apatia, they would swim to the mainland on the crest of a tidal wave, as fast as they could possibly go. They’d make quick work across the countryside in any way they possibly can. Apatia would bring them through Milliara by using the canals that flow through the city, bypassing the guards and bringing them right to the capitol’s doorstep. Putting the guards to sleep and Apatia’s knowledge of the secret entrance to the forgotten dungeons, it will then be up to the hermits to find the subchamber. And from there, depending on the severity of Grian’s suffering, they will attack.
TFC and Apatia lead the charge, off the island. Even though some hermits still despise Apatia, they’ll do anything for their family. Even working with the enemy And so they leave Eremita, hellbent on one thing- 
Bringing their family back home. All of them.
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snippychicke · 4 years
Swedish Shorts-- Four
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If Anyone has prompts, feel free to drop me a line! This one was inspired seeing Axel move in the hall fight. Oscar's actor, I know, likes heavy metal music, which inspired the club scene, and I just love a soft!Otto.
Theme: Dancing
Warnings: None? 
Part One|Previous 
Slow dancing. Tangos. You were convinced Axel had far more grace than any human should. He was like a sleek prowling tiger in human form as he moved with the music seamlessly. Seeing him put the elegance and power into dancing always made you feel a little...distracted. 
You would happily watch him move for hours. Except he seemed to think that you could dance, which in comparison to him, you felt like a stumbling bull in a china shop. 
"Quit," he chided as you glanced down at your feet again. You looked up to meet his gaze. How could he be so confident about his movement? Make it look so fluid? "Relax."
"Easier said than done," you grumbled. Still, you tried again to stay focused on your partner and not your movement. 
But your mind drifted back to worrying about the next step, and where your feet were in relation to his, and--
Axel's lips brushed against your ear as he pulled you closer. "Don't think. Feel." His words were low and seductive, and you could feel him move as he held you this close. You closed your eyes, resting your head against him as you let him guide you. 
Maybe this wasn't as bad as you thought. 
The club was booming. Multi-color lights were flashing to the beat of the music, the bass drowning out anyone not screaming more than an inch away from your ear. The exact opposite of a place Otto or Axel would choose, which you suppose why Oscar had decided on it to 'hide' from his brothers for the night. 
Not that you were complaining. Not with alcohol and adrenaline flowing through your veins, mixed with an easy amount of lust as Oscar held you close, his body moving against yours. 
You felt like an average person. Out for a typical Friday night. With an utterly normal date. It was actually kind of nice.
But everything came to an end when some idiot with more muscles than even Otto set eyes on you and dared to wrap a hand around you to pull you away from Oscar and closer to him. You could see the flare of jealousy and anger in Oscar's face before a devious expression settled on his lips. 
That was all the prompting you needed before you plowed your elbow into the man's gut. Oscar grabbed him by the scruff of his neck when he doubled over in pain and threw the man face-first into the floor. People barely noticed, except for the man's friends, who decided to step in as well. 
Time for a different kind of dance.
Quiet music drifted from the radio and filled the silence of three am. You had one of the cats in your arms, its purrs rumbling against your chest as you padded barefoot in the kitchen, dancing. Everyone else was asleep, so you weren't the least bit self-conscious as you sang softly along, your attention focused on the cat. 
Until you turned and found Otto, still in his nightwear, watching you with an amused expression. 
"You scared me!" You said after a moment, holding the cat closer. "What are you doing up?"
"Missed you," he explained simply as he walked over towards you. He took Poyo from your arms, letting the cat down on the floor before stepping close, wrapping his arms around you. You smiled as you leaned closer into him, your fingers threading with his while you rested your head on his shoulder. You could hear the slow, steady tempo of his heart and allowed it to guide your feet. 
Otto started to sing something softly in his native tongue, just soft enough for you to hear. You weren't sure what he was saying, or what the song was, but it still made your heart pound as you pressed tighter to him.  
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rory-for-short · 4 years
New Crossings New Horizons: Chapter 1
So I'm writing an animal crossing fan fiction. Never thought id say that but I'm really exited about it. Ill be posting it here this is Chapter one:
The beginnings of summer, and a 4pm flight. That's how this adventure started. The lights were all fluorescent in the airport terminal and the afternoon air as warm with the promise of summer on the horizon. Of course the private “plane” you were supplied scared you. It was an older model helicopter that was run by DAL and taking you to an island. You agreed to be part of this little venture, simply for the college credit. One semester of “city planning,” if you could even call it that. It was a program run by Thomas Nook. Mr. Nook had approached you via email, as he did many NewLeaf college students with the same major. Only you and three others responded, likely due to the difficult nature of his program. But the promise of a job directly after graduation was simply too appealing for you.
So here you were at 4pm with your suitcase full of necessities and a carry on of any food you could get past customs, walking down an airport runway to a questionable aircraft headed to a deserted island. A man greeted you. He looked about 30. He was wearing aviators, and a DAL pilot uniform, and scruff that made him look a bit more human than your fellow passengers did. His frame was of a muscle bound frat-boy that drank too much and let himself get just a bit squishier. He was talking to someone over a talk system. “Dodo 1 to Dodo 2, we’ve got walkers starting to onboard. Tango Tango Yankee Lima,” he finished as he turned to address us.  
“Welcome civilans to Dodo airlines. Leave your luggage at the rear of the craft and ill load it into storage,” he commanded with a deep vibrato. Likey, he didn't intend to seem intimidating, but he was. Looking at him was like seeing a 6’3 wall walking around. You and your fellow passengers did as commanded. You struggled just a bit with your luggage as you moved your carry on bag and a strap on it broke. A temporary loss of balance and stumble from the weight shift, was quickly followed by two hands grabbing the now strapless bag with ease.
“Careful there, flyer. You alright?” asked the concerned pilot. It was at this point you noticed his name tag, a silver bar pinned to his lapel with the name “Wilber” etched into it. Wilber, how fitting for a pilot.
“Yeah, I’m good… Thanks” you managed as he lifted your luggage into the storage compartment.
“Not a problem,” he replied in a measured voice, unchanging despite the amount of weight he was lifting. You began to board the aircraft with you fellow passengers. Apollo, a stoic young man in ROTC, an alt girl who introduced herself as ‘Cherry’, and Bob who had eyes shiftier than a non-automatic car. These were the people you would be stranded on an island with. ‘Better make the best of it and make nice with everyone’ you thought to yourself.
“So, you guys ready to ruff it in the tropics?” Bob asked, breaking the silence.
“I've done training like this for the army. Anyone has any concerns you can ask me,” Apollo shrugged. Well at least one of us was a survivalist. That's a good sign.
