#The on the left is a ship kid between two of my Ocs
skydreamplayzz · 11 months
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Redrawing.. Again.
Just a slight diffrence from this and the original 🌳
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fanaticsnail · 2 months
Why can't they just be together? Why does that truce between their captain's have to end? When he looks at her like that, I just can't.
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Context: Tobiuo is the security officer of the Heart Pirates, Heat is one of Eustass Kid's commanders. She won't give herself permission to love him completely because of her job, and Heat is desperately in love with her. They're both loyal to their captain's first, nothing could ever tear them away. Not even each other.
Hands: Heat uses his left hand to circle above her left. Heat switches to right hand to pull her closer. Heat silences Tobiuo (sign language communicator) and finally closes the distance.
Lips: Tobiuo descends first, Heat is shocked. Lips part and add depth to their romance. Finally, their lips make contact and they enjoy a moment of passion together.
Faces: Tobiuo can't look at Heat when he leaves the Polar Tang to go to the Victoria Punk. Heat cannot help but look back at her in longing as he's forced by loyalty to leave her.
Hanging out with @since-im-already-here and sketching Tobiuo & Heat just loving each other. But they can't be together.
I have done so much silly sketching this trip with my sister, you guys. I am very much enjoying my little holiday.
I love these two together so much it's making me sick. I have the desire to write about them but I haven't done proper OC content here before, and I see Tobiuo as a background character for other OC ships.
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alsfunkyalbum · 23 days
I redrew some of my old Undertale sancest Ship Children from sometime between 2018-2021
(Click Image for better quality)
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If you don't ship these, that's cool neither do I. If you do ship these, that's also cool, here's some kids to add to your day. When I made these a while back I basically just put a bunch of Sanses' names into a cup and pulled out two names, just to make ship kids for. However I really love them so much I wanted to give them another try at being my OC's. So here they are with much better designs and decent personalities. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
Old designs and Extra fun facts/info about them located below!
Old Designs (in order from right to left in the above picture):
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They don't have much backstory or reason as to why they are alive, so if you'd like just make up how they were born. Sexualities can also be up to your interpretation, cuz I feel too lazy to give them any.
Anyways onto some fun facts (not at all sorted by the way).
Tricks has two separate ways to write his name because his name was never ever officially written down by his parents, so he fluctuates between both
Despite Fresh's dislike for curse words Ivy has the vocabulary of a sailor. He takes pride in his salty mouth
Vero is sometimes nicknamed Vamp/Vampire, not only because of his snaggle tooth but also because he dresses in dark, fancy clothing
Fable looks up to Dream and wishes to be like him someday
Contrary to Fable, Trix absolutely despises Dream for never being around when she was younger. However Trix loves his little sister and would never put her admiration against her.
Despite not at all being blood related the entire group considers each other cousins (minus the ones who are ACTUALLY "blood" related)
Ivy has a horrid fashion sense. While he doesn't understand how to make things match he does know he loves layering his clothing
Vero refers to the markings on his face as " Face Bananas"
Vero is selective mute
Tricks, despite being a skeleton, enjoys makeup and would practice either on Vero, or Fable (Ivy's always too shy to ask)
Fable likes to play pretend and play with dolls (like any kid should)
Vero enjoys crocheting
Error has a slight hatred for Ivy (Ivy and Vero don't care so much)
The majority of Ivy's closet is all clothes that he stole from his parents. It's often way too big for him to wear but that never stops him.
Trix's favorite colors are Pink and Yellow (if that wasn't obvious enough)
Ivy is a huge trouble maker and loves dragging Vero along with the trouble
Trix wears acrylic fake nails
If they were asked to choose a favorite parent the list would be: Vero-Error since he is kindest to him, and spoils him a little | Ivy-Killer since he lets him get away with most trouble making | Tricks- Lust because at least he acknowledged his existence | Fable-Dream since he was the coolest hero ever
Trix dislikes curse words, so she tries to keep Ivy's mouth clean as much as possible (especially around Fable)
Vero and Ivy adore Fable, so much so that they'd bend at her will if need be. They'd do so much for her.
And I guess that's it for now. If you have any questions about them, shoot me an ask or DM, I may or may not have an answer.
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quibbs126 · 3 months
so I heard that you allow oc x canon fankids.. so erm, would you mind making a fankid for my oc Sour Butter Cookie and Dark Choco cookie?? no pressure though!
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Sour Butter (they/them) was raised in the St. Pastry Order along with Pastry Cookie, however, after seeing the true intentions of the order and seeing the manipulation and indoctrination of young cookies by the order, they decided to leave the order in secret. They tried to convince Pastry Cookie to come with them, but Pastry Cookie wanted them to stay in the order together, so Sour Butter had no choice but to leave without her. Sour Butter Cookie now runs a "church" that serves as some sort of hospital and refuge for cookies, devoting themselves to helping cookies that feel under the false teachings of the St.Pastry Order. I ship them with Dark Choco bc they both are my precious little blorbos🥺🥺
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I finished faster than I normally do, but here’s Butter Fudge Cookie
Okay, so I have to admit right off the bat, I didn’t really know anything about Sour Butter when I went to make her. I know I like the pictures, and I try to keep up to date with the designs if I know the artist who made them, but I don’t usually take the time to read them, I’m sorry. All I really knew was they were connected to the St Pastry but weren’t part of it, and the pictures gave me shady vibes
Also note for others that this is true of basically every OC that gets requested. I usually either have only seen them in the ask or I’ve haven’t taken the time to read their descriptions. Pretty much all I know about them is what is provided in the ask, so if the ask doesn’t have a description, I am only operating off of vibes from the design. And sometimes I don’t realize the asks have a description attached until I’m done. Sorry about that
Anyways, I got to the ask to post her, and I saw Sour Butter had a short blurb attached, and when I went and reread that I realized her vibe didn’t match, so I did a quick change of her character to better match. And also slight design tweak
Anyways, so on to Butter Fudge, so she lives in the church with her parents. She can be sweet and help out around the place, but also she can be a bit mischievous sometimes. Ever since she was a kid, she knew her parents and those around her consider her cute, and she sometimes will use that to either get away with things or do stuff she isn’t really supposed to. She usually doesn’t get herself into too serious of messes, but know that there may be shenanigans you didn’t sign up for if you engage with her
I’d say she’s somewhere in her teenage years right now. She’s not a kid (because I didn’t design her that way), but she isn’t entirely old enough to realize she probably shouldn’t use her charms to get her way
She visits her grandpa on occasions and she dresses more Dark Cacaoian since she just likes their style
Anyways, that’s about it for Butter Fudge. It’s not really much, but she’s got some character
Now on to her name. I don’t entirely know what butter fudge (or more accurately it seems, cookie butter fudge) is, but it was because of the two parts of the names. I wanted something that incorporates both chocolate and butter, and I remembered “oh yeah, fudge is commonly associated with chocolate, maybe there’s some kind of butter fudge” and lo and behold. Also, it’s a light brown color, which I thought was a good in between
Cookie butter fudge:
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So I'm gonna be honest, I'm not too sure about her hair. It was what was giving me trouble in the rough sketch up top left, and all I really had was "symmetrical, but also not all over the place". Maybe she needs longer hair or something, I'm not sure. I think it looks better in the little sketch though
To be honest, there isn't really much to say on the design front. She has browns because the fudge was light brown and it works with it. She has squares because fudge is square shaped
I do wonder if maybe she should have had some contrasting color somewhere, since her design is pretty much all shades of brown/orange, but I don't know where or what. She did originally have some light blues from Sour Butter, but I thought the yellows worked better
Overall I think her design's fine, it works. Though I do feel like she doesn't live up to the bangers that are some of my other OC x canon fankids
And yeah, that's Butter Fudge, I hope you enjoy her
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mara-tevith-solo · 2 years
Sing a Little Song For Me
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Part 1 of at least a few drabble-esque fics? They aren’t really in any particular order as their from a larger fic I’ve been writing that I’m afraid my brain won’t let me finish, so I’m sharing as much of it as feels completed. Photo also not mine, obviously.
Warnings: Talk of death, Canon levels of Violence, Canon levels of hunting, Quaritch is his own warning let’s be fair, beginnings of a relationship, enemies to lovers, they’re kinda idiots 
Pairing: Colonel Miles Quaritch x named Na’vi/Avatar reader/OC depending on how you want to see her. I never truly describe her. 
Rated 18+ so if you don’t meet that, kindly gtfo, I don’t write kid appropriate material. 
Words: 2.1k+ 
I'd forgotten how freeing flying on a Toruk was. The wind whipping through my hair as we sliced through the air. It felt like freedom, true freedom. I whooped loudly, clicking my tongue a few times afterwards as we passed over the ship, waiting as the Recoms and their Ikran joined us in the air. Zdinarsk was the first to join, followed closely by Quaritch and then Wainfleet, Mansk, Ja, and Prager. Spider cheered happily from his place in front of me, pumping his fist in the air like a victorious warrior coming home. Our next classroom island was in the middle of seven spire islands that made it inaccessible by the ship, and the water was too shallow between the spires for the boats, so by air was the only way to get in.
Our island getaway was bigger than the last, but was not a very desirable location for a village because it could only support a small fruit grove and not anything near enough for a group larger than ours. Even our group was going to push it if we stayed longer than a couple days. As soon as we landed I unpacked the tent poles from Thor and began to set up our shelter, a storm brewing on the horizon that didn't look entirely inviting. Quaritch and Wainfleet immediately stepped in to help, the two easily the tallest of the group, easily getting the canvas over the center pole as the rest of us worked on securing the edges to the bases of trees so that the canvas wouldn't have a chance to fly away if it got windy. Once the main part of the shelter was done, we all unpacked the interior bits like the sleeping mats and the cooking implements before letting the Toruk and the Ikran leave for the spires to weather out the storm. "Well this puts a dampener on the evening." Wainfleet yelled over a crack of thunder.
I picked up my spear from where I'd left it in the sand, breathing in the charged air with a soft smile "Don't have too much fun while I'm gone!"
"Are you out of your damn mind?" Prager yelled after me as thunder cracked across the sky again "You'll drown!"
"I'm from Hawaii! This is just another Tuesday!" I laughed back as I entered the water, instantly calling for an Ilu the moment my head was under. It clicked and danced around me in greeting, smiling in that uncanny but adorable way that they did before it offered a kuru. We hunted until the sun set and the storm passed, only an hour in reality, a string of fish slung over my shoulder as I brushed wet hair out of my face "Sorry that took so long, the fish went deep." I apologized with a bashful smile as I replanted the spear in the sand near the tent "They're already cleaned, and ready to cook."
"Hell ya." Wainfleet cheered while taking the string from me, taking it back to the cook fire in the middle of the tent.
"What was that you rode? Looked like a dinosaur." Zdinarsk asked, motioning vaguely towards the water from her seat in the doorway.
"That," I smiled as I began wringing out my hair in sections, twisting each one tightly before letting it go and moving on "is an Ilu. They are amazingly friendly creatures. A lot like dolphins, but much, much less homicidal." I stopped to think on her comment for a moment, smiling absently when I realized she was right "Huh, I guess they really do look like plesiosaurs. Good eye."
She smiled with pride as Prager clapped her on the back before going to help Wainfleet with the fish as a curse sounded from inside the shelter. "Where'd you get a fur pelt? I thought there wasn't a creature alive on this moon that bore fur." Ja asked suddenly, leaning against the center pole on the opposite side of the fire.
I twisted all of my hair together as I looked to him, ignoring my reflection in his glasses as I worked "It was a gift, just before the battle of the Tree of Souls. There's only one animal I know of that has fur, and they're very highly prized by the Plains Clans." I began making my way inside when my hair was sufficiently wrung out, though it was still a little wet. I didn't want to talk about those days, knowing that they were a sore subject for most involved.
"Got an admirer back home?" Wainfleet teased lightheartedly, like he was ignoring the elephant in the room and encouraging all of us to do that same. I didn't miss Quaritch scowling out the door as soon as the question left Wainfleet's mouth.
I laughed, taking the bait and happily running with it "Nah, no one waiting on little ole me." Quaritch's attention snapped back towards me, though he quickly looked away as soon as our eyes met "It was a courting gift from a Chief of a Plains Clan. He wanted the chance to get to know me after the battle." I shrugged with a smile, sitting on the pelt that made up my bedroll.
"So he was trying to buy your affections?" Zdinarsk asked, shifting in her seat to face the interior of the tent.
"No," I shook my head "A courting gift is meant to show interest and respect. At no point during courting are the two parties obligated to the other. Either one of them can break the courtship at any time, for any reason, with no ill will." I stretched in my seat, not paying any of the others any mind "After dinner we'll do a night exercise, just a little light exploration of our safe haven, nothing big."
"Isn't it dangerous to swim at night?" Prager asked, looking around everyone nervously.
I smiled softly, trying to reassure him, all of them. "On Earth, yes. Here, the planet does not sleep. Daylight hides the true beauty." The moon was higher in the sky after the fish were done cooking and everyone had eaten their fill, Spider going to sleep instead of exploring with us "Come." I encouraged, shifting to Na'vi with a warm smile, up to my knees in the water already. They all followed with much less hesitation, trusting me completely. As soon as we were all submerged, their eyes were wide at the wonder of the bioluminescent world around them, turning this way and that to take in as much as they possibly could.
I motioned for them to fan out and explore, they were all adults, they all knew how to mind their air. I made my way to the barrier reef, wanting to explore it more thoroughly. Right as I reached it, a hand closed around the tip of my tail, tugging at it gently, just letting me know that someone was there. I turned over, smiling widely at Quaritch as he continued following me, his own expression relaxed as we swam. At the barrier reef I motioned for him to follow me up to the surface for air, the man staying a respectful distance away as we both breathed in the crisp air before diving back down. I was inspecting the bottom of the reef, having seen a gap that we could have potentially fit through on Ilu, measuring it with my height until Quaritch was tapping me on the arm and pointing towards an opening in the reef. Curiosity no doubt got the better of us both in that moment, neither of us really thinking about it before going inside. It was large enough for Quaritch to swim comfortably, and stayed that way the entire way through until it suddenly moved upwards and opened into a small cavern. We were in sync as we breeched the surface of the water, breathing in the damp, murky air of the cavern. The walls and ceiling were covered by twinkling grubs and fungus, all emitting blue or green light into the darkness "Beautiful." He murmured softly, eyes soaking up every single detail that he could see.
I turned to him, my face pulling itself into a smile that I couldn't gauge as I watched him "It really is." I hummed softly, afraid to break the moment. He turned to me, a word dying on his tongue as soon as our eyes met, his pupils dilating further as he licked his lips. It was suddenly like he had his own gravity, some force pulling me closer to him until I could feel his heart beating against my flesh, feel the heat he radiated envelop me like a comforting blanket. Feel his skin against mine. I moved slowly as I placed my hands against his chest, afraid that we would both wake up, that he'd rebuff me with thunderous anger. He didn't, one of his hands closing around the small of my back delicately like he was afraid I'd bolt, the other continuing to tread water. Slowly, so painfully slowly, he began leaning in, his eyes half lidded as he watched me, watched as I leaned up towards him as well, just as slowly. The moment our lips touched it was like a bolt of lightning was lighting up my nervous system, everything felt so alive and tingled so good and I wanted so much more of him. I groaned against his mouth as my hands drifted up from his chest and to his shoulders, one of them cupping the back of his neck. His own grip increased, his hand splayed wide on the small of my back, pulling me into him as tightly as he could without causing pain. My heart was beating so fast I was almost sure it would explode as he deepened the kiss, giving up fully treading water to tangle his fingers in my hair to pull me in further. I reciprocated, wanting everything that he was willing to give me as I became slightly dizzy from the blood rushing around. I thought I was going to faint when his tongue brushed my lip oh so lightly, begging entrance that I wasn't going to deny him. He tasted like fish and salt and something entirely just him, and it did the last bit of competent thought I had in my head in.
He pulled away after a moment, just gazing down at me like I was something he'd never seen before, watching me blink away the kiss drunk haze that was trying to swallow me whole. "We should get back, before the others think we've drowned or something." He frowned in regret as he spoke, his tone hesitant and unwilling as he watched my expression shift.
I knew he was right, I knew it to my core. The others would think something bad had happened, and would do something stupid to try to find us. But that stupid part of my brain, that tiny bit of hopeless romantic moron, decided that his words were a rejection. That, despite kissing me like that, he didn't actually want me. That I was still his enemy. And always would be in some way. "Ya," I nodded, trying so hard to not look upset, fighting irrationality with rational thought, but my emotions were having little of it. I held my tail out to him before he could ask why I was blinking so much "So we don't get separated." I explained, beginning the swim back as soon as his hand closed around it.
We were the last to arrive at camp, and the others were sure to take the piss out of us "Find somewhere nice and cozy?" Wainfleet teased with a knowing wink, the Recoms obviously knowing something that I didn't have a whole idea of.
Quaritch just half-heartedly growled at him, waving him off to go dry off in the tent "We found a cavern off the barrier reef, its filled with glowing grubs and fungi. It's absolutely stunning!" I smiled warmly, beginning the whole process of wringing out my hair again. The thought of cutting it short entered and exited my mind quickly, knowing I'd never have the heart to have shoulder length hair ever again.
"Was there a nice sandbar in it?" Zdinarsk asked with a wiggle of her eyebrows, furthering the teasing of the others.
I raised a brow at her but decided not to entertain their antics, rolling my eyes when I realized what was going on "Nope. Not a scrap of dry land in there. I'd wager it floods, judging by the smell." I wasn't going to give them shit, and I was going to enjoy it.
"You're killin' me." Wainfleet pouted, catching on pretty quick.
"I live to please." I grinned as I twisted "We should catch some rack, we've got a long ass day when morning comes." I blinked at my words, wondering when the reversion had begun, but I didn't comment on it, and hoped they didn't either.
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writingforfun0714 · 2 months
Hey everyone,
So sorry for being gone so long. I’m pretty busy at work now. I wanna say thank you to everyone who voted in the poll. Part of the reason this chapter took so long was because I was working on 2 fics at once.
Here is Chapter 4 of my Bad Batch fic Our Love
Warnings: TW childhood O66 trauma (some O66 trauma in general), LONG (sorry I really couldn’t cut it down more than I already have), OC jedi characters, POV changes
Bad Batch Our Love
Chapter 4–Guns For Hire
Words: 11,556
3rd POV
The Havoc Marauder drops out of Hyperspace, facing a large beige planet.
“We are on approach to Saleukami,” Tech announces. Hunter’s holding Maisy while the two older kids walk into the cockpit. Omega stares out the window to watch the planet slowly grow in size as they approach. Hunter shifts Maisy to his left arm and walks into the cockpit with Wrecker following. The Youngling turns her head from tucked into Hunter’s neck to looking out the window curiously at the approaching planet.
“So Rex knew this guy from the war?” Wrecker asks.
“He did not say,” Tech answers, “just that it’s someone he trusts.”
“If Rex trusts him, so do I,” Hunter says.
Tech flies the ship through the planet’s atmosphere and eventually drops below the cloud line. A sudden beeping get’s Tech’s attention.
“We’re running low on fuel,” the pilot alerts. Wrecker turns and finds the case the squad keeps their credits in and opens it to find a few credits.
