#The rammies bro
ishkabibblethings · 6 months
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kaldurrr · 9 months
still thinking about gortash saying he would like to be at durge’s feet humiliating himself for durge’s pleasure. like hello????
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skaiawards · 5 months
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trainedchimpanzee · 9 months
maybe cheese and 1/3 pound of prosciutto (+gingerbread) was not the move for breakfast
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castielsparkle · 11 months
Does anyone know if we have rammies after this decision?
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letmebegaytodd · 2 years
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imminent-danger-came · 2 months
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Monkey MK: "There's something inside you, that you can't control. You know what you are, deep down. A beast, a monster—harbinger of chaos! This thing, that wants to hurt, that wants to destroy, that wants chaos! You're so terrified to let it out! But the truth is, you like it. It makes you feel strong. It's who you are!"
(5x04 The Storm Within)
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Nine: "No, I told you, I get out either way! But, I have had enough of control, enough of watching people put themselves in cages! Of...watching them push away the chaos, when the chaos is what makes them who they are!"
(5x09 Sacrifice)
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valtsv · 11 months
VAL thesiltverses is rapidly becoming my "they're not just evil, they're complex!!! you don't understand them like i do!!!" character except that interpretation is actually textually supported in canon because she is both undeniably traumatized by the suffering she experienced at the hands of others and also doing exceptionally brutal war crimes even by the standards of the universe she lives in, where ritual sacrifice and mutilation is an accepted part of daily life, for unjustifiably petty personal reasons. you go girl shatter that false victim/abuser dichotomy!!!
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areslikestodraw · 9 months
what if when Peter was younger everyone thought he was a vampire?
tell me this boy isn't the pastiest mf he is PAPER WHITE and probably actively avoids the sun
He has a bow tie so people think he's rich, VAMPIRES ARE RICH ASF USUALLY AND DRESS VERY FANCY
imagine little Pete running home in tears to his older brother, telling him people are scared of him
Imagine Ted going to pick up Peter from school one day dressed up like a FULL VAMPIRE and telling Max/Peter's bullies that he'd bite them
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the-grey-hunt · 1 month
Hidden Whispers: Green Text In Ghost Trick
(grabs you and shakes you by the shoulders) WHAT DOES IT MEAN. COME WITH ME ON THIS JOURNEY
So last night I was playing ghost trick, as you do, but more importantly, I was playing it myself for the first time and paying a lot more attention to the words as a result. And something kind of...odd...happened in the submarine.
That green text isn’t Lynne, or it would be a continuation of her black text with her sprite visible, instead of her text breaking off with an em dash. It explicitly isn’t Sissel, who wonders if he’s hearing things. So…who, or what, is it?
Let’s examine our evidence. First: Where does green text already appear in Ghost Trick?
(screenshots taken from my switch and from this playthrough)
In chapter 6, Detective Rindge speaks in green over the radio:
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And later, in Rindge's four minutes before death, we see that from his perspective, he's in black text and the Chief (over the radio) responds to him in green:
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(above screenshot taken from Secret Sleepover Society's playthrough because I didn't get to see this text in Lacry's)
In chapter 7, the conversation Rindge hears through the "ladybug" is also green...
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...including in the "new present", when he hears the chef instead:
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This tells us that one use of green text is to indicate that we are hearing someone who is out of Sissel's normal range. (We know that Sissel can't be too far away from humans if he wants to hear what they're saying, such as in the restaurant when Beauty and Dandy leave the trunk behind.)
But these aren't the only instances of green text. There are two others:
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In chapter 14, the text of the meteorite monument is written in green. This means that green text can also indicate the written word, information that is being conveyed to Sissel (maybe read aloud to him?) from a format he isn't able to access.
This is also supported by the second example I mentioned:
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In the Final Chapter, when Yomiel repeats Fiansissel's note, the text of the note is in green. It's the written word, something Sissel can't "hear", being transmitted to Sissel in a way he can understand.
And there's one more example of green text...
