#The only thing I retained from reading the wiki page about these guys is that the archetype is broken because of link summons LOL
ygoartreviews · 1 year
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Amorphage Gluttony
I've talked about horrifying cards before but... What in the absolute world is going on with these monsters??? This is some next level body horror shit. And by body hour I guess I mean Absorption. There's so much to unpack here. The big one is the obviously suffering fly that's desperately trying to escape but uhhhh what the hell is up with the red vein-like things??? (On one of these guys it straight up looks like blood). Also, all the weird sunken eyes??? What purpose could those possibly serve? All of this seems to distract from a big point, which is the literal bacteriophage just kinda latched onto the dragon there. I guess that's what's causing this horrifying scene, because I can't really think of any other reason this would be happening. I will say the background is pretty sick though.
Rating: 9/10, is this animorphs but for dragons?
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 5 years
can you meet me tonight in detention? (Iida Tenya X Reader)
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I’s been wanting to write for Iida for a while... and so I did! My best... I love this boy he’s so underrated compared to Deku, Bakugo and Todoroki and he’s so nice... uptight... but nice...
Summary: Even the hardest workers get stressed out and exhausted, but sometimes stressed out just snap...
Warning: The reader is not going to be very kind in this story because well... while I have my limits on how mean a reader can be, I also thought it’d be neat to feature a mean-ish kind of reader in a story. But... if you don’t really like, I don't recommend this.
I also wrote this because I’m so stressed out I wish I could scream at someone since the people I’m around IRL either don’t notice or just don’t give a shit. 
Also angst, mentions of stress and anxiety, but with a happy ending. 
Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vw9k5HWGwI
I'm not a bad guy So don't treat me bad if I'm feeling sad, alright? Please don't be mad if I don't smile back, alright? If I fuck up my words, don't think I'm absurd, alright? Alright?
“Are you serious…?” You said outloud as you sat on your bed, looking at your phone and reading up on certain pages and wikis that interested you as a means to distract yourself from the fact that you had a shit-ton of homework due at the end of the week, as well as like 3 different tests.
Thankfully, Iida was already kind enough to actually help you study for the test that was today in class, and even helped you in the other subjects and yet for some reason your brain still felt empty. He was so nice, he really did help you but you envied how he could easily retain this information. Clearly, he knew you were struggling, but you had a feeling he didn’t entirely get just how much you were struggling both emotionally and physically.
You wanted to tell him, you did but at the same time it wasn’t any of his business. Iida was too sweet to put up with your bullshit and you weren’t going to do that to him. So to you it just felt like it made more sense to bottle all of this up rather than be upfront with your stress. And anything else you might have felt for him…
When did school get so hard? And when did it catch up to you all so fast? Did you procrastinate worse than you thought? Or were the teachers just being extra cruel?
At this point you had no idea, but all that mattered was that you were in your dorm room and could only partially relax before those fucking tests. You just wanted to sleep for the rest of your life or at least sleep all the way through your school-life until you get somewhere you want.
The worst part? 
The second you blinked you realized that you had already somehow fallen asleep and the clock on your phone read 8 am. God... you couldn’t...
You couldn’t get yourself out of bed yet, you had to just lie down for another 5 minutes before those motherfucking tests.
“(Y/N). Are you okay?” However, a soft knock and a soft voice broke you from your thoughts but it was only Uraraka and you sighed in relief. She was okay, you didn’t mind hearing from her. “Uh huh I’m good Ochako.” You replied neutrally and you didn’t have to see her face to know she was smiling.
“Oh good! Breakfast will be ready soon okay?”
You smiled a little bit and gave another relieved sigh, “Okay… awesome I’ll be there shortly.” Good, you could stress eat at breakfast and try to not freak out or throw it back up when you start your tests.
Once you made it to the kitchen to eat with everyone, keeping to yourself and managing to somehow eat enough to satisfy your hunger for a little bit. Although you didn’t seem to notice that some of your friends, namely Uraraka, Midoriya and Iida had noticed how little you’ve been eating lately.
You barely had much breakfast at all...
However, you didn’t want to bother anyone at all until everything was taken care of so you quickly hid away once breakfast was over so you could relax in the commons for a little while longer until class starts and then you had to do all those blasted tests.
Once your ass hit the soft couch, you immediately put your ear buds in to play the first song that came to mind to block out the rest of the world for at least 3 minutes.
“Find a cure Find a cure for her life Put a price Put a price on her soul.”
“Oh my god Oh you think I'm in control Oh my god Oh you think it's all for fun.”
“Oh my God…” You mouth the lyrics and bobbed your head to the lyrics with your eyes closed, completely ignoring the reality around you as you sang this beautifully angry song that sounded just like your life right now.
And you had no idea that someone was trying to get your attention as you just kept mouthing the lyrics and dancing in seat to the rhythm. 
Nope, you couldn’t hear anything, you were too busy rocking out and listening to the screaming and the cries for help that you made you wanna scream too. Yeah! You were going to do it!
Except you didn’t shout, it was someone else who had raised their voice and tapped your shoulder as you opened your eyes in shock and looked up at the offender with wide (E/C) eyes. It was Iida, and he didn’t look too happy with the fact that you had your earphones on full blast and didn’t hear him. But your shocked look just turned into a look of annoyance as you reluctantly put your music on pause.
“Please take off your headphones.” He started by politely requesting that you take the buds out of your ears and God you were so annoyed but did it anyway, “Ugh…” What did he want now? You were NOT in the mood.
“What Iida?” That came off a lot ruder than you intended to but at this point you were starting to care less and less.
“You really shouldn’t listen to your music at such high volume, it might actually worsen your hearing overtime.” He just HAD to give you a little mini-lecture about how listening to music too loud was going to make your hearing worse as you get older.
Why did you have a crush on him? Dammit, you wanted to focus on the fact that he was so handsome because he was. He was so handsome and such a good guy, and you adored him, but right now you weren’t in lovey-dovey mode, you were in hella-stressed mode and thus in a bad place to be lectured.
Hella-stressed mode brought out a less than pleasant side of you, where you just saw all the flaws in people and sometimes you did things you often regretted afterward. Right now you were holding it all back though, for Iida’s sake…
I'm physically exhausted Tired of my knuckles beating I'm chewing gum to pass this time Sadness, can't you see it? You're too busy seeking self-pleasures Look at how I'm feeling You write me up and say it's love And I can't believe it...
“Whatever, I’m going to the bathroom to wash my face or something... I’m exhausted.” Standing up, you tried to exit but he stopped you before you got the chance to take even a step forward. “I’m sorry (L/N) but could you please stay where you are? There’s something you and I need to discuss because I think it’s very important regarding your exhaustion.”
“Ugh.” You replied in annoyance, completely missing the concerned look on his face turn mildly offended, but at least he didn’t call you out on it. “I know you’re quite busy, but as of late you haven’t been eating very well. I’ve noticed it. I recommend that you start to monitor yourself because skipping even one meal can impact your moods and affect your health. Look at yourself, you’re out of it and that makes me wonder if you’ve been getting enough sleep.” He was telling you this like you didn’t already know that.
“Mm-hmm.” You nodded and hummed as you tried not to express ALL the annoyance you had right now.
“You’ve been falling behind a little bit too, I think it might be because of this decline in eating well. So please start taking better care of yourself okay? I can help you though if you-.” You had to stop him right there.
“I’m well aware of that Iida. Why do you think I’ve been working so hard? I know I’m falling behind… that’s why I’ve been working my ass off lately.” Keeping your cool (but barely) you explained yourself and hoped that it would make him see from your point of you, but he didn’t seem to entirely get your plight.
“And I commend you for that, but I’m also talking about your health here. Not taking care of yourself is going to make your grades suffer, it’s why you’re struggling right now.” Iida meant well, he really did, but he just did not understand…
“Is that really why I’m struggling? Is it?” So you lost some of your patience with him but didn’t raise your voice. Although he was a bit surprised at how you were biting back.
“Yes I believe so, that’s why I’m suggesting that you eat better so you don’t struggle like you currently are right now, and furthermore I recommend procrastinating less, I’m aware that you’re prone to that, which may also be why you’re struggling.” Twitching your eyebrow, you lost the ability to look at him because the more he spoke, the more it felt like he was just calling you out.
“Not everyone can be as on top of it as you okay?” Maybe this time he’d get the message to leave you alone, because right now you wanted him to just go and not remind you of how much you were sucking and how much stress you were in as your heart started to race...
And this wasn’t one of those crush heartbeating things, no, you were trembling because of everything that was starting to crawl into your skin as you resisted the urge to pace and run away or do something else undesirable...
Iida was even more surprised, but he still tried to be sympathetic because he was, he really was to your plight even though he wasn’t completely aware of how you were feeling. “(L/N) please… I’m not trying to put myself above you or offend you, I’m trying to help you because I’m worried about you and I want you to-“
That’s it…
“Dammit will you just SHUT YOUR TRAP AND LET ME HAVE THE LAST WORD FOR ONCE?!” There was nothing you saw other than red as you suddenly just screamed at the class rep and ignored how your shout had alarmed some of your classmates as they somewhat awkwardly arrived at the source of the shouting. 
You couldn’t take it anymore. You simply couldn’t have someone trying to talk you down and ignore the fact that you were so pissed off and stressed out. And you REALLY didn’t need someone to kick you while you’re down. Whether they intended to do that or not, you didn’t need it and you didn’t want it.
Iida was visibly horrified, his eyes went wide at your sudden outburst but he couldn’t just let you get away with talking to him like that when he was just trying to help you. “(L/N)! Watch your language and please don’t use that tone with me when I’m trying to help you!” Voice slightly raised, he still tried to retain a sense of professionalism and not just snap at you like you were doing as you gave him a look. Who the hell was he your dad?
“You may not be feeling well, I can sympathize with that but that’s why I-.” He really wanted to help you, and it was actually kind of hurting him that you didn’t seem to want it. But he had to help you, maybe he should have been helping you more. Because right now…
You couldn’t with him. You literally could not.
You could not pretend that everything was all right anymore, and Iida was unlucky enough to be around you while you were definitely not all right.
Hey, can you meet me tonight in detention? I can feel your blood pressure rise, fuck this tension Let me crawl up into your mind, did I mention? Pretending everything's alright is detention...
“No you know what? Just stop! I am SICK to death of you always droning ON AND ON about shit I could care less about, because the truth is dude-” You were ready to just go on and on but to your shock, Iida was still trying to talk over you as a means to put an end to this. He hated the fact that he was even arguing with you about this, he never wanted to argue with any of his dear classmates.
“Enough already (L/N)! I won’t be spoken to in such a manner when I’m looking out for you! Please just let me-.” He cut you off, so you immediately did the same.
“No! Be quiet! That’s your problem! You’re like talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap, YAP! Blah blah blah, on and on over and over again!” You made a mocking voice as you used both your hands to do the ‘blah blah’ gesture much to Iida’s slight horror at the way you just went off on him and weren’t stopping...
He tried very hard to try and get his word in as he stammered and every time he tried to speak you raised your voice and made yourself louder, meaner...