“Uuhhh…you think we’d have enough to refuel with this?” Wrecker asks, showing Hunter the scarce amount of money they have. The sergeant sighs.
“Let’s worry about that after we meet Rex’s contact,” Hunter says.
Tech flies over fields and jagged mountains before spotting farmland in the distance. He lands the ship out of the way.
“Why did we land so far away? The home is way over there-“ Omega asks.
“No need to draw attention to Rex’s contact. He’s obviously out here to hide,” Tech explains as he powers the ship down.
“C’mon, let’s get going,” Hunter says. The others nod. Wrecker reaches out to Wyyntrr and the albino Wookiee padawan takes the demolitions expert’s hand.
Tech opens the bay door and walks out first. Hunter follows and sets Maisy down. The girl blinks at the dry dirt that moves with each of her steps. Being from Coruscant, Maisy’s never seen nature. Even Kamino amazed her with the endless amount of water. Omega walks out and squints as her eyes adjust. She sees Maisy messing with the dirt and pushes her own foot into it, making small dust clouds and a light trail in the ground. The older girl giggles before picking some dirt up with her hand.
“What is this?” Omega asks curiously, letting the dirt sift through her fingers.
“That would be dirt,” Tech answers factually.
“It’s amazing!” Omega exclaims. Because he’s blind, Wyyntrr allows himself to really feel how loose the dry dirt is, how it feels almost powdery. He smells it. He does try to taste it and ends up roaring a bit and rubbing his tongue with his hands.
“Wai-“ Wrecker tries to tell the Wookiee but it’s too late so he grabs his canteen and offers it to the Padawan, who takes a drink to get the taste out of his mouth.
“C’mon, let’s get going. We’re about 2 klicks away,” Hunter says, getting the kids’ attention.
Omega’s POV
Hunter leads the way as Tech follows close behind and us behind him with Wrecker bringing up the rear. I’m holding Maisy’s hand and since she’s walking between me and the Wookiee, she’s also holding his hand. I let a small smile appear on my lips as I look fondly at the 2 Jedi. Despite having a Jedi be in charge of the clone army, I never got to know the Jedi, not really. I was kept in Nala Se’s private research lab. Over the years I got to know who the clones were and I learned that they all knew the Jedi because the clones served with them. The only ones that didn’t know the Jedi’s were the clones stationed on Kamino either as security or maintenance clones, but even then, they would occasionally see Master Shaak Ti. That was the only Jedi I knew of until…well until that fateful moment on Kamino when I met Master Jaeruho and Maisy.
The two are quiet and I don’t blame them, after what’s happened. Being Nala Se’s medical assistant I saw my fair share of blood and bone due to various injuries but I’ve also seen how the War has affected the clones’ minds. How the horrors of war have tormented them during the nights. I tried to help them. Nala Se would tell me they weren’t worth it and would be placed on maintenance duty. When I asked why, she would say they were ‘mentally deficient for war’. I can only imagine how Wyyntrr and Maisy are handling seeing such horrors and devastation.
As we walk, I take note of everything, asking an occasional ‘what’s that?’. Wyyntrr sniffs the air and turns his head at the various sounds of wildlife while Maisy trudges along, her head bowed so she’s looking at the ground. She’s sad but…but also…something else. Distant perhaps? No…that’s not the word. Empty. That’s it. An empty sadness. I notice as we walk that I practically pull the Youngling along and I realize she’s only moving because of me…because of us. If we weren’t here-
I suddenly bump into Tech, interrupting my thoughts and I blink.
“Omega-are you ok?” He asks. Wyyntrr looks in my direction, but not Maisy. I nod at the pilot.
“Y-yeah I’m ok, sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going-” I assure him and he nods.
“It’s alright,” Tech says before motioning to keep up and follow.
After almost an hour, we come to a field. The grasses are taller than us, taller than Wrecker even.
“Hunter, if Rex’s contact turns us away-“ Tech tries.
“Tech not now-“ Hunter growls slightly at the pilot. I keep my eyes on the Youngling, but don’t say anything. At least, not yet.
That’s when Hunter suddenly stops and kneels down. Wyyntrr tugs on my arm to get my attention.
“Rrr-rggh-rrgh?” Wyyntrr asks and I frown. I don’t know what he’s saying and when I turn to look at Maisy for an answer like I normally do, I notice she doesn’t seem to even be paying attention. She’s still got that sad, empty look on her face.
“Hunter is tracking,” Tech explains, seemingly catching onto our conversation.
“Each of us have a special enhanced skill. Hunter can sense electromagnetic frequencies, Wrecker is adaptive and strong. I have my exceptional mind and Crosshair has his sharpshooting skills,” Tech explains and I smile. I was there with Nala Se when she created the 4 of them, known then as Experimental Unit 99. I was young, 4 or 5 years old or so and they stayed in the decanting tubes longer than most clones do. I was fascinated by them because they weren’t like the other clones…like me. Unfortunately Nala Se often kept me secluded and isolated away from everyone but herself.
“We’re almost there,” Hunter assures us.
We hear the place before we see it. As we come over a hill, we see a house with animals, kids like us, and two people with them. Before we can do anything, I see the pink one aim a rifle right at us!
“Hunter!-“ I warn but he seems to have caught on when I did because he reaches up and takes off his helmet. The others follow suit and I see the one holding the rifle, put the weapon down.
3rd POV
As Clone Force 99 reaches the hill, the family outside in their front yard spots the group of soldiers. The matriarch of the family, a pink female Twi’lek grabs her rifle and aims to look through the scope, never turning the safety off. She spots armored soldiers but despite the modifications, she recognizes it as clone armor.
“There’s a group of clone soldiers approaching,” she warns.
“Children, inside,” she orders. Without arguing, the two young children, one about Omega and Wyyntrr’s age, and the sibling a few years younger, race inside. The mother watches the approaching soldiers take off their helmets through the scope on her rifle. As the group approaches, she spots children with them! Her eyes widen and she gasps quietly.
“There are children with them,” she alerts and the man raises an eyebrow. Unsual for clones.
“How many?” Her husband asks.
“2…no…3,” she answers before setting her rifle down and her husband nods. Being a clone as well, he knows to stay on guard until he can be sure of his brothers’ intentions.
“Suu-go inside with the children-“ he tells his wife, Suu. The Twi’lek shakes her head, her lekku swishing back and forth lightly.
“No-I’m staying with you Cut. I’m the better shot,” she argues and the man named Cut smirks, nodding.
Clone Force 99 gets close enough that they can make eye contact with Suu and her clone husband, Cut. Hunter motions for the group to stop a good 100 feet away.
“Greetings,” Hunter announces. Cut stands at the ready.
“We’ve come a long way to find you-“ Hunter explains.
“Do you know CT—7567 Captain Rex?” Hunter asks and both husband and wife blink in surprise. The couple exchange a look before Suu nods. Cut returns the gesture and turns back to CF99.
“Approach,” Cut says and the group makes their way up to the home and where the couple who own it stand.
Once they’re close enough, they can get a proper look at each other. Cut sees that despite the differences between Hunter, Wrecker and Tech, they are clones, brothers. Hunter realizes that even though he’s in civilian clothes, the man standing with the pink Twi’lek is a clone.
“Who are you?” Tech asks.
“I could ask you boys the same thing, being on my land,” Cut answers, motioning around.
“What’s a reg doin’ all the way out here?” Wrecker asks. Cut eyes Wrecker at the insulting nickname.
“Who’re you callin’ a ‘reg’? The name’s Cut Lawquane. This is my wife, Suu,” he introduces and CF99 nods at her.
“You know Rex?” Cut asks and Hunter nods.
“He told us to find you because he said you could help us,” Hunter says and puts his right hand on Omega’s shoulder and his left hand on Wyynntrr’s shoulder. Cut looks at the kids. Omega smiles and waves with her free hand, since she’s still holding onto Maisy’s hand. He looks at all of them.
“If you mention Rex, you must have a good reason for being here. C’mon, we can talk inside,” Cut says as Suu opens the door and walks in.
The group follows the couple inside and Cut shuts the door behind them. The couple’s own children are hiding in the kitchen area unseen by the others.
“Who are you?” Cut asks.
“Clone Force 99. Sergeant Hunter and..half my team. Tech, our pilot and Wrecker, the weapons expert,” Hunter introduces. Cut nods and turns to the kids.
“And who are they?” Cut asks, looking at the 3 children with the soldiers.
“This is Omega…she’s a clone like us,” Hunter says, patting the blonde girl’s shoulder. Cut blinks in shock but doesn’t question it. After all the Kaminoans often did what they wanted regarding cloning. Cut looks over at the blind albino Wookiee and the Youngling and sees their beige colored robes. Cut’s eyes widen.
“A-Are they-?” Cut begins to ask.
“Jedi,” Hunter confirms.
“H-How-..How are they alive? Why do you have Jedi kids?” Cut asks all at once.
“Why are you here?” Suu asks, interrupting Cut. Hunter, Tech and Wrecker exchange a look.
“Rex said you could help us. Help us hide from the Empire..and…help us with them,” Hunter answers, glancing at the 3 children he managed to find. Suu sighs and nods once, knowing the clone soldiers are just trying to do what’s right.
“Are you hungry? We were just about to start dinner-“ Suu offers. Wrecker smiles and stands, ready to start helping.
“We don’t wanna impose-“ Hunter says, giving Wrecker a look.
“We don’t turn guests away, do we kids?” Cut announces and that’s when his 2 children walk in, revealing themselves. Omega’s eyes widen and Wyyntrr turns his head towards the sounds of soft footsteps.
“Who are you?” The boy asks as his older sister puts a hand on his shoulder.
“Jekk—Shaeeah, these are our guests. Clone Force 99,” Cut explains before turning to the Batch.
“These are our kids, Shaeeah and Jekk,” Cut introduces. Wrecker smiles at the kids. The two half-Twi’lek siblings spot the 3 kids with the group.
“Woah-who’re you? We never see kids around here,” Shaeeah says.
“Omega,” the girl introduces herself.
“This is our brother Wyyntrr and our younger sister Maisy,” Omega continues.
“Come with us,” Shaeeah says, hurrying over to the kids and grabbing Omega’s hand. The female clone looks over at Hunter, who nods in approval.
“C’mon,” Omega says and Wyyntrr nods. When Maisy makes no attempt to move, Omega gently puts a hand on her shoulder and guides the Youngling along. Shaeeah and Jekk lead the way up the stairs leaving the adults to talk.
Tech’s POV
I watch our kids follow the two siblings upstairs before turning back to see Cut looking at us seriously.
“So, you boys know Rex, but he’s not with you?” Cut asks.
“He’s with one of our squad mates back on Coruscant,” Hunter explains.
“Coruscant? Why in stars name is he there?” Cut asks, more caught off guard than anything.
“He’s looking for one of the regs that served with him,” I explain. Cut gives me a look of disdain.
“The hell is a ‘reg’?” He asks.
“A regular clone, not like us,” I explain. Cut chuckles humorlessly.
“I got news for ya buddy. It doesn’t matter how special you think you are. You’re just like me to the Jedi, to those Kaminoan long-necked bastards, to this new ‘Galactic Empire’, to everyone else,” Cut says.
“We didn’t exactly fit in on Kamino,” I argue back.
“That’s good,” Cut says.
“It is?” Wrecker asks and he nods.
“You wanna put being soldiers behind you if you wanna have those kids with you,” Cut explains.
“That’s the thing,” Hunter says, interrupting.
“We think that they deserve to have a normal childhood but if we’re all they’ve got, then we have to be what they need,” Hunter explains.
“We tried going to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, that’s when our squad member and Rex split from us. We saw no sign of any Jedi besides Padawan Wyyntrr,” I add.
“We couldn’t just leave a kid there in all that destruction and death. Plus we’d already had Maisy and Omega with us,” Hunter says.
“What’s one more if they need help,” Wrecker agrees. Cut nods.
“You’re good men, but raising kids is different than fighting clankers. What exactly is your plan?” Cut asks and I look to Hunter, unsure of that answer myself.
“We have to go back for our sniper. He…he was separated from us because of his inhibitor chip,” Hunter explains and I nod in agreement. We don’t leave our own behind. It’s rule 1.
“But we need a safe place to hold up for the kids before we head back to Kamino,” I add and Cut nods.
“Hmph, well I would recommend settling here but…things are different now that the Empire has formed. Clone troopers show up in town almost every day now,” Cut warns.
“It’s getting late, we should get the kids settled for bed,” Suu says and her husband nods. I hadn’t paid close attention but I look at my datapad and see it’s nearly midnight. I’m not used to accommodating children so when Cut and Suu look to us, silently asking who will come help with the kids, I look instantly to Hunter and Wrecker.
It’s not that I do not like children, I am just…unused to them. I do not like interacting with most outside of my squad anyways. But I would never have done what Crosshair did on Kaller. No…no it wasn’t Crosshair. It couldn’t have been. I must believe he has been manipulated by the inhibitor chip…by the Kaminoans. Out of all of them, Nala Se had the most interaction with us as cadets. I hated her. I hated her calm tone that lied every time she said ‘it will be alright’. I hated how she watched us with her cold, unfeeling eyes. We weren’t children or even people to her. We were objects, military property. But she always instilled in us that we were not like the regs. The other clones were disposable. We were special. But she still treated us the same way as she did the other clones. Cut’s words from earlier ring in my mind. It doesn’t matter how special you think you are, you’re a clone like me…to everyone else.
3rd POV
Crosshair feels like he’s been waiting an eternity for Cody to return. The sniper’s pain is matched by the fear of whatever this is being permanent. Crosshair’s eyes snap open when he hears the door open. He turns his head to look and he sighs with relief when he sees Cody.
“I got the scanner,” Cody confirms, limping inside since his leg is still injured. Crosshair tries sitting up, but he winces in pain and Cody notices.
“Hey-hey easy-easy, don’t strain yourself-“ Cody says as he pushes Crosshair back down gently.
The sniper opens his eyes and sees the commander looking at him with concern.
“You…you came back for me,” Crosshair says weakly. Cody smirks.
“O’course I did. I said I’d come back for…you,” Cody’s words trail off when he sees tears form in the corners of Crosshair’s eyes and spill out down his cheeks.
“Crosshair? Is it the pain?” Cody asks, clearly concerned.
“He left me,” Crosshair rasps out, barely above a whisper.
“Who?” Cody asks.
“Hunter…the others…they left me on Kamino,” Crosshair says, his hand coming up to rub his temple.
Cody frowns. That’s not like Hunter. Not like any of CF99. There had to be more to it than that but Cody knows not to question or push the topic right now.
“Ok, I need you to stay still,” Cody instructs and Crosshair makes a noise of understanding before laying motionless on the worn mattress. Cody turns the scanner on and points it at the sniper. A blue light coats Crosshair’s head and the scanner makes a whirring noise. After a moment passes, the device beeps twice and the light shuts off.
“Hmm, I’m not detecting any sort of mechanical chip of any kind…wait…there appears to be severe scarring on your cerebellum and basal ganglia. It looks like nerve damage caused by electrical pulses so harsh it altered your brain chemistry,” Cody explains. Crosshair’s eyes widen.
“I…I remember Nala Se taking me…She…tested on me. She said she took out the inhibitor chip to test a new procedure,” the sniper remembers. Cody frowns angrily. He hated the Kaminoans as much as any other clone, but the commander formed a bond with Clone Force 99 and thought of them the same way he thought of the 212th and even General Kenobi. He knew CF99 didn’t feel the same way about the other clones, stars knows why, but Cody knew they would eventually see the truth and return for Crosshair.
“Uh oh,” Cody says.
“What?” Crosshair can’t help but growl frustratedly.
“I..I think the damage is permanent,” Cody admits and at first, Crosshair doesn’t say anything. After a pause, Crosshair sighs.
“There are transcranial magnetic stimulation therapies that might help and there are some numbing bacta patches you can try,” Cody reads off the scanner, but Crosshair’s not even paying attention to the 212th commander. Ever since Kaller, Crosshair was angry with Hunter, with the sergeant’s choices. But leaving the sniper behind on Kamino was the last straw.
“Commander?” Crosshair asks and Cody looks at him.
“If I don’t return with Clone Force 99, would I be reassigned?” The sniper asks.
“What? I…I suppose if you wanted, unless you want to be stuck with me,” Cody smirks but turns serious rather quickly.
“Why do you ask?” Cody asks. Cody knew all the members of the Bad Batch pretty well and out of everyone Crosshair was the most severe and unyielding, until you got to know him, that is. Then Crosshair is a playful joker full of sarcasm with a slight competitive streak, but he hardly ever really opened up to reveal his true thoughts and feelings.
“I think our paths have changed. I felt it on Kaller when Order 66 went out,” Crosshair explains and Cody’s expression darkens slightly. Being on Utapau with General Kenobi, Cody felt a loss of control he’d never experienced before. The marshal commander wasn’t himself. Ever since Utapau, Cody’s felt a sort of guilt that eats away at him.
“Do you…do you regret what happened?” Cody asks carefully. Crosshair turns his head gently to look at Cody in the eye.
“I followed orders and it feels like I’ve been punished for it ever since. Hunter and the others betrayed me. Nala Se tortured me and my new ‘boss’ hates clones. But not following orders was worse,” Crosshair explains, motioning to his head, indicating the pain.
“So…what’s your plan now? You still angry with Hunter?” Cody asks.
“I was, back on Kamino,” Crosshair admits
“You’re not now?”
“I’m upset with him…disappointed in him…but I’m not angry anymore. After I get this pain under control, I have to find Hunter,” Crosshair explains.
“Try and get some rest. I’ll reach out and see if I can find out anything about Clone Force 99,” Cody says.
“Thanks Commander,” the sniper replies quietly and Cody smiles slightly at Crosshair, glad that Crosshair knows he can trust someone outside of his squad.
Back on Kamino…
3rd POV
Nala Se walks through the sterile white halls, passing clone troopers and cadets, not really paying attention to any of them. Her mind is only on Omega and the Jedi Youngling. She couldn’t confirm it yet but the Kaminoan chief scientist was almost certain that Omega met the Jedi during Order 66.
The Kaminoan Prime Minister, Lama Su, gave Nala Se ownership of Master Jaeruho’s lightsaber since he was killed, however it does not power on and she cannot figure out how to open it, figuring the weapon to be useless (which it is since Youngling Maisy has the kyber crystal that was inside).
Nala Se makes her way to Lama Su’s office and presses the entry button on the console pad. The door beeps before opening with a quiet whooshing sound.
“Prime Minister,” Nala Se addresses.
“Yes Mistress Se?”
“I would like to request permission to retrieve Omega,” Nala Se says. At first Lama Su doesn’t say anything, pondering the scientists’ request.
“You have an unnecessary attachment to the young clone,” Lama Su says.
“Omega…is important for my cloning research,” Nala Se explains but Lama Su gives her a knowing look. He didn’t miss how Nala Se dressed Omega to look like her, how he kept her secluded from the other clones.
“She is an unaltered genetic copy of the donor, Jango Fett. Since Alpha’s disappearance, Omega is our last chance to acquire pure DNA since all other specimens have degraded,” Nala Se finishes.
“Hmm…make sure the girl is unharmed when you have her returned. Once you have extracted what you need, kill her…and the Jedi with her,” Lama Su adds. Nala Se’s bulbous eyes widen slightly, unaware that the Prime Minister knew of the Youngling’s existence.