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When Yomiel has a flashback to what Lynne said to him in the destroyed Yonoa, her text is in green. Again, it is something Sissel is hearing when he wouldn't normally be able to hear it (after all, Lynne isn't there! This is in the park, after he leaves Lynne and Kamila behind).
So if green text indicates Sissel hearing/understanding something he shouldn't be able to...
...what IS he hearing in that clip? He knows he's hearing something; he's surprised by it; it's something he thinks he could dismiss as his imagination.
The answer is both obvious and so convoluted it's taken me this long to even realize there was a question:
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Yes. That's right. It's Ray. (also yes, that's right. I'm putting the 'keep reading' cut HERE.)
Q: BUT HOW?!?!?!?!?!
A: Not only COULD it be Ray, it HAS to be Ray. The green text in that clip is a reference to an "unstoppable (M/m)issile"!
Not only that, in order for Ray to catch Sissel like this in the ghost world at the very end, he had to have been in the park to speak with Sissel in the ghost world.
As we've seen, ghosts require proximity to be able to speak to each other. Sissel can't talk to a ghost (powered or unpowered) unless they're close enough for him to reach; he doesn't speak to Missile once Missile-leaf has blown away until he physically encounters the leaf again.
Ray had to be in the park when the "new future" was made in order to talk to Sissel here. In order to reach the park, he had to be brought back with the others when they rewound to Yomiel's death. In order to do that, he had to have been on the submarine to journey with them to the control room.
(It was a crowded torpedo, is what I'm saying).
Q: It could be regular Missile speaking. After all, his ghost was there.
A: If present Missile and not Ray was speaking, it would be black text—his ghost is close enough for Sissel to hear, as he's still right there with Kamila!
Q: But Ray was in the junkyard—
A: Was he? Ray stops responding to Sissel as the night goes on, if you keep visiting the junkyard. If you try to talk to him before going to Lynne in Temsik Park (around midnight/1 AM), there's only "...".
Ray had made it to the submarine before in his timeline; he knew how to get there. Was he losing strength and "unable" to talk, or was he not there at all to speak to Sissel? Did he leave hours beforehand to make sure he would get to the Yonoa in time?
Q: Wouldn't Sissel have noticed Ray was gone?
A: Is there *any* point in the game where Ray's "spiritual flame" self is visible in the lamp? There would be no visible difference.
Q: Wouldn't they have noticed him on the torpedo?
A: They didn't notice Yomiel.
Q: How does that even work? With not being able to see the flame, or not realizing another ghost is there, and wouldn't Sissel have seen Yomiel's flame in his body in the very first scene—
A: Listen this post is already long enough.
And there's one more piece of evidence I've been holding out on:
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Ray-timeline Sissel, quoted by Ray to Sissel, speaks in green text. A piece of speech Sissel wouldn't normally have been able to hear, but is hearing through another.
And...why green, anyway? Isn't it interesting that there are multiple colors of text in this game? Besides the "normal" black text, there's green, there's red, and there's...blue.
Red text, Sissel's color, is used to denote clues, parts of dialogue or narration that are important to Sissel's quest and help guide him along the path towards the truth behind "the mystery of me".
Blue text, the color of Yomiel's ghost world, indicates 'private thoughts' that, nonetheless, affect the people Sissel interacts with. Something "secret" reaching out and ending up in other characters' heads anyway (because after all, it's not speech but 'thought' beamed directly into a mind...)
And then green text. Text that reveals important knowledge that, despite all the obstacles in the way, is conveyed to Sissel anyway. The color, essentially, of lore-drops, tutorials, and the "hidden truth" revealed.
Of COURSE the green text in that one mysterious moment is Missile. *It's his color.*
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do you ever get the feeling you're playing right into someone's hand
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nebulacritter · 2 months
parappa edits
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summonee · 17 days
Fujimoto is a master of making you go
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jarchaeology · 1 year
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me, remembering i could be sleeping rn
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kingsmoot · 2 months
can i be honest with you guys christiano's moment of walls down dragon ptsd made me a li'l misty eyed... when the pyrrhic victory hits
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levaagrace · 2 months
It's all fun and games until the implications are confirmed...
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