“Like oh my GOD I can’t believe how ANNOYING I didn’t realize you were until now! What kind of taste do I have?! I mean oh my GOD! You’re grating, you’re an uptight ass, you bitch, you nag, you’re privileged and don’t even know it, you’re an oblivious snob, you stick your nose in everyone’s business and you strut around acting like some kind of God Mode Mr. Goody Goody Two shoes, well cut it the fuck out! I’m tired of it man! I’m tired as hell, and I don’t need you up in my business and bothering the hell out of me you annoying priss! And I especially don’t need some privileged rich boy telling me that I need to take care of myself, when I don’t have the fucking advantages that you have!” As you let out quite a furious tangent and listed off all the things you disliked about your class rep with your fingers, you were so furious and making all these hand gestures you didn’t see the appalled look on his face. 
You DID see small glints of tears threatening to well in his eyes though. Oh he’s going to cry now? Typical. Apparently, he couldn’t handle the truth, could he? Classic rich boy move.
“(L/N)! N-Now you’re just being rude!” Iida was so lost for words at your barrage of insults and apparently how you really felt about him that there was little he could say to defend himself. Never in his life has anyone told him things like that.
And he looked even more distraught when he saw you laughing, “Oh! You’re gonna cry now? WOOOOOW… so you can dish it by being on people’s ass but you can’t even take it? I don’t feel sorry for you... Did I hurt your feelings? Did I hurt the rich boy's feelings~?”
“Stop it…!” His voice cracked ever so slightly and he hated himself for it as you relentlessly went in to drive the final knife into the fresh wound.
“Well then how about YOU stop fucking up my school life and leave me the hell alone already you four-eyed, made-in-the-shade jerk?!” You were standing big as you shouted at him with exhausted eyes that he couldn’t see through his tearful ones.
“Y-You’re going to detention after classes are over!” Iida quickly snapped back. He wasn’t certain if he had that authority but he needed to do something, anything to reassert himself, even though his quivering lip and the tears in his eyes hardly made him intimidating for you as you scoffed and threw your hands up in the air.  
“Great! I’m gonna love it there! You wanna know why? Cuz I get to be away from you!”
The fact that you were in trouble and definitely going to detention didn’t seem to deter you as the taller male hitched his breath, forcing back the rest of his tears and threw an arm to cover his eyes when the traitorous tears streamed down his cheeks. He couldn’t let his classmates see him like this, he couldn’t let you see him like this so he could only do what his available part of his brain told him to do, the part based on emotion, and so he quickly dashed off away from his classmates as Uraraka and Midoriya tried to call him back while you just huffed and watched him run off with slightly wide eyes…
De-detention De-detention Pretending everything's all right is detention...
“Oh my… (L/N)… please, I understand you’re upset but… please let’s all just calm down…” However, because the other could tell you were still mad, Yaoyorozu tried to fill in for Iida in getting you calm down, but unfortunately she underestimated your anger at the moment.
“Ohhh like it’s SO easy… you’re just as bad as him Yaoyorozu! What’s the rich girl got to worry about huh? You can calm down easily since you can afford EEEEEEVERYTHING in the world…” You were still pissed and reacting purely on anger without even thinking of what you were saying, and poor Yaoyorozu walked into the lion’s den not knowing that the lion was awake and pissed.
You were the lion.
“W-What?! B-But I-.”
“But NOTHING. Calm down?! That’s easy for you to say! You’re SO fucking smart and I bet everything Asshole-sensei gives you is like no fucking problem, what are you even doing here Yaoyorozu?!” You couldn’t take it anymore, what were all the rich kids doing at this school when they could do whatever they wanted? While people like you, Uraraka and Kirishima were working your asses off because you had to actually work for it.
It wasn’t Iida’s fault, and it wasn’t Yaoyorozu’s fault either and you knew it, but you were so pissed off and at an all-time stress high you thought the tears welling in her eyes were innocuous and just another way to get sympathy from the others. Of course, the princess wanted sympathy because she wouldn’t and couldn’t understand real world struggles. And you were certain that the princess was going to get what she wanted because you had no doubt that she always got what she wanted.
“I-I…” Oh now SHE was crying,  wow...
“I-I’m here to be a hero like everyone else is! Just like you!” She exclaimed and covered her mouth when the tears were coming and she couldn’t stop them, but you had no sympathy for her right now. She could do anything she wanted, and she wanted to be a hero? So why didn’t she just buy her way into an agency?
“Oh! You’re crying now! HA! Classic princess move, can’t handle any kind of real world truth because you’re SOOOOO sheltered and happy in your big fancy castle and people like me are stuck in little shitholes barely making ends meet, well go cry home to your rich mommy and daddy sweetheart don’t cry here. If you can’t handle real-world shit, go cry home to mommy and daddy and maybe think about how great you have it and how you have never struggled a goddamn day in your life, while people like me got shit and have to deal with everything by ourselves using what WE got every goddamn day...” Your display of aggression and downright callousness shocked everyone, but Jirou didn’t hesitate to step in to defend Yaoyorozu when she burst into tears and ran over to a worried Ashido and Uraraka.
“Okay that’s it! You better leave her alone (L/N)! And chill the hell out! She didn’t do anything to you!”
Wrong choice of words…
“I need to chill the hell out?!”
Girl vs girl, Mineta was much too scared to enjoy the concept of a catfight as you and Jirou got up in each other’s faces, but it didn’t last long when your anger took the reigns, “How about you shut the fuck up so I don’t have to listen to your condescending smart-ass comments?! Ain’t nobody asked for your imput!”
“I’m serious (L/N)! Cut it out or-“
“Or what?! I can kick your ass easily Jirou, don’t even try me right now, cuz I am HELLA stressed out and my telekinesis can fuck anything up cuz of the headache I’ve had for the last two weeks. I already beat up several people in the Sports Fest and another edgy chick at the USJ. But if you wanna try to pick a fight with me go ahead, it’ll end badly I guarantee it…”
Your threat actually intimidated her because she’s seen you use your telekinesis quirk in battle and you got good with your quirk, but didn’t have COMPLETE control over it especially when your emotions got the better of you and you were in the WORST possible mood. Jirou reluctantly backed off as you scoffed.
“Good.” You could have beaten her in a battle, but that was the last thing you wanted since you were tired and mad as hell. You were going to feel horrible about it later but right now you were stuck on anger, and your concerned classmates just wanted to help you.
“(L/N)… being angry is not a pretty feeling…”
“Yeah, c’mon now just… try and-“
Not wanting to anger you any further, kind souls like Aoyama and Ojiro attempted to try and get you to calm down, but it didn’t work…
“Try and what?! I don’t need you guys to tell me what to do either! What can you dolts even do?!” You shouted at them too, and already the two blondes were scared as hell and trembling at the volume you were using.
“Aoyama! You’re a joke and I have NO idea how you even got into this class!” You pointed at the taller blonde who’s eyes widened and he backed away slightly, and then you turned your finger over to Ojiro.
“Ojiro you’re even worse! You’re weak-willed, boring and your so-called costume is the definition of a fashion faux-pas!” Suddenly you shouted that last word a little bit louder as he, like Aoyama, backed away slightly when your words straight up attacked them…
Quietly Aoyama gasped when the words hit him, it was a tad bit dramatic but genuine as your words sincerely did hurt as the tears instantly sprung to his eyes while Ojiro felt an uncomfortable swell of hurt in his chest as he couldn’t fight his own tears at how much that stung and how you just kept yelling.
“What kinda advice do two of the most frivolous students in our class have for me? Hmm?! Go on, lemme hear it!”
“N-Nevermind… s-sorry for bothering you…” Ojiro tried and failed to hold back the tears in his eyes, and it wasn’t just him, Aoyama was on the verge of tears as he hiccuped, “O-Oui… w-we didn’t mean to… upset you…”
They both timidly apologized, before they both dashed away from you, crying as they covered their eyes. in an attempt to hide their tears On any normal day you would have felt horrible, but not right now, not yet…
Your next victim in the making? You turned with a frenzied look in your eye to see a very nervous looking Midoriya as he was trembling where he stood. He KNEW he was in trouble just for daring to speak up and you could tell he was AFRAID. “P-Please… s-stop this…? I-I know that you’re mad but…”
“Well, well, well, well, wellllll~!” Cutting him off you threw your hands in the air, “The famous Deku, always, ALLLLLLWAYS gotta play the motherfuckin’ hero, well… NOT TODAY DEKU!” You went from 5 to 10 just like that as Izuku shrunk and yelped a bit.
“I’m not in the mood to be hearing nothing from your goody goody two-shoes ass cuz I got shit on my mind you couldn’t even begin to understand cuz you’re SOOOOO smart, so when I say ‘Shut the fuck up’ I mean SHUT THE FUCK UP!” God you were being so mean and a part of you felt horrible when Izuku was trembling with fearful tears in his eyes, but you were still angry and your anger was still in control as you saw the green-haired boy back away…
“Right choice… now… does anybody else have anything that they wanna share or ask me?” You asked everyone else, outright warning them all as Bakugo snickered a bit at how angry you were. Was it wrong that he found this kind of awesome? Way to tell off the privileged ones and the losers and ESPECIALLY Deku…
I wanna go home and you say, "Now is not the time" Fuck being all alone in back of the classroom, ah Stop calling up my phone, trying to say that I've been out of line When all I ever asked was to go to the bathroom...
“Why did Iida, Ojiro and Aoyama just run off crying?”
Aizawa’s voice broke you out of the rage you were in as he entered the room. Even though you turned to face him with the same exhausted and irritated look on your face. He wasn’t having it, but neither were you. However, you knew better than to shout at this asshole that was your teacher and you didn’t need to be in anymore trouble than you already were.
He knew you were pissed off and stressed out, but he saw three of his students run off in tears, and then Yaoyorozu and Midoriya were crying too. Classic stress-induced meltdown…
“I made them cry sir.” You muttered and raised your hand as you didn’t look any less annoyed. Yeah you made them cry, so what? Dammit… you made them cry… for some reason that didn’t feel very good when you actually said it outloud.
“Why?” He asked you in a plain, simple tone as you tried not to look anymore annoyed. “Iida told me things I didn’t want to hear. So I yelled at him. Ojiro and Aoyama tried to get me to calm down, but I didn’t wanna hear that neither, so I yelled at them too. Yaoyorozu and Midoriya too.” You had to reluctantly admit what you had done, and to your shock Aizawa didn’t seem TOO annoyed.
“Iida said I have detention because I was rude to him. I don’t really care that I was but I will be in detention.” Sighing, you at least had enough balls to admit that you weren’t going to skip detention, which mildly surprised Aizawa as he sighed.
These kids…
“Very well. Make sure to apologize to everyone when you’re done.” He wasn’t good at the whole comforting and making kids make up, so he just expected you to apologize because he knew that you would start feeling bad soon. You weren’t normally like this, it was just stress and he understood that, but he wasn’t going to straight-up tell you to relax. And you didn’t expect him to either since he knew his students knew better. 
Aizawa cared about his students, and you knew that, and you were actually glad that he didn’t punish you any further and instead just made sure you remembered to go to detention.
You did it. 
You finished all the fucking tests and you were freaking the fuck out. You had no idea how you did, but at the same time you really didn’t give a shit. They were done, and that’s all that mattered to you right now.
Yet, why didn’t you feel as good as you wanted to? After a test you normally felt SOME relaxation and proceeded to treat yourself or just go to sleep after everything was done. Except, treating yourself felt impossible…
For one, you had detention to go to after school. Second, once tests were finished you became aware of how HELLA awkward everything was in class after your meltdown. Iida refused to look at you the entire time as he quickly averted you and avoided you every time you were in the vicinity. Every time you even looked at him, he ignored you. Which actually really stung...