“Do you understand?” He asks and Nala Se nods. As the chief scientist turns to walk out, she spots a datapad on the Prime Minister’s desk and sees it’s security camera footage of Clone Force 99 with Omega and the Jedi Youngling escaping CT-9904 in a hangar.
Nala Se heads back to her private laboratory before turning on her datapad. She turns on the holo-recording and finds the contact information she had in mind when first making the request to Lama Su. It powers on, bathing the female Kaminoan in a blue light. The hologram beeps to life to reveal the helmeted figure of a female.
“I have an assignment for you,” Nala Se says.
“Send the information and half the payment up front,” the figure’s distorted voice replies. Nala Se nods and searches for a private tracking beacon on her datapad. Only one channel comes up and she clicks on it. Sector J-19. The Kaminoan scientist sends the information and half the payment to her mysterious contact.
“You must retrieve and deliver the target alive and unharmed,” Nala Se instructs.
“Do whatever you must to bring her back,” Nala Se says of Omega.
“Understood,” the bounty hunter replies and the transmission ends. The sound of a floating medical droid approaches.
“Mistress Se, I have completed all routine tasks-“ the droid, AZI says. Unbeknownst to Nala Se, Lama Su also reaches out to a contact of his own, offering a substantial reward. Knowing about Nala Se’s relationship with Omega, the Prime Minister bugged the medical droid and told him to befriend the young female clone so he could get close to Nala Se.
“Go to your power station and recharge. I will power you on when I need you,” the Kaminoan head scientist instructs and the medic droid floats out obediently.
Meanwhile, on Saleukami…
3rd POV
The sun crests over the horizon signaling daybreak. Almost all of the kids are all asleep in the upstairs loft with bedding laid all about the floor. The only one awake is Youngling Maisy. The slight dark half circles under her eyes seem prominent now. She can still feel the intense sadness of everything from Master Jaeruho’s death to finding Padawan Wyyntrr in the destroyed Jedi Temple. Every time she closes her eyes she’s back on Kamino with Master Jaeruho. She doesn’t know what’s going on and before she knows it she’s with Omega because her master was killed. Her eyes fill with tears at the thought of Master Jaeruho. The only thing Maisy has of him is his kyber crystal.
Maisy hears her laughter along with Jaeruho’s light chuckle in her head, but it’s so loud, it could be real.
“Why do we have to go to Kamino Master? I wanna stay at the Temple,” Maisy hears her own voice.
“It’s important to get to know the clones. They are our greatest allies, even more so than the Senate. They are brave, strong and above all, loyal,” Jaeruho’s voice echoes in the Youngling’s mind. She didn’t realize how much she missed hearing Jaeruho’s voice. Maisy was so focused on Jaeruho’s voice that she misses the warm tears spilling down her cheeks. The fear of being alone starts to return.
Because fear is such a powerful emotion, Wyyntrr can actually feel Maisy in his sleep. He wakes up and hears quiet sniffling that turns into whimpering.
“Maisy?” He asks as quiet as he can. The Youngling gasps and turns to see Wyyntrr, sitting up, looking in her direction, worry all over his face.
“Are you ok?” Wyyntrr asks and at first the Youngling doesn’t reply. Sensing the conflict and fear in the little girl, Wyyntrr moves and hurries over to her. Once he places a pale pink hand on the Youngling’s shoulders, she starts to cry.
“I hear him…I hear him so clearly. It’s him, I promise-“ the Youngling insists, clinging to the blind albino Wookiee. He picks the little girl up a bit so he can hold her properly.
“I…I know. I believe you,” Wyyntrr says, running his fingers through the little girl’s wild, thick, shaggy hair.
“You…you do?” Maisy sniffs, looking up at Wyyntrr as she wipes the tears out of her eye. The albino Wookiee nods hesitantly.
“My master…I hear her too, in my dreams,” Wyytrr explains. The two Jedi children sit together. Maisy cries into his chest, gripping his white fur tightly but not pulling or hurting the blind Wookiee.
Omega’s POV
I stir from a dreamless sleep, hearing soft whimpering and sniffling. I yawn and blink my eyes open. Beams of light shine through the cloth covering the window, lighting up the room. I look around and spot Wyyntrr and Maisy sitting on the floor. The Wookiee is holding the little girl as she cries and I’m suddenly awake and alert. I crawl along the floor almost silently since the Twi’lek siblings are still sleeping. As I get within arms length, I see Wyyntrr turn his head towards me.
“Should I get Hunter?” I ask quietly. Wyyntrr looks down at Maisy and I see the little girl’s grip tighten slightly. The white Wookiee turns back to me and shakes his head silently.
“Are you sure?” I ask and he nods confidently. I’m unsure of what to do when I see Wyyntrr shift and move over slightly, but enough to make room for me. I move and sit with them. Wyyntrr and I lean against each other so I can wrap my arm around his side and use the other to rub soothing circles on Maisy’s back.
After Maisy manages to calm down, Shaeeah and Jekk also wake up and I suggest going downstairs. I follow Shaeeah and Jekk down the stairs with Maisy next to me and Wyyntrr behind us. He holds onto the rail for support but otherwise has no trouble.
Once we’re downstairs, I see the adults are already awake and conversing.
“Good morning you guys. Did you sleep ok?” Cut greets happily. Before me or Wyyntrr can answer, Maisy suddenly takes a step towards them.
“Yes, thank you,” she insists, giving the nice couple a respectful bow of thankfulness. I see that Cut and Suu seem to take Maisy at her word but I do see Hunter inspect the little girl’s face.
“We have breakfast ready,” Suu says and motions for us to sit at the table. I take a seat between Hunter and Maisy while Wyyntrr takes the Youngling’s other side, next to Wrecker and the Lawquane siblings.
3rd POV
As Suu and Cut serve the table, Hunter gets the group’s attention.
“I’ve decided to go into town so we can refuel and resupply but then we have to leave,” the sergeant says.
“Leave? And go where?” Omega asks as Suu places a bowl of sliced fruit in front of her. The young female clone nods her thanks before happily digging in.
“We’ll…figure it out. We need to hide…but also earn credits,” Hunter answers slowly. Wyyntrr roars with concern and Tech puts his goggles down to translate.
“Echo and Rex have our comm channel. They’ll reach out once they find the…trooper they’re looking for,” Tech explains and earns a small nod from Cut at the omission of the derogatory nickname ‘reg’. Suu gently touches Wyyntrr’s shoulder to get his attention and he glances in her direction.
“Here, if you don’t like it we have meat and bread-“ Suu says. Wyyntrr shakes his head and happily digs into the food, earning a smile from the matriarch.
Hunter watches the kids eat. Wyyntrr eats everything with gusto and licks his bowl clean, ignoring his utensils altogether. Omega uses her fork to take out the pieces she does not like but otherwise eats happily. That’s when he looks at Maisy. She’s taking multiple bites off the same chunk of fruit and eating slowly. Hunter frowns and Cut notices. Hunter gives him a ‘help me’ look and Cut nods his head at the Youngling.
“Uhm, y-you kids wouldn’t be interested in coming with me into town would you?” Hunter suggests. Omega gasps excitedly.
“Can we?!” She asks and he nods.
“Yes!” Omega exclaims and Wyyntrr roars happily before the two older kids high-five.
“Sure. Since you’re our kids now we need things you need,” Hunter adds reasonably when Tech looks at him.
“What do you think Maisy? Do you wanna come with us? You can pick something for yourself,” Hunter bargains when he sees the Youngling has little interest in eating much less in going somewhere. Wrecker frowns worriedly when the Youngling sighs.
“Ok,” she mumbles, picking at the uneaten fruit. Wrecker and Tech share a concerned look.
The kids finish up and while they get ready, Hunter nudges Cut’s bicep.
“Hey, you got a minute?” Hunter whispers. The farmer blinks but nods and follows the sergeant outside out of earshot.
“It’s clear Maisy stayed up all night. She’s been having trouble sleeping ever since the Jedi were killed,” Hunter explains.
“I don’t know what to do to help her-“ Hunter says.
“Well the market trip will do her some good, get her focused on something else. Here. Get the kids something they want, on me,” Cut says, handing Hunter a small pouch heavy with credits.
“No-I can’t-you and your family have already done so much for us-“ Hunter argues.
“Take it. So you don’t have to worry about money,” Cut insists and Hunter nods.
“Thanks,” Hunter replies.
The others meet Hunter and Cut outside.
“Wanna come with us?” Omega asks Shaeeah and Jekk.
“Sorry, they’ll have to start packing up,” Cut tells the girl. Maisy’s holding onto her necklace pendant that used to be Omega’s head circlet until the female clone gifted it to the Youngling when she was scared as they entered the Lower Levels of Coruscant.
“Ready?” Hunter asks.
“Ready! Rrrggh!“ Omega and Wyyntrr respond. Maisy nods firmly.
“Mm-hmm,” she agrees. Hunter smiles and nods.
“When we come back we’ll get you and your family to a nearby spaceport,” Hunter tells Cut.
“Sounds good,” the farmer replies and the group heads into the village.
As they walk along the path, Hunter makes sure to instill the rules into each of the kids.
“Rule 1: Stay in our sights at all times. Rule 2: Don’t steal, if you want something, ask us,” Hunter says and Tech nods.
“Within reason,” the pilot adds.
“Rule 3: Uhh…Actually—I guess that’s it for all 3 of you. But Rule 1 is very important,”Hunter says before turning to Tech and nodding.
“Right. Omega, here is an extra comm device. It used to be Crosshair’s but we can still use it,” Tech says, strapping the device to the young clone’s right forearm.
“Wow! I get my own comm device?! I’ll keep good track of it” Omega says excitedly.
“We’ll look for one for you too Wyyntrr,” Tech says and Wyyntrr nods. Hunter glances at them and steps towards Maisy. He frowns when he feels a familiar pulse in his head. The pulsing isn’t painful and it’s so faint, the sergeant wonders if it’s real at first. Hunter knows the stronger the pulsing gets, the stronger the electromagnetism is. He glances around but that’s when he feels it strongest coming from Maisy! Hunter sees the Youngling holding something.
“Whatchya got there?” He asks as they approach the outskirts of the village.
“Omega gave it to me,” Maisy says and shows him the head circlet the Youngling now wears as a necklace.
“She said it’ll protect me,” the Youngling adds.
“It’s true,” Omega says. At first Hunter is unfamiliar with the symbol but…there’s something about it. Something connected to the pulsing!
“Can I see that for a second?” He asks, getting the others’ attention. Maisy blinks and looks at Omega, clearly not wanting to but Omega nods encouragingly. Maisy takes a breath before nodding at Hunter and removes the necklace. The Youngling hands it over to the sergeant and he feels the pulsing get stronger slightly. He inspects it and at first it appears to be made of stone but Hunter realizes it’s just the way the metal is. He feels all around it until he spots and almost invisible seam on the back of it. Hunter’s dark eyes widen.
“Tech, can you open this?” Hunter asks. Tech blinks, looking up from his datapad and adjusts his goggles.
“Let me see,” Tech replies and takes the object. After a few seconds, Tech manages to open the back of the necklace pendant and his eyes widen.
“Hunter-“ Tech warns and tosses it back to the leader of the squad. Hunter gasps quietly when he sees a small red beeping light on a tracker! He takes it out and stomps on the small electrical device, crushing it.
“Let’s not take too long here. We have to get back to Cut and Suu’s as soon as possible,” Hunter orders and the others nod. Unbeknownst to Clone Force 99, two different ships have arrived, both also unaware of each other.
Meanwhile on Dantooine…
3rd POV
Cody manages to use one of his contacts he got during the War to find out that Clone Force 99 was last seen on Coruscant.
“Coruscant? Why? Hunter can hardly stand it-“ Crosshair says, reliving a memory involving Hunter’s constant complaining their first trip to the giant city-planet as he sits up, no longer in such pain.
“I’m not sure. From what I understand, they’ve left already,” Cody explains.
“I have to return to Kamino with my new squad. We completed our mission and they’re waiting for me,” the sniper explains. Cody nods.
“Here, I’ve already got my personal comm channel programmed in. It’ll reach me and only me,” Cody says, handing Crosshair the small device.
“How do you feel now?” Cody asks and Crosshair nods.
“Not too bad. I’m not too sure what brings the pain. I completed my mission on Ankus and I still felt it,” Crosshair says.
“Maybe it’s more of a symptom of your trauma rather than a trigger response,” Cody says and the sniper looks at him.
“Thanks to my datapad I’m as smart as Tech,” Cody chuckles, reading word for word. While the commander does know first aid, it’s really just the basics.
“I have to get back to my shuttle and go back to Ankus,” Crosshair says and Cody nods.
“I’m going to find Rex. I know he’s out there somewhere. I have to tell him about these inhibitor chips,” Cody says and Crosshair nods.
“Thank you for helping me Commander…You didn’t have to,” Crosshair says.
“‘Course I did. You’re my brother. Also no offense but I don’t think you’d be good at getting this chip outta me. I don’t trust whatever Nala Se did to you. But once I do get the chip out, I’ll come back for you-“ Cody says.
“No. I’m going to confront Hunter after my new squad and I report back to Kamino. Whatever happens after, it’s on him,” Crosshair interrupts.
“You have my comm channel,” Cody says and the sniper nods, an action that no longer hurts to do. He pats the pouch he shoved it in to affirm to the commander before vigorously shaking forearms in a brotherly way.
“Don’t die,” Cody tells him with a smirk
“You too,” Crosshair replies, returning the smirk.
Crosshair leaves the small hut at the end of the path and heads back to the shuttle he took. Once he’s inside, he plots the coordinates to Ankus in the hyperdrive before turning on his helmet transceiver.
“ES-03 respond,” Crosshair announces and at first there’s no response.
“Squad leader ES-03 respond now,” the sniper says.
“This is ES-03, sir, where are you?” The response answers.
“I’m on my way back now. Be sure to set up a perimeter around the area before loading the return ship. I will send rendezvous coordinates shortly,” Cross says.
“Yes sir,” ES-03 responds before the sniper shuts off the comms. Crosshair inputs the coordinates just outside of Ankus and transmits them to his squad. The sniper powers the shuttle on and flies off Dantooine and switches the hyperdrive on. The ship zips into hyperspace with a whoosh. The sniper watches the stars turn streaky before it looks like a swirling blue, purple and black tunnel. Crosshair sighs and shuts his eyes, letting the ship fly itself.
Back on Saleukami…
Tech’s POV
As we wander through the small village market, I tap away on my datapad. I do have to keep track of the conversation between Omega and Padawan Wyyntrr so the girl can understand him and I make a note to start teaching Omega Shyriiwook. There are other dialects called Thykarann and Xaczik as well but Wyyntrr speaks Shyriiwook.
“He’s been to a planet like this with his Jedi Master once. He says it’s easy to get distracted,” I explain to Omega when he keeps a good pace but still holds Omega’s hand.
I try and find out who knows about the tracking device inside Omega’s head circlet. It could be Nala Se. After all it matches the one she wears. It could be Lama Su, the Prime Minister…hell, it could’ve been his idea and her handiwork. That’s when Hunter stops and looks around.
“What is it?” I ask. After looking for a moment, he shakes his head.
“I thought something was following us,” Hunter explains but when I use my visor to scan the area, I see nothing out of the ordinary.
“I don’t see anything,” I say and he nods.
“Neither do I. But stay vigilant,” Hunter tells me quietly and I nod at him.
As we walk past a stall, I see Maisy stop walking.
“Guys-“ I say and the others stop now as well. I watch as the little girl approaches and steps inside. The warm yellow light illuminates the stall and I see it’s more of a curios shop. Bits and bobs for everything from droids to weapons and even prosthetics and ships too line the shop. There’s also information stored on different things from data rods to holodiscs on the front counter that the shopkeeper is sitting behind. I also see things like paint, glue and even some toys.
“Hello, what can I help you all with today?” The shopkeeper asks as everyone looks around. Omega sees a sharp drill tool and reaches for it but Echo stops her, catching her hand by her wrist and shakes his head.
“Do you sell comm devices?” Hunter asks.
“‘Course I do. Built up a collection of ‘em over the years,” the shopkeeper says and pulls out a box full of different comms.
“C’mere kid, let’s see if one fits ya,” Hunter says as he pats the blind Wookiee’s shoulder gently. I help out and glance at Wrecker and then look at the girls. He notices my face and nods.
Wrecker’s POV
I watch Wyyntrr approach as Hunter starts sifting through the box. I see Tech look at me then at the girls and I see he wants to help so I nod at him, letting him know I’ll keep watch over the girls. I turn and see Omega and Maisy going through the 2 shelves of toys.
“Did you have toys on Kamino?” Maisy asks. Omega thinks.
“Not really but I’d seen soldiers that come back from the war front with personal items that meant something to them,” Omega explains and I can’t help the frown that forms on my face. Even I had Lula. While it was…unusual to have Lula, I was free to keep her with me. Not even Omega had a toy.
“You said earlier the Jedi Masters have all the toys for you?” Omega asks and Maisy nods.
“They keep them for us. The Masters say that getting attached leads to bad things,” Maisy explains. I frown. What a weird concept to teach to kids, especially ones as young as Maisy. Though I suppose from an outsider’s perspective our own rituals and morals might seem weird.
“Look! This one’s so cool!” Omega says, reaching over and picking something out on the lowest shelf. Once she brings it out I can see it’s a metal wind-up clapping monkey toy. Omega hands it over to Maisy and the little girl takes it curiously. She looks at it before tapping the head, making it bobble. The Youngling twists the key on the back before letting it go on the ground. The toy’s eyes light up red and it claps as it walks forward in a relatively straight line. I hear Maisy gasp quietly and awe at it.
“Wizard,” the Youngling gasps in amazement. I smile and kneel down to the girls but still tower over them.
“Do you like it? We can get it,” I tell Maisy. She blinks.
“A-Are you sure?” She asks me and I nod.
“Sure! What about you Omega? See anything you like?” I ask.
“We have Lula, I’m ok,” Omega answers and I smile and nod.
3rd POV
Tech manages to find a comm device at the bottom of the box that fits the blind albino Wookiee’s wrist. He feels the device on him.
“Is it too tight?” Tech asks in Shyriiwook and Wyyntrr shakes his head. As the others talk, Wyyntrr manages to hear a slight ticking sound buried under the talking and rummaging. He turns his head and and uses his hearing to locate the object. Wyyntrr reaches over to a shelf just a bit taller than him and feel around before his eyes widen. He feels a round metallic device vibrate with each ticking sound. Wyyntrr grabs the object and feels it with both pale pink hands.
“It’s a stopwatch,” Tech tells him.
“Rrrghh-Raaggh-rrggh?” the Wookiee asks happily.
“Of course you can have it,” Wrecker answers immediately. The Padawan smiles and looks in Maisy’s direction, who smiles back at him.
“Look at mine—it’s a monkey toy-“ Maisy tells him. Tech taps Hunter to get his attention and motions to the kids.
“We’ll take the comm device and the toys,” Hunter says to the shopkeeper.
“Ok that’ll be 75 credits,” he says and Hunter looks to Tech, silently asking if it’s a fair price. Tech nods slightly.