“So, like, I did research on this Nook guy and he seems to be some capitalist robber baron. Hope we aren’t part of some get rich quick scheme.” Cherry huffed as she pulled out her phone. Your stomach dropped realizing you knew little about the man you would be working under, while stranded on an island. You should have done research but you were busy reading fine print and filling out your internship paperwork.
“I’m sure we will be fine.. NewLeaf is a prestigious college after all, I’m sure they don't hand out students to just anyone, right?” you said in an attempt to convince yourself more than anyone.
“Eh, I heard rumors he was a shady ass fellow. That's why I agreed to all this. Kinda like a twin flame thing,” Bob laughed. Apollo chucked at his announcement.
“Well I hope for our sake, you are the only ‘shady ass fellow’ we deal with on this trip,” Apollo shot back. you hoped so too.
It was 10pm when you landed. You and your cohorts hadn’t gotten any rest on the flight. Well, except Cherry who had no problem propping her head on Apollo’s shoulder to get some rest. Not that he seemed to mind. He just talked spout survivalist training the whole ride, and didn’t even register the small black and red haired girl leaning into him. Wilber had gotten a duffle bag out of storage to help you move you stuff that was in your now broken bag.
“This should be a bit more durable. Expecting a food shortage?” he asked as he helped move your dried fruits and trail snacks into the not as broken bag. You gave a half hatred laugh.
“Well its better to be prepared. I was a girl scout after all” you quipped. Wilbur nodded his head to that as he zipped up the duffel bag.
“Alright here you are. Watch your fitting as you make your way to camp. Your cohorts got the jump on yah,” he cautioned as you gathered you stuff.
“Thanks Wilber”
“Anytime Civilian”
With that, you made your way to camp. The only saving grace for you to navigate the darkness was the flicker of a fire light a mile ahead. The others had gotten there first, it was a clearing with several tents set up and what looked like a water pump and generator as well. A campfire was smouldering and your schoolmates sat around the fire in a circle on log seating.
“Well look who’s finally decided to join us. Not very nice to leave you behind, hm?” a man of middle age greeted. He was a bit taller than you, tan, with a mustache and a Hawaiian shirt. He kinda looked like Pedro Pascal and tom Sellicks love child.
“Oh don't worry, I made it all the same, just a slight luggage malfunction” you answered the older man.
“I see,” he extended his hand out to you, “I’m Tom Nook, curator of this internship. You must be Y/N.” So this middle aged man with the twinkle in his eye wearing a Hawaiian shirt and slides, was the shady capitalist that indoctrinated you all? Not quite what you had imagined and it relieved you, yet you were still apprehensive to trust him at all. All the same, you took his outstretched hand. “Nice to meet you Mr. Nook.”  
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501st Legion OCs
Doc (CT-4153) - Medic. Doc has military regulation black hair and is clean shaven. Before the war, he was one of the medics responsible for training medics on Kamino. He trained Painkiller and Needle of the 212th. During training Doc became very protective of Needle, partly due to Needle fainting every time an IV or injection had to be administered. Seeing how close Needle and Painkiller became during training, Doc actually made sure they were assigned to the same battalion and he also used his sneaky skills in getting them both assigned to the 212th under Patch (his best friend from his own medic training). Doc appears mild mannered and calm. But if you mess with or hurt one of his ‘chosen’ baby brothers e.g. Needle, you had better run for your life. He is the living defintion/example of ‘never annoy the medic’. Once the war started, Doc could have remained on Kamino training the new medics, but he volunteered for active service and was assigned to the 501st. While he didn’t train Kix, Kix still finds it weird being the Lead Medic, so in charge of one of the medic trainers he knew on Kamino when he was training. Doc was named for all the historical dramas I watch and how every medic gets nicknamed Doc.
Jek ARC Squad of the 501st - the ARC squad I have added Echo and Fives to. This is the squad in the Vopak series Echo is a corporal of. There will be a reunion fic of Jek squad on Vopak. (I’m not sure if ARC squads exist in canon, but in the Vopak AU series they do now.)
Hefty (CT-5620) - ARC Sergeant of Jek squad. Bald with a scruff beard. Hefty has a tough guy persona, but if you are in his squad, you know he is really a softie. Has the bad habit of not sleeping or eating enough when he is stressed about an upcoming campaign or just generally worrying about his Jek boys. Once Echo and Fives were made ARCs, he snapped them up into his squad knowing they would be a good fit. Relatively quickly, he had Echo promoted to Corporal of the squad. He and Echo worked really well together and Hefty became protective of his little brother. After the Citadel mission when Echo was presumed dead, Hefty grieved the loss of his little brother, but carried on knowing he needed to help support a grieving Fives, just as Echo would have wanted. As the clones and Jedi left Coruscant Rex told Hefty that Echo was alive and was travelling on the Negotiator with Fives. In the privacy of his room, Hefty held onto a holo picture of the squad taken three days before the Citadel mission and cried because he was so happy that Echo was alive.
Quote (CT-1721) - ARC Corporal of Jek squad (was promoted after Echo’s presumed death). Quote is bald and clean shaven. He has two quote mark tattoos on his head above his right ear. His armour is painted in blue quote marks of varying sizes, he likes you to know who exactly he is if he is wearing his helmet. The front of his helmet has a single quote mark painted on it, covering top to bottom. The same is painted on the back of his helmet. He got his name in training because he quoted people and things he read, his batchmates gave him his name lovingly. After Echo’s ‘death’ and after Fives refused Hefty’s offer of a promotion to Corporal, Quote was promoted to Corporal and while he accepted his new rank, he hated it. He felt like he was replacing Echo, but he had looked up to Echo for the nine months he served with Echo (Quote became an ARC Trooper three months after the Domino twins). He also knew Echo would want someone who knew Hefty well to serve as his second-in-command of the squad and who would continue to look after the squad. Quote cried the first time he hugged Echo on Vopak.
Dace (CT-4135) - ARC Trooper. Dace has buzz cut black hair. He was the second member of Jek squad, Hefty choosing him personally. Dace didn’t mind Echo being promoted to Corporal, he actually laughed at Echo when he apologised for being promoted before Dace. Dace doesn’t care for promotions, apart from being given ARC Trooper status, he is happy at the bottom of the pecking order. He silently taught Echo how best to be Hefty’s right-hand-man and helped Echo and Fives adjust to being ARC Troopers. He was very proud of the Domino twins and also helped them with some of their chaotic schemes, privileges of not being a higher rank. When he heard about what happened on the Citadel mission, he hugged Fives and then went to the gym on the Resolute, where he punched four punching bags so hard they came loose from the chains holding them up. He was non-verbal for a week and then went back to his gruff self, if he was spotted keeping a closer eye on Fives, then nobody mentioned it. On his arrival to Vopak he kept a close eye on Echo, obviously reluctant to have the injured brother out of his sight. Dace laughed when Echo and Fives’ speeder ended up on the lake, happy to see the twins back to normal. The first time he saw Echo back in his ARC armour (that day on the lake) he cried.