Then Midoriya and Jirou almost seemed nervous when you were close too, as they looked away from you out of fear that you’d say something mean again. Then Yaoyorozu, Ojiro and Aoyama practically teared up when you looked over at them.
Clearly… they were all still feeling hurt over your words and how you behaved. Did you feel bad? Yes…
“Are you okay (Y/N)?” Thank God Uraraka at least wasn’t treating you like some kind of monster as she seemed the most concerned for you.
You shook your head and sighed, “I was SO stressed out Ochako… I just… snapped… I know it’s no excuse for what I said to Iida and the others but… god… I was SO stressed out… and I took everything out on them… I needed to, I mean I shouldn’t have but I just… felt like I had to…” You could be honest with Uraraka, and although she didn’t approve, she understood.
“I know… it’s okay… I wasn’t feeling very good either because of the tests either... it’s stressful, it really is... But… you can still apologize to them… when you’re ready. They’ll understand, after all… Iida… Deku, Jirou, Yaoyorozu, Ojiro and Aoyama are nice. I know that they’ll forgive you and understand why you were upset and know that you really didn’t mean any of it. They know you (Y/N).” She gave you a soft smile in hopes that it would reassure you, and it did a little bit as you gave her a little smile in return.
“I sure hope so…” 
Even though she could tell you were nervous, Uraraka had faith in you. She knew you could do it, and she knew that you would win them back because after all they were in this together right? Everyone stressed out when it came to trying to be good at what you’re doing.
You thought so too. You were sad, that’s all, you were stressed out, that’s all. It wasn’t an excuse, but still. You didn’t mean to hurt anyone.
And you really didn’t mean to hurt Iida...
Hey, can you meet me tonight in detention? I can feel your blood pressure rise, fuck this tension Let me crawl up into your mind, did I mention? Pretending everything's alright is detention 
What have you done?
Being in detention with Present Mic made you realize that you screwed up. Albeit because he tried to do The Breakfast Club thing by making you and the other students in detention just write why you thought you were here. In English.
You didn’t really have a problem with English but thinking about why you were in detention and writing about why you thought you were in detention made you realize EXACTLY why you were in here. You snapped at your innocent classmates, threatened one classmate, and made some of your classmates’ cry, even when they were trying to help you, you made them cry…
You made Ojiro cry. You made Aoyama cry. You made Midoriya and Yaoyorozu cry.
You made Iida cry…
You made the boy you’ve been crushing on for quite some time cry. He wanted to help you and you said all of those horrible things to him and made him feel lower than he’s probably ever felt. And Iida really was a sweet guy. Yes… he was uptight, yes he came off as a bit of a snob, but dammit, he only bothered you because he cared about you, he helped you because he cared about you, and you yelled at him and hurt his feelings.
The thought made you want to cry as a tear dripped down your cheek and onto the paper you were writing on to confess your crimes.
“Hey… it’s okay now (L/N)…” Present Mic was kind enough to offer you some sympathy though because he and Eraser knew that you were just under a lot of stress and meant none of the nastier things you might have said to your classmates. “It’s okay… the worst part is over for now doncha think? It’s time to move on! And squeeze in some downtime afterwards yeah~! Maybe relax yourself now that you have a little time to breath!” He was still as excitable as ever, and it actually made you smile as you wiped your tears away.
“Yeah... yeah you’re right sir...” 
No more negativity. Not right now.
You wanted positivity, and show that kind positivity to your classmates from now on. As soon as you were finished with your paper and handed it to Mic, you were rushing out the door. “You got this!!” He made sure to give you that support too, because he knew a stressed-out student when he saw one and that’s the only reason you got upset in the first place. They needed to do something about students and mental health…
Tonight I can feel your blood pressure rise Let me crawl up into your mind Pretending everything's alright Is detention...
To be continued...
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everly-kindred · 5 years
Eve’s Diary - Entry #44
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Synopsis: A very snowy week of January passes, and Eve collects her thoughts on the happenings. 
Words: 1,501
Date: 17th of January, 2027
Dear Diary, 
Well. It has been quite a week. I feel like my mind is too full of things, and I’m definitely looking forward to the weekend to process some of it. I’m gonna at least write down what I remember, to sort of… unload and unpack.
First of all, I finally approached that Persephone Vitrac girl. I didn’t mean to, but I stumbled upon her and kind of just… started asking all those questions about werewolves that have been bouncing around my brain. I had been reading those old Owl Post articles, after all, so I was really curious. 
What I learned was: 
Dittany and silver are used to heal werewolf injuries - silver does not hurt werewolves. And this is the only thing that can heal those wounds, thus why almost all, if not ALL werewolves are also magical folk. 
Werewolves face so much discrimination because of their violent nature, that it drove them to the Dark Lord’s army, as they believed they would finally be safe and in a community of their own. 
The discrimination stems from the fact werewolves do not retain their human mind when changed and have a weird and strong desire to attack other humans…
UNLESS they take wolfsbane, which was only invented around 50 years ago, and magical folk live really, really long so many remember life before wolfsbane.
Werewolf related injuries are considered curse damage and will never heal properly.
No one really knows where the curse of lycanthropy started. 
The Lovelace woman I read about in the papers is the one who turned Persephone, several years ago, and was the one doing the Hogsmeade attacks that I read about, dreamed about, even had a vision about. 
I think that’s everything she told me. Anyways, it gave me a lot to think about. Especially because we had our full moon just last week - and ironically enough, January’s full moon is called the ‘Wolf Moon.’ Or at least, that’s one of a few nicknames for it. It’s also called the Old, Winter, or After-Yule moon. 
For this moon, I asked my tarot deck to present me with a card that would show me what to expect between this moon and the next. I know that I should do a larger reading for esbats, but I honestly don’t have the energy to. 
Anyways, I pulled judgment, which tells me imminent change is coming, and I will have to make a very important decision of some kind. I’m unsure of what this could be, so for now, I will sit tight, continue my studies and practices, and wait to see how life unfolds. 
Most of my dreams have been nonsense, like, the other night I dreamt that Talula owned a shop inside the school, and she made and sold really pretty velvet dresses, and then this boy who was really mean came and lit the shop and the school on fire. But, like, Talula thought it was funny? And it just didn’t feel like how any of my serious dreams felt, so I sort of brushed it off. 
Though I did have a dream about Aures, too. She was really sad and was sitting in the snow alone, when three roses grew from seedlings to buds, to fully blossoming in a circle around her. And then these roses began to glow and turned into three foxes curled around her, and the foxes seemed to make her happy. So I took some of the wood from artificer club, and a knife and paint, and carved Aures her own little wooden fox that I put in a terrarium for her. 
Speaking of, Bonnie has been showing us how to carve our own wands in Artificer club. I tried to make mine look like a berry branch… Maybe Holly or Blackberry, I’m not sure. We’re going to paint and polish our wands next week. I want mine to be colourful rather than just polished wood. I feel like there are so many creative opportunities with wands that don’t get explored!
Also in Artificer club, I talked to Bobby and this older boy who had approached us to talk to Tal, about making a jellyfish lantern. If I get a floaty fabric and a jar, I could probably make it.. I’d have to learn how to cast bluebell flames and a few floating spells like wingardium leviosa, and I feel like there’d have to be some level of enchantment involved, but maybe Bonnie could help me! I think it sounds so nice to have a glowy jellyfish floating above you as a nightlight. 
We had Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Vikander had something really noisy in some sort of cage covered in cloth that looked stained with either blood or jam. I hope whatever it was is closer to the latter, and not the former. Anyways, Vikander asked us about dark creatures, what makes a creature dark, and that sort of thing. And Aures said something that sort of echoed and reminded me of a thought I’d had when we were talking about dragons. And I’ve come to the conclusion that humans, both magic and muggle, really are the most deadly creatures on the planet. 
History is really… bloodstained, and we’ve caused so much damage to all living creatures, ourselves, and our own planet. So we must be the darkest creatures of all, even if we have the capability of being the opposite. We can choose to be different, we can choose to be light. So that’s what I’m going to do. I will be one of the lights in the darkness. I have to be. If no one did it, we’d all drown and cease to exist. 
Speaking of dark things like this, I need to remember to write Aisling a letter and ask how she’s doing. The attacks have continued to be addressed, and they’re apparently still looking for the guy who has been going after animagi. I hope they catch him. 
On lighter notes, some fun things have happened this week, too! Like, Professor Banks was substituting for Transfigurations this week, and we were talking about the basic functions of Transfigurations and whatnot… And I think… Well, I asked her if it’d be possible to use magic to turn oneself into a faerie, and she wouldn’t answer, which tells me it is! If I can just make myself really small, and give myself wings and maybe pointy ears… It’d be wonderful! And dangerous too, of course, but you know… 
I went to Arithmancy and learned that even though numbers and my brain don’t really get along, it’s an interesting class! Professor Rask made all these pretty shapes in the air with the wand-writing spell, and we were meant to copy those shapes and sort of do something to comprehend them, but I couldn’t get my wand to work with me. I also met a few new people - a boy named Colin Mackenzie (who called me Lady Kindred, thank you very much! Makes me sound like a knight or a princess or something!) and a girl named Maddy Hemlock, who tried to help me cast the spells. 
There was this girl in that class who was really mean to one of the older Hufflepuffs. She called her a loser and told her to get out of ‘her seat’ and it was just… really odd, but no fights were started or anything. She was just kinda loud about it, but the Hufflepuff moved and didn’t kick up a fuss. I didn’t like it though.
In Herbology, Ruby’s friend Octavia sat next to me. It was her birthday, so I gave her a chocolate chip biscuit with some icing. I guess she really liked it, because she got really energetic afterward! I also gave one to this other girl who was sitting next to me, another Slytherin, because her stomach rumbled and it was close to dinnertime anyhow. 
And then tonight, I had divinations with Bonnie. We were continuing our eye study, and so Bonnie told me to look in her eyes and tell her what I saw. Basically, to no one’s surprise, Bonnie is a brilliant mind and will have many opportunities before her. But I warned her not to burn herself out by putting too much on her plate. 
I think I want to paint her eyes, as well. So maybe I’ll do that this weekend… paint some eyeballs and write Aisling a letter. 
It’s been snowing like crazy. I feel trapped in this castle, in a way, and comforted in another. Like the snow is a clean, sparkling blanket against the stone walls, keeping us safe to be cosy by our warm fires. I’m certainly much sleepier this time of year. I love all of the seasons, honestly, and I especially love when things shift and change, so I’m really getting ready for spring. I know that’s a long way away, though. 
Anyways, it’s super late and I need to go to sleep. 
Much love, Everly
About the Character: Everlina Rosemary Kindred is an imaginative Hufflepuff attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She keeps up with her magical journey through a series of diary entries, dream journals, and tarot readings, all documented for future reflection. Her diary is a small glimpse into her enchanted life, and her adventure into the wizarding world and all its splendors. If you’d like more information about Eve, visit her wiki page. 
About the Author: My name is Katherine! I am a 21-year-old Hufflepuff & Pukwudgie from Louisville, Kentucky. This page is my creative journey into the magical world, through the lenses of Second Life. Here I post diary entries, dream journals, and tarot readings all from my character’s perspective. If you’d like more information about me, visit my Flickr! 