“Thanks,” the shopkeeper says as Hunter hands him the credits.
“C’mon let’s keep going,” the sergeant says, herding the others out.
Hunter is busy leading the group down the busy street. Tech is busy setting up Wyyntrr’s new comm device so Wrecker is making sure the kids stay together and keep up. As they walk, Hunter feels that familiar sense again so he has the group turn down a side street. They cross the street and keep walking when Tech suddenly points out a shop nearby that sells a more varied selection of ship parts.
“Wait outside while we get what we need,” Hunter tells Wrecker and the kids. The demolitions expert nods.
“You got it boss,” Wrecker says and Hunter follows Tech inside. Wrecker watches Omega and Wyyntrr run around while Maisy looks around curiously. Wrecker smiles at the Youngling. At least the Youngling’s not so sad looking like she was before, Wrecker thinks to himself.
As he makes sure Maisy doesn’t wander too far, Wrecker is unaware of a pair of eyes watching him. Wyyntrr suddenly pauses and turns his head to where he thinks he’s being watched. Omega looks where the Padawan is facing.
“Wrecker?” Omega asks, getting his attention. She points when she spots the pair of amber eyes looking at them. The figure is wearing a wide brimmed metal domed hat. At first he’s alone until a second pair of eyes appear. Out of the shadows walks a large canine creature called an anooba. It growls menacingly and Wrecker grabs his blaster.
“Who is that?” Omega asks, pointing at the figure. The figure makes an order in his native alien language that no one understands, so when they stand still, he orders his canine to attack. Omega gasps.
“Move!” Wyyntrr exclaims and tackles Omega out of the way. The two scramble to their feet as Hunter races out armed and ready. The sergeant examines the situation and sees Wrecker firing on an animal as Omega keeps pulling Wyyntrr back. Hunter glances over and sees Maisy hiding in a different area. Wrecker fires off 3 stun bolts, all missing the animal. It races closer and closer to Wrecker before leaping right at him! The anooba latches on to Wrecker’s forearm so thank goodness he wears armor.
Hunter aims at the animal and is about to fire when Wrecker’s moving makes it hard. Tech races out and starts trying to distract the animal. While trying to free Wrecker, Hunter is too busy to notice the helmeted figure approaching Maisy, who’s hiding behind a stack of trashed crates. The Youngling watches the chaos when she spots the Kyuzo approach Omega and Wyyntrr. Maisy tries to call out to the older kids when a hand suddenly comes up to cover her mouth, silencing her! Maisy’s eyes widen and she starts fighting when another arm comes to wrap under her arms and pick her up. The Youngling wriggles and writhes, dropping her clapping monkey toy, but the hands have a grip of steel. The mysterious helmeted figure pulls out a tranquilizer and jabs the Youngling’s neck. In no time at all, Maisy goes limp and passes out.
Wrecker manages to toss the animal off him and Tech fires, stunning the beast twice when the first shot didn’t fully stop it but that’s when it’s owner grabs his hat and throws it at Wrecker, knocking him out due to the strong metal material it’s made out of. It ricochets off the demolitions expert and heads towards Hunter, but he blocks it. When the sergeant tosses the hat/shield down, the Kyuzo suddenly fires at Hunter hitting his shoulder!
“Gah!” The sergeant growls in pain, falling to the ground.
“Hunter!” Tech exclaims. Tech tries to get to Hunter, but the immediate fire forces Tech to take cover behind a street light. Omega gasps and when she tries to go to the sergeant herself, Wyyntrr yanks her back just in time for a blaster bolt to whizz by the young clone’s face! He roars and shakes his head.
“Stay down! Don’t come out!” Tech orders to the kids. Hunter struggles but manages to get up. He rotates his shoulder in a circle to try an get rid of the pain since his pauldron blocked most of the bolt from doing too much damage. The Kyuzo pins Hunter down and talks to him. Due to his strange alien language, Tech uses his visor to translate and his eyes widen in realization.
“He’s after the children!” Tech warns, panic seeping into his tone.
“Bounty hunter!” The sergeant exclaims and kicks him in the stomach, sending the bounty hunter stumbling back. Hunter fights unarmed, exchanging blows with the bounty hunter.
While the two fight Tech manages to get to Wrecker and examine him. Once the pilot determines there are no crucial or fatal injuries, he starts shaking Wrecker.
“Wrecker wake up!” Tech snaps when he sees Hunter strike a blow only for it to be returned just as harshly.
Omega takes a breath when she suddenly realizes Maisy was hiding across the street! She gasps when she sees the little girl is nowhere in sight!
“Wyyntrr-where’d Maisy go?!” Omega asks urgently. The blind albino Wookiee shuts his eyes and reaches his hand out, feeling for the Youngling using the Force. He makes the connection and feels the Youngling isn’t anywhere close by. In fact, she’s somewhere on the other side of the village! He shakes his head and Omega’s concern and worry grows. She looks back at the situation and sees Tech managed to wake Wrecker enough to get him to stand. He stumbles a bit and rubs his head where he got hit, still clearly dazed. Meanwhile the bounty hunter’s hound wakes up from it’s stun and targets the two while the bounty hunter and the sergeant of Clone Force 99 brawl openly in the street, earning attention from onlookers.
“We have to find her,” Omega says and the padawan nods in agreement. He grabs Omega’s hand and leads her further into the village.
Wyyntrr senses Maisy and when he does, she can feel the connection through the Force being made, despite being passed out.
“Wyyntrr?! Wyyntrr help!! Help me! Pleeeeease!” The padawan hears Maisy cry out as she sobs.
“Rrraaaghhh!” Wyyntrr roars before starting to run, pulling Omega behind him.
Back near the market, Hunter manages to subdue the Kyuzo bounty hunter before shooting at his anooba hound with live rounds instead of stun bolts. He misses a fatal shot and grazes the creature’s side, making it yelp in pain before tumbling to the ground. The bounty hunter cries out and reaches to the creature, thinking the worse until he hears it whimper in pain. The bounty hunter glares at the sergeant before he swings as hard as he can, punching Hunter in the jaw, knocking the soldier off him. The bounty hunter grabs hold of a smoke grenade before tossing it near Hunter, Tech and Wrecker. It explodes and the bounty hunter grabs his faithful hound and disappears once the smoke dissolves. Hunter looks around and frowns with worry.
“Where are the kids?” He asks Tech urgently, who shakes his head.
“I..I lost them during the fighting after Wrecker was injured-“ Tech admits.
“What?! C’mon!” Hunter exclaims and they start running. Hunter looks around until he spots something on the ground. He runs over and once he gets close, he sees it’s the monkey toy Maisy picked out earlier!
“Let’s go!” Hunter says and follows what little clues there are. Due to the farming nature and limited technology of the small village, there are no computers or cameras to plug into so the group has to rely solely on Hunter’s enhanced skills.
Fennec Shand’s POV
I get to the abandoned hut at the edge of the village and set the kid down against one of the crumbling walls. I use binders and cuff the girl’s wrists together while she stirs. I can tell the sedative is wearing off and soon she’ll be awake. I use a tether to tie the girl to the last support beam holding up the run down hut. I sigh and look at her. Normally I don’t work jobs involving kids but the pay is good. My client, Nala Se the head Kaminoan scientist, said that the little girl with my target, Omega, was to be considered as a Jedi and to take her as well. I look and see how young the girl is. No more than 3 or 4. I’ve never seen a Jedi this young before. She stirs and gasps, her eyes snapping open, clear and alert. She struggles and sees she’s bound with a tether and cuffed at her wrists.
“Take it easy kid-“ I tell her and her dark bright eyes look at me with fear.
“W-Who are you?! Where am I?!“ The little girl demands.
“My name’s not important. All you need to know is that you’ll see the other kids soon enough,” I say.
“W-What? How do you know?”
“I’m using you as bait,” I reply bluntly and her eyes widen.
“Lemme go!!” The little girl snaps, still struggling against her bindings. She attempts to cry out for help so I gag her as well. I knew the older kids would come find this toddler during the fighting. I peek out and that’s when I see my other target, Omega, with an all white Wookiee who appears to be about Omega’s age. He looks in my direction. As he comes this way, pulling Omega with him, I hide up in the rafters.
3rd POV
Across the street Omega looks around as she holds onto Wyyntrr’s hand. He looks over towards a ruined hut on the end of a street that marks the edge of the village. He feels Maisy and points to the hut. Omega nods understandingly and the two hurry over to the dilapidated building. Omega reaches the door panel and presses the entrance button. The door whooshes up and the kids look around. Omega’s eyes widen when she sees Maisy tied up and bound. The Youngling spots them and tears well in her eyes.
“Mmmphf!!! Mmmm-Mmmfph!!” Maisy tries to warn the older kids, but instead they run right to her.
“Maisy! Hold on, we’ll get you out-“ Omega says taking off the gag over Maisy’s mouth.
“Run! It’s a trap!” Maisy insists, but that’s when the door suddenly shuts and Wyyntrr draws his saber instinctively, sensing another presence. The teal color of the blade illuminates the room, allowing Omega to see the tether around the Youngling. That’s when Fennec Shand, the bounty hunter that kidnapped Maisy, leaps down from overhead, forcing Wyyntrr to dive out of the way. He rolls and stands at the ready.
“Rraaaghhh!!! RAAAUUGHHH!” Wyyntrr roars protectively, making sure to stand right in front of Maisy and Omega.
“Jedi…she was right,” the bounty hunter whispers to herself.
“Wyyntrr! Be careful!” Omega calls to him.
“Easy kid, I don’t wanna hurt you. My orders are to take you alive and unharmed if possible,” Fennec tells the Wookiee. Omega manages to get the tether off Maisy but when the young female clone sees the binders she frowns. Metallic locking mechanism. Omega looks around.
“Come with me, we gotta get those things off you,” Omega tells Maisy, who nods and obediently follows the older girl while Wyyntrr keeps the attention of the bounty hunter, having the most combat experience out of the 3 ‘siblings’.
Omega and Maisy slip out of the hut while Wyyntrr fights Fennec, keeping a good distance from her and only being defensive and avoidant. She tries stunning Wyyntrr, but he blocks 2 stun bolts and dodges the 3rd. Wyyntrr uses the Force to pick up Fennec and toss her back into the wall, making the bounty hunter crumple to the floor. She grunts and winces at the daze, shaking her head a bit. Once she blinks and gets to her feet, the blind albino Wookiee is gone.
Wyyntrr managed to catch up with the girls, who found a rusty old speeder across the street. There’s a bag strapped to it so Omega starts sifting through it. Wyyntrr asks a question when he turns in Omega’s direction.
“I’m not sure. Omega, what are you doing?” Maisy asks.
“There’s a first aid kit, credits, a canteen, a scope-Ah! Found it! Tool kit!” Omega says and that’s when the kids hear Fennec break through the broken door across the street.
“Hurry!” Maisy gasps as Omega gets to work on the Youngling’s binders. Omega twists the spanner in her hand before prying open the binders around the little girl’s wrists. They click open and fall to the ground.
“Get on!” Wyyntrr orders, motioning to the speeder. He gets up front with Maisy behind him and Omega behind her so the Youngling is in the middle. Wyyntrr powers it up and while it sputters a couple times, it does hum to life and hover above the ground. Maisy looks and spots the scope in the bag Omega was rummaging through and picks it up. Fennec races towards them and Wyyntrr floors it. He turns and the bounty hunter spots Wyyntrr’s escape route. She grabs an explosive and tosses it forcing the kids to skid, turning harshly. Wyyntrr smirks and raises his middle finger to the bounty hunter, roaring.
“You missed!” Maisy giggles, sticking her tongue out as she looks through the scope at Fennec as they race by. Omega sees what the Wookiee is doing before smirking herself and flashing the same gesture.
Fennec spots the kids on the speeder skidding by as the two older kids flip her off. She grabs a tracking device and attaches it to her rifle before aiming at the speeder and firing. The tracker lands near the base of the speeder, unnoticed by the kids as they speed away laughing.
Hunter’s POV
I race through the village, unable to spot any signs of the kids. Tech’s datapad beeps and I see him adjust his goggles.
“Hunter—there’s been alerts of a fight on the north side,” Tech says.
“The kids,” Wrecker says worriedly but I’ve already taken off at a sprint. We come to a street when the kids suddenly speed right past me, nearly colliding with me!
“GAH!” Omega and Maisy exclaim seeing Hunter run right out in front of them. Wyyntrr swerves out of the way hard enough that Omega and Maisy have to hold onto each other to keep from falling. The Wookiee brakes hard and the bike skids to a stop.
“Hunter! Wrecker! Tech!” Omega exclaims, helping Maisy off the bike by picking the little girl up and setting her down.
“Rrrgh!!!” Wyyntrr roars excitedly, fist-pumping the air. They all run up to me as I spread my arms and kneel down. They collide with my armor and wrap their arms around me and each other.
“Are you kids alright? Are you hurt?” I ask, inspecting each child.
“Wyyntrr and I are ok but Maisy was taken-“ Omega explains and I turn to the Youngling.
“Maisy?” I ask.
“I…I don’t know who it was…but Wyyntrr and Omega…they saved me,” the little girl tells me as her hug tightens. I pick her up and she tucks her head under my jaw. I know we’re being watched, I can feel it. But I ignore the feeling and focus on the kids.
“Let’s get back to the farm,” I tell them and they nod.
3rd POV
As the group of soldiers and children make their way back to the Lawquane farm, Fennec Shand watches them from a nondescript alley, having followed the tracker. Fennec sighs before turning back to where she landed her ship. Once inside the cockpit, Fennec powers the ship on and contacts Nala Se, her client.
“Did you apprehend Omega and the child with her?” Nala Se asks.
“No. The children escaped when another hunter intervened. I tracked them back to Clone Force 99. I could still capture them for you-“ Fennec Shand offers, “but that’ll cost you extra.”
“No. As long as Omega is not captured by Lama Su, she is as safe as she can be,” Nala Se says.
“Then our business is complete. If you have another job, you know how to reach me,” Fennec Shand says, ending the communications.
The group heads back to the farm. Hunter hands Maisy her clapping monkey toy that he found when trying to look for them. When they get back, Hunter quietly explains what happens and helps the Lawquanes pack the last of their essentials.
“We need to get going now,” Cut says and his kids share a worried look.
“Don’t worry. We’ll find a new place, just as nice as this, maybe even nicer,” Suu says.
“But this is our house,” Shaeeah argues sadly.
“Sweetie, a place is not home. Home is your family, the ones that love you. Wherever we go, we’ll be home because we have each other,” Cut says. Omega glances up at Hunter and smiles. The sergeant puts Maisy down and she grabs hold of Wyyntrr’s hand.
“Wrecker, do you mind?” Hunter asks, motioning to the heavy kitchen items. Wrecker nods and the soldiers help carry the family’s belongings, with the demolitions expert grabbing the heaviest things like the box of pots, pans, cups, plates, utensils, etc.
“Get everything outside and I’ll bring the ship by and pick everyone up,” Tech says and Hunter nods.
Tech makes the trek back to the Marauder in no time as Wrecker manages to carry out some of the farm tools from the barn. The sun sets as Tech returns in the ship and helps everyone load up.
As the ship starts moving up, Tech announces to everyone to take a seat as he increases the incline a bit.
“Where are we going?” Jekk asks.
“Somewhere safe,” his mother assures him.
“We know of an Outer Rim world where the Empire would never find you,” Hunter explains from the copilot seat.
“Kowak. It’s near wild space, far out of the Empire’s reach,” Wrecker adds, “we had a mission there during the War.”
The Lawquane family nod.
“We don’t have enough fuel to get you there, but we got you passes on the next shuttle out of Sandori, the nearest spaceport,” Tech says.
“If you think it’s safe for us, then let’s go,” Cut agrees as Tech flies the ship, keeping within the atmosphere.
The ship slows down and Tech opens the doors to drop off the Lawquane family. The kids say their goodbyes and Cut wishes the soldiers luck as they depart onto their shuttle with their things.
Meanwhile, back on Coruscant….
3rd POV
Rex and Echo search the Jedi Temple, being careful of the Coruscant Guard that showed up upon the pair’s return. The 501st Captain watches the boys in red check all the bodies they pass. At first Rex and Echo wonder what’s going on until the Coruscant Guard get to one of the 501st soldiers still barely alive, weakly clinging to life. Echo’s eyes widen when the guard pulls out his blaster and fires, killing the 501st trooper.
“We gotta hurry-“ Echo whispers.
“We’ve checked every area I can think of, I don’t know where else he’d be-“ Rex says quietly. Echo thinks on every room they’ve checked so far (including from earlier when they found Padawan Wyyntrr). Rex and Echo cleared the library, the mess hall, the training rooms, the quarters, and even the council room.
“There is a place we didn’t check yet-“ Rex realizes.
“Where?” Echo asks.
“There’s this place General Skywalker talked about called the Vaults. It’s where the Jedi keep their most valuable information,” Rex explains. Echo nods and uses his scomp to plug in to the map of the Temple.
“Past the east wing near the comms tower. Let’s go,” Echo says and Rex nods.
The pair arrive and see the doors look forced open. They keep on guard and silently, cautiously make their way into the room. It’s destroyed, like the rest of the Temple. At first, there are no bodies, not until they get to the back, where the holochrons are kept. That’s when they hear something. The two 501st soldiers follow the sound and the closer they get, the more it sounds like grunting or someone working or just…someone…someone alive. They approach and see a fellow 501st soldier on his knees. There’s a body of an elderly female he appears to be focused on and even though Echo and Rex do not know this Jedi personally, they’ve heard from Ahsoka that Master Jocasta Nu is in charge of the place in such catastrophic times. The 501st soldier pants a bit with effort as he keeps pumping her chest rhythmically. Rex spots the red marking on the soldier’s pauldron and his heart clenches.
“Kix?” Echo asks for Rex. Echo’s voice rings out and causes the soldier doing chest compressions to stop, frozen in place. He slowly glances back with a horrified look on his face.
“Echo?” He asks looking at the ARC trooper but then he notices Rex just standing, staring at him in shock.
“Rex?” Kix, the 501st medic asks, his hand hovers over his blaster pistol, unsure if he can trust either of them. Rex looks at Kix and that’s when he spots the small scar on the side of the medic’s head.
“Your inhibitor chip is out-“ Rex breathes a sigh of relief. Now Kix looks at them in shock.
“You…you know about the chip?” Kix asks. Rex nods.
“How’d you find out about it?” Rex asks.
“Fives-he-…he came to me when Tup first showed signs,” Kix explains.
“Yours is out too?” The medic asks and the two nod.
“So far it’s only us and the rest of Clone Force 99,” Rex explains and Kix nods before glancing down at the dead Jedi Master. There are Younglings but Kix moved them out of sight, into the vaults.
“What happened on Mandalore?” Kix asks. I shake my head.
“We lost some from Maul. But…Order 66 happened on the way back from Mandalore…after that…we lost everyone from my half of the 501st. What happened to General Skywalker and why are his men here when Skywalker himself is nowhere to be found in the carnage?” Rex asks.
“You…don’t know…do you?” Kix asks with a dark look in his eye. Rex feels a primal, instinctual fear when Kix looks at him.
“Know what?” Echo asks.
“He did it…he was the one that killed them,” Kix says and neither Rex nor Echo need explanation.