Error (CT-5181) - ARC Trooper. Error has military regulation red hair and a red scruff beard. He was not named because of his hair colour, it was actually because every time he learnt something shocking, his facial expression would freeze, with wide eyes, representing/being a living embodiment of the error.code message you get on a computer. Error was made an ARC two months before the Domino twins and was transferred to the 501st, Jek squad from the 126th Battalion. He was so happy to have brothers the ‘same age as him’, as he had taken to calling Dace and Hefty the ‘goldie oldies’, which Hefty complained about, only because their armour was blue, not 212th gold.
Xerus (CT-2418) - ARC Trooper. Xerus has short blonde hair and is clean shaven. His batchmates are Patch and Fixer from the 212th. He loves that the 501st and 212th often work together as that means he gets to see his batchmates. While training on Kamino, he had initially wanted to be a pilot, but when he watched Commander Colt and some of the other ARCs train, he decided he wanted to be an ARC more than a pilot. After being assigned to the 501st and six months into the war, he happened to confess his aim to Rex while drunk. The next day, the Captain began training him and once Xerus distinguished himself in battle, he was given the official word that he was going to become an ARC Trooper. He liked Echo and Fives immediately and called them the ‘best of the 501st’. After the Citadel mission, he hid for the entire night on the Resolute when he cried himself to sleep. The next day, like Dace, he kept a close eye on Fives. Spent most of the journey from Coruscant to Vopak crying when he found out Echo was alive and travelling on the Negotiator. He and Tactless chose to live together on Vopak and live next to Fara and Quote.
Tactless (CT-2013) - ARC Trooper. Tactless has longish black hair he puts in a nerf tail. He became an ARC four months after the Domino twins. Originally from the 184th Attack Battalion, the same as Copy’s batchmates. He did not like Avid, Gloomy and Vex (Murk was the best of the four of them) and so Tactless may have rubbed in his ARC Trooper promotion and transfer to the 501st to the three Tango squad members. (He absolutely rubbed it in!) Tactless did not know Avid, Gloomy and Vex were the Cadets Echo and Fives spoke to about bullying Copy, once Tactless found out on Vopak. He would take the time, every day, to walk past Tango squad and would grin as he pointed to his ARC armour. As you may have guessed, Tactless is named Tactless because he does not possess a lot of tact. But I love my petty boy.
Fara (CT-6118) - ARC Trooper. Fara has military cut brown hair and has a scruff beard. Fara is the baby of Jek squad and is the most protected of the squad. Fara became a member of Jek squad two months before the Citadel mission, Echo took Fara under his wing and Fara hero-worshipped Echo. When Rex told Jek squad about Echo’s fate on the Citadel, Fara found a corner of the hanger and cried for a few minutes. After composing himself, he went to the ARC’s barracks and found Fives curled up crying on Echo’s bunk. Without saying anything Fara went and cuddled Fives for the entire night. Even though, thanks to Echo’s influence, Fara didn’t need to be watched over anymore, he let Fives be protective of him without a word. Four months before the end of the war, Fara was badly injured in a battle, Fives got him to Kix and then proceeded to have a meltdown in the middle of the Medbay. Once Fara was conscious he comforted Fives and pulled the older ARC onto his medical bed and they cuddled for the night. Once he heard Echo was alive, Fara spent the journey to Vopak smiling and helped Rex gather up pieces of ARC armour for Echo. Once he saw Echo, Fara hugged him tightly and was relucant to let Echo go. Once living quarters were chosen in the Vopak Temple, Fara and Quote made sure they lived next door to the Domino twins (Hefty and Dace lived on the other side of the twins). (Fara’s name was inspired by the lotr character Faramir.)
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bucky-iss-bae · 5 years
Bump in the Night (Peter Hale x Reader) Pt. 2
Bump in the Night (Peter Hale x Reader)
A/N… So, I hope I followed through with this request. I tried to google the best I could in terms of having a baby, and I’m not going to lie, I’m not 100% happy with this, so sorry if you don’t like it and if you want me to re-write or do anything else then just send me a request xoxo 
Requested as a Part 2 by @logancola     
Request: Hi! I really enjoy reading the Peter Hale stories you have up! If you are still accepting requests I would love to read a part 2 to “Bump in the Night” I’d love to see how you write Peter handling Y/N going into labor!
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Peter Hale x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Just flufff 
Word Count: 1027ish
Masterlist Fandom List Part 1 
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You hadn’t realised how quickly the pregnancy had passed. Despite feeling like it was lasting forever with the sleepless nights, the disgusting cravings, and the random emotional breakdowns. Both you and Peter had stuck by one another, more importantly, he was there at your beck and call.
You were basically counting down the shifts until you had finished work, getting into your final trimester, you realised how much of your body had changed. You tried to stay active, but with Peter, as a husband, it was difficult doing anything for yourself. You were grateful for that, getting exhausted by the simplest things, and baby brain was 100% real.
When your last shift had come, a lot of your colleagues had left you some baby gifts, a few of them had even come to the baby shower that was thrown for you by Lydia. But knowing that this could potentially be the last time you stepped into the office honestly made you so happy, mainly because you were sure if you wanted to go into another career after the baby was born, or if you wanted to even work, or potentially just going back after your maternity.
But when you got home that evening, you decided on writing a list of everything that you still needed to get. Especially since you needed to get a lot and get it fast. You were in the last few months of your pregnancy, and you didn’t want to properly start buying things until you had finished with work.
Both you and Peter spent hours researching and looking at things to buy, you spent so long making sure the colour scheme of the nursery would be perfect, deciding on grey, white, and yellow. You got complete new furniture for the room, enjoying your time together as you went shopping for all the small necessities and the big things. Every item piling into the nursery, aside from a small baby basket and a few other things that would be in your room for the first few months. Buying everything made it all so excited despite there being so much to buy and change around the house. But it stressed you at the same time.
“I’m scared that it won’t be done on time” You whined as you looked at the boxes that still needed to be unpacked, the cot that still had to be built, the shelves that were put up, the only thing that was ready was the wardrobe for the baby, and the chest of drawers, but they were empty. It was starting to stress you out especially since your due date was very soon, too soon for your liking, especially as you could pop at any given moment, there were less than two weeks until your due date. It was the one thing that scared you. Ok, it was one of the hundred things that scared you, giving birth. Or giving birth early, having nothing ready and having nowhere to put the baby.