Outfit Credits:
Hair - Magika - Hair - Faye
Eyes - Gloom. - Walkers Collection - Undying ((Now at Epiphany!))
Skin - DeeTaleZ *Appliers* for Genus Heads *Sienna* Nordic
Head - GENUS Project - Genus Head - Baby Face
Headband - Mossu - Fleur.Wreath
Sweater - neve top - sharp
Book & Pose - *!R.O!* Knowledge BENTO Pose
Choker - Whisper ~ Teeny Choker 
Ring - ^^Swallow^^ Lock of Love Ring
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seeksstaronmewni · 5 years
Joel R. Valentine: An Under-Appreciated Sound Designer
Note before reading that, for the sake of privacy, NO PICTURES of Joel IN HIS STUDIO are allowed in this post. I respect him as a humble artist enough to obey this.
Joel Valentine is a sound designer who is usually credited for only sound editing, usually under the name of his company “Twenty-First Century Entertainment, Inc.” (AKA “21st Century Sound Design Corp.)--a private contractor who seems fairly under-appreciated. He created “The Producer’s Sound Effects Library” (according to Trademarkia), which is used by Hacienda Post, Jeff Hutchins, Atlas Oceanic, and maybe even Advantage Audio.
In more familiar context, Joel is the sound designer of mostly cartoons, namely Cartoon Network projects and the works of Craig McCracken and Genndy Tartakovsky, like The Powerpuff Girls and Samurai Jack, as well as Dexter’s Laboratory (Joel is credited for sound design on the package design/summary of Dexter’s Laboratory: Ego Trip, however, and as a sound editor on the special). Joel Valentine is responsible for the soundtrack to many of my favorite childhood cartoons... or cartoon cartoons, to be a bit more specific.
"Edits fast, sounds great, and doesn't break. The DM -80's multilayering capabilities and simultaneous recording on all tracks gives us the flexibility to do whatever we want."
This is a quote from Joel Valentine on the DM-80, from a supplement to a March 1994 issue of BROADCAST engineering / BE Radio.
Jeff Hutchins, the sound designer behind Spongebob Squarepants and a creative at Hacienda Post/Sabre Media/Flash Bomb Audio and Warner Bros. Sound/Audio Circus, was an assistant to Joel Valentine. They both edited sound on 2 Stupid Dogs and Dead in the Water. Jeff Hutchins made a number of tweets to me that compliment and reference Joel Valentine:
“Joel was a master of recording and funny sounds. He is still the a pillar of cartoon sound and I wish to recognize him. I believe he was working and had credits prior to 1985. Few people enter the business as a mixer. Look up Harmony Gold. Things should pop up”
“Joel is an incredible talent and I think the world of him. Rock on Joel!”
“Joel has a crisp & distict style. He had moved on to Samurai Jack and Hacienda started to do the FX for Dexter’s Lab. I did a few of them and really tried to retain Joel’s style. Not an easy task.”
“Joel gave me a copy of his “Producer’s SFX Library”. Joel also gave me his ADAP Library in exchange for transferring it to .wav files. I would give him any SFX he asked for.”
“In the “2 Stupid Dogs” days Joel was at the heart of everything. There wasn’t another like him. To this day, I thank him for being so out side the box as to redefine “out side the box”. Thx my brother in sound. Joel was creating the sound tract for a show called “Northern Exposure” at the same time. I am still in awe of his accomplishments. Joel rocks!”
“When I met Joel in 1986, my life changed. His over the top way of creating opportunity out of baking soda and “whatever you’ve got” is incredible. He is an innovator. Thanks for taking the time out of your life to be my teacher. Thanks Joel!”
“He [Joel] was working on those shows [Northern Exposure and Bakersfield P.D.] at the Lantana building in Santa Monica. I worked for Joel during that time period in a suite he had in the building. I worked on 2 Stupid Dogs. After 2 Stupid Dogs I went to work for other studios & Joel went his own ways. Those days were awesome, but all good things come to an end at some point. As one door closes, another opens... somewhere.”
Eric Freeman also shared some facts with me back in 2017:
“[Wander Over Yonder] Season 2 was all done by Joel Valentine. My schedule became way too busy to do the sound fx. Craig McCracken has long history with Joel and enjoys his work, so he wanted him to do the season 2 sfx... 21st century is/was Joel Valentine's personal company. He would do all the sound design and then send it to me at Hacienda for the final mix. He is not affiliated with Hacienda. Joel is a private contractor...   [Joel] worked out of his home... he was the sole sound designer and editor for [Wander Over Yonder] season 2. There were NO other uncredited post-sound folks on the show. The whole series was just Joel and Myself... Joel is working on S5 of Samurai Jack. He would be the sole editor on that. The mix will be done at Hacienda Post. Current PPG is being edited and mixed at Hacienda Post. Joel is not involved with the new PPG... I did some editorial on PPG movie and worked with the editors you listed (Tom Syslo, Roy Braverman & Daisuke Sawa). I can't remember what I edited on the movie, but it was sound fx. I worked on Dexter's Lab, PPG, Fosters, Symbionic Titan, and Samurai Jack. Any editorial I did would have happened during the mix. A lot of times, Genndy or Craig will want to try different SFX when they hear final music and final dialog play together with Joel's sfx. Sometimes the original SFX just don't work well... Joel definitely IS a master sound designer. I respect his work very much... I've worked with Jeff [Hutchins] since the 1990s. He's extremely talented. I believe Joel trained him... Joel only worked on the pilot of Chowder. He did NOT do the series. All the sound design came from Hacienda Post.”
Grant Meuers, “the sole sound editor” on Genndy Tartakovsky’s Primal, replied to my emails of my questions on the show’s sound: “all sound design you hear is either me or Joel. I worked for Hacienda for 2-3 years as an assistant sound editor before venturing out into the freelance world. They are great people over there, and I'm still close with them, although neither Joel or I are very involved in the mixes. Joel is a really talented guy, and I'll be sure to pass your compliments along!” The latter referred to my desire for anyone with Joel to send compliments from me to Joel. Grant continued: “the line between "sound design" and "sound edit" is pretty fluid to me (and I think Joel feels the same way). Joel and I split up responsibilities of what we each cover each episode fairly evenly, but Joel definitely has final say and final cut over whatever we do together, and obviously Genndy has final say over everything. How we are ultimately credited isn't really up to us. (In fact, Joel initially wanted us to be both credited as sound editors, but Genndy and Adult Swim gave him his own title card, which I am happy about, because he definitely deserves it. Joel is a humble guy and often likes to fly under the radar.) We both work remotely on our own, and each have our own respective companies we use for billing purposes.” The credit of Joel for sound design on Genndy Tartakovsky’s Primal is well-earned, but ultimately he remains private in his work, and that privacy must be respected.
Genndy Tartakovsky himself said meaningful words about Joel Valentine, who did sound design on all of his Cartoon Network shows: “I’ve worked with Joel since the days of ‘Dexter.’ He’s got an amazing library and he knows how to blend sounds together to make them something very unique. For the fourth episode he went outside the norm and he found these vocal monster libraries that were done in the ’60s or something in Germany... for the mastodon episode, he found this library where some guy started a Kickstarter and then went to India to record elephant sounds for a year... all the mastodon sounds are so much more than what’s out there that a lot of people are using. I think we’re taking the extra effort for everything to make it sound unique and specific.”
Shane Houghton, co-creator of Big City Greens, compliments sound editor/designer Joel Valentine as part of “a killer sound team! They don't get enough love! Eric and Joel are amazing!”
Someone on Twitter asked @crackmccraigen “how was the noise used when the powerpuff girls would suddenly fly off made? The fwOosh/pew!! noise, yanno?” Craig replied: “It was comprised of a few different sound fx that were put together by the PPG sound designer Joel Valentine.” When I noted that Joel was usually uncredited, Craig told me that “The name Twenty-First Century Entertainment, Inc. listed under Sound Editing is Joel. That’s his company, [and] he wanted to be credited that way.” Another person appreciated the sound design of Kid Cosmic, and Craig highlighted that he’s been working with him for 27 years.
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As of May 30th, 2021, Owen Fishback’s Kippie short, “Guard Duty Doggy”, was released. I saw it the next day, and it acknowledges Joel Valentine for sound effects (some of his sound effects are used in it, probably sourced from the Sound Effects Wiki pages for his sound effects, to which I contributed info but not the audio samples used in the video).
The sound effects that Joel created are very meaningful to me as I grew up heavily on the works of Joel Valentine for Cartoon Network, namely Dexter’s Laboratory. When I heard his sound design on Samurai Jack Season 5 back in 2017 (namely EPISODE XCIV), I was so impressed with his array of realistic soundscapes of atmospheres and animals that I began to consider Joel the next best creative in sound post-production sound services, next to those of Skywalker Sound and Warner Bros. Post Production Creative Services.
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I’m not sure what will become of The Producer’s Sound Effects Library, though I got a copy from ebay on 1/23/2020 A.D. as an upcoming birthday gift and immediately preserved it by ripping the files off ( the link for proof read Producers-Sound-Effects-Library-13-cds-Great-Value-Free-shipping/283736597492?hash=item421004e3f4:g:rLkAAOSwAGxeE8ql ). Thanks to @wiley207​ and SqueakyCartWheel for notifying me on the Sound Effects Wiki!
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Here’s a close-up of the main CD’s cover, used for the 101 SOUND EFFECTS CD...
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...and here’s the label of the CD. They all look like this due to distributor S.O.S.
I made a page for The Producers Sound Effects Library on the Sound Effects Wiki, of course, to celebrate this amazing, obscure library. I recognize a number of sound effects on that library, like “IN Cricket Single” (as often heard in Spongebob) and “ROBOT MOVES #1[-3]” One of my absolute favorite sound effects on that library is “SPACE BEAM DOWN.” It’s a deep drone with a mysterious, enticing musical tone; it’s on PSEL CD SY-01 - “Science Fiction”.
Regarding preservation of the PSEL: due to the copyright warning requiring “written legal documentation from the owner of the Producers Sound Effects Library” (that’s probably Joel)--though I think that the company of the same name as the SFX library, PSEL, is defunct--I believe that I can not upload the audio files online  “unauthorized” “by any information or sampler storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented”.
Aside from the PSEL, I hope and pray that Joel’s library will be in good hands when he retires. Sound Ideas or Pro Sound Effects deserve to preserve this amazing library of sound!
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teophan · 6 years
Hiveswap theory: MC/MSPA Reader is, and always has been, The First Guy from Jailbreak
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Even with the art style aside.
(preemptive warnings for gore, timeline complexity, and discussion of suicide below the cut)
First, some background. As some of you who are newer to the fandom may not be aware, Jailbreak was the first adventure on MSPA (now Homestuck.com) and was, originally, called “MS Paint Adventure.” It was run with input from real users on Gangabunch Fora (later, MSPA Forums), where it was known as “Escape from Jail Island,” and part of the reason Andrew Hussie felt it wasn’t a success was because he only took the first suggestion, leading to an incomprehensible mess of a story, even by his standards. (Keep in mind that this is the guy who would go on to write Homestuck, after all.) It ran from September 26th, 2006 to February 24th, 2007 before going on hiatus until September 2011 when it got a single-page conclusion. You can read the story itself here and the wiki page here.