“N-No…No-th-that…that can’t be-“ Echo stutters while Rex feels his body go into shock, feeling numb all over.
“R-Rex?” Echo asks.
“You know it as well as I do. You’ve seen it in him…the darkness. You want proof? Here-“ Kix says handing Rex a recording. Echo looks at Rex worriedly before the Captain powers it on. The blue hologram shines and they see General Skywalker slicing, cutting through Jedi as if they were nothing but obstacles in his path. Blaster bolts fill the background as the Jedi that remained at the Temple fell one by one.
“General Skywalker killed the Jedi,” Kix says roughly, his voice haggard and almost raspy.
Have some art I managed to work into this fic💙 (2nd pic is referenced from the Enemy mv)
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quintessencewrites · 2 years
My Love, My Fury
ShuRiri x OC (Sade Davis)
The ship becomes official!!!!!
Warnings: so much fluff, you'll die. Implied smut. Explicit language.
Word Count: 3.5k+
TW: Mention of Panic Attacks
Tags: @letitias-fav @sweetalittleselfish-honey @zestgodtj @becauseimswagman1 @iloveours @k3nn3dyxo @dayjlovesromance
Translations: sithandwa sam-my love; usana-baby; intombi entle-beautiful girl; umsindo wam-my fury; ilangatye lam-my flame.
A/N: Two stories back to back? I spoil yall. I really love this one and how it turned out. It makes my little heart happy <3
“When will you be back?” I whined into the phone. A deep chuckle sounded from the other end. “Soon, sithandwa sam. I’m sorry it's taken so long.”
Shuri and I’s second date had been postponed for going on two months. She had business that needed to be attended to back in the country she ruled and left Boston in a haste. 
In the time she’d been gone, we’d grown much closer. Not an hour passed without a text, not a day without a call. It was lovely, falling in love with the sweet royal. I was just growing tired of the long distance. 
“Yeah, hurry on up back so she can stop whining,” Riri’s voice sounded from between my thighs. I take the comb in my hand and pop her on the scalp. “Shut up,” I say, roughly taking a handful of hair and cornrowing it tightly to her head. 
“Owwww, ma! Geez, braid my hair, not my thoughts,” she winces, throwing her hands up in pain. 
“Why can’t you just admit that you miss me?” Shuri asks Riri, fake hurt seeping into her words. 
“I miss you, your highness,” Riri seethes, knowing Shuri hates the royal titles. The Queen scoffs just as Okoye calls for her in the background. “I’ll be back soon, my loves,” she offers sweetly, then hangs up the phone.
The heat barely has time to travel to my cheeks before Riri teases “Wipe that blush from ya face.”
I pout, “But it makes me look so cute,” and I kiss the top of her head. She returns the gentle kiss to the inside of my thigh while my fingers continue to stitch a pattern into her hair. 
“We should go out tonight,” Riri speaks suddenly. 
I pause. “Go out where?”
“I dunno, I just want to see you get pretty for me,” she says with a quick bite to the same thigh she’d kissed just moments again. 
“Ooh,” I exclaim. “Let’s go to Mjölnir!”
“What? That club downtown?”
“Yeah,” I respond, legs bouncing in excitement. “We haven’t been yet. We can even invite Honey and Iris. Make it a double date.”
Riri releases my grip from her hair and guides my hand to her lips, planting a kiss on it. “Okay, ma,” is all she says and I smile like a kid on Christmas Day.
My Ri’s hair doesn’t take long to finish, being braided back into her signature cornrows with a cute ass heart stitched into the side. She stands to admire my work in the mirror and returns to me with a grin so large, I know it hurts. 
“Thank you, baby. Got me looking right,” she sings to me, planting kisses all across my face. I let a giggle slip from my lips and grumble an mhm behind my smile. 
I try to stand up and loosen the muscles that have been locked into place due to hours of sitting, but Riri pushes me back into the bed. 
“Let me pick out your outfit, baby.”
My brows raise at the request. “Riri,” I start slowly. “Keep in mind we’re going to a club, not church. You can’t cover me up just because you don’t want other people looking.”
My Riri rolls her eyes. “I can do what I want,” she states loudly with a big kiss on my lips. “But I got you.” Another string of mumbled mhm’s leave me and while Riri rummages through my closet, I text Honey the details for tonight. 
It takes no time for them to reply with a thumbs-up emoji, followed by a quick ‘See you at 9.’
I’m getting ready to shoot Shuri a text as well but Riri distracts me, dumping a pile of clothes onto my lap. 
“Okay,” she starts. “These are all contenders, but I think I gotta see them on you before I can choose.”
“You want me to try all these on?”
“Yup,” she grins. “Come, be my little runway model.”
I slide on and slip off every single piece of clothing Riri has laid out for me. None of them are good enough until I step away from the mirror wearing a diamond-studded corset top and a black leather skirt so short, it barely contains my thick thighs and round rump. 
I face my girl and ask exasperatedly, “What about this one?” I’ve somehow rendered my poor Riri speechless and I swear her pupils are shaped like hearts. All she can do is nod. I chuckle at her reaction and check the clock on the wall. 
“Ri, it's 8 o’clock. We still gotta find you something to wear.” Upon hearing the time, she snaps out of her trance. A sly look flashes across her face so quickly, I thought I’d imagined it. 
She rises from my bed and offers a quick peck to the tip of my nose, then my waiting lips, and finally my blushing cheeks. “Finish getting ready, ma. I’ll meet you there, okay?”
“Okay,” I whisper, wishing her lips lingered on mine just a little while longer, but she’s already out the door. 
I sit at my vanity and plug in my flat iron, quickly refreshing my bra-strap-length silk press. It takes me several tries to glue the full, mink lashes to my lash line, and by then, the clock reads ‘8:40’. 
I glance down at my phone and realize I hadn’t heard from Shuri since our phone call hours ago. A panic rises through me as the memories of my Riri being missing just months prior take over my mind. 
What if Shuri was hurt? Or had been kidnapped? Or worse?
I try calling, but I’m greeted with her voicemail immediately. I try Riri and get the same outcome. The panic attack is wrecking my body with a vengeance, my breathing failing me. I lean against the wall, hoping it’ll provide me some balance, but my legs give up and I slide to the ground. 
I curl up and hug my knees, desperately trying to pull myself back to reality. It’s not the first time one of these attacks visited me; it's not even the worse. 
They’d started when Riri was missing and became frequent when Shuri came into the picture. That’s when the realization hit me. I was in love with two people who had the most dangerous jobs in the world. 
Sure, Riri hadn’t suited up as Iron Heart in months, but Namor had gone after her before Iron Heart even existed. 
She was just my Riri and the Black Panther was just my Shuri. 
And I could lose either of them at any time. 
I heard the door to my bedroom open and Honey’s voice ring out, “Corazóne, let’s goooo! We’re meeting the girls at the club and-“ They spot me on the floor. 
“Help. Help,” I gasp out, panicking worse at the realization that I will not be able to pull myself out of this one. 
Honey dives to the ground, reaching me in seconds. 
“Hey,” they say gently, grabbing my face. “I’m here, you’re here. We’re okay, you’re okay.”
“Riri,” I get out. “And Shuri-“
Honey’s fingers run through my hair, eyes glued to me and trying to mask the fear running through their veins. “Riri’s okay. I just talked to her. She and Iris are already downtown, waiting on us. And Shuri’s on a mission.” 
They quickly continue, seeing my eyes grow large with worry. “A peaceful, non-lethal, super easy mission, Riri’s exact words.” I nod and Honey switches their breathing to a guided one that we’ve practiced together. 
I mimic them and though it takes some time, my breathing returns to normal and I’m calmed. 
Honey helps me to my feet. “It’s time for you to see a therapist, Sade.”
I don’t respond, instead following Honey out the door and down the stairs to their usual parking spot. We make it all the way to their white Dodge Charger, Honey’s most prized possession, before I speak. 
“I don’t have time to see a therapist, Hon.”
“Then make time,” they say sternly. “These are getting serious.”
We arrive at the club and as soon as I open my door, preparing to leave the car and this conversation, Honey reaches across me and shuts it back. 
I open my mouth to protest, but Honey speaks first. “I love you, Sade. You’re my best friend and I’m worried. Either you see a therapist, or I tell Shuri and Riri.”
They’re not bluffing; I’ve never seen Honey’s eyes set so harshly. 
“Okay,” I say, defeated. “I’ll make the appointment tomorrow.”
“Promise me,” Honey urges. “I promise.”
Honey nods, contempt with my response and we finally make out way into the club, which is filled to the brim with bodies upon bodies. 
Iris rushes Honey, easily spotting their tall figure among the crowd. I’m struggling to find my Riri until I feel a pair of hands on my ass and a whisper in my ear. “Damn, ma. Gonna let me take you home tonight?” 
I turn to face the jokey girl and roll my eyes. Riri greets me with a kiss. “Come dance with me.”
We head to the crowded dance floor, hand in hand. She’s standing in front of me, moving her body to the beat, and I get a good look at my sexy girl. She’s wearing a top that barely qualifies as such, really just being a bralette of stringed gems and crystals and high-waisted black, leather pants that hug her body in such a way, my mouth waters. 
I join her in gyrating, letting the music control my movements. We bounce along to New Freezer by Rich the Kid and Kendrick Lamar, the whole club swaying like bobbleheads. 
The music slows down and Riri rotates me so my back is pressed to her front, her hands locked in at my hips, guiding them to move to the song just how she likes. We move in sync for several moments when Riri’s breath tickles my ear, “I’m gonna grab us some drinks. Keep dancing, ma. I’ll be right back.”
I allow a breathy “Okay” in response and do as I’m told, my lonesome body just swaying to the lyrics. Seemingly no time has passed before Riri returns, except it's not my Riri. I know that immediately. My head meets this person’s chest, instead of what would be Riri’s lips due to our height. 
I look down at the stranger’s hands snaked around my waist and spot a tattoo that my Riri does not have, I gasp, mentally connecting the tattoo to its owner. Spinning harshly, I see her. In-person. At this club, dancing with me.
“SHURI,” I shriek. She kisses my nose. “Hello, usana.” 
“How?” I ask, unable to form the words to ask a complete sentence. Riri suddenly appears from behind our Queen’s back. “Me, duh.” Shuri rolls her eyes at Riri’s smart remark. “She helped, but it wasn’t her idea to surprise you. It was-“
“Mine, thank you very much.” Honey and Iris appear out of nowhere. My eyes well at Honey’s confession. “I know you’ve been needing them lately. Both of them,” they state sincerely. 
I throw myself at my dear friend, not being anywhere near tall enough for the hug to reach around her neck, but enveloping her abdomen in my arms instead.
When I pull away, Shuri reaches for both mine and Riri’s hands. “Let’s leave, eh? I want to catch up with my girls.”
“Uh, officially, nobody’s anybody’s anything,” Riri rings out, warranting another eye roll from Shuri. “Why must you be so difficult?” She asks. To me, she speaks gently, “Would you like to leave, intombi enntle? We can leave Riri here since she’s not officially anybody’s anything.” Her American accent presented itself in the later part of her sentence, mocking my Riri. 
It earns a laugh from me and I reply, “Let’s go, my Queen.” Shuri groans at the formality just as Riri “Aht, Aht”’s us. “Y’all not leaving me,” and she joins us in walking towards the exit, as I turn and wave goodbye to Honey and Iris. 
Outside, awaiting us is a blacked-out Lexus LS 500 and Shuri beams at it in pride, opening the door for Riri and me. “Where are we going?” I ask as the ride begins. 
“The hotel room I’ll be staying in while I’m here. I’d love for you two to join me.”
“You too good for our dorm rooms?” Riri challenges and Shuri doesn’t hesitate before responding. “Yes,” she answers seriously and I laugh at Riri’s shock at the quick comeback. 
The drive is quick, though it's spent with Riri and Shuri sparring back and forth. When we reach the hotel, Shuri hands the keys over to the valet and we make our way through the lobby and into the glass elevator that seems like it’ll never reach the top. 
When it finally does, we step off and follow Shuri to a large, gold door. She unlocks it and we’re greeted by a large room bigger than my entire suite and Riri’s room put together. There’s a bed so large, it could fit ten Honey’s laid across, head to toe. 
Riri beelines straight for it and flops her body down. “It’s so soft,” she groans. Shuri smiles in return. “There are robes in the bathroom for you to sleep in. Shower and get comfortable, then I have gifts for both of you.”
Riri perks up at the mention of gifts. “What’d you get us?”
“You are so hard-headed,” Shuri sighs and sits, legs spread and arms beckoning me towards her. I stand between her legs, facing her and she wraps her long arms around my waist, looking up at me. “Sade, usana, what did I just say? Riri must’ve not heard.”
I shake my head. “Shower first, Ri. C’mon,” I say, breaking free of Shuri’s hold and pulling my shirt over my head. My breasts bounce free from the constricting fabric and both girls’ eyes are on me. I head to the bathroom and Riri follows obediently. 
“Wait, you two are gonna shower together?” Shuri asks, broken from the hypnosis my body had on her. 
“Wouldn’t be the first time,” Riri teases, closing the door behind us. 
The shower what’s mostly innocent, Riri just stealing a few kisses and gentle touches where she could. We emerge from the steamy room and see Shuri seated on the bed, blazer removed, and black sports bra on display. 
“Come, sit.”
I sit down first, curiosity and excitement getting the best of me. Riri sits behind me and effortlessly pulls my body into her lap. Shuri hands us each a small box that holds some weight. I look at the etching on mine, in awe at the beauty of the symbols.
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“They’re kimono beads. I invented them myself,” Shuri speaks proudly. “They’re a better way to keep in contact with me so I can finally get rid of this Bast-forsaken phone..”
“What’s it say,” I ask. Shuri’s smile grows genuine and she responds, “Sade, sithandwa Sam. Sade, my love in my country’s alphabet.”
"What about mine?" Riri questions.
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“Riri, umsindo wam. Riri, my fury. Because you fuel a fire and a passion that I’d thought I lost.” Shuri turns back to me. “And you, my love, because you showed me a love that I have never felt and you opened me up to a side of myself that I didn’t know existed.”
Even Riri was silent as we listened to Shuri’s words. The Queen grabs the bracelet and my hand, slipping the beads onto my wrist and kissing my open palm before speaking again. 
“Sithandwa sam, I know I officially still owe you a second date,” she begins. “But my heart can not wait any longer. Will you be mine, my love?” The butterflies that previously fluttered in my stomach were now full-on swarming, 
I  try to speak, but the words are trapped in my throat; all I could do was nod as a big, stupid grin spread across my face. Shuri’s expression matched mine and she turned to Riri. “And you, my fury, ilangatye lam. Will you be mine as well?”
Poor Riri was speechless for the second time that night, maybe the second time in her life. A silent moment passes, and Shuri’s eyes begin to fill with worry until Riri finally speaks. 
“Yeah, yeah. Absolutely,” she chokes out. Shuri’s smile is wider than I’d ever seen, every single pearly white on display. The Queen jumps from the bed, first pounding in the air in excitement. She smiles brightly at us. “You have no idea how stressed I’ve been about doing that.” She practically skips to the bathroom. “I’m going to take my shower, then we can finish our night and rest.”
Shuri shuts the bathroom door, leaving Riri and me in silence. She finally asked, I thought to myself. I was officially dating the Queen of Wakanda, the freaking Black Pan-.
“How long have you been having panic attacks?” Riri interrupts my thoughts. My head whips around to her. “What?”
“C’mon now, baby. It’s your eyes that don’t work, not your ears.” I gulp. “I don’t know what Honey told you, but-,“ I start, but Riri speaks over me again. 
“Honey didn’t have to say shit, baby girl. I’ve known you for how long? I know when something’s wrong and you’re not as slick at hiding them as you think you are.”
Ugh, damned Riri. This was not the conversation to be having right now.
“I’m fine, Ri. They’re just little panic attacks,” I say dismissively. 
“Panic attacks?” Shuri questions, returning to the room and walking to the bed. Shit, I hadn’t heard her leave the bathroom. Her worried eyes survey my body. “You’re having panic attacks, sithandwa?”
“No,” I retort as an angry Riri chimes in “Yes! So bad that Honey found her on the floor today, barely breathing.”
“So you did talk to Honey?”
“I knew about the panic attacks before I spoke to her, Sade.”
I wince, my name sounding foreign coming from Riri’s mouth. 
“Why are you having panic attacks?” Shuri asks, sitting on the other side of me. Between the interrogation and the feelings airing around us, I feel trapped and give them the answer they weren’t expecting. 
“Because of you two,” I cry. 
Silence, finally. 
I continue, hoping to clarify and relieve their faces of the hurt expressions I’d just caused. “Because you two almost died before and you live a life where it can happen again at any moment, and I’m so afraid of when that moment comes.”
Riri hugs my sobbing body from behind, resting her head on the blade of my back. 
“Baby,” she starts. 
“Don’t ‘baby’ your way out of this. You actually fucking died, Riri.”
She ponders my words and Shuri takes it as her turn to speak. She takes ahold of my face, wipes away my tears, and sighs. 
“My love, we will not leave you. In death or in life. You give us a reason to be more careful, and more precise in every battle. Because I’ll be damned if I don’t make it out of a fight alive and miss my chance to come home and see this face.” She plants a kiss on my lips. 
Riri chimes in, “Baby, I didn’t die in Wakanda because I knew I had to get back to you. We got you cheering us on and we got each other to protect. You don’t have to worry about us.”
I sniffle, “I know I don’t have to, but that won't stop me from worrying.”
“I know, my love. I know,” Riri speaks, planting kisses on my back. Shuri gently grabs my wrist and points to the beads adorning it. “These are an extension of my heart. Literally. You can see mine and Riri’s vitals in real-time and we can see each other's, as well as yours. I added it as a precaution. We aren’t leaving you, I promise.”
The night ends with Shuri sleeping soundly to my left and Riri sprawled out wildly to my right. I can’t shut off my mind and have trouble falling asleep. I leave the bed and head to the balcony attached to the room, enjoying the night air. I’ve always loved the night, being more drawn to the darkness and the moon than the sunniest of days. 
The sound of the glass door sliding open pulls me from my thoughts and a tired-looking Riri steps out into the night with me. She pulls me from my seat, takes it for herself, and places me on her lap. 
We sit quietly, feeling the warm summer breeze caress our skin. Riri plays with my fingers, the same way she always did when she was nervous. “What are you thinking about?” I prompt, causing Riri to drop my hand, realizing I picked up on her tell. 
“I’m-,“ she hesitates. “I’m thinking of a cute way to ask you to be my girlfriend.”
I chuckle and turn around in her lap, facing and straddling the girl. “Riri, I’m already your girlfriend,” I state obviously. 
“Did you miss the last few hours? We could wake Shuri up and recreate it,” I flirt. Riri’s usually playful eyes aren’t looking so playful right now. She’s serious. 
“Shuri asked us both, so yeah, we’re her girlfriends, but what about you and me?”
“What about us?” I counter. My Riri sighs and begins to lift me from her lap. “Never mind, Sade.”
I bare my weight down on her legs and grab her face, bringing her eyes to mine. “First of all, stop using my government name. That’s not a habit you bout to pick up.” Riri nods at my words, caught off guard by the intensity.