“You’re tense” Peter said grabbing your shoulders and started to massage them, “You need to calm down, it’ll be done on time alright” he said kissing the back of your head before resting his chin on your shoulder the both of you looking at the mess In front of you knowing that in a few weeks this will be completely changed, “I’ve got some people coming tomorrow to start building everything. Then you can boss them around and tell them where you want everything” You felt his scruff against your neck as you turned to him slightly than the boxes in front of you,
“Let’s just build it all now” You grumbled trying to walk towards a box to unpack it,
“Woah, Woah, Woah. I don’t think so. You’ll hurt yourself. You need rest, you could pop any day now. And you don’t even know how to build half of these things” He grabbed your shoulders and pulled up back to him before he wrapped his arms around your waist, his hands resting on your bump.  
“Sure I do. You’re just underestimating my ability, and I’ll rest later on. Not like I can even rest with your child kicking me all the time” You grumbled,
Peter laughed at that, “My child kicking you now is it?” He murmured against your head, “Hmm pretty sure it takes two to tango sweetheart”
You couldn’t help but snort at that and looked down at your stomach, you couldn’t even see your toes at this point, you haven’t been able to for at least 5 months now. It’s crazy how big you’ve gotten,
“Trust me. I know Peter. You still did this to me”
You could feel his smile, “I’m excited. But don’t worry. All of this will be done. But come on, you need a back massage. A shoulder massage, a face mask, and a bubble bath”
You couldn’t help but smile at that, he knew you too well sometimes and knew that the stress was getting to you so the best way to diffuse the stress would be to have a little pamper session. No one in the pack would ever see this side of Peter, he saved it all for you. They all saw how much he cared though, and during the pregnancy, he was even more caring knowing there was two of you rather than one. But it made him feel whole again, I made him realise there’s redemption for everyone, and he’d soon have his perfect little family.
“So a little pamper session huh?” you asked him,
“Of course. Anything for my queen and princess” He said rubbing your stomach, Peter insisted that you were carrying a baby girl, but you were sure it was a baby boy. You even said he would follow in his father’s footsteps and break his Beacon Hills high record when it comes to basketball.  
As Peter promised he had a few people over the following day. They built everything for the two of them under your watchful eye, but then Peter paid them and sent them away before they even put everything in the right places.
“I thought they were going to put it all how I needed to?” I asked Peter, sure he had like extra strong genes but there was no way Peter and I could move some of this stuff around,
Peter shook his head, “Sadly, I’ve had to call in reinforcements that are volunteering.” He said, and as he did you turned your attention towards the noise in the house, Derek, Stiles, Scott, and Liam were all here.
“Ok” You nodded, “Cool, so, boys,” You said clapping your hand to get their attention, “Come on, this has got to be perfect”
“Also I reminded you all, she’s been bossier since she’s been pregnant,” Peter told them ignoring the glare you sent his way, but they all got to work, and Stiles helped you with making sure all the small things were perfectly sorted. You had gotten the hospital bag ready a long time ago, and although both you and Peter knew the time would be within the next week or two, neither of you felt prepared at all. It’s almost like reality hadn’t hit either of you yet. Instead, you both distracted yourselves trying to get everything perfect.
Through the day you kept on having sharp pains in your stomach, they didn’t feel that bad, they just made you catch your breath every other second, but it was when your water broke that you knew it was your contractions.
You stood frozen unsure on what to do, “Eww, what the f... oh shit. PETER” Stiles yelled for you as you started to panic,
He along with the others all ran in “What’s happened?” Peter asked running into to room to check on you,  
“It’s happening” You panicked, “Peter. What do we do, it’s way too early. Nothing is ready and...”
Peter instead stood frozen looking at the puddle on the floor before looking at you,
“Y/N. Stop panicking and let’s get you to the hospital, it’s ok, are you having contractions?”
You shook your head, “I don’t know, I think they started ages ago”
“Shit... ok shit.” Peter looked around unsure on what to do, “Let's get your stuff and go now then alright” he said to you,
Stiles grabbed your bag while Peter got you to the car, you were panicking which obviously wasn’t good, but you had no idea what to do. In your eyes nothing was ready and neither of you was prepared for this right now.
You got to the hospital and the pain had increased so much by the time you reached the hospital. The nurses took you in and soon your midwife was helping you along with Peter by your side the whole time.  
You don’t know how long you were in labour for, but Peter didn’t leave your side, he didn’t complain when you nearly broke his hand, instead tried to take whatever pain he could from you,
You felt so relieved when you heard the babies cry, neither you nor Peter wanted to find out the gender of the baby, both of you wanting it to be a surprise,
“Congratulations, you’ve got a healthy little boy, born at 18.56,” Your doctor said to you both,
You sighed in relief, feeling overwhelmed with happiness, wanting to check on your little baby. You were a mom, you and Peter were parents, once the nurse had checked him over they put him in your arms, you were in awe at how beautiful he was his hair was Y/H/C, but his eyes were just like Peters.
“She’s beautiful Y/N.” Peter said cradling his head, “I’m so proud of you Y/N. So proud” His voice was a quiet whisper as gave you a kiss on your forehead, but the next thing your Doctor told you surged even more panic through you,
“Alright Y/N, you ready to start pushing again?”
Both yours and Peters head snapped towards the Doctor, “What?” You asked,
“Your second baby is ready to be delivered” He then said, you looked at Peter who was just as shocked as you were,
“What do you mean my second baby? What?”
“Well, apparently one was hiding behind the other, but it’s time Y/N”
One of the nurses had to take your son off of you, and what felt like only moments later you had delivered a baby girl, and turns out the Doctor was right, there was no mistake, you and Peter had two perfect little babies. A little boy, and girl. Your daughter was born at 7.07pm, both babies had been weighed and measured, and spent a little time with you and Peter before you were stitched and cleaned up and taken to a separate room.
The nurses told you that skin to skin contact with both parents was a good thing, but Peter being Peter was too scared to hold them, so you were sat with both twins in your arms,
“Peter. They’re your children. You haven’t even picked them up properly” You told him while he sat beside you and instead was stroking the little tuffs of your daughter's hair as she was on his side,
“Y/N. How... I’ve done so many bad things in my life. I’ve never had so much to loose. What if I hurt them, or what if I’m not a good dad. I didn’t even get the chance to be a father to Malia properly. And now, someone as evil as I am shouldn’t have someone so innocent in their arms”
You looked up at your husband, someone you’ve known all your life, you knew him better than anyone, “Peter. You’re not an evil person, you’ve done bad things sure. But you’re not an evil person. Now I didn’t go through labour, to then find out I’ve got two babies rather than one for you to say someone so innocent shouldn’t be in your arms. Now, make sure you give support to their head, use one hand to hold her head, and the other to hold her body until you get comfortable, you’ll soon realise your princess will need her king to always protect her” You used a soft but stern voice on him, hoping he got the message. And after a little bit of hesitation, he slowly turned his body and was careful to grab your daughter that was tucked in your arm before he safely had her in his arms.