According to the Prisoners wiki page:
The Prisoners are the main characters from Jailbreak. There are technically three Prisoners but really they are all pretty much the same dude. Over the course of the game your awareness passes back and forth between them, and at one point splits into two distinct paths.
Sounds pretty familiar, right? In Marvus’s route, it’s revealed that the good-end “canon timeline” (for what can be considered as much, given the semi-canonical nature of the game as a whole) is only the result of bad-end resets, similar to Boldir revealing to us that “none of this actually matters.” In that sense, one could say that Marvus’s route was expanding on Boldir’s, in whatever semi-comprehensible way either of them expanded on the nature of the Hiveswap Friendsim universe.
Us, as the player, retain knowledge of bad-end timelines, which inform our choices within the game itself, while the MC, as our protagonist, only retains a little knowledge of what happens in the form of deja vu, odd responses, and instinctual reactions. MC has a strange, seemingly omniscient sense of where things may be and where they are not. To them, it doesn’t make any sense, especially when they try to consider it in-depth. However us, as the player, we know these things, we have the ability to retain this knowledge, because we’ve seen it before as we learn from bad ends.
This is actually touched on in multiple routes early on. Lynera, in particular, is a glaring example, as MC mentions having seen Bronya at Elwurd’s hive (on Elwurd’s good-end route) and, on Lynera’s good end, takes her to the cafe where we watched excessive bodily force poetry (on Elwurd’s bad-end route). Even in the first volume, it’s touched on. While Ardata’s placement on the left in the character select implies that we are supposed to meet her first, we only meet Ardata after we snap Diemen’s neck with our fat fuckin’ ass after rolling down a hill in one of his bad end routes, when MC acts as though they’ve never seen her before, and she acknowledges them as a stranger. However, this bad-end encounter also has no bearing on Ardata’s route itself, and vice versa. Regardless, in Boldir’s route, MC acknowledges Ardata as the first friend they made, so meeting Diemen first? Shouldn’t have actually happened.
One example that I’ve also noticed is, prior to Galekh’s bad end where the MC has an existential meltdown due to Galekh’s questioning, the MC...really didn’t think about where they came from and how they got to Alternia. But, then, we get to Boldir’s route in the very next volume, where they tell her bits and pieces about their escape from Earth and their whole grand theft rocket deal that landed them on Alternia. This implies that they have taken the time to consider everything, and compartmentalize it enough that they don’t have that meltdown...but why would they have considered it before Boldir unless someone else directly asked them? They need that prompting before doing anything, and they received it in a bad-end timeline that they have some memory of.
We see the same “reset with more knowledge” situation in Jailbreak itself. Beginning with the First Guy, we follow him, the Other Guy, and the Drill Guy through the adventure until First Guy gets harpooned through the stomach and bleeds out at a particular stump, and Other Guy cannot handle the loss and commits suicide with a conveniently-placed pistol. The story then “restarts” with the First Guy, Again, who is able to summon a pair of elves, wish for a pony, and goes completely off the fucking rails as he kidnaps children from a schoolbus to bargain with the elves for more wishes. His fate is ultimately unknown.
However, that does bring me to my next point: the Tree Stump. This has been a running gag on MSPA since Jailbreak. The wiki describes it as
an object in Jailbreak, Problem Sleuth, and Homestuck that is surrounded by a powerful cosmic magnetism towards suicide which is facilitated by the presence of a pistol buried beneath it.
Time and time and time again, two characters have consistently approached this stump: First Guy (Again), and the MSPA Reader--now, Friendsim’s MC. Hell, Cirava’s bad end literally reuses the same panel from Jailbreak.
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Literally, they just colored and cropped it. They even left First Guy’s harpoon.
This leads me to believe that the Stump and MC are stuck together--from Jailbreak, to Problem Sleuth, to Homestuck, and now to Hiveswap (in Cirava’s own backyard no less), the Stump has followed them. The two are inexorably linked.
Now, what does this mean for MC, within the realm of Hiveswap? A few things.
One, if it turns out to be true, this means that either there are different instances of Reader within the MSPA universe who are “all pretty much the same dude,” or, we’ve been following a linear timeline where MC broke out of prison, hijacked a rocket, crash landed on Alternia and somehow ended up playing Sburb/Sgrub, where they were able to witness the rest of the events of Problem Sleuth (a canonical webcomic within the Homestuck universe) and Homestuck itself from the safety of their planet in the Medium, the Land of Stumps and Dismay (LOSAD). Either way, we’ve potentially got some semblance of a backstory for MC in Jailbreak.
Two, I believe this could potentially hint at MC being a Page of Heart.
Heart is the aspect most prone to “splintering:” Nepeta’s roleplaying, Meulin’s friendfictions, all the different instances of Dirk. The Prisoners all being “pretty much the same dude” and the Reader cropping up at different times within MSPA canon, as well as MC’s split and growing awareness of different timelines enough to affect their decisions, all suggest to me that “splintering of self” seen in Heart players.
Pages, also, are quite literally a “blank slate” with the ultimate potential for growth. What is MC’s generic, stick-figure appearance supposed to be for us, the player? A blank canvas for us to project ourselves onto. Pages are also the most prone to manipulation. We, the player, are manipulating MC, as our protagonist and as our in-game avatar. Both Ardata’s mind control and, as is heavily implied, Marvus’s chucklevoodoos easily and deeply affect them, when cobalt mind powers aren’t supposed to affect humans at all without heavy practice and even then could only really be used to put someone to sleep, the cause of Jade’s narcolepsy, and chucklevoodoo effects are more on a subconscious level when applied to humans, as seen with Dave and John.
Of course, there is one master manipulator we have to take into account with regards to MC’s story above all others. After all, this is Alternia, and MC is a guest here. And we all know who to look to, when we require the services of an excellent host.
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calvillophoto · 4 years
How to get new hairstyle
Why is it that terrible things happen to great men and women? * Require Robert Pattison: The Dior alumnus may possibly possess the capability to violate one million hearts, however he regularly forgets that gray tops result in a inadequate sponge. Subsequently there is Kanye, that, at his ancient courtship of all KimK, misplaced his pants on departing acar on Datenight.
 But like clothes, a Poor puppy can Become a lot more crushing. We could certainly fix a cringe-inducing motto teeshirt, however peroxide and perms simply take weeks to develop. And, pub a buzz clip, the answers aren't -- some of that these renowned faces understand all also.
 *Ok,'excellent' may possibly become described as a subjective word.
 Brad Pitt
Subsequently & Today
 We are all accountable for allowing ourselves Go/keying that our ex's auto following having a break, yet this throw back in the occasions if Brangelina ended up a thing should function as an warning into Pitt.
 "The unkempt, straggly hair using all the Over-grown blossom has been created all the more challenging with all the chin-hanging beads,''" claims Joth Davies, operator of Savills Barbers and also ambassador for Your fantastic British Grooming Co."The challenge could be the deficiency of care -- hair thinning is invisibly to blossom that immediately morphs in to cave-man."
 Inspite of the Cast Away appearance, he is not marooned only however, Provides Davies:"Your blossom is yelling out to get a cut. An groundbreaking fade into your facial skin for somewhat briefer, thinner fashion would neaten up everything -- even a trimming Pitt works in Fury."
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 George Clooney
Subsequently & Today
 "Bleach blonde is really a catchy movement," clarifies Daniel Johnson, Panasonic dressing ambassador and Hair-stylist to everybody by the England soccer group to Du Bai royalty. "It's not helped from the moist appearance gel spikes -- both just two motions which read midlife crisis."
 This treatment is about natural,'' Johnson states. Clooney's appearance works great if adopting the silver and sporting a more traditional cut which will be certainly less Wiki Leaks, a lot more oscar-winner.
 Jonah Hill
Subsequently & Today
 Jonah Hill's transformation out of fat Funny man to personality god at this moment has never gone undetected about those pages within the last calendar year. The Truth Is That the Wolf of Wall Road celebrity clocked in number two on our listing of The Best-Dressed Adult Men on the Planet. But it was not necessarily that manner.
 Case in point: if he's believed'white man' And also'afro' belonged at an identical sentence. "Jonah Hill's Hair is very thick also includes incredible appeal, with its own edges," states Joe Mills, creator of London's Joe and Co,"however in this case, the design of the trim and also the way its styled does just enrich his rounded facial capabilities.
 The follicular deal with? Proceed brief. "The cropped Look really functions and matched along with all the beard it surely affects the design of your own head. Since his own hair really is indeed short that the depth and flake he's is an problem "
 Justin Timberlake
Subsequently & Today
 Tremendous Noodles: poor from the bowl, worse On your mind. Even soda priest Justin Timberlake could not gut this particular one.
 "Justin includes a Great Deal of Pure feel, and That the quantity of product or service makes his own hair appear oily and congealed," claims that the grasp barber in Ted's Grooming space. "Pair this with all yellowish bleach and also you're dining outside to a horrible hair-do."
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 The cure with the particular microwave monstrosity? "Thick, curled hair ought to really be treated having a milder putty to simply help individual clumps though maintaining feel. You just need a pea-sized dollop to disperse from origin to tip"
 Paul Pogba
Subsequently & Today
 Cockatoo-do has been that the emphasize of 2015 Serie A year old. Away from the pitch, but the appearance is better retained into the aviary.
"The Issue with this clip Is the Fact That It will Nothing because of his confront contour," states Matthew Hughes, operator of London-based Idris Barbering Co."It is a familiar matter footballers do if seeking to out do every single they move for some thing that no person needs earlier, however there is normally grounds they've not."
 That is not to mention a snip Needs to Be dull . Do the job. "His limited dreads are way more flattering and reveal his bone arrangement nicely," adds Hughes. "Subsequently to incorporate this piece of gap he demonstrably desires the barber has ever used a challenging tram lineup to divide the upper and surfaces of hair"
 Shia LaBeouf
Subsequently & Today
 Sorry Shia, however, the Rat-tail goes Below the newspaper tote together side the selfinvolved picture marathons, plagiarism suit and interpretive dance motions.
 "The only plait is much better satisfied to Nineties Sub Urban schoolgirls,''" claims Ruffians resourceful manager Denis Robinson. "That leaves that the genuine under-cut more intense. Wrong on many degrees "
 Much like his honestly eccentric livelihood, LaBeouf's Finest bet is really to clean up his act. "The components ought to really be shaved down into some regular you to soften the cut, then then liquefy upwards high to conceal the disconnection. Regarding the plait,'' I don't have any words"
 Bradley Cooper
Subsequently & Today
 Bradley Cooper might be Hollywood's saviour, however that is to not function as Confused with that the Saviour, Jesus Christ, even though the trimming.
 "A guy with high cheekbones and also a nose that is cracked Have to prevent a center separation," claims Adam Gore of Barberology, that has been voted'barber-shop of this season' in the UK's initial yearly Barber awards. "as well as, the hair color pops his skin out tone," he provides.
 His present no nonsense crop can be actually a mode which may be ruffled or slicked backwards as Appropriate.
1 note · View note
Angolmois 2 - 3 | BnHA 52 - 54 | Lord of Vermilion 1 | Angels of Death 2 | Cells at Work! 2 - 4 | Planet With 2 - 4 | Phantom in the Twilight 2 - 3 | Holmes of Kyoto 2 | Tsukumogami Kashimasu 1
The lineup isn’t set until Muhyo and Roji’s comes along later on...