“Secondly,” I start, holding her face gentler and wrapping her arms around me. “I thought our relationship was implied, Ri. I didn’t know you needed a title on it. Neither of us asked the first time, we just started referring to the other as ‘girlfriend’.” 
She doesn’t speak, doesn’t even look at me. I bring her gaze back up. “Riri Williams, you are my fury. Not a single soul that walks this earth can ignite the anger and passion and drive and love that you bring out of me.
“It’s orgasmic. It’s my natural high. It’s a feeling that I never, ever want to live without again. Can I call you my girlfriend?”
Riri’s cheeks are on fire underneath my palms and the smile on her face is contagious.
“Yes, my love."
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livewireprojects · 2 months
Old Sonic sketches(Plus extras)
Found some old sketches I had on DA & wanted to show them. Some sketches have the date I scanned them in the corner of the image because the date changes if I edit them & I had to edit them cause they're all bmp files along with needing editing to be darkened. It's there to show how old they are & cause I found it interesting, if the image doesn't have the date I'll list mention a date that's mentioned in the DA post or something related. Not all the images are in order of date.
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The image on the left was posted November 8, 2012 while the one on the right is from August 27, 2013
These were some wedding sketches I drew with the one on the right being a pic I made for a teacher I had in high school.(Graduated 2014) The pic on the left was a Sonadow & Silvaze wedding with Tails catching Sonic's bouquet while Cosmo(who was revived at some point) giggles.(tfw When you might end up marrying next thanks to a moment at your older brother's wedding & your girlfriend knows too)
Shadow & Sonic's rings(on the wrist) was inspired by a comic by Segamew on DA were Shadow used one of his inhibitor rings to propose to Sonic.(Fun fact at the time I didn't know what his rings did past the fact Shadow wore them, I only learned about the reason recently) I use a different idea for mobian wedding items now.
I find it semi funny(semi cause it looks cringy) that when I posted this to DA I was like "I'm using Shadonic instead of Sonadow so fuck you" to be honest this came from past Naruto shipping were ship names go by who is tops. I've gotten over it by now but if I'm not using ship names I still put the top first.
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This was drawn in 2015
The top images are Monoko from Yume Nikki & Sonic as nightmarens from the NiGHTS series. I might redraw/redesign these one day but dunno. The little mini doodles between them are an old design for my self-insert Sonicsona & Monoko next to me. I don't know the context for them.
At the bottom is Reala(nightmaren this time instead of my OC Reala the hedgehog), Jackle & my nightmaren OC Halldis dressed up. Next to them is Pinkie Pie semi Rayman style.(By that I mean floaty limbs)
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The one on the left is cropped cause you don't really need to see my old Raymesis/Dark Rayman(Who is turned over a new leaf, also thought they were the same person back then) x Rayman stuff. Funny enough two images were edited into this from the cropped side cause they're semi related.
Left image:(Added in mini pics at the bottom of list)
Left to right, top of page to bottom of page
Rayman Sonic that I didn't put much effort in past hair & outfit
Rayman as a seedrian, this was made before learning that male seedrian look very different from the girls. He's a plum plant from the Rayman series.
Normal Rayman waving
Rayman!Sonic sitting down
An attempt to draw mini Rayman & Rayman!Sonic flying using their hair. Rayman obviously with helicoptor bangs, Sonic flapping like he's a bat/bird.
Right image:
Left to right, top page then middle page then bottom page
Older Rayman with kids
Rayman!Shadow & Rayman!Sonic, these are their old designs with Shadow's being inspired by Kanda from D.Grayman's hair & mitarashiarts's past design for gijinka Shadow. I guess I gave him Raymesis style eyes given how I drew them.
Rayman!Sonic in a Rayman version of Sonic after being blinded by Eggman(context my version of Sonic at some point in the future was blinded by Eggman)
Rayman!Sonic wandering around & hiding that he's Sonic & injured
A scene of old design Shadow finding Sonic after he was heavily injured & almost drowned in Rayman style
Random doodle of Sonic in a random art style
An old prototype design idea for revived Cosmo, two versions of her as a plant based deer. I ended up going with a plant based chipmunk in the end.(With help from a friend when I mentioned some suggestions)
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I don't fully remember the context behind the pic on the left I just know it was a scrapped idea. I think the idea was Silver visiting the past as a kid & helping Sonic after the reboot or after the reboot in Sonic 06 he was born in the past & made friends with Sonic.(The middle pic is meant to be them before the re-boot) I'm guessing this was before the paper towel comic I made.
The right image is meant to be Sonic walking with his siblings as they unknowingly pass by the spirit of Tikal with a bunch of Chao(plus Sonadow chao) & Chip. Sonic notices him & Chip waves to his future friend. From what I understand the idea is Chip some how got a chance to see Sonic in the past after the events of Sonic Unleashed.(Likely way on DA I named this "Meeting again before I knew you") No idea how Sonic can see them without his glasses on since Underground Sonic is blind without them. According to DA this image didn't need much fixing up.
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Here's a pic I drew on one of my folders for school(2011 was my first year of high school)
I had to grayscale this because the folder is yellow & it'd look stupid
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Left to right
-Sonic as a young child with his adopted dad after they decided to go frog hunting for the first time
-The idea behind this was Sonic returning to where he grew up before going to live with Uncle Chuck after helping his siblings & mom rebuild the kingdom after defeating Robotnik. I think the idea was that Sonic still met/took in Tails at some point cause there was an idea of Tails bringing Amy, Shadow & the others to meet his older brother.
Version 1 was meant to be Sonic having become more like he use to be before the trauma of losing his adopted parents & losing his confidence thanks to bullying(for being different) & the stress of the war. He's happily being Sonic in the woods he was raised in. Version 2 is just Sonic as I depicted him at the end of Sonic Underground were he has gained confidence but is still slightly timid & very sweet.(No idea why it says "Southern bell-ish" I'm guessing this was the only description I could think of)
-Sonic dressed in his adopted mom's outfit
-Sonic before losing his adopted parents & being taken in by his uncle. Sonic was a happy & energetic, he loves exploring the woods & learning to play music. He's a kid that hasn't fully learned that the world is full of things to fear despite knowing the dangers of going too close to areas everyone knows is Robotnik's territory.(I guess think of Robin from the game The Path were she didn't realize it's dangerous to fall out of a shopping cart nor jump on a werewolf)
The poor kid is in for many horrors when he made the poor choice of hunting for frogs near one of Robotnik's bases.
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Posted to DA May 28, 2014
Classic Rayman as a puffball, Sonic as a puffball & anime Kirby as whatever Rayman is
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Posted to DA June 24, 2019
Why I can't draw Sonic's eyes like they're meant to look
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Adding another pic last minute, this is an old sketch dump of Sonic & his siblings from my old Sonic stuff that went on to lead to my Lost Prince AU
Left to right
The sight Uncle Chuck saw when he got home. Thanks to having enough of the bullying while struggling to deal with losing his adopted parents Sonic chopped his hair/quills off to look more normal.
Sonia fixing Sonic's hair while Manic finds it funny she used a bowl to cut Sonic's hair
Sonic meeting his siblings for the first time as they hide somewhere after managing to run into each other. Moments later they're told what they're meant to be doing.
Sonic amazed, I think this was inspired by Ojamajo Doremi/Magical Doremi some how
Old design modern Sonic holding plushies I use to give him when he was a kid, lion & lamb plushies, I don't remember the context I think this was when he was living with his dad
Sonic laying on the ground with the plush dolls
Another old design modern Sonic
The triplets managing to sleep in a proper bed after some traveling
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sillysmileys · 4 months
All my SFM AUs: Info!
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TWs will be above the respective story, in case you want to read about one AU but don't want to read about another; however, this post will have tags for all of the respective TWs. Pairings for each AU shall be posted separately, since some of them are a lil' wacky :-)
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Trout Lilies. (SFM Good Ending)
Flower Kid slowly walked down the sidewalks, feeling dizzy out of their minds. They let out a cough, the streetlights dark and dim, the roads almost silent besides a car (that was definitely not following the speed limit, but FK was too out of it to judge at the moment.) speeding past. They raised their head, two bright headlights coming up next to them. The passenger window slowly road down, as coral hair slowly became visible. "Need a hand?" Nat said, smirking, "Or, a ride, in this case."
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After the events of the Habitat, everyone must adapt back to their own lives. The story follows multiple Habiticans perspectives, and how they live their lives Post-Habitat. This will include multiple ships and pairings, however, most of them will be slowburns :-). Additionally, it will contain (mostly) hurt-comfort and fluff. The only OC who will receive much focus will be my Flower Kid OC; However, there is a different one every AU. One of my, if not the most, lighthearted au I have. Playing: House of Memories.
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[TW: Death, Fake Self-Murk.] Calla Lilies. (SFM Bad Ending)
"A-Ahaha... the... the Doc just... just died..." Kamal said between sobs, "Can't... can't have shit in Wyoming." Local Self-Help Summer Camp: Forced to close down after gas leak. One casualty, Twenty-Three Alive. The one news replayed, over and over inside of FK's mind. One casualty, twenty-three alive. Nothing else could be done, FK repeated to themself over, and over, and over again. Dr. Habit was deranged, insane. Nothing else could be done. Nothing else could be done. NOTHING ELSE COULD BE DONE. They felt so, so guilty. Guilty that Kamal had to cover for them, guilty that Habit was dead, guilty, guilty, guilty, that they couldn't even tell the truth, and had to believe everyone else's assumption that the Doc was too unstable at that point, that he couldn't be saved, that after he came to terms with his ways, he thought that there was no other route for him but death. Yet... maybe Dr. Habit wasn't as dead as everyone thought.
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This AU follows a much darker route; The bad ending of Smile for Me; Specifically, the 11/22 Collage Route :-). After Kamal and FK return from the Habitat, the rest of the Habiticans ask what happened. Or, try to. FK is still as quiet as ever, and Kamal bursts into tears whenever anyone tries to pry a single question out of him. In all, they just assume he jumped off the balcony himself, and FK and Kamal just happened to witness it. Two bright, orange eyes, gleam on from the shadows. Playing: Dumb Dumb. :-)
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Water Lilies. (SFM The Habitat Rebooted)
It's been five years since the Habitat has been created. Five, whole years. Most of the old Habiticans have left the town by now, unable to look at it the same after so long. Well, almost all of the Habiticans. As "Flower Kid" drives on by, they stumble upon a poster flying in the distance. "THE HABITAT: A reopening." No. They can't go back there. They can't. That-- That place, took a toll on their mental health permanently. They can't. Yet-- Maybe it is a bit enticing. Run by Kamal, two co-owners involved... They were never treated for their past mental issues too, haven't they? And, plus... maybe they can finally end this horrible chapter in this life. Kamal definitely wouldn't recognize them by now, anyways. A beautiful flower's kisses died to the Ethylene; and the only survivor is a "LILI" left behind.
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Water Lilies proceeds after the 'Neutral Ending'. It is an OC-Centered story, with 22 new Habiticans (That are still as weird as the previous ones), a very unstable Flower Kid, and some occasional cameos! It'll mostly feature a bunch of silly comforts and mostly hurt/comfort as well, and the occasional angst here and there. One of my least planned AUs, however, I am excited to begin writing it!! Playing: Bitter Choco Decoration. :-)
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Lily of the Valley. (SFM Swap AU)
"Welcome 2 the Habitat! 4 all your happiness needs :v] I am Dr. Bora!" The PSA played on Music Kid's TV, as MK rolled on their side to avoid the sounds. Yet, eventually, they would have to wake up. Music Kid woke up inside of a... Paper Bed, taking a glance at the cello leaned up against the wall, the sunlight radiating down, providing a beautiful reflection on the instrument. At the door, had a weird kid, with a trench coat and green scarf. "OH HI! I mean, uhm, yo, you're that music kid right? Everyone's been talking about you." The kid said, putting their hands in their pockets, "You remember me right?"
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Lilies of the Valley is a Smile for Me Swap AU, featuring all the habiticans slightly moved towards the right. While it does follow a (talkative) Music Kid, I tried to keep the elements of this story as similar to the canonical version, with my own little twists! Interpretations are very, very welcomed. Hope you like music theory! Playing: Candle Queen. :-)
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[TW: A lot. Whatever you can think of, it's probably there.] Madonna Lilies. (SFM Beta Idea)
Yeowch, uhm, I'm not going to even give a sneak peek on this AU heh. I don't even know if I'll ever write a fanfiction on it, because the more I look at the script I have for it, the darker it becomes. Holy shit brain, what the fuck. Playing: Mesmerizer. :-)
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jeysecretive · 7 months
So, this story was written on inspiration from those fics: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29411574/chapters/72254715
You also have to give credit to the music: https://youtu.be/IW-oVKrHupY?si=cPkeacsJjVej10id
And most importantly, who I wrote it for. @blu-ish , this is for you :)
Important Mention!!! This chapter mentions injuries and the use of weapons! Plus, this fic is kind of OC × canon. THE TITLE OF THE FIC IS EXPERIMENTAL!
The Dark Secrets
of the Deep Sea
Chapter One: The Hunt
Chapter two
Important text notes!:
🔵= Sonic
🔴= Shadow
🟣= Indirect characters
🟢= Omega
💓= Rouge
italic font + bold font = Capitan Ghost
Italic font + any color = Thoughts
Simple italic font = special moments
Bold font = special moments
"Oh, come on! Can't a marvellous captain like you take down such a lowly opponent!"
A bullet flew over the head of the hedgehog who said those words with a howl, nearly taking off his ear. But he was abruptly torn backwards by a red echidna, shouting "Look out!"
With an offended snort, the hedgehog struggled to roll to the other side of the deck to continue his taunts.
A storm was raging at sea. Huge waves were rising and crashing down, threatening to sink the two ships as they circled round each other in a frenzied dance.
But it was as if none of the captains of these ships paid any attention to the storm, and continued to fight. Though only one of them was really fighting, the other was manoeuvring between the shells and trying to strike at the most important parts of the enemy sailing ship.
"Go Omega, show them your strength!!!" A young hedgehog with dishevelled blue quills exclaimed in a fervour, slide across the boardwalk deck on one foot.
In a threat to his life, he was leaping all over the ship and teasing the men from the other vessel, as if he didn't notice the shells whistling over his head.
A huge mechanism made of ship's debris and covered in iron hoops threw up its arms in protest at the young man's frantic plea.
"We're running out of shells, sir! There's no way cap will allow us to waste them on this!"
"You wasted half your war supplies on a game of 'who can shoot the furthest', sir! AND IT'S NOT MY FAULT!!!"
"But you did enjoy being a part of-AAA!!!"
Hedgehog was grabbed from behind by the scruff of his neck and dragged towards the bilge. As he tried to fight off the strong hand squeezing his scruff, he heard a venomous hiss.
"Oh, come on, captain! I'm not done sending them curses yet!!! If you weren't mute, I swear you'd like it too!"
Instead of answering, the hedgehog was shoved sharply down the rickety stairs. The hatch cover slammed sharply over his head.
"Oh, well no! Sonic the Hedgehog is never left out!!!" Screamed the kid, trying to open his way out with his fist. But the boards stayed in place, proving that the hold door was securely locked from the outside.
"Hey! That's not fair! I want in too!" he wailed, hammering on the lid as hard as he could. But when he realised he couldn't get out that way, he sighed and put his hand on his hip, feeling the hilt of his blade with his hand.
The wind tore at his cloak as the captain of the brigantine called the "Black Wind" made his way to the helm.
The steering wheel was not occupied by the helmsman, for in times of battle or storms, the control of the ship was entrusted to the captain by default. No one could handle the "Wind" better than its master, and the crew understood that very well.
He snorted contemptuously upon hearing the voice. He had many names whispered by people all over the world, but this one specifically was used quite often. Threats didn't bother his hearing, it was far more important right now to fight off the enemy and keep the people on deck alive.
There wasn't a sea on this planet he hadn't sailed, and there wasn't a kingdom whose vessel he hadn't managed to plunder from. The fastest ship in the world belonged to him, and the captain of the "Wind" was elusive.
Despite the fact that he had only appeared on the open ocean about a year ago, the Cap had instantly become a household name as an outlaw.
He worked alone almost all the time, and getting on his ship as an employee was a big hit with the pirates.
No one knew his real name, but he was most often called "Ghost" or "Spirit". Not so often referred to by the simple name "Jack", but his rank and fame as an undead remained unchanged.
Rumours spread across the land that Captain Ghost possessed the most powerful spells in the world, thanks to which he always came out of any situation victorious and kept his ship intact. For this reason, he was constantly hunted, wanting to get the power he possessed. But no one had ever managed to learn his secrets. Perhaps it was the merit of clever magic tricks, but no one knew the exact reasons.
"Black Wind" and its master were covered with legends and tales like an old barque with clams, which made them even more desirable prey for all the pirates and sailors in the world. And perhaps that's the reason why this battle began.
Turning sharply to the left, the "Black Wind" nearly toppled over on its side. A hook with four iron claws was sharply thrust at the spot where the bow of the ship had just been. With a loud gurgle in the abyss, it attracted the attention of several crewmen.
"IT'S THE OTHER PIRATES! THEY'RE BOARDING US!!! Shrieked one of the crew. It was so obvious that the cap's tongue clucked unhappily.
But on the other hand he knew that ordinary people were not as observant as he was, so he continued to manoeuvre between the crests of the waves, shuddering unhappily at the rumble of thunder and the shouts of the people around him.
Something was wrong... He couldn't recognise what it was. The danger of being a prey to the waves did not let him forget about himself, and with all this it was necessary not to fall into the trap of "neighbours" and to keep an eye on the condition of "their own". But the sensation of a chill running between his vertebrae was so tightly lodged in the captain's soul that even now, fully absorbed in the battle, the alarm of unknown danger still tickled his nerves.
This crew he had taken to his ship a fortnight ago. The pirates, who introduced themselves as 'sea vagabonds', needed to cross the Sol Sea to meet up with, they said, old friends. Ghost knew that such explanations usually amounted to the phrase "it's none of your business," so he didn't go into detail.
These guys were generous with their pay and helped him with the ship, even though the cap was doing just fine on his own.
He hated being around people, and knew that anyone on his ship was a threat.
Despite their friendliness, all these pirates, including their blue-quilled leader, looked at him as dainty prey, and he could feel it.
A target for everyone he met, a target for the whole world.
But the money pouring faithfully into his coffers helped keep him in check.
Being dependent on bits of metal was horrible, but the brigantine needed immediate repair and maintenance after each adventure.
Which was why the captain now stood on deck, clutching the helm and trying to get away from the enemy. The pirates of the Wind, securely fastening themselves to the deck with ropes were monitoring the condition of the masts.
Another hook, this time on a longer rope, broke through the railing near the captain's cabin.
Damn it!
If the storm had cleared, he would have had no trouble rounding this frigate and disappearing into the distance.
At the thought that the ship might be captured, Ghost hissed quietly.
His passengers were favourable customers, and there was no desire to surrender into the hands of the enemy just yet.
At this time, a huge wave came up from behind, causing the Black Wind to tilt nose down. Feeling gravity pulling his body closer and closer to the edge of the ship, the captain used his secret weapon. His embossed-soled boots skidded across the deck, but the black cape wearer take some time to slamming them against each other. With a metallic click, sharp spikes came into view, catching tightly on the planks.