The moment he looked down at her was one you wanted to cherish forever, he had so much love in his eyes, and was so gentle, a love that couldn’t be explained, he looked up at you, a smile on his face, “She’s perfect, they both are”
You nodded, a small smile on your face, “They’re so tiny. I mean I wasn’t even prepared for one, never did I think I was blessed enough to have two” You said to him,
He just laughed, “Guess we both were right huh? A little princess and a little prince”
You nodded at that, “We were, I didn’t ever think that I could be this happy.”
As Peter was staring between the two a sad smile grew on his face,
“You ok?” You whispered to him,
“You know when I lost my family. I never thought I would have my own one day. Never thought I would feel love the way I currently do. But I’m a dad, and this time I’ll be able to watch my kids grow up. It’s given me a new lease of life Y/N. You’ve given me a new lease of life and turns out, I’ve never in my life loved anyone as much as I love you three. And I’m going to spend the rest of my life being the best father, and the best husband, supporting and protecting you all with my life”
When you got home, two days later you weren’t expecting the house to be better than you found it. Considering you left while trying to finish decorating, when you walked in everything was perfect. The nursery had been transformed and now had two cots in it, and double everything basically, better than you could’ve imagined.  
You turned to Peter who was setting down both car seats in their room,
“How?” You whispered looking around in awe,
“I had to pull a few strings. But you know me. I have to live a lavish lifestyle, that means all of us do, which also means you’re not allowed to stress about it anymore. Heck, I’m pretty sure it was the stress that bought you to giving birth, but it’s all sorted now. I just, I was worried you wouldn’t like it. When I came back last night, I worked with the guys all night to get it to this standard” He explained,  
“You should’ve slept. Made the most of the last night you can sleep without disturbance. But I love it” You said to him,
He grinned at that, “Good” He wrapped his arms around your waist, and you both looked down at your babies,
“We should get them settled into their new home shouldn’t we?” Peter asked,
You nodded and just smiled down at them, both you and Peter feeling more content than you ever realised was possible.
A/N: I really don’t know how I feel about this. Sorry if you don’t like it or doesnt fit your standards. But eitehr way hope you enjoyed the read x 
Anymore Fics that you want doing, send them my way my loves xoxo
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b-radley66 · 7 years
Game of Thrones: Alderaan - The Tango—Chapter 9
Bit longer chapter. The whole thing will be on AO3 this afternoon.
Meglann Florlin, a young entrepreneur on a beautiful world, as well as the holder of a more ancient ‘side gig’, allows Maul to take the lead.
She is not immune to the sight of his running form.
Especially with the ancient blade in his left hand. He slides to a stop in a little-used entry foyer to the wing. She looks past him as she stops.
Dani Faygan faces a tall male. She clutches her left arm. Meglann can see the slight burn on her bicep.
Her eyes track to the floor. Republic demi-credits lie spilled there, from what looks like a torn sock. Meglann smirks. A Corellian blackjack.
A blaster lies in the corner. Dani and the male circle, each trying to maneuver closer to the weapon.
The tall male, dressed in what passes for high fashion on Corellia, crabs sideways. Meglann hears Maul growl beside her. She tracks to what he sees.
The Corellian’s jaw seems to be working in a different fashion than whoever had made the human form had intended.
She sees Dani stop, as if resigned to him grabbing the blaster. Meglann smirks, knowing what is coming next.
She places her hand on the would-be knight in red and black armor as he starts to move. She shakes her head, pointing with her forehead.
As he pulls the blaster up, a look of triumph on his broken face, Dani moves.
The movement takes all of microsecond. When it is finished, the Corellian is flush with the ornate paneling, his arms outstretched.
Pinned by two small knives, vibrating in the wood.
As well as in his wrists.
Meglann smiles at Maul’s poleaxed expression. He only takes an instant to recover his usual calm, analyzing look.
“What I would like to know, is where were the knives?” he asks in his dry voice.
Dani gives a brilliant, if tired smile. “I will gladly let you try and find the others, handsome.”
Meglann manages to get the last word. “You should see where she keeps the binders.”
Breha Organa turns to Obi-wan Kenobi. The crowds are milling about, most probably wondering why a veil of tension has descended over the royal dais. “Master Jedi, I need a favor,” she says.
His eyes are knowing at her tone. “Let me guess. Find Maul and extricate him from whatever trouble he is in.”
“Yes. I think it may have something to do with that Corellian representative. As well as another of our ‘children’.”
Kenobi turns, as if hearing a voice only he can. He smiles, as all of them are struck by that same wave of comfort, joy, and lust that had moved over the entire ball earlier. “You mean those two?” Kenobi says in his dry Coruscanti accent, pointing at the entrance.
The crowd parts as Breha’s eyes fix on a ragged quartet walking in.
At least one involuntarily.
Maul drags a male human by the scruff of the neck in one hand. In his left hand he holds the Rindon Sword aloft.
The Zeltron woman, Dani, follows closely behind, she and one of her retainers supporting each other. They are both laughing, looking apparently, at the expressions of the crowd.
They both sport various bruises and bandages. Meglann limps, a look of pain creasing her features every other step.
Breha allows her eyes to widen, as her consort mirrors her expression. The involuntary member of the party winces, his jaw bound with a piece of cloth. His wrists are both bound with the same cloth, blood dotting each makeshift bandage.
Maul stops before them. All three of the unbound bow. A kick from Dani and the bound member follows suit.
“You certainly have a way of making an entrance, my Blackbird,” Breha says, pointing at the sword.
“This? I just thought that it was a party favor,” he says. Obi-wan Kenobi shakes his head at the matter-of-fact statement, delivered with a deadpan expression. 
He nods to Maul as he takes hold of the prisoner. He dips his head to the Queen as he moves away.
Breha sees her consort smile fondly at Maul. She turns to the young women. “I assume that this whole thing has a certain Dragon’s pawprints all over it?”
Dani grins ruefully. “Yes. He did mention that you throw a helluva party,” she says.
“Tell the good Procurator that he is welcome to come and disrupt our world himself, next time,” Breha says.
“I will,” Dani says. She looks at Bail. “He says to tell you, Vicerory, that you owe him several bottles of, and I quote, ‘your youngest brandy’.”