Angolmois 2
Ah, I got that explanation of what “Angolmois” is from ANN earlier but now I see how they learnt it.
Someone on ANN showed me the way to a Wikipedia page…which says Sou Sukekuni will die and the Mongols will invade.
There’s something silly about how straightfaced everyone is about chucking Kuchii out…haha.
This mut be the period Kimetsu no Yaiba is set in…because that shiitake boy seems to be similar to Tanjiro (of that series).
“Ah, even the great Jinzaburou-dono is weak at the knees for a pretty princess”…at least, that’s a fairly cliched line if it’s coming from the mouths of one of the characters.
Dang, this man is too much of a shonen hero for a show involving chopping heads off enemies.
There’s a small spotted cat (?) on the roof of one of the houses (?).
“The older you are when you have children, the more you love them.” – Uh, and the more likely it is that they’ll have genetic abnormalities. Just sayin’…
Okay, so Gontarou is the one with the small black moustache. Got it.
The lines on the filter move with the camera! Yikes! That’s going to be a bit distracting…
Oh, Sou Sukekuni’s middle name means “on top of a horse” if I’m guessing the right kanji. That’s exacty where he is now.
I see…so that strategy (shooting arrows straight into the air) would require minimal training and not that much time to pass around verbally.
Uh, was it just me, or did some soldiers look like they were in CGI?
Oh, so Yajirou is the one in the purplish armour. Okay. Update: Nope, Umajirou is his name.
Welp, historical records said Sou Sukekuni  would die (like I said at the start of the episode). I just didn’t know it was going to be so soon.
BnHA 52
After a 1 week break, let’s get back into the fray!
I love this OP already! It’s much better than “I keep my ideals! Sorezore no jinsei (etc. etc.)…” at the very minimum already! (Peace Sign is my favourite BnHA OP, by the way, after listening to it a bunch on Spotify.) Interesting how you see Deku through Tooru though…
Iida’s waving in his usual way, I see…(LOL)
Interesting that they call their gyms “alpha”, “beta”, “gamma” etc. At least, that’s the assumption from seeing “gym gamma” in the subs.
The D in TDL stands for daidokoro (kitchen) in Japanese. Alternatively, it could refer to Tokyo Disneyland, which is why Deku refers to a certain mouse.
Ashido was so doing a Kamehameha…or a hadouken…one of them, anyway. I’m not that well-versed in Dragon Ball, y’know.
There’s something kind of sad about how All Might goes “I am here…because I didn’t have anything else to do today!” now that he no longer can retain that muscle form for too long.
“…ask an expert.” – Y’mean…Hatsume, right?
I…can’t believe I’m laughing at this stupid boob joke…(LOL…?)
“Likes: Steampunk” – I was reading a non-fiction book on steampunk and apparently the main appeal for some people is the ability to make everything yourself, as a form of “raging against materialism” and whatnot. Never thought I’d have to mention that in the commentary, but here we are.
Power Loader seems a tad small in comparison to Iida (and probably All Might as well), huh?
Wait…this powered suit…reminds me of a Gundam first and then Wallace’s pants next. *starts humming Wallace and Gromit theme tune*
I kind of read ahead because of my duties on the BnHA wiki, but Deku’s going to end up using a kicking move, right? Right?! The only thing better than a punching move is a kicking move!
I really like Long Hope Philia already…but what is a “philia”, though? Update: It’s the opposite of phobia. It means “brotherly love”.
Lord of Vermilion 1
Also known as “Dude of Red: The Red Dude”. According to the opinions I’ve seen around, this show is probably going to the drop pile, but on the offhand chance it does survive, I’ll have to probably put it on hold anyway…
There’s something funky about those designs…like someone tried too hard to be edgy with the red lines.
Where’d the bubbles come from? Oh wait, he trapped her in the big bubble and that’s how there are smaller bubbles…ohh. Okay.
“Cut the bullshit!” – Welp, you read my mind. How the heck did we get here???
…and Tokyo Tower. Just because we can go there too.
Why is Chiyu monologuing when she has a weapon pierced through her body???
Okay, why are these guys implying there’s a nationalist slant to all this?
Wait, explosion butterflies? C’mon, Buso Renkin did that better!
“A secret arrow. I see.” – For some…reason…I can’t stop myself from laughing! Hahaha, he’s been impaled in the eye and yet he says, “I see,” wahaha!...okay. I’m calm now.
Something tells me someone wasted Dude of Red: The Red Dude’s budget on the OP. Also, all of their storytelling ability went there too…
The ep title clearly ends in a ka, so it’s a question. It should be “Are Our Lives the Debt We Pay to Our Enemies?”, then.
Kote and men appear to be two different strikes in kendo, but also their strike areas...? I’m not sure…
C’mon, if the show started with the high frequency noise, then we wouldn’t have to have suffered through the in medias res segment going too long!
No wonder they call this Dude of Red: The Red Dude…this fog is very red!
“Don’t tell me you have amnesia.” – Oh, great. That’s at least the third amnesiac this season…Island, Planet With and now this! Update: Nope, it was jumping to conclusions…
Jokei…is there a Keijo Uni? (Not to be confused with the T & A sport.)…Nope, the closest thing I got was in Korea…
How do Chihiro and Kotetsu even know Kakihara, anyway?
LOL, somehow that was so chuuni. I feel like I want more but there’s too much of a talent gap between this and the other shows, so it’s going on hold.
Angels of Death 2
Hanebado went on hold since Dude of Red ranked above it.
Isaac Foster, huh? Is that Bandage Man’s name?
I swear the rainbow puke is the most colorful thing in this anime…
Lemme guess…this passage is from the Bible. The show’s holding my interest, it’s just that it’s kind of waning because Satsuriku no Tenshi has been getting some real bad talk all around and yet it’s pretty popular. At least, that’s according to Prattle…
The comedic beats seem out of line with the rest of the show. Like someone was trying too hard to make the show “mainstream”. I’m finally able to put my finger on what I think Satsuriku reminds me of now – it reminds me of The Dog Island, a much more relaxing game. Then again, this is because of all the talk about finding triggers – that game is all “find to complete quests”, so it’s easy to see how the comparison came about.
Gloves? Was someone here earlier?
From far away, the dots on the grave blueprint seem to be Chinese or Japanese, but up close…they’re just dots.
Alright, I get it already…*eyeroll* this is based on a game, Rachel’s said she’s going to die about 4 times already, this scene with the red background is a cutscene yada yada yada…
Oh. Y’know what? This reminds me of ol’ Nancy Drew CD-ROM games! I love those! Plus the banshee scare scene in one of them is poised like a huge jumpscare, that probably would make a better anime than this…
I headcanon Zack is ADHD or something of the sort.
Wellllllll…if there’s one thing I agree with this show on, it’s that suicide is bad.
“You can cry…or something, can’t you?” – Come to think of it, Rachel does come off as a bit of a Rei Ayanami sometimes.
How the heck is he dry enough to be tromping around like that in front of the graves when he just stood in water for so long??? Isn’t he drenched?
There’s something vaguely nostalgic about this show and yet I don’t think it’s good enough to keep on the commentary, so on hold it goes…
Cells at Work 2
Is it just me, or are the background characters CGI…? (Oh man, last time I complained about this was Tsukigakirei…that didn’t go down well, let’s just say that…)
This is a joke from Plyasm, but…don’t lewd the platelets!
It’s the Abyss from Made in Abyss!
There was a segment on the news about how deadly sepsis was recently, so…I’m kind of scared of that bacteria now…
I guess you never wanted to ask for WBC fighting a shark…well, it’s just as weird as Sharknado, only…it’s happening.
*sees “brachial artery”* - This particular RBC likes working near the lungs, huh?
I don’t think we’ve seen the eyecatch for this show before, so…that’s an interesting way of handling things.
Don’t tell me…it’s those adorable lil’ platelets, right??? This is an abrasion, they’ll surely come!
Von Willebrand factor.
The serious WBC made a joke! Amazing!
Planet With 2
I’m calling it now – secretary woman with green-blue hair is the real bad guy! (You can tell by the enthusiasm in my voice that it’s Epileptic Trees time!)
*cue cat faces and masks* - Imagine if they used that censorship in 18+ material…it would be a riot just to look at…
But blue-green haired lady, aren’t there 7 Nebula Soldiers???
…Oh, so that’s what happened to the money Takezo spent…haha.
Geesh, enough with the panties, Sensei…also, couldn’t Souya just go and nick some money, then use it to purchase some meat? Or just beg for food money or ask for an allowance or something in order to get real meat?
Hmm, come to think of it, most of the people have colours in their names – even Souya – but Sensei doesn’t and same with Hideo. But Hideo has the character for “wisdom” in his name and the character for “tiger”, which is the theme of his mecha.
Those meat buns are huge! The size of an adult’s palm! Then again, I’ve been having a bunch of meat buns for breakfast lately and they are that size…sorry, false alarm.
Oh my gosh, this pig Weapon’s even weirder than the bear one!
(muffled laughter in the background) – They wasted perfectly good art on a one-off gag about bean jam…not that I minded, of course, but…hahaha…
Phantom in the Twilight 2
The sign’s Tahoma font is…kind of awkward, actually. I thought that last episode, but haven’t said it in these notes until now.
“You’re such a lazy count.” – Hmm…now if someone removed one of the Os in that sentence…that would be a sketchy sentence indeed.
Notably, Luke’s surname is Bowen.
Toryu was a jiangshi. Called it!
There’s something on Ton’s phone that says “picture”, I’d presume it’s the Chinese and/or Japanese equivalent to the “Pictures” app or folder.
This guy with the glasses – Haysin, I think the guy with the partially-shaved head called him – looks like Chopin from Classicaloid…
To be honest, I’d never actually heard of vampires needing to be invited into places until Shiki came along, so this is only the second time I’ve witnessed it, so to speak.
Who knew a ghost was good enough to be a hacker in the modern age? (smirks with how inventive this is)
All that blue text is definitely not any coding language I know. In fact, it’s mostly gibberish…
Mhmm…a mingling of the supernatural with the technological. Me likey.
…What the heck did Ton just tackle?
Oh my gosh! I’m laughing so hard! A vampire doing karate! I love it!
Is this the beginning of a Haysin x Shinyao ship? Update: His name is Chris, not Haysin. Haysin is the other dude.
Garfunkel though…what a stupid name. Sounds like a cartoonist (Arbuckle), a cartoon cat (Garfield) or a singer (Simon and Garfunkle) though…
I didn’t realise this at first, but Vlad has two spots on the side of his face. Probably beauty spots.
I love how they only put the grainy filter on Vlad while he was reminiscing.
Angolmois 3
I find it interesting that Kuchii uses the armour as the thing the Tsushima people should follow, rather than following him. They probably revere the armour more than the man…
Where’d Kano go, anyway?
The reliance on panning over stills is kind of annoying…
Welp, there’s Kano, right when the plot needs her…or is that one of the exiles…? Kano looked pretty boyish to me.
Koorogi means “cricket”, methinks.
Holmes of Kyoto 2
This is the lowest ranking show right now, so its spot is currently being threatened by the late debuts…not to mention I’m currently one spot over capacity, so something has to go.