Tilting the helm as hard as he could, he tried to leap off the crest of the wave to keep the Wind from being turned into splinters.
But suddenly he was struck from behind, and Cap let go of the helm to avoid breaking it. Almost beside the helm was a hole from a cannon-ball.
At the same moment the sailboat tilted, losing control.
Realising that it was time to prepare for the worst, everyone on the Black Wind grabbed with all their might at the handrails and ropes by which they were tied to the main mast.
But a sudden cracking sound made everyone jump.
The sailboat suddenly levelled out and jerked sharply.
The ghost recognised the sound.
They were being hooked.
A thousand devils... Now we'd have to deal with three times as many problems.
Seconds later, hooks rained down on the deck in a hail, ripping boards and making holes in the hull.
A low growl rose in the captain's throat.
Glancing around, he realised that the storm was abruptly ceasing.
Of course it was the enchantments!
If he had more time to sleep, he would have been able to smell and dispel them.
But now...
It was a hopeless trap.
A huge frigate was approaching the Black Wind. The inscription on its bow said that the ship was called the Threat of the Seas.
Ghost recognised this ship.
It was worth preparing for the worst.
The pirates huddled together on the deck stared hopelessly at the approaching behemoth.
"We're screwed..." Rattled Omega in terror. The others murmured fearfully in agreement.
This ship's fame spoke for itself: sunk fleets of the Kingdom of Eggmanland, many robberies of Soleanna merchant ships, and a rumoured kinship with the leader of the Pirate Community.
Attacks on peaceful islands and robberies of other pirates were not uncommon either. All of their atrocities could be listed forever, but to all of this there was a loud rumour that since time immemorial the captain of the Thunder of the Seas had been stealing other pirates and killing them with a painful death. Mostly it was about captains, but occasionally people mentioned ordinary sailors as well.
Legends said that the leader of the Thunderstorm thus wants to gain power over all the seas and become the only pirate captain on the entire planet. He calls himself "Shadow", and this nickname has fully justified him.
For three hundred years, he has been considered the main threat of all seven seas. Invariably he led his crew, remaining a constant danger to every ship he encountered. All pirates who managed to see the captain with their own eyes and escape alive spoke of a black aura hovering around him.
Rumours crawled around the planet that Shadow had made a deal with the devil himself to stay forever young. In return, he would bring the blood of the pirates he killed.
No matter how embellished the legends were, Ghost knew that somehow some of these rumours were true.
He prepared himself for an unpleasant encounter.
A large sand-coloured bear landed on board. Its weight made the deck shake slightly. He raised his huge club on his shoulder, and swiftly headed towards the pirates.
But he failed to fulfil his intentions as something black and clearly unstoppable came at him from above.
The big man roared in fright and fell to the ground, trying to throw the unknown creature off him. But suddenly there was a strong blow on his neck, and the bear fell motionless to the ground. The club landed close by, half breaking through the boards.
"Bilge!" Ghost signalled, urging the crew of the Wind to wait out the attack in safety. But none of them moved.
It was strange.
The air around the captain thickened slightly.
That's it. That weird sense of danger... It wavered in him more and more, but Ghost realised that he had to fight off the enemy first.
He stepped behind the ledge so that the next attackers wouldn't see him before his time. Cap glimpsed a glimpse of his crew. They all looked pathetic and confused. Everything inside him cringed.
A very strange feeling was emanating from the entire group. No, not hypnosis or suggestion.... But some bitter, long familiar feeling to the captain. But now was not the time for such thoughts.
It would be easier if these oafs would at least obey a little. Especially Sonic! The important thing was that they didn't find him. Or at least kept alive. He's the only one who handles the money in this gang. Even if they manage to get away without casualties, this youngster will definitely be pissed that his safety wasn't preserved...
But the captain was no longer sure of his thoughts.
This was too strange behaviour for everyone, and knowing the hedgehog, he should have gotten out of the hold almost immediately after being imprisoned.
Too many weird details...
Three more pirates jumped out onto the deck. From the looks of it, they were much weaker than the first guest. But unlike him, they were not going to attack the ship so quickly.
Respectfully, they gave way to the one who was honoured and feared by the whole world.
Captain Shadow, in all his splendour, jumped from the outstretched cable onto the planks of the Black Wind's deck.
His hair looked like tar in the faded sunlight, and Ghost could see that it was more like Sonic's quills in texture. Concluding that Shadow was also a hedgehog, Cap continued to watch carefully.
Something dark was indeed emanating from the hedgehog... Something incomprehensible and tense. And somehow it was connected to the change that had occurred in the pirates.
A feeling consumed Ghost and he tensed up, preparing to attack and choosing the right moment.
Something was going to happen.
Shadow slowly made his way towards the pile of Wind pirates. Stopping five paces before the group, he looked them over from head to toe. Even from this uncomfortable angle, Ghost observed the cold menace that cast the dark Capitan eyes.
The small red arrows on his upper eyelids gave his gaze the sharpness of a dagger. The same lancet marks were also on the ebony quills, but they looked paler. These marks were like needles digging deeper and deeper into Captain Ghost's mind.
It was definitely for a reason.
Suddenly, in the silence that hung over the whole sea, the tar hedgehog asked:
"Where is your captain?"
Space froze in mid-air. Thoughts and guesses exploded in Ghost's mind, causing his head to blaze.
There was something in that hedgehog's tone. He wasn't... An order. It was a tone one might use to ask a question about the weather, but not--.
He knew the tone one used when addressing prisoners. This one on the other hand was as if Shadow and these pirates were--.
"Right behind you, sire!" Rang out a ringing, cheerful voice behind Ghost's back.
He turned around sharply.
The peephole of a carved pistol was staring directly into his forehead.
"Ah-hu-huh, mate! You shouldn't make a move like that, you don't want me to take your brain away, do you?" the blue hedgehog said, chuckling merrily.
This was it. The feeling that haunted him.
All these pirate invasions were just cheap scenery.
It couldn't be said that Ghost was surprised. Disappointment was the overriding feeling in his soul.
How typical.
"Okay, now you're going to have to put your hands up, Cap. I don't want you stabbing me with a dagger or anything" said the blue hedgehog with a smile, watching as the dark cloaked figure noiselessly followed his order. "Oh, I know what you're thinking, mate: "Ah, why did my crew betray me! Were they so intimidated that they refused to listen to me?", weren't they? Well, Cap, I'm afraid to disappoint you further, but this whole mess was a set-up from the start!"
A smug grin spread across the hedgehog's face.
That was the signal.
Ghost. A nickname given to him for disappearing from the scene of a crime without leaving a trace. But there's a second bottom may to have every nickname, isn't there?
The flesh thinned to dust, forcing his consciousness to move to the object of his desire in a throbbing lump. Time slowly flowed and wavered as if it were a thick fog.
The bullet had no sooner left the muzzle when Ghost dissipated into the air.
Sonic didn't know what had happened.
The one he had held at gunpoint a moment ago had dissolved without a trace.
A blow from behind caught Blue off guard. He went face-first to the ground.
The gun fell out of his hand and landed with a clatter on the boards, but was picked up at the same second by a black-gloved hand.
Lifting the hedgehog by the scruff of the neck like a cotton doll, Captain Ghost walked to the edge of the ledge where he had been sitting. In his hand a weapon glimmered coldly.
Eyes hidden beneath the hood caught the bright red pupils of Shadow. In the fleeting meeting of the dark hedgehog's gaze glittered a fury almost elusive to those around him, but vividly discernible to the experienced eye.
The ghost realised how much this blue hedgehog meant to the dark one.
"What do you want?" The ebony captain asked calmly. But there was clearly an embittered animal growl in his question.
A flapping of wings was heard from behind. No ordinary man in the world would have heard it, but Ghost's ears felt the rustling as clearly as the splashing of the sea around him. It was clear that the trap was slamming shut.
A duplet sounded.
Two shells fired simultaneously from different guns raced towards the people standing on the edge of the wooden ledge.
"To let a stray bullet take a young life would be too low. No matter how violently this boy saw the world, his blue quills should have felt the wind of the sea, not rot in a coffin. Many things he had yet to see and do.
One was to pierce the spine, heading straight for the heart, the other to enter the lung. Death in forty-two seconds from pain shock, cardiac arrest, fear and loss of breath.
There's a 48.6 per cent chance my body would be unharmed. The wind did its job.
Let's hope I can still get out of here.... My energy isn't that durable."
With a sharp whistle, the two small balls flashed past each other and flew far out to sea. And five metres away from the boardwalk, space warped for a moment.
Sonic's head snapped up sharply. He didn't realise why his feet were now on the ground. Everything had happened too fast even for his supersonic mind. The dark figure beside him swayed to the side, letting the blue one go.
But there was something clear that Sonic could sense.
Two capsules launched through his body. He could feel their coldness.
But at the same time, he realised he was in one piece. No wounds, no marks. Only an eerie sense of consequence.
"What are you...?" Whispered the hedgehog in confusion, but he was interrupted by a loud whistle.
The bat that had been behind them only a moment ago was now hovering about six metres to the left, clutching a pistol with a perplexed and angry expression. Sticking two fingers in her mouth, she let out another signal before rushing to the attack.
"She shouldn't be there..." flashed through Sonic's mind.
In the next couple of seconds, he was pushed away by a strong arm.
Instead of pointing the weapon at Blue hedgehog again, Ghost forcefully pushed him away from him along with Blue and dashed in the opposite direction.
At exactly the same moment, the enraged girl struck the boardwalk with force, intending to punch her opponent in the head.
And Sonic realised with horror that she wouldn't have stopped, even if his life was in Ghost's hands.
Once again, a gunshot rang out. This time the source of the sound was very close to Sonic. Looking up sharply, he saw Captain Shadow standing on one of the zadarn planks left of the captain's cabin.
A blue smoke was billowing from the gilded muzzle of his pistol, confirming that it was the weapon that was causing the noise.
Tracing the direction of the barrel, the hedgehog spotted a dark cloaked figure standing in a fighting stance. Literally three centimetres from his fingers, Sonic discerned a small, sparkling copper puddle.
"Macarter blood. Instantly sedates and paralyses the victim for several days. So they want to take me alive."
"Let me tear him apart, sire!" The bat yapped impatiently, keeping his eyes on his enemy.
"There's no need, Rouge. He's already shown us enough." The black urchin replied in a level tone "...You're a smart captain who knows how to stand up for his own skin," he turned to Ghost. "And I'm prepared to offer you a choice: either you surrender to me, and I'll spare your life if you can be of any use to me.... Or, " his eyes glittered dangerously, "You can die nobly by my bullet and be buried forever in the ocean. Don't worry, the mere movement of your finger will be enough for me to shoot you, so the trick you pulled before won't work. So, what's your answer, Cap?"
A deep silence hung around.
Time seemed to start flowing three times slower again, but this time it only stretched for Ghost alone.
The first sound that rang out in that visceral silence was Sonic's exclamation.
"Oh my god, Shadow, did I forget to tell you about--?"
That was enough.
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storiesofsvu · 8 months
Happy Thursday hoes, let’s get to it!
Todays pros: citytv thinks im in TO so I’m getting it started at six!
Cons: no subtitles.
Alright, OG up first.
Love this new detective that’s a fanboy of everyone, makes me miss rollins lol
Pls let it be a female perp. We love a good female perp.
Okay seriously, this very subtle shaky cam is fucking terrible and hurts my head.
The GROAN I let out at the sight of Samantha in her well fitted pants suit sitting there like a fucking badass pissed off look on her face. Ma’am. Please. (yes, she is the only reason I watch this show)
Okay, the pedo may be the only eye witness, but they still have blood on the murderers pants, don’t they? Would that not tie it together enough? Or is it because the eye witness was the one who lead them to him? God I hate the legal system.
I REALLY wish this show would show more of the arguing between Nolan and Sam, like these two do NOT see eye to eye or have the same opinions on basically anything. And while I know major fighting would be called unprofessional, we at least used to see the lawyers get into it, or bantering. There’s so many times that you can tell just by the look of her face that Sam’s pissed, that she doesn’t think highly of him or his decisions on cases, like she hates him. I wanna see that play out on screen LOL
SVU time!
Let’s see if this week is any better than the last ones
Liv back in therapy, we love to see it.
A crumb of EO? Will that keep the crazies at bay? (like, I don’t even ship it but fuck am I sick of it now, the baiting is hella annoying and terrible, make it happen or not, don’t keep leading the actual ship fans on…)
Uhhh… is there not some kind of patient dr confidentiality? Like this bitch could have just lost her job (esp with someone like mcgrath involved… wtf..)
ITS THIS KIND OF SHIT THAT MAKES ME FERAL. In previous episodes they’ve had situations where shrinks couldn’t testify when they were the ONE witness, and like the entire case went into the trash because of it based off this exact type of situation… where TF is the continuity??
Okay… so she’s a minor so I can see the loophole here, BUT the therapist should have told her parents….
I knew it wasn’t the math tutor…
Ok… so mcgrath threatens to kill the math tutor, but when they’re picking up the son across the street he goes rage on benson?? And the iab captain? Shouldn’t you be attempting to punch the kid or something? God I really hope this ep is his last…
“can you drop that to me?” good thing Bruno’s there cause fin would have ZERO ideas on how to do that…
“until the age of 25 the male brain is about as useful as an electrified meatball” jfc… that wins for best line of the night.
Where the fuck is Velasco? Like.. man deserves his paycheques too..
Okay, mcgrath’s wife needs to shut the fuck up, liv’s trying to help her daughter and she accuses liv of gunning for mcgrath’s job.. jfc..
I was expecting mcgrath to throw hands not pull out his fucking GUN jfc… and like.. that was infront of two cars, that’s gonna be on a dash cam somewhere…
This is one of those one case turns into 4 but there’s only 5 mins left of the episode… cmon…
“I guess I didn’t see it in myself…” THANK YOU I was just gonna bring up the whole half assed back plot of mcgrath being abusive… (which is on par for cops, and ironic that the woman playing his wife was the wife of a cop who abused/raped her in 1.o)
This very much seems like a good bye. Pls let it be a good bye. Petition to bring back Garland!
Okay… im confused, I looked at my phone for 5 seconds and lost track of what was happening. Is the iab captain joining svu, cause that doesn’t work…theyre both captains. Or is she saying she’ll be filling in for mcgrath in the meantime??
Onto OC!
Okay, I am incredibly thankful for carisi on oc, but he’s the *sex crimes* ada.. not the only Manhattan ada, he wouldn’t be prosecuting this case… lol
Me: “wait I thought he was an officer.”
Reyes: “detective?” *side eye*
Me: ah yes, okay he was promoted the writers didn’t forget between weeks.
God this entitled pos teenager… wtf… its not *your* house bitch.
Ah, thank god, here’s the arguing that was missing in OG, not surprised its Elliot. Lol.
Oh god..the bratty teen overheard that didn’t she? Fuck..
God… this girl is gonna blow the entire thing, isn’t she? Like, in todays day and age with all the social media and how teenagers (and some adults) don’t know how to go without it, there’s no way they’d cut contact with everyone and delete socials and keep things quiet.
Aaaaaannd here we go. 5 seconds in and she’s blown their new location. (also WHY would the cops even tell them the location? That seems like something they wouldn’t do until they were halfway there…)
Okay… we’re missing a daughter.. I don’t know if this is supposed to be Maureen or elizabeth but I’m assuming liz as it looks like her kids are twins and she was the twin… Also where’s dickie? (I know the brother said something about someone not being able to get a flight? Im just deaf and without subtitles I couldn’t tell ya what exactly was said lol)
How old is this younger brother supposed to be? The only info online I can find is the actor is 50 which im not sure I believe.
Okay there’s dickie he’s in the background!
These guys KNEW they were in a high risk situation and none of them have a vest anywhere near them? ARE WE DUMB?! IS IT OUR FIRST DAY ON THE JOB?
Okay, there’s the other kid.
Maureen and Kathleen giving side eye while sipping their drinks while the tea is being spilt is the highlight of this moment.
This is SOOO awkward for everyone else at the table jfc… ESPECIALLY Eli’s poor girlfriend.. like. Welcome to the family drama, don’t worry we never have to come back…
Why the fuck did jet not grab the other gun?!
Me: unfazed at Elliot body slamming a teenager.
Bell: *casually* “I’m shot”
I knew this other captain was going to be coming more into play, but im pissed its cause bell’s out with a gunshot wound.
Okay well, another week and OC is continuing it’s reign as superior of the three!
Some pics for context/hilarity
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oasisofgalaxies · 11 months
who Is Rhodes
tell me all of the things
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This is Rhodes, aka Riley Caboose, aka Spartan P-011, aka Agent Rhodes Island! Shes a mix between a Halo oc and a Red vs Blue oc!! She’s my beloved baby girl and the only thing stronger than herself is the guilt on her shoulders !!!!!
She was abducted inducted into the Spartan 2.5 program (look the mortality rate between II and III dropped from 56% to ~0% that technological leap had to come from somewhere) at age six along with her brother, Caboose, age five. She grew up in the program and they both graduated. In their third mission as full Spartans they were cryo’d for a trip and that’s when Everything Went Wrong !!
This part I’m still ironing out but the essential idea is that the ship they were cryo’d in was attacked or tampered with causing the onboard systems to “defrost” Rhodes as she was the mission’s leader. She was doing a check when whatever was fucking things up made itself VERY known. Through a series of terrible events she ended up being the only one surviving that mission. I have a very strong mental image of her floating outside the ship in her suit watching it slowly explode. And just watching in horror because her men are on that ship. Her brother is on that ship.
Anyways I have no idea how Caboode survived that and I’ll figure it out eventually but Rhodes thinks he’s dead and it’s all her fault! Yay! Anyways years pass and weee Project Freelancer hurrayyyy! There she meets Agent Arizona, Ari for short, and they immediately become friends! Just kidding Rhodes is a brick wall friendship wise because she’s terrified of vulnerability and becoming attached to people. Ari does not care and takes this as a personal challenge. Eventually Rhodes sorta warms up to her but it takes. Fucking forever.
Anyways during PFL she meets Lambda, the AI assigned to her! Lambda is the Patience fragment! They’re the grey figure floating on her shoulder in the first picture! (By the way, Ari gets Xi, who’s Curiosity!) They get along fine, but they become friends after PFL once Rhodes opens up more. Shes. Very cagey still. Poor thing.
Anyways PFL goes to shit and Ari loses an arm in the crash. Rhodes carries her for forever, fighting off the Meta while they’re going, until they reach some kind of outpost and are able to get Ari medical attention. Everything sucks and they travel for a while, not knowing what to do with themselves. At some point in this part which isn’t really fleshed out too much, they discover that they’re actually sisters!
So when Rhodes was little, she was the ringleader of her trio of siblings among the many she had. Rhodes was the oldest, Caboose was the middlest, and Ari was the youngest. Ari was a pretty sickly kid so Rhodes and Caboose took care of her. When Rhodes and Caboose were taken, she didn’t believe the flash clones that replaced her siblings were, well, her siblings. So she’s been searching for them ever since and one of them was right under her nose this entire time!