Bail looks her in the eye. “Oh, he does, does he? Tell the old bastard that he might get it when he delivers on the several bottles of aged, single-malt Whyren’s he owes me.”
Breha sees something in Dani’s eyes, for an instant. The Queen knows that Draq’ Bel Iblis, the true behind the scenes on her adopted world and the Dragon in question, means something more than just a superior officer to this young woman.
She and Bail look at one another, privileged to be entrusted with this secret.
They suddenly feel a surge of Dani’s resonance. She grins as the warmth spreads. She remembers something that Draq’ had told her.
They aren’t pheromones. It is merely a resonance that reflects the emotions of her and those around her. Emotions already present.
She takes a deep breath, trying to fight the sensations.
Failing miserably. She looks at her consort, smirking at his and Maul’s mirrored expressions. Both appear to be looking for the nearest cold shower.
Preferably together.
She turns to Meglann. “Dear one, your usual chamber is prepared for your use.” A hooded look comes over her eyes. “Perhaps you might lead our guest there and perhaps, ah, take care of certain needs. So that half the Palace isn’t trying to get the other half into secluded corners.”
Bail’s eyes pop at her next words. “Perhaps you might return the Rindon back to its keep, Lord Maul. Then you might join my consort and I for some....consultations.”
Dani and Meglann giggles at Maul’s calm, thoughtful expression. He turns and walks away. As he passes Dani, he stops. “Perhaps you might need help finding those other knives sometime,” he says.
He turns and walks away. Dani watches him with her own thoughtful expression.
Just before Meglann pulls her away.
Later, as the water cascades over them, and Breha’s lips play over the skin of one of her lovers in the darkness, she smiles as she feels the overspill of sensations from a room down the corridor.
We throw a pretty good party, is her last thought before the light cascades in her head, along with the hot water over her body.
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durzarina · 7 years
Kalan vs Black Butler Chapter 24
“So are you doing to come out from the darkness or what?” Kalan asked as she was left alone. “Hihihihi that trick never gets past you huh?” came that sound of the Undertaker. “I knew you were watching me.  Did you come to laugh, mourn or what?” Kalan demanded, she was in no mood to laugh or joke around, so much so that her eyes didn’t leave the pot. All of a sudden she felt the Undertaker behind her and he rested his chin on her shoulder. “I would NEVER come to laugh AT you.  Laugh with you maybe, but this is a time where I stay silent and make sure you don’t do anything….reckless” he soothed in her ear. “Reckless? You insult me” she said resting her head on his shoulder with a large sigh. “If anyone is being reckless it is you my dear Undertaker” He gave a low chuckle. “You are exactly right.  I may not have seen everything, but I heard most of what happened.  A sorry and sad ending for such beautiful and smart children.” Cupping his hands around her waist, the Undertaker tried to sway her away from the pot.  It took a few tries before Kalan eventually moved away from the middle of the room and turned to face him.   “After everything that has happened, you still manage to keep that smile.” She mused giving a smile in return. “That’s because I know I have you to make me smile unconditionally.  I… never really told you how much you mean to me… Mainly because I had my Reaper training and my duties to tend to.  But you never left my mind.” He began. Kalan backed away and raised a brow. “Why are you telling me this now?” she said. He blinked “Well, I thought this was a perfect time as any?” he replied taking a step closer. Kalan stepped back in reply “Nononono… That is far too coincidental.  Has Malum put you up to this?” The Undertaker sighed and stepped forward. “No, I wouldn’t allow a being like her to tell me when I should explain myself.  I guess you could say it felt good when I did it on the Campania.  I then needed like I had to explain myself and my feelings to you.  It is just unfortunate that you lost your children at the same time.” He muttered. “We always agreed that it was a mutual feeling of friendship for the sake of our jobs.  Why are you changing it now?” The Undertaker swept himself in front of her and took her hands. “Kalan My feelings for you have been unexplainable since the day we met. I…” “I know.  I kept that one page in your book.” Kalan confessed. “I…what?” he blinked. “The day you…. Yeah.  I found your book and flicked through it.  And since you died I wanted to keep it and so…” she pulled a folded bit of paper out from her breast.  She unfolded it and showed it to the Undertaker. There in plain sight was the Undertaker’s feelings for Kalan.  For the first time since he had become a Reaper, Kalan saw the Undertaker blush. “I have always known about your feelings for me and believe me, this feeling has been mutual” she said waving the piece of paper. “I only denied telling you because o-” Kalan was cut off her sentence as the Undertaker had placed his lips on hers. “Undertaker!” she wailed in embarrassment. “As I was saying it was due to Michael.  I am afraid Michael will find out and dispose of you like he has done to my children” she sobbed. “I don’t care anymore.  I have waited SO long to kiss those lips and so help me no Archangel is going to stop that tonight” he breathed and kissed her again.  He kissed her so hard and so passionately that Kalan was pressed against the wall of the theatre, but she didn’t object.  She didn’t push him away nor fight against him as he went in again and again for kisses. “You… are playing a very dangerous game here” she whispered grabbing him by the scruff of his coat and leaned herself over him causing her to extend herself onto her tip-toes. “Recently dangerous seems to suit me don’t you think? Hihihi” the Undertaker chuckled swinging her around and beginning to dance “Let us dance in the face of danger.” He mused. Suddenly Kalan began to get a little uncomfortable, knowing that Michael could rain down on her again at any time.  Just when she was about to throw him off Malum called out in her head ‘Don’t! I can keep an eye out.  Enjoy yourself’ Kalan began to smile and eventually giggled as he twirled her around and dramatically tilted her on the side to kiss her.  Kissing him back Kalan began to enjoy herself, taking her all the way back to how they met.  Twirling and dancing, a tango for two and they slowed down for a waltz before stopping. “I forgot how well you dance” Kalan chuckled. “I learnt especially for you! And yet I still remember those steps.  Funny.” He said out aloud, he ran his fingers through his hair and smirked.  “What are your plans for this evening?” he asked all so suddenly. Kalan blinked and looked towards the pot of ashes. “Well, nothing really, I just…” she stared at the pot with a frown forming on her face.  The Undertaker massaged her frown away and taking her chin in between his index finger and thumb he made her face him. “How about spending it with me.  Back on that beach, like the good old times?” he asked. Kalan stood there and bit her lip. “Do you think the cabin will still be there? I doubt it.” She chuckled. “Welllllll, there is only one way to find out.” He mused slowly, tempting her with each passing moment. “Alright fine.” She sighed and taking his hand she transported them all the way to Wales, back to the beach where it all began.
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writing-the-end · 4 years
Exodus- Part 2
Previous Part
An Edolas Hermit AU story (AU belongs to @theguardiansofredland)
Impulse, Tango, and Zed are vying for freedom out of Hermitland. But first they must get through the great walls of the city, and whatever waits beyond. What they don’t know is that their plan has already been discovered. 