The Saio-dai is like a May Queen, apparently. Not that I really know what that means…Update: Oh, there’s an explanation, just when I thought they wouldn’t give it…
“There’s lots of things named Aoi here!” – That’s what I said…last episode.
Saori and Kaori…I’m going to get so confused between these two…
Hmm…well, obviously, if the person were physically close to Saori, that might mean they know each other.
“Sissy” is an insult to me, so I’m surprised to hear it being used as a substitute for “sister” here. (It’s probably “nee-san” in Japanese, or “ane”.)
Hanamura, LOL. (Hanamura = “flower garden”.)
I find it funny that Holmes has LINE stickers of his own. Plus that Aoi’s got his number in as “Holmes-san”.
There is quite clearly some sort of romantic subplot here. Also, why is it that Aoi only ever seems to be motivated by either personal matters or romantic ones???
Noticeably, Kaori’s the only one of the trio which is wearing pants…
The backgrounds in this show are so pretty! Too bad there’s credits over the top…
Mt Kurama is known for its tengu legend…but the “you may meet a handsome man filled with overwhelming arrogance” made me LOL hard.
The thing about this show is that it’s giving me flashbacks to Detective Conan, both good and bad, which makes it hard to comment on. On hold it goes.
BnHA 53
Why is the title “THE Shiken”, though? (Emphasis on “the”, since having the title half in English doesn’t seem to make sense…)
The different characters that appear on the screen are variants of koi, which is one of 3 ways to say “love”. However, the three are different types of love.
Inasa is to enthusiasm like Bakugo is to anger…uh…
Oh dear…is this another Christmas cake lady???
This black spikyhead is You Shindo, right? He and Midoriya looks kind of similar…
1540 divided by 2 is 770…yowch, 770??? That’s kind of small when it’s one of 3 locations for Japanese students, plus whoever else in the state is training to be a hero.
Cells at Work 3
Naïve…? Oh, it’s a naïve T cell! I forgot about those guys!
I love how the naïve T cell is actually naïve, plus the zombies have hats that aren’t brains, but bits of cells.
100 degrees…C or F???
Why does this T cell give me RBC flashbacks???
Cyotoxic T cells…man, those words bring back memories. I had to memorise stuff about T cells and B cells for biology way back when. In fact, I think I learnt this entire process. If only I had Cells at Work then…
Would the normal person even know what a dendrite is, though??? They wouldn’t know it has protrusions if they don’t know what a dendrite is!!!
Aw, the Naïve T Cell’s gotta be protected. Not as much as the platelets, but still…
Helper T Commander is eating dango! That’s too cute!
Ohmigosh, it’s like Gon from HxH, you know, the meme version of him with the long hair? It’s so silly and yet so perfect for this purpose!
The Effector T Cell’s face looks familiar…Then again, this is David Production so that would explain part of it…(For those who don’t get it: Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure.)
Apparently the eccrine sweat glands are the major sweat glands…
2/10. Platelets only appeared for 2 seconds at the end (LOL).
Tsukumogami Kashimasu 1
You probably didn’t know this, but I became a fan of Lily Hoshino through Kigurumi Guardians…
Ooh, I like the titlecards already! By the way, obiage is something used to hide the obi.
What’s with this song…? It sounds like someone put traditional music into a pop music blender and put female vocals over the top…oh, Miyavi. That might explain something.
Well, there you go…I didn’t need to Google netsukes after all.
That flower there is a morning glory…the one with the white centre.
Why does there seem to be a vibe that the sister likes the brother in ~that~ way???
This is kind of like Toy Story…isn’t it?
The transitions are kind of disorienting…I almost felt dizzy right there…
“So the letters Sanae-sama was receiving are from someone else that she loved before getting betrothed…?” – No duh. That’s how it always goes in Detective Conan.
“So he believes that ultimately humans never cherish us curios.” – There were your Deep Themes of the day, folks.
Hmm…that’s a tough one. On the one hand, I’m kind of squicked out by potential romance between Seiji and his “nee-san”. On the other hand, there was a lot of talking (which I don’t mind), but the logic behind these mysteries didn’t quite make sense because the emphasis for this show is the supernatural (also not a dealbreaker). The narrator’s helpful, but a tad intrusive to the story’s flow, plus it’s kind of hard to see where conclusions were made due to even more problems explaning logic (in parts that are meant to explain the logic) than Holmes of Kyoto. It’s meant to be charming, but if I keep going through the show with not that much emotion, it’s probably destined fo the drop pile…
Planet With 3
Kumashiro…panda in Japanese is “panda”, but kuma = bear and shiro = white…if not castle, that is. Update: This “shiro” is neither of those...
Kigurumian, huh? Kigurumi = mascot suit, so…uh…
Who was the girl with the blue dress…? Another Mizukami heroine, I presume?
These bathroom jokes are bad…but I’m laughing at them…
So Nezuya…is just a chuuni??? Wuh???
It’s a parody of Mu again…? Is that magazine really that popular in Japan?
The other girl (not Nozomi) has a senbei rice cracker in her mouth.
Phantom 2
I love how Wayne detaches his hand to scratch his head. It reminds me of zaShunina frim Kado and what he’d do with his hands…*gets flashbacks to zaShunina strangling Shindou* Uh, yeah, maybe that’s not the best comparison though…
Fought Dracula? Wasn’t he from Romania though?
Wayne King everywhere…it’s more like self-wan-oh, I’ll spare you the dirty joke, okay?
Wait, are the Twilights meant to stand in for something in the real world if they have government and international support? Refugees, maybe?
Hmm? Luke’s pasta…? What’s this (owo)?
Luke reminds me of Impey from Code:Realise…I think this is the second time he’s done that.
I love how Ton takes Shinyao’s rescue into her own hands. It shows how strong their friendship is.
*Luke howls* - What is that idiot doing now???
*sees burnt cookies* - Welp, at least we don’t have ourselves an invincible heroine who can do everything, either.
Is it just me, or when Ton runs out to protect Luke, are her booty shorts longer??? Update: When I looked at them later, they seemed to be the same length…
When did Chris get rid of his glasses???
Toryu’s raison d etre is “more dakka”, as they say.
Okayyyyyyyy…”jumping across water” is just a bit over the limit of what I think a werewolf can do…
Toryu’s plait seems to move with his emotions…and was that an eye I saw glowing in that fringe of his? Ooh…interesting.
Angolmois 4
Why do all Mongolians in media sport the Fu Manchu moustache, anyway…? Either that or the Chinese (the official in Mulan had a similar kind of moustache)…
Matouqin. It looked like a Chinese word, but it was actually Mongolian…
There seems to be unrest among the Mongols, huh. Jurchen…seems to be racial discrimination of some variety.
Dantsuke mochi. The link is to an academic PDF which discusses the Mongol invasion.
Huh? Apparently Holmes of Kyoto references sashimo grass…but apparently in English the grass is called “moxa” or “mugwort”.
Oh, post-credits segment. Keep watching…
Oh, wow…you can really see the parallels between Teruhi and Sasamaru now…when everything burns to the ground.
BnHA 54
Ite means “archer”, IIRC.
Shindou = oscillation, tremor, vibration (different kanji though). Once he released that earthquake, that made me realise why You Shindou’s powers make a lot of sense. Plus the “You” matches the yu in yurasu (Vibrate).
Oh! The “arashi” in Yoarashi means “storm”…ah! I understand now!
This Camie lady is bascally Catwoman with sludge…
Cells at Work 4
I bet the segment at the start of this episode is the same as every other episode’s…
You can see a female platelet checking out how food is dissolved…she’s so adorable!
Capriccio…then again, why does the basophil speak in riddles???
Those two platelets staring at the basophil with his umbrella…LOL!
Emesis = vomiting.
Seriously though. This basophil’s so chuuni, it’s pretentious…
This was probably the least funny of the episodes so far due to the threat level…and of course, platelets were only in the background this time.
Planet With 4
Who was it that wanted a harem of high school girls again? Actually, that’s Imamura from Grand Blue, isn’t it…?
Mont St Michel. Heard of it before (I think it’s in Lupin III even), but it didn’t ring a bell for a second…
Seriously, how self-centred is Nezuya, anyway?
Hmm…this team-up reminds me of when Team Rocket would team up with Ash (Pokémon) somehow…but that’s because the “good” and “bad” guys (as much as we can call either side that) are joining forces.
“What’s a hangover?” – LOL, Souya really is such a kid…
*dragon eats Ginko and Miu* - Wow…’tis the season for vore…  
Even Souya got a hangover, LOL!
0 notes
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How strawberry face mask can Save You Time, Stress, and Money.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPFg-ea8EVQ is definitely a single attention-grabbing mask! Once i initially saw the Picture I thought it absolutely was a mask based upon Turmeric, given that It is additionally an orange powder, but a mask made outside of floor orange peel would have not happened to me. Thanks for sharing! This conical shaped fruit is extensively Employed in the beauty industry to produce skin attractiveness merchandise. As opposed to working with Individuals chemical laden magnificence products which even truly incorporate only a little percentage of strawberry, use mashed strawberries used topically to your skin for naturally attractive, smooth supple skin. This product or service is my holy grail. I are making use of this product or service for weekly now, and my pores and skin has already grow to be so smooth, supple and radiant. I've an Completely dry skin, and following making use of this item I haven’t seemed back. It is totally worth the revenue, you spend money on this products! The construction of many masks for dry pores and skin includeegg yolk. It can be no coincidence, because this solution are all-natural antioxidants that support to withdraw within the pores and skin of dangerous substances. For making a useful mask for dry skin, you have to: Defeat 1 egg, increase 1 tbsp. l. yeast; Thank you to your article. I such as way. You explained the honey mask instructions. Your mask is straightforward to help make. I am going to try out it in my future spa therapy. I love it. Mister healmunsta. Carefully exfoliates and scrubs pores and skin cleanse. Absorbs and eliminates impurities and Dust within the skin’s surface. mask need to be applied on clean skin on the face and retain for 20 minutes, then rinse less than functioning h2o. Now https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Face_mask and powder your peels right into a high-quality powder utilizing a food stuff processor or blender, with no introducing any h2o. In a nutshell, you do not have to use brand-new coffee beans. This really is a terrific way to reuse, recycle and also have a more sustainable coffee pattern. If you are tired to sort out 1 after the other beauty to seek out the best option for your skin, find the magical impact on the skin with yeast face mask, which is so easy to organize in your house with their own fingers. With the basket of mother nature, we're right here with an exceptionally helpful and pure pores and skin therapy known as; strawberry face mask. Strawberry could be the smaller berry fruit, unique and delightful! It's full of natural vitamins and minerals. Feels like an exceedingly refreshing facial mask! It could certainly scent fragrant way too. Thanks for sharing :) Allow’s investigate the powerful nutrients in raw honey for its nourishing Positive aspects to skin! Below, study a few distinctive face masks you'll be able to try out for yourself in your house, Every single with a different reward. Source
Details, Fiction and orange face mask
You can even obtain an even better idea of the solution by undergoing beneficial user generated feedback. Following finalizing your alternative, have the products sent to your doorstep and finish the transaction through the use of one particular of numerous practical payment alternatives. Find the greatest skin treatment products on line by procuring at Amazon India. Spread the mask on your own face employing a cotton pad and massage it for a few minutes to get rid of dead skin cells and make improvements to circulation. Apply the mask to the face and neck utilizing a make-up brush (you don’t want to stain your nails and fingers yellow!). Clay masks are wonderful for managing oily skin. Honey can help split up surplus oil and extremely absorbent clay removes it while gently exfoliating. Bentonite and Moroccan Pink are two of the greatest clay decisions for balancing oily pores and skin. Yeast is part of masks for the face - very powerfulSkin-care solutions. But whether it is Erroneous to make use of them, you may set on your own and hurt. T here fore endorses healingandbodywork acquainted by using a couple of valuable suggestions: Before preparing a mask from yeast, Look at the expiration day of each of the substances. Rinse it off with lukewarm water, and apply a toner. If https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-SiXXn3EKKI2t7btdwEplw do not Possess a toner, just use lemon juice or a combination of one portion apple cider vinegar and two areas distilled drinking water. You can utilize this acne face mask Practically day-to-day. for oily skin: no other cosmetic product or service is capable so can make slim enlarged pores and reduce as quickly as possible harmful glow from the face; Now, massage using your moist fingertips for 2 minutes and following that go away to dry for around quarter-hour. Unfold https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/status/1087108583286849538 peels within a tray and position them in a location that gets loads of sunshine. Go away them there till These are carefully dried—this normally requires a single to 2 days, but may take up to 5 in chilly, cloudy weather. Thanx. I'm a black/african girl 0f 41. I am gentle in complection, but my face seems so uninteresting and grey. little herbs youtube videos 've attempted evri products but my pores and skin retaliates pores and skin care schedule. Honey, which can be Employed in every one of the a few masks we've been getting ready these days, hydrates the skin, keeps it smooth by preserving humidity, and encourages skin mobile renewal. Thank you much for these kinds of an wonderful publish … I tried no 4- the coffee and cocoa mask with honey and it's got accomplished miracles. I’ll persist with it for a while. I had been skeptical about making use of it as I believed coffee will lead to a pretend tan and so taken out it in only 15 minutes (yep i established a timer) but to my shock this detail labored miracles, in truth i can Obviously distinguish among the area i utilized the mask on and the world i still left as being the earlier a single is glowing like nearly anything. Thank you so so a lot you men are everyday living saviours love you all keep up The nice function!!! When I was younger I used to be also mixing egg white with brewer's yeast Once i experienced pimples and cysts and it will assist with the redness and flatten them! mask should be applied on clean up pores and skin of the face and hold for 20 minutes, then rinse less than running h2o.