Anyways Ari wants to look for Caboose but Rhodes has to break it to her that he’s dead. Again this part isn’t very fleshed out but either way they somehow end up on Chorus because the tractor beam of fate decreed it. They end up there and realize, oh fuck, this planet is in the middle of a civil war. Rhodes is immediately hellbent on helping these people because this is the thing she was literally made to. So they become. Actually now that I think about it, opposites of Felix and Locus. They split up, Ari going to Armonia and Rhodes to Mirage. They keep in touch and discuss ways to help reunite the two warring factions. Here they meet the Red and Blues, they find Caboose, SO many tears are shed, and yeah!
That’s. A super brief summary of her backstory and I still left out so much even tho it’s so fucking long I am so sorry
TL;DR Rhodes/Riley is a person who was abducted into the Spartan program along with her brother, eventually became a freelancer after the believed death of her brother, and finds her siblings and also her sense of humanity along the way!!
A huge part of her story is remembering how to be a person after the program. She has the “I’m just a weapon and a tool” mentality to struggle with and OH BOY DOES SHE STRUGGLE. But with help from Ari and Caboose and the friends she makes along the way she learns how to be a person again :) and how to be happy!!!!!!
Oh also she is a car guy. She loves working on cars and vehicles in general it’s her specialty !!
I love her so much she is everything to me !! Also fun fact I associate her with lions a lot
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^ Rhodes fr
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sketching-shark · 1 year
Bangs head on my desk. Its sooooo fucking hard I have literally most of the LMK fandom blocked and I still can’t fucking escape that mid ass pairing I want to explode. Honest to god it sucks because I actually like analyzing LEMH and Sun wukong’s dynamic when it comes to the original story and like the idea of a character trying so hard to be this other person they just fundamentally erase any aspect of who they could be. That shit is interesting (especially if you interpret the two as actual family bc there’s a level of. Tragedy there) but NOOO mfs wanna focus on shipping clones/siblings together instead and painfully writing both characters ooc instead of just making an oc good fucking god. ( that being said I really like the art you draw of LEMH. It’s really cool. Keep up the good work 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾)
fregarewargtfds I once saw someone describe the LEMH & SWK ship as jttw retellings's reylo and. hm. yeah.
BUT YEAH YEAH YEAH to this day one of the things I find most baffling about the western monkie kid & jttw fandom is this widespread refusal to even recognize LEMH's actions in the og classic. Because it's like: here we have what could very well be one of literature's first instances of the "evil twin" trope and it's being done SPECIFICALLY in a way to create the maximum amount of conflict and uncertainty for SWK!
Because on one hand the false monkey of the true and false monkey king arc is essentially the very embodiment of everything that SWK ever wanted; LEMH, in copying SWK so completely, does it in such a way where he gets to be both a yaoguai warlord with a loving family AND a holy pilgrim bound for glory at the exact same time, whereas SWK is constantly being forced to choose between the two! But LEMH's also doing it in the worst way possible! He beats Tang Sanzang into unconsciousness, steals their stuff for his own use, and in so doing drives a serious rift between SWK and the pilgrims!
He clearly doesn't give af about the Mt. Huaguoshan monkeys outside of how they can serve as his personal tools to fulfill his own aims! He just wants them to use their own powers of transformation so that they can serve as his own obedient group of pilgrims! He even eats one of them as part of a merry feast he throws for himself after a violent encounter with Sha Wujing, and immediately has that monkey replaced with another! And he's doing ALL of this wearing SWK's face and adapting SWK's mannerisms! EVERYONE thinks that it's SWK doing these things! It's like LEMH's very existence is throwing it in SWK's face how this horrible version of himself is closer to achieving ALL of SWK's desires than SWK ever was, and that no matter how much SWK tries to change for the better even the two sides of his beloved family automatically think even this version which would inflict such violence on them is the "true" him! No wonder SWK hated him so much!
And AUGH the possibility of LEMH either being a manifestation of SWK's worst impulses or of being his brother just ramps the tragedy and horror of this situation even more! Like if it was part of SWK inflicting all this pain on the people SWK loves most, well there is truly something messed up about this situation where even if it's not technically "you" going along with your worst impulses they will still hurt people! Could you ever trust yourself again? Should you? How much of the blame for this situation lies with you? And can it be enough to fully acknowledge you have violent impulses but don't act on them?
And yes @the-bitter-ocean even in interpretations where LEMH is some random yaoguai who decides to commit identity fraud the story from his point of view of him throwing away his identity so completely that there's basically nothing left of him is just...goddamn. In his ambition he literally reduced himself to one part of SWK's story, just one more obstacle for the Monkey King to overcome.
And SCREAM if LEMH was SWK's brother? Imagine this situation where for SWK he's confronted by what is essentially the culmination of his failures to protect his family, where his beloved brother (I'm saying beloved because SWK loved all members of his monkey family very much) ended up despising SWK so much that he has essentially destroyed everything that he was or could have been in his bid to be the "real" monkey king and bring glory back to that name, but does so in the worst way possible to the point where SWK feels he has to take down LEMH himself. And then for LEMH, you can see how love and admiration for his brother would be twisted into resentment, envy, obsession, and hatred due to the series of atrocities the Mt. Huaguoshan simians faced in large part as a consequence of SWK's challenge to the heavens and his own sense of entitlement, so that eventually he convinced himself he would be a more "true" monkey king than the monkey king himself, and thus completely discarded his own identity to take on that of his brother, and in doing so basically tossed his own morals given how his "version" of the monkey king cares for no one but himself.
Sorry for the rant! But all the pieces for a whole series of interesting tragedies are! Already! Right! There!!!!! Why are we all so hellbent on ignoring/rewriting them!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
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the-goblin-cat · 5 months
hog from left field, but,
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Casper, my sweet little pumpkin boy imp from the ISEKAI! ttrpg campaign
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
It's fully just a reference to Casper the friendly ghost, cause I originally envisioned him as pale blue
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
Casper is currently 13
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
I jokingly ship him with an extremely minor npc simply called Tenturik Girl. Tenturiks are bearcat-like beasts that fill the same role as dogs in Areatam, the game's setting. However, some of them can grow to massive size. A random human girl around Casper's age joined in a race riding on one such creature.
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
pizza, but especially the concoction the party members invented by cooking flatbread dough on the coals with various herbs and toppings.
💼 - What do they do for a living?
He is a destined hero and a kid, so on the spectrum between "unemployed" and "mercenary".
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
Casper loves games, both video games and physical board and card games. His particular favorite is a game played with cards and figures called Knights of the Spiral.
🎯 -What do they do best?
He's great at picking up new forms of magic and has the highest number of elemental spells of the group, though his physical abilities are lacking as a result.
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
He loves the aforementioned games, and learning new things. He hates being sad or thinking about home.
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
Going to Navy Pier with his older cousin Kay and friend Xochitl. At the time Kay and Xochitl were dating and it was all very happy.
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
The day his mother died, though subsequently trying to run away from home and getting caught in the rain was very close.
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
As mentioned before, I originally wanted him to be blue. He also originally had glasses. I love his current design tho
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
I wanted to create a delightful childish character to foist on the other players, as an homage to @fvriva's Ellie character.
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
They were made for Isekai babey
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
cishet probably.
🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have?
no true siblings, though he and Kay have grown to see each other s such.
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
Casper loved them both very much. However, after his mother's death, his relationship with his father became strained, as the grief left him unable to properly care for his son. Eventually Casper's father checked himself into a facility and sent him to live with his mother's side of the family. Csper's aunt and uncle certainly provide adequate care physically and financially, but have a strained marriage themselves and can't provide emotionally for neither Casper nor Kay.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
In addition to his adorable design I like how the dice tends to fall in his favor. The world is awed by the feats of this very strong little boy
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
the game is play by post and moves at a leisurely pace so a few times a week on average.
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
absolutely not
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
being abandoned
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
None so far, though he and His Holiness the Patriarch Puranmas has a heated debate over whether Shrek was anime
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
Conceptualized bout two years ago, though the game began last year
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tag-that-oc · 1 year
I have gotten permission to talk about my OCverses so take some Starwood Forest ramblings to start!!
I've classified the universe into three 'stages', each representing when the tone of the OCs changed.
The first is the the beginning stage! This one was created during when I was about 12 (I'm 15 now) because I needed a way to express emotions and what better way to do it then animals! This early stage took a lot of inspiration from series like Warrior Cats and Wings Of Fire, which is very noticeable in the first wave of OCs.
Many of these OCs were shallow figures without much thought behind them, and many have since been forgotten about. This stage has gotten slightly revamped overtime, fleshing out certain characters.
Overall this stage was the calmest, one made to pass the time without much thought to how it worked. There were some darker elements, but most of it was suitable to middle schoolers.
(I should also mention the first OCs in this wave Fallen, Goldie, Jay ad Rusty, were based off FNaF OCs. No plot relevance but something that I feel is vaguely important.)
The second stage (The Seas and Skies stage)
This stage was when I started experimenting with darker topics, such as child abandonment, child abuse, homelessness, death of a loved one, and trying to find out your place in life.
Some notable OCs from this time: Ocean, the pirate cat! They were the one I struck with some heavier topics, but mostly left alone. They are the captain of a pirate ship, and just in general a badass. May be non binary. Same case as Seahorse, listed below. Seahorse. Who I explicitly stated to have been abused as a child. First OC to have confirmation of this in front of my parents. Well. I also may have accidently wrote her to be trans coded? Like I didn't mean it but it also fits with her story. So yeah. mtf first mate. she's got a partner. Winter the ghost fox! I love him. I love him so much. He's just a funny ghost fox who lives with a circus. He died from falling off a cliff btw.
This stage was named due to the focus of the oceans and the circus, which included many winged animals, hence the name. There was a lot of escapism stuff, which looking back on it was me trying to find a happy place to escape too when my siblings came after me.
I have gone through and revamped many elements of this stage to comply with the main timeline, as well as adding more queer characters!
One thing I should mention before moving to stage three, is two OCs that belong somewhere between stages one and two. They were created during the first stage, but didn't get fleshed out until the second. Their names are Peppermint and Thistle and they are lesbians and that has always been their relationship since I made them. They basically adopt the kids in the circus that Raven can't take in, so they have a lot of children that stop by!
It was also at this point in time that I started drawing the characters more humanoid, when they had been fully animal before hand.
On to stage three (the King, the Lab, and the Child Soldiers)
This stage is so fucking dark! What was 13 year old me thinking! We've got experimentation, more child abuse and neglect, death, suicide, child soldiers, child death, fighting arenas, corrupt people in power, and quite a bit more on top of everything talked about in stage two! Take this as your fucking trigger warning!
This stage was developed based on a creepypasta OC I had made, and then turned into something so much bigger! We've got a kingdom being ruled over by a queen who is making prisoners who were experimented on fight each other to the death, most of whom were children. We've got Finn, the ball of trauma who ends up ruling the kingdom but only after he kills himself! We've got a hoard of dead kids, one of which can time travel, a bunch of ones that were street kids who were brutally murdered, and group that was fucking child soldiers?????? What the fuck was 13 year old me doing. What the fuck was I doing.
Anyways, this stage is where I ended up putting this OCverse out of main activity and started moving onto the CrossOCverse and the Minecraft OCverse, all of which were just as dark btw. If not more. Remember that the Starwoods forest was something I created with my parents knowledge. Admittlly they didn't know a bunch of details (like anything related to the queer characters because homophobic parents suck) but still.
Anyways, hope you enjoyed these rambles and hopefully I will be back with another ramble about either specific characters or another OCverse. Good bye and good night I am so tired and I apoigize for spelling mistakes.
oh wow this was all really interesting to read! personally i think it's cool and interesting to experiment with darker topics
the characters all sound interesting too!
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slashingdisneypasta · 9 months
Technically this isn't Toon Patrol-centric, however since we've explored Poppy's and Shiny's relationship with Lottie in other AU's, I think it's high time we talked about the gals in OG universe (if you want to of course ^^)
Of course, Lottie is your OC, so whether these are canon on her/your end is all up to you. But here are my thoughts if you'd like;
I think how the girls found out about Charlotte depends on their relationship with the weasels by the time she was left on their doorstep. I got three possible scenarios depending on how tight knit they are with the group.
If Shiny and Poppy didn't know the TP at all... Well they wouldn't know about Lottie until after they gained the boys' trust. Simple as that XD
If the weasels were just starting to come around to the gals, then it probably took a week or two for them to tell Poppy and Shiny. Both because they are still getting used to these two women in their lives, and also because Smartass became a father in one night. They all need a bit of time to adjust XD
If the girls are actually dating Psycho and Greasy, then oh hell yeah, they know right away. I can picture Greasy actually going to call Shiny's work place just before going back to bed and telling her that something pretty big happened, and he'll explain more in the morning like the gossiping bitch he is XD. Poppy also gets the same call in the morning- possibly by Smartass asking her about his list in case he's missinv something... though, ngl I've had an imagine in my head that I've wanted to write where Poppy was actually in Psycho's bed the night Lottie was brought into the house, and she's basically there for the entire thing (Waking up with a shriek when Smartass fires out his front door, following Psycho downstairs despite how very concerned she is about seeing a body, seeing a baby on the porch instead, etc). Though I don't want to impede on your fanfiction and world of course ^^
You and I both know that Poppy is offering her services as much as possible. For one, she loves kids! She'd be happy to help out ^^ and two, she uh... She loves her friends and boyfriend. She really does! But uh... She is also aware of the fact that they may not be the best prepared for a baby XD oh, and just like Stu, Smarty's, and Wheezy's mums, Poppy calls just to check up on Lottie. Psycho gets to know how his boss and comrades feel XD she might come off a bit smothering with how much she tries to help, and I wouldn't be surprised if Smartass actually wound up snapping at her at one point, but she dies truly mean well.
Shiny... Well, this isn't like a deal breaker thing between her and Grease. But she is pretty shocked about all this. After she gets her laugh out (*looks at baby Lottie* *looks at each individual weasel before landing on Smartass* "So, who's the mama~?" "Why'd you ask me first!?"). She's gotta hand it to Smartass for not shipping the kid off to a foster house, that's for certain. But it is going to take her some time to used to the fact that there is a b a b y in the house now. She may not even hold Lottie at first because holy shit, that is a tiny, brand-new-to-the-world weasel. In this house. I can kind of see her being hesitant to hold Lottie similar to how Robin was to hold Lilly and Marshall's baby in HIMYM. Though eventually, she got to hold Lottie for the first time... And she didn't give her back for almost two hours XD
As much as Poppy loves Lottie... She also doesn't approve of Psycho just claiming her as his/their own XD she'd be helping Smartass try to reign Psycho in as much as possible.
Of course, since Smartass is the father, he's supposed to be the one taking care of all the paperwork related to the baby (like getting Lottie into school), I can't help but think about them going to Poppy a lot for this stuff since she is the legal friend XD she doesn't like- pretend to be Lottie's real parent at PTA meetings, but Smartass has asked her on what would be the legal course of action to deal with annoying PTA mums before. Just- how to act the part of a civilian father XD
Shiny hanging out with Lottie when she's 'arrested' by the Toon Patrol!! She's gotta stay inside their house for a certain amount of time before she's 'bailed out' and can rejoin society, so why not?? She and the little rugrat will get into loads of trouble with Lottie's plotting mind and Shiny's experience and willingness to cover for her neice. Greasy and Smartass won't know peace XD
If Poppy and Roger are related, oh you know she's the bridge between the weasels and the Rabbits. Next to Lottie and Ritchie, of course XD she's trying to get Greasy to leave Jessica a l o n e ("She is a married woman, Greasy!! The mother of your neices' best friend!!"), and she will tackle-hug Psycho when he's chasing her cousin around at family outings. Meanwhile, Shiny is just kicking back with the kids and enjoying the crazy show, ("Man, you're guys' families are insane, huh? Wanna go get ice cream before people realize you're related to them?")
When Lottie joined the navy, Poppy was absolutely crying proud, we'll-miss-you-so-much tears on the dock. And telling Lottie to take care of herself and take it as easy as she can (despite... You know, going into the navy XD). Shiny was also proud and sentimental, but she didn't cry or fret. She just gave Lottie one final hug and told her to kick ass on that ship ^^ and that when she got home, they all were definitely having a fun girls night to help her relax the military driven mindset she'll develop.
That's all I can think if at the moment unfortunately. But I hope you like these and that I didn't overstep ^^ feel free to ignore of course ^^
You are absolutely not overstepping, I loved waking up to this! :D :D :D
First of all, I love the idea of Poppy being there with Psycho the night Lottie was dropped off!! I would love to hear more about that if you have thoughts!!! 💛💥💕💛💥💕!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Omg- Shiny finally holding Lottie and then not letting her go for hours? XD Ahhh, that is so so so cute!! XDD And MAN- Poppy's and Shiny's responses to Lottie joining the navy are so so sweet and my heart is so so warm !!
!!! I want to add stuff, I hope thats okay!! ^^ Here are some imagines/thoughts I've had with Lottie, Poppy and Shiny.
Imagine one day Rena turns up to see Adult!Lottie, and Smartass isn't around. And Poppy isn't around. And Stupid isn't around. And Wheezy's not around- no one is there, except Shiny. If Poppy had been there then Lottie might have allowed Rena to come closer and talk to her (Though lord knows, Rena would have nothing good to say. Rena's the kinda mother to only come find her daughter if she needs a transplant or something.), but since she's at Shiny's bar with her Lottie feels absolutely no qualms in telling Rena to leave. Lottie's kind but she is her fathers daughter and she's tough as nails and, yes, she has a hateful side- and Rena is on it. And since its Shiny she's with, who she knows will encourage that if thats what she wants (No questions asked), she feels perfectly comfortable showing it. And Shiny doesn't pester her afterwards over whether she's okay or not, either. I just like the idea of Shiny allowing Lottie to be her tough, hard-ass self.
Imagine if Rena came when Lottie was little and Shiny was babysitting her. I need to know what you think Shiny would do/how she would react XD
Imagine Adult!Post-Navy!Lottie telling Poppy how cool she thinks she is and how much respect she has for her!! Cuz like- Lottie truly does think Poppy is an amazing amazing person and she has just as much respect for as she does for Smartass and thats saying something. She thinks much higher of her then any of her uncles, thats for sure. "Poppy you're literally the coolest, don't underestimate yourself." "I'm a quiet seamstress sweetie. I'm not tough like Shiny, or Smartass, or Greasy, or you- " "Hey. You're kinder then any of us and that is infinitely better then anything the rest of us have, trust me. Case closed." Lottie's voice is gentle but not to be argued with. Cuz my goodness, she has so much awe and respect for Poppy!! So so much!! She genuinely thinks Poppy is the coolest person XD Lottie has her priorities straight!
Imagine Teenage!Lottie sneaking out of her house to go on a date and Shiny and Greasy are supposed to be 'babysitting' her while the others are all out. Shiny catches sight of Lottie slipping past them in the dark while Greasy's engrossed in the movie in front of them and Lottie's eyes go wide. She points to the back of Greasy's head and holds a finger up to her mouth. Like stay. quiet. He will rat her out to her dad in a heartbeat. What happens next? XD
And a simple, fun (for us XD Not so much for Poppy 😅) one- Imagine Child!Lottie asking Poppy and Smartass together why she doesn't have a mummy. Imagine Child!Lottie asking Poppy if she's her mother. What does Poppy do when Smartass is just like... 'not it' and looks pointedly down at a newspaper? XD
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