Part Two? Part Two! I’m so glad people are enjoying this story, I just can’t wait to share it all with you! Red’s story is so incredible, I don’t think my writing can do it justice.
Warning: This story contains general dark elements and language
Impulse grabs the nearest thing he could find, a redstone torch, wielding it as he hears footsteps moving down the tunnels. Zed and Tango have been taking way too long. Surely they’ve been caught by Cub, seen leaving the underground. By now, they’re probably in the rehab center, undergoing the same horrible ‘therapy’ that he had to endure. And now? Now Xisuma has sent guards to retrieve Impulse. Or perhaps just to take him out for good. 
So when the two figures round the corner into the team’s hideaway, he swings the torch with all his might. He’s not exactly strong, though, which is why Tango easily grabs hold of the other end, ignoring the electrifying feeling of holding the redstone end of the torch. This isn’t the first time Impulse has freaked himself out to the point of becoming reactionary. “Guess that means you don’t want what we brought you then.” 
Impulse immediately lets go of the torch, relief spreading across his face and body as he sees the cool smile of Tango, the bouncy joy of Zed. They haven’t been captured, they look just fine. “I’m just glad you’re back. How was it above?” 
“We went to your apartment!” Zed pulls something out of his bag, holding it out for Impulse to see. At first, Impulse has to rub his eyes, just to be sure he’s seeing what is in Zed’s hand. His fingertips are just barely able to curl around the brass wall, the moon beginning to rise towards its peak. Almost midnight. The redstone clockwork is shoddy at best, the gears and lines easy to hear within the device. But for Impulse, it’s his most prized possession. 
He built this clock when he decided he wanted to be a redstone engineer. It was his first time using redstone, or any of that sort of material. It sparked his love for inventing, and put him on the path to the man he is now. It’s the start of everything. 
And to have it now, that Tango and Zed thought to get the clock from his apartment, makes tears well in his eyes. It hurts to gulp, but he tries his best to keep from whimpering like a baby at the thought. “Th-thank you guys.” 
“They ransacked your house. Completely torn apart.” Tango whispers, picking up the mess that Impulse had left behind while they were gone. “But luckily it only got dented. Young Impulse was thinking to use brass instead of the usual gold.” 
“Young Impulse definitely didn’t have access to gold. I don’t think current Impulse does either.” He laughs awkwardly, running his finger over the dial on the clock. Xisuma’s guards must’ve been looking for information, evidence against Impulse and the underground. He knows they found nothing. He’s smarter than that. The clock ticks under Impulse’s touch, the moon drawing nearer to its apogee. They need to leave before sunrise. “Where you guys followed?”
“We were fine. Not a soul saw us.” Zed waves off Impulse’s concern, playing catch with an apple then taking a hefty bite from the fruit. 
“Are you sure? They have eyes everywhere, Cub could’ve seen you. He could’ve followed you.” Impulse glances around, as if someone else could suddenly appear in the cave they call their hideout. 
“We were careful.” Tango nods, pulling up his multitool. The same tool that sent the coding to cut Impulse’s noose. “I used the jamming signal you came up with to keep drones from coming near us.” 
Impulse breathes a sigh of relief. He knows that signal works, so he knows his friends are right. They weren’t followed. “Then let's get going. Before someone does start to follow us.” 
“Let’s blow this popstand!” Zed cheers, shoving the apple into his mouth and shrugging his backpack over his shoulder. He bounces in his shoes, blonde hair curling and bouncing across his eyes. “Come on come on come on! No time to waste! The next time we see the sun, it’ll be with the sweet taste of freedom!” 
Tango and Impulse can’t help but smile, Zed’s enthusiasm contagious. They can hear him humming down the tunnels, footsteps skipping and echoing down the road. Tango ruffles Impulse’s hair, forcing his cowlick over his eyes and making it almost impossible to see. When he parts the unruly chocolate hair, Tango is giving him a coy wink. “Last one to the safehouse is a sticky piston!” 
Tango takes off, gilded hair wisping across the horns. Impulse chases after him, grabbing the small bag of his own supplies and stumbling out of their cave. He chases after Zed and Tango, laughing as Zed trips in between skips. He never stops humming, even as he nearly faceplants into the cracked concrete. Tango hardly stops, long lanky legs eloping by and picking Zed up by the scruff like a kitten. Tango was so much taller than others, stood out so much more than any other person in Hermitland. It’s what made him different, it’s what made him awesome. When other people would be nervous with a demon from the nether sitting next to them in class, it was Impulse’s favorite thing. No one dared pick on him and his threadbare clothes at school when Tango’s red eyes would glare them away, his tail flicking menacingly. 
Zed scrabbles up the ladder, into the cool midnight air. The trio can see the wall as they sneak free of the forgotten tunnels, closing the trapdoor hidden beneath a massive, leafy bush. Tango remembers to brush a branch over the mulch, scrambling the chips to clear off the disturbance of the three climbing out. 
The lights of this street have been broken for years, always put to the wayside of maintenance logs in lieu of work for the more affluent neighborhoods. But the people who have claimed this part of the city as home, the farmers and hard working families find joy in the darkness. The freedom that Zed, Tango, and Impulse feel to walk down the streets. Zed and Tango dance and chase after one another, blowing off the steam of excitement. They’re finally escaping. 
But for Impulse, it’s his first time above ground since he was hanged. He’s slower than the others, taking in each deep breath of the cool night air. Fresh, crisp, of the city taking a quiet sigh of relief from the hassle of the day. The moon is in gibbous, nearly full and gazing a single eye down at the world. Stars glitter and shine across the canvas of the night sky. Moonlight wasn’t harsh like the sun. It didn’t burn or scathe against skin the way that electric shocks ran across Impulse’s skin, it didn’t blind him like the harsh lights when he was interrogated. It was a nurturing light, relief from the scathing truth of the day. 
Impulse closes his eyes, stretching his arms out and feeling the night air surrounding him. Lies spoken in the day, illusions under the sun become shadows in the night, transparent and weak. The quiet hush of the night is when truths are whispered, when reasonable voices are able to be heard while the shouting crowd is fast asleep. Impulse always got his best work done at night. Impulse learned the truth at night. 
In the darkness of the night, none of them notice the stealthy drone zooming it’s lense in on the basking boy. They don’t see the antenna rise up, pointing towards Bastion Towers. 