orange face mask Fundamentals Explained
Soak uncooked rice while in the h2o. Up coming, take the strawberries and soaked rice and Mix them in one blender to help make a clean paste. The coffee and lemon face mask is ideal for the oily pores and skin. To arrange step toremedies will require two tablespoons of wet coffee grounds, one tablespoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey. Unfold https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beauty on the face. Loosen up for twenty minutes and then rinse with lukewarm drinking water. Stir the mixture perfectly and implement towards the pores and skin, the mask must be stored for 20 minutes, then rinse underneath functioning water, and applied to the face cream. Many thanks for constantly giving fantastic facts. I would love to attempt the turmeric mask – just questioning if it gained’t shade the skin tone to yellow. If one is struggling from any kind of a fungal ailment, then the use of a yeast face mask is undoubtedly not suggested. Get every one of these substances in one bowl and up coming grind them effectively in one food stuff processor. Be certain it gets converted into one particular high-quality paste. It will provide you with the glow that you’ve always wanted. Your superior pores and skin treatment product s that are available as acne creams, or cleanses, or oil equilibrium goods should contain this component. Remember that summer when subjected to substantial temperatures the yeast swiftly reduce their advantageous Homes. If you need a mask for the entire face, then three to four tablespoons of cinnamon powder could be ample, and be sure you have sufficient honey to create a loose paste Along with the cinnamon powder. This mask shouldn't be utilized on previously dry skins, and it can be a good idea to talk to a health care provider in advance of using this mask. Lemon juice is a person all-natural astringent and allows fade darkish spots and acne scars. The alpha hydroxyl acids present in strawberries assists suppress oil creation on the skin surface, retaining blackheads and pimples absent. and generate a easy paste out of it by introducing rose water.  Apply within the face and neck and rinse off only when its semi dry. This face pack will deep cleanse the skin and pull out both black heads and white heads. Wash it absent applying heat h2o, pat the face dry after which you can comply with up with all your favored toner and moisturizer. The calcium sandalwood helps during the renewal of the worn out cells and forestall DNA problems. Also, try out these home-created packs to battle wrinkles.
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mylifeatwar · 6 years
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Book 2, Chapter 4, Page 5
Archived Text Follows:
Hey Everyone,
Back to our Free Marketeers! On one hand I would judge this character’s leisure activities, on the other hand, entertainment is hard to come by in a war zone. People develop some strange hobbies.
As for our last page with Volteza. Some have expressed their concern that we went a little overboard with the shadows and creative lighting in that scene. It’s possible and we may go back and tone that down a little when we get some free time. I’m a sucker for dramatic lighting so I might have been the one to push Matt to draw the scene that way. For what it’s worth though, I agree with Volteza. Nuclear power is the necessary future of energy production, there’s nothing else out there with the energy density and consistency. Will reactors sometimes kill people? Probably, but the coal industry already kills over 1 million a year globally in our world. That’s worse than Chernobyl, the worst nuclear energy incident we’ve ever had.
Also, some of our more insightful readers noticed that the MLaW-verse might not be so inclined towards nuclear energy due to events in their past. Let’s just say it’s all related to the Impossible Wars.
Thanks for reading,
– Luther out
Comment Text Follows:
killercow - Yeah, I’d get pretty bored sitting in a tiny little gun turret for hours on end too.
Deoxy - It may also be a gun turret, but he seems to have used the grapple that they catch pilot pods with. Some people have a problem with hunting for sport, but his superiors (and especially the limb pilots!) should have a problem with him abusing the equipment like that.
Iarei -  ” Failed to retrieve pilot : Grapple jammed with bird residue. “
Drace - Naah, I bet the pilots are happy that he gets as much practice as possible. And superiors probably don’t give a crap.
Jack McCrary - Lol. Nothing is as dangerous as a bored combatant.
Keith - Yes there is, said bored combatants NCO’s… “so, you’re bored are you? Well I’ve got something that will help with that. I’ve got a job right up your alley” IF you are lucky you’ll just get burn-out latrine duty. If you are not so lucky, well, it must suck to be you. I hate coming up with make work, which usually mean I come up with the most miserable chores for people.
B-sabre - Dude…not cool.
Sazuroi - Coal is dangerous as well, but if nuclear power was as widespread as coal, I wonder how many people would die from it and the side effects. Nuclear residue is also much harder to cope with, since nuclear material not normally inside the ecosystem, and hence, nothing has a good resistance against it, while burning coal is essentially not different from a forest fire or a volcano erupting, which most life is prepared to deal with, if not to this extent. While nuclear power may have some advantages on a small scale, I very much doubt it would retain them if used on the same scale as coal or fossil gas. A reminder: Today (numbers from 2012), there is a capacity (which is not used in full) of 3.28 Gigawatt hours of nuclear power in the world, and the electric energy consumption was 20.28 Gigawatt hours per year in 2008 (which would have grown considerably since 2012). Even without considering primary energy consumption which is much larger yet (say, for heating, which is usually done by burning gas, oil or coal directly instead of getting it from a specialized heating plant or even from a power plant as electricity), nuclear power today is a minor, though not neglegible part of all energy production, and it still has quite considerable effects which would be stronger the wider it is used, and they increase over time as the reactor fuel piles up, and genetic damages accrue, which can not ever be fixed. It should be noted, however, that burning coal also causes some such damages, since coal also contains radioactive coal isotopes, though in relatively small quantities. Nuclear power would, however, not improve that issue. I could also get started on the cost of either method, but in the end, both have glaring disadvantages which they can only justify with their energy density, efficiency and independence from outside factors compared to “clean” energy. (Which also causes environmental damage, but in a less extreme fashion. Wind Turbines have a slight whine to them which reduces the quality of sleep for people living near them, for example, and in masses they may also change the weather, but there are no studies about that yet) In the end, it’s always about controlling the damage while still improving the relative capability and maintaining higher population count and density.
Iarei -  Wind turbines also kill the shit out of some birds, just like this fellow here.
SteelRaven -  Think the big point was people are far more afraid of nuclear energy than coal in spite of the numbers proving it can be just as harmful (thank the pr people of the coal industry for that one) Nuclear energy will never be the ‘safe’ alternative but only thinking of it as ‘too dangerous’ is somewhat ignorant when the oil and coil industry has track record that’s just as bad.
Deoxy - Actually, you can mostly thank the environmentalists, as they are the ones who constantly vilify nuclear energy. To be fair, they vilify ALL sources of energy, really, even the ones they claim to like (windmills are unsightly and kill birds, hydro changes the local environment, etc, etc), so we’re stuck with whatever we already have built (which is, largely, coal – we’re getting some significant switchover to natural gas, though, which is good).
Iarei - That broad generalization is, as with most broad generalizations, largely incorrect. People that vocally oppose nuclear energy are a tiny fraction of the spectrum of people you would classify as ‘environmentalists’. This entire discussion is sooo ‘last-page’ anyway. We should be discussing this man’s taste in nude pinups and the lack of wisdom inherent in having a large open container of coffee in your cockpit.
SteelRaven -  Right, that coffee is going into his lap before the end of the chapter.
Grudgesettler - Chekhov’s caffeine? One has to wonder what kind of shift he’s working, between the mega mug and the No-Doze. Also, I may regret asking, but I imagine he doesn’t have scheduled bathroom breaks, and that’s a lot of coffee flooding his system, so what does he do when he has to go?
Deoxy - Fair enough – let me correct that and say “Actually, you can mostly thank the environmentalist activists and lobbyists“. I can appreciate that not all environmentalists are that dumb, but the lobbying and protests that try to hold back all forms of energy development are populated almost exclusively by a environmentalists. As to caffeine and no-doze, that kind of thing (stimulants) is extremely common, even today – the human mind does not do well with large blocks of high-attention boredom. The US Air Force is known to give stimulants to its pilots, for instance. There’s a reason people can fall asleep even when their life depends on it while they are driving, after all.
Zarpaulus - Also, nuclear generates so much power that there wouldn’t need to be as many power plants if coal were replaced.
Sazuroi - That’s not quite true, though a lot more coal is needed to generate the same amount of energy, the power plants themselves have about the same size, and the output isn’t too different. Nuclear power plants are, however, more costly to build and maintain. I conventiently found a table on that: http://www.eia.gov/forecasts/capitalcost/ Coal plants are cheaper per Kwh unless they use carbon capture technology (which supposedly eliminates the environmental issues, but I don’t know detailed studies on how well it works out, that carbondioxide typically has to be stored somewhere), but the fuel is cheaper. Overall, nuclear and coal power have very similar monetary costs, but nuclear fuel is relatively rare and of course, dangerous to handle, which creates secondary costs. As further reading, Wikipedia has a few more tables: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cost_of_electricity_by_source.
XRzer04 - NOT a good first impression. Four panels is all it took for me to really want to see this guy get fragged.
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