“Come on, mate! You can take a deep breath once we’re beyond the wall!” Zed whispers in Impulse’s ear, tugging him down the silent, open road. All the way to the safehouse. A decrepit little shack, nondescript at best. Even when they enter the toolshed, nothing looks out of the ordinary. Not until Zed picks up a wooden hoe from the racks of stone and iron tools. Beneath their feet, the wood floor slips away to reveal a small tunnel. The boys hop in, dirt falling into their hair as they crawl through the low tunnel. Crawling through the tight quarters, trying not to bump into each other or the wall. Tango has it worst, his horns digging into the tunnel’s soil roof each time he leans back. 
They reach the wall, gazing at all their hard work. The wall wasn’t pure concrete, and with each stratified layer they picked away, they had to figure out a whole different solution to a whole new problem. They picked away at thick concrete, filed down metal rebar, rerouted electrical currents, disarmed alarms, even cut through a whole sheet of metal that sat at the center of the wall. All that, until they reached the other side. Right in front of Impulse, they only needed to dig out a few more shovels full of dirt. Unfortunately, freedom was put on hold when Impulse was captured. 
But now, the boys can finally pick away the last of what separates them from freedom. To finally be able to escape the city, to finally have done what no one else thought was possible. Zed and Tango squeeze on each side of Impulse, pulling the spades they have handy. And together, the three dig the dirt away. Dirt falls and is flung over their shoulders, getting between their teeth and onto their white shirts. But none of them care.
Especially when Zed’s shovel breaks through grass, digging through the roots and pushing into open air. When he pulls it back, the ground crumbles around it. 
They can see the moon on the other side. Unobstructed, save for a distant birch forest across the plains. No buildings, no walls, no streetlights or drones or guards. But there is life. Grass spreads out in all directions, a sea of green visible in the burrow the boys have dug out. Flowers dance quietly in the moonlight, brushed by wind that carries wayward leaves from far away trees. Tango was the first to find his voice. “It’s all real. We did it.” 
Impulse’s mind is tethered to the freedom before him, but gets dragged back to the dystopia behind him when he hears the sound of a door slam. Wooden, hitting something so hard that the lumber cracks and the hinges snap. His stomach and throat tighten up as the sound recalls a not too distant memory. The memory of his door being kicked open, armed guards breaking down his entrance to hunt him down. The sound of footsteps in his mind echoes the footsteps he hears at the entrance to their tunnel. 
The hatch at the other end is opened. “They found us! They're here!” 
“We have to go through now!” Zed keeps digging, trying to open the tunnel. It’s hardly even big enough for one person. 
“We have to use the other tunnel! We’re not going to make it through in time. Not all of us.” Tango points down the even smaller crawl space that they built. It was something none of them thought they’d have to use, but Impulse was insistent on. For a case just like this. 
Zed can hear voices, arguing down the dark tunnel. “Impulse can’t stay here. He can’t stay in the city- he’ll surely get captured sooner or later.” 
Zed and Tango both turn, gazing at Impulse with resolute but despondent eyes. A look that sends chills down his spine and fear through his heart. “What are you two-” 
“Come out now before things get grim. I know you're down there. Impulse, I saw you finally came out of your little hole.” A steady, calm voice hollers down the hall. Cub was here. 
Tango and Zed share a glimpse of each other’s plans within their eyes, and turn to Impulse. Simultaneously, they scoot back. Put distance between themselves and Impulse. Tears begin to form at the corner of both their eyes, and Zed’s lip quivers as Tango picks up his shovel. “We’ll see you on the other side, Impulse.” 
Horrible realization shocks through Impulse. He reaches out for his friends, for them to rethink this decision. But Tango has already struck the dirt above them, yanking it free. Soil collapses between them, and rocks fall soon after. Impulse scrambles back, his arm nearly crushed as the stones fall in. He doesn’t realize he’s crying until the tears hit his hand. He scrabbles against the rocks, digging through the cave in. “No! No, you guys can make it! Don’t leave me!” 
No answer on the other end. Impulse strains to listen. He can hear Zed and Tango retreat, the slow creak of the escape tunnel closing in. They’re already gone, disappearing into the crowd of people. Back into the depths of the city.
But Cub remains. Impulse scurries back as the calm voice speaks through the rocks. “It’s only going to get worse from here, man. We know your every move. We will find you.” 
Panicked breathes escape Impulse’s open lips, his mind a flurry of just about every emotion he can feel. He has to put distance between him and Cub. He needs to run. 
And so he does. Impulse squeezes through the dirt hole, ignoring the grass and mud stains that smear across the white shirt he wears. The ID tag on his arm begins to warm, but he ignores it as he slips into the open field. Impulse clambers to his feet, stumbling into a sprint before he’s even upright. 
But the quiet field isn’t quiet for long. Beneath the red poppies and yellow dandelions, traps have laid in wait. Buried long ago, waiting for the day a foolish hermit decided to try and escape. Impulse vaults free of a snare as it releases, nearly grabbing hold of his leg. A net flings from a buried gun, threatening to weigh Impulse down. 
If the trapped field wasn’t enough, Impulse hears something rise up from the massive blank concrete wall. He knows he shouldn’t look back, but he can’t help his own morbid curiosity. He peeks over his shoulder, and sees something he never even thought existed within Hermitland. 
A door to outside. The concrete walls open up just enough for a black vehicle to slip through. It’s not just Cub that’s after Impulse- Doc stands in the bed of the vehicle,  a thin barrel pointed at Impulse. 
Impulse doesn’t stop running. He can’t outrun Cub or Doc, but he can outmaneuver them. The weapon fires, a dart filled with sloshing liquid burying itself into the ground next to Impulse. It’s not a bullet, thank god, but Impulse knows that if Doc is involved it’s something much worse. The escapee skids to the side, forcing the black vehicle to change direction as he focuses on his goal. 
A forest, just beyond the edge of the plain. Tall, thick birch trees that will be the guardians against the attacking leaders. Barriers for those who wish to keep Impulse from escaping. The hair on Impulse’s head sticks out in all directions, his body electrified as a shock shell detonates beside Impulse. The zapping sound of electricity makes him run all the harder. Flee from what he knows is already awaiting him if Doc gets his hands on Impulse...again. 
Impulse meets the treeline, but he doesn’t stop. When he hears the vehicle screech to a halt, he doesn’t stop. When he hears Doc and Cub yelling, swearing and arguing, he doesn’t stop. He doesn’t stop running until the sound, the sight of the city are long gone. Until his legs give out from under him, and all the emotions spread ruin within him. 
They’re gone. Zed and Tango, they gave up their freedom for him. Forced him to leave them. He’s alone, lost beyond the wall. Everything he’s ever known is now behind him. His entire life, his entire world. Every person he’s ever known, ever seen. 
He’s alone. Lost, on the run. And without the only people he wanted to do this with.
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